- -hood, po, (op) … -ing/-hood/-ion/-ment/-ness to …, the event/act/state/condition oper. pu, (op) -ness/-ship/-hood/-ity, the property/quality/dimension operator. -ing, gia, (va) am/is/are -ing, continuous in a time free sense. nia, (va) am/is/are+(now) -ing, continuous present tense. po, (op) … -ing/-hood/-ion/-ment/-ness to …, the event/act/state/condition oper. -ion, po, (op) … -ing/-hood/-ion/-ment/-ness to …, the event/act/state/condition oper. -ment, po, (op) … -ing/-hood/-ion/-ment/-ness to …, the event/act/state/condition oper. -ness, po, (op) … -ing/-hood/-ion/-ment/-ness to …, the event/act/state/condition oper. pu, (op) -ness/-ship/-hood/-ity, the property/quality/dimension operator. -ship, pu, (op) -ness/-ship/-hood/-ity, the property/quality/dimension operator.

4 4 member subset, fora, (2n) is a quartet/tetrad/foursome/4 member subset of set …, a cardinal pred.; e.g. Da fora lea bridiji — X is a foursome at bridge/of bridge players.

A A, Ama, (l) A, Latin upper case letter, one of a pool of symbols. ziama, (l) the letter A — letteral and pronoun — upper case. ASA, asphirini, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some aspirin/ASA, a common analgesic. Abramites, abrramiti, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is/are Abramites. Academy, pebkea, <special school> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is an Academy for B, a special school. Aegyptopithecus, lao Aegyptopithecus, (na) Aegyptopithecus, a genus of fossil monkeys found ca. 1960 in 30,000,000 year old Oligocene deposits in Egypt, may have been ancestral to apes and humans. African, frika, [F‍-‍] (1) F are African language(s). frike, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is an African place/territory, a region inhabited by Africans. friki, [B‍-‍] (1) B are African person(s). friko, [N‍-‍] (1) N are African culture(s). frikykaa, <African origin> [N‍-‍] (1) N is of African extraction. Ageratum, agherati, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a plant of the genus Ageratum. Amblycirrhites, amblicirhiti, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a fish of the genus Amblycirrhites. Amen, aiai, (i) Amen!, an expression of agreement. America, la Amerikas, (na) America, esp. the United States of America. American, la Ame'rikyn, (na) American, the — language, the — dialect of English. merka, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an element/feature/expression of the American (US) language. merka, (a) American, of American (US) language. lo merka, (n) American, general term for American (US) language. merke, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is an American place/territory, a region inhabited by Americans. merki, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an American (person). merki, (a) American, of American (US) origin. merko, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an element/feature/expression of the American (US) culture. merko, (a) American, of the American (US) culture. lo merko, (n) American, general term for the American (US) culture. rindykaa, <native American origin> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is of (native) American (Indian) extraction. American English speaker, merkytaa, <American talk> [K‍-‍] (1n) K is an American English speaker. American Indian, rinda, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an element/feature/expression of an American Indian/Amerind language. rindi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an American Indian/Amerind (person). rindo, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an element/feature/expression of an American Indian/Amerind culture. Americans, lo merki, (n) Americans, the mass of all Americans. Amerind, rinda, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an element/feature/expression of an American Indian/Amerind language. rinda, (a) Amerind/Indian, of Indian language. rinde, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is an Amerind place/territory, a region inhabited by Amerinds. rindi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an American Indian/Amerind (person). rindi, (a) Amerind/Indian, of Indian origin. rindo, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an element/feature/expression of an American Indian/Amerind culture. rindo, (a) Amerind/Indian, of Indian culture. Ameslan, amslana, [F‍-‍] (1n) F is the Ameslan language, a sign language of the deaf. amslani, [K‍-‍] (1n) K is a user of Ameslan, a sign language of the deaf. Amphibdella, amfibdeli, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a fluke of the genus Amphibdella. Amphibolurus, amfibolurui, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a lizard of the genus Amphibolurus. Anthropoidea, lao Anthropoidea, (na) Anthropoidea, the suborder of Primates which includes the monkeys, apes and humans. antropoideai, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a member of the Anthropoidea, a suborder of Primates including the monkeys, apes and humans. (1a) pert. to or char. of the Anthropoidea. April, formea, <4 month> [V‍-‍C] (2n) V is an April of year C. la formea, <4 month> (na) April (the name of the 4th month of the year). Arab, arba, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is the Arab language. arbi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an Arab, person of Arabic descent. arbo, [B‍-‍] (1a) B pertains to the Arab culture. Arabia, Arabias, (na) Arabia, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Arabic, arbe, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an Arabic place/territory, a region inhabited by Arabs. Archaeopteryx, lao Archaepteryx lithographica, (na) Archaeopteryx, a fossil Jurassic bird. arkepteriksi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an Archaeopteryx, a Jurassic fossil bird. Arthropoda, lao Arthropoda, (na) Arthropoda, jointed appendage invertebrates. Asian, hadja, [F‍-‍] (1a) F are Asian languages, from the Orient. hadje, [B‍-‍] (1a) B are Asian localities, regions where Orientals settle. hadji, [F‍-‍] (1a) F are Asian people, from the Orient. hadjo, [N‍-‍] (1a) N is Asian culture, from the Orient. Atheris, atheri, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an Atheris, a snake of that genus. August, vormea, <8 month> [V‍-‍F] (2n) V is an August of year F. la vormea, <8 month> (na) August (the name of the 8th month of the year). Australia, Ostrelias, (na) Australia, the country/continent. Australian aboriginal, ostrrela, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an Australian aboriginal language. ostrreliykaa, <Australian origin> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is of Australian aboriginal extraction. ostrrelo, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an Australian aboriginal culture. Australian aboriginalperson, ostrreli, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an Australian aboriginalperson. Austria, O'strraih, (na) Austria, the country. Austrian, ostri, [B‍-‍] (1a) B are Austrian people. ostro, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is Austrian culture. a, afi, (l) a, Latin lower case letter, one of a pool of symbols. ba, (art) a/an, in 'a man … ' ba mrenu, some x is a man'. be, (art) a/an, in 'a man … 'ba mrenu, some x is a man'. bo, (art) a/an, in 'a man … 'ba mrenu, some x is a man'. bu, (art) a/an, in 'a man … 'ba mrenu, some x is a man'. lo, (a) the/a/an, individual composed of all things which are …, mass term operator. ne, (a) a/an/any/some-one/one (1)/exactly one of …, a description quantifier. E.g. Ne le mrenu pa kicmu — Exactly one of the men was a doctor; Ne mrenu pa hijra — Some one man was here <> Ne ba ji mrenu pa hijra — Exactly one someone x who is a man was here. zia, (l) the letter a — letteral and pronoun — lower case. a thousand thanks, nemosia, (i) a thousand thanks, expression of extreme gratitude. abandon, kalclekaa, <complete without come> [K‍-‍SD] (3v) K abandon/forsake/desert from S to D intentionally. po kalseldou, <completely self give> (n) abandon/submission/surrender to (cause) …. kaosti, <act stop> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K quit/abandon task P without finishing. seldou, <self give> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K give/devote/abandon oneself to V. abandon oneself, kalseldou, <completely self give> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K abandon oneself/submit, give oneself completely to P. abandoned, nu kalclekaa, <complete without come> (a) deserted/forsaken/abandoned, that which is deserted. sitlivclecea, <place livers(residents) without become> [B‍-‍] (1vi) B is deserted/abandoned. abandonment, po kalclekaa, <complete without come> (n) an abandonment/desertion, an act of -ing. po nu kalclekaa, <complete without come> (n) an abandonment, a state of being -ed. abate, cmacea, <small become> (v) decline/lessen/abate/dwindle/ebb. pracmacea, <process small become> [V‍-‍] (1v) V abate/wane/subside/diminish in intensity/frequency. abdicate, nordjotaa, <not member talk> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K renounce/abdicate position/rights N. abdication, po nordjotaa, <not member talk> (n) an instance of abdication, giving up position/right …. abdomen, beldu, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the belly/abdomen/stomach of F. abdominal, beldu, (a) abdominal, pert. to the belly. abhor, tasgycakcea, <disgust shocked become> [D‍-‍N] (2v) D is/are abominated by/abhor/loathe N. tsodi, [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K hate/abhor/loathe B for doing/being V. abhorrence, nu tasgycakcea, <disgust shocked become> (a) abomination/abhorrence/loathing. abhorrent, tasgycakcko, <disgust shocked cause> [N‍-‍DV] (3v) N is/are abominating/abhorrent/loathing to (person) D by V. tasgycakmao, <disgust shocked make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K is abominating/abhorrent/loathing to (person) D by V. tsodi, (a) hateful/abhorrent/odious, pert. to one who hates. abide, stolo, [K‍-‍B] (2v) K abide/last/remain/stay/sojourn with/at B. abiding, stolo, (a) abiding, permanent. ability, pu kanmo, (n) an ability/capability/talent/faculty, a spec. property. able, kanmo, (a) able/capable/talented, capable of doing … under condition …. tuafro, <work strong> [B‍-‍VN] (3a) B is industrious/able at task V under N. able to, kanmo, [K‍-‍VN] (3v) K can/able to do V under conditions N. kau, (aux) can/is able to …, used before predicates (PA). E.g. Mi kau godzi da — I can go to X. aboard, bermacnei, <carry machine(vehicle) in> [K‍-‍V] (2a) K is aboard/on board vehicle V. botnei, <boat in> [D‍-‍B] (2a) D is aboard/on board boat/ship B. tcanei, <car in> [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is aboard/on board motor vehicle V. tovneagoi, <over next go> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K mount/embark/get on top of/go aboard B. trenei, <train in> [D‍-‍B] (2a) D is aboard/on board train B. abode, livhao, <living shelter> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is a/the lodging/habitation/abode/home/dwelling/domicile/residence of D. abolish, nordzamao, <non existent make> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K abolish B. abolition, po nordzamao, <non existent make> (n) abolition of …. abominable, tasgyzavkao, <disgusting bad action> (2a) abominable, relating to an —. abominated, tasgycakcea, <disgust shocked become> [D‍-‍N] (2v) D is/are abominated by/abhor/loathe N. abominating, tasgycakcko, <disgust shocked cause> [N‍-‍DV] (3v) N is/are abominating/abhorrent/loathing to (person) D by V. tasgycakmao, <disgust shocked make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K is abominating/abhorrent/loathing to (person) D by V. abomination, nu tasgycakcea, <disgust shocked become> (a) abomination/abhorrence/loathing. tasgyzavkao, <disgusting bad action> [V‍-‍] (1) V is an abomination, a disgustingly immoral act. abort, fadmao, <end make> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K terminate/end/abort, make a (possibly incomplete) end to P, intentional. abortion, po fadmao, <end make> (n) an end/termination/abortion, an act of -ing something. abound in, rora, (2v) be in abundance of/abound in …. about, numsni, <numerically near> (av) about/approximately …. perti, [B‍-‍N] (2v) B treat of/relate to/pertain to/concern/be about/be relevant to N. about to, ai fazi, (ph) just going to/about to, intended immed. action, as 'ai mi fazi godzi'. about to do, durbiesni, <do edge near> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K intend/be about to do/on the verge of doing P. about to happen, hisfucnao, <history later present> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more impending/about to happen than J is. about turn, nuo torkuetrana le vreti, <two/under(half) turn> (v) K about turn/turn about (self). above, levi, (a) this/these/the above (mentioned) …, the one right here which is …, a spatial descriptive oper. tov, (af) a combining form of tovru, above. tovru, [B‍-‍SN] (3pp) B is over/vertically above S in gravity field N. tovru, (a) above, vertically over … in gravity …. above and in contact with, tovnea, <above next to> [B‍-‍N] (2pp) B is on/upon/on top of/above and in contact with N. abrade, rofctiduo, <abrasive do> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K abrade/grind B with abrasive V. abrasion, nu rofctiduo, <abrasive do> (n) an abrasion, an abraded place. abrasive, rofcti, <rough material> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a piece of abrasive/rough material. rofsu, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is rougher/more abrasive, less smooth than J. abrasiveness, pu rofsu, (n) a roughness/abrasiveness, a spec. property. abrin, abrrini, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is/are abrin. abroad, guizvo, <country out> [N‍-‍S] (2a) N is abroad, out of country S. guizvo, <country out> (2v) be abroad, away from country …. abrupt, sudna, [V‍-‍D] (2a) V is sudden/abrupt to D. abruptness, pu sudna, (n) a suddenness/abruptness, a spec. property. absence, po norhia, <not present> (n) an absence, a state of being absent. absent, lenhou, <language hole> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a hole/gap/absent element in language F. norhialei, <not here allow> [K‍-‍DCS] (4v) K allow D to be absent for period C for reasons S. absent from, norhia, <not present> [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is absent from/not present at V. absent minded, durdrifiu, <do remember weak> [K‍-‍P] (2a) K is/are absent minded about doing P. tedfiu, <attention feeble> [D‍-‍V] (2a) D is absent minded/distracted by V. absent oneself, norhiakao, <not here act> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K absent oneself/stay away from D under conditions/for time N. absinthe, absinte, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some absinthe, a liqueur. absolute, norkui, <not related> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is absolute/categorical/final, not related to anything. norkui, <not related> (n) an absolute, having non relative properties. norkui, <not related> (n) (the) absolute, the mass of such things. normuotra, <not move(fixed) true> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an eternal/absolute/unchanging truth. lo normuotra, <not move(fixed) true> (n) absolute/eternal truth, mass term of instances. absolutely, norkui, <not related> (av) absolutely, in an absolute way. absorb, cetcea, <wet become> [D‍-‍B] (2v) D absorb/soak up/become wet with B. absorbed by, minynei, <mind in> [B‍-‍V] (2v) B is/are absorbed by/engrossed in V. sminynei, <mind in> [B‍-‍V] (2v) B is/are absorbed by/engrossed in V. absorbency, pu cetcea, <wet become> (n) an absorbency, a property of -ing. absorbent, cetcea, <wet become> (a) absorbent, capable of -ing. cetcea, <wet become> (n) an absorbent, an absorbing thing. absorption, lopo cetcea, <wet become> (n) absorption, mass term of events. po cetcea, <wet become> (n) an absorption, an event of -ing. po nu cetcea, <wet become> (n) absorption, an event of being -ed. po minynei, <mind in> (n) absorption in …. po sminynei, <mind in> (n) absorption in …. abstain, norduo, <not do> [K‍-‍VD] (3v) K refrain/abstain/omit from doing V to D. abstainer, norduo, <not do> (n) an abstainer, one who -s from doing …. abstention, lopo norduo, <not do> (n) abstinence/abstention, mass term of acts. po norduo, <not do> (n) an abstinence/abstention, a spec. act of -ing. abstinence, lopo norduo, <not do> (n) abstinence/abstention, mass term of acts. po norduo, <not do> (n) an abstinence/abstention, a spec. act of -ing. abstract, corgencue, <short again say> [K‍-‍VND] (4v) K sum up/summarize/recapitulate/abstract V by saying N to D. kumkai, <common quality> [P‍-‍S] (2n) P is an abstract/summary/resume of S. nornurkatca, <unobserved> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is abstract/unobservable. minvei, <mind event> [V‍-‍] (1a) V is abstract, a mental concept. nurtcucle, <picture object without> (a) abstract/non representational, as of photos, paintings. abstract picture, nurtcucle, <picture object without> [B‍-‍K] (2n) B is an abstract picture by K. abstraction, minvei, <mind event> (n) an abstraction, a property perceived mentally, e.g. truth, justice. absurd, klinorbli, <clearly not possible> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more absurd/unbelievable than J. abundance, lopo moutsu, <more enough> (n) abundance/excess/plenty/plenitude, the mass of such states. po moutsu, <more enough> (n) an excess/plenty/plenitude/abundance, a spec. state of being -ant. po rora, (n) abundance/plenty/fullness/legion, a specific state. E.g. their name is legion. abundance of, rora, (2v) be in abundance of/abound in …. abundant, moutsu, <more enough> [B‍-‍P] (2a) B is abundant/plentiful/excessive/plenty/ more than enough/too much for purpose P. rora, (a) abundant/plentiful/manifold/copious/full. abuse, zaopli, <bad use> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K abuse/maltreat D by V. lopo zaopli, <bad use> (n) abuse/maltreatment, mass term of acts/instances. lopu zaopli, <bad use> (n) abuse/maltreatment, mass property. po zaopli, <bad use> (n) an abuse, a specific act of —. pu zaopli, <bad use> (n) an abuse, specific property. abused, nu zaopli, <bad use> (n) abused, one who is -d. abuser, zaopli, <bad use> (n) abuser, one who -s. abusive, zaopli, <bad use> (a) abusive, pertaining to —. abyss, conhou, <deep hole> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an abyss, a deep pit. academic, rorpebkea, <many special schools> (a) university/academic. academy, keugru, <care group> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an academy of F. accelerate, kukcea, <fast become> [K‍-‍PC] (3v) K accelerate/quicken/hurry/speed up/become faster in motion/action P by increment C. kukcko, <fast cause> [V‍-‍BC] (3v) V accelerate/quicken/hurry/speed up B by C (unintentional act). kukmao, <fast make> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K accelerate/quicken/hurry/speed up B (intentional act). acceleration, po kukcko, <fast cause> (n) a speed up/acceleration (of …), an act/event of speeding up …. po kukmao, <fast make> (n) a speed up/acceleration (of …), an act/event of speeding up …. accelerator, kukcko, <fast cause> (n) an accelerator, a device for -ing. kukfitlevga, <fast foot lever> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an accelerator/gas pedal of F. accent, lopu clataksoa, <load talk sound> (n) accent/stress -mass term of props. pu clataksoa, <load talk sound> (n) an accent/stress, a prop. of a spec. speech sound. loktaa, <local talk> [K‍-‍BN] (3v) K speaks language B with a local accent characteristic of place/region N. po loktaa, <local talk> (n) an accent, a state/event of having an … in language …. siftaa, <place talk> [K‍-‍BN] (3v) K has an accent of region B in language N. po siftaa, <place talk> (n) accent of region … in language …. volpuo, <voice push> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K accent word/syllable/phrase P. po volpuo, <voice push> (n) accent, a speech stress. accented, clataksoa, <load talk sound> (a) stressed/accented, when … at … in …. accept, donlei, <give let> [D‍-‍K] (2v) D accept a gift from K. furdoncue, <given say> [D‍-‍BS] (3v) D accept gift/honor/praise B from S. furdonsandou, <given sign give> [K‍-‍BS] (3v) K accept(s) gift/honor/praise B from S. fursuilei, <receive let> [D‍-‍BS] (3v) D accept package/message B from sender S. tralei, <true let> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K accept fact N as true. accept failure, fablei, <fail let> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K resign themselves to/accept failure to do/be P. acceptability, lopu nu furdoncue, <given say> (n) acceptability, mass term. pu nu furdoncue, <given say> (n) acceptability, a spec. property. lopu nu furdonsandou, <given sign give> (n) acceptability, mass term. pu nu furdonsandou, <given sign give> (n) acceptability, a spec. property. lopu nu fursuilei, <receive let> (n) acceptability, mass term. pu nu fursuilei, <receive let> (n) acceptability, a spec. property. lopu gudbi, (n) (the) good/acceptability, mass term of props. pu gudbi, (n) a goodness/acceptability/quality, goodness, a spec. prop. acceptable, nu furdoncue, <given say> (a) acceptable, as a gift. nu furdonsandou, <given sign give> (a) acceptable, as a gift. nu fursuilei, <receive let> (a) acceptable, as a sent thing. gudbi, (a) acceptable/good/nice, better than … for purpose …. zavlo, [G‍-‍JP] (3a) G is worse/less acceptable than J for purpose P. pu tralei, <true let> (a) acceptable. acceptance, po donlei, <give let> (n) acceptance, of a gift from …. lopo furdoncue, <given say> (n) acceptance, mass term, acts. lopo nu furdoncue, <given say> (n) acceptance, mass term, states. po furdoncue, <given say> (n) an acceptance, an act of -ing. po nu furdoncue, <given say> (n) an acceptance, a state of being -ed. lopo furdonsandou, <given sign give> (n) acceptance, mass term, acts. lopo nu furdonsandou, <given sign give> (n) acceptance, mass term, states. po furdonsandou, <given sign give> (n) an acceptance, an act of -ing. po nu furdonsandou, <given sign give> (n) an acceptance, a state of being -ed. lopo fursuilei, <receive let> (n) acceptance, mass term of acts. lopo nu fursuilei, <receive let> (n) acceptance, mass term of states. po fursuilei, <receive let> (n) an acceptance, an act of -ing. po nu fursuilei, <receive let> (n) an acceptance, a state of being -ed. po tralei, <true let> (n) acceptance, of a fact. accepting, furdoncue, <given say> (a) accepting, of gifts. furdonsandou, <given sign give> (a) accepting, of gifts. fursuilei, <receive let> (a) accepting, of sent things. access, gozlei, <go let> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K access/give access to B. goznurlei, <go permitted> [D‍-‍B] (2v) D have access to B. po goznurlei, <go permitted> (n) an access to …, a specific instance. accessable, kangei, <can get> [B‍-‍DS] (3a) B is in reach/accessable to D from S. accessibility, pu kangei, <can get> (n) an accessibility, a specific property. accident, no nu modvi, (n) an accident, an unintended act/deed. tcane, (n) an accident, unpredictable under conditions …. zalvei, <bad event> [B‍-‍PN] (3v) B suffers an accident/disaster causing damage P in circumstances N. accidental, no nu modvi, (a) accidental/unintended/unintentional, unintended. tcane, [V‍-‍N] (2a) V is fortuitous/unpredictable/random/accidental/adventitious under conditions N. accommodate, spadui, <space discover> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K accommodate D in N. togri, [K‍-‍NV] (3v) K agree with/accommodate/settle N about/that V. accommodating, helflo, <help full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is (more) helpful/accommodating (than …) J. accommodation, fu spadui, <space discover> (n) (an) accommodation(s), a place where one is -ed. po spadui, <space discover> (n) an accommodation, an act of -ing. po togri, (n) an agreement/accommodation/settlement, an act of -ing. accompanied by, kii, (pp) with/accompanied by, a relative oper. before design'ns (PA). accompaniment, po kinci, (n) a company/companionship/accompaniment, an act/process of ing. accompany, gozkii, <go accompany> [K‍-‍BDSV] (5v) K go with/accompany/escort B to D from S via V. kin, (af) a combining form of kinci, accompany. kinci, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K accompany/be together with D in doing V. kintraci, <with travel> [K‍-‍BDS] (4v) K accompany/go with B to D from S. kii, (af) a combining form of kinci, accompany. accompany each other, kinkue, <accompany reciprocally> [K‍-‍V] (1v) K accompany each other in activity V. accompanying, kinci, (a) companionable/accompanying, being with … in doing …. kintraci, <with travel> (a) accompanying, going with …, as in travel. accomplice, kinkao, <together act> [B‍-‍BV] (3n) B is a comrade/partner/accomplice/confederate of B in activity V, general term for a close associate. accomplish, kalkao, <completely act> [K‍-‍PV] (3v) K accomplish/finish/perform/carry P out/through V. accomplished, nu kalkao, <completely act> (a) finished/accomplished, finished/completed. prakapli, <process complete> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is past/done/over/accomplished/ended/finished. accomplishment, nu kalkao, <completely act> (n) an accomplishment, a finished deed. po kalkao, <completely act> (n) a performance/accomplishment, a spec. act of -ing. accord, begdou, <request give> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K accord/grant/bestow/confer B, a requested thing, to/upon D. frezi, (av) freely/willingly/voluntarily/of one's own accord, in a free manner. gundurcue, <country do say(promise)> [V‍-‍F] (2n) V is a treaty/accord/agreement/entente/settlement/pact between/among countries F. harmo, (n) a concord/harmony/accord, an instance of harmony. po harmo, (n) a concord/accord, a state of harmony. rorguntoi, <many country agree> [N‍-‍B] (2n) N is a treaty/accord/agreement/entente/settlement/pact among countries B. torguntoi, <two country agree> [N‍-‍F] (2n) N is a treaty/accord/agreement/entente/settlement/pact between countries F. according to, coi, [B‍-‍F] (pp) according to/in principle, a relative oper. before design'ns (PA). according to what rule, coi hu, (q) how?/according to what rule/method?, a question about procedure. accordingly, -ta, (av) accordingly, according to that (rule). accordion, pucbao, <push box> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an accordion. account, dii, (pp) on the part/account of<, before designations (PA).>. kanti, [B‍-‍CVDS] (5n) B is a bill/account/check in amount C for goods/services V to D from S. vetcue, <event say> [K‍-‍PVD] (4v) K give account/report/narration P of event V to D. nu vetcue, <event say> (n) an account/narration/report, of an event. account for, klimao, <clear make> [K‍-‍BDV] (4v) K account for/clarify/explain B to D by saying V. account to, kantysui, <account send> [K‍-‍DP] (3v) K bill/render an account to D for P. accountability, pu nu kantysui, <account send> (n) an accountability, a spec. property. accountable, nu kantysui, <account send> (a) accountable, billable. nu klimao, <clear make> (a) explicable/accountable, explicable. accountant, kantysui, <account send> (n) an accountant, one who renders accounts. accounting, lopo kantysui, <account send> (n) accounting, collective term for -ing. accuracy, po keudre, <care correct> (1n) accuracy, an instance of being —. pu keudre, <care correct> (1n) accuracy, a property of being —. accurate than, keudre, <care correct> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more accurate than J. accursed, nu zavspotaa, <evil hope talk> (n) accursed, one who has been -d. accusation, po zavkaocue, <bad act say> (n) an accusation, a spec. instance of -ing. accusative, beu, (pp) Patients/Parts, accusative case tag (DIO) (patient/part). accuse, zavkaocue, <bad act say> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K accuse D of action/wrongdoing V. accused, nu zavkaocue, <bad act say> (a) accused, pertaining to one -d. nu tsikaopru, <crime act prove> (ph) on trial/accused. accuser, zavkaocue, <bad act say> (n) accuser, one who -s. accustom, kusmao, <habit make> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K accustom/habituate/make used to D to B, intentional. accustomed, duodja, <do know> (a) accustomed/familiar to/with. accustomed to, nomsaecea, <normal feeling become> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K become accustomed to/adapted to/habituated to N. acetanilide, achetanilidi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some acetanilide, a pharmaceutical. acetone, achetoni, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some acetone, a common solvent. acetylene, achetileni, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some acetylene, an illuminant gas. ache, nurpuu, <conv. of pain> [S‍-‍D] (2v) S be sore/ache/hurt the organism D. stosrusia, <stay hurt place> [D‍-‍B] (2n) D ache in B, a dull long lasting pain. achieve, suksi, [K‍-‍PV] (3v) K achieve/reach/be successful in/succeed in doing/reaching P by effort V. achievement, nu suksi, (n) an achievement, an achieved end,. po suksi, (n) a success/achievement, a spec. act/event of -ing,. acid, acdi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an acid. acdi, (a) acidic/acid, pertaining to -s. acidic, acdi, (a) acidic/acid, pertaining to -s. acidosis, acdosi, [K‍-‍] (1) K suffer(s) from acidosis, presence of acids in the blood over normal limits. lopo acdosi, (n) acidosis, collective term for the condition. acinaciform, achinaciformi, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is acinaciform, scimitar shaped (Bot.). acipenserid, achipenseri, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an acipenserid, a fish of the genus Acipenser. acknowledge, fektoi, <fact agree> [K‍-‍NVS] (4v) K acknowledge/corroborate fact N about event V as observed by S. seltsecue, <self error say> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K admit/confess/acknowledge error B to D. acknowledged, nu fektoi, <fact agree> (a) acknowledged/corroborated, of -ed facts. acknowledgement, lopo fektoi, <fact agree> (n) acknowledgement/corroboration, mass term. po fektoi, <fact agree> (n) an acknowledgement/corroboration, an act of -ing. po seltsecue, <self error say> (n) a confession/acknowledgement/admission, an act of -ing error. acne, hakne, [B‍-‍] (1v) B suffers from acne, a sebaceous gland disorder. po hakne, (n) an instance of acne, the skin disorder. acquaint, djadou, <knowledge give> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K inform/tell/acquaint D of/that V. kusdjacea, <custom know become> (v) acquaint/familiarize oneself with …. kusdjamao, <custom know make> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K acquaint/familiarize D with B. acquaintance, nu kuodja, <custom know> (n) an acquaintance, conv. of be -ed with. acquainted, dridja, <remember know> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K is familiar/acquainted with B. kuodja, <custom know> (2v) be used/acquainted/familiar to/with, be familiar with. kusdjacea, <custom know become> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K are/become acquainted/familiarized with D. spedja, <experience know> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K knows/recognizes/is familiar-with/acquainted with B by/through direct experience. acquire, cirna, [K‍-‍PS] (3v) K learn (to do)/acquire P from source S. gactoa, <win take> [K‍-‍BSV] (4v) K acquire/win B from competitor S in competition V. getsi, [K‍-‍BSP] (4v) K acquire/fetch/procure/get/obtain B from S for purpose P. valda, [K‍-‍B] (2v) K develop/acquire new properties/features B, as of ideas/systems/organisms. acquisition, nu getsi, (n) an acquisition, an acquired thing. po getsi, (n) an acquisition, an act of acquiring. acquisitive, geifro, <get strong> [K‍-‍BN] (3a) K is acquisitive of B in conditions N. getfundi, <get like> [N‍-‍F] (2a) N is acquisitive about, fond of acquiring things of type F. acquisitiveness, lopu getfundi, <get like> (n) acquisitiveness, mass term. pu getfundi, <get like> (n) an acquisitiveness, a spec. property. acre, akrre, [F‍-‍C] (2v) F measures C in acre(s), an obsolete unit of approximately 0.4 hectares. acrid, kutra, (a) bitter/acrid, more bitter than … to …. acrid tasting, kutra, [G‍-‍JK] (3a) G is/are more bitter/acrid tasting than J to K. across, karsa, [K‍-‍DS] (3pp) K is across/athwart/on the other side/over there D from S. kas, (af) a combining form of karsa, across. acrylic, akrrili acdi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some acrylic acid, a very reactive unsaturated acid. act, kak, (af) a combining form of kakto, act. kakto, [K‍-‍VP] (3v) K act/undertake action V with end/purpose P. nu kakto, (n) an act, what an actor does, but see nurkao. nu lilmao, <law make> (n) an act/enactment/law/legislation, enacted law, conv. of legislate. nu modvi, (n) an act/action, a motivated act, see motive. nurkao, <conv. of act> [V‍-‍KP] (3n) V is an act/action of actor K seeking ends P. paskao, <before act> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K act before/in advance of B. pubkao, <public do> [K‍-‍PD] (3v) K act/perform work P before audience/spectators D. stakao, <stage act> [K‍-‍PB] (3v) K act/play role P in drama B. kao, (af) a combining form of kakto, act. act as a friend, remkao, <friend act> [K‍-‍DP] (3v) K act as a friend towards D for purpose P. act boldly, fatria, <disturbing brave> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K are bold/act boldly/have nerve/chutzpah in situation N. act falsely, falremkao, <false friend act> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K act falsely as a friend/pretend to be friendly to D. act like, duocli, <do like> [K‍-‍SV] (3v) K act like/imitate S in action V. act of war, dorkao, <war act> [V‍-‍D] (2n) V is an act of war against D. act properly, drekao, <right act> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K act properly/do the right thing in action/circumstance V. actinium, acthinio, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some actinium, (Ac), element 89. action, nu modvi, (n) an act/action, a motivated act, see motive. nurkao, <conv. of act> [V‍-‍KP] (3n) V is an act/action of actor K seeking ends P. lo nurkao, <conv. of act> (n) action, the mass of such actions. activate, kaocko, <action cause> [K‍-‍D] (2n) K fan up/activate D. active, kaoflo, <action full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more active/energetic/lively than J. korkukra, <body swift> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more agile/active/nimble/spry/sprightly than J. activity, po kakto, (n) an activity, specific instance. po kaoflo, <action full> (n) activity, a state of being active. po korkukra, <body swift> (n) agility/activity, spec. instance. pu korkukra, <body swift> (n) an agility/activity, a spec. prop. actor, kakto, (n) an actor, one who seeks ends, general term. kao, (pp) Actors/Agents/Doers, nominative case tag (actor/agent/doer). pubkao, <public do> (n) actor/performer (theatre). stakao, <stage act> (n) a player/actor, one who acts in a drama. actual, ckozu, (a) actual/causal/effective/in effect, effective, causing … under …. dzabi, (a) actual/real/existent/non fictitious for … under …. actuality, dzabi, (n) actuality/being, a real thing to … under …. dzabi, (n) an actuality, something which exists. fekto, [N‍-‍VK] (3n) N is a fact/actuality about event V according to observer(s) K. lo fekto, (n) fact/actuality, mass term of facts. actualization, po veicko, <happen cause> (n) an actualization/realization, an act of making … real. po vetmao, <happen make> (n) an actualization/realization, an act of making … real. actualize, veicko, <happen cause> [N‍-‍BD] (3v) N make real/actualize/realize B for D, nonintentional cause. vetmao, <happen make> [K‍-‍ND] (3v) K make real to/actualize/realize N for D, intentional act. actualized, nu veicko, <happen cause> (a) actualized/realized, made real, conv. of actualize. actually, ckozu, (av) actually/effectively. dzabi, (av) actually, in a real way. fekto, (av) in fact/factually/actually, factually/in fact. feu, (av) in fact/actually, a discourse operator (UI). acute, pearjao, <sharp angle> (a) acute, as of angles. acute angle, pearjao, <sharp angle> [B‍-‍SD] (3n) B is a/the acute angle between S and D. acuteness, pu pearjao, <sharp angle> (n) an acuteness, as of angles, a property. ad, virta, [B‍-‍VN] (3n) B is an ad/advertisement for V in/on N. ad writer, vitsri, <ad writer> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an ad writer/copy writer. adapt, bivcea, <behaviour change> [V‍-‍NV] (3v) V adapt/adjust/fit behavior to situation N by V. fomsao, <form same> [B‍-‍N] (2v) B fit/suit/match/adapt N. cnuplimao, <new use make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K adapt/make over D for use V. korcea, <body change> [K‍-‍NV] (3v) K adapt to environment N by bodily changes V. adaptability, pu bivcea, <behaviour change> (n) adaptability, as of individuals. pu gerseicea, <gene set change> (n) an adaptability, as of species. pu korcea, <body change> (n) an adaptability, a spec. prop. of bodies. adaptable, bivcea, <behaviour change> (a) adaptable (behaviourally)/adaptive (to situations). fomsao, <form same> (a) fitting/matching/suitable/adaptable, matching in form. nu cnuplimao, <new use make> (a) adapted/adaptable, for a use. gerseicea, <gene set change> (a) adaptable, genetically. korcea, <body change> (a) adapted/adaptable, of that which changes bodily. adaptation, lopo gerseicea, <gene set change> (n) adaptation, genetic, mass term. po gerseicea, <gene set change> (n) an adaptation, a spec. state/process. po korcea, <body change> (n) an adaptation, a spec. state/process. adapted, nu cnuplimao, <new use make> (a) adapted/adaptable, for a use. gerseicea, <gene set change> (a) adapted, as to a habitat. korcea, <body change> (a) adapted/adaptable, of that which changes bodily. adapted to, nomsaecea, <normal feeling become> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K become accustomed to/adapted to/habituated to N. adaption, lopo bivcea, <behaviour change> (n) adaption, mass term. po bivcea, <behaviour change> (n) an adaption, spec. case. po cnuplimao, <new use make> (n) an adaption, an act of -ing for use. adaptive, bivcea, <behaviour change> (a) adaptable (behaviourally)/adaptive (to situations). adapts, gerseicea, <gene set change> [B‍-‍NV] (3v) B, a species or lineage, adapts genetically to habitat N by genetic change V. add, nufunu sumdui, <sum discover> (v) add … (collection) obtaining sum …. tencue, <increase say> [K‍-‍VN] (3v) K add words V to conversation N. tensea, <increase put> [K‍-‍BF] (3v) K add component B to mixture F. added, fu sumji, (ph) added to … is …, 2nd conv. of sum, qv. addend, fu sumji, (a) additional/addend/extra, an amount added. nu tensea, <increase put> (n) an addend. addict, minkempli, <mind chemical use> (n) is addicted/an addict. addicted, minkempli, <mind chemical use> (n) is addicted/an addict. addition, sui, (av) also/too/moreover/besides/as well/in addition/furthermore, a discourse operator (UI). po sumdui, <sum discover> (n) an addition, an act of adding. po sumji, (n) an addition, a spec. instance of -. V (F-CC). po tensea, <increase put> (n) an instance of addition (of a substance to a mixture). additional, ju mordu, (a) additional. fu sumji, (a) additional/addend/extra, an amount added. address, fomtaa, <formal talk> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K discourse/speak/lecture/address/talk/orate/make a speech to D on topic N. fu fomtaa, <formal talk> (n) an address/discourse/lecture/talk/oration, lecture, its substance. po fomtaa, <formal talk> (n) an address/discourse/speech/talk/lecture/oration, lecture, an act. lue, (pm) the address of … (&), inverse of indirect designation. nertaa, <one speak> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K address/speak to D alone about V. fu posta, (n) an address, of posted material. sifnamci, <site name> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is the address/coordinates of location S. sifnamsri, <place name write> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K address message/letter/parcel B to address D. fu sifnamsri, <place name write> (n) an address (of letter). addressee, fursaa, <sign recipient> [D‍-‍BKV] (4n) D is the addressee/recipient of a sign with meaning B given by K with result V. lae, (pm) the addressee of …, indirect designation. nu sifnamsri, <place name write> (n) an addressee of a message. adequate, ru, (a) enough/a sufficient/ample/adequate number of set …, a quantifying operator. adhere, gom, (af) a combining form of gomni, adhere. gomni, [B‍-‍D] (2v) B stick/adhere to D. adherence, po gomni, (n) an adherence/adhesion, a state of -ing. pu gomni, (n) an adhesiveness/stickiness/adherence, a quality of adhesives. adhesion, po gomni, (n) an adherence/adhesion, a state of -ing. adhesive, gomni, (a) adhesive/gummy/sticky, capable of adhering to …. gomni, (n) an adhesive/gum, anything that sticks to …. adjacent, nedlii, <adjacent live> [B‍-‍B] (2n) B is adjacent/contiguous/next door neighbour/neighbor of B. nedza, (a) contiguous/adjacent/touching, of contiguous objects. adjoin, nedza, (2v) B adjoin B, be next to …. adjourn, parfaomao, <part end> [K‍-‍VC] (3v) K adjourn/suspend proceeding V until C. adjourned, nu parfaomao, <part end> (a) suspended/adjourned, of partly ended proceedings. adjournment, po nu parfaomao, <part end> (n) a suspension/adjournment, a state of being -ed. adjust, bivcea, <behaviour change> [V‍-‍NV] (3v) V adapt/adjust/fit behavior to situation N by V. seltui, <self adjust> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K adjust themselfes to N, psychol. stuli, [K‍-‍SP] (3v) K adjust/regulate S for function/purpose P. tui, (af) a combining form of stuli, adjust. adjustable, nu stuli, (a) adjustable, capable of being -ed. adjustment, po seltui, <self adjust> (n) an adjustment, an act of self adjustment. po stuli, (n) a regulation/adjustment, an act of -ing something. adjustor, stuli, (n) a regulator/adjustor, one who/that which -s. administrative unit, furgalpai, <organization part> [B‍-‍FP] (3n) B is a department/section/administrative unit in company/university/organization F, with functions/duties P. admirable, fu ganble, <high look> (a) admirable, of an -ed act/quality. nu ganble, <high look> (a) admirable, of an -ed person/thing. mucgudbi, <very good> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is excellent/admirable/supreme/superior, extremely good in quality N. admiral, nernirkoi, <10th commander> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a general/admiral/etc. commanding/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murnernirkoi — admiral. Use surkoi. q.v., for officers in general. surbougrukoi, <# fleet commander> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an/the admiral of F, rank identified by number. admiral of the fleet, nernerkoi, <11th commander> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a general of the army/admiral of the fleet/etc. commanding/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murnernerkoi — admiral of the fleet. Use surkoi. q.v., for officers in general. admiration, po ganble, <high look> (a) an admiration, a spec. act of -ing. admire, ganble, <high look> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K admire/look up to D for action/quality V. admissible, pu nengozlei, <enter let> (a) admissible, can be admitted, conv. form. nu seltsecue, <self error say> (a) admissible, conv. of admit error. admission, po nu nengozlei, <enter let> (a) admittance/admission, an event of being -ed. nu seltsecue, <self error say> (n) an admission/confession, an admitted thing. po seltsecue, <self error say> (n) a confession/acknowledgement/admission, an act of -ing error. po tratoi, <true agree> (n) an admission/concession that …. admit, nengozlei, <enter let> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K admit D into B, let enter (into) …. seltsecue, <self error say> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K admit/confess/acknowledge error B to D. tratoi, <true agree> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K admit/concede that N is true. admittance, po nu nengozlei, <enter let> (a) admittance/admission, an event of being -ed. admitter, nengozlei, <enter let> (n) an admitter, one who lets … enter …. admonish, kaftaa, <punish talk> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K admonish/lecture/scold/reproach/reprimand D for behavior V. admonishment, po kaftaa, <punish talk> (n) a lecture/reprimand/reproach/scolding/admonishment, an act of -ing. adopt, famdjimao, <family join make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K adopt D, make … a family member. tcihytia, <child choose> [K‍-‍DSV] (4v) K adopt D from S through agency V. plicea, <use change> [K‍-‍DP] (3v) K adopt/take over D for use P. adopted, nu famdjimao, <family join make> (a) adopted, pertaining to -tion. nu plicea, <use change> (a) adopted, taken into use. adopted child, nurtiatciha, <selected child> [B‍-‍DS] (3n) B is an adopted child of D with biological parents S. adoptee, nu tcihytia, <child choose> (n) an adoptee, one -ed. adopter, tcihytia, <child choose> (n) adopter, one who -s. adoption, po famdjimao, <family join make> (n) an adoption, spec. case of -ing. po tcihytia, <child choose> (n) an instance of adoption. po plicea, <use change> (n) an adoption, an act of -ing. adoptive father, tiafra, <choose father> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is an adoptive father of D. adoptive mother, tismaa, <choose mother> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is an adoptive mother of D. adoptive parent, tispee, <choose parent> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is an adoptive parent of D. adore, cluclu, <love love> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K adore D. adorn, dun, (af) a combining form of durna, adorn. dunmao, <adorn make> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K adorn/decorate/trim D with B. durna, [K‍-‍D] (2v) K adorn/decorate/deck/ornament/trim D. dua, (af) a combining form of durna, adorn. adorned, nu dunmao, <adorn make> (a) adorned/decoratable/decorated/trimmed, as by persons. nu durna, (a) adorned/decorated/ornamented/fancy/decked/trimmed, as with ornaments. adornment, po dunmao, <adorn make> (n) an adornment/decoration, an act of -ing. durna, (n) an adornment/decoration/decking/ornament/trimming, a spec. ornament. adroit, hanspu, <hand expert> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more clever/skilful/dextrous/adroit than J. adult, kalridle, <completely read> (a) mature/adult, pert. to any species. kalroa, <completely grown> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an adult of species F. kalroa, <completely grown> (a) mature/adult, pert. to any species. mrefua, <man woman> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a human adult. mrefua, <man woman> (a) an adult, pert. to humans. adulthood, lopo kalridle, <completely read> (n) adulthood, collective state/condition. lopo kalroa, <completely grown> (n) adulthood, collective state/condition. po mrefua, <man woman> (n) an inst. of adulthood, a state/condition. advance, fredirgoi, <forward go> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K advance/progress/go move/forward to D from S. fredirkamymao, <front direction go(advance) make> [K‍-‍BSD] (4v) K advance B/make … advance from S to D. fresnigoi, <front near go> (i) advance!/come forward!, w/o 1st arg., an imperative. paskao, <before act> (av) beforehand/in advance. advance to, fresnigoi, <front near go> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K advance to/come to the front of D. advancement, lopo fredirgoi, <forward go> (n) progress/advancement, mass term of acts. po fredirgoi, <forward go> (n) a progress/advancement, a spec. act of -ing. po fresnigoi, <front near go> (n) an advancement, a coming to the forefront. advantage, gacysia, <win position> [N‍-‍KV] (3n) N is an advantage/benefit/is favorable to K in contest V. gacysiftoa, <advantage remove> (3v) K remove advantage N from D. gudsia, <good position> [N‍-‍DV] (3n) N is an advantage to D in situation V. advantageous, gacysia, <win position> (a) advantageous/beneficial/favourable/favorable to … in …. gacysifmou, <advantage more> [G‍-‍DJD] (4a) G is more advantageous to D than J is to D. gudsia, <good position> (a) advantageous. adventitious, tcane, [V‍-‍N] (2a) V is fortuitous/unpredictable/random/accidental/adventitious under conditions N. adventure, lopo cankao, <chance act> (n) adventure/gamble/venture, mass acts. po cankao, <chance act> (n) an adventure/gamble/venture, an act of -ing. denfikco, <danger fiction> [P‍-‍S] (2n) P is some adventure/thriller fiction by S. adventurer, cankao, <chance act> (n) an adventurer/gambler. adversary, nemdi, [B‍-‍BV] (3n) B is an/the enemy/foe/adversary of B in struggle V. pozfa, (n) an opponent/resister/opposition/adversary, one who opposes. adversity, lo fatru, (n) trouble/adversity, mass term. advertise, vitmao, <ad maker> [K‍-‍SP] (3v) K advertise, create ads about S for P. vitsea, <ad set> [K‍-‍PVN] (4v) K advertise P through medium V to public N. advertised, nu vitsea, <ad set> (a) advertised, converse of -ise. advertisement, virta, [B‍-‍VN] (3n) B is an ad/advertisement for V in/on N. vit, (af) a combining form of virta, advertisement. advertiser, vitsea, <ad set> (n) an advertiser, one who -ises. advertising, vitmao, <ad maker> (n) an advertising person. lopo vitsea, <ad set> (n) advertising, mass event. advice, fu gudsange, <good suggest> (n) a counsel/advice/recommendation, a morally recommended act. po gudsange, <good suggest> (n) a counsel/commendation/advice/recommendation, an act of counseling. fu nurplisange, <use suggest> (n) an advice, a recommended act/means. po nurplisange, <use suggest> (n) an advice, an act of -ing. advise, garsange, <govern suggest> [K‍-‍BF] (3v) K advise in department B of polity F. gudsange, <good suggest> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K recommend/commend/counsel/advise D to do V. polsange, <state advise> (v) counsel/advise ruler … on …. nurplisange, <use suggest> [K‍-‍DVP] (4v) K advise D to use means V to achieve end P. advisor, gudsange, <good suggest> (n) a counselor/advisor, one who counsels. nurplisange, <use suggest> (n) an advisor, one who -es. aegyptopithecine, eghiptopithekui, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an aegyptopithecine, a member of the genus Aegyptopithecus. eghiptopithekui, (a) aegyptopithecine, characteristic of or pertaining to the -s. aerobatic, flegimna, <flying gymnastics> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K performs aerobatic manoevre(s) P. flegimna, <flying gymnastics> (n) K is an aerobatic flyer, performing manoevre(s) P. nu flegimna, <flying gymnastics> (n) a sp. aerobatic manoevre. po flegimna, <flying gymnastics> (a) aerobatic, pert. to aerobatic flight. po flegimna, <flying gymnastics> (n) an event of aerobatic flight. aerobatics, lo nu flegimna, <flying gymnastics> (n) aerobatics, mass term for -ic manoevres. lopo flegimna, <flying gymnastics> (n) aerobatics, the mass of such events. aerodynamic, flekukfoa, <flying quick form> [G‍-‍JN] (3n) G is more aerodynamic than J in medium N. aeroplane, flemai, <flying machine> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an aircraft/airplane/aeroplane. affair, fec, (af) a combining form of ferci, affair. ferci, [V‍-‍D] (2n) V is an affair/matter/concern/interest of person(s) D. fei, (af) a combining form of ferci, affair. affect, vidceacko, <change cause> [N‍-‍FBV] (4v) N affect/influence (system) F in matter B by V. affected, nu vidceacko, <change cause> (a) influenced/affected, the thing -ed. affection, po dipfio, <dear feel> (n) an affection/fondness, a spec. state of feeling. lopo clubiu, <love behaviour> (n) affection, the mass of such acts. lopu clubiu, <love behaviour> (n) affection, the mass of such props. po clubiu, <love behaviour> (n) an affection, a spec. act of showing -ion. pu clubiu, <love behaviour> (n) an affection, a spec. prop. of -ate ones. affection for, dipfio, <dear feel> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K is fond of D/feel affection for … /feels that … is dear/precious. affectionate, dipfio, <dear feel> (a) affectionate/fond of, of those who feel -ion. clubiu, <love behaviour> [K‍-‍DV] (3a) K is affectionate toward D in ways/by doing V. affirm, togsanmao, <agree sign make> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K assent to/agree to/affirm N. tracue, <true say> [K‍-‍BN] (3v) K declare/state/affirm/assert/maintain/allege/profess sentence B to N. affirmation, po togsanmao, <agree sign make> (a) an affirmation/assent. po tracue, <true say> (n) a statement/assertion/affirmation/declaration/allegation, an act of -ing a sentence. affirmative, togsaa, <agree sign> [B‍-‍DN] (3n) B is an affirmative/positive, a sign of D's agreement/assent to N, gesture of assent. togsaa, <agree sign> (a) affirmative/positive, of assenting gestures. affix, djifoa, <join form> (4n) V is a combining form or affix (deprecated Loglan jargon) of B in context X in language Y. djifoa, <join form> (n) an affix (Loglan), a combining form of a predicate. afflic, stopuncko, <lasting hurt cause> [N‍-‍DV] (3v) N afflic D by V. afflicting, stopuncko, <lasting hurt cause> (a) grievous/afflicting, causing pain. afire, nu fagcko, <fire cause> (a) afire/fired/ignitable/burning, conv. of ignite. nu fagmao, <fire make> (a) afire/fired/ignitable, burning, conv. of ignite. aflame, nu flami, (a) flaming/aflame, of flaming fires, conv. form. afraid, firpa, [D‍-‍V] (2v) D fear/be afraid of/that V. firpa, (a) afraid/fearful/frightened/scared, fearful of …. after, ckelispri, <time list behind> (a) following/after in time. fa, (c) after, conjunction before clauses. fa, (pp) after, operator before event terms. fa ta, (av ph) after/afterwards/later/then/whereat/whereupon/by-and by, a sentence modifying phrase. fazu, (c) long after, some event, before clauses. fazu, (pp) long after, some event, before terms. fuc, (af) a combining form of futci, after. fut, (af) a combining form of futci, after. futci, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is after/later than/follow J in time. futci, (v) follow/succeed/come after, follow … in time. nedfui, <list after> [V‍-‍B] (2v) V is just/immediately+after B. fui, (af) a combining form of futci, after. after a long time, fazu ta, (av) later on/after a long time/long after that, a mod. phrase. after shave, sniklufuicti, <near cut after stuff> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some after shave lotion. after some present moment, fucnao, <after now> [V‍-‍N] (2a) V is in the future of/after some present moment N. after this, fa ti, (av ph) after this. after you, pasgoi, <before go> (ph) after you!/go first, imperatives. afternoon, mozfui, <morning after> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the afternoon of F. afterwards, fa ta, (av ph) after/afterwards/later/then/whereat/whereupon/by-and by, a sentence modifying phrase. futci, (av) afterwards/in the future, later. again, gea, (av) again/I repeat, a discourse operator (UI). gen, (af) a combining form of genza, again. genduo, <again do> [K‍-‍PD] (3v) K repeat/do again P to D. genza, (av) again, as a recurrent instance of …. nacesupa, (p) again, in the sense of now and at least once before. rorgea, <many repeat> (av) repeatedly/again and again/over and over, repeatedly. gea, (af) a combining form of genza, again. again and again, gengea, <again again> (av) repeatedly/again and again. against, nedza, (av) against, next to/adjacent to …. pozfa, [K‍-‍KN] (3v) K oppose/resist/be against K on issue/matter N. pozfa, (a) against/resisting, opposed to … on issue …. agar, aghari, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some agar/agar agar, a gel prepared from seaweeds. agar agar, aghari, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some agar/agar agar, a gel prepared from seaweeds. age, meirlao, <measure old> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B measures C in age, has a measured age of …. hiskeo, <history time> [V‍-‍C] (2n) V is an historical age/epoch/period lasting C. lalcea, <old become> [B‍-‍] (1v) B age/become older. lopu laldo, (n) age, mass term of properties. po laldo, (n) the/an old age, a condition of being old. pu laldo, (n) the/an age, a spec. property of being old. lalmao, <old make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K age D, make … old, intentional. laocko, <old ckozu> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N age D, make … old, nonintentional. telkeo, <earth time> [V‍-‍C] (2n) V is an age/epoch/eon, geological epoch lasting C. age group, niegru, <year group> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a cohort/age group of F. aged, lalcea, <old become> (a) aged, one who is aging naturally. laldo, (a) old/aged, older than …. lalmao, <old make> (a) aged, made old. laocko, <old ckozu> (a) aged, made old. agent, dilri, (n) an agent/ representative of absent person(s) … in matter/situation …. kao, (pp) Actors/Agents/Doers, nominative case tag (actor/agent/doer). agglutinates, purpaipastyduo, <word part paste do> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K agglutinates D. agglutination, po purpaipastyduo, <word part paste do> (n) V is an instance of agglutination. agglutinative, nu purpaipastyduo, <word part paste do> (a) agglutinative. aggravate, fatru, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K disturb/trouble/aggravate/annoy/vex/bother/gall D by doing/being V. zavteu, <bad stretch> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K make worse/aggravate/worsen by V. aggravating, fatru, (a) trouble/troublesome/annoying/aggravating/vexing/bothersome/plaguing, of that which -s …. aggregatation, snisei, <proximal set> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a cluster/spatial group/physical aggregatation the elements of which are physically close to one another and belong to some superset F. E.g. Ne snisei je lo troku — A cluster of rocks. agile, korkukra, <body swift> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more agile/active/nimble/spry/sprightly than J. agility, po korkukra, <body swift> (n) agility/activity, spec. instance. pu korkukra, <body swift> (n) an agility/activity, a spec. prop. agitate, silmao, <shake make> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K shake/agitate B, intentional. siucko, <shake cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N shake/agitate D, nonintentional. agitation, po silmao, <shake make> (n) a shake/agitation, an act of -ing. po siucko, <shake cause> (n) a shake/agitation, an act of -ing. agnostic, nordjakri, <not know believe> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is agnostic about D, believes … is unknowable. ago, melpao, <measure before> [V‍-‍CN] (2n) ago, happened a measured interval … ago. napa, (av) ago, as in '2 days ago', for ' … ago'. pau, (pp) ago, as in pau lio rima nirne, several hundred years ago. paza ti, (av) a short time ago, before this (moment). paza ti, (av) a while ago, shortly before this. pazu, (av) long ago, a tense operator before predicates. agonizing, nu mucpuu, <very painful> (a) agonizing/intensely painful to …, feel extreme pain in …. agony, mucpuu, <very painful> [B‍-‍S] (2a) B feel agony/intense pain in/from body part S. po mucpuu, <very painful> (n) an agony, a state of intense pain. agrarian, fanra, (a) agrarian, pert. to farming. agree, ia, (i) doubtless/I agree/am certain that/am convinced that … <, expression of conviction.>. rultoi, <rule agree> [K‍-‍PN] (3v) K feel/agree one should do P under conditions N. tog, (af) a combining form of togri, agree. togsaa, <agree sign> (v) agree/assent to, by gesture to …. toi, (af) a combining form of togri, agree. agree to, togsanmao, <agree sign make> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K assent to/agree to/affirm N. turtoiduo, <work agree do> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K undertake/agree to do (project) P. agree with, togri, [K‍-‍NV] (3v) K agree with/accommodate/settle N about/that V. agreeable, togri, (a) agreeable, of that which/one who agrees. agreement, gundurcue, <country do say(promise)> [V‍-‍F] (2n) V is a treaty/accord/agreement/entente/settlement/pact between/among countries F. rorguntoi, <many country agree> [N‍-‍B] (2n) N is a treaty/accord/agreement/entente/settlement/pact among countries B. po taosti, <dispute cease> (n) a settlement/agreement, of one's own dispute. fu togri, (n) an agreement/settlement, a thing agreed to. po togri, (n) an agreement/accommodation/settlement, an act of -ing. po togsaa, <agree sign> (n) an agreement, an act of -ing by gesture. po tordurcue, <2 do say> (n) a contract/agreement/compact/covenant. torguntoi, <two country agree> [N‍-‍F] (2n) N is a treaty/accord/agreement/entente/settlement/pact between countries F. agricultural, pu fanra, (a) agricultural, the property of a farm (?). agricultural art, roarmazlae, <cultivation art> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an agriculture/agricultural art/practice of people F. agriculture, lopo farkeu, <farm care> (n) agriculture, events of farming. roarmazlae, <cultivation art> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an agriculture/agricultural art/practice of people F. lo roarmazlae, <cultivation art> (n) agriculture, mass term of instances. agriculturist, roarmaosesduo, <grow make science do> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an agriculturist. agronomical, roarmaosensi, <cultivation science> (a) agronomical. agronomist, roarmaosesmao, <grow make science make> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an agronomist, agricultural scientist. agronomy, roarmaosensi, <cultivation science> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a fact/law/principle of agronomy. lo roarmaosensi, <cultivation science> (n) agronomy, the science of agriculture. ahead of, fredio, <front direction> [N‍-‍B] (2pp) N is ahead of/in a forward direction from B. fredio, <front direction> (av) ahead of/forth/forward, forward. ahead of time, tsepao, <erroneously before> (a) ahead of time/early, earlier than …. aid, sochea, <social assistance> [K‍-‍DV] (3n) K relieve/aid/assist D socially by V. aide, dichea, <teach help> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K is a teacher's aide/teaching assistant for teacher D in subject/class N. aileron, skojao tolpai, <control part> (n) B is an aileron of aircraft F. aim, dirtia, <direction choose> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K aim/orient B at D. nu gandirtia, <high aim> (n) an aim/aspiration, that -ed. aimless, dirtiacle, <direction choose without> [B‍-‍] (1av) B is aimless. aimlessly, dirtiacle, <direction choose without> (av) aimlessly. air, ker, (af) a combining form of kerti, air. kerti, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a quantity/mass of air. kerti, (a) air, made of air. lo kerti, (n) air, mass term. air condition, kofkledypae, <comfortably cool apparatus> [B‍-‍D] (2v) B climatize/air condition D. air current, kerkro, <air flow> [V‍-‍DS] (3n) V is a draft/air current/current at/on D from S. air force, dorflegru, <war fly group> [F‍-‍S] (2n) F is an air force of country/force S. lo dorflegru, <war fly group> (n) the air force of polity …. fergru, <5th group> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a battalion/air force, the 5th smallest military unit in some larger military organization/force F, without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. kerforgru — air force. Cf. surgru. lo kerbilca, <air military> (n) an air force (mass term). air hostess, flesua, <fly serve> [K‍-‍F] (2n) K is a flight attendant/steward(ess)/air hostess of aircraft/airline F. air like, kercli, <air like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more airy/air like/ethereal than J. air marshal, surkergrukoi, <# air group commander> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the air marshal of F, rank identified by number. air pocket, lepo kersiu, <air shake> (n) turbulence/air pocket, a sp. event. air resistance, kerpozfoi, <air oppose force> [V‍-‍C] (2n) V is drag/air resistance of magnitude C. air-conditioned, nu kofkledypae, <comfortably cool apparatus> (pp) … is air-conditioned. air-conditioner, kofkledypae, <comfortably cool apparatus> (n) … is an air-conditioner. airbrake, kerpozfa tolpai, <control part> (n) B is an airbrake of aircraft F. aircraft, cmaflemai, <small fly machine> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a light aircraft. flemai, <flying machine> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an aircraft/airplane/aeroplane. aircraft carrier, flesia grobou, <fly place> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an aircraft carrier of government F. airiness, pu kercli, <air like> (n) an airiness, a property of being like air. po kerflo, <air full> (n) an airiness, a state of being full of air. airline, flekompi, <fly company> [K‍-‍F] (2n) K is an airline of community/country F. airman, kerbilca, <air military> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an airman/member of the air force of government F. airplane, flemai, <flying machine> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an aircraft/airplane/aeroplane. airport, flehao, <fly harbour> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an airport of place F. airscrew, kersko, <air screw> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an airscrew/propellor of aircraft F. airship, latflemai, <light fly machine> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a dirigible/airship. airsickness bag, vamtysakli, <vomit bag> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an airsickness bag. airy, kercli, <air like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more airy/air like/ethereal than J. kerflo, <air full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more airy/full of air than J. aisle, biaski, <between sitters> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an aisle in F. biaspa, <between space> [B‍-‍FNN] (4n) B is a row/aisle of/in (structure) F between N and N. ajar, parkapni, <partly open> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is partly open/half open/ajar. alarm, nu blidensae, <possible danger sense> (v) alarm/startle … by …. po nu blidensae, <possible danger sense> (n) alarm, a spec. state. blidensaecko, <possible danger sense cause> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K alarm/startle D by V. po blidensaecko, <possible danger sense cause> (n) alarm, a spec. state. po keukra, <care cry> (n) an alarm/warning/shout, a sp. act of -ing. E.g. "Watch out". kunpae, <warn device> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is an alarm to protect against V. kunsoa, <warn sound> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is an alarm warning against V. nordjafiacko, <not know fear cause> [V‍-‍D] (2v) V alarm/worry/make anxious D, nonintentional act; 'that swelling alarms me'. po nu nordjafiacko, <not know fear cause> (n) a sp. alarm/worry, a spec. state of being -ed. po nordjafircea, <not know fear become> (n) a sp. state of alarm/worry, being -ed. nordjafirmao, <not know fear make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K alarm/worry/make anxious D by doing/being V, intentional act. po nu nordjafirmao, <not know fear make> (n) a sp. alarm/worry, a spec. state of being -ed. alarm clock, cidcko jokla, <awake cause> (ph) an alarm clock. alarm to, keukra, <care cry> (v) give an alarm to/warn … of …. alarmed, blidensae, <possible danger sense> [D‍-‍V] (2v) D is/are alarmed/startled by V. nu nordjafiacko, <not know fear cause> (a) alarmed/worried, of one made alarmed. nordjafircea, <not know fear become> [D‍-‍] (1v) D become alarmed/worried/anxious, intransitive. nordjafircea, <not know fear become> (a) alarmed/worried, of one who is alarmed. nu nordjafirmao, <not know fear make> (a) alarmed/worried, of one made alarmed. alarming, nu blidensae, <possible danger sense> (a) alarming, causing —. blidensaecko, <possible danger sense cause> (a) alarming, causing —. nordjafiacko, <not know fear cause> (a) alarming/worrying, of -ing acts. fu nordjafirmao, <not know fear make> (a) alarming/worrying, of -ing acts/people. alas, uu, (i) alas!/oh (dear)/sorry/what a shame/pity …, an exp. of sympathy/regret. albocinereous, albocinerei, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is albocinereous. albumin, albumini, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some albumin, a water soluble protein. albuminuria, albuminuri, (1v) K suffer(s) from albuminuria, the presence of albumin in the urine. lopo albuminuri, (n) albuminuria, collective term for the condition. albuminuric, albuminuri, [K‍-‍] (1a) albuminuric, having albuminuria. alcionarian, alcioniumi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an alcionarian, an invertebrate of the subclass Alcyonium. alcohol, alkoholi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an alcohol, often used for ethanol, the beverage alcohol. vincti, <wine substance> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a quantity of alcohol, wine substance. lo vincti, <wine substance> (n) alcohol, mass term of quantities. alcoholic, liornurpoi, <liquor mastered> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an alcoholic, addicted to liquor. vinctiveo, <alcohol contain> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more alcoholic/contains more alcohol than J, of liquids. vinynurdje, <wine ill> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an alcoholic, one who suffers from alcoholism. vinynurdje, <wine ill> (a) alcoholic (a), of persons. alcoholism, lopo vinynurdje, <wine ill> (n) alcoholism, mass term. po vinynurdje, <wine ill> (n) an alcoholism, a spec. case/state. alcove, calhou, <wall hole> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a recess/alcove, a depression in a wall. aldehyde, aldehidi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an aldehyde, a volatile fluid from the oxidation of alcohols. alga, algi, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is an alga of habitat S. algorithm, kaldurfoa, <complete do form> [V‍-‍PB] (3) V is an algorithm that produces results P from data of type B. alias, dupnamci, <deceive name> [N‍-‍BDV] (4n) N is an alias of B to D in situation V. pubnamci, <public name> [P‍-‍S] (2n) P is an alias/pseudonym/false name of S. alien, gutra, [B‍-‍DN] (3a) B is alien/bizarre/mysterious/odd/queer/unusual/strange/weird/curious/peculiar/funny to D in features N. notgui, <other country> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more alien/exotic/foreign, characteristic of other countries than J. notgunpeu, <foreign person> [B‍-‍B] (2n) B is a foreigner/alien/stranger to B. notgunpeu, <foreign person> (a) foreign/alien, of foreign persons. telnorloi, <earth not local> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is extraterrestrial/alien, not originating on Earth. alight, flesti, <fly stop> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K alight/land/settle on B, to stop flying. zvobue, <out step> [K‍-‍S] (2v) K alight/step out from S. aligner, bekylinmao, <line make> (n) aligner, one who lines … up. alignment, lopo bekylinmao, <line make> (n) alignment, mass term. po bekylinmao, <line make> (n) an instance of alignment. alike, puecli, <perfectly alike> [B‍-‍BN] (3a) B is alike/same as/exactly like/identical to B in characteristic(s) N. clika, [B‍-‍BN] (3a) B is alike/similar to/like B in features N. alive, clivi, [K‍-‍] (1v) K live/be alive. clivi, (a) alive/biological/living/organic/vital, pert. to living things. alizarin, alhizarini, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some alizarin, a colouring matter from madder. alkali, alkali, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an alkali, a basic substance, the opposite of acid. alkaline, alkali, (a) alkaline, having a basic reaction. all, niazu, (ph) all this time, a tense op. before preds. pira, (a) all/one-hundred percent of some individual or whole, a quantifier. ra, (a) all/each/every/apiece (member of set …), before ba series every something …. raba noa, (ph) all/any/every … are …, use all … are … only if …, as 'Every lion eats meat'. tie no ba, (ph) not at all/by no means/in no way, lit., by no means x. all along, nia, (c) all the while/as long as/when/while/all along. nia ta, (av) all along, throughout that interval. nia ti, (av) all along, throughout this interval. all around, mutkubviu, <very wide view> (a) panoramic, all around. rinsni, <ring near> [B‍-‍D] (2v) B surround/are all around D. all of, rar, (af) a combining form of ra, all of. all the same, inunokou, (c) nevertheless/even so/all the same, of unexpected events ('even so, it's wet'). inunomoi, (c) nevertheless/even so/all the same, of unmotivated acts ('even so, I went'). inunorau, (c) nevertheless/even so/all the same, of unjustified events ('even so, I won'). inunosoa, (c) still/yet/nevertheless/all the same/even (so), of unentailed concl'ns (even so, it's true). nunokouki, (c) still/yet/nevertheless/all the same/even (so), of unexpected events, as in 'nunokouki … ki; best translated … despite(cause) …'. nunomoiki, (c) still/yet/nevertheless/all the same/even (so), of unmotivated acts, as in 'nunomoiki … ki; best translated … despite(motive) …'. nunorauki, (c) still/yet/nevertheless/all the same/even (so), of unjustified events, in 'nunorauki … ki; best translated … despite(reason) …'. nunosoaki, (c) still/yet/nevertheless/all the same/even (so), of unentailed sents., as in 'nunosoaki … ki; best translated … despite(premise) …'. allegation, po tracue, <true say> (n) a statement/assertion/affirmation/declaration/allegation, an act of -ing a sentence. allege, tracue, <true say> [K‍-‍BN] (3v) K declare/state/affirm/assert/maintain/allege/profess sentence B to N. allegiance, lopu trakao, <true act> (n) loyalty/trustworthiness/faithfulness/allegiance, mass prop. allergic, alhergi, [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is allergic to V. allergy, po alhergi, (n) allergy, a specific condition of being allergic to substance …. alley, jartrida, <narrow street> [B‍-‍SD] (3n) B is an alley between S and D. alliance, po djikao, <joint actor> (n) an alliance, a state of being allied to …. djikaosei, <join act set> [F‍-‍BP] (3n) F is an alliance of allies B for cause/goal P. po djikaosei, <join act set> (n) an alliance, a state of being an alliance. polkingru, <polity together group> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is alliance of polities B. allied, djikao, <joint actor> (a) allied, of one who is an ally of …. allophane, alhofani, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some allophane. allow, letci, [K‍-‍V] (2v) K allow/let/permit action/event V. allude, sanduo, <sign do> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K allude/refer to referent B using sign/expression V. allure, trili, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K attract/entice/allure/appeal to D by doing/being V. alluring, trili, (a) appealing/attractive/enticing/alluring, of attractive things. ally, djikao, <joint actor> [K‍-‍DVP] (4n) K is an ally of D in doing V for cause/goal P. djikao, <joint actor> (v) ally/join with … in action …. nu djikaosei, <join act set> (n) an ally/member of an alliance. almanac, ninfeobuu, <year fact book> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B is an almanac/catalogue/directory/calendar of information for year C. almighty, rarpoi, <all powerful> [F‍-‍] (1a) F is almighty. almond, prunde, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is an almond from S. almost, nurmousni, <less near> [B‍-‍C] (2av) B is nearly/almost, not quite as large as quantity C. sa, (a) almost/nearly all of …, abbrev. of sara, a quantifying operator. sasisasi, (af) almost/nearly … of …, negative approximation, prefixed to numbers & quantifiers. sasiru, (a) almost/nearly enough of …, negative approximation, a quantifying oper. almost all, pisa, (a) almost all of some individual or whole, a quantifying operator. sara, (a) almost all of …, a quantifier, usually abbreviated as sa, q.v. sasi, (a) almost-one of … /almost all of …, a whole, abbrev. of sasine, q.v. almost none, sasuni, (a) almost none of …, positive approximation, a quantifying operator. almost one, sasine, (a) almost one of …, a quantifier, usually abbreviated as sasi, q.v. almost-one, sasi, (a) almost-one of … /almost all of …, a whole, abbrev. of sasine, q.v. alms, nu furdonbeo, <gift ask> (n) alms, a charitable donation. alone, kincle, <without companions> [K‍-‍V] (2a) K is alone/solitary/secluded/isolated/unaccompanied/companionless in doing V, without the presence of others. kincle, <without companions> (av) alone/by oneself, while alone. kincle, <without companions> (v) do alone/by oneself, be alone in doing …. narti, [B‍-‍F] (2a) B is alone/separate/apart/aloof from F. aloneness, lopu kincle, <without companions> (n) solitude/isolation/aloneness, mass prop. po narti, (n) an apartness/aloneness/separation, a state of being separate. along, kinci, (av) along, accompanying … while doing …. alongside, bitsa, (av) alongside …. aloof, narti, [B‍-‍F] (2a) B is alone/separate/apart/aloof from F. alpha, azi, (l) alpha, Greek lower case letter, one of pool of symbols. alphabet, learlista, <letter list> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the alphabet of language F. learsei, <letter set> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is an alphabet with characters B. nu letra, (n) an alphabet, a set of letters …. alphabetic, learlista, <letter list> (a) alphabetic, pert. to alphabets. letra, (a) alphabetic/symbolic, as of letters of alphabet …. already, napa ta, (av) already, by that (time), a mod. phrase. napa ti, (av) already, by this (time), a mod. phrase. papa ta, (av) already/by then, by this (time), a modifying phrase. papa ti, (av) already/by then, by that (time), a modifying phrase. also, sui, (av) also/too/moreover/besides/as well/in addition/furthermore, a discourse operator (UI). altar, seosta, <holy stage> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an altar in church/religion F. tepsta, <temple platform> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an/the altar of church/temple F. alter, ceacko, <change cause> [N‍-‍BPS] (4v) N convert/change/alter/transform/vary B into P from S - (nonintentional cause). kalcea, <complete change> [K‍-‍DPS] (4v) K convert/change/alter/transform/vary D into P from S - (intentional act). alterable, nu ceacko, <change cause> (a) alterable/convertible/changeable/transformable, can be altered. nu kalcea, <complete change> (a) alterable/convertible/changeable/transformable, can be altered. alteration, fu ceacko, <change cause> (n) an alteration, an altered thing. po ceacko, <change cause> (n) an alteration/conversion/transformation/change, an act of -ing. fu kalcea, <complete change> (n) an alteration, an altered thing. po kalcea, <complete change> (n) an alteration/conversion/transformation/change, an act of -ing. alternate, kakbatmi, <actor trade> [K‍-‍KP] (3v) K alternate/take turns/trade places with K in doing P. kakbatmi, <actor trade> (n) an alternate, one who exchanges places. alternate key, noirtiaklaki, <other selector key> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an option key/alternate key on keyboard/system F. alternately, kakbatmi, <actor trade> (av) alternately/in turn, by turns. alternation, po kakbatmi, <actor trade> (n) an alternation, an act of -ing. alternative, nu tisra, (a) alternative, selectable, converse form. alternatives, furtia, <2nd conv. of choose> [F‍-‍K] (2n) F is a menu/set of choices/alternatives/services offered by restaurant/establishment K. fu tisra, (n) choices/alternatives/menu, a set of choices. fu tisra, (n) a set of alternatives/choices, conv. of select, … v. although, inokou, (c) even though/although/despite, of unproductive causes ('although it's cold'). inomoi, (c) even though/although/despite, of unproductive motives ('although i'm hungry'). inorau, (c) even though/although/despite, of unproductive reasons ('although I earned it'). inosoa, (c) even though/although/despite, of unproductive premises ('although two is even'). nokouki, (c) even though/although, of unproductive causes, with ki in 'nokouki … ki … ; despite …, …'. nomoiki, (c) even though/although, of unproductive motives, with ki in 'nomoiki … ki … ; despite …, …'. norauki, (c) even though/although, of unproductive reasons, with ki in 'norauki … ki; despite …, …'. nosoaki, (c) even though/although, of unproductive premises, as in 'nosoaki … ki … ; despite …, …'. altitude, damni, [J‍-‍GN] (3a) J is lower/inferior/has less altitude than G in gravity field N. damni, (n) at low altitude. lopu damni, (n) low altitude, mass term of props. nu damni, (3a) higher/has more altitude than … in gravity field …. pu damni, (n) low altitude/lowness/meanness/inferiority, a prop. of lower things. ganska, <high scale> [V‍-‍N] (2n) V is a height/altitude scale, a system of units and zero point for measuring height or altitude in gravity field N. ganta, (n) is at high altitude, incomplete form. lopu ganta, (n) height/altitude, mass term of props. pu ganta, (n) a height/altitude, a spec. prop. of being high. nu murgaa, <sea high> (n) the elevation/altitude above sea level of …. altitude scale, fu skagaa, <scale high> (n) an altitude scale/altitude scale, one for measuring alt. aluminium, alhumio, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some aluminum/aluminium, element 13. aluminum, alhumio, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some aluminum/aluminium, element 13. alveolar, alveoli, (a) alveolar/alveolate, pitted. (Phon.) produced by the tongue against the teeth roots. alveolate, alveoli, (a) alveolar/alveolate, pitted. (Phon.) produced by the tongue against the teeth roots. alveolus, alveoli, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an alveolus, a pit or small depression, a tooth socket or lung cell. always, na raba, (av) always/anytime/every time — literally, at/in/during every sometime x. rargea, <all agains> (av) always/each time/every time, on all recurrences of …. am, na, (va) am/are/is (now) -ing sign of the present tense. nana, (va) am/are/is now … ing, sign of the present coincident tense. amaze, cmablistari, <small possibility surprise> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K amaze/astonish D by doing/being V. amazed, nu cmablistari, <small possibility surprise> (a) amazed by —, one who is -d. amazement, pu nu cmablistari, <small possibility surprise> (n) amazement/astonishment. amazing, cmablistari, <small possibility surprise> (a) amazing/astonishing, pertaining to being -d. ambassador, gundilri, <country representative> [B‍-‍SD] (3n) B is an ambassador from S to D. ambition, lopo skudaa, <success desire> (n) ambition, mass term. nu skudaa, <success desire> (n) an ambition/aspiration, that which is -d to. po skudaa, <success desire> (n) an ambition, spec. instance of -ing. ambitious, skudaa, <success desire> (a) ambitious, desiring of success. amend, rulceamao, <formal change make> [K‍-‍BPS] (4v) K amend B into P from S, q.v. transform. amendable, nu rulceamao, <formal change make> (a) amendable, capable of being -d. amended, nu rulceamao, <formal change make> (a) amended, the thing -ed. amendment, po rulceamao, <formal change make> (n) an amendment, a spec. case of -ing. amends to, srunakso, <injure mend> [K‍-‍DBV] (4v) K compensate/redress/make amends to D for B by V. americium, amhericio, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some americium, (Am), element 95. amiability, lopu remcli, <friend like> (n) amiability/friendliness, mass term, properties. pu remcli, <friend like> (n) an amiability/friendliness, a spec. property. amiable, remcli, <friend like> (a) amiable/friendly, friendlier than …. amiableness, po remcli, <friend like> (n) an amiableness, a state of being -able. amid, djori, (pp) amid/among(st), is included among/a member of …. amide, amhidi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an amide, a derivative of ammonia where an acid radical has replaced hydrogen. amine, amhinei, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an amine, a deriv. of ammonia where a hydrocarbon radical has replaced hydrogen. amino, amhini, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is amino, having an amino group. amhini acdi, (ph) an amino acid, a constituent of proteins. ammunition, tamtcidi, <weapon food> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some ammunition. among, bitsa, [B‍-‍F] (2pp) B is between/among F, collective. djori, (pp) amid/among(st), is included among/a member of …. amount, canli, [B‍-‍FCN] (3n) B is a quantity/amount/magnitude of stuff/material/supply F measuring C on dimension N. E.g. Vedma dio mi ne canli je lovi klabu jue lio to metro lopu langa — Give me a quantity of this cloth measuring 2 meters in length. cau, (pp) Quantities/Amounts/Values, case tag (DIO) (quantity/amount/value). zo, (op) an amount/quantity of …, as in 'the amount of blue', an abstraction operator. ampere, amperi, [V‍-‍C] (2v) V measures C in ampere(s), a unit of electric current. amphibian, cutlaiflemai, <water land fly machine> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an amphibian (aircraft). ample, fotpa, (a) fat/obese/plump/ample, plumper than …. groda, (a) large/big/ample, bigger than …. ru, (a) enough/a sufficient/ample/adequate number of set …, a quantifying operator. tsufi, (a) sufficient/ample, of that which suffices for …. amplitude, pu groda, (n) a largeness/magnitude/amplitude/size/bigness, a specific property. amuse, cmicko, <amuse cause> [V‍-‍D] (2v) V amuse(s) D, (nonintentional), cause amusement in. cmimao, <amused make> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K entertain/amuse/be fun to … by being/doing V, intentional. nu cmiza, (v) amuse/entertain … by …. amused, cmi, (af) a combining form of cmiza, amused. cmiza, (a) amused, of one having fun. amused by, cmiza, [D‍-‍V] (2v) D is/are amused by/have fun doing/being/experiencing V. amusement, lopo cmimao, <amused make> (n) fun/amusement/entertainment/treat, amusement, mass term. po cmimao, <amused make> (n) some amusement/fun/entertainment/treat, an act/process of -ing. po nu cmimao, <amused make> (n) amusement, a state of being -ed. lopo cmiza, (n) amusement/fun, mass term of such states. po cmiza, (n) an amusement/fun, a spec. state of having fun. amusing, cmimao, <amused make> (a) amusing/entertaining, of that which -s. nu cmiza, (a) amusing, of activities that are fun. amyl, amhili, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is amyl, an alcohol radical C5H11. an, ba, (art) a/an, in 'a man … ' ba mrenu, some x is a man'. be, (art) a/an, in 'a man … 'ba mrenu, some x is a man'. bo, (art) a/an, in 'a man … 'ba mrenu, some x is a man'. bu, (art) a/an, in 'a man … 'ba mrenu, some x is a man'. lo, (a) the/a/an, individual composed of all things which are …, mass term operator. ne, (a) a/an/any/some-one/one (1)/exactly one of …, a description quantifier. E.g. Ne le mrenu pa kicmu — Exactly one of the men was a doctor; Ne mrenu pa hijra — Some one man was here <> Ne ba ji mrenu pa hijra — Exactly one someone x who is a man was here. anaconda, anhakondi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an anaconda, a gigantic water snake of the genus Eunectes. anaemia, po anhemi, (n) a sp. case of anaemia, bloodlessness. anaemic, anhemi, [K‍-‍] (1a) K is anaemic/anemic, suffering from anaemia. anaesthesia, lopo anhestesi, (n) anaesthesia, collective term. anaesthetic, anhestesi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an anaesthetic, a substance producing insensibility. anhestesi, (a) anaesthetic, pert. to production of insensibility. tocfiucko, <touch feeble cause> (n) anaesthetic for …. anaesthetised, nu anhestesiydou, <anaesthetic give> (a) anaesthetised, experiencing loss of feeling. anaesthetize, anhestesiydou, <anaesthetic give> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K anaesthetize(s) D with V. tocfiucko, <touch feeble cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N dull/numb/anaesthetize D. anaesthetizing, tocfiucko, <touch feeble cause> (a) dulling/numbing/anaesthetizing …. anal, gasno, (a) anal, pert. to anuses. analgesia, lopo anhalgesiki, (n) analgesia, the reduction of pain. analgesic, anhalgesiki, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is analgesic, pertaining to pain reduction. anhalgesiki, (n) an analgesic, a substance reducing pain. punsticti, <pain stop chemical> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is an analgesic/anesthetic, medicines for the relief of pain caused by V. analytic, tcepeo, <through think> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is intelligent/analytic, one who thinks things through. ancestor, paorlinkui, <former line kin> [S‍-‍B] (2n) S is an ancestor/forefather of descendant B. anchor, langokru, <land hook> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an anchor. ancient, darpao, <far past> [J‍-‍G] (2a) J is more remote/ancient, farther back in time than G. hispao, <history early> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more ancient/historically old than J is. mucpao, <extremely before> [B‍-‍F] (2a) B is early/ancient, an early part of epoch F. and, ce, (c) and/comma/both and, bet. modified/fying words: 'tall, wise and good, man'. cenoi, (c) but/and+not, bet. modified/fying words, e.g. 'wise but not good, man'. e, (c) and/both … and …, logical conjunction between terms. enoi, (c) and/but+not, between terms, negative conjunction. i, (c) and, full stop between sentences/clauses. ice, (c) and, logical conjunction between sentences/clauses. ka, (c) and/or, inclusive sense, forethought connection. ke, (c) and in 'both and', forethought conjunction with ki: as in 'ke … ki … '. ki, (c) then/or/and/nor etc., infix mark of forethought connections. nokanoi, (c) and, in 'not both … and …', used with ki in 'nokanoi … ki … '. noke, (c) and, in 'both not … and …', used with ki as in 'noke … ki … '. pio, (ms) plus/and (+), sign of addition. ze, (c) and (jointly), forms single designation/predication from multiple ones. and not, kenoi, (c) and not, in 'both … and not', forethought with ki, in 'kenoi … ki … '. and or, a, (c) or (else)/otherwise/and or/either or or both, inclusive sense between terms. ca, (c) or (else)/and or/comma, between modifiers as in 'tall, wise or good man'. ica, (c) or/and or/otherwise, inclusive sense, alternation between sentences/clauses. and soforth, pae, (av) etc/et cetera/and soforth/on, a discourse operator (UI). android, macpeu, <machine person> [B‍-‍K] (2n) B is a robot/android made by K. anemic, anhemi, [K‍-‍] (1a) K is anaemic/anemic, suffering from anaemia. anemometer, kerkromei, <air flow measurer> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an anemometer. anesthetic, punsticti, <pain stop chemical> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is an analgesic/anesthetic, medicines for the relief of pain caused by V. angel, gudspi, <good spirit> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an angel, a good spirit. angelic, gudspi, <good spirit> (a) angelic, pert. to angels. gudspicli, <angel like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more angelic/angelical/like an angel than J is. angelical, gudspicli, <angel like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more angelic/angelical/like an angel than J is. anger, lopo groci, (n) anger, mass term of states. nu groci, (vt) anger, conv of angry at/is angered by …. po groci, (n) an instance of anger, being angry. po roircea, <angry become> (n) a rising anger, a state of becoming angry. po zburoi, <explode angry> (n) a fit of anger. angina, angini, [K‍-‍] (1v) K suffers from angina pectoris, angina of the chest. angina pectoris, tceti angini, (ph) angina pectoris, chest pain from heart disease. tceti angini, (ph) angina pectoris, chest pain. angle, jag, (af) a combining form of jaglo, angle. jaglo, [B‍-‍SN] (3n) B is the angle/corner at S defined by points N (pl.). jao, (af) a combining form of jaglo, angle. anglophone, gletaa, <English talker> [K‍-‍] (1n) K is an anglophone/English speaker, a speaker of the … language. gletaa, <English talker> (a) anglophone, speaks English. angrily, groci, (av) angrily, in an angry manner. angry, groci, [K‍-‍DV] (3a) K is angry at D for doing V. no uo, (i) I'm not disturbed/angry/irritated/annoyed, a denial of annoyance. roircea, <angry become> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K get/become angry at D for doing V. uo, (i) I am disturbed/angry/irritated/annoyed that …, an expression of annoyance. roi, (af) a combining form of groci, angry. angular, jaglo, (a) angular, pert. to angles. jaoflo, <angle full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more angular than J, full of angles. angular degree, jagdugri, <angle degree> [C‍-‍] (1n) C is a measure in angular degree(s). angularity, pu jaoflo, <angle full> (n) an angularity, a property. anil, anhili, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some anil, plant or dye. aniline, anhilini, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some aniline, a coal tar product used in dyes. animal, nim, (af) a combining form of nimla, animal. nimla, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an animal. nimla, (a) animal, pert. to animals. lo nimla, (n) animal, general term. vanynia, <violent animal> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a beast/brute/savage animal. nia, (af) a combining form of nimla, animal. animate, livdou, <life give> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K animate D. livmuocko, <living motion cause.> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K animate D with/by V. muvsimymao, <move seem make> [K‍-‍PS] (3a) K animate P in/on medium S. animated, livflo, <life full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is (more) animated/lively/vital/full of life than J. nu livmuocko, <living motion cause.> (a) animated, something produced by -tion. muvsii, <move seem> [P‍-‍S] (2a) P is animated in/on medium S, e.g. movies, TV. animation, po livdou, <life give> (n) animation, a state of giving life to …. lopu livflo, <life full> (n) animation/liveliness/vitality, mass term. pu livflo, <life full> (n) a animation/liveliness/vitality, a spec. property. nu livmuocko, <living motion cause.> (n) an animation, an -d scene/film. po livmuocko, <living motion cause.> (n) an animation, a specific instance. animator, livmuocko, <living motion cause.> (n) animator, one who -s. ankle, fipdji, <foot joint> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is an ankle of S. fitydji, <foot joint> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is an ankle of S. anklet, fipdjidua, <foot joint ornament> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an anklet, an ankle ornament. fitydjidua, <foot joint ornament> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an anklet, an ankle ornament. annelid, anhelidi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an annelid, a red blooded worm of the genus Annelida. announce, pubcue, <public say> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K announce/proclaim B to group/public D. announcement, nu pubcue, <public say> (n) an announcement/proclamation, the thing -ed. po pubcue, <public say> (n) an announcement/proclamation, a spec. instance of -ing. announcer, nuzridle, <news reader> [K‍-‍B] (2n) K is an announcer/newsreader on radio/television station B. pubcue, <public say> (n) announcer, one who -s. annoy, bufplu, <opposite please> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K annoy/displease D by being/doing V. fatru, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K disturb/trouble/aggravate/annoy/vex/bother/gall D by doing/being V. roicko, <angry cause> [V‍-‍B] (2v) V annoy/irritate B. annoyance, fu bufplu, <opposite please> (n) an annoyance, an annoying action. po nu bufplu, <opposite please> (n) a displeasure/annoyance, a state of being annoyed. annoyed, nu bufplu, <opposite please> (n) annoyed, of one who is -ed. no uo, (i) I'm not disturbed/angry/irritated/annoyed, a denial of annoyance. uo, (i) I am disturbed/angry/irritated/annoyed that …, an expression of annoyance. annoying, bufplu, <opposite please> (a) annoying/displeasing, of one who -s. fu bufplu, <opposite please> (a) annoying/displeasing, of that which -s. fatru, (a) trouble/troublesome/annoying/aggravating/vexing/bothersome/plaguing, of that which -s …. annual, nirne, (a) annual, pert. to years. rarnie, <all years> (a) yearly/annual, recurring every year. annual rhythm, rarnie, <all years> [V‍-‍] (1v) V have an annual rhythm/365 day period. annually, rarnie, <all years> (av) yearly/annually, in an annual way. anode, anhodi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an anode, a negative electrode. anoint, fligrebanci, <fluid grease(oil) bathe> [K‍-‍DBP] (4v) K anoint D with oil/substance B for purpose P. anointed, nu fligrebanci, <fluid grease(oil) bathe> (a) anointed, pertaining to -ing. nu fligrebanci, <fluid grease(oil) bathe> (n) anointed, one who is -ed. another, genza, (a) another/different/other, pert. to recurrent instances. genza, (n) a time/occasion/other/another (time). notbi, [B‍-‍B] (2a) B is other/another/a different/not the same object/person as B. notbi, (n) another/other, not the same thing as. notpeu, <other person> [B‍-‍B] (2n) B is another/someone else/other than B. answer, dapli, [K‍-‍PBS] (4v) K answer/respond/reply P to question/statement B by S. nu dapli, (n) answer/reply/response, one made in -ing a question. po dapli, (n) a reply/answer/response, an act of -ing a question/statement. nabdapli, <problem answer> [P‍-‍S] (2n) P is a/the solution/answer to problem S. repduo, <reply do> [K‍-‍VS] (3v) K answer question(s) V posed by S. retpi, [P‍-‍SK] (3n) P is a/the answer/reply/solution to question/request/problem S put by K. seu, (i) attitudinal marking answers. answerable, nu retpi, (a) answerable, having an answer. answerer, dapli, (n) an answerer/respondent, of a question/statement. answering, repdurkii, <reply do accompany> [K‍-‍KB] (3v) K join with K in answering question B. ant, manta, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a female ant. manti, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an ant larva of hill/colony F. manto, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a male ant. mantu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is any ant, non specific term. ant like, mante, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is formic/ant like, pertains to ants. antagonistic to science, sesypozfa, <science opposed> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is antiscientific/antagonistic to science. antenatal, paobra, <before born> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is prenatal/antenatal. anterior, frena, (a) forward/front/anterior, pert. to that which is forward. frepai, <front part> (a) anterior/frontal, frontal. frepai, <front part> (n) an/the anterior/front, front part of …. anthem, guigri, <country sing> [K‍-‍S] (2n) K sing the national anthem of S. nu guigri, <country sing> (n) a national anthem. anthropoid, antropoidi, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is anthropoid, pert. to higher primates. hunmurke, <human monkey like> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is apish/ape like/anthropoid. anthropological, humsensi, <human science> (a) anthropological, pert. to —. anthropologist, humsesmao, <human science maker> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an anthropologist, a studier of humans. anthropology, humsensi, <human science> [N‍-‍] (1n) N is an inst. of anthropology. lo humsensi, <human science> (n) anthropology, mass term. anthropomorphic, antropomorfi, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is anthropomorphic/anthropomorphous, having human form, or pert. to humans. anthropomorphous, antropomorfi, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is anthropomorphic/anthropomorphous, having human form, or pert. to humans. antiLoglandical, logpozfa, <Loglan opposed> [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is antiLoglandical/opposed to the spirit of Loglan, in feature V. antibody, pozkorti, <oppose body> [B‍-‍] (1) B is an antibody, a biological defensive substance. pozkorti, <oppose body> (a) antibody, pert. to -ies. anticipate, fucfio, <future feel> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K anticipate/be anxious about V, either with joy or fear. zavfucfio, <future feel> [B‍-‍D] (2v) B anticipate/be anxious/concerned about D. anticipate doing, gudfucfio, <future feel> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K anticipate doing/be anxious to do P. anticipated, nu veikri, <happen believe> (a) expected/anticipated (by … of … in …). anticipating, fucfio, <future feel> (a) anxious/anticipating, pertaining to -ing. gudfucfio, <future feel> (a) anxious/anticipating, pertaining to -ing. zavfucfio, <future feel> (a) anxious/anticipating, pertaining to -ing. anticipation, po fucfio, <future feel> (n) anticipation, a spec. state of -ing. po gudfucfio, <future feel> (n) (eager) anticipation, a spec. state of -ing. lopu veikri, <happen believe> (n) anticipation/expectation, mass property. po veikri, <happen believe> (n) an expectation/anticipation (of … from … in …). antigen, antigeni, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an antigen, a substance provoking formation of an antibody. antimony, stibo, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some antimony, element 51 (Sb). antiperspirant, haurpozfa, <sweat oppose> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an antiperspirant. antique, vatlao, <value old> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B is an antique, valuable old with value C. antiquity, hispao, <history early> (n) an antiquity, an ancient thing. lopu hispao, <history early> (n) antiquity, mass term. pu hispao, <history early> (n) an antiquity, a property of ancient things. antiscientific, sesypozfa, <science opposed> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is antiscientific/antagonistic to science. antitoxin, antitoksini, [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is an antitoxin to D, substance opposing toxin …. venpozfa, <poison opposer> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is an antitoxin to S. anus, gas, (af) a combining form of gasno, anus. gasno, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an/the anus/arse/ass (Am.) of F. gao, (af) a combining form of gasno, anus. anxiety, lopo fatpeo, <trouble think> (n) worry/concern/anxiety, mass term. lopo nordjafia, <not know fear> (n) worry/anxiety, mass term of states. po nordjafia, <not know fear> (n) a concern/worry/anxiety, a state of being anxious. po zavfucfio, <future feel> (n) anxiety/preoccupation, a spec. state of -ing. anxious, fucfio, <future feel> (a) anxious/anticipating, pertaining to -ing. gudfucfio, <future feel> (a) anxious/anticipating, pertaining to -ing. nordjafia, <not know fear> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K worry/are anxious/concerned about V. nordjafia, <not know fear> (a) concerned/worried/anxious, worried about …. nordjafiacko, <not know fear cause> [V‍-‍D] (2v) V alarm/worry/make anxious D, nonintentional act; 'that swelling alarms me'. nordjafircea, <not know fear become> [D‍-‍] (1v) D become alarmed/worried/anxious, intransitive. nordjafirmao, <not know fear make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K alarm/worry/make anxious D by doing/being V, intentional act. minynorkou, <mind uncomfortable> [B‍-‍F] (2a) B is nervous/uneasy/anxious about F. zavfucfio, <future feel> [B‍-‍D] (2v) B anticipate/be anxious/concerned about D. zavfucfio, <future feel> (a) anxious/anticipating, pertaining to -ing. anxious about, fucfio, <future feel> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K anticipate/be anxious about V, either with joy or fear. anxious to do, gudfucfio, <future feel> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K anticipate doing/be anxious to do P. any, ne, (a) a/an/any/some-one/one (1)/exactly one of …, a description quantifier. E.g. Ne le mrenu pa kicmu — Exactly one of the men was a doctor; Ne mrenu pa hijra — Some one man was here <> Ne ba ji mrenu pa hijra — Exactly one someone x who is a man was here. raba noa, (ph) all/any/every … are …, use all … are … only if …, as 'Every lion eats meat'. reznurtia, <free chosen> [B‍-‍F] (2a) B is arbitrary/any item chosen from population F. su, (a) some/any/at least one of …, abbrev. of sune, a quantifier. any case, ceu, (av) anyway/in any case/anyhow, a discourse operator (UI). any such, raba tcucli, (a) any such/one such/such, any … as previously described. anybody, ba, (p) anybody/anything, as in 'Get anybody'. be, (p) anybody/anything, as in 'Get anybody'. bo, (p) anybody/anything, as in 'Get anybody'. bu, (p) anybody/anything, as in 'Get anybody'. raba, (p) anything/anyone/anybody, every …, as in 'anything wins'. rabe, (p) anything/anyone/anybody, every …, as in 'anything wins'. rabo, (p) anything/anyone/anybody, every …, as in 'anything wins'. rabu, (p) anything/anyone/anybody, every …, as in 'anything wins'. anyhow, ceu, (av) anyway/in any case/anyhow, a discourse operator (UI). tie ba, (ph) somehow/anyhow/however. anyone, raba, (p) anything/anyone/anybody, every …, as in 'anything wins'. raba, (p) one, anyone, as in 'When one's in Rome —'. rabe, (p) anything/anyone/anybody, every …, as in 'anything wins'. rabe, (p) one, anyone, as in 'When one's in Rome —'. rabo, (p) one, anyone, as in 'When one's in Rome —'. rabo, (p) anything/anyone/anybody, every …, as in 'anything wins'. rabu, (p) one, anyone, as in 'When one's in Rome —'. rabu, (p) anything/anyone/anybody, every …, as in 'anything wins'. anyplace, vi ba, (av) somewhere/someplace/anywhere/anyplace, literally, at/in some(place) x. anything, ba, (p) anybody/anything, as in 'Get anybody'. be, (p) anybody/anything, as in 'Get anybody'. bo, (p) anybody/anything, as in 'Get anybody'. bu, (p) anybody/anything, as in 'Get anybody'. raba, (p) anything/anyone/anybody, every …, as in 'anything wins'. raba tcucli ta, (p) anything like/such as that, as described there. rabe, (p) anything/anyone/anybody, every …, as in 'anything wins'. rabo, (p) anything/anyone/anybody, every …, as in 'anything wins'. rabu, (p) anything/anyone/anybody, every …, as in 'anything wins'. anytime, na ba, (av) sometime/anytime/ever — literally, at/in/during some (time) x. na raba, (av) always/anytime/every time — literally, at/in/during every sometime x. anyway, ceu, (av) anyway/in any case/anyhow, a discourse operator (UI). lia ba, (av) anyway/in some manner. anywhere, vi ba, (av) somewhere/someplace/anywhere/anyplace, literally, at/in some(place) x. vi raba, (av) everywhere/anywhere/everyplace, literally, at/in every some(place) x. apart, no kinci, (a) apart, neg. of together. narti, [B‍-‍F] (2a) B is alone/separate/apart/aloof from F. nartycko, <apart cause> [N‍-‍BF] (3v) N separate/keep/take apart B from F, nonintentional. nu nartycko, <apart cause> (a) apart/separate/separated/separable, capable of being or having been -ated. nartymao, <apart make> [K‍-‍BF] (3v) K separate/keep/take apart B from F, intentional. nu nartymao, <apart make> (a) apart/separate/separated/separable, capable of being or having been -ated. apartment, parhaa, <part house> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is an/the apartment/flat of D. apartmenthouse, rorfamhaa, <many family house> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a multi family dwelling/apartmenthouse/building. apartness, po narti, (n) an apartness/aloneness/separation, a state of being separate. apathy, pu fiocle, <feeling without> (n) apathy. ape, hunmurka, <human female monkey> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a female ape. hunmurki, <infant human monkey> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an infant ape. hunmurko, <male human monkey> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a male ape. hunmurku, <human monkey> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an ape, non specific. kopkao, <copy act> [K‍-‍BVP] (4v) K copy/ape/imitate/mock/mimic B in action V for purpose P. pongidei, [B‍-‍FS] (3n) B is a pongid/ape of genus/type F from S. ape like, hunmurke, <human monkey like> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is apish/ape like/anthropoid. aper, kopkao, <copy act> (n) a mimic/imitator/aper/mocker, one who -s. aperture, cunhou, <window hole> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is the aperture created by an open window. apex, ganpea, <high point> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the peak/summit/apex/height/high point of F. aphid, afhidi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an aphid/plant louse of the genus Aphis. apiece, ra, (a) all/each/every/apiece (member of set …), before ba series every something …. apish, hunmurke, <human monkey like> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is apish/ape like/anthropoid. aplasia, lopo apllasi, (n) aplasia, mass term. aplastic, apllasi, [B‍-‍D] (2a) B is aplastic, shows aplasia in D. aplomb, balbiu, <balance behave> [K‍-‍N] (2n) K has poise/aplomb/savoir faire in situation N. apologize, comtoabeo, <shame take request> [K‍-‍VD] (3v) K apologize, for V from D. apostle, gadnursui, <god sent> [D‍-‍B] (2n) D is an apostle of B. apostolic, gadnursui, <god sent> (a) apostolic, pertaining to -s. appalled, tcaku, [K‍-‍DV] (2a) shocked/appalled by …, of that which shocks. apparation, morspi, <dead spirit> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is an/the apparation/ghost/spectre of D. apparatus, pac, (af) a combining form of patce, apparatus. patce, [B‍-‍K] (2n) B is an apparatus/equipment/device for doing K, any device for …. pae, (af) a combining form of patce, apparatus. apparent, duodza, <do exist> (a) virtual/apparent. kliri, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is apparent/lucid/clearer/more transparent than J, fig. understandable. apparently, io, (i) apparently/probably/it is likely that …, exp. of moderate belief. sii, (av) apparently/evidently, a discourse operator (UI). apparition, vijgoi, <view go> (n) an apparition, an appearing thing. appeal, filbeo, <feel ask> [K‍-‍DVN] (4v) K appeal to D to do/give V through feelings N. fu filbeo, <feel ask> (n) an appeal, an action/object -ed for. po filbeo, <feel ask> (n) an appeal, an act of -ing to feelings. genydjubeo, <again judge request> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K appeal judgment N. po genydjubeo, <again judge request> (n) an appeal, a spec. instance. po helbeo, <help ask> (n) an appeal, a spec. request for help. lilfilbeo, <legal feel ask> [K‍-‍VDN] (4v) K appeal judgment V to D on grounds N. po lilfilbeo, <legal feel ask> (n) an appeal, an act of -ing a judgement. trili, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K attract/entice/allure/appeal to D by doing/being V. lopu trili, (n) appeal/attractiveness, mass term, qualities. appeal to, helbeo, <help ask> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K make appeal to/petition D for V. appealing, trili, (a) appealing/attractive/enticing/alluring, of attractive things. appear, simci, [S‍-‍BDN] (4v) S look like/appear/seem to be B to D under conditions N. appear brave, rigsii, <brave seem> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K appear brave to D in circumstances N. appear to, vijgoi, <view go> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K appear to/come into the view of D. appearance, nervizkaa, <one see come> [K‍-‍V] (2n) K makes a debut/first appearance at V. po nervizkaa, <one see come> (1n) appearance. nu simci, (n) a look/appearance, conv. of seem. simfoa, <seem form> [V‍-‍B] (2n) V is the appearance/look(s) of B. simviu, <seem view> [V‍-‍BD] (3n) V is the appearance/look(s) of B to D. po vijgoi, <view go> (n) an appearance, an act of -ing. appelant, genydjubeo, <again judge request> (n) appelant, one who -s a judgment. appellant, helbeo, <help ask> (n) appellant/petitioner, one who seeks help. appendage, korbadjo, <body branch> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a limb/appendage/member of body/organism F. appetite, tendaa, <grow desire> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is an appetite, desire for V. appetitive, tendaa, <grow desire> (a) appetitive, pertaining to increasing desires. applaud, prusysonmao, <approve sound make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K applaud D for V. rusysonmao, <approve sound make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K applaud D for V. applauders, prusysonmao, <approve sound make> (n) applauders/claque, those who —. rusysonmao, <approve sound make> (n) applauders/claque, those who —. applause, prusysoa, <approval sound> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is applause for V, specific case. rusysoa, <approval sound> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is applause for V, specific case. lo prusysoa, <approval sound> (n) applause, mass term. lo rusysoa, <approval sound> (n) applause, mass term. apple, pligo, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is an apple from S, an edible fruit. apple tree, pligytri, <apple tree> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an apple tree. applicable, nu durfompli, <do form use> (a) applicable/applied, of methods/treatments. applicant, nu turbeo, <work ask> (n) an applicant, one who applies for work. application, po durfompli, <do form use> (n) an application, an act of applying something. po nu durfompli, <do form use> (n) an application, an event of being applied. po fombeo, <formal ask> (n) a formal request/application/proposal. po pratua, <continue work> (n) industry/application/diligence at task …. po skapysea, <skin put> (n) an application of … to …, a spec. instance. po turbeo, <work ask> (n) an application, an act of -lying for work. applied, nu durfompli, <do form use> (a) applicable/applied, of methods/treatments. apply, durfompli, <do form use> [K‍-‍VD] (3v) K apply treatment/method/manner V to D. rocykuvduo, <brush cover do> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K brush/apply liquid B to/on D. skapysea, <skin put> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K apply substance B to D. turbeo, <work ask> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K apply for job/position B from D. apply to, fombeo, <formal ask> [K‍-‍PD] (3v) K request/apply to/propose action P to D. appoint, socysifdou, <social position give> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K appoint/name D to B, office/position …. appointee, nu socysifdou, <social position give> (n) an appointee, one who is -ed. appointment, fucdribuu, <future remember book> [P‍-‍KSD] (4n) P is a diary/appointment book of K for period from S to D. jmicue, <meet say> [K‍-‍DNC] (4v) make a date/appointment with … at … at time …. po jmitoi, <meet agree> (n) date/appointment with … at place … and time …. fu socysifdou, <social position give> (n) an appointment, an assigned position. po socysifdou, <social position give> (n) an appointment, an act of -ing. appointment with, jmitoi, <meet agree> [K‍-‍DNC] (4v) K date/arrange to meet/make appointment with D at place N and time C. appraisable, nu cmedju, <money judge> (n) appraisable, conv. of appraise. appraisal, fu cmedju, <money judge> (n) an appraisal, an assessed monetary value. po cmedju, <money judge> (n) an appraisal, an act of -ing, monetarily. po vatfio, <value feel> (n) an appreciation/appraisal, a spec. value rating. appraise, cmedju, <money judge> [K‍-‍BC] (3v) K appraise the monetary value of B to be C. appraiser, cmedju, <money judge> (n) an appraiser, one who judges monetarily. appreciate, nu dilko, (vt) appreciate … for its delicate quality. vatfio, <value feel> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K appreciate, sense the value of B. vaurtenri, <value increase> [B‍-‍] (1v) B appreciate, increase in value. appreciated, nu vatfio, <value feel> (a) appreciated, something -ed. appreciation, po nu dilko, (n) appreciation, of delicate qualities. po vatfio, <value feel> (n) an appreciation/appraisal, a spec. value rating. pu vatfio, <value feel> (n) an appreciation, a spec. property of -ing. po vaurtenri, <value increase> (n) an appreciation, a spec. increase in value. appreciative, nu dilko, (a) appreciative/cultivated/refined/sensitive, of delicacy, q.v. apprentice, kincia, <accompany learn> [D‍-‍SN] (3n) D is an apprentice/disciple of teacher S in subject N. turcia, <work learner> [K‍-‍DP] (3v) K apprentice to D in skill P. turcia, <work learner> (n) an apprentice, with … learning skill …. apprenticeship, po turcia, <work learner> (a) an apprenticeship, a spec. instance of work training. approach, limsni, <limit near> [N‍-‍V] (2v) N approach/approximate/tend toward limit V. snigoi, <near go> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K come near/approach D from S. po snigoi, <near go> (n) an approach, an act of -ing. approaching, limsni, <limit near> (a) approaching, tending toward. snigoi, <near go> (a) approaching, that which/one who -es. approbation, po prusa, (n) an approbation/approval, an act of -ing. appropriate, pontoa, <own take> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K appropriate/seize/take possession of B from D. tokna, [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K appropriate/remove/take (away) B from D. appropriation, nu pontoa, <own take> (n) a seizure/appropriation, a thing seized from …. po pontoa, <own take> (n) a seizure/appropriation, an act of seizing … from …. nu tokna, (n) an appropriation, a thing appropriated. po tokna, (n) an appropriation/removal, an act of taking … from. approval, po prusa, (n) an approbation/approval, an act of -ing. approve, prusa, [B‍-‍VK] (3v) B approve of action/outcome V by agent K. rus, (af) a combining form of prusa, approve. rusfaslyduo, <approve face do> [K‍-‍V] (2n) K countenance/tolerate/approve V, accept …'s action/behaviour. approved, nu prusa, (a) approved, of that which is -ed. approving, prusa, (a) approving, of one who approves. approximate, limsni, <limit near> [N‍-‍V] (2v) N approach/approximate/tend toward limit V. numsni, <numerically near> (a) approximate/near, pert. to numbers. numsnimao, <approximation make> [K‍-‍BN] (3v) K estimate/approximate/rate B with approximation N. snicai, <near quantity> [G‍-‍CJ] (3v) G approximate, be closer in value to quantity C than J. approximately, numsni, <numerically near> (av) about/approximately …. approximately of, sasa, (af) around/approximately of …, neutral approximation, prefixed to quantifiers. approximation, mousni, <more near> (n) (positive) approximation, just over …. numsnimao, <approximation make> (n) an estimation/approximation, an approximated value. po numsnimao, <approximation make> (n) an approximation, an act/process of -ing. nurmousni, <less near> (n) negative approximation, nearly …. snicai, <near quantity> (n) a (better) approximation of, a value close(r) to …. apricot, abrrikote, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is an apricot from S. apron, freresfu, <front garment> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an apron, a protective garment. fresta, <front stage> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an apron, the front part of a stage. aquatic, cutri, (a) aquatic, pert. to water. aqueous, cuiflo, <water full> [G‍-‍JV] (3a) G is (more) aqueous/watery than J is V, e.g. x is more watery than x is oily, or x is more watery than y (is watery). arachnid, rakni, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an infant spider/arachnid. rakno, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a male spider/arachnid. raknu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a spider/arachnid, generic term. arbiter, biudju, <behave judge> (n) arbiter/arbitrator, one who judges behaviour. taodju, <discuss judge> (n) arbiter/arbitrator, one who settles disputes. arbitrary, nu cantia, <chance select> (a) arbitrary/chosen randomly. reznurtia, <free chosen> [B‍-‍F] (2a) B is arbitrary/any item chosen from population F. arbitrate, tagstimao, <argument stop make> [K‍-‍DD] (3v) K settle/arbitrate dispute between D and D. taodju, <discuss judge> [K‍-‍VD] (3v) K arbitrate dispute V between D. arbitration, po biudju, <behave judge> (n) arbitration, a spec. instance of -ing. po tagstimao, <argument stop make> (n) an arbitration/settlement, an act of -ing. po taodju, <discuss judge> (n) arbitration, a spec. instance of -ing. arbitrator, biudju, <behave judge> (n) arbiter/arbitrator, one who judges behaviour. tagstimao, <argument stop make> (n) an arbitrator. taodju, <discuss judge> (n) arbiter/arbitrator, one who settles disputes. arbor, trikuvla, <tree cave> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a bower/arbor, a shaded place constructed of plants. arc, farka, [B‍-‍D] (2v) B arch/arc over D. farka, (n) an arc/arch, described by a curve. arch, farka, [B‍-‍D] (2v) B arch/arc over D. farka, (n) an arc/arch, described by a curve. archaeology, paknurmaosensi, <past artifact science> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a fact/law/principle of archeology/archaeology. lo paknurmaosensi, <past artifact science> (n) archeology/archaeology, the science of early man. arched, betcu, [N‍-‍] (1a) N is bent/crooked/arched/stooped. farka, (a) arched, pert. to arches/arcs. archeology, paknurmaosensi, <past artifact science> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a fact/law/principle of archeology/archaeology. lo paknurmaosensi, <past artifact science> (n) archeology/archaeology, the science of early man. architect, tekto, [S‍-‍P] (2n) S is the/an architect/designer of building/project P. architecture, lopo tekto, (n) architecture, the mass of architecting. tektylae, <architect art> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is architecture, building science. ardent, nenfagflo, <inner fire full> [G‍-‍VJ] (3a) G is more passionate/ardent about V than J is. ardor, lopo nenfagflo, <inner fire full> (n) ardor, mass term of states. po nenfagflo, <inner fire full> (n) a passion/ardor, a spec. state. arduous, nu tuaflo, <work full> (2a) V is arduous for K. are, na, (va) am/are/is (now) -ing sign of the present tense. nana, (va) am/are/is now … ing, sign of the present coincident tense. are going, nafa, (va) is/are going to …, sign of present progressive tense, English inexact. area, meltorspa, <measure two space> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a tract/two dimensional area of definite boundaries. lanpiu, <land piece> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a tract/compass/area. telfomspa, <earth form space> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the region/sector/area of planet F. torspa, <two space> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the area/surface of F. torspamei, <2 space measure> [K‍-‍BCN] (4v) K measure the area of B to be C on scale N. fu torspamei, <2 space measure> (n) a/the area measured. argon, argono, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some argon, element 18, an inert gas. argot, damleu, <low language> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is slang/argot/informal language. pebleu, <special language> [V‍-‍K] (2n) V is an argot/jargon/technical vocabulary used by K. nu pebleu, <special language> (n) a user of jargon/argot …. argue, fomtao, <formal argue> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K debate/argue proposition B with/against D. liltao, <legal argument> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K argue/present case B about V. tag, (af) a combining form of targo, argue. targo, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K argue/dispute with/against D about V. tao, (af) a combining form of targo, argue. argue with each other, tagkue, <argue reciprocally> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K argue with each other about V (or any other potential subject for arguing. arguer, targo, (n) an arguer/disputant, one who -s. argument, po fomtao, <formal argue> (n) a debate/argument, a specific instance of -ing. nursia, <placed> (2n) B is a case/argument of predicate/verb F. fu targo, (n) an argument/issue, an argued proposition. lopo targo, (n) argument, mass term of acts. po targo, (n) an argument/dispute/disputation/controversy, a spec. act of -ing. argumentative, taoflo, <argument full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more argumentative/disputatious than J. taoflo, <argument full> (a) argumentative/disputatious. argumentativeness, pu taoflo, <argument full> (n) an argumentativeness, a spec. property. arid, drani, (a) arid/dry, drier than …. aridity, po drani, (n) a dryness/aridity, a spec. state of dryness. arise, ginkaa, <root come> [P‍-‍S] (2v) P come/proceed/derive/arise/originate from/in S. arises, fanbedgoi, <reverse bed go> [K‍-‍] (1v) K gets up/arises from bed. aristocracy, ganbrakle, <high born class> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an/the aristocracy/noble class of society F. aristocrat, ganbra, <high born> (n) an aristocrat/noble, nobler than …. aristocratic, ganbra, <high born> (a) aristocratic, pert. to -s. arm, baa, (af) a combining form of barma, arm. bar, (af) a combining form of barma, arm. barma, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an arm of F, body part. ganbaa, <high arm> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an upper arm of F. tamdou, <weapon give> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K arm, give arms to D. tamgei, <weapon get> [K‍-‍BS] (3v) K arm themselves with weapon B from store S. tarmu, [B‍-‍P] (2n) B is a weapon/arm for use P, any implement of hunting or warfare. armed, nu tamdou, <weapon give> (a) armed, given arms. armor, curyresfu, <safe dress> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is armor for protection against N. armorer, tamymao, <weapon maker> (n) an armorer, one who makes -s. armory, dortamsro, <war weapon store> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is the/an armory of military unit S. armoured car, folcurtca, <strong secure car> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an armoured car of forces F. armpit, barkuvla, <arm cave> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the armpit of F. arms, tamymao, <weapon maker> [K‍-‍] (1v) K make arms. army, narmi, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an/the army of F. army captain, terkoi, <3rd commander> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a captain/army captain/lieutenant senior grade/etc. commanding/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murterkoi — naval lieutenant senior grade. Use surkoi. q.v., for officers in general. around, kovgoi, <curve go> [K‍-‍BDS] (4v) K avoid/go around/skirt/detour B on route to D from S. radgoi, <circle go> [K‍-‍S] (2v) K circle/revolve/go around/go around S as a center. sasa, (af) around/approximately of …, neutral approximation, prefixed to quantifiers. snire, (pp) around, is around/near …. va, (pp) near/around … (a place), before terms/predicates. va ti, (ph) around, around here, a modifying phrase. vivi, (av) around here, with preds. vivi, (c) around where, with clauses. vivi, (pp) around, in the place where, before terms. arousal, po nu fiozbu, <emotion explode> (n) an excitement/arousal, a state of being -ed. po nu secfurpoa, <sex stimulate> (n) an arousal/excitement, being -ed sexually. arouse, fiozbu, <emotion explode> [V‍-‍DN] (3v) V excite/arouse/stir in D the emotions N. secfurpoa, <sex stimulate> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K arouse/excite D sexually by being/doing V. aroused, zbufio, <explosive feel> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K is/are excited/aroused by N. arouser, fiozbu, <emotion explode> (n) an arouser, one who/that which -s. arrange, nitsea, <neat set> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K arrange/fix up/set in order/straighten up B. arrange to meet, jmitoi, <meet agree> [K‍-‍DNC] (4v) K date/arrange to meet/make appointment with D at place N and time C. arrangement, nu nitsea, <neat set> (n) an arrangement, an arranged thing. po nitsea, <neat set> (n) an arrangement, an act of -ing. po nu nitsea, <neat set> (n) an arrangement, a state of being -ed. arranger, nitsea, <neat set> (n) an arranger, one who -s. arrestor wire, stitirca, <stop wire> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an arrestor wire on aircraft carrier F. arrival, po fadgoi, <end go> (n) arrival, a act of -ing. po fadkaa, <end come> (n) arrival, a act of -ing. po langoi, <land go> (n) a landing/arrival, an instance of -ing. arrive, fadgoi, <end go> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K reach/arrive at D from S. fadkaa, <end come> [K‍-‍S] (2v) K reach/arrive from S. langoi, <land go> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K land/go ashore/arrive at D from S. arrogance, lopu selganble, <self high look> (n) pride/arrogance, mass property. pu selgankri, <self high believe> (n) a haughtiness/arrogance, a spec. property. arrogant, selganble, <self high look> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more proud/arrogant than J. selgankri, <self high believe> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more arrogant/haughty than J. seljio, <self important> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is vain/arrogant/egotistical/stuffy/self important. arrow, bortcidi, <bow food> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an arrow, ammunition for a bow. arse, gasno, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an/the anus/arse/ass (Am.) of F. rirgu, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the buttock(s)/ass/arse/butt/rear/seat of F. arsenic, arseniko, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some arsenic, element 33 (As). arsenide, arsenidi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an arsenide, a compound of arsenic with a metal. art, gotri, [V‍-‍PN] (3n) V is an industrial art for producing P in culture N. hanlae, <hand art> [V‍-‍PK] (3n) V is a craft/handicraft/manual art for producing P used by people K. lar, (af) a combining form of larte, art. lo larbekti, <art object> (n) art, mass term of objects. nu larmao, <art make> (n) a work of art, by a spec. artist, conv. larte, [N‍-‍PK] (3n) N is an art/technique for producing P used by people K. lo larte, (n) art, mass term of artistic practice. lo nu larte, (n) art, the mass of such products. nu larte, (n) an art, a product of artistic technique. lae, (af) a combining form of larte, art. art object, larbekti, <art object> [P‍-‍S] (2n) P is an art object/work of art made by art S. arteriosclerosis, arteriosklerosi, [K‍-‍] (1v) K suffers from arteriosclerosis, hardening of the arteries. lopo arteriosklerosi, (n) arteriosclerosis, collective term. arteriosclerotic, arteriosklerosi, (a) is arteriosclerotic. artery, arteri, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an artery, vessel conveying blood from the heart. arthropod, artropodi, [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is an arthropod, a jointed appendage invertebrate of genus B. artropodi, (n) arthropod, pert. to the Arthropoda. artichoke, articoke, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an artichoke, a thistle like edible plant. article, nurmao, <made> (n) an article/artifact/confection/making/product, a manufactured object. artifact, nurmao, <made> (n) an article/artifact/confection/making/product, a manufactured object. artifactual, nurmao, <made> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is artificial/artifactual/man made, something made. artificial, nu madzo, (a) artificial. nornurmao, <unmade> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is a natural/non artificial phenomenon. nurmao, <made> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is artificial/artifactual/man made, something made. artillery, lo grokukreo, <large quick thrower> (n) artillery, mass term. artiodactyl, artiodaktili, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an artiodactyl, an even toed ungulate. artiodaktili, (a) artiodactyl, pert to -s. artisan, maospu, <make expert> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an artisan/craftsman. hanlarmao, <hand art maker> [K‍-‍S] (2n) K is an artisan in / handcrafter of (material/object type) S. artist, larmao, <art make> (n) an artist/creator, one who creates …. artistic, maospu, <make expert> (a) ingenious/artistic. larbekti, <art object> (a) artistic, pert. to art objects. larmao, <art make> (a) artistic/creative, pert. to artists. larte, (a) artistic, pert. to art practices. artistry, pu larmao, <art make> (n) a creativeness/artistry/creativity, a property of being an artist. as, ikou, (c) because/since/for/as, of physical causes, as in 'since it's cold'. imoi, (c) because/since/for/as, of motives, as in 'because I wanted it'. irau, (c) because/since/for/as, of reasons, as in 'because I earned it'. isoa, (c) because/since/for/as, of premises, as in 'because two equals two'. kouki, (c) because/since/for/as, of causes, with ki in 'kouki … ki …; because …, …'. lia, (c) like/(just) as/in the way that. moiki, (c) because/since/for/as, of motives, with ki in 'moiki … ki … ; because …, …'. mrociu, <more equal> (ph) be as … as …, use property term with —. rauki, (c) because/since/for/as, of reasons, with ki in 'rauki … ki … ; because …, …'. soaki, (c) because/since/for/as, of premises, with ki in 'soaki … ki … ; because …, …'. as for, peu, (av) re/concerning/as for. as it were, jo, (pm) as it were/so to speak/("), right figurative quote. as much as, ciu, (pp) as much as/to the same degree as, an oper. used before args to give the accompanying non comparative preda a comparative sense (PA). E.g. Da farfu ciu de — X is a father as much as Y is X is as much a father as Y is. Cf. mou. ciu, (af) a combining form of ciktu, equal to/equally/as much as that makes comparative predas out of non comparative ones. E.g. ckaciu — out of ckano (X is kind to Y): Da ckaciu de di do — X is as kind to Y as Z is kind to W. Cf. mou. as well, sui, (av) also/too/moreover/besides/as well/in addition/furthermore, a discourse operator (UI). as-for me, peu mi, (ph) as-for me/for my part. ascend, gangoi, <high go> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K scale/ascend/mount/climb up D from S. ascent, po gangoi, <high go> (n) an instance of a climb/ascent. ascertain, selsirmao, <self certain make> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K ascertain/find out/make sure of/assure oneself of N. ascertainable, nu selsirmao, <self certain make> (a) ascertainable, can be -ed. ascertainment, po selsirmao, <self certain make> (n) an ascertainment, an act/process of -ing. ascetic, daztro, <desire control> [K‍-‍] (1n) K is an ascetic, one who controls his/her desires. ash, fagctu, <fire excrement> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is (some) ash from burning material S. ashamed, com, (af) a combining form of comtu, ashamed. comtu, (a) ashamed, of one who feels shame about …. cot, (af) a combining form of comtu, ashamed. cou, (af) a combining form of comtu, ashamed. ashamed of, comtu, [K‍-‍V] (2v) K feel shame about/ashamed of being/doing V. ashes, lo fagctu, <fire excrement> (n) ashes, mass term. ashore, langoi, <land go> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K land/go ashore/arrive at D from S. aside, palsea, <side set> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K set aside B. ask, beg, (af) a combining form of begco, ask. kencue, <question say> [K‍-‍PD] (3v) K ask/question question P of D. kendiu, <question discuss> [K‍-‍BS] (3v) K ask/inquire/question about B from S. kenduo, <question do> [K‍-‍S] (2v) K ask/inquire/question S. kentaa, <question speak> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K question/ask D about V. norkafbeo, <no punishment ask> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K ask/beg mercy of D in respect to punishment V. no ei, (i) I ask not, I'm not asking, a denial that a question was implied. beo, (af) a combining form of begco, ask. ask for, begco, [K‍-‍VD] (3v) K petition/ask for/request/plead action/object V of/from D. ask price, ratbeo, <price ask> [K‍-‍CBD] (4v) K charge/ask price C for service/item B from D. asleep, sonli, [K‍-‍] (1v) K sleep/are asleep/sleeping. sonli, (a) sleeping/asleep, to be sleeping. asparagus, aspherage, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a (piece of) asparagus, a Liliacean edible plant. lo aspherage, (n) asparagus, general term. aspiration, nu gandirtia, <high aim> (n) an aim/aspiration, that -ed. po gandirtia, <high aim> (n) an aspiration, spec. instance of -ing. lopo nenrue, <in breathe> (n) aspiration, mass term. po nenrue, <in breathe> (n) an aspiration, a spec. instance of -ing. nu skudaa, <success desire> (n) an ambition/aspiration, that which is -d to. aspire, gandirtia, <high aim> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K aspire to do/achieve P. nenrue, <in breathe> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K breathe in/aspire B. skudaa, <success desire> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K aspire to achieve V. aspirin, asphirini, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some aspirin/ASA, a common analgesic. aspiring, gandirtia, <high aim> (a) aspiring, hoping to achieve …. ass, gasno, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an/the anus/arse/ass (Am.) of F. hasna, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a female ass/donkey, an equine quadruped. hasne, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is ass/donkey like. hasni, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an infant ass/donkey/foal. hasno, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a male ass/donkey. hasnu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an ass/donkey, the generic term for this equine quadruped. rirgu, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the buttock(s)/ass/arse/butt/rear/seat of F. assemblage, nu kinbei, <together carry> (n) a collection/gathering/assemblage, a collection by … at … from …. fu kinsea, <together put> (n) an assembly/collection/assemblage, an assembled whole. assemble, grujmi, <group meet> [K‍-‍FN] (3v) K assemble/gather/collect/rally as group F at place N. kinbei, <together carry> [K‍-‍BDS] (4v) K gather/collect/assemble/bring together B at place D from S. kinsea, <together put> [K‍-‍BF] (3v) K collect/assemble/put/piece together B as/into assembly F. assemble with, kinmao, <together make> [K‍-‍BF] (3v) K bring B close to/together/assemble with F. assembled, nu kinmao, <together make> (a) assembled, objects/persons -ed. assembler, kinmao, <together make> (n) assembler, one that -s. assembly, nu grujmi, <group meet> (n) gathering/assembly/collection/audience/congregation/rally, an -d group. jmigru, <meet group> [B‍-‍FP] (3n) B is a congress/assembly/conference/convention/meeting of F for P, any purposeful meeting. nu kinmao, <together make> (n) an assembly, objects/persons -ed. po kinmao, <together make> (n) an instance of assembly/bringing together. fu kinsea, <together put> (n) an assembly/collection/assemblage, an assembled whole. assent, togsaa, <agree sign> (v) agree/assent to, by gesture to …. po togsanmao, <agree sign make> (a) an affirmation/assent. assent to, togsanmao, <agree sign make> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K assent to/agree to/affirm N. assert, folcue, <strongly say> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K insist on/assert/declare/say forcefully B to D. tracue, <true say> [K‍-‍BN] (3v) K declare/state/affirm/assert/maintain/allege/profess sentence B to N. assertion, nu folcue, <strongly say> (n) an assertion. nu tracue, <true say> (n) a statement/assertion, an affirmed sentence. po tracue, <true say> (n) a statement/assertion/affirmation/declaration/allegation, an act of -ing a sentence. assertive, folcue, <strongly say> (a) assertive/insistent, forceful in speech. assertiveness, lopo folcue, <strongly say> (n) assertiveness, mass term of states. pu folcue, <strongly say> (n) an assertiveness, a spec. property. assess, djudi, [K‍-‍SP] (3v) K judge/assess/evaluate S to be P. vatcue, <value say> [K‍-‍BP] (3v) K criticize/assess/evaluate the value of B by saying P. vaudju, <value judge> [K‍-‍BP] (3v) K assess the value of B by communicating P. assessor, djudi, (n) a judge/assessor, one who judges. assiduous, turfundi, <work fond> [G‍-‍VJ] (3a) G is (more) industrious/assiduous at V than J. assign, nursantia, <sign meaning choose> [K‍-‍PS] (3v) K assign (meaning) P to S. turkoi, <work order> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K assign/order/tell D to do V. assignee, nu turkoi, <work order> (n) an assignee, ne -ed work. assignment, po nursantia, <sign meaning choose> (n) an assignment, spec. instance of -ing, as a value to a variable. fu turkoi, <work order> (n) an assignment, work -ed. po turkoi, <work order> (n) an assignment, spec. instance of -ing. assist, helba, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K help/assist D to do V. kintua, <together work> [K‍-‍KP] (3v) K collaborate/assist/work/coöperate with K on P. sochea, <social assistance> [K‍-‍DV] (3n) K relieve/aid/assist D socially by V. assistance, po helba, (n) an act of help/assistance. po kintua, <together work> (n) some collaboration/assistance, an act of -ing. assistant, helba, (n) a helper/assistant/staff member, one who helps. associate, dricpu, <memory pull> [K‍-‍NN] (3v) K associate concept N with N. furkaogru, <purpose group> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K associate for purpose P. pifsocli, <frequently interacts with> [K‍-‍K] (2v) K closely associate/interact with K. pifsocli, <frequently interacts with> (n) a crony/associate of …. socyjmi, <socially meet> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K associate, meet socially with D. nu socyjmi, <socially meet> (n) an associate, one who is -ed with. associate with, socli, [K‍-‍DV] (2v) K associate with/interact with/behave socially toward D over matter V. association, po dricpu, <memory pull> (n) an association (of words), spec. instance. furkaogru, <purpose group> (n) association, a group associated for purpose …. po pifsocli, <frequently interacts with> (n) a close association/interaction of …, spec. instance. rizgru, <private group> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a club/private association/society including member(s) F. po socyjmi, <socially meet> (n) an association, an act of -ing. assume, tcutrapeo, <picture true thought> [K‍-‍VN] (3v) K assume/suppose/imagine V to be true of N. plitoa, <use take> [K‍-‍VD] (3v) K assume/take over duty V from D. tolnurdou, <control given> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K assume/take over/are transferred control of B from D. toltoa, <control take> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K assume/take over/usurp control of B from D. assumption, dou, (av) given/(by)(per)hypothesis/assumption, a discourse operator (UI). nu tcutrapeo, <picture true thought> (n) an assumption/supposition, an imagined truth. po tcutrapeo, <picture true thought> (n) an act of assumption/supposition. assurance, lopo curca, (n) safetysecurity/assurance, mass state. pu curca, (n) a safety/assurance, a spec. property of being safe. po nu durcue, <do say> (n) an assurance, a state of being -ed. pu nu foldja, <strongly know> (n) a certainty/certitude/assurance, a property of conviction. po sircko, <certain cause> (n) an assurance, an act of -ing. po nu sircko, <certain cause> (n) a conviction/assurance, a state of being -ed. pu nu sirfio, <certain feel> (n) a certainty/certitude/assurance, a property of conviction. po sirmao, <certain make> (n) an assurance, an act of -ing. po nu sirmao, <certain make> (n) a conviction/assurance, a state of being -ed. assure, sircko, <certain cause> [V‍-‍DN] (3v) V assure/convince/persuade D of N, nonintentional. sirmao, <certain make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K assure/convince/persuade D of V, intentional. assure oneself, selsirmao, <self certain make> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K ascertain/find out/make sure of/assure oneself of N. assurer, sircko, <certain cause> (n) assurer, that which -es. sirmao, <certain make> (n) assurer, one who -es. assuring, sircko, <certain cause> (a) assuring, of that which -es. sirmao, <certain make> (a) assuring, of one who -es. astatine, asthatio, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some astatine, element 85, (At). astonish, cmablistari, <small possibility surprise> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K amaze/astonish D by doing/being V. astonishing, cmablistari, <small possibility surprise> (a) amazing/astonishing, pertaining to being -d. astonishment, pu nu cmablistari, <small possibility surprise> (n) amazement/astonishment. astound, minblo, <mind blow> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K astound D by V. astounded, nu minblo, <mind blow> (a) astounded, decribing the one -ed. astounding, minblo, <mind blow> (a) astounding, pertaining to one who -s. astrologer, tarsandui, <star sign find> [K‍-‍N] (2n) K is an astrologer using system N. astronomer, tarsesmao, <star science make> [K‍-‍] (1n) K is an astronomer. astronomical, tarsensi, <star science> (a) astronomical, pert. to astronomy. astronomy, tarsensi, <star science> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a/the science of astronomy/an astronomical fact/law/principle. lo tarsensi, <star science> (n) astronomy, mass term of instances. at, na, (pp) at/in/during. nazi, (pp) at/coincident with …, an instant in time. vi, (pp) at/in/on/close by(a place). vizi, (pp) at/coincident with …, a point in space. at least, pisu, (a) some/a little/at least a tenth of …, an individual or whole. sur, (af) a combining form of su, at least one of. suzo, (va) at least one amount (of). at long last, lagkeofao, <long time end> [B‍-‍] (1av) B is at long last/finally. at most, pisi, (a) some/very little/at most a tenth of …, an individual or whole. at once, samkeo, <same time> (av) simultaneoously/at once/at the same time, at the same time /same time/. at this place, vi, (av) here/close by/at this place, before predicates. at times, na riba, (av) at times/occasionally/now and then — literally, at/during several sometimes x. at-least one, sune, (a) at-least one of …, a quantifier, usually abbreviated as su, q.v. at-least two, suto, (a) at-least two of …, a quantifying operator. at-most one, sine, (a) at-most one of …, a quantifier, usually abbreviated as si, q.v. at-most two, sito, (a) at-most two of …, a quantifying operator. at-no time, na no ba, (av) never/at-no time — literally, at/during no sometime x. atabrin, athabrini, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some atabrin/mepacrine, an antimalarial drug. atheist, norgadkri, <not god believe> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an atheist/non believer. athlete, atletu, [K‍-‍V] (2n) K is an athlete in sport V. athwart, karsa, [K‍-‍DS] (3pp) K is across/athwart/on the other side/over there D from S. atlatl, atlatlu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an atlatl. atmosphere, atmosferi, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is the atmosphere of planet/satellite S. kerfio, <air feeling> [V‍-‍F] (2n) V is the atmosphere/aura of place/room/book F. atom, athomi, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an atom of F. atomic, athomi nukle, (ph) an atomic nucleus. atomic nucleus, athomiynue, <atomic nucleus> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an atomic nucleus/nucleus of atom F. atomizer, ragcko, <fog cause> (n) a sprayer/atomizer, a tool for spraying. attach, djimao, <join make> [K‍-‍BDV] (4v) K connect/join/unite/fasten/attach B to D with V. attached to, ferkoi, <5th commander> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a lieutenant colonel/commander/etc. commanding/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murferkoi — naval commander. Use surkoi. q.v., for officers in general. fertro, <5th controller> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a staff sergeant controling/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murfertro — petty officer first class. forkoi, <4th commander> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a major/lieutenant commander/etc. commanding/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murforkoi — naval lieutenant commander. Use surkoi. q.v., for officers in general. fortro, <4th controller> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a sergeant controling/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murfortro — petty officer second class. nerkoi, <1st commander> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a second lieutenant/ensign/flying officer commanding/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murnerkoi — ensign. Use surkoi. q.v., for officers in general. nernerkoi, <11th commander> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a general of the army/admiral of the fleet/etc. commanding/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murnernerkoi — admiral of the fleet. Use surkoi. q.v., for officers in general. nernirkoi, <10th commander> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a general/admiral/etc. commanding/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murnernirkoi — admiral. Use surkoi. q.v., for officers in general. nertro, <1st controller> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a private first class controling/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murnertro — seaman spprentice. nirtro, <0th controller> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a private attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murnirtro — seaman recruit. serkoi, <7th commander> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a brigadier/brigadier general/commodore/etc. commanding/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murserkoi — commodore. Use surkoi. q.v., for officers in general. sertro, <7th controller> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a first/master sergeant controling/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. mursertro — senior chief petty officer. sorkoi, <6th commander> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a colonel/captain/etc. commanding/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. mursorkoi — naval captain. Use surkoi. q.v., for officers in general. sortro, <6th controller> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a platoon/technical sergeant controling/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. mursortro — chief petty officer. surkoi, <(1st 11th) commander> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a second lieutenant/ensign/flying officer commanding/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murnerkoi — ensign. Use surkoi. q.v., for officers in general. surtro, <(1st 7th) controller> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an NCO/non com/non commissioned officer controling/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed. For non commissioned ranks, viz. nertro, tortro, …, sortro. For commissioned officer ranks, see nerkoi, torkoi, …, sorkoi. terkoi, <3rd commander> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a captain/army captain/lieutenant senior grade/etc. commanding/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murterkoi — naval lieutenant senior grade. Use surkoi. q.v., for officers in general. tertro, <3rd controller> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a corporal controling/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murtertro — petty officer third class. torkoi, <2nd commander> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a first lieutenant/lieutenant junior grade/etc. commanding/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murtorkoi — naval lieutenant junior grade. Use surkoi. q.v., for officers in general. tortro, <2nd controller> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a lance corporal controling/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murtortro — seaman. verkoi, <9th commander> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a lieutenant general/vice admiral/etc. commanding/attached to military unit F, within a military vorvice addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murserkoi — vice admiral. Use surkoi. q.v., for officers in general. vertro, <9th controller> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a sergeant major of the army controling/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murvertro — master chief petty officer of the navy. vorkoi, <8th commander> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a major general/rear admiral/etc. commanding/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murvorkoi — rear admiral. Use surkoi. q.v., for officers in general. vortro, <8th controller> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a sergeant major controling/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murvortro — master chief petty officer. attachment, nu djimao, <join make> (n) an attachment, something which can be -ed. po djimao, <join make> (n) a connection/fastening/attachment, a spec. instance of -ing. attack, takma, [K‍-‍DP] (3v) K attack D with goal/objective P. po takma, (n) an attack, an act of -ing. attacked, nu takma, (a) attacked, conv. of attack. attacker, takma, (n) an attacker, one who -s. attainable, nu barteu, <arm stretch> (a) reachable/attainable. <D-K>. nu tectco, <stretch touch> (a) reachable/touchable-by stretching/attainable. <D-K>. nu teutco, <stretch touch> (a) reachable/touchable-by stretching/attainable. <D-K>. attempt, trati, [K‍-‍PB] (3v) K try/attempt/make an effort to do/attain P by action/effort B. po trati, (n) an attempt/effort/trial/try, an act of trying. attend, hijra, [K‍-‍V] (2v) K attend/present at V. ted, (af) a combining form of tedji, attend, pay attention. tedji, [K‍-‍D] (2v) K attend/pay attention to D. tej, (af) a combining form of tedji, attend, pay attention. tei, (af) a combining form of tedji, attend, pay attention. attendance, po hijra, (n) a presence/attendance, a state of being present. attention, tedji, [K‍-‍D] (2v) K attend/pay attention to D. tedji, (i) look here!/listen/attention!, attend, w/o; 1st arg., an imp. po tedji, (n) an attention, an act of being attentive. pu tedji, (n) an attentiveness/attention, a spec. property. attention to, tedmao, <attention make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K call D's attention to V, make … attentive to …. attentive, tedji, (a) attentive, pert. to one who attends. tedmou, <attend more> [K‍-‍VJV] (4a) K more attentive to V(1) than J is to V(2). teiflo, <attention full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more attentive than J. teifro, <attention strong> [K‍-‍V] (2a) K is attentive/focused/concentrated/single minded to/on/about V. attentiveness, pu tedji, (n) an attentiveness/attention, a spec. property. attest, pubtracue, <publically true say> [K‍-‍PV] (3v) K testify/attest P about V. attester, pubtracue, <publically true say> (n) testifier/attester. attic, tovkruspa, <over room space> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an attic/garret of building F. attire, resduo, <clothing do> [K‍-‍DB] (2v) attire/clothe … in …, put … on …. attitude, tandio, <turn direction> [V‍-‍BN] (3n) V is the attitude/orientation of B toward person/object/situation N, physical or mental. atto-, het, (af) a combining form of hepti, atto-. attorney, lildilri, <legal represent> [K‍-‍DV] (3n) K is an attorney/solicitor/lawyer for D in matter V. attract, daacpu, <desire pull> [K‍-‍DVB] (4v) K entice/attract/lure/tempt D to do/be V with bait/enticement B. norviacpu, <invisible pull> [N‍-‍SDC] (4v) N attract S to D with force C, e.g. magnetism, gravity. til, (af) a combining form of trili, attract. trili, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K attract/entice/allure/appeal to D by doing/being V. attractable, nu trili, (a) attractable, can be -ed. attracted, nu daacpu, <desire pull> (a) attracted/lured/enticed/tempted, pertaining to one -ed. nu norviacpu, <invisible pull> (a) attracted, pertaining to the thing -ed. attracting, daacpu, <desire pull> (a) enticing/attracting/luring/tempting, pertaining to one that -s. norviacpu, <invisible pull> (a) attracting, pertaining to that which -s. attraction, po daacpu, <desire pull> (n) an attraction/enticement/temptation, a spec. instance of -ing. po norviacpu, <invisible pull> (n) an attraction, a spec. instance of -ing. po trili, (n) an attraction, a state of being -ive. po nu trili, (n) an attraction, a state of being -ed. attractive, tilmou, <attractive more> [G‍-‍JDN] (4a) G is more attractive than J to D in features N. trili, (a) appealing/attractive/enticing/alluring, of attractive things. attractiveness, lopu tilmou, <attractive more> (n) attractiveness, mass prop. lopu trili, (n) appeal/attractiveness, mass term, qualities. attribute, katcue, <characteristic say> [K‍-‍BSN] (4v) K attribute/impute characteristic B to cause S under circumstances N. nu katli, (n) a characteristic/feature/property/quality/attribute of …, a property. movcue, <motive say> [S‍-‍BKV] (4v) S attribute/impute motive B to actor K in action V. nerkai, <1 property> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a 1 place property/quality/categorical attribute of F. nurckocue, <effect say> [K‍-‍VS] (3n) K impute/attribute V to S. attribution, po movcue, <motive say> (n) attribution/imputation, a spec. instance of -ing. audacious, pubria, <acting brave> (a) audacious, daring to do …. audacity, pubria, <acting brave> (2v) have the audacity to do …. lopu pubria, <acting brave> (n) audacity, mass property. po pubria, <acting brave> (n) audacity, an act/event of daring. audibility, pu nu hirti, (n) an audibility, a spec. quality. audible, nu hirti, (a) audible, conv. of hear, …. audience, nu grujmi, <group meet> (n) gathering/assembly/collection/audience/congregation/rally, an -d group. hirjmi, <hear meeting> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B has an audience with person D. lo teidjo, <attention member> (n) listeners/spectators/audience, mass term. teigru, <attention group> [D‍-‍V] (2n) D are listeners/spectators/audience of performance V. audience member, teidjo, <attention member> [D‍-‍V] (2n) D is a listener/spectator/audience member of/at performance V. audio cassette, sondandyveo, <sound tape container> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a cassette/audio cassette made by S. audio recording tape, sondandi, <sound tape> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a/some audio recording tape made by S. audition, hirsaskai, <hear sense quality> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is hearing sense/audition of organism F. lo hirsaskai, <hear sense quality> (1n) hearing sense/audition, mass term. auditor, tedgrudjo, <attention group member> [B‍-‍F] (2) B is a spectator/auditor in audience/spectacle F. auditory, hirsaskai, <hear sense quality> (a) auditory/aural. augment, tenmao, <increase make> [K‍-‍BC] (3v) K increase/augment B numerically by amount C. aunt, mamsoe, <mother's sister> [B‍-‍DS] (3n) B is a/the (maternal) aunt of D through mother S. frasoe, <father's sister> [B‍-‍PS] (3n) B is a/the (paternal) aunt of P through father S. penrysoe, <parent sister> [B‍-‍DS] (3n) B is a/the aunt of D through parent S. aura, kerfio, <air feeling> [V‍-‍F] (2n) V is the atmosphere/aura of place/room/book F. aural, hirsaskai, <hear sense quality> (a) auditory/aural. sorgu, (a) aural, pert. to ears. australopithecine, austrralopithekui, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an australopithecine, a hominid of the genus Australopithecus. australopithecoid, austrralopithekuiyfoa, <australopithecine form> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an australopithecoid, similar in form to Australopithecus. author, bidvetfa, <behaviour invent> (n) an author/innovator, one who -s. prozymao, <prose make> (n) an author/(prose) writer, writer of prose …. sacdou, <start give> (n) a founder/originator/author, originator of …. srimao, <write make> (n) an author/writer, creator of text/document …. vesmao, <verse maker> (n) an author/poet/writer, writer of verse …. vetfa, (n) an author/inventor, inventor of … for …. authority, tcori, [K‍-‍D] (2n) K is an authority in/on/over D. lopo tcori, (n) authority, mass state of being an -ty. tcorycle, <authority without> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is without authority/illicit. po nu tcorydou, <authority give> (n) an authority, mass term. authorization, po tcorydou, <authority give> (n) an authorization, an act of -ing. authorize, tcorydou, <authority give> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K authorize D to do/be V. autism, po authisti, (n) autism, the condition. autistic, authisti, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is autistic, suffers from autism. auto, tcaro, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a auto/car/automobile/truck/vehicle, any motorized land vehicle. autobus, grutaksi, <group taxi> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a bus/autobus, for urban public transportation. autocracy, lopo nergai, <one ruler> (n) monarchy/dictatorship/autocracy, mass term of states. nu nergai, <one ruler> (n) a monarchy/dictatorship/autocracy, that which is ruled. po nergai, <one ruler> (n) a monarchy/dictatorship/autocracy, a state of ruling. autocrat, nergai, <one ruler> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a monarch/dictator/autocrat/single ruler of F. automate, tokmao, <automatic make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K automatize/automate, makes D automatic. automated, pu tokmao, <automatic make> (a) automated, conv. of automate. automatic, tok, (af) a combining form of tomki, automatic. tomki, [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is automatic in function N, self moving/acting. automaticity, pu tomki, (n) an automaticity, a spec. property. automation, po tokmao, <automatic make> (n) an automation, a spec. act of -ing. po tomki, (n) an automation, a state of being automatic. automatize, tokmao, <automatic make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K automatize/automate, makes D automatic. automaton, tokmai, <automatic machine> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a robot/automaton, an automatic machine. automobile, tcaro, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a auto/car/automobile/truck/vehicle, any motorized land vehicle. automobile trip, po tcatraci, <car travel> (n) a car trip/automobile trip. autonomous, selgargui, <self ruler country> (a) sovereign/autonomous. autoroute, tcakukrua, <car fast route> [B‍-‍DSV] (4n) B is a freeway/autoroute to D from S via V. autumn, cimfui, <summer after> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B is the autumn/fall of year C. lo cimfui, <summer after> (n) autumn/fall, mass term. autumnal, cimfui, <summer after> (a) autumnal, pert. to autumn. auxin, auksini, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is an auxin of S, a growth promoting substance. avarous, mrotsudaa, <more(than) enough desire> [K‍-‍B] (2a) K is greedy/avarous for B, excessively eager to acquire …. avenge, sruciupoa, <hurt equal respond(reciprocally)> [K‍-‍VD] (3v) K avenge V against D. tsipoa, <crime respond> [K‍-‍VP] (3v) K avenge act V by act P. avenger, sruciupoa, <hurt equal respond(reciprocally)> (n) avenger, one who -s. tsipoa, <crime respond> (n) avenger, one who -es. avenue, trida, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a street/avenue of F. trirua, <tree way> [V‍-‍DSB] (4n) V is an avenue/way to D from S lined with trees B. average, nom, (af) a combining form of norma, average. nomdui, <mean find> [K‍-‍FC] (3v) K average, find the mean of distribution F to be C. norma, [C‍-‍F] (2n) C is the mean/average/norm of distribution F. norma, (a) mean/average/normal/usual, normal. sumnoa, <sum average> [C‍-‍F] (2n) C is a/the mean/arithmetic average of F. noa, (af) a combining form of norma, average. aversion, buftrili, <opposite from attract> (v) have an aversion for, draw back from, q.v. lopu buftrili, <opposite from attract> (n) aversion, the prop. of those who draw back. po buftrili, <opposite from attract> (n) a withdrawal/aversion/drawing back/turning away, a state of drawing back from. aversive, nu buftrili, <opposite from attract> (a) aversive, of stimuli, conv. back move. avian, nirde, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is avian/bird like, pertaining to or resembling birds. avoid, darsto, <far stay> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K avoid/shun/stay away from D. kovgoi, <curve go> [K‍-‍BDS] (4v) K avoid/go around/skirt/detour B on route to D from S. avoidance, po darsto, <far stay> (n) an avoidance, a spec. act of staying away. po kovgoi, <curve go> (n) an avoidance/detour, an act of -ing. avoided, nu darsto, <far stay> (a) avoided/shunned, conv. of stay away. nu kovgoi, <curve go> (a) avoided, conv. of go around. await, pazda, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K await/pause/wait for event/person D before doing V. awake, cid, (af) a combining form of cidja, awake. cidja, [N‍-‍] (1a) N is awake/wakeful. naiski, <night sit> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K sit up/stay awake with/for V. awaken, cidcea, <awake become> [D‍-‍] (1v) D waken/awaken/wake up. cidcko, <awake cause> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K awaken/wake up D, non intentional. cidmao, <awake make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K awaken/waken/wake up D. awakening, po cidcea, <awake become> (n) an awakening/wakening, a spec. event. aware, kacflo, <aware full> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is well informed/aware about N. kacycea, <conscious become> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K realize/become conscious/aware of B. kance, [D‍-‍N] (2a) D is conscious/aware /sense of/that N. kance, (v) know/be conscious/aware /sense of/that …. awareness, po kacycea, <conscious become> (n) an awareness/realization, an act of becoming aware. lopo kance, (n) awareness, mass term of states. po kance, (n) an awareness, a spec. state of being aware. away, norhia, <not present> (av) away/not here, not present at …. selrezmao, <self free make> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K escape/get away/break out/free oneself from V. notsia, <other place> (av) elsewhere/away, at another place. vu, (av) far (away)/away from here, before predicates. vu, (c) far/away from where, before clauses. vu, (pp) far/away from …, a location op., before terms. vu ti, (av) far (away)/away from here, a modifying phrase. away from, notsia, <other place> [B‍-‍B] (2a) B is somewhere else/elsewhere/at another place than/away from B. vavu, (c) away from the place where, before clauses. vavu, (pp) away from, from near to far, before terms. away-from here, vavu, (av) away-from here, before predicates. awe, nu clufia, <love fear> (v) awe …, cause awe in …. po clufia, <love fear> (n) awe, a spec. instance of being awed. nu lidfia, <religious fear> (vt) awe, to produce awe, conv. of awed. po lidfia, <religious fear> (n) an awe, a spec. state of being -ed. awed, clufia, <love fear> [D‍-‍K] (2v) D is awed by K. lidfia, <religious fear> [D‍-‍K] (2v) D are awed, made religiously fearful by K. awesome, nu clufia, <love fear> (a) awesome, that which -s. awful, gurfia, <weird fear> (a) awful/dreadful/terrible, dreadful/strangely fearful. awfulness, pu nu gurfia, <weird fear> (n) a dreadfulness/awfulness, a spec. property. awkward, norbilbiu, <unbeautiful behaviour> [G‍-‍J] (1av) awkward (-ly). norbilbiu, <unbeautiful behaviour> (2a) G is more awkward/clumsy than J. awkwardness, lopu norbilbiu, <unbeautiful behaviour> (1n) clumsiness/awkwardness (mass term). pu norbilbiu, <unbeautiful behaviour> (1n) clumsiness/awkwardness (spec. instance). awl, holpucrie, <hole push tool> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an awl. ax, klumroza, <cut hammer> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an ax/axe/hatchet, a tool for chopping. axe, blamroza, <bladed hammer> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an axe. klumroza, <cut hammer> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an ax/axe/hatchet, a tool for chopping. axis, tanlia, <rotate line> [V‍-‍B] (2n) V is the axis of rotation of object B. axle, tanlinpai, <rotate line part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an axle of F.

B B, Bai, (l) B, Latin upper case letter, one of a pool of symbols. Baron, la Por, (na) Count/Earl/Lord/Baron/Duke, etc. (a generalized nobility title/name/name part.). Beaujolais, bojhole, [B‍-‍] (1) B is a Beaujolais, a French red wine. Bettongia, bethongiai, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a Bettongia, a species of rodent. Biblos, Biblos, (na) Biblos, the Judeao Christian holy scripture. Bingo, Soi vierdui, <idea discover> (ph) Eureka! Bingo! Bordeaux, bordo, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a Bordeaux/claret, a wine of Bordeaux. Brachiopoda, lao Brachiopoda, (na) Brachiopoda, shelled animals. British, brita, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is the British language. brite, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is a British locale, a region inhabited by British. briti, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a British person. brito, [V‍-‍] (1n) V is British culture. Buddhist, budhe, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a Buddhist district/territory, a place where -s live. budhe, (a) Buddhist, as of territory. budhi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a Buddhist, a believer in/practitioner of Buddhism. budhi, (a) Buddhist, as of persons. budho, [N‍-‍] (1n) N is an element of Buddhist culture. budho, (a) Buddhist, as of culture. Byzantine, bizhantinu, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is Byzantine. b, bei, (l) b, Latin lower case letter, one of a pool of symbols. baby, cinta, [P‍-‍S] (2n) P is a/the baby/infant of S, any species. humni, [P‍-‍S] (2n) P is a/the baby of S. testhudi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a baby/infant turtle/ tortoise. zui, (af) attached to <predy>, means baby/infant of this animal/animallike species/taxon; e.g. mamlyzui — is a baby/infant mammal. baby bed, cinbedpu, <child bed> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a crib/cradle/baby bed. baby like, cincli, <child like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more babyish/baby like/infantile than J. baby pig, porji, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a shoat/piglet/baby pig. babyish, cincli, <child like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more babyish/baby like/infantile than J. babyishness, pu cincli, <child like> (n) an infantilism/babyishness, a spec. property of being -ish. bacillus, bachili, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a bacillus, popularly any bacterium. malsatci, <sickness start> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is a germ/bacillus/virus of/for V. back, pridio, <behind direction> (av) back/backward/rearward, in a backward direction. pripai, <behind part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the posterior/rear/back+(part) of F. pripai, <behind part> (a) dorsal/back/posterior, dorsal, pert. to backs. prire, (av) behind/in back, in back. back and forth, siltu, (av) back and forth/to and fro/side to side, in a reciprocating way. back of, prire, [N‍-‍B] (2pp) N is in back of/behind B. background, darnurvia, <far seen> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a background, as something seen at a distance. furvia, <background> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a background, as something against which a foreground is seen. fu vizka, (n) a/the ground/background, against which … is seen by …. backless, pricle, <back without> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is backless, without a back. backpack, pribadlo, <rear bundle> [B‍-‍P] (2n) B is a rucksack/backpack containing P. backside, fanspali, <reverse side> [V‍-‍B] (2n) V is a/the reverse/wrong side/backside/flipside of B. backward, pridio, <behind direction> (av) back/backward/rearward, in a backward direction. backward direction from, pridio, <behind direction> [B‍-‍N] (2pp) B is in the rear of/a backward direction from N. bacterial, bakteri, (a) bacterial, pert. to bacteria. bacteriophage, bakteriofagi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a bacteriophage, a virus that attacks bacteria. bacteriorhodopsin, bakteriyrodhopsini, <bacteria(l) rhodopsin> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some bacteriorhodopsin, bacterial rhodopsin. bacterium, bakteri, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a bacterium/germ of type/genus F. bad, zavlo, (a) bad/unacceptable, worse/less acceptable than … for …. zal, (af) a combining form of zavlo, bad. zao, (af) a combining form of zavlo, bad. zav, (af) a combining form of zavlo, bad. bad about, keidri, <sad remember> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K regret/rue/be sorry/be too bad about V. bad accident, zavcae, <bad chance> [V‍-‍D] (2n) V is a bad accident/bad luck/misfortune for D. bad luck, zavcae, <bad chance> [V‍-‍D] (2n) V is a bad accident/bad luck/misfortune for D. badger, pranurbeo, <continue begged> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K solicit/badger/importune D for N. badness, pu zavlo, (n) a badness/unacceptability, a spec. property of being bad. bag, racveo, <travel container> [B‍-‍K] (2n) B is a/some baggage/luggage/bag/suitcase of traveler K. sakcai, <sack quantity> [C‍-‍B] (2n) C is a bag/bagful/sackful/sack of B. sakduo, <sack do> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K bag/sack B in D. sakli, [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a sack/bag/flexible container of N. bagful, sakcai, <sack quantity> [C‍-‍B] (2n) C is a bag/bagful/sackful/sack of B. baggage, mrolimtio, <exceed limit heavy> [B‍-‍CF] (3v) B is baggage exceeding the weight limit of C for conveyance F. racvelkarti, <travel vessel cart> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a baggage/luggage cart. racveo, <travel container> [B‍-‍K] (2n) B is a/some baggage/luggage/bag/suitcase of traveler K. lo racveo, <travel container> (n) baggage/luggage, all the baggage of …. baggage cart, racvelbei, <travel container carrier> [K‍-‍BP] (3n) K is a porter/bellboy/baggage cart carrying baggage B for client P. bagpipe, grisakli, <sing bag> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is/are (a) bagpipe/bagpipes. bagpipes, grisakli, <sing bag> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is/are (a) bagpipe/bagpipes. sakykorne, <sack horn> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a set of bagpipes. bail, bakduo, <bucket do> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K bucket/bail, remove water from D. bailable, nu bakduo, <bucket do> (1a) bailable. bailiff, lilduo, <law do(er)> [K‍-‍N] (2n) K is a magistrate/bailiff, one who has the power of putting the law in force in legal system N. bake, kokceacko, <cook change cause> [B‍-‍DP] (3v) B bake D into P. kokfa, [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K cook/bake/roast B for D, prepare food. zanduo, <oven do> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K bake D in oven N. zanynurkokfa, <oven baked> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K roast/bake D. baker, zanduo, <oven do> (n) a baker, one who -s. bakery, zanplisia, <oven do place> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a bakery. balance, bal, (af) a combining form of balpi, balance. balcea, <balance become> [K‍-‍] (1v) K balance(s), be/become balanced. balmao, <balance make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K balance/equilibrate system D, an intentional act. balpae, <balance apparatus> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is a balance, a device for weighing. Cf. tidmelmai. balpi, [K‍-‍N] (2v) K balance/be in equilibrium under forces N. lopo balpi, (n) balance/equilibrium, mass term of states. lopu balpi, (n) balance/equilibrium, a mass property. po balpi, (n) a balance, a state of equilibrium. pu balpi, (n) a balance/equilibrium, a spec. property. tidmelmai, <heavy measure machine> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is a scale/balance/weighing machine. Cf. balpae. balanced, nu balpi, (a) balanced/in proportion. balancer, balmao, <balance make> (n) balancer, one who -s. balcony, balko, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a balcony of structure F. bald, hercle, <hair without> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is bald, without hair. herclecea, <hair without become> [N‍-‍] (1v) N become bald/depilated, lose hair (actor unspecified). balding, po herclecea, <hair without become> (n) an instance of balding/depilation. baldness, lopu hercle, <hair without> (n) baldness. ball, balma, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a ball/globe/sphere/orb, any spherical object. gradanse, <grand dance> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a ball (dance). ballad, nurgristu, <song story> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a ballad. ballast, baltio, <balance heavy> [B‍-‍FC] (3n) B is ballast for F weighing C. muvjuatio, <move grasp heavy> [B‍-‍DC] (3n) B is ballast (to increase traction) for vehicle D, weighing C. balloon, latflepae, <light fly apparatus> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a balloon (hot air, helium, free or tethered). ballroom, grodansykru, <big dance room> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a ballroom of F. banal, danri, [G‍-‍JB] (3a) G is more trite/ordinary/vulgar/common(place)/usual/banal/mundane than J in features B. banana, banhane, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a banana, piece/bunch of banana(s). bananas, lo banhane, (n) bananas, the mass of all bananas. band, ben, (af) a combining form of bendu, band. bendu, [F‍-‍K] (2n) F is a band/orchestra, any music performing group with players K. cmabeu, <small orchestra> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a band/small orchestra. grupa, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a group/band/cluster of two or more interacting individuals/organisms (each with all interaction can usually be assumed) with constituents F. jarkla, <narrow cloth> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a band/strip (of cloth). kaogru, <action group> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a band/gang including member(s) B. rinduo, <ring do> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K surround/gird/ring/band/encircle D with V. rinje, [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is a ring/band around D. beu, (af) a combining form of bendu, band. bandage, kiukla, <medical cloth> [B‍-‍DN] (3n) B is a bandage on D for treating N. kiurkladuo, <medical cloth do> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K bandage B. bandana, hedkla, <head cloth> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a bandana/kerchief/headcloth on F. snekla, <neck cloth> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a scarf/bandana on F. banish, zvogunkoi, <outside country order> [K‍-‍DSV] (4v) K banish/deport D from S for V. banished, nu zvogunkoi, <outside country order> (a) deported/banished (by … from … for …). banishment, lopu zvogunkoi, <outside country order> (n) banishment/deportation, mass property. po zvogunkoi, <outside country order> (n) a banishment/deportation (of … from … for …). banister, tirseireu, <stair rail> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a banister/stair railing of F. bank, banko, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a bank of place/community/banking system F. bankyduo, <bank do> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K bank/deposit money B in/at bank D. bankypli, <bank use> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K bank at bank/financial institution D. bankysea, <bank place> [K‍-‍CDB] (4v) K bank/deposit money C in/at bank D in account B. skojao, <screw angle> [N‍-‍C] (2n) N is a bank/roll of angle C. (Rotational angle of aircraft's attitude). nu skojao, <screw angle> (n) C is an amount of bank/roll. vribie, <river edge> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a bank/river bank/shore of river N. bank note, precme, <paper (type of) money.> [B‍-‍CN] (3n) B is a bank note, a piece of paper currency of amount C usable in country/monetary system N. banker, bankykeu, <bank caretaker> [K‍-‍B] (2n) K is a banker, owner of bank B. banking, lopo bankykeu, <bank caretaker> (n) banking, mass term. po bankykeu, <bank caretaker> (n) banking, a sp. event of bank keeping. banking system, nu banko, (n) a banking system (n), conv. of bank. bankrupt, cmefaa, <money fail> [D‍-‍] (1v) D go bankrupt. cmefaa, <money fail> (a) bankrupt, pertaining to being —. cmefaa, <money fail> (n) bankrupt, a person who is —. bankruptcy, po cmefaa, <money fail> (n) a bankruptcy, a spec. state of being —. banner, flaci, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a/the flag/banner/standard of S. banquet, fomymia, <formal meal> [V‍-‍BD] (3n) V is a dinner/banquet/formal meal of B for D. gramia, <great meal> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a banquet/feast, a large meal. baptism, po namdou, <name give> (1n) a baptism, a spec. instance of -ing. baptist, namdou, <name give> (n) baptist, one who -s. baptize, namdou, <name give> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K baptize/name D person/object with name B. bar, barcu, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a bar/tavern of place/community F. lo lildjusia, <law judge place> (n) the bar, mass term. nengozliu, <enter prevent> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K bar/exclude/shut out/keep out B from D. relsea, <rail set> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K barricade/block off/bar, erect a rail/barricade/bar over/across B. ruarsticko, <way stop cause> (n) a bar/barrier/obstacle/obstruction, obstacle to … in going to …. trelu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a rail/railing/bar, general term. barbarian, gurnoigui, <oddly foreign> (n) a barbarian, one who is -ic. zavgutra, <bad odd> (n) barbarian, one who is -ic. barbaric, gurnoigui, <oddly foreign> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more barbaric/barbarous/outlandish than J is. zavgutra, <bad odd> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more barbaric/barbarous/outlandish than J. barbarism, lopo gurnoigui, <oddly foreign> (n) barbarism/barbarity, mass term of acts. lopu gurnoigui, <oddly foreign> (n) barbarism, mass term of properties. po gurnoigui, <oddly foreign> (n) a barbarism/barbarity, a spec. act of being -ic. pu gurnoigui, <oddly foreign> (n) a barbarism, a spec. property. lopu zavgutra, <bad odd> (n) barbarism, mass term of properties. po zavgutra, <bad odd> (n) barbarism/barbarity, mass term of acts. po zavgutra, <bad odd> (n) barbarism/barbarity, a spec. act of being -ic. pu zavgutra, <bad odd> (n) barbarism, a spec. property. barbarity, lopo gurnoigui, <oddly foreign> (n) barbarism/barbarity, mass term of acts. po gurnoigui, <oddly foreign> (n) a barbarism/barbarity, a spec. act of being -ic. po zavgutra, <bad odd> (n) barbarism/barbarity, mass term of acts. po zavgutra, <bad odd> (n) barbarism/barbarity, a spec. act of being -ic. barbarous, gurnoigui, <oddly foreign> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more barbaric/barbarous/outlandish than J is. zavgutra, <bad odd> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more barbaric/barbarous/outlandish than J. barbed wire, nalpeatirca, <nail point wire> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is barbed wire. barber, herkeu, <hair care> (n) barber/hairdresser/hairstylist, one who -s hair. bare, refcle, <clothes without> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is naked/nude/bare/disrobed/undressed, without clothes. barely, mousni, <more near> [B‍-‍C] (2av) B is barely/hardly/just quantity C. sasu, (a) barely/scarcely one of …, a quantifier, abbreviation of sasune, q.v. sasusasu, (af) barely … of …, positive approximation, prefixed to quantifiers. barely enough, sasuru, (a) barely enough of …, positive approximation, a quantifying oper. barely one, sasune, (a) barely one of …, usually abbreviated to sasu, q.v. bargain, gudnurprati, <good priced> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is a bargain, priced less than average. ratytao, <price argue> [K‍-‍KC] (3v) K bargain/dicker/haggle with K over price C. po ratytao, <price argue> (n) a bargain, an event/act of -ing. vemtoi, <sell agree> [K‍-‍DBC] (4v) K make/strike a bargain with D to sell B at price C. po vemtoi, <sell agree> (n) a bargain, an agreement to sell. po nu vemtoi, <sell agree> (n) a bargain, an agreement to buy. bargainer, ratytao, <price argue> (n) a bargainer/haggler, one who -s. barium, barni, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some barium, element 56 (Ba). bark, hebpelpi, <plant leather> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is bark/husk of plant material F used by humans for making artifacts, e.g. canoes, baskets etc. kaurtaa, <dog talk> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K bark P, make a dog like sound. po kaurtaa, <dog talk> (n) bark (ing), an instance of -ing. teikra, <attention cry> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K bark/shout about V, used of any attention or alarm cry. po teikra, <attention cry> (n) a shout/bark, attention calling, an act/event. triskapi, <tree skin> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a piece of bark from F. triskapi, <tree skin> (a) bark, made of bark. barker, kaurtaa, <dog talk> (a) barker, one who -s. barking, kaurtaa, <dog talk> (a) barking, pertaining to —. barn, grofarnurbai, <large farm building> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a barn of F. barometer, kerpucmei, <air push measurer> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a barometer. baron, menfersocysia, <male 5 social position> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a baron of F. mensursocysia, <male (rank) social position> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a prince/duke/marquis/count/earl/baron of F, any peer, identify by number. nerpoi, <1st power> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a/the baron of domain N. sursocysia, <# social position> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a count/earl/lord/duke/baron/nobleman/peer, of land/estate F, any peer, identify by number. torsocysia, <second social position> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a baron. baroness, femfersocysia, <female 5 social position> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is the baroness of S. femnerpoi, <1st power> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a/the baroness of domain N. femsursocysia, <female (rank) social position> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a/the princess/duchess/marchioness/countess/baroness of S, any peeress, identify by number. barracks, sodhaa, <soldier(s) house> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a barracks of military group F. barred, nu nengozliu, <enter prevent> (a) excluded/shut out/barred, excluded/shut out, conv. form. barrel, rolveo, <cylindrical container> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a barrel containing N. tamvisra, <weapon gut> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the barrel of weapon F. barren, livcle, <life without> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more barren/lifeless than J is. norfrupro, <not produce fruit> [B‍-‍P] (2a) B is sterile/barren of P. norprolai, <barren land> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a desert/waste/wasteland/wilderness/barren of landmass F. barrenness, pu livcle, <life without> (n) barrenness, a spec. property of being —. pu norfrupro, <not produce fruit> (n) barrenness/sterility, a spec. property of being —. barricade, relsea, <rail set> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K barricade/block off/bar, erect a rail/barricade/bar over/across B. barrier, ruarsticko, <way stop cause> (n) a bar/barrier/obstacle/obstruction, obstacle to … in going to …. barrister, lilkamda, <law fighter> [K‍-‍N] (2n) K is a barrister/lawyer certified by polity N. liltao, <legal argument> (n) a barrister, one presenting a case in court. bars, relnetre, <rail net> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a/some bars/grating/grate. barter, lopo batmi, (n) barter/business/commerce, mass term for trading. po batmi, (n) a/some barter/business/commerce, an act of trading. basal, basni, (a) basal/basic/fundamental, pertaining to foundations. basalt, bashaliti, [B‍-‍] (1) B is some basalt, an igneous rock. base, bas, (af) a combining form of basni, base. basni, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a base/basis/foundation/bottom of F. based, nu basni, (v) be based/rest/founded on …. bashful, socfia, <social fear> [G‍-‍JV] (3a) G is more shy/bashful than J in/about V. bashfulness, lopu socfia, <social fear> (n) shyness/bashfulness, mass property. po socfia, <social fear> (n) an instance of shyness/bashfulness. basic, basni, (a) basal/basic/fundamental, pertaining to foundations. ginrea, <root difference> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is radical/fundamental/basic, as in 'a — difference'. giucli, <root like> [G‍-‍NJ] (3a) G is more radical/fundamental/basic to N than J is. basin, laipla, <land dish> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a basin, drainage area with no outflow. nurvri, <conv. of river> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the valley/drainage basin of river/river system F. panba, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a pan/basin, shallow container for cooking etc. basis, basni, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a base/basis/foundation/bottom of F. basket, banse, [D‍-‍B] (2n) D is a basket of B. bansycai, <basket quantity> [C‍-‍B] (2n) C is a basketful/basket of B. basketful, bansycai, <basket quantity> [C‍-‍B] (2n) C is a basketful/basket of B. bass viol, violhona, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a bass viol/double bass. bath, banci, [K‍-‍D] (2v) K bathe in/take a bath in D. nu banci, (n) a bath, that in which one -es. po banci, (n) a bath, an act/event of -ing. bancycui, <bathe water> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a/some bath/bathwater. bancydou, <bath give> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K bathe/bath, give D a bath in B. bathe, bancydou, <bath give> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K bathe/bath, give D a bath in B. bathe in, banci, [K‍-‍D] (2v) K bathe in/take a bath in D. bather, banci, (n) a bather, one who -s. bathing suit, sucyresfu, <swim clothing> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a swim-suit/bathing suit. bathroom, bancykru, <bath room> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a bathroom. bathwater, bancycui, <bathe water> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a/some bath/bathwater. batman, dirdonpeu, <direction give person> [K‍-‍F] (2n) K is a batman/landing signaller of flight installation F. baton, ritystuka, <rhythm stick> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is a baton of D, as used by an orchestra conductor. battalion, fergru, <5th group> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a battalion/air force, the 5th smallest military unit in some larger military organization/force F, without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. kerforgru — air force. Cf. surgru. sodgru, <soldier group> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a troop/platoon/company/battalion/regiment of F, any military group, identify by number. battery, bekygru, <object group> [F‍-‍] (1n) F is a battery, a group of similar objects working together. kukyrengru, <quick throw group[gun group]> [F‍-‍BD] (3n) F is a battery of guns B trained on target D. leksropae, <electric storage apparatus> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B is an electric battery of capacity C. lekveo, <electricity vessel> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is a battery for appliance D. battle, dorduo, <war do> [K‍-‍K] (2v) K battle/war+(with) K. dorvei, <war event> [V‍-‍KK] (3n) V is a battle between K and K, a specific engagement. stofaukamda, <remain trouble fight> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K struggle/battle against N (a persistent/stronger enemy/trouble). battlefield, dorkadsia, <war fight place> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a battlefield, a field of battle. battler, dorduo, <war do> (n) a battler, one who battles. bauxite, bauksiti, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is some bauxite, an aluminium ore from S. bay, banbe, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a bay of coast/shoreline F. laurhusi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a laurel/bay (tree). be, bi, (v) be/be the same thing as, the general sign of identity. dza, (af) a combining form of dzabi, be. samto, (v) be (identical to)/equal, to be the same as/identical to …. be about to, faza, (va) will soon (be)/be about to/just going to …, a tense op. be acquainted, kuodja, <custom know> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K know/be acquainted with person/object B. beach, snabiesea, <sand edge(beach) put> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K beach D, e.g. a boat. snalanbie, <sandy land edge> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a beach of coastline F. bead, bidzi, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/some bead(s) from/on ornament/garment F. beads, bidzykoe, <bead string> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a rosary/string of beads. beak, nirdynazbi, <bird nose> (n) B is a bill/beak, the mouth and nose of a bird. beam, kreni, [P‍-‍S] (2n) P Is a beam/ray/particle/wave from energy source S. leljuo, <level support> [B‍-‍CF] (3n) B is a beam supporting load C in structure F. metleljuo, <metal level support> [B‍-‍SF] (3n) B is a beam/girder supporting load S in structure F. rufyjuo, <roof support> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a rafter/beam, roof support of F. beaming, krecli, <ray like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more beaming/radiant than J. bean, bindo, [B‍-‍F] (1n) B is a/some bean(s) from source F. bio, (af) a combining form of bindo, bean. bear, nu brana, (v) bear/give birth to …. fanjuo, <reverse support> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K cannot support/bear/endure/tolerate D in circumstance N. pertyfeo, <pertinent fact> (v) bear on …. stofaubei, <stay disturb carry> [D‍-‍V] (2v) D endure/stand/bear/undergo hardship V. ursa, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a bear, an animal of the family Ursa. bearable, nu stofaubei, <stay disturb carry> (a) endurable/bearable, can be -ed. beard, tcinyherfa, <chin hair> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the beard of F. bearing, dirjao, <direction angle> [N‍-‍DS] (3n) N is the bearing/(angular) direction of D from S. muvbiu, <move behaviour> [P‍-‍S] (2v) P is the carriage/bearing of S. beast, norhumnia, <non human animal> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a beast, a non human animal. vanynia, <violent animal> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a beast/brute/savage animal. beat, kadgau, <fight win> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K defeat/prevail/beat D in fight/struggle V. ritysonmao, <rhythm sound make> [K‍-‍] (1v) K beat/pulsate, beat steadily. rorblo, <many blows> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K beat/pound/thrash D, hit … repeatedly. beaten, nu kadgau, <fight win> (a) defeated/beaten, of the loser of a struggle. beating, po ritysonmao, <rhythm sound make> (n) a beating/pulsation, an act of -ing. po rorblo, <many blows> (n) a thrashing/beating, an act of -ing something. po nu rorblo, <many blows> (n) a beating, a process of being -en. beautification, po bilmao, <beautiful make> (n) an act o beautification, making beautiful. beautifier, bilcea, <beautiful become> (n) a beautifier, one who-s. bilcko, <beautiful cause> (n) a beautifier, that which -s. bilmao, <beautiful make> (n) a beautifier, one who-s. beautiful, bii, (af) a combining form of bilti, beautiful. bil, (af) a combining form of bilti, beautiful. bilcea, <beautiful become> [K‍-‍] (1v) K become(s) beautiful, cause unspecified. bilti, [G‍-‍DJD] (4a) G is more beautiful to D than J is to D. (D and D may be the same or different; and if the same, is not rementioned.). nurbii, <conv. of beautiful> [G‍-‍JD] (3a) G is uglier/less beautiful than J to D. beautify, bilcko, <beautiful cause> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K beautify D, nonintentional 'This shampoo beautifies your hair'. bilmao, <beautiful make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K beautify D by V, intentional. beauty, bildru, <beauty lose> [K‍-‍] (1v) K fade/wither/lose beauty. bilti, (n) a beauty, a beautiful person/thing. lo bilti, (n) beauty, mass term of -ful things. lopo bilti, (n) beauty, mass states of being -ful. lopu bilti, (n) beauty, the mass property of being -ful. po bilti, (n) beauty, a state of being -ful. pu bilti, (n) beauty, the property of being -ful. beaver, kastrua, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a beaver from S, Castor canadensis. because, ikou, (c) because/since/for/as, of physical causes, as in 'since it's cold'. imoi, (c) because/since/for/as, of motives, as in 'because I wanted it'. irau, (c) because/since/for/as, of reasons, as in 'because I earned it'. isoa, (c) because/since/for/as, of premises, as in 'because two equals two'. kouki, (c) because/since/for/as, of causes, with ki in 'kouki … ki …; because …, …'. moiki, (c) because/since/for/as, of motives, with ki in 'moiki … ki … ; because …, …'. rauki, (c) because/since/for/as, of reasons, with ki in 'rauki … ki … ; because …, …'. soaki, (c) because/since/for/as, of premises, with ki in 'soaki … ki … ; because …, …'. because of, kou, (pp) because of (cause), a relative oper. before design'ns (PA). moi, (pp) in order to/because of (motive), a relative oper. before design'ns (PA). rau, (pp) because of (reason), a relative oper. before design'ns (PA). soa, (pp) because of (premise), a relative oper. before design'ns (PA). beckon, kamsanduo, <come sign do> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K beckon to D. beckoning, po kamsanduo, <come sign do> (n) an instance of beckoning. become, cenja, [B‍-‍PS] (3v) B become/change naturally/vary into P from S, as auxiliary for intransitive, passive or cause unspecified causations. become aware, circea, <learn become> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K become aware of N. become black, nigcea, <black become (deprecated, replace with {heircea})> [B‍-‍V] (2v) B blacken/become black by V. heircea, <black become> [B‍-‍V] (2v) B blacken/become black by V. become disinterested, nortrecycea, <not interested become> [D‍-‍B] (2v) D become disinterested in B. become knowledgeable, djacea, <know become> [K‍-‍NS] (3v) K learn/become knowledgeable about N from S. become part of, nu parcea, <parts become> (v) become part of. becomes alive, livcea, <alive become> [B‍-‍] (1v) B comes-to-life/becomes alive. becomes sure, foldjacea, <strongly knowing become> [D‍-‍BS] (3v) D becomes sure/ convinced of the truth of sentence B from source/through agent S. becoming, po cenja, (n) a becoming, an event/process of changing. becoming convinced, po foldjacea, <strongly knowing become> (n) becoming convinced, a state/process of becoming convinced of …. bed, bed, (af) a combining form of bedpu, bed. bedgoi, <bed go> [K‍-‍] (1v) K retire/go to bed. bedpu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a bed, an item of furniture for sleeping. bed board, bedbarta, <bed board> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a bed board. bedlam, rorlensia, <many language place> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a bedlam/uproar, a confusion of many languages. bedroom, bedkru, <bed room> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the bedroom of F. trekru, <train room> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a train compartment/bedroom. bedsheet, bedkla, <bed cloth> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a sheet/bedsheet. bedspread, bedkua, <bed cover> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a blanket/bedspread. bee, bif, (af) a combining form of bifci, bee. bifci, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a bee, a hymenopterous insect. beech, faghe, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a beech tree. beefsteak, bifte, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a beefsteak/steak from carcass/animal F. lo bifte, (n) beefsteak/steak, the mass of all beefsteak. beehive, bifhaa, <bee house> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the hive/beehive of bee colony F. beer, birju, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a glass/portion/quantity of beer. lo birju, (n) beer, mass term. beet, betvu, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a beet from S. beetle, bamsekta, <ball insect> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a bug/beetle, familiar usage. nurkuatcela, <covered wing> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a Coleoptera/bug/beetle, technical usage. before, ckelisfre, <time list in front> (a) preceding/before in time series. frena, (av) before, in front of/ahead of …. vi le frespa, <front space> (av ph) in front of/before. nedpao, <next before> [V‍-‍B] (2v) V is just/immediately+before B. pa, (av) before, tense operator before predicates. pa, (c) before, conjunction before clauses. pa, (pp) before, operator before event terms. pa ta, (av ph) formerly/before that. pak, (af) a combining form of pasko, before. pao, (af) a combining form of pasko, before. pas, (af) a combining form of pasko, before. pasgoi, <before go> [K‍-‍BDS] (4v) K precede/go earlier than/go before B to D from S. pasko, (a) before/former/over/preceding/previous/(in the) past. pasko, (pp) before/earlier than …. paza, (av) recently/shortly before, before predicates. paza, (c) shortly before …, before event clauses. paza, (pp) shortly before …, before event terms. pazi, (av) before, just, before predicates. before this, pa ti, (av ph) before this. beforehand, paskao, <before act> (av) beforehand/in advance. beg, furdonbeo, <gift ask> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K beg for B. norkafbeo, <no punishment ask> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K ask/beg mercy of D in respect to punishment V. prabeo, <continue ask> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K beg/beseech/entreat/implore D to/for V. poirbeo, <power ask> [K‍-‍BN] (3v) K beg/petition/pray for B from powerful person N. beget, junpro, <child produce> [K‍-‍PN] (3v) K beget/breed/sire P in habitat N. beggar, furdonbeo, <gift ask> (n) beggar, one who -s. prabeo, <continue ask> (n) beggar/beseecher. beggarly, pu furdonbeo, <gift ask> (a) beggarly. begging, furdonbeo, <gift ask> (a) begging/soliciting, pertaining to -ing. begin, prasacycea, <process start become> [V‍-‍] (1v) V start up/begin, intransitive. sacduo, <start do> [K‍-‍PN] (3v) K begin/commence/start doing P by/with N. sackao, <start act> [K‍-‍VP] (3v) K begin/start/found/commence/embark on/take up/establish doing V for end/purpose P. sacvei, <start event> [V‍-‍] (1v) V begin/start/commence. sacycea, <start happen> [V‍-‍] (1v) V begin/start/commence, involuntary. tursacduo, <work start do> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K commence/begin project/enterprise P. begin speaking, sacycue, <start speak> [K‍-‍PD] (3v) K begin speaking P to D. beginner, sacduo, <start do> (n) a beginner at …. sackao, <start act> (n) a beginner/novice/tyro/founder, one who starts something. beginning, po sackao, <start act> (n) a/the start/embarkation/foundation/commencement/beginning/establishment, an act of starting something. satci, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the start/source/root/beginning/origin/initial phase of process/interval F. fia le satci, (av) from the beginning. beginning Loglanist, cnulogli, <new Loglanist> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a beginning Loglanist. behalf of, dii, (pp) for/on-behalf of/in order to help …, before designations (PA). behave, bid, (af) a combining form of bivdu, behave. biv, (af) a combining form of bivdu, behave. bivdu, [K‍-‍PN] (3v) K behave/exhibit behaviour P, an action/behavior, in setting/situation N. Cf. clibiu for role modeled behavior. livbiu, <live behave> [K‍-‍SN] (3v) K behave like (model, pattern) S in situation N. biu, (af) a combining form of bivdu, behave. behave scandalously, nu zavbivcue, <bad behave say> (n) one/those who behave scandalously. behaves like, clibiu, <similar behave> [B‍-‍SN] (3v) B behaves like/quits oneself as/models oneself on model/standard S in sitution(s) N. E.g. Clibiu lo mrenu! — Behave/Quit ye like men! behaving, bivfoa, <behavior pattern> [N‍-‍KV] (3n) N is a conduct/manner/fashion/style/mode, way of behaving of K under V. behavior, lo nu bivdu, (n) behavior, the mass of all such -iors. lopo bivdu, (n) behavior, mass term of events. nu bivdu, (n) behavior, the behavior of a -er in a specific situation. po bivdu, (n) behavior, a spec. event or case of -ing. po socli, (n) a social behavior/interaction, an instance. behavior permitted, furlei, <3rd conv. permit> [V‍-‍DKN] (4n) V is a privilege/behavior permitted of D given by K under conditions N. behavior prompted by, jursaa, <meaning of sign> [N‍-‍VD] (3n) N a meaning/significance of/behavior prompted by sign V to D. behavior scientist, bivsesmao, <behaviour science make> [K‍-‍] (1n) K is a psychologist/behavior scientist. behavioral science, bivsensi, <behaviour science> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is an instance of psychology/behavioral science. behind, pri, (af) a combining form of prire, behind. prire, [N‍-‍B] (2pp) N is in back of/behind B. prire, (av) behind/in back, in back. behold, katca, (i) behold!/watch!/observe!, w/o a; 1st arg., an imperative. being, dzabi, (n) actuality/being, a real thing to … under …. po dzabi, (n) being/existence/reality, a specific state of existence. bejewel, julduo, <jewel do> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K bejewel D. bejeweled, julkua, <jewel covered> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more bejeweled/covered with jewels than J is. belch, makbricko, <mouth wind cause> [K‍-‍] (1v) K belch, unintentional. po makbricko, <mouth wind cause> (n) a belch, an act/event of -ing. belfry, belkru, <bell room> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a belfry of structure F. belief, nu jupni, (n) an opinion/tentative belief, an opinion. lopo krido, (n) belief, mass term of acts. nu krido, (n) a belief/creed, a thing believed. po krido, (n) a belief, a spec. act of -ing. believable, nu krido, (a) credible/believable, as of beliefs. nu perkri, <person believe> (a) credible/believable, of persons. believe, duokri, <do believe> [D‍-‍KP] (3v) D trust/believe/have confidence/faith that K will do P. jupni, [K‍-‍NS] (3v) K think/opine/tentatively believe that N is true of S. kri, (af) a combining form of krido, believe. krido, [K‍-‍NF] (3v) K believe N to be true of F. norceakri, <fixed believe> [K‍-‍NF] (3v) K have faith/firmly believe that N is true of F. perkri, <person believe> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K believe/have faith/confidence in person D in/about N. believe a true thing, djano, [D‍-‍NV] (3v) D know (that)/believe a true thing N about V. believer, duokri, <do believe> (n) a believer, in someone. krido, (n) a believer, in the truth of something. norgadkri, <not god believe> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an atheist/non believer. perkri, <person believe> (n) a believer, of someone. believer in, lidkri, <religion believe> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a believer in/member of religion N. bell, bekli, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a bell, an instrument that rings. bel, (af) a combining form of bekli, bell. bellboy, racvelbei, <travel container carrier> [K‍-‍BP] (3n) K is a porter/bellboy/baggage cart carrying baggage B for client P. bellicose, dorcli, <war like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more war like/militant/martial/bellicose than J. dorcli, <war like> (a) more war like/militant/martial/bellicose than …. bellicosity, pu dorcli, <war like> (n) bellicosity/belligerence/militancy, a spec. property. belligerence, pu dorcli, <war like> (n) bellicosity/belligerence/militancy, a spec. property. pu dormao, <war maker> (n) a belligerence, a spec. property. belligerent, dorcli, <war like> (a) belligerent, fig., bellicose. dormao, <war maker> (a) belligerent, of those who make war on …. dormao, <war maker> (n) a belligerent/war maker, one who makes war. bellow, menkasnytaa, <bull talk> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K bellow at D. po menkasnytaa, <bull talk> (n) an instance of a bellow. simbytaa, <lion talk> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K roar/bellow at D. po simbytaa, <lion talk> (n) an instance of a roar/bellow. belly, beldu, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the belly/abdomen/stomach of F. belong, grudjo, <group member> (2v) belong to …, as to a group. beloved, nu cluva, (a) beloved/loveable, conv. of love. nu cluva, (n) a/the beloved/lover/mistress, a -ed person. below, nilca, [B‍-‍VN] (3pp) B is beneath/below/vertically lower than V in gravity field N. nilca, (av) under/underneath/below/beneath, in a vertically lower way. belt, molrinje, <soft band> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a belt, band to drive wheels/pulleys. pilkoe, <planar cord> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a ribbon/tape/belt, a flat cordlike object. rinresfu, <band clothing> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a belt/sash/girdle, a ring garment. bench, lagcei, <long chair> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a bench, a long seat. bend, betcea, <bent become> [P‍-‍] (1v) P warp/bend, (actor unspecified). betcko, <bent cause> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K warp/bend D (nonintentional cause). betcu, (n) a bend, something of bent form. betmao, <bent make> [K‍-‍DP] (3v) K warp/bend D into form P, intentional. beneath, nilca, [B‍-‍VN] (3pp) B is beneath/below/vertically lower than V in gravity field N. nilca, (av) under/underneath/below/beneath, in a vertically lower way. nilcynea, <below next> [B‍-‍F] (2pp) B is under/underneath/beneath, below and in contact with F. nilcynea, <below next> (av) under/underneath/beneath, in a below and touching way. benefactor, gubduo, <good do> (n) benefactor, one who -s. gudyduo, <good do> (n) benefactor, one who -s. beneficial, gacysia, <win position> (a) advantageous/beneficial/favourable/favorable to … in …. gudnurcko, <good effect> (a) beneficial, of good effects. nu gudnurcko, <good effect> (a) beneficial, of causes with good effects. benefit, gudnurcko, <good effect> [P‍-‍VNS] (4n) P is a good effect/benefit of V under N for purpose S. gubduo, <good do> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K benefit D by doing V. gudyduo, <good do> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K benefit D by doing V. po gubduo, <good do> (n) a spec. benefit instance. po gudyduo, <good do> (n) a spec. benefit instance. benevolence, lopu gubdaa, <good wish> (n) goodwill/benevolence, mass property. po gubdaa, <good wish> (n) an instance of goodwill/benevolence (to … for …). bent, bet, (af) a combining form of betcu, bent. betcli, <bent like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more bent/crooked than J. betcu, [N‍-‍] (1a) N is bent/crooked/arched/stooped. nu betmao, <bent make> (a) bent. benzene, benzeni, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some benzene, the simplest aromatic hydrocarbon. bequeath, mordou, <death give> [K‍-‍BDN] (4v) K will/bequeath B to D under will/law N. bequest, po mordou, <death give> (n) a specific bequest. bereft, clecea, <without become> [D‍-‍B] (2v) D is/are rid/free/bereft of B. berkelium, berkelio, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some berkelium, element 97 (Bk). berry, cmafru, <small fruit> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a berry of plant F. cmafru, <small fruit> (a) berry, made of berries. beryllium, berhilio, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some beryllium, element 4 (Be). beseech, prabeo, <continue ask> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K beg/beseech/entreat/implore D to/for V. beseecher, prabeo, <continue ask> (n) beggar/beseecher. beset, spapetri, <space spread> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K beset D with V. beside, bitsa, (pp) beside …. besides, sui, (av) also/too/moreover/besides/as well/in addition/furthermore, a discourse operator (UI). besiege, narmyrinje, <army ring> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K besiege D. besieged, nu narmyrinje, <army ring> (a) besieged, under siege. besieger, narmyrinje, <army ring> (n) besieger, one who -s. besieging, narmyrinje, <army ring> (a) besieging, pertaining to -ing. best, gudbi le da, (ph) the best, better than anything in a set …. gudbi ra ba, (ph) the best/the cream of the crop, better than anything …. bestial, vanyniacli, <violent animal like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more brutal/brutish/bestial/savage than J. bestow, begdou, <request give> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K accord/grant/bestow/confer B, a requested thing, to/upon D. gradou, <grand give> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K bestow B on D. bestowal, po begdou, <request give> (n) a conferment/conferral/bestowal, an act of granting a request. bestower, gradou, <grand give> (n) bestower, one who -s. bet, canple, <chance play> [K‍-‍BKV] (4v) K wager/gamble/bet B with K that/on V. nu canple, <chance play> (n) a bet/gamble/wager, the thing -ed. po canple, <chance play> (n) a bet/gamble/wager, a sp. act of -ing. beta, beo, (l) beta, Greek lower case letter, one of a pool of symbols. betel nut, betle, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a betel nut from S. betray, falkao, <falsely act/> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K betray/be faithless/disloyal to D in matter V. gunfalkao, <country false act> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K betray the country/entity D to which X owes allegiance. betrayal, po falkao, <falsely act/> (n) a betrayal/disloyalty, a spec. act of -ing. betrothal, po merfurmoi, <marry intend> (n) an engagement/betrothal. betrothed, merfurmoi, <marry intend> [B‍-‍] (1a) B (pl.set) are engaged to be married/betrothed. better, canple, <chance play> (n) a gambler/better/wagerer, one who -s. gudcea, <better become> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K improve/become better in quality/performance P. gudckomou, <effective more> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is better/more effective/efficient than J, as act/means. gudkao, <good acting> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is/are better/more moral/virtuous than J, as of acts/persons. gudmao, <better make> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K improve/make better D in quality N, intentional. oe, (i) it is better/preferable that … <, exp. of ethical preference.>. plumou, <please more> (a) better, more pleasing than … is to …, q.v. better than, gudbi, [G‍-‍JP] (3a) G is better than/superior to J for purpose P. between, bit, (af) a combining form of bitsa, between. bitsa, [B‍-‍F] (2pp) B is between/among F, collective. bia, (af) a combining form of bitsa, between. beverage, nurhoi, <drinkable> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a potable/drink/beverage, general term for potable liquids. bewail, kectaa, <sad talk> [K‍-‍VD] (3v) K bewail/mourn/lament/speak sadly of V to D. keikra, <sad cry> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K wail/moan/groan/grieve (over)/cry (about)/mourn/lament/bewail N. beware, selkurni, <self warning> (i) beware!/take care!/look out!, … /o a 1st arg., an imperative. beyond, bae, (af) a combining form of bande, beyond. ban, (af) a combining form of bande, beyond. bande, [G‍-‍JDVC] (5av) G is beyond/farther than J from D on route V by distance C. bias, lopu paodju, <before judgment> (n) bias/prejudice, mass property. po paodju, <before judgment> (n) a specific instance of bias/prejudice. biased, paodju, <before judgment> (a) biased/prejudiced, one who -s. biblical, seornursri, <holy script> (a) biblical/scriptural. bicycle, torkrilu, <two wheel> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a bicycle, or any two wheeled vehicle. big, groda, (a) large/big/ample, bigger than …. bigger, groda, [G‍-‍JC] (3a) G is bigger/larger than J by C. bigness, pu groda, (n) a largeness/magnitude/amplitude/size/bigness, a specific property. bill, blililfa, <possible law> [B‍-‍KD] (3n) B is a bill/projected law proposed by K to legislature D. calsaa, <wall sign> [B‍-‍VS] (3n) B is a bill/poster announcing V produced/posted by S. kanti, [B‍-‍CVDS] (5n) B is a bill/account/check in amount C for goods/services V to D from S. kantysui, <account send> [K‍-‍DP] (3v) K bill/render an account to D for P. nirdynazbi, <bird nose> (n) B is a bill/beak, the mouth and nose of a bird. bill of fare, tcidykarda, <food card> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the menu/bill of fare of restaurant F. billfold, cmeveo, <money holder> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a wallet/billfold/(change) purse. billiard player, bilra, (n) a billiard player. billiards, bilra, [K‍-‍K] (2v) K play billiards with K. lopo bilra, (n) billiards, the mass of such games. po bilra, (n) some billiards, a spec. game of billiards. billionfold, gig, (af) a combining form of gigdo, billionfold (US). gigdo, [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a billionfold (US)/thousand million fold/milliard of B, (10E9) international prefix. terho, [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a trillionfold(US)/billionfold(UK) of B, (10E12) international prefix. billionth, nan, (af) a combining form of nanti, billionth. nanti, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a billionth(US)/thousand millionth(UK) part of F, (10E 9) international prefix. pikti, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a trillionth(US)/billionth(UK) part of F, (10E 12) international prefix. billy goat, gotco, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a male goat/billy goat. binary, torbasni, <two base> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is binary. binary digit, bithi, [B‍-‍C] (2v) B measures C in bit/binary digit(s) default 1. bind, bukcu kuadru, (ph) cover/bind a book with …. kocduo, <line do> [K‍-‍BBV] (4v) K tie/bind object B to B by means of line/bond V. binding, bukcu nu kuadru, (n) binding (of a book), the cover. kuvlae, <cover art> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a/the binding (of a book). binocular, tormenki, <two eye> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is binocular. binturong, binturongi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a binturong, a prehensile tailed carnivore. biological, clivi, (a) alive/biological/living/organic/vital, pert. to living things. livsensi, <life science> (a) biological, pert. to biology. biologist, livsesmao, <life science make> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a biologist. biology, livsensi, <life science> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an inst. of biology. lo livsensi, <life science> (n) biology, mass inst. biplane, gentcelyflemai, <repeated wing fly machine> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a biplane/triplane (any aircraft with more than one set of wings). bird, nirda, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a female bird. nirdi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an infant bird. nirdo, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a male bird. nirdu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is any bird, non specific term. bird like, nirde, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is avian/bird like, pertaining to or resembling birds. birth, lopo nu brana, (n) birth, mass term. po nu brana, (n) a birth, a specific instance. birth to, nu brana, (v) bear/give birth to …. birthday, bradei, <born day> [V‍-‍B] (2n) V is a/the birthday of B. birthright, fu brafurlei, <born permitted> (1n) a birthright law/custom. nu brafurlei, <born permitted> (2n) a/the birthright of …, one's right by birth. brapou, <birth possess> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is the birthright/inheritance of D. biscuit, cmabreba, <small bread> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a biscuit/roll/bun. licgrato, <thin cake> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a cookie/biscuit. bisect, torklu, <two cut> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K bisect, cut D into two equal parts. bishop, tepgai, <church govern> [B‍-‍FN] (3n) B is a bishop/priest/cardinal/canon over group F for religion N; any member of a church hierarchy. bismuth, bismo, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some bismuth, element 83, (Bi). bison, bishoni, [B‍-‍] (1) B is a bison/American buffalo, of the genus Bison. bit, bithi, [B‍-‍C] (2v) B measures C in bit/binary digit(s) default 1. fu bromao, <break make> (n) a bit, fragment, conv. of. cmacai, <small quantity> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a trifle/bit/little/small quantity of F. cmapiu, <small piece> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a speck/bit/mote/crumb of F. bitch, kanga, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a bitch/female dog. lupsa, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a female wolf, a wolf bitch. bite, dit, (af) a combining form of ditka, bite. ditka, [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K bite (into) D on/at locus S. po ditka, (n) a bite, an act of -ing. ditsia, <bite place> [V‍-‍D] (2n) V is a bite, a bitten place suffered by D. makcai, <mouth quantity> [C‍-‍B] (2n) C is a mouthful/bite of B. bitten, nu ditka, (a) bitten, conv. of bite. bitter, kut, (af) a combining form of kutra, bitter. kutcko, <bitter cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N make D bitter. (non intentional). kutra, [G‍-‍JK] (3a) G is/are more bitter/acrid tasting than J to K. kutra, (a) bitter/acrid, more bitter than … to …. bitterness, lopu kutra, (n) bitterness, mass term, properties. pu kutra, (n) a bitterness, a spec. property. bittersweet, kechai, <sad happy> [B‍-‍D] (2a) B is bittersweet to D. bizarre, gutra, [B‍-‍DN] (3a) B is alien/bizarre/mysterious/odd/queer/unusual/strange/weird/curious/peculiar/funny to D in features N. black, nigro, (a) black, blacker than …. nigro, (n) a black, a black thing/object. lopu nigro, (n) black, the color, mass term. nig, (af) a combining form of nigro, black. hekri, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more black/blacker than J. hekri, (a) black, blacker than …. hekri, (n) a black, a black colored thing/object. lopu hekri, (n) black, the color, mass term. hei-, (af) a combining form of hekri, black. blacken, nigcea, <black become (deprecated, replace with {heircea})> [B‍-‍V] (2v) B blacken/become black by V. heircea, <black become> [B‍-‍V] (2v) B blacken/become black by V. blacker, nigro, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is blacker than J. hekri, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more black/blacker than J. blackness, pu nigro, (n) a blackness, a spec. property. pu hekri, (n) a blackness, a spec. property. blacksmith, fentua, <iron worker> [K‍-‍] (1n) K is a blacksmith, a worker in iron. bladder, picveo, <urine vessel> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a bladder of F, a urine retention organ. blade, bla, (af) a combining form of blada, blade. blada, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the blade of F. grasa, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a piece/blade of grass, a grassy plant. blamable, nu tsedasycue, <error responsible say> (a) blamable, can be -d. blame, pu tsedaspa, <error responsible> (n) a/the blame/responsibility, a property of being -able. tsedasycue, <error responsible say> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K blame/reproach/censure/reprove D for error V. blame for, tsedaspa, <error responsible> [K‍-‍PN] (3a) K is responsible for/guilty of/to blame for error P by standard N. blameless, no tsedaspa, <error responsible> (a) guiltless/innocent/blameless. blanch, labcko, <white cause> [N‍-‍DV] (3v) N bleach/blanch/whiten D by V, nonintentional 'the sun bleaches my hair'. labmao, <white make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K bleach/blanch/whiten D by V, intentional. blanched, labcea, <white become> [D‍-‍K] (2v) D is/are bleached/blanched/whitened by K, intransitive. blank, nira, (1n) a/the naught/blank/nullad/nothing/the empty set/null set, the set with zero members, a cardinal predicate. nira, (a) nil/none/null/empty/void/blank, of the empty set. blanket, bedkua, <bed cover> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a blanket/bedspread. tiokla, <heavy cloth> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a blanket, rectilinear cloth for warmth. blaspheme, gadyzaopli, <god bad use> [K‍-‍] (1v) K swear/curse/blaspheme, irreverently use sacred words. blasphemer, gadyzaopli, <god bad use> (n) blasphemer, one who -s. blasphemous, gadyzaopli, <god bad use> (a) blasphemous, pertaining to -ing. blasphemy, po gadyzaopli, <god bad use> (1n) an oath/blasphemy, irreverent or blasphemous use of a sacred word. blast, zbubri, <explosion of wind> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is a blast/gust of wind. blaze, zbufla, <burst into flame> [B‍-‍] (1v) B blaze/burst into flame. po zbufla, <burst into flame> (n) a blaze, an instance of -ing. blazing, zbufla, <burst into flame> (a) blazing, pertaining to -ing. bleach, koltoa, <colour take> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K bleach, remove the colour from B by V. labcko, <white cause> [N‍-‍DV] (3v) N bleach/blanch/whiten D by V, nonintentional 'the sun bleaches my hair'. labcko, <white cause> (n) a bleach, a colour remover. lo labcko, <white cause> (n) bleach (mass term). labmao, <white make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K bleach/blanch/whiten D by V, intentional. bleached, labcea, <white become> [D‍-‍K] (2v) D is/are bleached/blanched/whitened by K, intransitive. bleak, hapckocle, <happy cause(cheer) without> (a) bleak, incomplete form. bleaker, hapckocle, <happy cause(cheer) without> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is bleaker/more cheerless than J. bleakness, lopu hapckocle, <happy cause(cheer) without> (n) bleakness/cheerlessness, property of being —. bleed, bludru, <blood lose> [D‍-‍S] (2n) D bleed from S. blutoa, <blood take> [K‍-‍DP] (3v) K bleed/draw blood from D for reason/purpose P. bluzvokro, <blood out flow> [D‍-‍S] (2vi) D bleed(s) (person/animal) from conditions S. bleeder, bluzvokro, <blood out flow> (n) bleeder/haemophiliac, one subject to -ing. bleeding, po blutoa, <blood take> (n) an instance of bleeding/bloodtaking. bluzvokro, <blood out flow> (a) bleeding, pertaining to -ing. bless, fomgubdou, <formal good give> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K bless/give blessing to D. blessed, nu fomgubdou, <formal good give> (a) blessed, conv. of bless. blessedness, po nu fomgubdou, <formal good give> (n) a blessedness, a state of being -ed. blessing, po fomgubdou, <formal good give> (n) a blessing, an act of -ing. blessing to, fomgubdou, <formal good give> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K bless/give blessing to D. blind, cunkua, <window cover> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is a blind/shutter blocking light V. norvia, <non seeing> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a blind person/animal. norvia, <non seeing> (a) blind, sightless. norvia, <non seeing> (n) a blind person, one who is blind. lo norvia, <non seeing> (n) (the) blind, mass term. norviacko, <not see make> [N‍-‍DV] (3v) N blind D by V. smikatcysia, <secret watch place> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a blind, a place for secretly watching. vizfiu, <see weak> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is visually impaired/blind. blindness, lopu norvia, <non seeing> (n) blindness, mass term of properties. pu norvia, <non seeing> (n) a blindness, a spec. property. bliss, lopu monhai, <mountainous happy> (n) bliss/ecstasy/rapture, mass term of property. blissful, monhai, <mountainous happy> [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is blissful/ecstatic/rapturous over V. blizzard, nicbritetri, <snow wind weather> [V‍-‍N] (2n) V is a blizzard in N. E.g. Mu pa nu nicbritetri — We had a blizzard. block, biartrida, <between streets> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a block, the terrain between two streets. bloku, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a block of F. krosti, <flow stop> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K block (up)/obstruct the way of B to D. krosti, <flow stop> (n) block (age)/obstruction, that which -s. ruarsticko, <way stop cause> [N‍-‍KD] (3v) N obstruct/block K's way to D, nonintentional; 'water blocked the road'. ruarstimao, <way stop make> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K obstruct/block B's way to D, intentional. tridybia, <street between> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a block, the distance between streets F (collective). vijliu, <view hinder> [N‍-‍BS] (3v) N eclipse/block/obscure the view of B as seen from S. block off, relsea, <rail set> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K barricade/block off/bar, erect a rail/barricade/bar over/across B. blockage, po krosti, <flow stop> (n) a specific instance of blockage/obstruction. blocking, krosti, <flow stop> (a) blocking/obstructing, causing a -ing. lopo stimao, <stop make> (n) an obstruction/blocking, mass act. blog, netyrirda, <net record> [B‍-‍VS] (3n) B is a blog/computer web log about V by S. blonde, londa, (n) blonde/fair, one who is blond(e). blondeness, lopo londa, (n) a blondeness/fairness, the mass of such props. po londa, (n) a blondeness/fairness, a prop. of a spec. blonde. blonder, londa, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is blonder/fairer than J is. blood, blu, (af) a combining form of bludi, blood. bludi, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a drop/quantity of blood from F. bludi, (a) blood, made of blood. lo bludi, (n) blood, mass term. blutoa, <blood take> [K‍-‍DP] (3v) K bleed/draw blood from D for reason/purpose P. blood covered, blukua, <blood cover> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is bloodier/more blood covered than J. bloodier, blukua, <blood cover> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is bloodier/more blood covered than J. bloodiness, pu blukua, <blood cover> (n) bloodiness, the property of being —. bloodshot, nurkarkycea, <cracked happen> (a) bloodshot, of eyes. bloodtaking, po blutoa, <blood take> (n) an instance of bleeding/bloodtaking. bloody, blukua, <blood cover> (a) bloody. bloom, lorpro, <flower produce> [B‍-‍] (1v) B (is in) blossom/bloom/flower. lorpro, <flower produce> (a) in bloom/flower, having flowers. blossom, fruloa, <fruit flower> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a blossom/flower of F, a fruit producing plant. lorpro, <flower produce> [B‍-‍] (1v) B (is in) blossom/bloom/flower. blot, nurklinymra, <dirty mark> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a spot/blot/stain/speck/soiled place on F. blouse, blusa, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a blouse, a full upper garment. blow, po bloda, (n) a blow/hit/stroke, an act of striking. bricko, <breeze cause> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K blow(s) at/on D, such as with mouth or fan. brize, (v) blow from …. makbri, <mouth wind> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K blow, expel air from the mouth on/at/into D. pilblo, <plane strike> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is a slap/smack/blow made with an open hand or flat object. samkeo, <same time> (ph) at one stroke/blow, simultaneously. blow up, flati, [K‍-‍DBC] (3v) K inflate/blow up D with gas B to dimension C. blower, bricko, <breeze cause> (n) blower, that which -s. blowing, bricko, <breeze cause> (a) blowing, pertaining to -ing. blue, blanu, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more blue/bluer than J. blanu, (a) blue, a blue coloured thing/object. blanu, (n) blue, a blue thing. lopu blanu, (n) blue, the colour, mass term. blue jay, blanysitha, <blue jay> [B‍-‍S] (n) B is a blue jay from S. blueness, pu blanu, (n) blueness, a spec. property. blueprint, tcudai, <picture plan> [B‍-‍PS] (3n) B is a design/sketch/blueprint/plans for the construction/doing of P drawn/produced by S. bluer, blanu, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more blue/bluer than J. bluff, vrelai, <vertical land> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a cliff/bluff/crag, a vertical land face. blurb, flatyvirta, <inflate advertisement> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a puff/blurb, an inflated advertisement. blush, redcea, <red change> [D‍-‍S] (2v) D blush/become red from S. po redcea, <red change> (n) a blush, an instance of -ing. blushing, redcea, <red change> (a) blushing, pertaining to one that -s. boar, porjo, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a boar/male hog. board, barta, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a board/plank of material S. dilgru, <representatives group> [B‍-‍FP] (3n) B is a congress/council/board of state/organisation F with remit P, any meeting of representatives. famymiapei, <family meal pay> [K‍-‍DC] (3v) K board at D for money/services C. fu famymiapei, <family meal pay> (n) board, money paid for -ing. famymiavea, <family meal sell> [K‍-‍DVC] (4v) K board, take in boarder D for meal(s) V in return for payment/service C. fu famymiavea, <family meal sell> (n) board, money received for -ing. miarketpi, <meal ticket> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a meal ticket/board. boarder, famymiapei, <family meal pay> (n) boarder, one who -s. nu famymiavea, <family meal sell> (a) boarder, a person -ed. boarding, famymiapei, <family meal pay> (a) boarding, relating to -ing. nu famymiapei, <family meal pay> (a) boarding, relating to place -ed. famymiavea, <family meal sell> (a) boarding, relating to selling meals for money. gozyleiketpi, <go allow ticket> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a boarding pass/card for conveyance F. nengoi cibra, <in go> (n) boarding passage (to aircraft), jetway. boast, grotaa, <big talk> [K‍-‍VD] (3v) K boast/brag about V to D. boastful, grotaa, <big talk> (a) boastful, of one who -s. boat, bot, (af) a combining form of botsu, boat. botsu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a boat/canoe/craft/cutter/vessel, a generic term for all types of water craft. bou, (af) a combining form of botsu, boat. grobou, <big boat> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a ship/big boat. boats, bougru, <boat group> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a fleet/group of boats including member/ s B. bob, corklu, <short cut> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K bob/crop/trim/cut short D. kurklu, <square cut> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K bob D, square cut …. bobcat, linrufu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a wildcat/bobcat, Lynx rufus, a feral feline. bodily, korti, (a) corporeal/bodily, pert. to bodies. body, ctikai, <stuff quality> (n) a body/particle, anything that has mass. konce, (n) B is the body (work) of vehicle F. kor, (af) a combining form of korti, body. korti, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the body of organism F. morkorti, <dead body> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is the body/corpse/cadaver of D. body form, korfoa, <body form> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the figure/shape/body form of F. boil, buj, (af) a combining form of bulju, boil. bujmao, <boil make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K boil(s) D, intentional. bujycko, <boil cause> [S‍-‍D] (2v) S boil(s) D, nonintentional; 'Heat boils water'. bulju, [D‍-‍C] (2v) D boil(s) at temperature C. malsulba, <sore swelling> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is a boil/carbuncle on D. boiler, bujveo, <boil vessel> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a boiler, a vessel for boiling. boisterous, britetcli, <wind weather like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more stormy/boisterous than J. boisterousness, pu britetcli, <wind weather like> (n) a boisterousness/storminess, a spec. property. bold, fatria, <disturbing brave> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K are bold/act boldly/have nerve/chutzpah in situation N. kakria, <acting brave> (a) bold/daring, daring to do …. boldness, lopu fatria, <disturbing brave> (n) boldness/nerve, mass property. po fatria, <disturbing brave> (n) boldness/nerve, an act/event of daring. po kakria, <acting brave> (n) a boldness/daring, an act/event of daring. bolt, rolsko, <cylindrical screw> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a metal bolt. skori, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a screw/bolt, any threaded fastener. bomb, bomba, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a bomb, an exploding weapon. lo bomba, (n) bomb(s), mass term. flebomba, <fly(ing) bomb> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a shell/bomb/missile, any explosive airborne device. zbununreo, <exploding thrown(missile)> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a shot/shell/bomb/grenade, any explosive missile. bomber, bombyflemai, <bomb fly machine> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a bomber aircraft of airforce F. bond, grujetpre, <group debt paper> [B‍-‍SP] (3n) B is a commercial bond issued by S for purpose P. jurkocduo, <4th conv. of cord do> [B‍-‍SD] (3n) B is a bond/tie (line)/connection between S and D. ju kocduo, <line do> (n) a tie/bond, tie, a line used in tying. bonded, fu kocduo, <line do> (a) bonded, tied to … by … with …. bone, bon, (af) a combining form of bongu, bone. bongu, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a bone of F. bongu, (a) bone, made of bone. lo bongu, (n) bone, mass term. ficbongu, <fish bone> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a bone from fish F. bonier, bonflo, <bone full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more bony/bonier than J. boniness, pu bonflo, <bone full> (n) a/some boniness, a spec. prop. bonnet, mockua, <motor cover> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is the hood/bonnet of a vehicle. bonobo, panhi, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a chimpanzee/pygmy chimpanzee/bonobo from S. bony, bonflo, <bone full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more bony/bonier than J. book, buk, (af) a combining form of bukcu, book. bukcu, [B‍-‍VS] (3n) B is a book about V by S, any bound document. buu, (af) a combining form of bukcu, book. bookbinder, bukcu kuadru, (ph) bookbinder, one who -s books. bookbinding, bukcu kuadru, (ph) bookbinding, pertaining to -ing books. bookseller, bukvea, <book sell> (n) a bookseller. bookshop, bukvemsia, <book sell place> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a bookstore/bookshop. bookstore, bukvemsia, <book sell place> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a bookstore/bookshop. boot, butpa, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a boot, a piece of footwear. racvelbao, <travel container (baggage) box> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the trunk/boot of vehicle F. booth, vemhao, <sell shelter> [B‍-‍FP] (3n) B is a stall/booth/kiosk in F for P. booty, nu foirnurtoa, <things which are criminally taken> (3n) spoil(s)/booty stolen by … from …. border, bierfoldi, <edge fold> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a border/hem of F. limji, (n) a limit/border/boundary, limit/outer edge of …. polylimji, <political boundary> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a frontier/border/political boundary of F. border on, limkarsa, <boundary across> [B‍-‍B] (2v) B border on/lie across a border/boundary from B. bordering, limkarsa, <boundary across> (a) bordering, next to/on a border of …. bordering on, nurmousni, <less near> (ph) bordering on, to be nearly/approximately …. bore, cketeu, <time stretch> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K bore/tire D by V. cketeu, <time stretch> (n) bore, one who -s. tanholmao, <turn hole make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K drill/bore into D with drill/borer V. bored, nu cketeu, <time stretch> (a) tired/bored, one who is -d. boredom, lopo nu cketeu, <time stretch> (a) boredom/tedium, mass state of being -ed. boring, cketeu, <time stretch> (a) boring/tedious/tiresome, pertaining to one who -s. fu cketeu, <time stretch> (a) boring, of the subject which -s. tanholmao, <turn hole make> (a) drilling/boring, pertaining to -ing. born, bra, (af) a combining form of brana, born. brana, [P‍-‍S] (2v) P is/are born to S. born again, genbra, <again born> [K‍-‍DP] (3v) K is reborn/born again to parents D as P. boron, borno, [B‍-‍B] (2n) B is some boron, element 5 (B). borough, sicpai, <city part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a section/district/quarter/borough of city F. borrow, jetcea, <owe become> [K‍-‍BDP] (4v) K borrow B from D for P. borrower, jetcea, <owe become> (n) borrower, one who -s. boss, furkaodii, <goal decide> (n) a/the director/boss, director/goal setter. turcefli, <work chief> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the boss/director/manager/superintendent of F, person in charge of a work group. botanical, hebsensi, <plant science> (a) botanical, pert. to botany,. botanist, hebsesmao, <plant scientist> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a botanist. botany, hebsensi, <plant science> [N‍-‍] (1n) N is a science of botany/plant science. lo hebsensi, <plant science> (n) botany, mass term of instances. both, cenoi, (c) both … and not … — one word between mods. e, (c) and/both … and …, logical conjunction between terms. enoi, (c) both … and not …, one word between terms. ice, (c) both … and, one word between clauses. icenoi, (c) both … and/but not, a single word used between sents./clauses. noe, (c) not … but … /both not … and …, one word between terms (A). tora, (n) both, as in 'both went', the twosome. both and, ce, (c) and/comma/both and, bet. modified/fying words: 'tall, wise and good, man'. both not, inoce, (c) both not … and, a single word used between sentences/clauses. noce, (c) both not … and …, one word between mods. bother, fatcou, <bother ashamed> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K is sorry to bother B by doing V. fatru, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K disturb/trouble/aggravate/annoy/vex/bother/gall D by doing/being V. selfau, <self trouble> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K bother/take the trouble to do V. bothered by, nurfau, <conv. of trouble> [D‍-‍S] (2v) D minds/is troubled by/bothered by S. bothersome, fatru, (a) trouble/troublesome/annoying/aggravating/vexing/bothersome/plaguing, of that which -s …. nu nurfau, <conv. of trouble> (a) bothersome/troubling. bottle, bap, (af) a combining form of batpi, bottle. bapcai, <bottle quantity> [C‍-‍B] (2n) C is a bottleful/bottle of B. bapduo, <bottle do> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K bottle(s) D, put … into bottles. batpi, [D‍-‍B] (2n) D is a bottle/flask of B. bottled, nu bapduo, <bottle do> (a) bottled. bottleful, bapcai, <bottle quantity> [C‍-‍B] (2n) C is a bottleful/bottle of B. bottler, bapduo, <bottle do> (n) bottler, one who/that which -s. bottom, basni, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a base/basis/foundation/bottom of F. conpai, <deepest part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the bottom/deepest part of F. dampai, <lowest part> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is the bottom/sole/foot, lowest part of S. bottom view giver, rirgyviudou, <bottom view giver> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a bottom view giver, a slang name for a Loglandian pedicab. bough, badjo, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a branch/bough/limb of F. baj, (af) a combining form of badjo, bough. boulder, grotroku, <big stone> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a boulder/large stone. boulevard, bulva, [B‍-‍F] (2) B is a boulevard of F (Loglandian slang). bound, limji, [N‍-‍B] (2v) N limit/bound B. bound for, racfurmoi, <travel intention> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K are bound for/intend to travel to D. bound to happen, sirto, (a) certain/inevitable/bound to happen. boundary, limji, (n) a limit/border/boundary, limit/outer edge of …. polylimji, <political boundary> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a frontier/border/political boundary of F. boundless, limcle, <limit without> [V‍-‍] (1a) V is boundless/limitless/infinite in a property. bouquet, kinsei, <together set> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a bouquet/bunch/cluster of B. bovine, kasne, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more bovine/cow like than J. bow, bor, (af) a combining form of borku, bow. borku, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a bow, for shooting arrows. boufre, <boat front> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the prow/bow of boat F. korbetmao, <body bend make> (vi) bow, makes a gesture of obeisance. po korbetmao, <body bend make> (n) bow, an act of bowing. kovcko, <curve cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N bow/curve … /make D curve, nonintentionally. kovmao, <curve make> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K bow/curve B, make … curve, intentionally. risybiu, <respect behaviour> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is a bow/curtsey to D, any formal sign of respect for another. bow to, korbetmao, <body bend make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K bow to D, make a gesture of obeisance before …. bow-string, borkoe, <bow cord> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a bow-string of weapon F. bowed, kovcea, <curve become> [V‍-‍] (1v) V become bowed/curved, intransitive. bower, trikuvla, <tree cave> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a bower/arbor, a shaded place constructed of plants. bowl, conpla, <deep plate> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a bowl/deep dish. conplacai, <deep plate quantity> [C‍-‍B] (2n) C is a bowl/bowlful of B. bowlful, conplacai, <deep plate quantity> [C‍-‍B] (2n) C is a bowl/bowlful of B. box, bakso, [D‍-‍B] (2n) D is a box/crate/carton of/containing B. bao, (af) a combining form of bakso, box. baocna, <box quantity> [C‍-‍B] (2n) C is a boxful/box of B. baorduo, <box do> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K box/crate/pack B in box D. ceigru, <chair group> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a box (theatre) in F. kuvbao, <cover box> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a chest/box of B. box tree, baotri, <box tree> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a box tree. boxcar, trekarti, <train cart> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a train carriage/coach/car/boxcar of train F. boxed, nu baorduo, <box do> (a) boxed/crated. boxful, baocna, <box quantity> [C‍-‍B] (2n) C is a boxful/box of B. boxmaker, baormao, <box make> [K‍-‍] (1n) K is a boxmaker. boy, boi, (af) a combining form of botci, boy. botci, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a boy/lad, a male child. junmeu, <young man> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a youth/boy/young man. boyfriend, menclu, <male lover> [K‍-‍D] (2n) K is the lover/boyfriend of D. boyhood, lopo botci, (n) boyhood, mass term. po botci, (n) a boyhood, a specific instance. boyish, boicli, <boy like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more boyish/boylike than J. boyishness, pu boicli, <boy like> (n) a boyishness, a spec. prop. botce, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is boyishness/boylike, behaving like a boy. lopo botce, (n) boyishness, mass term. po botce, (n) a boyishness, a specific instance. boylike, boicli, <boy like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more boyish/boylike than J. botce, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is boyishness/boylike, behaving like a boy. bracelet, bardua, <arm adorn> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a bracelet, an arm ornament. braces, pantyjuo, <pants support> [B‍-‍K] (2n) B is a pair of suspenders/braces (U.K.). bracheocephalic, brakicefali, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is brachycephalic/bracheocephalic, short headed. brachiopod, brakiopodi, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a brachiopod of species F, of the genus Brachiopoda. brachycephalic, brakicefali, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is brachycephalic/bracheocephalic, short headed. bracket, gie, (ms) initial (left) bracket, in mathematical contexts; used with giu. giu, (ms) final (right) bracket, in mathematical contexts; used with gie. brad, cmanaldi, <small nail> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a tack/brad, a small metal fastener. braggadocio, pu grotaa, <big talk> (n) a bravado/braggadocio, a spec. quality of -ing. braggart, grotaa, <big talk> (n) a braggart, one who -s. braid, roryracmao, <many travel make> [K‍-‍BP] (3v) K braid B into P. brain, berna, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the brain of F. lo berna, (n) brain, mass term. brake, breko, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the brake(s) of F. rek, (af) a combining form of breko, brake. rekduo, <brake do> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K brake/stop (with a brake) B. brake pedal, rekfitlevga, <brake foot lever> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a brake pedal of F. brake system, reksio, <brake system> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the brake system of vehicle F. brakelight, rekylitla, <brake light> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a brakelight of vehicle F. brakeman, rekduo, <brake do> (n) a brakeman, one who applies -s. branch, badjo, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a branch/bough/limb of F. bajpro, <bough produce> [S‍-‍P] (2v) S branch/fork into P (collective). galpai, <organization part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a department/faculty/division/branch/section of organization F. vribadjo, <river branch> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a tributary/branch of river/river system F. branched, bajpro, <bough produce> (a) branched/forked. brand, stomarmao, <stay mark make> [K‍-‍DB] (2v) K stain/brand/mark D permanently with B, intentional. stomra, <stay mark> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is a stain/brand/product name, a permanent mark on D. branded, nu stomarmao, <stay mark make> (a) stained/branded, of something lastingly marked. brass, rasto, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a piece of brass. rasto, (a) brass/brazen, made of brass. brass instrument, methorno, <metal horn> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a horn/trumpet/bugle/brass instrument, any of the brass musical instruments. brassy, rastycli, <brass like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more brassy/brazen, like brass than J. bravado, pu grotaa, <big talk> (n) a bravado/braggadocio, a spec. quality of -ing. brave, lo briga, (n) the brave, mass term. kakria, <acting brave> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K brave/dare to do V. ria, (af) a combining form of briga, brave. rig, (af) a combining form of briga, brave. braver, briga, [G‍-‍JN] (3a) G is braver/more courageous/game than J in conditions N. bravery, lopo briga, (n) bravery/courage, mass term. lopu briga, (n) bravery/courage, mass term. po briga, (n) the bravery/courage, a spec. act/event. pu briga, (n) the bravery/courage, a spec. property. brazen, comcle, <shame without> [K‍-‍] (1a) K is/are shameless/brazen, feel no shame about anything. rasto, (a) brass/brazen, made of brass. rastycli, <brass like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more brassy/brazen, like brass than J. brazil nut, bertole, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a brazil nut from S. breach, nartyspa, <apart space> [B‍-‍SD] (3n) B is a breach/gap between S and D. nartyspamao, <apart space make> [K‍-‍SD] (3n) K breach/make a gap between S and D. breaching, nartyspamao, <apart space make> (a) breaching, pertaining to —. bread, breba, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a piece/loaf of bread. breba, (a) (made of) bread. lo breba, (n) bread, mass term. reb, (af) a combining form of breba, bread. rebduo, <bread do> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K bread D/cover … with bread. breadth, pu kubra, (n) a broadness/breadth/wideness/width, the wideness of …, a property. break, bodcea, <break change> [D‍-‍] (1v) D break (down)/become broken/inoperable, intransitive. bodcko, <break cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N break D/renders … inoperable, nonintentional 'The fall broke his arm'. bodmao, <break make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K break D/renders … inoperable by …, intentional. bro, (af) a combining form of broko, break. broko, [D‍-‍B] (2v) D break/fracture/rupture into pieces B. po broko, (n) a fracture/break/rupture, an act of -ing. brolia, <break line> [N‍-‍B] (2n) N is a break/rupture/fracture/fault in B. bromao, <break make> [K‍-‍DF] (3v) K break/fracture(s) D, makes … break into pieces F. po nu bromao, <break make> (n) a fracture/break, a process of being broken. nenbromao, <in break make> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K break into, break B into D, as eggs into batter. rorbro, <many break> [D‍-‍B] (2v) D break/shatter into fragments B. break bread, kintci, <together eat> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K eat/break bread/share meal with D. break camp, fankampymao, <reverse camp make> (v) break camp at …. break into, nenbromao, <in break make> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K break into, break B into D, as eggs into batter. break out, selrezmao, <self free make> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K escape/get away/break out/free oneself from V. breakable, nu bodcko, <break cause> (a) broken/breakable. nu bodmao, <break make> (a) broken/breakable. brocli, <break more> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more breakable/fragile/delicate than J. brocli, <break more> (a) delicate/breakable/fragile. broko, (a) breakable/fragile, capable of being broken. nu bromao, <break make> (a) broken/breakable, can be fractured, conv. form. rorbro, <many break> (a) shatterable/breakable, shatterable. breakage, po bromao, <break make> (n) a breakage, a process of -ing things. breakdown, po bodcea, <break change> (n) a breakdown, a process of —. breaker, brovalpu, <break wave> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is a breaker/breaking wave. breakfast, mozmia, <morning meal> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a breakfast composed of food(s) B, any meal taken in the morning. mozmiatci, <morning meal eat> [K‍-‍] (1v) K breakfast, eat the meal taken on arising. po mozmiatci, <morning meal eat> (1n) breakfast. breast, tceti, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the chest/breast/thorax of F. titfa, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a breast/teat of F. breath, po brute, (n) a breath, an act/event of -ing. makvao, <mouth gas> [P‍-‍S] (2n) P is a breath of S, air breathed out. breathe, brute, [K‍-‍D] (2v) K breathe(s) D, inhale and exhale, any gas. rue, (af) a combining form of brute, breathe. breathe in, nenrue, <in breathe> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K breathe in/aspire B. breather, brute, (n) a breather, one who -s. bred, nu kaljunkeu, <complete young care> (a) bred, the person/animal -ed. fu livdantia, <life design choose> (a) bred, of artificially selected chars. nu livdantia, <life design choose> (a) bred, of artificially selected strains. breed, junpro, <child produce> [K‍-‍PN] (3v) K beget/breed/sire P in habitat N. kaljunkeu, <complete young care> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K breed/bring up/husband D by V. livdansei, <life design set> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a breed of life form F. livdantia, <life design choose> [K‍-‍PNS] (4v) K breed strain P for character(s) N from stock S. nu livdantia, <life design choose> (n) a breed, an artificially selected strain. nurgertia, <genetic traits choose> [K‍-‍BP] (3v) K breed B for purpose P. breeder, kaljunkeu, <complete young care> (n) breeder, one who -s. livdantia, <life design choose> (n) a breeder, one who -s selected strains. breeding, kaljunkeu, <complete young care> (a) breeding, action of -ing. fu kaljunkeu, <complete young care> (n) breeding, describing the result of bringing up. breeding population, nu geersei, <gene set> (n) is a deme/breeding population with gene pool … of species …. nu gersei, <gene set> (n) is a deme/breeding population with gene pool … of species …. breeding stock, ju livdantia, <life design choose> (n) a breeding stock, of a breeder. breeze, brize, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a wind/breeze, any movement of air from source S. lo brize, (n) breeze/wind, mass term. breezier, briflo, <wind full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is windier/breezier than J. breezy, briflo, <wind full> (a) windy/breezy. briar, hebnidla, <plant needle> [P‍-‍S] (2n) P is a briar/thorn of plant S. brick, briku, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a brick, a ceramic parallelipiped. briku, (a) (made of) brick. lo briku, (n) brick, mass term. rik, (af) a combining form of briku, brick. rikduo, <brick do> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K brick (up) B. rikduo, <brick do> (v) (lay) brick. bricklayer, rikduo, <brick do> (n) a bricklayer/mason. bridal, cnumerfua, <new married woman> (a) bridal, pert. to brides. bride, cnumerfua, <new married woman> [K‍-‍D] (2n) K is a/the bride of D. merceafua, <married become woman> [D‍-‍B] (2n) D is the bride of B. bridegroom, mercejmeu, <married become man> [D‍-‍B] (2n) D is the bridegroom/groom of B. bridge, botkoisia, <boat command place> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the bridge of ship F. cibra, [B‍-‍D] (2v) B bridge/span D. cibra, (n) bridge/span over/across, physical structure. bridle, horbreko, <horse brake> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a rein/bridle. brief, ckecoa, <time short> (3a) J is brief/short, incomplete form. coa, (av) in short/sum/brief. corvei, <short event> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more brief/transient/passing/transitory/ephemeral than J. nu liltao, <legal argument> (n) a brief, presented by … about …. po liltao, <legal argument> (n) a brief, an instance of a legal presentation. briefcase, preberveo, <paper carry container> [B‍-‍P] (2n) B is a briefcase/case/dispatch box for P. briefer, ckecoa, <time short> [J‍-‍GC] (3a) J is briefer/temporally shorter than G by interval C. briefly, coa, (av) briefly/concisely/summarily/summing up/by way of summary, a discourse operator (UI). briefs, nenpantu, <inner pants> [B‍-‍K] (2n) B is a pair of briefs/shorts/pants (U.K.). brigade, sorgru, <6th group> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a brigade, the 6th smallest military unit of some larger military force F, without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. lansorgru — army brigade. Cf. surgru. brigadier, serkoi, <7th commander> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a brigadier/brigadier general/commodore/etc. commanding/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murserkoi — commodore. Use surkoi. q.v., for officers in general. brigadier general, serkoi, <7th commander> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a brigadier/brigadier general/commodore/etc. commanding/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murserkoi — commodore. Use surkoi. q.v., for officers in general. surnarmykoi, <# army commander> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the brigadier general/major general/lieutenant general/general of F, rank identified by number. bright, brili, (a) bright/brilliant/lustrous/shiny/sparkling. kukcia, <quick learning> [G‍-‍JB] (3a) G is more intelligent/bright/brilliant/clever/quicker than J at learning B. kukpeo, <quick think> [G‍-‍JB] (3a) G is more bright/brilliant/clever/intelligent/quicker than J at thinking about B. litflo, <light full> (a) bright/luminous, brightly lighted. ril, (af) a combining form of brili, bright. riltaa, <bright talk> (a) bright/clever. vefpeo, <inventive think> [G‍-‍JV] (3a) G is more bright/brilliant/clever/intelligent/creative/ingenious than J at thinking about V. brighten, litmoupro, <light produce> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K lighten/brighten D by/with V. rilcea, <brilliant change> [N‍-‍] (1v) N brighten/become brighter, intransitive. rilcko, <bright ckozu> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N brighten D, cause to become bright. rilmao, <bright make> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K brighten/shine/polish B, intentional. brighter, brili, [G‍-‍JC] (3a) G is brighter/more brilliant than J by C. litflo, <light full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is brighter than J (in quantity of light). rilcea, <brilliant change> [N‍-‍] (1v) N brighten/become brighter, intransitive. brightness, po brili, (n) a/the brightness/shine/brilliance, a state of being bright. pu brili, (n) a/the brightness/luster/brilliance, a property of being bright. lopu litflo, <light full> (n) brightness, mass quality of lighting. lopu riltaa, <bright talk> (n) brightness/brilliance/cleverness, mass term. pu riltaa, <bright talk> (n) a brightness/brilliance/cleverness, sp. prop. brilliance, po brili, (n) a/the brightness/shine/brilliance, a state of being bright. pu brili, (n) a/the brightness/luster/brilliance, a property of being bright. kolbrili, <colour brilliance> [C‍-‍N] (2n) C is a value on brilliance scale N, from white to black. kolbrili, <colour brilliance> (n) a brilliance, one of the three properties of colour, value of whiteness scale. lo kolbrili, <colour brilliance> (n) brilliance, mass of such properties. lopu labcli, <white like> (n) lightness/brilliance, the mass of such props. pu labcli, <white like> (n) lightness/brilliance, a prop. of a spec. color. lopu minspu, <mind expert> (n) brilliance/intelligence, mass property. lopu riltaa, <bright talk> (n) brightness/brilliance/cleverness, mass term. pu riltaa, <bright talk> (n) a brightness/brilliance/cleverness, sp. prop. brilliance scale, nu kolbrili, <colour brilliance> (n) a brilliance scale, of colours. brilliant, brili, [G‍-‍JC] (3a) G is brighter/more brilliant than J by C. brili, (a) bright/brilliant/lustrous/shiny/sparkling. kukcia, <quick learning> [G‍-‍JB] (3a) G is more intelligent/bright/brilliant/clever/quicker than J at learning B. kukpeo, <quick think> [G‍-‍JB] (3a) G is more bright/brilliant/clever/intelligent/quicker than J at thinking about B. labcli, <white like> [G‍-‍JN] (3a) G are lighter/more brilliant than J in light N. labcli, <white like> (a) light/brilliant, in color, light, incomp. form. minspu, <mind expert> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more clever/smart/intelligent/brilliant than J is. riltaa, <bright talk> [G‍-‍JV] (3a) G is cleverer/more brilliant than J on topic/ s V. vefpeo, <inventive think> [G‍-‍JV] (3a) G is more bright/brilliant/clever/intelligent/creative/ingenious than J at thinking about V. nigcli, <dark like (deprecated, replace with {heicli})> [G‍-‍JN] (3a) G is darker/less brilliant than J in light N. heicli, <dark like> [G‍-‍JN] (3a) G is darker/less brilliant than J in light N. brim, kapma bidje, (ph) the brim of hat/cap …. bring, kambei, <come carry> [K‍-‍BDSV] (5v) K bring/carry along B to D from S via V. kinmao, <together make> [K‍-‍BF] (3v) K bring B close to/together/assemble with F. nabybei, <problem bring> [K‍-‍VF] (3v) K bring problem/dispute V to/before F. tolgei, <control get> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K bring D under control/get control of/over …. bring into, nenbei, <in carry> [K‍-‍BDS] (4v) K introduce/bring into B to D from source S. bring together, kinbei, <together carry> [K‍-‍BDS] (4v) K gather/collect/assemble/bring together B at place D from S. bring up, jundia, <young teach> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K bring up/educate child/youth D in/to be a B. kaljunkeu, <complete young care> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K breed/bring up/husband D by V. bringing together, po kinmao, <together make> (n) an instance of assembly/bringing together. broad, kub, (af) a combining form of kubra, broad. kubra, (a) wide/broad, wider than …. broadcast, ranjysui, <range send> [S‍-‍PF] (3v) S broadcast P throughout area F. broaden, kubcko, <wide cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N dilate/widen/broaden/enlarge/expand D (unintentional). kubmao, <wide make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K dilate/widen/broaden/enlarge/expand D (intentional). broadened, kubcea, <wide become> [D‍-‍C] (2v) D is/are dilated/widened/broadened/enlarged/expanded by C. nu kubcko, <wide cause> (a) dilated/widened/broadened/enlarged/expanded (by …). nu kubmao, <wide make> (a) dilated/widened/broadened/enlarged/expanded (by …). broader, kubra, [G‍-‍JC] (3a) G is wider/broader than J by amount C. broadness, pu kubra, (n) a broadness/breadth/wideness/width, the wideness of …, a property. brochure, nurfodmaopre, <folded make paper> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is a brochure describing V. broken, bod, (af) a combining form of broda, broken. bodcea, <break change> [D‍-‍] (1v) D break (down)/become broken/inoperable, intransitive. nu bodcko, <break cause> (a) broken/breakable. nu bodmao, <break make> (a) broken/breakable. broda, [N‍-‍] (1a) N is broken (down)/inoperative/inutile. nu bromao, <break make> (a) broken/breakable, can be fractured, conv. form. broken-hearted, pu karcykei, <heart sad> (a) hearbroken/broken-hearted. broker, cmebatmi, <money trade> (n) trader/broker, one involved in money trade. bromine, bromo, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some bromine, element 35 (Br). bronchial, bronkiui, (a) bronchial, pert. to bronchi. bronchopneumonia, bronkoneumoni, [D‍-‍] (1) D is bronchopneumonic, has bronchopneumonia. lopo bronkoneumoni, (n) bronchopneumonia, collective term. bronchopneumonic, bronkoneumoni, [D‍-‍] (1) D is bronchopneumonic, has bronchopneumonia. bronchus, bronkiui, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a bronchus, a main branch of the windpipe. brooch, bruci, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a brooch, a pinned ornament. brood, brasei, <born set> [F‍-‍P] (2n) F is a litter/brood/multiplets of P, infants from the same birth. conpeo, <deeply think> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K reflect(s) /consider/contemplate/ponder/meditate/brood/think deeply about V. nu junpro, <child produce> (n) a brood (of … in …) conv. of breed. negdykua, <egg cover> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K brood/incubate D, as a clutch of eggs. rarnurpee, <all parented> [P‍-‍S] (2n) P are a/the brood/family of parents S. brooder, negdykua, <egg cover> (n) brooder/incubator, one/that which -s. brooding, negdykua, <egg cover> (a) brooding/incubating, pertaining to -ing. brook, cmavri, <small river> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a brook/rivulet/rill/creek/stream, a small river. broom, lagrou, <long brush> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a broom, for sweeping. broth, klisupta, <clear soup> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a quantity/portion of broth/consomme. lo klisupta, <clear soup> (n) broth/consommé, mass term. brother, bru, (af) a combining form of brudi, brother. brudi, [N‍-‍NS] (3n) N is a brother of N with parents S, collective. fie, (h) comrade/brother/sister, an attitudinal indicating comradeship/friendship or the intimacy of fellow members/co workers; part of the series 'rie/kae/nue/fie/die', q.v.; always used after a designation/vocative. E.g. 'Djan, Fie' — 'John, Friend' used as the salutation of a letter. (DIE). lidgrudjo, <religious group member> [B‍-‍F] (2v) B is a monk/friar/religious brother/nun of F. brother-in law, nurmerbru, <spouse brother> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is a brother-in law of D. brotherhood, lopu brucli, <brother like> (n) brotherliness/brotherhood, mass prop. pu brucli, <brother like> (n) some brotherliness/brotherhood, a sp. instance. lopo brudi, (n) brotherhood, mass term. po brudi, (n) a brotherhood, a specific instance. brotherliness, lopu brucli, <brother like> (n) brotherliness/brotherhood, mass prop. pu brucli, <brother like> (n) some brotherliness/brotherhood, a sp. instance. brotherly, brucli, <brother like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more brotherly/fraternal than J. brought, nu jundia, <young teach> (a) brought up, by … to be …, conv. form. brow, hedfre, <head front> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the forehead/brow of F. brown, brona, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more brown/browner than J. brona, (a) brown. brona, (n) a brown, a brown thing/object. lopu brona, (n) brown, the colour, a mass term. ron, (af) a combining form of brona, brown. ronmao, <brown make> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K toast/brown B. browner, brona, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more brown/browner than J. brownness, pu brona, (n) a brownness, a specific property. bruise, skapykolsru, <skin color injur(y)> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K bruise D by V. po skapykolsru, <skin color injur(y)> (n) a bruise, an instance of -ing. bruised, nu skapykolsru, <skin color injur(y)> (a) bruised, the damaged thing. bruising, skapykolsru, <skin color injur(y)> (a) bruising, that which -s. brush, brocu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a brush, any bristled implement. bucto, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a bush/shrub/brush of F, a small many stemmed woody plant. datklinymao, <tooth clean make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K brush/clean teeth D. fordyrocduo, <floor brush do> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K brush/scrub the floor of D. heryrocduo, <hair brush do> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K brush/groom the hair of D. heryrocpli, <hair brush use> [K‍-‍] (1v) K brush their hair. roc, (af) a combining form of brocu, brush. rocduo, <brush do> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K sweep/brush B from (surface/object) D. rocykuvduo, <brush cover do> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K brush/apply liquid B to/on D. rou, (af) a combining form of brocu, brush. brush teeth, datyrocduo, <tooth brush do> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K brush teeth of D with V, e.g. brushing the dog's teeth. datyrocpli, <tooth brush use> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K brush teeth with tool/substance B. brushland, buclai, <bush land> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a heath/brushland in F. brutal, vanyniacli, <violent animal like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more brutal/brutish/bestial/savage than J. brutality, lopu vanyniacli, <violent animal like> (n) brutality, mass prop. po vanyniacli, <violent animal like> (n) an act of brutality. brute, vanynia, <violent animal> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a beast/brute/savage animal. brutish, vanyniacli, <violent animal like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more brutal/brutish/bestial/savage than J. bubble, fliholcko, <bubble(liquid hole) cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N bubble D, cause … to form bubbles, non intentional. fliholvei, <liquid hole happen> [K‍-‍] (1v) K bubble. flihou, <liquid hole> [V‍-‍BF] (3n) V is a bubble of B in liquid F. bubbling, fliholvei, <liquid hole happen> (a) bubbling/effervescent. rorholcticea, <many hole substance become> (a) foaming/bubbling. bucket, bak, (af) a combining form of bakto, bucket. bakcai, <bucket quantity> [C‍-‍B] (2n) C is a bucketful/pailful/bucket/pail of B. bakduo, <bucket do> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K bucket/bail, remove water from D. bakto, [D‍-‍B] (2n) D is a bucket/pail of/containing B. bucket seat, prifodcei, <back fold chair> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a bucket seat, as in a car. bucketful, bakcai, <bucket quantity> [C‍-‍B] (2n) C is a bucketful/pailful/bucket/pail of B. bud, lifcinpro, <leaf child produce> [K‍-‍] (1v) K bud, produce (leaf) buds. lifcinta, <leaf child> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a (leaf) bud of F. lorcinpro, <flower child produce> [K‍-‍] (1v) K bud, to produce (flower) buds. lorcinta, <flower child> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a (flower) bud of F. budget, cmeplidai, <money use plan> [B‍-‍VK] (3n) B is a budget for V by K. cmeplidanmao, <money use plan make> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K budget(s) for V. budgeter, cmeplidanmao, <money use plan make> (c) budgeter, one who -s. buffalo, bishoni, [B‍-‍] (1) B is a bison/American buffalo, of the genus Bison. buffet, celnybao, <shelf box> [B‍-‍KFP] (4n) B is a buffet/sideboard/dresser (U.K.) in F for P. bug, bamsekta, <ball insect> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a bug/beetle, familiar usage. nurkuatcela, <covered wing> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a Coleoptera/bug/beetle, technical usage. buggy, karti, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a cart/carriage/wagon/buggy/coach/chariot/dray, any non motorized vehicle. perkarti, <people cart> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a coach/buggy/shay, used for transporting people. bugle, korne, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a horn/French horn/cornet/bugle/trumpet/trombone/saxhorn/tuba, a musical wind instrument, usually brass, employing the player's lips as the vibrating medium. methorno, <metal horn> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a horn/trumpet/bugle/brass instrument, any of the brass musical instruments. build, bac, (af) a combining form of balci, build. bai, (af) a combining form of balci, build. balci, [K‍-‍PS] (3v) K build (up)/erect/construct P from materials/parts S. buildable, nu balci, (a) buildable/constructable/erectable, capable of being -ed. builder, balci, (n) a builder/constructor/erector, one who -s. building, lopo balci, (n) building/construction (mass act). nu balci, (n) a/the a building/construction/erection, the thing built. po balci, (n) a sp. act of building/construction. nu daitcu, <plan picture> (n) a building made/to be made from plans … drafted by …. nurbai, <conv. of build> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a building/edifice/structure, any built thing. building crazy, bacfundi, <build fond> [K‍-‍B] (2a) K is building crazy about B. bulb, bul, (af) a combining form of bulbi, bulb. bulbi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a bulb, a bulb shaped thing. bui, (af) a combining form of bulbi, bulb. bulbous, bulbi, (a) bulbous, pert. to -s. bulk, rorkonte, <most count> [C‍-‍B] (2n) C is the bulk/majority/greater number of B. rorpiu, <most piece> [C‍-‍B] (2n) C is the bulk/majority/greater portion of B. bull, kasno, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a bull, a male bovine. kasnu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a/some cow/bull/cattle/oxen, non specific. bullet, nu dionreo, <direction throw> (a) a bullet/projectile shot by … at …. cmanunreo, <small thrown> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a bullet/shot/missile (small)/projectile (small). bulletin board, sanbarta, <sign board.> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a signboard/bulletin board. bump, muoblo, <moving strike> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K bump/collide/crash with/run into D. po muoblo, <moving strike> (n) a collision/bump/crash, an act/event of -ing. bumpy, kersiu, <air shake> [B‍-‍] (1v) B (an airmass) is turbulent/bumpy. kersiu, <air shake> (a) turbulent/bumpy. bun, cmabreba, <small bread> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a biscuit/roll/bun. bunch, kinsei, <together set> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a bouquet/bunch/cluster of B. bundle, bad, (af) a combining form of badlo, bundle. badlo, [B‍-‍P] (2n) B is a package/parcel/bundle/pack of P. badmao, <bundle make> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K wrap/package/bundle D in B. bundled, nu badmao, <bundle make> (a) packaged/bundled/wrapped. bungalow, fordybia, <floor between> (n) a bungalow, a one storey building (when used without the second argument). buoy, kunflofu, <warn float> [B‍-‍VN] (3n) B is a buoy, indicating V in area N. buoyancy, pu flofu, (n) a buoyancy, a property of floating. buoyant, flofu, (a) buoyant, floats in/on …. burden, nurbei, <conv. of carry> [B‍-‍K] (2n) B is the load/cargo/burden of K. nurberdou, <cargo give> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K load/burden D with B. tidbeicko, <heavy carry cause> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K burden D with B. tidbercko, <heavy carry cause> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K burden D with B. tidnurbei, <heavy load> [B‍-‍D] (2v) B is a burden of D. burial, po fanpafko, <reverse dig> (n) an interment/burial, an act/event of -ing. burn, cab, (af) a combining form of cabro, burn. cabmao, <burn make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K burn(s) D, intentional. cabro, [D‍-‍C] (2v) D burn/ignite at temperature C. cabsia, <burn place> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a burn/burned place on F. cabsrusia, <burn hurt place> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a burn in F, a burning pain as from fire or acid. caocko, <burn cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N burn D, nonintentional. cao, (af) a combining form of cabro, burn. burn into, nu foldri, <strong remember> (3v) impress/burn into … in the memory of … about …. burnable, cabro, (a) burnable/flammable/inflammable at temperature …. burned, nu caocko, <burn cause> (a) burned, pert. to that -ed. burner, caocko, <burn cause> (n) a burner/incendiary/incinerator, an apparatus for -ing. burning, nu fagcko, <fire cause> (a) afire/fired/ignitable/burning, conv. of ignite. burr, skoliu, <screw restrain> [B‍-‍K] (2n) B is a nut/burr (U.K.). burst, clafyzbu, <laugh explode> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K burst out laughing at D. po clafyzbu, <laugh explode> (n) a burst (of laughter), spec. instance. sudnyceokra, <sudden wet cry> [K‍-‍] (1v) K burst into tears. zbucko, <explode cause> [N‍-‍B] (2v) N burst/explode B, make … explode, nonintentional. zbuma, [D‍-‍F] (2v) D burst/explode into fragments F. zbumao, <explode make> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K burst/explode B, make … explode intentionally. burst into flame, zbufla, <burst into flame> [B‍-‍] (1v) B blaze/burst into flame. bury, ctikua, <stuff cover> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K cover up/bury B with V. fanpafko, <reverse dig> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K bury/inter D in B. bus, grutaksi, <group taxi> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a bus/autobus, for urban public transportation. ractca, <travel car> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a bus (US)/coach (UK), used for distance travel. busboy, fansua, <reverse serve> (n) a busboy/busperson/table clearer. bush, buc, (af) a combining form of buctu, bush. bucto, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a bush/shrub/brush of F, a small many stemmed woody plant. trilai, <tree land> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a bush/forest in N. business, batkle, <business class> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is business class accommodation in conveyance F. batkle, <business class> (a) business class. lopo batmi, (n) barter/business/commerce, mass term for trading. po batmi, (n) a/some barter/business/commerce, an act of trading. ralkompi, <profit company> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a business, profit making organization. businessman, batmi, (n) a businessman/trader/merchant, one who -s. kompou, <company possess> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a businessman/shopowner of business F. busperson, fansua, <reverse serve> (n) a busboy/busperson/table clearer. busy, tuaflo, <work full> [K‍-‍V] (2a) K is busy/occupied with/engaged in V. tuaflo, <work full> (v) be busy/occupied with/engaged in …. but, buo, (av) however/but/on the contrary, a discourse operator (UI). cenoi, (c) but/and+not, bet. modified/fying words, e.g. 'wise but not good, man'. enoi, (c) and/but+not, between terms, negative conjunction. noe, (c) not … but … /both not … and …, one word between terms (A). butcher, mioklu, <meat cutter> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a butcher, a preparer of meat for sale. mitvemsia, <meat selling place> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is a butcher shop, a meat store. butt, rirgu, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the buttock(s)/ass/arse/butt/rear/seat of F. butte, tobmoa, <table mountain> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a mesa/butte, a flat topped hill of landmass F. butter, batra, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is some butter from source S. batra, (a) butter, made of butter. lo batra, (n) butter, mass term. batryduo, <butter do> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K butter(s) D, put butter on …. butterfly, hit, (af) a combining form of hitli, butterfly. hitla, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a female butterfly. hitlo, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a male butterfly. hitlu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a butterfly, non specific term. butterfly larva, hitli, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a butterfly larva/caterpillar, a lepidopterous insect. butterfly like, hitle, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is butterfly like, pertaining to butterflies. buttock, rirgu, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the buttock(s)/ass/arse/butt/rear/seat of F. button, botni, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a button of/from F. botnyduo, <button do> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K button(s) D. klaki, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a key/button, a (typically) binary state control, of device F. sanbruci, <sign brooch> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B is a button/pin/macaroon containing slogan/saying C. buy, furvea, <3rd conv. sell> [K‍-‍BSC] (4v) K buy/purchase B from S for/at price C. buyer, furvea, <3rd conv. sell> (n) a purchaser/buyer, one who -s. buzz, biftaa, <bee talk> [K‍-‍] (1v) K buzz, a bee like sound. po biftaa, <bee talk> (n) a buzz, a specific event. zlizu, [B‍-‍] (1v) B buzz/hum, a droning sound. po zlizu, (n) an instance of a buzz/hum. buzzer, biftaa, <bee talk> (n) buzzer, that which -es. zlizu, (n) buzzer, a device which -es. by, duo, (pp) by (method), a relative operator before terms (PA). hea, (pp) through/with the help of/by, a relative oper. before design'ns (PA). je, (pp) of/by/for/from/of/to<, before 2nd arguments in descriptions.>. jue, (pp) of/by/to, 2nd descriptive link. tie, (pp) with/through/by (means of), any means/instrument. by day, denli, (av) by day, in the daytime. by no means, tie no ba, (ph) not at all/by no means/in no way, lit., by no means x. by the way, zou, (av) by the way/incidentally, a discourse operator (UI). by-all means, ai, (i) yes/certainly/of-course/OK/decidedly/by-all means, an exp. of consent/strong intention. by-and by, fa ta, (av ph) after/afterwards/later/then/whereat/whereupon/by-and by, a sentence modifying phrase. by-no means, ai no, (ph) no/I will not/by-no means, an expression of unwillingness/strong refusal. byte, vorbithi, <8 bit> [B‍-‍C] (2v) B measures C in byte(s), default 1.

C C, Cai, (l) C, Latin upper case letter, one of a pool of symbols. Caesarean, ceshareai, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a Caesarean, an operation to deliver a child. Cambrian, la Kambrian, (n) the Cambrian, a geologic period. kambriani, [B‍-‍] (1) B is Cambrian, pert. to the Cambrian geological age. Canadian, kanda, [N‍-‍] (1n) N is an element/feature/expression of the Canadian language, the dialects of French and English spoken in Canada. kande, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is a Canadian place/territory, a region inhabited by Canadians. kandi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is Canadian, a Canadian person. kandi, (a) Canadian, of Canadian origin. lo kandi, (n) the Canadian people, mass term. kando, [N‍-‍] (1n) N is an element/feature/expression of the Canadian culture. kando, (a) Canadian, pert. to the Canadian culture. lo kando, (n) Canadian culture, mass term. Captain, Kaptan, (voc) a vocative: 'O Captain!'. la Kaptan, (na) Captain, a name/name part: as in 'la Kaptan Kuk'. Catholic, katholu, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is Catholic, pertaining to the Catholic church. Caucasian, eurpiykaa, <European origin> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is of European/Caucasian extraction. Chablis, cabli, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a Chablis, a white Burgundy wine. Cheddar, tcedare, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is some Cheddar from S, a cheese. Chimaera, kimheri, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a Chimaera, a fish of that genus. China, la Djunguos, (na) China, the name of the country. Chinese, la Guanhuas, (na) Chinese, the — language. junga, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an element/feature/expression of mandarin Chinese. junga, (a) Chinese, pert. to mandarin Chinese. lo junga, (n) Chinese, the mass of such elements. junge, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is a Chinese place/territory, a region inhabited by Chinese. jungi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a Chinese person. jungi, (a) Chinese, of Chinese origin. lo jungi, (n) (the) Chinese, the mass of such persons. jungo, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an element/feature/expression of Chinese culture. jungo, (a) Chinese, pert. to Chinese culture. lo jungo, (n) Chinese, the mass of such elements. Chinese gooseberry, aktci, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a kiwi fruit/Chinese gooseberry from S. Chinese speaker, jungytaa, <Chinese talker> [K‍-‍] (1n) K is a sinophone/a Chinese speaker, a speaker of the … language. Christian, kristne, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a Christian district/territory, a place where -s live. kristne, (a) Christian, as of territory. kristni, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a Christian, a believer in/practitioner of -ity. kristni, (a) Christian, as of persons. kristno, (a) Christian, as of culture. Christian name, fu namdou, <name give> (n) a/the given /Christian name of …. Christianity, kristniysio, <Christian system> [N‍-‍] (1n) N an instance of Christianity, a christian creed. lo kristniysio, <Christian system> (n) Christianity, mass term of creeds. kristno, [N‍-‍] (1n) N is an instance of Christianity, an item of -ian culture. Christmas, kristniydei, <Christian day> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is an instance of Christmas. Coelenterata, lao Coelenterata, (na) the Coelenterata, a phylum of many celled animals. Coleoptera, nurkuatcela, <covered wing> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a Coleoptera/bug/beetle, technical usage. Come now, razdou, <reason give> (i) Be reasonable!/Come now!/Look here!, w/o 1st arg., imperative. Confucian, kunge, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an Confucian district/territory, an area where Confucians live. kunge, (a) Confucian, as of territory. kungi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a Confucian, a believer in/practitioner of -ism. kungi, (a) Confucian, as of persons. kungo, (a) Confucian, as of culture. Confucianism, kungo, [N‍-‍] (1n) N is an instance of Confucianism, an item of -ian culture. Cotinga, kothinigi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a bird of the genus Cotinga. Count, la Por, (na) Count/Earl/Lord/Baron/Duke, etc. (a generalized nobility title/name/name part.). Cuban, kubha, [N‍-‍] (1) N is the Cuban (language). kubhe, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is a Cuban place/territory, a region inhabited by Cubans. kubhi, [B‍-‍] (1) B is a Cuban (person). kubho, [B‍-‍] (1) B is an instance of Cuban (culture). Cubans, kubhe, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is a Cuban place/territory, a region inhabited by Cubans. c, cei, (l) c, Latin lower case letter, one of a pool of symbols. cab, taksi, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a cab/taxi/hack of S. cabaret, kabre, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a cabaret/nightclub of place/community F. cabbage, kolhe, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is some cabbage from S. cabin, cmahaa, <small house> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a cabin/hut/shed/cottage of F, a small dwelling place. kabni, [B‍-‍DF] (3n) B is a cabin of passenger D on ship/train F. cabinet, nurdaobao, <doored box> [B‍-‍KFP] (4n) B is a closet/cabinet/cupboard/dresser (U.K.) in F for P. cable, rortirca, <many wire> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a cable, braided wires. totkoe, <thick cord> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a piece of rope/line/cable. cackle, henjyclafo, <hen laugh> [K‍-‍] (1v) K cackle. po henjyclafo, <hen laugh> (n) a cackle. cadaver, morkorti, <dead body> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is the body/corpse/cadaver of D. cadaverous, morkorcli, <dead body like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is/are more cadaverous than J. cadaverousness, pu morkorcli, <dead body like> (n) a cadaverousness, a spec. property. cadmium, cadmo, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some cadmium, element 48 (Cd). caesarean, ceshareai, (a) caesarean, pert. to the operation. caesium, cesmo, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some caesium, element 55 (Cs). cafe, ckafe, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a cafe/coffee house of place/community F. resra, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a restaurant/cafe of place/community F. cafeteria, linresra, <line restaurant> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a cafeteria of place/community F. cage, kerbao, <air box> [B‍-‍P] (2n) B is a cage for P. nimliu, <animal hold> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a pen/fold/cage, enclosure for animals. cake, grato, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a (piece of) cake. grato, (a) cake, made of cake. lo grato, (n) cake, mass term. calamitous, hutvei, <destructive event> [V‍-‍D] (2a) V is calamitous/disastrous/catastrophic to/for D. calamity, hutvei, <destructive event> (n) a calamity/disaster/catastrophe, a disaster to …. calcium, calco, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some calcium, the 20th element. (Ca). calculate, numtua, <number work> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K reckon/calculate B by V. calculus, numtursio, <number work system> [F‍-‍] (1n) F is calculus, a mathematical calculation system. calendar, deirlista, <day list> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a calendar in system F. ninfeobuu, <year fact book> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B is an almanac/catalogue/directory/calendar of information for year C. calf, kasni, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a calf, an infant cow. californium, calhifornio, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some californium, element 98 (Cf). call, frekra, <front call> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K summon/call forth/up D. po frekra, <front call> (n) a summons/call, summons, an act of -ing up. kraku, [K‍-‍] (1v) K cry/call (out). krataa, <cry talk> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K call/cry to D about V. po krataa, <cry talk> (n) a cry/call, an act of -ing to. neikra, <in call> (n) call/summons/invocation, an act of -ing. call back, kambeo, <come ask> [K‍-‍BDS] (4v) K recall/call back/summon B to D from S. A polite form of kamkoi q.v. kamkoi, <come order> [K‍-‍BDS] (4v) K recall/call back/summon B to D from S. call in, neikra, <in call> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K call in/invoke/call upon/summon B to do V. call together, kinkra, <together call> [K‍-‍DP] (3v) K convoke/convene/call together D for P. call upon, neikra, <in call> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K call in/invoke/call upon/summon B to do V. caller, krataa, <cry talk> (n) caller, one who calls to … about …. calligrapher, bilsri, <beautiful write> (n) a calligrapher. calligraphy, lopo bilsri, <beautiful write> (n) calligraphy, mass term. calm, kalma, [K‍-‍N] (2a) K is calm/tranquil/serene under conditions N. lopu kalma, (n) calm/tranquility/serenity, mass property. calmer, kalmymou, <calm more> [G‍-‍VJV] (4a) G is calmer/more tranquil/serene/untroubled about V than J is about V'. calmness, lopo kalmymou, <calm more> (n) tranquility/serenity/calmness, the mass of such states. caloric, calri, (a) caloric, pert. to calories. calorie, calri, [N‍-‍C] (2n) N measure(s) C in calorie(s), default 1, a unit of heat. calories, calri, (n) n calories, something that measures/contains n …. E.g. Mi pa titci tomo calri na lena denli — I ate 2,000 calories (food containing 2,000 calories) today. camel, camlo, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a male camel. camla, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a female camel. camli, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an infant camel. camlu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a camel, non specific term. camel like, camle, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is camel like/dromedary like, pertaining to an artiodactyl mammal of genus Camelus. camembert, kambere, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some camembert, a French cheese. camera, kamra, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a camera, a photographic instrument. kar, (af) a combining form of kamra, camera. cameraman, sinkarduo, <cinema camera do> (n) a cinematographer/movie cameraman. camouflage, furviacko, <background make> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K camouflage/conceal B by V, non intentional. furviacko, <background make> (n) some camouflage, that which -s. po furviacko, <background make> (n) an inst. of non intentional camouflage. furvizmao, <background make> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K camouflage/conceal B by V, intentional. po furvizmao, <background make> (n) an inst. of intentional camouflage. camouflaged, furviacea, <background become> [B‍-‍F] (2v) B is/are camouflaged against background F. camp, fankampymao, <reverse camp make> [K‍-‍S] (2v) K break camp at S. kampo, [B‍-‍FN] (3n) B is a camp/encampment of F at N, a temporary dwelling place. can, gau, (va) can …. kan, (af) a combining form of kanmo, can. kanmo, [K‍-‍VN] (3v) K can/able to do V under conditions N. kau, (aux) can/is able to …, used before predicates (PA). E.g. Mi kau godzi da — I can go to X. metveo, <metal container> [B‍-‍P] (2n) B is a can/tin of/containing P. canal, cutrua, <water route> [B‍-‍SDV] (4n) B is a channel/canal between S and D via V. kanla, [B‍-‍FV] (3n) B is a canal between points F over route V. cancer, kanceri, [D‍-‍S] (2n) D has cancer in organ S. candela, candeli, [N‍-‍] (1n) N measure(s) in candela(s), a unit of luminance. candid, taknesta, <talk honest> [B‍-‍DV] (3a) B is frank/open/candid/straightforward with D about V. candidate, grupersange, <group person suggest> [B‍-‍SN] (3n) B is a/the candidate (U.S.) of party N. nu polprusa, <political approver> (n) a candidate, person to be voted for. nu persange, <person suggest> (n) nominee/nomination/candidate, one -ed. candidness, lopu taknesta, <talk honest> (n) straightforwardness/frankness/openness/candidness/candor, mass prop. candle, flalakse, <flame wax> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a candle. lakylitstuka, <wax light stick> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a candle/taper. candor, lopu taknesta, <talk honest> (n) straightforwardness/frankness/openness/candidness/candor, mass prop. po taknesta, <talk honest> (n) a frankness/openness/candor, an event of being candid. candy, sliti, (n) a candy/goody/sweet, that which is sweet. cane, dzokanra, <walk cane> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a cane/stick/walking stick. kanra, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a rod/cane, general term (see also polji). canid, kanhidi, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a canid of type/species F. kanhidi, (a) canid, pert. to Canidae. canine, kange, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more canine/dog like than J. cannon, grokukreo, <large quick thrower> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a cannon/(field) gun, a piece of artillery. cannot, no kanmo, (v) cannot, not be able to do … under …. canoe, botsu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a boat/canoe/craft/cutter/vessel, a generic term for all types of water craft. canon, tepgai, <church govern> [B‍-‍FN] (3n) B is a bishop/priest/cardinal/canon over group F for religion N; any member of a church hierarchy. canter, teryritglopa, <3 rhythm gallop> [K‍-‍DSV] (4v) K canter to D from S via V, a gait. canvas, folkla, <strong cloth> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is canvas, a strong cloth for sails, tents etc. canyon, bodmonbia, <broken mountain between> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a gorge/canyon of river/stream S. cap, kapma, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a hat/cap/headgear, a piece of headgear. kapmyduo, <cap do> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K cap/put on/don hat B. capability, kancai, <capability quantity> [N‍-‍VP] (3n) N is the capacity/capability of V to accomplish P. pu kanmo, (n) an ability/capability/talent/faculty, a spec. property. pu livkanmo, <live able> (n) a capability/capacity/gift/talent, a specific biological potential. capable, kanmo, (a) able/capable/talented, capable of doing … under condition …. livkanmo, <live able> [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is capable/talented/gifted in, biologically able to do/be V. spuro, [B‍-‍VN] (3a) B is capable/skilful/competent/skilled/expert/clever at/in doing V under N. capacity, kancai, <capability quantity> [N‍-‍VP] (3n) N is the capacity/capability of V to accomplish P. pu livkanmo, <live able> (n) a capability/capacity/gift/talent, a specific biological potential. velcai, <vessel amount> [C‍-‍B] (2n) C is the capacity (physical space) in B. nu velmei, <container measure> (n) a capacity of a container. cape, lanbiepea, <land edge point> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a cape/headland on land F. tentykosta, <tent coat> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a cape/mantle/cloak, a formless garment. capital, garsitci, <governing city> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the capital/seat of government of F. grolea, <big letter> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a capital/upper case letter from set/font F. stocme, <stay money> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some capital, fixed assets. lo stocme, <stay money> (a) capital, mass term. capitalism, ralkrisio, <profit creed> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is an instance of capitalism. lo ralkrisio, <profit creed> (n) capitalism, general term. capitalist, ralkri, <profit believe> (n) a capitalist, (profit believer). capitalistic, ralkri, <profit believe> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more capitalistic than J, pert. to -ists. ralkrisio, <profit creed> (a) capitalistic, pert. to creeds. caprine, gotce, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is goat like/caprine, pertains to goats. capsize, paltancea, <side turn become> [B‍-‍] (1v) B overturn/capsize. captain, kapta, [K‍-‍F] (2n) K is a/the (sea) captain of F, nautical/naval. sorkoi, <6th commander> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a colonel/captain/etc. commanding/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. mursorkoi — naval captain. Use surkoi. q.v., for officers in general. terkoi, <3rd commander> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a captain/army captain/lieutenant senior grade/etc. commanding/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murterkoi — naval lieutenant senior grade. Use surkoi. q.v., for officers in general. captaincy, po kapta, (n) a/the captaincy (n), a state of being a captain. caption, nilcypua, <under word(s)> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a caption of illustration F. captive, foirjua, <forcefully grab> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K seize/catch/capture/take captive D from S. janjua, <hunt grasp> (v) captive, hold …. nu janjua, <hunt grasp> (n) a catch/captive, one who has been caught. captivity, po nu janjua, <hunt grasp> (n) capture/captivity, an state/event of being caught. captor, janjua, <hunt grasp> (n) a catcher/captor, one who captures. capture, foirjua, <forcefully grab> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K seize/catch/capture/take captive D from S. janjua, <hunt grasp> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K catch/nab/capture B, a game animal or enemy/captive/hostage. po janjua, <hunt grasp> (n) a capture, an act of -ing. po nu janjua, <hunt grasp> (n) capture/captivity, an state/event of being caught. car, tca, (af) a combining form of tcaro, car. tcaro, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a auto/car/automobile/truck/vehicle, any motorized land vehicle. trekarti, <train cart> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a train carriage/coach/car/boxcar of train F. car trip, po tcatraci, <car travel> (n) a car trip/automobile trip. caravan, beigru, <carry group> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a train/caravan/convoy of F. rachaa, <travel house> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a caravan (UK)/(travel) trailer (US)/mobile home of person F. carbohydrate, carbohidrati, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a carbohydrate, a cpd. of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. carbon, car, (af) a combining form of carbo, carbon. carbo, [B‍-‍C] (2n) B is some carbon, element 6 (C). carbo, (a) carbon, pert. to element 6. grapiti, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some graphite, a form of carbon. carbon dioxide, carbo dioksidi, (ph) carbon dioxide. carbonate, carbonati, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a carbonate of S. carborundum, carborundi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some carborundum, a silicon carbide. carbuncle, malsulba, <sore swelling> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is a boil/carbuncle on D. carcinogen, karcinogeni, [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a carcinogen causing N, cancer causing substance. card, karda, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a card. plekarda, <play card> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a/some playing card(s). cardiac, karci, (a) cardiac, pert. to hearts. cardinal, ju lodsei, <logic set> (n) the cardinal number of the members/elements … of some set; cf. konte. ju pebsei, <special set> (n) the cardinal number of the members/elements … of some set; cf. konte. tepgai, <church govern> [B‍-‍FN] (3n) B is a bishop/priest/cardinal/canon over group F for religion N; any member of a church hierarchy. cardinal number, konte, [C‍-‍F] (2n) C is the number/integral number/integer/numerical count/cardinal number of set/multiple F. cardiograph, karcysri, <heart writer> [B‍-‍] (1) B is a cardiograph. care, au, (i) I don't care/it's all the same, exp. of indifference/unconcern/absence of intention. fatru, (n) a/some care/trouble/plague, a troubling/disturbing thing. nu fatru, (v) have care, to be troubled by …. po nu fatru, (n) a care, a state of being troubled. kej, (af) a combining form of kerju, care. po kejkao, <care act> (n) a care, being careful/painstaking, q.v. po kerju, (n) the care, a spec. act of taking care of …. keu, (af) a combining form of kerju, care. no au, (i) I do care, denial of indifference/unconcern/absence of intention. nurfei, <conv. of affair> (v) care about, be involved in, conv. of affair. po selkunbiu, <self warning behave> (1n) an instance of discretion/caution/care (about …). po selkurni, <self warning> (n) a state of caution/precaution/care, being careful/cautious. care for, fundi, (v) have a taste for/be fond of/care for/like/prefer …. kerju, [K‍-‍D] (2v) K keep/take care of/care for D. notkeu, <other caretaker> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K care for/be custodian of D for third party B. care provider, nu nordje, <neg. of well> (n) is a care provider/someone who takes-care of patients/unwell persons. career, lagtua, <long work> [V‍-‍N] (2n) V is a career/profession/occupation at/in N. livtua, <life work> [V‍-‍K] (2n) V is a/the career/vocation of K. carefree, fatpencle, <trouble think without> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is/are more carefree than J. careful, ee, (i) caution/careful/take care, attitudinal (UI). kejkao, <care act> (a) careful/painstaking, painstaking with …. selkunbiu, <self warning behave> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K is/are discreet/cautious/careful about V. careful of, selkurni, <self warning> [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is cautious about/careful of/wary/prudent, uses caution in doing V. careful with, kejkao, <care act> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K do carefully/take pains with/be careful with B. carefulness, pu kejkao, <care act> (n) a carefulness, a spec. property. careless, no kejkao, <care act> (a) careless, neg. of painstaking. keucle, <care without> [B‍-‍N] (2v) B is careless/reckless with/about N, not caring about. carelessness, po no kejkao, <care act> (n) a carelessness, an act/event of -ness. pu no kejkao, <care act> (n) a carelessness, a spec. property. po keucle, <care without> (n) a carelessness/recklessness, a spec. instance of being —. pu keucle, <care without> (n) a carelessness/recklessness, a spec. prop. caress, clutco, <love touch> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K caress/stroke/pet D. po clutco, <love touch> (n) a caress/stroke, an act of -ing. caretaker, kerju, (n) a custodian/keeper/caretaker, one who takes care of …. prakeu, <continuous care> (n) caretaker/maintainer, one who -s. cargo, nurbei, <conv. of carry> [B‍-‍K] (2n) B is the load/cargo/burden of K. nurbeibekti, <carried object> [B‍-‍SDV] (4n) B is freight/cargo, material transported from S to D by V. caribou, tuktu, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a reindeer/caribou from S. carillon, muirbelgru, <musical bell group> [F‍-‍] (1n) F is a carillon, a musical bell set. carnet, kepybuu, <ticket book> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a ticket book/carnet for use on transport system N. carnival, cmikeo, <fun time> [V‍-‍KB] (3n) V is a carnival/celebration/fair among people K on occasion B. carnivore, karnivori, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a carnivore of type/genus F, of the order Carnivora. karnivori, (a) carnivore, pert. to -s. miotci, <meat eater> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a carnivore/meat eater. carnivorous, miotci, <meat eater> (a) carnivorous, pert. to carnivores. carpark, tcastosia, <car stay place> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a parking lot/carpark for/of community/building F. carpenter, mubtua, <wood worker> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a carpenter/woodworker, one who works with wood. carpet, fordykla, <floor fabric> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a/some carpet/rug, a floor covering. carpetseller, fordyklavea, <floor clith sell(er)> (n) a carpetseller. carriage, horkarti, <horse cart> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a carriage/coach/wagon, vehicle pulled by horses. karti, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a cart/carriage/wagon/buggy/coach/chariot/dray, any non motorized vehicle. muvbiu, <move behaviour> [P‍-‍S] (2v) P is the carriage/bearing of S. trekarti, <train cart> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a train carriage/coach/car/boxcar of train F. carried away, nu spibei, <spirit carry> (a) transported/carried away/rapt. carrier, berti, (n) a porter/carrier/vehicle, as 'lanolin is a vehicle for certain drugs'. carrot, krota, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a carrot. carry, ber, (af) a combining form of berti, carry. berti, [K‍-‍BDSV] (4v) K carry/transport B to D from S via V. gozbei, <go carry> [K‍-‍BDS] (4v) K take along B/carry … away in going to D from S. kalkao, <completely act> [K‍-‍PV] (3v) K accomplish/finish/perform/carry P out/through V. bei, (af) a combining form of berti, carry. carry away, darbei, <far carry> [K‍-‍BDSV] (5v) K carry away B to D from S via V. spibei, <spirit carry> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K transport/carry away/enrapture D by V. carry back, fanbei, <reverse carry> [K‍-‍BSD] (4v) K return/carry back B from S to D. carry luggage, racvelbei, <travel container carrier> (v) carry luggage … for …. carry on, beinracveo, <carry travel container> [D‍-‍B] (2n) D is carry on baggage containing B. carry out, kojkao, <command act> [K‍-‍VS] (3v) K carry out/execute order V given by S. carry up, ganbei, <high carry> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K carry up B to D. carrying out, po kojkao, <command act> (n) carrying out/execution, -ing an order. cart, cpukarti, <pull cart> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a cart/waggon/wagon. karti, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a cart/carriage/wagon/buggy/coach/chariot/dray, any non motorized vehicle. cartilage, kartilagi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some cartilage/gristle. cartographer, catmao, <map make> (n) a cartographer/mapmaker. carton, bakso, [D‍-‍B] (2n) D is a box/crate/carton of/containing B. cartoon, kamkytcu, <comic picture> [P‍-‍K] (2n) P is a cartoon/comic (drawn) by K. tcusinma, <picture movie> [P‍-‍VS] (3n) P is an animated cartoon about V by S. carve, fomklu, <form cut> [K‍-‍PS] (3v) K carve P from S. larklu, <art cut> [K‍-‍PS] (3v) K sculpt/carve P from S. carver, fomklu, <form cut> (n) carver, one who -s. carving, fomklu, <form cut> (a) carving, pertaining to -ing. nu fomklu, <form cut> (n) a carving. po fomklu, <form cut> (n) carving, the act of -ing. case, blifeo, <possible fact> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is a case/possibility/possible outcome of V. genza, [V‍-‍N] (2n) V is a case/token/instance/recurrence/recurrent instance of N. nursia, <placed> (2n) B is a case/argument of predicate/verb F. preberveo, <paper carry container> [B‍-‍P] (2n) B is a briefcase/case/dispatch box for P. cash, nurbeicme, <carried money> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is cash, money carried as such. cashew, akhaje, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a cashew from S. cask, cmarolveo, <small cylindrical vessel> [B‍-‍P] (2n) B is a cask for P. casket, morbao, <dead box> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is a coffin/casket of D. cassette, rirdandyveo, <sound tape container> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a cassette (any type) made by S. sondandyveo, <sound tape container> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a cassette/audio cassette made by S. vidhydandyveo, <sound tape container> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a cassette/video cassette made by S. cast, fomvelpli, <form vessel use> [K‍-‍PS] (3v) K mould/cast (object) P from (material) S. renro, [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K throw/cast/hurl/pitch B to/at D. po renro, (n) a cast/hurl/pitch/throw, an act of -ing. casting, nu fomvelpli, <form vessel use> (n) a moulding/casting (by … from …), an object produced by -ing. castle, folhaa, <strong house> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a fort/castle/citadel/stronghold of F. casual, norfoa, <not formal> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more casual than J. cat, katma, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a queen/tabby, a female domestic cat/feline. katmu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a cat, non specific. cat like, katme, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more feline/cat like than J. catabolic, kathabolizi, (a) catabolic, pert. to -ism. catabolism, po kathabolizi, (n) an instance of catabolism. catabolize, kathabolizi, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K catabolize D by V. catalog, nurvembuu, <merchandise book> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a catalog from vendor S. catalogue, ninfeobuu, <year fact book> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B is an almanac/catalogue/directory/calendar of information for year C. catalyse, kathalisi, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K catalyse reaction D by V. catalysis, po kathalisi, (n) an instance of catalysis. catalyst, kathalisi, (n) a catalyst, that which -s. catapult, renmai, <throw machine> [K‍-‍] (1n) K is a catapult/sling shot (for throwing stones, or launching aircraft from carrier). catastrophe, hutvei, <destructive event> (n) a calamity/disaster/catastrophe, a disaster to …. catastrophic, hutvei, <destructive event> [V‍-‍D] (2a) V is calamitous/disastrous/catastrophic to/for D. catch, nu ficyjanto, <fish hunt> (n) catch (by …), that caught by -ing. foirjua, <forcefully grab> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K seize/catch/capture/take captive D from S. janjua, <hunt grasp> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K catch/nab/capture B, a game animal or enemy/captive/hostage. nu janjua, <hunt grasp> (n) a catch/captive, one who has been caught. renjua, <throw grasp> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K catch B, a thrown thing. po renjua, <throw grasp> (n) a catch, an act of -ing a thrown thing. catch on fire, cancao, <chance burn> [D‍-‍] (1v) D ignite/catch on fire. catch sight of, sacvia, <start see> [K‍-‍D] (v) K catch sight of D. catch up, cikcea, <equal become> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K catch up/become equal to B in V. catch up with, goidji, <go join> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K catch up with/join (and stays with) D, something in motion. catcher, janjua, <hunt grasp> (n) a catcher/captor, one who captures. renjua, <throw grasp> (n) a catcher, of a thrown thing. catching, snimalcko, <near sick cause> [N‍-‍D] (2a) N is contagious/catching to D. catechize, lidydia, <religious teach> (2v) K preach/catechize, teach religion to D. categorical, norkui, <not related> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is absolute/categorical/final, not related to anything. categorize, kledii, <class decide> [K‍-‍BF] (3v) K categorize/type/classify/dispose of/put B into class F. category, klesi, [B‍-‍FN] (3n) B is a classification/category/class/type/sort/kind of F with defining property N. cater to, tcidydou, <food give> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K feed/cater to (creatures) D. caterer, tcidydou, <food give> (n) caterer. catering, lopo tcidydou, <food give> (1n) feeding/catering. caterpillar, hitli, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a butterfly larva/caterpillar, a lepidopterous insect. cathedral, graceitepli, <grand seat church> [B‍-‍KN] (3n) B is a/the cathedral of bishop K in N. cathode, kathodi, [B‍-‍] (1) B is a cathode, a negative electrode. catholic, rarnurnei, <all inclusive> [F‍-‍] (1a) F is catholic (universal), all inclusive. cattle, kasnu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a/some cow/bull/cattle/oxen, non specific. lo kasnu, (n) cattle/oxen, mass term of bovine animals. cauliflower, kolhyloa, <cabbage flower> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a/some cauliflower from source S. causal, ckozu, (a) actual/causal/effective/in effect, effective, causing … under …. causation, lopo ckozu, (n) causation, mass term. po ckozu, (n) a causation, a spec. event/process. cause, cko, (af) a combining form of ckozu, cause. ckozu, [S‍-‍PN] (3v) S cause/effect/give rise to P under conditions N, used as auxiliary for non intentional or non human causation. ckozu, (n) a cause, that which -s. nu hatfio, <warm emotion> (n) a hobby/cause. sau, (pp) Sources/Reasons/Causes, case tag (source/reason/cause). spemao, <experience make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K cause/subject D to experience V, intentional. cause for, modvi, (vt) motivate/give cause for, of motives. raznu, (v) give cause for … to … /justify action … by actor …. caution, ee, (i) caution/careful/take care, attitudinal (UI). kurni, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K warn/caution D of danger V. po kurni, (n) caution/warning, an act of -ing. lopu selkunbiu, <self warning behave> (n) discretion/caution, mass property. po selkunbiu, <self warning behave> (1n) an instance of discretion/caution/care (about …). po selkurni, <self warning> (n) a state of caution/precaution/care, being careful/cautious. lopu tsekovgoi, <error curve go(avoid)> (n) prudence/caution, mass prop. cautious, selkunbiu, <self warning behave> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K is/are discreet/cautious/careful about V. tsekovgoi, <error curve go(avoid)> [G‍-‍JV] (3a) G is more prudent/cautious/error avoiding than J in V. cautious about, selkurni, <self warning> [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is cautious about/careful of/wary/prudent, uses caution in doing V. cautiousness, lopu selkurni, <self warning> (n) prudence/wariness/cautiousness, mass prop. cavalry, bicytcagru, <military (fighting) vehicle group> [K‍-‍F] (2n) K are the cavalry of F, modern sense, tank regiments. hornarmi, <horse army> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B are the cavalry of F, original meaning. cave, kuvla, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a cave/cavern/cavity/hollow in mass/object F. cavern, kuvla, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a cave/cavern/cavity/hollow in mass/object F. cavernous, kuvla, (a) hollow/cavernous, pert. to caverns. cavity, kuvla, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a cave/cavern/cavity/hollow in mass/object F. cavity free, nornurkuvla, <unhollowed> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is solid, cavity free, contains no cavities. cease, stise, [K‍-‍V] (2v) K stop/cease/halt/quit doing V. cedar, sidra, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a cedar (tree) from S, a fragrant evergreen wood. ceiling, krukua, <room cover> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the ceiling of F. celebrant, fomveicefli, <formal event chief> [K‍-‍V] (2n) K is the master of ceremonies/emcee/celebrant at ceremony V. celebrate, grarisdou, <honor give> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K celebrate/bestow honor upon D. grarisdri, <great respect remember> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K celebrate/remember event V. celebrated, nu grarisdou, <honor give> (a) celebrated/honoured/honored, of celebrities. nu grarisdri, <great respect remember> (a) celebrated, of … events. celebration, cmikeo, <fun time> [V‍-‍KB] (3n) V is a carnival/celebration/fair among people K on occasion B. po grarisdou, <honor give> (n) a celebration, an act of -ing something. po grarisdri, <great respect remember> (n) a celebration, an act of … ing some event. hapgesvei, <happy guest event> [V‍-‍KDN] (4n) V is a party/celebration given by K for guests D, on occasion N. hapkeo, <happy time> [B‍-‍FV] (3n) B is a festival/celebration/fiesta/jubilee among people F on occasion V. hapsocvei, <happy social event> [V‍-‍KDN] (4n) V is a party/celebration given by host K for guests D, on occasion N. celebrity, nu grarisdou, <honor give> (n) a celebrity/celebrated person, conv. of celebrate. pu nu grarisdou, <honor give> (n) a celebrity, a prop. of celebrities. celery, selhere, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is some celery from S. lo selhere, (n) celery, mass term. celestial, skati, (a) celestial/heavenly, pertaining to the —. cell, cel, (af) a combining form of celhu, cell. celhu, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a cell of F. cellar, hafnilca, <house beneath> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the cellar of house F. cello, violhoncela, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a violincello/cello. cellulose, celhulosi, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is some cellulose from S. censure, tsedastaa, <error responsible talk> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K censure/rebuke/reprove/reproach D for V. po tsedastaa, <error responsible talk> (n) an instance of censure/rebuke/reproof/reproach. tsedasycue, <error responsible say> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K blame/reproach/censure/reprove D for error V. censuring, tsedastaa, <error responsible talk> (a) censuring/rebuking, pertaining to —. cent, cendalra, <hundredth dollar> [B‍-‍C] (2) B costs C in cent(s) of unit …, use cen with appropriate unit, dalra, paondu etc. centennial, heknie, <100 years> (a) centennial, pert. to centuries. center, midju, [N‍-‍B] (2v) N is/are in the center/midpoint/middle of figure/solid B. midsea, <middle set> [K‍-‍BN] (3v) K center B in N. centered, nu midsea, <middle set> (a) centered, conv. of center. central, midju, (a) middle/central, pert. to centers. centrality, pu midju, (n) a centrality, a spec. property. centretown, sicymidju, <city middle> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the downtown/centretown/city center of city F. cents, decdalra, <tenth dollar> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B measures C in ten cents, 10/100ths of monetary unit. fercendalra, <five hundredth dollar> [C‍-‍F] (2n) C measures five cents, 5/100ths of monetary unit F. century, heknie, <100 years> [C‍-‍N] (2n) C is a century/a hundred year period of epoch N. cephalopod, cefhalopodi, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a cephalopod of species F, the highest class of Mollusca. ceramics, klenyveo, <clay container> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is/are ceramics/pottery made from china clay or kaolin. cercopithecus, cerkopithekui, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a cercopithecus, a primate of that genus. cereal, grunu, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a portion of grain/cereal from source F. grunu, (a) cereal, pert. to grains. runraa, <grain grass> (n) cereal/grain, a cereal plant. lo runraa, <grain grass> (n) cereal/grain, mass term. cereal grass, runraa, <grain grass> (1n) B is a grain-plant/cereal grass. cerebral, berna, (a) cerebral, pert. to -s. ceremonial, fomvei, <formal happening> (a) ceremonial/ritual, pert. to -s. ceremony, fomvei, <formal happening> [B‍-‍PK] (3n) B is a ceremony/event/rite/pomp with function/meaning P for people K. fomveibiu, <formal happening; behave> [K‍-‍PF] (3v) K performs/participates in a ceremony/event/rite/pomp with function/meaning P for people F. cerium, cermo, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some cerium, element 58 (Ce). certain, nu foldja, <strongly know> (a) certain/inevitable, thought to be certain of …. noia, (i) I'm not sure/certain, an denial of conviction. sio, (pp) (that … is) certain under conditions …, used before state/event terms. E.g. Da mamla sio ta — (That) X is a mammal is certain under those conditions. sir, (af) a combining form of sirto, certain. sircea, <sure become> [D‍-‍N] (2v) D become certain/convinced of/that N is true. nu sirfio, <certain feel> (a) certain/inevitable, thought to be certain. sirto, [V‍-‍NS] (3a) state/event V is sure/certain to be/happen/has a probability of 1.0 of being/happening under conditions N given knowledge system S. sirto, (a) certain/inevitable/bound to happen. certain that, ia, (i) doubtless/I agree/am certain that/am convinced that … <, expression of conviction.>. certain to be, sio, (av) certainly/certain to be, the objective sense. E.g. Da sio mamla — X is certainly/certain to be a mammal. Cf. ia for the subjective sense. certainly, ai, (i) yes/certainly/of-course/OK/decidedly/by-all means, an exp. of consent/strong intention. ia, (i) yes/certainly/indeed/of course/surely/ …, expression of conviction. sio, (av) certainly/certain to be, the objective sense. E.g. Da sio mamla — X is certainly/certain to be a mammal. Cf. ia for the subjective sense. sio, (in) certainly, is certainly true/will certainly happen (under the circumstances implied by speech) (PA). E.g. Ta sio mamla — That's certainly a mammal. certainly not, ai no, (ph) certainly not/I refuse/of course not<, an exp. of unwillingness.>. ia no, (ph) certainly not/I do not agree/of course not/no, an expression of conviction. certainty, nu foldja, <strongly know> (n) a certainty/conviction, a thing thought certain. po foldja, <strongly know> (n) a conviction/certainty, a state of being convinced. pu nu foldja, <strongly know> (n) a certainty/certitude/assurance, a property of conviction. nu sirfio, <certain feel> (n) a certainty/conviction, a thing thought certain. po sirfio, <certain feel> (n) a conviction/certainty, a state of being convinced. pu nu sirfio, <certain feel> (n) a certainty/certitude/assurance, a property of conviction. sirto, (n) a certainty/inevitability, something that is bound to happen. lopu sirto, (n) certainty, the mass of such properties. pu sirto, (n) a certainty/inevitability, a property of something that is bound to happen. certificate, fomcuepre, <formally say paper> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a certificate, testifying to N. certificate of achievement, ciapre, <learn-paper> [B‍-‍DSN] (4n) B is a degree/certificate of achievement granted to D by school/college/university S for successful completion of a course of study in field/subject/profession N. certification, po fomcue, <formally say> (n) certification, a specific instance. certify, fomcue, <formally say> [K‍-‍BN] (3v) K certify that B has qualifications/characteristics N. certitude, pu nu foldja, <strongly know> (n) a certainty/certitude/assurance, a property of conviction. pu nu sirfio, <certain feel> (n) a certainty/certitude/assurance, a property of conviction. cessation, po stise, (n) a stop/cessation, an act/event of -ing. cestoid, cesthodi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a cestoid, a worm of subclass Cestoda. chafe, satro, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K rub/chafe D with V. chain, tcena, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a length of chain, a connected series of links. tcenyduo, <chain do> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K chain/fetter D to B, attaches with a chain. tcenymao, <chain make> [K‍-‍BB] (3v) K chain/link B to B, link things into a chain. chained, nu tcenyduo, <chain do> (a) chained/fettered, pertaining to one -ed. nu tcenymao, <chain make> (a) chained/linked, pertaining to -s. chair, cer, (af) a combining form of cersi, chair. cersi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a chair, furniture for sitting. diarcei, <authority chair> [N‍-‍F] (2n) N is a chair, a position of specific prestige and authority in system/structure F. taatro, <talk controller> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is in the chair/chairman/chairwoman/chairperson of F. cei, (af) a combining form of cersi, chair. chair back, cerpripai, <chair rear part> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a chair back. chair table, certoe, <chair table> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a chair table in vehicle F (as found in aircraft). chairman, taatro, <talk controller> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is in the chair/chairman/chairwoman/chairperson of F. chairperson, taatro, <talk controller> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is in the chair/chairman/chairwoman/chairperson of F. chairwoman, taatro, <talk controller> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is in the chair/chairman/chairwoman/chairperson of F. chalk, tokri, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a piece of chalk from S. tokri, (a) chalk, made of —. lo tokri, (n) chalk, mass term. chalkboard, sribarta, <write board> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a chalkboard, any board for temporary display writing. chalkiness, pu tokrycli, <chalk like> (n) a chalkiness, a spec. property. chalky, tokrycli, <chalk like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more chalky, chalk like than J. chamber, gardiugrokru, <government discussion large room> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the chamber of parliament F. kruma, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a chamber/room of F, an enclosed portion of house. chamber of commerce, batfusto, <trade office> [B‍-‍F] (2a) B is the chamber of commerce of district/township/area F. chamber pot, picypatpe, <urine pot> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a chamber pot. chameleon, kamheleoi, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a chameleon from F, a small lizard. champagne, campeine, [B‍-‍] (1) B is a champagne, a sparkling wine. champion, gangau, <high winner> [K‍-‍V] (2n) K is the champion of V. chance, cae, (af) a combining form of tcane, chance. can, (af) a combining form of tcane, chance. cankao, <chance act> [K‍-‍NV] (3v) K chance/risk/gamble/hazard/venture (consequence) N in (adventure) V. fu cankao, <chance act> (n) a hazard/risk/gamble/chance, a specific -y act. daknuu, <likely number> [C‍-‍VN] (3v) C is the mathematical chance/probability of V given N. lo tcane, (n) chance, mass term. chancellor, gansekre, <high secretary> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the chancellor/general secretary/secretary general of F. chancy, tcane, (av) chancy, unpredictable. change, ceacko, <change cause> [N‍-‍BPS] (4v) N convert/change/alter/transform/vary B into P from S - (nonintentional cause). po ceacko, <change cause> (n) an alteration/conversion/transformation/change, an act of -ing. cej, (af) a combining form of cenja, change. durcea, <do change> [K‍-‍VP] (3v) K turn/change from doing V to P. fanlipcme, <reverse keep money> [C‍-‍KB] (3n) C is the change returned to buyer K from purchase B. kalcea, <complete change> [K‍-‍DPS] (4v) K convert/change/alter/transform/vary D into P from S - (intentional act). po kalcea, <complete change> (n) an alteration/conversion/transformation/change, an act of -ing. cea, (af) a combining form of cenja, change. lopo cenja, (n) change, mass term. po cenja, (n) a change/transition, a spec. event/process. change money, cmacmemao, <small money make> [K‍-‍FBD] (4v) K change money F, a bill or a coin, into a set of smaller parts B of equal value for client D. change naturally, cenja, [B‍-‍PS] (3v) B become/change naturally/vary into P from S, as auxiliary for intransitive, passive or cause unspecified causations. change proportionally, raorcea, <divided become> [B‍-‍BC] (3v) B vary directly/change proportionally with B with constant of proportionality C. changeability, pu cenja, (n) a changeability, a spec. property. changeable, nu ceacko, <change cause> (a) alterable/convertible/changeable/transformable, can be altered. filcea, <feel change> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more moody/emotionally changeable than J. filcea, <feel change> (a) changeable/moody, moodier than …. nu kalcea, <complete change> (a) alterable/convertible/changeable/transformable, can be altered. cenja, (a) changing/changeable/unsettled/fickle, naturally, without intervention. changeless, norcea, <non changing> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is constant/unchanging/consistent/changeless. changes by magic, majycea, <magic change> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K changes by magic to D/becomes … by magic. changing, cenja, (a) changing/changeable/unsettled/fickle, naturally, without intervention. channel, concuirua, <deep water way> [B‍-‍SS] (3n) B is a channel/deep-water way between S and S. cutrua, <water route> [B‍-‍SDV] (4n) B is a channel/canal between S and D via V. chant, gricue, <sing say> [K‍-‍PV] (3v) K intone/chant P about V. nu gricue, <sing say> (n) chant, the thing -ed. po gricue, <sing say> (n) a specific instance of chanting/chant. chanted, nu gricue, <sing say> (n) chanted, describing the thing -ed. chanter, gricue, <sing say> (n) chanter, one who -s. chanting, gricue, <sing say> (a) chanting/intoning, describing a —. po gricue, <sing say> (n) a specific instance of chanting/chant. chap, kusmeu, <familiar man> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a fellow/chap. chapel, cmatepli, <small church/chapel> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a chapel, a small church of religion/culture S. lidkru, <religious room> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a chapel of religion/culture N. chapter, bukpai, <book part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a chapter/column of book/periodical F. character, kaonrulfoa, <act rule form> [B‍-‍K] (2n) B is the character/ethical style of K. letra, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a letter/character/symbol in alphabet F. nurstakao, <dramatic(staged) role> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a part/role/character in play/drama F. nurtisgeu, <selected genes> [B‍-‍PS] (3n) B is a genotype/inherited character/nature inherited by P from parents S. reckai, <distinctive quality> (n) a characteristic/character/distinction, a spec. attribute. recykaisei, <different quality set> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is the character, distinctive quality set of B. stokai, <asting quality> (n) a character/characteristic, a specific lasting quality. stokaisei, <stay quality set> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the nature/character/essence of F. stupeu, <story person> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a character in story F. characteristic, nu katli, (n) a characteristic/feature/property/quality/attribute of …, a property. nurkai, <(passive) characterize> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a property/quality/characteristic of F. reckai, <distinctive quality> [G‍-‍BGB] (4a) G is more characteristic/distinctive/typical of B than G is of B. reckai, <distinctive quality> (n) a characteristic/character/distinction, a spec. attribute. ju specypai, <species part> (a) a characteristic/racial/racial trait. stokai, <asting quality> [G‍-‍BJ] (3a) G is more natural/characteristic/essential to B than J is. stokai, <asting quality> (n) a characteristic, an enduring quality. stokai, <asting quality> (n) a character/characteristic, a specific lasting quality. characterized, pa katli, (vt) had …, was characterized by feature …. characterized by, katli, [B‍-‍N] (2v) B have/be characterized by quality/property/feature/relation N. characterological, kaonrulfoa, <act rule form> (a) characterological, of ethical styles. recykaisei, <different quality set> (a) characterological, of distinctive qualities. stokaisei, <stay quality set> (a) characterological, of lasting qualities. charge, dasdou, <responsibility give> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K commission/charge D to do V, gives … the responsibility for …. fu dasdou, <responsibility give> (n) a charge/commission, a commission/charged act/deed. dasmao, <responsible make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K make D responsible for V/charge … with …. fu dasmao, <responsible make> (n) a charge/responsibility, a spec. responsibility. ratbeo, <price ask> [K‍-‍CBD] (4v) K charge/ask price C for service/item B from D. nu ratbeo, <price ask> (n) a charge, an asked price. charge of, turkatca, <work watch> [K‍-‍PD] (3v) K supervise/be in charge of work P for D. charged, lekflo, <electric full> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is charged, as of a battery. chariot, dorkarti, <war cart> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a chariot (of war). karti, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a cart/carriage/wagon/buggy/coach/chariot/dray, any non motorized vehicle. charitable, rarclu, <universal love> [K‍-‍D] (2a) K is charitable towards D, kindly/generous to all sorts and conditions. rarclugru, <universal love group> [F‍-‍P] (2n) F is a charitable society with object P. charity, lopu rarclu, <universal love> (1a) charity, mass property. po rarclu, <universal love> (n) a specific instance of charity. charm, bilplu, <beautiful please> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K charm/be charming to D. lopu bilplu, <beautiful please> (n) charm, mass prop. pu bilplu, <beautiful please> (n) charm, spec. property of -ers. charming, bilplu, <beautiful please> (a) charming, pert. to those who —. charming to, bilplu, <beautiful please> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K charm/be charming to D. chart, cartu, [B‍-‍FS] (3n) B is a map/chart of F as made by S. catmao, <map make> [K‍-‍F] (2v) K map/chart/make a map of F. charted, nu catmao, <map make> (a) charted/mapped, conv. of chart. charter, ranjypre, <range paper> [N‍-‍FVS] (4n) N is a charter of group F for actions V granted by S. ranjypre, <range paper> (a) charter, relating to -s. chartered, fu ranjypre, <range paper> (a) chartered, the purpose of the —, as a -ed bus. nu ranjypre, <range paper> (a) chartered, a group with a —. chartering agency, nu kompi, (n) the host country/ governent/chartering agency of company …. chase, gozmao, <go make> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K chase/drive D out/away from N. pranyprikaa, <run after come(follow)> [K‍-‍BSD] (4v) K chase/run after B from S to D. po pranyprikaa, <run after come(follow)> (n) a chase, a spec. act/event of -ing. lopo prigoi, <behind go> (n) a chase, an instance of -ing. chaser, pranyprikaa, <run after come(follow)> (n) a chaser, one who -s. chassis, truke, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the structure, load bearing portion of F. (e.g. the chassis of a vehicle). chat, norjiotaa, <unimportant talk> [K‍-‍KV] (3v) K chat/chitchat/smalltalk with K about V. po norjiotaa, <unimportant talk> (n) a specific chat/chitchat/smalltalk. chatting, norjiotaa, <unimportant talk> (a) chatting, relating to a —. cheap, nurkusti, <conv. of expensive> (a) economical/inexpensive/cheap, less costly than …, conv. of costlyn. cheaper, nurkusti, <conv. of expensive> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is cheaper/less costly than J. check, po gensnible, <again close look-at> (n) a specific check. kanti, [B‍-‍CVDS] (5n) B is a bill/account/check in amount C for goods/services V to D from S. litnu, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K hold/restrain/keep/check/stop/curb/detain D from doing V. litnu, (n) a restraint/check/curb, that which -s. peckoi, <pay order> [K‍-‍DCB] (4v) K draw a check to D for amount C on bank B. peirkoipre, <pay order paper> [B‍-‍KDCN] (5n) B is a check/draft drawn by K to D for C on bank N. sniblegea, <close look at again> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K check D for V. po sniblegea, <close look at again> (n) a specific check. tamble, <weapon look> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K check/inspect B for weapon/security. po tamble, <weapon look> (n) weapon/security check/inspection (an event). trapru, <truth test> [K‍-‍NV] (3v) K check/verify, test the truth of N with test V. check in, flenensea, <fly in set> [K‍-‍F] (2v) K check in for flight F. po flenensea, <fly in set> (n) check in, the procedure. checked, suinracveo, <send travel container> [D‍-‍B] (2n) D is checked baggage containing B. checker, gensnible, <again close look-at> (c) checker, one who -s. sniblegea, <close look at again> (c) checker, one who -s. checking, gensnible, <again close look-at> (a) checking, pertaining to a -er. sniblegea, <close look at again> (a) checking, pertaining to a -er. checks, gensnible, <again close look-at> [K‍-‍BN] (3v) K checks/looks again at B for N. cheek, makspali, <mouth side> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the cheek, the side of the face of F. cheer, haicko, <happy cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N elate/cheer (up)/make happy D, nonintentional; 'That makes me happy'. po haicko, <happy cause> (n) some cheer, an act of being -ful. hapmao, <happy make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K elate/cheer (up)/make happy D, intentional. po hapmao, <happy make> (n) some cheer, an act of being -ful. ruskra, <approve cry> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K cheer V, cry approval of/for behavior …. po ruskra, <approve cry> (n) a cheer, an act of -ing. cheerer, ruskra, <approve cry> (n) a cheerer, one who/that which -s. cheerful, haicko, <happy cause> (a) cheerful/jolly, jolly, of that which cheers. hapmao, <happy make> (a) cheerful/jolly, jolly, of one who cheers. cheerless, hapckocle, <happy cause(cheer) without> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is bleaker/more cheerless than J. cheerlessness, lopu hapckocle, <happy cause(cheer) without> (n) bleakness/cheerlessness, property of being —. cheese, nik, (af) a combining form of nikri, cheese. nikri, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a piece of cheese from S. nikri, (a) cheese, made of cheese. lo nikri, (n) cheese, mass term. cheese like, nikcli, <cheese like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more cheesy/cheese like than J. cheesy, nikcli, <cheese like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more cheesy/cheese like than J. chelate, kelhati, [K‍-‍D] (2v) K chelate with D. kelhati, (n) a chelate. chelation, po kelhati, (n) an instance of chelation. chemical, kem, (af) a combining form of kemdi, chemical. kemdi, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a chemical, chemically pure instance of substance F. kemdi, (a) chemical/chemically pure, pert. to chemicals. kemsensi, <chemical science> (a) chemical, pert to —. chemical compound, kemnorsapla, <chemically non simple> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a chemical compound of S (pl.set). chemically, kemdi, (a) chemical/chemically pure, pert. to chemicals. chemist, kemsesmao, <chemistry science make> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a chemist (US), a specialist in chemistry. chemist shop, kiurctivemsia, <medical substance selling place> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a pharmacy/chemist shop/drug store. chemistry, kemsensi, <chemical science> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an inst. of chemistry. lo kemsensi, <chemical science> (n) chemistry, mass term. cherish, dipkeu, <dear care> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K cherish(es) D. cherished, nu dipkeu, <dear care> (a) cherished, conv. of cherish. cherry, certa, [B‍-‍S] (1n) B is a cherry, a fruit from S. chess, cakma, [K‍-‍K] (2v) K play chess with K. po cakma, (n) a chess game. chest, grobao, <big box> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a chest, a large box containing F. kuvbao, <cover box> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a chest/box of B. tceti, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the chest/breast/thorax of F. chest-of drawers, nurdrara, <drawered> [B‍-‍NP] (3n) B is a highboy/chest-of drawers/dresser in N for P. chesterfield, sofha, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a couch/sofa/chesterfield, long upholstered seat. chestnut, cesni, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a chestnut from S. cesnytri, <chestnut tree> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a chestnut tree. chew, datkraco, <tooth crush> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K chew/masticate D. makykraco, <mouth crush(into pulp)> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K chew/munch B. chi, ceo, (l) chi, Greek lower case letter, one of a pool of symbols. chick, cinynirda, <infant bird> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a chick, an infant bird. henji, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a chick, an infant gallaceous fowl. chicken, henje, [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is chicken/chickenlike in characteristic N. henju, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a chicken, a common gallaceous fowl, general term. chickenlike, henje, [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is chicken/chickenlike in characteristic N. chief, cef, (af) a combining form of cefli, chief. cefli, [K‍-‍FV] (3v) K is a/the chief/principal among/of F for activity V. cefli, (a) chief/main/principal/primary. cefpeu, <chief person> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the chief/chieftain/leader/head person of F. chiefly, cefli, (av) chiefly/mainly/principally/primarily. chieftain, cefpeu, <chief person> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the chief/chieftain/leader/head person of F. child, nerlinkui, <1st lineal kin> [B‍-‍B] (2n) B is a parent/child/immediate relative of B, a 1 step lineal relation. nilboi, <girl boy> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a child/juvenile/young human. nirli, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a girl/female human child. tciha, [P‍-‍S] (3n) P is a child/offspring of parent(s) S. childhood, lopo nilboi, <girl boy> (n) childhood, mass term of states. po nilboi, <girl boy> (n) a childhood, as of a specific person. childish, nilboicli, <child like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more childish/like a child/innocent/childlike/naive than J. childishness, lopu nilboicli, <child like> (n) innocence/naivety/childishness/simplicity (of nature), mass term, properties. pu nilboicli, <child like> (n) a childishness, a spec. property. childlike, nilboicli, <child like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more childish/like a child/innocent/childlike/naive than J. chime, belsonpro, <bell sound produce> [K‍-‍] (1n) K chime(s), produce a bell like sound. muirbekli, <musical bell> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a chime, a musical bell. chimney, smarua, <smoke route> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a chimney for oven/lamp/furnace F. chimpanzee, cimpa, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a female chimpanzee. cimpe, [N‍-‍] (1a) N pertains to a chimpanzee, is chimpanzee like. cimpenizi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a chimpanzee (Kongo chimpenzi). cimpi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an infant chimpanzee. cimpo, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a male chimpanzee. cimpu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a chimpanzee (generic term). panhi, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a chimpanzee/pygmy chimpanzee/bonobo from S. pantrogloi, [B‍-‍S] (n) B is a chimpanzee from S. trogloditi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a chimpanzee of species Pan troglodytes. chin, tcina, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the chin of F. china, jungyklenyveo, <chinese clay container> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is china/porcelain/stoneware made from china clay or kaolin. china clay, kaolhini, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some kaolin, china clay. chip, licynurklu, <thin cut> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a chip/flake of/from F. chisel, fadklurie, <end cut tool> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a chisel. chitchat, norjiotaa, <unimportant talk> [K‍-‍KV] (3v) K chat/chitchat/smalltalk with K about V. po norjiotaa, <unimportant talk> (n) a specific chat/chitchat/smalltalk. chitin, kithini, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the shell/exoskeleton/chitin of an arthropod F. chlorine, clo, (af) a combining form of cloro, chlorine. cloro, [B‍-‍] (1) B is some chlorine, element 17. chlorophyll, clorofili, [B‍-‍] (1) B is some chlorophyll, plant solar receptor material. chocolate, tcoko, [B‍-‍S] (1n) B is a piece/quantity of chocolate from source S. tcoko, (a) chocolate, made of chocolate. lo tcoko, (n) chocolate, general term for chocolate. choice, nurtia, <selected> [B‍-‍FN] (3a) B is/are a choice/pick/select/elite of F according to N. nurtia, <selected> (n) choice/selection/pick, the person/object chosen. nu tisra, (n) a choice/selection, a chosen thing. po tisra, (n) a choice/selection, an act of -ing. choices, furtia, <2nd conv. of choose> [F‍-‍K] (2n) F is a menu/set of choices/alternatives/services offered by restaurant/establishment K. fu tisra, (n) choices/alternatives/menu, a set of choices. fu tisra, (n) a set of alternatives/choices, conv. of select, … v. choir, grigru, <sing group> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a choir of N. choir loft, muirbalko, <music balcony> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a choir loft in F. choke, ruesti, <breath stop> [D‍-‍S] (2vi) D choke/stifle from S. snetorpuo, <neck squeeze> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K choke/strangle D. choked, nu ruerliu, <breath restrain> (a) suffocated/choked, pertaining to one -ed. nu snetorpuo, <neck squeeze> (a) strangled/choked, pertaining to one -ed. choking, ruerliu, <breath restrain> (a) suffocating/choking, that which -s. po ruerliu, <breath restrain> (n) an instance of suffocating/choking. snetorpuo, <neck squeeze> (a) strangling/choking, that which -s. po snetorpuo, <neck squeeze> (n) an instance of strangling/choking. choline, kolhini, [B‍-‍] (1) B is some choline, an alcohol from bile. choose, cantia, <chance select> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K choose/select B randomly/at random. gudtia, <good select> [K‍-‍BF] (3v) K choose/select/judge B as best among F. mortia, <death choose> [K‍-‍NF] (3v) K choose death by authority N for cause/group F. tisra, [K‍-‍BF] (3v) K select/choose B from/among F, a set of alternatives. choose correctly, dretia, <correctly choose> [K‍-‍PN] (3v) K choose correctly/make the right choice P for circumstance N. chop, bloklu, <strike cut> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K chop(s) D. chopper, bloklu, <strike cut> (n) a chopper, one who/that which -s. chops wood, mubklu, <wood cut> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K cuts wood/chops wood for purpose P. chosen randomly, nu cantia, <chance select> (a) arbitrary/chosen randomly. chromium, cromo, [B‍-‍] (1) B is some chromium, element 24 (Cr). chromosome, kromosomi, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a chromosome of F, a genetic organelle. chronicle, kinsri, <accompany write> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K follow B in order to chronicle V. chrysalis, krisalidi, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a chrysalis/pupa (case) of F. chuckle, cmaclafo, <small laugh> [K‍-‍] (1v) K chuckle/gurgle. po cmaclafo, <small laugh> (n) a chuckle/gurgle. goltyclafo, <throat laugh> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K chuckle at D. chuckling, lepo cmaclafo, <small laugh> (ger) an instance of chuckling/gurgling. chunk, totnurklu, <thick cut> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a chunk of/from F. church, tep, (af) a combining form of tepli, church. tepcuo, <temple window> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a church/temple window in church/temple F. tepli, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a church/temple of god(s) S. church steeple, tepypea, <church point> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a church steeple. chutzpah, fatria, <disturbing brave> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K are bold/act boldly/have nerve/chutzpah in situation N. cigar, sagro, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a/some cigar(s). cigarette, sigre, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a/some cigarette(s). cigarettes, lo sigre, (n) cigarettes, general term. cigars, lo sagro, (n) cigars, general term. cinema, sin, (af) a combining form of sinma, cinema. sinma, [P‍-‍K] (2n) P is a movie/film/cinema/motion picture made by K, pl.set. lo sinma, (n) (the) cinema/movies, general term. sintatro, <cinema theatre> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a movie theatre/cinema/movie house/motion picture theatre of place S. cinema camera, sinkamra, <cinema camera> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a motion picture camera/cinema camera. cinematographer, sinkarduo, <cinema camera do> (n) a cinematographer/movie cameraman. sinmao, <cinema make> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a movie maker/cinematographer. cinematography, sinmazlae, <cinema maker's art> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is cinematography/movie making art. cinerea, cinhereai, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a cinerea, ashy leaved plant. cipher, smileu, <secret language> [F‍-‍KPB] (4n) F is a code/cipher/encoding system used by K to keep P secret from B. circle, klogru, <closed group> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a circle/set/clique including member(s) B. radfoa, <round form> [B‍-‍NC] (3n) B is the circle with center N and radius C, geom. radgoi, <circle go> [K‍-‍S] (2v) K circle/revolve/go around/go around S as a center. rande, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a disk/ring/circle, a circular object. circling, po radgoi, <circle go> (n) a circling/revolution, an act of -ing. circuit, klorua, <closed course> [N‍-‍B] (2n) N is a/the circuit of B. circuits and bumps, kalflesti, <no complete fly stop> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K practises circuits and bumps/touch and goes at airport N. circular, klurae, <cut round> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is round/circular/cylindrical/spherical, i.e. circular in at least one dimension. rande, (a) round/circular, pert. to circles. circularity, pu rande, (n) a circularity, of a spec. circle. circulate, kloruamuo, <closed course move[circuit move]> [K‍-‍N] (2n) K circulate in N. circulation, po kloruamuo, <closed course move[circuit move]> (n) an instance of circulation. circumstance, furcko, <3rd conv. of cause> [N‍-‍VF] (3n) N is a condition/circumstance/factor in the situation V of F. neu, (pp) Conditions/Circumstances/Fields, case tag (condition/circumstance/field). circumstances, furckosei, <condition set> [N‍-‍V] (2n) N is a/the position/situation/set of circumstances of V. circumstantial, furckosei, <condition set> (a) circumstantial/situational, pert. to circumstances. cirrhosis, cirhosi, [D‍-‍B] (2v) D suffers from cirrhosis of B, a wasting of tissue of an organ. lopo cirhosi, (n) cirrhosis, collective term for the disease. citadel, folhaa, <strong house> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a fort/castle/citadel/stronghold of F. cite, notpurcue, <other's words say> [K‍-‍BDP] (4v) K quote/cite B to D for purposes P. pakpuapli, <previous words use> [K‍-‍BP] (3v) K quote/cite B for purposes P. sacysifdou, <source position give> [K‍-‍SP] (3v) K cite (source) S for purposes P. citizen, guidjo, <country member> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a citizen of nation N. nu poldi, (n) a citizen, of nation/state …, conv. form. sicdjo, <city member> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a citizen of city F. citizenry, lo nu poldi, (n) citizenry/public, the citizens of state …. citizenship, lopu guidjo, <country member> (n) citizenship, mass term, properties. pu guidjo, <country member> (n) a/the citizenship, a property of being a -zen. lopo poldi, (n) citizenship, general term of being a citizen. city, grositci, <big city> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a city/metropolis. sic, (af) a combining form of sitci, city. sicgarhaa, <city govern house> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the city/town hall, the government building of community F. sitci, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a town/city serving region/hinterland F. city center, sicymidju, <city middle> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the downtown/centretown/city center of city F. city like, sicycli, <city like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more urban/city like than J. civil, fomcka, <formally kind> [K‍-‍D] (2a) K is/are courteous/polite/civil to D. poldi, (a) civil/political/national, pertaining to states/polities. nu poldi, (a) national/civil, pert. to citizens. civil war, poldorja, <nation war> [N‍-‍KV] (3n) N is a civil war between factions K (pl) over issue V. civility, lopu fomcka, <formally kind> (n) courtesy/politeness/civility, mass prop. po fomcka, <formally kind> (n) a politeness/civility/courtesy, a spec. act. pu fomcka, <formally kind> (n) courtesy/politeness/civility, spec. property. civilization, fuisri, <after writing> (n) a civilization, a literate society. lo fuisri, <after writing> (n) civilization, mass term of instances. lopo fuisri, <after writing> (n) civilization, mass term of states. po fuisri, <after writing> (n) a civilization, a spec. state/condition. grubivsio, <group behavior system> [N‍-‍F] (2n) N is the civilization/culture of people F. civilized, fuisri, <after writing> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is civilized/literate, of societies. claim, djacue, <know say> [K‍-‍NB] (3v) K say/claim/purport to know N is true of B. nu djacue, <know say> (n) a claim/proposition, a thing -ed to be known true. po djacue, <know say> (n) claim, an act of -ing to know …. poncue, <own say> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K claim that B is his. nu poncue, <own say> (n) a claim, a thing claimed. po poncue, <own say> (n) a claim, an act of -ing. nurcuetra, <said true> [B‍-‍SV] (3n) B is a/the claim/proposition of S about V. nurjetcue, <owed say> [K‍-‍BDCP] (5v) K claim that B owes to D amount C for P. po nurjetcue, <owed say> (n) a claim against … on behalf of … in the amount of … for reason …. fu petrysei, <share set> (n) a claim distributed over each member of a multiple. samcue, <same say> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K claim/pretend to be D, claims identity … to …. po samcue, <same say> (n) an identification/pretension/claim, of identity, an act of -ing. claimant, poncue, <own say> (n) a claimant, one who claims ownership. clamor, rorvoi, <many voices> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is a din/clamour/clamor, many shouting voices. clamour, rorvoi, <many voices> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is a din/clamour/clamor, many shouting voices. clamp, jugrie, <grip tool> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a vise/pliers/pincers/clamp, generic for any grasping tool. clan, kulgru, <culture group> [F‍-‍] (1n) F is a tribe/clan, a human social group. kulgrudjo, <culture group members> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a member of clan/tribe F. clap, hansonmao, <hand sound make> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K clap (hands) for purpose P. clapper, hansonmao, <hand sound make> (n) clapper, one who -s. claque, prusysonmao, <approve sound make> (n) applauders/claque, those who —. rusysonmao, <approve sound make> (n) applauders/claque, those who —. claret, bordo, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a Bordeaux/claret, a wine of Bordeaux. klarete, [B‍-‍S] (2) B is some claret from S, a red wine. clarification, fu bekyklimao, <object clear make> (n) an interpretation/clarification (of … by … for …). po bekyklimao, <object clear make> (n) an interpretation/clarification (of … as … for …). fu bivklimao, <behaviour clear make> (n) an interpretation/clarification (of … by … for …). po bivklimao, <behaviour clear make> (n) an instance of interpretaion/clarification (of … as … for …). fu sanklimao, <sign explain> (n) an interpretation/clarification (of … by … for …), the result of -ing. po sanklimao, <sign explain> (n) an interpretation/clarification (of … as … for …), an instance of -ing. clarify, bekyklimao, <object clear make> [K‍-‍BPD] (4v) K interpret/clarify object B as P for D. bivklimao, <behaviour clear make> [K‍-‍VPD] (4v) K interpret/clarify V as P for D. klimao, <clear make> [K‍-‍BDV] (4v) K account for/clarify/explain B to D by saying V. sanklimao, <sign explain> [K‍-‍SPD] (4v) K interpret/clarify S as P for D. clarity, pu kliri, (n) a lucidity/transparency/clarity, a spec. property. clash, kinblo, <together strike> [K‍-‍BB] (3v) K clash B with B. po kinblo, <together strike> (n) a clash, a striking together. kinblosoa, <together strike sound> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B a clash of S, a metallic collision sound. clasp, radjua, <around grip> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K clasp/hug D with limbs/tentacles/clamps V. class, kle, (af) a combining form of klesi, class. klesi, [B‍-‍FN] (3n) B is a classification/category/class/type/sort/kind of F with defining property N. saokle, <same class> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an member of the class containing F. sockle, <social class> [F‍-‍BN] (3n) F is a class with members B of social system N. class discover, kledui, <class discover> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K class discover, discover the class to which B belongs. classic, largra, <art great> [B‍-‍FK] (3n) B is a classic in field/genre F among K. stobii, <enduringly beautiful> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more classic than J. classics, lo stobii, <enduringly beautiful> (n) the classics, mass term. classification, po kledii, <class decide> (n) a disposition/classification, an act of categorizing. po kledja, <class know> (n) an/a classification/identification/recognition, an event of recognizing … as an …. po nu kledja, <class know> (n) an/a classification/identification/recognition, an event of being recognized by … as an …. klemao, <class make> (n) a classification, an act of system making. po klepetri, <class distribute> (n) a sorting/classification, an act of sorting. klesi, [B‍-‍FN] (3n) B is a classification/category/class/type/sort/kind of F with defining property N. classified, nu kledja, <class know> (a) classified/identified/recognized by … as an. classifier, klehansaa, <class hand sign> [N‍-‍F] (2n) N is a classifier symbolizing a member of object class F. klemao, <class make> (n) classifier, classification system maker. klepetri, <class distribute> (n) a classifier, sorter. classifies, kledja, <class know> [K‍-‍BF] (3v) K classifies/identifies/recognizes B as belonging to class F. classify, kledii, <class decide> [K‍-‍BF] (3v) K categorize/type/classify/dispose of/put B into class F. klemao, <class make> [K‍-‍F] (2v) K order/classify/make a classification system for F. klepetri, <class distribute> [K‍-‍BF] (3v) K sort/classify/put into classes B among F. claw, dedhorno, <finger horn> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a claw/nail/talon/hoof of animal/human S. clay, kleni, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is some clay from source S. clean, datklinymao, <tooth clean make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K brush/clean teeth D. klinycko, <clean cause> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K clean/cleanse D, make … clean, nonintentional. klinymao, <clean make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K clean/cleanse D, make … clean, intentional. cleanable, nu klinymao, <clean make> (a) cleanable, of that which is cleaned. cleaner, klini, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is/are cleaner than J. klinycko, <clean cause> (n) a cleaner/cleanser, that which -s. klinymao, <clean make> (n) a cleaner, one who -s. cleaners, klinymaosia, <clean make place> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a laundry/cleaners. cleaning, po klinymao, <clean make> (n) a cleaning, a spec. act. cleanliness, lopu klini, (n) cleanliness, mass term of properties. cleanly, klini, (av) cleanly, in a clean manner. cleanse, klinycko, <clean cause> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K clean/cleanse D, make … clean, nonintentional. klinymao, <clean make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K clean/cleanse D, make … clean, intentional. cleanser, klinycko, <clean cause> (n) a cleaner/cleanser, that which -s. clear, fansua, <reverse serve> [K‍-‍] (1v) K clear(s) (the table). kli, (af) a combining form of kliri, clear. norkoo, <no colour> [P‍-‍] (1i) P is clear/uncoloured/transparent. pertyfeokli, <pertinent fact clear> [B‍-‍D] (2a) B is evident/clear to D. clear up, kladydru, <cloud lose> [N‍-‍] (1v) N clear up/become unclouded. clearer, klicea, <clear(er) become> [G‍-‍J] (2v) G become clearer/lighter than J. kliri, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is apparent/lucid/clearer/more transparent than J, fig. understandable. clearing, kapsia, <open place> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a clearing, an open space in woods F. klicea, <clear(er) become> (a) clearing, becoming lighter. tribiafii, <tree(s0 between fields> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a clearing in forest F. clearly, kliri, (av) clearly, as a predicate modifier. pertyfeokli, <pertinent fact clear> (av) evidently/patently/clearly. rea, (av) clearly/obviously/of course, a discourse operator, used before sentences (UI). cleave, karkymao, <crack make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K crack/split/cleave D with V, intentional as of eggs. nurkarkycea, <cracked happen> [D‍-‍] (1v) D crack/split/cleave, intransitive verb. clergyperson, tepypeu, <church person> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a cleric/clergyperson/priest of religion N. cleric, tepypeu, <church person> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a cleric/clergyperson/priest of religion N. clerical, pretua, <paper worker> (a) clerical, pert. to paper work. tepli, (a) clerical/ecclesiastical, pert. to churches. clerical work, po pretua, <paper worker> (n) a clerical work, an act of working -ly. clerical worker, pretua, <paper worker> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a clerk/clerical worker in F. clerk, pretua, <paper worker> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a clerk/clerical worker in F. vempeu, <sell person> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a salesperson/shop assistant/clerk of F. clever, hanspu, <hand expert> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more clever/skilful/dextrous/adroit than J. kukcia, <quick learning> [G‍-‍JB] (3a) G is more intelligent/bright/brilliant/clever/quicker than J at learning B. kukpeo, <quick think> [G‍-‍JB] (3a) G is more bright/brilliant/clever/intelligent/quicker than J at thinking about B. minspu, <mind expert> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more clever/smart/intelligent/brilliant than J is. riltaa, <bright talk> (a) bright/clever. spuro, [B‍-‍VN] (3a) B is capable/skilful/competent/skilled/expert/clever at/in doing V under N. starycnu, <startling new> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more clever/ingenious than J, as 'a clever device'. vefpeo, <inventive think> [G‍-‍JV] (3a) G is more bright/brilliant/clever/intelligent/creative/ingenious than J at thinking about V. cleverer, riltaa, <bright talk> [G‍-‍JV] (3a) G is cleverer/more brilliant than J on topic/ s V. cleverness, lopu riltaa, <bright talk> (n) brightness/brilliance/cleverness, mass term. pu riltaa, <bright talk> (n) a brightness/brilliance/cleverness, sp. prop. pu spuro, (n) a competence/expertness/skill/cleverness, a spec. property. client, nursua, <those who are served> [B‍-‍K] (2n) B is the customer/client/patron of service K. clientele, nursuvsei, <those who are served set> [B‍-‍K] (2n) B are the customers/clientele/practice/trade of service K. cliff, vrelai, <vertical land> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a cliff/bluff/crag, a vertical land face. climate, siftetri, <place weather> [V‍-‍B] (2n) V is the climate/clime of place/area B. climatize, kofkledypae, <comfortably cool apparatus> [B‍-‍D] (2v) B climatize/air condition D. climb, gangoi, <high go> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K scale/ascend/mount/climb up D from S. po gangoi, <high go> (n) an instance of a climb/ascent. climber, gangoi, <high go> (n) climber, one who -s. clime, siftetri, <place weather> [V‍-‍B] (2n) V is the climate/clime of place/area B. cling, gomjua, <adhere grasp> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K cling to D. clinging, gomjua, <adhere grasp> (a) clinging, that which -s. clique, klogru, <closed group> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a circle/set/clique including member(s) B. cloak, tentykosta, <tent coat> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a cape/mantle/cloak, a formless garment. clock, jok, (af) a combining form of jokla, clock. jokla, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a clock/timepiece, an instrument to measure time. jol, (af) a combining form of jokla, clock. clock maker, jolmao, <clock maker> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a clock maker. clock time, hotsaa, <hour sign> [C‍-‍V] (2n) C is the time/hour/clock time of event V. jolkeo, <clock time> [C‍-‍SD] (3v) C is the clock time from/beginning at S to/ending at D. clone, klone, [F‍-‍S] (1) F ia/are a clone of S, individuals derived asexually from a single individual. klonymao, <clone make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K clone D by V. close, klocko, <closed cause> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K close/shut D, nonintentional. klomao, <closed make> [K‍-‍DK] (3v) K close/shut D by/with K, intentional. nu snire, (a) close/near, nearer to … than to …, converse. close by, vi, (av) here/close by/at this place, before predicates. vi, (c) at/close by the place where, before event clauses. vi, (pp) at/in/on/close by(a place). close comma, hi, (pm) close comma/(,). closed, klo, (af) a combining form of klogu, closed. klogu, [N‍-‍] (1v) N is/are closed, as of a door/curve/path. closeness, po snire, (n) a closeness/nearness, a spec. state. pu snire, (n) a closeness/nearness/proximity, a spec. property. closer, snire, [G‍-‍BJC] (4a) G is nearer/closer/proximate/proximal to B than J by C. nu fu nu snire, (a) closer than … is to …, 3 ple conv. closet, nurdaobao, <doored box> [B‍-‍KFP] (4n) B is a closet/cabinet/cupboard/dresser (U.K.) in F for P. srokru, <store room.> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a storeroom/closet storing/containing F. closing, po klocko, <closed cause> (n) a closing/shutting, an act of -ing. po klomao, <closed make> (n) a closing/shutting, an act of -ing. clot, dzecko, <jelly cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N jell/gelatinize/congeal/clot/curdle D (non intentional). dzemao, <jelly make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K jell/gelatinize/clot/curdle/congeal D (intentional). nercea, <one become> [K‍-‍] (1v) K unify/unite/integrate/coalesce/coagulate/clot/run together/become one. totgru, <thick cluster> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a clump/clot/lump of S. cloth, kla, (af) a combining form of klabu, cloth. klabu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a piece of cloth/fabric. klabu, (a) cloth/fabric, made of cloth. lo klabu, (n) fabric/cloth, mass term. clothe, resduo, <clothing do> [K‍-‍DB] (2v) attire/clothe … in …, put … on …. clothes-hanger, refpedtru, <clothes hang structure> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a clothes-hanger/coat hanger. clothing, resfu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a garment/piece of clothing. lo resfu, (n) dress/clothing, mass term. clotted, nercea, <one become> (a) united/coagulated/clotted, having become one. cloud, klada, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a cloud of air mass F. cloud burst, tiocri, <heavy rain> [V‍-‍S] (2n) V is a downpour/cloud burst/heavy rain from cloud S. cloudburst, totcri, <thick rain> [V‍-‍B] (2n) V is a downpour/cloudburst/torrent of B. cloudiness, lopu kladykua, <cloud covered> (n) cloudiness, mass term of prop. po kladykua, <cloud covered> (n) a cloudiness, a spec. state. po litfiu, <light weak> (n) an instance of dimness/cloudiness/dusk. cloudless, kladycle, <cloud without> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is cloudless. cloudy, kladyflo, <cloud full> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is cloudy, full of clouds. kladykua, <cloud covered> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is/are more cloudy than J. kladykua, <cloud covered> (a) cloudy, cloudier than …. litfiu, <light weak> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more dim/cloudy/obscure/dusky/misty than J is. club, rizgru, <private group> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a club/private association/society including member(s) F. clue, vidpiu, <idea piece> [V‍-‍BKD] (4n) V is a hint/clue of/about B by K to D. clueless, kacfiu, <aware weak> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is ill informed/unobservant/clueless about N. clump, totgru, <thick cluster> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a clump/clot/lump of S. clumsiness, lopu norbilbiu, <unbeautiful behaviour> (1n) clumsiness/awkwardness (mass term). pu norbilbiu, <unbeautiful behaviour> (1n) clumsiness/awkwardness (spec. instance). clumsy, norbilbiu, <unbeautiful behaviour> (2a) G is more awkward/clumsy than J. cluster, grupa, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a group/band/cluster of two or more interacting individuals/organisms (each with all interaction can usually be assumed) with constituents F. kinsei, <together set> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a bouquet/bunch/cluster of B. snisei, <proximal set> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a cluster/spatial group/physical aggregatation the elements of which are physically close to one another and belong to some superset F. E.g. Ne snisei je lo troku — A cluster of rocks. co author, srikii, <write together> (n) co author. co parent, parpee, <part parent> [S‍-‍P] (2n) S is a co parent of child/children/offspring P. co partisan, pargrukii, <party comp'n> [B‍-‍BVF] (4n) B is a comrade/co partisan of B in party/faction V of F. co write, srikii, <write together> [K‍-‍BK] (3v) K co write B with K. coach, danrykle, <ordinary class> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is tourist/coach/second class accommodation in conveyance F. danrykle, <ordinary class> (a) tourist/coach/second class. horkarti, <horse cart> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a carriage/coach/wagon, vehicle pulled by horses. karti, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a cart/carriage/wagon/buggy/coach/chariot/dray, any non motorized vehicle. perkarti, <people cart> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a coach/buggy/shay, used for transporting people. ractca, <travel car> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a bus (US)/coach (UK), used for distance travel. racykarti, <travel cart> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a (stage)coach, used for distance travel. trekarti, <train cart> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a train carriage/coach/car/boxcar of train F. coagulate, nercea, <one become> [K‍-‍] (1v) K unify/unite/integrate/coalesce/coagulate/clot/run together/become one. coagulated, nercea, <one become> (a) united/coagulated/clotted, having become one. coagulation, po nercea, <one become> (n) a coalescence/coagulation/unity, a specific state of being one. coal, carcao, <carbon burn> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is an ember/(live) coal from/in fire S. kolme, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a piece of coal from S. kolme, (a) coal, made of coal. lo kolme, (n) coal, mass term. coalesce, nercea, <one become> [K‍-‍] (1v) K unify/unite/integrate/coalesce/coagulate/clot/run together/become one. coalescence, po nercea, <one become> (n) a coalescence/coagulation/unity, a specific state of being one. coarse, no dilko, (a) coarse/indelicate. nordilko, <not delicate/pleasing> [B‍-‍D] (2a) B is coarse/indelicate/displeasing to D. nu nurzakrymou, <ground more> (a) coarse. coast, lanbie, <land edge> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the shore/coast/coastline/seashore of F. coastal, lanbie, <land edge> (a) coastal, pert. to coasts. coastline, lanbie, <land edge> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the shore/coast/coastline/seashore of F. coat, corkosta, <short coat> [B‍-‍] (1v) B is a (suit) coat/jacket/sports coat. hersei, <hair set> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is the coat/fur of animal S. kosta, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a coat, a piece of outer clothing. coat hanger, refpedtru, <clothes hang structure> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a clothes-hanger/coat hanger. coat-of arms, famymra, <family mark> [B‍-‍F] (2v) B is the device/emblem/motto/coat-of arms of family F. cobalt, coblo, [B‍-‍] (1) B is some cobalt, element 27 (Co). cobbler, cucmao, <shoe make> [K‍-‍P] (2n) K is a shoemaker/cobbler, maker of shoe(s) P. cobra, kobra, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a cobra from S, a poisonous snake. cock, henjo, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a cock/rooster, a male gallaceous fowl. menynirda, <male bird> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a cock (male bird). pingu, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the penis/prick/cock of F. cockpit, macflesia, <machine fly place> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the cockpit of aircraft F. cocoa, kalko, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a portion/quantity of cocoa. kalko, (a) cocoa, made of cocoa. lo kalko, (n) cocoa, the mass of all cocoa. code, rulsei, <rule set> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a code, a set of rules for B. smileu, <secret language> [F‍-‍KPB] (4n) F is a code/cipher/encoding system used by K to keep P secret from B. smisri, <secret write> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K encode/code B, put … into coded form. nu smisri, <secret write> (n) a code, a secret message. coder, smisri, <secret write> (n) an encoder/coder, one who/that which encodes. coelenterate, coelhenterati, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a coelenterate of species F. coelhenterati, (a) coelenterate, pert. to -s. coffee, skafi, [B‍-‍S] (1n) B is a serving/quantity of coffee from source S. coffee house, ckafe, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a cafe/coffee house of place/community F. coffin, morbao, <dead box> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is a coffin/casket of D. cognac, konhiake, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is some cognac from S, a French brandy. cohesive, nersto, <one remain> [B‍-‍] (1) B is tough/cohesive, not easily pulled apart. cohort, niegru, <year group> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a cohort/age group of F. coil, roryradcea, <coiled become> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K coil around B. roryrae, <many circles> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a coil of S. roryraemao, <coil make> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K wind/coil D, make … coil around B, intentional. skofoa, <screw form> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a curl/coil/helix. coiled, roryrae, <many circles> (a) coiled, pert. to coils. coiled spring, rolspori, <roll spring> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a coiled spring/helix. coin, hadycme, <hard money> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a coin, a piece of metallic money. lo hadycme, <hard money> (n) coin, mass term. purtia, <word choose> [K‍-‍PB] (3v) K coin/make word P with meaning B. coincident, nazi, (pp) at/coincident with …, an instant in time. coincident with, vizi, (pp) at/coincident with …, a point in space. coitus, kitsa, [K‍-‍K] (2v) K copulate/mate/mount/make love to/have coitus/intercourse with K. lopo kitsa, (n) intercourse/coitus, the mass of such acts. po kitsa, (n) an instance of (sexual) intercourse/mating/coitus. colander, rorholpae, <many holed apparatus> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a riddle/sieve/colander. cold, lopo kleda, (n) cold, mass term of states. lopu kleda, (n) cold, mass term of properties. colder, kleda, [G‍-‍JC] (3a) G is cooler/colder than J by C. coldness, po kleda, (n) a coldness, a spec. state/condition. pu kleda, (n) a coolness/coldness, a spec. property. collaborate, kintua, <together work> [K‍-‍KP] (3v) K collaborate/assist/work/coöperate with K on P. collaboration, po kintua, <together work> (n) some collaboration/assistance, an act of -ing. collaborator, kintua, <together work> (n) a colleague/fellow worker/collaborator, one who -s. collage, pastytcu, <paste picture.> [P‍-‍BSK] (4n) P is a collage depicting B, made from S by artist K. collapse, kalfea, <completely fall> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K collapse from condition N. collar, kalra, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a collar of F. colleague, kintua, <together work> (n) a colleague/fellow worker/collaborator, one who -s. collect, fanjetlei, <reverse debt allow> [K‍-‍CD] (3v) K collect C (money due) from D. grujmi, <group meet> [K‍-‍FN] (3v) K assemble/gather/collect/rally as group F at place N. kinbei, <together carry> [K‍-‍BDS] (4v) K gather/collect/assemble/bring together B at place D from S. kinsea, <together put> [K‍-‍BF] (3v) K collect/assemble/put/piece together B as/into assembly F. collection, po fanjetlei, <reverse debt allow> (n) a collection, an act of -ing money due. nu grujmi, <group meet> (n) gathering/assembly/collection/audience/congregation/rally, an -d group. hamsei, <harmony set> [F‍-‍PB] (3n) F is a matching collection/ensemble/suit/suite/set of use type P composed of items B. nu kinbei, <together carry> (n) a collection/gathering/assemblage, a collection by … at … from …. po kinbei, <together carry> (n) a collection, an act of -ing. fu kinsea, <together put> (n) an assembly/collection/assemblage, an assembled whole. setci, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a set/group/collection/collectivity with constituents F. collective, foa, (pp) Wholes/Sets/Collectives, case tag (whole/set/collective). collectivity, setci, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a set/group/collection/collectivity with constituents F. collector, fanjetlei, <reverse debt allow> (n) a collector, of money due. kinbei, <together carry> (n) a collector, gatherer, as of specimens. college, terkea, <third school> [B‍-‍PN] (3n) B is a college of/specializing in teaching P at (location) N. collide, muoblo, <moving strike> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K bump/collide/crash with/run into D. collision, po muoblo, <moving strike> (n) a collision/bump/crash, an act/event of -ing. colloid, kolhoidi, [B‍-‍] (1) B is a colloid, a finely dispersed substance. colloidal, kolhoidi, (a) colloidal, pert. to colloids. colonel, sorkoi, <6th commander> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a colonel/captain/etc. commanding/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. mursorkoi — naval captain. Use surkoi. q.v., for officers in general. colony, cnulivgru, <new living group> [F‍-‍BD] (3n) F is a colony of creatures B in D. notguinurtro, <other country controlled> [B‍-‍FN] (3n) B is a colony of country F in location N. color, koldou, <color give> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K colour/color/dye D with B. lopu nu kolkai, <color character (quality)> (n) colour/color, mass prop. kolkaicko, <colour quality cause[coloured cause]> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N color/colour D, make … coloured, nonintentional. kolkaimao, <colour quality make[coloured make]> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K color/colour D, make … coloured with …, intentional. kolkle, <colour class> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a hue/shade/class of colour/color with defining property N. lo kolkle, <colour class> (n) colour/color, mass term of hues/colour classes. kolro, [B‍-‍FK] (3n) B is a/the colour/color/color value/hue of F to/as perceived by K. lo kolro, (n) colour/color, the mass of all colours. melkoo, <measure colour> [B‍-‍CC] (3n) B is a shade of hue/colour/color … with lightness C and saturation C, e.g. 'Lopu labredro ga melkoo lopu redro lio savo lio sanene' — 'Pink is a shade of red with lightness of about 8 and saturation of about 11'. color value, kolro, [B‍-‍FK] (3n) B is a/the colour/color/color value/hue of F to/as perceived by K. colored, nu kolkai, <color character (quality)> (a) coloured/colored, showing colo(u)r …. nu kolkai, <color character (quality)> (v) is coloured/colored/display colo(u)r(s) … to observer(s) … under lighting …. kolkaicea, <colour quality become[coloured become]coloured become> [D‍-‍] (1v) D are/become colored/coloured, become coloured, intransitive. kolkaicea, <colour quality become[coloured become]coloured become> (a) colored/coloured, having become -ed. nu kolkaicko, <colour quality cause[coloured cause]> (a) colored/coloured, having been -ed. nu kolkaimao, <colour quality make[coloured make]> (a) colored/coloured, having been -ed. lo nu kolro, (n) the mass of all coloured/colored things. colorful, kolfulri, <colour rich> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more colorful/rich in colors than J is. colorfulness, pu kolfulri, <colour rich> (n) a colorfulness, a spec. property. colorless, nu kolfulri, <colour rich> (a) more colorless than …, conv. of -ful. colorlessness, pu nu kolfulri, <colour rich> (n) a colorlessness, a spec. property. colour, kol, (af) a combining form of kolro, colour. koldou, <color give> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K colour/color/dye D with B. lopu nu kolkai, <color character (quality)> (n) colour/color, mass prop. kolkaicko, <colour quality cause[coloured cause]> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N color/colour D, make … coloured, nonintentional. kolkaimao, <colour quality make[coloured make]> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K color/colour D, make … coloured with …, intentional. kolkle, <colour class> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a hue/shade/class of colour/color with defining property N. lo kolkle, <colour class> (n) colour/color, mass term of hues/colour classes. kolro, [B‍-‍FK] (3n) B is a/the colour/color/color value/hue of F to/as perceived by K. lo kolro, (n) colour/color, the mass of all colours. melkoo, <measure colour> [B‍-‍CC] (3n) B is a shade of hue/colour/color … with lightness C and saturation C, e.g. 'Lopu labredro ga melkoo lopu redro lio savo lio sanene' — 'Pink is a shade of red with lightness of about 8 and saturation of about 11'. koo, (af) a combining form of kolro, colour. colour perceivers, lo fu kolro, (n) the mass of all colour perceivers. coloured, nu kolkai, <color character (quality)> (a) coloured/colored, showing colo(u)r …. nu kolkai, <color character (quality)> (v) is coloured/colored/display colo(u)r(s) … to observer(s) … under lighting …. kolkaicea, <colour quality become[coloured become]coloured become> [D‍-‍] (1v) D are/become colored/coloured, become coloured, intransitive. kolkaicea, <colour quality become[coloured become]coloured become> (a) colored/coloured, having become -ed. nu kolkaicko, <colour quality cause[coloured cause]> (a) colored/coloured, having been -ed. nu kolkaimao, <colour quality make[coloured make]> (a) colored/coloured, having been -ed. lo nu kolro, (n) the mass of all coloured/colored things. nu kolro, (3a) is coloured/colored … to observer …. colt, hormi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a colt, an infant horse. junhoa, <young horse> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a colt/filly, sexless term for a young horse. junmenhoa, <young male horse> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a colt, a young male horse. column, bukpai, <book part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a chapter/column of book/periodical F. palylia, <side(facing) line> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a column, general term for a line of troops, text etc. trokytri, <stone tree> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a column/pillar in structure F. vrejuo, <vert. support> [B‍-‍CF] (3n) B is a column/post supporting load C in structure F. comb, komcu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a comb, an instrument for -ing the hair. komcyduo, <comb do> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K comb D. combat, kamda, [K‍-‍KB] (3v) K combat/fight K over/about B. lopo kamda, (n) fight/fighting/combat, mass term of acts. po kamda, (n) a fight/fighting/combat, a spec. act of -ing. combatant, kamda, (n) a fighter/combatant, one who fights. combination, djisei, <joined set> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a combination/(joined) set of elements B. nu djiseicea, <join set become> (n) a combination, a product of -ing. po djiseicea, <join set become> (n) a combination, an act/event of -ing. fu djiseicko, <join set cause> (n) a combination (n), a product of being -ed. po djiseicko, <join set cause> (n) a combination (n), an event of -ing … into …. fu djiseimao, <join set make> (n) a combination, a product of being -ed. po djiseimao, <join set make> (n) a combination, an act of -ing … into …. combine, djiseicea, <join set become> [B‍-‍F] (2v) B combine into F, cause unspecified. djiseicko, <join set cause> [N‍-‍BF] (3v) N combine B into F, nonintentional. djiseimao, <join set make> [K‍-‍BF] (3v) K combine B into F, intentional. combiner, djiseicko, <join set cause> (n) a combiner, that which combines something. djiseimao, <join set make> (n) a combiner, one who combines something. combining form, djifoa, <join form> (4n) V is a combining form or affix (deprecated Loglan jargon) of B in context X in language Y. come, ginkaa, <root come> [P‍-‍S] (2v) P come/proceed/derive/arise/originate from/in S. godzi, [K‍-‍DSV] (4v) K go/come to D from S via V. kaa, (af) a combining form of kamla, come. kam, (af) a combining form of kamla, come. kamla, [K‍-‍SDV] (4v) K come/go from S to D via V. kamla, (i) come here!, w/o; 1st arg., an imperative. uo, (i) come now!/look here/oh/well/what/(that's) enough, an expression of annoyance. come back, fangoi, <reverse go> [K‍-‍DSV] (4v) K return/come back to D from S via V. come before, pasko, [K‍-‍D] (2v) K precede/come before D. come forward, fresnigoi, <front near go> (i) advance!/come forward!, w/o 1st arg., an imperative. come near, snigoi, <near go> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K come near/approach D from S. come out, zvokaa, <out come> (4v) K emerge/come out from S to D via V. come out of, nenkaa, <in come [from]> [K‍-‍S] (2v) K come out of/issue forth/emerge from S. come through, tcekaa, <through come> [B‍-‍NDS] (4v) B come through/go through/run through N to D from S. E.g. La Tigris tcegoi la Irak lo mursi lo monca — The Tigris runs through Iraq from the mountains to the sea. Cf. tcegoi. comedian, kamki, (n) a comic/comedian, a comic person. kamkystutaa, <comic story talk> (n) joker/jester/comedian, one who tells -s. pubkamki, <publicly comic> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a comedian, one performing comedy. comedy, hapfaostu, <happy end story> [B‍-‍VS] (3n) B is a comedy about V by S (original meaning). hapstastu, <happy stage story> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a comedy. kamkystu, <comic story> (3n) a comedy/funny story about … by … (usual meaning). lopo pubkamki, <publicly comic> (n) comedy, mass term. po pubkamki, <publicly comic> (n) a comedy, a spec. instance. comeliness, lopu jelbii, <healthily beautiful> (n) comeliness/prettiness, mass term. pu jelbii, <healthily beautiful> (n) a comeliness/prettiness, a spec. property. comely, jelbii, <healthily beautiful> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is prettier/more comely/healthily beautiful than J is. comes-to-life, livcea, <alive become> [B‍-‍] (1v) B comes-to-life/becomes alive. comet, frenurtilba, <front tailed> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B is a comet of period C. comfort, kofmao, <comfortable make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K solace/comfort/console/reassure D, make … comfortable. po nu kofmao, <comfortable make> (n) a consolation/solace/comfort, a state of being made -able. lopo komfu, (n) comfort, mass term of states. lopu komfu, (n) comfort, mass term, properties. po komfu, (n) a comfort, a spec. state of being -ble. pu komfu, (n) a comfort, a prop. of -able person. pu nu komfu, (n) a comfort, a prop. of a -able object/setting. comfort to, kofmao, <comfortable make> (v) make … comfortable/give comfort to …. comfortable, kofmao, <comfortable make> (v) make … comfortable/give comfort to …. komfu, [K‍-‍N] (2a) K is comfortable in setting/circumstances/situation N. nu komfu, (a) comfortable to users/occupants …, as of rooms/furniture/clothing. kof, (af) a combining form of komfu, comfortable. lenkofmou, <language comfortable more> [K‍-‍NJS] (4v) K is more comfortable with language N than J is in S. lenkou, <language comfortable> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K is comfortable with/fluent in language N. kou, (af) a combining form of komfu, comfortable. comforter, lumbedkua, <feather bed cover> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a feather bed cover/duvet/comforter. comic, diartcustu, <teaching picture story> [B‍-‍VS] (3n) B is an educational comic about V by S. hapstastu, <happy stage story> (a) comic, pert. to a comedy. kamki, (n) a comic/comedian, a comic person. kamkytcu, <comic picture> [P‍-‍K] (2n) P is a cartoon/comic (drawn) by K. comic strip, tcustu, <picture story> [P‍-‍S] (2n) P is a comic strip drawn by S. comical, kamki, [B‍-‍DV] (3a) B is funny/comical/humorous/witty to D by being/doing V. comically, kamki, (av) comically, in a funny manner. coming, po kamla, (n) a coming/going, an event/act of coming/going from somewhere. lefa, (a) the future/coming …, the one which will be …, a temporal descriptive oper. coming out, po nerviukaa, <first appear> (n) a debut/coming out, debut. po zvokaa, <out come> (n) an instance of emerging/coming out. comma, a, (c) comma, as in '…, … or …'. ca, (c) or (else)/and or/comma, between modifiers as in 'tall, wise or good man'. ce, (c) and/comma/both and, bet. modified/fying words: 'tall, wise and good, man'. e, (c) comma, as in …, … and …. gu, (pm) comma/(,), proximal right boundary marker all clauses. ica, (pm) comma. ice, (pm) comma. inoca, (c) comma, in 'if …, …' between clauses. inonucu, (c) comma, in 'whether not …, …' w/sents. ji, (pm) comma/(,), marks the left half of an appositive: as in 'Pierre, the cook'. zeia, (pm) medial marker (comma) for unordered lists = finite sets. zeio, (pm) medial marker (comma) for ordered lists. command, bicfoskoi, <military force command> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K command(s)/have command over military force D. nu bicfoskoi, <military force command> (n) command, military forces -ed. koi, (af) a combining form of korji, command. koj, (af) a combining form of korji, command. kerkoi, <air commander> [K‍-‍BF] (3v) K command group B in air force F. nu kerkoi, <air commander> (n) command, the unit -ed. korji, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K order/command/tell D to do V. fu korji, (n) a command/order, a thing commanded to be done. po korji, (n) a command/order, an act/process of ing. pu korji, (n) a command, a property of being a -er. lankoi, <land commander> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K command group D in land force S. nu lankoi, <land commander> (n) command, the unit -ed. murkoi, <sea commander> [K‍-‍BF] (3v) K command group B in sea force F. nu murkoi, <sea commander> (n) command, the unit -ed. command key, kojtiaklaki, <order selector key> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a command key on keyboard/system F, e.g. 'clover' on the Macintosh. commandant, bicfoskoi, <military force command> (n) a commandant/commander, military commander. commander, botkoi, <boat command> [K‍-‍D] (2n) K is a commander of ship/force D. ferkoi, <5th commander> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a lieutenant colonel/commander/etc. commanding/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murferkoi — naval commander. Use surkoi. q.v., for officers in general. kerkoi, <air commander> (n) commander, one who -s, paradigm for all air force officers. korji, (n) a commander, one who -s. lankoi, <land commander> (n) commander, one who -s, paradigm for all army officers. murkoi, <sea commander> (n) commander, one who -s, paradigm for all navy officers. commanding, koicli, <commander like> [K‍-‍D] (2a) K is commanding/imperious to D. koicli, <commander like> (a) imperious/commanding, to …, commander like. koifro, <order strong> [K‍-‍VN] (3a) K is/are commanding/irresistible about V in situation N. commandingly, koicli, <commander like> (av) imperiously/commandingly, in an imperious way. commando group, pebspubilca, <special expert military> [F‍-‍N] (2n) F is a commando group/special strike force of country N. commence, sacduo, <start do> [K‍-‍PN] (3v) K begin/commence/start doing P by/with N. sackao, <start act> [K‍-‍VP] (3v) K begin/start/found/commence/embark on/take up/establish doing V for end/purpose P. sacvei, <start event> [V‍-‍] (1v) V begin/start/commence. sacycea, <start happen> [V‍-‍] (1v) V begin/start/commence, involuntary. tursacduo, <work start do> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K commence/begin project/enterprise P. commencement, po sackao, <start act> (n) a/the start/embarkation/foundation/commencement/beginning/establishment, an act of starting something. commend, gudsange, <good suggest> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K recommend/commend/counsel/advise D to do V. gudtaa, <good speak> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K praise/commend/pay tribute to D for/about performance V. commendable, nu gudsange, <good suggest> (a) commendable, conv. of commend. nu gudtaa, <good speak> (a) praiseworthy/commendable, worth praising. commendation, po gudsange, <good suggest> (n) a counsel/commendation/advice/recommendation, an act of counseling. po gudtaa, <good speak> (n) an act of praise/tribute/commendation. comment, cutse, [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K say/comment/utter B to D. vikcue, <see say> [K‍-‍PD] (3v) K remark/comment/observe, make remark P to D. nu vikcue, <see say> (n) a remark/comment/observation, that which is said, conv. form. po vikcue, <see say> (n) a remark/comment/observation, an act/event of -ing. commerce, lopo batmi, (n) barter/business/commerce, mass term for trading. po batmi, (n) a/some barter/business/commerce, an act of trading. commercial, batmi, (a) trade/commercial, pert. to trading. nu batmi, (a) commercial/exchangeable. commission, dasdou, <responsibility give> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K commission/charge D to do V, gives … the responsibility for …. fu dasdou, <responsibility give> (n) a charge/commission, a commission/charged act/deed. nu dasdou, <responsibility give> (n) a commission, those given a commission. po dasdou, <responsibility give> (n) a commission, an act of -ing someone. po nu dasdou, <responsibility give> (n) a commission, being -ed by someone. garkamti, <govern committee> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the commission/governing committee of F. tcorynurdongru, <authority given group> [B‍-‍KV] (3n) B is a commission given authority by K to do V. commissioned, nu dasdou, <responsibility give> (a) commissioned, of one -ed to do …. commissioner, dasdou, <responsibility give> (n) a commissioner, one who gives commissions. tcorynurdou, <authority given> [B‍-‍KV] (3n) B is a commissioner given authority by K to do V. commit crime, tsikao, <crime act> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K commit crime B by doing V. commit wrong, zavkaobiu, <bad act behave> [B‍-‍V] (2v) B is/are guilty of/transgress/commit wrong/evil act V. committee, kamti, [B‍-‍FP] (3n) B is a committee of organization F with function P. commodity, ju petci, (n) a commodity, a paid for object/service. commodore, serkoi, <7th commander> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a brigadier/brigadier general/commodore/etc. commanding/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murserkoi — commodore. Use surkoi. q.v., for officers in general. common, danri, [G‍-‍JB] (3a) G is more trite/ordinary/vulgar/common(place)/usual/banal/mundane than J in features B. kum, (af) a combining form of kumtu, common. kumtu, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a general/common/universal property of set F. ponkuu, <own common> (av) in common, owned in common by …. kuu, (af) a combining form of kumtu, common. common property, ponkuu, <own common> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the common property of F, owned in common by group …. common to, kumtu, (a) common to/general/universal, general/universal among …. commoner, danrypeu, <ordinary person> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a commoner/common person of place S. commonly, pifno, (av) customarily/often/usually/commonly, frequently. commons, ponkuu, <own common> (n) a commons/condominium, something owned in common. commonwealth, lo ponkuu, <own common> (n) commonwealth, the mass of common prop. communal, munce, (a) community/communal, pertaining to -s. ponkuu, <own common> (a) communal, of things owned in common. commune with, juirbeo, <opinion ask> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K consult/confer with/commune with D/asks the opinion of consultant … on subject B. communicate, sanbatmi, <sign trade> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K (collection) communicate with one another about V. sansui, <sign send> [K‍-‍PDV] (4v) K signal/communicate with/send message/signal conveying intention/message/meaning P to D concerning topic/matter V. spadji, <space join> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K communicate (spatially) with D. communication, po sanbatmi, <sign trade> (n) an instance of communication. nu sansui, <sign send> (n) a message/communication, conv. of communicate with. po sansui, <sign send> (n) a communication, an act of -ing. sanveo, <sign container> [B‍-‍SDN] (4n) B is a communication from S to D about N. communication channel, sansuirua, <sign send route> [B‍-‍SDC] (4n) B is a communication channel from S to D of capacity C. communication tool, hirtakrie, <hear talk tool> [B‍-‍KN] (3n) B is a communication tool used by K under conditions N. communicator, sanbatmi, <sign trade> (n) communicator, one of a group -ng with one another. communing, juirbeo, <opinion ask> (a) consulting/conferring/communing, pertaining to a -ation. communism, ponkumkrisio, <possess common belief system> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is an instance of communism. lo ponkumkrisio, <possess common belief system> (n) communism, mass term. communist, ponkumkri, <own common believe> [B‍-‍] (1) B is a communist, one who believes in -ism. communistic, ponkumkri, <own common believe> (a) communistic, pert. to communal creeds. ponkumkrisio, <possess common belief system> (a) communistic, pert. to communal creeds. community, mun, (af) a combining form of munce, community. munce, [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a community of individuals/organisms B. munce, (a) community/communal, pertaining to -s. compact, po tordurcue, <2 do say> (n) a contract/agreement/compact/covenant. compact disc, lityrirda, <light record> [B‍-‍PS] (3n) B is a compact disc of P made by S. companion, kadkii, <battle companion> [K‍-‍B] (2n) K is a comrade/companion of B, a battle companion. kinci, (n) a companion, one who is with … in doing …. kintraci, <with travel> (n) a companion, of … to … from …. companionable, kinci, (a) companionable/accompanying, being with … in doing …. companionless, kincle, <without companions> [K‍-‍V] (2a) K is alone/solitary/secluded/isolated/unaccompanied/companionless in doing V, without the presence of others. companionship, lopo kinci, (n) companionship, mass term of states. po kinci, (n) a company/companionship/accompaniment, an act/process of ing. po kintraci, <with travel> (n) a companionship, a state of going with. company, bicykompi, <military company> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a military company/company of soldiers in military force F. kom, (af) a combining form of kompi, company. kompi, [B‍-‍KP] (3n) B is a company/firm chartered by country/government/agency K for purpose P. hasgeo, <house gesko> [D‍-‍K] (2n) D is a guest/company/house guest of K. po kinci, (n) a company/companionship/accompaniment, an act/process of ing. sodgru, <soldier group> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a troop/platoon/company/battalion/regiment of F, any military group, identify by number. surnarmypai, <army part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a corps/division/regiment/company/platoon of F, any army part, identify by number. tergru, <3rd group> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a company/group, the 3rd smallest military unit in some larger military organization/force F, without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. kertergru — air group. Cf. surgru. vizkaa, <see comer> (n) a visitor/guest/company, visitors from … to … for …, e.g. a visitor from Paris. company of soldiers, bicykompi, <military company> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a military company/company of soldiers in military force F. comparability, pu nu kambi, (n) a comparability, a spec. property. comparable, nu kambi, (a) comparable, capable of being -ed. comparative, kambi, (a) comparative/relative, pert. to comparisons. compare, kambi, [K‍-‍FFB] (4v) K compare F with/to F in features B. recykambi, <difference compare> [K‍-‍BBCN] (5v) K contrast/compare B with B noting differences C in dimension(s) N. comparison, po kambi, (n) a comparison/relation, an act of -ing. compartment, trekru, <train room> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a train compartment/bedroom. compass, dirdou, <direction give> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a compass, a device for giving directions. lanpiu, <land piece> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a tract/compass/area. nodyduvpae, <north find apparatus> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a compass. compassion, notpuu, <other pain> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K empathize with/feel empathy/compassion for D, i.e. feels …'s pain. lopu notpuu, <other pain> (n) compassion, general property. po notpuu, <other pain> (n) an empathy/compassion, a spec. act/condition. compassionate, notpuu, <other pain> (a) compassionate/empathetic, having compassion. compatriot, samguidjo, <same country member> [B‍-‍B] (2n) B is a compatriot/fellow countryman/fellow countryman of B. compel, fosli, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K force/compel D to (do) V. compensate, srunakso, <injure mend> [K‍-‍DBV] (4v) K compensate/redress/make amends to D for B by V. compensation, po srunakso, <injure mend> (n) a compensation, an event of making amends. compete, kanpi, [K‍-‍KB] (3v) K contend/compete/rival with K over/about/for B. torkanpi, <two compete> [K‍-‍KB] (3v) K compete one on one with K for B. competence, pu spuro, (n) a competence/expertness/skill/cleverness, a spec. property. competent, spuro, [B‍-‍VN] (3a) B is capable/skilful/competent/skilled/expert/clever at/in doing V under N. competition, po kanpi, (n) a competition, a spec. act/event of -ing. po plekamda, <play fight> (n) a specific game/contest/competition. competitive, kanpyflo, <compete full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more competitive than J. kanpyfro, <compete strong> [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is competitive in V. competitiveness, pu kanpyflo, <compete full> (n) a competitiveness, a spec. property. competitor, kanpi, (n) a contender/competitor, one who competes. nu kanpi, (n) a rival/competitor, one who is -ed with …. plekamda, <play fight> (n) a contestant/competitor, one who -s. complain, puntaa, <pain talk> [K‍-‍VD] (3v) K complain about V to D. complain about, noirtsetaa, <others error talk> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K finds fault with/complain about error B to D. complainer, puntaa, <pain talk> (n) a complainer, one who -s of discomfort/pain. complaining, puntaa, <pain talk> (a) complaining, pert. to complainers. complaint, nu noirtsetaa, <others error talk> (n) a complaint, an error -ed about. po noirtsetaa, <others error talk> (n) a complaint, an act of -ing about errors. nu puntaa, <pain talk> (n) a complaint, that which is -ed about. po puntaa, <pain talk> (n) a complaint, an act of -ing of pains. complement, kalmazpai, <completion make part> [B‍-‍BF] (3v) B complement, is the complement of B to make F. kalmazpai, <completion make part> (n) a complement, the remainder of something from which a part is removed. complete, kal, (af) a combining form of kapli, complete. kalmao, <complete make> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K complete/finish/perfect P (make something whole). kalspe, <complete experience> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K complete N, as a course, degree, training. kapli, [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is complete/entire/whole/finished/perfect/integral by standard N. completely, kapli, (av) perfectly/wholly/fully/completely/entirely, wholly. completely filled, nu flocko, <filled cause> (a) stuffed/completely filled with …. completely full, flocko, <filled cause> [B‍-‍D] (2v) B, a filler/filling, causes D, a container, to be full/filled up/completely full. flocko, <filled cause> (n) filling/stuffing, something that causes something else to be stuffed/filled up/completely full. completely reads, kalridle, <completely read> [K‍-‍B] (2n) K reads/completely reads/reads the whole of document B. completeness, pu kapli, (n) a perfection/integrity/completeness, a spec. property. completion, po kalmao, <complete make> (n) a completion, act of -ion. po kapli, (n) an entirety/completion, a state of being complete. complex, nu sapla, (a) complex, more, than …. furdjifoa, (4v) X is a complex (Loglan grammatical term) containing primitive Y via affix Z in loglandical language W. compliance, lopu daztoi, <desirer agree> (n) compliance, mass property. compliant, daztoi, <desirer agree> [K‍-‍V] (2a) K is compliant in matter V. complicated, norsapla, <not simple> [G‍-‍JND] (4a) G is more involved/intricate/complicated than J in features N to D. compliment, gubdurcue, <good do say> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K compliment D on/for/about V. po gubdurcue, <good do say> (n) compliment. component, mispai, <mixture part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a component/ingredient of mixture F. rarpai, <all parts> (n) are the constituents/component parts of whole …. components, nu grupa, (n) a/the members/components/constituents of some group …. nu setci, (n) the components/constituents of a set, q.v. compose, danpeo, <design think> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K compose/outline B. larkinsea, <art together place> [K‍-‍PS] (3v) K compose P out of S, an artistic endeavour. muzmao, <music make> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K compose P, a piece of music. prozymao, <prose make> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K compose/write P, a work of prose. srimao, <write make> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K compose/create/write P, any document or text. vesmao, <verse maker> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K write/compose/versify P, a piece of poetry. composed, nunrarpai, <all parts> [F‍-‍B] (2v) F consist/be composed/constituted of parts B. composer, larkinsea, <art together place> (n) a composer, one who -s. muzmao, <music make> (n) a composer, of music. composition, nu larkinsea, <art together place> (n) a composition, something -ed. po larkinsea, <art together place> (n) a composition, a specific instance of -ing. nu muzmao, <music make> (n) a composition, musical, conv. of compose. nursri, <written> [B‍-‍VK] (3) B is a written note/message/work/text/theme/composition/document about V written by K. comprehend, siodja, <system know> [D‍-‍N] (2v) D know/comprehend/understand N. comprehension, po siodja, <system know> (n) an understanding/comprehension, a state of -ing. comprise, rarpai, <all parts> [B‍-‍F] (2v) B comprise/make up/constitute all the parts of whole F. compromise, densea, <danger set> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K compromise D by V, place something at risk. midjmi, <middle meet> [K‍-‍KV] (3v) K compromise with K about V. po midjmi, <middle meet> (n) an instance of compromise. compromised, nu densea, <danger set> (n) compromised, placed at risk. compulsion, po fosli, (n) compulsion, an act of compelling/forcing, q.v. compulsory, nu nurfolrui, <forced rule> (a) obligatory/compulsory, conv. of must. computer, komta, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a computer. kot, (af) a combining form of komta, computer. computer display, kotvizlei, <computer display(see let)> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a computer display/monitor for system F. computer memory, feosro, <fact store> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a computer memory of type B. computer-network, kotnetre, <computer net> (2n) B is a computer-network in F. comrade, fie, (h) comrade/brother/sister, an attitudinal indicating comradeship/friendship or the intimacy of fellow members/co workers; part of the series 'rie/kae/nue/fie/die', q.v.; always used after a designation/vocative. E.g. 'Djan, Fie' — 'John, Friend' used as the salutation of a letter. (DIE). kadkii, <battle companion> [K‍-‍B] (2n) K is a comrade/companion of B, a battle companion. kinkao, <together act> [B‍-‍BV] (3n) B is a comrade/partner/accomplice/confederate of B in activity V, general term for a close associate. krukii, <room companion> [B‍-‍B] (2n) B is a comrade/roommate/tentmate of B. pargrukii, <party comp'n> [B‍-‍BVF] (4n) B is a comrade/co partisan of B in party/faction V of F. comradeship, po pargrukii, <party comp'n> (n) a comradeship, a state of co partisanship. con, dupgei, <deceive get> [K‍-‍DNV] (4v) K con/trick D into N by V, includes services. duptoa, <deceive take> [K‍-‍DBV] (4v) K con/trick D out of B by V, material things. con artist, dupgei, <deceive get> (n) a con artist/trickster. duptoa, <deceive take> (n) a con artist/trickster. dupyraznu, <deceive reason> (n) a con artist/trickster. conceal, furviacko, <background make> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K camouflage/conceal B by V, non intentional. furvizmao, <background make> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K camouflage/conceal B by V, intentional. smicea, <secret become> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K hide/conceal oneself from N. smikua, <secret cover> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K mask/hide/conceal B from D for secrecy. smimao, <secret make> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K secrete/hide/conceal/make secret B from D. smisea, <secret put> (3v) K hide/conceal/secrete S as P in code V, secretly puts … in …. concealable, nu smisea, <secret put> (a) concealable. concealed, fu smisea, <secret put> (a) hidden/secreted/concealed, conv. of conceal. concede, tratoi, <true agree> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K admit/concede that N is true. conceivability, lopu furpeo, <2nd conv. of think, think-about-able> (n) imaginability/conceivability/describability, the mass of such properties. pu furpeo, <2nd conv. of think, think-about-able> (n) a/the imaginability/conceivability/describability of specific places/worlds/things, a spec. property of such things. conceivable, furpeo, <2nd conv. of think, think-about-able> [B‍-‍PK] (3a) B is imaginable/conceivable/describable in thoughts/terms/features P by thinker(s) K. furpeo, <2nd conv. of think, think-about-able> (a) imaginable/conceivable/describable, of places/things/topics that can be thought about. minsia, <mind place> [F‍-‍SVK] (4n) F is an imaginary/conceivable/thinkable/mental (but not necessarily possible) world/place in which event/state S occurs/obtains and "causes" (would cause if its world existed) event/state V, this world and its causal laws having been at least in part invented by thinker K. nurpeo, <1st conv. of think, thinkable> (3a) P is thinkable/conceivable/imaginable by K about subject/topic B. nurpeo, <1st conv. of think, thinkable> (a) conceivable/thinkable/imaginable, of thoughts that can be thought. conceive, livsacdonsu, <life start give> [S‍-‍PV] (3v) S conceive offspring P by V. livsacdou, <life start give> [S‍-‍PV] (3v) S conceive offspring P by V. livsacmao, <life start make> [K‍-‍PS] (3v) K conceive offspring P with parents S. tcupeo, <picture think> [K‍-‍NV] (3v) K imagine/conceive/contemplate N as V/to be …. vidsacdonsu, <idea start give> [K‍-‍PS] (3v) K conceive idea P by S. vidsacdou, <idea start give> [K‍-‍PS] (3v) K conceive idea P by S. conceive S to be P, vidmao, <idea make> [K‍-‍SP] (3v) K conceive S to be P/form an idea that … is …. conceived, nu vidsacdonsu, <idea start give> (a) conceived, as an idea. nu vidsacdou, <idea start give> (a) conceived, as an idea. concentrate, mutneicko, <much in cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N concentrate/condense D, reduce the volume of …, nonintentional. mutnencea, <much in become> [B‍-‍] (1v) B concentrate/condense, become more -ed. mutnenmao, <much in make> [K‍-‍DC] (3v) K concentrate/condense D, reduce the volume of … by C, intentional. nu nenmou, <in more> (n) a concentrate, that in which … is -ed. nerpeo, <one think> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K concentrate/focus on V. concentrated, mucnei, <much in> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is concentrated/condensed. nu mutneicko, <much in cause> (a) that which has been concentrated. nu mutnenmao, <much in make> (a) that which has been concentrated. nenmou, <in more> [G‍-‍BJB] (4v) G is more concentrated in/on B(1) than J in/on B(2). nenmou, <in more> (a) concentrated/intense, of -ed substances/energies. teifro, <attention strong> [K‍-‍V] (2a) K is attentive/focused/concentrated/single minded to/on/about V. concentration, po mutneicko, <much in cause> (n) an instance of concentration. po mutnencea, <much in become> (n) an instance of concentration. po mutnenmao, <much in make> (n) an instance of concentration. pu nenmou, <in more> (n) an intensity/concentration, a prop. of a -ed thing. pu nu nenmou, <in more> (n) a concentration, a prop. of a -trate. lopu nerpeo, <one think> (n) concentration/single mindedness/focus, mass term. po nerpeo, <one think> (n) an instance of concentration/focus. concentrator, mutneicko, <much in cause> (a) a concentrator, that which -s. mutnenmao, <much in make> (a) concentrator, that which -s. conception, lopo livsacdonsu, <life start give> (n) conception, mass term. lopo livsacdou, <life start give> (n) conception, mass term. po livsacdonsu, <life start give> (n) a specific instance of conception. po livsacdou, <life start give> (n) a specific instance of conception. lopo livsacmao, <life start make> (n) conception, the mass of such events. lopo nu livsacmao, <life start make> (n) conception, mass of such events. po livsacmao, <life start make> (n) a conception, an event of -ing a child. po nu livsacmao, <life start make> (n) a conception, an event of being -ed. fu tcupeo, <picture think> (n) a conception/image, an imagined form of …. lopo tcupeo, <picture think> (n) conception/imagination/contemplation, mass term of imagining. fu vidmao, <idea make> (n) a conception/idea, a conceived idea. po vidmao, <idea make> (n) a conception, an act of -ing ideas. lopo vidsacdonsu, <idea start give> (n) conception, mass term of acts. lopo vidsacdou, <idea start give> (n) conception, mass term of acts. nu vidsacdonsu, <idea start give> (n) conception, that which is -ed. nu vidsacdou, <idea start give> (n) conception, that which is -ed. po vidsacdonsu, <idea start give> (n) a specific instance of conception. po vidsacdou, <idea start give> (n) a specific instance of conception. concern, po fatfio, <trouble feel> (n) a worry/concern, a state of being troubled. lopo fatpeo, <trouble think> (n) worry/concern/anxiety, mass term. po fatpeo, <trouble think> (n) a worry/concern, a spec. instance. ferci, [V‍-‍D] (2n) V is an affair/matter/concern/interest of person(s) D. ferci, (v) engage/involve/concern/interest/matter to …, involve …, as in an affair. po nordjafia, <not know fear> (n) a concern/worry/anxiety, a state of being anxious. nurfecmao, <(conv. of affair=) involved make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K involve/concern D in affair/matter V/gets … involved in …. po nurfei, <conv. of affair> (n) an involvement/concern/interest, a state of being involved. nurfeicko, <(conv. of affair=) involved cause> [N‍-‍KV] (3v) N involve/concern K in affair/matter V/gets … involved in …. perti, [B‍-‍N] (2v) B treat of/relate to/pertain to/concern/be about/be relevant to N. concerned, fatfio, <trouble feel> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K worry/feel troubled/worried/disturbed/concerned about N. fatfio, <trouble feel> (a) disturbed/concerned/worried/troubled, troubled by …. fatpeo, <trouble think> (a) concerned/worried/troubled/disturbed about …. nu ferci, (a) engaged/concerned/interested/involved, of one involved. nordjafia, <not know fear> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K worry/are anxious/concerned about V. nordjafia, <not know fear> (a) concerned/worried/anxious, worried about …. nu nurfecmao, <(conv. of affair=) involved make> (a) involved/concerned (by … in …). nurfei, <conv. of affair> [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is concerned/involved/interested in affair/matter V. nurfeicea, <(conv. of affair=) involved become> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K become involved/concerned in affair/matter V. nurfeicea, <(conv. of affair=) involved become> (a) involved/concerned (by … in …). nu nurfeicko, <(conv. of affair=) involved cause> (a) involved/concerned (by … in …). concerned about, zavfucfio, <future feel> [B‍-‍D] (2v) B anticipate/be anxious/concerned about D. concerning, nurfecmao, <(conv. of affair=) involved make> (a) involving/concerning (… in …). nurfeicko, <(conv. of affair=) involved cause> (a) involving/concerning (… in …). peu, (av) re/concerning/as for. concert, muzvei, <music event> [B‍-‍KN] (3n) B is a concert given by K at N. concession, po tratoi, <true agree> (n) an admission/concession that …. concierge, nurbackeu, <building care> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a porter/concierge/superintendent of F. concisely, coa, (av) briefly/concisely/summarily/summing up/by way of summary, a discourse operator (UI). conclude, fadpeo, <end think> [K‍-‍PN] (3v) K conclude/reason P about N, arrives at … by thinking about …. conclusion, nu fadpeo, <end think> (n) a conclusion, reached by reasoning. fao, (av) finally/in conclusion, a discourse operator (UI). concord, harmo, (n) a concord/harmony/accord, an instance of harmony. po harmo, (n) a concord/accord, a state of harmony. concordant, harmo, (a) concordant, more harmonious than … to …. concrete, nurkatca, <observed> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is concrete/observable. condemn, kafcue, <punish say> [K‍-‍DPV] (4v) K condemn/sentence/damn/convict (person) D to (sentence) P for (crime) V. kafkeodou, <punish time say> [K‍-‍DCV] (4v) K condemn/sentence D to period C for crime V. kafkoi, <punish order> [K‍-‍DP] (3v) K condemn/sentence (person) D to (sentence) P. condemn D, kaorzavcue, <act bad say> [K‍-‍DVN] (4v) K condemn D's act V/say …'s act … is bad by morals N. condemnation, po kafcue, <punish say> (n) a specific instance of condemnation/sentencing. po kafkeodou, <punish time say> (n) a specific instance of condemnation/sentencing. po kafkoi, <punish order> (n) a specific instance of condemnation/sentencing. po kaorzavcue, <act bad say> (n) a condemnation, saying … is immoral. po tsikaocue, <crime act(criminal) say> (n) an act of condemnation/conviction. condemned, nu kafcue, <punish say> (a) condemned/damned, one who is -ed …. nu kafkeodou, <punish time say> (n) condemned (p. receiving sentence). nu kafkoi, <punish order> (a) condemned/sentenced, one who is -ed. nu kaorzavcue, <act bad say> (n) condemned (one said to be immoral). nu tsikaocue, <crime act(criminal) say> (a) condemned/convicted. condemner, kaorzavcue, <act bad say> (n) a condemner, one who asserts immorality. tsikaocue, <crime act(criminal) say> (n) a condemner, one who asserts guilt. condemning, kaorzavcue, <act bad say> (a) condemning, of one who -s. tsikaocue, <crime act(criminal) say> (a) condemning, of one who speaks of guilt. condensation, flicea, <liquid become> (n) a condensation/melting, that which condenses. nu flicea, <liquid become> (n) a condensation/melt, the product of -ation. po flicea, <liquid become> (n) a specific instance of melting/dissolution/condensation/liquefaction. condense, flicea, <liquid become> [D‍-‍PN] (3v) D melt/dissolve/condense/liquefy into P under conditions N. flimao, <liquid make> [K‍-‍SPN] (4v) K liquefy/melt/condense/dissolve, make liquid S into P under conditions N, intentional. mutneicko, <much in cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N concentrate/condense D, reduce the volume of …, nonintentional. mutnencea, <much in become> [B‍-‍] (1v) B concentrate/condense, become more -ed. mutnenmao, <much in make> [K‍-‍DC] (3v) K concentrate/condense D, reduce the volume of … by C, intentional. condensed, mucnei, <much in> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is concentrated/condensed. condition, bivdia, <behaviour teach> [K‍-‍DNV] (4v) K train/condition/educate D to do/produce behavior N under V. fu ckozu, (n) a condition, material, as in causation. furcko, <3rd conv. of cause> [N‍-‍VF] (3n) N is a condition/circumstance/factor in the situation V of F. nu letci, (n) a condition, of a permitted act, q.v. nerbi, [N‍-‍V] (2n) N is a factually necessary condition/demand for event/process V. neu, (pp) Conditions/Circumstances/Fields, case tag (condition/circumstance/field). nurpra, <conv of process> [B‍-‍FV] (3n) B is a stage/state/condition of system F undergoing process V. conditional, po furcko, <3rd conv. of cause> (a) is conditional, an event of something being a condition. conditioning, lopo bivdia, <behaviour teach> (n) training/conditioning, mass term. po bivdia, <behaviour teach> (n) some training/conditioning, spec. instance. condominium, ponkuu, <own common> (n) a commons/condominium, something owned in common. conduct, nu bivdu, (n) a/the conduct, specific behaviour of …. bivfoa, <behavior pattern> [N‍-‍KV] (3n) N is a conduct/manner/fashion/style/mode, way of behaving of K under V. durfompoi, <do form master> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K conduct, control the manner/style of D. fregoi, <front go> [K‍-‍BDS] (4v) K forerun/conduct/lead/precede/go in front of B to D from S. glida, [K‍-‍BDSV] (5v) K conduct/guide/pilot B to D from S via V. tcatro, <vehicle control> [K‍-‍BDSV] (5v) K drive/conduct vehicle/vessel B to D from S via V. conducted, nu glida, (a) guidable/conducted, guided, as of tours. conducting, po durfompoi, <do form master> (n) a conducting, an act of style controlling. conductor, durfompoi, <do form master> (n) a/the conductor of (performance) …, as of an orchestra. cone, konhe, [B‍-‍C] (2) B is a cone with dimensions C. confection, nurmao, <made> (n) an article/artifact/confection/making/product, a manufactured object. confederacy, djigru, <join group> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a union/confederacy/confederation of members/groups B. po kinkao, <together act> (n) a partnership/confederacy, as among individuals. po kinkaogru, <together act group> (n) federacy/confederacy, as among groups. nurgarpolgru, <governed polity group> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is confederacy of polities B, states/provinces with a common government. confederate, nu djigru, <join group> (n) confederate, member of a …. kinkao, <together act> [B‍-‍BV] (3n) B is a comrade/partner/accomplice/confederate of B in activity V, general term for a close associate. confederation, djigru, <join group> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a union/confederacy/confederation of members/groups B. po djigru, <join group> (n) a union/confederation, state of being a …. kinkaogru, <together act group> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a federation/confederation of groups B. confer, begdou, <request give> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K accord/grant/bestow/confer B, a requested thing, to/upon D. fomdiu, <formal discuss> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K confer/consult on/about topic B with D. confer with, juirbeo, <opinion ask> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K consult/confer with/commune with D/asks the opinion of consultant … on subject B. conference, po fomdiu, <formal discuss> (n) a conference/consultation, an act/process of -ing. jmigru, <meet group> [B‍-‍FP] (3n) B is a congress/assembly/conference/convention/meeting of F for P, any purposeful meeting. jmikeosei, <meet interval set> [B‍-‍FP] (3n) B is a conference/convention/meeting of F for P, referring to the event, not the components. po juirbeo, <opinion ask> (n) a consultation/conference, an instance of -ing. conferment, po begdou, <request give> (n) a conferment/conferral/bestowal, an act of granting a request. conferree, fu begdou, <request give> (n) a conferree, grantee. fomdiu, <formal discuss> (n) a conferree, one who confers with someone. conferring, juirbeo, <opinion ask> (a) consulting/conferring/communing, pertaining to a -ation. confess, seltsecue, <self error say> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K admit/confess/acknowledge error B to D. confession, nu seltsecue, <self error say> (n) an admission/confession, an admitted thing. po seltsecue, <self error say> (n) a confession/acknowledgement/admission, an act of -ing error. confidant, fu fildiu, <feelings discuss> (n) a confidant(e), one who is confided to. smicue, <secret say> [K‍-‍VD] (3v) K confide/tell secret V to confidant D. fu smidjadou, <secret knowledge give> (n) confidant (in … by …), one -ed in. confide, fildiu, <feelings discuss> [K‍-‍VD] (3v) K confide/disclose/express feeling V to D. smicue, <secret say> [K‍-‍VD] (3v) K confide/tell secret V to confidant D. smidjadou, <secret knowledge give> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K confide/disclose B to D. confide in, filtaa, <feel speak> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K confide in D about feeling V. confidence, duokri, <do believe> [D‍-‍KP] (3v) D trust/believe/have confidence/faith that K will do P. nu fildiu, <feelings discuss> (n) a confidence/disclosure, that which is -ed. perkri, <person believe> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K believe/have faith/confidence in person D in/about N. lopu salkri, <solid belief> (n) confidence, property of being —, mass term. po smidjadou, <secret knowledge give> (n) a specific instance of confidence/disclosure (of … to …). confident, salkri, <solid belief> [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is confident of/in V. confined, nu neiklo, <inside close> (a) confined/enclosed/inclosed, of that which is shut in. confinement, po neiklo, <inside close> (n) a confinement, a state of being -ed. confirm, krisalcko, <belief solid cause> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K confirm B, as one fact confirms another. krisalmao, <belief solid make> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K confirm/verify B by V. confirmation, po krisalcko, <belief solid cause> (n) a specific instance of confirmation. po krisalmao, <belief solid make> (n) a specific instance of confirmation/verification. confirmed, nu krisalmao, <belief solid make> (a) confirmed/verified, something found correct. confront, poztai, <against stand> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K face/confront/stand up to (person/condition) N. confrontation, lopo poztai, <against stand> (n) confrontation, mass event. po poztai, <against stand> (n) a confrontation (of …). confuse, misflocko, <mix full cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N confuse/mix up/perplex/muddle D, unintentional. confused, misfio, <mixture feelings> [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is confused by event/situation V. misfurckosei, <mixed circumstances> [V‍-‍] (1v) V is a confused event/situation. confusion, lopu misfio, <mixture feelings> (n) confusion, mass property. po misfio, <mixture feelings> (n) an instance of confusion. congeal, dzecea, <jelly become> [D‍-‍] (1v) D jell/gelatinize/congeal (actor unspecified). dzecko, <jelly cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N jell/gelatinize/congeal/clot/curdle D (non intentional). dzemao, <jelly make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K jell/gelatinize/clot/curdle/congeal D (intentional). congratulated, fu skucue, <succeed say> (a) congratulated, one receiving a specific -tion. nu skutaa, <succeed taa> (a) congratulated, one receiving -tions; Nu skutaa! — Be congratulated! / Congratulations! congratulates, skutaa, <succeed taa> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K congratulates D on/for V. congratulatingly, skucue, <succeed say> [K‍-‍PDV] (4v) K speaks P congratulatingly to D on/for V. congratulation, po skutaa, <succeed taa> (n) a specific instance of congratulation. congratulatory, po skucue, <succeed say> (n) a specific instance of congratulatory speaking. congregation, nu grujmi, <group meet> (n) gathering/assembly/collection/audience/congregation/rally, an -d group. congress, dilgru, <representatives group> [B‍-‍FP] (3n) B is a congress/council/board of state/organisation F with remit P, any meeting of representatives. jmigru, <meet group> [B‍-‍FP] (3n) B is a congress/assembly/conference/convention/meeting of F for P, any purposeful meeting. conjecture, blitra, <possible truth> [P‍-‍N] (2n) P is a conjecture that N, a proposal that … is true. blitratiu, <possible truth offer> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K conjecture(s) P, proposal that … is true. conjugate, purfadcea, <word end change> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K conjugate/decline/inflect D. purfaocea, <word end change> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K conjugate/decline/inflect D. conjugated, nu purfadcea, <word end change> (a) conjugated/inflected/declined (as of a language). nu purfaocea, <word end change> (a) conjugated/inflected/declined (as of a language). conjugation, po purfadcea, <word end change> (n) B is a conjugation/declension in language D. po purfaocea, <word end change> (n) B is a conjugation/declension in language D. conjunction, djipua, <join word> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a connective/conjunction of language F. connect, djimao, <join make> [K‍-‍BDV] (4v) K connect/join/unite/fasten/attach B to D with V. djine, (v) connect/unite with/join part … at …. connectedness, po djine, (n) a connectedness/union, a state/condition. pu djine, (n) a connectedness(n), a spec. property. connection, po djimao, <join make> (n) a connection/fastening/attachment, a spec. instance of -ing. djisia, <joined place> [N‍-‍B] (2n) N is a joint/connection/junction, joined place in/of B. jurkocduo, <4th conv. of cord do> [B‍-‍SD] (3n) B is a bond/tie (line)/connection between S and D. connective, djipua, <join word> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a connective/conjunction of language F. connector, djipai, <join part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a connector/coupler/coupling/link/joiner between/among F. conquer, dorgau, <war win> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K vanquish/conquer/defeat D in war V. conquered, nu dorgau, <war win> (a) conquered/vanquished, pertaining to those -ed. conquerer, dorgau, <war win> (n) a conquerer/vanquisher/victor, one who -s. conquering, dorgau, <war win> (a) victorious/conquering, of vanquishers/conquerors. conquest, nu dorgau, <war win> (n) a conquest, a -ed people/thing. po dorgau, <war win> (n) a vanquishment/conquest/defeat/victory, an act of -ing. conscience, neigli, <inner guide> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the conscience of F. neigli, <inner guide> (n) a conscience, of person …. lo neigli, <inner guide> (n) a conscience, mass term. conscious, kac, (af) a combining form of kance, conscious. kacycea, <conscious become> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K realize/become conscious/aware of B. kance, [D‍-‍N] (2a) D is conscious/aware /sense of/that N. kance, (v) know/be conscious/aware /sense of/that …. kae, (af) a combining form of kance, conscious. consciousness, lopu kance, (n) consciousness, mass term. conscript, djofoi, <member force> [K‍-‍DF] (3v) K draft/conscript D into F (e.g. military). nu djofoi, <member force> (n) draftee/conscript. consecrate, nartysea, <apart set> [K‍-‍DP] (3v) K dedicate/consecrate D to P. consecrated, nu nartysea, <apart set> (a) dedicated/consecrated (by … to …), referring to that which is -ed. consecrating, nartysea, <apart set> (a) dedicating/consecrating (… to …) - pertaining to the act. consecration, po nartysea, <apart set> (n) a dedication/consecration (… to …), a -ing event. consensual, kumnurjui, <common opinion> (a) consensual, pert. to consensus. consensus, kumnurjui, <common opinion> [P‍-‍VK] (3n) P is a consensus/common opinion about V by K. consent, durtoi, <do agree> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K consent to do V. po durtoi, <do agree> (n) a consent, an act of -ing. leirtoi, <let agree> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K consent to let D do V. po leirtoi, <let agree> (n) consent, an act of giving consent. noirdurtoi, <other do agree> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K consent to let D do V. po noirdurtoi, <other do agree> (n) an act of giving consent. consent to, ai, (i) I will/consent to/intend to … <, an exp. of consent/strong intention.>. consenter, durtoi, <do agree> (n) a consenter, one who -s. consequence, nurcko, <conv. of cause> [P‍-‍SN] (3n) P is an effect/result/consequence/issue of cause S under conditions N. consequently, inukou, (c) hence/consequently<, of physical consequences, as in 'so it rained'>. inumoi, (c) consequently/hence<, of motivated consequences, as in 'so I went'>. inurau, (c) hence/consequently/therefore/thus/so, of justified consequences, as in 'so I won'. inusoa, (c) hence/consequently/therefore/thus/so, of entailed consequences, as in 'so 2 is prime.'. nukouki, (c) hence/consequently/therefore/thus/so, causal, as used with ki in 'nukouki … ki … ; best translated … because(cause) …'. numoiki, (c) hence/consequently/therefore/thus/so, motivational, used with ki in 'numoiki … ki … ; best translated … because(motive) …'. nurauki, (c) hence/consequently/therefore/thus/so, of justification, with ki in 'nurauki … ki … ; best translated … because(reason) …'. nusoaki, (c) hence/consequently/therefore/thus/so, of entailment, with ki in 'nusoaki … ki … ; best translated … because(premise) …'. conservation, po sromao, <store make> (n) a saving/reservation/conservation, an act of -ing. conservative, norceaclu, <no change love> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is conservative about N. conserve, sromao, <store make> [K‍-‍SP] (3v) K save/reserve/store/conserve/stock S for use/purpose P, intentional. conserver, sromao, <store make> (n) a saver/conserver, one who/that which -s. consider, blipeo, <possible think> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K speculate about/consider/contemplate/wonder whether V. conpeo, <deeply think> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K reflect(s) /consider/contemplate/ponder/meditate/brood/think deeply about V. penso, [K‍-‍V] (2v) K think/consider/reflect/reason/contemplate about V. considerable, nurpenvau, <think value (worthy)> [B‍-‍S] (2a) B is considerable, thought to be worthy of consideration by S. surira, (1a) a considerable amount of …. considerate, penckaflo, <thought kind full> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is thoughtful/considerate. considerate of, pencka, <thoughtfully kind> [K‍-‍D] (2a) K is considerate of/thoughtfully kind to D. considerateness, lopu pencka, <thoughtfully kind> (n) thoughtfulness/considerateness, mass term. consideration, lopo blipeo, <possible think> (n) consideration/speculation, mass term. po blipeo, <possible think> (n) a consideration/speculation, spec. event. lopo conpeo, <deeply think> (n) consideration/preoccupation/reflection, mass term. po conpeo, <deeply think> (n) a consideration/preoccupation/reflection, an act of -ing. po pencka, <thoughtfully kind> (n) a consideration, a spec. act. po penso, (n) a thought/consideration/reflection/contemplation, an act of thinking. consign, liplei, <keep let> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K consign B to D. consigned, nu liplei, <keep let> (a) consigned, referring to that -ed. consignee, fu liplei, <keep let> (n) consignee, one receiving a -ment. consignment, po liplei, <keep let> (n) a specific instance of consignment. consist, nunrarpai, <all parts> [F‍-‍B] (2v) F consist/be composed/constituted of parts B. consist of, setci, (vt) consist of …, as a set -s of members Ft. consistency, lopu norselfalcue, <not self false say> (n) consistency, mass term of props. pu norselfalcue, <not self false say> (n) a consistency, a property of being -ent. consistent, norcea, <non changing> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is constant/unchanging/consistent/changeless. norselfalcue, <not self false say> [B‍-‍P] (2v) B is consistent with/in saying P. consolable, nu kofmao, <comfortable make> (a) consolable, of that being -ed. consolation, po kofmao, <comfortable make> (n) a consolation, an act of -ing. po nu kofmao, <comfortable make> (n) a consolation/solace/comfort, a state of being made -able. lopo gudfilcea, <better feel become> (n) consolation, mass of such events. po gudfilcea, <better feel become> (n) a consolation, an event of being -ed. lopo nu gudfilmao, <better feel make> (n) consolation, mass of such events. po gudfilmao, <better feel make> (n) a consolation, an act of consoling. po nu gudfilmao, <better feel make> (n) a consolation, an event of being -ed. gudfiocko, <better feel cause> (n) a consolation, that which -s. lopo nu gudfiocko, <better feel cause> (n) consolation, mass of such events. po gudfiocko, <better feel cause> (n) a consolation, an act of consoling. po nu gudfiocko, <better feel cause> (n) a consolation, an event of being -ed. console, kofmao, <comfortable make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K solace/comfort/console/reassure D, make … comfortable. gudfilmao, <better feel make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K console D/make … feel better about V, intentional. gudfiocko, <better feel cause> [N‍-‍DV] (3v) N console … /make D feel better about V, nonintentional. klakybarta, <key board> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a keyboard/console of device F. consoled, gudfilcea, <better feel become> [D‍-‍V] (2v) D become consoled/feeling better about V, intransitive. consoler, gudfilmao, <better feel make> (n) a consoler, one who -s. consomme, klisupta, <clear soup> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a quantity/portion of broth/consomme. conspicuous, fretai, <front stand> (2a) more salient/conspicuous/outstanding/prominent/obvious/evident/manifest than …. conspicuousness, pu fretai, <front stand> (n) a conspicuousness/obviousness/prominence/salience, a spec. property. conspiracy, smidai, <secret plan> [B‍-‍VDP] (4n) B is a plot/conspiracy to do V with D for ends P. nu smidanmao, <secretly plan make> (n) a plot/conspiracy, the plan. conspirary, po smidanmao, <secretly plan make> (n) an instance of plotting/conspirary. conspire, smidanmao, <secretly plan make> [K‍-‍VD] (3v) K plot/conspire V against D. constancy, pu saltai, <solid stand> (n) a firmness/steadfastness/steadiness/constancy, of purpose/character. constant, norcea, <non changing> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is constant/unchanging/consistent/changeless. norcea, <non changing> (n) a constant, an unchanging/consistent thing. saltai, <solid stand> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is firm/steady/constant/steadfast under challenge N. constant of inverse proportionality, fu norceajai, <not change product> (n) a/the constant of inverse proportionality. constant of proportionality, fu norcearao, <constant ratio> (n) a constant of proportionality, a conv. fu raorcea, <divided become> (n) a constant of proportionality. constituent, nu poldilri, <politics represent> (n) a constituent/-ncy, conv. of represent. constituents, nu grupa, (n) a/the members/components/constituents of some group …. rarpai, <all parts> (n) are the constituents/component parts of whole …. nu setci, (n) the components/constituents of a set, q.v. constitute, rarpai, <all parts> [B‍-‍F] (2v) B comprise/make up/constitute all the parts of whole F. constituted, nunrarpai, <all parts> [F‍-‍B] (2v) F consist/be composed/constituted of parts B. constitution, genhomi, [N‍-‍F] (2n) N is a/the (genetic) constitution of F. lilbasni, <law base> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the constitution/basis of law in group/polity F. pu nunrarpai, <all parts> (n) constitution, composition, a property. constitutional, lilbasni, <law base> (a) constitutional, pert. to constitutions. construct, balci, [K‍-‍PS] (3v) K build (up)/erect/construct P from materials/parts S. constructable, nu balci, (a) buildable/constructable/erectable, capable of being -ed. construction, lopo balci, (n) building/construction (mass act). nu balci, (n) a/the a building/construction/erection, the thing built. po balci, (n) a sp. act of building/construction. constructor, balci, (n) a builder/constructor/erector, one who -s. consul, konsu, [B‍-‍SN] (3n) B is a/the consul/representative of country S in place N. kos, (af) a combining form of konsu, consul. consular, konsu, (a) consular, pert. to consuls. consulate, koshaa, <consul house> [B‍-‍SNK] (4n) B is the consulate of country S in place N with consul K. consult, fomdiu, <formal discuss> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K confer/consult on/about topic B with D. juirbeo, <opinion ask> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K consult/confer with/commune with D/asks the opinion of consultant … on subject B. consultant, fu fomdiu, <formal discuss> (n) a consultant, one who is -ed with. nu juirbeo, <opinion ask> (n) consultant, the person -ed. consultation, po fomdiu, <formal discuss> (n) a conference/consultation, an act/process of -ing. po juirbeo, <opinion ask> (n) a consultation/conference, an instance of -ing. consulter, juirbeo, <opinion ask> (n) consulter, one who -s. consulting, juirbeo, <opinion ask> (a) consulting/conferring/communing, pertaining to a -ation. consume, kalpli, <completely use> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K exhaust/use up/consume D. consumed, nu kalpli, <completely use> (a) exhausted/consumed/exhaustible, capable of being -ed. consumer, kalpli, <completely use> (n) a consumer, one who -s. consuming, kalpli, <completely use> (a) consuming, what a — does. consumption, po kalpli, <completely use> (n) an instance of consumption. contact, nedsei, <next set> (ph) in contact/touch, next to each other or Fig. contact with, nedza, [B‍-‍B] (2pp) next to/in contact with …. contagion, lopu snimalcko, <near sick cause> (n) contagion, mass term. contagious, snimalcko, <near sick cause> [N‍-‍D] (2a) N is contagious/catching to D. contain, fomkua, <form cover> (2v) K envelop/cover/contain shape D. nu nenri, (vt) contain, conv. of inside of. veslo, [B‍-‍N] (2v) B hold/contain N, a container of …. container, kokveo, <cook container> [B‍-‍P] (2n) B is a container for cooking P. suarveo, <serve container> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a container for serving N. vel, (af) a combining form of veslo, container. veslo, (n) a container/vessel, vessel of …. veo, (af) a combining form of veslo, container. contains, velmei, <container measure> [B‍-‍C] (2v) B (a container) contains amount C. contemplate, blipeo, <possible think> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K speculate about/consider/contemplate/wonder whether V. conpeo, <deeply think> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K reflect(s) /consider/contemplate/ponder/meditate/brood/think deeply about V. tcupeo, <picture think> [K‍-‍NV] (3v) K imagine/conceive/contemplate N as V/to be …. penso, [K‍-‍V] (2v) K think/consider/reflect/reason/contemplate about V. teible, <attentively look> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K contemplate B, look at attentively. contemplation, lopo tcupeo, <picture think> (n) conception/imagination/contemplation, mass term of imagining. po penso, (n) a thought/consideration/reflection/contemplation, an act of thinking. contemporaneous, samkeodza, <same time exist> [V‍-‍V] (2a) V is contemporary/contemporaneous with V. contemporary, naodza, <now exist> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is contemporary/current, existing at the present time. samkeodza, <same time exist> [V‍-‍V] (2a) V is contemporary/contemporaneous with V. samkeodza, <same time exist> (n) a contemporary of … one living at the same time. contempt, lopu damble, <down look> (n) mass property of scorn/contempt/disdain (for …). po damble, <down look> (n) an instance of scorn/contempt/disdain (for …). contempt for, damble, <down look> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K despise/disdain/have contempt for/scorn for D. contend, kanpi, [K‍-‍KB] (3v) K contend/compete/rival with K over/about/for B. contender, kanpi, (n) a contender/competitor, one who competes. content, cnisti, <need stop> [D‍-‍BN] (3a) D is satisfied/content by/with/about B, some thing or outcome, with respect to N. nu veslo, (n) a/the content(s), conv. of contain. contented, kofhai, <comfortably happy> [K‍-‍N] (2a) K is/are contented /comfortably happy with/about N. contentment, po kofhai, <comfortably happy> (n) some contentment, a specific state. contest, plekamda, <play fight> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K contest with D for prize/honour B. po plekamda, <play fight> (n) a specific game/contest/competition. contestant, plekamda, <play fight> (n) a contestant/competitor, one who -s. context, frama, [B‍-‍FN] (3n) B is a/the frame/protective surround of F in environment N. (figuratively, a context). contiguity, lopo nedsei, <next set> (n) contiguity, the mass of such states. po nedsei, <next set> (n) a contiguity, a state of being -ous. po nedza, (n) a contiguity, a state of being -ous. contiguous, nedlii, <adjacent live> [B‍-‍B] (2n) B is adjacent/contiguous/next door neighbour/neighbor of B. nedsei, <next set> [B‍-‍] (1a) B are contiguous/side-by side/next to one another by pairs. nedza, (a) contiguous/adjacent/touching, of contiguous objects. continent, gralai, <great land> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a continent of planet F. continual, ckenorbro, <interval unbroken> [V‍-‍] (1a) V is continual, unbroken in time. pifkuo, <frequent custom> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is continual, happening repeatedly. continuation, nedprapai, <next process part> [P‍-‍V] (2n) P is a continuation of V. po pracue, <continue say> (n) a continuation, of a previous speech. continue, pracue, <continue say> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K continue(s) by saying P. pragoi, <continue go> [K‍-‍DSV] (4v) K go on/continue/proceed to D from S via V. prakao, <continue act> [K‍-‍VP] (3v) K proceed/continue/persist in activity V with end P. prase, (vi) continue/persist, through stages … of …, as a process. continue to learn, pracia, <continue learn> [K‍-‍PS] (3v) K keep up with/continue to learn P from source S. continuing, prase, (a) continuous/continuing, pert. to processes. continuity, lopu ckenorbro, <interval unbroken> (n) temporal continuity, mass property. pu prase, (n) a continuity, a prop. of a process. lopu spanorbro, <space unbroken> (n) spatial continuity, mass property. continuous, prase, (a) continuous/continuing, pert. to processes. spanorbro, <space unbroken> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is continuous (in space). contract, cmacea, <small become> [B‍-‍] (1v) B shrink/contract/diminish/become smaller, cause unspecified. corcea, <shorter become> [B‍-‍] (1v) B contract/become shorter. cuepre, <say paper> [B‍-‍VK] (3n) B is a document/deed/contract/covenant expressing action V by party(ies) K. po tordurcue, <2 do say> (n) a contract/agreement/compact/covenant. tordurcuepre, <two do say(contract) paper> [N‍-‍BF] (3n) N is a written contract B between parties F. contraction, lopo corcea, <shorter become> (n) contraction, mass term. po corcea, <shorter become> (n) a contraction, a spec. act/state of -ing. contractual, tordurcue, <2 do say> (a) contractual. contradict, faltaa, <false talker> [K‍-‍ND] (3v) K contradict/deny that N is true to listener D. norste, <no sentence> (vt) negate/contradict, sentence …. norstetaa, <not sentence(contradiction) speak> [K‍-‍DP] (3v) K contradict person D in statement P. selfalcue, <self false say> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K self contradict/are inconsistent in saying B. contradiction, falcueste, <false say sentence> [N‍-‍N] (2n) N is a contradiction of N, a sentence which contradicts another. norste, <no sentence> [B‍-‍B] (2n) B is the negation/contradiction of B. po norstetaa, <not sentence(contradiction) speak> (n) a contradiction, an act of -ing persons. contradictory, faltaa, <false talker> (a) negative/contradictory, of those who deny. norste, <no sentence> (a) negative/contradictory, pert. to sentences. norstetaa, <not sentence(contradiction) speak> (a) contrary/contradictory/negative, pert. to one who -s. selfalcue, <self false say> (a) contradictory, in saying …. contrary, bufste, <opposite sentence> [V‍-‍V] (2a) V is contrary to V. buo, (av) however/but/on the contrary, a discourse operator (UI). norstetaa, <not sentence(contradiction) speak> (a) contrary/contradictory/negative, pert. to one who -s. contrary to, bufpo, [V‍-‍VN] (3a) V is opposite from/contrary to V on continuum/quality N. contrast, mucrea, <much different> [B‍-‍BN] (3v) B contrast/differ markedly from B in features N. recykambi, <difference compare> [K‍-‍BBCN] (5v) K contrast/compare B with B noting differences C in dimension(s) N. contribute, djanursumdou, <knowledge addend give> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K contribute to the knowledge of N. donjuo, <gift support> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K contribute B to D. sesycko, <science cause> [K‍-‍F] (2v) K unintentionally contribute to science F. contribution, ju cmehea, <money help> (n) C is a subsidy/contribution/investment. po djanursumdou, <knowledge addend give> (n) a specific act of contribution. djanursumji, <knowledge addend> [V‍-‍N] (2n) V is a contribution to the knowledge of N. fu donhea, <give help> (n) C is a contribution/donation. nu donjuo, <gift support> (n) a specific contribution/donation/gift. po donjuo, <gift support> (n) a specific act of contribution. contributor, djanursumdou, <knowledge addend give> (n) a contributor. donjuo, <gift support> (n) contributor, one who -s. control, porli, [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K have power over/control D in matters N. lopo porli, (n) control/mastery/power, mass term of states. lopu porli, (n) powerfulness/power/control, mass term of properties. po porli, (n) a control/mastery/power, a state of mastery. pu porli, (n) a control, a property of one who -s. po paspyble, <passport look> (n) passport inspection/control (event of). tol, (af) a combining form of troli, control. tro, (af) a combining form of troli, control. troli, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K control D in performance V. lopo troli, (n) control, mass term of acts. po troli, (n) a control, a spec. act/process of -ing. pu troli, (n) a control, a property of having control. control key, toltiaklaki, <control selector key> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a control key on keyboard/system F. control of, tolgei, <control get> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K bring D under control/get control of/over …. control surface, tolpai, <control part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a control surface of aircraft F. tolpilno, <control plane> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a rudder/control surface of vehicle F. control tower, tolganynurbai, <control tall building> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a control tower of airport F. controling, fertro, <5th controller> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a staff sergeant controling/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murfertro — petty officer first class. fortro, <4th controller> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a sergeant controling/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murfortro — petty officer second class. nertro, <1st controller> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a private first class controling/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murnertro — seaman spprentice. sertro, <7th controller> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a first/master sergeant controling/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. mursertro — senior chief petty officer. sortro, <6th controller> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a platoon/technical sergeant controling/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. mursortro — chief petty officer. surtro, <(1st 7th) controller> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an NCO/non com/non commissioned officer controling/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed. For non commissioned ranks, viz. nertro, tortro, …, sortro. For commissioned officer ranks, see nerkoi, torkoi, …, sorkoi. tertro, <3rd controller> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a corporal controling/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murtertro — petty officer third class. tortro, <2nd controller> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a lance corporal controling/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murtortro — seaman. vertro, <9th controller> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a sergeant major of the army controling/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murvertro — master chief petty officer of the navy. vortro, <8th controller> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a sergeant major controling/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murvortro — master chief petty officer. controllable, nu troli, (a) controlled/controllable, conv. of control. controlled, nu porli, (a) controlled, one who/that which is -ed. fu troli, (a) controlled, of -ed performances. nu troli, (a) controlled/controllable, conv. of control. controller, troli, (n) a controller, one who -s. controversy, po targo, (n) an argument/dispute/disputation/controversy, a spec. act of -ing. convene, kinkra, <together call> [K‍-‍DP] (3v) K convoke/convene/call together D for P. convener, kinkra, <together call> (n) convener/convenor, one who -s. convenience, fasyturmao, <easy work make> (n) a convenience for task …. lopu fasyturmao, <easy work make> (n) convenience, mass property of being —. korfeskru, <body waste room> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B is a toilet/john/convenience/loo/lavatory/WC, the room. korfesveo, <body waste vessel> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B is a toilet/john/convenience/loo/lavatory/WC, the appliance. lopu plifasru, <use easy> (n) convenience, mass property of being —. convenient, fasyturmao, <easy work make> [N‍-‍V] (2a) N is/are convenient for task V. faucle, <trouble less> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is/are convenient/no trouble, e.g. could you do this for me, if it's —. plifasru, <use easy> [K‍-‍P] (2a) K is convenient for use P. convenor, kinkra, <together call> (n) convener/convenor, one who -s. convent, lidfumhaa, <religious women house> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a convent/nunnery, the building containing the community. lidgruhaa, <religious group house> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a convent/monastery/nunnery of order/religion N. convention, grukuo, <group habit> [N‍-‍F] (2n) N is a custom/convention of group F. jmigru, <meet group> [B‍-‍FP] (3n) B is a congress/assembly/conference/convention/meeting of F for P, any purposeful meeting. jmikeosei, <meet interval set> [B‍-‍FP] (3n) B is a conference/convention/meeting of F for P, referring to the event, not the components. po kinkra, <together call> (1n) a convocation/convention/meeting, … -ed for …, an act of calling together. conventional, grukuo, <group habit> (a) customary/conventional, customary. conversation, po kintaa, <together talk> (1n) a specific instance of conversation. converse, kintaa, <together talk> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K converse with D about B. conversion, po ceacko, <change cause> (n) an alteration/conversion/transformation/change, an act of -ing. po ginkriceamao, <root belief(principle) change make(alter)> (n) an instance of seduction/conversion, depending on point of view. po kalcea, <complete change> (n) an alteration/conversion/transformation/change, an act of -ing. po sifbatmi, <place exchange> (1n) a conversion/permutation, a specific interchange of two objects in an ordered sequence. convert, ceacko, <change cause> [N‍-‍BPS] (4v) N convert/change/alter/transform/vary B into P from S - (nonintentional cause). nu ceacko, <change cause> (n) a convert, one who is -ed. ginkriceamao, <root belief(principle) change make(alter)> [K‍-‍DNV] (4v) K seduce/convert D into N by V, depending on point of view. kalcea, <complete change> [K‍-‍DPS] (4v) K convert/change/alter/transform/vary D into P from S - (intentional act). nu kalcea, <complete change> (n) a convert, one who is -ed. sifbatmi, <place exchange> [K‍-‍BF] (3v) K convert/permute B, reverse the position of two objects in a sequence F. converted, nu ceacko, <change cause> (a) converted, conv. of convert. ginkriceacea, <root belief(principle) change become> [D‍-‍NK] (3v) D be seduced/converted into N by K, depending on point of view. po ginkriceacea, <root belief(principle) change become> (n) an instance of being seduced/converted, depending on point of view. nu ginkriceamao, <root belief(principle) change make(alter)> (a) seduced/converted. nu kalcea, <complete change> (a) converted, conv. of convert. converter, ceacko, <change cause> (n) a converter/transformer, that which -s. kalcea, <complete change> (n) a converter/transformer, one who -s. convertible, nu ceacko, <change cause> (a) alterable/convertible/changeable/transformable, can be altered. nu kalcea, <complete change> (a) alterable/convertible/changeable/transformable, can be altered. convey, macbei, <machine carry> [K‍-‍BDS] (4v) K convey B to D from S. conveyance, macbei, <machine carry> (n) conveyor/conveyance, that which -s. conveyor, macbei, <machine carry> (n) conveyor/conveyance, that which -s. muvfordi, <moving floor> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a moving floor/passenger conveyor of room F. convict, kafcue, <punish say> [K‍-‍DPV] (4v) K condemn/sentence/damn/convict (person) D to (sentence) P for (crime) V. tsidurcue, <crime do say> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K convict D of crime V. tsikaocue, <crime act(criminal) say> [K‍-‍DVN] (4v) K sentence/convict/find guilty D of crime V by law N. convicted, nu tsidurcue, <crime do say> (a) one who is convicted. nu tsikaocue, <crime act(criminal) say> (a) condemned/convicted. conviction, nu foldja, <strongly know> (n) a certainty/conviction, a thing thought certain. po foldja, <strongly know> (n) a conviction/certainty, a state of being convinced. pu foldja, <strongly know> (n) a conviction/sureness, certainty, a property. nu sircea, <sure become> (n) a conviction, that of which one is sure. po sircea, <sure become> (n) a conviction, a state of becoming sure. po nu sircko, <certain cause> (n) a conviction/assurance, a state of being -ed. nu sirfio, <certain feel> (n) a certainty/conviction, a thing thought certain. po sirfio, <certain feel> (n) a conviction/certainty, a state of being convinced. pu sirfio, <certain feel> (n) a conviction/sureness, certainty, a property. po nu sirmao, <certain make> (n) a conviction/assurance, a state of being -ed. lopo tsidurcue, <crime do say> (n) conviction, mass term. po tsidurcue, <crime do say> (n) a specific conviction. po tsikaocue, <crime act(criminal) say> (n) an act of condemnation/conviction. po nu tsikaocue, <crime act(criminal) say> (n) a sentence/conviction, of a sp. person. convince, sircko, <certain cause> [V‍-‍DN] (3v) V assure/convince/persuade D of N, nonintentional. sirmao, <certain make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K assure/convince/persuade D of V, intentional. convinceable, nu sircko, <certain cause> (a) convinceable, can be -ed. nu sirmao, <certain make> (a) convinceable, can be -ed. convinced, foldja, <strongly know> [K‍-‍B] (2a) K is sure/certain/definite/convinced/positive of the truth of sentence B. foldjacea, <strongly knowing become> [D‍-‍BS] (3v) D becomes sure/ convinced of the truth of sentence B from source/through agent S. foldjacea, <strongly knowing become> (a) D is convinced, has become - of the truth of some sentence B from source/through agent S. sircea, <sure become> [D‍-‍N] (2v) D become certain/convinced of/that N is true. sirfio, <certain feel> [K‍-‍V] (2a) K is sure/certain/definite/convinced/positive of/about the existence of state/event/the truth of claim/sentence V. convinced that, ia, (i) doubtless/I agree/am certain that/am convinced that … <, expression of conviction.>. convinces, foldjamao, <strongly knowing make> [K‍-‍DBV] (4v) K convinces D/makes … convinced of the truth of sentence B by action V. convincing, fu foldjacea, <strongly knowing become> (a) convincing, of some source/agent by which someone -s himself of the truth of something. ju foldjamao, <strongly knowing make> (a) convincing, of some act that -s. po foldjamao, <strongly knowing make> (n) convincing someone, a state/process of …'s convincing … of … by … V (K-DBV). convocation, fu kinkra, <together call> (n) a convocation, a convoked meeting. po kinkra, <together call> (1n) a convocation/convention/meeting, … -ed for …, an act of calling together. convoke, kinkra, <together call> [K‍-‍DP] (3v) K convoke/convene/call together D for P. convoy, beigru, <carry group> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a train/caravan/convoy of F. cook, kok, (af) a combining form of kokfa, cook. kokfa, [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K cook/bake/roast B for D, prepare food. kokfa, (n) a cook, one who cooks … for …. cooked, nu kokfa, (a) cooked, conv. of cook. cookie, licgrato, <thin cake> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a cookie/biscuit. cooking, lopo kokfa, (n) cooking, mass term of acts. cool, kofkleda, <comfortably cool> (a) cool, pleasantly cool. kofkledycea, <comfortable cool become> [B‍-‍] (1v) B cool/ becomes cool. kofkledycko, <comfort cold cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N cool/refresh D, non intentional, as a refreshing breeze. kofkledymao, <comfort cold make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K cool/refresh D, intentional. kledymao, <cool make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K cool D with/by V. cooler, kofkleda, <comfortably cool> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is cooler than J is. kleda, [G‍-‍JC] (3a) G is cooler/colder than J by C. cooling, po kledymao, <cool make> (n) a cooling, a spec. act. coolness, pu kofkleda, <comfortably cool> (a) a coolness, a spec. prop. pu kleda, (n) a coolness/coldness, a spec. property. coordinate, parhamymao, <parts harmonize> [K‍-‍BF] (3v) K coordinate parts/tasks B of system/project F. coordinated, fu parhamymao, <parts harmonize> (a) coordinated, of coordinated systems. nu parhamymao, <parts harmonize> (a) coordinated, of coordinated parts. po fu parhamymao, <parts harmonize> (a) coordinated, a state of being -ed. coordinates, sifnamci, <site name> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is the address/coordinates of location S. coordination, po parhamymao, <parts harmonize> (n) a coordination, a spec. act of -ing. po nu parhamymao, <parts harmonize> (n) a coordination, a state of being -ed. coordinator, parhamymao, <parts harmonize> (n) a coordinator, one who -s. copier, kopmai, <copy machine> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a copier/copy machine/photocopier/Xerox machine. copious, rora, (a) abundant/plentiful/manifold/copious/full. copper, cup, (af) a combining form of cupro, copper. cupro, [B‍-‍] (1) B is some copper, element 29 (Cu). coppery, cupcli, <copper like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is (more) coppery than J, more like copper than …. copse, tricmagru, <tree small group> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a thicket/copse of habitat F. copulate, kitsa, [K‍-‍K] (2v) K copulate/mate/mount/make love to/have coitus/intercourse with K. kia, (af) a combining form of kitsa, copulate. copy, dupkopca, <cheat copy> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is an imitation/copy/plagiarism of S. genpro, <again produce> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K copy/generate/reproduce/propagate D. genza, (n) a copy, as of a book. kop, (af) a combining form of kopca, copy. kopca, [P‍-‍S] (2n) P is a copy/duplicate of S. kopkao, <copy act> [K‍-‍BVP] (4v) K copy/ape/imitate/mock/mimic B in action V for purpose P. kopmao, <copy make> [K‍-‍S] (2v) K (make a) copy of S. kopmao, <copy make> (v) copy/duplicate …. kopypae, <copy device> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a pantograph/mechanism used to trace/copy pictures. nersri, <first writing> [B‍-‍P] (2n) B is a draft/rough copy/first copy of P. copy machine, kopmai, <copy machine> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a copier/copy machine/photocopier/Xerox machine. copy writer, vitsri, <ad writer> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an ad writer/copy writer. copyright, lilkopkai, <legal copy quality> [K‍-‍BS] (2n) K has/is granted/possessed of/ the copyright for B as granted/determined by law/legal authority S. copyright permission, lilkopfurlei, <legal copy permission> [K‍-‍DS] (3n) K has copyright permission to publish D from copyright holder S. Cf. lilkopkai. coral, korla, [B‍-‍FS] (3n) B is a coral of type F from S. cord, koc, (af) a combining form of korce, cord. koe, (af) a combining form of korce, cord. korce, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a piece/length of line/cord/rope/twine/string. korce, (a) string/twine/cord, made of —. cordage, korce, (n) a rope/string/twine/cordage, mass term. cordial, kapcka, <openly kind> [K‍-‍D] (2a) K is cordial/openly kind to D. cordiality, pu kapcka, <openly kind> (n) a cordiality, a spec. property …. cordite, korditi, [B‍-‍] (1) B is some cordite, a smokeless propellant. cork, korka, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a (piece of) cork from S, a tree bark. korka, (a) cork, made of cork bark. lo korka, (n) cork, mass term. korkyduo, <cork do> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K cork/put a cork in B. corkscrew, korkycpurie, <cork pull tool> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a corkscrew. corn, honskapi, <horn skin> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a corn, a hardening or thickening of the skin. misme, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a portion/quantity of corn/maize/sweetcorn from F. misme, (a) corn/maize, made of corn. lo misme, (n) corn/maize, the mass of all corn. corner, jaglo, [B‍-‍SN] (3n) B is the angle/corner at S defined by points N (pl.). krujao, <room angle> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a corner/nook of room/wall/building F. cornet, korne, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a horn/French horn/cornet/bugle/trumpet/trombone/saxhorn/tuba, a musical wind instrument, usually brass, employing the player's lips as the vibrating medium. cornflower, senthaurea, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a cornflower. cornice, zvojaodua, <out angle adornment> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a cornice of structure F. coronation, po garkapmydou, <crown giving> (n) a coronation, a spec. act. corporal, tertro, <3rd controller> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a corporal controling/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murtertro — petty officer third class. corporation, grupeu, <group person> [N‍-‍] (1n) N is a corporation, a legal entity with rights/liabilities of an individual. corporeal, korti, (a) corporeal/bodily, pert. to bodies. corps, surnarmypai, <army part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a corps/division/regiment/company/platoon of F, any army part, identify by number. corpse, morkorti, <dead body> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is the body/corpse/cadaver of D. corpus, stesei, <sentence set> [F‍-‍N] (2n) F is a corpus of utterances in language N. correct, dre, (af) a combining form of dreti, correct. dremao, <correct make> [K‍-‍BSP] (4v) K correct s B by changing element S to P. dremou, <correct more> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more correct/right/proper than J. dremoumao, <more correct make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K correct/improve D, make … more correct. dreti, [D‍-‍N] (2a) D is correct/right/proper according to rule(s) N. po socdre, <social correct> (n) a state or event of acting/being socially proper/correct. corrected, nu dremao, <correct make> (a) corrected, having all errors removed. correction, ju dremao, <correct make> (n) a correction, the element actually changed. nu dremao, <correct make> (n) a correction, a corrected thing. po dremao, <correct make> (n) a correction, the process thereof. po dremoumao, <more correct make> (n) an improvement/correction, an act of -ing. correctly, dreti, (av) duly/properly/correctly. correctness, po dreti, (n) correctness, a state of being proper. pu dreti, (n) correctness, a property. correspond, lerbatmi, <letter trade> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K (collective) correspond/exchange letters with one another about V. nerpie, <one parallel> [B‍-‍BFF] (4v) B correspond to B in systems/sets F and F, respectively. correspond with, lersri, <letter write> [K‍-‍BSD] (4v) K correspond with/write a letter to B from place S to place D. correspondence, po lerbatmi, <letter trade> (n) an instance of an exchange of letters/of reciprocal correspondence. po lersri, <letter write> (n) a correspondence, an act of -ing. lopo nerpie, <one parallel> (n) correspondence, mass of such rel'ns. po nerpie, <one parallel> (n) a correspondence, a one to one relation. correspondent, lerbatmi, <letter trade> (n) a correspondent, one of a group who - with one another. lersri, <letter write> (n) a correspondent, one who corresponds. corresponding, nu nerpie, <one parallel> (n) corresponding, of that -ed with. corridor, dzosia, <walk place> [V‍-‍BB] (3n) V is a corridor/passage/walk way/path between B and B. krokru, <flow room> [B‍-‍SD] (3n) B is a hall/corridor/passage, walk way between S and D. corroborate, fektoi, <fact agree> [K‍-‍NVS] (4v) K acknowledge/corroborate fact N about event V as observed by S. corroborated, nu fektoi, <fact agree> (a) acknowledged/corroborated, of -ed facts. corroboration, lopo fektoi, <fact agree> (n) acknowledgement/corroboration, mass term. po fektoi, <fact agree> (n) an acknowledgement/corroboration, an act of -ing. corrupt, rancko, <rotten cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N spoil/rot/corrupt/taint D, "Mold rots tomatoes". zavcea, <bad become> [D‍-‍N] (2v) D become corrupt by N. zavceacko, <bad become cause> [N‍-‍DV] (3v) N corrupt D with V, intentions unknown. zavceamao, <bad become make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K corrupt D with V, intentional. corrupted, nu zavceacko, <bad become cause> (a) corrupted, describing one -ed. nu zavceamao, <bad become make> (a) corrupted, describing one -ed. corrupting, zavceacko, <bad become cause> (a) corrupting, causing -tion. zavceamao, <bad become make> (a) corrupting, causing -tion. corruption, lopu zavceacko, <bad become cause> (n) corruption, mass property. po zavceacko, <bad become cause> (n) a specific instance of corruption. lopu zavceamao, <bad become make> (n) corruption, mass property. po zavceamao, <bad become make> (n) a specific instance of corruption. corvine, krove, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more corvine/crow like/raven like than J is. cosine, cosne, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the cosine of angle F. cosmic, kosmo, (a) cosmic, pert. to the cosmos. cosmic ray, kosmo kreni, (ph) cosmic ray(s). cosmological, kosmysensi, <cosmos science> (a) cosmological, pert to -y. cosmologist, kosmysensi, <cosmos science> [N‍-‍] (1n) a cosmologist. cosmology, kosmysensi, <cosmos science> (1n) N is a cosmology, the study of the universe. cost, nurprati, <conv. of price> [B‍-‍C] (2v) B cost C, sold for price …. prati, [C‍-‍BDS] (4n) C is a/the price/cost/expense of goods/service B to D from S. costliness, pu kusti, (n) an expensiveness/costliness, a spec. property. costly, kusti, [G‍-‍JP] (3a) G is more expensive/costly/dear than J for function P. nurkusti, <conv. of expensive> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is cheaper/less costly than J. costume, pebyresfu, <special clothing> [B‍-‍SP] (3n) B is a costume of S for P. cottage, cmahaa, <small house> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a cabin/hut/shed/cottage of F, a small dwelling place. cotton, katna, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a piece of cotton from S. katna, (a) cotton, made of cotton. lo katna, (n) cotton, mass term. couch, sofha, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a couch/sofa/chesterfield, long upholstered seat. cough, kafso, [K‍-‍P] (2v) K cough up/out P. po kafso, (n) a cough, an act/event of -ing. pu kafso, (n) a cough, as in "She has a terrible —". cougher, kafso, (n) a cougher, one who -s. could, biumia, (pp) could/might/would possibly, the subjective subjunctive operator; used before an argument, usually a lepo clause, to give the accompanying predicate a subjunctive sense (PA). E.g. Mi hapci biumia lepo mi bragai — I am possibly happy in the mental place where I am king (I might be happy if I were king). biumia ba, (ph) could/might/would possibly, as used in subjective subjunctive sentences in which the causal condition is missing. E.g. Mi hapci biumia ba — I might be happy (in some mental place/under some unspecified condition x). biuvie, (pp) could/might/would possibly, the objective subjunctive operator; used before an argument, usually a lepo clause, to give the accompanying predicate a subjunctive sense (PA). E.g. Mi hapci biuvie lepo mi bragai — I am possibly happy in the possible world where I am king (I might be happy if I were king). Cf. biumia for the subjective sense of this subjunctive. biuvie ba, (ph) could/might/would possibly, as used in objective subjunctive sentences in which the causal condition is missing. E.g. Mi hapci biuvie ba — I might be happy (in some possible world/under some unspecified condition x). Cf. biumia ba for the subjective version of this subjunctive. mia, (pp) would/should/could, the general subjective subjunctive operator; used before an argument, usually a lepo clause, to give the accompanying predicate a subjunctive sense (PA). E.g. Mi hapci mia lepo mi bragai. — I am happy in the mental place where I am king (I would be happy if I were king). mia ba, (ph) would/should/could, as used in subjective subjunctive sentences in which the causal condition is missing. E.g. Mi hapci mia ba. — I would be happy (in some mental place/under some unspecified condition x). vie, (pp) would/should/could, the objective subjunctive operator; used before an argument, usually a lepo clause, to give the accompanying predicate a subjunctive sense (PA). E.g. Mi hapci vie lepo mi bragai. — I am happy in the possible where I am king (I would be happy if I were king). Cf. biumia for the subjective sense of the subjunctive. vie ba, (ph) would/should/could, as used in objective subjunctive sentences in which the causal condition is missing. E.g. Mi hapci vie ba. — I would be happy (in some possible world/under some unspecified condition x). Cf. biumia ba for the subjective version of the "missing condition" subjunctive. couldn, noii, (i) not possibly/it couldn't be that …, denial of possibility. council, dilgru, <representatives group> [B‍-‍FP] (3n) B is a congress/council/board of state/organisation F with remit P, any meeting of representatives. daigru, <planning group> [F‍-‍BP] (3n) F is a council/planning group including member(s) B with remit/responsibility P. disgru, <decision group> [F‍-‍] (1v) F is a council, convened to make decisions, e.g. La Purtia Disgru. djugru, <judging group> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the council/jury/judging group of group/community F. counsel, gudsange, <good suggest> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K recommend/commend/counsel/advise D to do V. fu gudsange, <good suggest> (n) a counsel/advice/recommendation, a morally recommended act. po gudsange, <good suggest> (n) a counsel/commendation/advice/recommendation, an act of counseling. polsange, <state advise> (v) counsel/advise ruler … on …. counselor, gudsange, <good suggest> (n) a counselor/advisor, one who counsels. count, kon, (af) a combining form of konte, count. kaokri, <act believe> [D‍-‍KPN] (4v) D depend/rely/count on K for performance P in situation N. kondui, <count discover> [K‍-‍BC] (3v) K count the number of B to be C. po kondui, <count discover> (n) a counting/count, an act of -ing. konte, [C‍-‍F] (2n) C is the number/integral number/integer/numerical count/cardinal number of set/multiple F. menforsocysia, <male 4 social position> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an earl/count of F. mensursocysia, <male (rank) social position> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a prince/duke/marquis/count/earl/baron of F, any peer, identify by number. sursocysia, <# social position> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a count/earl/lord/duke/baron/nobleman/peer, of land/estate F, any peer, identify by number. terpoi, <3rd power> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a/the count/earl of domain N. countable, nu kondui, <count discover> (a) countable/counted, conv. of count. nu konte, (a) numerable/enumerable/denumerable/countable, of sets/multiples with -able elements. counted, nu kondui, <count discover> (a) countable/counted, conv. of count. countenance, faslyduo, <face do> [K‍-‍D] (2n) K countenance/make a face at D, make a facial expression. po faslyduo, <face do> (n) a countenance, a particular facial expression. rusfaslyduo, <approve face do> [K‍-‍V] (2n) K countenance/tolerate/approve V, accept …'s action/behaviour. counter, celna, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a shelf/counter of F. kondui, <count discover> (n) a counter, one who -s. konduvmai, <count discover machine> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a counter, a machine for counting. vemtoe, <sell table> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a counter of department/store F. counterfeit, falmao, <false make> [K‍-‍SP] (3v) K falsify/counterfeit/forge/make untrue S as P, makes … appear to be …. fu falmao, <false make> (n) a falsification/counterfeit, a counterfeit thing. counterfeit money, dupcme, <deceive money> [P‍-‍S] (2n) P is some counterfeit money made by S. counterfeiter, falmao, <false make> (n) a counterfeiter/falsifier/forger, one who -s. countess, femforsocysia, <female 4 social position> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a countess of S. femsursocysia, <female (rank) social position> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a/the princess/duchess/marchioness/countess/baroness of S, any peeress, identify by number. femterpoi, <3rd power> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a/the countess of domain N. counting, po kondui, <count discover> (n) a counting/count, an act of -ing. countless, koncle, <count without> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is/are uncountable/countless/innumerable in number. country, farlai, <farm land> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is country/farm land/a rural area of region F. farlai, <farm land> (a) country/rural/rustic, pert. to farm areas. lo farlai, <farm land> (n) the country, mass term. mamgui, <mother land> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the motherland/country/nation/land of F. fragui, <father land> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a/the fatherland/country/nation/land of B. gun, (af) a combining form of gunti, country. gunti, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the country/land/nation/territory of people F. norsiclai, <farm land> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is country/rural, not in an urban area. penrygui, <parent land> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the motherland/fatherland/homeland/country/nation/land of F. zvogui, <outside country> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a country foreign to S. gui, (af) a combining form of gunti, country. country home, norsichaa, <not city house> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is the country home of D. countryman, samguidjo, <same country member> [B‍-‍B] (2n) B is a compatriot/fellow countryman/fellow countryman of B. countryperson, norsicpeu, <not country person> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the countryperson of F. county, polpai, <polity part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a state/county/district/ward/zone, partly self governing part of polity F. coup, po poirtoa, <power take> (n) an overthrow/putting down/coup. coup d, po gargrucea, <govern group change> (n) a revolution/takeover/coup d'etat. couple, -ra, (af) -some/-ad/-et, as in 'tora: twosome/dyad/duo/pair/couple ', the cardinal suffix; makes 2 place predicates of the form ' … is a N member subset of set …'. to, (a) two/pair/couple of …, a description quantifier. E.g. To le fumna pa merji — (Some) Two of the women were married; To fumna pa hijra — (Some) Two women were here independently. Cf., tocu. tocu, (a) two/pair/couple of … acting together, an indefinite set describer. E.g. Tocu mrenu pa hijra — Some two men were here together. Cf., To mrenu pa hijra — Some two men were here independently. tora, (2n) is a pair/dyad/twosome/couple, a two member subset of set …, a cardinal predicate; e.g. Da tora lea blanirda — X is a pair of bluebirds. torclu, <two lovers> [F‍-‍] (1n) F is/are a couple/bonded/mated+pair of humans/animals. coupler, djipai, <join part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a connector/coupler/coupling/link/joiner between/among F. coupling, djipai, <join part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a connector/coupler/coupling/link/joiner between/among F. courage, lopo briga, (n) bravery/courage, mass term. lopu briga, (n) bravery/courage, mass term. po briga, (n) the bravery/courage, a spec. act/event. pu briga, (n) the bravery/courage, a spec. property. firkaocea, <fear actor(coward) become> [D‍-‍V] (2v) D quail/lose courage before danger V. courageous, briga, [G‍-‍JN] (3a) G is braver/more courageous/game than J in conditions N. courier, getsui, <get send> (n) K is a messenger/courier of B to D from S. course, gozdio, <go bearing> [V‍-‍DS] (3n) V is the course to D from S, navigation. ia, (i) yes/certainly/indeed/of course/surely/ …, expression of conviction. nazgozdio, <now go direction(course)> [P‍-‍BV] (3n) P is a/the heading/course of vessel B through point V. pasgozdio, <before go direction> [V‍-‍BC] (3n) V is a course (made good) by vessel B through points C. rutma, [B‍-‍DSK] (4n) B is a/the track/way/route/course/path to D from S used by K. course of study, nu cirpai, <learn part> (n) a course of study/learning program/program of study/study plan, conv. of lesson, q.v. court, bragaigru, <born govern group> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B are a/the (royal) court/retinue of F. calsia, <walled place> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a court/yard/enclosure, an enclosed area of house/building F. clutiu, <love offer> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K woo/court D. djusia, <judge place> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a court (building) of state/nation S. lildjusia, <law judge place> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a/the court of official B. sec, (af) a combining form of sekci, court, flirt. sekci, [K‍-‍D] (2v) K court/make love to/flirt with/behave sexually toward D, gen'l wd. courteous, fomcka, <formally kind> [K‍-‍D] (2a) K is/are courteous/polite/civil to D. fomckamou, <formal kind more> [G‍-‍DJD] (4a) G is more courteous/polite to D than J to D. gancka, <high kind> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more courteous/polite than J. courtesy, lopu fomcka, <formally kind> (n) courtesy/politeness/civility, mass prop. po fomcka, <formally kind> (n) a politeness/civility/courtesy, a spec. act. pu fomcka, <formally kind> (n) courtesy/politeness/civility, spec. property. lopu gancka, <high kind> (n) courtesy, mass property. po gancka, <high kind> (n) a specific instance of courtesy. courtier, bragaigrudjo, <king's group member> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a courtier in court F. courtly, bragaigru, <born govern group> (a) courtly, pert. to royalty. covenant, cuepre, <say paper> [B‍-‍VK] (3n) B is a document/deed/contract/covenant expressing action V by party(ies) K. po tordurcue, <2 do say> (n) a contract/agreement/compact/covenant. cover, bukcu kuadru, (ph) cover/bind a book with …. fomkua, <form cover> (2v) K envelop/cover/contain shape D. kuv, (af) a combining form of kuvga, cover. kuvduo, <cover do> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K cover D with B. kuvga, [K‍-‍B] (2v) K cover B. kuvga, (n) a lid/top/cover, a lid/top. rebduo, <bread do> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K bread D/cover … with bread. kua, (af) a combining form of kuvga, cover. cover up, ctikua, <stuff cover> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K cover up/bury B with V. covered, nu kuvduo, <cover do> (a) covered, conv. of cover. coverless, kuacle, <cover without> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is coverless. covet, notnurpondaa, <another's possessions desire> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K covet B of D. cow, kasna, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a cow, a female bovine. kasnu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a/some cow/bull/cattle/oxen, non specific. cow like, kasne, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more bovine/cow like than J. coward, denkaa, <danger come[from]> (n) a coward, one who deserts companions in danger. cowardice, lopu denkaa, <danger come[from]> (n) cowardliness/cowardice, mass property. po denkaa, <danger come[from]> (n) an instance of cowardliness/cowardice. cowardliness, lopu denkaa, <danger come[from]> (n) cowardliness/cowardice, mass property. po denkaa, <danger come[from]> (n) an instance of cowardliness/cowardice. cowardly, denkaa, <danger come[from]> (av) cowardly, pertaining to -s. coyote, kiotlu, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a coyote from S, a feral canine. crack, karku, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a crack/fissure in surface S. karkycko, <crack cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N crack/split D, non intentional. karkymao, <crack make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K crack/split/cleave D with V, intentional as of eggs. nurkarkycea, <cracked happen> [D‍-‍] (1v) D crack/split/cleave, intransitive verb. nurkarkycko, <cracked cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N crack D, make … crack, nonintentional. nurkarkymao, <cracked make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K crack D with/by V, make … crack, intentional. cracked, karkyflo, <crack full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more cracked/full of cracks than J. nurkarku, <conv. of crack> [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is cracked at/with crack(s) V. nu nurkarkycko, <cracked cause> (a) cracked, conv. of crack. nu nurkarkymao, <cracked make> (a) cracked, conv. of crack. cradle, cinbedpu, <child bed> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a crib/cradle/baby bed. craft, botsu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a boat/canoe/craft/cutter/vessel, a generic term for all types of water craft. pu dupspu, <deceit skill> (n) a craftiness/craft/cunning, cunning, a spec. property. hanlae, <hand art> [V‍-‍PK] (3n) V is a craft/handicraft/manual art for producing P used by people K. craftiness, pu dupspu, <deceit skill> (n) a craftiness/craft/cunning, cunning, a spec. property. lopu smibiu, <secret behave> (n) craftiness/secretiveness, mass prop. craftsman, maospu, <make expert> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an artisan/craftsman. crafty, dupspu, <deceit skill> [K‍-‍DN] (3a) K is crafty/cunning at deceiving D about N. smibiu, <secret behave> [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is sly/crafty/secretive/furtive in doing V, acting in secret. crag, bromoa, <break mountain> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a crag. vrelai, <vertical land> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a cliff/bluff/crag, a vertical land face. cranberry, kranbere, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a cranberry from S. cranial, hedbongu, <head bone> (a) cranial, pert. to skulls. cranium, hedbongu, <head bone> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the skull/cranium of F. crash, po muoblo, <moving strike> (n) a collision/bump/crash, an act/event of -ing. muvblosoa, <moving hit sound> [V‍-‍B] (2n) V is a crash of B, the sound of collision. crash with, muoblo, <moving strike> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K bump/collide/crash with/run into D. crate, bakso, [D‍-‍B] (2n) D is a box/crate/carton of/containing B. baorduo, <box do> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K box/crate/pack B in box D. crated, nu baorduo, <box do> (a) boxed/crated. crater, blohou, <strike hole> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an impact crater in F. crave, foldaa, <strong desire> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K lust/crave for B. stodaa, <lasting want> [B‍-‍V] (2v) B desire/crave/long for, have an insatiable desire for V. craving, po foldaa, <strong desire> (n) a lust/craving for …. nu stodaa, <lasting want> (n) a desire/craving, a thing -ed, conv. of crave. po stodaa, <lasting want> (n) a desire/longing/craving, an act/state of craving. crawl, beldygoi, <belly go> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K creep/crawl flat to D from S. betgoi, <bent go> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K creep/crawl on hands and knees to D from S. crawler, beldygoi, <belly go> (n) a crawler/creeper. betgoi, <bent go> (n) a crawler/creeper. crawling, lopo beldygoi, <belly go> (n) crawling/creeping, collective term for the act. lopo betgoi, <bent go> (n) crawling/creeping, collective term for the act. crazy, frelo, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is crazy/insane/mad. frelycea, <mad become> [K‍-‍S] (2v) K (go) mad/insane/crazy from S. frelycko, <mad cause> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K (make) D mad/insane/crazy, nonintentional cause. frelymao, <mad make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K (make) D mad/insane/crazy, intentional act. creak, satysonpro, <rubbing sound produce> [V‍-‍] (1v) V creak/grate, a frictional sound. po satysonpro, <rubbing sound produce> (n) a creak, an instance of the sound. creaking, satysonpro, <rubbing sound produce> (a) creaking/grating, pert. to the sound. cream, krima, [B‍-‍S] (1n) B is a portion/serving/quantity of cream from source S. krima, (a) cream, made of cream. lo krima, (n) cream (n), mass term. cream of the crop, gudbi ra ba, (ph) the best/the cream of the crop, better than anything …. lo mutce, (n) the cream of the crop, the best. crease, fodfoa, <fold form> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a fold/tuck/crease in/of F (Da —. X is a fold like shape.). create, dzamao, <exist make> [K‍-‍BSP] (4v) K create, make new state/object B out of S for purpose P. larmao, <art make> [K‍-‍PS] (3v) K create P, a work of art, out of S. srimao, <write make> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K compose/create/write P, any document or text. creation, nu dzamao, <exist make> (n) a/the creation/creature, the thing -ed. po dzamao, <exist make> (n) a creation, the act of -ing. po larmao, <art make> (n) a creation, artistic, an act of -ing. creative, dzamao, <exist make> (a) creative, general, pert. to creators. larmao, <art make> (a) artistic/creative, pert. to artists. vefpeo, <inventive think> [G‍-‍JV] (3a) G is more bright/brilliant/clever/intelligent/creative/ingenious than J at thinking about V. creativeness, lopu dzamao, <exist make> (n) creativity/creativeness, mass term. pu dzamao, <exist make> (n) a creativeness/creativity, general, a spec. property. lopu larmao, <art make> (n) creativity/creativeness, artistic, mass term. pu larmao, <art make> (n) a creativeness/artistry/creativity, a property of being an artist. creativity, lopu dzamao, <exist make> (n) creativity/creativeness, mass term. pu dzamao, <exist make> (n) a creativeness/creativity, general, a spec. property. lopu larmao, <art make> (n) creativity/creativeness, artistic, mass term. pu larmao, <art make> (n) a creativeness/artistry/creativity, a property of being an artist. creator, dzamao, <exist make> (n) a/the creator, general, one who creates. larmao, <art make> (n) an artist/creator, one who creates …. creature, nu dzamao, <exist make> (n) a/the creation/creature, the thing -ed. nurdzamao, <something created> [B‍-‍KP] (3n) B is a creature created by K for P. credibility, pu nu krido, (n) a credibility, a property of sents. pu nu perkri, <person believe> (n) a credibility, of persons. credible, nu krido, (a) credible/believable, as of beliefs. nu perkri, <person believe> (a) credible/believable, of persons. credibly, nu perkri, <person believe> (av) credibly, in a credible manner. credit, kredi, [K‍-‍DCN] (4v) K credit D with amount C on conditions N. fu kredi, (n) a credit, a spec. amount -ed to someone. creditor, fu djeta, (n) a creditor, one who is owed … by …, conv. kredi, (n) a creditor, someone who extends credit. credulous, kribuo, <believe fool> [B‍-‍VN] (3a) B is gullible/credulous concerning V under conditions N. kriflo, <believe full> [B‍-‍VN] (3a) B is credulous, easily convinced concerning V under conditions N. creed, nu krido, (n) a belief/creed, a thing believed. krisio, <belief system> [N‍-‍] (1n) N is a creed/doctrine/ideology/system of beliefs. lidkrisio, <religion creed> [N‍-‍] (1n) N is a religious creed/religion, body of religious beliefs. creek, cmavri, <small river> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a brook/rivulet/rill/creek/stream, a small river. creep, beldygoi, <belly go> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K creep/crawl flat to D from S. betgoi, <bent go> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K creep/crawl on hands and knees to D from S. creeper, beldygoi, <belly go> (n) a crawler/creeper. betgoi, <bent go> (n) a crawler/creeper. creeping, lopo beldygoi, <belly go> (n) crawling/creeping, collective term for the act. lopo betgoi, <bent go> (n) crawling/creeping, collective term for the act. creosote, kreosoti, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some creosote, a coal tar oil. crescent, rodja, (a) growing/rising/crescent, growing, of that which grows. crew, tuagru, <work group> [F‍-‍PN] (3n) F is a crew/team with task/purpose P working for N. crib, cinbedpu, <child bed> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a crib/cradle/baby bed. cricket, acheti, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a cricket (insect). grila, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a cricket/grasshopper/locust, any member of the Gryllidae. crier, kraku, (n) a crier, one who cries out. crime, tsiduvrai, <criminal discover try> [K‍-‍VN] (3v) K try to solve crime V in situation N. po tsikao, <crime act> (n) a crime, an act of committing a crime. tsime, [V‍-‍FB] (3n) V is a crime, an act among F punishable by B. lo tsime, (n) crime, mass term. criminal, tsikao, <crime act> (a) criminal, pert. to criminals. tsikao, <crime act> (n) a criminal, one who commits … by …. tsime, (a) criminal, pert. to crime/proscribed acts. criminally, tsi, (af) a combining form of tsime, criminally. crinoid, krinoidi, [B‍-‍FS] (3n) B is a crinoid of type F from S, an echinoderm. cripple, norkalclivi, <not complete organism> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a cripple, one who is handicapped/disabled in N. norkalylii, <not complete organism> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a cripple, one who is handicapped/disabled in N. norkalylivcko, <not complete organism cause> [N‍-‍DV] (3v) N cripple/handicap/stunt/disable/lame D by V, by external condition. norkalylivmao, <not complete organism make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K cripple/handicap/stunt/disable/lame D by V, a deliberate act. crippled, pu norkalclivi, <not complete organism> (a) crippled/handicapped/disabled in —. pu norkalylii, <not complete organism> (a) crippled/handicapped/disabled in —. norkalylivcea, <not complete organism become> [B‍-‍V] (2v) B become crippled/handicapped/stunted/disabled/lamed by V, by internal cause. crippler, norkalylivcko, <not complete organism cause> (n) crippler, that which -s. norkalylivmao, <not complete organism make> (n) crippler, that which -s. crippling, norkalylivcko, <not complete organism cause> (a) crippling/handicapping/disabling/stunting/laming, pertaining to something that -s. norkalylivmao, <not complete organism make> (a) crippling/handicapping/disabling/stunting/laming, pertaining to someone that -s. crisis, diskeo, <decide time> [N‍-‍V] (2n) N is crisis, a turning point of situation V. fu panki, (n) crisis, one giving rise to panic, q.v. critic, vatcue, <value say> (n) a critic/evaluator, one who assesses value. vaudju, <value judge> (n) critic, one who -es. zavcue, <bad say> (n) a critic, one who finds fault. critical, diskeo, <decide time> (a) critical, pertaining to a crisis. djucue, <bad behaviour say> (a) critical of … for … — pertaining to -ism. vatcue, <value say> (a) critical, pert. to evaluations. vaudju, <value judge> (a) critical, pertaining to critics. zavcue, <bad say> (a) critical, fault finding. criticism, po djucue, <bad behaviour say> (n) criticism … for … an act of -ing. po vatcue, <value say> (n) a criticism/evaluation, an act of -izing/evaluating. po zavcue, <bad say> (n) a criticism, an act of fault finding. criticize, djucue, <bad behaviour say> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K criticize D for V. vatcue, <value say> [K‍-‍BP] (3v) K criticize/assess/evaluate the value of B by saying P. zavcue, <bad say> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K criticize/find fault with D for faults/actions V. criticizer, djucue, <bad behaviour say> (n) criticizer of … for … — one who -es. croak, ranhytaa, <frog talk> [K‍-‍] (1v) K croak, a frog like voice quality. po ranhytaa, <frog talk> (n) a croak, frog like sound. croaking, ranhytaa, <frog talk> (a) croaking, pertaining to a —. crochet, totyciedjoso, <thick thread sew> [K‍-‍PB] (3v) K crochet P from B. crony, pifsocli, <frequently interacts with> (n) a crony/associate of …. crook, gokru, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a hook/crook. crooked, betcli, <bent like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more bent/crooked than J. betcu, [N‍-‍] (1a) N is bent/crooked/arched/stooped. crop, corklu, <short cut> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K bob/crop/trim/cut short D. fildygei, <field get> [K‍-‍BS] (3v) K harvest/crop B from S. nu fildygei, <field get> (n) harvest/crop … from …, that which is -ed. po fildygei, <field get> (n) harvest/crop … from …, the event of -ing. fildynurpro, <field produced> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a crop/harvest of S. cropper, corklu, <short cut> (n) cropper/trimmer (of …), one who -s. fildygei, <field get> (n) harvester/cropper of … from …, one who -s. cropping, corklu, <short cut> (a) cropping/trimming (of …), pertaining to -ing. fildygei, <field get> (a) harvesting/cropping … from …, pertaining to -ing. cross, kasfoa, <cross form> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a cross/intersection of S. kasfoamao, <cross form make> [K‍-‍BB] (3v) K cross/intersect B and B (set crossways). nu kasfoamao, <cross form make> (n) cross/intersection, an object formed by -ing. po kasfoamao, <cross form make> (n) cross/intersection, a -ing (of … and …). kasgoi, <across go> [K‍-‍VD] (3v) K cross/traverse/go across V to/on the way to D. kristniysaa, <Christian sign> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a cross/crucifix, sign of Christ. kuasri, <cover write> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K cross (out) D. crossing, kasfoamao, <cross form make> (a) crossing/intersecting - pertaining to things -ed. po kasgoi, <across go> (n) a traverse/crossing, an act of going across. kasgoisia, <cross over place> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a crossing/ford/portage over N. crow, krova, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a female crow/raven, any corvine bird. krovi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an infant crow/raven, any corvine bird. krovo, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a male crow/raven, any corvine bird. krovu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a crow/raven, any corvine bird, non specific. crow like, krove, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more corvine/crow like/raven like than J is. crowd, rorgru, <many group> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a crowd/throng/mass/multitude including member(s) B. sudnygru, <sudden group> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a crowd including member(s) B. crowded, perflo, <people full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more crowded than J (with people). crown, le fa bragai, <born rule> (n) a/the crown prince, a future king. garkapma, <ruler hat> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a crown, as for kings. garkapmydou, <crown giving> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K crown D as N. crowned, nu garkapmydou, <crown giving> (a) crowned, conv. of crown. crucifix, kristniysaa, <Christian sign> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a cross/crucifix, sign of Christ. crucifixion, po kasfoamormao, <cross form die make> (n) a crucifixion, a spec. act of -ing. crucify, kasfoamormao, <cross form die make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K crucify D. crude, no fomcka, <formally kind> (a) rude/crude/impolite/unpolished to …. natra, (a) natural/crude/raw, not caused by man. cruel, kruli, [K‍-‍D] (2a) K is cruel to D. cruelty, lopu kruli, (n) cruelty, mass term of qualities. po kruli, (n) a cruelty, a cruel act. pu kruli, (n) a cruelty, a spec. quality of being cruel. cruise, lelfle, <level fly> [K‍-‍C] (2v) (aircraft) K cruise at altitude C. cruising altitude, nu lelfle, <level fly> (n) C is the cruising altitude of aircraft K. crumb, cmapiu, <small piece> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a speck/bit/mote/crumb of F. crumble, cmapiucea, <small piece change> [B‍-‍N] (2v) B crumble/fall apart under conditions N. crumple, fodflocea, <fold full become> [B‍-‍] (1v) B crumple, become crumpled (actor unspecified). fodflocko, <fold full cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N crumple D, nonintentional cause to be full of wrinkles. fodflomao, <fold full make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K crumple D, intentionally make full of wrinkles. crush, kraco, [K‍-‍SP] (3v) K crush/smash/squash S into pulp P. kracybue, <crush step> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K crush/squash D underfoot, to kill or injure. zaa, (af) a combining form of zakra, crush to pulp. zakra, [K‍-‍DF] (3v) K crush/pulverize D into particles F. po nu zakra, (n) a crush, a state of being -ed. zak, (af) a combining form of zakra, crush. crushable, nu kraco, (a) smashable/squashable/crushable, can be -ed into pulp. nu zakra, (a) crushable, capable of being -ed. crusher, kraco, (n) a smasher/crusher, one who/that which crushes. zakra, (n) a crusher, that which/one who -es. crust, hadskapi, <hard skin> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a crust of F. crutch, barkuvlyjuo, <arm cave(armpit) support> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a crutch. cry, ceokra, <wet cry> [K‍-‍S] (2v) K cry/weep/shed tears over S. po fiakra, <fear cry> (n) a fear-induced scream/cry/whimper/yelp. keikra, <sad cry> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K wail/moan/groan/grieve (over)/cry (about)/mourn/lament/bewail N. keukra, <care cry> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K cry/shout a warning to D of danger V. kra, (af) a combining form of kraku, cry. kraku, [K‍-‍] (1v) K cry/call (out). po kraku, (n) a crying/cry, an act of -ing out. krataa, <cry talk> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K call/cry to D about V. po krataa, <cry talk> (n) a cry/call, an act of -ing to. punkra, <pain cry> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K cry (out)/scream/moan/groan/shriek in response to pain N. po punkra, <pain cry> (n) a cry/moan/scream/shriek/groan, an event of crying about pain. cry out, fiakra, <fear cry> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K whimper/yelp/cry out/scream/yell about N - used of any fear or submission cry. crying, po ceokra, <wet cry> (n) a weeping/crying, with tears, an act of. po kraku, (n) a crying/cry, an act of -ing out. cryptic, pu nu smisri, <secret write> (a) cryptic. crystal, krisitali, [B‍-‍FN] (3n) B is a crystal of F (substance) and form N. crystallization, po salcea, <solid become> (n) a spec. freeze/freezing/solidification/crystallization. po salcko, <solid cause> (n) a specific instance of freezing/solidification/crystallization <unintentional>. po salmao, <solid make> (n) a specific instance of freezing/solidification/crystallization <intentional act>. crystallize, salcea, <solid become> [K‍-‍PS] (3v) K freeze/solidify/crystallize into P from S. salcko, <solid cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N freeze/solidify/crystallize D, nonintentional; 'The sun melts the snow'. salmao, <solid make> [K‍-‍SP] (3v) K freeze/solidify/crystallize S in/into P, intentional act. cube, sorheo, <six hedron> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a cube/hexahedron. cucumber, kukmi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a cucumber. kurbi, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a pumpkin/squash/cucumber from S, any member of the Cucurbitae. cuff, barkuakalra, <arm cover(sleeve) collar> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a cuff of sleeve F. cuisine, lo nu fomtci, <formally eat> (n) dinner/cuisine, mass term. lo tcidyfoa, <eat form> (n) cuisine, all the dishes served by …. cultivate, derbremao, <soil ready make> [K‍-‍BP] (3v) K till/cultivate field/parcel B for planting/growing crop P. rojmao, <grow make> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K cultivate/grow P. cultivated, nu dilko, (a) appreciative/cultivated/refined/sensitive, of delicacy, q.v. nu rojmao, <grow make> (2n) be cultivated/grown/domesticated by …. cultivating, derbremao, <soil ready make> (a) tilling/cultivating of field/parcel … for planting/growing crop … — pertaining to -ing. cultivation, po derbremao, <soil ready make> (n) tilling/cultivation of field/parcel … for planting/growing crop … — the -ing event. lopo rojmao, <grow make> (n) cultivation, mass act/process of -ing. lopo nu rojmao, <grow make> (n) cultivation, mass term of states. po nu rojmao, <grow make> (n) a domestication/cultivation, a spec. state of being -ed. cultivator, derbremao, <soil ready make> (n) tiller/cultivator of field/parcel … for planting/growing crop … — one who -s. rojmao, <grow make> (n) a grower/cultivator, one who grows …. cultural revolution, kulcea, <culture change> [S‍-‍] (1v) S brings about a cultural revolution. po kulcea, <culture change> (n) a cultural revolution. culture, grubivsio, <group behavior system> [N‍-‍F] (2n) N is the civilization/culture of people F. kul, (af) a combining form of kultu, culture. kulbatmi, <culture exchange> [K‍-‍S] (2v) K exchange own culture with culture of S. kultu, [N‍-‍F] (2n) N is the culture of people(s) F. roacti, <grow stuff> [S‍-‍P] (2n) S is a culture/medium/substrate for growing P. zio, (af) attached to <predy>, means part of <preda> culture; e.g. lepsyzia — rabbit culture. cunning, dupsadji, <deceive wise> [G‍-‍NJ] (3a) G is wilier/more cunning/wily about N than J. dupspu, <deceit skill> [K‍-‍DN] (3a) K is crafty/cunning at deceiving D about N. pu dupspu, <deceit skill> (n) a craftiness/craft/cunning, cunning, a spec. property. cup, kup, (af) a combining form of kupta, cup. kupcai, <cup quantity> [C‍-‍B] (2n) C is a cupful/cup of B. kupta, [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is a cup/mug/glass/vessel of/for V, gen. for drinking vessel. cupboard, nurdaobao, <doored box> [B‍-‍KFP] (4n) B is a closet/cabinet/cupboard/dresser (U.K.) in F for P. cupcake, cmagrato, <small cake> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a cupcake. kupgrato, <cup cake> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a cupcake. cupful, kupcai, <cup quantity> [C‍-‍B] (2n) C is a cupful/cup of B. cupric, cupro, (a) cupric / ous, pert. to copper. curb, draruabie, <dry route edge> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a curb/kerb of sidewalk/raised footpath F. litnu, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K hold/restrain/keep/check/stop/curb/detain D from doing V. litnu, (n) a restraint/check/curb, that which -s. curdle, dzecko, <jelly cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N jell/gelatinize/congeal/clot/curdle D (non intentional). dzemao, <jelly make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K jell/gelatinize/clot/curdle/congeal D (intentional). cure, jelcko, <healthy cause> [N‍-‍DB] (3v) N cure/heal D of B (external cause). jelcko, <healthy cause> (n) cure, that which -s. jelmao, <well make> [K‍-‍DBV] (4v) K cure/heal D of B by/with V. ju jelmao, <well make> (n) cure, that which -s/. cured, jelcea, <well become> [D‍-‍B] (2v) D recover/be cured/healed from illness B. curing, jelmao, <well make> (a) curing/healing, pertaining to -ing. po jelmao, <well make> (n) curing/healing, a -ing act. curiosity, nu djadaa, <know desire> (n) a curiosity, an object of —. pu djadaa, <know desire> (n) curiosity, property of being —. curious, djadaa, <know desire> [K‍-‍V] (2n) K is curious about V. djadaacko, <know desire cause> [N‍-‍DV] (3v) N make D curious about V (situation). djadazmao, <know desire make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K make D curious about V (deliberate). djadazycea, <know desire become> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K become curious about D. gurvei, <strange happen(ing)> (a) mysterious/curious, an inexplicable event. gutra, [B‍-‍DN] (3a) B is alien/bizarre/mysterious/odd/queer/unusual/strange/weird/curious/peculiar/funny to D in features N. kenduo, <question do> (a) K is curious/inquisitive/inquiring (by nature). treci, [B‍-‍DN] (3v) B interest/be interesting/curious to D in features N. curium, curmiio, [B‍-‍] (1) B is some curium, element 96 (Cm). curl, rojkovcea, <grow curve become> [D‍-‍V] (2v) D curl/twist because of/as a result of V (to a spiral). rojkovmao, <grow curve make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K curl D with V (to a spiral). nu rojkovmao, <grow curve make> (n) curl, result of -ing. skofoa, <screw form> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a curl/coil/helix. skofoamao, <screw form make> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K curl D with B (to a helix). nu skofoamao, <screw form make> (n) curl, result of -ing. skofomcea, <screw form become> [D‍-‍N] (2v) D curl/twist because of/as a result of N (to a helix). curler, heryrolgu, <hair roller> [B‍-‍K] (2n) B is a curler/roller (U.K.). rojkovmao, <grow curve make> (n) curler, one who -s. fu rojkovmao, <grow curve make> (n) curler, a tool for -ing. skofoamao, <screw form make> (n) curler, one who -s. fu skofoamao, <screw form make> (n) curler, a tool for -ing. curling, rojkovmao, <grow curve make> (a) curling, pertaining to -ing. skofoamao, <screw form make> (a) curling, pertaining to -ing. curly, skofoa, <screw form> (a) helical/curly. currency, lilcme, <legal money> [B‍-‍SP] (2n) currency of …. pu nadzo, (n) a currency, of things that are current. current, kerkro, <air flow> [V‍-‍DS] (3n) V is a draft/air current/current at/on D from S. kroli, (n) a stream/flow/fluid/current, a stream/flow of fluid …. lekykro, <electric current> [V‍-‍SD] (3n) V is current/flow of electricity between S and D. lena, (a) the present/current …, the one which is now …, a temporal desc. oper. nadzo, [V‍-‍V] (2a) V is present/current/simultaneous with V, some moment of speech. naodza, <now exist> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is contemporary/current, existing at the present time. currently, nadzo, (av) now/currently/at present/at this time, now/in present time. curse, gadyzaopli, <god bad use> [K‍-‍] (1v) K swear/curse/blaspheme, irreverently use sacred words. zavmajpua, <bad magic word> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a curse. zavspocue, <evil hope say> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K speak(s) curse B to D. nu zavspocue, <evil hope say> (n) a curse. zavspotaa, <evil hope talk> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K curse(s) D for S. cursing, po zavspocue, <evil hope say> (n) an instance of cursing. po zavspotaa, <evil hope talk> (n) an instance of cursing. cursive, krolea, <flow letter> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a cursive letter from font/set F. krosri, <flow write> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K write B in/on D in a cursive fashion. curtail, corcko, <short cause> [V‍-‍D] (2v) V curtail/cut off D (involuntary cause). cormao, <short make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K shorten/curtail/cut off D, intentional. curtailed, nu corcko, <short cause> (a) curtailed, the thing -ed. nu cormao, <short make> (a) shortened/curtailed, the thing -ed. curtailing, po corcko, <short cause> (n) a curtailing/cutting off, an instance of -ing. po cormao, <short make> (n) a curtailing/cutting off, an instance of -ing. curtain, kurti, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a curtain of/over/across F, a hanging covering …. curtsey, risybiu, <respect behaviour> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is a bow/curtsey to D, any formal sign of respect for another. curvature, pu korva, (n) a curviness/curvature, a spec. property. curve, koa, (af) a combining form of korva, curve. korva, [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a curve through points B. kov, (af) a combining form of korva, curve. kovcko, <curve cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N bow/curve … /make D curve, nonintentionally. kovmao, <curve make> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K bow/curve B, make … curve, intentionally. curved, korva, (a) curvy/curved, pert. to curves. kovcea, <curve become> [V‍-‍] (1v) V become bowed/curved, intransitive. curviness, pu korva, (n) a curviness/curvature, a spec. property. curvy, korva, (a) curvy/curved, pert. to curves. cushion, pad, (af) a combining form of padzi, cushion. padyduo, <pad do> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K cushion/pad/encase D with B. padzi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a cushion/pillow/pad, general term. custodian, kerju, (n) a custodian/keeper/caretaker, one who takes care of …. lilkeu, <legal care> [K‍-‍D] (2n) K is a/the (legal) guardian/custodian of D. notkeu, <other caretaker> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K care for/be custodian of D for third party B. custody, po nu kerju, (n) a/the custody, a state of being cared for. po nu lilkeu, <legal care> (n) custody, a legal state. custom, cteki, [B‍-‍DKF] (4n) B is the tax/custom/duty/toll/tribute imposed on D paid by K to F. grukuo, <group habit> [N‍-‍F] (2n) N is a custom/convention of group F. kus, (af) a combining form of kusmo, custom. kusmo, [V‍-‍SN] (3n) V is a habit/custom/practice/tradition of S under condition N. kuo, (af) a combining form of kusmo, custom. customarily, grukuo, <group habit> (av) customarily, habitually, as of groups. kuo, (av) usually/customarily, a discourse operator, used before sentences (UI). kusmo, (av) customarily, habitually, as of behavior. pifno, (av) customarily/often/usually/commonly, frequently. customary, grukuo, <group habit> (a) customary/conventional, customary. kusmo, (a) habitual/usual/customary, habitual to … under cond'ns …. pifno, [G‍-‍JN] (3a) G is more customary/recurring/usual/frequent than J under condition N. customer, nursua, <those who are served> [B‍-‍K] (2n) B is the customer/client/patron of service K. customers, nursuvsei, <those who are served set> [B‍-‍K] (2n) B are the customers/clientele/practice/trade of service K. customs inspector, nenbeible, <in carry look> [K‍-‍N] (2n) K is a customs inspector of country N. cut, ciorduo, <scissors do> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K shear D, cut … with scissors. maiklu, <machine cut> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K mow/cut D with B, cut down as grass. herdua, <hair ornament> [V‍-‍D] (2n) V is the dressing/styling/cut of D's hair. herkeu, <hair care> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K dress/style/cut the hair of D in style V. kinku, (vi) cut, by virtue of being sharp, able to cut. klu, (af) a combining form of kutla, cut. klupai, <cut part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a cut/division/piece/section/segment of F, a part obtained by cutting. kutla, [K‍-‍FB] (3v) K cut F into pieces B, as with a knife. fu kutla, (n) a cut, a cut piece of something. nu kutla, (a) cut, pert. to a cut thing. po kutla, (n) a cut, an act of -ting. pieklu, <parallel cut> [K‍-‍FD] (3v) K cut/slice F into (parallel) slices D. cut down, damklu, <down cut> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K fell/cut down/hew (tree-like) D. cut off, corcko, <short cause> [V‍-‍D] (2v) V curtail/cut off D (involuntary cause). cormao, <short make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K shorten/curtail/cut off D, intentional. kinclecea, <companions without become> [B‍-‍F] (2v) B become isolated/cut off from F. kinclecko, <companions without cause> [K‍-‍BF] (3v) K isolate/cut off B from F (unintentional cause). kinclemao, <companions without make> [K‍-‍BF] (3v) K isolate/cut off B from F (intentional act). cut short, corklu, <short cut> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K bob/crop/trim/cut short D. cute, cmabii, <small beautiful> (a) cute/pretty, cuter to … than …. cuteness, lopu cmabii, <small beautiful> (n) cuteness/prettiness, mass term. pu cmabii, <small beautiful> (n) a cuteness/prettiness, a spec. property. cuter, cmabii, <small beautiful> [G‍-‍DJD] (4a) G is prettier/cuter to D than J is to D. (D and D may be the same or different, and if the same, is not re mentioned.). cuts wood, mubklu, <wood cut> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K cuts wood/chops wood for purpose P. cuttable, nu klupai, <cut part> (a) cuttable, capable of being cut. cutter, botsu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a boat/canoe/craft/cutter/vessel, a generic term for all types of water craft. kutla, (n) a cutter, one who/that which -s. cutting, po maiklu, <machine cut> (n) a mowing/cutting, the event of -ing. cutting off, po corcko, <short cause> (n) a curtailing/cutting off, an instance of -ing. po cormao, <short make> (n) a curtailing/cutting off, an instance of -ing. cyborg, machumni, <machine human> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a cyborg made by S. cycle, cikli, [B‍-‍C] (2n) B has a cycle of C per unit time; default 1 per sec. nu riicke, <regular interval> (n) a cycle, of period …, conv. of period. cyclic, nu riicke, <regular interval> (a) cyclic, having regular intervals. cyclical, rilri, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more regular/cyclical/periodic/uniform than J. cylinder, rolfoa, <roll form> [B‍-‍NC] (3n) B is a cylinder with axis N and radius C, geom. rolfomhou, <roll form hole> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an engine cylinder of F. rolgu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a cylinder/roller. cylindrical, klurae, <cut round> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is round/circular/cylindrical/spherical, i.e. circular in at least one dimension. rolfoa, <roll form> (a) cylindrical, pert. to geom. cylinders. cymbal, sonpla, <sound plate> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a cymbal. cytocine, cithosini, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some cytocine.

D D, Dai, (l) D, Latin upper case letter, one of a pool of symbols. D glucose, dekstrosi, [B‍-‍D] (2) B is some dextrose/D glucose, a common sugar. DNA, deoksiribonukle acdi, (ph) some desoxyribonucleic acid/DNA, encoder of genetic infm. DaiNaizA, [B‍-‍S] (acr) acronymic name for DNA/desoxyribonucleic acid. Dail, lilmaogru, <law make group> [F‍-‍N] (2n) F is a/the House of Representatives/House of Commons/Diet/Dail/Knesset/Thing/Parliament/legislature of polity N, a national law making group. Dane, daski, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a Dane, a Danish person. Danes, lo daski, (n) Danes, the mass of all such persons. Danish, daska, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an element/instance of the Danish language. daska, (a) Danish, pert. to the Danish language. lo daska, (n) Danish, the mass of such elements. daske, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is an Danish place/territory, a region inhabited by Danes. daske, (a) Danish, pert. to territories inhabited by Danes. daski, (a) Danish, pert. to … persons. dasko, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an element/instance of Danish culture. dasko, (a) Danish, pert. to Danish culture. Danish blue, dasko blanu, (ph) Danish blue, a cheese. Danish culture, lo dasko, (n) Danish culture, the mass of such elements. Danish speaker, daskytaa, <Danish speak> [K‍-‍] (1n) K is a Danish speaker, a speaker of the … language. Danish territories, lo daske, (n) Danish territories, the mass of all such regions. December, nertormea, <12 month> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a December of year F. la nertormea, <12 month> (na) December (the 12th month of the year). Devil, hea le zavpeu, (ph) By the Devil, with the Devil's help. Diet, lilmaogru, <law make group> [F‍-‍N] (2n) F is a/the House of Representatives/House of Commons/Diet/Dail/Knesset/Thing/Parliament/legislature of polity N, a national law making group. Don, euia, (i) Isn't it?/Don't you? An interjection corresponding to French 'n"est ce pas', German 'nicht wahr?', Spanish 'No es asi?', etc. Duke, la Por, (na) Count/Earl/Lord/Baron/Duke, etc. (a generalized nobility title/name/name part.). Dutch, nedla, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is the Dutch language. nedle, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is a Dutch place/territory, a region inhabited by Dutch. nedli, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is a Dutch (person). nedlo, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is an instance of Dutch (culture). d, dei, (l) d, Latin lower case letter, one of a pool of symbols. dagger, blonajda, <strike knife> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a dagger. daily, rardei, <all days> (a) daily/diurnal, pert. to 24 hour rhythms. rardei, <all days> (av) daily/diurnal, every day. daily rhythm, rardei, <all days> [B‍-‍] (1v) B have a daily rhythm/24 hour period. dainty, dilkynitci, <delicate neat> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more dainty than J. dairy, mansia, <milk place> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a dairy. dalton, daltoni, [B‍-‍C] (2) B has an atomic mass of C dalton(s), default 1. dam, fliliu, <liquid restrain> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a dam. damage, surna, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K hurt/harm/injure/damage D at/in V. po nu surna, (n) a/the damage/hurt/injury, a state of being -ed. nu zalvei, <bad event> (n) P is accidental damage caused to B in circumstances N. zaocko, <bad cause> [N‍-‍DVP] (4v) N (bring) harm to/damage/injure D by doing V with bad effects P, nonintentional. damageable, nu surna, (a) damageable/harmed/hurt/injured, can be -ed. damaging, fu zaocko, <bad cause> (a) damaging, of harmful effects. damn, gadkafbeo, <god punish ask> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K damn D for V. kafcue, <punish say> [K‍-‍DPV] (4v) K condemn/sentence/damn/convict (person) D to (sentence) P for (crime) V. damned, gadnurkasfa, <god punished> [D‍-‍V] (2v) D is/are damned for V. nu kafcue, <punish say> (a) condemned/damned, one who is -ed …. damp, cetlo, [D‍-‍B] (2a) D is wet/moist/damp with liquid B. cetmou, <damp more> (a) moist/wet/damp, damper than … with …. cmaceo, <bit wet> (a) damp/moist. dampen, cetmao, <wet make> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K dampen/wet/moisten D with liquid B, intentional. ceocko, <wet cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N dampen/wet/moisten D, nonintentional. nurclamao, <less loud make> [K‍-‍SV] (3v) K soften/deaden/dampen/mute the sound of S by V. damper, cetmou, <damp more> [G‍-‍BJB] (4a) G is wetter/moister/damper with B than J with liquid B. cmaceo, <bit wet> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is damper/moister than J. dampness, lopu cetlo, (n) dampness, mass term of properties. pu cetlo, (n) a wetness/dampness, a spec. property. lopo cmaceo, <bit wet> (n) dampness/moisture, mass state. lopu cmaceo, <bit wet> (n) dampness/moisture, mass property. po cmaceo, <bit wet> (n) a dampness, a state of being —. dance, danse, [K‍-‍NK] (3v) K dance to music/rhythm/style N with partner(s) K. lopo danse, (n) dancing/dance, mass term. po danse, (n) a dance (n), an act/event of dancing. dansyfoa, <dance form> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a dance (form) e.g. rumba. kindanse, <company dance> [K‍-‍FP] (3v) K dance with F to P (as e.g. a dance company). po kindanse, <company dance> (n) a dance, an event of -ing. tordanse, <two dance> [K‍-‍KN] (3v) K dance with K to N. po tordanse, <two dance> (n) a dance, an event of -ing. dancer, danse, (n) a dancer (n), one who dances to … with …. kindanse, <company dance> (n) dancer, with … to … one who -s. tordanse, <two dance> (n) dancer, with … to … one who -s. dancing, lopo danse, (n) dancing/dance, mass term. kindanse, <company dance> (a) dancing, pertaining to -ing. tordanse, <two dance> (a) dancing, pertaining to -ing. danger, den, (af) a combining form of denro, danger. denro, [V‍-‍DN] (3n) V is a danger to D in situation N. nu denro, (av) in danger/dangerously, threatened by danger/in a dangerous way. po denro, (n) a danger, a state/condition of being -ous. denspe, <danger experience> [K‍-‍VN] (3v) K experience danger V in situation N. dangerous, denmou, <danger more> [G‍-‍DJD] (4a) G is more dangerous/perilous to D than J is to D. denro, (a) dangerous, a peril to … in situation …. fu denro, (a) dangerous, as of a situation. dangerously, denro, (av) dangerously, in a threatening way. nu denro, (av) in danger/dangerously, threatened by danger/in a dangerous way. dangerousness, pu denro, (n) dangerousness, a spec. property. dare, kakria, <acting brave> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K brave/dare to do V. kaonriabeo, <do brave ask> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K dare D to do V. po kaonriabeo, <do brave ask> (n) a dare, an act of -ing someone. darer, kaonriabeo, <do brave ask> (n) a darer, one who dares … to do …. daring, kakria, <acting brave> (a) bold/daring, daring to do …. po kakria, <acting brave> (n) a boldness/daring, an act/event of daring. dark, po draka, (n) dark/darkness, a state/condition of -ness. rak, (af) a combining form of draka, dark. nigcli, <dark like (deprecated, replace with {heicli})> (a) dark/sombre, in color, sombre, incomplete form. heicli, <dark like> (a) dark/sombre, in color, sombre, incomplete form. darken, rakcea, <dark become> [N‍-‍] (1v) N darken, become dark. rakcko, <dark cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N darken D, make … dark, nonintentional 'the sun darkens the skin'. rakmao, <dark make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K darken D, make … dark, intentional. darker, draka, [G‍-‍JC] (3a) G is darker, less illuminated than J by C. nigcli, <dark like (deprecated, replace with {heicli})> [G‍-‍JN] (3a) G is darker/less brilliant than J in light N. heicli, <dark like> [G‍-‍JN] (3a) G is darker/less brilliant than J in light N. darkness, po draka, (n) dark/darkness, a state/condition of -ness. pu draka, (n) darkness, a spec. quality of being dark. lopu nigcli, <dark like (deprecated, replace with {heicli})> (n) sombreness/darkness, the mass of such props. pu nigcli, <dark like (deprecated, replace with {heicli})> (n) a sombreness/darkness, a prop. of a spec. color. lopu heicli, <dark like> (n) sombreness/darkness, the mass of such props. pu heicli, <dark like> (n) a sombreness/darkness, a prop. of a spec. color. darliing, dipdipri, <dear dear> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is darliing/dearest, used to address a beloved one. darling, die, (h) dear/darling/precious, etc., an attitudinal indicating love/intimacy; part of the series 'rie/kae/nue/fie/die', q.v.; always used after a designation/vocative. E.g. 'Meris, Die' — ' Mary, Dear' used as the salutation of a letter. (DIE). dipri, (a) dear/darling/precious, dear/precious to …. dipri, (n) a dear/darling, a precious/dear thing. slibii, <sweet beautiful> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is prettier/more darling than J. darn, josynakso, <sew fix> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K darn/repair/mend/patch D with B. po josynakso, <sew fix> (n) a darn/patch, an instance of -ing. darned, nu josynakso, <sew fix> (a) patched/darned, pertaining to something -ed. darning, josynakso, <sew fix> (a) darning/mending/patching (… with …), pertaining to -ing. dash, kukprano, <quickly run> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K dash/race to D from S. po kukprano, <quickly run> (n) a race/dash, an act/event of -ing. dashing, tilnitci, <attractive neat> [G‍-‍J] (1a) smart/dashing. tilnitci, <attractive neat> (2a) G is smarter/more dashing than J. data, nu katmei, <quality measure> (n) statistical data, the raw material to be analyzed. database, feorgalsio, <fact organizing system> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a database about F. date, delsaa, <day sign> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is the date of event V, specified day of month and year. delsansri, <day sign write> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K date/record the date of V. ckedui, <time discover> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K date/determine the date of V. clujmi, <love meet> [K‍-‍K] (2v) K date/meet K romantically. nu clujmi, <love meet> (n) date, one who is dated, conv. of date. po clujmi, <love meet> (n) date, a romantic meeting. jmicue, <meet say> [K‍-‍DNC] (4v) make a date/appointment with … at … at time …. jmicue, <meet say> (4v) K date/arrange to meet D at N at time C. jmitoi, <meet agree> [K‍-‍DNC] (4v) K date/arrange to meet/make appointment with D at place N and time C. po jmitoi, <meet agree> (n) date/appointment with … at place … and time …. lalmei, <age measure (old measure)> [K‍-‍DC] (3v) K date/measure the age of D to be C. date of, ckedui, <time discover> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K date/determine the date of V. date stamp, delsanrie, <day sign tool> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a date stamp. dating, lalmei, <age measure (old measure)> (a) dating, pertaining to measuring the age of …. daughter, det, (af) a combining form of detra, daughter. detra, [P‍-‍SS] (3n) P is a/the daughter of parents S and S. dea, (af) a combining form of detra, daughter. daughter-in law, detmerji, <daughter spouse> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is the daughter-in law of D. dawdle, tsefucbiu, <error after behave> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K procrastinate/tarry/dawdle in doing V. tsefuicea, <error after become> (v) linger/tarry/delay/dawdle. dawdler, tsefucbiu, <error after behave> (n) a procrastinator/tarrier/dawdler. dawn, delsatci, <day start> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is a dawn/sunrise. day, deisto, <day stay> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K spend the day at B. del, (af) a combining form of denli, day. delkeo, <day interval> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a day of month/year F, any 24 hour period. delnai, <day night> [V‍-‍C] (2n) V measure(s) C in day(s). denli, [V‍-‍S] (2n) V is a/the day(time) of day S. nazdei, <now day> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is a/the day of V, some event. nerfucdei, <one after day> [G‍-‍J] (2n) G is the day after J. speni lo gudbi denli/pasnai/monza/natli, (ph) Have a good day/evening/morning/night. dei, (af) a combining form of denli, day. day after the day after tomorrow, terfucdei, <three after day> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the day after the day after tomorrow of day F. day after tomorrow, torfucdei, <two after day> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is the day after tomorrow. day before, nerpasdei, <one before day> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is (a/the) yesterday/day before/eve of day F. day before the day before yesterday, terpasdei, <three before day> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the day before the day before yesterday of day F. day before yesterday, torpasdei, <two before day> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is the day before yesterday. day dream, cidrei, <awake dream> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K day dream/fancy/fantasize D. nu cidrei, <awake dream> (n) a day dream/fancy/fantasy/reverie/whim, a spec. fantasy. po cidrei, <awake dream> (n) a day dream/fantasy/reverie, an act of -ing. daylight, deirlitla, <day light> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is some daylight. daytime, lo denli, (n) the daytime, mass term of instances. dazzle, nu rilfau, <brilliantly trouble> (2n) dazzle —. dazzled, rilfau, <brilliantly trouble> [D‍-‍V] (2v) D is dazzled by V. dazzling, rilfau, <brilliantly trouble> (a) dazzling, that which -s. dead, moo, (af) a combining form of morto, dead. mor, (af) a combining form of morto, dead. morto, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is dead, no longer living. deaden, nurclamao, <less loud make> [K‍-‍SV] (3v) K soften/deaden/dampen/mute the sound of S by V. deadly, morcko, <dead cause> (a) mortal/fatal/deadly. deadness, pu morto, (n) a deadness, a property of being dead. deaf, hirfiu, <hear weak> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is hearing impaired/deaf. norhirti, <not hear> [B‍-‍] (1) B is deaf, unable to hear. deafened, norhircea, <not hear become> [D‍-‍S] (2v) D is deafened by S. deafening, clacla, <loud loud> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is deafening/extremely loud. deal, togdiu, <agree discuss> [K‍-‍ND] (3v) K deal/negotiate N with D. nu togdiu, <agree discuss> (n) deal/negotiation, that which is -ed. vempetri, <sell distribute> [K‍-‍BN] (3v) K deal/distribute B for sale in N. dealer, togdiu, <agree discuss> (n) dealer/negotiater (of … with …), one who -s. vempetri, <sell distribute> (n) dealer/distributor of …. dealing, togdiu, <agree discuss> (a) dealing/negotiating, pertaining to -ing. po togdiu, <agree discuss> (n) a dealing/negotiation, a specific case of -ing. vempetri, <sell distribute> (a) dealing/distributing, pertaining to -ing. dear, die, (h) dear/darling/precious, etc., an attitudinal indicating love/intimacy; part of the series 'rie/kae/nue/fie/die', q.v.; always used after a designation/vocative. E.g. 'Meris, Die' — ' Mary, Dear' used as the salutation of a letter. (DIE). dip, (af) a combining form of dipri, dear. dipmou, <dear more> [G‍-‍DJD] (4a) G is dearer/more dear/precious to D than J is to D. dipri, [D‍-‍K] (2a) D is dear/precious to K. dipri, (a) dear/darling/precious, dear/precious to …. dipri, (n) a dear/darling, a precious/dear thing. kusti, [G‍-‍JP] (3a) G is more expensive/costly/dear than J for function P. dearer, dipmou, <dear more> [G‍-‍DJD] (4a) G is dearer/more dear/precious to D than J is to D. dearest, dipdipri, <dear dear> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is darliing/dearest, used to address a beloved one. death, lopo morcea, <dead become> (n) death/mortality, mass term of events. po morcea, <dead become> (n) a death/mortality, an event of dying. lopo morto, (n) death, mass term of states. po morto, (n) a death, a spec. state of being dead. debatable, nu fomtao, <formal argue> (a) debatable, can be -ed. debate, fomtao, <formal argue> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K debate/argue proposition B with/against D. po fomtao, <formal argue> (n) a debate/argument, a specific instance of -ing. debater, fomtao, <formal argue> (n) a debater, one who -s. debt, nu djeta, (n) a debt/indebtedness, thing/sum owed, conv. of owe. po djeta, (n) an indebtedness/in debt, a state of owing. jet, (af) a combining form of djeta, debt. debtor, djeta, (n) a debtor, one who owes … to … for …. debug, pognakso, <program fix> [K‍-‍VF] (3v) K debug(s) program V on system F. debugger, pognakso, <program fix> (n) a debugger, a person or program that aids debugging. debugging, po pognakso, <program fix> (n) an inst. of debugging. debut, nerviukaa, <first appear> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K make a debut/first appearance at V. po nerviukaa, <first appear> (n) a debut/coming out, debut. nervizkaa, <one see come> [K‍-‍V] (2n) K makes a debut/first appearance at V. debutante, nerviukaa, <first appear> (n) a debutante, one who makes a debut. decade, dekninkeo, <ten year interval> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a decade of period/epoch F. decadence, lopo ckenurhui, <time destroyed> (n) decay/decadence/decline/ruin/ruination, mass term of states. po ckenurhui, <time destroyed> (n) a/some decay/decadence/decline/ruin/ruination, a spec. state of temporal ruin. po rancea, <rotten become> (n) a decadence/decomposition/decay, a spec. event of rotting. decay, ckenurhui, <time destroyed> [D‍-‍] (1v) D decline/decay/become ruined by time. lopo ckenurhui, <time destroyed> (n) decay/decadence/decline/ruin/ruination, mass term of states. po ckenurhui, <time destroyed> (n) a/some decay/decadence/decline/ruin/ruination, a spec. state of temporal ruin. rancea, <rotten become> [D‍-‍] (1v) D spoil/decay/rot/decompose, of organic material. lopo rancea, <rotten become> (n) decay, general event term. po rancea, <rotten become> (n) a decadence/decomposition/decay, a spec. event of rotting. decayed, ckenurhui, <time destroyed> (a) ruined/decayed. deceit, po dupma, (n) a trick/deception/deceit, a spec. act of deceiving. deceitful, dupma, (a) tricky/deceptive/deceitful, pert. to deceivers. deceitfulness, pu dupma, (n) deceitfulness, a spec. property. deceive, dupma, [K‍-‍DNV] (4v) K trick/deceive/dupe/put over D in/about N by V. deceiver, dupma, (n) a trickster/deceiver, one who deceives. decennial, dekninkeo, <ten year interval> (a) decennial, pert. to decades. decent, gudbiu, <good behave> [K‍-‍V] (2a) K is decent/respectable in doing/being V. deception, po dupma, (n) a trick/deception/deceit, a spec. act of deceiving. deceptive, dupma, (a) tricky/deceptive/deceitful, pert. to deceivers. decide, dis, (af) a combining form of disri, decide. disri, [K‍-‍VN] (3v) K decide (to do) V about N. dii, (af) a combining form of disri, decide. decidedly, ai, (i) yes/certainly/of-course/OK/decidedly/by-all means, an exp. of consent/strong intention. deciding, diicko, <decision cause> (a) deciding/decisive, pertaining to that which decides. decimal point, pipi, (pm) decimal point/point/percent, as in 'point one/ten percent of …'. decipher, fansmisri, <reverse secret write> [K‍-‍SP] (3v) K decipher/decode/make out S into P. sanfomcea, <sign form change> [K‍-‍SDV] (4v) K interpret/expound/decipher/explain the meaning of text/speech/sign S for audience/readers D by writing/saying V. decipherable, nu fansmisri, <reverse secret write> (a) decodable/decipherable, conv. of decipher. decipherer, fansmisri, <reverse secret write> (n) a decipherer/decoder, one who deciphers. decipherment, po fansmisri, <reverse secret write> (n) a decipherment, an act of -ing. decision, diicko, <decision cause> [N‍-‍PV] (3v) N causes decision P by V. nu disri, (n) a decision, a conclusion reached by -ing. po disri, (n) a decision, an act of deciding. decision maker, disri, (n) a decision maker/official, one who decides. decisive, diicko, <decision cause> (a) deciding/decisive, pertaining to that which decides. disflo, <decision full> [K‍-‍] (1) K is decisive, one good at deciding. deck, botkua, <boat cover> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the deck of boat/vessel F. durna, [K‍-‍D] (2v) K adorn/decorate/deck/ornament/trim D. kardysei, <card set> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a deck/pack composed of cards B. decked, nu durna, (a) adorned/decorated/ornamented/fancy/decked/trimmed, as with ornaments. decking, durna, (n) an adornment/decoration/decking/ornament/trimming, a spec. ornament. declaration, po furvemtaa, <bought tell> (1n) a declaration of … for customs. po tracue, <true say> (n) a statement/assertion/affirmation/declaration/allegation, an act of -ing a sentence. declare, folcue, <strongly say> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K insist on/assert/declare/say forcefully B to D. furvemtaa, <bought tell> [K‍-‍BC] (3v) K declare goods B with value C for customs purposes. tracue, <true say> [K‍-‍BN] (3v) K declare/state/affirm/assert/maintain/allege/profess sentence B to N. declension, po purfadcea, <word end change> (n) B is a conjugation/declension in language D. po purfaocea, <word end change> (n) B is a conjugation/declension in language D. decline, ckenurhui, <time destroyed> [D‍-‍] (1v) D decline/decay/become ruined by time. lopo ckenurhui, <time destroyed> (n) decay/decadence/decline/ruin/ruination, mass term of states. po ckenurhui, <time destroyed> (n) a/some decay/decadence/decline/ruin/ruination, a spec. state of temporal ruin. cmacea, <small become> (v) decline/lessen/abate/dwindle/ebb. purfadcea, <word end change> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K conjugate/decline/inflect D. purfaocea, <word end change> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K conjugate/decline/inflect D. tifnortaa, <offer not talk> [K‍-‍BS] (3v) K decline/refuse offer B from S. declined, nu purfadcea, <word end change> (a) conjugated/inflected/declined (as of a language). nu purfaocea, <word end change> (a) conjugated/inflected/declined (as of a language). decodable, nu fansmisri, <reverse secret write> (a) decodable/decipherable, conv. of decipher. decode, fansmisri, <reverse secret write> [K‍-‍SP] (3v) K decipher/decode/make out S into P. decoder, fansmisri, <reverse secret write> (n) a decipherer/decoder, one who deciphers. decompose, rancea, <rotten become> [D‍-‍] (1v) D spoil/decay/rot/decompose, of organic material. decomposition, po rancea, <rotten become> (n) a decadence/decomposition/decay, a spec. event of rotting. decor, lopo hasdua, <house adorn> (n) decor/decoration, mass property. decoratable, nu dunmao, <adorn make> (a) adorned/decoratable/decorated/trimmed, as by persons. decorate, dunmao, <adorn make> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K adorn/decorate/trim D with B. durna, [K‍-‍D] (2v) K adorn/decorate/deck/ornament/trim D. hasdua, <house adorn> [K‍-‍BP] (3v) K decorate/furnish dwelling B with P. decorated, nu dunmao, <adorn make> (a) adorned/decoratable/decorated/trimmed, as by persons. nu durna, (a) adorned/decorated/ornamented/fancy/decked/trimmed, as with ornaments. decoration, fu dunmao, <adorn make> (n) decoration/trimmings, a thing used to decorate. po dunmao, <adorn make> (n) an adornment/decoration, an act of -ing. durna, (n) an adornment/decoration/decking/ornament/trimming, a spec. ornament. lopo hasdua, <house adorn> (n) decor/decoration, mass property. po hasdua, <house adorn> (n) an instance of decoration/furnishing (of … with …). decorative, durna, (a) decorative/ornamental, pert. to ornaments. decorator, dunmao, <adorn make> (n) a decorator, one who -es. hasdua, <house adorn> (n) decorator (… with …). decrease, cmacko, <small cause> [N‍-‍B] (2v) N shrink/reduce/diminish/decrease, make smaller B in size, nonintentional; 'Hot water shrinks wool'. po cmacko, <small cause> (n) a reduction/diminution/decrease, an act of -ing something. cmamao, <small make> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K shrink/reduce/diminish/decrease, make smaller B in size, intentional. po cmamao, <small make> (n) a reduction/diminution/decrease, an act of -ing something. decree, fu tcorykoi, <authority command> (n) a decree … from …. tcorykoi, <authority command> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K decree that D do V. po tcorykoi, <authority command> (n) a decree, (referring to the act). decriminalize, tsikaitoa, <criminal quality take> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K decriminalize/make legal B by (decree/bill) V. dedicate, nartysea, <apart set> [K‍-‍DP] (3v) K dedicate/consecrate D to P. dedicated, nu nartysea, <apart set> (a) dedicated/consecrated (by … to …), referring to that which is -ed. dedicating, nartysea, <apart set> (a) dedicating/consecrating (… to …) - pertaining to the act. dedication, po nartysea, <apart set> (n) a dedication/consecration (… to …), a -ing event. deduce, trastemao, <true sentences make> [K‍-‍PS] (3v) K deduce P from premises S. deduction, lopu trastemao, <true sentences make> (n) deduction/(deductive) inference, mass term of the process. nu trastemao, <true sentences make> (n) a deduction/inference (by … from …), that which is deduced. deed, cuepre, <say paper> [B‍-‍VK] (3n) B is a document/deed/contract/covenant expressing action V by party(ies) K. nu durzo, (n) deed, a thing done by … to …, conv. ponlilfurlei, <possess law permit (right)> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a title/deed/right of ownership to/in N. ponpre, <own paper> [B‍-‍NDS] (4n) B is a title/deed transferring property N to D from S. veu, (pp) Events/States/Effects/Deeds/Means/Routes, case tag (event/state/effect/deed/mean/route). deed oriented, durkaimou, <do quality more> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more practical/deed oriented than J. deep, con, (af) a combining form of condi, deep. deep sound, damsoa, <low sound> [B‍-‍] (n) B is a low sound/deep sound. deepen, concko, <deep cause> [V‍-‍D] (2v) V deepen D, make(s) … deeper, nonintentional. conmao, <deep make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K deepen D by V, make … deeper, intentional. deepening, po concko, <deep cause> (n) a deepening, an act/process of -ing. po conmao, <deep make> (n) a deepening, an act/process of -ing. deeper, condi, [G‍-‍JC] (3a) G is deeper/more profound than J by C. deepest part, conpai, <deepest part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the bottom/deepest part of F. deer, cervi, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is an fawn/infant deer of region/range S. cervo, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a hart/stag/male deer of region/range S. cervu, [B‍-‍S] (1n) B is a deer, a member of the Cervidae, of region S. deer like, cerve, [G‍-‍J] (1a) G is more cervine/deer like than J. defeat, dorgau, <war win> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K vanquish/conquer/defeat D in war V. po dorgau, <war win> (n) a vanquishment/conquest/defeat/victory, an act of -ing. kadgau, <fight win> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K defeat/prevail/beat D in fight/struggle V. po nu kadgau, <fight win> (n) a defeat, a spec. state of being -ed. defeated, nu kadgau, <fight win> (a) defeated/beaten, of the loser of a struggle. defecate, ctupro, <feces produce> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K defecate on/in D. defecation, po ctupro, <feces produce> (n) a defecation, an act of -ing. defect, nabckocitlu, <problem causing detail> [N‍-‍B] (2a) N is a defect/fault of B. tsero, [B‍-‍SN] (3n) B is an error/defect/mistake/fault/imperfection of/in S by standard N. defective, nu nabckocitlu, <problem causing detail> (a) defective/faulty, having defects/faults. tseflo, <error full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more defective/erroneous, full of errors than J. defective in, tseveo, <error contain> [B‍-‍F] (2a) B is erroneous/defective in, contain errors F. defectiveness, pu tseflo, <error full> (n) an erroneousness/defectiveness, a property of being -ive. pu tseveo, <error contain> (n) a defectiveness/erroneousness, a property of being -ive. defence, lopo curmaokamda, <safe make fight> (n) defence, mass term of acts. po curmaokamda, <safe make fight> (n) a defence, a spec. act of defending. po stocurkamda, <stay secure fight> (1n) a defence (… against …), an instance of -ing. defend, curmaokamda, <safe make fight> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K defend, fight to secure D against/from N. stocurkamda, <stay secure fight> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K defend D against V. defendable, nu curmaokamda, <safe make fight> (a) defendable, can be -ed, conv. of defend. defendant, nu liltakma, <legal attack> (n) a defendant, one sued, conv. of plaintiff. defender, curmaokamda, <safe make fight> (n) a defender, one who defends. stocurkamda, <stay secure fight> (n) defender (of … against …), one who -s. defending, stocurkamda, <stay secure fight> (n) defending (… against …), pertaining to -ing. defiance, lopu kadtiu, <fight offer> (n) defiance, mass property. po kadtiu, <fight offer> (n) an instance of defiance to … about …. defiant, kadtiu, <fight offer> (a) defiant to … about …, pertaining to one who -ies. deficiency, nu cnifio, <need feel> (n) a deficiency, a felt need, conv. of lack. deficit, fu nurmou, <conv. of more> (n) a/the deficit, amount by which … is exceeded. define, kalpebmao, <completely specific make[completely specify]> [K‍-‍SP] (3v) K define/completely specify S as P. kalspebi, <complete specification> (vt) define, be a definition of …. defining, fu lodsei, <logic set> (n) a superset specifying the defining property of the members … of some set. fu pebsei, <special set> (n) a superset specifying the defining property of the members … of some set. definite, foldja, <strongly know> [K‍-‍B] (2a) K is sure/certain/definite/convinced/positive of the truth of sentence B. sirfio, <certain feel> [K‍-‍V] (2a) K is sure/certain/definite/convinced/positive of/about the existence of state/event/the truth of claim/sentence V. definition, fu kalpebmao, <completely specific make[completely specify]> (n) a definition, one made by …. po kalpebmao, <completely specific make[completely specify]> (n) a definition, an act of -ing. kalspebi, <complete specification> [P‍-‍S] (2n) P is a definition/complete specification of S. deform, parhui, <partially destroy> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K mar/deform/mutilate D by V. defraud, tsidupma, <crime deceive> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K defraud D of valuable(s) B. defy, kadtiu, <fight offer> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K defy D about B. degree, ciapre, <learn-paper> [B‍-‍DSN] (4n) B is a degree/certificate of achievement granted to D by school/college/university S for successful completion of a course of study in field/subject/profession N. dugri, [C‍-‍S] (2n) C is a degree/grade/unit of scale/dimension S. farnheiti, [N‍-‍C] (2) N has a measure of C in degree(s) Fahrenheit, default 1. degree C, celsi, [N‍-‍CC] (3n) N measure(s) C in degree C, default 1. degree K, kelvi, [B‍-‍CK] (3) B measure(s) C in degree K, default 1. degreed, nu ciapre, <learn-paper> (a) degreed, of persons with educational degrees. degrees, nursudna, <conv. of sudden> (av) gradually/little by little/by degrees, gradually, conv. of sudden. dehydrate, dracko, <dry cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N dry/dehydrate D, nonintentional; 'the wind dries the clothes'. dramao, <dry make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K dry/dehydrate D by/with V, intentional. deindex, fansri, <reverse write> [K‍-‍CB] (3v) K erase/deindex C from B, use also for computer files. deinstall, fanpogsea, <reverse program set> [K‍-‍VF] (3n) K deinstall/uninstall(s) program V from system F. deity, gandi, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the god/deity/divine being of people F. lo gandi, (n) a deity/(the) divinity, the mass of such beings. deja vu, paknurvia, <before seen> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is a deja vu experience, an irrational feeling that something is familiar. delay, fucdurdii, <later do decide> [K‍-‍VSN] (4v) K put off/postpone/delay V for reason(s) S until N. po goztsefui, <go erroneously after> (n) a lateness/delay in departure, an event of being delayed. po kamtsefui, <go erroneously after> (n) a lateness/delay in arrival, an event of being delayed. tsefucmao, <error after make> [K‍-‍DV] (3vt) K delay/make late/tardy D for V, intentional. po tsefucmao, <error after make> (n) an act of delay. tsefuicea, <error after become> (v) linger/tarry/delay/dawdle. tsefuicko, <error after cause> [N‍-‍DV] (3vt) N delay D/cause … to be late/tardy for V, nonintentional. po tsefuicko, <error after cause> (n) an instance of delay. delayed, goztsefui, <go erroneously after> [G‍-‍J] (2v) G is later/tardier/more delayed in departure than J. goztsefui, <go erroneously after> (a) late/tardy/delayed in departure. lopu goztsefui, <go erroneously after> (n) lateness/ being delayed, mass prop. kamtsefui, <go erroneously after> [G‍-‍J] (2v) G is later/tardier/more delayed in arrival than J. kamtsefui, <go erroneously after> (a) late/tardy/delayed in arrival. lopu kamtsefui, <go erroneously after> (n) lateness/ being delayed, mass prop. nu tsefucmao, <error after make> (n) delayed. nu tsefuicko, <error after cause> (n) delayed. delayer, tsefucmao, <error after make> (n) a delayer. tsefuicko, <error after cause> (n) a delayer. delegate, diltia, <represent choose> [K‍-‍DVP] (4v) K delegate/deputize D to do V for P. nu diltia, <represent choose> (n) delegate/deputy (by … to do … for …), the one -ed. delegating, diltia, <represent choose> (a) delegating/deputizing (… to do … for …), pertaining to the act. delegation, po diltia, <represent choose> (n) an instance of delegation/deputizing (… to do … for …). delete, fanmarmao, <reverse mark make> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K erase/efface/delete/rub out B. kia, (pm) (delete previous word). kio, (pm) (delete this utterance). deletion, nu zvosea, <out put> (n) a deletion/removal, that which is -ed. po zvosea, <out put> (n) a deletion, a spec. act of -ing. deliberate, kejtao, <carefully argue> [K‍-‍F] (2v) K deliberate about F (group). nu modvi, (a) motivated/deliberate/express, of intended actions, q.v. nurmoi, <motivated (deliberate)> [B‍-‍] (1) B is motivated/deliberate/express. sairtao, <silent argue> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K deliberate about/carefully consider the pros and cons of V (self). deliberation, po kejtao, <carefully argue> (n) a deliberation, an act of -ing. deliberative, kejtao, <carefully argue> (a) deliberative about …. deliberativeness, pu kejtao, <carefully argue> (n) a deliberativeness, a spec. property. delicacy, lopu brocli, <break more> (n) delicacy/fragility, mass term. pu brocli, <break more> (n) a delicacy/fragility, a sp. property. dilko, (n) delicacy, a delicate thing. po dilko, (n) an instance of delicacy/subtlety, a — behaviour. delicate, brocli, <break more> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more breakable/fragile/delicate than J. brocli, <break more> (a) delicate/breakable/fragile. dilko, [B‍-‍DN] (3a) B is delicate/subtle/pleasing to D in quality N. delicious, pluguo, <pleasing taste> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more delicious/flavourful/flavorful than J. delight, plumou, <please more> (n) a delight, an exceeding pleasure. po fu plumou, <please more> (n) a delight, a state of being -ed. delighted, fu plumou, <please more> (a) delighted, conv. of delightful. delightful, plumou, <please more> [G‍-‍DJD] (4a) G is more pleasing/delightful to D(1) than J is to D(2). deliver, fadbei, <end carry> [K‍-‍BDS] (4v) K deliver B to D from S. fanklipu, <reverse keep> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K deliver/surrender/return B to D. rezmao, <free make> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K free/liberate/deliver/emancipate/set loose D from B, intentional. rezycko, <free cause> [N‍-‍DB] (3v) N free/liberate/deliver/emancipate/set loose D from B, nonintentional. deliverance, po rezmao, <free make> (n) a liberation/deliverance, an act of -ing. po rezycko, <free cause> (n) a liberation/deliverance, an act of -ing. delivered, nu rezmao, <free make> (a) liberated/delivered, conv. of liberate. rezycea, <free become> [D‍-‍B] (2v) D is/are freed/liberated/delivered/set loose from B. rezycea, <free become> (a) liberated/delivered/freed (from …). nu rezycko, <free cause> (a) liberated/delivered, conv. of liberate. delivery, nu fadbei, <end carry> (n) a delivery, a -ed thing, conv. form. po fadbei, <end carry> (n) a delivery, an act of -ing. po fanklipu, <reverse keep> (n) an instance of delivery/surrender(of … to …). delivery person, fadbei, <end carry> (n) a delivery person, one who -s. delta, deo, (l) delta/(δ), Greek lower case letter, one of a pool of symbols. delude, falkricko, <false believe cause> [V‍-‍DN] (3v) V mislead/delude/be an illusion to D about N (unintentional) e.g. This picture deludes (is an illusion to) me. falkrimao, <false believe make> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K delude D about N (intentional). deluded, falkricea, <false believe become> [D‍-‍N] (2v) D is/are deluded about N (cause unspecified). nu falkricko, <false believe cause> (a) deluded/misled (by …). nu falkrimao, <false believe make> (a) deluded by … about …. delusion, lopu falkricea, <false believe become> (n) delusion/illusion, mass property. nu falkricea, <false believe become> (n) a delusion/illusion (of …). po falkricea, <false believe become> (n) an instance of an illusion/delusion event. lopu falkricko, <false believe cause> (n) delusion, mass property. fu falkrimao, <false believe make> (n) a delusion of … by …. lopu falkrimao, <false believe make> (n) delusion, mass property. po falkrimao, <false believe make> (n) a delusion of … about …, a specific instance. falnurkri, <false opinion> [N‍-‍V] (2n) N is a delusion/illusion, false belief about V. demand, foskoi, <forcing order> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K demand/insist on action/object B from/of D. nu foskoi, <forcing order> (n) a demand, a -ed thing, conv. of demand. po foskoi, <forcing order> (n) a demand/insistence, an act of -ing. nerbi, [N‍-‍V] (2n) N is a factually necessary condition/demand for event/process V. nurdazysei, <wanted set> [V‍-‍BN] (3n) V is the demand for B in market/system N. demanded, nerbi, (a) necessary/required/demanded/essential/indispensible/vital for …, of factual conditions. demanding, foskoi, <forcing order> (a) demanding, of that which demands. deme, nu geersei, <gene set> (n) is a deme/breeding population with gene pool … of species …. nu gersei, <gene set> (n) is a deme/breeding population with gene pool … of species …. democracy, pipgarsio, <people rule system> [N‍-‍] (1n) N is a democracy. rorperkrisio, <many person belief system> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an (instance of) democracy, a -ic creed. lo rorperkrisio, <many person belief system> (n) democracy, general term. democrat, pipgaikri, <people rule system> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a democrat. rorperkri, <many person believer> (n) a democrat, one who is -ic. democratic, rorperkri, <many person believer> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more democratic than J. rorperkrisio, <many person belief system> (a) democratic. demolish, foirlelsea, <force level set> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K knock down/raze/demolish B by V. kalhui, <completely destroy> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K ruin/demolish/obliterate/completely destroy D. demolished, nu kalhui, <completely destroy> (a) obliterated/ruined/demolished, completely destroyed. demolition, po kalhui, <completely destroy> (n) an obliteration/demolition, an act of -ing. demonstrable, nu viacko, <see cause> (a) demonstrable, can be shown. nu vizmao, <see make> (a) demonstrable, can be shown. demonstratable, nu travizlei, <true see let(show)> (a) demonstratable/proveable, capable of being proved. demonstrate, pubvizlei, <publicly see let (exhibit)> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K demonstrate about V. viacko, <see cause> [N‍-‍VD] (3v) N show/demonstrate V to D, nonintentional. vizmao, <see make> [K‍-‍ND] (3v) K show/demonstrate N to D, intentional. demonstrate the truth of, travizlei, <true see let(show)> [K‍-‍ND] (3v) K prove/demonstrate the truth of N to D. demonstrated, pa nu travizlei, <true see let(show)> (a) proved/demonstrated. demonstration, po pubvizlei, <publicly see let (exhibit)> (2n) a demonstration about …. po travizlei, <true see let(show)> (n) a proof/demonstration, an act of -ing. po viacko, <see cause> (n) a demonstration, an act of -ing. po vizmao, <see make> (n) a demonstration, an act of -ing. demonstrator, pubvizlei, <publicly see let (exhibit)> (n) demonstrator about …. travizlei, <true see let(show)> (n) demonstrator (of … to …), one who -s. viacko, <see cause> (n) a demonstrator, that which -s. vizmao, <see make> (n) a demonstrator, one who -es. den, holhaa, <hole house> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is the den/lair of D. dendrite, dendiriti, [B‍-‍] (1) B is a dendrite, a tree like crystal. dendritic, dendiriti, (a) dendritic, tree like. denial, po begnordou, <requester non grant> (n) a refusal/denial, an act of -ing a request. po durnortaa, <do not talk> (n) denial, an act of -ing that one did …. lopo faltaa, <false talker> (n) denial, mass term of acts. po faltaa, <false talker> (n) a denial, an act of -ing the truth of …. po norcue, <no say> (n) a refusal/denial, an act of saying no to …. po norsanmao, <no signal> (n) a refusal/denial, an act of -ing by gesture. denied, nu faltaa, <false talker> (a) denied, conv. of deny. denomination, lidgru, <religion group> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a religious sect/denomination including member(s) B. denominational, lidgru, <religion group> (a) sectarian/denominational, pert. to religious groups. denounce, pubzavcue, <public bad say> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K denounce D for doing/being V. dense, ctitio, <stuff heavy> (a) dense. denser, ctitio, <stuff heavy> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is denser than J. density, lopu ctitio, <stuff heavy> (n) density. dent, fansulba, <reverse swelling> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a depression/valley/dip/hollow/dent/gully in F. dental, dante, (a) dental, pert. to teeth. denumerable, nu konte, (a) numerable/enumerable/denumerable/countable, of sets/multiples with -able elements. deny, no begdou, <request give> (3v) deny/refuse request … to …. begnordou, <requester non grant> [K‍-‍VD] (3v) K deny/refuse request V from D. durnortaa, <do not talk> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K deny doing/having done V. norcue, <no say> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K refuse/deny, says no to proposal B by D. norsanmao, <no signal> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K deny/refuse, gesture/signal denial to D. no viadja, <see know> (v) deny/disown (… to be …). deodorant, korsutpozfa, <body odour oppose> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some deodorant. depart, sacgoi, <start go> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K leave/depart/quit to D from S. sackaa, <start come> [K‍-‍SD] (3v) K leave/depart/quit from S for D. department, furgalpai, <organization part> [B‍-‍FP] (3n) B is a department/section/administrative unit in company/university/organization F, with functions/duties P. galpai, <organization part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a department/faculty/division/branch/section of organization F. departmental, furgalpai, <organization part> (a) departmental, pert. to departments. departure, po sacgoi, <start go> (n) a departure, an act of -ing. sacgoikru, <start go room> [S‍-‍DF] (3n) S is a departure lounge for flight/destination D in building F. po sackaa, <start come> (n) a departure, an act of -ing. depend, kaokri, <act believe> [D‍-‍KPN] (4v) D depend/rely/count on K for performance P in situation N. nurjuo, <conv. of support> [D‍-‍KB] (3v) D depend/be dependent on K for B. dependability, pu nu kaokri, <act believe> (n) a reliability/dependability, a spec. property. dependable, djupo, (a) dependable, support (q.v.) … in/by …. nu kaokri, <act believe> (a) reliable/dependable, of one who is relied on. dependence, po nurjuo, <conv. of support> (n) a dependence, a state/condition of -ing. dependency, lopu nurjuo, <conv. of support> (n) dependency, mass property of -ing. dependent, nurjuo, <conv. of support> [D‍-‍KB] (3v) D depend/be dependent on K for B. nurjuo, <conv. of support> (n) a dependent, one who depends. depilate, herclecko, <hair without cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N depilate D, remove hair nonintentionally, e.g. ionizing radiation depilates. (causes depilation). herclemao, <hair without make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K depilate D with V, remove hair intentionally. depilated, herclecea, <hair without become> [N‍-‍] (1v) N become bald/depilated, lose hair (actor unspecified). nu herclecko, <hair without cause> (a) depilated, hair removed (nonintentionally). nu herclemao, <hair without make> (a) depilated, hair removed. depilation, po herclecea, <hair without become> (n) an instance of balding/depilation. po herclecko, <hair without cause> (n) an instance of depilation, nonintentional hair loss. po herclemao, <hair without make> (n) an instance of depilation, caused hair loss. depilatory, fu herclemao, <hair without make> (n) a depilatory, used for removing hair. deplore, conkectaa, <deep sad talk> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K deplore(s) V. deploring, conkectaa, <deep sad talk> (a) deploring … — pertaining to one who -s. deport, zvogunkoi, <outside country order> [K‍-‍DSV] (4v) K banish/deport D from S for V. deportation, lopu zvogunkoi, <outside country order> (n) banishment/deportation, mass property. po zvogunkoi, <outside country order> (n) a banishment/deportation (of … from … for …). deported, nu zvogunkoi, <outside country order> (a) deported/banished (by … from … for …). deportee, nu zvogunkoi, <outside country order> (n) deportee (by … from … for …), one who is -ed. depose, poirtoa, <power take> (3v) K depose/usurp D from position of power N. deposer, poirtoa, <power take> (n) deposer/usurper (… from …), one who takes power. deposing, po poirtoa, <power take> (n) an instance of tyranny/deposing/usurping. deposit, bankyduo, <bank do> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K bank/deposit money B in/at bank D. nu bankyduo, <bank do> (n) deposit, money banked. bankysea, <bank place> [K‍-‍CDB] (4v) K bank/deposit money C in/at bank D in account B. nu bankysea, <bank place> (n) deposit, money banked. nensea, <in put> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K put/insert/deposit B in/at D. nu nensea, <in put> (n) an insertion/deposit (by … in …), that which is -ed. sordi, [F‍-‍BD] (3n) F is a store/reserve/deposit/depot of B made/kept by D. depositor, nensea, <in put> (n) a depositor (of … in …), one who -s. depository, srohaa, <deposit house> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a warehouse/storehouse/reservoir/depository/godown of/for stores N. deposits, lo nu bankyduo, <bank do> (n) deposits, all such. lo nu bankysea, <bank place> (n) deposits, all such. depot, sordi, [F‍-‍BD] (3n) F is a store/reserve/deposit/depot of B made/kept by D. stana, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a station/stop/depot in transport system F. trestana, <train station> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a railroad station/depot of train system(s) F. depress, damfilmao, <down feel make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K depress D/is depressing to … /makes … feel low/depressed. (intentional). damfiocko, <down feel cause> [V‍-‍D] (2v) V depress D/is depressing to … /makes … feel low/depressed. (non intentional). dampuo, <down push> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K depress/push down D. haptoa, <happy remove> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K depress D/is depressing to … /makes … feel low/depressed. depressed, damfio, <down feel> [D‍-‍V] (2v) D is/are depressed about V. damfio, <down feel> (a) depressed (about …). depressing, damfilmao, <down feel make> (a) depressing (to …), causing -ion. damfiocko, <down feel cause> (a) depressing (to …), causing -ion. haptoa, <happy remove> (a) depressing (to …), causing -ion. depression, lopu damfio, <down feel> (n) depression (mass property). po damfio, <down feel> (n) an instance of depression (about …). fansulba, <reverse swelling> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a depression/valley/dip/hollow/dent/gully in F. holdu, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a pit/hole/depression in surface S. deprivation, lopu clespe, <without experiencing> (n) deprivation (mass property of being -ed). lopu nu clespe, <without experiencing> (n) deprivation (mass property of -ing.). po clespe, <without experiencing> (n) an instance of deprivation (by … of … for …), being -d. po nu clespe, <without experiencing> (n) an instance of deprivation (of … of … for …), -ing someone. lopu furtoafio, <taken from feel> (n) deprivation (mass property of being -ed). lopu nu furtoafio, <taken from feel> (n) deprivation (mass property of -ing.). po furtoafio, <taken from feel> (n) an instance of deprivation (by … of … for …), being -d. po nu furtoafio, <taken from feel> (n) an instance of deprivation (… of … for …), -ing someone. lopu nurcnitoa, <need take> (n) deprivation (mass property of -ing.). po nurcnitoa, <need take> (n) an instance of deprivation (of … of … for …), -ing someone. deprive, biltoa, <beauty take> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K strip/deprive D of beauty by V. nu clespe, <without experiencing> (v) deprive (… of … for …). nu furtoafio, <taken from feel> (4v) deprive (… of … for …). nurcnitoa, <need take> [K‍-‍DBVP] (5v) K deprive D of B by V with purpose P. deprived, clespe, <without experiencing> [D‍-‍KBP] (4v) D is/are deprived by K of B with purpose P. clespe, <without experiencing> (a) deprived (by … of … for …). furtoafio, <taken from feel> [D‍-‍BKP] (4v) D is deprived of B by K with purpose P. furtoafio, <taken from feel> (a) deprived (of … by … for …). depth, pu condi, (n) a depth/profundity, a spec. property of deepness. deputize, diltia, <represent choose> [K‍-‍DVP] (4v) K delegate/deputize D to do V for P. deputizing, diltia, <represent choose> (a) delegating/deputizing (… to do … for …), pertaining to the act. po diltia, <represent choose> (n) an instance of delegation/deputizing (… to do … for …). deputy, nu diltia, <represent choose> (n) delegate/deputy (by … to do … for …), the one -ed. derivation, nu ginkaa, <root come> (n) an origin/source/derivation, a source from which … is -ed. po ginkaa, <root come> (n) an origination/derivation, a process of -ing from …. fu sacykamymao, <start come make> (n) a derivation, a source from which … is -ed. po sacykamymao, <start come make> (n) a derivation, an act of -ing something. po nu sacykamymao, <start come make> (n) a derivation, a state of being -ed. derive, ginkaa, <root come> [P‍-‍S] (2v) P come/proceed/derive/arise/originate from/in S. sacykamymao, <start come make> [K‍-‍PS] (3v) K derive P from source/root(s) S. descend, damkaa, <lower come> [K‍-‍SD] (3v) K descend/go down from S to D. futlinkui, <future lineal kin> (3v) P descend from S via V. descendant, futlinkui, <future lineal kin> [P‍-‍SV] (3n) a/some descendant/progeny of … via …. descent, po damkaa, <lower come> (n) descent, an act of -ing. lepo da futlinkui de, <future lineal kin> (2n) the descent of … from …. lopo futlinkui, <future lineal kin> (n) descent in general. describability, lopu furpeo, <2nd conv. of think, think-about-able> (n) imaginability/conceivability/describability, the mass of such properties. pu furpeo, <2nd conv. of think, think-about-able> (n) a/the imaginability/conceivability/describability of specific places/worlds/things, a spec. property of such things. describable, furpeo, <2nd conv. of think, think-about-able> [B‍-‍PK] (3a) B is imaginable/conceivable/describable in thoughts/terms/features P by thinker(s) K. furpeo, <2nd conv. of think, think-about-able> (a) imaginable/conceivable/describable, of places/things/topics that can be thought about. nu tcutaa, <picture talk> (a) describable, can be -ed. describe, tcutaa, <picture talk> [K‍-‍SPD] (4v) K describe S as P to D. described, tcucli, <picture like> [B‍-‍N] (2ph) B is as described/pictured in N. description, fu tcutaa, <picture talk> (n) a description, a description of something. po tcutaa, <picture talk> (n) a description, an act of -ing. descriptive, fu tcutaa, <picture talk> (a) descriptive, pert. to descriptions. desert, denkaa, <danger come[from]> [K‍-‍] (1v) K desert companions in danger. kalclekaa, <complete without come> [K‍-‍SD] (3v) K abandon/forsake/desert from S to D intentionally. norprolai, <barren land> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a desert/waste/wasteland/wilderness/barren of landmass F. lo norprolai, <barren land> (n) (the) wilderness/desert, mass term. nu nurbarda, <conv. of reward> (n) a desert, a deserved reward. nu nurkasfa, <conv. of punish> (n) desert, a deserved punishment. deserted, nu kalclekaa, <complete without come> (a) deserted/forsaken/abandoned, that which is deserted. sitlivclecea, <place livers(residents) without become> [B‍-‍] (1vi) B is deserted/abandoned. deserter, kalclekaa, <complete without come> (n) a deserter, one who abandons. desertion, po kalclekaa, <complete without come> (n) an abandonment/desertion, an act of -ing. deserve, nurbarda, <conv. of reward> [D‍-‍BKV] (4v) D deserve/merit reward B from K for V. nurkasfa, <conv. of punish> [K‍-‍PSV] (4v) K deserve punishment P from S for V. deserving, nurbarda, <conv. of reward> (a) meritorious/deserving, of one who merits a reward. nurkasfa, <conv. of punish> (a) deserving, of punishment. design, dai, (af) a combining form of danci, design. dan, (af) a combining form of danci, design. danci, [B‍-‍VS] (3n) B is a plan/design for doing V made by S. danmao, <design make> [K‍-‍PD] (3v) K plan/design P for client D. tcudai, <picture plan> [B‍-‍PS] (3n) B is a design/sketch/blueprint/plans for the construction/doing of P drawn/produced by S. designate, namsaa, <name sign> [P‍-‍B] (2v) P designate/mean/refer uniquely to B. namsanduo, <name sign do> [K‍-‍SP] (3v) K designate S with sign P. designation, namsaa, <name sign> (n) a designation, a sign which -s. lopo namsaa, <name sign> (n) designation, mass term. nu namsaa, <name sign> (n) a meaning/reference/designation, that which is -ed. po namsaa, <name sign> (n) a designation, a spec. event of -ing. fu namsanduo, <name sign do> (n) a designation, a sign used to designate. nu namsanduo, <name sign do> (n) a designation, a thing designated. po namsanduo, <name sign do> (n) a designation, a spec. act of -ing. designator, namsanduo, <name sign do> (n) a designator, one who/that which -es …. designatum, nursaa, <conv. of sign> [V‍-‍BD] (3n) V is a referent/designatum/meaning/sense/significance of/thing designated by sign B to D. designed, nu danci, (a) planned/designed. designer, fu danci, (n) planner/designer of …. danmao, <design make> (n) a designer/planner, one who -s. tekto, [S‍-‍P] (2n) S is the/an architect/designer of building/project P. desirable, nu danza, (a) desirable, worthy of -ing. desire, danza, [K‍-‍VP] (3v) K desire/want state/object/event V for purpose P. nu danza, (n) a desire, a desired state or thing. po danza, (n) a want/desire/urge, a spec. state of -ing. (V K-DP). stodaa, <lasting want> [B‍-‍V] (2v) B desire/crave/long for, have an insatiable desire for V. nu stodaa, <lasting want> (n) a desire/craving, a thing -ed, conv. of crave. po stodaa, <lasting want> (n) a desire/longing/craving, an act/state of craving. desiring, danza, (a) desiring/desirous, pertaining to —. desirous, danza, (a) desiring/desirous, pertaining to —. desk, sritoe, <writing table> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a desk, a writing table. desolate, haicle, <happy without> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more desolate/joyless than J. livnorjuo, <life not support> [K‍-‍J] (2a) K is more desolate/lifeless than J. nartyfio, <apart feel> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more desolate/lonely/withdrawn than J. desolation, lopo haicle, <happy without> (n) desolation, mass state. lopu haicle, <happy without> (n) desolation, mass property. lopo livnorjuo, <life not support> (n) desolation/loneliness, mass state. lopu livnorjuo, <life not support> (n) desolation/loneliness, mass property. lopo nartyfio, <apart feel> (n) desolation/loneliness, mass state. lopu nartyfio, <apart feel> (n) desolation/loneliness, mass property. desoxyribonucleic, deoksiribonukle, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is a desoxyribonucleic substance. desoxyribonucleic acid, deoksiribonukle acdi, (ph) some desoxyribonucleic acid/DNA, encoder of genetic infm. DaiNaizA, [B‍-‍S] (acr) acronymic name for DNA/desoxyribonucleic acid. despair, lopo spocle, <hope without> (n) despair/hopelessness, mass state. spodru, <hope lose> [D‍-‍V] (2v) D despair/lose hope of V. lopo spodru, <hope lose> (n) despair/hopelessness, mass state. despairing, spodru, <hope lose> (a) despairing, losing hope of …. despecialize, pebtoa, <special take> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K despecialize/make ordinary B just like any other thing of the same type by doing V. desperate, spocle, <hope without> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is (more) hopeless/desperate (than J). despise, damble, <down look> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K despise/disdain/have contempt for/scorn for D. despised, nu damble, <down look> (a) despised/disdained/scorned (by …), a thing -ed. despising, damble, <down look> (a) despising/disdaining/scorning/scornful of …. despite, inokou, (c) even though/although/despite, of unproductive causes ('although it's cold'). inomoi, (c) even though/although/despite, of unproductive motives ('although i'm hungry'). inorau, (c) even though/although/despite, of unproductive reasons ('although I earned it'). inosoa, (c) even though/although/despite, of unproductive premises ('although two is even'). nokou, (pp) despite (cause) …, used before designations of unexpected effects. nomoi, (pp) despite (motive) …, used before designations of unmotivated actions. norau, (pp) despite (reason) …, used before designations of unjustified outcomes. nosoa, (pp) despite (premise) …, used before designations of unentailed claims. destination, dio, (pp) Destinations/Receivers, case tag (destination/receiver). fu damkaa, <lower come> (n) destination (of going down). nu dzoru, (n) destination, of a walk, q.v. nu fleti, (n) a destination, of a flight. fu glida, (n) a destination, of a guide q.v. nu godzi, (n) a/the destination, of an act of going/coming to it, q.v. fu kamla, (n) a destination, of coming/going from … to …. fu krani, (n) a destination, of a drive, q.v. nu prano, (n) a destination, of a run, q.v. nu rutma, (n) a/the destination, of a route, q.v. nu traci, (n) a destination, of a trip (see 'travel'). destine, normuvfucdou, <not move later give> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K destine D to fate/destiny V. destined, nu normuvfucdou, <not move later give> (a) destined, of one -ed by some agent. nu normuvfui, <not move(fixed) future> (a) doomed/fated/predestined/destined, fated, having a fate. destiny, fu normuvfucdou, <not move later give> (n) destiny, as given by some agent, conv. normuvfui, <not move(fixed) future> [V‍-‍B] (2n) V is a/the destiny/fate/doom of B. lo normuvfui, <not move(fixed) future> (n) doom/fate/destiny, mass term. destroy, hui, (af) a combining form of hutri, destroy. hut, (af) a combining form of hutri, destroy. hutri, [K‍-‍D] (2v) K destroy/ruin/wreck/lay waste/ravage D. kalhui, <completely destroy> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K ruin/demolish/obliterate/completely destroy D. destroyed by, nurhui, <conv. of destroy> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is a/the victim of/is destroyed by V. destroyer, hutri, (n) a destroyer, one who/that which -s. destructibility, pu nu hutri, (n) a destructibility, a spec. property. destructible, nu hutri, (a) destructible, can be -ed. destruction, po hutri, (n) a destruction, a spec. instance. destructive, hutri, (a) destructive, of that which/one who -s. detached, nornurfei, <not concerned> [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is detached/unconcerned about V. detachment, lopo nornurfei, <not concerned> (n) detachment/unconcern (about …), mass state. nartygru, <apart group> [B‍-‍FP] (3n) B is a detachment of F for P. detail, cil, (af) a combining form of citlu, detail. citlu, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a detail/particular/minor feature of/about F. nie, (av) in detail/looking closely, a discourse oper., used before sentences (UI). detailed, cilflo, <detail full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more detailed, full of details than J. detailedness, pu cilflo, <detail full> (n) detailedness, a property. details, voi, (av) skipping details/without going into details, a sent. modifier. detain, litnu, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K hold/restrain/keep/check/stop/curb/detain D from doing V. stocko, <stay cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N detain D, cause … to stay, nonintentional; 'The snow detained me'. stomao, <stay make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K detain D, make … stay, intentional. detective, tsiduvrai, <criminal discover try> (n) a detective. detective fiction, tsiduvrai fikco, <criminal discover try> (ph) some detective fiction. detector, metysaspae, <metal sense apparatus> [K‍-‍] (1n) K is a metal detector. detention, po stocko, <stay cause> (n) a detention, an event of -ing. po nu stocko, <stay cause> (n) a detention, a state of being -ed. po stomao, <stay make> (n) a detention, an act of -ing. po nu stomao, <stay make> (n) a detention, a state of being -ed. determination, po cnadui, <quantity discover> (n) a determination, act of -ing a quantity. lopo normuvdii, <unmoving(fixed) decide> (n) determination, mass term of states. po normuvdii, <unmoving(fixed) decide> (n) a determination, a state of being -ed. po numdui, <number find> (n) determination, an act of -ing a number. determine, cnadui, <quantity discover> [K‍-‍BNC] (4v) K determine(s) the magnitude of B on dimension N to be C. numdui, <number find> [K‍-‍BC] (3v) K determine/find the value of B to be C. determined, normuvdii, <unmoving(fixed) decide> [K‍-‍PV] (3a) K is/are determined that/to do P about V. detour, kamcko, <come(go) cause> [V‍-‍DB] (3v) V turn away/detour/dissuade D from B, an nonintentional cause, e.g. "The high price dissuaded me from entering". kovgoi, <curve go> [K‍-‍BDS] (4v) K avoid/go around/skirt/detour B on route to D from S. po kovgoi, <curve go> (n) an avoidance/detour, an act of -ing. detrain, damneakaa, <down next come> [K‍-‍SD] (3v) K dismount/disembark/detrain from S to D. detrimental, fangausia, <reverse win place> (a) disadvantageous/detrimental/unfavourable/unfavorable (to … in …). develop, rodja, [S‍-‍PN] (3v) S develop/rise/grow into, increase naturally in bulk and become P, under conditions N. vad, (af) a combining form of valda, develop. vadcko, <develop cause> [N‍-‍SP] (3v) N develop S, cause … to develop into/toward P, nonintentional. vadmao, <develop make> [K‍-‍SP] (3v) K develop S, make … develop into/toward P, intentional. vadtua, <develop work> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K work out/elaborate/develop D. valda, [K‍-‍B] (2v) K develop/acquire new properties/features B, as of ideas/systems/organisms. developer, vadcko, <develop cause> (n) a developer, that which -s something. vadmao, <develop make> (n) a developer, one who -s something. vadtua, <develop work> (n) developer. development, po rodja, (n) a growth/rise/development, a process of growing. lopo vadcko, <develop cause> (n) development, mass term. po vadcko, <develop cause> (n) a development, an instance of -ing something. lopo vadmao, <develop make> (n) development, mass term. po vadmao, <develop make> (n) a development, an act of -ing something. lopo vadtua, <develop work> (n) development, mass process. nu vadtua, <develop work> (n) a development, that which is -ed. po vadtua, <develop work> (n) an instance of development. po valda, (n) a development, a process of -ing. device, famymra, <family mark> [B‍-‍F] (2v) B is the device/emblem/motto/coat-of arms of family F. patce, [B‍-‍K] (2n) B is an apparatus/equipment/device for doing K, any device for …. devil, zaospi, <bad spirit> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a devil/fiend/evil spirit of people S. devilish, zavspicli, <bad spirit like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more devilish/diabolical/fiendish/satanic than J. devise, pacmao, <device make> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K devise B. devisor, pacmao, <device make> (n) a devisor, one who devises …. devote, seldou, <self give> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K give/devote/abandon oneself to V. devotion, lopu seldou, <self give> (n) devotion, mass prop. po seldou, <self give> (n) a devotion, an act of -ing oneself. devour, huitci, <destroy eat> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K devour/gobble B. kaltci, <completely eat> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K devour/eat up B, totally. devout, lidfro, <religion strong> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is religious/devout in faith N. lidkao, <religious act> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more devout/pious/religious/righteous in action than J. devoutness, pu lidkao, <religious act> (n) a devoutness/piety, a property of being pious. dew, norfelcri, <not fall rain> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is dew, the moisture. dextrogyre, ricytorni, <right turn> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a dextrogyre, one that rotates polarized light clockwise. dextrorotatory, ricytorni, <right turn> (a) dextrorotatory, pert. to dextrogyres. dextrose, dekstrosi, [B‍-‍D] (2) B is some dextrose/D glucose, a common sugar. dextrous, hanspu, <hand expert> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more clever/skilful/dextrous/adroit than J. diabolic, zaospi, <bad spirit> (a) diabolic, pert. to devils. diabolical, zavspicli, <bad spirit like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more devilish/diabolical/fiendish/satanic than J. diaeresis, dierhesi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a diaeresis/dieresis, a mark ¨ to indicate vowels are to be pronounced separately. diagram, siotcu, <system picture> [B‍-‍SK] (3n) B is a diagram/illustration of S made by K. dialect, lenfoa, <language form> [B‍-‍SK] (3n) B is a dialect of language S used by K. diamond, hadcarbo, <hard carbon> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is the industrial diamond form of carbon crystal. julcarbo, <jewel carbon> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a gem diamond/carbon crystal. julcarbo, <jewel carbon> (a) diamond, pertaining to —. diarist, nu pasdribuu, <past remember book> (n) a diarist. diary, fucdribuu, <future remember book> [P‍-‍KSD] (4n) P is a diary/appointment book of K for period from S to D. pasdribuu, <past remember book> [P‍-‍KSD] (4n) P is a diary/journal/memoir of K for period from S to D. diathermy, diathermi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some diathermy, heating of internal parts of the body. dicker, ratytao, <price argue> [K‍-‍KC] (3v) K bargain/dicker/haggle with K over price C. dictate, rircue, <record say> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K dictate B to D. dictation, nu rircue, <record say> (n) dictation (by … to …), that which is -ed. po rircue, <record say> (n) an instance of dictation (of … to …). dictator, nergai, <one ruler> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a monarch/dictator/autocrat/single ruler of F. rircue, <record say> (n) dictator, one who -s records. dictatorship, lopo nergai, <one ruler> (n) monarchy/dictatorship/autocracy, mass term of states. nu nergai, <one ruler> (n) a monarchy/dictatorship/autocracy, that which is ruled. po nergai, <one ruler> (n) a monarchy/dictatorship/autocracy, a state of ruling. dictionary, purbuu, <word book> [P‍-‍BS] (3n) P is a dictionary of language(s) B prepared by S. die, caprie, <print tool> [B‍-‍PD] (3n) B is a die or stamp for making imprint P on material D. morcea, <dead become> [D‍-‍] (1v) D die. dieresis, dierhesi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a diaeresis/dieresis, a mark ¨ to indicate vowels are to be pronounced separately. diesel, diesheli, [B‍-‍] (1) B is a diesel, a type of internal combustion motor. diesheli, (a) diesel, pert. to — motors and fuel. differ, kalrea, <completely different> (2v) differ completely from …. rec, (af) a combining form of retca, differ. retca, (v) differ, be different from … in …. rea, (af) a combining form of retca, differ. differ markedly, mucrea, <much different> [B‍-‍BN] (3v) B contrast/differ markedly from B in features N. difference, negsumji, <negative sum> [C‍-‍BB] (3n) C is the (numerical) difference between B and B. fu retca, (n) a differential/distinction/difference, a differentiating aspect. po retca, (n) a distinction/difference, a state of being -ent. pu retca, (n) a difference, a property of being -ent. nu sumji, (n) the difference/remainder when … is reduced by …. different, no melsao, <measure same> (a) different, not measurably identical. genza, (a) another/different/other, pert. to recurrent instances. kalrea, <completely different> [B‍-‍B] (2a) B is completely different from B. notbi, [B‍-‍B] (2a) B is other/another/a different/not the same object/person as B. no plisao, <use same> (a) different, not functionally identical. retca, [B‍-‍BC] (3a) B is different from B in property/ ties C. retca, (a) different/distinct/other/unlike, from … in qualities/features …. different from, notbi, (v) be different from, another thing. differential, fu retca, (n) a differential/distinction/difference, a differentiating aspect. differentiate, recdui, <difference discover> [K‍-‍BBC] (4v) K differentiate/distinguish/discriminate B from B by finding difference C. recmra, <difference mark> [B‍-‍DD] (3v) B distinguish/differentiate D from D. slodui, <slope discover> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K differentiate B, mathematical calculus. differentiating, ju recdui, <difference discover> (a) differentiating, as of found aspects. differentiation, ju recdui, <difference discover> (n) a differentiation/discrimination, a -ing thing. po recdui, <difference discover> (n) a differentiation/discrimination, an act of -ing. difficult, fasmou, <easy more> [G‍-‍JP] (3a) G easier/less difficult than J for P. nardu, [B‍-‍KN] (3a) B is hard/difficult for K to do under conditions N. nau, (af) a combining form of nardu, difficult. naumro, <hard more> [G‍-‍JGJ] (4a) G is harder/more difficult for J to do than G(1) for J(1)to do. difficult to learn, cirnau, <learn difficult> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is difficult to learn. difficulty, nornau, <not difficult> [N‍-‍] (1av) N is achieved without difficulty/easily. nardu, (n) a difficulty, a difficult thing to do. pu nardu, (n) a difficulty, a spec. property. diffuse, nenpetri, <in distribute> [B‍-‍F] (2) B diffuse/dissolve into F. diffusion, po nenpetri, <in distribute> (n) an instance of diffusion/dissolution (into …). dig, holcko, <hole cause> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K dig/excavate/make (a) hole (for) P, nonintentional. holmao, <hole make> [K‍-‍PB] (3v) K dig/excavate/make (a) hole (for) P with B, intentional. paf, (af) a combining form of pafko, dig. pafko, [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K dig/scoop up/out B from D. digest, djesi, [K‍-‍D] (2v) K digest D. digestibility, pu nu djesi, (n) digestibility, a property. digestible, nu djesi, (a) digestible, can be -ed. digestion, po djesi, (n) digestion, a process of -ing. digger, pafko, (n) a digger, one who/that which -s. digit, numlea, <number letter> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a numeral/digit/figure. digit eight, vo, (af) the digit eight (8), as in sevove (789). digit five, fe, (af) the digit five (5), as in fofeso (456). digit four, fo, (af) the digit four (4), as in fofeso (456). digit nine, ve, (af) the digit nine(9), as in sevove (789). digit one, ne, (af) the digit one (1), as in netote (123). digit seven, se, (af) the digit seven (7), as in sevove (789). digit six, so, (af) the digit six (6), as in fofeso (456). digit three, te, (af) the digit three (3), as in netote (123). digit two, to, (af) the digit two (2), as in netote (123). digital, numlea, <number letter> (a) numeric/digital, pert. to digits. dignified, fombiu, <formal behave> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more stately/dignified than J. selrispe, <self respect> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more dignified/self respectful than J. dignity, lopu selrispe, <self respect> (n) dignity/self respect, mass property. dike, bieslo, <edge slope> [B‍-‍FP] (3n) B is an embankment/dike of/along F constructed for purpose P. nurmaoslo, <made slope> [B‍-‍FP] (3n) B is an embankment/dike of/along F for purpose P. dilate, kubcko, <wide cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N dilate/widen/broaden/enlarge/expand D (unintentional). kubmao, <wide make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K dilate/widen/broaden/enlarge/expand D (intentional). dilated, kubcea, <wide become> [D‍-‍C] (2v) D is/are dilated/widened/broadened/enlarged/expanded by C. nu kubcko, <wide cause> (a) dilated/widened/broadened/enlarged/expanded (by …). nu kubmao, <wide make> (a) dilated/widened/broadened/enlarged/expanded (by …). dilation, po kubcea, <wide become> (n) an instance of dilation/enlargement/expansion (by …), the state. po kubcko, <wide cause> (n) an event of dilation/enlargement/expansion (of …). po kubmao, <wide make> (n) an instance of dilation/enlargement/expansion (of …). diligence, po pratua, <continue work> (n) industry/application/diligence at task …. diligent, pratua, <continue work> [G‍-‍JV] (3a) G is more diligent/industrious than J at task V. diligently, pratua, <continue work> (av) diligently/industriously. dilute, cuirclimao, <water like make> (3v) thin/dilute/water down … by adding …. diluted, nu cuirclimao, <water like make> (a) thinned/diluted, as a result of watering down. dim, litfiu, <light weak> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more dim/cloudy/obscure/dusky/misty than J is. dime, decdalra, <tenth dollar> (n) dime, U.S./Can currency. dimension, fu merli, (n) a dimension/measurement, a measured value. ju merli, (n) a dimension, a measured property, conv. nurska, <conv. of scale> [N‍-‍B] (2n) N is a dimension, scalable property of B, pl.set. mue, (op) initial marker for acronyms, proposed mandatory for acronyms used as dimensions. dimensionality, basdiokonte, <basic direction count> [C‍-‍B] (2n) C is a dimensionality of B. dimensionless, nurlia, <conv. of line> (a) dimensionless, as of points, q.v. diminish, cmacea, <small become> [B‍-‍] (1v) B shrink/contract/diminish/become smaller, cause unspecified. cmacko, <small cause> [N‍-‍B] (2v) N shrink/reduce/diminish/decrease, make smaller B in size, nonintentional; 'Hot water shrinks wool'. cmamao, <small make> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K shrink/reduce/diminish/decrease, make smaller B in size, intentional. foircmamao, <forcefully reduce> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K suppress/put down/diminish D by force V. pracmacea, <process small become> [V‍-‍] (1v) V abate/wane/subside/diminish in intensity/frequency. diminishing, cmacea, <small become> (a) diminishing, pert. to that which -es. diminution, po cmacea, <small become> (n) a diminution, a process of -ing. po cmacko, <small cause> (n) a reduction/diminution/decrease, an act of -ing something. po cmamao, <small make> (n) a reduction/diminution/decrease, an act of -ing something. dimmer, krotro, <flow controller> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a faucet/tap/valve/volume control/dimmer of/in F, a device for controlling flow. Material may be specified as cuirkrotroli. nu litflo, <light full> (2a) dimmer than …, (less brightly lighted). dimness, po litfiu, <light weak> (n) an instance of dimness/cloudiness/dusk. din, rorvoi, <many voices> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is a din/clamour/clamor, many shouting voices. dine, cefmiatci, <main meal eat> (v) dine. fomtci, <formally eat> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K dine/eat formally on foods B. miatci, <meal eat> [K‍-‍FB] (1v) dine. midmiatci, <middle meal eat> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K lunch/dine upon B, eat the noon meal. natmiatci, <supper eat> [K‍-‍F] (2v) K dine/sup on, eats an evening meal of food(s) F. dinghy, botbou, <boat boat> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a dinghy/lifeboat, a small boat carried on another. dining, lopo fomtci, <formally eat> (n) dining, events of dinner. dining room, tcikru, <eating room> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the dining room of F. dinner, cefmia, <main meal> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is a dinner/main meal of D. lo nu fomtci, <formally eat> (n) dinner/cuisine, mass term. nu fomtci, <formally eat> (n) a dinner, food eaten. po fomtci, <formally eat> (n) dinner, an event of dining. fomymia, <formal meal> [V‍-‍BD] (3n) V is a dinner/banquet/formal meal of B for D. midmia, <mid meal> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is a lunch/luncheon/dinner of D, the meal taken at midday, however named in English. natmia, <night meal> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a supper/dinner/evening meal of food(s) F, any evening meal. dinosaur, dinhosauri, [B‍-‍] (1) B is a dinosaur, an extinct reptile. dip, fansulba, <reverse swelling> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a depression/valley/dip/hollow/dent/gully in F. flinensea, <liquid in set> [K‍-‍BDP] (4v) K dip B in D with purpose P. direct, clina, (a) direct/straight/linear, passing directly through … and …. furkaodii, <goal decide> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K direct/set the goal for group/organization D. ruardou, <route give> [K‍-‍DSB] (4v) K direct(s), give directions to D from S to (person) B. direction, dir, (af) a combining form of dirco, direction. dirco, [N‍-‍DS] (3v) N is in direction/the direction of D from S. dirco, (pp) in direction … from … /toward … from …, of places/objects. nu dirco, (n) direction (of … from …), as in 'north is a direction'. dirjao, <direction angle> [N‍-‍DS] (3n) N is the bearing/(angular) direction of D from S. po ruardou, <route give> (n) a direction, an act of giving directions. dio, (af) a combining form of dirco, direction. direction of, dirco, [N‍-‍DS] (3v) N is in direction/the direction of D from S. directional verb, dirdurpua, <direction do word> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a directional verb, incorporating pronominal references in its motion. directly, clina, (av) directly, in a straight line. director, furkaodii, <goal decide> (n) a/the director/boss, director/goal setter. ruardou, <route give> (n) a director, one who/that which -s. turcefli, <work chief> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the boss/director/manager/superintendent of F, person in charge of a work group. directory, ninfeobuu, <year fact book> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B is an almanac/catalogue/directory/calendar of information for year C. dirigible, latflemai, <light fly machine> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a dirigible/airship. dirt, dertu, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a piece/expanse of soil/dirt/earth/ground from S. sifdeu, <sited dirt> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the ground/soil/earth/dirt in place F. dirtier, nurklini, <conv. of clean> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is dirtier, less clean than J. dirtiness, pu nu klini, (n) an uncleanliness/dirtiness. pu nurklini, <conv. of clean> (n) a dirtiness, a spec. characteristic. dirty, bufklini, <opposite to clean> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is foul/filthy/unclean/dirty with (dirt). nu klini, (2a) more dirty/foul/unclean than. nurklini, <conv. of clean> (a) unclean/dirty, dirtier than …, conv. of clean. nurklinycea, <unclean become> [D‍-‍S] (2v) D becomes dirty/fouled/soiled/unclean from S. nurklinymao, <un clean make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K soil/dirty/foul D by/with V. disability, po nu norkanmao, <not capable make> (n) an incapacity/disability, a state of disabledness. disable, norkalylivcko, <not complete organism cause> [N‍-‍DV] (3v) N cripple/handicap/stunt/disable/lame D by V, by external condition. norkalylivmao, <not complete organism make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K cripple/handicap/stunt/disable/lame D by V, a deliberate act. norkanmao, <not capable make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K incapacitate/disable D for doing V. disabled, pu norkalclivi, <not complete organism> (a) crippled/handicapped/disabled in —. pu norkalylii, <not complete organism> (a) crippled/handicapped/disabled in —. norkalylivcea, <not complete organism become> [B‍-‍V] (2v) B become crippled/handicapped/stunted/disabled/lamed by V, by internal cause. nu norkanmao, <not capable make> (a) incapacitated/disabled, conv. of disable. disabling, norkalylivcko, <not complete organism cause> (a) crippling/handicapping/disabling/stunting/laming, pertaining to something that -s. norkalylivmao, <not complete organism make> (a) crippling/handicapping/disabling/stunting/laming, pertaining to someone that -s. norkanmao, <not capable make> (a) disabling/incapacitating, incapacitating. disadvantage, fangausia, <reverse win place> [N‍-‍DV] (3n) N is a disadvantage to D in V. disadvantaged, kanpyfiu, <compete weak> [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is uncompetitive/disadvantaged in V. disadvantageous, fangausia, <reverse win place> (a) disadvantageous/detrimental/unfavourable/unfavorable (to … in …). disagree, hatnortoi, <hotly not agree> [K‍-‍KV] (3v) K quarrel/disagree angrily/loudly/emotionally with K about V. nortoi, <not agree> [K‍-‍KV] (3v) K quarrel/disagree with K about V, e.g. I have no quarrel with that. disagreeable, norplu, <not pleasant> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more unpleasant/disagreeable than J. disagreement, po hatnortoi, <hotly not agree> (n) a quarrel, an angry disagreement. fu nortoi, <not agree> (n) a disagreement, that which is -ed about. po nortoi, <not agree> (n) a disagreement, a spec. act of -ing. disappear, vijbangoi, <view beyond go> [V‍-‍DSV] (4v) V disappear/vanish to D from S via V. vijkaa, <view come> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K disappear/vanish from the sight of D. disappearance, po vijkaa, <view come> (n) a disappearance, an act of -ing. disappoint, fabspocko, <fail hope cause> [V‍-‍DN] (3v) V disappoint D in expectations N (involuntary). fabspomao, <fail hope make> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K disappoint D in expectations N (voluntary). disappointed, fabfuikri, <fail future belief> [D‍-‍N] (2v) D is/are disappointed in expectations N. fabfuikri, <fail future belief> (a) disappointed in …. fabspocea, <fail hope become> [D‍-‍N] (2v) D is/are disappointed in expectations N. fabspocea, <fail hope become> (a) disappointed by … in …. nu fabspocko, <fail hope cause> (a) disappointed by … in …. nu fabspomao, <fail hope make> (a) disappointed by … in …. disappointing, fabspocko, <fail hope cause> (a) disappointing to … in …. fabspomao, <fail hope make> (a) disappointing to … in …. disappointment, lopo fabfuikri, <fail future belief> (n) disappointment, mass state. po fabfuikri, <fail future belief> (n) a disappointment in …. lopo fabspocea, <fail hope become> (n) disappointment, mass state. po fabspocea, <fail hope become> (n) a disappointment in …. lopo fabspocko, <fail hope cause> (n) disappointment, mass state. po fabspocko, <fail hope cause> (n) a disappointment to … in …. lopo fabspomao, <fail hope make> (n) disappointment, mass state. po fabspomao, <fail hope make> (n) a disappointment to … in …. disapproval, po no prusa, (n) a disapproval, an act of -ing. disapprove, no prusa, (vt) disapprove, fail to approve of … by …. disapproved, no nu prusa, (a) disapproved, of that which is -ed. disapproving, no prusa, (a) disapproving, of one who disapproves. disarrange, nornitsea, <not neat set> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K mess up/disarrange/upset B on D. disassemble, fanbai, <reverse build> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K disassemble/tear down (vehicle/structure) B. fankinsea, <reverse together set> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K disassemble/take apart D into parts B. fanmao, <reverse make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K take apart/disassemble/unmake D. disassembly, po fankinsea, <reverse together set> (n) a disassembly, an act of -ing. fanmao, <reverse make> (n) a disassembly, an act of -ing something. disaster, hutvei, <destructive event> (n) a calamity/disaster/catastrophe, a disaster to …. zalvei, <bad event> [B‍-‍PN] (3v) B suffers an accident/disaster causing damage P in circumstances N. disastrous, hutvei, <destructive event> [V‍-‍D] (2a) V is calamitous/disastrous/catastrophic to/for D. disbelieve, no duokri, <do believe> (v) mistrust/disbelieve that … will do …. no perkri, <person believe> (vt) disbelieve, persons, neg. of believe. disbeliever, no duokri, <do believe> (n) a disbeliever, one who mistrusts. discard, nortistia, <not choose choose> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K eliminate/discard/drop/reject B from selection process V. nu nortistia, <not choose choose> (n) a discard, one eliminated (by … from …). discern, klivia, <clearly see> [K‍-‍BF] (3v) K discern/make out/see clearly B against F. discernible, nu klivia, <clearly see> (a) discernible, capable of being -ed. discerning, klivia, <clearly see> (a) discerning/perceptive, of one who -s. discernment, po klivia, <clearly see> (n) discernment, an act of -ing. discharge, po dionrenmao, <direction throw make> (a) a shot/shooting/discharge (of a weapon). po dionreo, <direction throw> (a) a shot/shooting/discharge (of a projectile). dasfaomao, <responsibility end make> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K discharge a responsibility N. perplisti, <employ stop> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K fire/dismiss/discharge D from employment B. renmao, <throw make> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K fire/discharge weapon B. po renmao, <throw make> (a) a discharge/firing (of weapon—). rezlei, <free let> [K‍-‍DB] (3n) K discharge/let go/release D from B (court, prison etc.). po rezlei, <free let> (n) a discharge/release (of … from …). zvokro, <out flow> [D‍-‍S] (2v) D discharge/flow out from S. po zvokro, <out flow> (n) a discharge (from …). po nu zvokro, <out flow> (n) a discharge (of …). discharged, nu renmao, <throw make> (a) fired/discharged (by —), describing a weapon. discharging, zvokro, <out flow> (a) discharging/flowing out (from …). nu zvokro, <out flow> (2v) be discharging …. disciple, kincia, <accompany learn> [D‍-‍SN] (3n) D is an apprentice/disciple of teacher S in subject N. nu kridia, <belief teach> (n) a disciple, one -ed (by … in …). discipline, djasio, <knowledge system> [N‍-‍] (1n) N is a discipline/subject, knowledge system. koitro, <order control> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K discipline D in N. po koitro, <order control> (n) an instance of discipline of … in …. po nu koitro, <order control> (n) an instance of discipline by … in …. lo nurdia, <that which is taught> (n) a discipline, a body of principles taught as a whole. ruitro, <rule control> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K discipline D in V. lopo ruitro, <rule control> (n) discipline (mass state). po ruitro, <rule control> (n) an instance of discipline (of … in …). po fu ruitro, <rule control> (n) a discipline (of … by …), a rule system. po nu ruitro, <rule control> (n) an instance of discipline (by … in …). rulnurtolmao, <rule controlled make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K discipline/punish D for violation V. po rulnurtolmao, <rule controlled make> (n) an instance of discipline/punishment (of … for …). disciplined, nu koitro, <order control> (a) disciplined by … in …. nu ruitro, <rule control> (a) disciplined (by … in …). nu rulnurtolmao, <rule controlled make> (a) disciplined/punished (by … for …). disclaim, norponcue, <not own say> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K renounce/disown/disclaim/gives up claim to B. disclose, fankuvduo, <reveal(reverse cover) do> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K uncover/expose/reveal/disclose B to D. fildiu, <feelings discuss> [K‍-‍VD] (3v) K confide/disclose/express feeling V to D. smidjadou, <secret knowledge give> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K confide/disclose B to D. disclosure, lopo fankuvduo, <reveal(reverse cover) do> (n) disclosure/exposure/revelation, mass acts. po fankuvduo, <reveal(reverse cover) do> (n) a disclosure/exposure/revelation, an act of -ing. po fildiu, <feelings discuss> (n) a disclosure, a specific act of -ing. po smidjadou, <secret knowledge give> (n) a specific instance of confidence/disclosure (of … to …). discomfort, lopo norkou, <not comfortable> (n) discomfort, mass state. po norkou, <not comfortable> (n) discomfort, specific state. po nurkofcko, <discomfort cause> (1n) a specific (physical) irritation/discomfort. discomfort to, norkofcko, <discomfort cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N irritate/cause discomfort to D, nonintentional. disconsolate, kofcle, <comfort without> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more wretched/disconsolate than J is. mutnorhai, <much not happy> [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is miserable/disconsolate about V. disconsolateness, pu kofcle, <comfort without> (n) a wretchedness/disconsolateness, a spec. prop. disconsolation, po kofcle, <comfort without> (n) an instance of wretchness/disconsolation. discontent, po no kofhai, <comfortably happy> (n) some discontent, a specific instance. discontented, no kofhai, <comfortably happy> (a) discontented with/about …. discord, nu harmo, (n) a discord/dissonance, an instance of discord. po nu harmo, (n) a discord/dissonance, a spec. state of dish. discordant, nu harmo, (a) discordant/dissonant, less harmonious than … to …. discourage, rigclecko, <bravery without cause> [N‍-‍DV] (3v) N discourage D from V (involuntary). rigclemao, <bravery without make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K discourage D from V (voluntary). discouraged, rigclecea, <bravery without become> [D‍-‍V] (2v) D is discouraged about V. nu rigclecko, <bravery without cause> (a) discouraged (by … from …). nu rigclemao, <bravery without make> (a) discouraged (by … from …). discouragement, po rigclecea, <bravery without become> (n) a discouragement (about …). po nu rigclecko, <bravery without cause> (n) a discouragement (by … from …). po nu rigclemao, <bravery without make> (n) a discouragement (by … from …). discouraging, rigclecko, <bravery without cause> (a) discouraging (… from …). rigclemao, <bravery without make> (a) discouraging (… from …). discourse, fomtaa, <formal talk> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K discourse/speak/lecture/address/talk/orate/make a speech to D on topic N. fu fomtaa, <formal talk> (n) an address/discourse/lecture/talk/oration, lecture, its substance. lopo fomtaa, <formal talk> (n) discourse, mass term of events. po fomtaa, <formal talk> (n) an address/discourse/speech/talk/lecture/oration, lecture, an act. discover, candui, <chance discover> [K‍-‍BN] (3v) K find (out)/discover B about N by chance. duv, (af) a combining form of duvri, discover. duvri, [K‍-‍NB] (3v) K discover/find out N about B. ridydui, <read find> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K discover/find out B by reading about it. dui, (af) a combining form of duvri, discover. discover by learning, cirdui, <learn discover> [K‍-‍BS] (3v) K discover by learning knowledge B from S. discover solution, nabyrepdui, <problem answer(solution) discover> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K solve/discover solution to problem V. discoverer, duvri, (n) a discoverer, one who -s. discovery, nu candui, <chance discover> (n) a discovery/find (the — itself). po candui, <chance discover> (n) a discovery/find, an act of -ing. nu duvri, (n) a discovery/find, a spec. -ed thing. po duvri, (n) discovery/find, an act of -ing. discreet, selkunbiu, <self warning behave> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K is/are discreet/cautious/careful about V. discretion, lopu selkunbiu, <self warning behave> (n) discretion/caution, mass property. po selkunbiu, <self warning behave> (1n) an instance of discretion/caution/care (about …). discriminate, cmareasae, <small difference sense> [K‍-‍F] (2v) K discriminate/distinguish small differences among F (collective). recdui, <difference discover> [K‍-‍BBC] (4v) K differentiate/distinguish/discriminate B from B by finding difference C. discriminating, cmareasae, <small difference sense> (a) discriminating, capable of -tion. discrimination, lopu cmareasae, <small difference sense> (n) discrimination, mass property. po cmareasae, <small difference sense> (n) discrimination, an instance of -ing. ju recdui, <difference discover> (n) a differentiation/discrimination, a -ing thing. po recdui, <difference discover> (n) a differentiation/discrimination, an act of -ing. discuss, dislu, [K‍-‍VK] (3v) K discuss/talk about topic V with K. diu, (af) a combining form of dislu, discuss. takdiu, <talk discuss> [K‍-‍VD] (3v) K discuss/talk about topic V to D. discussant, dislu, (n) a discussant/speaker, one participating in a discussion. takdiu, <talk discuss> (n) discussant/speaker, current speaker in a discussion. fu takdiu, <talk discuss> (n) a discussant, one talked with. discussion, po dislu, (n) a discussion, an act of -ing. po takdiu, <talk discuss> (n) an act of speaking in a discussion. disdain, damble, <down look> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K despise/disdain/have contempt for/scorn for D. lopu damble, <down look> (n) mass property of scorn/contempt/disdain (for …). po damble, <down look> (n) an instance of scorn/contempt/disdain (for …). disdained, nu damble, <down look> (a) despised/disdained/scorned (by …), a thing -ed. disdaining, damble, <down look> (a) despising/disdaining/scorning/scornful of …. disease, nu malbi, (n) a sickness/disease/illness. po malbi, (n) an instance of sickness/disease/illness. disease resistant, malfro, <sickness strong> [D‍-‍] (1a) D is disease resistant. disease susceptible, malfiu, <sickness weak> [D‍-‍] (1a) D is disease susceptible. disembark, damneakaa, <down next come> [K‍-‍SD] (3v) K dismount/disembark/detrain from S to D. disgrace, comcko, <shame cause> [V‍-‍D] (2v) V shame/disgrace D, nonintentional; 'that act shamed him'. lopu comcko, <shame cause> (n) disgrace, mass property. po comcko, <shame cause> (n) a specific disgrace/shaming (of …). cotmao, <shame make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K shame/disgrace D by V, intentional. lopu cotmao, <shame make> (n) disgrace, mass property. po cotmao, <shame make> (n) a specific disgrace/shaming, an act of making ashamed (of … by …). lopu norsusdarli, <not suspect far> (n) dishonour/dishonor/disgrace, mass property. po norsusdarli, <not suspect far> (2n) an instance of dishonour/dishonor/disgrace. disgraced, nu comcko, <shame cause> (a) disgraced (by …). nu cotmao, <shame make> (a) disgraced (by … by …). disgraceful, norsusdarli, <not suspect far> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more dishonourable/dishonorable/disgraceful than J. disgracing, comcko, <shame cause> (a) disgracing (of …). cotmao, <shame make> (a) disgracing (of … by …). disguise, dupfasli, <deceive face> [B‍-‍ND] (3n) B is a disguise producing appearance N to/for observer D. nu noirsimcea, <other seem become> (n) a disguise (of …). noirsimymao, <other seem make> [K‍-‍SP] (3v) K disguise S as P. fu noirsimymao, <other seem make> (n) a disguise (of … by …). disguised, noirsimcea, <other seem become> [S‍-‍P] (2v) S is/are disguised as P. noirsimcea, <other seem become> (a) disguised (by … as …). nu noirsimymao, <other seem make> (a) disguised (by … as …). disguising, noirsimymao, <other seem make> (a) disguising (… as …). disgust, lopo tasgu, (n) disgust, mass term of states. nu tasgu, (vt) disgust, cause disgust in …, conv. po tasgu, (n) a disgust, a spec. state. disgusted, tasgu, [D‍-‍V] (2a) D is disgusted by V. disgusting, nu tasgu, (a) disgusting/gross, of that which -s …. dish, conpla, <deep plate> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a bowl/deep dish. nartytcidi, <apart food> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a side dish of F. tcidyveo, <food container> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a dish/food container, general term. placai, <dish quantity> [C‍-‍B] (2n) C is a plateful/dishful/plate/dish of B. plata, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a dish/plate, a flat dish used for serving food. tcidyfoa, <eat form> [P‍-‍S] (2n) P is a dish, food style served/used/made by S. dishevelled, nurnitci, <un neat> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is dishevelled/sloppy/disordered. dishful, placai, <dish quantity> [C‍-‍B] (2n) C is a plateful/dishful/plate/dish of B. dishonest, no nesta, (a) dishonest, dishonest with … about …. dishonesty, lopu no nesta, (n) dishonesty, mass term of props. pu no nesta, (n) a dishonesty, a spec. property. dishonor, lopu norsusdarli, <not suspect far> (n) dishonour/dishonor/disgrace, mass property. po norsusdarli, <not suspect far> (2n) an instance of dishonour/dishonor/disgrace. no susdaryrispe, <suspect far(honorable) respect> (3v) dishonour/dishonor (… for …). dishonorable, norsusdarli, <not suspect far> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more dishonourable/dishonorable/disgraceful than J. no susdarli, <suspect far> (a) dishonourable/dishonorable. dishonour, lopu norsusdarli, <not suspect far> (n) dishonour/dishonor/disgrace, mass property. po norsusdarli, <not suspect far> (2n) an instance of dishonour/dishonor/disgrace. no susdaryrispe, <suspect far(honorable) respect> (3v) dishonour/dishonor (… for …). dishonourable, norsusdarli, <not suspect far> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more dishonourable/dishonorable/disgraceful than J. no susdarli, <suspect far> (a) dishonourable/dishonorable. disinterest, lopu nortrecycea, <not interested become> (n) disinterest, mass property. po nortrecycea, <not interested become> (n) an instance of disinterest in …. disk, kotrae, <computer disk> [B‍-‍PF] (3n) B is a computer disk (ette) containing P for system F. rande, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a disk/ring/circle, a circular object. disk crash, radbodcea, <disk broken become> [V‍-‍] (1v) V is a disk crash, an inadvertent disk failure (radrod -cko and -mao are also possible). po radbodcea, <disk broken become> (n) an inst. of a disk crash. disk drive, raenridmai, <round read machine> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a disk drive in system F. dislike, norfundi, <not like> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K dislike D for reasons S. lopu norfundi, <not like> (n) dislike, mass property. po norfundi, <not like> (n) an instance of dislike (of … for …). disliked, nu norfundi, <not like> (a) disliked (for …). disloyal, falkao, <falsely act/> (a) disloyal/faithless/false, faithless to …. disloyal to, falkao, <falsely act/> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K betray/be faithless/disloyal to D in matter V. disloyalty, po falkao, <falsely act/> (n) a betrayal/disloyalty, a spec. act of -ing. pu falkao, <falsely act/> (n) a disloyalty/faithlessness, a spec. property. dismal, solcle, <sun without> [G‍-‍JD] (3a) G is more gloomy/dismal/dreary than J to D. dismiss, perplisti, <employ stop> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K fire/dismiss/discharge D from employment B. dismount, damneakaa, <down next come> [K‍-‍SD] (3v) K dismount/disembark/detrain from S to D. disobedience, lopu norkoiduo, <not order do> (n) disobedience, mass property. po norkoiduo, <not order do> (n) an act of disobedience (of … to …). disobedient, norkoiduoflo, <not order do full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more disobedient than J. disobey, norkoiduo, <not order do> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K disobey a/the command of D to do V. disorder, lopu no nitci, (n) disorder/mess, mass property. po no nitci, (n) a state of disorder/mess. nurnitcko, <un neat cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N disorder D (unintentional). nurnitmao, <un neat make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K disorder D (intentional). disordered, nurnitci, <un neat> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is dishevelled/sloppy/disordered. disorderly, nornitci, <not neat> [G‍-‍JV] (3a) G is more messy/disorderly than J at V. no nitci, (a) disorderly/messy (more, than … at …). disown, norponcue, <not own say> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K renounce/disown/disclaim/gives up claim to B. no viadja, <see know> (v) deny/disown (… to be …). dispatch, kuksui, <quick send> [K‍-‍BSD] (4v) K dispatch B from S to D. po kuksui, <quick send> (n) an instance of shipment/dispatch of … from … to …. dispatch box, preberveo, <paper carry container> [B‍-‍P] (2n) B is a briefcase/case/dispatch box for P. dispatched, nu kuksui, <quick send> (a) dispatched, that which is -ed from … from … to …. dispatcher, kuksui, <quick send> (n) dispatcher/shipper of … from … to …, one who -s. dispensable, nu cleduo, <without do> (a) dispensable, can be done away with. nu fangei, <reverse get> (a) dispensable, can be done away with. dispense with, cleduo, <without do> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K dispense with/do without B. fangei, <reverse get> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K dispense with/do without B. dispenser, bamkuspypae, <ball spread apparatus> [V‍-‍B] (2n) V is a roll on dispenser of B. dispersal, po kubpetri, <wide distrIbute> (n) a dispersion/dispersal, an act of -ing. disperse, kubpetri, <wide distrIbute> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K scatter/strew/disperse D over N. dispersed, nu kubpetri, <wide distrIbute> (a) scatterable/scattered/strewn/dispersed, conv. of disperse. disperser, kubpetri, <wide distrIbute> (n) a scatterer/strewer/disperser, that which/one who -s. dispersion, po kubpetri, <wide distrIbute> (n) a dispersion/dispersal, an act of -ing. displace, noirsifsui, <away send> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K displace/transfer/send away B to D. displacement, po noirsifsui, <away send> (n) a transfer/displacement, an act of transferring. display, vemvizlei, <sell see let> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K display/exhibit B for sale. po vemvizlei, <sell see let> (2n) a display/exhibition of …. display case, vizyleibao, <see permit box> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a display case of F. display colo, nu kolkai, <color character (quality)> (v) is coloured/colored/display colo(u)r(s) … to observer(s) … under lighting …. displease, bufplu, <opposite please> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K annoy/displease D by being/doing V. displeased, nu fanplu, <reverse please> (n) displeased (by … by …). displeases, fanplu, <reverse please> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K displeases D by doing/being V. displeasing, bufplu, <opposite please> (a) annoying/displeasing, of one who -s. fu bufplu, <opposite please> (a) annoying/displeasing, of that which -s. nordilko, <not delicate/pleasing> [B‍-‍D] (2a) B is coarse/indelicate/displeasing to D. displeasure, po nu bufplu, <opposite please> (n) a displeasure/annoyance, a state of being annoyed. fanplu, <reverse please> (n) displeasure(of … from …). lo fanplu, <reverse please> (n) displeasure, mass of displeasing things. lopu nu fanplu, <reverse please> (n) displeasure, mass quality of being -ed. po nu fanplu, <reverse please> (n) a displeasure, state of being -ed. disposal, po clemao, <without make> (n) an instance of removal/riddance/disposal. dispose, clecko, <without cause> [N‍-‍BF] (3v) N get rid/dispose of B from F (nonintentional) the rain — the snow by melting it. clemao, <without make> [K‍-‍BF] (3v) K remove/get rid/dispose of B from F, intentional. dispose of, kledii, <class decide> [K‍-‍BF] (3v) K categorize/type/classify/dispose of/put B into class F. disposed, dakbiu, <likely behaviour> [K‍-‍VN] (3v) K tend/be disposed/subject/liable to behavior V in situation N. disposition, po dakbiu, <likely behaviour> (n) a disposition, a state of being -ed to …. pu dakbiu, <likely behaviour> (n) a disposition/tendency, a behavioral property. dakbivsei, <likely behaviour set> [N‍-‍DV] (3n) N is the temper/disposition of D in situation V. hapdakbiu, <happy likely behaviour> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a happy temper/disposition. po kledii, <class decide> (n) a disposition/classification, an act of categorizing. leldakbiu, <level likely behaviour> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is a even temper/disposition. raordakbiu, <ratio likely behaviour> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is a balanced temper/disposition. roirdakbiu, <angry likely behaviour> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an angry temper/disposition. disputable, fu targo, (a) disputable, of an argued proposition. disputant, targo, (n) an arguer/disputant, one who -s. disputation, po targo, (n) an argument/dispute/disputation/controversy, a spec. act of -ing. disputatious, taoflo, <argument full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more argumentative/disputatious than J. taoflo, <argument full> (a) argumentative/disputatious. dispute, targo, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K argue/dispute with/against D about V. po targo, (n) an argument/dispute/disputation/controversy, a spec. act of -ing. disrobe, fanrespli, <reverse dress use> (v) strip/doff/disrobe/undress, take off clothing. disrobed, refcle, <clothes without> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is naked/nude/bare/disrobed/undressed, without clothes. dissent, fu roirtao, <angry argue> (n) V is a cause of dissent. dissolution, po flicea, <liquid become> (n) a specific instance of melting/dissolution/condensation/liquefaction. po flicko, <liquid cause> (n) a melting/dissolution/liquefaction, an act of -ing. po flimao, <liquid make> (n) a liquefaction/dissolution, an act of -ing. po nenpetri, <in distribute> (n) an instance of diffusion/dissolution (into …). lopo rorparcea, <many parts become> (n) dissolution, mass state. po rorparcea, <many parts become> (n) an instance of dissolution/ending a session (in …). dissolve, fanmermao, <reverse marry make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K divorce/dissolve the marriage of spouses D, intentional act. flicea, <liquid become> [D‍-‍PN] (3v) D melt/dissolve/condense/liquefy into P under conditions N. flimao, <liquid make> [K‍-‍SPN] (4v) K liquefy/melt/condense/dissolve, make liquid S into P under conditions N, intentional. nenpetri, <in distribute> [B‍-‍F] (2) B diffuse/dissolve into F. rorparcea, <many parts become> [D‍-‍VN] (3v) D dissolve/end a session of V in N. dissolving, rorparcea, <many parts become> (a) dissolving (in …). dissonance, nu harmo, (n) a discord/dissonance, an instance of discord. po nu harmo, (n) a discord/dissonance, a spec. state of dish. dissonant, nu harmo, (a) discordant/dissonant, less harmonious than … to …. dissuade, kamcko, <come(go) cause> [V‍-‍DB] (3v) V turn away/detour/dissuade D from B, an nonintentional cause, e.g. "The high price dissuaded me from entering". distal, darli, [G‍-‍BJC] (4a) G is farther/further/more distant/distal from B than J is by C. fu nu snire, (a) more distant/farther/further/distal than … is from …, far. distance, pu darli, (n) a distance, a spec. property of being far. darska, <far scale> [V‍-‍N] (2n) V is a distance scale, a system of units and zero point for measuring distances on surface/through medium N. skadarli, <scale far> [B‍-‍C] (2n) The shortest distance between two specified points B, pl. set, measures C scale units. skadarli, <scale far> (n) a measurable distance. nu skadarli, <scale far> (n) … a dimensioned number, is the length/distance between points …, pl. set. spabia, <space between> [B‍-‍CSD] (4n) B is an interval/distance of C units between S and D. distant, darli, [G‍-‍BJC] (4a) G is farther/further/more distant/distal from B than J is by C. nu darli, (a) distant/far/further, farther from … than from … by …. fu nu snire, (a) more distant/farther/further/distal than … is from …, far. distinct, recykaiflo, <different quality full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more distinguished/distinct than J. retca, (a) different/distinct/other/unlike, from … in qualities/features …. distinction, reckai, <distinctive quality> (n) a characteristic/character/distinction, a spec. attribute. recmra, <difference mark> (n) distinction, a distinguishing mark. fu retca, (n) a differential/distinction/difference, a differentiating aspect. po retca, (n) a distinction/difference, a state of being -ent. distinctive, reckai, <distinctive quality> [G‍-‍BGB] (4a) G is more characteristic/distinctive/typical of B than G is of B. distinguish, cmareasae, <small difference sense> [K‍-‍F] (2v) K discriminate/distinguish small differences among F (collective). recdui, <difference discover> [K‍-‍BBC] (4v) K differentiate/distinguish/discriminate B from B by finding difference C. recmra, <difference mark> [B‍-‍DD] (3v) B distinguish/differentiate D from D. distinguished, recykaiflo, <different quality full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more distinguished/distinct than J. distort ones face, faslytorni, <face twist> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K grimace/distort ones face/make a face at D. distract, tedtoa, <attention take> [K‍-‍DVN] (4v) K distract D from V by N. distracted, tedfiu, <attention feeble> [D‍-‍V] (2a) D is absent minded/distracted by V. nu tedtoa, <attention take> (a) distracted/frantic (by … from …). distracting, tedtoa, <attention take> (a) distracting (of … from …). distraction, lopu tedtoa, <attention take> (n) distraction, mass property. po tedtoa, <attention take> (n) a distraction, spec. event. distress, minpuncko, <mind pain cause> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K offend/hurt/upset/disturb/distress D by V. po nu minpuncko, <mind pain cause> (n) a distress/hurt, a state of being -ed. lopo minpuu, <mind pain> (n) distress, mass state term. distressed, minpuu, <mind pain> [D‍-‍V] (2a) D is distressed/disturbed/upset by/at/about V. distributable, nu petri, (a) distributable, capable of being -ed. distribute, petri, [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K share out/spread/distribute B to/among D. vempetri, <sell distribute> [K‍-‍BN] (3v) K deal/distribute B for sale in N. distributed, petrysei, <share set> [F‍-‍SV] (3n) F is a multiple, a subset of some superset S, over whose members some claim V is distributed. E.g. 'Le neni mrenu' in 'Le neni mrenu ga merji' designates a multiple. Contrasts with 'setci', q.v. Usage: Li, le neni mrenu, lu namsaa ne petrysei je lea. fu petrysei, <share set> (n) a claim distributed over each member of a multiple. distributing, vempetri, <sell distribute> (a) dealing/distributing, pertaining to -ing. distribution, po petri, (n) a distribution, an act/event of -ing. distributor, petri, (n) a distributor, one who/that which -es. vempetri, <sell distribute> (n) dealer/distributor of …. district, gunpai, <nation part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a district/region/province/section of country F. polpai, <polity part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a state/county/district/ward/zone, partly self governing part of polity F. sicpai, <city part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a section/district/quarter/borough of city F. distrust, po no duokri, <do believe> (n) an instance of distrust. disturb, fatru, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K disturb/trouble/aggravate/annoy/vex/bother/gall D by doing/being V. minpuncko, <mind pain cause> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K offend/hurt/upset/disturb/distress D by V. disturbed, fatfio, <trouble feel> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K worry/feel troubled/worried/disturbed/concerned about N. fatfio, <trouble feel> (a) disturbed/concerned/worried/troubled, troubled by …. fatpeo, <trouble think> (a) concerned/worried/troubled/disturbed about …. nu fatru, (a) troubled/disturbed, conv. form. minpuu, <mind pain> [D‍-‍V] (2a) D is distressed/disturbed/upset by/at/about V. no uo, (i) I'm not disturbed/angry/irritated/annoyed, a denial of annoyance. uo, (i) I am disturbed/angry/irritated/annoyed that …, an expression of annoyance. disused, plicle, <user less> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is disused, no longer used. ditch, cmakanla, <small canal> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a ditch to drain F. laghou, <long hole> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a ditch/trench in/on F. diurnal, denli, (a) diurnal, pert. to day/daytime. rardei, <all days> (a) daily/diurnal, pert. to 24 hour rhythms. rardei, <all days> (av) daily/diurnal, every day. dive, felvai, <fall jump> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K dive to D from S. flitce, <liquid penetrate> [K‍-‍DP] (3v) K dive/plunge into D for purpose P. po flitce, <liquid penetrate> (n) a dive/emersion (into … for …). diversion, po kovkamcea, <curve come become[detour become]> (n) a diversion, a state of being -ed. kovkamcko, <curve come cause[detour cause]> (n) a diversion, that which diverts. po kovkamcko, <curve come cause[detour cause]> (n) a diversion, an act of -ing. po nu kovkamcko, <curve come cause[detour cause]> (n) a diversion, a state of being -ed. po kovkamymao, <curve come make[detour make]> (n) a diversion, an act of -ing. po nu kovkamymao, <curve come make[detour make]> (n) a diversion, a state of being -ed. divert, kovkamcko, <curve come cause[detour cause]> [N‍-‍BSD] (4v) N divert B from route S to D, nonintentional. kovkamymao, <curve come make[detour make]> [K‍-‍DSD] (4v) K divert D from route S to D, intentional. diverted, kovkamcea, <curve come become[detour become]> [B‍-‍SD] (3v) B are/become diverted from route S to D, intransitive. diverter, kovkamymao, <curve come make[detour make]> (n) a diverter, one who diverts. diverting, kovkamcko, <curve come cause[detour cause]> (a) diverting, of that which -s. kovkamymao, <curve come make[detour make]> (a) diverting, of one who -s. divide, piurmao, <pieces make> [K‍-‍FB] (3v) K divide F into pieces B. raordui, <divide discover> [K‍-‍FBC] (4v) divide … by … with result …. raordui, <divide discover> (4v) K divide F into B equal parts of size C. selkopmao, <self copy make> [S‍-‍P] (2v) S divide/transform/replicate itself to P copies, default 2. torpiucea, <two pieces become> [D‍-‍] (1v) D divide (as a cell) in two pieces. divided, nu fu brato, (n) divided by … is …. nu piurmao, <pieces make> (a) divided (by … into …). divided by, kua, (ms) … over/divided by … — the division operator (/ or ÷), math. dividend, brato, (n) quotient/ratio/rate/proportion/fraction/dividend (stockholder share). nu brato, (n) dividend, that which is -d. divides, fu brato, (v) divides … into … parts. dividing, kue, (ms) … under/dividing … — the inverse division operator (\), math. piurmao, <pieces make> (a) dividing (… into …). torpiucea, <two pieces become> (a) dividing. divination, po drecankri, <correct chance believe(guess)> (n) a divination, an act of correct guessing. divine, drecankri, <correct chance believe(guess)> [K‍-‍NV] (3v) K divine/guess rightly that N is true of V. gandi, (a) divine, pert. to deities. divine being, gandi, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the god/deity/divine being of people F. diving board, felvaibarta, <fall jump board> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a diving board. divinity, lo gandi, (n) a deity/(the) divinity, the mass of such beings. lopu gandi, (n) divinity, mass term of properties. pu gandi, (n) a divinity, a spec. property. divisible, nu brato, (a) divisible, that can be -d. division, galpai, <organization part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a department/faculty/division/branch/section of organization F. klupai, <cut part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a cut/division/piece/section/segment of F, a part obtained by cutting. lopu piurmao, <pieces make> (n) division, mass property. po piurmao, <pieces make> (n) a division (of … into …). lopo raordui, <divide discover> (n) division, mass act. po raordui, <divide discover> (n) a division, sp. instance. surnarmypai, <army part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a corps/division/regiment/company/platoon of F, any army part, identify by number. lopu torpiucea, <two pieces become> (n) cell division, mass property. po torpiucea, <two pieces become> (n) a division (like a cell). divisor, fu brato, (n) divisor, that which -s. divorce, fanmercea, <reverse marry become> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K (get a) divorce (from) D. lopo fanmercea, <reverse marry become> (n) divorce, mass term of acts. po fanmercea, <reverse marry become> (n) a divorce, an act/event of becoming divorced. fanmerji, <reverse married> (n) a divorcee/divorce. fanmermao, <reverse marry make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K divorce/dissolve the marriage of spouses D, intentional act. divorced, fanmerji, <reverse married> [D‍-‍D] (2a) D is divorced from D. divorcee, fanmerji, <reverse married> (n) a divorcee/divorce. dizzy, tanfio, <rotate feel> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K makes D dizzy by V. do, cikpoa, <equal respond> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K (collective) reciprocate in doing V, do … to each other. dur, (af) a combining form of durzo, do. durzo, [K‍-‍VDB] (4v) K do V to D with B. helfurmoi, <help intend> [K‍-‍PD] (3v) K do P on behalf/for the sake of D /intend … to help …. selhanduo, <self hand do> [K‍-‍VD] (3v) K do V (by ones own hand) to D. duo, (af) a combining form of durzo, do. do carefully, kejkao, <care act> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K do carefully/take pains with/be careful with B. do up, refklomao, <clothing close make> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K fasten/tie up/do up B. do without, norpou, <not possess> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K not possess/do without B. doable, durkai, <do quality> [V‍-‍N] (2a) V is doable/practical/feasible under conditions N. docile, fu ditca, (a) docile/teachable, teachable, conv. of teach, q.v. dock, bourstosia, <boat stay place> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a pier/dock at F. doctor, kic, (af) a combining form of kicmu, doctor. kicmu, [K‍-‍DBV] (4v) K doctor/treat D medically for B with V. kicmu, (n) a physician/doctor/medic, a physician. kiu, (af) a combining form of kicmu, doctor. doctrinaire, krisio, <belief system> (a) ideological/doctrinaire, pert. to doctrines. doctrine, krisio, <belief system> [N‍-‍] (1n) N is a creed/doctrine/ideology/system of beliefs. nurdia, <that which is taught> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a tenet/doctrine of system F. document, fompresri, <formal paper write> [K‍-‍DP] (3v) K document D for purpose P. fomyrirda, <formal record> [P‍-‍NS] (3n) P is a document about N by S. cuepre, <say paper> [B‍-‍VK] (3n) B is a document/deed/contract/covenant expressing action V by party(ies) K. nursri, <written> [B‍-‍VK] (3) B is a written note/message/work/text/theme/composition/document about V written by K. documentation, lo fomyrirda, <formal record> (n) documentation, mass term. dodecahedron, nertorheo, <twelve hedron> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a dodecahedron. doe, cerva, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a doe/hind/female deer of region/range S. doer, kao, (pp) Actors/Agents/Doers, nominative case tag (actor/agent/doer). doff, fanrespli, <reverse dress use> (v) strip/doff/disrobe/undress, take off clothing. dog, kango, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a male dog. kangu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a dog, unspecific. kau, (af) a combining form of kangu, dog. dog like, kange, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more canine/dog like than J. dogma, fomnurdia, <formal teaching> [N‍-‍F] (2n) N is a dogma of system F. dogmatic, pu fomnurdia, <formal teaching> (a) dogmatic, the property of —. dole, lopo sochea, <social assistance> (n) relief/welfare/the dole, mass instances. doll, plekaopeu, <play act person> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a doll. dollar, dalra, [B‍-‍CS] (3n) B is worth C dollar(s) of country S, default one local $. lo dalra, (n) (the) dollar ($), the mass of all dollars. dolphin, dolfini, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a dolphin, a marine mammal. domain, nu bragai, <born rule> (n) a domain/realm/kingdom, that which is ruled. fempoi, <female power> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a/the mistress of domain/persons/organization N. nu grabragai, <great king> (n) an empire/domain, empire, conv. of emperor. gunlai, <national land> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the land/territory/domain of nation F. gunpou, <national possession> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is an/the empire/domain/dominion of state/country B. leispa, <permissible space> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the domain of variable F, mathematics. menpoi, <male power> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a/the master of domain/persons/organization N. dome, bamtrufa, <ball roof> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a dome of structure F. domestic, gunti, (a) national/domestic, pert. to the country of …. livhao, <living shelter> (a) domestic/residential, pert. to homes. nu rojmao, <grow make> (a) domestic/tame, that which is domesticated/cultivated. domestic animal, farnia, <farm animal> [B‍-‍D] (a) B is a farm animal/domestic animal of D. domestic cat, katmi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a kitten, an infant domestic cat/feline. katmo, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a tomcat, a male domestic cat/feline. domesticated, nu rojmao, <grow make> (2n) be cultivated/grown/domesticated by …. domestication, po nu rojmao, <grow make> (n) a domestication/cultivation, a spec. state of being -ed. domicile, livhao, <living shelter> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is a/the lodging/habitation/abode/home/dwelling/domicile/residence of D. dominion, gunpou, <national possession> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is an/the empire/domain/dominion of state/country B. nu lilpou, <legally own> (n) an estate/dominion/possession, total, conv. pu lilpou, <legally own> (n) a proprietorship/dominion/possession/title, a spec. property. don, kapmyduo, <cap do> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K cap/put on/don hat B. donate, donhea, <give help> [K‍-‍DCP] (4v) K donate to D a gift of C for cause P. donsu, [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K give/donate B to D. fomdou, <formal give> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K present/donate/give formally B to D. donation, fu donhea, <give help> (n) C is a contribution/donation. nu donjuo, <gift support> (n) a specific contribution/donation/gift. nu donsu, (n) a gift/present/donation, a gift, conv. of give. po donsu, (n) a donation, an act of -ing. nu fomdou, <formal give> (n) a donation, a formal gift. po fomdou, <formal give> (n) a donation/presentation, an act of giving formally. done, prakapli, <process complete> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is past/done/over/accomplished/ended/finished. ua, (i) there!/that's it!/finally!/at last/done …, an exp. of satisf'n. done for, faosni, <end near> [D‍-‍] (1v) D is/are done for. morsni, <dead near> [B‍-‍] (1v) B is/are done for. donkey, hasna, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a female ass/donkey, an equine quadruped. hasni, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an infant ass/donkey/foal. hasno, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a male ass/donkey. hasnu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an ass/donkey, the generic term for this equine quadruped. donkey like, hasne, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is ass/donkey like. donor, donsu, (n) a donor/giver, one who gives. fomdou, <formal give> (n) a donor, one who gives … formally to …. doom, normuvfui, <not move(fixed) future> [V‍-‍B] (2n) V is a/the destiny/fate/doom of B. lo normuvfui, <not move(fixed) future> (n) doom/fate/destiny, mass term. doomed, nu normuvfui, <not move(fixed) future> (a) doomed/fated/predestined/destined, fated, having a fate. door, dao, (af) a combining form of darto, door. darto, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a/the door of S. doorstep, daortie, <door step> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a doorstep of F. doorway, daorhou, <door hole> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a doorway of F. dorsal, pripai, <behind part> (a) dorsal/back/posterior, dorsal, pert. to backs. dot, nurlia, <conv. of line> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a point/dot, dimensionless position, geometry. raemra, <round mark> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a spot/dot, round mark on surface F. double, tormao, <two make> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K double/duplicate/make two of B. double bass, violhona, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a bass viol/double bass. double prime, zoo, (ms) double prime, mathematical sign. doubt, dut, (af) a combining form of dutci, doubt. dutci, [K‍-‍N] (2v) K doubt/question that N is true. nu dutci, (n) a doubt, a thing doubted, conv. of doubt. po dutci, (n) a doubt, a state/event of -ing. dutmao, <doubt make> (v) cause doubt to … concerning … (intentionally). doubt in, dutcko, <doubt cause> [N‍-‍DV] (3v) N cause doubt in the opinion of D about V, (nonintentional) "That occurrence makes me doubt … ". doubtable, nu dutci, (a) doubtable/dubious/questionable, can be doubted, conv. of doubt. doubter, dutci, (n) a doubter/skeptic. doubtful, dutcea, <doubt become> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K become doubtful about V (cause unspecified). dutci, (a) doubtful/skeptical/doubting/dubious/questioning. dutflo, <doubt full> [G‍-‍NJ] (3a) G is more doubtful about N than J. doubtfully, dutci, (av) doubtfully, in a doubting manner. doubting, dutci, (a) doubtful/skeptical/doubting/dubious/questioning. doubtless, ia, (i) doubtless/I agree/am certain that/am convinced that … <, expression of conviction.>. dough, pam, (af) a combining form of patmi, dough. patmi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some dough/pasta or food made from same, i.e. noodles, spaghetti, pastry, pie crust, etc. dour, raknurfasli, <dark faced> [V‍-‍] (1) V is sullen/gloomy/dour. dove, kolba, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a female dove/pigeon, (Columbidae) family. kolbe, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more dove/pigeon like than J. kolbi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a squab, an infant dove/pigeon. kolbo, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a male dove/pigeon. kolbu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a dove/pigeon, non specific. down, cnulua, <new feathers> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a piece/quantity of down, new feathers. lo cnulua, <new feathers> (n) down, mass term. dam, (af) a combining form of damni, down. damdio, <down direction> [N‍-‍B] (2av) N is down/downwards/(in a) downward (direction from) B. downpour, tiocri, <heavy rain> [V‍-‍S] (2n) V is a downpour/cloud burst/heavy rain from cloud S. totcri, <thick rain> [V‍-‍B] (2n) V is a downpour/cloudburst/torrent of B. downstairs, damfordynursia, <low floor situated> [N‍-‍B] (2av) N is downstairs from B, on a lower floor than …. nilcynursia, <beneath situated> [B‍-‍] (1v) B is downstairs, on a lower floor. downstream, krodio, <flow direction> [B‍-‍S] (1a) B is downstream/downwind from S. downtown, sicymidju, <city middle> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the downtown/centretown/city center of city F. downward, damdio, <down direction> [N‍-‍B] (2av) N is down/downwards/(in a) downward (direction from) B. downwards, damdio, <down direction> [N‍-‍B] (2av) N is down/downwards/(in a) downward (direction from) B. downwind, krodio, <flow direction> [B‍-‍S] (1a) B is downstream/downwind from S. dowry, mercme, <marriage money> [C‍-‍DS] (3n) C is the dowry of D for S. doze, latsoi, <light sleep> [K‍-‍] (1v) K doze/nod off. dozen, lio neto, (ph) a dozen, 12 of anything. netora, (2n) a dozen …, 12 of anything. draft, dantcumao, <plan picture make> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K draft/draught/draw plans B for making/doing V. djofoi, <member force> [K‍-‍DF] (3v) K draft/conscript D into F (e.g. military). flofycondi, <float deep> [B‍-‍CN] (3n) B has a draft/draught of C in medium N. hompiu, <drink portion> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a draught/draft/drink, a portion of drink F. kerkro, <air flow> [V‍-‍DS] (3n) V is a draft/air current/current at/on D from S. nersri, <first writing> [B‍-‍P] (2n) B is a draft/rough copy/first copy of P. pasviu, <before view> [P‍-‍NK] (3n) P is a draft/preview of project/work N prepared by K. fu pasviu, <before view> (3v) draft/preview work … in document … <K-NP>. peirkoipre, <pay order paper> [B‍-‍KDCN] (5n) B is a check/draft drawn by K to D for C on bank N. drafted, nu fu nu daitcu, <plan picture> (n) drafted/drawn up by …, of plans, conv. form. nu dantcumao, <plan picture make> (a) drafted/drawn up by …, of plans, conv. form. draftee, nu djofoi, <member force> (n) draftee/conscript. draftier, kerkroflo, <air flow full[draft full]> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is draftier/more full of drafts than J. drafting, po fu daitcu, <plan picture> (n) a drafting, an act/event of -ing plans. lopo dantcumao, <plan picture make> (n) drafting (n), the mass of all such acts. po dantcumao, <plan picture make> (n) a drafting (n), an act/event of -ing plans. draftsman, dantcumao, <plan picture make> (n) a draftsman, one who draws plans. drafty, kerkroflo, <air flow full[draft full]> (a) drafty, draftier than …. drag, kerpozfoi, <air oppose force> [V‍-‍C] (2n) V is drag/air resistance of magnitude C. nu kerpozfoi, <air oppose force> (n) C is the amount of drag. satcpu, <rub pull> [K‍-‍BNDS] (5v) K drag B over/across surface N to D from S. dragon, drala, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a female dragon. drali, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an infant dragon. dralo, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a male dragon. dralu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a generic dragon. dragon like, drale, [G‍-‍J] (1n) G is more dragon like than J. dragon piss, dralypinca, <dragon urine> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is eau de vie, dragon piss, Loglandian slang. drain, godru, [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K drain D into B. godru, (n) a drain, that which drains. godrycko, <drain cause> [N‍-‍DV] (3v) N drain/empty container D of substance V (involuntary). godrymao, <drain make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K drain/empty container D of substance V (voluntary). drainable, nu godru, (a) drainable, can be drained. drainage, nu godru, (n) a drainage, drained material. po godru, (n) a drainage, a process of -ing. drained, nu kalhoi, <complete drink> (pp) drunk up, drained. drama, stafikco, <stage fiction> [P‍-‍K] (2n) P is a play/drama/stageplay, dramatic work by K. lo stafikco, <stage fiction> (n) drama, mass term. dramatic, filjua, <feel grab> [V‍-‍D] (2a) V is gripping/dramatic to D. stafikco, <stage fiction> (a) dramatic, pert. to dramas. draught, dantcumao, <plan picture make> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K draft/draught/draw plans B for making/doing V. flofycondi, <float deep> [B‍-‍CN] (3n) B has a draft/draught of C in medium N. hompiu, <drink portion> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a draught/draft/drink, a portion of drink F. draughtsman, fu daitcu, <plan picture> (n) a draughtsman, one who draws plans. draw, cpula, [K‍-‍BDS] (4v) K pull/draw B to D from S. gancpu, <high pull> [K‍-‍BSD] (4v) K pull/draw B up from S to D. liasri, <line make> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K rule/draw lines on B. tcumao, <picture make> [K‍-‍PV] (3v) K draw/sketch P as/in drawing V. draw along, kincpu, <accompany pull> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K draw along/tow B. draw back, buftrili, <opposite from attract> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K draw back/turn away/withdraw from stimulus/situation V. draw bow, borcpu, <bow pull> [K‍-‍] (1v) K draw bow, prepares to shoot an arrow. draw up, purdanmao, <word plan> [K‍-‍PV] (3v) K formulate/draw up, make verbal plans P for/about V. drawer, drara, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a drawer of S, a sliding compartment for storage. drarycai, <drawer quantity> [C‍-‍B] (2n) C is a drawerful/drawer (quantity) of B. drawerful, drarycai, <drawer quantity> [C‍-‍B] (2n) C is a drawerful/drawer (quantity) of B. drawing, daitcu, <plan picture> [B‍-‍PK] (3n) B is a plan/drawing for making or building P drafted by K. fu tcumao, <picture make> (n) a drawing, a -ing by someone. po tcumao, <picture make> (n) a drawing, a spec. act of -ing. tcure, [B‍-‍SK] (3n) B is a picture/drawing of S made by K. drawing back, po buftrili, <opposite from attract> (n) a withdrawal/aversion/drawing back/turning away, a state of drawing back from. drawn by, nu tcumao, <picture make> (v) be drawn by … in …, conv. of draw. drawn up, nu fu nu daitcu, <plan picture> (n) drafted/drawn up by …, of plans, conv. form. nu dantcumao, <plan picture make> (a) drafted/drawn up by …, of plans, conv. form. dray, ctikarti, <materials cart> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a dray/wagon/waggon, one used for material transport. karti, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a cart/carriage/wagon/buggy/coach/chariot/dray, any non motorized vehicle. dread, gurfia, <weird fear> [B‍-‍V] (2v) B dread/are terrified by V. lopo gurfia, <weird fear> (n) dread, mass term of states. po gurfia, <weird fear> (n) a dread, a spec. state/condition. dreadful, gurfia, <weird fear> (a) awful/dreadful/terrible, dreadful/strangely fearful. dreadfulness, lopu nu gurfia, <weird fear> (n) dreadfulness, mass term of prop. pu nu gurfia, <weird fear> (n) a dreadfulness/awfulness, a spec. property. dream, rev, (af) a combining form of revri, dream. revri, [K‍-‍VB] (3v) K dream V/that …, dream that/about B. po revri, (n) a dream, an event of -ing. zavrei, <bad dream> [D‍-‍BV] (3v) D have a nightmare/bad dream B about V. po zavrei, <bad dream> (n) a bad dream/nightmare, an event of -ing. rei, (af) a combining form of revri, dream. dreamer, cidrei, <awake dream> (n) a dreamer, day dreamer. revri, (n) a dreamer, one who dreams. dreariness, lopu solcle, <sun without> (n) gloom/dreariness, mass property. dreary, solcle, <sun without> [G‍-‍JD] (3a) G is more gloomy/dismal/dreary than J to D. dress, cadre, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a dress, a woman's garment. herkeu, <hair care> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K dress/style/cut the hair of D in style V. resduo, <clothing do> (3v) K put on/dress D in/with B. resfoa, <dress form> (n) a manner of dress, a way of dressing of …. lo resfu, (n) dress/clothing, mass term. dress in, respli, <clothes use> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K wear/dress in clothing/costume/garment/attire B. dresser, caltoe, <wall table> [B‍-‍KFP] (4n) B is a sideboard/dresser (U.K.) in F for P. celnybao, <shelf box> [B‍-‍KFP] (4n) B is a buffet/sideboard/dresser (U.K.) in F for P. nurdaobao, <doored box> [B‍-‍KFP] (4n) B is a closet/cabinet/cupboard/dresser (U.K.) in F for P. nurdrara, <drawered> [B‍-‍NP] (3n) B is a highboy/chest-of drawers/dresser in N for P. dressing, herdua, <hair ornament> [V‍-‍D] (2n) V is the dressing/styling/cut of D's hair. resfoa, <dress form> [V‍-‍K] (2n) V is a/the way/style/manner of dressing of K. dressmaker, resmao, <dress maker> [K‍-‍P] (2n) K is a/the tailor/dressmaker, maker of clothing P. drier, dracko, <dry cause> (n) a drier, that which dries …. dramao, <dry make> (n) a drier, one who dries …. drani, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is drier than J. drill, tanholmao, <turn hole make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K drill/bore into D with drill/borer V. fu tanholmao, <turn hole make> (n) drill, a device for -ing. driller, tanholmao, <turn hole make> (n) driller, one who -s. drilling, tanholmao, <turn hole make> (a) drilling/boring, pertaining to -ing. drink, hom, (af) a combining form of hompi, drink. hompi, [K‍-‍BS] (3v) K drink B from S. nu hompi, (n) a drink, a thing drunk, conv. of drink. hompiu, <drink portion> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a draught/draft/drink, a portion of drink F. nurhoi, <drinkable> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a potable/drink/beverage, general term for potable liquids. hoi, (af) a combining form of hompi, drink. drink up, kalhoi, <complete drink> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K drink up B. drinkable, nu hompi, (a) drinkable, conv. of drink. drinking horn, homhorno, <drink horn> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a drinking horn. drive, bermaibapra, <carry machine(vehicle) operate> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K drive(s) vehicle B. gozmao, <go make> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K chase/drive D out/away from N. krani, [K‍-‍BDSV] (4v) K drive/herd /make … go B to D from S via V, when … ing animals/people; cf. bapra/tcabapra/tcatro for mechanical senses of 'drive'. po krani, (n) a drive, an act of -ing animals/people (e.g. enemy soldiers). rozduo, <hammer do> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K hammer/drive B into D. tcatro, <vehicle control> [K‍-‍BDSV] (5v) K drive/conduct vehicle/vessel B to D from S via V. drive back, pridiokrani, <backward drive> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K drive back/repel/repulse D from N. driver, bermaibapra, <carry machine(vehicle) operate> (n) driver (of …). tcabapra, <vehicle operate> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K operate(s)/is the driver/operator of vehicle B. tcabapra, <vehicle operate> (n) a/the driver/operator, of some vehicle; cf. tcatro. tcatro, <vehicle control> (n) a/the driver/operator of some vehicle/vessel during some journey; cf. tcabapra. driving, bermaibapra, <carry machine(vehicle) operate> (a) driving (…). dromedary like, camle, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is camel like/dromedary like, pertaining to an artiodactyl mammal of genus Camelus. droop, dambetcea, <down bent become> [K‍-‍] (1v) K droop/sag. drop, drida, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a drop of liquid S. fedlei, <fall let> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K shed/drop/let fall/let go B to/onto/into D. po fedlei, <fall let> (n) a drop, an event of -ing … accidentally. felcko, <fall cause> [N‍-‍BD] (3v) N drop/make fall B to/onto/into D, nonintentionally. po felcko, <fall cause> (n) drop, an event of -ing …, non intentional. felmao, <fall make> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K drop/make fall B to/onto/into D. po felmao, <fall make> (n) drop, an event of -ing … deliberately. lipfaa, <keep fail> [K‍-‍DN] (3a) K drop/lose D under conditions N. nortistia, <not choose choose> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K eliminate/discard/drop/reject B from selection process V. drove, muogru, <moving group> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a herd/flock/drove/swarm/school of B (any moving group of animals). drover, krani, (n) a drover/herder/herdsman, a driver of animals. drown, flimorcea, <water dead become> [D‍-‍B] (2v) D drown in B. flimorcko, <liquid death cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N drown D, non intentional. flimormao, <water dead make> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K drown D in B (intentional). drowned, flimoo, <liquid dead> [D‍-‍] (1a) D is drowned. drowning, flimorcea, <water dead become> (a) drowning (in …). po flimorcea, <water dead become> (n) drowning, an event of -ing. flimormao, <water dead make> (a) drowning (… in …). drug, kiucti, <medical substance> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a medicine/drug. kiurctiduo, <medical substance do> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K drug D with substance V. minkemdi, <mind chemicals> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an addictive drug. drug store, kiurctivemsia, <medical substance selling place> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a pharmacy/chemist shop/drug store. drugged, nu kiurctiduo, <medical substance do> (a) drugged (by person …). drum, ramgu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a drum, a percussion instrument played by tapping or striking. drunk, vinbuncea, <wine stupid become> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K get drunk on intoxicant B. vinbuo, <wine foolish> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is drunk (under the influence of alcohol). drunk up, nu kalhoi, <complete drink> (pp) drunk up, drained. drunken revel, vinbunkeo, <drunken time> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a drunken revel. dry, dra, (af) a combining form of drani, dry. dracea, <dry become> [B‍-‍] (1v) B dry (out), cause unspecified. dracko, <dry cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N dry/dehydrate D, nonintentional; 'the wind dries the clothes'. dramao, <dry make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K dry/dehydrate D by/with V, intentional. drani, (a) arid/dry, drier than …. norsli, <not sweet> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is dry/non sweet, as a wine. dryness, po drani, (n) a dryness/aridity, a spec. state of dryness. dual, tora, (a) dyadic/dual, pert. to pairs/dyads /two somes/. dub, samkeotakmao, <same time talk make> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K dub speech of D in film/programme B. dubious, dutci, (a) doubtful/skeptical/doubting/dubious/questioning. nu dutci, (a) doubtable/dubious/questionable, can be doubted, conv. of doubt. duchess, femferpoi, <5th power> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a/the duchess of domain N. femsursocysia, <female (rank) social position> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a/the princess/duchess/marchioness/countess/baroness of S, any peeress, identify by number. femtorsocysia, <female 2 social position> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a/the duchess of S. duck, anhasi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a duck, a bird of the family Anasidae. due, nu djeta, (a) due, owed, conv. of owe … to … for …. futnurpei, <future payable> [B‍-‍NDV] (4a) B is due/payable at (time) N to (payee) D for (goods/services) V. naznurpei, <now payable> [B‍-‍DV] (3a) B is now due/payable to (payee) D for (goods/services) V. nu petci, (a) payable/paid/due, pert. to amounts of pay, q.v. duffle bag, racysakli, <travel sit> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a duffle bag of N. duke, ferpoi, <5th power> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a/the duke of domain N. mensursocysia, <male (rank) social position> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a prince/duke/marquis/count/earl/baron of F, any peer, identify by number. mentorsocysia, <male 2 social position> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the duke of F. sursocysia, <# social position> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a count/earl/lord/duke/baron/nobleman/peer, of land/estate F, any peer, identify by number. dull, ciasla, <learn slowly.> [B‍-‍P] (2a) B is dull/stupid/slow at task P. nu kinku, (a) dull, as of blades, conv. of sharp. nunrilcko, <less bright cause> [N‍-‍BV] (3v) N dull/tarnish B by V. nurbrili, <dull (conv. of more brilliant than)> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more dull/unpolished than J. pensla, <think slowly.> [B‍-‍] (1) B is dull/stupid/slow. tocfiucko, <touch feeble cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N dull/numb/anaesthetize D. dulling, tocfiucko, <touch feeble cause> (a) dulling/numbing/anaesthetizing …. dullness, lopu ciasla, <learn slowly.> (n) dullness/stupidity, mass quality. duly, dreti, (av) duly/properly/correctly. dumb, nortaa, <not talk> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is dumb/mute, unable to talk. nortakcea, <not speak become> [B‍-‍] (1a) B become dumb/mute, unable to speak. dumpling, pambalma, <dough balls> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a dumpling. dunno which way dog, nordjadio, <not know direction> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a dunno which way dog. duo, -ra, (af) -some/-ad/-et, as in 'tora: twosome/dyad/duo/pair/couple ', the cardinal suffix; makes 2 place predicates of the form ' … is a N member subset of set …'. dupe, dup, (af) a combining form of dupma, dupe. dupma, [K‍-‍DNV] (4v) K trick/deceive/dupe/put over D in/about N by V. nu dupma, (n) a dupe, deceived person, conv. form. duplicate, kopca, [P‍-‍S] (2n) P is a copy/duplicate of S. kopmao, <copy make> (v) copy/duplicate …. tormao, <two make> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K double/duplicate/make two of B. duplication, po kopmao, <copy make> (n) a duplication, an act of copying. po tormao, <two make> (n) a duplication, an act of doubling. durable, brofro, <break strong> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is durable/tough under stress N. stomou, <stay more> (a) enduring/persistent/lasting/permanent/durable, pert. to that which -s. during, foi, (pp) in/during/under …, used before event/state terms to specify the conditions of an obligation. fui, (pp) in/during/under …, used before event/state terms to specify the conditions of an injunction. kau, (pp) in/during/under …, used before event/state terms to specify the conditions of an ability/ capability. na, (pp) at/in/during. naza, (pp) during/in …, in some short interval, with terms. nazu, (pp) during, in some long interval, with terms. nia, (pp) during/throughout. niaza, (pp) througout/during, throughout a short interval, terms. niazu, (pp) throughout/during, throughout a long interval, terms. nui, (pp) in/during/under …, used before event/state terms to specify the conditions of a permission. roi, (pp) in/during/under …, used before event/state terms to specify the conditions of an intention. during what interval, na hu, (q) when?/during what interval?/at what point in time? dusk, bitlitla, <between light> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is dusk/twilight, the period between day and night twilight. po litfiu, <light weak> (n) an instance of dimness/cloudiness/dusk. dusky, litfiu, <light weak> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more dim/cloudy/obscure/dusky/misty than J is. dust, dus, (af) a combining form of dustu, dust. dustu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a particle/expanse of dust. dustier, dusflo, <dust full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is dustier/more full of dust than J. duskua, <dust covered> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is dustier/more dust covered than J. dustiness, po dusflo, <dust full> (n) dustiness, a state of being dust full. po duskua, <dust covered> (n) dustiness, a state of being — covered. dusty, dusflo, <dust full> (a) dusty, more dust full than …. duskua, <dust covered> (a) dusty, more — covered than …. duty, ctecle, <tax free> [B‍-‍C] (2v) B is free of tax/duty C. ctecle, <tax free> (a) tax/duty free. ctecle, <tax free> (n) tax/duty free goods. ctecle vedsia, <tax free> (n) tax/duty free shop. cteki, [B‍-‍DKF] (4n) B is the tax/custom/duty/toll/tribute imposed on D paid by K to F. gartursia, <official position> [N‍-‍B] (2n) N is a/the post/office/duty/position of official B. fu kakdjeta, <action owe> (n) duty/obligation to … by …. po kakdjeta, <action owe> (n) a duty/obligation to … for …. nenbeicte, <in carry tax> [C‍-‍BS] (3v) C is the excise/duty on B from S. lo nu nurfolrui, <forced rule> (n) duty, mass term of acts. nu nurfolrui, <forced rule> (n) an obligation/duty, obligatory act, conv. of oblige. duvet, lumbedkua, <feather bed cover> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a feather bed cover/duvet/comforter. dwell, harlii, <shelter live> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K dwell/reside/live/occupy in dwelling B. dwelling, livhao, <living shelter> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is a/the lodging/habitation/abode/home/dwelling/domicile/residence of D. dwindle, cmacea, <small become> (v) decline/lessen/abate/dwindle/ebb. dyad, -ra, (af) -some/-ad/-et, as in 'tora: twosome/dyad/duo/pair/couple ', the cardinal suffix; makes 2 place predicates of the form ' … is a N member subset of set …'. tora, (2n) is a pair/dyad/twosome/couple, a two member subset of set …, a cardinal predicate; e.g. Da tora lea blanirda — X is a pair of bluebirds. dyadic, tora, (a) dyadic/dual, pert. to pairs/dyads /two somes/. dye, koldoncti, <color give stuff> [B‍-‍VD] (3n) B is a/the dye of colour V for D. koldou, <color give> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K colour/color/dye D with B. dying, morcea, <dead become> (a) mortal/dying, capable of dying. dyslexic, ridfiu, <read weak> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is dyslexic/reading impaired. dysprosium, disprrosio, [B‍-‍] (1) B is some dysprosium, element 66 (Dy).

E E, Ema, (l) E, Latin upper case letter, one of a pool of symbols. ziema, (l) the letter E — letteral and pronoun — upper case. Earl, la Por, (na) Count/Earl/Lord/Baron/Duke, etc. (a generalized nobility title/name/name part.). Earth, la Ter, (na) (the planet) Earth. East, La Lesta, (1n) the Orient/East (parts of Eastern Asia). Easter, genbradei, <again born day> [N‍-‍] (1n) N is Easter, the Sunday on or after the first full moon after the spring equinox. Echinodermata, lao Echinodermata, (na) the Echinodermata, the phylum of starfish etc. Edam, edhame, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some Edam, a sort of Dutch cheese. Egyptian, misra, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is the Egyptian dialect of Arabic. misri, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an Egyptian person. misro, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an instance of Egyptian culture. Egyptians, misre, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a district/territory inhabited by Egyptians. England, la Inglynd, (na) England, the name of the country. English, gle, (af) a combining form of gleca/e/i/o, "English". gleca, [N‍-‍] (1n) N is an element/feature/expression of the English language. gleca, (a) English, pert. to the English language. lo gleca, (n) English, the mass of such elements. glece, [N‍-‍] (1a) N is an English place/territory, a region inhabited by English. gleci, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an English person/English:man/woman. gleci, (a) English, of English origin. lo gleci, (n) (the) English, the mass of such persons. gleco, [N‍-‍] (1n) N is an element/feature/expression of the English culture. gleco, (a) English, pert. to the English culture. lo gleco, (n) English, the mass of such elements. la Inglec, (na) English, the - language. pundo, [B‍-‍CS] (3n) B weigh(s) C in pound(s), English/U.S. measure of weight (453.5 grams). English person, gleci, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an English person/English:man/woman. English speaker, gletaa, <English talker> [K‍-‍] (1n) K is an anglophone/English speaker, a speaker of the … language. Eureka, Soi vierdui, <idea discover> (ph) Eureka! Bingo! Europe, la Europas, (na) Europe (the name of the continent). European, eurpa, [F‍-‍] (1) F is a European language. eurpe, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is a European place/territory, a region inhabited by Europeans. eurpi, [B‍-‍] (1) B is a European person. eurpiykaa, <European origin> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is of European/Caucasian extraction. eurpo, [N‍-‍] (1) N is a European culture. e, efi, (l) e, Latin lower case letter, one of a pool of symbols. zie, (l) the letter e — letteral and pronoun — lower case. e-mail, kotposta, <computer mail> [K‍-‍BDS] (4v) K e-mail B to D from S. each, ra, (a) all/each/every/apiece (member of set …), before ba series every something …. each other, cikpoa, <equal respond> (av) each other/mutually/one another/reciprocally/in return. each recurrence of, rargea, <all agains> [V‍-‍F] (2v) V happen every time that/on each recurrence of F. each time, rargea, <all agains> (av) always/each time/every time, on all recurrences of …. eager, kakdaa, <action desiring> [G‍-‍JV] (3a) G is more eager/enthusiastic than J is about V. eagerness, lopu kakdaa, <action desiring> (n) eagerness, collective term, properties. eagle, akhuili, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an eagle, a member of the Aquila genus. ear, pu hirti, (n) an ear/hearing, the hearing sense. sog, (af) a combining form of sorgu, ear. sorgu, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an ear of F. earache, sogpuu, <ear pain> [B‍-‍S] (2v) B have an earache, feel pain in ear S. po sogpuu, <ear pain> (n) an earache, a state of having an earache. eared seal, otharidi, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is an otary/sea lion/eared seal from S. earl, menforsocysia, <male 4 social position> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an earl/count of F. mensursocysia, <male (rank) social position> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a prince/duke/marquis/count/earl/baron of F, any peer, identify by number. sursocysia, <# social position> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a count/earl/lord/duke/baron/nobleman/peer, of land/estate F, any peer, identify by number. terpoi, <3rd power> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a/the count/earl of domain N. earlier, pasnoa, <before average> [B‍-‍C] (2a) B is earlier (in time) than norm C. tsepao, <erroneously before> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is earlier than J, erroneously early. earlier than, pasgoi, <before go> [K‍-‍BDS] (4v) K precede/go earlier than/go before B to D from S. pasko, (pp) before/earlier than …. early, mucpao, <extremely before> [B‍-‍F] (2a) B is early/ancient, an early part of epoch F. pasko, (av) early/previously, at an earlier time. pasnoa, <before average> (a) early, incomplete form. tsepao, <erroneously before> (a) ahead of time/early, earlier than …. earn, jurna, [K‍-‍CP] (3v) K earn wages/salary C for work P. earner, jurna, (n) an earner, one who earns wages. earnest, srisu, [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is solemn/serious/grave/earnest/sober about V. earnestness, pu srisu, (n) a seriousness/earnestness/gravity/solemnity, a spec. prop. of persons. earning, jurnyrie, <earn tool> [S‍-‍KN] (3n) S is a means of earning (gainful employment) for K under conditions N. earnings, nurjurna, <conv. of earn> [C‍-‍KP] (3n) C is/are a/the earnings/wage/salary/fee of K for work/service P. nu rilryjurna, <regular earn> (1n) salary/wage/earnings. earring, sogdua, <ear ornament> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a (pair of) earring(s). earth, der, (af) a combining form of dertu, earth. dertu, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a piece/expanse of soil/dirt/earth/ground from S. deu, (af) a combining form of dertu, earth. sifdeu, <sited dirt> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the ground/soil/earth/dirt in place F. terla, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is terrestrial/earthbound/earth/world, pert. to the planet earth. earth scientist, telsesmao, <earth science make> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a geologist/earth scientist. earthbound, terla, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is terrestrial/earthbound/earth/world, pert. to the planet earth. earthen, dertu, (a) earthen, made of earth/dirt. earthquake, dersiu, <earth shake> [V‍-‍C] (2n) V is an earthquake of intensity C. ease, lopu nu fasru, (n) ease/facility, mass term, properties. pu nu fasru, (n) an ease/facility, a prop. of being facile. easier, fasmao, <easy make> [K‍-‍VD] (3v) K facilitate/simplify/make less difficult/make easier V for D, intentional. fasmou, <easy more> [G‍-‍JP] (3a) G easier/less difficult than J for P. fasycko, <easy cause> [N‍-‍VD] (3v) N facilitate/simplify/make less difficult/make easier V for D, nonintentional. easily, fasru, (av) readily/easily, in an easy manner. nornau, <not difficult> [N‍-‍] (1av) N is achieved without difficulty/easily. easiness, pu fasru, (n) an easiness, a spec. property. east, les, (af) a combining form of lesta, east. lesta, (pp) east of …, toward the east. easterly, lesta, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more eastern/easterly than J. eastern, lesta, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more eastern/easterly than J. eastward, lesta, (av) eastward, in an easterly way. easy, fas, (af) a combining form of fasru, easy. fasmou, <easy more> (a) easy, easier than … for …. fasru, [P‍-‍KN] (3a) P is easy/simple/facile for K (to do) under conditions N. easy chair, fopcei, <fat chair> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an easy chair/overstuffed chair. eat, kintci, <together eat> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K eat/break bread/share meal with D. miatci, <meal eat> (3v) K eat meal F consisting of B. tci, (af) a combining form of titci, eat. titci, [K‍-‍B] (2v) K eat B. eat meal, cefmiatci, <main meal eat> [K‍-‍BS] (3v) K eat meal B consisting of S. eat up, kaltci, <completely eat> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K devour/eat up B, totally. eaten, nu titci, (a) eaten by …, converse form. eater, titci, (n) an eater, one who eats. eau de vie, dralypinca, <dragon urine> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is eau de vie, dragon piss, Loglandian slang. fagcui, <fire water> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is firewater, eau de vie, a strong alcoholic beverage. eave, rufgodru, <roof drain> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a gutter/eave in F. ebb, cmacea, <small become> (v) decline/lessen/abate/dwindle/ebb. damcea, <low become> [K‍-‍C] (2v) K ebb/become lower to level C, cause unspecified. ecclesiastical, tepli, (a) clerical/ecclesiastical, pert. to churches. echinoderm, ekhinodermati, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an echinoderm of type F. echo, gensoa, <again sound> [B‍-‍] (1v) B echo/resound/ring. po gensoa, <again sound> (n) an echo, a sound reflection. eclipse, vijliu, <view hinder> [N‍-‍BS] (3v) N eclipse/block/obscure the view of B as seen from S. po vijliu, <view hinder> (n) an eclipse, generic term. eclipsed, nu vijliu, <view hinder> (a) eclipsed/obscured. ecological, livspasensi, <creature space science> [N‍-‍] (1n) N is an ecological law/fact/principle. ecologist, livspasesmao, <creature space science maker> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an ecologist, environmental scientist. ecology, lo livspasensi, <creature space science> (n) the science of ecology. economical, cmekeu, <money care> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more saving/frugal/thrifty/economical than J. nurkusti, <conv. of expensive> (a) economical/inexpensive/cheap, less costly than …, conv. of costlyn. prosensi, <production science> (a) economical, pert. to economics. economics, prosensi, <production science> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a science of economics. lo prosensi, <production science> (n) economics, mass term,. prosiosensi, <produce system science> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is the science of economics. economist, prosesmao, <production scientist> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an economist, economic scientist. prosiosesmao, <money trade science make> [K‍-‍] (1n) K is an economist. economy, cmebatsio, <money trade system> [N‍-‍F] (2n) N is the economy of F. prosio, <produce system> [N‍-‍F] (2n) N is a/the economy, the system of production for use or exchange, of people/society/nation F. ecstasy, lopu monhai, <mountainous happy> (n) bliss/ecstasy/rapture, mass term of property. lopo muchai, <very happy> (n) ecstasy/elation/euphoria, mass state of being -tic. lopu spibei, <spirit carry> (n) rapture/ecstasy. ecstatic, monhai, <mountainous happy> [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is blissful/ecstatic/rapturous over V. muchai, <very happy> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is ecstatic/euphoric/elated, extremely happy over N. edge, bidje, [B‍-‍DSS] (4n) B is an edge/side of D between surfaces S and S, any linear discontinuity. blabie, <knife edge> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the sharp edge of tool/weapon F. bie, (af) a combining form of bidje, edge. edibility, pu tcidi, (n) an edibility, a spec. prop. of any food. edible, tcidi, (a) edible, by …, be a food to …. edifice, nurbai, <conv. of build> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a building/edifice/structure, any built thing. edit, zvosea, <out put> [K‍-‍BS] (3v) K strike out/edit/eliminate B from S, as of words from a manuscript. edition, pubsrifoa, <public writing form> [P‍-‍CV] (3n) P is an edition/version C of work V. educatable, nu fomdia, <formal teach> (a) educated/educatable, capable of being —. educate, bivdia, <behaviour teach> [K‍-‍DNV] (4v) K train/condition/educate D to do/produce behavior N under V. fomdia, <formal teach> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K educate/instruct D in matter/subject B. jundia, <young teach> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K bring up/educate child/youth D in/to be a B. educated, nu fomdia, <formal teach> (a) educated/educatable, capable of being —. education, diclae, <teach art> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is teacher training/education, as in College of Education. po fomdia, <formal teach> (n) an education/instruction, a specific act of -ing. po nu fomdia, <formal teach> (a) education, a process of being -ed. po nu jundia, <young teach> (n) an up bringing/education, up bringing. educational, fomdia, <formal teach> (a) educational, pertaining to -ing. educator, fomdia, <formal teach> (n) an educator/instructor. jundia, <young teach> (n) an educator, of the young, a bringer up. eel, anguili, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an eel of species F. efface, fanmarmao, <reverse mark make> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K erase/efface/delete/rub out B. effect, ckozu, [S‍-‍PN] (3v) S cause/effect/give rise to P under conditions N, used as auxiliary for non intentional or non human causation. ckozu, (a) actual/causal/effective/in effect, effective, causing … under …. nu ckozu, (n) an effect, conv. of cause, but see nurcko. gudnurcko, <good effect> [P‍-‍VNS] (4n) P is a good effect/benefit of V under N for purpose S. nernurcko, <one 1st conv. of cause> [P‍-‍SN] (3n) P is the only/is exactly one effect/result of cause S under conditions N. nurcko, <conv. of cause> [P‍-‍SN] (3n) P is an effect/result/consequence/issue of cause S under conditions N. veu, (pp) Events/States/Effects/Deeds/Means/Routes, case tag (event/state/effect/deed/mean/route). effect on, norcko, <non causal> [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is ineffective toward/without effect on V. effective, ckofro, <cause strong> [K‍-‍PN] (3a) K is effective in producing result P in circumstances N. ckozu, (a) actual/causal/effective/in effect, effective, causing … under …. gudckomou, <effective more> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is better/more effective/efficient than J, as act/means. gudckomou, <effective more> (a) good/effective/efficient, more effective than …. skucko, <success cause> [B‍-‍P] (2a) B is effective/good/favourable/favorable toward/for desired end P, as of acts/mean. skucko, <success cause> (v) effective, be, effective for …. effectively, ckozu, (av) actually/effectively. skucko, <success cause> (av) effectively/well/with good effect, effectively. effectiveness, lopu ckozu, (n) effectiveness, mass term of props. pu ckozu, (n) an effectiveness, a spec. property. pu gudckomou, <effective more> (n) an effectiveness/efficiency, a spec. property. lopu skucko, <success cause> (n) effectiveness, mass term, properties. pu skucko, <success cause> (n) an effectiveness, a spec. property. effector, kempoa, <chemical respond> (n) a reagent/effector, that which reacts chemically. effervescence, po fliholvei, <liquid hole happen> (n) an effervescence, a state of bubbling. effervescent, fliholvei, <liquid hole happen> (a) bubbling/effervescent. efficiency, lopu gudckomou, <effective more> (n) efficiency, mass term of properties. pu gudckomou, <effective more> (n) an effectiveness/efficiency, a spec. property. efficient, gudckomou, <effective more> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is better/more effective/efficient than J, as act/means. gudckomou, <effective more> (a) good/effective/efficient, more effective than …. effort, mucrai, <very try> (ph) make an effort, try hard, q.v. trati, [K‍-‍PB] (3v) K try/attempt/make an effort to do/attain P by action/effort B. fu trati, (n) an effort, an action used in trying, q.v. po trati, (n) an attempt/effort/trial/try, an act of trying. egg, negda, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an egg/ovum of F. ego, selji, [V‍-‍B] (2n) V is a/the self/ego/identity image of person B. egotism, lopu graselkri, <great self believe> (n) egotism, mass term of properties. po graselkri, <great self believe> (n) an egotism, an act of being egotistical. pu graselkri, <great self believe> (n) an egotism, a spec. property. egotist, graselkri, <great self believe> (n) an egotist, one who is egotistical. egotistical, graselkri, <great self believe> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more egotistical than J is. seljio, <self important> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is vain/arrogant/egotistical/stuffy/self important. eight, vo, (a) eight (8), in math. expressions. vo, (l) eight (8) (of), a description quantifier. E.g. Vo le fumna pa merji — (Some) Eight of the women were married; Vo fumna pa hijra — (Some) Eight women were here independently. Cf., vocu. lio vo, (ph) eight (8), the number eight, non math. vor, (af) a combining form of vo, eight. eight member, vora, (2n) B is an octet/eight member subset of set F, a cardinal predicate; Da vora lea tenhisu. — X is a group of eight tennis players. eighteen, nevo, (a) eighteen (of) …, a quantifying operator. nevo, (n) eighteen, the number 18, in math. exp. lio nevo, (n) eighteen, the number 18, non math. eighth, vori, (2n) a/the eighth term/member of series …, an ordinal predicate. vori, (a) eighth, of 8th members, before predicates. eighthly, vofi, (av) eighthly, in the eighth place. eighty, voni, (a) eighty of …, a quantifying operator, math. exps. voni, (n) eighty, the number 80, in math. exp. lio voni, (n) eighty, the number eighty, non math. einsteinium, einsteinio, [B‍-‍] (1) B is some einsteinium, a transuranic element. either, conoi, (c) either … or, exclusive, between mods. ica, (c) either … or, inclusive between sents. iconoi, (c) either … or (but not both), exclusive sense, between sents. inoco, (c) either … or/not … mean/unless, exclusive or between sents. konoi, (c) either … or, exclusive, free form. sui, (av) neither/either/nor, in the senses 'He didn't either/Neither did he/Nor did he'. either not, inocanoi, (c) either not … or not, 1 wd. between sents/clauses. either or, ca, (c) either or/otherwise inclusive<, between mods.>. ka, (c) either or … and possibly both, used with ki in 'ka … ki … '. either or or, a, (c) or (else)/otherwise/and or/either or or both, inclusive sense between terms. eject, rirtifmao, <record offer make> [K‍-‍BF] (3v) K eject(s) record B from machine F. rirtiu, <record offer> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K (machine) eject(s) record B. ejection seat, rencei, <throw chair> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an ejection seat. elaborate, vadtua, <develop work> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K work out/elaborate/develop D. eland, taurhotragui, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an eland, an antelope of genus Taurotragus. lao Taurotragus derbianus, (na) an eland, an antelope. elapse, ckevei, <time happen> [V‍-‍] (1v) V pass/elapse, e.g. (time). elastic, las, (af) a combining form of lasti, elastic. lasti, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more elastic/springy/spring like than J. lasti, (n) an elastic, an elastic thing. elasticity, lopu lasti, (n) elasticity, mass term of properties. pu lasti, (n) an elasticity/springiness, a spec. property. elasticize, lasmao, <elastic make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K elasticize D, make … elastic, intentional. elate, haicko, <happy cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N elate/cheer (up)/make happy D, nonintentional; 'That makes me happy'. hapmao, <happy make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K elate/cheer (up)/make happy D, intentional. elated, muchai, <very happy> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is ecstatic/euphoric/elated, extremely happy over N. elation, po nu haicko, <happy cause> (n) an elation, a state of being made happy. po nu hapmao, <happy make> (n) an elation, a state of being made happy. lopo muchai, <very happy> (n) ecstasy/elation/euphoria, mass state of being -tic. elbow, midbardji, <mid arm joint> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the elbow of F. elect, poltia, <political choose> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K elect D for office N. elected, nu poltia, <political choose> (a) elected, conv. of elect. election, po poltia, <political choose> (n) an election, an act/event of -ing. elector, poltia, <political choose> (n) an elector, one who -s. electric, lek, (af) a combining form of lenki, electric. lekpli, <electricity use> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is electric/electrical, uses electricity for operation. lenki, (a) electrical/electric, pert. to electric charges on …. electric charge, lenki, [V‍-‍B] (2n) V is an electric charge in/on object B. electric current, lekykro, <electric current> (n) some/an electric current/electricity, a specific current. electrical, lekdjisia, <electric join place> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an electrical outlet in F. lekpli, <electricity use> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is electric/electrical, uses electricity for operation. lekykai, <electric quality> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is electrical, powered by electricity. lenki, (a) electrical/electric, pert. to electric charges on …. electrical system, leksio, <electric system> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the electrical system of vehicle/device F. electrically, lekpli, <electricity use> (av) electrically, by means of electricity. electricity, lekykro, <electric current> (n) some/an electric current/electricity, a specific current. lo lekykro, <electric current> (n) electricity, mass term. lenki, (n) a spec. charge of electricity in/on object …. lo lenki, (n) electricity, mass term of charges. electrocardiograph, lekykarcysri, <electric heart writer> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an electrocardiograph. electrode, kathodi, [B‍-‍] (1) B is a cathode, a negative electrode. electron, elhektroni, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an electron, a component of matter. electronics, lo elhektroniysensi, <electron science> [N‍-‍] (1n) N is electronics, mass term. elegant, bilsapla, <beautifully simple> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more elegant than J. naurfasmao, <difficult easy make> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K make an elegant solution of problem V. element, baspai, <base part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an element/fundamental ingredient of F. djori, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an element/member of set/group F. kembasni, <chemical base> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a chemical element, a chemically basic constituent of matter. nurlista, <conv. of list> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an item/term/element/entry of list/series/ordered set F. elementary, baspai, <base part> (a) elementary/fundamental. nerkea, <first school> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an elementary/grammar school, first school of community F. elements, nu lodsei, <logic set> (n) the membership of/members/elements of set …. nu pebsei, <special set> (n) the membership of/are the members/elements of set …. elephant, temba, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a female African elephant. tembi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an infant African elephant. tembo, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a male African elephant. tembu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an African elephant, generic word. elhefantu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an elephant. elhefanta, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a female elephant. elhefanto, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a male elephant. elhefanti, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an infant elephant. hatha, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a female Asian elephant. hathi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an infant Asian elephant. hatho, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a male Asian elephant. hathu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an Asian elephant. elephant like, tembe, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more elephantine/elephant like than J. elhefante, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more elephantine/elephant like than J. hathe, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more elephantine/elephant like than J. elephantine, tembe, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more elephantine/elephant like than J. elhefante, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more elephantine/elephant like than J. hathe, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more elephantine/elephant like than J. elevate, lufta, [K‍-‍BDSN] (5v) K lift/elevate B to D from S in gravity field N. elevating, lufta, (a) elevating, pert. to lifting. elevation, fu lufta, (n) an elevation, a place to which … is -ed. po lufta, (n) a lift/elevation, an act/event of -ing. nu murgaa, <sea high> (n) the elevation/altitude above sea level of …. elevator, lufta, (n) an elevator/lifter/lift, a thing which -s something. nazbyjao tolpai, <control part> (n) B is an elevator of aircraft F. eleven, nene, (a) eleven (of) …, a quantifying operator. nene, (n) eleven, the number 11, in math. exp. lio nene, (n) eleven, the number 11, non math. elicit, furpoa, <3rd conv. respond> [S‍-‍VB] (3v) S elicit response V in organism B. eligible, rulnurlei, <rule permitted> [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is eligible to V. eliminate, nortistia, <not choose choose> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K eliminate/discard/drop/reject B from selection process V. zvosea, <out put> [K‍-‍BS] (3v) K strike out/edit/eliminate B from S, as of words from a manuscript. eliminated, nu nortistia, <not choose choose> (n) a discard, one eliminated (by … from …). elimination, po nortistia, <not choose choose> (n) an inst. of elimination. elite, nurtia, <selected> [B‍-‍FN] (3a) B is/are a choice/pick/select/elite of F according to N. lo nurtia, <selected> (n) the elite/select, mass term. ellipse, lagrae, <long round> [B‍-‍CC] (3n) B is an ellipse with foci (collection) C and major axis C. elliptical, lagrae, <long round> (a) elliptical. elm, ulmu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an elm. elongate, laacko, <long cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N elongate/lengthen/extend D, cause … to be longer, nonintentional 'heat elongates metal bars'. lagmao, <long make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K elongate/lengthen/extend D, make … longer, intentional. elongated, nu lagmao, <long make> (a) elongated, made longer. elongation, lopu laacko, <long cause> (n) elongation/extension, mass prop. po laacko, <long cause> (n) an elongation/extension (of …). lopu lagmao, <long make> (n) elongation/extension, mass prop. po lagmao, <long make> (n) an elongation/extension (of …). eloquence, lopu fultaa, <rich talk> (n) the mass property of eloquence. po fultaa, <rich talk> (n) an instance of eloquence. lopu muvmaztaa, <move make talk> (n) the mass property of eloquence. po muvmaztaa, <move make talk> (n) an instance of eloquence. eloquent, fultaa, <rich talk> [G‍-‍JD] (3a) G is more eloquent than J is in language D. muvmaztaa, <move make talk> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more eloquent/rabble rousing than J. else, ica, (c) or else, inclusive sense between terms. notpeu, <other person> [B‍-‍B] (2n) B is another/someone else/other than B. onoi, (c) or else, exclusive sense between terms. elsewhere, no vi, (av) somewhere else/elsewhere. notsia, <other place> [B‍-‍B] (2a) B is somewhere else/elsewhere/at another place than/away from B. notsia, <other place> (av) elsewhere/away, at another place. elude, nornurjuasto, <uncaught stay> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K elude/evade capture by V. eluder, nornurjuasto, <uncaught stay> (n) fugitive/eluder/evader (of …), one who -s. emancipate, rezmao, <free make> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K free/liberate/deliver/emancipate/set loose D from B, intentional. rezycko, <free cause> [N‍-‍DB] (3v) N free/liberate/deliver/emancipate/set loose D from B, nonintentional. embalmer, morkorduo, <dead body do> (n) a mortician/undertaker/embalmer, undertaker. embankment, bieslo, <edge slope> [B‍-‍FP] (3n) B is an embankment/dike of/along F constructed for purpose P. nurmaoslo, <made slope> [B‍-‍FP] (3n) B is an embankment/dike of/along F for purpose P. embark, tovneagoi, <over next go> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K mount/embark/get on top of/go aboard B. embark on, sackao, <start act> [K‍-‍VP] (3v) K begin/start/found/commence/embark on/take up/establish doing V for end/purpose P. embarkation, po sackao, <start act> (n) a/the start/embarkation/foundation/commencement/beginning/establishment, an act of starting something. po tovneagoi, <over next go> (n) an embarkation. embarrass, simbuocko, <seeming fool cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N embarrass D by E (nonintentional cause). socycomcko, <social shame cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N embarrass/cause social shame to D, nonintentional. socycoumao, <social shame make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K embarrass/cause social shame to D by V, intentional. embarrassed, simbuncea, <seeming fool become> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K is embarrassed by V. socycomcea, <social shame become> [D‍-‍] (1v) D is embarrassed/socially shamed, cause unspecified. nu socycomcko, <social shame cause> (a) embarrassed. nu socycoumao, <social shame make> (a) embarrassed. embarrassment, lopo simbuncea, <seeming fool become> (n) embarrassment, mass states of self caused —. po simbuncea, <seeming fool become> (1n) an instance of embarrassment, self caused. lopo simbuocko, <seeming fool cause> (n) embarrassment, mass state. po simbuocko, <seeming fool cause> (1n) an instance of embarrassment, being -ed by outside cause. socycou, <social shame> [B‍-‍] (1) B is an embarrassment, a state of being -ed. ember, carcao, <carbon burn> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is an ember/(live) coal from/in fire S. emblem, famymra, <family mark> [B‍-‍F] (2v) B is the device/emblem/motto/coat-of arms of family F. embrace, clutorpuo, <love two push(squeeze)> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K hug/embrace/lovingly squeeze D. po clutorpuo, <love two push(squeeze)> (n) a hug/embrace, an act of -ing. kortorpuo, <body squeeze(two push)> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K hug/embrace D. embrace on meeting, jmitorpuo, <meet two push> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K embrace on meeting D. embroider, sanydjoso, <sign sew> [K‍-‍PB] (3v) K embroider pattern P on B. embroidery, fu sanydjoso, <sign sew> (n) embroidery, the object decorated. nu sanydjoso, <sign sew> (n) embroidery, the pattern -ed. po sanydjoso, <sign sew> (n) an instance of embroidery. embryo, embrioni, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an embryo/foetus, an unhatched/unborn creature. embryonic, embrioni, (a) embryonic, pert. to embryos. emcee, fomveicefli, <formal event chief> [K‍-‍V] (2n) K is the master of ceremonies/emcee/celebrant at ceremony V. emerald, smaradi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an emerald, a bright green variety of beryl. emerge, nenkaa, <in come [from]> [K‍-‍S] (2v) K come out of/issue forth/emerge from S. zvokaa, <out come> (4v) K emerge/come out from S to D via V. emergence, po nenkaa, <in come [from]> (n) an emergence, a spec. act of -ing. emergency, kukyzvorua, <quick out route> [V‍-‍F] (2n) V is an emergency exit of conveyance F. emerging, po zvokaa, <out come> (n) an instance of emerging/coming out. emersion, po flitce, <liquid penetrate> (n) a dive/emersion (into … for …). emerypaper, rofpre, <rough paper> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a piece of sandpaper/emerypaper, any abrasive paper. eminence, lopu ganfamva, <high famous> (1n) eminence, mass property. po ganfamva, <high famous> (1n) an instance of eminence. eminent, ganfamva, <high famous> [G‍-‍JV] (3a) G is more eminent than J for V. eminently, ganfamva, <high famous> (av) eminently. emission, nu kresui, <ray send> (2n) an emission from source …. po zvopetri, <out(ward) distribute> (n) an emission (of … by …). emit, kresui, <ray send> [S‍-‍PN] (3v) S emit/radiate/transmit signal/energy P in direction N. zvopetri, <out(ward) distribute> [K‍-‍BN] (3v) K emit/send forth B through/by medium N. emitter, zvopetri, <out(ward) distribute> (n) emitter (of … by …), that which -s. emitting, zvopetri, <out(ward) distribute> (a) emitting (… by …). emotion, lopo filmo, (n) emotion/humor/mood, mass term of states. nu filmo, (n) a feeling/emotion, a spec. feeling by … about …. po filmo, (n) an emotion/humor/mood, a spec. state of feeling. fiocko, <feel cause> [S‍-‍DP] (3v) S move/touch/cause emotion in D causing emotions P, nonintentional. po fiocko, <feel cause> (n) emotion, brought about in … by …. lopo folfio, <strong feel> (n) emotion/passion, mass term of states. emotional, filmo, (a) emotional/feeling, able to feel … about …. fioflo, <feeling full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more emotional/full of emotions than J is. folfio, <strong feel> (a) emotional/passionate, passionate about …. emotionality, lopu fioflo, <feeling full> (n) emotionality, mass term, properties. pu fioflo, <feeling full> (n) an emotionality, a spec. property. lopu folfio, <strong feel> (n) emotionality, mass term of prop. emotionally, fioflo, <feeling full> (av) emotionally, in an emotional manner. empathetic, notpuu, <other pain> (a) compassionate/empathetic, having compassion. empathize with, notpuu, <other pain> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K empathize with/feel empathy/compassion for D, i.e. feels …'s pain. empathy, notpuu, <other pain> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K empathize with/feel empathy/compassion for D, i.e. feels …'s pain. po notpuu, <other pain> (n) an empathy/compassion, a spec. act/condition. emperor, bragai, <born rule> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the king/queen/monarch/emperor/empress/sultan of F. grabragai, <great king> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a/the emperor/great king of N. emphasis, cao, (pm) emphasis/(emphasizes next word; turns 'cao <word>' into 'WORD' or '#word#' or doesn't change it depending on which transcription switch is on.). pu puacla, <word loud> (n) a stress/emphasis, a spec. property. po purclamao, <word loud make> (n) a stress/emphasis, a spec. act of -izing …. emphasize, clamao, <loud make> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K emphasize/stress B (in intensity). jipmao, <important make> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K emphasize/stress (the importance of) V. purclamao, <word loud make> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K emphasize/stress/say forcefully P /say … emphatically. emphasized, puacla, <word loud> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is stressed/emphasized/emphatic relative to N. emphatic, puacla, <word loud> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is stressed/emphasized/emphatic relative to N. empire, nu grabragai, <great king> (n) an empire/domain, empire, conv. of emperor. gunpou, <national possession> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is an/the empire/domain/dominion of state/country B. empirical, spekri, <experience believe> (a) empirical, of persons. spekrisio, <experience belief system> (a) empirical, of creeds. nu speni, (a) experienceable/experienced/empirical, able to be experienced, q.v. empirically, feotra, <fact true> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is factually/empirically true under epistemology N. empiricism, spekrisio, <experience belief system> [N‍-‍] (1n) N is an empiricism, an instance of an -ical creed. lo spekrisio, <experience belief system> (n) empiricism, mass term. empiricist, spekri, <experience believe> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an empiricist, one who believes in empiricism. employ, perpli, <person use> [K‍-‍DPC] (4v) K employ/engage/hire person D to do P for salary/wage C. plizo, [K‍-‍VP] (3v) K use/employ/utilize means V for end/purpose/reason P. employee, nu perpli, <person use> (n) a worker/employee, one who is hired. employer, perpli, <person use> (n) an employer, one who hires. turpei, <work pay> (n) an employer. employment, jurnyrie, <earn tool> [S‍-‍KN] (3n) S is a means of earning (gainful employment) for K under conditions N. po perpli, <person use> (n) an employment, an act of -ing. po nu perpli, <person use> (n) a/the work/employment/job, a state of being -ed. empress, bragai, <born rule> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the king/queen/monarch/emperor/empress/sultan of F. gragarfua, <great queen> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is the empress/great queen of N. emptier, nurflo, <conv. of full> [G‍-‍JB] (3a) G is less full/emptier than J of B. emptiness, po nira, (n) nullity/emptiness, a condition of an empty set. pu nira, (n) nullity/emptiness, a property of an empty set. lopo nirveo, <zero contain> (n) emptiness, the mass of such states. po nirveo, <zero contain> (n) a vacuum/void/vacancy/emptiness, a state of being empty. pu nurfia, <conv. of fear> (n) an emptiness, partial, a spec. property. pu nurflo, <conv. of full> (n) an emptiness, partial, a spec. property. empty, godrycko, <drain cause> [N‍-‍DV] (3v) N drain/empty container D of substance V (involuntary). godrymao, <drain make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K drain/empty container D of substance V (voluntary). murdji, <sea join> [S‍-‍D] (2v) S empty into sea D. nira, (a) nil/none/null/empty/void/blank, of the empty set. nirvelmao, <zero contain make> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K empty B in/on D. nirveo, <zero contain> [B‍-‍] (1v) B is/are empty, contain(s) nothing. nirveo, <zero contain> (a) vacant/empty, contains nothing. vladji, <lake join> [B‍-‍D] (2v) B empty into lake D. empty set, nira, (1n) a/the naught/blank/nullad/nothing/the empty set/null set, the set with zero members, a cardinal predicate. enable, blicko, <possible cause> [N‍-‍KV] (3v) N enable/make possible for K to do V, nonintentional 'The inheritance enabled my trip'. blimao, <possible make> [K‍-‍DP] (3v) K enable/make possible for D to do P, intentional. enabled, blicea, <possible become> [D‍-‍K] (2v) D is/are enabled by K, intransitive 'The interrupt was enabled'. enact, lilmao, <law make> [K‍-‍PN] (3v) K legislate/enact law P for polity N. enactment, nu lilmao, <law make> (n) an act/enactment/law/legislation, enacted law, conv. of legislate. po lilmao, <law make> (n) an enactment, an act of -ing law. encamp, kampymao, <camp make> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K encamp at B. encampment, kampo, [B‍-‍FN] (3n) B is a camp/encampment of F at N, a temporary dwelling place. encase, padyduo, <pad do> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K cushion/pad/encase D with B. encephalitic, encefaliti, (a) encephalitic, pert. to encephalitis. encephalitis, encefaliti, [D‍-‍] (1v) D suffers from encephalitis, an inflammation of the brain. lo encefaliti, (n) encephalitis, collective term for the condition. enchant, grimadji, <song magic> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K enchant D with effect V. encircle, radsea, <around set> [B‍-‍D] (2) B surround/encircle D. rinduo, <ring do> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K surround/gird/ring/band/encircle D with V. rinje, (v) ring/encircle, by virtue of being a ring. enclose, calsea, <wall set> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K enclose/wall up D, put a wall around …. jitvelfomduo, <tight vessel form do> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K envelop/wrap/enclose D in B. neiklo, <inside close> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K enclose/inclose/shut up B in D. enclosed, nu jitvelfomduo, <tight vessel form do> (a) enveloped/wrapped/enclosed (by … in …). nu neiklo, <inside close> (a) confined/enclosed/inclosed, of that which is shut in. enclosure, nu calsea, <wall set> (n) an enclosure, the area enclosed. calsia, <walled place> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a court/yard/enclosure, an enclosed area of house/building F. fu neiklo, <inside close> (n) an enclosure, that in which … is enclosed. nu neiklo, <inside close> (n) an enclosure/inclosure, something -ed. encode, smisri, <secret write> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K encode/code B, put … into coded form. encoded, smisri, <secret write> (a) encrypted, encoded. encoder, smisri, <secret write> (n) an encoder/coder, one who/that which encodes. encoding, smisrisio, <secret writing system> [F‍-‍] (1n) F is a system for encryption/encoding text. encoding system, smileu, <secret language> [F‍-‍KPB] (4n) F is a code/cipher/encoding system used by K to keep P secret from B. encomium, lopo gangudtaa, <high good talk/> (n) an event of praise, an encomium/eulogy. encounter, caejmi, <chance meet> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K encounter (by chance) B at D. po caejmi, <chance meet> (n) an encounter (chance) (of … at …). jmite, [K‍-‍B] (2v) K meet/encounter B. po jmite, (n) an encounter/meeting, an act/event of -ing. nemjmi, <enemy meet> [K‍-‍BN] (3v) K encounter enemy B at N. po nemjmi, <enemy meet> (n) an encounter (military) (of … at …). encourage, filjuo, <feel support> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K encourage D by V. lodhea, <logic help> [K‍-‍] (1v) K encourage/promote the use of logic. encourage creativity, vefhea, <invent help> [V‍-‍KN] (3v) V enhance creativity/encourage creativity in (person) K by N. encouraged, nu filjuo, <feel support> (a) encouraged (by … by …). encouragement, lopu filjuo, <feel support> (n) encouragement, mass property. po filjuo, <feel support> (n) an encouragement (of … by …). encrypted, smisri, <secret write> (a) encrypted, encoded. encryption, smisrisio, <secret writing system> [F‍-‍] (1n) F is a system for encryption/encoding text. encyclopedia, rardjabuu, <all knowledge book> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an encyclopedia. end, bekfao, <object end> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the tip/end/extremity of object F. fad, (af) a combining form of fando, end. fadkai, <end quality> [B‍-‍] (1v) B end/stop/is finite. fadmao, <end make> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K terminate/end/abort, make a (possibly incomplete) end to P, intentional. po fadmao, <end make> (n) an end/termination/abortion, an act of -ing something. fando, [V‍-‍B] (2n) V is an/the end/termination of B. furpli, <purpose of use> [P‍-‍VK] (3n) P is a/the reason/purpose/end for means V being used by K. fu kakto, (n) an end, what an actor seeks, but see furkao. modvi, [B‍-‍VKN] (4n) B is a motive/end/purpose for action V to actor K under conditions N. taosti, <dispute cease> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K settle/stop/end dispute with D. fao, (af) a combining form of fando, end. end a session of, rorparcea, <many parts become> [D‍-‍VN] (3v) D dissolve/end a session of V in N. end in view, furkao, <3rd converse, act> [P‍-‍VK] (3n) P is a/the goal/purpose/end in view of action V by actor K. end point, ckefao, <time end> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the end point/termination of interval/period F. ended, prakapli, <process complete> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is past/done/over/accomplished/ended/finished. ending, po fadcea, <end(ed) become> (n) an ending/termination, the natural/unassisted -ing of something. ending a session, po rorparcea, <many parts become> (n) an instance of dissolution/ending a session (in …). endless, no fadcea, <end(ed) become> (a) endless, does not naturally end. faocle, <end without> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is infinite/endless/unbounded/without limit/end. endnote, fadnursri, <end writing> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an endnote of F. endocrine, endokrini, [N‍-‍] (1) N is endocrine, secreting internally. endothermic, endotermi, [N‍-‍] (1a) N is endothermic, absorbing heat. endothermy, lopo endotermi, (n) endothermy, the state of heat absorption. endow, stocmedou, <capital (stay money) give> [K‍-‍DBS] (4v) K endow(s) D with B for S. endowed, nu stocmedou, <capital (stay money) give> (a) endowed (by … with … for …). endowment, po stocmedou, <capital (stay money) give> (n) an endowment (of … with … for …). ends, fadcea, <end(ed) become> [B‍-‍] (1v) B ends/terminates, comes naturally to an end. endurable, nu stofaubei, <stay disturb carry> (a) endurable/bearable, can be -ed. endurance, lopu fatbei, <trouble carry> (n) resistance/endurance (of trouble …), mass property. meisto, <measure last> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B lasts/endures C in time, has a measured life/endurance of. lopu laasto, <long stay> (n) resistance/endurance (of …), mass prop. lopu stofaubei, <stay disturb carry> (n) endurance, mass prop. lopu stomou, <stay more> (n) persistence/permanence/permanency/endurance, mass prop. po stomou, <stay more> (n) an endurance/permanence, a state/process of -ing. endure, fanjuo, <reverse support> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K cannot support/bear/endure/tolerate D in circumstance N. fatbei, <trouble carry> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K endure/resist trouble N. laasto, <long stay> [K‍-‍VN] (3v) K persist/endure/resist V in conditions N. stofaubei, <stay disturb carry> [D‍-‍V] (2v) D endure/stand/bear/undergo hardship V. stomou, <stay more> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G endure/persist/last longer than J. endures, meisto, <measure last> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B lasts/endures C in time, has a measured life/endurance of. enduring, laasto, <long stay> (a) persistent/enduring, long lasting. stomou, <stay more> (a) enduring/persistent/lasting/permanent/durable, pert. to that which -s. enemy, nem, (af) a combining form of nemdi, enemy. nemdi, [B‍-‍BV] (3n) B is an/the enemy/foe/adversary of B in struggle V. energetic, kaoflo, <action full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more active/energetic/lively than J. nejflo, <energy full> [G‍-‍BJ] (3) G is (more) intense/energetic in quality B than J is. nerji, (a) energetic/vehement, having energy/capacity for work. energy, pu kaoflo, <action full> (n) energy, of persons, a spec. property. nej, (af) a combining form of nerji, energy. nerji, [G‍-‍JC] (2n) G has more energy/capacity for doing work than J (physics) by amount C. lopu nerji, (n) energy, mass term. pu nerji, (n) the energy/vehemence, work capacity of a body/system. enfold, nenfoldi, <in fold> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K wrap/enfold/inclose D in N. enfolded, nu nenfoldi, <in fold> (a) inclosed/enfolded/inclosure/wrapped, conv. of enfold. enforce, norlilbiutro, <illegal behaviour control> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K enforce law B by V. rulbivmao, <rule behave make> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K enforce rule B by V. enforcement, po norlilbiutro, <illegal behaviour control> (n) an enforcement (of … by …). po rulbivmao, <rule behave make> (n) an enforcement (of … by …). enforcer, norlilbiutro, <illegal behaviour control> (n) enforcer, one who -s. enforcing, norlilbiutro, <illegal behaviour control> (a) enforcing (of … by …). engage, djomao, <member make> [K‍-‍DF] (3v) K include/enlist/engage D in group F, make … a member of group …. ferci, (v) engage/involve/concern/interest/matter to …, involve …, as in an affair. peircue, <pay say> [K‍-‍DP] (3v) K engage/hire person D to do P. perpli, <person use> [K‍-‍DPC] (4v) K employ/engage/hire person D to do P for salary/wage C. engaged, nu ferci, (a) engaged/concerned/interested/involved, of one involved. nu peircue, <pay say> (a) engaged/hired (by … to do …). engaged in, tuaflo, <work full> [K‍-‍V] (2a) K is busy/occupied with/engaged in V. tuaflo, <work full> (v) be busy/occupied with/engaged in …. engaged to be married, merfurmoi, <marry intend> [B‍-‍] (1a) B (pl.set) are engaged to be married/betrothed. engagement, po merfurmoi, <marry intend> (n) an engagement/betrothal. fu peircue, <pay say> (2n) an engagement (of … by …). engaging, peircue, <pay say> (a) engaging/hiring (… to do …). engine, hatmotci, <heat motor> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an engine, a heat converting machine. motci, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an engine/motor, any torque producing machine. engineer, sespli, <science use> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K engineer B. sespli, <science use> (n) an engineer, one who -s something. engineering, lopo sespli, <science use> (n) engineering, mass acts. engrave, rajysri, <scratch write> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K engrave B on D. engraved, nu rajysri, <scratch write> (a) engraved, what is written. engraving, fu rajysri, <scratch write> (n) an engraving, the object engraved. po rajysri, <scratch write> (n) an instance of engraving. engrossed in, minynei, <mind in> [B‍-‍V] (2v) B is/are absorbed by/engrossed in V. sminynei, <mind in> [B‍-‍V] (2v) B is/are absorbed by/engrossed in V. enhance creativity, vefhea, <invent help> [V‍-‍KN] (3v) V enhance creativity/encourage creativity in (person) K by N. enjoy, gusfundi, <taste prefer> [K‍-‍GJ] (3v) K relish/enjoy/prefer G over J. haispe, <happily experience> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K enjoy/welcome V, get enjoyment from (doing) … ; 'I welcome the end of the war'. hapcea, <happy become> [K‍-‍] (1v) K enjoy(s) oneself, be happy with oneself. enjoyable, nu haispe, <happily experience> (a) enjoyable/welcome, conv. of enjoy; 'The end of the war is welcome'. enjoyment, lopo haispe, <happily experience> (n) enjoyment, mass term of states. po haispe, <happily experience> (n) some enjoyment, a spec. state of -ing. po hapcea, <happy become> (n) enjoyment, a state of self enjoyment. pu hapcea, <happy become> (n) enjoyment, a property of self enjoyment. enlarge, grocea, <large become> [D‍-‍] (1v) D enlarge/wax/increase/become larger in bulk. grocko, <larger cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N enlarge/make larger D in bulk, nonintentional. gromao, <larger make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K enlarge/make larger D in bulk, intentional. kubcko, <wide cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N dilate/widen/broaden/enlarge/expand D (unintentional). kubmao, <wide make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K dilate/widen/broaden/enlarge/expand D (intentional). sulcea, <swollen become> [D‍-‍] (1v) D swell/enlarge/expand, become swollen. sulmao, <swell make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K (make) swell/enlarge D by V, (intentional) "The surgeon enlarged her breasts". enlarged, nu grocko, <larger cause> (a) enlarged, conv. of enlarge. nu gromao, <larger make> (a) enlarged, conv. of enlarge. kubcea, <wide become> [D‍-‍C] (2v) D is/are dilated/widened/broadened/enlarged/expanded by C. nu kubcko, <wide cause> (a) dilated/widened/broadened/enlarged/expanded (by …). nu kubmao, <wide make> (a) dilated/widened/broadened/enlarged/expanded (by …). enlargement, po grocko, <larger cause> (n) an enlargement, an act/process of -ing. po gromao, <larger make> (n) an enlargement, an act/process of -ing. po kubcea, <wide become> (n) an instance of dilation/enlargement/expansion (by …), the state. po kubcko, <wide cause> (n) an event of dilation/enlargement/expansion (of …). po kubmao, <wide make> (n) an instance of dilation/enlargement/expansion (of …). po sulcea, <swollen become> (n) an enlargement/expansion, an act/process of -ing. enlarger, grocko, <larger cause> (n) an enlarger, that which -es. gromao, <larger make> (n) an enlarger, one who -es. enlist, djomao, <member make> [K‍-‍DF] (3v) K include/enlist/engage D in group F, make … a member of group …. enlistee, djocea, <member become> (n) an enlistee/joiner/member of …, one who -s himself. nu djomao, <member make> (n) an enlistee, one who is -ed by someone. enlistment, po djocea, <member become> (n) enlistment, an act of -ing. po djomao, <member make> (n) an enlistment, an act of -ing someone. enlists, djocea, <member become> [K‍-‍F] (2v) K join/enlists/become a member of group F. enmesh, netklipu, <net keep> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K enmesh/entangle B in D. enmity, lopo nemdi, (n) enmity, the mass of such states. po nemdi, (n) an enmity, being an enemy of … in …. enormity, lopu muegro, <extremely large> (n) enormity/greatness/hugeness, mass prop. po muegro, <extremely large> (n) an enormity, a condition of being -ous. enormous, muegro, <extremely large> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is enormous/huge/great/extremely large. enough, moutsu, <more enough> [B‍-‍P] (2a) B is abundant/plentiful/excessive/plenty/ more than enough/too much for purpose P. piru, (a) enough/a sufficient fraction of some indiv'l or whole, quantif'r. ru, (a) enough/a sufficient/ample/adequate number of set …, a quantifying operator. uo, (i) come now!/look here/oh/well/what/(that's) enough, an expression of annoyance. enough for, tsufi, [S‍-‍P] (2v) S suffice/are enough for purpose P. enounce, soncue, <sound say> [K‍-‍BP] (3v) K pronounce/enounce letters/phonemes B as sounds P. enraged, nu claroi, <loud anger> (v) be enraged/furious (by … for …). enrapture, spibei, <spirit carry> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K transport/carry away/enrapture D by V. enrich, fulcko, <rich cause> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K enrich D with B. (unintentional). fulmao, <rich make> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K enrich D with B (intentional). enriched, fulcea, <rich become> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K prosper/be enriched with/in B. fulcea, <rich become> (a) enriched/prosperous, pert. to one who -s. nu fulcko, <rich cause> (a) enriched (by … with …). nu fulmao, <rich make> (a) enriched (by … with …). enrichment, po fulcea, <rich become> (n) an instance of prosperity/enrichment. po fulcko, <rich cause> (n) an enrichment (of … with …). po fulmao, <rich make> (n) an enrichment (of … with …). enrol, lisynensea, <list into set> [K‍-‍BF] (3v) K register/enrol/enter B in/for(list) F. rirmao, <record make> [K‍-‍VB] (3v) K register/enrol/enter/record V in/for(record) B. rirmazmao, <record make make> [K‍-‍BV] (2v) K register/enrol/enter B in V. enrolled, nu lisynensea, <list into set> (a) registered/enrolled/entered (by … in …). nu rirmao, <record make> (a) registered/enrolled/entered (by … in …). nu rirmazmao, <record make make> (a) registered/enrolled/entered (in …), pert. to the registrant. enrolling, lisynensea, <list into set> (a) registering/enrolling/entering (of … in …). rirmao, <record make> (a) registering/enrolling/entering (of … in …). rirmazmao, <record make make> (a) registering/enrolling/entering (in …), pert. to the registrant. enroute, nenrua, <in road> [B‍-‍DS] (3v) B is on the way/enroute to D from S. ensemble, hamsei, <harmony set> [F‍-‍PB] (3n) F is a matching collection/ensemble/suit/suite/set of use type P composed of items B. ensign, nerkoi, <1st commander> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a second lieutenant/ensign/flying officer commanding/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murnerkoi — ensign. Use surkoi. q.v., for officers in general. surkoi, <(1st 11th) commander> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a second lieutenant/ensign/flying officer commanding/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murnerkoi — ensign. Use surkoi. q.v., for officers in general. enslave, suvfoi, <serve force> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K enslave/subjugate D by V. enslavement, po suvfoi, <serve force> (n) a state or event of enslavement/subjugation (of … by doing …). ensue, nurcko, <conv. of cause> (v) ensue/issue/result from, as an effect of cause … under …. ensuing, nernurcko, <one 1st conv. of cause> (a) ensuing, of effects, conv. of cause, q.v. nurcko, <conv. of cause> (a) ensuing, of effects, conv. of cause, q.v. entail, sno, (af) a combining form of snola, entail. entailment, lopu snola, (n) entailment, mass term. pu snola, (n) an entailment, a spec. property. entangle, netklipu, <net keep> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K enmesh/entangle B in D. netliu, <net restrain> [K‍-‍DD] (3v) K entangle/snarl D in/with D. entangled, nu netliu, <net restrain> (a) entangled/snarled (by … in …). entanglement, po netliu, <net restrain> (n) an entanglement/snarling (by … in …). entente, gundurcue, <country do say(promise)> [V‍-‍F] (2n) V is a treaty/accord/agreement/entente/settlement/pact between/among countries F. rorguntoi, <many country agree> [N‍-‍B] (2n) N is a treaty/accord/agreement/entente/settlement/pact among countries B. torguntoi, <two country agree> [N‍-‍F] (2n) N is a treaty/accord/agreement/entente/settlement/pact between countries F. enter, feklei, <fact allow> [K‍-‍BF] (3v) K enter record B to file/program/system F, press return/enter key. klakyduo, <key do> [K‍-‍BF] (3v) K key/enter (data) B into device/system F. lisynensea, <list into set> [K‍-‍BF] (3v) K register/enrol/enter B in/for(list) F. nengoi, <in go> [K‍-‍DSV] (4v) K enter/go into D from S via V. rirmao, <record make> [K‍-‍VB] (3v) K register/enrol/enter/record V in/for(record) B. rirmazmao, <record make make> [K‍-‍BV] (2v) K register/enrol/enter B in V. entered, nu lisynensea, <list into set> (a) registered/enrolled/entered (by … in …). nu rirmao, <record make> (a) registered/enrolled/entered (by … in …). nu rirmazmao, <record make make> (a) registered/enrolled/entered (in …), pert. to the registrant. entering, lisynensea, <list into set> (a) registering/enrolling/entering (of … in …). rirmao, <record make> (a) registering/enrolling/entering (of … in …). rirmazmao, <record make make> (a) registering/enrolling/entering (in …), pert. to the registrant. enterprise, nu tursacduo, <work start do> (n) a project/enterprise. entertain, cmidou, <fun give> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K entertain/give a party/provide entertainment for D. cmimao, <amused make> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K entertain/amuse/be fun to … by being/doing V, intentional. nu cmiza, (v) amuse/entertain … by …. entertainer, cmimao, <amused make> (n) an entertainer/entertainment, one who -s/an -ing thing. entertaining, cmimao, <amused make> (a) amusing/entertaining, of that which -s. entertainment, cmidou, <fun give> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K entertain/give a party/provide entertainment for D. po cmidou, <fun give> (n) a party/entertainment/treat, an act of -ing. cmimao, <amused make> (n) an entertainer/entertainment, one who -s/an -ing thing. lopo cmimao, <amused make> (n) fun/amusement/entertainment/treat, amusement, mass term. po cmimao, <amused make> (n) some amusement/fun/entertainment/treat, an act/process of -ing. enthuse, hatfio, <warm emotion> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K enthuse/be excited about V. minjua, <mind grab> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K enthuse about V. enthusiasm, lopu hatfio, <warm emotion> (n) fervor/enthusiasm, mass property. po hatfio, <warm emotion> (2n) a fervor/enthusiasm about …. lopo kakdaa, <action desiring> (n) enthusiasm, collective term of states. lopu minjua, <mind grab> (1n) enthusiasm, mass term. enthusiast, hatfio, <warm emotion> (n) enthusiast (about …). enthusiastic, kakdaa, <action desiring> [G‍-‍JV] (3a) G is more eager/enthusiastic than J is about V. minjua, <mind grab> (a) enthusiastic. entice, daacpu, <desire pull> [K‍-‍DVB] (4v) K entice/attract/lure/tempt D to do/be V with bait/enticement B. trili, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K attract/entice/allure/appeal to D by doing/being V. enticed, nu daacpu, <desire pull> (a) attracted/lured/enticed/tempted, pertaining to one -ed. enticement, po daacpu, <desire pull> (n) an attraction/enticement/temptation, a spec. instance of -ing. enticing, daacpu, <desire pull> (a) enticing/attracting/luring/tempting, pertaining to one that -s. trili, (a) appealing/attractive/enticing/alluring, of attractive things. entire, kapli, [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is complete/entire/whole/finished/perfect/integral by standard N. entirely, kapli, (av) perfectly/wholly/fully/completely/entirely, wholly. entirety, po kapli, (n) an entirety/completion, a state of being complete. entrails, visra, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B are the guts/viscera/entrails/innards of F. entrance, po nengoi, <in go> (n) an entrance, an act/event of going in. nengoisia, <entry place> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an entry/entrance to F. entrance hall, nengoikru, <entry room> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an/the entrance hall/hall of F. entreat, prabeo, <continue ask> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K beg/beseech/entreat/implore D to/for V. entropy, entropi, [C‍-‍] (1) C is some entropy, a measure of unavailable energy. le zo entropi, (n) entropy, the measured quantity. entrust, curkri, <safe believe> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K trust/entrust B with (the care of) D. entry, nengoisia, <entry place> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an entry/entrance to F. nurlista, <conv. of list> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an item/term/element/entry of list/series/ordered set F. enumerable, nu konte, (a) numerable/enumerable/denumerable/countable, of sets/multiples with -able elements. enunciation, fu soncue, <sound say> (n) a/the pronunciation/enunciation, sound/ s made in -ing. po soncue, <sound say> (n) a/the pronunciation/enunciation, an act of -ing … as …. envelop, fomkua, <form cover> (2v) K envelop/cover/contain shape D. jitvelfomduo, <tight vessel form do> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K envelop/wrap/enclose D in B. envelope, fomkua, <form cover> [K‍-‍D] (2n) an envelope of …. jitvelfoa, <tight vessel form> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is an envelope/wrapping of D (packages/data points etc.). preveo, <paper container> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an envelope. rarfomveo, <universal form containr> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is an envelope of D, something that covers/contains all shapes/forms of …. enveloped, nu jitvelfomduo, <tight vessel form do> (a) enveloped/wrapped/enclosed (by … in …). envied, nu noirskudaa, <other's success desire> (a) envied (by … for …). envious, noirskudaa, <other's success desire> (a) envious (of … for …). envy, noirskudaa, <other's success desire> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K envy D for success/good fortune V. lopu noirskudaa, <other's success desire> (n) envy, mass property. po noirskudaa, <other's success desire> (n) an instance of envy (of … for …). enzymatic, enzimi, (a) enzymatic, pert. to enzymes. enzyme, enzimi, [B‍-‍] (1) B is an enzyme, a biological catalyst. eon, lagkeo, <long time> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B is an era/eon/epoch lasting C, a long time interval. telkeo, <earth time> [V‍-‍C] (2n) V is an age/epoch/eon, geological epoch lasting C. ephemeral, corsto, <short stay> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is fugitive/transient/fleeting/evanescent/ephemeral/momentary/passing/temporary. corvei, <short event> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more brief/transient/passing/transitory/ephemeral than J. norsto, <non lasting> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is an impermanent/passing/transient/ephemeral/transitory aspect of N. no stokai, <asting quality> (a) ephemeral. ephemoral, nu stomou, <stay more> (a) temporary/ephemoral/momentary. epidemic, kuspynurmalbi, <spread illness> [V‍-‍B] (2n) V is an epidemic of B. episode, fecpai, <affair part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an episode of affair F. stupai, <story part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an episode of serial F. epistemological, djasensi, <knowledge science> (a) epistemological, pert. to epistemology. epistemology, djasensi, <knowledge science> [N‍-‍] (1n) N is a science of epistemology, the study of the nature and grounds of knowledge. epistle, lerci, [B‍-‍DSVC] (5n) B is a letter/missive/epistle to D from S about V dated/timed/timed and dated C. epistomologist, djasesmao, <philosophy maker> [K‍-‍] (1n) K is a epistomologist. epitaxy, ephitaksi, [D‍-‍B] (2v) D shows epitaxy/epitaxic growth with respect to substrate B. lo ephitaksi, (n) epitaxy, mass term. epoch, hiskeo, <history time> [V‍-‍C] (2n) V is an historical age/epoch/period lasting C. lagkeo, <long time> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B is an era/eon/epoch lasting C, a long time interval. telkeo, <earth time> [V‍-‍C] (2n) V is an age/epoch/eon, geological epoch lasting C. epochal, hiskeo, <history time> (a) epochal, pert. to historical epochs. lagkeo, <long time> (a) epochal, general, pert. to epochs. epoxy, ephoksi, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is epoxy, chem. prefix, applied commonly to adhesive. epsilon, ezi, (l) epsilon, Greek lower case letter, one of a pool of symbols. equal, cik, (af) a combining form of ciktu, equal. cikcea, <equal become> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K catch up/become equal to B in V. cikmao, <equal make> [K‍-‍BC] (3v) K equalize/make equal B (collective) in dimension C. ciksea, <equal set> [K‍-‍CCB] (4v) K equate/set equal C to C in characteristic B. ciktu, [B‍-‍BN] (3a) B is equal/same as/as much as B in dimension N. samto, (v) be (identical to)/equal, to be the same as/identical to …. sanciu, <sign equal> [S‍-‍S] (2v) S is equal/equivalent to S in meaning. vatciu, <value equal> [B‍-‍BN] (3a) B is equivalent to/equal(s) B in value by standards N. equal to, ciu, (af) a combining form of ciktu, equal to/equally/as much as that makes comparative predas out of non comparative ones. E.g. ckaciu — out of ckano (X is kind to Y): Da ckaciu de di do — X is as kind to Y as Z is kind to W. Cf. mou. equal value, vatciu, <value equal> (ph) be equal value/equivalent/the same as … to …, be: equivalent to … by …. equal-to-or-greater than, mrociu, <more equal> [G‍-‍JN] (3a) G is equal-to-or-greater than J in dimension N. equality, lopu ciktu, (n) equality, dimensional, mass term. pu ciktu, (n) an equality, dimensional, a spec. property. po samto, (n) an identity/equality, identity, a spec. state. equalization, po cikmao, <equal make> (n) an equalization, a process of -ing. equalize, cikmao, <equal make> [K‍-‍BC] (3v) K equalize/make equal B (collective) in dimension C. gacysiftoa, <advantage remove> [K‍-‍ND] (3v) equalize …. equalizer, cikmao, <equal make> (n) an equalizer, one who/that which -es. gacysiftoa, <advantage remove> (n) an equalizer. equally, ciktu, (av) as much as/equally. ciu, (af) a combining form of ciktu, equal to/equally/as much as that makes comparative predas out of non comparative ones. E.g. ckaciu — out of ckano (X is kind to Y): Da ckaciu de di do — X is as kind to Y as Z is kind to W. Cf. mou. equate, ciksea, <equal set> [K‍-‍CCB] (4v) K equate/set equal C to C in characteristic B. equation, ciuste, <equality sentence> [B‍-‍CC] (3n) B is an equation relating C and C. equestrian, horski, <horse sit> (a) equestrian/mounted, pert. to horseriders. horski, <horse sit> (n) a rider/equestrian/horseman, a rider of horses. equilibrate, balmao, <balance make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K balance/equilibrate system D, an intentional act. equilibrium, balpi, [K‍-‍N] (2v) K balance/be in equilibrium under forces N. lopo balpi, (n) balance/equilibrium, mass term of states. lopu balpi, (n) balance/equilibrium, a mass property. pu balpi, (n) a balance/equilibrium, a spec. property. equine, horcli, <horse like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is (more) horsy/equine/horse like (than) J is. horme, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is equine/horse like, pertains to horses. equip, pacdou, <apparatus give> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K equip/fit out D with B. pacgei, <apparatus get> [K‍-‍VP] (3v) K equip/outfit undertaking V for purpose P. srogei, <stores get> [K‍-‍VP] (3v) K provision/equip undertaking V for purpose P. srovea, <stores sell> [K‍-‍DBC] (4n) K outfit/equip D with B for price C. equipment, fu pacdou, <apparatus give> (n) the/some equipment, that with which … is -ed. patce, [B‍-‍K] (2n) B is an apparatus/equipment/device for doing K, any device for …. equipped, nu pacdou, <apparatus give> (a) equipped, of one who is -ed with …. equipper, pacdou, <apparatus give> (n) an equipper, one who equips. equipping, po pacgei, <apparatus get> (n) an equipping/outfitting (of … for …). po srogei, <stores get> (n) a provisioning/equipping (of … for …). equitable, nardre, <natural correct> [B‍-‍P] (2v) B is/are equitable in P. equity, lopu nardre, <natural correct> (n) equity, mass property. po nardre, <natural correct> (n) an instance of equity (in …). equivalence, po sanciu, <sign equal> (n) an equivalence, a state of being -ent. pu sanciu, <sign equal> (n) an equivalence, a property of being -ent. po vatciu, <value equal> (n) an equivalence, a state of being -ent. pu vatciu, <value equal> (n) an equivalence, a prop. of being -ent. equivalent, sanciu, <sign equal> [S‍-‍S] (2v) S is equal/equivalent to S in meaning. sanciu, <sign equal> (a) equivalent, equal in meaning. vatciu, <value equal> (a) equivalent, equal in value to/by …. vatciu, <value equal> (ph) be equal value/equivalent/the same as … to …, be: equivalent to … by …. equivalent to, co, (c) be equivalent to/mean<, between modifiers.>. ico, (c) if and only if/equivalent to/mean, logical equivalence between sents./clauses. o, (c) if and only if/means/is equivalent to/provided that, logical equivalence between terms. vatciu, <value equal> [B‍-‍BN] (3a) B is equivalent to/equal(s) B in value by standards N. era, lagkeo, <long time> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B is an era/eon/epoch lasting C, a long time interval. erasable, pu nu fanmarmao, <reverse mark make> (a) erasable, not permanent. erase, fanmarmao, <reverse mark make> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K erase/efface/delete/rub out B. fansri, <reverse write> [K‍-‍CB] (3v) K erase/deindex C from B, use also for computer files. erased, nu fanmarmao, <reverse mark make> (a) erased (by …). nu fansri, <reverse write> (a) erased. eraser, fanmarmao, <reverse mark make> (n) eraser (of …), that which -s. erasing, fanmarmao, <reverse mark make> (a) erasing (of …). po fansri, <reverse write> (n) an inst. of erasing/erasure. erasure, po fanmarmao, <reverse mark make> (n) an erasure (of …). po nu fanmarmao, <reverse mark make> (n) an erasure (by …). po fansri, <reverse write> (n) an inst. of erasing/erasure. erbium, erbio, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some erbium, element 68 (Er). erect, balci, [K‍-‍PS] (3v) K build (up)/erect/construct P from materials/parts S. vreti, [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is vertical/plumb/upright/erect/straight up and down in gravity field N. erectable, nu balci, (a) buildable/constructable/erectable, capable of being -ed. erection, nu balci, (n) a/the a building/construction/erection, the thing built. erectness, lopu vreti, (n) erectness, mass prop. erector, balci, (n) a builder/constructor/erector, one who -s. erode, kemkraju, <chemical scratch> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N etch/erode D, e.g. Acids etch metals. err, tsebiu, <error behaviour> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K err/make an error/mistake in/in doing V. errand, durgoi, <do go> [K‍-‍VD] (3v) K run errand V for D. nu durgoi, <do go> (n) an errand (by … for …). errant, cangoi, <chance go> (a) errant/wandering/roaming …. erroneous, tseflo, <error full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more defective/erroneous, full of errors than J. tseveo, <error contain> [B‍-‍F] (2a) B is erroneous/defective in, contain errors F. erroneousness, pu tseflo, <error full> (n) an erroneousness/defectiveness, a property of being -ive. pu tseveo, <error contain> (n) a defectiveness/erroneousness, a property of being -ive. error, tse, (af) a combining form of tsero, error. tsebiu, <error behaviour> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K err/make an error/mistake in/in doing V. po tsebiu, <error behaviour> (n) an error/mistake, a spec. act of making an error. tsero, [B‍-‍SN] (3n) B is an error/defect/mistake/fault/imperfection of/in S by standard N. escalator, muvtirsei, <move stair set> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an escalator, set of moving stairs. escape, nornaodri, <not now remember (forget)> [V‍-‍K] (2v) V escape the memory of/be temporarily forgotten by K. selrezmao, <self free make> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K escape/get away/break out/free oneself from V. po selrezmao, <self free make> (n) an escape/getaway, an act of escaping. escapee, selrezmao, <self free make> (n) an escapee, one who escapes. escort, fucgoigru, <after go group> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the following/followers/retinue/escort of F. gozkii, <go accompany> [K‍-‍BDSV] (5v) K go with/accompany/escort B to D from S via V. especially, pebyjio, <specifically important> (av) especially, in an important manner. essence, stokai, <asting quality> (ph) is of the essence/nature of …. stokaisei, <stay quality set> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the nature/character/essence of F. essential, nerbi, (a) necessary/required/demanded/essential/indispensible/vital for …, of factual conditions. stokai, <asting quality> [G‍-‍BJ] (3a) G is more natural/characteristic/essential to B than J is. establish, sackao, <start act> [K‍-‍VP] (3v) K begin/start/found/commence/embark on/take up/establish doing V for end/purpose P. stomoumao, <stay more make> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K establish/make permanent V. established, giufro, <root strong> [N‍-‍F] (2a) N is well rooted/established/grounded in F. establisher, stomoumao, <stay more make> (n) an establisher/founder. establishment, po sackao, <start act> (n) a/the start/embarkation/foundation/commencement/beginning/establishment, an act of starting something. nu stomoumao, <stay more make> (n) an establishment/foundation, an -ed thing. po stomoumao, <stay more make> (n) an act of establishment. estate, nu lilpou, <legally own> (n) an estate/dominion/possession, total, conv. ponlai, <own land> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is an estate/land/parcel/(real) property, parcel of land owned by N. nurponlai, <owned land> [B‍-‍DN] (3n) B is an estate of D in location N. nurponsei, <owned set> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is the estate of D. esteem, grarispe, <great respect> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K esteem/honor D for doing/being V. lopo grarispe, <great respect> (n) esteem/honour/honor, mass term of acts. po grarispe, <great respect> (n) an esteem/honour/honor, a spec. act of honoring. rispe, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K respect/esteem/regard D for doing/being V. po rispe, (n) a respect/regard/esteem, a spec. act of respecting. po nu rispe, (n) a regard/esteem, a state of being respected. susdaryrispe, <suspect far(honorable) respect> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K esteem/honour/honor D for doing/being V. esteemed, nu rispe, (a) estimable/esteemed/respectable, respected, conv. of esteem. nu susdaryrispe, <suspect far(honorable) respect> (1a) esteemed/estimable/honoured/honourable/honorable (by … for …). esteemedhonourable, nu grarispe, <great respect> (a) honoured/esteemedhonourable/estimable/honored/honorable. estimable, nu grarispe, <great respect> (a) honoured/esteemedhonourable/estimable/honored/honorable. nu rispe, (a) estimable/esteemed/respectable, respected, conv. of esteem. nu susdaryrispe, <suspect far(honorable) respect> (1a) esteemed/estimable/honoured/honourable/honorable (by … for …). estimate, numsnimao, <approximation make> [K‍-‍BN] (3v) K estimate/approximate/rate B with approximation N. fu numsnimao, <approximation make> (n) an estimation/estimate, an estimated value. estimation, numsnimao, <approximation make> (n) an estimation/approximation, an approximated value. fu numsnimao, <approximation make> (n) an estimation/estimate, an estimated value. et cetera, pae, (av) etc/et cetera/and soforth/on, a discourse operator (UI). etc, pae, (av) etc/et cetera/and soforth/on, a discourse operator (UI). etch, kemkraju, <chemical scratch> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N etch/erode D, e.g. Acids etch metals. kemyrajmao, <chemical scratch make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K etch D, using chemicals V. rajytcumao, <scratch picture make> [K‍-‍PS] (3n) K etch P on medium S. etching, rajytcu, <scratch picture> [P‍-‍BKS] (4n) P is an etching of B by K on medium S. eternal, limclesto, <limit less last> [V‍-‍] (1a) V is eternal/everlasting. normuotra, <not move(fixed) true> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an eternal/absolute/unchanging truth. lo normuotra, <not move(fixed) true> (n) absolute/eternal truth, mass term of instances. rarkeo, <all time> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is eternal/everlasting/perpetual. eternity, lo rarkeo, <all time> (n) eternity/perpetuity, mass term of eternal things. lopo rarkeo, <all time> (n) eternity/perpetuity, mass condition. ethanol, ethanoli, [B‍-‍] (1) B is some ethanol, the common beverage alcohol. ether, etheri, [B‍-‍CC] (3) B is an ether, compound with a C O C link. ethereal, kercli, <air like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more airy/air like/ethereal than J. ethical, kaonrulsio, <act rule system[morals system]> (a) ethical, of ethical systems. kaonruipli, <morals use> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more principled/ethical than J. ethical style, kaonrulfoa, <act rule form> [B‍-‍K] (2n) B is the character/ethical style of K. ethics, lo gudkaorui, <good action rule> (n) morality/ethics, mass term of moral principles. kaonrulsio, <act rule system[morals system]> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an ethics. lo kaonrulsio, <act rule system[morals system]> (n) ethics, mass term of ethical systems. ethylene, ethileni, [B‍-‍] (1) B is some ethylene, an unsaturated gas. eulogy, lopo gangudtaa, <high good talk/> (n) an event of praise, an encomium/eulogy. euphonious, gudsoa, <good sound> [N‍-‍D] (2a) N is euphonious/sounds well to listener(s) D. euphony, lopu gudsoa, <good sound> (n) euphony, the mass of such props. pu gudsoa, <good sound> (n) a euphony, prop. of spec. passage. euphoria, lopo muchai, <very happy> (n) ecstasy/elation/euphoria, mass state of being -tic. euphoric, muchai, <very happy> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is ecstatic/euphoric/elated, extremely happy over N. europium, eurhopio, [B‍-‍] (1) B is some europium, element 63 (Eu). evade, nornurjuasto, <uncaught stay> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K elude/evade capture by V. evader, nornurjuasto, <uncaught stay> (n) fugitive/eluder/evader (of …), one who -s. evaluate, djudi, [K‍-‍SP] (3v) K judge/assess/evaluate S to be P. vatcue, <value say> [K‍-‍BP] (3v) K criticize/assess/evaluate the value of B by saying P. evaluation, fu djudi, (n) an evaluation/judgment, a result of -ing. po djudi, (n) an evaluation/judgment, an act/process of -ing. po vatcue, <value say> (n) a criticism/evaluation, an act of -izing/evaluating. evaluative, djudi, (a) evaluative, pert. to judges. evaluator, perdju, <person judge> [K‍-‍BN] (3n) K is a reference/evaluator of person B in situation N. vatcue, <value say> (n) a critic/evaluator, one who assesses value. evanescent, corsto, <short stay> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is fugitive/transient/fleeting/evanescent/ephemeral/momentary/passing/temporary. evaporate, vaorcea, <gas become> [D‍-‍N] (2v) D evaporate/become gas/vapor … under conditions N. evasion, lopu nornurjuasto, <uncaught stay> (n) evasion, mass property. po nornurjuasto, <uncaught stay> (n) an instance of evasion (of …). eve of, nerpasdei, <one before day> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is (a/the) yesterday/day before/eve of day F. even, inunokou, (av) even, use sent. op. 'even so', phys. cause. inunomoi, (av) even, use sent. op. 'even so'. inunorau, (av) even, use sent. op. 'even so', justifying. inunosoa, (c) still/yet/nevertheless/all the same/even (so), of unentailed concl'ns (even so, it's true). nunokouki, (c) still/yet/nevertheless/all the same/even (so), of unexpected events, as in 'nunokouki … ki; best translated … despite(cause) …'. nunomoiki, (c) still/yet/nevertheless/all the same/even (so), of unmotivated acts, as in 'nunomoiki … ki; best translated … despite(motive) …'. nunorauki, (c) still/yet/nevertheless/all the same/even (so), of unjustified events, in 'nunorauki … ki; best translated … despite(reason) …'. nunosoaki, (c) still/yet/nevertheless/all the same/even (so), of unentailed sents., as in 'nunosoaki … ki; best translated … despite(premise) …'. pilno, (a) level/flat/even, flat, as of a plane. smupi, (a) smooth/even/soft, smoother in texture than …. sui ue, (av) even, as in 'I couldn't remember even the simplest tunes.'. tau, (h) even, surprisingly, unexpectedly (UI), a discursive. torjai, <two product> (a) even, of numbers divisible by two. even number, torjai, <two product> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an even number/even number. even off, lelmao, <level make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K level/even off/make level D, intentional. smumao, <smooth make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K (make) smooth/even off/polish/grade D, intentionally make … smooth. even so, inunokou, (c) nevertheless/even so/all the same, of unexpected events ('even so, it's wet'). inunomoi, (c) nevertheless/even so/all the same, of unmotivated acts ('even so, I went'). inunorau, (c) nevertheless/even so/all the same, of unjustified events ('even so, I won'). even though, inokou, (c) even though/although/despite, of unproductive causes ('although it's cold'). inomoi, (c) even though/although/despite, of unproductive motives ('although i'm hungry'). inorau, (c) even though/although/despite, of unproductive reasons ('although I earned it'). inosoa, (c) even though/although/despite, of unproductive premises ('although two is even'). nokouki, (c) even though/although, of unproductive causes, with ki in 'nokouki … ki … ; despite …, …'. nomoiki, (c) even though/although, of unproductive motives, with ki in 'nomoiki … ki … ; despite …, …'. norauki, (c) even though/although, of unproductive reasons, with ki in 'norauki … ki; despite …, …'. nosoaki, (c) even though/although, of unproductive premises, as in 'nosoaki … ki … ; despite …, …'. evening, natpaspai, <night before part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an/the evening/early night of day F. pasnai, <before night> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an/the evening/early night of day F. speni lo gudbi denli/pasnai/monza/natli, (ph) Have a good day/evening/morning/night. evening meal, natmia, <night meal> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a supper/dinner/evening meal of food(s) F, any evening meal. evenness, pu pilno, (n) a flatness/evenness, a property of flatness. event, fomvei, <formal happening> [B‍-‍PK] (3n) B is a ceremony/event/rite/pomp with function/meaning P for people K. fomveibiu, <formal happening; behave> [K‍-‍PF] (3v) K performs/participates in a ceremony/event/rite/pomp with function/meaning P for people F. po, (op) … -ing/-hood/-ion/-ment/-ness to …, the event/act/state/condition oper. vetci, (n) an event/happening/incident/occurrence/phenomenon, a happening/occurrence involving …. veu, (pp) Events/States/Effects/Deeds/Means/Routes, case tag (event/state/effect/deed/mean/route). poi, (c) short scope event predicate constructor, modification of po. eventually, fazu, (av) eventually/in the distant future, before predicates. fazu, (va) will eventually (be a), a modified tense oper. ever, na ba, (av) sometime/anytime/ever — literally, at/in/during some (time) x. everlasting, limclesto, <limit less last> [V‍-‍] (1a) V is eternal/everlasting. rarkeo, <all time> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is eternal/everlasting/perpetual. evert, nenzvobatmi, <in out exchange> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K invert/evert/turn inside out B. every, ra, (a) all/each/every/apiece (member of set …), before ba series every something …. raba noa, (ph) all/any/every … are …, use all … are … only if …, as 'Every lion eats meat'. every month, rarmea, <all months> [V‍-‍] (1v) V have a monthly rhythm/happen every month. every night, rarnai, <all nights> [V‍-‍] (1v) V have a nightly rhythm/happen every night. every time, na raba, (av) always/anytime/every time — literally, at/in/during every sometime x. rargea, <all agains> (av) always/each time/every time, on all recurrences of …. every time that, rargea, <all agains> [V‍-‍F] (2v) V happen every time that/on each recurrence of F. every week, rarlikta, <all week> [V‍-‍] (1v) V have a weekly rhythm/happen every week. everybody, raba, (p) everything/everyone/everybody, literally, every something …. rabe, (p) everything/everyone/everybody, literally, every something …. rabo, (p) everything/everyone/everybody, literally, every something …. rabu, (p) everything/everyone/everybody, literally, every something …. everyone, raba, (p) everything/everyone/everybody, literally, every something …. rabe, (p) everything/everyone/everybody, literally, every something …. rabo, (p) everything/everyone/everybody, literally, every something …. rabu, (p) everything/everyone/everybody, literally, every something …. everyplace, vi raba, (av) everywhere/anywhere/everyplace, literally, at/in every some(place) x. everything, raba, (p) everything/everyone/everybody, literally, every something …. rabe, (p) everything/everyone/everybody, literally, every something …. rabo, (p) everything/everyone/everybody, literally, every something …. rabu, (p) everything/everyone/everybody, literally, every something …. everywhere, vi raba, (av) everywhere/anywhere/everyplace, literally, at/in every some(place) x. evidence, pertyfeo, <pertinent fact> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is some evidence relating to/bearing on V. nu sandui, <sign find> (n) evidence. evident, fretai, <front stand> (2a) more salient/conspicuous/outstanding/prominent/obvious/evident/manifest than …. nu pertyfeo, <pertinent fact> (a) evident, supported by evidence. pertyfeokli, <pertinent fact clear> [B‍-‍D] (2a) B is evident/clear to D. evidential, pertyfeo, <pertinent fact> (a) relevant/evidential, pert. to evidence. evidently, pertyfeo, <pertinent fact> (av) evidently, according to evidence. pertyfeokli, <pertinent fact clear> (av) evidently/patently/clearly. sii, (av) apparently/evidently, a discourse operator (UI). evil, lopu muerzavkao, <much bad act> (n) evil/wickedness, mass prop. po muerzavkao, <much bad act> (n) an act of evil/wickedness. evil spirit, zaospi, <bad spirit> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a devil/fiend/evil spirit of people S. evolution, lopo ckelisvalda, <time list(sequence) develop> (n) evolution, mass state. po ckelisvalda, <time list(sequence) develop> (n) an instance of evolution from … to …. lepo da hisyvalda, <history develop> (n) the evolution of …. lopo hisyvalda, <history develop> (n) evolution in general. evolve, ckelisvalda, <time list(sequence) develop> [D‍-‍SP] (3v) D evolve from S to P. hisyvalda, <history develop> [K‍-‍PC] (3v) K evolve into P over interval C. vadvei, <development process> [B‍-‍SD] (3v) B evolve from S to D. ewe, berca, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a ewe, a female sheep. ewer, flisuaveo, <liquid serve vessel> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a pitcher/ewer. exa-, hes, (af) a combining form of hekso, exa-. exact, numpue, <number perfect> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is exact/precise, numerically. purpue, <word perfect> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is verbally exact/precise. exacting, cildrecni, <detail correct need> [K‍-‍BN] (3a) K is precise/exacting for B in area N. exactly, sisu, (a) exactly … of …, a quantifier prefix, usually omitted. sisu, (a) just/only/exactly, as in 'exactly (just, only) 2 of us went'. exactly like, puecli, <perfectly alike> [B‍-‍BN] (3a) B is alike/same as/exactly like/identical to B in characteristic(s) N. exactly one, ne, (a) a/an/any/some-one/one (1)/exactly one of …, a description quantifier. E.g. Ne le mrenu pa kicmu — Exactly one of the men was a doctor; Ne mrenu pa hijra — Some one man was here <> Ne ba ji mrenu pa hijra — Exactly one someone x who is a man was here. nernurcko, <one 1st conv. of cause> [P‍-‍SN] (3n) P is the only/is exactly one effect/result of cause S under conditions N. exactness, lopu numpue, <number perfect> (n) precision/exactness, numerical, mass prop. pu purpue, <word perfect> (n) a verbal precision/exactness, a spec. property. exaggerate, stuteu, <story stretch> [K‍-‍VP] (3v) K exaggerate V for purpose P. exaggerated, nu stuteu, <story stretch> (a) exaggerated (by … for …). exaggerating, stuteu, <story stretch> (a) exaggerating (… for …). exaggeration, lopu stuteu, <story stretch> (n) exaggeration, mass property. po stuteu, <story stretch> (n) an exaggeration (of … for …). exalt, gancue, <high say> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K exalt D for V. exaltation, lopu gancue, <high say> (n) exaltation, mass property. po gancue, <high say> (n) an exaltation (of … for …). exalted, nu gancue, <high say> (a) exalted (by … for …). examination, pruci, [V‍-‍BF] (3n) V is a test/examination for property B in any member of class F. po prukao, <test act> (n) a test/examination, an act of testing. po snible, <near look> (n) an inspection/survey/observation/examination/scrutiny, an act of inspecting. examine, prukao, <test act> [K‍-‍BPV] (4v) K test/examine B for P with test V. snible, <near look> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K examine/inspect/scrutinize/survey/observe closely/look closely at D for quality B. example, bea, (c) for/as example/illustration/instance/sample, a sentence modifier. (UI). mii, (af) a combining form of mipli, example. mip, (af) a combining form of mipli, example. fu mipdou, <example give> (n) an example/illustration, used by, conv. of. mipli, [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is an example/illustration/specimen of V. excavate, holcko, <hole cause> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K dig/excavate/make (a) hole (for) P, nonintentional. holmao, <hole make> [K‍-‍PB] (3v) K dig/excavate/make (a) hole (for) P with B, intentional. excavation, po holcko, <hole cause> (n) an excavation, an act of -ing. po holmao, <hole make> (n) an excavation, an act of -ing. excavator, holcko, <hole cause> (n) an excavator, that which -es. holmao, <hole make> (n) an excavator, one who -es. exceed, mordu, [G‍-‍JBC] (4v) G is/are more than/exceed J in property B by amount C. exceeded, nurmou, <conv. of more> [G‍-‍JCB] (4a) G is be less than/exceeded by J in amount C in property B. nurmou, <conv. of more> (a) exceeded, less than … by … in …, conv …. exceedingly, mordu, (av) more/exceedingly, in an exceeding way. mucmue, <much much> (av) excessively/exceedingly/extremely. excel, spumou, <skilled more> (v) excel/surpass … at …. excellence, lopu kaorgudbi, <act good> (n) excellence. lopu mucgudbi, <very good> (n) excellence/superiority, mass prop. pu muespu, <very skilled> (n) an excellence/supremacy, a spec. property. pu spumou, <skilled more> (n) a skill/excellence, a spec. property of -ing. excellent, gudgudbi, <good good> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is excellent. kaorgudbi, <act good> [K‍-‍S] (2n) K is excellent in S. mucgudbi, <very good> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is excellent/admirable/supreme/superior, extremely good in quality N. muespu, <very skilled> [K‍-‍P] (2a) K is supreme/peerless/excellent/extremely skillful at doing P. except, enoi, (pp) except. no ... ikou ..., (av) except that, not … because …. exception, zvorui, <out rule> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is an exception to/of rule S. zvosei, <out set> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is an exception to/of set S. exceptional, zvorui, <out rule> (av) exceptional, outside of rule …. zvosei, <out set> (av) exceptional, outside of set …. excess, ju mordu, (n) an excess/extra, an amount by which … exceeds …. lopo moutsu, <more enough> (n) abundance/excess/plenty/plenitude, the mass of such states. po moutsu, <more enough> (n) an excess/plenty/plenitude/abundance, a spec. state of being -ant. mrolimtio, <exceed limit heavy> (n) excess baggage. excessive, banynerbi, <beyond necessity> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is superfluous/excessive, beyond requirements. ju mordu, (a) excessive, pert. to excesses. moutsu, <more enough> [B‍-‍P] (2a) B is abundant/plentiful/excessive/plenty/ more than enough/too much for purpose P. mrotsumue, <more+sufficient+much> [B‍-‍PN] (3v) B is too/so excessive (in some property) that (result) P in circumstances N. mucmue, <much much> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is extreme/excessive. zavmoutsu, <bad more(than) sufficient> [C‍-‍F] (2a) C is too much/an excessive amount of F. excessively, ju mordu, (av) excessively, in an excessive way. moutsu, <more enough> (av) excessively. mucmue, <much much> (av) excessively/exceedingly/extremely. excessiveness, pu ju mordu, (n) an excessiveness, a spec. property. exchange, batmi, [K‍-‍BBD] (4v) K trade/exchange B for B with D. cmebatmi, <money trade> [K‍-‍CCS] (4v) K exchange/trade amount of money C (in one currency) for amount of money C (in another currency) with source S. kulbatmi, <culture exchange> [K‍-‍S] (2v) K exchange own culture with culture of S. exchange letters, lerbatmi, <letter trade> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K (collective) correspond/exchange letters with one another about V. exchange rate, cmevemrao, <money buy ratio> [C‍-‍SD] (3n) C is the exchange rate from currency S to currency D. exchangeable, nu batmi, (a) commercial/exchangeable. excise, nenbeicte, <in carry tax> [C‍-‍BS] (3v) C is the excise/duty on B from S. excitable, nu fiozbu, <emotion explode> (a) excited/excitable, can be -ed. excite, fiozbu, <emotion explode> [V‍-‍DN] (3v) V excite/arouse/stir in D the emotions N. secfurpoa, <sex stimulate> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K arouse/excite D sexually by being/doing V. excited, nu fiozbu, <emotion explode> (a) excited/excitable, can be -ed. hatfio, <warm emotion> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K enthuse/be excited about V. zbufio, <explosive feel> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K is/are excited/aroused by N. excitement, lo fiozbu, <emotion explode> (n) an excitement, mass term. lopo nu fiozbu, <emotion explode> (n) excitement, mass term of states. po nu fiozbu, <emotion explode> (n) an excitement/arousal, a state of being -ed. po nu secfurpoa, <sex stimulate> (n) an arousal/excitement, being -ed sexually. exciting, fiozbu, <emotion explode> (a) stirring/rousing/exciting, exciting to …. exclaim, clacue, <loud say> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K say loudly/exclaim B to D. exclamation, nu clacue, <loud say> (n) an exclamation, that which is -ed. po clacue, <loud say> (n) an exclamation, an act of -ing. exclude, nengozliu, <enter prevent> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K bar/exclude/shut out/keep out B from D. excluded, nu nengozliu, <enter prevent> (a) excluded/shut out/barred, excluded/shut out, conv. form. exclusive, nengozliu, <enter prevent> (a) exclusive, of one who/that which excludes. exclusive or, noo, (c) exclusive or, x or y but not both. exclusively, nengozliu, <enter prevent> (av) exclusively, in an excluding way. nerduo, <1 do> (av) only/just/singly/solely/merely/exclusively/single mindedly, single mindedly. excrement, ctuda, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is some excrement/stool/feces of F. excursion, bantraci, <beyond travel> [V‍-‍K] (2n) V is an excursion of K - going beyond normal limits. radtraci, <round travel> [V‍-‍D] (2n) V is an excursion/round trip to D. excuse, tsenordri, <error not remember> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K pardon/forgive/excuse D for V. tserazdou, <error reason give> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K give excuse B for action/condition V. tseraznu, <error reason> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is an excuse for V. tseraztoi, <error reason agree> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K excuse D for action/condition V. uu, (i) pardon (me)/excuse (me), said when another must be disturbed. excused, nu tsenordri, <error not remember> (a) pardoned/forgiven/excused. excusing, tserazdou, <error reason give> (a) excusing (with … for …). tseraztoi, <error reason agree> (a) excusing (… for …). execute, kojkao, <command act> [K‍-‍VS] (3v) K carry out/execute order V given by S. lilmormao, <legally kill> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K execute D for crime V. execution, po kojkao, <command act> (n) carrying out/execution, -ing an order. lopo lilmormao, <legally kill> (n) execution, mass term of events. po lilmormao, <legally kill> (n) an execution, a spec. event. executioner, lilmormao, <legally kill> (n) an executioner, one who executes. executive, kojkao, <command act> (n) an executive, one who carries out orders. exemplary, mipli, (a) illustrative/exemplary, pert. to examples. exemplification, po mipdou, <example give> (n) an exemplification/illustration, an act/event of -ing. exemplify, mipdou, <example give> [K‍-‍BP] (3v) K illustrate/exemplify B with example P. exercise, cirduo, <learn do> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K practice/exercise new skill P. nu cirduo, <learn do> (n) an exercise/practice, something to be practiced. po cirduo, <learn do> (n) an instance of an exercise/practice (as in a lesson). muspli, <muscle use> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K exercise muscle D. lopo muspli, <muscle use> (n) exercise, mass term of acts. po muspli, <muscle use> (n) an exercise, an act of using muscles. pifkao, <frequent act> [K‍-‍VP] (3v) K exercise/practice V/do … frequently for purpose P. po pifkao, <frequent act> (n) a practice/exercise, a spec. act of practicing. exerciser, muspli, <muscle use> (n) an exerciser, one who -es his muscles. pifkao, <frequent act> (n) a practicer/exerciser, one who -s. exhaust, kalpli, <completely use> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K exhaust/use up/consume D. kaltalcko, <competely tired cause[exhausted cause]> [V‍-‍D] (2v) V exhaust D, make … completely tired, nonintentional. kaltalmao, <completely tired make[exhausted make]> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K exhaust D, make … completely tired by V, intentional. exhausted, nu kalpli, <completely use> (a) exhausted/consumed/exhaustible, capable of being -ed. kaltae, <completely tired> [D‍-‍V] (2a) D is exhausted/spent/tired out by V. kaltalcea, <completely tired become[exhausted become]> [D‍-‍V] (2v) D are/become exhausted, completely tired by V, intransitive. exhaustible, nu kalpli, <completely use> (a) exhausted/consumed/exhaustible, capable of being -ed. exhaustion, po nu kalpli, <completely use> (n) an exhaustion, state of being used up. lopo kaltae, <completely tired> (n) exhaustion, mass term of states. exhibit, vemvizlei, <sell see let> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K display/exhibit B for sale. vizlei, <see permit> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K exhibit/show B to D/permit … to be seen by …. nu vizlei, <see permit> (n) an exhibit, that which is -ed. exhibit behavior, sanbiu, <sign behave> [N‍-‍DS] (3v) N signify/gesture/exhibit behavior to D meaning S. exhibit themselves, selvizlei, <self exhibit> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K show off/exhibit themselves before D. exhibition, nurvizlei, <seen permit> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is an exhibition of N. po vemvizlei, <sell see let> (2n) a display/exhibition of …. po vizlei, <see permit> (n) a showing/show/exhibition, an act of -ing. exhibitionist, selvizlei, <self exhibit> (n) an exhibitionist/showoff, show off. exhibitionistic, selvizlei, <self exhibit> (a) exhibitionistic, pert. to -ists. exile, clegunfoi, <without country compel> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K exile D for reason N. lopu clegunfoi, <without country compel> (n) exile, mass property. po clegunfoi, <without country compel> (n) an exile (of … for …). exist, duodza, <do exist> [B‍-‍PK] (3v) B exist apparently/virtually with effect P for user K. dzabi, [B‍-‍DN] (3v) B exist/be for D under metaphysics N. existence, po dzabi, (n) being/existence/reality, a specific state of existence. existent, dzabi, (a) actual/real/existent/non fictitious for … under …. exit, kukyzvorua, <quick out route> [V‍-‍F] (2n) V is an emergency exit of conveyance F. zvokaa, <out come> [K‍-‍SDV] (3v) K sally (forth)/exit/go out of/outside S to D via V. po zvokaa, <out come> (n) an exit/sally, an act of -ing. zvokamsia, <out come place> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is an outlet/exit from N. zvorua, <out route> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is an exit/way out from N. exogamous marriage, zvomerji, <outside marriage> [B‍-‍B] (2v) B is married to outsider B; exogamous marriage, specify social groups. exoskeleton, kithini, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the shell/exoskeleton/chitin of an arthropod F. exotic, notgui, <other country> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more alien/exotic/foreign, characteristic of other countries than J. exoticness, po notgui, <other country> (n) an exoticness, a spec. state/condition. expand, kubcko, <wide cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N dilate/widen/broaden/enlarge/expand D (unintentional). kubmao, <wide make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K dilate/widen/broaden/enlarge/expand D (intentional). kuspo, [B‍-‍D] (2v) B spread over/expand into form/area D. sulcea, <swollen become> [D‍-‍] (1v) D swell/enlarge/expand, become swollen. expanded, kubcea, <wide become> [D‍-‍C] (2v) D is/are dilated/widened/broadened/enlarged/expanded by C. nu kubcko, <wide cause> (a) dilated/widened/broadened/enlarged/expanded (by …). nu kubmao, <wide make> (a) dilated/widened/broadened/enlarged/expanded (by …). expansion, po kubcea, <wide become> (n) an instance of dilation/enlargement/expansion (by …), the state. po kubcko, <wide cause> (n) an event of dilation/enlargement/expansion (of …). po kubmao, <wide make> (n) an instance of dilation/enlargement/expansion (of …). nu kuspo, (n) an expansion, an expanded form. po kuspo, (n) an expansion/spread, a process of -ding. po sulcea, <swollen become> (n) an enlargement/expansion, an act/process of -ing. expansive, kuspo, (a) expansive, of that which expands. expansiveness, lopu kuspo, (n) expansiveness, mass term, properties. pu kuspo, (n) an expansiveness, a spec. property. expect, fuikri, <after believe> [K‍-‍VBN] (4v) K expect V of B in situation N. io, (i) I expect/in all likelyhood …, exp. of moderate belief. noio, (i) I don't expect … <, exp. of moderate disbelief.>. expectant, cinflo, <child full> (a) expectant/expecting (offspring). veikri, <happen believe> (a) expectant (of … from … in …), of one who -s. expectation, nu fuikri, <after believe> (n) an expectation, an -ed act/event. po fuikri, <after believe> (n) an expectation, an act/event of -ing. lopu veikri, <happen believe> (n) anticipation/expectation, mass property. po veikri, <happen believe> (n) an expectation/anticipation (of … from … in …). expected, nu fuikri, <after believe> (2a) expected/foreseen by …. nu veikri, <happen believe> (a) expected/anticipated (by … of … in …). expecting, cinflo, <child full> (a) expectant/expecting (offspring). expectorate, spetykao, <spit act> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K spit/expectorate on D. expedition, furkaotraci, <goal journey> [V‍-‍DKP] (4n) V is an expedition to D by persons K for goal/purpose P. po sundi, (n) an instance of sending/expedition. expel, zvopuo, <out push> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K expel D for V. expense, nu cmepli, <money use> (n) an expense, money spent for …, conv. form. nu petci, (n) an expense (of … to …), that which is -d. prati, [C‍-‍BDS] (4n) C is a/the price/cost/expense of goods/service B to D from S. expensive, kusti, [G‍-‍JP] (3a) G is more expensive/costly/dear than J for function P. expensively, kusti, (av) expensively, in an expensive way. expensiveness, lopu kusti, (n) expensiveness, mass term, properties. pu kusti, (n) an expensiveness/costliness, a spec. property. experience, fankuaspe, <reveal(reverse cover) experience> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K experience a revelation about V. livspe, <life spend> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K live/experience/spend life in doing/being N. selspevei, <self experience letci> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K submit self/experience/surrender self (to) D. racyspe, <travel experience> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K experience (place, culture, etc.) B by travel. ridspe, <read experience> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K experience B vicariously by reading about it. spe, (af) a combining form of speni, experience. specia, <experience learn> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K learn about B by experience. spegoi, <experience go> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K experience country N by going there. speni, [D‍-‍V] (2v) D experience/undergo/spend (interval) V. po speni, (n) an experience, a specific event of -ing. pu speni, (n) an experience, a property of -ing. experience logic, lodspe, <logic experience> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K experience logic in circumstances N. experience through language, lenspe, <language experience> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K experience through language V. experienceable, nu speni, (a) experienceable/experienced/empirical, able to be experienced, q.v. experienced, speni, (a) experiential/experienced, as of persons. nu speni, (a) experienceable/experienced/empirical, able to be experienced, q.v. spumou, <skilled more> [G‍-‍VJV] (4a) G is more expert/experienced at V than J is at V. experiential, speni, (a) experiential/experienced, as of persons. experiment, blipruduo, <possibility test do> [K‍-‍VP] (3v) K do experiment V to test hypothesis/model P. nu blipruduo, <possibility test do> (n) an experiment (by … to …), that which is done. po blipruduo, <possibility test do> (n) an experiment (… to …), the process of -ing. sesduvrai, <science discover try> [K‍-‍VP] (3v) K experiment with V to find P. experimenter, blipruduo, <possibility test do> (n) an experimenter (of … for …). expert, spu, (af) a combining form of spuro, expert. spuciu, <expert equal> [K‍-‍VKV] (4a) K is as expert/good at V as K is at V. spumou, <skilled more> [G‍-‍VJV] (4a) G is more expert/experienced at V than J is at V. spuro, [B‍-‍VN] (3a) B is capable/skilful/competent/skilled/expert/clever at/in doing V under N. spuro, (n) an expert, one who is expert. expertness, pu spuro, (n) a competence/expertness/skill/cleverness, a spec. property. expiration, po furkeovei, <(end of time period) event> (n) the expiration (at …). expiration date, nu furkeovei, <(end of time period) event> (n) the expiration date of …. expire, furkeovei, <(end of time period) event> [V‍-‍B] (2n) V expire at time B. explain, klimao, <clear make> [K‍-‍BDV] (4v) K account for/clarify/explain B to D by saying V. sanfomcea, <sign form change> [K‍-‍SDV] (4v) K interpret/expound/decipher/explain the meaning of text/speech/sign S for audience/readers D by writing/saying V. explanation, ju klimao, <clear make> (n) an explanation, an -atory remark. po klimao, <clear make> (n) an explanation, an act of -ing. klimaoste, <clear make sentence> [P‍-‍B] (2n) P is an explication/explanation of sentence B. explanatory, po klimao, <clear make> (a) explanatory, pert. to explanations. explicable, nu klimao, <clear make> (a) explicable/accountable, explicable. explicate, klimaoste, <clear make sentence> (vt) explicate …, one sentence of another. explication, klimaoste, <clear make sentence> [P‍-‍B] (2n) P is an explication/explanation of sentence B. explicative, klimaoste, <clear make sentence> (a) explicative, of sentences which explain. explodable, nu zbucko, <explode cause> (a) explodable, can be -ed. nu zbumao, <explode make> (a) explodable, can be -ed. explode, zbu, (af) a combining form of zbuma, explode. zbucko, <explode cause> [N‍-‍B] (2v) N burst/explode B, make … explode, nonintentional. zbuma, [D‍-‍F] (2v) D burst/explode into fragments F. zbumao, <explode make> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K burst/explode B, make … explode intentionally. zburoi, <explode angry> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K explode with anger at N. exploder, zbucko, <explode cause> (n) exploder, that which explodes. exploit, ralperpli, <profit use> [K‍-‍DP] (3v) K exploit (person) D for P. ralpli, <profit use> [K‍-‍SP] (3v) K exploit (resource) S for P. rignurduo, <brave deed> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an exploit. exploitation, po ralperpli, <profit use> (n) an/some exploitation (of … for …). po ralpli, <profit use> (n) an/some exploitation (of … for …). exploiter, ralperpli, <profit use> (n) exploiter (of … for …), one who -s. ralpli, <profit use> (n) exploiter (of … for …), one who -s. exploration, po duible, <discover look> (2n) an exploration (of …). duvcia, <discover learn> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K learn about B by exploration. explore, duible, <discover look> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K explore system/location V. explored, duvsia, <discovered place> [N‍-‍K] (2n) N is a known/explored area for people K. explorer, duible, <discover look> (n) explorer (of …), one who -s. duvcia, <discover learn> (n) K is an explorer of B. explosion, po zbucko, <explode cause> (n) an explosion, an act of -ing something. po zbuma, (n) an explosion, an event of bursting. po zbumao, <explode make> (n) an explosion, an act of -ing something. explosive, zbuma, (a) explosive, pert. to explosives. zbuma, (n) an explosive, that which bursts, general term. export, zvobei, <out carry> [K‍-‍BSD] (4v) K export B from S into D. nu zvobei, <out carry> (n) an export, an -ed thing, conv. of export. po zvobei, <out carry> (n) an export/exportation, an act of -ing. zvosui, <out send> [K‍-‍BDS] (4v) K export B to D from S. nu zvosui, <out send> (1n) an export (by … to … from …). exportation, po zvobei, <out carry> (n) an export/exportation, an act of -ing. po nu zvobei, <out carry> (n) an exportation, a state of being -ed. exporter, zvobei, <out carry> (n) an exporter, one who exports. zvosui, <out send> (n) exporter (of … to … from …). exporting, zvosui, <out send> (a) exporting (… to … from …). expose, fankuvduo, <reveal(reverse cover) do> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K uncover/expose/reveal/disclose B to D. exposure, lopo fankuvduo, <reveal(reverse cover) do> (n) disclosure/exposure/revelation, mass acts. po fankuvduo, <reveal(reverse cover) do> (n) a disclosure/exposure/revelation, an act of -ing. expound, sanfomcea, <sign form change> [K‍-‍SDV] (4v) K interpret/expound/decipher/explain the meaning of text/speech/sign S for audience/readers D by writing/saying V. express, fildiu, <feelings discuss> [K‍-‍VD] (3v) K confide/disclose/express feeling V to D. flipuopro, <liquid push produce> [K‍-‍SP] (3v) K press/express/squeeze out the liquid from S producing juice/liquid output P. nu modvi, (a) motivated/deliberate/express, of intended actions, q.v. nurmoi, <motivated (deliberate)> [B‍-‍] (1) B is motivated/deliberate/express. volduo, <voice do> [K‍-‍PV] (3v) K voice/utter/express idea P in/as expression V. express opinion, juircue, <opine say> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K say/express opinion/opine N. expressible, nu volduo, <voice do> (a) expressible/utterable/voiced, can be -ed, conv. form. expression, takfoa, <talk form> (3n) B is an expression/utterance/speech form of grammar class X in language F. fu volduo, <voice do> (n) an expression/utterance, words used to express …. expulsion, lopu zvopuo, <out push> (n) expulsion, mass property. po zvopuo, <out push> (n) an expulsion (of … for …). exquisite, bilbii, <beautiful beautiful> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is exquisite. dilkybii, <delicately beautiful> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more exquisite than J. extend, laacko, <long cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N elongate/lengthen/extend D, cause … to be longer, nonintentional 'heat elongates metal bars'. lagmao, <long make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K elongate/lengthen/extend D, make … longer, intentional. tecmao, <stretch make> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K extend/stretch D on/over/between B, collective. ranjo, [F‍-‍B] (2v) F extend/range over B, plural set. tetcu, [B‍-‍DS] (3v) B stretch/extend to length D from length S. extendable, nu tecmao, <stretch make> (a) stretchable/extendable, capable of being stretched. tetcu, (a) extendable/stretchable/stretchy, stretchable. extension, lopu laacko, <long cause> (n) elongation/extension, mass prop. po laacko, <long cause> (n) an elongation/extension (of …). lopu lagmao, <long make> (n) elongation/extension, mass prop. po lagmao, <long make> (n) an elongation/extension (of …). po nu tecmao, <stretch make> (n) a stretch/extension, state of having been -ed. ranjo, (n) an extension/range/scope/extent, scope/range, conv. of extend. po tetcu, (n) an extension, a spec. state of being -ed. extensive, groranjo, <great range> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is vast/extensive. kubyranjo, <wide range> [B‍-‍F] (2a) B is extensive/wide ranging in area/subject F. extensiveness, pu kubyranjo, <wide range> (n) an extensiveness, a spec. prop. extent, ranjo, (n) an extension/range/scope/extent, scope/range, conv. of extend. exterior, zvopai, <out part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the outside/outer part/exterior of F. zvoto, (a) exterior/out/outer/outside/external, outside of …. zvoto, (n) an exterior/outside, an outside thing/surface. exterior corner, zvojao, <out angle> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the exterior corner of object F. external, zvoto, (a) exterior/out/outer/outside/external, outside of …. extinct, specymoo, <species dead> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is extinct (of a species). specymorcea, <species dead become> [B‍-‍] (1v) B become extinct (of a species). extinguish, fagstimao, <fire stop make> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K put out/extinguish/turn off/quench fire V. extinguished, fagsticea, <fire stop become> [B‍-‍] (1v) B is extinguished/gone out, cause unspecified. extol, gangudtaa, <high good talk/> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K extol D for doing/being V. extra, ju mordu, (n) an excess/extra, an amount by which … exceeds …. fu sumji, (a) additional/addend/extra, an amount added. extract, zvocpu, <out pull> [K‍-‍PS] (3v) K extract P from S. nu zvocpu, <out pull> (n) extract (by … from …), that which is -ed. extraction, lopu zvocpu, <out pull> (n) extraction, mass property. po zvocpu, <out pull> (n) an extraction (of … from …), an -ing event. extractor, zvocpu, <out pull> (n) extractor (of … from …), that which -s. extraordinary, mucgutra, <very strange> [V‍-‍] (1a) V is extraordinary/remarkable/peculiar. zvodanri, <outside ordinary> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is extraordinary/magical/supernatural/miraculous. extraterrestrial, telnorloi, <earth not local> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is extraterrestrial/alien, not originating on Earth. telzvo, <earth outside> (a) extraterrestrial. telzvospa, <earth outside space> (a) extraterrestrial. extreme, mucmue, <much much> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is extreme/excessive. mutce, [G‍-‍JN] (3a) G is more extreme/immoderate/intense/utmost than J is in quality N. mutce, (n) extreme, that which is extreme. nurmue, <less much> (3a) G is more moderate/less extreme than J in quality B. extremely, mucmue, <much much> (av) excessively/exceedingly/extremely. mutce, (av) extremely/quite/very, very/in an extreme way. extremely skillful, muespu, <very skilled> [K‍-‍P] (2a) K is supreme/peerless/excellent/extremely skillful at doing P. extremeness, pu mutce, (n) an extremeness/extremity, a spec. property. extremity, bekfao, <object end> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the tip/end/extremity of object F. pu mutce, (n) an extremeness/extremity, a spec. property. eye, mek, (af) a combining form of menki, eye. menki, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an eye of F. eyebrow, mektovherfa, <eye over hair> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an eyebrow of F. eyeglasses, mekleo, <eye lens> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a (pair of) eyeglasses/glasses/spectacles. eyelash, mekherfa, <eye hair> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an eyelash of F. eyesight, viksaskai, <see sense> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the sense of vision/sight/eyesight of organism F. lo viksaskai, <see sense> (n) sight/eyesight/vision, mass term.

F F, Fai, (l) F, Latin upper case letter, one of a pool of symbols. Father, La Cmafar, (na) the Father/Papa/Pa, referring by name to a specific father. February, tormea, <2 month> [V‍-‍F] (2n) V is a February of year F. la tormea, <2 month> (na) February (the name of the 4th month of the year). Felidae, lao Felidae, (na) the Felidae, the cat family. France, la Fras, (na) France, the name of the country. French, frasa, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an element/feature/expression of the French language. frasa, (a) French, pert. to the French language. lo frasa, (n) French, the mass of such elements. frase, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is a French place/territory, a region inhabited by French. la Franseis', (na) French, the — language. frasi, (a) French, of French origin. lo frasi, (n) (the) French, the mass of such persons. fraso, [N‍-‍] (1n) N is an element/feature/expression of the French culture. fraso, (a) French, pert. to the French culture. lo fraso, (n) French, the mass of such elements. French horn, fraso korne, (ph) a French horn, a musical instrument. korne, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a horn/French horn/cornet/bugle/trumpet/trombone/saxhorn/tuba, a musical wind instrument, usually brass, employing the player's lips as the vibrating medium. French person, frasi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a French person/Frenchman/Frenchwoman. French speaker, frasytaa, <French speaker> [K‍-‍] (1n) K is a francophone/French speaker, a speaker of the … language. Frenchman, frasi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a French person/Frenchman/Frenchwoman. Frenchwoman, frasi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a French person/Frenchman/Frenchwoman. Friday, ferdei, <5 day> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a Friday of week/month F. la ferdei, <5 day> (na) Friday (the 6th day of the week). f, fei, (l) f, Latin lower case letter, one of a pool of symbols. fable, reistu, <dream story> [P‍-‍BS] (3n) P is a fable/myth about B by S. fabric, klabu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a piece of cloth/fabric. klabu, (a) cloth/fabric, made of cloth. lo klabu, (n) fabric/cloth, mass term. facade, faifre, <false front> [V‍-‍SD] (3n) V is the facade (false appearance) presented by S to D. trufre, <structure front> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the facade of structure F. face, fasli, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a/the face of S. faslykua, <face cover> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a face mask, for protection, concealment, or decoration. faslytorni, <face twist> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K grimace/distort ones face/make a face at D. fredirsea, <front direction set> [K‍-‍B] (2n) K face/turn toward (person/object) B. poztai, <against stand> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K face/confront/stand up to (person/condition) N. facetious, noryriu, <not serious> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more jocular/facetious/unserious than J. facial, fasli, (a) facial, pert. to faces. facile, fasru, [P‍-‍KN] (3a) P is easy/simple/facile for K (to do) under conditions N. nu fasru, (a) facile, of persons, conv. of easy. facilitate, fasmao, <easy make> [K‍-‍VD] (3v) K facilitate/simplify/make less difficult/make easier V for D, intentional. fasycko, <easy cause> [N‍-‍VD] (3v) N facilitate/simplify/make less difficult/make easier V for D, nonintentional. facilitation, po fasmao, <easy make> (n) a facilitation/simplification, an act of -ing. po fasycko, <easy cause> (n) a facilitation, an act of -ing. facility, lopu nu fasru, (n) ease/facility, mass term, properties. pu nu fasru, (n) an ease/facility, a prop. of being facile. facsimile, darkopmai, <far copy machine> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a facsimile/fax machine. fact, fek, (af) a combining form of fekto, fact. fekto, [N‍-‍VK] (3n) N is a fact/actuality about event V according to observer(s) K. lo fekto, (n) fact/actuality, mass term of facts. feo, (af) a combining form of fekto, fact. feu, (av) in fact/actually, a discourse operator (UI). faction, polgru, <political group> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a political party/faction of polity F. paigru, <part group> [N‍-‍BF] (3n) N is a party/faction/subgroup including members B of group F. factional, paigru, <part group> (a) partisan/factional, pert. to factions/parties. factor, furcko, <3rd conv. of cause> [N‍-‍VF] (3n) N is a condition/circumstance/factor in the situation V of F. nu jalti, (n) a factor/multiplier, 1st factor in a multiplication. nurjai, <conv. of multiply> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a factor in product F, mathematics. factory, madsia, <make place> [B‍-‍P] (2n) B is a factory making P. factually, fekto, (av) in fact/factually/actually, factually/in fact. feotra, <fact true> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is factually/empirically true under epistemology N. faculty, galpai, <organization part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a department/faculty/division/branch/section of organization F. lo gandia, <high teacher> (n) a/the faculty/staff (university). pu kanmo, (n) an ability/capability/talent/faculty, a spec. property. saskai, <sense quality> [B‍-‍SD] (3n) B is a faculty/sense of S in D, capacity for sensing … of organism …. fade, bildru, <beauty lose> [K‍-‍] (1v) K fade/wither/lose beauty. cuidru, <water lose> [B‍-‍] (1v) B fade/wither/wilt/lose color from desiccation. koldru, <color lose> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K fade/wither/wilt/lose color (as a result of) N. faded, cuidru, <water lose> (a) faded/withered/wilted (from desiccation). koldru, <color lose> (a) faded/withered/wilted (from …). fail, no duodri, <do remember> (v) forget/fail to do …. faa, (af) a combining form of falba, fail. fab, (af) a combining form of falba, fail. falba, [D‍-‍PN] (3v) D fail to do/achieve P under conditions N. fail to do, norduo, <not do> (v) fail to do, keep/refrain from doing. fail to hit, blofaa, <hit fail> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K miss/fail to hit target D. failure, falba, (n) a failure, one who fails to achieve …. lopo falba, (n) failure, mass term of acts. po falba, (n) a failure, a spec. act of -ing. fain, duobre, <do ready> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K is willing/fain to do/be P. faint, kacdru, <conscious lose> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K faint/swoon/lose consciousness from (cause) N. po kacdru, <conscious lose> (n) a faint/swoon/loss of consciousness (from …). fair, cmikeo, <fun time> [V‍-‍KB] (3n) V is a carnival/celebration/fair among people K on occasion B. dredju, <correctly judge> [K‍-‍DV] (3a) K is just/fair to D in affair/matter V. dredjumou, <right judge more> [G‍-‍DJDV] (5a) G is more just/fair to D than J is to D in dealings V. londa, (n) blonde/fair, one who is blond(e). norpebtia, <non partial> [B‍-‍FV] (3a) B is fair/impartial to the members of set F in matter V. fairer, londa, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is blonder/fairer than J is. fairness, lopo dredju, <correctly judge> (n) justice/fairness, mass term of being just. lopu dredju, <correctly judge> (n) justice/justness/fairness, mass property of being just. lopo londa, (n) a blondeness/fairness, the mass of such props. po londa, (n) a blondeness/fairness, a prop. of a spec. blonde. lopo norpebtia, <non partial> (n) impartiality/fairness, mass term of events. lopu norpebtia, <non partial> (n) impartiality/fairness, mass term of properties. po norpebtia, <non partial> (n) an impartiality/fairness, an act of being impartial. pu norpebtia, <non partial> (n) an impartiality/fairness, a spec. property. fairy, cmaspi, <small spirit> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a fairy/sprite. fairy godmother, mamclijuo gudspi, <mother like supporter> (n) a fairy godmother. mamclijuo gudspi, <good spirit> (n) a fairy godmother. fairy tale, cmaspistu, <small spirit tale> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is a fairy tale of/about V. majpipstu, <magic people story> [B‍-‍VN] (3n) B is a fairy tale about V told by/among people N. faith, duokri, <do believe> [D‍-‍KP] (3v) D trust/believe/have confidence/faith that K will do P. po duokri, <do believe> (n) a faith/trust, an act of trusting … to do …. norceakri, <fixed believe> [K‍-‍NF] (3v) K have faith/firmly believe that N is true of F. lopo norceakri, <fixed believe> (n) faith, the mass of such conditions. po norceakri, <fixed believe> (n) a faith, a condition of constant belief. perkri, <person believe> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K believe/have faith/confidence in person D in/about N. lopo perkri, <person believe> (n) faith, mass term of acts of belief. pu perkri, <person believe> (n) a faith, a spec. property of believing …. faith strong, krifro, <believe strong> [B‍-‍VN] (3a) B is faith strong concerning V under conditions N. faithful, kriklipu, <belief keep> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K is/are faithful to (belief/creed) N. lo kriklipu, <belief keep> (n) faithful (to …). norceakri, <fixed believe> (a) faithful, of constant believers. lo norceakri, <fixed believe> (n) (the) faithful, the mass of -ful ones. trakao, <true act> [B‍-‍NV] (3a) B is trustworthy/loyal/trusted/faithful/true to N in matter V. faithfulness, po kriklipu, <belief keep> (n) a faithfulness, a spec. instance of being faithful. lopu norceakri, <fixed believe> (n) faithfulness, mass term of props. pu norceakri, <fixed believe> (n) a faithfulness, a spec. property. lopu trakao, <true act> (n) loyalty/trustworthiness/faithfulness/allegiance, mass prop. faithless, falkao, <falsely act/> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K betray/be faithless/disloyal to D in matter V. falkao, <falsely act/> (a) disloyal/faithless/false, faithless to …. krifiu, <believe weak> [B‍-‍VN] (3a) B is faithless concerning V under conditions N. faithlessness, lopo falkao, <falsely act/> (n) faithlessness, mass term of acts. lopu falkao, <falsely act/> (n) faithlessness, mass term, properties. pu falkao, <falsely act/> (n) a disloyalty/faithlessness, a spec. property. falcon, falka, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a female falcon. falko, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a male hawk/falcon, a bird of the genus Falcon. falku, [B‍-‍] (1) B is a falcon, generic term for a bird of the genus Falco. falcon chick, falki, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a falcon chick/infant falcon. falcon like, falke, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more falcon like than J. fall, cimfui, <summer after> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B is the autumn/fall of year C. lo cimfui, <summer after> (n) autumn/fall, mass term. fea, (af) a combining form of felda, fall. fed, (af) a combining form of felda, fall. fedlei, <fall let> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K shed/drop/let fall/let go B to/onto/into D. fel, (af) a combining form of felda, fall. felcko, <fall cause> [N‍-‍BD] (3v) N drop/make fall B to/onto/into D, nonintentionally. felda, [B‍-‍DSN] (4v) B fall to D from S in gravity field N. felda, (vi) fall (down), fall down, incomplete form. po felda, (n) a fall, an act/event of -ing. felmao, <fall make> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K drop/make fall B to/onto/into D. fall apart, cmapiucea, <small piece change> [B‍-‍N] (2v) B crumble/fall apart under conditions N. fall back, pridirgoi, <backward go> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K retreat/go back/fall back/retire to D from S. fall in, felnengoi, <fall inside go> [K‍-‍DSV] (v) K fall in to D from S via V. fall in love, clucea, <lover become> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K fall in love with D. false, fai, (af) a combining form of falji, false. fal, (af) a combining form of falji, false. falji, [P‍-‍N] (2a) P is false/untrue, as of sentences, under epistemology N. falkao, <falsely act/> (a) disloyal/faithless/false, faithless to …. false beard, dupherfa, <deceive hair> [B‍-‍K] (2n) B is a wig/false beard of K, any false hairpiece. false name, pubnamci, <public name> [P‍-‍S] (2n) P is an alias/pseudonym/false name of S. false reason, dupyraznu, <deceive reason> [N‍-‍KDV] (4n) N is a pretense/false reason given by K to D for doing V. falsehood, nu dupcue, <deceive say> (n) a falsehood, a spec. lie. falji, (n) a falsehood/untruth, a false sentence/statement. lo falji, (n) falsehood/untruth, the mass of such sentences. movfai, <motive false> [B‍-‍K] (2n) B is a lie/falsehood intended by K. falsely, duptaa, <deceive talker> [K‍-‍DNV] (4v) K lie/speak falsely to D about N by saying V. falsification, fu falmao, <false make> (n) a falsification/counterfeit, a counterfeit thing. lopo falmao, <false make> (n) falsification, mass term of acts. po falmao, <false make> (n) a falsification/forgery, an act of -ing. falsifier, falmao, <false make> (n) a counterfeiter/falsifier/forger, one who -s. falsify, falmao, <false make> [K‍-‍SP] (3v) K falsify/counterfeit/forge/make untrue S as P, makes … appear to be …. falsity, pu falji, (n) the falsity, of a specific sentence …. falter, pazgoi, <pause go> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K waver/hesitate/falter about V. fame, lopo famva, (n) fame, of an individual. lopu famva, (n) fame, properties that lead to fame. familial, famji, (a) familial, pert. to families. familiar, dridja, <remember know> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K is familiar/acquainted with B. duodja, <do know> (a) accustomed/familiar to/with. nu duodja, <do know> (a) familiar, as of practices. kuodja, <custom know> (2v) be used/acquainted/familiar to/with, be familiar with. nu kuodja, <custom know> (a) known/familiar, as of persons/things, conv. nurcnu, <conv. of new> [G‍-‍JD] (3a) G is older/more familiar/less novel than J to D. nurcnu, <conv. of new> (a) old/familiar, less novel than … to …. nu spedja, <experience know> (a) known/recognizable/familiar to … by experience. familiar with procedure, duodja, <do know> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K know how to do V/familiar with procedure … /used to procedure …. familiar-with, spedja, <experience know> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K knows/recognizes/is familiar-with/acquainted with B by/through direct experience. familiarity, po nu duodja, <do know> (n) familiarity, a state of being known. pu duodja, <do know> (n) a familiarity, a spec. property. pu kuodja, <custom know> (n) a familiarity, a spec. property. pu nurcnu, <conv. of new> (n) a familiarity, a prop. of familiar things. pu nu spedja, <experience know> (n) a recognizability/familiarity, a spec. property of being known by experience. familiarization, po kusdjacea, <custom know become> (n) a familiarization, an act/process of being -ed. po kusdjamao, <custom know make> (n) familiarization, an act/process. familiarize, kusdjacea, <custom know become> (v) acquaint/familiarize oneself with …. kusdjamao, <custom know make> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K acquaint/familiarize D with B. familiarized, kusdjacea, <custom know become> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K are/become acquainted/familiarized with D. family, fam, (af) a combining form of famji, family. famji, [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a family composed of members B. nerkui, <first kin> (ph) immediate family of …. rarnurpee, <all parented> [P‍-‍S] (2n) P are a/the brood/family of parents S. famine, lopu nortcimorcea, <not eat dead become> (n) famine/starvation, mass property. lopu tciclecea, <eat without become> (n) famine/starvation, mass property. lopu tciclecko, <eat without cause> (n) famine/starvation, mass property. famous, famva, [D‍-‍VF] (3a) D is famous for V among F. fan, kerpuo, <air pusher> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K fan (object) B. kerpuo, <air pusher> (n) a fan. fan up, kaocko, <action cause> [K‍-‍D] (2n) K fan up/activate D. fancied, nu cidyrevdaa, <awake dream desire> (a) fancied, pert. to the thing -ed. fancy, cidrei, <awake dream> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K day dream/fancy/fantasize D. nu cidrei, <awake dream> (n) a day dream/fancy/fantasy/reverie/whim, a spec. fantasy. cidyrevdaa, <awake dream desire> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K fancy (object/action) V. nu cidyrevdaa, <awake dream desire> (n) fancy/whim/fantasy. nu durna, (a) adorned/decorated/ornamented/fancy/decked/trimmed, as with ornaments. fantasize, cidrei, <awake dream> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K day dream/fancy/fantasize D. fantastic, nu cidrei, <awake dream> (a) fantastic, pert. to fantasy. fantasy, nu cidrei, <awake dream> (n) a day dream/fancy/fantasy/reverie/whim, a spec. fantasy. po cidrei, <awake dream> (n) a day dream/fantasy/reverie, an act of -ing. nu cidyrevdaa, <awake dream desire> (n) fancy/whim/fantasy. majblifikco, <magic possible fiction> [P‍-‍K] (2n) P is a work of fantasy by K. far, dar, (af) a combining form of darli, far. darli, (a) far from …. nu darli, (a) distant/far/further, farther from … than from … by …. fu snire, (a) far, less near to … than … is, conv. vu, (av) far (away)/away from here, before predicates. vu, (c) far/away from where, before clauses. vu, (pp) far/away from …, a location op., before terms. vu ta, (av ph) far from there<, a modifying phrase.>. vu ti, (av) far (away)/away from here, a modifying phrase. far from, vuza, (av) far from this place, before predicates. vuza, (c) far from where, of medium sized events. vuza, (pp) far from …, a med. space, before terms. vuzi, (av) far from this spot, before predicates. vuzi, (c) far from where, spatially limited events. vuzi, (pp) far from …, a spot, before terms. vuzu, (av) far from this region, before predicates. vuzu, (c) far from where, of extensive events. vuzu, (pp) far from …, a large space, before terms. farce, nurdakstu, <improbable story> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a farce. fare, suvprati, <service price> [C‍-‍V] (2n) C is a fare/rate for service V. farewell, goztaa, <go talk> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K say farewell/goodbye to D. po goztaa, <go talk> (n) a good bye/parting/farewell, an act/event of leave taking. loa, (i) good bye/farewell/so long, an expression/exclamation of leave taking. da me liu loa takna, (ph) X says good bye/farewell. farm, fanra, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a farm in countryside F. far, (af) a combining form of fanra, farm. farkeu, <farm care> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K farm the land D. farm animal, farnia, <farm animal> [B‍-‍D] (a) B is a farm animal/domestic animal of D. farm country, nu fanra, (n) farm country, converse of farm. farm land, farlai, <farm land> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is country/farm land/a rural area of region F. farmable, nu farkeu, <farm care> (a) farmable, can be farmed. farmer, farkeu, <farm care> (n) a farmer, one who -s. farming, po farkeu, <farm care> (a) farming, operating a farm. fart, gaorbrimao, <anal wind make> [K‍-‍] (1v) K fart/pass wind. farther, darli, [G‍-‍BJC] (4a) G is farther/further/more distant/distal from B than J is by C. fu nu snire, (a) more distant/farther/further/distal than … is from …, far. farther than, bande, [G‍-‍JDVC] (5av) G is beyond/farther than J from D on route V by distance C. fascinate, tedklipu, <attention keep> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K fascinate, hold the attention of D with/by V. fascinated by, nu tedklipu, <attention keep> (v) be fascinated by, conv. of fascinate. fascination, po nu tedklipu, <attention keep> (n) a fascination, a state of being -ed. pu tedklipu, <attention keep> (n) a fascination, a property of a -ing thing. fashion, bivfoa, <behavior pattern> [N‍-‍KV] (3n) N is a conduct/manner/fashion/style/mode, way of behaving of K under V. dunfoa, <adornment pattern> [N‍-‍B] (2n) N is a fashion/style/mode of (clothing/adornment) B. fast, kukra, (a) quick/rapid/fast/swift, swifter than … in motion …. nortci, <not eat> [K‍-‍S] (2v) K fast/abstain from eating for reasons S. po nortci, <not eat> (n) a fast (for …). povnurtse, <positive errored> [V‍-‍C] (2v) V is fast/over by C, have a positive error in …. E.g. Lemi jokla ga povnurtse lio fe minta — My watch is 5 minutes fast. fast forward, kukyrirpli, <fast record use> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K fast forward record/tape D on machine B. fast forward past, dandykukrirpli, <fast record use> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K fast forward past/zap record/tape B on machine D. fasten, djimao, <join make> [K‍-‍BDV] (4v) K connect/join/unite/fasten/attach B to D with V. refklomao, <clothing close make> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K fasten/tie up/do up B. skoduo, <screw do> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K screw/fasten B with screws to D. fastened, nu refklomao, <clothing close make> (a) fastened/tied. fastener, ju djimao, <join make> (n) a fastener, something used for -ing. fastening, po djimao, <join make> (n) a connection/fastening/attachment, a spec. instance of -ing. faster, kukcea, <fast become> [K‍-‍PC] (3v) K accelerate/quicken/hurry/speed up/become faster in motion/action P by increment C. kukra, [G‍-‍JCN] (4a) G is swifter/faster than J by C in motion N. fat, fop, (af) a combining form of fotpa, fat. fopcea, <fat become> [K‍-‍] (1v) K fatten/grow fat. fotpa, (a) fat/obese/plump/ample, plumper than …. gresa, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a piece/drop of fat/grease/oil/lard, general term. gresa, (a) fat/fatty, made of fat. lo gresa, (n) fat, mass term. fatal, morcko, <dead cause> (a) mortal/fatal/deadly. fate, normuvfui, <not move(fixed) future> [V‍-‍B] (2n) V is a/the destiny/fate/doom of B. lo normuvfui, <not move(fixed) future> (n) doom/fate/destiny, mass term. fated, nu normuvfui, <not move(fixed) future> (a) doomed/fated/predestined/destined, fated, having a fate. father, farfu, [S‍-‍PS] (3n) S is the father of P by mother S. fra, (af) a combining form of farfu, father. fracea, <father become> [S‍-‍P] (2v) S (become the) father (of) P. father-in law, nurmerfra, <spouse father> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is a father-in law of D. fatherhood, po farfu, (n) a fatherhood, a spec. state. fatherland, fragui, <father land> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a/the fatherland/country/nation/land of B. fralai, <father land> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is the fatherland of D. penrygui, <parent land> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the motherland/fatherland/homeland/country/nation/land of F. fatherliness, pu fracli, <father like> (n) a fatherliness/paternalism, a spec. property. fatherly, fracli, <father like> [G‍-‍DJD] (4a) G is more fatherly/paternal/like a father to D than J is to D. fatigue, talcko, <tired cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N fatigue/tire, makes D tired. pu nu talcko, <tired cause> (n) a fatigue, a property of being -ed. lopu tarle, (n) fatigue/weariness, mass prop. po tarle, (n) a fatigue/weariness/tiredness, a state/condition of tiredness. fatigued, nu talcko, <tired cause> (a) tired of/fatigued, made tired, conv. of fatigue. tarle, [D‍-‍V] (2a) D is tired/fatigued/weary by effort V. fatness, lopu fotpa, (n) plumpness/fatness, mass term of properties. pu fotpa, (n) fatness/plumpness/obesity, plumpness, a spec. property. fatten, fopcea, <fat become> [K‍-‍] (1v) K fatten/grow fat. fatter, fotpa, [G‍-‍JC] (3a) G is fatter/plumper than J by amount C. fattiness, pu greflo, <fat full> (n) a fattiness, a property of being fatty. fatty, greflo, <fat full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more fatty/full of fat than J. gresa, (a) fat/fatty, made of fat. faucet, krotro, <flow controller> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a faucet/tap/valve/volume control/dimmer of/in F, a device for controlling flow. Material may be specified as cuirkrotroli. fault, brolia, <break line> [N‍-‍B] (2n) N is a break/rupture/fracture/fault in B. nabckocitlu, <problem causing detail> [N‍-‍B] (2a) N is a defect/fault of B. tsero, [B‍-‍SN] (3n) B is an error/defect/mistake/fault/imperfection of/in S by standard N. zavcue, <bad say> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K criticize/find fault with D for faults/actions V. fault for, tsedaspa, <error responsible> (v) be at fault for …. fault with, noirtsetaa, <others error talk> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K finds fault with/complain about error B to D. faultless, purfe, [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is perfect/faultless/unimprovable/standard/ideal by standard N. faultlessly, purfe, (av) faultlessly/perfectly, in a perfect way. faulty, nu nabckocitlu, <problem causing detail> (a) defective/faulty, having defects/faults. favor, nu begdou, <request give> (n) a favor, a requested thing/act, conv. pebtia, <special choose> [K‍-‍GJV] (4v) K favor/be partial to G over J in matter V. favorable, gacysia, <win position> [N‍-‍KV] (3n) N is an advantage/benefit/is favorable to K in contest V. gacysia, <win position> (a) advantageous/beneficial/favourable/favorable to … in …. skucko, <success cause> [B‍-‍P] (2a) B is effective/good/favourable/favorable toward/for desired end P, as of acts/mean. favored, nu pebtia, <special choose> (a) favored, pert. to favorites. favorite, nu pebtia, <special choose> (n) a favorite, a favored one/thing. favoritism, lopo pebtia, <special choose> (n) partiality/favoritism, mass acts. favourable, gacysia, <win position> (a) advantageous/beneficial/favourable/favorable to … in …. skucko, <success cause> [B‍-‍P] (2a) B is effective/good/favourable/favorable toward/for desired end P, as of acts/mean. fawn, cervi, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is an fawn/infant deer of region/range S. fax, darkopmai, <far copy machine> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a facsimile/fax machine. kopdarsui, <copy far send> [K‍-‍PDSV] (5v) K send facsimile/fax P to D from S via V. fear, fir, (af) a combining form of firpa, fear. firpa, [D‍-‍V] (2v) D fear/be afraid of/that V. po firpa, (n) a fear/fright, a specific state of being afraid. fia, (af) a combining form of firpa, fear. fearful, firbiu, <fear behave> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more timid/fearful than J. firpa, (a) afraid/fearful/frightened/scared, fearful of …. nu firpa, (a) fearful/fearsome/frightening/frightful, pert. to feared things. fearfully, firpa, (av) fearfully, in a fearful way. fearfulness, lopu firbiu, <fear behave> (n) timidity/fearfulness, mass property. fearless, fiacle, <fear without> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K is rash/reckless/fearless with/about N, acting without fear. fearsome, fiacko, <fearful cause> (a) frightening/scary/fearsome, actively causing fear. firckomou, <fear cause more> [G‍-‍JD] (3a) G is more fearsome/formidable/redoubtable than J is to D. nu firpa, (a) fearful/fearsome/frightening/frightful, pert. to feared things. nurfia, <conv. of fear> [G‍-‍JD] (3a) G is more fearsome/formidable/redoubtable than J to D. fearsomeness, pu nu firpa, (n) a fearsomeness/frightfulness, a spec. property. feasible, durkai, <do quality> [V‍-‍N] (2a) V is doable/practical/feasible under conditions N. feast, gramia, <great meal> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a banquet/feast, a large meal. feather, lum, (af) a combining form of pluma, feather. pluma, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a feather/plume of F. lua, (af) a combining form of pluma, feather. feather bed cover, lumbedkua, <feather bed cover> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a feather bed cover/duvet/comforter. featheriness, pu luacli, <feather like> (n) a featheriness, a spec. property. feathery, luacli, <feather like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more feathery/like a feather than J is. feature, citlu, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a detail/particular/minor feature of/about F. faslypai, <face part> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a facial feature of S. nu katli, (n) a characteristic/feature/property/quality/attribute of …, a property. fecal, ctuda, (a) fecal, pert. to excrement. feces, ctu, (af) a combining form of ctuda, feces. ctuda, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is some excrement/stool/feces of F. federacy, po kinkaogru, <together act group> (n) federacy/confederacy, as among groups. federal, kinkaogru, <together act group> (a) federal, of federations. federal government, polgrugai, <polity group government> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a/the federal government, of confederacy B. federation, kinkaogru, <together act group> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a federation/confederation of groups B. fee, nurjurna, <conv. of earn> [C‍-‍KP] (3n) C is/are a/the earnings/wage/salary/fee of K for work/service P. feeble, fibru, (a) feeble/frail/weak, weaker than … by …. feebleness, lopo fibru, (n) weakness/feebleness, mass term of states. feed, tcihea, <eat help> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K feed/assist to eat (person) D with food B. tcilei, <eat let> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K feed D food/feed/fodder B. lo fu tcilei, <eat let> (n) feed/fodder, mass term for any substance fed. tcidydou, <food give> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K feed/cater to (creatures) D. feed on, tcidypli, <food use> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K feed on B, use … for food. feeder, tcidypli, <food use> (n) a feeder, one who feeds on something. tcilei, <eat let> (n) a feeder, one who/that which feeds another. feeding, lopo tcidydou, <food give> (1n) feeding/catering. feel, dejduvrai, <finger discover try> [K‍-‍BS] (3v) K feel/grope for B in S. dedtco, <finger touch> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K feel/touch D with fingers. dedtotco, <finger touch> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K feel/touch D with fingers. dedyjanto, <finger hunt> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K feel/hunt for B with fingers. fil, (af) a combining form of filmo, feel. filmo, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K feel D about V. fio, (af) a combining form of filmo, feel. minpuu, <mind pain> (v) feel disturbed/upset/distress at …. punspe, <pain experience> [D‍-‍NS] (3v) D suffer from/feel pain in N for S. rultoi, <rule agree> [K‍-‍PN] (3v) K feel/agree one should do P under conditions N. sanse, [K‍-‍VN] (3v) K feel/sense/is sensitive to stimulus V under conditions N. feel better, gudfilmao, <better feel make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K console D/make … feel better about V, intentional. gudfiocko, <better feel cause> [N‍-‍DV] (3v) N console … /make D feel better about V, nonintentional. feel strongly, folfio, <strong feel> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K feel strongly/are passionate about V. feel well, jelfio, <well feel> [K‍-‍] (1v) K feel well. feeling, filmo, (a) emotional/feeling, able to feel … about …. lo nu filmo, (n) feeling, mass term of felt emotions. nu filmo, (n) a feeling/emotion, a spec. feeling by … about …. po sanse, (n) a sensation/feeling, a spec. sensation. feign, dupkao, <deceiving actor> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K pretend/simulate/feign N with intent to deceive. plekao, <play act> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K play/pretend/simulate/feign/make believe that V. feign death, dupmoo, <deceive dead> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K play dead/play possum/feign death to observer D for reason S. feign sleep, dupsoi, <deceive sleep> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K sleep pretend/feign sleep to observer D for reason S. feline, felsi, [B‍-‍] (1) B is a feline, one of the cats. felsi, (a) feline, pert. to the cat family. katma, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a queen/tabby, a female domestic cat/feline. katme, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more feline/cat like than J. katmi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a kitten, an infant domestic cat/feline. katmo, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a tomcat, a male domestic cat/feline. fell, damklu, <down cut> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K fell/cut down/hew (tree-like) D. feller, damklu, <down cut> (n) feller, one who -s trees. fellow, kusmeu, <familiar man> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a fellow/chap. fellow being, snilii, <near live> (n) neighbor/neighbour/fellow being, a neighbor of …. fellow countryman, samguidjo, <same country member> [B‍-‍B] (2n) B is a compatriot/fellow countryman/fellow countryman of B. fellow learner, cirkii, <learn together> [K‍-‍KN] (3n) K is a fellow learner with K in subject N. fellow worker, kintua, <together work> (n) a colleague/fellow worker/collaborator, one who -s. felt, canciekla, <random thread cloth> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a/some felt of material S. female, femdi, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a female of species F. femdi, (a) female/feminine, pert. to females of species …. fumna, (a) female, pert. to female humans. fumna, (n) a female/woman, female of the human species. female deer, cerva, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a doe/hind/female deer of region/range S. female dog, kanga, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a bitch/female dog. female of this animal, zua, (af) attached to <predy>, means female of this animal/animallike species/taxon; e.g. mamlyzua — is a female mammal. female turtle, testhuda, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a female turtle/ tortoise. femaleness, lopu femdi, (n) femaleness/femininity, mass term of properties. pu femdi, (n) a/the femaleness, a spec. property. feminine, fem, (af) a combining form of femdi, feminine. femdi, (a) female/feminine, pert. to females of species …. fuacli, <woman like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more feminine/womanly/womanish than J, of non women. mucfua, <extreme woman> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is/are more feminine/womanly than J, of women. femininity, lopu femdi, (n) femaleness/femininity, mass term of properties. lopu fuacli, <woman like> (n) femininity/womanliness, mass term, props. pu fuacli, <woman like> (n) a femininity/womanliness, a spec. property of non women. lopu mucfua, <extreme woman> (n) femininity/womanliness, mass term of properties. pu mucfua, <extreme woman> (n) a femininity, a spec. property (of women). femto, fepti, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is 10E 15th quantity of F. (ISV femto). femto-, fep, (af) a combining form of fepti, femto-. fence, fildytcali, <field wall> [B‍-‍SC] (3n) B is a fence of (material) S enclosing (area) C. fencing, nu fildytcali, <field wall> (n) fencing, material to make fences out of. ferment, vincticko, <wine stuff cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N ferment D/make … alcoholic …, nonintentional; 'yeast ferments sugar'. vinctimao, <wine stuff make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K ferment D /make … alcoholic with/by V, intentional. vinctipro, <alcohol produce> [D‍-‍] (1v) D ferment/becomes alcoholic. vinctipro, <alcohol produce> (n) a ferment, fermenting material. fermentation, lopo vincticko, <wine stuff cause> (n) fermentation, mass term. po vincticko, <wine stuff cause> (n) a fermentation, an act of -ing. lopo vinctimao, <wine stuff make> (n) fermentation, mass term. po vinctimao, <wine stuff make> (n) a fermentation, an act of -ing. lopo vinctipro, <alcohol produce> (n) fermentation, mass term. po vinctipro, <alcohol produce> (n) a fermentation, a process of -ing. fermium, fermiio, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some fermium, a transuranic element (Fm). ferrous, fenflo, <iron full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more ferrous/contains more iron than J does. fertile, ferti, [G‍-‍JB] (3a) G is more fertile/fruitful than J for crops B. fet, (af) a combining form of ferti, fertile. fertility, pu nu farkeu, <farm care> (n) fertility. Property of farmable land. pu farlai, <farm land> (n) fertility, prop. of farmland. (I'm not sure about this). lopo ferti, (n) fertility, mass term of states. lopu ferti, (n) fertility, mass term of properties. po ferti, (n) a fertility, a state of being fertile. pu ferti, (n) a fertility, a prop. of a specific soil. fertilization, lopo fetyckopli, <fertile cause use> (n) fertilization, mass term. po fetyckopli, <fertile cause use> (n) a fertilization, a process of -ing. fertilize, fetcko, <fertile cause> [N‍-‍DV] (3v) N fertilize, makes fertile D by/with V. fetyckopli, <fertile cause use> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K fertilize D with fertilizer V. fertilizer, fetcko, <fertile cause> (n) a fertilizer, any substance which -es. lo fetcko, <fertile cause> (n) fertilizer, mass term of substances. fervor, lopu hatfio, <warm emotion> (n) fervor/enthusiasm, mass property. po hatfio, <warm emotion> (2n) a fervor/enthusiasm about …. festival, hapkeo, <happy time> [B‍-‍FV] (3n) B is a festival/celebration/fiesta/jubilee among people F on occasion V. festive, hapkeo, <happy time> (a) festive, of festival occasions. hapkeocli, <festival like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more festive/like a festival than J is. hapkeocli, <festival like> (a) festive, more than …. festively, hapkeo, <happy time> (av) festively, in a festive way. hapkeocli, <festival like> (av) festively, in a festival like way. festiveness, lopu hapkeo, <happy time> (n) festiveness, mass term, properties. pu hapkeo, <happy time> (n) a festiveness, a spec. property. festivity, po hapkeo, <happy time> (n) a festivity, a festive event. fetch, getsi, [K‍-‍BSP] (4v) K acquire/fetch/procure/get/obtain B from S for purpose P. fetter, tcenyduo, <chain do> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K chain/fetter D to B, attaches with a chain. fettered, nu tcenyduo, <chain do> (a) chained/fettered, pertaining to one -ed. fever, lopu malhatro, <sick hot> (n) fever, mass property. po malhatro, <sick hot> (n) a fever/temperature. feverish, malhatro, <sick hot> [D‍-‍] (1a) D is feverish. few, numcmacea, <number small become> [V‍-‍] (1v) V become rare/scarce/few in number. ri, (a) several/a few/some/a small number of set …, a quantifying operator. ricu, (a) a small group/several, a few … acting together, an indefinite set describer. E.g. Ricu mrenu pa hijra — A small group men were here together. Cf., Ri mrenu pa hijra — Several men were here independently. fiber, citfoa, <thread form> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a filament/fiber of F. fickle, cenja, (a) changing/changeable/unsettled/fickle, naturally, without intervention. fiction, blifikco, <possible fiction> [P‍-‍K] (2n) P is a work of imaginative fiction by K (SF and Fantasy). fik, (af) a combining form of fikco, fiction. fikco, [P‍-‍S] (2n) P is work of fiction by writer S. lo fikco, (n) fiction, mass term. sesyblifikco, <science possible fiction> [P‍-‍K] (2n) P is a work of science fiction by K. fictional, fikco, (a) fictional, pert. to fictional works. fictitious, dzabi, (a) actual/real/existent/non fictitious for … under …. no dzabi, (a) fictitious/imaginary, neg. of real, q.v. fiddle, pletua, <play work> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K tinker/fiddle with D. field, fii, (af) a combining form of fildi, field. fildi, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a field of farm/community F. furdjasei, <known set> [N‍-‍D] (2n) N is a/the province/field of knowledge/competence of knower D. neu, (pp) Conditions/Circumstances/Fields, case tag (condition/circumstance/field). fiend, zaospi, <bad spirit> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a devil/fiend/evil spirit of people S. fiendish, zavspicli, <bad spirit like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more devilish/diabolical/fiendish/satanic than J. fiendishness, pu zavspicli, <bad spirit like> (1a) a fiendishness, sp. prop. fierce, nimvaa, <animal violent> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more savage/fierce/wild/violent as an animal than J. fierceness, lopo nimvaa, <animal violent> (n) fierceness, mass term of states. lopu nimvaa, <animal violent> (n) wildness/fierceness, mass term of properties. po nimvaa, <animal violent> (n) a fierceness, a spec. state. pu nimvaa, <animal violent> (n) a wildness/fierceness, a spec. property. fieriness, pu fagcli, <fire like> (n) a fieriness, a spec. property. fiery, cabguo, <fiery taste> [N‍-‍] (1n) N is a fiery/hot/spicy taste/flavour. fagcli, <fire like> [G‍-‍JN] (3a) G is more fiery than J is N. fiesta, hapkeo, <happy time> [B‍-‍FV] (3n) B is a festival/celebration/fiesta/jubilee among people F on occasion V. fifteen, nefe, (a) fifteen (of) …, a quantifying operator. nefe, (n) fifteen, the number 15, in math. exp. lio nefe, (n) fifteen, the number 15, non math. fifth, feri, (a) fifth, of 5th members, before predicates. feri, (n) V is a/the fifth term/member of series …, an ordinal predicate. fifthly, fefi, (av) fifthly, in the fifth place. fifty, feni, [G‍-‍J] (a) fifty (of), a quantifying operator. feni, (n) the number fifty (50), in math. expressions. lio feni, (n) the number fifty (50), non math. fifty-percent, pife, (a) half/fifty-percent/point five of …, a quantifying operator. fig, fighe, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a fig, a fruit of the fig tree. fighe, (a) fig, pert. to -s. fight, kad, (af) a combining form of kamda, fight. kamda, [K‍-‍KB] (3v) K combat/fight K over/about B. lopo kamda, (n) fight/fighting/combat, mass term of acts. po kamda, (n) a fight/fighting/combat, a spec. act of -ing. fight each other, kadkue, <fight reciprocally> [K‍-‍] (1v) K (pl) fight each other. fighter, dorkamda, <war fighter> [K‍-‍S] (2n) K is a warrior/fighter/mercenary for S. kadflemai, <fight fly machine> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a fighter aircraft of airforce F. kamda, (n) a fighter/combatant, one who fights. fighting, lopo kamda, (n) fight/fighting/combat, mass term of acts. po kamda, (n) a fight/fighting/combat, a spec. act of -ing. figure, korfoa, <body form> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the figure/shape/body form of F. numcu, [C‍-‍] (1n) C is a number/figure, the numerical value of any math. expression. numlea, <number letter> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a numeral/digit/figure. filament, citfoa, <thread form> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a filament/fiber of F. tirca, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a filament/wire. filariasis, filhariosi, [D‍-‍] (1v) D has filariasis. filbert, korlane, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a filbert/hazelnut from S. file, beklia, <object line> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a row/rank/file/formation including element/ s B. fekveo, <fact container> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a file containing … fekveo <fek(to) + ve(sl)o — fact container> is a file. spalista, <space list> [V‍-‍B] (2n) V is a file/line of B, any spatially ordered arrangement. filial, tciha, (a) filial. sunho, (a) filial, pert. to sons. fill, flocea, <full become> [D‍-‍B] (2v) D fill (up), become filled with B. flomao, <filled make> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K fill (up) D completely with B. jitflomao, <tightly full make> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K pack/stuff/fill D tightly with B. fillable, nu flomao, <filled make> (a) fillable, capable of being -ed. filled, kalflo, <completely full> [F‍-‍B] (2a) F is (completely) full/filled of/with B. filled up, flocko, <filled cause> [B‍-‍D] (2v) B, a filler/filling, causes D, a container, to be full/filled up/completely full. flocko, <filled cause> (n) filling/stuffing, something that causes something else to be stuffed/filled up/completely full. kalflocea, <completely full become> [D‍-‍B] (2v) D is/are filled up with B. filler, nu flocea, <full become> (n) a filler, any substance which -s. flocko, <filled cause> [B‍-‍D] (2v) B, a filler/filling, causes D, a container, to be full/filled up/completely full. nu kalflo, <completely full> (n) filler, that used to fill up. filling, flocko, <filled cause> [B‍-‍D] (2v) B, a filler/filling, causes D, a container, to be full/filled up/completely full. flocko, <filled cause> (n) filling/stuffing, something that causes something else to be stuffed/filled up/completely full. filly, junfemhoa, <young female horse> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a filly, a young female horse. junhoa, <young horse> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a colt/filly, sexless term for a young horse. film, sinma, [P‍-‍K] (2n) P is a movie/film/cinema/motion picture made by K, pl.set. filthy, bufklini, <opposite to clean> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is foul/filthy/unclean/dirty with (dirt). fin, pilfitpi, <plane foot> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a fin/flipper of creature F. sucypilno, <swim plane> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a fin of F. final, fando, (a) terminal/final/last, terminal. norkui, <not related> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is absolute/categorical/final, not related to anything. rari, (a) final/last/ultimate, last in some series. finality, pu fando, (n) a finality, a property of being final. finally, fando, (av) finally, in a final manner. fao, (av) finally/in conclusion, a discourse operator (UI). lagkeofao, <long time end> [B‍-‍] (1av) B is at long last/finally. ua, (i) there!/that's it!/finally!/at last/done …, an exp. of satisf'n. finance, cmelae, <money art> [N‍-‍K] (2n) N is a principle of money management/finance formulated/practiced by K. financial, cmeni, (a) financial/monetary/pecuniary, monetary, pert. to money. financially independent, cmenornurjuo, <money independent> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is financially independent. find, candui, <chance discover> [K‍-‍BN] (3v) K find (out)/discover B about N by chance. nu candui, <chance discover> (n) a discovery/find (the — itself). po candui, <chance discover> (n) a discovery/find, an act of -ing. nu duvri, (n) a discovery/find, a spec. -ed thing. po duvri, (n) discovery/find, an act of -ing. numdui, <number find> [K‍-‍BC] (3v) K determine/find the value of B to be C. sifdui, <position find> [K‍-‍BC] (3v) K find/locate B at point C. nu sifdui, <position find> (n) find/found, that which is located. find evidence, sandui, <sign find> [K‍-‍NS] (3v) K find evidence/find signs N of S. find out, duvri, [K‍-‍NB] (3v) K discover/find out N about B. selsirmao, <self certain make> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K ascertain/find out/make sure of/assure oneself of N. ridydui, <read find> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K discover/find out B by reading about it. find signs, sandui, <sign find> [K‍-‍NS] (3v) K find evidence/find signs N of S. finder, sifdui, <position find> (n) a (position) finder, one who/that which locates. fine, bilgra, <beautiful great> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more magnificent/grand/gorgeous/fine/beautifully great than J. cmekasfa, <money punishment> [B‍-‍CDV] (4n) B is a fine of C to D for V. gudkao, <good acting> (a) good/fine/moral/nice/virtuous, moral, as of persons/acts. nurzakrymou, <ground more> (a) fine/powdery. ui, (i) fine!/good!/oh! …, an exp./exclamation of pleasure. finely divided, nurzakrymou, <ground more> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is finer/more finely divided than J. fineness, lopu gudkao, <good acting> (n) fineness/goodness/morality/virtue, mass term of props. pu gudkao, <good acting> (n) a fineness/goodness/morality/virtue, morality, a spec. property. finer, nurzakrymou, <ground more> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is finer/more finely divided than J. finger, dej, (af) a combining form of dedjo, finger. ded, (af) a combining form of dedjo, finger. dedjo, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a finger of S. nerdedjo, <1 finger> [B‍-‍FN] (3n) B is the first finger of F in culture N, may be the thumb for some, and index for others. surdedjo, <indefinite finger> [B‍-‍FN] (3n) B is a numbered finger of F in culture N. fingerprint, dedmra, <finger mark> [B‍-‍DS] (3n) B is a fingerprint in/on surface D left by S. fingerspell, hanleasri, <hand letter write> [K‍-‍PD] (3v) K fingerspell P to D. finish, kalkao, <completely act> [K‍-‍PV] (3v) K accomplish/finish/perform/carry P out/through V. kalmao, <complete make> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K complete/finish/perfect P (make something whole). finished, nu kalkao, <completely act> (a) finished/accomplished, finished/completed. nu kalmao, <complete make> (a) finished, made complete. kapli, [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is complete/entire/whole/finished/perfect/integral by standard N. prakapli, <process complete> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is past/done/over/accomplished/ended/finished. finite, fadkai, <end quality> [B‍-‍] (1v) B end/stop/is finite. fire, dionrenmao, <direction throw make> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K fire/shoot weapon B at D. dionreo, <direction throw> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K fire/shoot bullet/projectile B at D (non intentional, of a weapon). fag, (af) a combining form of fagro, fire. fagcea, <fire become> [D‍-‍] (1v) D ignite/catch fire, intransitive, 'the grass ignited'. fagcko, <fire cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N ignite/light/set fire to D, nonintentional, 'the lightning ignited the grass'. fagmao, <fire make> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K ignite/light/set fire to D with S, intentional. fagro, [V‍-‍S] (2n) V is a fire in/fed by fuel&oxidizer S (default air). E.g. Da fagro le mubre ze le kerti. — It is a wood and air fire. lo fagro, (n) fire, mass term. fagsacmao, <fire start make> [K‍-‍SKB] (4v) K kindle/start a fire with (material) S, as in a fireplace or camp (K-B). perplisti, <employ stop> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K fire/dismiss/discharge D from employment B. renmao, <throw make> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K fire/discharge weapon B. tamreo, <weapon hurl> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K fire/shoot/hurl projectile B at/toward D. firearm, kukreo, <quick thrower> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a gun/rifle/firearm, any weapon using chemical propellant. fired, nu fagcko, <fire cause> (a) afire/fired/ignitable/burning, conv. of ignite. nu fagmao, <fire make> (a) afire/fired/ignitable, burning, conv. of ignite. nu renmao, <throw make> (a) fired/discharged (by —), describing a weapon. fireman, fagstimao, <fire stop make> (n) fireman, one who extinguishes fires, q.v. fireplace, kapfagveo, <open fire container> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a fireplace/hearth in F. fireproof, cabnorbli, <burn not possible> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is fireproof under conditions N. firewater, fagcui, <fire water> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is firewater, eau de vie, a strong alcoholic beverage. firework, fagdua, <fire adornments> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a firework, a pyrotechnic device. fireworks, lo fagdua, <fire adornments> (n) fireworks, mass term. firing, po renmao, <throw make> (a) a discharge/firing (of weapon—). firm, kompi, [B‍-‍KP] (3n) B is a company/firm chartered by country/government/agency K for purpose P. saldi, (a) solid/frozen/firm, solid in conditions …. saltai, <solid stand> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is firm/steady/constant/steadfast under challenge N. firmness, pu saltai, <solid stand> (n) a firmness/steadfastness/steadiness/constancy, of purpose/character. first, neri, (2n) a/the first term/member of series …, ordinal predicate. neri, (a) first, of 1st members. da pa neri genza godzi, (ph) X went for the first time. nerkle, <first class> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is first class accommodation on conveyance F. nerkle, <first class> (a) first class. sertro, <7th controller> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a first/master sergeant controling/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. mursertro — senior chief petty officer. first appearance, nerviukaa, <first appear> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K make a debut/first appearance at V. first cousin, samtorfra, <same 2 father> [B‍-‍BS] (3n) B is a first cousin of B with grandfather S. samtormaa, <same 2 mother> [B‍-‍BS] (3n) B is a first cousin of B with grandmother S. samtorpee, <same 2 parents> [B‍-‍BS] (3n) B is a first cousin of B with grandparents S. torsamtorfra, <2 same 2 father> [B‍-‍B] (2n) B is a first cousin once removed of B (analogously for more remote cousins). torsamtormaa, <2 same 2 mother> [B‍-‍B] (2n) B is a first cousin once removed of B (analogously for more remote cousins). torsamtorpee, <2 same 2 parents> [B‍-‍B] (2n) B is a first cousin once removed of B (analogously for more remote cousins). first lieutenant, torkoi, <2nd commander> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a first lieutenant/lieutenant junior grade/etc. commanding/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murtorkoi — naval lieutenant junior grade. Use surkoi. q.v., for officers in general. first minister, nerpolsange, <1st minister> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the premier/prime minister/first minister of state/ruler F. first performance, pubveicea, <public event become> [V‍-‍F] (2n) V is the opening/first performance of person/group/production F. firstly, nefi, (av) firstly, in the first place. fish, fic, (af) a combining form of ficli, fish. ficla, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a female fish. ficli, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a fry/minnow, an infant fish. ficlo, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a male fish. ficlu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a fish, non specific term. ficyjanto, <fish hunt> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K fish/troll for D. fish like, ficle, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is fishy/fish like, pertains to fish. fisher, ficyjanto, <fish hunt> (n) fisher (for …), one who -es. fishing, ficyjankii, <fish hunt accompany> [K‍-‍KB] (3v) K go fishing with K for B. ficyjanto, <fish hunt> (a) fishing (for …). lopo ficyjanto, <fish hunt> (n) fishing, the sport, the act of —. fishy, ficle, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is fishy/fish like, pertains to fish. fissure, karku, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a crack/fissure in surface S. fist, bamhanco, <ball (type of) hand> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a fist, a closed hand. fit, bivcea, <behaviour change> [V‍-‍NV] (3v) V adapt/adjust/fit behavior to situation N by V. fomsao, <form same> [B‍-‍N] (2v) B fit/suit/match/adapt N. fomsao, <form same> (n) a fit/match, that which fits. djela, (a) fit/healthy/well, healthier than …. jelfro, <healthily strong> [B‍-‍P] (2a) B is healthy/hale/fit/sound/healthily strong enough for task P. po zburoi, <explode angry> (n) a fit of anger. fit out, pacdou, <apparatus give> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K equip/fit out D with B. fitness, po djela, (n) fitness/health, a state of good health. fitting, fomsao, <form same> (a) fitting/matching/suitable/adaptable, matching in form. five, fe, (a) five (5), in math. expressions. fe, (l) five (5) (of), a description quantifier. E.g. Fe le fumna pa merji — (Some) Five of the women were married; Fe fumna pa hijra — (Some) Five women were here independently. Cf., fecu. lio fe, (ph) five (5), the number five, non math. fecu, (a) five/quintuple/quintet, a pentad of … acting together, an indefinite set describer. E.g. Fecu mrenu pa hijra — Some five men/A group of five were here together. Cf., Fe mrenu pa hijra — Some five men were here independently. fer, (af) a combining form of fe, five. five member, fera, (2n) B is a quintet/pentad/five member subset of set F, a cardinal predicate; e.g. Da fera lea golfu — X is a fivesome at golf/of golfers. fix, mairnakso, <machine repairer> [K‍-‍BDV] (4v) K repair/fix machine B for D by V. normuocko, <not move(fixed) cause> [V‍-‍BD] (3v) V fix/immobilize B at point D, nonintentional. normuvmao, <not move(fixed) make> [K‍-‍DCV] (4v) K fix/immobilize D at point C by V, intentional. nakso, [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K fix/repair B for use/user D. tcanakso, <car fix> (v) K fix/repair motor vehicle(s) B. fix up, nitsea, <neat set> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K arrange/fix up/set in order/straighten up B. fixed, normuo, <no move> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is motionless/fixed/immobile/static/unmoving/stationary/immovable/still/stable. nu normuocko, <not move(fixed) cause> (a) fixed, immobilized/stunned, conv. of fix. nu normuvmao, <not move(fixed) make> (a) fixed, immobilized, conv. of fix. nu nakso, (a) repaired/repairable/fixed, repaired, conv. of repair. fixer, nakso, (n) a fixer/repairman, one who repairs something for …. flabby, fopfiu, <fat weak> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is flabby. flag, flaci, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a/the flag/banner/standard of S. prasto, <continue stay> [K‍-‍BP] (3v) K linger/tarry/flag/loiter at/around B for purpose P. flake, licynurklu, <thin cut> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a chip/flake of/from F. flame, fla, (af) a combining form of flami, flame. flami, [V‍-‍S] (2n) V is a flame of the gaseous part of a fire S. lo flami, (n) flame, mass term,. flaming, nu flami, (a) flaming/aflame, of flaming fires, conv. form. flammable, cabro, (a) burnable/flammable/inflammable at temperature …. caocti, <burn stuff> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a fuel/flammable material of composition S. pu fagcea, <fire become> (a) is flammable/inflammable. flap, fodpai, <fold part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a flap, a folded piece of F. luftytenri tolpai, <control part> (n) B is a flap of aircraft F. flash, ledfoa, <lightning form> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is a flash. ledfoamao, <lightning form make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K flash D (intentional action). ledfomcea, <lightning form become> [K‍-‍] (1v) K flash (of their own accord). ledfomcko, <lightning form cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N flash D (unintentional action). flasher, ledfomcea, <lightning form become> (n) flasher, that which -es. ledfomcko, <lightning form cause> (n) flasher (of …), that which causes -ing. nu ledfomcko, <lightning form cause> (n) flasher, that which is -ed. flashlight, berlitpro, <carry light producer> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a lantern/flashlight, any portable light source. litystuka, <light stick> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a torch/flashlight. flask, batpi, [D‍-‍B] (2n) D is a bottle/flask of B. flat, lelpi, [V‍-‍N] (2a) V is level/flat/horizontal in gravity field N. lelpi, (n) a flat, a flat place or thing. parhaa, <part house> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is an/the apartment/flat of D. pilno, (a) level/flat/even, flat, as of a plane. pilsni, <plane near> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more nearly flat/flatter than J is/a plane surface than …. flat tasting, guocle, <taste without> [B‍-‍K] (2a) B is tasteless/flat tasting to K. flatness, pu pilno, (n) a flatness/evenness, a property of flatness. pu pilsni, <plane near> (n) a flatness, a spec. property. flatter, dupgudtaa, <deceitful good talk> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K flatter (person) D with (false praise) V. pilsni, <plane near> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more nearly flat/flatter than J is/a plane surface than …. flattered, nu dupgudtaa, <deceitful good talk> (a) flattered (by … with …), of one who is -ed. flatterer, dupgudtaa, <deceitful good talk> (n) flatterer (of … with …), one who -s. flattering, dupgudtaa, <deceitful good talk> (a) flattering (of … with …), of one who -s. flattery, fu dupgudtaa, <deceitful good talk> (n) flattery (of … by -er …), that which -s. po dupgudtaa, <deceitful good talk> (n) an instance of flattery (of … with …). flatworm, platihelminthesi, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a platyhelminth of type/genus F, a flatworm. lao Trematoda, (na) a fluke of the class Trematoda, a flatworm. trematodi, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a fluke/flatworm/trematode from S. turbelariai, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a planarian/flatworm of the class Turbellaria. flavor, guopro, <flavor produce> [F‍-‍B] (2v) F taste like/produce flavor B. gusto, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a taste/flavor emitted by substance/food F. lopu gusto, (n) flavor, mass term of properties. pu gusto, (n) a flavor, a spec. property of a taste. flavored, nu gusdou, <flavor give> (a) seasoned/flavored, given flavor(s) …. flavorful, guopro, <flavor produce> (a) flavorful, having taste …. pluguo, <pleasing taste> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more delicious/flavourful/flavorful than J. flavoring, fu gusdou, <flavor give> (n) a seasoning/flavoring, as used to give flavor. flavorseason, gusdou, <flavor give> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K flavorseason D with B. flavourful, pluguo, <pleasing taste> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more delicious/flavourful/flavorful than J. flay, skapytoa, <skin take> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K skin/flay/strip, remove the skin/outer layer of B. flee, darprano, <far run> [K‍-‍SD] (3v) K flee/run away from S to D. fleeing, po darprano, <far run> (n) a flight/rout, an act of fleeing. fleet, bougru, <boat group> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a fleet/group of boats including member/ s B. dorbougru, <war boat group> [F‍-‍S] (2n) F is a fleet of country/force S. fleeting, corsto, <short stay> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is fugitive/transient/fleeting/evanescent/ephemeral/momentary/passing/temporary. flesh, musmio, <muscle meat> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a piece of flesh from F, any muscular body part. lo musmio, <muscle meat> (n) flesh, mass term. flexible, norstifa, <not stiff> [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is flexible/non rigid in movement V. flier, fleti, (n) a flier, that which flies. maifle, <machine fly> (n) a pilot/flier, pilot, one who flies machines. flight, po darprano, <far run> (n) a flight/rout, an act of fleeing. fu fledjadou, <fly know give> (n) some flight information, a spec. item. lopo fleti, (n) flight, mass term of acts. po fleti, (n) a flight, a spec. act of flying, q.v. po maifle, <machine fly> (n) a flight, an act of piloting, q.v. nergru, <1st group> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a squad/squadron/flight, the smallest military unit of some larger military force F, without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murnergru — naval squadron. Cf. surgru. flight attendant, flesua, <fly serve> [K‍-‍F] (2n) K is a flight attendant/steward(ess)/air hostess of aircraft/airline F. flint, fagtroku, <fire stone> [B‍-‍PS] (3n) B is some flint for P from S. flipper, pilfitpi, <plane foot> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a fin/flipper of creature F. sucycutci, <swim shoe> [B‍-‍K] (2n) B is a swim fin/flipper of K. flipside, fanspali, <reverse side> [V‍-‍B] (2n) V is a/the reverse/wrong side/backside/flipside of B. flirt, sec, (af) a combining form of sekci, court, flirt. sekci, (n) a flirt, one who flirts/makes sexual advances. flirt with, sekci, [K‍-‍D] (2v) K court/make love to/flirt with/behave sexually toward D, gen'l wd. flirting, po sekci, (n) a flirting/sexuality, an act of -ing. float, flofu, [B‍-‍D] (2v) B float on/in D. flofu, (n) a float, that which is buoyant. flofyveo, <float container> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a float (of seaplane, fishing line etc). float plane, cutflemai, <water fly machine> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a seaplane/float plane. flock, muogru, <moving group> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a herd/flock/drove/swarm/school of B (any moving group of animals). flood, kuspykro, <spread flow> [B‍-‍D] (2v) B flood/overflow (area) D. po kuspykro, <spread flow> (n) a flood (of …). kuspykrocko, <spread flow cause> [N‍-‍DB] (3v) N flood D with B (inadvertently). kuspykromao, <spread flow make> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K flood D with B (intentionally). flooded, nu kuspykrocko, <spread flow cause> (a) flooded, conv. of flood. nu kuspykromao, <spread flow make> (a) flooded, conv. of flood. floor, fordi, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the floor of room/building/storey F, its bottom surface. 'Fordi' may also be used as one of the countable levels in a multi story building. fordybiaspa, <floor between space> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a floor/story/storey of building F, a space between any two of its floors or between its highest floor and its roof. muvfordi, <moving floor> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a moving floor/passenger conveyor of room F. floor level, fordygea, <floor repeat> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a floor level in building F. floppy disk, norstifa kotrae, <computer disk> (ph) a computer floppy disk. norstifa kotrae, <not stiff> (n) floppy disk. floral, flora, (a) floral, pert. to flowers. floss, datkoe, <tooth cord> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some dental floss. floss teeth, datkocpli, <tooth brush use> [K‍-‍] (1v) K floss teeth. flour, pudru, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a quantity of powder/flour of (material) S. pudru, (a) powder/flour (of …), composed of powder. runpudru, <grain powder> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is an amount of flour made from grain S. flour beetle, lao Tribolium confusum, (na) a flour beetle. triboliumi, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a flour beetle from S. flourish, dunmui, <adorn music> [N‍-‍B] (2n) N is a flourish of (music/instrument) B. folroa, <strongly grow> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K prosper/thrive/flourish under conditions N. flow, gancea, <high become> [S‍-‍] (1v) S flow, as of a tide. kro, (af) a combining form of kroli, flow. kroli, [B‍-‍SD] (3v) B flow/pour from S to D. kroli, (n) a stream/flow/fluid/current, a stream/flow of fluid …. lekykro, <electric current> [V‍-‍SD] (3n) V is current/flow of electricity between S and D. neikro, <in flow> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K flow into D through channel(s) V. flow out, zvokro, <out flow> [D‍-‍S] (2v) D discharge/flow out from S. flower, flora, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a flower of F. fruloa, <fruit flower> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a blossom/flower of F, a fruit producing plant. lor, (af) a combining form of flora, flower. lorpro, <flower produce> [B‍-‍] (1v) B (is in) blossom/bloom/flower. lorpro, <flower produce> (a) in bloom/flower, having flowers. loa, (af) a combining form of flora, flower. flowered, lorflo, <flower full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more flowered/full of flowers than J is. floweriness, lopu lorcli, <flower like> (n) floweriness, mass term, properties. pu lorcli, <flower like> (n) a floweriness, a spec. property. flowery than, lorcli, <flower like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more flowery than J is. flowing out, zvokro, <out flow> (a) discharging/flowing out (from …). flu, influenzi, [D‍-‍] (1n) D suffers from flu/influenza. fluency, lopu krotaa, <flow talk> (n) the mass property of fluency. po krotaa, <flow talk> (n) an instance of fluency. fluent, krotaa, <flow talk> [G‍-‍JD] (3a) G is more fluent than J is in matter D. lenkou, <language comfortable> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K is comfortable with/fluent in language N. fluid, kroli, (a) fluid, flowing, that which flows. kroli, (n) a stream/flow/fluid/current, a stream/flow of fluid …. lo kroli, (n) fluid, mass term of instances. vaofli, <vapor liquid> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a fluid, liquid or gas. vaofli, <vapor liquid> (a) fluid, pertaining to a fluid. fluidity, lopu kroli, (n) fluidity, mass term of properties. pu kroli, (n) a fluidity, a spec. property. fluke, lao Trematoda, (na) a fluke of the class Trematoda, a flatworm. trematodi, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a fluke/flatworm/trematode from S. fluorine, flu, (af) a combining form of fluro, fluorine. fluro, [B‍-‍] (1) B is some fluorine, element 8 (Fl). flush, godrymao le korfesveo, <drain make> (ph) flush the toilet. flush down, godrysui, <drain send> [K‍-‍VD] (3v) K send down the drain of V to D/flush down. flutter, hitmuo, <butterfly move> (1v) K flutter. fluttery, hitmuo, <butterfly move> [K‍-‍] (1a) fluttery. fly, flaka, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a female fly. flake, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is fly/fly like, pertaining to flies. flako, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a male fly. flaku, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a fly, non specific term. fle, (af) a combining form of fleti, fly. fleti, [K‍-‍DSV] (4v) K fly to D from S via V. maifle, <machine fly> [K‍-‍BDSV] (5v) K fly B to D from S via V. fly larva, flaki, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a fly maggot/fly larva. fly like, flake, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is fly/fly like, pertaining to flies. fly maggot, flaki, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a fly maggot/fly larva. flying boat, grocuiflemai, <large water fly machine> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a flying boat. flying officer, nerkoi, <1st commander> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a second lieutenant/ensign/flying officer commanding/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murnerkoi — ensign. Use surkoi. q.v., for officers in general. surkoi, <(1st 11th) commander> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a second lieutenant/ensign/flying officer commanding/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murnerkoi — ensign. Use surkoi. q.v., for officers in general. foal, hasni, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an infant ass/donkey/foal. foam, rorholcti, <many hole substance> [B‍-‍SN] (3n) B is a foam of S on/in N. rorholcticea, <many hole substance become> [D‍-‍] (1v) D foam, become very bubbly. foaming, rorholcticea, <many hole substance become> (a) foaming/bubbling. focus, nerpeo, <one think> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K concentrate/focus on V. lopu nerpeo, <one think> (n) concentration/single mindedness/focus, mass term. po nerpeo, <one think> (n) an instance of concentration/focus. focused, teifro, <attention strong> [K‍-‍V] (2a) K is attentive/focused/concentrated/single minded to/on/about V. fodder, lo fu tcilei, <eat let> (n) feed/fodder, mass term for any substance fed. foe, nemdi, [B‍-‍BV] (3n) B is an/the enemy/foe/adversary of B in struggle V. foetus, embrioni, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an embryo/foetus, an unhatched/unborn creature. paktciha, <before child> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a foetus of (species) F. fog, lo fragu, (n) fog/mist/vapor, mass term. rag, (af) a combining form of fragu, fog. ragflocea, <foggy become> [N‍-‍] (1v) N fog/mist, become full of fog/mist. foggier, ragflo, <fog full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is foggier/mistier than J. fogginess, lopo ragflo, <fog full> (n) fogginess, mass term, conditions. po ragflo, <fog full> (n) a fogginess/mistiness, a spec. condition. foggy, fragu, [N‍-‍] (1a) N is foggy/misty, covered in fog. ragflo, <fog full> (a) foggy/misty, mistier than …. fold, fod, (af) a combining form of foldi, fold. fodcea, <fold become> [B‍-‍B] (2v) B fold (self). (Da —. X -s itself.) (B-). fodcko, <fold cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N fold (object) D (unintentional). fodfoa, <fold form> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a fold/tuck/crease in/of F (Da —. X is a fold like shape.). fodmao, <fold make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K fold (object) D (intentional). foldi, [B‍-‍F] (2n) a fold in (object) …. foldi, (2n) B is a fold in (object) F (Da —. X is a —.). nimliu, <animal hold> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a pen/fold/cage, enclosure for animals. folded, nu fodfoa, <fold form> (a) folded/tucked, having folds. folder, nu fodmao, <fold make> (n) a folder, a -ed object. folding, fodtoe, <fold table> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a folding table/tray table. folding chair, fodcei, <fold chair> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a folding chair. foliage, lo clife, (n) foliage/leaves, mass term. folk, lo danrypeu, <ordinary person> (n) (common) folk/(common) people/masses of place …. folk story, pipstu, <people story> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a folk tale/folk story about … told by/among people S. folk tale, pipstu, <people story> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a folk tale/folk story about … told by/among people S. follow, ckelispri, <time list behind> [G‍-‍JC] (3v) G follow J in time series C. fucduo, <future do> (3v) K follow/succeed D in task/job/office V. fucgoi, <later go> [K‍-‍BDS] (4v) K follow/succeed/go later than B to D from S. futci, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is after/later than/follow J in time. futci, (v) follow/succeed/come after, follow … in time. jankaa, <hunt come> [K‍-‍BDSV] (5v) K follow/pursue/go after B from D to S over route V. kinsri, <accompany write> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K follow B in order to chronicle V. lingoi, <line go> [K‍-‍VDSC] (5v) K follow/go along (route) V to D from S for distance C. lisfui, <list after> [B‍-‍VF] (3v) B follow V in list F. lisyneafui, <list after> [B‍-‍VF] (3v) B immediately follow V in list F. neapri, <next behind> [V‍-‍BF] (3v) V succeed/just follow B in series F. prigoi, <behind go> [K‍-‍BDSV] (5v) K follow B to D from S via V. sanprikaa, <sign behind come(follow)> [K‍-‍BSD] (4v) K trail/trace/track/follow signs of B from S to D. follower, fucgoi, <later go> (n) a follower/successor, one who/that which follows. kriprigoi, <behind goer> [K‍-‍N] (2a) K is a follower of creed/sect/person N. prigoi, <behind go> (n) a follower/tail(slang)/tracker/pursuer. followers, fucgoigru, <after go group> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the following/followers/retinue/escort of F. following, ckelispri, <time list behind> (a) following/after in time. fucgoi, <later go> (a) following/subsequent, of that which follows later. fucgoigru, <after go group> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the following/followers/retinue/escort of F. le futci, (ph) the following/latter, of a later event. lisfui, <list after> (a) following/subsequent. lisyneafui, <list after> (a) following. neapri, <next behind> (a) succeeding/successive/next/following, immediately -ing. nedfui, <list after> (a) following. folly, lopo bunbo, (n) folly/foolishness, mass term of acts. lopu bunbo, (n) folly/foolishness, mass term of traits. po bunbo, (n) a folly/foolishness, a spec. act. pu bunbo, (n) a/some folly/foolishness, a spec. property/trait. fond, fundycea, <fond become> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K grows fond of B. fond of, dipfio, <dear feel> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K is fond of D/feel affection for … /feels that … is dear/precious. dipfio, <dear feel> (a) affectionate/fond of, of those who feel -ion. fundi, (v) have a taste for/be fond of/care for/like/prefer …. fond of learning, cirfundi, <learn fond> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K is fond of learning N. fonder, fundi, [K‍-‍GJ] (3v) K like G more than J/prefer … to … /is/are fonder of … than of …. fondness, po dipfio, <dear feel> (n) an affection/fondness, a spec. state of feeling. po fundi, (n) a liking/preference/fondness, a state of liking … V (K-GJ). food, tcidi, [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a piece/portion of food to N. food animal, tcidynia, <food animal> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a food animal, an animal used for food. food container, tcidyveo, <food container> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a dish/food container, general term. fool, bun, (af) a combining form of bunbo, fool. bunbo, [K‍-‍] (1a) K is foolish/a fool about …. pirhiti, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is some pyrite/fool's gold from S, an iron sulfide. buo, (af) a combining form of bunbo, fool. foolish, bunbo, [K‍-‍] (1a) K is foolish/a fool about …. bunmou, <fool more> [G‍-‍DJD] (4a) G is more foolish about D than J is about D. foolishly, bunbo, (av) foolishly, in a foolish way. foolishness, lopo bunbo, (n) folly/foolishness, mass term of acts. lopu bunbo, (n) folly/foolishness, mass term of traits. po bunbo, (n) a folly/foolishness, a spec. act. pu bunbo, (n) a/some folly/foolishness, a spec. property/trait. foot, dampai, <lowest part> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is the bottom/sole/foot, lowest part of S. fip, (af) a combining form of fitpi, foot. fit, (af) a combining form of fitpi, foot. fitpi, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a foot/paw of S. football, futbo, [K‍-‍K] (2v) K play football/soccer with K. lopo futbo, (n) football, mass term. po futbo, (n) a game of soccer/football. footballer, futbo, (n) a football player/footballer, one who plays football. foothill, basmoa, <base mountain> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is/are foothill(s) at the base of mountain(s) F. footnote, basynursri, <base writing> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a footnote of F. footprint, fitmra, <foot print> [B‍-‍SK] (3n) B is a footprint/footstep in/on surface S left by K. footstep, fitmra, <foot print> [B‍-‍SK] (3n) B is a footprint/footstep in/on surface S left by K. for, dii, (pp) for/on-behalf of/in order to help …, before designations (PA). ikou, (c) because/since/for/as, of physical causes, as in 'since it's cold'. imoi, (c) because/since/for/as, of motives, as in 'because I wanted it'. irau, (c) because/since/for/as, of reasons, as in 'because I earned it'. isoa, (c) because/since/for/as, of premises, as in 'because two equals two'. je, (pp) of/by/for/from/of/to<, before 2nd arguments in descriptions.>. kouki, (c) because/since/for/as, of causes, with ki in 'kouki … ki …; because …, …'. lui, (pp) for/in order to please …, before person terms. moiki, (c) because/since/for/as, of motives, with ki in 'moiki … ki … ; because …, …'. rauki, (c) because/since/for/as, of reasons, with ki in 'rauki … ki … ; because …, …'. soaki, (c) because/since/for/as, of premises, with ki in 'soaki … ki … ; because …, …'. for a, ge, (op) for a/type of, as in 'large for a girls school', the grouping oper. forbid, norlei, <no let> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K forbid/prohibit D from doing V. norleicue, <not let say> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K refuse to let/forbid D to do V. forbidden, fu norlei, <no let> (a) prohibited/forbidden, of prohibited acts, conv. force, bilca, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a military force of government/power/political entity F. fergru, <5th group> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a battalion/air force, the 5th smallest military unit in some larger military organization/force F, without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. kerforgru — air force. Cf. surgru. fizpuo, <physical push> [N‍-‍BCD] (4n) N is the force/stress on B of magnitude C in direction D. zo fizpuo, <physical push> (n) is a unit of force, such as a dyne, newton, or pound. forgru, <4th group> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a regiment/wing, the 4th smallest military unit in some larger military organization/force F, without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. kerforgru — air wing. Cf. surgru. fos, (af) a combining form of fosli, force. fosli, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K force/compel D to (do) V. fosli, (n) force, a spec. factor forcing … to do/be. minfoi, <mental force> [N‍-‍DV] (3n) N is the mental force/stress on D of nature V. puckai, <push quality> [B‍-‍DCN] (4n) B is a force on body D of size C acting in direction N. lo puckai, <push quality> (n) force, mass term. tergru, <3rd group> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a company/group, the 3rd smallest military unit in some larger military organization/force F, without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. kertergru — air group. Cf. surgru. trufizfoi, <structure physical force> [C‍-‍BNN] (4n) C is the force/stress on structure B of magnitude N in direction N(1). foi, (af) a combining form of fosli, force. force in general, lo fosli, (n) force in general, the mass of spec. …s. force per unit area, zo skapypuo, <skin push> (n) pressure, a measured force per unit area. force to walk, foidzo, <force walk> [K‍-‍BDSV] (5v) K force to walk B to D from S via V. forced, fu fosli, (a) forced, of forced actions/effects. nu fosli, (a) forced, of one forced to do something. forced march, po foidzo, <force walk> (n) a forced march, as of prisoners. forceful, fosli, (a) forceful, pert. to persons/groups. forcefully, fosli, (av) forcefully, in a forceful manner. forcefulness, pu fosli, (n) forcefulness, a spec. property. ford, kasgoisia, <cross over place> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a crossing/ford/portage over N. forecast, pakcue, <before say> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K forecast/foretell/prophesy/predict V. nu pakcue, <before say> (n) a forecast/prophesy/prediction, foretold event. po pakcue, <before say> (n) a forecast/prophesy/prediction, an act of -ing. forecaster, pakcue, <before say> (n) a forecaster/prophet/soothsayer. forecourt, frespa, <front space> [B‍-‍F] (1n) B is a front yard/forecourt of F, any space in front of someone/something else. forefather, paorlinkui, <former line kin> [S‍-‍B] (2n) S is an ancestor/forefather of descendant B. foreground, sninurvia, <near seen> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a foreground. forehead, hedfre, <head front> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the forehead/brow of F. foreign, notgui, <other country> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more alien/exotic/foreign, characteristic of other countries than J. notgunpeu, <foreign person> (a) foreign/alien, of foreign persons. zvogui, <outside country> (a) foreign, in the sense of from another country. foreign language, zvogunleu, <outside country language> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a foreign language to S. foreigner, notgunpeu, <foreign person> [B‍-‍B] (2n) B is a foreigner/alien/stranger to B. zvogunpeu, <outside country person> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a foreigner to N, from another country. foreignness, pu notgui, <other country> (n) a foreignness, a spec. property. foreman, dastua, <responsible worker> [K‍-‍FV] (3n) K is a foreman of crew F for work V. forerun, fregoi, <front go> [K‍-‍BDS] (4v) K forerun/conduct/lead/precede/go in front of B to D from S. forerunner, fregoi, <front go> (n) a leader/forerunner, leader. foresee, paodja, <before know> (3v) K predict/foresee/foretell/prophesy V under condition N. foreseen, nu fuikri, <after believe> (2a) expected/foreseen by …. forest, gratrigru, <large tree group> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a forest of region F. kaptrigru, <open tree group[open forest]> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a park/parkland/open forest, natural. publai, <public land> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a public park/forest. ranjytrigru, <extensive tree group(woods)> [F‍-‍N] (2n) F is a forest of/in habitat N. trigru, <tree group> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a woods/forest, group of trees of habitat F. trilai, <tree land> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a bush/forest in N. foretell, pakcue, <before say> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K forecast/foretell/prophesy/predict V. paodja, <before know> (3v) K predict/foresee/foretell/prophesy V under condition N. pastaa, <before talk> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K prophesy/predict/foretell about V. foretold, nu pakcue, <before say> (a) foretold/predicted. forever, na raba, (av) forever/whenever — at/during every sometime x. forfeit, togdou, <agree give> [K‍-‍BDN] (4v) K forfeit B to D under rules/agreement N. nu togdou, <agree give> (n) a forfeiture/loss/forfeit, something forfeited. forfeiture, nu togdou, <agree give> (n) a forfeiture/loss/forfeit, something forfeited. po togdou, <agree give> (n) a forfeiture, an event/act of -ing …. forge, falmao, <false make> [K‍-‍SP] (3v) K falsify/counterfeit/forge/make untrue S as P, makes … appear to be …. metfomdou, <metal form give> [K‍-‍PS] (3v) K forge (object) P from (metal) S. notnamsri, <another name write> [K‍-‍PD] (3v) K forge name P on surface/document D. forger, falmao, <false make> (n) a counterfeiter/falsifier/forger, one who -s. forgery, po falmao, <false make> (n) a falsification/forgery, an act of -ing. nu notnamsri, <another name write> (n) a forgery of … on …. po notnamsri, <another name write> (n) An instance of forgery. forget, no duodri, <do remember> (v) forget/fail to do …. nordri, <not remember> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K forget, not remember B. forgetful, drifiu, <remember weak> [K‍-‍V] (2a) K is forgetful about V. no duodri, <do remember> (a) forgetful, of things to do. nordri, <not remember> (a) forgetful, pert. to forgetters. forgetfulness, pu no duodri, <do remember> (n) a forgetfulness, a spec. property. lopu nordri, <not remember> (n) forgetfulness, mass term, properties. pu nordri, <not remember> (n) a forgetfulness, a property of being -ful. forgettable, nu nordri, <not remember> (a) forgettable, can be forgotten. forgive, tsenordri, <error not remember> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K pardon/forgive/excuse D for V. forgiven, nu tsenordri, <error not remember> (a) pardoned/forgiven/excused. forgiveness, lopu tsenordri, <error not remember> (n) forgiveness, mass nature. po tsenordri, <error not remember> (n) an act of forgiveness. forgiver, tsenordri, <error not remember> (n) a forgiver. forgotten, nornaodri, <not now remember (forget)> [V‍-‍K] (2v) V escape the memory of/be temporarily forgotten by K. fork, bajpro, <bough produce> [S‍-‍P] (2v) S branch/fork into P (collective). forka, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a fork, any tined/pronged instrument. pu forka, (n) a fork, a splitting or 'Y' shape, "There was a fork in the road." forked, bajpro, <bough produce> (a) branched/forked. forlorn, kinclefio, <companion without feel> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is lonely/solitary/lonesome/forlorn, regretting the absence of companion. form, fom, (af) a combining form of forma, form. fomceamao, <form change make> [K‍-‍DP] (3v) K form/shape/model D into P. forma, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the form/pattern/shape of F. lo forma, (n) form, mass term of instances. kelnie, <school year> [V‍-‍F] (2n) V is a grade/form in school F. nurfomcea, <formed become> [D‍-‍BS] (3v) D form/become formed (structure) B from (material) S. foa, (af) a combining form of forma, form. form an idea that, vidmao, <idea make> [K‍-‍SP] (3v) K conceive S to be P/form an idea that … is …. formal, forma, (a) formal, having definite form. formal meal, fomymia, <formal meal> [V‍-‍BD] (3n) V is a dinner/banquet/formal meal of B for D. formally, forma, (av) formally, in a formal way. formation, beklia, <object line> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a row/rank/file/formation including element/ s B. fu fomceamao, <form change make> (n) a model/formation, a produced form. po fomceamao, <form change make> (n) a formation, an act of forming something. nu forma, (n) a formation, something formed. po nurfomcea, <formed become> (3n) a formation (in pattern/structure … of material …). formed, nurfomcea, <formed become> [D‍-‍BS] (3v) D form/become formed (structure) B from (material) S. former, lepa, (a) the former/one/once time, the one which was …, a temporal desc. oper. neafre, <next ahead> (a) preceding/previous/former, just preceding. neafre, <next ahead> (n) a/the former, a just preceding person/thing. pasko, (a) before/former/over/preceding/previous/(in the) past. pasko, (n) former, earlier in time than …. formerly, pa ta, (av ph) formerly/before that. formic, mante, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is formic/ant like, pertains to ants. formidable, firckomou, <fear cause more> [G‍-‍JD] (3a) G is more fearsome/formidable/redoubtable than J is to D. nurfia, <conv. of fear> [G‍-‍JD] (3a) G is more fearsome/formidable/redoubtable than J to D. formula, mazfoa, <make form> [B‍-‍P] (2n) B is the formula/recipe/method/procedure for doing/making P. trusaa, <structure sign> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is the (chemical) formula for S. formulate, purdanmao, <word plan> [K‍-‍PV] (3v) K formulate/draw up, make verbal plans P for/about V. formulation, nu purdanmao, <word plan> (n) a formulation, a -ed plan/design. po purdanmao, <word plan> (n) a formulation, an act of -ing. forsake, kalclekaa, <complete without come> [K‍-‍SD] (3v) K abandon/forsake/desert from S to D intentionally. forsaken, nu kalclekaa, <complete without come> (a) deserted/forsaken/abandoned, that which is deserted. fort, dorhaa, <war house> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a fort/fortress of S. folhaa, <strong house> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a fort/castle/citadel/stronghold of F. forth, fredio, <front direction> (av) ahead of/forth/forward, forward. fortify, dorbremao, <war ready make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K fortify/mobilize D in preparation for war. folcko, <strong cause> [N‍-‍DV] (4v) N strengthen/fortify D by doing V, non intentional, e.g. a structural component. folmao, <strong make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K strengthen/fortify D by doing V, intentional. fortress, dorhaa, <war house> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a fort/fortress of S. fortuitous, tcane, [V‍-‍N] (2a) V is fortuitous/unpredictable/random/accidental/adventitious under conditions N. fortunate, gudcae, <good chance> [G‍-‍JV] (3a) G, an event/circumstance, is luckier/more fortunate/lucky than J for V. gudcae, <good chance> (a) lucky/fortunate, as of events. gudcanspe, <fortune experience> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G, a person/organism, is luckier/more fortunate than J is. gudcanspe, <fortune experience> (a) lucky/fortunate, of persons. fortune, gudcae, <good chance> (n) the/some luck/fortune, a spec. instance of good luck. lo gudcae, <good chance> (n) luck/fortune, mass term. forty, foni, (n) the number forty (40), in math. expressions. lio foni, (n) the number forty (40), non math. forward, fredio, <front direction> (a) forward, from …. fredio, <front direction> (av) ahead of/forth/forward, forward. fredirgoi, <forward go> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K advance/progress/go move/forward to D from S. frena, (a) forward/front/anterior, pert. to that which is forward. forward direction, fredio, <front direction> [N‍-‍B] (2pp) N is ahead of/in a forward direction from B. forward looking, fuible, <forward looker> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is forward looking/progressive. fossil, foshili, [B‍-‍] (1) B is a fossil. foshili, (a) fossil, pert. to fossils. foster, vadhea, <develop help> [K‍-‍DP] (3v) K foster D for end P, help to develop. veirjuo, <happen support> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K promote/further/foster/sponsor/support B by action V. fostered, nu vadhea, <develop help> (a) fostered (by … for …), one helped to develop. fostering, vadhea, <develop help> (a) fostering (… to/for …). foul, bufklini, <opposite to clean> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is foul/filthy/unclean/dirty with (dirt). nu klini, (2a) more dirty/foul/unclean than. nurklinymao, <un clean make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K soil/dirty/foul D by/with V. fouled, nurklinycea, <unclean become> [D‍-‍S] (2v) D becomes dirty/fouled/soiled/unclean from S. found, sacdou, <start give> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K found/originate B. sackao, <start act> [K‍-‍VP] (3v) K begin/start/found/commence/embark on/take up/establish doing V for end/purpose P. nu sifdui, <position find> (n) find/found, that which is located. foundation, basni, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a base/basis/foundation/bottom of F. nurbaibasni, <building base> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the foundation of building F. nu sacdou, <start give> (n) a foundation, that which is founded. po sackao, <start act> (n) a/the start/embarkation/foundation/commencement/beginning/establishment, an act of starting something. nu stomoumao, <stay more make> (n) an establishment/foundation, an -ed thing. founded, nu basni, (v) be based/rest/founded on …. founder, sacdou, <start give> (n) a founder/originator/author, originator of …. sackao, <start act> (n) a beginner/novice/tyro/founder, one who starts something. stomoumao, <stay more make> (n) an establisher/founder. fountain, krovai, <stream jumping> [V‍-‍B] (2n) V is a fountain of B. four, for, (af) a combining form of fo, four. fo, (a) four (4), in math. expressions. fo, (l) four (4) (of), a description quantifier. E.g. Fo le fumna pa merji — (Some) Four of the women were married; Fo fumna pa hijra — (Some) Four women were here independently. Cf., focu. lio fo, (ph) four (4), the number four, non math. focu, (a) four/quadruple/quartet, a tetrad of … acting together, an indefinite set describer. E.g. Focu mrenu pa hijra — Some four men/A group of four men were here together. Cf., Fo mrenu pa hijra — Some four men were here independently. four of, formao, <four make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K quadruple/make four of D. four place, forkai, <four quality> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a four place property/relation among F, collection. foursome, fora, (2n) is a quartet/tetrad/foursome/4 member subset of set …, a cardinal pred.; e.g. Da fora lea bridiji — X is a foursome at bridge/of bridge players. fourteen, nefo, (a) fourteen (of) …, a quantifying operator. nefo, (n) fourteen, the number 14, in math. exp. lio nefo, (n) fourteen, the number 14, non math. fourth, fori, (2n) fourth (4th) term/member of series y, an ordinal predicate. forkue, <X over four> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a quarter/fourth of F. fourthly, fofi, (av) fourthly, in the fourth place. fowl, tcidynirda, <food bird> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a fowl, bird used for food. tcinirda, <eat bird> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a fowl, bird raised for consumption. fox, vulpe, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a fox, an animal of the genus Vulpes. fraction, brato, (n) quotient/ratio/rate/proportion/fraction/dividend (stockholder share). parti, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a part/portion/fraction/segment/piece/share of F, a whole. fractional, parcai, <part number> [J‍-‍GN] (3n) J is the proportion/fractional part of G that does/contains N. fracture, broko, [D‍-‍B] (2v) D break/fracture/rupture into pieces B. po broko, (n) a fracture/break/rupture, an act of -ing. brolia, <break line> [N‍-‍B] (2n) N is a break/rupture/fracture/fault in B. bromao, <break make> [K‍-‍DF] (3v) K break/fracture(s) D, makes … break into pieces F. po nu bromao, <break make> (n) a fracture/break, a process of being broken. fragile, brocli, <break more> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more breakable/fragile/delicate than J. brocli, <break more> (a) delicate/breakable/fragile. brofiu, <break weak> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is fragile/frail/weak/infirm. broko, (a) breakable/fragile, capable of being broken. fragility, lopu brocli, <break more> (n) delicacy/fragility, mass term. pu brocli, <break more> (n) a delicacy/fragility, a sp. property. lopu brofiu, <break weak> (n) fragility/frailty/weakness/infirmity. fragment, nu broko, (n) a fragment/piece, a piece of something broken. nu rorbro, <many break> (n) a piece/fragment, piece of something shattered. fragrance, plusutme, <pleasant smell> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a perfume/scent/fragrance. fragrant, sutplu, <odor pleasant> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is fragrant, pleasant smelling. frail, brofiu, <break weak> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is fragile/frail/weak/infirm. fibru, (a) feeble/frail/weak, weaker than … by …. jelfiu, <healthy weak> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is sickly/frail in conditions N. korfiu, <body weak> [K‍-‍VN] (3a) K is physically weak/frail at task V and conditions N. fraility, pu falba, (n) fraility, a property of something that fails. frailty, lopu brofiu, <break weak> (n) fragility/frailty/weakness/infirmity. frame, frama, [B‍-‍FN] (3n) B is a/the frame/protective surround of F in environment N. (figuratively, a context). tcuframa, <picture frame> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the frame of picture F. ram, (af) a combining form of frama, frame. rambai, <frame build> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K frame/builds a frame for/around D. fu sitfa, (n) a frame of reference, of a position, q.v. framed, nu frama, (a) framed, conv. of frame. framer, rambai, <frame build> (n) a framer, one who builds -s. franc, fraki, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a franc, French unit of currency. lo fraki, (n) (the) franc, mass term. francium, francio, [B‍-‍] (1) B is some francium, element 87 (Fr). francophone, frasytaa, <French speaker> [K‍-‍] (1n) K is a francophone/French speaker, a speaker of the … language. frasytaa, <French speaker> (a) francophone, a speaker of French. frank, taknesta, <talk honest> [B‍-‍DV] (3a) B is frank/open/candid/straightforward with D about V. frankness, lopu taknesta, <talk honest> (n) straightforwardness/frankness/openness/candidness/candor, mass prop. po taknesta, <talk honest> (n) a frankness/openness/candor, an event of being candid. frantic, nu tedtoa, <attention take> (a) distracted/frantic (by … from …). fraternal, brucli, <brother like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more brotherly/fraternal than J. fraud, po tsidupma, <crime deceive> (1n) fraud/an act of defrauding someone. fraudulent, tsidupma, <crime deceive> (a) fraudulent, pertaining to -ing. free, denrezmao, <danger free make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K free/rescue/save D from danger V. clecea, <without become> [D‍-‍B] (2v) D is/are rid/free/bereft of B. frezi, [K‍-‍V] (2a) K is free to do/be V. frezi, (a) free/voluntary, unrestrained to do/be …. nirnurprati, <no cost> [B‍-‍D] (2a) B is free/gratis/gratuitous to D, of zero cost. nirprati, <zero price(d)> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is free, of no cost to D. rez, (af) a combining form of frezi, free. rezlii, <free life> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is wild/untamed/free/undomesticated. rezmao, <free make> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K free/liberate/deliver/emancipate/set loose D from B, intentional. rezycko, <free cause> [N‍-‍DB] (3v) N free/liberate/deliver/emancipate/set loose D from B, nonintentional. free of, clesi, [D‍-‍B] (2pp) D is without/quit of/less/free of quality/feature/object B. free oneself, selrezmao, <self free make> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K escape/get away/break out/free oneself from V. freed, nu denrezmao, <danger free make> (a) freed/saved/rescued, of one who is -d. rezycea, <free become> [D‍-‍B] (2v) D is/are freed/liberated/delivered/set loose from B. rezycea, <free become> (a) liberated/delivered/freed (from …). freedom, lopo frezi, (n) freedom/liberty, mass term of states. lopu frezi, (n) freedom, mass term of properties. po frezi, (n) a freedom/liberty, a spec. state of being free. pu frezi, (n) a liberty/freedom, a spec. property. lopo nu rezmao, <free make> (n) liberty/freedom, mass term of states. po nu rezmao, <free make> (n) some freedom/liberty, a state of being freed. lopo rezycea, <free become> (n) liberty/freedom, mass term of states. po rezycea, <free become> (n) freedom/liberty, a state of being freed. lopo nu rezycko, <free cause> (n) liberty/freedom, mass term of states. po nu rezycko, <free cause> (n) some freedom/liberty, a state of being freed. freeing, po denrezmao, <danger free make> (n) an instance of freeing/salvation/rescue. freely, frezi, (av) freely/willingly/voluntarily/of one's own accord, in a free manner. freeway, tcakukrua, <car fast route> [B‍-‍DSV] (4n) B is a freeway/autoroute to D from S via V. freeze, salcea, <solid become> [K‍-‍PS] (3v) K freeze/solidify/crystallize into P from S. po salcea, <solid become> (n) a spec. freeze/freezing/solidification/crystallization. salcko, <solid cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N freeze/solidify/crystallize D, nonintentional; 'The sun melts the snow'. saldi, (vi) freeze, of normal solids, under conditions …. salmao, <solid make> [K‍-‍SP] (3v) K freeze/solidify/crystallize S in/into P, intentional act. freezing, nu salcea, <solid become> (a) frozen/freezing, of temps. at which … -es. po salcea, <solid become> (n) a spec. freeze/freezing/solidification/crystallization. po salcko, <solid cause> (n) a specific instance of freezing/solidification/crystallization <unintentional>. po salmao, <solid make> (n) a specific instance of freezing/solidification/crystallization <intentional act>. freezing rain, salceacri, <solid becoming rain> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some sleet/freezing rain, precipitation freezing on impact. freight, berprati, <carry price> [C‍-‍SD] (3n) C is freight, the fee for transporting S to D. nurbeibekti, <carried object> [B‍-‍SDV] (4n) B is freight/cargo, material transported from S to D by V. frenzied, frelykaoflo, <mad act full> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K is mad/frenzied at D. frenzy, lopu frelykaoflo, <mad act full> (n) madness/frenzy, mass property. frequency, pu pifno, (n) a frequency, a property of being frequent. silkeorao, <vibrate interval ratio> [C‍-‍B] (2n) C is a frequency at which B vibrates/oscillates. frequent, nurpio, <conv. of frequent> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is less frequent than J. pifgoi, <often go> [K‍-‍DSV] (4v) K frequent/habituate/haunt/habitually go to D from S via V. pifno, [G‍-‍JN] (3a) G is more customary/recurring/usual/frequent than J under condition N. frequented, nu pifgoi, <often go> (a) frequented, conv. of frequent. frequently, pifkao, <frequent act> [K‍-‍VP] (3v) K exercise/practice V/do … frequently for purpose P. rona, (av) frequently/often. fresco, ceorcaltcu, <wet wall picture> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a fresco. fresh, maocnu, <made new> (a) fresh, more newly made than …. frese, (a) fresh, incomplete form. fresher, maocnu, <made new> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is fresher/more newly made than J is. fresher than, frese, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is fresher than J, of foods/organic things …. freshness, pu maocnu, <made new> (n) a freshness, a spec. property. lopu frese, (n) freshness, the mass of such props. pu frese, (n) a freshness, a spec. property. fret, fatpeo, <trouble think> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K worry/fret about N. friar, lidgrudjo, <religious group member> [B‍-‍F] (2v) B is a monk/friar/religious brother/nun of F. friend, falremkao, <false friend act> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K act falsely as a friend/pretend to be friendly to D. fremi, [K‍-‍D] (2n) K is a friend of D. rem, (af) a combining form of fremi, friend. friendliness, lopu remcli, <friend like> (n) amiability/friendliness, mass term, properties. pu remcli, <friend like> (n) an amiability/friendliness, a spec. property. friendly, rembiu, <friend behave> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K is (naturally) friendly towards D. remcli, <friend like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is/are more friendly than J. remcli, <friend like> (a) amiable/friendly, friendlier than …. friendship, lopo fremi, (n) friendship, mass term of states. po fremi, (n) a friendship, a state of being a friend. po da fremi de, (ph) a friendship, spec., between … and …. po da fremi de, (ph) a sp. friendship between x and y. fright, lopo nu fiacko, <fearful cause> (n) fright, mass term of states. po nu fiacko, <fearful cause> (n) a fright/scare, a state of being -ened. po nu firmao, <fearful make> (n) a fright/scare, a state of being -ened. po firpa, (n) a fear/fright, a specific state of being afraid. frighten, fiacko, <fearful cause> [K‍-‍BV] (2v) N frighten/scare B by V, nonintentionally, as of an incident. firmao, <fearful make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K frighten/scare D, intentionally. frightened, nu fiacko, <fearful cause> (a) frightened/scared, conv. of scare. nu firmao, <fearful make> (a) frightened/scared, conv. of scare. firpa, (a) afraid/fearful/frightened/scared, fearful of …. frightening, fiacko, <fearful cause> (a) frightening/scary/fearsome, actively causing fear. firmao, <fearful make> (a) frightening, actively causing fear. nu firpa, (a) fearful/fearsome/frightening/frightful, pert. to feared things. frightful, nu firpa, (a) fearful/fearsome/frightening/frightful, pert. to feared things. frightfulness, pu nu firpa, (n) a fearsomeness/frightfulness, a spec. property. fringe, citbie, <thread edge> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a fringe on F. frisk, handuvrai, <hand discorver try> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K frisk/search D for B. frivolity, lopu nunriu, <conv. of serious> (n) frivolity/frivolousness (about …), mass prop. po nunriu, <conv. of serious> (n) a frivolity, a spec. state/event. frivolous, nunriu, <conv. of serious> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more silly/frivolous/paltry, less grave than J. frivolousness, lopu nunriu, <conv. of serious> (n) frivolity/frivolousness (about …), mass prop. frog, ranha, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a female frog, an amphibian of Spp. Rana. ranhi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a tadpole/baby frog, an amphibian of Spp. Rana. ranho, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a male frog, an amphibian of Spp. Rana. ranhu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is any frog, an amphibian of Spp. Rana. frog like, ranhe, [G‍-‍J] (1n) G is more frog like than J. from, je, (pp) of/by/for/from/of/to<, before 2nd arguments in descriptions.>. from here, lokti, (av) from here/locally, local, incomplete form. from now on, fiazu, [K‍-‍N] (av) from now on, before preds. front, fre, (af) a combining form of frena, front. frena, (a) forward/front/anterior, pert. to that which is forward. frepai, <front part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a front (part) of F. frepai, <front part> (n) an/the anterior/front, front part of …. front of, fregoi, <front go> [K‍-‍BDS] (4v) K forerun/conduct/lead/precede/go in front of B to D from S. frena, [V‍-‍B] (2pp) V is in front of B. front yard, frespa, <front space> [B‍-‍F] (1n) B is a front yard/forecourt of F, any space in front of someone/something else. frontal, frepai, <front part> (a) anterior/frontal, frontal. frontier, polylimji, <political boundary> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a frontier/border/political boundary of F. frost, bisherfa, <ice hair> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/some frost on F. frosty, nu bisherfa, <ice hair> (a) frosty. frown, fancra, <reverse smile> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K frown at D. po fancra, <reverse smile> (n) a frown (at …), an instance of -ing. frowning, fancra, <reverse smile> (a) frowning (at …), pert. to an angry or displeased look. frozen, nu salcea, <solid become> (a) frozen/freezing, of temps. at which … -es. saldi, (a) solid/frozen/firm, solid in conditions …. fructose, fruktosi, [B‍-‍] (1) B is some fructose, a common sugar. frugal, cmekeu, <money care> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more saving/frugal/thrifty/economical than J. frugality, lopu cmekeu, <money care> (n) frugality/thrift/thriftiness, mass term. pu cmekeu, <money care> (n) a frugality/thrift/thriftiness, a spec. property. fruit, fru, (af) a combining form of fruta, fruit. fruta, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a fruit of F. fruta, (a) fruit, made of fruit. lo fruta, (n) fruit, mass term of instances. fruitful, ferti, [G‍-‍JB] (3a) G is more fertile/fruitful than J for crops B. fry, ficli, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a fry/minnow, an infant fish. fuel, caocti, <burn stuff> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a fuel/flammable material of composition S. fagtcidi, <fire food> [S‍-‍V] (2n) S is a fuel for (device/fire) V. nejycti, <energy stuff> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a fuel, energy providing material of composition S. puocti, <push stuff> [B‍-‍SP] (3n) B is a fuel/propellant of composition S for propelling P. fugitive, corsto, <short stay> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is fugitive/transient/fleeting/evanescent/ephemeral/momentary/passing/temporary. nornurjuasto, <uncaught stay> (n) fugitive/eluder/evader (of …), one who -s. full, flo, (af) a combining form of folma, full. flocko, <filled cause> [B‍-‍D] (2v) B, a filler/filling, causes D, a container, to be full/filled up/completely full. folma, [S‍-‍B] (2a) S is full of B. kalflo, <completely full> [F‍-‍B] (2a) F is (completely) full/filled of/with B. nurflo, <conv. of full> [G‍-‍JB] (3a) G is less full/emptier than J of B. paiflo, <partly full> [F‍-‍B] (2a) F is partly full of/filled with B. rora, (a) abundant/plentiful/manifold/copious/full. fuller, flomou, <full more> [G‍-‍BJBC] (5a) G is fuller of B than J is of B by amount C. fullness, lopu kalflo, <completely full> (n) fullness, mass term of properties. po rora, (n) abundance/plenty/fullness/legion, a specific state. E.g. their name is legion. fully, kapli, (av) perfectly/wholly/fully/completely/entirely, wholly. fumble, jugfaa, <grasp fail> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K fumble D in conditions N. fume, claroi, <loud anger> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K rave/fume/rage/storm at D for V. fun, lopo cmimao, <amused make> (n) fun/amusement/entertainment/treat, amusement, mass term. po cmimao, <amused make> (n) some amusement/fun/entertainment/treat, an act/process of -ing. cmiza, [D‍-‍V] (2v) D is/are amused by/have fun doing/being/experiencing V. lopo cmiza, (n) amusement/fun, mass term of such states. po cmiza, (n) an amusement/fun, a spec. state of having fun. fun of, krulycmi, <cruel amused> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K ridicule/mock/make fun of (person) D for (behaviour) V. fun to, cmimao, <amused make> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K entertain/amuse/be fun to … by being/doing V, intentional. function, furpli, <purpose of use> (n) the function of (system/tool) …. furplicea, <function become> [B‍-‍] (1n) B function, to be operating. E.g. le matci ga —. — The machine is functional. le matci na —. — The machine is running. furplicko, <function cause> [K‍-‍BV] (3n) K function (system/apparatus) B to (do) V. numpro, <number produce> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a mathematical function for N. nurplifao, <useful end> [B‍-‍VD] (3n) B is a function with action V acting on D. pogpai, <program part> [V‍-‍FP] (3n) V is a function/subroutine/module of program F with function P. function key, kojklaki, <function key> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a function key of keyboard F, a key performing a specific function. functioning, furplicea, <function become> (a) functioning/operating, carrying out a —. furplicko, <function cause> (a) functioning, pert. to the act of -ing …. fund, cmesro, <store/ reserves/ deposit of money> [C‍-‍KDB] (4n) C is a/the fund(s)/savings of K for D in/at B. fundamental, basni, (a) basal/basic/fundamental, pertaining to foundations. baspai, <base part> (a) elementary/fundamental. ginrea, <root difference> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is radical/fundamental/basic, as in 'a — difference'. giucli, <root like> [G‍-‍NJ] (3a) G is more radical/fundamental/basic to N than J is. funeral, mordrivei, <dead remember event> [V‍-‍D] (2n) V is a funeral for D. funeral procession, mordzo, <dead walk> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K participate in a funeral procession for D. po mordzo, <dead walk> (n) a funeral procession (for …). funicular, koctre, <cord train> [B‍-‍PS] (3n) B is a funicular railway to P from S. funnel, flikrosne, <liquid flow neck> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a funnel. funniness, fu kamki, (n) a funniness, a funny act/event. pu kamki, (n) a humorousness/humor/funniness, a spec. prop. of a person. funny, gutra, [B‍-‍DN] (3a) B is alien/bizarre/mysterious/odd/queer/unusual/strange/weird/curious/peculiar/funny to D in features N. kamki, [B‍-‍DV] (3a) B is funny/comical/humorous/witty to D by being/doing V. funny story, kamkystu, <comic story> (3n) a comedy/funny story about … by … (usual meaning). fur, herfa, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a strand/piece of hair/fur of S. herfa, (a) hair/fur, of that which is made of hair/fur. lo herfa, (n) hair/fur, mass term. hersei, <hair set> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is the coat/fur of animal S. furious, nu claroi, <loud anger> (v) be enraged/furious (by … for …). vanroi, <violently angry> [B‍-‍DV] (3a) B is furious, violently angry with/at D for V. furiousness, pu vanroi, <violently angry> (n) a furiousness, a spec. property. furnace, klofagveo, <closed fire container> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a stove/furnace in F. furnish, hasdua, <house adorn> [K‍-‍BP] (3v) K decorate/furnish dwelling B with P. srodou, <stores give> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K supply/furnish/provide D with B. furnishing, po hasdua, <house adorn> (n) an instance of decoration/furnishing (of … with …). furniture, fu hasdua, <house adorn> (n) furniture. further, darli, [G‍-‍BJC] (4a) G is farther/further/more distant/distal from B than J is by C. nu darli, (a) distant/far/further, farther from … than from … by …. fu nu snire, (a) more distant/farther/further/distal than … is from …, far. veirjuo, <happen support> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K promote/further/foster/sponsor/support B by action V. furtherance, po veirjuo, <happen support> (n) furtherance/promotion/support, an act of fostering. furthermore, sui, (av) also/too/moreover/besides/as well/in addition/furthermore, a discourse operator (UI). furtive, smibiu, <secret behave> [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is sly/crafty/secretive/furtive in doing V, acting in secret. fury, lopu claroi, <loud anger> (n) rage/fury, mass property. lopo vanroi, <violently angry> (n) fury, mass state. future, fazu, (av) eventually/in the distant future, before predicates. fucnao, <after now> (av) in the future, of this moment. lo fucnao, <after now> (n) the future, of this moment, mass term. futci, (a) future/later, in the future of …, of sequels. futci, (av) afterwards/in the future, later. lo futci, (n) the future, of all moments, mass term. lefa, (a) the future/coming …, the one which will be …, a temporal descriptive oper. future of, fucnao, <after now> [V‍-‍N] (2a) V is in the future of/after some present moment N. futuristic, hisfui, <history later> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more futuristic than J is.

G G, Gai, (l) G, Latin upper case letter, one of a pool of symbols. Gastropoda, lao Gastropoda, (na) a Gastropoda, a class of molluscs. German, doc, (af) a combining form of dotca/e/i/o, "German". la Doitc, (na) German, the — language. dotca, [N‍-‍] (1n) N is an element/feature/expression of the German language. dotca, (a) German, pert. to the German language. lo dotca, (n) the German language. dotce, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is a German place/territory, a region inhabited by Germans. dotci, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is German, a German person. dotci, (a) German/Germanic, of German origin. lo dotci, (n) the German people, mass term. dotco, [N‍-‍] (1n) N is an element/feature/expression of the German culture. dotco, (a) German, pert. to the German culture. lo dotco, (n) German culture, mass term. German speaker, doctaa, <German talker> [K‍-‍] (1n) K is a German speaker, a speaker of the … language. Germanic, dotci, (a) German/Germanic, of German origin. Germany, la Doitclant, (na) Germany, the name of the country. Give, vedma ta mi, eo, (ph) Give (in the sense of sell) that to me, please. God, eo la Gan begdou, (ph) May God grant. la Gan, (na) God, the judeo christian deity. hea la Gan, (ph) By God, with God's help. Good day, ti gudbi denli, (ph) Good day, this is a good day. Good evening, ti gudbi pasnai, (ph) Good evening<, this is a good evening.>. Good morning, ti gudbi monza, (ph) Good morning<, this is a good morning.>. Good night, ti gudbi natli, (ph) Good night<, this is a good night.>. Greece, la Helas, (na) Greece. Greek, -eo, (af) the mark of Greek lower case consonant names, as in beo/ceo/deo/etc. helna, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is a Greek word/speechsound/expression, the Greek language. helne, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is a Greek place/territory, a region inhabited by Greeks. helni, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a Greek (person). helno, [N‍-‍] (1a) N is Greek, cultural aspect as custom/artform/artifact. -zi, (af) the mark of Greek lower case vowel names as in azi/ezi/izi/etc. Gymnorhina, gimnorhini, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a Gymnorhina, a genus of bird. Gymnorhinus, gimnorhinui, [F‍-‍] (1n) F is a Gymnorhinus, a genus of bird. g, gei, (l) g, Latin lower case letter, one of a pool of symbols. gadolinium, gadholinio, [B‍-‍] (1) B is some gadolinium, element 64 (Gd). gaffe, no po socdre, <social correct> (n) an impropriety/gaucherie/gaffe, a state or event of acting/being socially improper. gaiety, lopu hairbiu, <happy behave> (n) gaiety/heartiness, mass prop. po hairbiu, <happy behave> (n) some gaiety, state of merriment. gain, gancu, [K‍-‍BFVN] (5v) K win/gain prize/honor/resource B from rival(s)/competitors F in struggle V in domain/circumstances/conditions N. nu gancu, (n) a prize/winnings/gain, that which is won, conv. form. prali, [C‍-‍DV] (3n) C is a/the profit/monetary gain to D from transaction V. ralmao, <profit make> [D‍-‍CV] (3v) D gain/profit, make a profit C from transaction V. gain power, poircea, <master become> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K master/gain power/control over D. gait, dzofoa, <walk form> [V‍-‍B] (2n) V is a walk/gait, walking form of B. galaxy, galhasi, [B‍-‍] (1) B is a galaxy. gale, folbri, <strong wind> [P‍-‍S] (2n) P is a gale/strong wind from S. gall, fatru, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K disturb/trouble/aggravate/annoy/vex/bother/gall D by doing/being V. gallery, larviasia, <art see place> [F‍-‍NB] (3n) F is an art+gallery/museum at N featuring/exhibiting art B. gallium, galmiio, [B‍-‍] (1) B is some gallium, element 31 (Ga). gallon, galno, [B‍-‍C] (1n) B measures C in gallon(s), a unit of liquid volume more or less than 4 liters, depending on location. Specify merko or gleco. gleco galno, (2n) … measure(s) … in Imperial gallon(s) (80 Imperial Fl. oz.), default 1. merko galno, (2n) … measure(s) … in US gallon(s) (64 US Fl. oz.), default 1. gallons, galno, (n) n gallons, something measuring n …. E.g. Vedma dio mi fe galno je gasoline — Sell to me five gallons of gasoline. gallop, glopa, [K‍-‍DSV] (4v) K gallop to D from S via/over route V. po glopa, (n) a gallop. gamble, cankao, <chance act> [K‍-‍NV] (3v) K chance/risk/gamble/hazard/venture (consequence) N in (adventure) V. fu cankao, <chance act> (n) a hazard/risk/gamble/chance, a specific -y act. lopo cankao, <chance act> (n) adventure/gamble/venture, mass acts. po cankao, <chance act> (n) an adventure/gamble/venture, an act of -ing. canple, <chance play> [K‍-‍BKV] (4v) K wager/gamble/bet B with K that/on V. nu canple, <chance play> (n) a bet/gamble/wager, the thing -ed. po canple, <chance play> (n) a bet/gamble/wager, a sp. act of -ing. canspo, <chance hope> [V‍-‍BV] (3v) V speculate/risk/gamble B that/on V. gambler, cankao, <chance act> (n) an adventurer/gambler. canple, <chance play> (n) a gambler/better/wagerer, one who -s. game, briga, [G‍-‍JN] (3a) G is braver/more courageous/game than J in conditions N. lo nu janto, (n) quarry/game, quarry, mass term. nu janto, (n) a quarry/game, quarry, conv. of hunt. plefoa, <play form> [B‍-‍K] (2n) B is a game played by K. po plekamda, <play fight> (n) a specific game/contest/competition. plepae, <play apparatus> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a game, apparatus for play. plesio, <play system> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a game, a system of play. plevei, <play event> [V‍-‍BK] (3n) V is a game of B played by K, pl. set. game-larder, miorsrohaa, <meat store house> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a meat-storage/game-larder of community F. gamete, gamheti, [B‍-‍] (1) B is a gamete, a sexual reproductive cell. gamma, geo, (l) gamma, Greek lower case letter, one of a pool of symbols. gamma ray, geoykre, <gamma ray> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a gamma ray from source F. gander, anso, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a gander, an male anseridine bird of species F. gang, kaogru, <action group> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a band/gang including member(s) B. gangplank, dzobarta, <walk board> [B‍-‍SD] (3n) B is a gangplank between S and D. gap, lenhou, <language hole> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a hole/gap/absent element in language F. nartyspa, <apart space> [B‍-‍SD] (3n) B is a breach/gap between S and D. nartyspamao, <apart space make> [K‍-‍SD] (3n) K breach/make a gap between S and D. garage, kartysrosia, <vehicle store place> [D‍-‍B] (2n) D is a mews/garage for B, a storage place for non motorized vehicles. tcanaksysia, <car fix place> [B‍-‍PF] (3n) B is a garage for repairing vehicle(s) of type P of community F. tcasro, <car store> [B‍-‍PF] (3n) B is a garage for vehicle(s) P at location F. garbage, nurfesycti, <wasted stuff> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is waste/refuse/garbage/trash/junk/scrap from process V. garden, gardi, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a garden -cultivated area of estate/farm/family/community F. gardykeu, <garden care> (v) garden, cultivate garden …. hasgardi, <house garden> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the garden/yard/cultivated grounds of house/estate F. gardener, gardykeu, <garden care> (n) a gardener, one who -s. gargle, conmakvlaci, <deep mouth wash> [K‍-‍V] (2n) K gargle(s) with V. garlic, alsate, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is garlic from S. garment, ref, (af) a combining form of resfu, garment. res, (af) a combining form of resfu, garment. resfu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a garment/piece of clothing. garret, tovkruspa, <over room space> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an attic/garret of building F. garrison, sodsro, <soldier store> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a garrison, a military group of army/militia F. sodsrohaa, <soldier store house> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a garrison, a military base of army/militia F. garrulous, taaflo, <talk full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more talkative/garrulous than J. garrulousness, lopu taaflo, <talk full> (n) talkativeness/garrulousness, mass prop. garter, hozdyjuo, <socks support> [B‍-‍K] (2n) B is a garter/suspender (U.K.). gas, vaorcea, <gas become> [D‍-‍N] (2v) D evaporate/become gas/vapor … under conditions N. nu vaorcea, <gas become> (n) gas/gaseous/vapor, having evaporated/become a vapor. vapro, [B‍-‍C] (2n) B is normally a gas, i.e. above temperature C. lo vapro, (n) gas, mass term. gas pedal, kukfitlevga, <fast foot lever> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an accelerator/gas pedal of F. gaseous, nu vaorcea, <gas become> (n) gas/gaseous/vapor, having evaporated/become a vapor. vapro, (a) gaseous, pert. to normal gases. gasoline, gasllini, [B‍-‍] (1) B is gasoline. gasp, coryrue, <short breathe> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K gasp at/for N. po coryrue, <short breathe> (n) a gasp. gastropod, gastrropodi, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a gastropod of type F. gate, caldao, <wall door> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the gate/portal in wall F. gateway, caldaohou, <wall door hole> [B‍-‍F] (1n) B is a gateway of F. gather, cmafodmao, <small folds make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K gather D, a type of sewing. grujmi, <group meet> [K‍-‍FN] (3v) K assemble/gather/collect/rally as group F at place N. kinbei, <together carry> [K‍-‍BDS] (4v) K gather/collect/assemble/bring together B at place D from S. gathering, nu grujmi, <group meet> (n) gathering/assembly/collection/audience/congregation/rally, an -d group. nu kinbei, <together carry> (n) a collection/gathering/assemblage, a collection by … at … from …. gauche, no socdre, <social correct> (n) improper/gauche. gaucherie, no po socdre, <social correct> (n) an impropriety/gaucherie/gaffe, a state or event of acting/being socially improper. gay, hairbiu, <happy behave> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is hearty/lusty/joyful/gay/jolly/merry. hairbiu, <happy behave> (v) be gay, act happy. gaze, po katca, (n) an observation/watch/gaze, an act of watching. gaze at, katca, [K‍-‍SV] (3v) K watch/observe/gaze at S doing/being V. gecko, gekso, [B‍-‍] (1) B is a male gecko, a small reptile. geksu, [B‍-‍] (1) B is a gecko, a small reptile. gelatin, dzeli, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a portion of jelly/gelatin. gelatinize, dzecea, <jelly become> [D‍-‍] (1v) D jell/gelatinize/congeal (actor unspecified). dzeduo, <jelly do> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N jell/gelatinize D (non intentional). gelatinized, nu dzecko, <jelly cause> (a) gelatinized/jellied, conv. of jell. nu dzeduo, <jelly do> (a) gelatinized/jellied, conv. of jell. nu dzemao, <jelly make> (a) gelatinized/jellied, conv. of jell. gelatinizer, dzeduo, <jelly do> (n) a gelatinizer (such as pectin). gelatinous, dzeli, (a) gelatinous/jelly, made of gelatin/jelly. gelding, hormo, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a stallion/stud/gelding, any male horse. gem, djula, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a jewel/gem in F, a precious stone. gender, seckle, <sex type> [N‍-‍B] (2n) N is the gender/sex type of B. gene, genru, (2n) B is a gene, a unit of inheritance, in the genome F of individual S. ger, (af) a combining form of genru, gene. geu, (af) a combining form of genru, gene. gene pool, geersei, <gene set> [B‍-‍FS] (3n) B is the gene pool of deme/breeding population F of species S. gersei, <gene set> [B‍-‍FS] (3n) B is the gene pool of deme/breeding population F of species S. general, kumtu, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a general/common/universal property of set F. kumtu, (a) common to/general/universal, general/universal among …. narmykoi, <army commander> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the general of F. nernirkoi, <10th commander> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a general/admiral/etc. commanding/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murnernirkoi — admiral. Use surkoi. q.v., for officers in general. surnarmykoi, <# army commander> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the brigadier general/major general/lieutenant general/general of F, rank identified by number. general of the army, nernerkoi, <11th commander> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a general of the army/admiral of the fleet/etc. commanding/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murnernerkoi — admiral of the fleet. Use surkoi. q.v., for officers in general. generalization, rarste, <all sentence> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is a generalization/universal sentence about V. po rarstemao, <all sentence make> (n) a generalization, a spec. act. generalize, rarstemao, <all sentence make> [K‍-‍SV] (3v) K generalize from S that V. generalizer, rarstemao, <all sentence make> (n) a generalizer, one who -es. generalizing, kuu, (av) generally/generalizing, a discourse operator, used before sentences (UI). generally, kuu, (av) generally/generalizing, a discourse operator, used before sentences (UI). generate, genpro, <again produce> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K copy/generate/reproduce/propagate D. proju, [K‍-‍PV] (3v) K produce/generate P, a finished thing, by process V. generation, lopu genpro, <again produce> (n) generation/reproduction/propagation, mass property. po genpro, <again produce> (n) an instance of generation/reproduction/propagation (of …). kalrojkeo, <complete growth time> [C‍-‍F] (2n) C is a generation (the average period of time between birth and parenthood) in species/society F. tcihygru, <child group> [B‍-‍F] (2v) B is a generation in family F. po proju, (n) a production/generation, an act/process of -ing. rojkeosei, <grow interval set> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a generation of creature F. samlivkeosei, <same living time (age) set> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a generation of beings living contemporaneously. generosity, po donflo, <give full> (n) an instance of generosity. generous, donflo, <give full> [G‍-‍JV] (3a) G is more generous/liberal than J in matter V); 'a liberal helping of …'. nu donflo, <give full> (a) less generous than … in matter …. genes, lo genru, (n) genes, the mass of all —. genetic, genru, (a) genetic, pert. to — inheritance. nurtisgeu, <selected genes> (a) genetic/genotypic, pertaining to genotypes. genetic constitution, nurgeu, <conv. of gene> [N‍-‍S] (2n) N is the genome/genetic constitution of individual S. genial, hapdou, <happiness giver> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is genial. pluci, (a) pleasant/pleasing/pleasurable/genial/good, pleasing to … by doing/being …. geniality, lopu hapdou, <happiness giver> (n) geniality, mass property. genius, graviedou, <great idea giver> [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is a genius with respect to activity V - an extraordinary person. kulspi, <culture spirit> [N‍-‍F] (2n) N is the genius of (culture) F. lo kulspi, <culture spirit> (1n) genius, mass term. genome, nurgeu, <conv. of gene> [N‍-‍S] (2n) N is the genome/genetic constitution of individual S. genotype, genhotipi, [N‍-‍] (1) N is a genotype, a group having the same genes. nurtisgeu, <selected genes> [B‍-‍PS] (3n) B is a genotype/inherited character/nature inherited by P from parents S. genotypic, nurtisgeu, <selected genes> (a) genetic/genotypic, pertaining to genotypes. gentle, kae, (h) gentle, as in gentleman, gentle reader, an attitudinal expressing a respectful distance and near social equality; part of the series 'rie/kae/nue/fie/die', q.v.; always used after a designation/vocative. E.g. 'Hoi Plizo, Kae' — 'O User, Gentleperson', 'Gentle User'. (DIE). mildo, [B‍-‍D] (2a) B is gentle/mild to/with D. mildymou, <mild more> [G‍-‍DJD] (4a) G is more gentle/milder to D(1) than J is to D(2). gentleman, ganmeu, <high man> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a gentleman in society F, a well bred man. gentleness, lopu mildo, (n) mildness/gentleness, mass term of properties. pu mildo, (n) a mildness/gentleness, a spec. property. gentlewoman, ganfua, <high woman> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a lady/gentlewoman in society F. genuine, nesfiltaa, <honest feel talk> [K‍-‍DN] (3a) K is sincere/genuine with D in disclosing N. tradjo, <true member> [B‍-‍N] (2av) B is genuine, a genuine instance of N. genus, gensu, [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is the genus of B. geography, sifsensi, <place science> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is the science of geography. geological, telsensi, <earth science> (a) geological, pert. to geology. geologist, telsesmao, <earth science make> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a geologist/earth scientist. geology, telsensi, <earth science> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is the science of geology/a geological fact/law/principle. lo telsensi, <earth science> (n) geology, mass term of instances. geometric, fomsensi, <shape science> (a) geometric, pert. to geometry. geometry, fomsensi, <shape science> [F‍-‍] (1) F is an instance of geometry. geothermal energy, derhatnerji, <ground heat energy> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is geothermal energy. germ, bakteri, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a bacterium/germ of type/genus F. malsatci, <sickness start> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is a germ/bacillus/virus of/for V. livsatci, <life start> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a germ of/for F. germane, perti, (a) pertinent/germane/relevant, pertinent to …. germanium, germanio, [B‍-‍] (1) B is some germanium, element 32 (Ge). gesture, bivsaa, <behaviour sign> [V‍-‍P] (2n) V is a gesture/behavioral sign meaning P. lo bivsaa, <behaviour sign> (n) gesture (mass term). bivsanduo, <behave sign do> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K gesture(s) to D. po bivsanduo, <behave sign do> (n) a specific gesture. hansaa, <hand sign> [V‍-‍PDN] (4n) V is a gesture meaning P to D in context N. hansanmao, <hand sign make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K gesture/sign/signal to D to do V. sanbiu, <sign behave> [N‍-‍DS] (3v) N signify/gesture/exhibit behavior to D meaning S. po sanbiu, <sign behave> (n) a gesture, a spec. act of -ing. get, furdou, <3rd converse, give> [D‍-‍BS] (3v) D receive/get gift B from S. fursui, <3rd conv. send> [D‍-‍BS] (3v) D get/receive B a sent thing, from S. get, (af) a combining form of getsi, get. getsi, [K‍-‍BSP] (4v) K acquire/fetch/procure/get/obtain B from S for purpose P. gei, (af) a combining form of getsi, get. get up, futnomtai, <after normal stand> [K‍-‍C] (2v) K rise/get up later than average C. paknomtai, <before average stand> [K‍-‍C] (2v) K rise/get up earlier than average C. getaway, po selrezmao, <self free make> (n) an escape/getaway, an act of escaping. gets up, fanbedgoi, <reverse bed go> [K‍-‍] (1v) K gets up/arises from bed. ghastly, nu cakfia, <shock fear> (a) ghastly/horrible, that which -ies. malblabi, <sickly white> [D‍-‍] (1a) D is pale/ghastly/wan, a off white colour as in illness. ghost, morspi, <dead spirit> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is an/the apparation/ghost/spectre of D. spicu, [V‍-‍BD] (3n) V is a spirit/ghost of B as experienced by D, insubstantial being to person/people …. ghost town, spisitci, <spirit city> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a ghost town. ghostliness, po morspicli, <ghost like> (n) ghostliness, a property. ghostly, morspi, <dead spirit> (a) ghostly, pert. to ghosts. morspicli, <ghost like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more ghostly/ghost like/spectral than J. giant, humgro, <human big> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a giant among population F. zvonomgro, <out normal large> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is a giant/gigantic. gibi-, gib, (af) a combining form of gigbi, gibi-. gift, donhea, <give help> [K‍-‍DCP] (4v) K donate to D a gift of C for cause P. nu donjuo, <gift support> (n) a specific contribution/donation/gift. nu donsu, (n) a gift/present/donation, a gift, conv. of give. pu livkanmo, <live able> (n) a capability/capacity/gift/talent, a specific biological potential. gifted, livkanmo, <live able> [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is capable/talented/gifted in, biologically able to do/be V. gigantic, humgro, <human big> (a) gigantic. zvonomgro, <out normal large> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is a giant/gigantic. gigantism, lopu zvonomgro, <out normal large> (n) gigantism, mass property of abnormal size. giggle, bunclafo, <foolish laugh> [K‍-‍] (1v) K giggle. gild, aurmoykuvmao, <gold cover make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K gild(s) D - covers … with a gold film. gimlet, holskorie, <hole screw tool> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a gimlet. gin, jugpae, <grab device> [B‍-‍P] (2n) B is a trap/gin for P. gird, rinduo, <ring do> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K surround/gird/ring/band/encircle D with V. girder, metleljuo, <metal level support> [B‍-‍SF] (3n) B is a beam/girder supporting load S in structure F. girdle, rinresfu, <band clothing> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a belt/sash/girdle, a ring garment. girl, junfua, <young woman> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a maiden/girl/miss/young woman. nil, (af) a combining form of nirli, girl. nirli, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a girl/female human child. girlish, nilcli, <girl like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more girlish than J. girlishness, pu nilcli, <girl like> (n) girlishness, a property of being -like. give, don, (af) a combining form of donsu, give. donsu, [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K give/donate B to D. plidou, <use give> [K‍-‍BDP] (4v) K spare/lend/give B to D for use P, "Brother can you spare a dime?". seldou, <self give> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K give/devote/abandon oneself to V. dou, (af) a combining form of donsu, give. give change, cmefantoa, <money reverse take> [K‍-‍CDFV] (4v) K give change amount C to customer D for excess payment F for good/service V. give formally, fomdou, <formal give> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K present/donate/give formally B to D. give less, nurmoudou, <less give> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K give less B to D. give out, petrydou, <distribute give> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K hand out/give out B to D. give rise to, ckozu, [S‍-‍PN] (3v) S cause/effect/give rise to P under conditions N, used as auxiliary for non intentional or non human causation. give the age, lalcue, <old say> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K tell the age/give the age of B to D. given, fu donsu, (n) receive/be given gift/present/donation … from …. dou, (av) given/(by)(per)hypothesis/assumption, a discourse operator (UI). fu namdou, <name give> (n) a/the given /Christian name of …. giver, donsu, (n) a donor/giver, one who gives. glacier, krobisli, <flow ice> [B‍-‍FP] (3n) B is a glacier of region F flowing in direction P. glaciers, bisykuspo, <ice spread> [B‍-‍F] (2v) B glaciers, overflows with ice to/over F. glad, haijmi, <happily meet> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K is glad/happy to meet D. hapci, [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is happy/glad about V. gladness, lopo hapci, (n) gladness/happiness, mass term of state/condition. po hapci, (n) a gladness/happiness, a spec. state/condition. pu hapci, (n) a gladness/happiness, a property of being happy. glance, kukble, <quick look> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K glance/look briefly at B. po kukble, <quick look> (n) a glance, an act of -ing. glare, roible, <angry look> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K glare at D, look angrily at. glass, gliso, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a piece of glass. gliso, (a) glass, made of glass. lo gliso, (n) glass, mass term. kupta, [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is a cup/mug/glass/vessel of/for V, gen. for drinking vessel. lenzo, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a lens/glass of camera/apparatus/optical system F. glasses, mekleo, <eye lens> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a (pair of) eyeglasses/glasses/spectacles. gleam, brili, (v) shine/gleam/glisten/sparkle. fiurbrili, <weak shine> [B‍-‍] (1n) B gleam, by reflected light. po fiurbrili, <weak shine> (n) a gleam (from …), from a reflection. fiurlitpro, <feeble light produce> [K‍-‍] (1n) K gleam/glow, produce a dim light. po fiurlitpro, <feeble light produce> (n) a gleam/glow(from …), from a light source. glee, lopu clafyflo, <laughter full> (n) mirth/glee, mass property. po clafyflo, <laughter full> (n) an instance of mirth/glee. gleeful, clafyflo, <laughter full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more gleeful/mirthful than J. glide, kerclidu, <air slide> [K‍-‍DSV] (4v) K glide to D from S via V. smugoi, <smooth go> [K‍-‍DSV] (4v) K glide to D from S via V. glider, smugoi, <smooth go> (n) glider, that which -s. glides, mocyclefle, <motor without fly> [K‍-‍DSV] (4v) (powered aircraft) K glides to D from S via V (i.e. with engine stopped or idling). glimpse, corvia, <short see> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K glimpse D, see … briefly. po corvia, <short see> (n) a glimpse, an act of -ing. glisten, cetbrili, <wet shine> [D‍-‍] (1v) D glisten(s), by reflected light. brili, (v) shine/gleam/glisten/sparkle. glitter, mudlitpro, <move light produce> [B‍-‍] (1v) B glitter/sparkle/twinkle, of a mobile or inconstant light source. po mudlitpro, <move light produce> (n) an instance of glitter/sparkle, from a light source. muvbrili, <move shine> [B‍-‍] (1v) B glitter/sparkle/twinkle, by reflected light. po muvbrili, <move shine> (n) an instance of glitter/sparkle, by reflection. globe, balma, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a ball/globe/sphere/orb, any spherical object. bamfomcartu, <ball form map> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a globe, a spherical map. globulin, globulini, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is some globulin from F, a class of protein. gloom, po norceakei, <constantly sad> (n) a melancholy/gloom, a state of unchanging sadness. lopu solcle, <sun without> (n) gloom/dreariness, mass property. gloomier, norceakei, <constantly sad> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is gloomier/more melancholy than J. gloominess, lopu norceakei, <constantly sad> (n) gloominess, mass term of properties. pu norceakei, <constantly sad> (n) a gloominess, a spec. property. gloomy, norceakei, <constantly sad> (a) melancholy/gloomy, moodier than …. raknurfasli, <dark faced> [V‍-‍] (1) V is sullen/gloomy/dour. solcle, <sun without> [G‍-‍JD] (3a) G is more gloomy/dismal/dreary than J to D. glorifiable, nu gankaotaa, <high praise> (a) glorious/glorifiable, worthy of -ing. glorification, po gankaotaa, <high praise> (n) a/the praise/glorification, an act of -ing. glorifier, gankaotaa, <high praise> (n) a glorifier, one who -ies. glorify, gankaotaa, <high praise> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K glorify/praise highly D for doing/being V. gravia, <greatness see> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K honor/glorify, see D as great. glorious, fu gankaotaa, <high praise> (a) glorious, of a glorified act. nu gankaotaa, <high praise> (a) glorious/glorifiable, worthy of -ing. graflo, <great full> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is glorious/praiseworthy. nu gravia, <greatness see> (a) glorious/honoured/honored, of one who is seen as great. glory, lopo nu gankaotaa, <high praise> (n) glory, mass term of states. po nu gankaotaa, <high praise> (n) the glory, a state of being -ied. lopu nu gravia, <greatness see> (n) honour/honor/glory, mass term of property. pu nu gravia, <greatness see> (n) an honour/honor/glory, a property of a -ed one. glove, gluva, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a (pair of) glove(s). glow, fiurlitpro, <feeble light produce> [K‍-‍] (1n) K gleam/glow, produce a dim light. po fiurlitpro, <feeble light produce> (n) a gleam/glow(from …), from a light source. kemlitpro, <chemical light produce> [B‍-‍] (1v) B glow/luminesce, as of light producing animals/chemicals. glucose, glukosi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some glucose, a common sugar. glue, gomduo, <adhere make> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K stick/glue B to D. pasti, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a quantity of paste/glue. lo pasti, (n) paste/glue, paste, mass term. pastyduo, <paste do> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K paste/glue B to D. glutton, grotci, <big eater> (n) a glutton, one who eats hugely. gluttonous, grotci, <big eater> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more gluttonous than J. gluttony, lopu grotci, <big eater> (n) gluttony, mass term of properties. pu grotci, <big eater> (n) a gluttony, a spec. property. glyph, tcusaa, <picture sign> [V‍-‍BSPN] (5n) V is a pictogram/glyph indicating B to S prompting behaviour P in situation N. gnash, datkinsatro, <teeth together rub> [K‍-‍] (1v) K gnash/grit/grind ones teeth. go, ckelisgoi, <time list(serially) go> [K‍-‍] (1v) K go sequentially/in single file/one after the other. fedlei, <fall let> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K shed/drop/let fall/let go B to/onto/into D. god, (af) a combining form of godzi, go. godzi, [K‍-‍DSV] (4v) K go/come to D from S via V. goz, (af) a combining form of godzi, go. hasgoi, <house go> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K go to the home of D. kamla, [K‍-‍SDV] (4v) K come/go from S to D via V. rezlei, <free let> [K‍-‍DB] (3n) K discharge/let go/release D from B (court, prison etc.). zvokaa, <out come> [K‍-‍SDV] (3v) K sally (forth)/exit/go out of/outside S to D via V. goi, (af) a combining form of godzi, go. go across, kasgoi, <across go> [K‍-‍VD] (3v) K cross/traverse/go across V to/on the way to D. go after, jankaa, <hunt come> [K‍-‍BDSV] (5v) K follow/pursue/go after B from D to S over route V. go around, radgoi, <circle go> [K‍-‍S] (2v) K circle/revolve/go around/go around S as a center. go away, darkaa, <far come> [K‍-‍SD] (3v) K go away from S to D. go away from, dirkaa, <direction come> [K‍-‍SD] (3v) K go away from S to D. go back, pridirgoi, <backward go> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K retreat/go back/fall back/retire to D from S. primuo, <back move> [B‍-‍] (1v) B recess/recede, go back, as the ocean receded. go back in, fanzvogoi, <reverse out go> [K‍-‍S] (2v) K reenter/go back in (location) S. go between, midtaa, <middle talker> (n) a go between/mediator, mediator, q.v. go by car, tcagoi, <car go> [K‍-‍DSV] (4v) K motor/go by car to D from S via V. go down, damkaa, <lower come> [K‍-‍SD] (3v) K descend/go down from S to D. go down the drain, godrygoi, <drain go> [B‍-‍VD] (3v) B go down the drain of V to D. go far, dargoi, <far go> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K go far to D from S. go first, pasgoi, <before go> (ph) after you!/go first, imperatives. go home, hasgoi, <house go> (v) go home(ward), go to one's own home. go into, nengoi, <in go> [K‍-‍DSV] (4v) K enter/go into D from S via V. go on, pragoi, <continue go> [K‍-‍DSV] (4v) K go on/continue/proceed to D from S via V. go past, bangoi, <beyond go> [G‍-‍JD] (3v) G surpass/pass/go past/overtake J doing/going to D. go quickly, kukygoi, <quick go> [K‍-‍DSV] (4v) K rush/hurry/go quickly to D from S via V. go through, tcegoi, <through go> [B‍-‍NDS] (4v) B go through/run through N to D from S. E.g. La Tigris tcegoi la Irak lo mursi lo monca. — The Tigris runs through Iraq to the sea from the mountains. tcekaa, <through come> [B‍-‍NDS] (4v) B come through/go through/run through N to D from S. E.g. La Tigris tcegoi la Irak lo mursi lo monca — The Tigris runs through Iraq from the mountains to the sea. Cf. tcegoi. go to, pifgoi, <often go> [K‍-‍DSV] (4v) K frequent/habituate/haunt/habitually go to D from S via V. go to meet, jmigoi, <meet go> [K‍-‍BDS] (4v) K go to meet/meet B at D from S. go toward, dirgoi, <direction go> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K go toward D from S. go with, gozkii, <go accompany> [K‍-‍BDSV] (5v) K go with/accompany/escort B to D from S via V. kingoi, <with go> [K‍-‍BDSV] (5v) K go with B to D from S via V. kintraci, <with travel> [K‍-‍BDS] (4v) K accompany/go with B to D from S. goad, penta, (n) a spur/goad/point/prong/tine, any pointed thing, see pointed. goal, fu dirtia, <direction choose> (n) target/goal, the thing -ed at. furkao, <3rd converse, act> [P‍-‍VK] (3n) P is a/the goal/purpose/end in view of action V by actor K. furkaodii, <goal decide> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K direct/set the goal for group/organization D. fu kanpi, (n) a goal, object of a competition, q.v. goat, gotca, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a female goat/nanny goat, a ruminant mammal of genus Capra. gotci, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a kid/baby goat. gotco, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a male goat/billy goat. gotcu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a goat, non specific term. goa, (af) a combining form of gotca, goat. goat like, gotce, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is goat like/caprine, pertains to goats. gobble, huitci, <destroy eat> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K devour/gobble B. goblet, stagykupta, <stem cup> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a goblet (glass with a stem). god, gad, (af) a combining form of gandi, god. gandi, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the god/deity/divine being of people F. goddess, femgandi, <female god> [K‍-‍D] (2n) K is the goddess of D. godmother, mamclijuo, <mother like supporter> [K‍-‍D] (2n) K is a godmother to D. godown, srohaa, <deposit house> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a warehouse/storehouse/reservoir/depository/godown of/for stores N. gods, hea lo gandi, (ph) By the gods, with the god's help. going, po kamla, (n) a coming/going, an event/act of coming/going from somewhere. gold, aurmo, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some gold, element 79 (Au). aurmoykoo, <gold colour> (a) gold/golden, more golden than …. gold standard, aurmoykumprati, <gold common price> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a gold standard. golden, aurmoycli, <gold like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more golden/gold like than J. aurmoykoo, <gold colour> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more golden/gold colored than J. aurmoykoo, <gold colour> (a) gold/golden, more golden than …. gonad, femtesti, <female gonad> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is an ovary/female gonad of S. gonda, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a gonad of F, a sexual organ. mentesti, <male gonad> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a testicle/male gonad of F. testi, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a testicle/ovary/gonad of F. gonadal, testi, (a) gonadal, pert. to gonads. gone out, fagsticea, <fire stop become> [B‍-‍] (1v) B is extinguished/gone out, cause unspecified. good, gub, (af) a combining form of gudbi, good. gud, (af) a combining form of gudbi, good. gudbi, (a) acceptable/good/nice, better than … for purpose …. lopu gudbi, (n) (the) good/acceptability, mass term of props. gudckomou, <effective more> (a) good/effective/efficient, more effective than …. gudkao, <good acting> (a) good/fine/moral/nice/virtuous, moral, as of persons/acts. lo gudkao, <good acting> (n) the good, mass term, morality. lo gudkeo, <good time> (n) the good, mass term, morality. pluci, (a) pleasant/pleasing/pleasurable/genial/good, pleasing to … by doing/being …. skucko, <success cause> [B‍-‍P] (2a) B is effective/good/favourable/favorable toward/for desired end P, as of acts/mean. spuciu, <expert equal> [K‍-‍VKV] (4a) K is as expert/good at V as K is at V. ui, (i) fine!/good!/oh! …, an exp./exclamation of pleasure. good bye, po goztaa, <go talk> (n) a good bye/parting/farewell, an act/event of leave taking. loa, (i) good bye/farewell/so long, an expression/exclamation of leave taking. da me liu loa takna, (ph) X says good bye/farewell. good day, loi, (i) hello/hi/good day, an expression/exclamation of greeting. good effect, skucko, <success cause> (av) effectively/well/with good effect, effectively. good learner, ciafro, <learn strong> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is intelligent/good learner by standard N. goodbye to, goztaa, <go talk> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K say farewell/goodbye to D. goodness, pu gudbi, (n) a goodness/acceptability/quality, goodness, a spec. prop. lopu gudkao, <good acting> (n) fineness/goodness/morality/virtue, mass term of props. pu gudkao, <good acting> (n) a fineness/goodness/morality/virtue, morality, a spec. property. goods, nurvea, <conv. of sell> [B‍-‍K] (2n) B are some/the goods/merchandise/wares/purchase(s) sold by K, that which is sold, conv. of sell. goodwill, lopu gubdaa, <good wish> (n) goodwill/benevolence, mass property. po gubdaa, <good wish> (n) an instance of goodwill/benevolence (to … for …). goody, sliti, (n) a candy/goody/sweet, that which is sweet. goose, ansa, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a goose (female), an anseridine bird of species F. ansu, [B‍-‍F] (1n) B is a generic member of the goose family, an anseridine bird of species F. goose like, anse, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is goose like. gopher, gofru, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a gopher, a burrowing rodent. gorge, bodmonbia, <broken mountain between> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a gorge/canyon of river/stream S. gorgeous, bilgra, <beautiful great> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more magnificent/grand/gorgeous/fine/beautifully great than J. gorgonzola, gorgonzole, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some gorgonzola, an Italian cheese. gorilla, gorla, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a gorilla of type F. gosling, ansi, [B‍-‍F] (1n) B is a gosling, an immature goose of species F. gospel, lidgudnuzvo, <religious good news> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is the gospel of religion N. gossip, snilivtakfundi, <near live(local) talk found> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K gossip with D about B. lepo snilivtakfundi, <near live(local) talk found> (n) an instance of gossip. lepu snilivtakfundi, <near live(local) talk found> (n) gossip, as a word indicating its nature. zavbivcue, <bad behave say> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K gossip maliciously about D doing V. gourmand, mrotsutci, <more sufficient eat> (v) K is greedy/gourmand. Cf. mrotsudaa. govern, dilgai, <represent government> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K (representatives) govern D (the populace). gai, (af) a combining form of garni, govern. gar, (af) a combining form of garni, govern. garni, [K‍-‍D] (2v) K govern/reign/rule (over) D. governable, nu garni, (a) governable, can be -ed. governent, nu kompi, (n) the host country/ governent/chartering agency of company …. governing committee, garkamti, <govern committee> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the commission/governing committee of F. government, gaigru, <governing group> (n) a government, a spec. -ment. lo gaigru, <governing group> (n) government, mass term of groups. garni, (n) a governor/government/ruler, one or more who govern. lopo nu garni, (n) government, mass term of states. po garni, (n) a reign/government, an act of -ing. po nu garni, (n) a government, a state of being -ed. garsitci, <governing city> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the capital/seat of government of F. government change, gargrucea, <govern group change> [N‍-‍SDV] (4v) N is a government change from S to D by V. government of, gaigru, <governing group> [K‍-‍D] (2n) K is the government of/group ruling over D. governor, garni, (n) a governor/government/ruler, one or more who govern. grab, jua, (af) a combining form of jugra, grab. jug, (af) a combining form of jugra, grab. jugtoa, <grasp take> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K nab/seize/grab B from D. po jugtoa, <grasp take> (n) a seizure/grab, an act of grabbing. kuktoa, <quick take> [K‍-‍BSK] (4v) K snatch/grab B from S, take quickly.(K-BS). grace, lopu bilbiu, <beautiful behaviour> (n) grace/graciousness (mass term). pu bilbiu, <beautiful behaviour> (n) grace/graciousness (spec. instance). lopu bilmuo, <beautiful motion> (n) grace/gracefulness (mass term). pu bilmuo, <beautiful motion> (n) grace/gracefulness (spec. instance). lopo gadnurtia, <god chosen> (n) grace, mass term of states. po gadnurtia, <god chosen> (n) a grace, a spec. state. graced, gadnurtia, <god chosen> [D‍-‍B] (2a) D is/are graced by god B. gadnurtia, <god chosen> (a) graced, graced by …, a god. graceful, bilmuo, <beautiful motion> [G‍-‍DJD] (4a) G is more graceful to D than J is to D. (D and D may be the same or different; if the same, is not rementioned.). gracefully, bilmuo, <beautiful motion> (av) gracefully. gracefulness, lopu bilmuo, <beautiful motion> (n) grace/gracefulness (mass term). pu bilmuo, <beautiful motion> (n) grace/gracefulness (spec. instance). gracious, bilbiu, <beautiful behaviour> [G‍-‍DJD] (4a) G is more gracious to D than J is to D. (D and D may be the same or different; if the same, is not rementioned.). graciously, bilbiu, <beautiful behaviour> (av) graciously. graciousness, lopu bilbiu, <beautiful behaviour> (n) grace/graciousness (mass term). pu bilbiu, <beautiful behaviour> (n) grace/graciousness (spec. instance). grade, dugri, [C‍-‍S] (2n) C is a degree/grade/unit of scale/dimension S. kelnie, <school year> [V‍-‍F] (2n) V is a grade/form in school F. smumao, <smooth make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K (make) smooth/even off/polish/grade D, intentionally make … smooth. graded, nu dugri, (a) graded, as of scales. grader, smumao, <smooth make> (n) grader/leveler (of …). gradual, nursudna, <conv. of sudden> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more gradual/less sudden than J. gradually, nursudna, <conv. of sudden> (av) gradually, little by little. nursudna, <conv. of sudden> (av) gradually/little by little/by degrees, gradually, conv. of sudden. gradualness, pu nursudna, <conv. of sudden> (n) a gradualness, a spec. property. graduate, nu ciapre, <learn-paper> (n) graduate, a person with an educational degree. cirpregei, <learn-paper-get> [K‍-‍SB] (3v) K graduate from educational institution S with degree B. cirpregei, <learn-paper-get> (n) graduate, a person … ing from some educational institution. graft, gomyroamao, <adhere grow make> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K graft B to D. nu gomyroamao, <adhere grow make> (n) a graft, that which is -ed. po gomyroamao, <adhere grow make> (n) a graft, an instance of grafting. grafter, gomyroamao, <adhere grow make> (n) a grafter, one who -s. grafting, po gomyroamao, <adhere grow make> (n) a graft, an instance of grafting. grain, grunu, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a portion of grain/cereal from source F. lo grunu, (n) grain, mass term of cereal seeds. roamra, <grow mark> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a/the grain, growth mark(s) of, as of wood. run, (af) a combining form of grunu, grain. runraa, <grain grass> (n) cereal/grain, a cereal plant. lo runraa, <grain grass> (n) cereal/grain, mass term. grain-plant, runraa, <grain grass> (1n) B is a grain-plant/cereal grass. grainier, runcli, <grain like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is grainier than J. graininess, pu runcli, <grain like> (n) a graininess, a spec. property. gram, gramo, [B‍-‍C] (2n) B weighs C in gram(s), international unit of mass, default 1. grammar, nerkea, <first school> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an elementary/grammar school, first school of community F. takyrulsei, <talk rule set> [F‍-‍V] (2n) F is a grammar/set of rules for language V. lo takyrulsei, <talk rule set> (n) grammar (mass term). grammar class, takfoa, <talk form> (3n) B is an expression/utterance/speech form of grammar class X in language F. nurtakfoa, (3v) X is the grammar class of utterance Y in language Z. grammatical, fu takrui, <talk rule> (a) grammatical/permissible, permissible speech, q.v. takyrulsei, <talk rule set> (a) grammatical. grand, bilgra, <beautiful great> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more magnificent/grand/gorgeous/fine/beautifully great than J. bragaigra, <born govern(royal) great> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more grand/majestic/magnificent than J. grada, (a) great/grand, more eminent than … by standard …. grandchild, tortciha, <two child> [P‍-‍SS] (3n) P is the grandchild of grandfather S and grandmother S. granddaughter, detydea, <daughter's daughter> [B‍-‍DS] (3n) B is a/the granddaughter of D through daughter S. sundea, <son daughter> [P‍-‍BS] (3n) P is a/the (filial) granddaughter of B through son S. tordea, <two daughter> [P‍-‍SS] (3n) P is the granddaughter of grandfather S and grandmother S. grander, grada, [G‍-‍JN] (3a) G is greater/grander than J by performance standard N. grandfather, mamfra, <mother's father> [B‍-‍DS] (3n) B is the (maternal) grandfather of D through mother S. frafra, <father's father> [B‍-‍PS] (3n) B is a/the (paternal) grandfather of P through father S. peefra, <parent father> [B‍-‍DS] (3n) B is a grandfather of D through parent S. torfra, <two father> [S‍-‍P] (2n) S is a grandfather of P. grandmother, matmaa, <mother's mother> [B‍-‍DS] (3n) B is the (maternal) grandmother of D through mother S. framaa, <father's mother> [B‍-‍PS] (3n) B is a/the (paternal) grandmother of P through father S. tormaa, <two mother> [S‍-‍P] (2n) S is a grandmother of P. grandness, lopu bilgra, <beautiful great> (n) grandness/magnificence, mass term. pu bilgra, <beautiful great> (n) grandness/magnificence, spec. instance. grandparent, torpee, <two parent> [S‍-‍P] (2n) S is a grandparent of P. grandson, detsuo, <daughter's son> [P‍-‍DS] (3n) P is a/the grandson of D through daughter S. sunsuo, <son's son> [P‍-‍BS] (3n) P is a/the (filial) grandson of B through son S. torsuo, <two son> [P‍-‍SS] (3n) P is the grandson of grandfather S and grandmother S. granite, graniti, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some granite from …, an igneous rock. grant, begdou, <request give> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K accord/grant/bestow/confer B, a requested thing, to/upon D. begfurdou, <request given> [P‍-‍BD] (3n) P is a grant of B for D. eo la Gan begdou, (ph) May God grant. granted, lilkai, <legally have> [K‍-‍VS] (3n) K has/is granted/possessed of/ the legal right to be/do V as granted/determined by law/legal authority S. grape, vitsi, [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a grape of type N. grapefruit, pampelmuse, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a grapefruit from S. graphic, tculae, <picture art> (a) graphic/pictographic, pert. to -ic art. graphic art, tculae, <picture art> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a pictography/graphic art of people N. graphite, grapiti, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some graphite, a form of carbon. grasp, jiurjua, <tight grasp> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K grasp D firmly. jugra, [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K grip/grasp/seize D with B. po jugra, (n) a grip/seizure/grasp/hold, an act of seizing. grasping, getmue, <get much> [K‍-‍DN] (3a) K is grasping of D in conditions N. grass, grasa, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a piece/blade of grass, a grassy plant. grasa, (a) grass, made of grass. lo grasa, (n) grass, mass term. raa, (af) a combining form of grasa, grass. ras, (af) a combining form of grasa, grass. grasshopper, grila, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a cricket/grasshopper/locust, any member of the Gryllidae. grassland, raslai, <grass land> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a prairie/grassland of F. grate, rajklu, <scratch cut> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K grate (material) B, remove material by scraping. rajysonpro, <scratch sound produce> [K‍-‍] (1v) K squeak/squeal/grate, a scratching sound. relnetre, <rail net> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a/some bars/grating/grate. satysonpro, <rubbing sound produce> [V‍-‍] (1v) V creak/grate, a frictional sound. grateful, garti, [K‍-‍SV] (3a) K are grateful/thankful to S for V. gat, (af) a combining form of garti, grateful. gratefulfor, sia, (i) thanks/thank you/I am gratefulfor/that, expression of gratitude. gratefulness, lopo garti, (n) gratefulness/gratitude, mass term of states. po garti, (n) a gratefulness/gratitude, a spec. state. grating, relnetre, <rail net> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a/some bars/grating/grate. satysonpro, <rubbing sound produce> (a) creaking/grating, pert. to the sound. gratis, nirnurprati, <no cost> [B‍-‍D] (2a) B is free/gratis/gratuitous to D, of zero cost. gratitude, lopo garti, (n) gratefulness/gratitude, mass term of states. Nu garti, (ph) Thanks! / Be the recipient of (my) gratitude! Nu garti mi!, (ph) Thanks! / Be the recipient of my gratitude! po garti, (n) a gratefulness/gratitude, a spec. state. nurgarti, <1st converse of grateful> [D‍-‍KV] (3v) D is the recipient of K's gratitude for V. gratuitous, nirnurprati, <no cost> [B‍-‍D] (2a) B is free/gratis/gratuitous to D, of zero cost. gratuitously, nirnurprati, <no cost> (av) gratuitously, in a gratuitous way. gratuity, nirnurprati, <no cost> (n) a gratuity, something free to …. grave, morhou, <death pit> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is the grave of D, a place for burial. riucko, <serious cause> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more grievous/grave/serious/severe than J. riupro, <serious produce> (a) serious/grave, serious for …. srisu, [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is solemn/serious/grave/earnest/sober about V. grave consequences, riupro, <serious produce> [V‍-‍D] (2a) V is serious/have grave consequences for D. gravitational force, graviti, [C‍-‍BBN] (4n) C the gravitational force between B and B at distance N. gravity, fu damni, (n) gravity field with respect to which up and down are defined. felfoi, <fall force> [N‍-‍] (1n) N is some gravity. lopu graviti, (n) gravity, mass property of objects. pu riupro, <serious produce> (n) a seriousness/gravity, of events, a spec. prop. pu srisu, (n) a seriousness/earnestness/gravity/solemnity, a spec. prop. of persons. gravy, guofli, <flavor liquid> [B‍-‍P] (2n) B is a sauce/gravy for P. graze, muotco, <move touch> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K graze/skim D, just touch … in passing. rastci, <grass eat> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K graze on B. grease, gre, (af) a combining form of gresa grease. greduo, <fat do> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K lubricate/oil/grease D. gresa, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a piece/drop of fat/grease/oil/lard, general term. salgre, <solid fat> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a quantity of grease, solid fat. salgre, <solid fat> (a) grease, made of/pert. to grease. lo salgre, <solid fat> (n) grease, mass term. salgrecli, <grease like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more greasy/like grease than J. salgreduo, <grease do> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K grease/lubricate D. grease covered, salgrekua, <grease covered> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more greasy/grease covered than J. greasier, salgreflo, <grease full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is greasier, more full of grease than J. greasiness, pu salgreflo, <grease full> (n) a greasiness, a spec. property. pu salgrecli, <grease like> (n) a greasiness, a spec. property. po salgrekua, <grease covered> (n) a greasiness, a spec. condition. greasy, greflocea, <grease full become> [K‍-‍] (1v) K becomes greasy. salgrecli, <grease like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more greasy/like grease than J. salgreflo, <grease full> (a) greasy, fuller of grease than …. salgrekua, <grease covered> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more greasy/grease covered than J. great, bilgra, <beautiful great> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more magnificent/grand/gorgeous/fine/beautifully great than J. gra, (af) a combining form of grada, great. grada, (a) great/grand, more eminent than … by standard …. muegro, <extremely large> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is enormous/huge/great/extremely large. great grandchild, tertciha, <three child> [P‍-‍SS] (3n) P is the great grandchild of grandfather S and grandmother S. great granddaughter, terdea, <three daughter> [B‍-‍SS] (3n) B is the great granddaughter of grandfather S and grandmother S. great grandfather, terfra, <three father> [S‍-‍P] (2n) S is a great grandfather of P, similarly for older ancestors. great grandmother, termaa, <three father> [S‍-‍P] (2n) S is a great grandmother of P, similarly for older ancestors. great grandson, tersuo, <three son> [P‍-‍SS] (3n) P is the great grandson of grandfather S and grandmother S. greater, goa, (pp) Greaters, case tag (greater). grada, [G‍-‍JN] (3a) G is greater/grander than J by performance standard N. greater than, cio, (ms) is greater than …, the sign of mathematical inequality. greater than or equal to, bicio, (ms) greater than or equal to ( ), inequality oper., math. greater-than-or-equal to, mrociu, <more equal> (ph) greater-than-or-equal to …. greatness, lopo grada, (n) greatness, mass term of states. lopu grada, (n) greatness, mass term of properties. po grada, (n) a greatness, a spec. personal state. pu grada, (n) a greatness, a spec. personal property. lopu muegro, <extremely large> (n) enormity/greatness/hugeness, mass prop. greed, lopu mrotsudaa, <more(than) enough desire> (n) greed, mass property. greedy, mrotsudaa, <more(than) enough desire> [K‍-‍B] (2a) K is greedy/avarous for B, excessively eager to acquire …. mrotsutci, <more sufficient eat> (v) K is greedy/gourmand. Cf. mrotsudaa. green, veg, (af) a combining form of vegri, green. vegri, (a) green, greener than …. vegri, (n) a green, a green thing/expanse of green. lopu vegri, (n) green, the color, mass term. greener, vegri, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is greener than J. greenery, veglii, <green life> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is greenery/verdure of F. lo vegri, (n) greenery, the mass of all green things. greenness, pu vegri, (n) a greenness, a spec. property. greet, jmitaa, <meet talk> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K greet/speak to/say hello to D in greeting. greeter, jmitaa, <meet talk> (n) a greeter, one who greets. greeting, po jmitaa, <meet talk> (n) greeting, an act/event of -ing. greets, da me liu loi takna, (ph) X says hello/greets. grenade, hanbomba, <hand bomb> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a hand grenade. zbununreo, <exploding thrown(missile)> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a shot/shell/bomb/grenade, any explosive missile. grey, grisi, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more grey/greyer than J. grisi, (n) a grey, a grey colored thing/object. lo grisi, (n) grey, the mass of all grey things. lopu grisi, (n) grey, the color, mass term. greyer, grisi, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more grey/greyer than J. greyness, pu grisi, (n) a greyness, a spec. property. grief, lopo conkei, <deep sorrow> (n) an event of grief/woe/heartbreak. lopu conkeicko, <deep sorrow cause> (n) grief, mass property. po conkeicko, <deep sorrow cause> (n) an instance of grief. lopo kecri, (n) sorrow/woe/grief, mass term of states. lopu kecri, (n) sorrow/sadness/grief, mass term of property. griefstricken, conkei, <deep sorrow> [K‍-‍V] (2a) K is griefstricken/woeful/heartbroken about V. grieve, conkei, <deep sorrow> (v) grieve/lament about …. conkeicko, <deep sorrow cause> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K grieve/lament for D. kecri, (v) sorrow/grieve about …. keikra, <sad cry> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K wail/moan/groan/grieve (over)/cry (about)/mourn/lament/bewail N. grievous, riucko, <serious cause> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more grievous/grave/serious/severe than J. stopuncko, <lasting hurt cause> (a) grievous/afflicting, causing pain. grim, hadfasli, <hard face> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more stern/severe/grim than J, in visage/demeanor. grimace, faslytorni, <face twist> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K grimace/distort ones face/make a face at D. po faslytorni, <face twist> (n) a grimace, a facial distortion. grimness, pu hadfasli, <hard face> (n) a severity/sternness/grimness, of visage, a spec. property. grin, kubcra, <wide smile> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K grin at D about N. grind, datkinsatro, <teeth together rub> [K‍-‍] (1v) K gnash/grit/grind ones teeth. pudmao, <powder make> (3v) K grind S into P. rofctiduo, <abrasive do> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K abrade/grind B with abrasive V. zakrybue, <grind step> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K grind(s) D underfoot, to kill or injure. grip, juafro, <grasp strong> [K‍-‍DN] (3a) K grip D strongly in conditions N. jugfiu, <grasp weak> [K‍-‍DN] (3a) K grip D weakly in conditions N. jugra, [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K grip/grasp/seize D with B. po jugra, (n) a grip/seizure/grasp/hold, an act of seizing. gripping, filjua, <feel grab> [V‍-‍D] (2a) V is gripping/dramatic to D. gristle, kartilagi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some cartilage/gristle. grit, datkinsatro, <teeth together rub> [K‍-‍] (1v) K gnash/grit/grind ones teeth. grizzly bear, ursaho, (n) B is a grizzly bear from S. groan, keikra, <sad cry> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K wail/moan/groan/grieve (over)/cry (about)/mourn/lament/bewail N. nurpifsiukra, <not often shake(low frequency) cry> [K‍-‍S] (2v) K groan/moan/growl at/for S, any low frequency cry. po nurpifsiukra, <not often shake(low frequency) cry> (n) a groan/moan/growl, instance of low frequency crying. punkra, <pain cry> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K cry (out)/scream/moan/groan/shriek in response to pain N. po punkra, <pain cry> (n) a cry/moan/scream/shriek/groan, an event of crying about pain. groom, hernitmao, <hair neat make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K groom (hair) D. heryrocduo, <hair brush do> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K brush/groom the hair of D. mercejmeu, <married become man> [D‍-‍B] (2n) D is the bridegroom/groom of B. grope, dejduvrai, <finger discover try> [K‍-‍BS] (3v) K feel/grope for B in S. gross, comflo, <shame full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is gross/grosser than J. lio nefofo, (ph) a gross, 144 of anything. sumji, [F‍-‍CC] (3v) F is the sum/total/gross of C increased by C. nu tasgu, (a) disgusting/gross, of that which -s …. grosser, comflo, <shame full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is gross/grosser than J. ground, dertu, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a piece/expanse of soil/dirt/earth/ground from S. sifdeu, <sited dirt> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the ground/soil/earth/dirt in place F. fu vizka, (n) a/the ground/background, against which … is seen by …. ground floor, tridyfordi, <street floor> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the ground floor of building F. grounded, giufro, <root strong> [N‍-‍F] (2a) N is well rooted/established/grounded in F. groundnut, rachi, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a peanut/groundnut from S. grounds, hasgardi, <house garden> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the garden/yard/cultivated grounds of house/estate F. group, gru, (af) a combining form of grupa, group. grucea, <group become> [B‍-‍F] (2v) B group into F— form groups/sub groups (intransitive). grucko, <group cause> [K‍-‍DF] (3v) K group D into F— form … into groups/sub groups … (unintentional). grumao, <group make> [K‍-‍DF] (3v) K group D into F, form … into groups/sub groups …, intentional. grupa, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a group/band/cluster of two or more interacting individuals/organisms (each with all interaction can usually be assumed) with constituents F. nurgalgru, <organized group> [F‍-‍P] (2n) F is a group/organization for P. setci, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a set/group/collection/collectivity with constituents F. snisei, <proximal set> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a cluster/spatial group/physical aggregatation the elements of which are physically close to one another and belong to some superset F. E.g. Ne snisei je lo troku — A cluster of rocks. tergru, <3rd group> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a company/group, the 3rd smallest military unit in some larger military organization/force F, without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. kertergru — air group. Cf. surgru. group marriage, rormerji, <many marriage> [F‍-‍N] (2v) F pl. are married to each other, forming family N; a group marriage. grow, roa, (af) a combining form of rodja, grow. rodja, [S‍-‍PN] (3v) S develop/rise/grow into, increase naturally in bulk and become P, under conditions N. roj, (af) a combining form of rodja, grow. rojmao, <grow make> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K cultivate/grow P. grower, rojmao, <grow make> (n) a grower/cultivator, one who grows …. growing, rodja, (a) growing/rising/crescent, growing, of that which grows. growl, kaurkuntaa, <dog warning talk> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K growl/snarl at D for/under conditions N. po kaurkuntaa, <dog warning talk> (n) a growl/snarl, as of a dog. kunkra, <warn cry> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K growl/hiss at D (threat) about B - used of any cry to warn potential attackers. nurpifsiukra, <not often shake(low frequency) cry> [K‍-‍S] (2v) K groan/moan/growl at/for S, any low frequency cry. po nurpifsiukra, <not often shake(low frequency) cry> (n) a groan/moan/growl, instance of low frequency crying. grown, nu rojmao, <grow make> (2n) be cultivated/grown/domesticated by …. growth, po rodja, (n) a growth/rise/development, a process of growing. tenri, (n) an increment/increase/growth, of numbers of …. nu tenri, (n) a/the growth, the amount grown. grudge, roipra, <anger continue> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K have a grudge against D about V. fu roipra, <anger continue> (n) a grudge, thing one has a grudge about. grudgingly, no hapci, (av) unhappily/grudgingly, pert. to unhappy actions. gruff, rosvoi, <rough voic> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more gruff/harsh/rough than J. gruffness, pu rosvoi, <rough voic> (n) a harshness/roughness/gruffness, a spec. property of voices. grumble, selpuntaa, <self pain talk> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K grumble about (pain/illness) N. seltsetaa, <self error talk> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K grumble about (mistake/action) V. gruyere, gruiere, [N‍-‍] (1n) N is some gruyere, a Swiss cheese. guarantee, kakdurcue, <act do say> [K‍-‍VP] (3v) K pledge/guarantee of action V made for service/equipment P. nu kakdurcue, <act do say> (n) a guarantee by … for …. po kakdurcue, <act do say> (n) a guarantee, the promise to do … in circumstances …. tradjocue, <true member say (genuine say)> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K pledge/guarantee/warrant the authenticity of B. po tradjocue, <true member say (genuine say)> (n) a guarantee/pledge/warrant (of/to do …). guaranteed, fu kakdurcue, <act do say> (a) guaranteed for action … by …. nu tradjocue, <true member say (genuine say)> (a) guaranteed/warranted/pledged. guarantor, kakdurcue, <act do say> (n) guarantor/warranter of … for …. tradjocue, <true member say (genuine say)> (n) guarantor, one who -s …. guard, bicykunkatca, <military warn watch> [K‍-‍D] (2n) K is a sentry/sentinel/military guard of D. curcko, <secure cause> [V‍-‍DN] (3v) V secure/protect/preserve/guard D from danger/threat N (nonintentional), i.e. paint protects iron from rust. curmao, <safe make> [K‍-‍DNV] (4v) K guard/protect/secure/preserve D from danger/threat N by V, intentional act. kunkatca, <warn watch> [K‍-‍B] (2n) a guard/watchman/sentinel/sentry/look out for …. kunkatca, <warn watch> (v) guard, watch over …. stocurmao, <remain secure make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K guard/protect D against V. guarded, curcea, <safe become> [B‍-‍N] (2v) be/become B is guarded/protected/secure/preserved from (danger) N, intransitive. curcea, <safe become> (a) guarded/protected, of that which is -ed. nu curcko, <secure cause> (a) guarded/protected, of that which is so -ed. nu curmao, <safe make> (a) guarded/protected, of that which is -ed. nu kunkatca, <warn watch> (a) guarded, watched, conv. of guard. guardian, curcko, <secure cause> (n) a guardian/protector, that which -s. curmao, <safe make> (n) a guardian/protector, one who -s. lilkeu, <legal care> [K‍-‍D] (2n) K is a/the (legal) guardian/custodian of D. stocurmao, <remain secure make> (n) guardian/protector (of … against …). guarding, stocurmao, <remain secure make> (a) guarding/protecting (… against …), pertaining to the action. guess, canjui, <chance opined> [K‍-‍VN] (3v) K guess/suppose V about N. cankri, <chance believe> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K guess/surmise/have hunch B about V. nu cankri, <chance believe> (n) a guess/surmise/hunch, the — itself. po cankri, <chance believe> (1n) a guess/surmise, an act of -ing. guess rightly, drecankri, <correct chance believe(guess)> [K‍-‍NV] (3v) K divine/guess rightly that N is true of V. guesser, cankri, <chance believe> (n) a guesser, one who -es. guest, ges, (af) a combining form of gesko, guest. gesko, [D‍-‍K] (2n) D is a/the guest of K. gesko mi!, (i) Welcome!/Be my guest!. nu godbeopre, <invite paper> (n) is invited/an invited guest. fu hapgesvei, <happy guest event> (n) a guest, at a party. fu hapsocvei, <happy social event> (n) a guest, at a party. hasgeo, <house gesko> [D‍-‍K] (2n) D is a guest/company/house guest of K. vizkaa, <see comer> (n) a visitor/guest/company, visitors from … to … for …, e.g. a visitor from Paris. geo, (af) a combining form of gesko, guest. guest kind, geocka, <guest kind> [K‍-‍] (1a) K is guest kind/hospitable, kind to guests. guidable, nu glida, (a) guidable/conducted, guided, as of tours. guidance, po glida, (n) a guidance/guided trip, an act of -ing. po nu glida, (n) a guidance, an act of being guided. guide, fangli, <reverse guide> [K‍-‍DDSV] (5v) K guide/take D back to D from S via V. gli, (af) a combining form of glida, guide. glida, [K‍-‍BDSV] (5v) K conduct/guide/pilot B to D from S via V. glida, (n) a pilot/guide, one who guides. guide-wheel, glikrilu, <guide wheel> [B‍-‍P] (2n) B is a pulley/guide-wheel for purpose P. guile, dupcle, <guile without> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more innocent/without guile than J. guilt, lopo zavkaobiu, <bad act behave> (n) guilt/transgression/wrongdoing, mass term for acts. lopo zavkaofio, <bad act feel> (n) guilt, mass term, subjective feeling. po tsedaspa, <error responsible> (n) a guilt, an objective state of blame. lopu tsikao, <crime act> (n) guilt, mass prop. guilt about, zavkaofio, <bad act feel> [D‍-‍V] (2v) D feel guilt about/guilty of act V. guiltless, no tsedaspa, <error responsible> (a) guiltless/innocent/blameless. guilty, zavkaobiu, <bad act behave> (a) guilty/reprehensible. zavkaofio, <bad act feel> [D‍-‍V] (2v) D feel guilt about/guilty of act V. tsikao, <crime act> (a) guilty, of … by doing …. tsikaocue, <crime act(criminal) say> [K‍-‍DVN] (4v) K sentence/convict/find guilty D of crime V by law N. guilty of, zavkaobiu, <bad act behave> [B‍-‍V] (2v) B is/are guilty of/transgress/commit wrong/evil act V. tsedaspa, <error responsible> [K‍-‍PN] (3a) K is responsible for/guilty of/to blame for error P by standard N. guitar, githara, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a guitar. gulf, murbaa, <sea arm> [B‍-‍SD] (3n) B is a gulf (a portion of sea extending into the land) separating S from D. gullet, goltu, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a gullet/throat of F. gulley, dramonbia, <dry valley> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a gulley/dry bed of stream S. gullible, kribuo, <believe fool> [B‍-‍VN] (3a) B is gullible/credulous concerning V under conditions N. gully, fansulba, <reverse swelling> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a depression/valley/dip/hollow/dent/gully in F. gum, gomni, (n) an adhesive/gum, anything that sticks to …. gumbo, gumbo, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some gumbo/okra, a vegetable. gummy, gomni, (a) adhesive/gummy/sticky, capable of adhering to …. gun, grokukreo, <large quick thrower> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a cannon/(field) gun, a piece of artillery. kukreo, <quick thrower> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a gun/rifle/firearm, any weapon using chemical propellant. gurgle, cmaclafo, <small laugh> [K‍-‍] (1v) K chuckle/gurgle. po cmaclafo, <small laugh> (n) a chuckle/gurgle. gurgling, lepo cmaclafo, <small laugh> (ger) an instance of chuckling/gurgling. gush, kukyzvokro, <quick out pour> [K‍-‍VDS] (4v) K gush/spout/jet V into D from S. nu kukyzvokro, <quick out pour> (n) gush/jet/spout, that which is -ed. gusher, kukyzvokro, <quick out pour> (n) gusher/jet, that which is -ing. gust, zbubri, <explosion of wind> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is a blast/gust of wind. gustatory, guorsaskai, <taste sense property> (a) gustatory, pert. to taste. gut, lagvisra, <long gut> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the gut/intestine of F. lagvisra, <long gut> (a) intestinal/gut, made of gut/intestine. guts, visra, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B are the guts/viscera/entrails/innards of F. gutter, rufgodru, <roof drain> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a gutter/eave in F. tridygodru, <street drain> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a gutter. gymnast, gimna, (n) a gymnast, one who does gymnastic feats …. gymnastic, po gimna, (n) gymnastic, pert. to gymnastic acts. gymnastics, lo nu gimna, (n) gymnastics, mass term for -ic feats. lopo gimna, (n) gymnastics, the mass of such events. nu gimna, (n) a sp. feat of gymnastics. po gimna, (n) an event of gymnastics. gypsy culture, romhano, [B‍-‍] (1) B is gypsy culture. gypsy language, romhana, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is the gypsy language. nu romhana, (a) relating to the gypsy language. gypsy person, romhani, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a gypsy person.

H H, Hai, (l) H, Latin upper case letter, one of a pool of symbols. Heavens, hea le ganhaa, (ph) By Heavens, with Heaven's help. Hebrew, hebra, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is Hebrew, of the Hebrew language. hebre, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is a Hebrew/Jewish place/territory, a region inhabited by Jews. Hey, hoi, (ms) Hey/O, vocative mark. Highness, Ganbra, (na) Highness, a title of honor for nobility/royalty. Hindi, hinda, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an instance of Hindi, the major language of India. hinda, (a) Hindi, pert. to the Hindi language. lo hinda, (n) Hindi, the mass of such elements. la Hindis, (na) Hindi, the — language. hindo, (a) Hindi, pert. to the Indian culture. lo hindo, (n) Hindi, the mass of such elements. Hindi speaker, hintaa, <Hindi talker> [K‍-‍] (1n) K is a Hindi speaker, a speaker of the … language. Hominidae, lao Hominidae, (na) the Hominidae, a family of primates. Hominoidea, lao Hominoidea, (na) the Hominoidea, a superfamily of primates. Homo sapiens, lao Homo sapiens, (na) Homo sapiens, the species of man. House of Commons, lilmaogru, <law make group> [F‍-‍N] (2n) F is a/the House of Representatives/House of Commons/Diet/Dail/Knesset/Thing/Parliament/legislature of polity N, a national law making group. House of Representatives, lilmaogru, <law make group> [F‍-‍N] (2n) F is a/the House of Representatives/House of Commons/Diet/Dail/Knesset/Thing/Parliament/legislature of polity N, a national law making group. How, tu he filmo, (ph) How do you feel?/How are you?, i.e. good or bad. tu ie nu vetci, (ph) How's-it going? tu ie nu vetci, (ph) How's it going?, well or badly? How are you, Tu he?, (ph) You're what?/How are you? How do you feel, Ei tu djela ?, (ph) How do you feel?/Are you well?/How are you? (literal sense). How many, ho, (q) How many, quantifier interrogative. E.g. Tu danza hu pligo? — You want how many apples? How-are you, tu ie filmo, (ph) How-are you?, How are you feeling? Ei tu djela, (ph) How-are you?, Are you well? How-are-you-all, too he?, (ph) How-are-you-all?/What-are-you-individually?/What-does-each-of-you do? tuo he?, (ph) How-are-you-all?/What-are-you-individually?/What-does-each-of-you do? h, hei, (l) h, Latin lower case letter, one of a pool of symbols. h sub, docine, (ms) h sub 1 an ordered variable, math. habit, kusmo, [V‍-‍SN] (3n) V is a habit/custom/practice/tradition of S under condition N. habitat, livspa, <creature space> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is the habitat of B. nu spalii, <region live> (n) a habitat, inhabited by …, conv. form. fu specypai, <species part> (n) a habitat, of breeding population. habitation, livhao, <living shelter> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is a/the lodging/habitation/abode/home/dwelling/domicile/residence of D. habitual, kusmo, (a) habitual/usual/customary, habitual to … under cond'ns …. habitually, fua, (va) will be habitually -ing, continuous future tense (PA). gua, (va) am/is/are habitually -ing, continuous timeless tense (PA). nua, (va) am/is/are+(now) habitually -ing, continuous present tense (PA). pua, (va) was/were+(now) habitually -ing, continuous past tense (PA). habituate, kusmao, <habit make> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K accustom/habituate/make used to D to B, intentional. pifgoi, <often go> [K‍-‍DSV] (4v) K frequent/habituate/haunt/habitually go to D from S via V. habituated to, nomsaecea, <normal feeling become> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K become accustomed to/adapted to/habituated to N. habitue, pifgoi, <often go> (n) a habitue, one who frequents a spec. place. hack, taksi, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a cab/taxi/hack of S. had, papa, (va) had (been) … ed, sign of the past perfect tense. haemhorrhage, lopo bluzvokro, <blood out flow> (n) haemhorrhage, mass term. po bluzvokro, <blood out flow> (n) a haemhorrhage, an instance of -ing. haemoglobin, hemhoglobini, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is some haemoglobin/hemoglobin from S. haemophilia, hemhofili, [B‍-‍N] (2v) B has haemophilia of type N. po hemhofili, (n) a case of haemophilia/hemophilia. haemophiliac, bludrumalbi, <blood lose invalid> [D‍-‍F] (2n) D is a haemophiliac/hemophiliac of type F. bluzvokro, <blood out flow> (n) bleeder/haemophiliac, one subject to -ing. hemhofili, (n) a haemophiliac. hafnium, hafniio, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some hafnium, element 72 (Hf). haggle, ratytao, <price argue> [K‍-‍KC] (3v) K bargain/dicker/haggle with K over price C. haggler, ratytao, <price argue> (n) a bargainer/haggler, one who -s. hail, bisycri, <ice rain> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is some hail, ice precipitation. hair, her, (af) a combining form of herfa, hair. herfa, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a strand/piece of hair/fur of S. herfa, (a) hair/fur, of that which is made of hair/fur. lo herfa, (n) hair/fur, mass term. herfomduo, <hair formal do> [K‍-‍DP] (3v) K arrange the hair of D in form P. haircut, po herkeu, <hair care> (n) a hairdressing/haircut, any hair treatment received. hairdo, herfoa, <hair form> [B‍-‍DK] (3n) B is a hairdo of D done by K. fu herfomduo, <hair formal do> (n) hairdo (by … for …), a hair arrangement. hairdresser, herkeu, <hair care> (n) barber/hairdresser/hairstylist, one who -s hair. hairdressing, herkeu, <hair care> (a) hairdressing, pertaining to —. po herkeu, <hair care> (n) a hairdressing/haircut, any hair treatment received. hairier, herkua, <hair covered> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is hairier/more hair covered than J is. hairiness, lopu herkua, <hair covered> (n) hairiness, mass term of properties. pu herkua, <hair covered> (n) a hairiness, a spec. property. hairline, herbaslimji, <hair base limit> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the hairline of F. hairstyle, fu herkeu, <hair care> (n) a hairstyle. hairstylist, herkeu, <hair care> (n) barber/hairdresser/hairstylist, one who -s hair. hairy, herkua, <hair covered> (a) hirsute/hairy, hairier than …. hale, jelfro, <healthily strong> [B‍-‍P] (2a) B is healthy/hale/fit/sound/healthily strong enough for task P. half, pife, (a) half/fifty-percent/point five of …, a quantifying operator. half hour, torkuehoo, <.5 hour> [C‍-‍B] (2n) C is a half hour/thirty minute period of hour B. half open, parkapni, <partly open> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is partly open/half open/ajar. half sibling, saofra, <same father> [B‍-‍BS] (3n) B is a half sibling of B through father S. saormaa, <same mother> [B‍-‍BS] (3n) B is a half sibling of B through mother S. half-or more, pire, (a) most/half-or more of some individual or whole, a quantifier. hall, grakru, <great room> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a hall of building F, as for meetings. grokru, <large room> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a hall/meeting room. krokru, <flow room> [B‍-‍SD] (3n) B is a hall/corridor/passage, walk way between S and D. nengoikru, <entry room> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an/the entrance hall/hall of F. hallow, seormao, <holy make> [K‍-‍DV] (3n) K hallow/sanctify D by V. halt, sticko, <stop cause> [N‍-‍DV] (3v) N halt/obstruct/stop (up) D from V, nonintentional. stimao, <stop make> [K‍-‍DVB] (4v) K halt/stop/obstruct D from, make … stop doing V with B, intentional. stise, [K‍-‍V] (2v) K stop/cease/halt/quit doing V. stise, (i) halt!/stop! w/o; 1st argument, an imperative. ham, gantulmio, <thigh meat> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a ham. hamlet, rihyhasgru, <few house group> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a hamlet. hammer, mroza, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a hammer, an instrument for -ing. roz, (af) a combining form of mroza, hammer. rozduo, <hammer do> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K hammer/drive B into D. hand, han, (af) a combining form of hanco, hand. hanco, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a hand of F. handou, <hand give> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K hand/pass B to D. selhanduo, <self hand do> [K‍-‍VD] (3v) K do V (by ones own hand) to D. hand out, petrydou, <distribute give> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K hand out/give out B to D. hand shape, hansanfoa, <hand sign form> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a hand shape of F. hand-cart, puorkarti, <push cart> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a hand-cart/wheelbarrow/shopping cart, any vehicle pushed by hand. handful, hancai, <hand quantity> [C‍-‍B] (2n) C is a handful of B. handicap, norkalylivcko, <not complete organism cause> [N‍-‍DV] (3v) N cripple/handicap/stunt/disable/lame D by V, by external condition. norkalylivmao, <not complete organism make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K cripple/handicap/stunt/disable/lame D by V, a deliberate act. handicapped, pu norkalclivi, <not complete organism> (a) crippled/handicapped/disabled in —. pu norkalylii, <not complete organism> (a) crippled/handicapped/disabled in —. norkalylivcea, <not complete organism become> [B‍-‍V] (2v) B become crippled/handicapped/stunted/disabled/lamed by V, by internal cause. handicapping, norkalylivcko, <not complete organism cause> (a) crippling/handicapping/disabling/stunting/laming, pertaining to something that -s. norkalylivmao, <not complete organism make> (a) crippling/handicapping/disabling/stunting/laming, pertaining to someone that -s. handicraft, hanlae, <hand art> [V‍-‍PK] (3n) V is a craft/handicraft/manual art for producing P used by people K. lo hanlae, <hand art> (n) handicraft/(the) manual arts, mass term. nu hanlae, <hand art> (n) a handicraft, a specific item. handkerchief, nazbykla, <nose cloth> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a handkerchief. handle, fomduo, <form do> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K treat/handle D in manner/method/way/mode/with treatment V. hanpli, <hand use> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K manipulate/handle/wield B with the hand(s). hantco, <hand touch> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K manipulate/handle D with the hand(s) for examination. jugpai, <grip part> [B‍-‍FP] (3n) B is a handle of/on F for use P. handlebar, glireu, <guide bar> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a handlebar, as of a cycle. handled, nu hanpli, <hand use> (a) manipulated/handled/wielded. nu hantco, <hand touch> (a) handled, pertaining to -ing for examination. handling, po fomduo, <form do> (n) a treatment/handling, a spec. case of treating …. handout, nu petrydou, <distribute give> (n) a handout. handshake, po hansiu, <hand shake> (n) a handshake, an act of -ing. handsome, mrebii, <man attractive> [G‍-‍JN] (3a) G is more handsome than J in circumstances N. mrebii, <man attractive> (n) a stud (slang)/handsome person. handsomeness, pu mrebii, <man attractive> (n) handsomeness, the property of being handsome. hang, ped, (af) a combining form of pendi, hang. pedmao, <hang make> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K hang/suspend B from D. pendi, [B‍-‍D] (2v) B hang from D. hang glider, kortcela, <body wing> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a hang glider. hang on, lipfro, <keep strong> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K hold on/hang on to D under N. hang out, zvopendi, <outside hang> [B‍-‍] (1v) B hang out, as a tongue or shirt tail. hangar, flemaisro, <fly machine store> [B‍-‍PF] (3n) B is a hangar for aircraft P at (airport) F. hanging, pendi, (a) pendant/hanging, pert. to that which -s. po pendi, (n) a hanging, an event/act of -ing. happen, nunrii, <conv. of regular> (v) happen irregularly/occasionally, conv. of regular. torvei, <two event> [V‍-‍] (1v) V happen twice/two times. vet, (af) a combining form of vetci, happen. vetci, [N‍-‍D] (2v) N take place/happen/occur/involve (to) objects/persons D. vetlei, <happen let> [K‍-‍VD] (3v) K let V happen to D, i.e. doesn't try to stop it. vei, (af) a combining form of vetci, happen. happen before, melpao, <measure before> (3n) V happen before, happens an interval C before N. happen naturally, sapnaa, <simple natural> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is a natural event/happen naturally. happening, vetci, (n) an event/happening/incident/occurrence/phenomenon, a happening/occurrence involving …. happier, hapmou, <happy more> [G‍-‍VJV] (4a) G is happier about V than J (is about) V. happily, hapci, (av) happily, gladly. happiness, lopo hapci, (n) gladness/happiness, mass term of state/condition. po hapci, (n) a gladness/happiness, a spec. state/condition. pu hapci, (n) a gladness/happiness, a property of being happy. happy, hai, (af) a combining form of hapci, happy. haicko, <happy cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N elate/cheer (up)/make happy D, nonintentional; 'That makes me happy'. haijmi, <happily meet> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K is glad/happy to meet D. hap, (af) a combining form of hapci, happy. hapci, [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is happy/glad about V. haphai, <happy happy> [D‍-‍S] (2a) D is extremely happy about S. hapmao, <happy make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K elate/cheer (up)/make happy D, intentional. kofhai, <comfortably happy> [K‍-‍N] (2a) K is/are contented /comfortably happy with/about N. no ui, (i) I'm not happy/pleased that …, an expression of displeasure. ui, (i) how nice!/I am happy/pleased that …, an exp./exclamation of pleasure. harass, prafau, <process trouble> [K‍-‍DBV] (4v) K harass/pester D about/for B by V. harbor, hargoi, <harbour go> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K take refuge/harbour/harbor in D for fear of/from danger V. harko, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K harbor/harbour/shelter D from dangers V. harko, (n) a retreat/shelter/harbor/harbour/haven/refuge, that which shelters/harbors. murhao, <sea shelter> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a harbor of coastline F, i.e. for sea going vessels. harbour, hargoi, <harbour go> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K take refuge/harbour/harbor in D for fear of/from danger V. harko, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K harbor/harbour/shelter D from dangers V. harko, (n) a retreat/shelter/harbor/harbour/haven/refuge, that which shelters/harbors. hard, had, (af) a combining form of hardu, hard. hardu, (a) hard/resistant, more resistant to scratching than …. nardu, [B‍-‍KN] (3a) B is hard/difficult for K to do under conditions N. hard disk, stifa kotrae, <computer disk> (ph) a computer hard disk. hard hat, hadkapma, <hard hat> [B‍-‍DV] (3n) B is a helmet/hard hat worn by D to protect from V. harden, hadcko, <hard cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N harden D. hardener, hadcko, <hard cause> (n) a hardener, that which causes … to become hard. harder, hardu, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is harder, more resistant to scratching than J is. naumro, <hard more> [G‍-‍JGJ] (4a) G is harder/more difficult for J to do than G(1) for J(1)to do. hardiness, lopu foldje, <strong healthy> (n) hardiness/sturdiness/vigour, mass property. hardly, mousni, <more near> [B‍-‍C] (2av) B is barely/hardly/just quantity C. hardness, lopu hardu, (n) hardness, mass prop. po hardu, (n) a hardness, a spec. state/condition. hardship, stofau, <lasting trouble> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is a hardship/misfortune, lasting trouble to D. lo stofau, <lasting trouble> (n) hardship/misfortune, mass inst. hardy, foldje, <strong healthy> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is (more) hardy/rugged/sturdy/vigourous (than …) J. korfro, <body strong> [K‍-‍VN] (3a) K is physically strong/hardy at task V and conditions N. livfro, <live strong> [V‍-‍N] (2a) V is hardy, fit to survive challenge N. hare, lepsu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a hare/rabbit/lagomorph, one of the genus Lepus. hark, hirtei, <hear attend> (i) listen!/hark!, listen, w/o 1st arg., an imperative. harm, surna, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K hurt/harm/injure/damage D at/in V. po surna, (n) a/the harm/hurt/injury, an event/act of -ing. harm to, zaocko, <bad cause> [N‍-‍DVP] (4v) N (bring) harm to/damage/injure D by doing V with bad effects P, nonintentional. harmed, nu surna, (a) damageable/harmed/hurt/injured, can be -ed. nu zaocko, <bad cause> (a) harmed, one who is -ed by another. harmful, ju zaocko, <bad cause> (a) harmful, of acts which produce harm. harmfulness, lopu zaocko, <bad cause> (n) harmfulness, mass prop. of -ful acts. harmless, norzavduo, <not bad do> [B‍-‍D] (2a) B is/are harmless to D. harmonious, ham, (af) a combining form of harmo, harmonious. harmo, [B‍-‍BK] (3v) B is/are harmonious with B to observer K. harmoniousness, pu harmo, (n) a harmoniousness, a spec. property. harmonize, hamtoi, <harmony agree> (3v) V harmonize(s) with V in variable/aspect B. harmony, hamtoi, <harmony agree> [V‍-‍VB] (3a) in tune/harmony with …. hamtui, <harmony adjust> [K‍-‍PVB] (4v) K tune(s) P/put(s) … in harmony with V in variable/aspect B. harmo, (n) a concord/harmony/accord, an instance of harmony. harness, berkoe, <carry cords> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a harness for pack animal F. cpuresduo, <pull clothing do> [K‍-‍DP] (3v) K harness/yoke D for P. cpuresfu, <pull garment> [B‍-‍P] (2n) B is a harness for P. harpoon, harponu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a harpoon, a barbed dart. lansyduo, <spear do> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K harpoon/lance/spear D with V. renlansa, <throwing lance> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a harpoon/javelin, a thrown spear/lance. renlansyduo, <spear do> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K harpoon/lance D with B. harrier, piftakma, <often attack> (n) harrier (of …), one who -ies. harrow, mutpuncko, <much pain cause> [N‍-‍DV] (3v) N torment/harrow/torture D by doing/being V (nonintentional). mutpunmao, <much pain make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K torment/harrow/torture D by doing/being V (intentional). harrowed, nu mutpuncko, <much pain cause> (a) tormented/harrowed/tortured (by … by …), pert. to one -ed. nu mutpunmao, <much pain make> (a) tormented/harrowed/tortured (by … by …), pert. to one -ed. harrowing, mutpuncko, <much pain cause> (a) tormenting/harrowing/torturing (… by …). mutpunmao, <much pain make> (a) tormenting/harrowing/torturing (… by …). harry, piftakma, <often attack> [K‍-‍DP] (3v) K harry D for reason/goal P. harsh, biunrofsu, <behaviour rough> [K‍-‍N] (2a) K is harsh in behaviour N - see specific sense words. guonrofsu, <taste rough> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is harsh to the taste, see specific sense words. hiryrofsu, <hearing rough> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is harsh to the ear, see specific sense words. rosvoi, <rough voic> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more gruff/harsh/rough than J. sasyrofsu, <sense rough> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is harsh to sense N, see specific sense words. sutyrofsu, <smell rough> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is harsh in smell, see specific sense words. vizrofsu, <sight rough> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is harsh to the eye, see specific sense words. harshness, lopu biunrofsu, <behaviour rough> (n) harshness/severity (in behaviour …). lopu guonrofsu, <taste rough> (n) harshness (to the taste). lopu hiryrofsu, <hearing rough> (n) harshness (to the ear). pu rosvoi, <rough voic> (n) a harshness/roughness/gruffness, a spec. property of voices. lopu sasyrofsu, <sense rough> (n) harshness (to sense …). lopu sutyrofsu, <smell rough> (n) harshness (to smell). lopu vizrofsu, <sight rough> (n) harshness (to eye). hart, cervo, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a hart/stag/male deer of region/range S. harvest, fildygei, <field get> [K‍-‍BS] (3v) K harvest/crop B from S. nu fildygei, <field get> (n) harvest/crop … from …, that which is -ed. po fildygei, <field get> (n) harvest/crop … from …, the event of -ing. fildynurpro, <field produced> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a crop/harvest of S. lo fildynurpro, <field produced> (n) the harvest, mass term. frutoa, <fruit take> [K‍-‍PS] (3v) K pick/pluck/reap/harvest edible/useful part P from S. po frutoa, <fruit take> (n) a reaping/harvest, a spec. event of -ing. harvester, fildygei, <field get> (n) harvester/cropper of … from …, one who -s. frutoa, <fruit take> (n) a reaper/picker/harvester, one who/that which reaps. harvesting, fildygei, <field get> (a) harvesting/cropping … from …, pertaining to -ing. has, lilkai, <legally have> [K‍-‍VS] (3n) K has/is granted/possessed of/ the legal right to be/do V as granted/determined by law/legal authority S. napa, (va) has/have (been) … /a …, sign of the present perfect tense. hasty, tsekukra, <error fast> [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is hasty in action V. hat, kapma, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a hat/cap/headgear, a piece of headgear. hatchet, klumroza, <cut hammer> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an ax/axe/hatchet, a tool for chopping. hate, tso, (af) a combining form of tsodi, hate. tsodi, [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K hate/abhor/loathe B for doing/being V. po tsodi, (n) a hate/loathing, a spec. act/state of -ing. hateful, tsodi, (a) hateful/abhorrent/odious, pert. to one who hates. nu tsodi, (a) hateful, pert. to that which is -ed. nu ge nu razdou tsodi, (ph) is hateful/justifiably hated. hatefulness, lopu tsodi, (n) hatefulness, mass prop. pu nu tsodi, (n) a hatefulness, a prop. of being -ed. haughtiness, pu selgankri, <self high believe> (n) a haughtiness/arrogance, a spec. property. haughty, selgankri, <self high believe> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more arrogant/haughty than J. haul, koecpu, <rope pull> [K‍-‍BDS] (4v) K tow/haul B to D from S. haunt, morspi harlii, <dead spirit> (ph) haunt. pifgoi, <often go> [K‍-‍DSV] (4v) K frequent/habituate/haunt/habitually go to D from S via V. nu pifgoi, <often go> (n) a haunt (by …), place frequently visited. haunted, morspi nu harlii, <dead spirit> (ph) haunted. have, katli, [B‍-‍N] (2v) B have/be characterized by quality/property/feature/relation N. napa, (va) has/have (been) … /a …, sign of the present perfect tense. ponsu, [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K own/have/possess D under social/legal system N. speni lo ..., (ph) have a …. have a bad experience, zaospe, <bad experience> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K have a bad experience V. haven, harko, (n) a retreat/shelter/harbor/harbour/haven/refuge, that which shelters/harbors. hawk, falko, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a male hawk/falcon, a bird of the genus Falcon. hay, draraa, <dry grass> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is hay, grass or other plants cut and dried for fodder. hazard, cankao, <chance act> [K‍-‍NV] (3v) K chance/risk/gamble/hazard/venture (consequence) N in (adventure) V. fu cankao, <chance act> (n) a hazard/risk/gamble/chance, a specific -y act. nu cankao, <chance act> (n) a risk/hazard, a consequence of -ing. hazardous, fu cankao, <chance act> (a) hazardous/risky, of actions. hazelnut, korlane, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a filbert/hazelnut from S. he, di, (p) he/she/it (self)/they, 3rd free variable of the da series. dicine, (p) he/she/it/they/him/her/them sub one, an ordered var. da, (p) he/she/it(self)/they, 1st free variable of the da-series. dacine, (p) he/she/it/they/him/her/them sub one, an ordered var. de, (p) he/she/it (self)/they, 2nd free variable of the da series. decine, (p) he/she/it/they/him/her/them sub one, an ordered var. do, (p) he/she/it (self)/they, 4th free variable of the da series. docine, (p) he/she/it/they/him/her/them sub one, an ordered var. du, (p) he/she/it (self)/they, 5th free variable of the da series. ducine, (p) he/she/it/they/him/her/them sub one, an ordered var. head, bedhedto, <bed head> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a head (of bed). famcefli, <family chief> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the head of family F. hed, (af) a combining form of hedto, head. hedto, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the head of F. headcloth, hedkla, <head cloth> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a bandana/kerchief/headcloth on F. headdress, hedydua, <head ornament> [B‍-‍K] (2n) B is a headdress/decorative headgear worn by K. headgear, kapma, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a hat/cap/headgear, a piece of headgear. lo kapma, (n) headgear, mass term. heading, nazgozdio, <now go direction(course)> [P‍-‍BV] (3n) P is a/the heading/course of vessel B through point V. headland, lanbiepea, <land edge point> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a cape/headland on land F. headlight, frelitla, <front light> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a headlight of vehicle F. headline, tovpua, <over word> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a headline of article F. headlong, sudnybiu, <sudden behaviour> [B‍-‍VN] (3v) B is/are headlong/impetuous in doing V in situation/under conditions N. headquarters, cefsia, <chief site> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the headquarters of F. cefyfusto, <chief office> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the headquarters of F. headshake, hedsiu, <head shake> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K headshake/shake one's head at D. po hedsiu, <head shake> (n) a headshake, an event of -ing. heal, jelcko, <healthy cause> [N‍-‍DB] (3v) N cure/heal D of B (external cause). jelmao, <well make> [K‍-‍DBV] (4v) K cure/heal D of B by/with V. healed, jelcea, <well become> [D‍-‍B] (2v) D recover/be cured/healed from illness B. healer, jelmao, <well make> (n) healer, one who -s. healing, jelmao, <well make> (a) curing/healing, pertaining to -ing. po jelmao, <well make> (n) curing/healing, a -ing act. health, po djela, (n) fitness/health, a state of good health. health club, jelrizgru, <health private group> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a health club of F. healthful, jelstocko, <well stay cause> [N‍-‍P] (2a) N are wholesome/healthful/sanitary conditions for P. healthier, djela, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is healthier than J. healthiness, pu djela, (n) healthiness, a spec. property. healthy, djela, (a) fit/healthy/well, healthier than …. jelfro, <healthily strong> [B‍-‍P] (2a) B is healthy/hale/fit/sound/healthily strong enough for task P. heap, ctiganmoa, <stuff high mountain> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a mass/heap/stack/hill/mountain/huge pile, fig., a mountain of F. ctimoa, <stuff mountain> [B‍-‍FP] (3n) B is a pile/mound/heap/hill/stack of F for P. ctimonmao, <stuff mountain make> [K‍-‍BP] (3v) K heap/stack up a pile of B for P. hear, hir, (af) a combining form of hirti, hear. hirti, [K‍-‍VN] (3v) K hear V, a sound, against background/noise N. hear well, hirfro, <hear strong> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K hear well in conditions N. hearbroken, pu karcykei, <heart sad> (a) hearbroken/broken-hearted. hearer, hirti, (n) a hearer, one who -s. hearing, pu hirti, (n) an ear/hearing, the hearing sense. hearing aid, hirkorne, <hear trumpet> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a hearing aid/hearing trumpet, any assist to hearing. hearing impaired, hirfiu, <hear weak> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is hearing impaired/deaf. hearing sense, hirsaskai, <hear sense quality> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is hearing sense/audition of organism F. lo hirsaskai, <hear sense quality> (1n) hearing sense/audition, mass term. hearing trumpet, hirkorne, <hear trumpet> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a hearing aid/hearing trumpet, any assist to hearing. heart, karci, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the heart of F. heartbreak, lopo conkei, <deep sorrow> (n) an event of grief/woe/heartbreak. heartbreaking, karcykei, <heart sad> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more heartbreaking than J. heartbroken, conkei, <deep sorrow> [K‍-‍V] (2a) K is griefstricken/woeful/heartbroken about V. hearth, kapfagveo, <open fire container> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a fireplace/hearth in F. heartiness, lopu haicka, <happily kind> (n) heartiness, mass term of properties. pu haicka, <happily kind> (n) a heartiness, a spec. property. lopu hairbiu, <happy behave> (n) gaiety/heartiness, mass prop. hearty, haicka, <happily kind> (a) hearty, warm hearted. hairbiu, <happy behave> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is hearty/lusty/joyful/gay/jolly/merry. hearty toward, haicka, <happily kind> [K‍-‍D] (2a) K is hearty toward/treat heartily D. heat, hatcea, <warmer become> [B‍-‍C] (2v) B warm/heat (up)/becomes warmer by increment C, unspecified cause. hatcko, <heat cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N heat D, nonintentional. hatmao, <heat make> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K warm/heat … /make D hot with heat source S, an intentional act. lopu hatro, (n) warmth/heat/temperature, mass term of properties. pu hatro, (n) a heat/hotness/temperature/warmth, a spec. property. hatska, <heat scale> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is a heat/temperature scale, a system of units and zero point for measuring heat. nu skahatro, <scale heat> (n) a temperature/heat, in the units of some scale. heat content, lo zo hatro, (n) heat content, mass property. heated, nu hatcko, <heat cause> (a) heated (by …), (by non anthropic cause). nu hatmao, <heat make> (a) heated (by … with …), by intention. heater, hatcko, <heat cause> (n) a heater (of …). fu hatmao, <heat make> (n) a heater (of … by …). heath, buclai, <bush land> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a heath/brushland in F. heathen, rorgadkri, <many god believer> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a heathen, one who has a naturistic or polytheistic religion. heating, hatcea, <warmer become> (a) heating/warming, becoming warmer. po hatcea, <warmer become> (n) an event of heating. heaven, gadhaa, <god house> [N‍-‍B] (2n) N is a heaven, the home of god(s) B. morbardysia, <dead reward place> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is heaven, the abode of the blessed. heavenly, skati, (a) celestial/heavenly, pertaining to the —. heavens, skati, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is an expanse of heavens/sky at S. lo skati, (n) (the) sky/heavens, collective term. heavier, tidjo, [G‍-‍JCN] (4a) G is heavier than J by C in gravity field N. heaviness, lopu tidjo, (n) heaviness/weight, mass prop. tidmei, <weight measure> [K‍-‍BCV] (4v) K weigh/measure the heaviness of B to be C, a dim. num., on scale/balance/weighing machine V. heavy, latci, [G‍-‍JCN] (4a) G is lighter/less heavy than J by C in gravity field N. tid, (af) a combining form of tidjo, heavy. tidjo, (a) heavy/weighty, weightier than … in gravity field …. tio, (af) a combining form of tidjo, heavy. hectare, hektari, [C‍-‍] (1n) C is a hectare -10000 square metres. hedge, buclia, <bush line> [P‍-‍BD] (3n) P is a hedge of B around a D. hedgerow, fildybiatri, <field(s) between trees> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a hedgerow, dense row of trees between (collection) F. hedron, hedro, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a -hedron/ a regular solid. heo, (af) a combining form of hedro, hedron. heel, cucysta, <shoe platform> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the heel of shoe F. fitpri, <foot back> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a heel of S. heifer, junkasna, <young cow> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a heifer, a young female cow. height, melvrelaa, <measure vertical length> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B has a height of C. ganpea, <high point> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the peak/summit/apex/height/high point of F. ganska, <high scale> [V‍-‍N] (2n) V is a height/altitude scale, a system of units and zero point for measuring height or altitude in gravity field N. lopu ganta, (n) height/altitude, mass term of props. pu ganta, (n) a height/altitude, a spec. prop. of being high. murskagaa, <sea scale high> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B, a point in 3 space above the mean surface of a planet, or a flying object, or a building or other object with vertical extension, measures C scalar units in height/rises … scalar units vertically above sea level. nu murskagaa, <sea scale high> (n) the height above sea level, measured in some convenient unit. skagaa, <scale high> [B‍-‍C] (2v) B, a point in 3 space above a planet, or a flying object, or a building or other vertical object, measures C scalar units in height/rises … scalar units vertically above the surface of the planet or its own base. heir, fu mordou, <death give> (n) an/the heir/heiress of …. mornurdou, <death given> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an heir to, legally the inheritor of F. heiress, fu mordou, <death give> (n) an/the heir/heiress of …. helical, rolspori, <roll spring> (a) helical, pert. to coiled springs. skofoa, <screw form> (a) helical/curly. helicopter, tantcelyflemai, <rotate wing fly machine> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a helicopter. heliotherapist, helhioterapi, (n) a heliotherapist. heliotherapy, helhioterapi, [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K treat D for N with heliotherapy. po helhioterapi, (n) an instance of heliotherapy. helium, helmo, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some helium, element 2 (He). helix, rolspori, <roll spring> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a coiled spring/helix. skofoa, <screw form> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a curl/coil/helix. hell, morkafsia, <dead punish place> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is hell, the abode of the damned. hello, loi, (i) hello/hi/good day, an expression/exclamation of greeting. da me liu loi takna, (ph) X says hello/greets. hello to, jmitaa, <meet talk> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K greet/speak to/say hello to D in greeting. helm, bourtolpae, <boat control apparatus> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the tiller/helm of ship F. dirtolpae, <direction control apparatus> [K‍-‍S] (2n) K is a helm/tiller/steering wheel of S. helmet, hadkapma, <hard hat> [B‍-‍DV] (3n) B is a helmet/hard hat worn by D to protect from V. helmsman, diotro, <direction control> (n) helmsman/steersman. help, hel, (af) a combining form of helba, help. helba, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K help/assist D to do V. po helba, (n) an act of help/assistance. hea, (af) a combining form of helba, help. help of, hea, (pp) through/with the help of/by, a relative oper. before design'ns (PA). helper, helba, (n) a helper/assistant/staff member, one who helps. helpful, helba, (a) helpful, pert. to helpers. helflo, <help full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is (more) helpful/accommodating (than …) J. helpfully, hea ba, (av) helpfully, helping someone, a mod. phrase. helpfulness, lopu helba, (n) helpfulness, collective term. lopu helflo, <help full> (n) helpfulness, mass property. helpless, helcni, <help need> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more helpless, needful of help than J. helplessness, lopu helcni, <help need> (n) helplessness, mass prop. po helcni, <help need> (n) a helplessness, a spec. state. hem, bierfodydjoso, <edge fold sew> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K hem/turn up/tuck up (garment) D -sew a hem on …. bierfoldi, <edge fold> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a border/hem of F. hemisphere, hemhisferi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a hemisphere. hemoglobin, hemhoglobini, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is some haemoglobin/hemoglobin from S. hemophilia, po hemhofili, (n) a case of haemophilia/hemophilia. hemophiliac, bludrumalbi, <blood lose invalid> [D‍-‍F] (2n) D is a haemophiliac/hemophiliac of type F. hen, henja, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a hen, a female gallaceous fowl. hence, inukou, (c) hence/consequently<, of physical consequences, as in 'so it rained'>. inumoi, (c) consequently/hence<, of motivated consequences, as in 'so I went'>. inurau, (c) hence/consequently/therefore/thus/so, of justified consequences, as in 'so I won'. inusoa, (c) hence/consequently/therefore/thus/so, of entailed consequences, as in 'so 2 is prime.'. nukouki, (c) hence/consequently/therefore/thus/so, causal, as used with ki in 'nukouki … ki … ; best translated … because(cause) …'. numoiki, (c) hence/consequently/therefore/thus/so, motivational, used with ki in 'numoiki … ki … ; best translated … because(motive) …'. nurauki, (c) hence/consequently/therefore/thus/so, of justification, with ki in 'nurauki … ki … ; best translated … because(reason) …'. nusoaki, (c) hence/consequently/therefore/thus/so, of entailment, with ki in 'nusoaki … ki … ; best translated … because(premise) …'. henceforth, fia, (av) henceforth/thereafter, from now on, before predicates. nafia, (av) henceforth. her, di, (p) him (self)/her (self)/them (selves)<, 3rd free variable of the da series>. dicine, (p) he/she/it/they/him/her/them sub one, an ordered var. da, (p) him(self)/her(self)/them(selves)<, 1st free variable of the da-series>. dacine, (p) he/she/it/they/him/her/them sub one, an ordered var. de, (p) him (self)/her (self)/them (selves)<, 2nd free variable of the da series>. decine, (p) he/she/it/they/him/her/them sub one, an ordered var. do, (p) him (self)/her (self)/them (selves)<, 4th free variable of the da series>. docine, (p) he/she/it/they/him/her/them sub one, an ordered var. du, (p) him (self)/her (self)/them (selves)<, 5th free variable of the da series>. ducine, (p) he/she/it/they/him/her/them sub one, an ordered var. leda, (a) his/her/their/its/x's, a 3rd person sing./plural possessive descriptor. lede, (a) his/her/their/its/x's, a 3rd person sing./plural possessive descriptor. ledi, (a) his/her/their/its/x's, a 3rd person sing./plural possessive descriptor. ledo, (a) his/her/their/its/x's, a 3rd person sing./plural possessive descriptor. ledu, (a) his/her/their/its/x's, a 3rd person sing./plural possessive descriptor. herald, sanbei, <sign carrier> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is a messenger/herald of V. herb, gushebpai, <flavour plant part> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a spice/herb, a plant for flavouring foods. herba, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a plant/herb, an instance of vegetation of habitat S. normubherba, <non woody plant> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a herb. herbivore, hebtci, <plant eater> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an herbivore, vegetarian animal. herbivorous, hebtci, <plant eater> (a) herbivorous/vegetarian, pert. to -s. herd, krani, [K‍-‍BDSV] (4v) K drive/herd /make … go B to D from S via V, when … ing animals/people; cf. bapra/tcabapra/tcatro for mechanical senses of 'drive'. muogru, <moving group> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a herd/flock/drove/swarm/school of B (any moving group of animals). herder, krani, (n) a drover/herder/herdsman, a driver of animals. herdsman, krani, (n) a drover/herder/herdsman, a driver of animals. here, hia, (af) a combining form of hijra, here. hij, (af) a combining form of hijra, here. hijra, (a) here/present, here, incomplete form. norhia, <not present> (av) away/not here, not present at …. ti, (p) this/these/here, a demonstrative variable for near things/events, as 'he ran here/give me this'. vi, (av) here/close by/at this place, before predicates. here and now, levina, (a) the present/here and now, the one now at hand. herein described, ji vi tcucli, (ph) herein described. hero, mucria, <extremely brave> (n) a hero/heroine, an extremely brave person. heroic, mucria, <extremely brave> [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is heroic, extremely brave before danger V. heroin, herhoini, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some heroin, an illegal narcotic. heroine, mucria, <extremely brave> (n) a hero/heroine, an extremely brave person. hers, leda mede, (p) his/theirs/hers, use x's y/w/h/q. lede meda, (p) his/theirs/hers, use x's y/w/h/q. ledi meda, (p) his/theirs/hers, use x's y/w/h/q. ledo meda, (p) his/theirs/hers, use x's y/w/h/q. ledu meda, (p) his/theirs/hers, use x's y/w/h/q. herself, kincle, <without companions> (p) by himself/itself/myself/ourselves/themselves/yourself/yourselves/oneself/herself, by herself, without companions. hertz, herzi, [V‍-‍C] (2n) V has a frequency of C hertz, default 1 (formerly cycles/sec). hesitate, pazgoi, <pause go> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K waver/hesitate/falter about V. hesitation, lopu pazgoi, <pause go> (n) hesitation/wavering, mass property. po pazgoi, <pause go> (n) a hesitation (about …). heterogeneous, nu punfo, (a) heterogeneous, heterogeneous/non uniform. heuristic, glidurfoa, <guide do form> [V‍-‍PBN] (4n) V is a heuristic/rule of thumb that usually produces results P from data B under conditions N. hew, damklu, <down cut> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K fell/cut down/hew (tree-like) D. hex sign, majysaa, <magic sign> [B‍-‍VK] (3n) B is a rune/hex sign for doing V made by K. hexad, sora, (2n) B is a sextet/hexad/six member subset of set F, a cardinal predicate; e.g. Da sora lea muzmao — X is a sextet of musicians. hexadecimal, nersornumsio, <16 number system> [F‍-‍] (1n) F is the hexadecimal numbering system. nersornuu, <16 number> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a hexadecimal number, a number in base 16. nersornuu, <16 number> (a) hexadecimal. hexagon, sorjaofoa, <six angle form> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a hexagon with vertices B, pl.set. hexagonal, sorjaofoa, <six angle form> (a) hexagonal, pertaining to hexagons. hexahedron, sorheo, <six hedron> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a cube/hexahedron. hi, loi, (i) hello/hi/good day, an expression/exclamation of greeting. hidden, smike, [B‍-‍DK] (3a) B is a secret/hidden from D by K. nu smimao, <secret make> (a) hidden, conv. of conceal … from …. fu smisea, <secret put> (a) hidden/secreted/concealed, conv. of conceal. hide, pelpi, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a hide/pelt/skin/piece of leather from animal S. pelpi, (a) leather/skin/hide, made of leather. skapi, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the hide/skin/rind, outer covering of F, general term, the external surface material on a living plant or animal that defines and protects it as an individual organism. smicea, <secret become> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K hide/conceal oneself from N. smikua, <secret cover> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K mask/hide/conceal B from D for secrecy. smimao, <secret make> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K secrete/hide/conceal/make secret B from D. smisea, <secret put> (3v) K hide/conceal/secrete S as P in code V, secretly puts … in …. high, gaa, (af) a combining form of ganta, high. gan, (af) a combining form of ganta, high. ganta, (a) upper/high, of high things. high point, ganpea, <high point> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the peak/summit/apex/height/high point of F. high powered, mocfro, <motor strong> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is high powered, as a car. high school, torkea, <two school> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a secondary school/high school of community F. highboy, nurdrara, <drawered> [B‍-‍NP] (3n) B is a highboy/chest-of drawers/dresser in N for P. higher, nu damni, (3a) higher/has more altitude than … in gravity field …. higher birth, ganbra, <high born> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more noble/of higher birth than J. higher than, ganta, [G‍-‍JCN] (4a) G is higher than/superior to J by C in gravity field N. highland, ganlai, <high land> (2n) B is a highland relative to N. highway, rodlu, [B‍-‍DV] (3n) B is a/the highway/road between places D via V. hijacker, tsitoltoa, <crime control take> (n) a hijacker. hijacking, po tsitoltoa, <crime control take> (n) hijacking, a sp. event. hijacks, tsitoltoa, <crime control take> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K hijacks conveyance B. hill, cmamoa, <small mountain> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a hill (ock)/knoll of landmass F. ctiganmoa, <stuff high mountain> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a mass/heap/stack/hill/mountain/huge pile, fig., a mountain of F. ctimoa, <stuff mountain> [B‍-‍FP] (3n) B is a pile/mound/heap/hill/stack of F for P. monca, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a mountain/hill of land mass F. hilly, norpilno, <not plain> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is rolling (as countryside)/hilly. him, di, (p) him (self)/her (self)/them (selves)<, 3rd free variable of the da series>. dicine, (p) he/she/it/they/him/her/them sub one, an ordered var. da, (p) him(self)/her(self)/them(selves)<, 1st free variable of the da-series>. dacine, (p) he/she/it/they/him/her/them sub one, an ordered var. de, (p) him (self)/her (self)/them (selves)<, 2nd free variable of the da series>. decine, (p) he/she/it/they/him/her/them sub one, an ordered var. do, (p) him (self)/her (self)/them (selves)<, 4th free variable of the da series>. docine, (p) he/she/it/they/him/her/them sub one, an ordered var. du, (p) him (self)/her (self)/them (selves)<, 5th free variable of the da series>. ducine, (p) he/she/it/they/him/her/them sub one, an ordered var. himself, kincle, <without companions> (p) by himself/itself/myself/ourselves/themselves/yourself/yourselves/oneself/herself, by herself, without companions. hind, cerva, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a doe/hind/female deer of region/range S. hinder, kakliu, <act restrain> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K thwart/hinder/prevent/keep D from, (doing) action V. hindered, nu kakliu, <act restrain> (a) hindered/thwarted, of one who is -ed. hindrance, kakliu, <act restrain> (n) a hindrance, that which -s. hint, fibsange, <weakly suggest> [K‍-‍VD] (3v) K hint/intimate/imply V to D. nu fibsange, <weakly suggest> (n) hint/intimation, that which is -ed. vidpiu, <idea piece> [V‍-‍BKD] (4n) V is a hint/clue of/about B by K to D. hinterland, nu cmasitci, <small city> (n) a/the hinterland, of town/city …. nu sitci, (n) a/the hinterland, of town/city …. hip, tuedji, <leg joint> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the hip of F. hippety hop, bufnertueprano, <opposite one leg run> [K‍-‍DSV] (4v) K skip along/hippety hop to D from S via V. hire, peircue, <pay say> [K‍-‍DP] (3v) K engage/hire person D to do P. perpli, <person use> [K‍-‍DPC] (4v) K employ/engage/hire person D to do P for salary/wage C. plipei, <use pay> [K‍-‍BDCP] (5v) K hire/rent B from D at price C for use P. ju plipei, <use pay> (n) rent/hire, amount paid (for … from … by … for …). turpei, <work pay> [K‍-‍DP] (3v) K hire D to do task/job P. hired, nu peircue, <pay say> (a) engaged/hired (by … to do …). hiring, peircue, <pay say> (a) engaging/hiring (… to do …). hirsute, herkua, <hair covered> (a) hirsute/hairy, hairier than …. his, leda, (a) his/her/their/its/x's, a 3rd person sing./plural possessive descriptor. leda mede, (p) his/theirs/hers, use x's y/w/h/q. lede, (a) his/her/their/its/x's, a 3rd person sing./plural possessive descriptor. lede meda, (p) his/theirs/hers, use x's y/w/h/q. ledi, (a) his/her/their/its/x's, a 3rd person sing./plural possessive descriptor. ledi meda, (p) his/theirs/hers, use x's y/w/h/q. ledo, (a) his/her/their/its/x's, a 3rd person sing./plural possessive descriptor. ledo meda, (p) his/theirs/hers, use x's y/w/h/q. ledu, (a) his/her/their/its/x's, a 3rd person sing./plural possessive descriptor. ledu meda, (p) his/theirs/hers, use x's y/w/h/q. hiss, marpytaa, <snake talk> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K hiss P. po marpytaa, <snake talk> (n) a hiss. kunkra, <warn cry> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K growl/hiss at D (threat) about B - used of any cry to warn potential attackers. sisle, [B‍-‍P] (2v) B hiss P. po sisle, (n) a hiss. historian, hisysesmao, <history scientist> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an historian. historic, hisyjio, <historically important> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is historic, historically important. historical, hisri, (a) historical, pert. to history. hisysensi, <history science> (a) historical, of historical science. history, his, (af) a combining form of hisri, history. hisri, [V‍-‍SK] (3n) V is a history of S by historian K. lo hisri, (n) history, mass term for all histories. hisysensi, <history science> [N‍-‍] (1n) N is the science of history. lo hisysensi, <history science> (n) history, as science, mass term. hit, blo, (af) a combining form of bloda, hit. bloda, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K hit/strike D with V. po bloda, (n) a blow/hit/stroke, an act of striking. fadreo, <end throw> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K hit/strike (with missile) target B at point V. hanblo, <hand hit> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K punch/sock/hit D with the hand. kekti, [K‍-‍D] (2v) K kick/hit D with a foot. hit on idea, vierdui, <idea discover> [K‍-‍VN] (3v) K has/hit on idea V about N. hitchhike, pudjytraci, <thumb travel> [K‍-‍DSV] (4v) K hitchhike/thumb to D from S via V. hitchhiker, pudjytraci, <thumb travel> (n) a hitchhiker. hitchhiking, po pudjytraci, <thumb travel> (n) an instance of hitchhiking. hitherto, pia ti, (av) hitherto/until now, until this (time), a mod. phrase. hitter, bloda, (n) a hitter/striker, one who -s. hive, bifhaa, <bee house> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the hive/beehive of bee colony F. hives, urtikari, [D‍-‍] (1v) D suffers from urticaria/hives. po urtikari, (n) an instance of urticaria/hives. hmm, oo, (i) hmm (disapproval) attitudinal (UI). hoard, lipmue, <keep much> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K hoard D under conditions N. smisro, <secret store> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K hoard B against V. smisroklipu, <secret store keep> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K hoard B against V. smisromao, <secret store make> [K‍-‍BP] (3v) K hoard/store secretly B, for use/purpose P. nu smisromao, <secret store make> (n) a hoard. hoarder, smisroklipu, <secret store keep> (n) hoarder, one who -s. smisromao, <secret store make> (n) a hoarder. hobby, nu hatfio, <warm emotion> (n) a hobby/cause. hobo, zvosoi, <out sleeper> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a hobo/rover/tramp, one who wanders the country without fixed address. hoe, cpucavle, <pull shovel> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a hoe. hog, porja, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a sow/female hog. porjo, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a boar/male hog. porju, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a/some pig/hog/swine, an omnivorous mammal, genus Sus. hold, po corsti, <short stop> (n) an instance of a pause/hold in an activity …. po jugra, (n) a grip/seizure/grasp/hold, an act of seizing. klipu, [K‍-‍B] (2v) K keep/retain/hold B in their possession. litnu, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K hold/restrain/keep/check/stop/curb/detain D from doing V. veslo, [B‍-‍N] (2v) B hold/contain N, a container of …. hold on, lipfro, <keep strong> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K hold on/hang on to D under N. hold up, ganjuo, <high support> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K hold up D by N. hole, hol, (af) a combining form of holdu, hole. holdu, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a pit/hole/depression in surface S. hou, (af) a combining form of holdu, hole. lenhou, <language hole> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a hole/gap/absent element in language F. tceholcko, <penetrate hole cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N pierce/puncture/perforate/make a hole in D, nonintentional. tceholmao, <penetrate hole make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K pierce/puncture/perforate/make a hole in D with V, intentional. tcehou, <through hole> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a hole/perforation, perforated place in F. holey, holflo, <hole full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more holey/pitted/full of pits than J. tceholflo, <penetrate hole full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more holey/perforated than J. holiday, dridei, <remember day> [V‍-‍FN] (3n) V is a holiday of people/nation F to commemorate N. seordei, <holy day> [B‍-‍SV] (3n) B is a holiday of religion S to commemorate V. pledei, <play day> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a school holiday of country S. rezdei, <free day(s)> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a holiday for F. rezkeo, <free interval> [B‍-‍SDV] (4n) B is a holiday/vacation from S to D for V. holier-than thou, dupseo, <deceive holy> [K‍-‍ND] (3n) K is a (religious) hypocrite/holier-than thou about N to D. holiness, lopo sento, (n) holiness, mass term of states. lopu sento, (n) holiness/sacredness, mass term for property. po sento, (n) a holiness, a spec. state/condition. pu sento, (n) a holiness/sacredness, a spec. property. hollow, fansulba, <reverse swelling> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a depression/valley/dip/hollow/dent/gully in F. holfoa, <hole form> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is hollow, of any structure whose interior is largely uncondensed. kuvla, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a cave/cavern/cavity/hollow in mass/object F. kuvla, (a) hollow/cavernous, pert. to caverns. hollowness, pu kuvla, (n) a hollowness, a spec. property. holmium, holmiio, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some holmium, element 67 (Ho). holy, sento, [B‍-‍K] (1a) B is holy/sacred/revered/spiritual, pert. to religiously respected by people K. seo, (af) a combining form of sento, holy. homage, risdou, <respect giving> [K‍-‍DV] (3n) K go/give homage to D for V. lopu risdou, <respect giving> (n) homage, mass property. po risdou, <respect giving> (n) an instance of homage (to … for …). home, hasfa, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the house/home of F, a free standing dwelling. hasnei, <house in> (av) at home/indoors, in one's own home or other structure. livhao, <living shelter> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is a/the lodging/habitation/abode/home/dwelling/domicile/residence of D. lo livhao, <living shelter> (n) home, residence, mass term. homeland, penrygui, <parent land> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the motherland/fatherland/homeland/country/nation/land of F. homeless, haocle, <haven without> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a homeless person, one who is without fixed address. hometown, penrysitci, <parent('s) city> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the hometown/native town of F. homicidal, hunmormao, <human dead make> (a) homicidal, pert. to murderers. homicide, lopo hunmormao, <human dead make> (n) homicide/murder, the mass of such acts. po hunmormao, <human dead make> (n) a homicide/murder, an act of murder. hominid, homhinidei, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a hominid, a primate of family Hominidae. hominoid, homhinoideai, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a hominoid, a primate of the superfamily Hominoidea. homogeneity, pu punfo, (n) a uniformity/homogeneity, a spec. property. homogeneous, punfo, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more uniform/homogeneous than J. punfo, (a) homogeneous/uniform, more homogeneous/uniform than …. homogenize, punfymao, <uniform make> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K stir/mix/homogenize D from S. honest, nes, (af) a combining form of nesta, honest. nesta, [K‍-‍DN] (3a) K is honest with D about matter N. honesty, lopu nesta, (n) honesty, mass term of properties. pu nesta, (n) an honesty, a spec. property. honey, biftcidi, <bee food> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a quantity/portion of honey. honeycomb, bifylaktru, <bee wax structure> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a honeycomb of hive F. honeymoon, merfuitraci, <married after travel> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a honeymoon. honor, grarispe, <great respect> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K esteem/honor D for doing/being V. lopo grarispe, <great respect> (n) esteem/honour/honor, mass term of acts. lopu nu grarispe, <great respect> (n) honor/honour, mass term of properties. po grarispe, <great respect> (n) an esteem/honour/honor, a spec. act of honoring. pu nu grarispe, <great respect> (n) an honor/honour, a spec. property of being -ed. gravia, <greatness see> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K honor/glorify, see D as great. lopu nu gravia, <greatness see> (n) honour/honor/glory, mass term of property. pu nu gravia, <greatness see> (n) an honour/honor/glory, a property of a -ed one. lopu susdarli, <suspect far> (n) honour/honor, mass property. susdaryrispe, <suspect far(honorable) respect> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K esteem/honour/honor D for doing/being V. lopo susdaryrispe, <suspect far(honorable) respect> (n) honour/honor, mass acts/states. lopu susdaryrispe, <suspect far(honorable) respect> (n) honour/honor, mass property. po susdaryrispe, <suspect far(honorable) respect> (n) honour/honor, an act of -ing (… for …). lopu susybae, <suspicion beyond> (n) honor/honour, collective property. honor upon, grarisdou, <honor give> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K celebrate/bestow honor upon D. honorable, nu grarispe, <great respect> (a) honoured/esteemedhonourable/estimable/honored/honorable. rie, (h) sir/madam/sire/m'am/honorable, an attitudinal used by an inferior addressing a superior; part of the series 'rie/kae/nue/fie/die', q.v.; always follows a designation/vocative. E.g. 'Gandias Smiq, Rie' — 'Professor Smith, Sir'. (DIE). susdarli, <suspect far> [G‍-‍J] (2v) G is more honourable/honorable than J. nu susdaryrispe, <suspect far(honorable) respect> (1a) esteemed/estimable/honoured/honourable/honorable (by … for …). susybae, <suspicion beyond> [B‍-‍S] (2a) B is honourable/honorable/honoured/honored, beyond suspicion in the opinion of S. honored, nu grarisdou, <honor give> (a) celebrated/honoured/honored, of celebrities. nu grarispe, <great respect> (a) honoured/esteemedhonourable/estimable/honored/honorable. nu gravia, <greatness see> (a) glorious/honoured/honored, of one who is seen as great. susybae, <suspicion beyond> [B‍-‍S] (2a) B is honourable/honorable/honoured/honored, beyond suspicion in the opinion of S. honorific, rispua, <respect word> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an honorific, a word used to show respect for another. honour, lopo grarispe, <great respect> (n) esteem/honour/honor, mass term of acts. lopu nu grarispe, <great respect> (n) honor/honour, mass term of properties. po grarispe, <great respect> (n) an esteem/honour/honor, a spec. act of honoring. pu nu grarispe, <great respect> (n) an honor/honour, a spec. property of being -ed. lopu nu gravia, <greatness see> (n) honour/honor/glory, mass term of property. pu nu gravia, <greatness see> (n) an honour/honor/glory, a property of a -ed one. lopu susdarli, <suspect far> (n) honour/honor, mass property. susdaryrispe, <suspect far(honorable) respect> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K esteem/honour/honor D for doing/being V. lopo susdaryrispe, <suspect far(honorable) respect> (n) honour/honor, mass acts/states. lopu susdaryrispe, <suspect far(honorable) respect> (n) honour/honor, mass property. po susdaryrispe, <suspect far(honorable) respect> (n) honour/honor, an act of -ing (… for …). lopu susybae, <suspicion beyond> (n) honor/honour, collective property. honourable, susdarli, <suspect far> [G‍-‍J] (2v) G is more honourable/honorable than J. nu susdaryrispe, <suspect far(honorable) respect> (1a) esteemed/estimable/honoured/honourable/honorable (by … for …). susybae, <suspicion beyond> [B‍-‍S] (2a) B is honourable/honorable/honoured/honored, beyond suspicion in the opinion of S. honoured, nu grarisdou, <honor give> (a) celebrated/honoured/honored, of celebrities. nu grarispe, <great respect> (a) honoured/esteemedhonourable/estimable/honored/honorable. nu gravia, <greatness see> (a) glorious/honoured/honored, of one who is seen as great. nu susdaryrispe, <suspect far(honorable) respect> (1a) esteemed/estimable/honoured/honourable/honorable (by … for …). susybae, <suspicion beyond> [B‍-‍S] (2a) B is honourable/honorable/honoured/honored, beyond suspicion in the opinion of S. hood, mockua, <motor cover> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is the hood/bonnet of a vehicle. sakykapma, <sack hat> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a hood worn by N. hoof, dedhorno, <finger horn> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a claw/nail/talon/hoof of animal/human S. hadfitpi, <hard feet> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a hoof of animal F. hook, gok, (af) a combining form of gokru, hook. gokduo, <hook do> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K hook D, catch … with a hook. gokru, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a hook/crook. hoot, kuvlysonpro, <hollow sound produce> [K‍-‍] (1v) K hoot, the sound made by owls. hop, nertulvai, <one leg jump> [K‍-‍] (1v) K hop, on one leg. pravai, <process jump> [K‍-‍DSV] (4v) K hop, proceed by bouncing to D from S via V. hope, ae, (i) I hope so/that/to … <, an expression of hope/weak intention/desire.>. ae no, (i) no/I hope/wish not to, an expression of mild refusal. spo, (af) a combining form of spopa, hope. spodru, <hope lose> [D‍-‍V] (2v) D despair/lose hope of V. spopa, [K‍-‍V] (2v) K hope for V/that … will happen. nu spopa, (n) a hope, a thing hoped for, conv. of hope. po spopa, (n) a hope, a spec. act/state of -ing. hopeful, spoflo, <hope full> [G‍-‍JV] (3a) G is more hopeful/optimistic, full of hopes than J is about V. spopa, (a) hopeful, of one who hopes. hopeless, spocle, <hope without> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is (more) hopeless/desperate (than J). hopelessness, lopo spocle, <hope without> (n) despair/hopelessness, mass state. lopo spodru, <hope lose> (n) despair/hopelessness, mass state. horizon, telbie, <earth edge> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is the horizon from viewpoint N. horizontal, lelpi, [V‍-‍N] (2a) V is level/flat/horizontal in gravity field N. lelsni, <level near> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more nearly level/horizontal than J is. hormone, hormoni, [B‍-‍SK] (3n) B is a hormone from S with action K. horn, hon, (af) a combining form of horno, horn. horno, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a horn of/from S. horno, (a) horn, made of horn. korne, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a horn/French horn/cornet/bugle/trumpet/trombone/saxhorn/tuba, a musical wind instrument, usually brass, employing the player's lips as the vibrating medium. methorno, <metal horn> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a horn/trumpet/bugle/brass instrument, any of the brass musical instruments. horrible, nu cakfia, <shock fear> (a) ghastly/horrible, that which -ies. nu fircakcea, <fear shocked become> (a) horrible. horrified, cakfia, <shock fear> [D‍-‍S] (2v) D is horrified/sick with fear by/from S. fircakcea, <fear shocked become> [D‍-‍V] (2v) D is/are horrified by/with V. nu fircakcko, <fear shocked cause> (a) horrified. nu fircakmao, <fear shocked make> (a) horrified. horrify, nu cakfia, <shock fear> (v) horrify …. fircakcko, <fear shocked cause> [S‍-‍DV] (3v) S horrify (person) D by/with V. fircakmao, <fear shocked make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K horrify (person) D by V. horror, lopo fircakcea, <fear shocked become> (a) horror. firfikco, <fear fiction> [P‍-‍S] (2n) P is some horror fiction by S. horse, hoa, (af) a combining form of horma, horse. hor, (af) a combining form of horma, horse. horma, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a mare/female horse, Equus caballus. hormi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a colt, an infant horse. hormo, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a stallion/stud/gelding, any male horse. hormu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is any horse, non specific term. horse like, horcli, <horse like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is (more) horsy/equine/horse like (than) J is. horme, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is equine/horse like, pertains to horses. horseback, horski, <horse sit> (av) on horseback, by horse riding. lopo horski, <horse sit> (n) horseback riding, mass term of acts. po horski, <horse sit> (n) an instance of horseback riding, a spec. act of -ing. horseman, horski, <horse sit> (n) a rider/equestrian/horseman, a rider of horses. horsy, horcli, <horse like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is (more) horsy/equine/horse like (than) J is. hose, hozda, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is/are a sock/stocking/hose, or pair of —. hospitable, geocka, <guest kind> [K‍-‍] (1a) K is guest kind/hospitable, kind to guests. gesfundi, <guest fond> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is hospitable, fond of guests. hospital, hos, (af) a combining form of hospi, hospital. hospi, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a hospital serving community F. hospitality, pu fomgeojmi, <formally guest meet> (n) hospitality. lopu gesko, (n) hospitality (received), mass property. po gesko, (n) an instance of hospitality (as guest). lopu nurgeo, <host> (n) hospitality (given), mass property. po nurgeo, <host> (n) an instance of hospitality (given). hospitalization, po nu hosynensea, <hospital enter put> (a) a hospitalization (act). hospitalize, hosynensea, <hospital enter put> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K hospitalize D. hospitalized, hosynencea, <hospital enter become> [D‍-‍] (1v) D is/are hospitalized, intransitive. nu hosynensea, <hospital enter put> (a) hospitalized. host, fomgeojmi, <formally guest meet> (n) a host/hostess. nu gesko, (n) a host (of …). nu hapgesvei, <happy guest event> (n) a host(ess), conv. of party. nu hapsocvei, <happy social event> (n) a host(ess), conv. of party. nurgeo, <host> [K‍-‍D] (2n) K is a/the host of D. nurhafsto, <conv. of house guest> [K‍-‍D] (2n) K is a host/hostess of house guest D. host country, nu kompi, (n) the host country/ governent/chartering agency of company …. hostage, fosgeo, <force guest> [D‍-‍KN] (3n) D is a hostage held by K for reasons N. nu fosgeo, <force guest> (v) kidnap/take hostage … for reasons …. hostage taker, nu fosgeo, <force guest> (n) kidnapper/hostage taker (of … for …). hostel, hotle, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a hotel/hostel/inn of place F. hostess, fomgeojmi, <formally guest meet> (n) a host/hostess. nurhafsto, <conv. of house guest> [K‍-‍D] (2n) K is a host/hostess of house guest D. hostile, lidpozfa, <religion oppose> [B‍-‍FN] (3a) B is irreligious/hostile to religion F in conditions N. nemcli, <enemy like> [G‍-‍BJ] (3a) G is more hostile towards B than J is. hot, cabguo, <fiery taste> [N‍-‍] (1n) N is a fiery/hot/spicy taste/flavour. hat, (af) a combining form of hatro, hot. hatmao, <heat make> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K warm/heat … /make D hot with heat source S, an intentional act. hatro, (a) hot/warm, warmer than …. hotel, hotle, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a hotel/hostel/inn of place F. hotness, pu hatro, (n) a heat/hotness/temperature/warmth, a spec. property. hotter, hatro, [G‍-‍JC] (3a) G is warmer/hotter than J by C. hour, hoo, (af) a combining form of horto, hour. horto, [B‍-‍C] (2n) B measures C in hour(s), international unit of time. hot, (af) a combining form of horto, hour. hotsaa, <hour sign> [C‍-‍V] (2n) C is the time/hour/clock time of event V. hourly, rarhoo, <all hours> [V‍-‍] (1v) V have an hourly rhythm. rarhoo, <all hours> (av) hourly, every 60 minutes, pert. to 60 minute rhythms. house, haa, (af) a combining form of hasfa, house. haf, (af) a combining form of hasfa, house. has, (af) a combining form of hasfa, house. hasfa, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the house/home of F, a free standing dwelling. hasnei, <house in> [B‍-‍F] (2v) B is in the house of F. house guest, hasgeo, <house gesko> [D‍-‍K] (2n) D is a guest/company/house guest of K. household, hasgru, <house social group> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F are a household, those living in the same house B. housing project, haftifsia, <house offer place> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a housing project in F, generally subsidized low rent housing. hover, normuofle, <not move fly> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K hover, flies in one place over N. hovercraft, kerflofybou, <air float boat> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a hovercraft. how, coi hu, (q) how?/according to what rule/method?, a question about procedure. duo hu, (q) how?/in what manner?/in what way? he, (q) is a what?/is what kind of …?/how, the predicate interrogative, used to request a predicate phrase or word. E.g. Da he? — X is a what? Da he mrenu? — X is what kind of man? hea hu, (q) how, with whose help, an interrogative. kou hu, (ph) why/how (did that happen)?, by what cause? lia hu, (q) how?/in what manner?/like what?, a question about similarity. tie hu, (q) how?/by what means?/with what tools? — a question about means. how are you, ei tu djela?, (i) how are you?/how do you feel? (literal sense). how do you feel, ei tu djela?, (i) how are you?/how do you feel? (literal sense). however, buo, (av) however/but/on the contrary, a discourse operator (UI). tie ba, (ph) somehow/anyhow/however. howl, darkra, <far cry> [K‍-‍] (1v) K howl/roar/trumpet, any cry used for long distance communication. luptaa, <wolf talk> [K‍-‍] (1v) K howl, a wolf like cry. hue, kolkai, <color character (quality)> [V‍-‍SKN] (4n) V is a/the hue/tint/shade of S to K in lighting N. kolro, [B‍-‍FK] (3n) B is a/the colour/color/color value/hue of F to/as perceived by K. melkoo, <measure colour> [B‍-‍CC] (3n) B is a shade of hue/colour/color … with lightness C and saturation C, e.g. 'Lopu labredro ga melkoo lopu redro lio savo lio sanene' — 'Pink is a shade of red with lightness of about 8 and saturation of about 11'. nurkoo, <conv. of colour> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B a hue made up of red:blue:yellow in ratios C (pl.set). lo nurkoo, <conv. of colour> (n) hue, the mass of all such mixtures. hue ratio, nu nurkoo, <conv. of colour> (n) the hue ratio of colour B. hug, clutorpuo, <love two push(squeeze)> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K hug/embrace/lovingly squeeze D. po clutorpuo, <love two push(squeeze)> (n) a hug/embrace, an act of -ing. kortorpuo, <body squeeze(two push)> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K hug/embrace D. radjua, <around grip> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K clasp/hug D with limbs/tentacles/clamps V. huge, muegro, <extremely large> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is enormous/huge/great/extremely large. hugeness, lopu muegro, <extremely large> (n) enormity/greatness/hugeness, mass prop. hull, bourskapi, <boat skin> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the hull of boat F. hum, zlizu, [B‍-‍] (1v) B buzz/hum, a droning sound. po zlizu, (n) an instance of a buzz/hum. human, humna, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a female human. hum, (af) a combining form of humni, human. humne, [N‍-‍] (1a) N is human/human like, pertains to a human. humno, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a male human. hun, (af) a combining form of humni, human. nilboi, <girl boy> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a child/juvenile/young human. human being, humnu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a human being, generic term. humane, humcka, <human kind> [G‍-‍JD] (3a) G is (more) humane (than J) is to D. humanity, lopu humcka, <human kind> (n) humanity, mass property. po humcka, <human kind> (n) an instance of humanity (to …). lea humnu, (n) humanity/man/mankind, the class of all humans. lo humnu, (n) humanity/man/mankind, the mass of all humans. lopu humnu, (n) humanity, the mass of such props. pu humnu, (n) humanity, a spec. prop. of being human. humble, kofdamni, <comfortably low> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is (more) humble/meek/lowly (than J is). nilcyfilmao, <beneath feel make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K humble/humiliate D by V. selsai, <self quiet> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more modest/unassuming/humble than J is. humiliate, nilcyfilmao, <beneath feel make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K humble/humiliate D by V. humiliation, lopu nilcyfilmao, <beneath feel make> (n) humiliation, mass property. po nilcyfilmao, <beneath feel make> (n) an instance of humiliation (of … by doing …). humility, lopu kofdamni, <comfortably low> (n) humility/meekness, mass property. po kofdamni, <comfortably low> (n) an instance of humility/meekness. lopu selsai, <self quiet> (n) modesty/humility, mass prop. humor, lopo filmo, (n) emotion/humor/mood, mass term of states. po filmo, (n) an emotion/humor/mood, a spec. state of feeling. lopu kamki, (n) humor/wit, mass term of properties. po kamki, (n) the humor/wit, a comic event. pu kamki, (n) a humorousness/humor/funniness, a spec. prop. of a person. humorous, kamki, [B‍-‍DV] (3a) B is funny/comical/humorous/witty to D by being/doing V. humorousness, pu kamki, (n) a humorousness/humor/funniness, a spec. prop. of a person. humus, humsu, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is some humus from S, a soil type. hunch, cankri, <chance believe> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K guess/surmise/have hunch B about V. nu cankri, <chance believe> (n) a guess/surmise/hunch, the — itself. hundred, -ma, (ms) hundred, as in toma, 200. hundredfold, hekto, [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a hundredfold of B, (10E2) international prefix. hundredth, cen, (af) a combining form of centi, hundredth. centi, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a hundredth part of F, international prefix. nemari, (2n) a/the hundredth term/member of series …, ordinal predicate. hunger, tcicni, <eat need> [B‍-‍] (1v) B hunger/are hungry, lack food. lopu tcicni, <eat need> (n) hunger, mass property of lacking food. po tcicni, <eat need> (n) a hunger, from want of food. tcidaa, <eat want> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K hunger/be hungry for B. lopu tcidaa, <eat want> (n) hunger, mass property. po tcidaa, <eat want> (n) a hunger (for …). hungry, tcicni, <eat need> [B‍-‍] (1v) B hunger/are hungry, lack food. tcicni, <eat need> (a) hungry, lacking food. tcidaa, <eat want> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K hunger/be hungry for B. tcidaa, <eat want> (a) hungry (for …). hunk, rofpiu, <rough piece> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a hunk, irregular piece of F. hunt, dedyjanto, <finger hunt> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K feel/hunt for B with fingers. duvrai, <find try> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K seek/look/hunt/search for B. po duvrai, <find try> (n) a hunt/search/quest, an act of searching. jan, (af) a combining form of janto, hunt. janto, [K‍-‍B] (2v) K hunt/stalk game/quarry B. po janto, (n) a hunt/hunting, an act of stalking game. hunter, duvrai, <find try> (n) a seeker/hunter/searcher, searcher. janto, (n) a hunter, one who -s game. hunting, lopo janto, (n) hunting, mass term of acts. po janto, (n) a hunt/hunting, an act of stalking game. hurdle, tovyvai, <over jump> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K vault/hurdle/jump over B. nu tovyvai, <over jump> (n) a hurdle, object jumped over. hurl, renro, [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K throw/cast/hurl/pitch B to/at D. po renro, (n) a cast/hurl/pitch/throw, an act of -ing. tamreo, <weapon hurl> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K fire/shoot/hurl projectile B at/toward D. hurricane, vanbri, <violent wind> [V‍-‍S] (2n) V is a hurricane, violent wind from storm center S. vanbritetri, <violent wind weather> [V‍-‍S] (2n) V is a hurricane in S, e.g. Mu pa nu vanbritetri. — We had a hurricane. hurry, kukcea, <fast become> [K‍-‍PC] (3v) K accelerate/quicken/hurry/speed up/become faster in motion/action P by increment C. kukcko, <fast cause> [V‍-‍BC] (3v) V accelerate/quicken/hurry/speed up B by C (unintentional act). kukmao, <fast make> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K accelerate/quicken/hurry/speed up B (intentional act). kukygoi, <quick go> [K‍-‍DSV] (4v) K rush/hurry/go quickly to D from S via V. po kukygoi, <quick go> (n) a rush/hurry, an instance of rushing. hurry up, kukcea, <fast become> (i) hurry up!/speed up!, w/o a 1st arg., an imperative. hurt, noirselsru, <other self damage> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K insult/hurt/offend/injure self esteem of D by V. minpuncko, <mind pain cause> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K offend/hurt/upset/disturb/distress D by V. po nu minpuncko, <mind pain cause> (n) a distress/hurt, a state of being -ed. nurpuu, <conv. of pain> [S‍-‍D] (2v) S be sore/ache/hurt the organism D. po nurpuu, <conv. of pain> (n) a painfulness/soreness/hurt, a state of a part's -ing. nu puncko, <pain cause> (a) hurt, made to feel pain. puntu, [D‍-‍S] (2v) D feel pain/hurt/be sore in body part/location S. po puntu, (n) a pain/hurt, a state of feeling hurt. surna, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K hurt/harm/injure/damage D at/in V. nu surna, (a) damageable/harmed/hurt/injured, can be -ed. po surna, (n) a/the harm/hurt/injury, an event/act of -ing. po nu surna, (n) a/the damage/hurt/injury, a state of being -ed. husband, kaljunkeu, <complete young care> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K breed/bring up/husband D by V. mermeu, <married man> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is a/the husband of D. hush, kalsaicko, <completely silent cause> [V‍-‍D] (2v) V silence/quiet/hush D, nonintentional. kalsaimao, <completely silent make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K silence/quiet/hush D by V, intentional. husk, fruskapi, <fruit skin> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the peel/husk/rind of edible fruit, nut, or root F. hebpelpi, <plant leather> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is bark/husk of plant material F used by humans for making artifacts, e.g. canoes, baskets etc. skapyclemao, <skin without make> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K peel/pare/husk/scrape B. hut, cmahaa, <small house> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a cabin/hut/shed/cottage of F, a small dwelling place. hydrate, hidrrati, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a hydrate of F. hydrocarbon, hidcarbo, <hydrogen+carbon> [B‍-‍NC] (3n) B is a hydrocarbon of type N, a compound of C and H only. hydroelectric, cutlekykro, <water electric current> [V‍-‍P] (2n) V is a hydroelectric current from site P. cutlenki, <water electric> [V‍-‍P] (2n) V is hydroelectric from site P. hydroelectricity, lo cutlekykro, <water electric current> (n) hydroelectricity, mass term. hydrofoil, cutblabou, <water blade boat> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a hydrofoil. tcelybou, <wing boat> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a hydrofoil. hydrogen, hid, (af) a combining form of hidro, hydrogen. hidro, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some hydrogen, element 1 (H). hydrogen peroxide, hidro perhoksidi, (1n) some hydrogen peroxide. hydroplane, cutpalgoi, <water surface go> [K‍-‍DSV] (4v) K hydroplane to D from S on/via V. cutpravalbou, <water process jump boat> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a hydroplane, a type of boat. hydrotherapist, hidrroterapi, (n) a hydrotherapist. hydrotherapy, hidrroterapi, [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K treat D for N with hydrotherapy. po hidrroterapi, (n) an instance of hydrotherapy. hymn, gadgri, <God sing> [K‍-‍P] (1n) K hymn/sing hymn P. nu gadgri, <God sing> (n) a hymn. hypercube, fordiokurfa, <4 direction square> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a hypercube/tesseract with characteristics N. hypersphere, fordiobalma, <4 direction ball> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a hypersphere with characteristics N. hyphen, ci, [B‍-‍] (c) hyphen, open hyphen between words. hypocrite, dupseo, <deceive holy> [K‍-‍ND] (3n) K is a (religious) hypocrite/holier-than thou about N to D. hypodermic, hiphodermi, [V‍-‍] (1) V is hypodermic/subcutaneous, under the skin. hypothesis, bliklimao, <possible clear make> [P‍-‍B] (2n) P is a hypothesis of/about B. fu blipruduo, <possibility test do> (n) a hypothesis, to be tested by experiment. dou, (av) given/(by)(per)hypothesis/assumption, a discourse operator (UI). hypothesize, bliklimazmao, <possible clear make make; clear make=explain> [K‍-‍PB] (3v) K hypothesize(s) P about B. hypothetical, bliklimao, <possible clear make> (a) hypothetical, pert. to hypotheses.

I I, Ima, (l) I, Latin upper case letter, one of a pool of symbols. mi, (p) I/me/myself, the singular 1st person variable, uninflected for position. ziima, (l) the letter I — letteral and pronoun — upper case. I see, aa, (i) I see (what you mean), attitudinal (UI). India, hinda, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an instance of Hindi, the major language of India. la Hin'dustan, (na) India, the name of the country. Indian, hin, (af) a combining form of hinda/e/i/o, "Indian". hinde, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is an (east) Indian place/territory, a region inhabited by (east) Indians. hindi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an (asiatic) Indian. hindi, (a) Indian, of asiatic Indian origin. hindo, [N‍-‍] (1n) N is an element/feature/expression of the Indian culture. rinda, (a) Amerind/Indian, of Indian language. lo rinda, (n) Indian, the mass of all Amerind languages. rindi, (a) Amerind/Indian, of Indian origin. lo rindi, (n) (the) Indian/Indians, the mass of all Indians. rindo, (a) Amerind/Indian, of Indian culture. lo rindo, (n) Indian, the mass of all Amerind culture. Indians, lo hindi, (n) Indians, the mass of all indians. Insecta, lao Insecta, (na) the Insecta, the insect family. Inuit, inhuita, [N‍-‍] (1n) N is the Inuit language. inhuite, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is an Inuit place/territory, a region inhabited by Inuit. inhuiti, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an Inuit person. inhuito, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is an artefact/item/instance of Inuit culture. Iranian, farsa, [F‍-‍] (1n) F is Persian/Iranian language. farse, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is an Iranian place/territory, a region inhabited by Iranians. farsi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is Persian/ an Iranian person. farso, [N‍-‍] (1n) N is/are Persian/Iranian culture. Islam, musllmo, [N‍-‍] (1n) N is an instance of Islam, an item of -ic culture. Islamic, musllme, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an Islamic district/territory, an area where Moslem/Muslim(s) live. musllme, (a) Islamic, as of territory. musllmi, (a) Islamic/Moslem, as of persons. musllmo, (a) Islamic, as of culture. Isn, euia, (i) Isn't it?/Don't you? An interjection corresponding to French 'n"est ce pas', German 'nicht wahr?', Spanish 'No es asi?', etc. Israeli, isrraeli, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an Israeli, an inhabitant of Israel. Italian, la Italianos, (na) Italian, the — language. talna, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an element/feature/expression of the Italian language. talna, (a) Italian, pert. to the Italian language. lo talna, (n) Italian, the mass of such elements. talne, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is an Italian place/territory, a region inhabited by Italians. talni, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an Italian person/Italian:man/woman. talni, (a) Italian, of Italian origin. talno, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an element/feature/expression of the Italian culture. talno, (a) Italian, pert. to the Italian culture. lo talno, (n) Italian, the mass of such elements. Italian person, talni, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an Italian person/Italian:man/woman. Italian speaker, talnytaa, <Italian speaker> [K‍-‍] (1n) K is an Italian speaker, a speaker of the … language. Italians, lo talni, (n) (the) Italians, the mass of such persons. Italy, la Italias, (na) Italy, the name of the country. i, ifi, (l) i, Latin lower case letter, one of a pool of symbols. zii, (l) the letter i — letteral and pronoun — lower case. ice, bis, (af) a combining form of bisli, ice. bisli, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a piece of ice. bisli, (a) (made of) ice. lo bisli, (n) ice (mass term). ice skate, blacutci, <blade shoe> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an ice skate. iciness, pu biskua, <ice covered> (n) an iciness. icon, tcupua, <picture word> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is an icon representing V. icosahedron, tornirheo, <twenty hedron> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an icosahedron. icy, biskua, <ice covered> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is icy, covered in ice. idea, iu, (i) Idon't know/have no idea, an expression of ignorance/absence of knowledge/belief. noiu, (i) I know something/have some idea about …, expressing some knowledge/belief. vid, (af) a combining form of vidre, idea. fu vidmao, <idea make> (n) a conception/idea, a conceived idea. vidre, [P‍-‍VK] (3n) P is an idea, anything thinkable, of/about V by K. vie, (af) a combining form of vidre, idea. ideal, gudvie, <good idea> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is an ideal, a unrealized/unrealizable objective. gudvie, <good idea> (a) ideal, pertaining to an ideal e.g. ideal gas/spouse. purfe, [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is perfect/faultless/unimprovable/standard/ideal by standard N. vidre, (a) ideational/ideal, pert. to ideas. idealism, vidkrisio, <idea believe system> (1n) B is a specific idealism. lo vidkrisio, <idea believe system> (1n) idealism, mass term. viekri, <idea believer> (n) an idealism, a spec. creed. lo viekri, <idea believer> (n) idealism, mass term of creeds. idealistic, vidkrisio, <idea believe system> [B‍-‍] (1a) idealistic, pert. to creeds. viekri, <idea believer> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more idealistic than J. ideational, vidre, (a) ideational/ideal, pert. to ideas. identical, plisao, <use same> [B‍-‍BN] (3a) B is the same/functionally identical to B by use standard N. samto, [B‍-‍B] (2v) B is the identical/same thing as B. samto, (a) same/identical, of that which is -ical to …. identical to, bi, (v) be identical to/one and the same/the selfsame<, the identity operator.>. melsao, <measure same> [D‍-‍DBN] (4a) D is measurably identical to/same as D in props B by standard N. puecli, <perfectly alike> [B‍-‍BN] (3a) B is alike/same as/exactly like/identical to B in characteristic(s) N. identifiable, nu saodja, <identity know> (a) known/identifiable, of persons/things. identification, po kledja, <class know> (n) an/a classification/identification/recognition, an event of recognizing … as an …. po nu kledja, <class know> (n) an/a classification/identification/recognition, an event of being recognized by … as an …. po nerdja, <individual know> (n) an identification/recognition, an event of recognizing … V (K-B). po nu nerdja, <individual know> (n) an identification/recognition, an event of being recognized by … V (B-K). fu nursancue, <(signified) say> (n) an identification, the result of identifying. po nursancue, <(signified) say> (n) an instance of identification, the action thereof. po samcue, <same say> (n) an identification/pretension/claim, of identity, an act of -ing. identified, nu kledja, <class know> (a) classified/identified/recognized by … as an. nu nerdja, <individual know> (a) identified/recognized by K as a certain individual. identifies, kledja, <class know> [K‍-‍BF] (3v) K classifies/identifies/recognizes B as belonging to class F. nerdja, <individual know> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K identifies/recognizes B as a certain individual. identify, nursancue, <(signified) say> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K identify B as D. identify oneself as, samcue, <same say> (v) identify oneself as/say one is … to …. identity, lopu melsao, <measure same> (n) sameness/identity, the mass of such props. pu melsao, <measure same> (n) a sameness/identity, measured, a spec. property. lopu plisao, <use same> (n) functional identity, e.g. replaceable parts. pu plisao, <use same> (n) a sameness/identity, a spec. prop. of -ty in use. nu samcue, <same say> (n) an identity, as claimed by someone. lopu samto, (n) sameness/identity, mass prop. of being -ical. po samto, (n) an identity/equality, identity, a spec. state. identity image, selji, [V‍-‍B] (2n) V is a/the self/ego/identity image of person B. ideological, krisio, <belief system> (a) ideological/doctrinaire, pert. to doctrines. ideology, krisio, <belief system> [N‍-‍] (1n) N is a creed/doctrine/ideology/system of beliefs. idiocy, lopu minfiu, <mind impaired> (n) idiocy/imbecility/mental deficiency, mass property. idiot, minfiu, <mind impaired> (n) an idiot/imbecile/mental deficient, one whose mind is impaired. idiotic, minfiu, <mind impaired> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is idiotic/stupid/imbecile/mentally deficient. idle, norjurna, <not earning> [B‍-‍] (1) B is unemployed/idle, not currently gainfully employed. norkao, <not acting> [B‍-‍] (1v) B is idle, not currently acting. norkao, <not acting> (a) idling/idle, of things alive/running but not engaging in activity. idler, norkao, <not acting> (n) idler, one/something currently not acting. idling, norkao, <not acting> (a) idling/idle, of things alive/running but not engaging in activity. if, anoi, (c) if/or not, between terms, converse implication. canoi, (c) if/or not, bet. modified/fying words, e.g. 'wise if good, man'. co, (c) if and only if, bet. modifiers/ied: 'Wise, if and only if good, man'. eu, (i) (let us) suppose/(as) if/imagine …, sign of supposition/subjunctive mood. icanoi, (c) if/or not, converse implication between sentences/clauses, as in 'Da clivi, icanoi da brute.' 'X is alive if X breathes.'. inoca, (c) implies/only if/if … then, logical implication between sents./clauses. kanoi, (c) if, in 'if … then …', forethought implication; the material conditional, as in 'Kanoi da brute ki da clivi.' — 'If X breathes, then X is alive.'. noa, (c) if … then … /imply/not … and or … <, implication between terms.(A)>. noca, (c) if …, … between mods. noca, (c) if … then …, one word between modifiers. if and only if, ico, (c) if and only if/equivalent to/mean, logical equivalence between sents./clauses. ko, (c) if and only if/mean, forethought equivalence with ki as in 'ko … ki … '. o, (c) if and only if/means/is equivalent to/provided that, logical equivalence between terms. igloo, igllu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an igloo, a snow dwelling. nichaa, <snow house> [P‍-‍K] (2n) P is an igloo/snow house of K. igloo maker, iglluymao, <igloo maker> [K‍-‍] (1n) K is an igloo maker. ignitable, nu fagcko, <fire cause> (a) afire/fired/ignitable/burning, conv. of ignite. nu fagmao, <fire make> (a) afire/fired/ignitable, burning, conv. of ignite. ignite, cabro, [D‍-‍C] (2v) D burn/ignite at temperature C. cancao, <chance burn> [D‍-‍] (1v) D ignite/catch on fire. fagcea, <fire become> [D‍-‍] (1v) D ignite/catch fire, intransitive, 'the grass ignited'. fagcko, <fire cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N ignite/light/set fire to D, nonintentional, 'the lightning ignited the grass'. fagmao, <fire make> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K ignite/light/set fire to D with S, intentional. ignition, po fagcea, <fire become> (n) an instance of ignition, becoming ignited. po fagcko, <fire cause> (n) an ignition, an act of -ing. po fagmao, <fire make> (n) an ignition, an act of -ing. ignobility, pu nu ganbra, <high born> (n) a lowliness/ignobility, low bornness, a prop. ignoble, nu ganbra, <high born> (a) ignoble/lowly/mean, conv. of nobler than …. ignorance, lo nordja, <not know> (n) ignorance, mass term. lopo nordja, <not know> (n) ignorance, mass term of states. lopu nordja, <not know> (n) ignorance, mass term of properties. po nordja, <not know> (n) an ignorance, a spec. state. pu nordja, <not know> (n) an ignorance, a spec. property. ignorant, nordja, <not know> [B‍-‍NV] (3a) B is ignorant of truth N about V. ignore, norpoa, <not respond> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K ignore/overlook (conditions/situation) N. ileum, linco intestini, (ph) an ileum/small intestine. ill, malcea, <sick become> [D‍-‍V] (2v) D become ill with disease/condition V. malcko, <sick cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N make D ill (unintentional) e.g. sea travel makes me ill. malmao, <sick make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K make D ill by V (intentionally). nurdje, <conv. of well> (a) sick/unfit/unhealthy/ill, sicker/less well than …, conv. of welln. ill informed, kacfiu, <aware weak> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is ill informed/unobservant/clueless about N. illegal, nu lilfa, (a) proscribed/illegal, proscribed by law, conv. form. illegality, lopu nu lilfa, (n) illegality, mass term of props. pu nu lilfa, (n) an illegality, a prop. of illegal acts. illegitimate, no merbra, <marriage born> (1a) illegitimate, pert. to a child born out of wedlock. illicit, tcorycle, <authority without> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is without authority/illicit. illness, po nu djela, (n) an illness/sickness, a spec. state of being ill. nu malbi, (n) a sickness/disease/illness. po malbi, (n) an instance of sickness/disease/illness. po nurdje, <conv. of well> (n) illness, a state of ill health. illogical, lodfiu, <logic weak> [V‍-‍BN] (3a) V is illogical concerning B under conditions N. illuminate, litcko, <light cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N light (up)/illuminate/make lighted D, nonintentional. litmao, <light make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K light (up)/illuminate/make lighted D with/by V, intentional. illuminated, nu litcko, <light cause> (a) illuminated, conv. of illuminate. nu litmao, <light make> (a) illuminated, conv. of illuminate. illumination, litcko, <light cause> (n) illuminator/illumination/light, a light source. po litcko, <light cause> (n) a light/illumination, an act of -ing. po nu litcko, <light cause> (n) an illumination, a state of being -ed. po litmao, <light make> (n) a lighting/illumination, an act of -ing. po nu litmao, <light make> (n) an illumination, a state of being -ed. illuminative, litcko, <light cause> (a) illuminative, pert. to light sources. illuminator, litcko, <light cause> (n) illuminator/illumination/light, a light source. litmao, <light make> (n) an illuminator, one who -s. illumined, fu litla, (a) lighted/light/illumined by …, incomp. conv. illusion, lopu falkricea, <false believe become> (n) delusion/illusion, mass property. nu falkricea, <false believe become> (n) a delusion/illusion (of …). po falkricea, <false believe become> (n) an instance of an illusion/delusion event. falkricko, <false believe cause> (n) an illusion, something which misleads. falnurkri, <false opinion> [N‍-‍V] (2n) N is a delusion/illusion, false belief about V. illusion to, falkricko, <false believe cause> [V‍-‍DN] (3v) V mislead/delude/be an illusion to D about N (unintentional) e.g. This picture deludes (is an illusion to) me. illustrate, mipdou, <example give> [K‍-‍BP] (3v) K illustrate/exemplify B with example P. mipli, (vt) illustrate, be an example of …. tcudou, <picture give> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K illustrate (book/writing) B. illustration, bea, (c) for/as example/illustration/instance/sample, a sentence modifier. (UI). fu mipdou, <example give> (n) an example/illustration, used by, conv. of. po mipdou, <example give> (n) an exemplification/illustration, an act/event of -ing. mipli, [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is an example/illustration/specimen of V. po tcudou, <picture give> (n) an illustration (of …), a picture example included with writings. siotcu, <system picture> [B‍-‍SK] (3n) B is a diagram/illustration of S made by K. stutcu, <story picture> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an illustration of story/document F. illustrative, mipli, (a) illustrative/exemplary, pert. to examples. illustrator, mipdou, <example give> (n) an illustrator, one who uses examples. tcudou, <picture give> (n) illustrator, one who -s written materials. illustrious, nambrili, <name bright> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is (more) illustrious than J. image, lardilri, <art representative> [P‍-‍SB] (3n) P is an image/representation of S in (form/material) B. mintcu, <mind picture> [N‍-‍V] (2n) N is a mental image of V. fu tcupeo, <picture think> (n) a conception/image, an imagined form of …. imaginability, lopu furpeo, <2nd conv. of think, think-about-able> (n) imaginability/conceivability/describability, the mass of such properties. pu furpeo, <2nd conv. of think, think-about-able> (n) a/the imaginability/conceivability/describability of specific places/worlds/things, a spec. property of such things. imaginable, furpeo, <2nd conv. of think, think-about-able> [B‍-‍PK] (3a) B is imaginable/conceivable/describable in thoughts/terms/features P by thinker(s) K. furpeo, <2nd conv. of think, think-about-able> (a) imaginable/conceivable/describable, of places/things/topics that can be thought about. nu tcupeo, <picture think> (a) imaginable, can be -ed. nurpeo, <1st conv. of think, thinkable> (3a) P is thinkable/conceivable/imaginable by K about subject/topic B. nurpeo, <1st conv. of think, thinkable> (a) conceivable/thinkable/imaginable, of thoughts that can be thought. imaginary, no dzabi, (a) fictitious/imaginary, neg. of real, q.v. minsia, <mind place> [F‍-‍SVK] (4n) F is an imaginary/conceivable/thinkable/mental (but not necessarily possible) world/place in which event/state S occurs/obtains and "causes" (would cause if its world existed) event/state V, this world and its causal laws having been at least in part invented by thinker K. imagination, lopo tcupeo, <picture think> (n) conception/imagination/contemplation, mass term of imagining. imaginative, tcupenflo, <picture thought full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more imaginative than J. imaginativeness, lopu tcupenflo, <picture thought full> (n) imaginativeness, mass prop. imagine, eu, (i) (let us) suppose/(as) if/imagine …, sign of supposition/subjunctive mood. no eu, (i) I don't suppose/I don't imagine, denial of supposition. tcupeo, <picture think> [K‍-‍NV] (3v) K imagine/conceive/contemplate N as V/to be …. tcutrapeo, <picture true thought> [K‍-‍VN] (3v) K assume/suppose/imagine V to be true of N. imam, lidydia, <religious teach> [K‍-‍D] (2n) a priest/imam/pastor/minister/teacher of religion …. imbecile, minfiu, <mind impaired> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is idiotic/stupid/imbecile/mentally deficient. minfiu, <mind impaired> (n) an idiot/imbecile/mental deficient, one whose mind is impaired. imbecility, lopu minfiu, <mind impaired> (n) idiocy/imbecility/mental deficiency, mass property. imitable, nu kopkao, <copy act> (a) imitable, can be -ed. imitate, duocli, <do like> [K‍-‍SV] (3v) K act like/imitate S in action V. kopkao, <copy act> [K‍-‍BVP] (4v) K copy/ape/imitate/mock/mimic B in action V for purpose P. imitation, dupkopca, <cheat copy> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is an imitation/copy/plagiarism of S. po kopkao, <copy act> (n) a mimicry/imitation/mocking, an act/event of -ing. imitator, kopkao, <copy act> (n) a mimic/imitator/aper/mocker, one who -s. immediately, fazi, (av) right away/at once/immediately/soon, immediate future, before preds. nedfui, <list after> [V‍-‍B] (2v) V is just/immediately+after B. nedpao, <next before> [V‍-‍B] (2v) V is just/immediately+before B. immobile, normuo, <no move> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is motionless/fixed/immobile/static/unmoving/stationary/immovable/still/stable. immobility, lopu normuo, <no move> (n) immobility, general property. po normuo, <no move> (n) an immobility, a spec. state. immobilization, po normuocko, <not move(fixed) cause> (n) an immobilization, an act of -ing. po nu normuocko, <not move(fixed) cause> (n) an immobilization, a state of being -ed. po normuvmao, <not move(fixed) make> (n) an immobilization, an act of -ing. po nu normuvmao, <not move(fixed) make> (n) an immobilization, a state of being -ed. immobilize, normuocko, <not move(fixed) cause> [V‍-‍BD] (3v) V fix/immobilize B at point D, nonintentional. normuvmao, <not move(fixed) make> [K‍-‍DCV] (4v) K fix/immobilize D at point C by V, intentional. immobilized, nu normuocko, <not move(fixed) cause> (a) fixed, immobilized/stunned, conv. of fix. nu normuvmao, <not move(fixed) make> (a) fixed, immobilized, conv. of fix. immobilizer, normuocko, <not move(fixed) cause> (n) an immobilizer, that which -s. normuvmao, <not move(fixed) make> (n) immobilizer, one who -s. immoderate, mutce, [G‍-‍JN] (3a) G is more extreme/immoderate/intense/utmost than J is in quality N. immodest, nu selsai, <self quiet> (a) immodest, conv. of modest/humble. immodesty, pu nu selsai, <self quiet> (n) an immodesty, a spec. property. immoral, zavkao, <bad act> [B‍-‍VN] (3a) B is wrong/immoral in action V as judged by standard N. immorality, lopu zavkao, <bad act> (n) immorality/vice, mass prop. po zavkao, <bad act> (n) an immorality/wrong doing/wrong/misdeed, a specific case of -ty. immortal, normorcea, <not death become> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is immortal/undying under conditions N. immortality, lopu normorcea, <not death become> (n) immortality, mass property. immovable, normuo, <no move> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is motionless/fixed/immobile/static/unmoving/stationary/immovable/still/stable. immune, imhuni, [D‍-‍B] (2a) D is immune to B. vaksi, (a) immunized/immune/inoculated, vaccinated for … with …. immunity, po vaksi, (n) an immunity, against … with serum …. immunize, fu vaksi, (v) immunize against … in …, of serums. immunized, vaksi, [D‍-‍NB] (3v) D is vaccinated/immunized against disease N with vaccine/serum B. vaksi, (a) immunized/immune/inoculated, vaccinated for … with …. imp, plezao, <play bad> [B‍-‍] (1) B is a little rascal/imp/naughty child. impartial, norpebtia, <non partial> [B‍-‍FV] (3a) B is fair/impartial to the members of set F in matter V. impartiality, lopo norpebtia, <non partial> (n) impartiality/fairness, mass term of events. lopu norpebtia, <non partial> (n) impartiality/fairness, mass term of properties. po norpebtia, <non partial> (n) an impartiality/fairness, an act of being impartial. pu norpebtia, <non partial> (n) an impartiality/fairness, a spec. property. impatience, lopu no pazyspu, <pause expert> (n) impatience, general property. pu nu pazyspumou, <patient more> (n) an impatience, a spec. property. impatient, pazfiu, <pause weak> [K‍-‍N] (2a) K is impatient in situation N. no pazyspu, <pause expert> (a) impatient (with … in …), not patient. nu pazyspumou, <patient more> (a) impatient than … with …. impel, puldou, <impulse give> (3v) K urge on/spur/impel D to do V. impelled, pulso, [D‍-‍V] (2v) D is impelled to do V, feels an impulse to do …. pulso, (a) impelled, of one who has an impulse to do …. impeller, pucblakrilu, <push blade wheel> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an impeller of/on F. impending, hisfucnao, <history later present> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more impending/about to happen than J is. imperfect, norpue, <not perfect> [B‍-‍PN] (3a) B is imperfect for (purpose) P by lacking N. imperfection, lopu norpue, <not perfect> (n) imperfection, the mass property of being —. po norpue, <not perfect> (n) an imperfection, a specific instance. tsero, [B‍-‍SN] (3n) B is an error/defect/mistake/fault/imperfection of/in S by standard N. imperial, grabragai, <great king> (a) imperial, pert. to emperors. gragarfua, <great queen> (a) imperial, pert. to empresses. imperialism, gunponkrisio, <country possess believe system> [N‍-‍] (1n) N is an instance of imperialism. lo gunponkrisio, <country possess believe system> (a) imperialism, mass term of creeds. imperialist, gunponkri, <country possess believe> (n) an imperialist, an empire believer. imperialistic, gunponkri, <country possess believe> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more imperialistic than J. gunponkrisio, <country possess believe system> (a) imperialistic, pert. to -ism. imperious, koicli, <commander like> [K‍-‍D] (2a) K is commanding/imperious to D. koicli, <commander like> (a) imperious/commanding, to …, commander like. koiflo, <order full> [K‍-‍VN] (3a) K is imperious about V in situation N. imperiously, koicli, <commander like> (av) imperiously/commandingly, in an imperious way. imperiousness, po koicli, <commander like> (n) an imperiousness, a spec. act of -ness. pu koicli, <commander like> (n) an imperiousness, a spec. property. impermanence, po norsto, <non lasting> (n) an impermanence, a spec. state of -ence. pu norsto, <non lasting> (n) impermanence/transience, a prop. of passing things. impermanent, norsto, <non lasting> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is an impermanent/passing/transient/ephemeral/transitory aspect of N. impetuosity, po sudnybiu, <sudden behaviour> (n) an impetuosity (for … in situation …), a specific instance. impetuous, sudnybiu, <sudden behaviour> [B‍-‍VN] (3v) B is/are headlong/impetuous in doing V in situation/under conditions N. impetuousity, lopu sudnybiu, <sudden behaviour> (n) impetuousity, mass property. implement, jantau, <hunt arm> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a hunting weapon/implement. trime, [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is an instrument/tool/implement for doing V. implies, inoca, (c) implies/only if/if … then, logical implication between sents./clauses. noca, (c) implies, between modifier/ied. implore, prabeo, <continue ask> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K beg/beseech/entreat/implore D to/for V. imply, fibsange, <weakly suggest> [K‍-‍VD] (3v) K hint/intimate/imply V to D. noa, (c) if … then … /imply/not … and or … <, implication between terms.(A)>. snola, [V‍-‍PSN] (4v) V entail/logically imply P under assumptions S by rules N. impolite, no fomcka, <formally kind> (a) rude/crude/impolite/unpolished to …. socnaa, <socially unprocessed> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K is/are rude/impolite to D. import, nensui, <in send> [K‍-‍BDS] (4v) K import B into D from S. nu nensui, <in send> (n) an importation/import, that which is -ed. po nensui, <in send> (n) an importation/import, an act of -ing. ju sanpa, (n) a meaning/significance/import, meaning, as prompted by a sign. importance, pu djipo, (n) an importance/significance, a spec. property. important, djipo, [V‍-‍DN] (3a) V is important/significant/meaningful/matters to D in respect N. fu djipo, (n) important/significant/meaningful aspect, to …, of …. jiorjio, <important important> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is very/extremely important. jip, (af) a combining form of djipo, important. jipmou, <important more> (4a) G is more important/significant to B than J is to B. jipsii, <important seem> [V‍-‍D] (2v) V impress/seem important to D. pebyjio, <specifically important> (a) special/important, special. jio, (af) a combining form of djipo, important. importation, lopo nensui, <in send> (n) importation, mass term of acts. nu nensui, <in send> (n) an importation/import, that which is -ed. po nensui, <in send> (n) an importation/import, an act of -ing. importer, nensui, <in send> (n) an importer, one who/that which -s. importune, pranurbeo, <continue begged> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K solicit/badger/importune D for N. impose, poipli, <power use> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K impose system/obligation etc. upon D. impose rule, fosgai, <force rule> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K subjugate/impose rule on D. imposing, poiflo, <power full> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is powerful/imposing, e.g. a display of might. tedkoi, <attention commanding> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is imposing/impressive. imposition, po fosgai, <force rule> (n) an imposition/subjugation, of rule, a spec. act. lopu poipli, <power use> (n) imposition, mass property of -ing. po poipli, <power use> (n) an imposition, specific instance. impossibility, lopu norbli, <non possible> (n) impossibility, mass term. po norbli, <non possible> (n) an impossibility, a spec. impossible event. pu norbli, <non possible> (n) an impossibility, a spec. property. impossible, norbli, <non possible> [V‍-‍N] (2a) V is impossible under conditions N. impostor, dupkao, <deceiving actor> (n) a pretender/impostor/simulator, one who acts as if … were true. impotence, po pozpoicle, <oppose power less> (n) an instance of impotence/powerlessness, to resist/prevent …. lopo poicle, <power less> (n) impotence/powerlessness, the mass of such states. po poicle, <power less> (n) an impotence/powerlessness, powerlessness, a spec. state. impotent, pozpoicle, <oppose power less> [B‍-‍KVD] (4a) B is powerless/impotent to oppose/resist K doing V to D. poicle, <power less> [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is powerless/impotent to do/master/control V. impregnate, cinflocko, <baby full cause> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K impregnate/make pregnant D with B. impregnation, po cinflocko, <baby full cause> (n) an impregnation, a spec. act of -ing. impress, nu foldri, <strong remember> (3v) impress/burn into … in the memory of … about …. jipsii, <important seem> [V‍-‍D] (2v) V impress/seem important to D. juicko, <opinion cause> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K impress/influence/sway D in matter B. puorkopca, <push copy> [K‍-‍PD] (3v) K impress/imprint/print P on D. impressable, nu jipsii, <important seem> (a) impressable, can be -ed, conv., impress. impression, po capri, (n) a print/impression, an instance of -ing. po jipsii, <important seem> (n) an impression, an act of -ing. po nu jipsii, <important seem> (n) an impression, an event of being -ed. po nu juicko, <opinion cause> (n) an impression, an event of being -ed. paorjui, <before opine> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K have an impression/early opinion/premonition of/about B that V. fu paorjui, <before opine> (1n) impression (a specific early opinion). <D-PK>. po puorkopca, <push copy> (2n) an impression/imprint (of … on …). impressionable, nu juicko, <opinion cause> (a) influenced/impressionable/swayed, influenceable, conv. impressive, jipsii, <important seem> (a) impressive, that which/one who -es. jipsiimro, <important seem more> [G‍-‍JD] (3a) G is more impressive than J to D. tedkoi, <attention commanding> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is imposing/impressive. imprint, puorkopca, <push copy> [K‍-‍PD] (3v) K impress/imprint/print P on D. nu puorkopca, <push copy> (n) an imprint (by … on …), the thing -ed. po puorkopca, <push copy> (2n) an impression/imprint (of … on …). imprison, prenyhafsea, <prisoner house(prison) put> [K‍-‍BDC] (4v) K imprison/incarcerate B in prison D for period C. imprisoned, nu prenyhafsea, <prisoner house(prison) put> (a) imprisoned, converse form. imprisonment, po prenyhafsea, <prisoner house(prison) put> (n) an imprisonment, a spec. state. improbability, nurdakli, <conv. of likely> (n) improbability/unlikelyhood, an improbable thing. improbable, nurdakli, <conv. of likely> [G‍-‍JN] (3a) G is improbable/unlikely/less likely than J under conditions N. improper, no dreti, (a) improper/incorrect/wrong, not correct according to …. no socdre, <social correct> (n) improper/gauche. no socdre, <social correct> (n) improper social behaviour in situation …. impropriety, no po socdre, <social correct> (n) an impropriety/gaucherie/gaffe, a state or event of acting/being socially improper. no pu socdre, <social correct> (n) impropriety, a property. improvability, pu gudcea, <better become> (n) an improvability, capable of -ing. pu nu gudmao, <better make> (n) an improvability, a spec. property. improvable, nu gudmao, <better make> (a) improvable, able to be -ed. no purfe, (a) improvable, neg. of perfect, q.v. improve, dremoumao, <more correct make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K correct/improve D, make … more correct. gudcea, <better become> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K improve/become better in quality/performance P. gudcko, <good(better) cause> [N‍-‍DV] (3v) N improve D by V, unintentional; 'Salt improves the flavour of meat'. gudmao, <better make> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K improve/make better D in quality N, intentional. improvement, po dremoumao, <more correct make> (n) an improvement/correction, an act of -ing. fu gudmao, <better make> (n) an improvement, improved quality/aspect. po gudmao, <better make> (n) an improvement, an act of -ing something. improver, gudmao, <better make> (n) an improver, one who -s. impulse, lopu minpoa, <mind respond> (n) impulse(s), mass term. pul, (af) a combining form of pulso, impulse. po pulso, (n) an impulse/pulse, an act/event of being impelled. impulsive, pulflo, <impulse full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more impulsive, full of impulses than J. impulsive act, po pulbiu, <impulse behave> (n) an impulsive act. impulsively, pulbiu, <impulse behave> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K act impulsively by doing V. pulbiu, <impulse behave> (n) one who acts impulsively. impulsiveness, pu pulflo, <impulse full> (n) an impulsiveness, a spec. property. imputation, po movcue, <motive say> (n) attribution/imputation, a spec. instance of -ing. impute, katcue, <characteristic say> [K‍-‍BSN] (4v) K attribute/impute characteristic B to cause S under circumstances N. movcue, <motive say> [S‍-‍BKV] (4v) S attribute/impute motive B to actor K in action V. nurckocue, <effect say> [K‍-‍VS] (3n) K impute/attribute V to S. in, foi, (pp) in/during/under …, used before event/state terms to specify the conditions of an obligation. fui, (pp) in/during/under …, used before event/state terms to specify the conditions of an injunction. gudkeo, <good time> [V‍-‍P] (2a) V is in/on time for purpose P, as of acts/events. kau, (pp) in/during/under …, used before event/state terms to specify the conditions of an ability/ capability. na, (pp) at/in/during. naza, (pp) during/in …, in some short interval, with terms. nazu, (pp) in …, a long interval, before terms. nen, (af) a combining form of nenri, in. nenri, [B‍-‍F] (2pp) B is in/inside F. no, (af) in—/non—/un—, forms negative of any predicate. nui, (pp) in/during/under …, used before event/state terms to specify the conditions of a permission. roi, (pp) in/during/under …, used before event/state terms to specify the conditions of an intention. vavi, (av) in/into here (from nearby), before predicates. vi, (pp) at/in/on/close by(a place). viza, (av) in this place/small region, before preds. viza, (pp) in …, a small space, before terms. vizu, (av) in this place/big region, before preds. vizu, (pp) in …, a big space, before terms. vuvi, (av) in/into here (from far away), before predicates. nei, (af) a combining form of nenri, in. in bed, bedpli, <bed use> [K‍-‍] (1v) K is in bed. in confidence, soi smicue, <secret say> (ph) in confidence/between you and me. in fact, fekto, (av) in fact/factually/actually, factually/in fact. in front of, vi le frespa, <front space> (av ph) in front of/before. in laws, nurmerkui, <spouse kin> [B‍-‍B] (2n) B are in laws of B. in order to, moi, (pp) in order to/because of (motive), a relative oper. before design'ns (PA). in order to what, moi hu, (ph) why/what for/in order to what?, for what motive/intention/purpose? in-the-name of, dii, (pp) in-the-name of/for the sake of/in place of<, before designations (PA).>. inability, pu no kanmo, (n) an incapacity/inability, a spec. property. inaccessable, norkangei, <no can get> [B‍-‍DS] (3a) B is out of reach/inaccessable to D from S. inactive, nu kaoflo, <action full> (a) inactive than …, more, conv. of active. nurkaocle, <action without> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is inert/inactive/powerless to move or interact. inassurance, pu nu fiudja, <weakly know> (n) an uncertainty/incertitude/inassurance, a spec. property of not being convincing. inattention, po no tedji, (n) an inattention, a state of being -ive. pu no tedji, (n) an inattention, a spec. property. inattentive, no tedji, (a) inattentive, neg. of attentive to …. inaudible to, no nu hirti, (a) inaudible to, not hearable by …. inaugurate, fomsatci, <formal start> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K inaugurate (person/process) D. inaugurated, fusynensea, <office in put> [D‍-‍PCK] (4v) D is installed/inaugurated in (office/role/position) P for (term) C by K. inauguration, po fomsatci, <formal start> (n) an inauguration (of …), a specific event. incapable, no kanmo, (a) unable/incapable/unequal to, not able to do … under …. incapacitate, norkanmao, <not capable make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K incapacitate/disable D for doing V. incapacitated, nu norkanmao, <not capable make> (a) incapacitated/disabled, conv. of disable. incapacitating, norkanmao, <not capable make> (a) disabling/incapacitating, incapacitating. incapacity, pu no kanmo, (n) an incapacity/inability, a spec. property. po nu norkanmao, <not capable make> (n) an incapacity/disability, a state of disabledness. incarcerate, prenyhafsea, <prisoner house(prison) put> [K‍-‍BDC] (4v) K imprison/incarcerate B in prison D for period C. incendiary, caocko, <burn cause> (a) incendiary, that which causes -ing. caocko, <burn cause> (n) a burner/incendiary/incinerator, an apparatus for -ing. kukcaocti, <quick burn stuff> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a propellant/propellent/incendiary of composition S. incertitude, pu nu fiudja, <weakly know> (n) an uncertainty/incertitude/inassurance, a spec. property of not being convincing. inch, inca, [B‍-‍C] (2n) B measures C in inch(es), a unit measuring 2.54 cm. incident, vetci, (n) an event/happening/incident/occurrence/phenomenon, a happening/occurrence involving …. incidentally, jae, (p) who/which/that/incidentally is one of, non restrictive set membership. zou, (av) by the way/incidentally, a discourse operator (UI). incineration, po cabmao, <burn make> (n) an incineration, sp. act of -ing. po caocko, <burn cause> (n) an incineration, sp. act. incinerator, caocko, <burn cause> (n) a burner/incendiary/incinerator, an apparatus for -ing. inclination, po slopu, (n) an instance of slope/inclination (toward the vertical). zo slopu, (n) the amount of slope/inclination. po vreslo, <vertical lean> (n) an inclination/tendency, fig., a disposition to …. po vreslo, <vertical lean> (n) an inclination/leaning to …, a state of leaning. incline, slopu, (n) a slope/incline, any sloping surface. vreslo, <vertical lean> [K‍-‍BNN] (4v) K lean/incline/tend toward B, in direction N in gravity field N(1). inclose, neiklo, <inside close> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K enclose/inclose/shut up B in D. nenfoldi, <in fold> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K wrap/enfold/inclose D in N. inclosed, nu neiklo, <inside close> (a) confined/enclosed/inclosed, of that which is shut in. nu nenfoldi, <in fold> (a) inclosed/enfolded/inclosure/wrapped, conv. of enfold. inclosure, nu neiklo, <inside close> (n) an enclosure/inclosure, something -ed. fu nenfoldi, <in fold> (n) a wrapper/wrappings/inclosure, that which incloses. nu nenfoldi, <in fold> (a) inclosed/enfolded/inclosure/wrapped, conv. of enfold. include, djomao, <member make> [K‍-‍DF] (3v) K include/enlist/engage D in group F, make … a member of group …. nurdjo, <conv. of element> (vt) include, as a member, conv. of member, q.v. included, nu djomao, <member make> (a) included, made a member/element of. setpai, <set part> [F‍-‍] (1n) J is included in/a subset of (set) F. E.g. mice are included among the rodents. income, cmenenkaa, <money in come> [V‍-‍S] (2n) V is the income/revenue from S. incompetence, lopo no spuro, (n) incompetence, mass term of states. lopu no spuro, (n) incompetence, mass prop. incompetent, no spuro, (a) inexpert/incompetent/unskilled, neg. of expert at …. turfiu, <work weak> [B‍-‍VN] (3a) B is incompetent at task V under N. incomplete, no kapli, (a) incomplete, not whole, neg. of complete. incompleteness, po no kapli, (n) an incompleteness, a state/condition. pu no kapli, (n) an incompleteness, a spec. property. inconsiderate, ckacle, <kind without> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K is inconsiderate/thoughtless about V, not kind about. inconsistent, selfalcue, <self false say> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K self contradict/are inconsistent in saying B. inconvenience, naurturmao, <difficult work make> (n) an inconvenience for task …. lopu naurturmao, <difficult work make> (n) inconvenience, mass property of being —. lopu plinau, <use difficult> (n) inconvenience, mass property of being —. inconvenient, pu faucko, <trouble cause> (a) inconvenient/troublesome; 'don't do it, if it's —'. naurturmao, <difficult work make> [B‍-‍P] (2a) B is inconvenient for task P. plinau, <use difficult> [B‍-‍P] (2a) B is inconvenient for use P. incorrect, nu dremou, <correct more> (a) more incorrect than …. no dreti, (a) improper/incorrect/wrong, not correct according to …. incorrectness, pu no dreti, (n) an incorrectness, a spec. property. increase, grocea, <large become> [D‍-‍] (1v) D enlarge/wax/increase/become larger in bulk. rodja, [S‍-‍PN] (3v) S develop/rise/grow into, increase naturally in bulk and become P, under conditions N. ten, (af) a combining form of tenri, increase. tenmao, <increase make> [K‍-‍BC] (3v) K increase/augment B numerically by amount C. fu tenmao, <increase make> (n) an increment/increase, an artificial numerical increment. tenri, [D‍-‍CB] (2v) D increase by number C in dimension B. tenri, (n) an increment/increase/growth, of numbers of …. po tenri, (n) an increase in number, a spec. instance. incredibility, pu no nu krido, (n) an incredibility, of beliefs. incredible, no nu krido, (a) incredible, not believable, beliefs. no nu perkri, <person believe> (a) unbelievable/incredible, not believable, persons. incredibly, no nu krido, (av) incredibly, in an incredible way. increment, fu tenmao, <increase make> (n) an increment/increase, an artificial numerical increment. tenri, (n) an increment/increase/growth, of numbers of …. incubate, negdykua, <egg cover> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K brood/incubate D, as a clutch of eggs. incubating, negdykua, <egg cover> (a) brooding/incubating, pertaining to -ing. incubator, negdykua, <egg cover> (n) brooder/incubator, one/that which -s. incur, dasycea, <responsible become> [D‍-‍N] (2v) D incur responsibility N. indebted, djeta, (a) indebted/owing, incomplete form. indebtedness, nu djeta, (n) a debt/indebtedness, thing/sum owed, conv. of owe. po djeta, (n) an indebtedness/in debt, a state of owing. indecision, pu sildii, <oscillate decide> (n) indecision, mass property. indecisive, sildii, <oscillate decide> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K waver/be indecisive about V. indeed, ia, (i) yes/certainly/indeed/of course/surely/ …, expression of conviction. ue, (i) indeed!/oh!/really!/well!/what … <, exp./exclamation of surprise.>. indefinite-set descriptor, cu, (af) a suffix attaching to number words (NI) forming an indefinite-set descriptor. E.g. tocu in: Tocu kicmu pa kiuklu levi nordje — Some two doctors operated (together) on this patient. Cf. To kicmu pa kiukli levi nordje — Each of some two doctors operated independently on this patient. indelicate, no dilko, (a) coarse/indelicate. nordilko, <not delicate/pleasing> [B‍-‍D] (2a) B is coarse/indelicate/displeasing to D. independence, lopu no nurjuo, <conv. of support> (n) independence, mass prop. po no nurjuo, <conv. of support> (n) an independence, a spec. state. independent, no nurjuo, <conv. of support> (a) independent, neg. of depend on … for …. indescribable, no nu tcutaa, <picture talk> (a) indescribable, neg. of describable. indestructibility, pu no nu hutri, (n) an indestructibility, a property. indestructible, no nu hutri, (a) indestructible, neg. of destructible. index, fu katmei, <quality measure> (n) statistical index, the result of -ing. purcartu, <purt map> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an index of (book/periodical) F. indicate, dedsanduo, <finger sign do> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K point out/indicate/signify B to D. indication, nu dedsanduo, <finger sign do> (n) an indication, that which is -ed. po dedsanduo, <finger sign do> (n) an indication/pointing, an act/event of indicating. indicator, dedsanduo, <finger sign do> (n) an indicator, that which points out … to …. indifference, po cikfio, <equal feeling> (n) an indifference to /about … equal feeling for …. po ciurjui, <equal opinion> (n) an indifference to /about …, same opinion about …. po fiocle, <feeling without> (n) an indifference to /about …, lack of feeling for …. lopu juicle, <opinion without> (1n) indifference, not considered from lack of interest. indifferent, cikfio, <equal feeling> [K‍-‍V] (2a) K is indifferent to V, feel the same about …. E.g. I'm indifferent to whether you serve tea or coffee. ciurjui, <equal opinion> [D‍-‍B] (2a) D is indifferent to B, have the same opinion about …. E.g. I'm indifferent to whether to use 'norfio' or 'fiocle'. no filmo, (a) indifferent, have no reaction to, e.g. I'm indifferent to the starvation in Ethiopia. fiocle, <feeling without> [K‍-‍V] (2a) K is indifferent to V, complete lack of feeling about …. E.g. I'm indifferent to Third World poverty. juicle, <opinion without> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K is indifferent to B - not interested enough to consider the alternatives. no paodju, <before judgment> (a) unbiased/indifferent/unprejudiced, one who has not prejudged …. indigestible, no nu djesi, (n) indigestible, neg. of digestible. indigestion, po no nu djesi, (n) an indigestion, a spec. state. indignant, dreroi, <correct angry> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K is/are indignant at/about V. indignation, lopu dreroi, <correct angry> (n) indignation, mass property. indirect, norlia, <not straight> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more indirect than J. indispensible, nerbi, (a) necessary/required/demanded/essential/indispensible/vital for …, of factual conditions. indium, indio, [B‍-‍] (1) B is some indium, element 49 (In). individual, nera, (2n) an individual/unit/monad/one member subset of set …, a cardinal predicate. nera, (a) individual/monadic/specific/sole, pert. to individuals. nerbekti, <one object> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is an individual, pertaining to a single object, e.g. an individual portion. prabekti, <continuing thing> [B‍-‍] (1) B is an individual, a thing enduring in time with a specific name. individualism, perkrisio, <person creed> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an instance of individualism, an ideology. lo perkrisio, <person creed> (n) individualism, general term. individualist, perjiokri, <person important creed> (n) an individualist (person believer). individualistic, perjiokri, <person important creed> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more individualistic than J. perjiokri, <person important creed> (a) individualistic, pert. to persons. perkrisio, <person creed> (a) individualistic, pert. to creeds. individuality, lopu nera, (n) individuality, mass term of props. pu nera, (n) an individuality/specificity, a spec. property. indoctrinate, kridia, <belief teach> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K indoctrinate D in study/belief N. indoctrinating, kridia, <belief teach> (a) indoctrinating, re one who -s. indoctrination, po kridia, <belief teach> (n) an indoctrination (of … in …). indoors, hasnei, <house in> (av) at home/indoors, in one's own home or other structure. indubitability, po no nu dutci, (n) indubitability, a spec. state. indubitable, no nu dutci, (a) indubitable, neg. conv. of doubt. indubitably, no nu dutci, (av) indubitably, in an undoubtable way. induce, banfeokri, <beyond facts believe> [K‍-‍PS] (3v) K infer/induce P from data S. bardycue, <reward say> [K‍-‍DVN] (4v) K induce(s) D to do V by offering reward N. ckodou, <cause give> [K‍-‍PV] (3v) K induce(s) (process) P by (treatment) V, e.g. induction of labor. takmuo, <talk move> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K persuade/induce/win over D to do/believe V. inducement, ju bardycue, <reward say> (n) an inducement. po takmuo, <talk move> (n) a persuasion/inducement, an event of -ing. inducer, takmuo, <talk move> (n) a persuader/inducer, one who persuades by talking. induction, lopu banfeokri, <beyond facts believe> (n) induction/(inductive) inference, mass property of the process. po ckodou, <cause give> (n) an instance of induction (of … by …). indulge, mucdou, <much give> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K indulge D by V. selmucdou, <self much give> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K indulge (self) in V. indulgence, tsenordridou, <error not remember(forgiving) give> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an indulgence, a religious forgiveness. industrial, gotri, (a) industrial, pert. to industrial art. industrialism, gotsio, <industry system> [N‍-‍] (1n) N is an instance of industrialism, a system of industries. lo gotsio, <industry system> (n) industrialism, mass term of systems. industrious, pratua, <continue work> [G‍-‍JV] (3a) G is more diligent/industrious than J at task V. tuafro, <work strong> [B‍-‍VN] (3a) B is industrious/able at task V under N. turfundi, <work fond> [G‍-‍VJ] (3a) G is (more) industrious/assiduous at V than J. industriously, pratua, <continue work> (av) diligently/industriously. industry, got, (af) a combining form of gotri, industry. gotri, (n) an industry, an industry of people/culture …. lo gotri, (n) industry, mass term of instances. po pratua, <continue work> (n) industry/application/diligence at task …. ineffective toward, norcko, <non causal> [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is ineffective toward/without effect on V. ineffectual, kojfiu, <order weak> [K‍-‍VN] (3a) K is/are ineffectual/wimpy about V in situation N. inelastic, nu lasti, (a) inelastic, conv. of elastic. inequality, lopu no ciktu, (n) inequality, mass term. pu no ciktu, (n) an inequality, neg. of equality. inert, nurkaocle, <action without> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is inert/inactive/powerless to move or interact. inertness, lopu nurkaocle, <action without> (n) inertness, mass term of properties. pu nurkaocle, <action without> (n) an inertness, a spec. property. inevitability, sirto, (n) a certainty/inevitability, something that is bound to happen. pu sirto, (n) a certainty/inevitability, a property of something that is bound to happen. inevitable, nu foldja, <strongly know> (a) certain/inevitable, thought to be certain of …. no nu kovgoi, <curve go> (a) unavoidable/inevitable, cannot be got around. nu sirfio, <certain feel> (a) certain/inevitable, thought to be certain. sirto, (a) certain/inevitable/bound to happen. no nu sticko, <stop cause> (a) unstoppable/inevitable. inexhaustible, no nu kalpli, <completely use> (a) inexhaustible, everlasting supply. inexpensive, nurkusti, <conv. of expensive> (a) economical/inexpensive/cheap, less costly than …, conv. of costlyn. inexpensiveness, pu nurkusti, <conv. of expensive> (n) an inexpensiveness, a property. inexperienced, no nu speni, (a) inexperienced/naive/innocent. inexpert, nu spumou, <skilled more> (a) unskilled/inexpert, conv. of more expert than …. no spuro, (a) inexpert/incompetent/unskilled, neg. of expert at …. inexplicable, no nu klimao, <clear make> (a) inexplicable, neg. of explicable. inexpressible, no nu volduo, <voice do> (a) inexpressible/unvoiced, cannot be expressed. infamous, zavfamva, <bad famous> [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is infamous for V. infancy, lopo cinta, (n) infancy, mass term. po cinta, (n) an infancy, a spec. state. infant, cin, (af) a combining form of cinta, infant. cinta, [P‍-‍S] (2n) P is a/the baby/infant of S, any species. infant falcon, falki, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a falcon chick/infant falcon. infant of this animal, zui, (af) attached to <predy>, means baby/infant of this animal/animallike species/taxon; e.g. mamlyzui — is a baby/infant mammal. infant turtle, testhudi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a baby/infant turtle/ tortoise. infantile, cincli, <child like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more babyish/baby like/infantile than J. cinta, (a) infantile, pert. to infants. infantilism, lopo cincli, <child like> (n) infantilism, mass term of states. po cincli, <child like> (n) an infantilism, a spec. state/condition. pu cincli, <child like> (n) an infantilism/babyishness, a spec. property of being -ish. infantryman, dzosolda, <walk soldier> [K‍-‍] (1n) K is an infantryman. infect, malpetri, <sickness spread> [N‍-‍DV] (3v) N infect D with V. zvomalcko, <out sick cause> [N‍-‍DN] (3v) N infect D with N. infected, nu zvomalcko, <out sick cause> (a) infected, ill with disease —. infection, po malpetri, <sickness spread> (n) an inst. of infection. lopo zvomalcko, <out sick cause> (n) infection, mass instances. lopu zvomalcko, <out sick cause> (n) infection, mass property term. po zvomalcko, <out sick cause> (n) a specific instance of infection. infectious, malpetri, <sickness spread> (a) infective/infectious, causing -ion. zvomalcko, <out sick cause> (a) infectious, caused by ambient organisms. infective, malpetri, <sickness spread> (a) infective/infectious, causing -ion. infer, banfeokri, <beyond facts believe> [K‍-‍PS] (3v) K infer/induce P from data S. inference, lopu banfeokri, <beyond facts believe> (n) induction/(inductive) inference, mass property of the process. nu banfeokri, <beyond facts believe> (n) an (inductive) inference. lopu trastemao, <true sentences make> (n) deduction/(deductive) inference, mass term of the process. nu trastemao, <true sentences make> (n) a deduction/inference (by … from …), that which is deduced. inferior, damni, [J‍-‍GN] (3a) J is lower/inferior/has less altitude than G in gravity field N. damni, (a) low/mean/inferior, incomplete form fig., low in worth/standing. socdamni, <socially lower than> [G‍-‍JN] (3a) G is inferior to J in social system/ hierarchy N. inferiority, pu damni, (n) low altitude/lowness/meanness/inferiority, a prop. of lower things. lopu socdamni, <socially lower than> (n) inferiority, mass property. infertile, nu ferti, (a) infertile, less fertile than …, conv. infertility, lopu nu ferti, (n) infertility, mass term of prop. pu nu ferti, (n) an infertility, a spec. property. infinite, faocle, <end without> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is infinite/endless/unbounded/without limit/end. limcle, <limit without> [V‍-‍] (1a) V is boundless/limitless/infinite in a property. infinity, pu faocle, <end without> (n) an infinity, the property of being infinite. rara, (1n) a/the universe/infinity. infirm, brofiu, <break weak> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is fragile/frail/weak/infirm. infirmity, lopu brofiu, <break weak> (n) fragility/frailty/weakness/infirmity. inflammable, cabro, (a) burnable/flammable/inflammable at temperature …. pu fagcea, <fire become> (a) is flammable/inflammable. inflate, flati, [K‍-‍DBC] (3v) K inflate/blow up D with gas B to dimension C. inflated, nu flati, (a) inflated. ratgrocea, <price big become> (a) inflated, of economies. inflation, po flati, (n) an inflation, an act of -ing something. ratgrocea, <price big become> [D‍-‍] (1v) D experience inflation, of economies. lo ratgrocea, <price big become> (n) inflation, mass of such events. po ratgrocea, <price big become> (n) an inflation, an economic event of being -ed. inflect, purfadcea, <word end change> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K conjugate/decline/inflect D. purfaocea, <word end change> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K conjugate/decline/inflect D. inflected, nu purfadcea, <word end change> (a) conjugated/inflected/declined (as of a language). nu purfaocea, <word end change> (a) conjugated/inflected/declined (as of a language). inflict, foisru, <force harm> [K‍-‍VD] (3v) K inflict injury/suffering V on D. influence, juicko, <opinion cause> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K impress/influence/sway D in matter B. juicko, <opinion cause> (n) an influence, that which influences. lopu juicko, <opinion cause> (n) influence, mass term of properties. po juicko, <opinion cause> (n) an influence, an act of -ing. pu juicko, <opinion cause> (n) an influence, a spec. property of -ing. vidceacko, <change cause> [N‍-‍FBV] (4v) N affect/influence (system) F in matter B by V. po vidceacko, <change cause> (n) an influence, a spec. case of -ing. influenced, nu juicko, <opinion cause> (a) influenced/impressionable/swayed, influenceable, conv. nu vidceacko, <change cause> (a) influenced/affected, the thing -ed. influential, juicko, <opinion cause> (a) influential, pert. to influences. vidceacko, <change cause> (a) influential. influenza, influenzi, [D‍-‍] (1n) D suffers from flu/influenza. lopo influenzi, (n) influenza, the mass of … cases. po influenzi, (n) an instance/case of influenza. inform, djadou, <knowledge give> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K inform/tell/acquaint D of/that V. informal language, damleu, <low language> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is slang/argot/informal language. informant, djadou, <knowledge give> (n) an informant, one who -s. fankuvtaa, <reveal(reverse cover) talk> (n) an informant, one who reveals. information, fu djadou, <knowledge give> (n) some information, a spec. item. po djadou, <knowledge give> (n) an/some information, an act of -ing. fledjadou, <fly know give> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K gives information to D concerning flight V. fledjadou, <fly know give> (n) a source of information (clerk, notice board, TV screen). fu fledjadou, <fly know give> (n) some flight information, a spec. item. po fledjadou, <fly know give> (n) an act of giving information. informed, gubdja, <good know(ledge)> [N‍-‍V] (2a) N is well informed about V. infraction, fu kasfa, (n) an infraction, a punishable violation. infrequent, nurpio, <conv. of frequent> (a) infrequent/rare/uncommon/unusual, rarer than, conv. of frequent. infrequently, nurpio, <conv. of frequent> (av) infrequently/rarely/seldom, seldom. ingenious, bildai, <beautifully designed> [V‍-‍] (1a) V is ingenious. maospu, <make expert> (a) ingenious/artistic. starycnu, <startling new> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more clever/ingenious than J, as 'a clever device'. vefpeo, <inventive think> [G‍-‍JV] (3a) G is more bright/brilliant/clever/intelligent/creative/ingenious than J at thinking about V. vefyflo, <invent full> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is inventive/ingenious. ingenuity, lopu bildai, <beautifully designed> (n) ingenuity, mass property. ingredient, baspai, <base part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an element/fundamental ingredient of F. nu mismao, <mixture make> (n) an ingredient, of a mixture, q.v. mispai, <mixture part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a component/ingredient of mixture F. nu misycea, <mixture become> (n) an ingredient, of a mixture, q.v. nu misycko, <mixture cause> (n) an ingredient, of a mixture, q.v. inhabit, spalii, <region live> [B‍-‍F] (2v) B reside/inhabit/live in area/region/habitat F. spalivcea, <space live change> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K settle in/inhabit B. inhabitant, siflii, <place live> (n) an inhabitant/resident, a resident of …. spalii, <region live> (n) a resident/inhabitant, one living in a spec. habitat. inhabitants, spalivsei, <space live set> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F are a/the population/inhabitants of B. inhabited, nu spalivcea, <space live change> (v) is populated/inhabited by …. inherit, fu mordou, <death give> (4v) inherit … from … under will/law …. penrykai, <parent quality> [K‍-‍BS] (3v) K inherit B from ancestor(s) S. inheritance, brapou, <birth possess> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is the birthright/inheritance of D. nu mordou, <death give> (3n) an/the inheritance of … from …, the thing -ed. po nu mordou, <death give> (1n) inheritance, the process/event of -ing. nurtisgeu, <selected genes> (n) an inheritance, of … from … /gene set/. lopo nurtisgeu, <selected genes> (n) inheritance, the mass of all -ances. po nurtisgeu, <selected genes> (n) an inheritance, event of -ing a genotype. inherited, nu mordou, <death give> (3a) inherited by … from …. inimitable, no nu kopkao, <copy act> (a) inimitable, neg. of imitable. initial, satci, (a) initial/original, of beginnings/starts of …. initial phase, satci, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the start/source/root/beginning/origin/initial phase of process/interval F. initiate, sacmao, <start make> [K‍-‍DPV] (4v) K initiate/start …, make D start doing P by V, intentional. nu sacmao, <start make> (n) initiate, one who/that which is -ed. sacycko, <start cause> [N‍-‍DV] (3v) N initiate/start …, cause D to start doing V, non intentional. nu sacycko, <start cause> (n) initiate, one who/that which is -ed. initiation, po sacmao, <start make> (n) a start/initiation, an act of -ing. po sacycko, <start cause> (n) a start/initiation, an act of -ing. initiative, selsacduo, <self start do> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K show/exhibit+initiative in V. lopu selsacduo, <self start do> (n) initiative, mass property. po selsacduo, <self start do> (n) an initiative, specific instance. selsacflo, <self start full> [G‍-‍J] (2v) G has more initiative than J. initiator, sacmao, <start make> (n) a starter/initiator, one who -s. sacycko, <start cause> (n) a starter/initiator, that which -s. injure, dasysru, <responsible hurt> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K wrong/injure D by V. sru, (af) a combining form of surna, injure. surna, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K hurt/harm/injure/damage D at/in V. zaocko, <bad cause> [N‍-‍DVP] (4v) N (bring) harm to/damage/injure D by doing V with bad effects P, nonintentional. injure self esteem of, noirselsru, <other self damage> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K insult/hurt/offend/injure self esteem of D by V. injured, nu dasysru, <responsible hurt> (a) wronged/injured (by (person) … (in manner) …). nu surna, (a) damageable/harmed/hurt/injured, can be -ed. injured by, nursru, <conv. of injure> [D‍-‍V] (2n) D is a/the victim of/is injured by V. injurious, pu foisru, <force harm> (a) injurious. surna, (a) injurious, of that which -s. injury, fu dasysru, <responsible hurt> (n) an injury/wrong/tort/injustice (done to … by …). po dasysru, <responsible hurt> (n) an injury/wrong/tort (done to … in manner …). po surna, (n) a/the harm/hurt/injury, an event/act of -ing. po nu surna, (n) a/the damage/hurt/injury, a state of being -ed. fu zaocko, <bad cause> (n) a harm/injury/loss, bad effects of another's action. injustice, fu dasysru, <responsible hurt> (n) an injury/wrong/tort/injustice (done to … by …). po no dredju, <correctly judge> (n) an injustice/unfairness, an act of being unfair. pu no dredju, <correctly judge> (n) an injustice/unfairness, to persons, a property. pu nu dredjumou, <right judge more> (n) an injustice/unfairness, being less just than …. fu nordredju, <not correct judge> (n) an injustice/misjudgment (of … by …), the subject matter of the -ing. lopu nordredju, <not correct judge> (1n) injustice/misjudgment, mass property. po nordredju, <not correct judge> (n) an injustice, specific instance. po pebtiadju, <specific select judge> (n) an instance of injustice, being unjust to …. po nu pebtiadju, <specific select judge> (n) an instance of injustice, receiving injustice. ink, tin, (af) a combining form of tinmo, ink. tinmo, [B‍-‍S] (1n) B is a drop/quantity of ink from source S. inkiness, lopu tincli, <ink like> (n) inkiness, mass term of properties. inky, tincli, <ink like> [K‍-‍J] (2a) K is more inky, ink like than J. inland, lanmidju, <land middle> [V‍-‍F] (2a) V is inland in landmass F. inn, geshaa, <guest house> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is an inn at N. hotle, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a hotel/hostel/inn of place F. innards, visra, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B are the guts/viscera/entrails/innards of F. inner, nenri, (a) inner/inside/interior, pert. to the inside of something. innkeeper, pubnurgeo, <public host> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an innkeeper. innocence, pu dupcle, <guile without> (n) innocence, mass property. lopu nilboicli, <child like> (n) innocence/naivety/childishness/simplicity (of nature), mass term, properties. lopu nortsidaspa, <not crime responsible> (n) innocence, mass property of being not criminally responsible. po nortsidaspa, <not crime responsible> (n) an instance of innocence (of …). lopu no tsedaspa, <error responsible> (n) innocence, mass prop. po no tsedaspa, <error responsible> (n) an innocence, an objective state of innocence. innocent, dupcle, <guile without> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more innocent/without guile than J. nilboicli, <child like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more childish/like a child/innocent/childlike/naive than J. nortsidaspa, <not crime responsible> [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is innocent of V. no nu speni, (a) inexperienced/naive/innocent. no tsedaspa, <error responsible> (a) guiltless/innocent/blameless. innocuous, no vendu, (a) innocuous, non poisonous, neg. of toxic. innovate, bidvetfa, <behaviour invent> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K innovate(s) new practice P. innovation, lopo bidvetfa, <behaviour invent> (n) innovation, mass term. nu bidvetfa, <behaviour invent> (n) innovation, a new practice. po bidvetfa, <behaviour invent> (n) an innovation, specific act. innovative, bidvetfa, <behaviour invent> (a) innovative, referring to -ors. nu bidvetfa, <behaviour invent> (a) innovative, pert. to -tions. innovativeness, pu bidvetfa, <behaviour invent> (n) innovativeness, spec. property. innovator, bidvetfa, <behaviour invent> (n) an author/innovator, one who -s. innumerable, koncle, <count without> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is/are uncountable/countless/innumerable in number. inoculated, vaksi, (a) immunized/immune/inoculated, vaccinated for … with …. inoperable, no nu bapra, (a) inoperable, unable to be -d. bodcea, <break change> [D‍-‍] (1v) D break (down)/become broken/inoperable, intransitive. bodcko, <break cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N break D/renders … inoperable, nonintentional 'The fall broke his arm'. bodmao, <break make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K break D/renders … inoperable by …, intentional. inoperative, broda, [N‍-‍] (1a) N is broken (down)/inoperative/inutile. inorganic, norlii, <non living> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is inorganic/non living, sense of never having been alive. input, nenmuo, <in move> [D‍-‍B] (2v) D input(s) B. nu nenmuo, <in move> (n) an input (from …). po nenmuo, <in move> (n) an inst. of input (of …). inquire, kendiu, <question discuss> [K‍-‍BS] (3v) K ask/inquire/question about B from S. kenduo, <question do> [K‍-‍S] (2v) K ask/inquire/question S. rorkentaa, <many question talk> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K interview/interrogate/inquire B about V. inquire about, fekduvrai, <facts discover try> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K investigate/inquire about facts V. inquire into, repduvrai, <answer discover try(search)> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K investigate/inquire into V. inquire of, djabeo, <know(ledge) ask> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K interrogate/inquire of D about subject V. fekbeo, <facts ask> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K interrogate/inquire of D about (facts) V. inquirer, kendiu, <question discuss> (n) an inquirer, one who inquires. inquiring, kenduo, <question do> (a) K is curious/inquisitive/inquiring (by nature). inquiry, po djabeo, <know(ledge) ask> (n) an inquiry/interrogation (of … on subject …), a specific instance. po fekbeo, <facts ask> (n) an inquiry/interrogation, a specific instance. po fekduvrai, <facts discover try> (n) an inquiry/investigation (into …). po kendiu, <question discuss> (n) an inquiry, a spec. act of -ing about. po repduvrai, <answer discover try(search)> (n) an inquiry/investigation, investigation, a spec. act of. po rorkentaa, <many question talk> (n) an interview/inquisition/interrogation/inquiry, an act of asking questions. inquisition, po rorkentaa, <many question talk> (n) an interview/inquisition/interrogation/inquiry, an act of asking questions. inquisitive, kenduo, <question do> (a) K is curious/inquisitive/inquiring (by nature). rorkentaa, <many question talk> (a) inquisitive, of one who interrogates …. insane, frelo, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is crazy/insane/mad. frelycea, <mad become> [K‍-‍S] (2v) K (go) mad/insane/crazy from S. frelycko, <mad cause> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K (make) D mad/insane/crazy, nonintentional cause. frelymao, <mad make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K (make) D mad/insane/crazy, intentional act. inscribe, stosri, <stay write> [K‍-‍CDP] (4v) K inscribe C on (location/material) D for purpose P. inscription, nu stosri, <stay write> (n) a specific inscription. po stosri, <stay write> (n) an instance of inscribing/inscription. insect, sekto, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a male insect. sektu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is any insect. sek, (af) a combining form of sekta, insect. sekta, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an insect. sekti, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a nymph/larva/immature insect. insect like, sekte, [G‍-‍J] (1n) G is more insect like than J. insectivore, sektci, <insect eater> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an insectivore. insectivorous, sektci, <insect eater> (a) insectivorous, of insect eaters. insensible to, norkae, <not conscious> [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is insensible to/unconscious of V. insensitive, norpoaflo, <not response full> [G‍-‍NJ] (3a) G is more insensitive to N than J is. sasfiu, <sense weak> [B‍-‍SN] (3a) B is insensitive concerning stimulus S under N. insensitivity, lopu norpoaflo, <not response full> (n) insensitivity, mass property. inseparability, lopu no nu nartycko, <apart cause> (n) inseparability, mass term. pu no nu nartycko, <apart cause> (n) an inseparability, a spec. property. lopu no nu nartymao, <apart make> (n) inseparability, mass term. pu no nu nartymao, <apart make> (n) an inseparability, a spec. property. inseparable, no nu nartycko, <apart cause> (a) inseparable, neg. of separable, q.v. no nu nartymao, <apart make> (a) inseparable, neg. of separable, q.v. insert, nensea, <in put> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K put/insert/deposit B in/at D. insertion, nu nensea, <in put> (n) an insertion/deposit (by … in …), that which is -ed. po nensea, <in put> (n) an insertion, a spec. act of -ing. inside, nenri, [B‍-‍F] (2pp) B is in/inside F. nenri, (a) inner/inside/interior, pert. to the inside of something. nenri, (av) inside, in the inner part. inside of, no nenri, (pp) not inside of …, neg. form. inside out, fanspali, <reverse side> (a) inside out/upside down, the reverse of …. insides, lo nenri, (n) insides, the mass of inner parts. insight, nenvia, <in see> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K have an insight into V. lopu nenvia, <in see> (n) insight, mass property of having …. sudnysiodja, <sudden system know(understand)> [D‍-‍N] (2n) D have a sudden insight about N, a "Eureka" incident. insightful, kacfro, <aware strong> [B‍-‍VN] (3a) B is perceptive/insightful about V under N. insignificance, pu no djipo, (n) an unimportance/insignificance, a spec. property. pu nu jipmou, <important more> (n) unimportance/insignificance, a spec. property. lopu norjio, <not important> (n) insignificance/unimportance, mass property. insignificant, no djipo, (a) unimportant/insignificant/petty/trivial, neg. of significant. nu jipmou, <important more> (a) unimportant/insignificant, less important than, q.v. norjio, <not important> [G‍-‍JDN] (4a) G is (more) insignificant/unimportant than J to D in respects N. insist on, folcue, <strongly say> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K insist on/assert/declare/say forcefully B to D. foskoi, <forcing order> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K demand/insist on action/object B from/of D. insistence, po folcue, <strongly say> (n) an insistence, an act of -ing. po foskoi, <forcing order> (n) a demand/insistence, an act of -ing. insistent, folcue, <strongly say> (a) assertive/insistent, forceful in speech. insolently polite, fomsocnaa, <formal+rude> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K is insolently polite to B. (as of a traffic policeman who has just stopped you). insouciance, lopu fatpencle, <trouble think without> (n) insouciance, mass property of being carefree. inspect, lisyblegoi, <list look go> [K‍-‍DC] (3v) K make the rounds of/inspect D at intervals C. nenbeible, <in carry look> (v) inspect (as a customs official). snible, <near look> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K examine/inspect/scrutinize/survey/observe closely/look closely at D for quality B. tamble, <weapon look> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K check/inspect B for weapon/security. inspection, po paspyble, <passport look> (n) passport inspection/control (event of). po snible, <near look> (n) an inspection/survey/observation/examination/scrutiny, an act of inspecting. po tamble, <weapon look> (n) weapon/security check/inspection (an event). inspector, paspyble, <passport look> (n) passport inspector/official. snible, <near look> (n) an inspector, one who -s. inspects, paspyble, <passport look> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K inspects passport of B. inspiration, sudna vidre, (ph) an inspiration concerning …. inspire, movdou, <motive give> [K‍-‍DVS] (4v) K inspire/motivate D to do V with motive S. inspired, nu movdou, <motive give> (a) inspired/motivated, by some agent. inspiring, movdou, <motive give> (a) motivating/inspiring, of -ing agents. install, parsea, <part put> [K‍-‍BDP] (4v) K install B in D for P. pogsea, <program set> [K‍-‍VF] (3v) K install(s) program V on system F. installation, po fusynensea, <office in put> (n) an installation (in … for …). lopo parsea, <part put> (n) installation, mass term. po parsea, <part put> (n) an installation (of … in … for …). installed, fusynensea, <office in put> [D‍-‍PCK] (4v) D is installed/inaugurated in (office/role/position) P for (term) C by K. installer, pogsea, <program set> (n) an installer, a person or program that installs. installment, pecpai, <pay part> [V‍-‍CB] (3n) V is an installment/payment of amount C on merchandise B. instance, bea, (c) for/as example/illustration/instance/sample, a sentence modifier. (UI). genza, [V‍-‍N] (2n) V is a case/token/instance/recurrence/recurrent instance of N. instant, ckepea, <time point> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is an instant/point/position in time of event V. na leva ckepea, (av ph) at that instant/at the same time, of instants. nazi, (av) right now/at this instant. instantaneous, ckepea, <time point> (a) instantaneous, pert. to instants. instead, sea, (pp) instead/instead of/in place of, a relative oper. before design'ns (PA). instead of, sea, (pp) instead/instead of/in place of, a relative oper. before design'ns (PA). instinct, nu nenbacbiu, <in built behaviour> (n) an instinct (of … in …). instinctive, nenbacbiu, <in built behaviour> (a) instinctive (about … in …). instinctively, nenbacbiu, <in built behaviour> [K‍-‍VN] (3v) K instinctively do V in situation N. institute, stogru, <stay group> [B‍-‍P] (2n) B is an institute for purpose P (the members). stogrumao, <stay group make> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K institute B, establish a lasting practice. stogrusia, <remain group place> [B‍-‍P] (2n) B is an institute for purpose P (the building). instruct, ditca, [K‍-‍ND] (3v) K teach/instruct subject N to D. fomdia, <formal teach> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K educate/instruct D in matter/subject B. instruction, po ditca, (n) an instruction, a spec. act of teaching. po fomdia, <formal teach> (n) an education/instruction, a specific act of -ing. instructor, ditca, (n) an instructor/teacher, one who teaches. fomdia, <formal teach> (n) an educator/instructor. instrument, dortau, <war arm> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a weapon/instrument of war. trime, [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is an instrument/tool/implement for doing V. instrument maker, riermao, <instrument maker> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an instrument maker. insufferable, nu fanjuo, <reverse support> (a) unendurable/unbearable/insufferable/intolerable/insupportable to … in circumstance …. insular, cilda, (a) insular, pert. to islands. insulin, insulini, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is some insulin from S. insult, noirselsru, <other self damage> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K insult/hurt/offend/injure self esteem of D by V. fu noirselsru, <other self damage> (n) an insult, an insulting act/speech. srutaa, <injure talk> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K insult D by V. fu srutaa, <injure talk> (n) an insult (of … by (person) …). insulted, nu noirselsru, <other self damage> (a) offended/insulted, conv. of insult. nu srutaa, <injure talk> (a) insulted (by (person) … and (words) …), of one so spoken to. insulting, noirselsru, <other self damage> (a) offensive/insulting, pert. to one who -s. fu noirselsru, <other self damage> (a) insulting, pert. to an -ing act. insupportable, nu fanjuo, <reverse support> (a) unendurable/unbearable/insufferable/intolerable/insupportable to … in circumstance …. insurable, nu surba, (a) insurable, can be -ed. insurance, lopo surba, (n) insurance, mass term of acts. po surba, (n) some insurance, a spec. act of -ing. surbypre, <insure paper> [B‍-‍DN] (3n) B is the insurance policy of D with respect to N. insure, surba, [K‍-‍DBC] (4v) K insure D against hazard B for fee C. insured, nu surba, (n) an insured, an -ed person, conv. of insure. insurer, surba, (n) an insurer, one who -s. insurmountable, no nu nausku, <difficult succeed> (a) insurmountable, neg. conv. surmount. integer, konte, [C‍-‍F] (2n) C is the number/integral number/integer/numerical count/cardinal number of set/multiple F. integral, fu fanslodui, <reverse slope discover(differentiate)> (n) an integral. kapli, [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is complete/entire/whole/finished/perfect/integral by standard N. integral number, konte, [C‍-‍F] (2n) C is the number/integral number/integer/numerical count/cardinal number of set/multiple F. integrate, fanslodui, <reverse slope discover(differentiate)> [K‍-‍SP] (3v) K integrate S into P. nercea, <one become> [K‍-‍] (1v) K unify/unite/integrate/coalesce/coagulate/clot/run together/become one. nercko, <one make> [N‍-‍B] (2v) N unite/unify/integrate B, make into one, non intentional. nermao, <one make> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K unite/unify/integrate B (pl.), make into one, intentional. integration, po fanslodui, <reverse slope discover(differentiate)> (n) an instance of integration. lopo nercko, <one make> (n) an integration, mass term of acts. po nercko, <one make> (n) a unification/integration, a spec. act of -ing. lopo nermao, <one make> (n) an integration, mass term of acts. po nermao, <one make> (n) a unification/integration, a spec. act of -ing. integrity, pu kapli, (n) a perfection/integrity/completeness, a spec. property. intelligence, pu kukcia, <quick learning> (n) a quickness/intelligence, a spec. property. pu kukpeo, <quick think> (n) an intelligence, a specific property. lopu minspu, <mind expert> (n) brilliance/intelligence, mass property. lopu rorcia, <much learning> (n) intelligence/knowledge, mass term of props …. pu rorcia, <much learning> (n) an intelligence, a spec. property. lopu tcepeo, <through think> (n) intelligence, mass property of rational thinking. lopu vefpeo, <inventive think> (n) intelligence, mass term of props. pu vefpeo, <inventive think> (n) intelligence, a specific property. intelligent, ciafro, <learn strong> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is intelligent/good learner by standard N. kukcia, <quick learning> [G‍-‍JB] (3a) G is more intelligent/bright/brilliant/clever/quicker than J at learning B. kukpeo, <quick think> [G‍-‍JB] (3a) G is more bright/brilliant/clever/intelligent/quicker than J at thinking about B. minspu, <mind expert> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more clever/smart/intelligent/brilliant than J is. rorcia, <much learning> [G‍-‍JN] (3a) G is more intelligent/knowledgeable than J in learning N. tcepeo, <through think> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is intelligent/analytic, one who thinks things through. vefpeo, <inventive think> [G‍-‍JV] (3a) G is more bright/brilliant/clever/intelligent/creative/ingenious than J at thinking about V. intend, durbiesni, <do edge near> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K intend/be about to do/on the verge of doing P. furmoi, <3rd conv. motive> [K‍-‍VSN] (4v) K will/intend/be motivated to do V for motive S under conditions N. helfurmoi, <help intend> [K‍-‍PD] (3v) K do P on behalf/for the sake of D /intend … to help …. no ai, (i) I do not intend/It is not my intention to …, an exp. of denial of strong intention. intend to, ai, (i) I will/consent to/intend to … <, an exp. of consent/strong intention.>. roi, (aux) will/intend to/mean to …, objective sense used before predicates (PA). E.g. Mi roi godzi da — I will/intend to go to X. Cf. ai for subjective sense: Ai mi godzi da — I intend to go to X. intended, nu furmoi, <3rd conv. motive> (a) intentional/intended/purposive/purposeful, of intended acts. intense, kolfro, <colour strong> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is vivid/intense, of colours. mutce, [G‍-‍JN] (3a) G is more extreme/immoderate/intense/utmost than J is in quality N. nejflo, <energy full> [G‍-‍BJ] (3) G is (more) intense/energetic in quality B than J is. nenmou, <in more> (a) concentrated/intense, of -ed substances/energies. intensity, po nejflo, <energy full> (n) an intensity, a state of being full of energy. nejycai, <energy quantity> [C‍-‍B] (2) C is the (measured) intensity of property B. pu nenmou, <in more> (n) an intensity/concentration, a prop. of a -ed thing. intent, fu furmoi, <3rd conv. motive> (n) intent/intention, purpose, but see motive or modvi. intention, fu furmoi, <3rd conv. motive> (n) intent/intention, purpose, but see motive or modvi. no ai, (i) I do not intend/It is not my intention to …, an exp. of denial of strong intention. intentional, nu furmoi, <3rd conv. motive> (a) intentional/intended/purposive/purposeful, of intended acts. inter, fanpafko, <reverse dig> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K bury/inter D in B. interact, pifsocli, <frequently interacts with> [K‍-‍K] (2v) K closely associate/interact with K. soc, (af) a combining form of socli, interact. interact with, socli, [K‍-‍DV] (2v) K associate with/interact with/behave socially toward D over matter V. interaction, po pifsocli, <frequently interacts with> (n) a close association/interaction of …, spec. instance. po socli, (n) a social behavior/interaction, an instance. intercourse, kitsa, [K‍-‍K] (2v) K copulate/mate/mount/make love to/have coitus/intercourse with K. lopo kitsa, (n) intercourse/coitus, the mass of such acts. po kitsa, (n) an instance of (sexual) intercourse/mating/coitus. interest, ferci, [V‍-‍D] (2n) V is an affair/matter/concern/interest of person(s) D. ferci, (v) engage/involve/concern/interest/matter to …, involve …, as in an affair. jetprali, <debt profit> [C‍-‍S] (2n) C is the interest on loan S. lo jetprali, <debt profit> (n) interest, mass term. po nurfei, <conv. of affair> (n) an involvement/concern/interest, a state of being involved. po nurtreci, <conv. of interesting> (n) an interest/interestedness, a spec. state. treci, [B‍-‍DN] (3v) B interest/be interesting/curious to D in features N. fu treci, (n) an interest, of -ing features. lopu treci, (n) interest, mass prop. nu treci, (v) take an interest in, be interested in. po nu treci, (n) an interestedness/interest, a spec. state. interest community, treci munce, (ph) an interest community, a group with common interests. interest rate, jetyralrao, <debt profit ratio> [C‍-‍B] (2n) C is the/an interest rate on loan B. interested, nu ferci, (a) engaged/concerned/interested/involved, of one involved. nurfei, <conv. of affair> [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is concerned/involved/interested in affair/matter V. nurtreci, <conv. of interesting> [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is interested in/by V. interestedness, po nurtreci, <conv. of interesting> (n) an interest/interestedness, a spec. state. po nu treci, (n) an interestedness/interest, a spec. state. interesting, treci, [B‍-‍DN] (3v) B interest/be interesting/curious to D in features N. trecymou, <interest more> [G‍-‍DJDN] (5a) G is more interesting to D than J is to D(1) in features N. ue, (i) how interesting/surprising that …, exp./exclamation of surprise. interface, biartorspa, <between two space> [K‍-‍BB] (3n) K is an interface between B and B. interferon, interferoni, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is some interferon from S. interior, nenri, (a) inner/inside/interior, pert. to the inside of something. nenri, (n) an interior, the inside of …. interior corner, nenjao, <in angle> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the interior corner of F (e.g. a room). interleukin, interleukini, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is some interleukin from source S. interment, po fanpafko, <reverse dig> (n) an interment/burial, an act/event of -ing. interminable, no nu fadmao, <end make> (a) interminable, cannot be ended, q.v. no nu fando, (a) interminable, has no end, q.v. international, bitpoldi, <between nations> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is international, of/or relating to two or more nations or nationalities. interpersonal, sockui, <social kin> (a) interpersonal (social relationship). interpose, bitsea, <between place> [K‍-‍BB] (3v) K interpose(s) between B and B. interposition, lopo bitsea, <between place> (n) interposition, placing … between … and …. interpret, bekyklimao, <object clear make> [K‍-‍BPD] (4v) K interpret/clarify object B as P for D. bivklimao, <behaviour clear make> [K‍-‍VPD] (4v) K interpret/clarify V as P for D. sanfomcea, <sign form change> [K‍-‍SDV] (4v) K interpret/expound/decipher/explain the meaning of text/speech/sign S for audience/readers D by writing/saying V. sanklimao, <sign explain> [K‍-‍SPD] (4v) K interpret/clarify S as P for D. interpretaion, po bivklimao, <behaviour clear make> (n) an instance of interpretaion/clarification (of … as … for …). interpretation, fu bekyklimao, <object clear make> (n) an interpretation/clarification (of … by … for …). po bekyklimao, <object clear make> (n) an interpretation/clarification (of … as … for …). fu bivklimao, <behaviour clear make> (n) an interpretation/clarification (of … by … for …). notlenfoa, <other language form> [P‍-‍BDK] (4n) P is a translation/interpretation/transformation of text/document/speech B into other language D by translator/interpreter K. fu sanklimao, <sign explain> (n) an interpretation/clarification (of … by … for …), the result of -ing. po sanklimao, <sign explain> (n) an interpretation/clarification (of … as … for …), an instance of -ing. interpreter, bekyklimao, <object clear make> (n) an interpreter. bivklimao, <behaviour clear make> (n) an interpreter. sanklimao, <sign explain> (n) interpreter (of … as … for …), one who -s. interrogate, djabeo, <know(ledge) ask> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K interrogate/inquire of D about subject V. fekbeo, <facts ask> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K interrogate/inquire of D about (facts) V. rorkentaa, <many question talk> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K interview/interrogate/inquire B about V. interrogation, po djabeo, <know(ledge) ask> (n) an inquiry/interrogation (of … on subject …), a specific instance. po fekbeo, <facts ask> (n) an inquiry/interrogation, a specific instance. po rorkentaa, <many question talk> (n) an interview/inquisition/interrogation/inquiry, an act of asking questions. interrogator, rorkentaa, <many question talk> (n) an interviewer/interrogator, one who -s. interrupt, krosticko, <flow stop cause> [N‍-‍SB] (3v) N interrupt/stop/plug/turn off the flow from S of B, nonintentional. krostimao, <flow stop make> [K‍-‍SD] (3v) K interrupt/stop/plug/turn off the flow from S of D, intentional. takstimao, <talk stop make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K interrupt D by V. interrupted, krosticea, <flow stop become> [B‍-‍V] (2v) B is interrupted in/at V, intransitive. interrupter, krosticko, <flow stop cause> (n) interrupter/switch (electric)/stopper/plug, that which -s. krostimao, <flow stop make> (n) an interrupter, one who -s. interruption, po krosticea, <flow stop become> (n) an instance of interruption, being interrupted. po krosticko, <flow stop cause> (n) interruption, an act/event of -ing. po krostimao, <flow stop make> (n) an interruption, an act/event of -ing. lopo takstimao, <talk stop make> (n) an instance of interruption. intersect, kasfoamao, <cross form make> [K‍-‍BB] (3v) K cross/intersect B and B (set crossways). intersecting, kasfoamao, <cross form make> (a) crossing/intersecting - pertaining to things -ed. intersection, kasfoa, <cross form> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a cross/intersection of S. nu kasfoamao, <cross form make> (n) cross/intersection, an object formed by -ing. po kasfoamao, <cross form make> (n) cross/intersection, a -ing (of … and …). tridyjao, <street angle> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a street corner/intersection of streets F (collection). intersurface, biarskapi, <betwen skin> [K‍-‍BB] (3n) K is a membrane/tissue/intersurface between B and B. intertwine, djikue, <join reciprocally> [K‍-‍] (1v) K link/intertwine/join each other. interval, cke, (af) a combining form of ckemo, interval. ckemo, [C‍-‍SD] (3n) C the time/interval/period from S to D. na le ckemo, (av ph) at the time of/in that interval, of intervals. naza, (av) in this short interval. nazu, (av) in this long interval. punfysonbia, <pure sound(note) between> [B‍-‍CN] (3n) B is a musical interval of C on scale N. riicke, <regular interval> [C‍-‍V] (2n) C is the period/interval/periodicity between repetitions of cycle V. nu skakeo, <scale time> (n) a term/time/interval, in the units of some scale. spabia, <space between> [B‍-‍CSD] (4n) B is an interval/distance of C units between S and D. keo, (af) a combining form of ckemo, interval. interview, rorkentaa, <many question talk> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K interview/interrogate/inquire B about V. po rorkentaa, <many question talk> (n) an interview/inquisition/interrogation/inquiry, an act of asking questions. interviewer, rorkentaa, <many question talk> (n) an interviewer/interrogator, one who -s. intestinal, lagvisra, <long gut> (a) intestinal/gut, made of gut/intestine. intestine, intestini, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an intestine from/of F. lagvisra, <long gut> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the gut/intestine of F. intimacy, lopu famcli, <family like> (n) intimacy, mass property. intimate, famcli, <family like> [G‍-‍DJD] (4a) G is more intimate with (person) D than J is with D. fibsange, <weakly suggest> [K‍-‍VD] (3v) K hint/intimate/imply V to D. minsni, <mind near> [K‍-‍KV] (3v) K is/are intimate with K about V. minsni, <mind near> (a) intimate (with … about …). intimation, nu fibsange, <weakly suggest> (n) hint/intimation, that which is -ed. into, vavi, (pp) into …, from nearby, before terms. vuvi, (c) into where, from far away, before clauses. vuvi, (pp) into …, from far away, before terms. into here, vavi, (av) in/into here (from nearby), before predicates. vuvi, (av) in/into here (from far away), before predicates. into where, vavi, (c) into where, from nearby, before clauses. intolerable, nu fanjuo, <reverse support> (a) unendurable/unbearable/insufferable/intolerable/insupportable to … in circumstance …. intone, gricue, <sing say> [K‍-‍PV] (3v) K intone/chant P about V. intoning, gricue, <sing say> (a) chanting/intoning, describing a —. intricate, norsapla, <not simple> [G‍-‍JND] (4a) G is more involved/intricate/complicated than J in features N to D. intrigue, tedjua, <attention grab> (3v) K intrigue D by V, seize the attention of. intrigued, nu tedjua, <attention grab> (a) intrigued by … (person)and action …. intriguing, tedjua, <attention grab> [K‍-‍DV] (2a) intriguing to …. introduce, jmicko, <meeting cause> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K present/introduce D to B. nenbei, <in carry> [K‍-‍BDS] (4v) K introduce/bring into B to D from source S. nurteisatci, <attentioned(topic/subject) start> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K introduce (subject/book/topic) B. introduction, buksatci, <book start> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the preface/introduction of book F. po jmicko, <meeting cause> (n) an introduction, an act of -ing. po nenbei, <in carry> (n) an instance of introduction. lopu nurteisatci, <attentioned(topic/subject) start> (n) introduction, mass property. po nurteisatci, <attentioned(topic/subject) start> (n) a (specific) introduction (to …). inutile, broda, [N‍-‍] (1a) N is broken (down)/inoperative/inutile. invade, foirnengoi, <force inside go> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K enter by force/invade D with (force) V. invaded, nu foirnengoi, <force inside go> (a) invaded, subjected to -ion. invader, foirnengoi, <force inside go> (n) invader, one who -s. invasion, lopo foirnengoi, <force inside go> (n) invasion, mass instances. po foirnengoi, <force inside go> (n) an invasion (of … with …), a specific forced entry. invent, vef, (af) a combining form of vetfa, invent. vetfa, [K‍-‍BPS] (4v) K invent B for function P from existing elements S. invention, nu vetfa, (n) an invention, an invented thing. po vetfa, (n) an invention, a spec. act of -ing. inventive, vefyflo, <invent full> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is inventive/ingenious. vetfa, (a) inventive, pert. to inventors. inventiveness, lopu vetfa, (n) inventiveness, mass prop. inventor, vetfa, (n) an author/inventor, inventor of … for …. inventory, nornurvemsei, <not sold set> [C‍-‍F] (2n) C is an/the inventory/stock/supplies of F. inverse, fanve, [N‍-‍N] (2n) N is the reverse/inverse/opposite of N, in reverse order from sequence …. inversely, norceajai, <not change product> (3v) vary inversely (to … with product …). inversely proportional, norceajai, <not change product> [B‍-‍BC] (3a) B is inversely proportional to B with product C. inversion, po lisfae, <list reverse> (1n) inversion/reversal, an act of reversal of a sequence. po nenzvobatmi, <in out exchange> (1n) inversion, an act of turning something inside out. po tcufae, <image reverse> (1n) inversion/reflection, an act of mirror imaging. po torkuetrana, <two/under(half) turn> (1n) inversion, an act of inverting something. invert, lisfae, <list reverse> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K invert/reverse, reverse a sequence of objects B, e.g. letters in a word. nenzvobatmi, <in out exchange> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K invert/evert/turn inside out B. tcufae, <image reverse> [V‍-‍] (1v) V invert/reflect, reverse an image as in a mirror. torkuetrana, <two/under(half) turn> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K invert D/turn … upsidedown, rotates 180° with respect to some axis N (the horizontal axis being the default). invest, ralsposea, <profit hope place> [K‍-‍CB] (3v) K invest(s) C in B. investable, nu ralsposea, <profit hope place> (a) investable, can be -ed. investigable, nu repduvrai, <answer discover try(search)> (a) investigable, capable of being -ed. investigate, cilble, <detail look> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K investigate/research B for/on behalf of D. fekduvrai, <facts discover try> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K investigate/inquire about facts V. repduvrai, <answer discover try(search)> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K investigate/inquire into V. investigation, po fekduvrai, <facts discover try> (n) an inquiry/investigation (into …). po repduvrai, <answer discover try(search)> (n) an inquiry/investigation, investigation, a spec. act of. investigator, cilble, <detail look> (n) an investigator/researcher. repduvrai, <answer discover try(search)> (n) an investigator, one who -s. investment, ju cmehea, <money help> (n) C is a subsidy/contribution/investment. ralspocme, <investment money> [C‍-‍] (1n) C is an investment, money invested. nu ralsposea, <profit hope place> (n) an investment, that which is -ed. po ralsposea, <profit hope place> (n) an investment, an act of -ing. investor, ralsposea, <profit hope place> (n) an investor, one who -s for profit. invisible, viznorbli, <see not possible> [B‍-‍DNN] (4a) B is invisible to D against background N and conditions N(1). invitation, godbeopre, <invite paper> [B‍-‍DKV] (4n) B is an invitation/document for/to guest D from host K to attend event V. E.g. Ti godbeopre mi la Forpoi, lepo leFai detra fa mercea. — This is an invitation to me from the (local) Count to attend the wedding of his daughter. po gozbeo, <come ask> (n) invitation, an act of -ing. invite, gozbeo, <come ask> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K invite D to V. hijkinbeo, <attend accompany request> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K invite B to go with him/her to D. invited, nu godbeopre, <invite paper> (n) is invited/an invited guest. invites, fu godbeopre, <invite paper> (v) invites/issues an invitation. invocation, neikra, <in call> (n) call/summons/invocation, an act of -ing. invoice, nursuilista, <sent list> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an invoice, a content list of a package. invoke, neikra, <in call> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K call in/invoke/call upon/summon B to do V. invoker, neikra, <in call> (n) an invoker, one who -s. involuntary, norkactro, <not conscious control(ler)> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is involuntary. involve, ferci, (v) engage/involve/concern/interest/matter to …, involve …, as in an affair. nurfecmao, <(conv. of affair=) involved make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K involve/concern D in affair/matter V/gets … involved in …. nurfeicko, <(conv. of affair=) involved cause> [N‍-‍KV] (3v) N involve/concern K in affair/matter V/gets … involved in …. vetci, [N‍-‍D] (2v) N take place/happen/occur/involve (to) objects/persons D. involved, nu ferci, (a) engaged/concerned/interested/involved, of one involved. norsapla, <not simple> [G‍-‍JND] (4a) G is more involved/intricate/complicated than J in features N to D. nu nurfecmao, <(conv. of affair=) involved make> (a) involved/concerned (by … in …). nurfei, <conv. of affair> [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is concerned/involved/interested in affair/matter V. nurfeicea, <(conv. of affair=) involved become> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K become involved/concerned in affair/matter V. nurfeicea, <(conv. of affair=) involved become> (a) involved/concerned (by … in …). nu nurfeicko, <(conv. of affair=) involved cause> (a) involved/concerned (by … in …). nu vetci, (a) involved (in event …). involvement, pu nu ferci, (n) involvement. po nurfei, <conv. of affair> (n) an involvement/concern/interest, a state of being involved. involving, nurfecmao, <(conv. of affair=) involved make> (a) involving/concerning (… in …). nurfeicko, <(conv. of affair=) involved cause> (a) involving/concerning (… in …). iodine, iodno, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some iodine, element 53 (I). ion, ionhi, [B‍-‍SC] (3n) B is an ion of S with charge C. ionic, ionhi, (a) ionic, pert. to -s. ionize, ionhiycea, <ionic become> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K ionize to P, form ions …. iota, izi, (l) iota, Greek lower case letter, one of a pool of symbols. irascible, fasroi, <easily angry> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more irritable/irascible than J. iridium, irhidio, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some iridium, element 77 (Ir). iris, irhisi, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an iris of F. iron, fen, (af) a combining form of ferno, iron. fenflo, <iron full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more ferrous/contains more iron than J does. ferno, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some iron, the 26th element (Fe). fesferno, <waste iron> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a piece of scrapiron/waste iron/junk. iron ore, fenmiu, <iron mineral> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a piece/quantity of iron ore. lo fenmiu, <iron mineral> (n) iron ore, mass term. iron oxide, ferno oksidi, (ph) rust/iron oxide on …. irratability, po nu norkofcko, <discomfort cause> (n) irratability/irritatedness, a state/condition. irrational, nu razpli, <reason using> (a) unreasonable/irrational, conv. of rational. irrationality, po nu razpli, <reason using> (n) an unreasonableness/irrationality, a condition/state. pu nu razpli, <reason using> (n) an unreasonableness/irrationality, a property. irregular, bufrii, <opposite(of) regular> [V‍-‍NB] (3a) V is irregular, not according to rule N in features B. nunrii, <conv. of regular> (a) sporadic/irregular, more sporadic than …. irregularity, pu nunrii, <conv. of regular> (n) an irregularity, a spec. property. irregularly, nunrii, <conv. of regular> (av) irregularly/sporadically/occasionally/now and then. irrelevance, po no perti, (n) an irrelevance, a spec. state/condition. pu no perti, (n) an irrelevance, a spec. property. irrelevant, no perti, (a) irrelevant, does not relate to …. irreligiosity, pu nu lidflo, <religion full> (n) an irreligiosity, a spec. property. irreligious, nu no lidflo, <religion full> (a) irreligious, conv. of religious. lidpozfa, <religion oppose> [B‍-‍FN] (3a) B is irreligious/hostile to religion F in conditions N. irresistible, no nu durpozfa, <do oppose> (a) irresistible, incapable of being -ed. koifro, <order strong> [K‍-‍VN] (3a) K is/are commanding/irresistible about V in situation N. nornurduopozfa, <not do opposed> [B‍-‍D] (2a) B is irresistible to D. irritability, pu fasroi, <easily angry> (n) irritability, spec. prop. lopu nu norkofcko, <discomfort cause> (n) irritability, mass term of prop. pu nu norkofcko, <discomfort cause> (n) an irritability, a spec. property. irritable, fasroi, <easily angry> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more irritable/irascible than J. nu norkofcko, <discomfort cause> (a) irritable, liable to irritation. irritancy, pu norkofcko, <discomfort cause> (n) an irritancy, a property of being -ing. irritant, norkofcko, <discomfort cause> (n) an irritant, that which -s. nurkofcko, <discomfort cause> (n) an irritant (of … by …). irritate, norkofcko, <discomfort cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N irritate/cause discomfort to D, nonintentional. nurkofcko, <discomfort cause> [N‍-‍DV] (3v) N irritate D (physically) by V, e.g. a mosquito bite. roicko, <angry cause> [V‍-‍B] (2v) V annoy/irritate B. irritated, no uo, (i) I'm not disturbed/angry/irritated/annoyed, a denial of annoyance. nu nurkofcko, <discomfort cause> (a) irritated, pert. to the thing -ed. uo, (i) I am disturbed/angry/irritated/annoyed that …, an expression of annoyance. irritatedness, po nu norkofcko, <discomfort cause> (n) irratability/irritatedness, a state/condition. irritating, norkofcko, <discomfort cause> (a) irritating, pert. to irritants. irritation, po norkofcko, <discomfort cause> (n) an irritation, an event/state of -ing. lopo nurkofcko, <discomfort cause> (n) irritation, mass term. po nurkofcko, <discomfort cause> (1n) a specific (physical) irritation/discomfort. is, bua, (v) is (a) P, 1st bound predicate variable. bui, (v) is (a) Q, 2nd bound predicate variable. dua, (v) is (does) the former, 1st free predicate variable. dui, (v) is (does) the latter, 2nd free predicate variable. ga, (va) is (a). na, (va) am/are/is (now) -ing sign of the present tense. nafa, (va) is/are going to …, sign of present progressive tense, English inexact. nana, (va) am/are/is now … ing, sign of the present coincident tense. is -ed, fu, (va) is -ed, passive of some predicates. ju, (va) is -ed, passive of some predicates. nu, (va) is -ed, passive of some predicates. is a what, he, (q) is a what?/is what kind of …?/how, the predicate interrogative, used to request a predicate phrase or word. E.g. Da he? — X is a what? Da he mrenu? — X is what kind of man? is composed of, nu rarpai, <all parts> (ph) is composed of parts/constituents …. is more of a, mou, (pp) more than … is/is more of a … than … is, an oper. used before args to give the accompanying non comparative preda a comparative sense (PA). E.g. Da farfu mou de — X is a father more than Y is X is more of a father than Y is. Cf. ciu. is what kind of, he, (q) is a what?/is what kind of …?/how, the predicate interrogative, used to request a predicate phrase or word. E.g. Da he? — X is a what? Da he mrenu? — X is what kind of man? is-how-connected-to, ha, (q) is-how-connected-to?, connective interrogative. E.g. Tu danza lo skafi ha lo tcati? — You want coffee how-connected to tea? Do you want coffee or tea?). island, cilda, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an island/isle in body of water F. isle, cilda, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an island/isle in body of water F. isolate, kinclecko, <companions without cause> [K‍-‍BF] (3v) K isolate/cut off B from F (unintentional cause). kinclemao, <companions without make> [K‍-‍BF] (3v) K isolate/cut off B from F (intentional act). isolated, kincle, <without companions> [K‍-‍V] (2a) K is alone/solitary/secluded/isolated/unaccompanied/companionless in doing V, without the presence of others. kinclecea, <companions without become> [B‍-‍F] (2v) B become isolated/cut off from F. nu kinclecko, <companions without cause> (a) isolated, describing the thing/person -ed. nu kinclemao, <companions without make> (a) isolated, describing the thing/person -ed. isolation, lopu kincle, <without companions> (n) solitude/isolation/aloneness, mass prop. po kinclecea, <companions without become> (n) isolation, an act of -ing. po kinclecko, <companions without cause> (n) isolation, an act of -ing. po nu kinclecko, <companions without cause> (a) an isolation, a spec. instance of being -ed. po kinclemao, <companions without make> (n) isolation, an act of -ing. po nu kinclemao, <companions without make> (a) an isolation, a spec. instance of being -ed. isomer, ishomeri, [B‍-‍B] (2n) B is an isomer of B. issue, fu kamda, (n) an/the issue, that which motivates a fight. nerbuu, <one book> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an issue/number of magazine/periodical F. nurcko, <conv. of cause> [P‍-‍SN] (3n) P is an effect/result/consequence/issue of cause S under conditions N. nurcko, <conv. of cause> (v) ensue/issue/result from, as an effect of cause … under …. fu targo, (n) an argument/issue, an argued proposition. issue forth, nenkaa, <in come [from]> [K‍-‍S] (2v) K come out of/issue forth/emerge from S. isthmus, laisne, <land neck> [B‍-‍NN] (3n) B is an isthmus between N and N. it, di, (p) he/she/it (self)/they, 3rd free variable of the da series. dicine, (p) he/she/it/they/him/her/them sub one, an ordered var. da, (p) he/she/it(self)/they, 1st free variable of the da-series. dacine, (p) he/she/it/they/him/her/them sub one, an ordered var. de, (p) he/she/it (self)/they, 2nd free variable of the da series. decine, (p) he/she/it/they/him/her/them sub one, an ordered var. do, (p) he/she/it (self)/they, 4th free variable of the da series. docine, (p) he/she/it/they/him/her/them sub one, an ordered var. du, (p) he/she/it (self)/they, 5th free variable of the da series. ducine, (p) he/she/it/they/him/her/them sub one, an ordered var. itch, rajycni, <scratch need> [D‍-‍B] (2v) D (have an) itch at part B. po rajycni, <scratch need> (n) an itch, a state of feeling an itch. po nu rajycni, <scratch need> (n) an itch, a state of causing an itch. itchiness, pu nu rajycni, <scratch need> (n) an itchiness, a spec. property. itchy, rajycni, <scratch need> (a) itchy, of one who feels an itch. nu rajycni, <scratch need> (a) itchy, of that which causes an itch. item, nurlista, <conv. of list> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an item/term/element/entry of list/series/ordered set F. its, leda, (a) his/her/their/its/x's, a 3rd person sing./plural possessive descriptor. lede, (a) his/her/their/its/x's, a 3rd person sing./plural possessive descriptor. ledi, (a) his/her/their/its/x's, a 3rd person sing./plural possessive descriptor. ledo, (a) his/her/their/its/x's, a 3rd person sing./plural possessive descriptor. ledu, (a) his/her/their/its/x's, a 3rd person sing./plural possessive descriptor. itself, kincle, <without companions> (p) by himself/itself/myself/ourselves/themselves/yourself/yourselves/oneself/herself, by herself, without companions. ivory, grodatcti, <big tooth substance> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some ivory. grodatcti, <big tooth substance> (a) ivory, made of —.

J J, Jai, (l) J, Latin upper case letter, one of a pool of symbols. January, nermea, <5 month> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a January of year F. la nermea, <5 month> (na) January (the 1st month of the year). Japan, la Nipon, (na) Japan, the name of the country. la Nihon, (na) Japan, the name of the country. Japanese, la Nipongon, (na) Japanese, the language. ponja, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an element/feature/expression of the Japanese language. ponja, (a) Japanese, pert. to the Japanese language. lo ponja, (n) Japanese, the mass of such elements. ponje, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is a Japanese place/territory, a region inhabited by Japanese. ponji, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a Japanese (person). ponji, (a) Japanese, of Japanese origin. lo ponji, (n) (the) Japanese, the mass of such persons. ponjo, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an element/feature/expression of the Japanese culture. ponjo, (a) Japanese, pert. to the Japanese culture. lo ponjo, (n) Japanese, the mass of such elements. la Nihongon, (na) Japanese, the language. Japanese speaker, ponjytaa, <Japanese speaker> [K‍-‍] (1n) K is a Japanese speaker, a speaker of the … language. Jesus Christ, Iecus Xristos, (na) Jesus Christ. Jew, hebri, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a Jew, of Jewish descent. Jewish, hebre, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is a Hebrew/Jewish place/territory, a region inhabited by Jews. hebro, [N‍-‍] (1n) N is Jewish, of Jewish culture. July, sermea, <7 month> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a July of year F. la sermea, <7 month> (na) July (the name of the 4th month of the year). June, sormea, <6 month> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a June of year F. la sormea, <6 month> (na) June (the name of the 4th month of the year). j, jei, (l) j, Latin lower case letter, one of a pool of symbols. jacket, corkosta, <short coat> [B‍-‍] (1v) B is a (suit) coat/jacket/sports coat. jaeger, lao Stercorarius pomarinus, (na) a jaeger, a sea bird. sterkorariui, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a jaeger of/from S, a sea bird. jail, prenyhaa, <prisoner house> [B‍-‍NS] (3n) B is a prison/jail of government N for inmates of type S. jamais vu, norpasnurvia, <before seen> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is a jamais vu experience, an irrational feeling that something is unfamiliar. jar, conveo, <deep container> [B‍-‍P] (2n) B is a jar/urn/vase for/of P. jargon, pebleu, <special language> [V‍-‍K] (2n) V is an argot/jargon/technical vocabulary used by K. nu pebleu, <special language> (n) a user of jargon/argot …. javelin, flelansa, <fly lance> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a javelin. renlansa, <throwing lance> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a harpoon/javelin, a thrown spear/lance. jaw, ditbongu, <bite bones> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a jaw of animal/person S. jay, sitha, (n) B is a jay from S, a family of corvine birds. Viz. blanysitha. jealous, noirskufia, <other's success fear> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K is/are jealous of D for V. noirskufia, <other's success fear> (a) jealous (of … for …). lopu noirskuroi, <other's success angry> (n) jealous rage, mass property. jealous rage, po noirskuroi, <other's success angry> (n) an instance of jealous rage (of … for …). jealously, noirskuroi, <other's success angry> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K is/are jealously enraged at D for V. jealously enraged, noirskuroi, <other's success angry> (a) jealously enraged (of … for …). jealousy, lopu noirskufia, <other's success fear> (n) jealousy, mass property. po noirskufia, <other's success fear> (n) an instance of jealousy (of … for …). jell, dzecea, <jelly become> [D‍-‍] (1v) D jell/gelatinize/congeal (actor unspecified). dzecko, <jelly cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N jell/gelatinize/congeal/clot/curdle D (non intentional). dzeduo, <jelly do> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N jell/gelatinize D (non intentional). dzemao, <jelly make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K jell/gelatinize/clot/curdle/congeal D (intentional). jellied, nu dzecko, <jelly cause> (a) gelatinized/jellied, conv. of jell. nu dzeduo, <jelly do> (a) gelatinized/jellied, conv. of jell. nu dzemao, <jelly make> (a) gelatinized/jellied, conv. of jell. jelly, dze, (af) a combining form of dzeli, jelly. dzeli, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a portion of jelly/gelatin. dzeli, (a) gelatinous/jelly, made of gelatin/jelly. jerk, sudnycpu, <sudden pull> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K tug/jerk D away from B. jerkily, sudnycpu, <sudden pull> (av) jerkily, in a jerking way. jest, kamkystu, <comic story> [B‍-‍NK] (3n) B a joke/jest/funny story about/concerning N by K. kamkystutaa, <comic story talk> [K‍-‍B] (2n) K tell a joke/jest about/concerning B. noryriucue, <not serious say> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K joke/jest B to D. nu noryriucue, <not serious say> (n) a joke/jest, that which is said -ingly. po noryriucue, <not serious say> (n) a joke/jest, an instance of -ing. jester, kamkystutaa, <comic story talk> (n) joker/jester/comedian, one who tells -s. noryriucue, <not serious say> (n) a joker/jester, one who -s. jet, jetro, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a jet of S. kukyzvokro, <quick out pour> [K‍-‍VDS] (4v) K gush/spout/jet V into D from S. kukyzvokro, <quick out pour> (n) gusher/jet, that which is -ing. nu kukyzvokro, <quick out pour> (n) gush/jet/spout, that which is -ed. poarjetro, <respond jet> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a jet, a jet propelled conveyance. poarjetro, <respond jet> (a) jet propelled. jetway, nengoicibra, <in go bridge> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a jetway, the bridge connecting a plane with the terminal building. jewel, djula, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a jewel/gem in F, a precious stone. jul, (af) a combining form of djula, jewel. jeweled, julflo, <jewel full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more jeweled, full of jewels than J is. julflo, <jewel full> (a) jeweled, full of jewels. jeweler, julduo, <jewel do> (n) a jeweler, one who makes jewelry. jewelry, lo djula, (n) jewelry, mass term. julflo, <jewel full> (n) a piece of jewelry, spec. lo julflo, <jewel full> (n) jewelry, mass term. job, fu perpli, <person use> (n) a work/job, that for which … is employed. po nu perpli, <person use> (n) a/the work/employment/job, a state of being -ed. tuakle, <work class> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a job/vocation/occupation among people F. turnurkao, <work action> [B‍-‍FN] (3n) B is a/the job/role/position of F in organization N. turpai, <work part> [P‍-‍F] (2n) P is a job/task/project, piece of work in project F. jocular, noryriu, <not serious> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more jocular/facetious/unserious than J. john, korfeskru, <body waste room> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B is a toilet/john/convenience/loo/lavatory/WC, the room. korfesveo, <body waste vessel> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B is a toilet/john/convenience/loo/lavatory/WC, the appliance. join, dji, (af) a combining form of djine, join. djicea, <join become> [K‍-‍DP] (3v) K join D at joint P, become joined. djikao, <joint actor> (v) ally/join with … in action …. djimao, <join make> [K‍-‍BDV] (4v) K connect/join/unite/fasten/attach B to D with V. djine, [D‍-‍DB] (3v) D join/be joined to D at B. djine, (v) connect/unite with/join part … at …. djocea, <member become> [K‍-‍F] (2v) K join/enlists/become a member of group F. goidji, <go join> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K catch up with/join (and stays with) D, something in motion. join each other, djikue, <join reciprocally> [K‍-‍] (1v) K link/intertwine/join each other. join with, repdurkii, <reply do accompany> [K‍-‍KB] (3v) K join with K in answering question B. joined, kocdjicea, <cord join become> [B‍-‍] (1n) B (collection) become linked/joined/strung together. joiner, djipai, <join part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a connector/coupler/coupling/link/joiner between/among F. djocea, <member become> (n) an enlistee/joiner/member of …, one who -s himself. joint, djisia, <joined place> [N‍-‍B] (2n) N is a joint/connection/junction, joined place in/of B. jointed, nu djisia, <joined place> (a) jointed, of that which has joints. joke, kamkystu, <comic story> [B‍-‍NK] (3n) B a joke/jest/funny story about/concerning N by K. kamkystutaa, <comic story talk> [K‍-‍B] (2n) K tell a joke/jest about/concerning B. kamkytaa, <comic talk> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K joke with D about V. noryriucue, <not serious say> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K joke/jest B to D. nu noryriucue, <not serious say> (n) a joke/jest, that which is said -ingly. po noryriucue, <not serious say> (n) a joke/jest, an instance of -ing. joker, kamkystutaa, <comic story talk> (n) joker/jester/comedian, one who tells -s. kamkytaa, <comic talk> (n) a joker, one who jokes. noryriucue, <not serious say> (n) a joker/jester, one who -s. jolly, haicko, <happy cause> (a) cheerful/jolly, jolly, of that which cheers. hairbiu, <happy behave> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is hearty/lusty/joyful/gay/jolly/merry. hapmao, <happy make> (a) cheerful/jolly, jolly, of one who cheers. jot down, drisri, <remember write> [K‍-‍PVS] (4v) K jot down/make a note P about V in/on S. jotting, nu drisri, <remember write> (n) a jotting/note, a note to help remember. journal, pasdribuu, <past remember book> [P‍-‍KSD] (4n) P is a diary/journal/memoir of K for period from S to D. journalist, nuzyvelsri, <news container writer> [K‍-‍P] (2n) K is a journalist/reporter for publication P. journey, traci, [K‍-‍DSV] (4v) K travel/journey to D from S by route V. po traci, (n) a journey/travel/trip, a spec. act/event of -ing. joy, po haiflo, <happy full> (n) some joy, a spec. state. joyful, haiflo, <happy full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more joyful/joyous than J is. haiflo, <happy full> (a) joyful/joyous, more joyful than …. hairbiu, <happy behave> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is hearty/lusty/joyful/gay/jolly/merry. joyless, haicle, <happy without> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more desolate/joyless than J. joyous, haiflo, <happy full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more joyful/joyous than J is. haiflo, <happy full> (a) joyful/joyous, more joyful than …. joystick, tolstuka, <control stick> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a joystick of system F, a stick type controller. jubilee, hapkeo, <happy time> [B‍-‍FV] (3n) B is a festival/celebration/fiesta/jubilee among people F on occasion V. judge, biudju, <behave judge> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K judge(s) the behavior of D about N. dju, (af) a combining form of djudi, judge. djudi, [K‍-‍SP] (3v) K judge/assess/evaluate S to be P. djudi, (n) a judge/assessor, one who judges. gudtia, <good select> [K‍-‍BF] (3v) K choose/select/judge B as best among F. lildju, <legal judge> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K judge D legally to be B. lildju, <legal judge> (n) judge, legal. nordredju, <not correct judge> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K misjudge/judge D wrongly in matter V. judgement, fu lildju, <legal judge> (n) a judgement, legal opinion. po lildju, <legal judge> (n) a judgement, an act of -ing legally. judging group, djugru, <judging group> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the council/jury/judging group of group/community F. judgment, fu djudi, (n) an evaluation/judgment, a result of -ing. po djudi, (n) an evaluation/judgment, an act/process of -ing. djukai, <judge quality> [N‍-‍] (1n) N is judgment, the ability to select among alternatives wisely. judicial, lildju, <legal judge> (a) judicial, pert. to legal judges. judiciary, lo lildju, <legal judge> (n) (the) judiciary, mass term. jug, zlupypatpe, <lip pot> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a jug. juggler, radreo, <round throw> (n) a juggler. juggles, radreo, <round throw> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K juggles B. juggling, po radreo, <round throw> (n) an instance of juggling. juice, hebfli, <plant liquid> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is the juice of S. juicy, fliflo, <liquid full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more juicy than J. jump, valti, [K‍-‍B] (2v) K jump/leap (up)/vault/spring across B. po valti, (n) a jump/leap, an act of -ing. jump away from, valkaa, <jump from> [K‍-‍B] (v) K jump away from B. jump out, zvovai, <out jump> [K‍-‍SDV] (4v) K jump out/leap out/pop out of/outside S to D via V. po zvovai, <out jump> (n) an jump out, an act of -ing. jump over, tovyvai, <over jump> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K vault/hurdle/jump over B. jumper, valti, (n) a jumper, one who -s. jumping out, po zvovai, <out jump> (n) an instance of jumping out. junction, fu djine, (n) a junction/meeting, place of joining of … and …. djisia, <joined place> [N‍-‍B] (2n) N is a joint/connection/junction, joined place in/of B. junior, nu laldo, (a) junior/younger than …. junk, fesferno, <waste iron> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a piece of scrapiron/waste iron/junk. nurfesycti, <wasted stuff> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is waste/refuse/garbage/trash/junk/scrap from process V. jurisdiction, djuspa, <judge space> [N‍-‍K] (2n) N is a/the province/jurisdiction of official K. juristic, lilfa, (a) legal/juristic, pert. to laws/proscriptions, q.v. jury, djugru, <judging group> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the council/jury/judging group of group/community F. just, dredju, <correctly judge> [K‍-‍DV] (3a) K is just/fair to D in affair/matter V. dredjumou, <right judge more> [G‍-‍DJDV] (5a) G is more just/fair to D than J is to D in dealings V. mousni, <more near> [B‍-‍C] (2av) B is barely/hardly/just quantity C. nedfui, <list after> [V‍-‍B] (2v) V is just/immediately+after B. nedpao, <next before> [V‍-‍B] (2v) V is just/immediately+before B. nerdjo, <one member> (av) merely/solely/uniquely/just, only. nerduo, <1 do> (av) only/just/singly/solely/merely/exclusively/single mindedly, single mindedly. nirnoikai, <no other quality> [K‍-‍B] (2a) K is only/just a B. pazi, (va) just … ed/was just (now a), a modified tense operator. si, (af) at most/only/just … of, upper bound marker, prefixed to quantifiers. sisu, (a) just/only/exactly, as in 'exactly (just, only) 2 of us went'. just after, fazi, (c) just after/as soon as/no sooner than, before event clauses. fazi, (pp) just after, before event terms. just before, pazi, (c) just before …, before event clauses. pazi, (pp) just before …, before event terms. just going to, ai fazi, (ph) just going to/about to, intended immed. action, as 'ai mi fazi godzi'. faza, (va) will soon (be)/be about to/just going to …, a tense op. just now, pazi, (av) just now/lately, immediately before, before predicates. just then, fazi ti, (av) just then/momentarily/right now/thereupon/whereupon/upon which, whereat, just after this, a mod. phrase. fazi ti, (av) just then/thereupon, just after that, a mod. phrase. pazi ta, (ph) just then, just before that, a mod. phrase. pazi ti, (ph) just then, just before this, a mod. phrase. justice, lopo dredju, <correctly judge> (n) justice/fairness, mass term of being just. lopu dredju, <correctly judge> (n) justice/justness/fairness, mass property of being just. justifiable, nu razdou, <reason give> (a) reasonable/justified/justifiable, pert. to a -able act. justifiably hated, nu ge nu razdou tsodi, (ph) is hateful/justifiably hated. justification, fu razdou, <reason give> (n) a reason/justification, a reason given for …. po razdou, <reason give> (n) a justification, an act of justifying. raznu, [S‍-‍PKN] (4n) S a reason/justification for action P by actor K in circumstances N. justified, nu razdou, <reason give> (a) reasonable/justified/justifiable, pert. to a -able act. nu raznu, (a) warranted/justified/reasonable. justify, raznu, (v) give cause for … to … /justify action … by actor …. justify act, razdou, <reason give> [K‍-‍VS] (3v) K give reasons for/justify act V with reason S. justness, lopu dredju, <correctly judge> (n) justice/justness/fairness, mass property of being just. jut, gantai, <high stand> [K‍-‍SD] (3v) K project/jut from S into D. juvenile, nilboi, <girl boy> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a child/juvenile/young human. nilboi, <girl boy> (a) juvenile, pert. to humans.

K K, Kai, (l) K, Latin upper case letter, one of a pool of symbols. King, Brag, (voc) King, a vocative. la Brag, (na) King, a name/name part as in 'la brag artur'. Knesset, lilmaogru, <law make group> [F‍-‍N] (2n) F is a/the House of Representatives/House of Commons/Diet/Dail/Knesset/Thing/Parliament/legislature of polity N, a national law making group. Koran, Koran, (1n) Koran, the holy book of Islam. k, kei, (l) k, Latin lower case letter, one of a pool of symbols. kaleidoscope, bilfoavizrie, <beautiful form see instrument> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a kaleidoscope of type N. kaolin, kaolhini, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some kaolin, china clay. kappa, keo, (l) kappa, Greek lower case letter, one of a pool of symbols. keel, bourspina, <boat spine> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the keel of boat F. keen, kinku, (a) sharp/keen, pert. to sharp objects. keener, kinku, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is sharper/keener than J. keenness, pu kinku, (n) a sharpness/keenness, a property of sharp objects. keep, kakliu, <act restrain> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K thwart/hinder/prevent/keep D from, (doing) action V. kerju, [K‍-‍D] (2v) K keep/take care of/care for D. klipu, [K‍-‍B] (2v) K keep/retain/hold B in their possession. lip, (af) a combining form of klipu, keep. lipfiu, <keep weak> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K keep D with difficulty under conditions N. litnu, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K hold/restrain/keep/check/stop/curb/detain D from doing V. nartycko, <apart cause> [N‍-‍BF] (3v) N separate/keep/take apart B from F, nonintentional. nartymao, <apart make> [K‍-‍BF] (3v) K separate/keep/take apart B from F, intentional. no nengoi, <in go> (i) keep out!, don't enter, an imperative. keep out, nengozliu, <enter prevent> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K bar/exclude/shut out/keep out B from D. keep secret, smiliu, <secret keep> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K retain/withhold/keep secret B from D. keep up, prakeu, <continuous care> [K‍-‍DV] (3n) K maintain/keep up, continuous caring for D by action V. keep up with, pracia, <continue learn> [K‍-‍PS] (3v) K keep up with/continue to learn P from source S. keeper, kerju, (n) a custodian/keeper/caretaker, one who takes care of …. keratin, kerhatini, [B‍-‍] (1) B is some keratin, component of skin, horn etc. kerb, draruabie, <dry route edge> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a curb/kerb of sidewalk/raised footpath F. kerchief, hedkla, <head cloth> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a bandana/kerchief/headcloth on F. kernel, krinu, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the kernel/nut/nucleus of F. tcikrinu, <edible nut> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the kernel of F. kettle, ket, (af) a combining form of ketli, kettle. ketcai, <kettle quantity> [C‍-‍N] (2n) C is a kettle/kettleful of N. ketli, [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a kettle of N. kettleful, ketcai, <kettle quantity> [C‍-‍N] (2n) C is a kettle/kettleful of N. key, klaki, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a key/button, a (typically) binary state control, of device F. klakyduo, <key do> [K‍-‍BF] (3v) K key/enter (data) B into device/system F. tocki, [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a key to N, for opening locks. keyboard, klakybarta, <key board> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a keyboard/console of device F. keyboard arrangement, klakysio, <key system> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a keyboard arrangement, arrangement of keys in device F. kibi-, kib, (af) a combining form of kilbi, kibi-. kick, kekti, [K‍-‍D] (2v) K kick/hit D with a foot. po kekti, (n) a kick, an act of -ing. kid, gotci, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a kid/baby goat. kidnap, nu fosgeo, <force guest> (v) kidnap/take hostage … for reasons …. pertsitoa, <person crime take> [K‍-‍DP] (3v) K kidnap(s) D for purpose P. kidnapped, fosgeo, <force guest> (a) kidnapped, (by … for …). kidnapper, nu fosgeo, <force guest> (n) kidnapper/hostage taker (of … for …). pertsitoa, <person crime take> (n) a kidnapper. kidnapping, po pertsitoa, <person crime take> (n) an inst. of kidnapping. kill, morcko, <dead cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N kill D, non intentional. po morcko, <dead cause> (n) a kill, an act of -ing. mormao, <dead make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K kill D, intentionally. po mormao, <dead make> (n) a kill, an act of -ing. killer, morcko, <dead cause> (n) a killer, that which kills. mormao, <dead make> (n) a killer, one who kills. kilocalorie, kilcalri, <1000 calories> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B measure(s) C in kilocalorie(s), default 1. kilogram, kilgramo, <1000 grams> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B measure(s) C in kilogram(s), default 1. kilohertz, kilherzi, <1000 hertz> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B measure(s) C in kilohertz (kilocycles), default 1. kilometer, kilmeo, <1000 meters> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B measure(s) C in kilometer(s), default 1. kilovolt, kilvolta, <1000 volts> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B measure(s) C in kilovolt(s), default 1. kilovoltampere, kilvoltyamperi, <1000 voltamperes> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B measure(s) C in kilovoltampere(s), default 1. kilowatt, kilvatsi, <1000 watts> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B measure(s) C in kilowatt quantities, default 1. kilowatt hour, kilvatsyhoo, <1000 watt hours> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B measure(s) C in kilowatt hour quantities, default 1. kin, kuc, (af) a combining form of kunci, kin. kui, (af) a combining form of kunci, kin. kuisni, <kin near> [G‍-‍JD] (3n) G is a closer relation/kin than J is to D. livkui, <life kin> (n) a/the kin/relative of, genetically related in some degree. lo livkui, <life kin> (n) kin/relative of …, the mass of …'s kin. kind, cka, (af) a combining form of ckano, kind. ckaciu, <kind equal> [K‍-‍DKD] (4a) K(1) is as kind to D(1) as K(2) is to D(2). ckano, [K‍-‍D] (2a) K is kind to D. klesi, [B‍-‍FN] (3n) B is a classification/category/class/type/sort/kind of F with defining property N. pencka, <thoughtfully kind> [K‍-‍D] (2a) K is considerate of/thoughtfully kind to D. kinder, ckamou, <kind more> [G‍-‍DJD] (4a) G is kinder/more kindly to D(1) than J is to D(2). G may be the same person as J or D(1) may be the same as D(2). kindle, fagsacmao, <fire start make> [K‍-‍SKB] (4v) K kindle/start a fire with (material) S, as in a fireplace or camp (K-B). kindling, nu fagsacmao, <fire start make> (n) kindling, material for starting fires. kindly, ckaflo, <kind full> [G‍-‍J] (2av) G is more kindly than J. ckamou, <kind more> [G‍-‍DJD] (4a) G is kinder/more kindly to D(1) than J is to D(2). G may be the same person as J or D(1) may be the same as D(2). ckano, (av) kindly, pert. to those who are kind. kindness, lopo ckano, (n) kindness, mass term (acts). lopu ckano, (n) kindness, mass term of properties. po ckano, (n) a kindness, a spec. act of being kind. pu ckano, (n) a kindness, a spec. property. king, bragai, <born rule> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the king/queen/monarch/emperor/empress/sultan of F. kingdom, nu bragai, <born rule> (n) a domain/realm/kingdom, that which is ruled. kingliness, pu bragaicli, <born govern like> (n) a kingliness, a spec. property. kingly, bragaicli, <born govern like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more regal/kingly than J. kinship, fu livkui, <life kin> (n) a degree of kinship, a no. of relations. lopu livkui, <life kin> (n) kinship/relationship, the mass of such props. pu livkui, <life kin> (n) a kinship/relationship, a spec. prop. of any kin, q.v. kiosk, vemhao, <sell shelter> [B‍-‍FP] (3n) B is a stall/booth/kiosk in F for P. kiss, skesa, [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K kiss D on B. po skesa, (n) a kiss, an act/event of -ing. kiss each other, skesykue, <kiss reciprocally> [K‍-‍] (1v) K kiss each other. kissable, nu skesa, (a) kissable, can be -ed. kitchen, kokykru, <cook room> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the kitchen of F. kite, kocytcela, <cord wing> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a kite (a covered framework flown on a string). kitten, katmi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a kitten, an infant domestic cat/feline. kiwi fruit, aktci, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a kiwi fruit/Chinese gooseberry from S. knave, dupypeu, <deceive person> [K‍-‍] (1n) K is a knave/rascal/rogue/villain. nornespeu, <dishonest person> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a knave/wretch/rascal/rogue/villain, intended sense to be selected. noryrispeu, <not respect person> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a knave/wretch/rascal/rogue/villain, intended sense to be selected. zavpeu, <bad person> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a knave/wretch/rascal/rogue/villain, intended sense to be selected. knee, betytue, <bent leg> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the knee of F. midtuedji, <mid leg joint> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the knee of F. kneecap, betytuebongu, <bent leg[knee] bone> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the kneecap of F. patheli, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a patella/kneecap (a patella is also a limpet). kneel, cortai, <short stand> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K kneel for (purpose) P. knife, naj, (af) a combining form of najda, knife. najblo, <knife hit> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K knife/stab/pierce D with a knife. najda, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a knife. knifing, po najblo, <knife hit> (n) a stabbing/knifing, an act of stabbing. knight, ganbrasolda, <noble soldier> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a knight of order N, a noble soldier. knit, nandyklamao, <knot cloth make> [K‍-‍PS] (3v) K knit P from S. knitted material, nandykla, <knot cloth> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some knitted material/knitwear. knitwear, nandykla, <knot cloth> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some knitted material/knitwear. knock, blosonmao, <hit sound make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K knock/rap on D with V. knock down, foirlelsea, <force level set> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K knock down/raze/demolish B by V. knoll, bamymoa, <ball mountain> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a knoll of landmass F - a round topped hill/mountain. cmamoa, <small mountain> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a hill (ock)/knoll of landmass F. knot, hernanda, <hair knot> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a knot in the hair of F. nanda, [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is a knot in/between cord(s) D. knotted, nandycea, <knot become> [B‍-‍] (1v) B is/are knotted/tangled. know, dja, (af) a combining form of djano, know. djano, [D‍-‍NV] (3v) D know (that)/believe a true thing N about V. feodja, <fact know> [D‍-‍BS] (3v) D know(s) B from source S, book learning as opposed to experience (spedja). iu, (i) Idon't know/have no idea, an expression of ignorance/absence of knowledge/belief. kaidja, <quality know> [K‍-‍NS] (3v) K recognize/see/know quality/property N in S. kaldja, <complete know> [D‍-‍F] (2v) D know(s) F completely, have complete knowledge of …. kance, (v) know/be conscious/aware /sense of/that …. kuodja, <custom know> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K know/be acquainted with person/object B. leudja, <language know> [D‍-‍F] (2v) D know(s) language F. nordja, <not know> (ph) not know … about …, be ignorant of. nurkaidja, <characteristics know> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K know B (what something is like.). perdja, <person know> [D‍-‍F] (2v) D know(s) person F. saadja, <sign know> [D‍-‍B] (2v) D understand/know the meaning of sign B. saodja, <identity know> [D‍-‍SP] (3v) D know the identity of S to be P. siodja, <system know> [D‍-‍N] (2v) D know/comprehend/understand N. know how to do, duodja, <do know> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K know how to do V/familiar with procedure … /used to procedure …. know how to use, plidja, <use know> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K know how to use B. know something, noiu, (i) I know something/have some idea about …, expressing some knowledge/belief. know that, paodja, <before know> [K‍-‍VN] (3v) know that … will happen under condition … <K-PN>. know the answer, repdja, <reply know> [K‍-‍S] (2v) K know the answer to question S. knowable, fu djano, (a) known/knowable, as of phenomena. nu djano, (a) knowable, as of knowledge. knowing, djano, (a) knowing, pert. to one who knows. knowledge, nu djano, (n) a knowledge, a spec. known thing. pu djano, (n) a/the knowledge, a property of knowing. lopu rorcia, <much learning> (n) intelligence/knowledge, mass term of props …. knowledgeable, fektio, <fact heavy> [K‍-‍B] (2a) K is knowledgeable, knows much about B. rorcia, <much learning> [G‍-‍JN] (3a) G is more intelligent/knowledgeable than J in learning N. known, fu djano, (a) known/knowable, as of phenomena. lo fu djano, (n) (the) known, mass term. duvsia, <discovered place> [N‍-‍K] (2n) N is a known/explored area for people K. nu kuodja, <custom know> (a) known/familiar, as of persons/things, conv. nu saodja, <identity know> (a) known/identifiable, of persons/things. nu spedja, <experience know> (a) known/recognizable/familiar to … by experience. knows, spedja, <experience know> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K knows/recognizes/is familiar-with/acquainted with B by/through direct experience. krypton, kriptono, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some krypton, element 36 (Kr).

L L, Lai, (l) L, Latin upper case letter, one of a pool of symbols. Lamellibranchia, lao Lamellibranchia, (na) a Lamellibranchia, a bivalve mollusc. Latin, -ai, (af) the mark of Latin upper case consonant names, as in Bai/Cai/Dai/etc. -ei, (af) the mark of Latin lower case consonant names, in bei/cei/dei/etc. -fi, (af) the mark of Latin lower case vowel names, as in afi/efi/ifi/etc. -ma, (af) the mark of Latin upper case vowel names, as in ama/ema/ima/oma/uma. rom, (af) a combining form of romna/e/i/o, "Roman/Latin". romna, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an element/instance of Latin, the Roman language. romna, (a) Latin, pert. to the Latin language. lo romna, (n) Latin, the mass of such elements. Latin speaker, romtaa, <Latin talker> [K‍-‍] (1n) K is a Latin speaker, a speaker of the … language. Lepidoptera, lao Lepidoptera, (2n) a Lepidoptera, an insect of that order Lepidoptera. Loglan, logla, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an element/feature/expression of Loglan. logla, (a) Loglan, pert. to the loglan language. lo logla, (n) Loglan, the mass of such elements. la Loglan, (na) the Loglan language. logli, (a) Loglan. loglo, (a) Loglan, pert. to the Loglan culture. lo loglo, (n) Loglan, the mass of such elements. Loglan speaker, logli, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an Loglan speaker/Loglander. logtaa, <Loglan talker> [K‍-‍] (1n) K is a Loglan speaker, a speaker of the … language. Loglan student, logcia, <Loglan learn> (n) a Loglan student. Loglander, logli, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an Loglan speaker/Loglander. Loglanders, lo logli, (n) (the) Loglanders, the mass of such persons. Loglandian, log, (af) a combining form of logla/e/i/o, "Loglandian". Loglandic, logle, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is an Loglandic place/territory, a region inhabited by Loglanders. loglo, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an element/feature/expression of the Loglandic culture. Loglanizes, logmao, <Loglan make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K Loglanizes D, translates … into Loglan. Look here, razdou, <reason give> (i) Be reasonable!/Come now!/Look here!, w/o 1st arg., imperative. Lord, la Por, (na) Count/Earl/Lord/Baron/Duke, etc. (a generalized nobility title/name/name part.). Hoi surpoi je mi, rie, <(1st 6th) power> (ph) M'Lord/My Lord/O Lord of me, Respected One, a form used by inferiors to address the male peerage; cf. Femsurpoi. l, lei, (l) l, Latin lower case letter, one of a pool of symbols. label, nampre, <name paper> [B‍-‍FP] (3n) B is a label/tag on F with (sign) P. nampredou, <name paper give> [K‍-‍DP] (3n) K label/tag D with (sign) P. labelled, nu nampredou, <name paper give> (a) labelled/tagged (by … with …). laboratory, sesytursia, <scientific work place> [B‍-‍SD] (3n) B is a laboratory of (science) S at D. lace, kapkla, <open cloth> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a piece of lace. kapkla, <open cloth> (a) lace, made of lace. lo kapkla, <open cloth> (n) lace, mass term. lack, clesi, (v) lack, be without feature/quality …. nu clesi, (n) a lack, a missing feature/quality. po clesi, (n) a lack, a state of being w/o some quality. cnifio, <need feel> [D‍-‍N] (2v) D lack/have a need for N. po cnifio, <need feel> (n) a lack, a state of lacking something. lacking, clesi, (av) for want of/without/lacking. nebcle, <necessary without> [V‍-‍B] (2av) V without/lacking/for want of B, e.g. Le nebcle ji ne naldi pa dirlycko le dorja — "For want of a nail, the war was lost". lactic, malna, (a) milk/lactic, pert. to milk. lactose, laktosi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some lactose, a milk sugar. lacy, kapklacli, <open cloth like[lace like]> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more lacy/like lace than J. lad, botci, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a boy/lad, a male child. ladder, bertirsei, <carry stair set> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a ladder. lady, femsurpoi, <female at-least-one powerful> [K‍-‍SN] (3n) K is a lady/the wife of S, a/the lord of vassals/domain N, q.v. E.g. La Femsurpoi Maontbetn merji la Surpoi Maontbetn — Lady Mountbatten is married to Lord Mountbatten. ganfua, <high woman> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a lady/gentlewoman in society F. laevorotate, leztorni, <left turn> [N‍-‍B] (2v) N turn B left/laevorotate/levorotate (polarized light in the last instances). laevorotatory, leztorni, <left turn> (a) laevorotatory/levorotatory, pert. to a substance that rotates polarized light anticlockwise. lagomorph, lepsu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a hare/rabbit/lagomorph, one of the genus Lepus. lagoon, murvla, <sea lake> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a lagoon. laid, nu lelsea, <level set> (a) laid, conv. of lay. lair, holhaa, <hole house> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is the den/lair of D. laity, lo no fomdjatua, <formal knowledge worker> (n) the laity of profession …. lake, bakvla, <bucket lake> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a sea/lake, a natural body of water with no outlet. vla, (af) a combining form of vlako, lake. vlako, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a lake of region/land mass F. lamb, berci, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a lamb, an infant sheep. lambda, leo, (l) lambda, Greek lower case letter, one of a pool of symbols. lame, dzofiu, <walk impaired> [D‍-‍S] (2a) D is/are lame/limp from cause S. norkalylivcko, <not complete organism cause> [N‍-‍DV] (3v) N cripple/handicap/stunt/disable/lame D by V, by external condition. norkalylivmao, <not complete organism make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K cripple/handicap/stunt/disable/lame D by V, a deliberate act. lamed, norkalylivcea, <not complete organism become> [B‍-‍V] (2v) B become crippled/handicapped/stunted/disabled/lamed by V, by internal cause. lamellibranch, lamhelibrankiai, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a lamellibranch, a bivalve mollusc. lameness, lopu dzofiu, <walk impaired> (n) lameness, mass property of being -. lament, conkei, <deep sorrow> (v) grieve/lament about …. conkeicko, <deep sorrow cause> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K grieve/lament for D. kectaa, <sad talk> [K‍-‍VD] (3v) K bewail/mourn/lament/speak sadly of V to D. po kectaa, <sad talk> (n) a lamenting/lamentation/lament, a spec. act of -ing something. keikra, <sad cry> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K wail/moan/groan/grieve (over)/cry (about)/mourn/lament/bewail N. lamentation, po kectaa, <sad talk> (n) a lamenting/lamentation/lament, a spec. act of -ing something. lamenting, po kectaa, <sad talk> (n) a lamenting/lamentation/lament, a spec. act of -ing something. laming, norkalylivcko, <not complete organism cause> (a) crippling/handicapping/disabling/stunting/laming, pertaining to something that -s. norkalylivmao, <not complete organism make> (a) crippling/handicapping/disabling/stunting/laming, pertaining to someone that -s. lamp, litpro, <light produce> (n) a light (source)/lamp, (of … by …). lance, lansa, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a spear/lance. lansyduo, <spear do> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K harpoon/lance/spear D with V. renlansyduo, <spear do> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K harpoon/lance D with B. lance corporal, tortro, <2nd controller> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a lance corporal controling/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murtortro — seaman. land, flesti, <fly stop> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K alight/land/settle on B, to stop flying. mamgui, <mother land> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the motherland/country/nation/land of F. fragui, <father land> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a/the fatherland/country/nation/land of B. gunlai, <national land> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the land/territory/domain of nation F. gunti, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the country/land/nation/territory of people F. lai, (af) a combining form of landi, land. lan, (af) a combining form of landi, land. landi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a parcel of land/terrain. lo landi, (n) terrain/land, mass term. langoi, <land go> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K land/go ashore/arrive at D from S. ponlai, <own land> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is an estate/land/parcel/(real) property, parcel of land owned by N. penrygui, <parent land> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the motherland/fatherland/homeland/country/nation/land of F. land forces, lo dersolda, <ground soldier> (n) the land forces. land soldier, dersolda, <ground soldier> [K‍-‍] (1n) K is a land soldier, as distinct from navy or airmen. landing, po flesti, <fly stop> (n) landing, an act/event of a bird/aircraft/other flying thing alighting on some surface/perch. V (K-B). kubtie, <wide step/stair> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the stair landing/landing of F. po langoi, <land go> (n) a landing/arrival, an instance of -ing. landlord, nu ponlai, <own land> (n) a landowner/landlord/proprietor, one who owns land, conv. landowner, nu ponlai, <own land> (n) a landowner/landlord/proprietor, one who owns land, conv. landscape, lanviu, <land view> [B‍-‍FS] (3n) B is a landscape in region F as seen from S. lane, rodpai, <road part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a lane of road/highway F. language, len, (af) a combining form of lengu, language. lengu, [N‍-‍B] (2n) N is a/the language/tongue of B. lo lengu, (n) language, mass term. zia, (af) attached to <predy>, means part of <preda> language; e.g. lepsyzia — rabbit language. zvoleu, <out language> [B‍-‍FN] (3n) B is a language not used in group F under conditions N. leu, (af) a combining form of lengu, language. language scientist, lensesmao, <language scientist> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a linguist/language scientist. lantern, berlitpro, <carry light producer> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a lantern/flashlight, any portable light source. lanthanum, lantano, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some lanthanum, element 57 (La). lap, leltue, <level legs> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the lap of F. lard, gresa, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a piece/drop of fat/grease/oil/lard, general term. large, gro, (af) a combining form of groda, large. groda, (a) large/big/ample, bigger than …. muegro, <extremely large> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is enormous/huge/great/extremely large. large number, rocu, (a) a large-group/many, a large number of … acting together, an indefinite set describer. E.g. Rocu mrenu pa hijra — A large group men were here together. Cf., Ro mrenu pa hijra — Many men were here independently. large part, piro, (a) much/a large part of some individual or whole, a quantifier. large-group, rocu, (a) a large-group/many, a large number of … acting together, an indefinite set describer. E.g. Rocu mrenu pa hijra — A large group men were here together. Cf., Ro mrenu pa hijra — Many men were here independently. largeness, lopu groda, (n) size/largeness, mass term of properties. pu groda, (n) a largeness/magnitude/amplitude/size/bigness, a specific property. larger, grocea, <large become> [D‍-‍] (1v) D enlarge/wax/increase/become larger in bulk. grocko, <larger cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N enlarge/make larger D in bulk, nonintentional. groda, [G‍-‍JC] (3a) G is bigger/larger than J by C. gromao, <larger make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K enlarge/make larger D in bulk, intentional. simgrocea, <seem big change> [B‍-‍] (1v) B magnify/seem larger, become apparently larger, e.g. by piloerection. lariat, jugkoe, <grab rope> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a lasso/lariat/riata. lark, larka, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a female lark, a bird of the Alauda species. larki, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an infant lark. larko, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a male lark. larku, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is any lark, the non specific term. lark like, larke, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is lark like, pertains to larks. larva, larva, [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is a larva of V, an immature creature unlike the adult. sekti, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a nymph/larva/immature insect. laryngitis, volfiumalbi, <voice weak disease> [D‍-‍] (1a) D suffer from laryngitis. lo volfiumalbi, <voice weak disease> (n) laryngitis, mass term. laser, lasheri, [B‍-‍SC] (3n) B is a laser of material S and frequency C. lash, bitce, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a whip/lash. bitcyduo, <whip do> [V‍-‍D] (2v) V whip/lash D. lasso, jugkoe, <grab rope> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a lasso/lariat/riata. last, fando, (a) terminal/final/last, terminal. nerpasnai, <one before night> (n) a/the last/yesterday night, yesterday's night, incomplete. rari, (2n) the last term/member in sequence/series …, an ordinal pred. rari, (a) final/last/ultimate, last in some series. skakeo, <scale time> [B‍-‍C] (2v) B last(s) C, a dim. num. representing an interval on some time scale. E.g. La Po Genbra, pa skakeo lio sate heknie — The Rennaissance lasted about three centuries. stolo, [K‍-‍B] (2v) K abide/last/remain/stay/sojourn with/at B. ua, (i) there!/that's it!/finally!/at last/done …, an exp. of satisf'n. last longer, stomou, <stay more> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G endure/persist/last longer than J. lasting, stomou, <stay more> (a) enduring/persistent/lasting/permanent/durable, pert. to that which -s. lasts, meisto, <measure last> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B lasts/endures C in time, has a measured life/endurance of. late, goztsefui, <go erroneously after> (a) late/tardy/delayed in departure. kamtsefui, <go erroneously after> (a) late/tardy/delayed in arrival. tsefucmao, <error after make> [K‍-‍DV] (3vt) K delay/make late/tardy D for V, intentional. tsefui, <erroneously after> (a) late/tardy, tardier than …. tsefuicko, <error after cause> [N‍-‍DV] (3vt) N delay D/cause … to be late/tardy for V, nonintentional. late for, tsefuicea, <error after become> [D‍-‍V] (2v) D become late for V. lately, paza, (va) lately/newly/recently … ed, not too long ago, a modified tense operator. pazi, (av) just now/lately, immediately before, before predicates. lateness, lopu goztsefui, <go erroneously after> (n) lateness/ being delayed, mass prop. po goztsefui, <go erroneously after> (n) a lateness/delay in departure, an event of being delayed. lopu kamtsefui, <go erroneously after> (n) lateness/ being delayed, mass prop. po kamtsefui, <go erroneously after> (n) a lateness/delay in arrival, an event of being delayed. lopu tsefui, <erroneously after> (n) lateness, mass prop. later, fa ta, (av ph) after/afterwards/later/then/whereat/whereupon/by-and by, a sentence modifying phrase. fucgoi, <later go> [K‍-‍BDS] (4v) K follow/succeed/go later than B to D from S. futci, (a) future/later, in the future of …, of sequels. goztsefui, <go erroneously after> [G‍-‍J] (2v) G is later/tardier/more delayed in departure than J. kamtsefui, <go erroneously after> [G‍-‍J] (2v) G is later/tardier/more delayed in arrival than J. tsefui, <erroneously after> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is later/tardier than J. later on, faza ta, (av) in a while/later on/presently, after that, a mod. phrase. faza ti, (av) in a while/later on/presently, after this, a mod. phrase. fazu ta, (av) later on/long after this, a mod. phrase. fazu ta, (av) later on/after a long time/long after that, a mod. phrase. later than, futci, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is after/later than/follow J in time. lateral, spali, (a) lateral/side, pert. to sides. latex, latheki, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is some latex of S, the sap of some plants. latter, le futci, (ph) the following/latter, of a later event. lattice, mubnetre, <wood net> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a lattice/trellis. laugh, clafo, [K‍-‍D] (2v) K laugh at D. laughable, nu clafo, (a) laughable, can be laughed at. laughter, lopo clafo, (n) laughter, mass term of acts. po clafo, (n) some laughter, a spec. act of -ing. laundry, klinymaosia, <clean make place> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a laundry/cleaners. nu vlaci, (n) a/the wash/laundry, things to be washed. laurel, laurhusi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a laurel/bay (tree). lava, flitroku, <liquid rock> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is some lava from S. lavatory, korfeskru, <body waste room> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B is a toilet/john/convenience/loo/lavatory/WC, the room. korfesveo, <body waste vessel> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B is a toilet/john/convenience/loo/lavatory/WC, the appliance. lavish, mutkusti, <very costly> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is sumptuous/lavish. mutmoutsu, <much more than sufficient> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is lavish. lavishness, lopu mutmoutsu, <much more than sufficient> (n) lavishness, mass property. law, batlilfa, <trade law> [B‍-‍VD] (3n) B is a law dealing with transaction V of country D. lo batlilfa, <trade law> (n) commercial law, mass term. blililfa, <possible law> [B‍-‍KD] (3n) B is a bill/projected law proposed by K to legislature D. lil, (af) a combining form of lilfa, law. lilfa, [B‍-‍PKNF] (5n) B is a law proscribing actions P by K under conditions N among people(s) F. lo lilfa, (n) law, mass term. lo nu lilmao, <law make> (n) law, enacted legislation, mass term. nu lilmao, <law make> (n) an act/enactment/law/legislation, enacted law, conv. of legislate. rartra, <all true> [N‍-‍V] (2n) N is a natural law/natural law/law of nature, a true generalization about V. law maker, lilmao, <law make> (n) a law maker/legislator/legislature, legislator of laws. law of nature, rartra, <all true> [N‍-‍V] (2n) N is a natural law/natural law/law of nature, a true generalization about V. lawful, lilylei, <law allow> [V‍-‍BN] (3a) V is legal/lawful/legitimate/permitted by law in B under N, not proscribed by any law of …. lawfulness, lopu lilylei, <law allow> (n) lawfulness/legality/legitimacy, the mass of such props. pu lilylei, <law allow> (n) lawfulness/legality, spec. prop. of lawful acts. lawn, dungrasa, <adorn grass> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a lawn. dunraa, <adorn grass> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a lawn. latlinbu, <light linen> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is lawn (a fine linen cloth). lawrencium, laurhencio, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some lawrencium, a transuranic artificial element (Lw). lawsuit, po liltakma, <legal attack> (n) a suit/lawsuit, act of suing. lawyer, lildilri, <legal represent> [K‍-‍DV] (3n) K is an attorney/solicitor/lawyer for D in matter V. lilkamda, <law fighter> [K‍-‍N] (2n) K is a barrister/lawyer certified by polity N. lay, lelsea, <level set> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K lay/place D horizontally on B. norfomdjatua, <non formal knowledge worker> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a lay worker in field/profession N. lay on top, tovsea, <over put> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K put over/lay on top, put B on top of D. lay waste, hutri, [K‍-‍D] (2v) K destroy/ruin/wreck/lay waste/ravage D. layer, torspabia, <two space between> [N‍-‍BSD] (4n) N is a layer of B between S and D. totpilno, <thick plane> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a stratum/layer/level of relatively homogeneous matter in a stratified whole F, a substance, artifact, or fluid. laziness, lopu tuatso, <work hate> (n) laziness, mass property. lazy, tuatso, <work hate> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is lazy, work hating. lea, rasfii, <grass field> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a meadow/mead/lea, a grass field grown for hay in region/ecosystem F. rasfildi, <grass field> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a meadow/mead/lea, a grass field grown for hay in region/ecosystem F. lead, fregoi, <front go> [K‍-‍BDS] (4v) K forerun/conduct/lead/precede/go in front of B to D from S. po fregoi, <front go> (n) a leadership/lead, an act of -ing. pubmo, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some lead, element 82 (Pb). pubmo, (a) plumbic/lead, pert. to the element lead. pum, (af) a combining form of pubmo, lead. leaden, pumcli, <lead like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more leaden/lead like than J. leadenness, pu pumcli, <lead like> (n) a leadenness, a property. leader, cefpeu, <chief person> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the chief/chieftain/leader/head person of F. fregoi, <front go> (n) a leader/forerunner, leader. leadership, lopu fregoi, <front go> (n) leadership, mass term of properties. po fregoi, <front go> (n) a leadership/lead, an act of -ing. pu fregoi, <front go> (n) a leadership, a spec. property. leaf, clife, [P‍-‍S] (2n) P is a leaf of S. lif, (af) a combining form of clife, leaf. leafiness, pu lifyflo, <leaf full> (n) a leafiness property. leafy, lifyflo, <leaf full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is (more) leafy than J is. league, grugru, <group group> [B‍-‍FP] (3n) B is a league, an association of combined groups F for purpose P. lean, lic, (af) a combining form of linco, lean. linco, (a) thin/lean/skinny/slender, thinner than …. vreslo, <vertical lean> [K‍-‍BNN] (4v) K lean/incline/tend toward B, in direction N in gravity field N(1). leaning, po vreslo, <vertical lean> (n) an inclination/leaning to …, a state of leaning. leanness, lopu linco, (n) thinness/leanness/slenderness, mass term of properties. po linco, (n) a thinness/leanness, a state/condition. pu linco, (n) a thinness/leanness, a spec. property. leap, vai, (af) a combining form of valti, leap. val, (af) a combining form of valti, leap. valti, [K‍-‍B] (2v) K jump/leap (up)/vault/spring across B. po valti, (n) a jump/leap, an act of -ing. leap out, zvovai, <out jump> [K‍-‍SDV] (4v) K jump out/leap out/pop out of/outside S to D via V. learn, cir, (af) a combining form of cirna, learn. cirmoi, <learn motive> [V‍-‍KB] (3n) V is a motive for K to learn B. cirna, [K‍-‍PS] (3v) K learn (to do)/acquire P from source S. djacea, <know become> [K‍-‍NS] (3v) K learn/become knowledgeable about N from S. dricia, <remember learn> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K memorize/learn by heart P. durcia, <do learn> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K learn B by doing/practice. duvcia, <discover learn> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K learn about B by exploration. specia, <experience learn> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K learn about B by experience. cia, (af) a combining form of cirna, learn. learn Loglan, logcia, <Loglan learn> [K‍-‍S] (2v) K learn Loglan from S. learn before, pakcia, <before learn> [K‍-‍BB] (3v) K learn B before learning B (learn before). learn system, siorcia, <system learn> [K‍-‍NS] (3v) K learn system N from S. learnable, nu cirna, (a) learnable, can be -ed. learned, ciaflo, <learn full> [G‍-‍BJ] (3a) G is more learned/scholarly in field(s) B than J. nu cirna, (a) learned, conv. of learn. djafro, <know strong> [G‍-‍BJ] (3a) G is more learned/scholarly in field(s) B than J. learnedness, lopu ciaflo, <learn full> (n) learnedness/scholarship, mass term of properties. po ciaflo, <learn full> (n) a state/condition of learnedness/learning/scholarship. pu ciaflo, <learn full> (n) a/the learnedness/scholarship, a spec. property. lopu djafro, <know strong> (n) learnedness/scholarship, mass term of properties. po djafro, <know strong> (n) a state/condition of learnedness/learning/scholarship. pu djafro, <know strong> (n) a/the learnedness/scholarship, a spec. property. learner, cirna, (n) a learner, one who learns. learning, lopo ciaflo, <learn full> (n) learning/scholarship, mass term of states. po ciaflo, <learn full> (n) a state/condition of learnedness/learning/scholarship. lopo cirna, (n) learning, mass term. po cirna, (n) a learning, a spec. event. lopo djafro, <know strong> (n) learning/scholarship, mass term of states. V (G-BJ). po djafro, <know strong> (n) a state/condition of learnedness/learning/scholarship. learning group, ciagru, <learn group> [F‍-‍] (1n) F is a learning group. learning impaired, cirfiu, <learn weak> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is learning impaired by standard N. leash, liurkoe, <restrain cord> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a leash. least, ba, (ph) at least one /some … <, a non designating variable>. su be, (ph) at least one /some … <, a non designating variable>. bo, (ph) at least one /some … <, a non designating variable>. bu, (ph) at least one /some … <, a non designating variable>. cmalo le da, (a) least, smaller than anything in a set …. cmalo ra ba, (a) least, smaller than anything. nurmou le da, <conv. of more> (a) least, lesser than anything in a set. nurmou ra ba, <conv. of more> (a) least, lesser than any … in dimension …. su, (a) some/any/at least one of …, abbrev. of sune, a quantifier. susu, (af) at least … of, lower bound mark, prefixed to quantifiers. leather, pelpi, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a hide/pelt/skin/piece of leather from animal S. pelpi, (a) leather/skin/hide, made of leather. leave, fu norhialei, <not here allow> (n) leave, an interval during which one is permitted to be absent. nu norhialei, <not here allow> (ph) on leave, one absent with permission. sacgoi, <start go> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K leave/depart/quit to D from S. sackaa, <start come> [K‍-‍SD] (3v) K leave/depart/quit from S for D. leave behind, clekaa, <without come> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K part/go without/leave behind B. leave of, goztaa, <go talk> (2v) part from/take leave of …. leave out, no nensea, <in put> (3v) omit/leave out … in/at …. leaves, lo clife, (n) foliage/leaves, mass term. lecture, dictaa, <teach talk> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K lecture/teach D about subject V, as a professor -s. fomtaa, <formal talk> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K discourse/speak/lecture/address/talk/orate/make a speech to D on topic N. fu fomtaa, <formal talk> (n) an address/discourse/lecture/talk/oration, lecture, its substance. po fomtaa, <formal talk> (n) an address/discourse/speech/talk/lecture/oration, lecture, an act. kaftaa, <punish talk> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K admonish/lecture/scold/reproach/reprimand D for behavior V. po kaftaa, <punish talk> (n) a lecture/reprimand/reproach/scolding/admonishment, an act of -ing. takyridle, <talk read> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K lecture/read (aloud) B to D. nu takyridle, <talk read> (n) a lecture, something read aloud. po takyridle, <talk read> (n) a lecture/reading, a reading of a lecture. lecture room, diartaakru, <teach talk room> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a lecture room of F. lecturer, fomtaa, <formal talk> (n) a lecturer/speaker/orator, one who -s. takyridle, <talk read> (n) a lecturer, one who reads aloud. leek, alpore, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a leek from S. left, ledzo, [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is (to the) left of N, as opposed to right. ledzo, (av) left, in a leftward direction. lez, (af) a combining form of ledzo, left. lo lezdio, <left direction> (n) left, mass term for the direction. left over, stonuu, <staying number> (a) left over, as in division. leftward, lezdio, <left direction> [V‍-‍B] (2pp) V is (in a) leftward (direction) from B. lezdio, <left direction> (av) leftward, in a leftward direction. leg, gantue, <upper leg> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a thigh/upper leg of F. tue, (af) a combining form of tugle, leg. tugle, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a leg of F. tul, (af) a combining form of tugle, leg. legal, lilfa, (a) legal/juristic, pert. to laws/proscriptions, q.v. lilfa fu djadou, (ph) some legal information. no nu lilfa, (a) legal, not proscribed by law, q.v. lilylei, <law allow> [V‍-‍BN] (3a) V is legal/lawful/legitimate/permitted by law in B under N, not proscribed by any law of …. tsikaitoa, <criminal quality take> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K decriminalize/make legal B by (decree/bill) V. legality, lopu no nu lilfa, (n) legality, mass term of props. pu no nu lilfa, (n) a legality, a prop. of legal acts. lopu lilylei, <law allow> (n) lawfulness/legality/legitimacy, the mass of such props. pu lilylei, <law allow> (n) lawfulness/legality, spec. prop. of lawful acts. legend, hisypipstu, <history people story> [V‍-‍SK] (3n) V is a legend about S told by/among people K. piostu, <frequent story> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a legend/myth, an often told story among peoples/cultures S. legion, po rora, (n) abundance/plenty/fullness/legion, a specific state. E.g. their name is legion. rorpeu, <many people> [F‍-‍] (1n) F is a legion, a large indefinite number of humanoids, e.g. legions of angels. rorsolda, <many soldiers> [F‍-‍] (1n) F is a legion, a large indefinite number of soldiers, e.g. the French Foreign Legion. legislate, lilmao, <law make> [K‍-‍PN] (3v) K legislate/enact law P for polity N. legislation, lopo lilmao, <law make> (n) legislation, mass term of acts. nu lilmao, <law make> (n) an act/enactment/law/legislation, enacted law, conv. of legislate. legislative, lilmao, <law make> (a) legislative, pert. to law making. legislator, lilmao, <law make> (n) a law maker/legislator/legislature, legislator of laws. legislature, lilmao, <law make> (n) a law maker/legislator/legislature, legislator of laws. legitimacy, lopu lilylei, <law allow> (n) lawfulness/legality/legitimacy, the mass of such props. legitimate, lilylei, <law allow> [V‍-‍BN] (3a) V is legal/lawful/legitimate/permitted by law in B under N, not proscribed by any law of …. merbra, <marriage born> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is legitimate, pert. to a child born in marriage. lei, loryrinje, <flower ring> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a lei/wreath/ring of flowers. leisure, rezkeospe, <free interval spend> [D‍-‍] (1h) D is at leisure, enjoying leisure time. turclekeo, <work without interval> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is leisure, freedom from duties/responsibilities. leisurely, kukcle, <speed without> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is leisurely, not rapid. lemon, limhone, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a lemon, a citrus fruit from S. lemur, lemhuri, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a lemur, a Prosimian mammal of genus/type F. prosimi, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a prosimian/lemur of type/species F. lend, jetmao, <owe make> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K lend/loan B to D. plidou, <use give> [K‍-‍BDP] (4v) K spare/lend/give B to D for use P, "Brother can you spare a dime?". lender, jetmao, <owe make> (n) lender, one who lends … to …. length, laaska, <long scale> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is a length scale, a system of units and zero point for measuring length. lagmei, <long measure> [K‍-‍DC] (3v) K measure the length of D to be C. fu lagmei, <long measure> (n) a/the length, measured. pu langa, (n) a/the length/stature, a property of being long. nu skadarli, <scale far> (n) … a dimensioned number, is the length/distance between points …, pl. set. lengthen, ckelagmao, <interval longer make> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N prolong/lengthen D in time dimension. laacko, <long cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N elongate/lengthen/extend D, cause … to be longer, nonintentional 'heat elongates metal bars'. lagmao, <long make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K elongate/lengthen/extend D, make … longer, intentional. lens, lenzo, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a lens/glass of camera/apparatus/optical system F. leo, (af) a combining form of lenzo, lens. lenses, lo lenzo, (n) lenses, mass term. lentil, lensa, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a lentil. leonine, simbe, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is leonine/lion like, resembles or pertains to lions. simbycli, <lion like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more leonine/lion like than J. leopard, parda, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a female leopard. pardi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a leopard kitten, an infant leopard. pardo, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a male leopard. pardu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a leopard, the non specific term. leopard like, parde, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is leopard like, pertaining to leopards. lepidopter, lephidopteri, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a lepidopter of type/genus F, an insect of the order Lepidoptera. less, clesi, [D‍-‍B] (2pp) D is without/quit of/less/free of quality/feature/object B. clesi, (af) less/without quality/feature …. fu, (a) less … than …, antonym of some predicates. ju, (a) less … than …, antonym of some predicates. jui, (pp) Lessers, case tag (less/lesser). norcearao, <constant ratio> (ph) the less … the less …, in fixed ratio. nio, (ms) minus/less ( ) negative sign, sign of subtraction. nu, (a) less … than …, antonym of some predicates. nurcla, <conv. of loud> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is softer/less loud/noisy than J. less kind to, nu ckamou, <kind more> (a) less kind to … than … is to …, conv. form. less than, cie, (ms) is less than …, the sign of mathematical inequality. nurmou, <conv. of more> [G‍-‍JCB] (4a) G is be less than/exceeded by J in amount C in property B. sunoi, (af) less than, quantifier prefix. less than or equal to, ciebi, (ms) less than or equal to, an inequality operator, math. lessen, cmacea, <small become> (v) decline/lessen/abate/dwindle/ebb. fantenri, <reverse increase> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K reduce/lessen D in number. lesser, cmalo, [J‍-‍GC] (2a) J is more small/smaller/littler/lesser than G, in bulk/mass by amount C. jui, (pp) Lessers, case tag (less/lesser). lesson, cirpai, <learn part> [B‍-‍VF] (3n) B is a lesson in course of study V of subject F. let, ea, (i) let's/I suggest that/shall we …, a suggestion/request for cooperation. letci, [K‍-‍V] (2v) K allow/let/permit action/event V. plinurpei, <use paid> [K‍-‍BDC] (4v) K rent/let (object) B to (person) D for (money) C. let enter, nengozlei, <enter let> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K admit D into B, let enter (into) …. letter, cmalea, <small letter> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a small/lower case letter from set/font F. grolea, <big letter> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a capital/upper case letter from set/font F. hanlea, <hand letter> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a letter from manual alphabet F. ler, (af) a combining form of lerci, letter. lerci, [B‍-‍DSVC] (5n) B is a letter/missive/epistle to D from S about V dated/timed/timed and dated C. letra, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a letter/character/symbol in alphabet F. nartylea, <separate letter> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a printed/non cursive letter from set/font F. lea, (af) a combining form of letra, letter. leucocyte, limfociti, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a lymphocyte, a leucocyte from the lymph glands and spleen. leukaemia, leukhemi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B suffers from leukaemia/leukemia, a blood cancer. lopo leukhemi, (n) leukaemia/leukemia, collective term for the disease. leukemia, leukhemi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B suffers from leukaemia/leukemia, a blood cancer. lopo leukhemi, (n) leukaemia/leukemia, collective term for the disease. leukoma, leukhomi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B suffers from leukoma, a corneal opacity. lopo leukhomi, (n) leukoma, collective term for the disease. level, lel, (af) a combining form of lelpi, level. lelckorie, <leveling instrument> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a level, a leveling instrument. lelmao, <level make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K level/even off/make level D, intentional. lelpi, [V‍-‍N] (2a) V is level/flat/horizontal in gravity field N. lelsni, <level near> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more nearly level/horizontal than J is. lep, (af) a combining form of lelpi, level. pilno, (a) level/flat/even, flat, as of a plane. totpilno, <thick plane> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a stratum/layer/level of relatively homogeneous matter in a stratified whole F, a substance, artifact, or fluid. leveler, smumao, <smooth make> (n) grader/leveler (of …). levelness, lopu lelpi, (n) levelness, mass term of properties. pu lelpi, (n) a levelness, a spec. property. lever, lev, (af) a combining form of levga, lever. levga, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a lever of/in F. levity, pu latci, (n) a lightness/levity, a prop. of being light weight. levorotate, leztorni, <left turn> [N‍-‍B] (2v) N turn B left/laevorotate/levorotate (polarized light in the last instances). levorotatory, leztorni, <left turn> (a) laevorotatory/levorotatory, pert. to a substance that rotates polarized light anticlockwise. lexical, purda, (a) verbal/lexical, pert. to words. lexicographer, purbuktua, <word book worker> [K‍-‍F] (2n) K is a lexicographer in language F. lexicon, kalpursei, <complete word set> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the lexicon, complete word set of language F. liability, lopo blispe, <possible experience> (n) liability, mass state. po blispe, <possible experience> (n) liability, a state of being —. liable, blispe, <possible experience> [D‍-‍VN] (3a) D is subject/liable to V under conditions N. dakbiu, <likely behaviour> [K‍-‍VN] (3v) K tend/be disposed/subject/liable to behavior V in situation N. liar, dupcue, <deceive say> (n) a liar, tells lie … to …. duptaa, <deceive talker> (n) liar, lies to … about …. liberal, donflo, <give full> [G‍-‍JV] (3a) G is more generous/liberal than J in matter V); 'a liberal helping of …'. minfrezi, <mind free> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is liberal/open minded in aspect N. liberalism, lopu minfrezi, <mind free> (n) liberalism/liberality, mass property. liberality, lopu minfrezi, <mind free> (n) liberalism/liberality, mass property. liberate, rezmao, <free make> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K free/liberate/deliver/emancipate/set loose D from B, intentional. rezycko, <free cause> [N‍-‍DB] (3v) N free/liberate/deliver/emancipate/set loose D from B, nonintentional. liberated, nu rezmao, <free make> (a) liberated/delivered, conv. of liberate. rezycea, <free become> [D‍-‍B] (2v) D is/are freed/liberated/delivered/set loose from B. rezycea, <free become> (a) liberated/delivered/freed (from …). nu rezycko, <free cause> (a) liberated/delivered, conv. of liberate. liberation, po rezmao, <free make> (n) a liberation/deliverance, an act of -ing. po rezycko, <free cause> (n) a liberation/deliverance, an act of -ing. liberator, rezmao, <free make> (n) a liberator, one who -s. rezycko, <free cause> (n) a liberator, that which -s. liberty, lopo frezi, (n) freedom/liberty, mass term of states. po frezi, (n) a freedom/liberty, a spec. state of being free. pu frezi, (n) a liberty/freedom, a spec. property. lopo nu rezmao, <free make> (n) liberty/freedom, mass term of states. po nu rezmao, <free make> (n) some freedom/liberty, a state of being freed. lopo rezycea, <free become> (n) liberty/freedom, mass term of states. po rezycea, <free become> (n) freedom/liberty, a state of being freed. lopo nu rezycko, <free cause> (n) liberty/freedom, mass term of states. po nu rezycko, <free cause> (n) some freedom/liberty, a state of being freed. library, buksrosia, <book store place> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a library, a depository for books. buusro, <book store> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a library, any collection of books. libretto, gripua, <song word> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the lyric/libretto/words of song F. license, leipre, <permission paper> [B‍-‍P] (2n) B is a license/permit/pass to /for P. letpredou, <permission paper give> [K‍-‍DP] (3v) K license/give a permit to D to/for purpose P. lichee, litci, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a lichee/litchi, a Chinese fruit from S. lichen, likni, [P‍-‍BB] (3n) P is a lichen composed of fungus B and alga B. lick, tongytco, <tongue touch> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K lick D. licorice, sligiu, <sweet root> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is some licorice/liquorice from S. (The English word is derived from a Greek word meaning 'sweet root'). lid, kuvga, (n) a lid/top/cover, a lid/top. lie, dupcue, <deceive say> [K‍-‍VD] (3v) K lie in saying V to D. duptaa, <deceive talker> [K‍-‍DNV] (4v) K lie/speak falsely to D about N by saying V. ju duptaa, <deceive talker> (n) a lie about … told to … by …. movfai, <motive false> [B‍-‍K] (2n) B is a lie/falsehood intended by K. resto, [K‍-‍B] (2v) K lie (down)/rest/repose/recline on B. lie down, lelcea, <level become> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K lie down on B. retcea, <rest become> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K lie down on D. lie to, fankuvduo faitaa, <reveal(reverse cover) do> (ph) give the lie to/refute (lie) … by …. lieutenant colonel, ferkoi, <5th commander> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a lieutenant colonel/commander/etc. commanding/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murferkoi — naval commander. Use surkoi. q.v., for officers in general. lieutenant commander, forkoi, <4th commander> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a major/lieutenant commander/etc. commanding/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murforkoi — naval lieutenant commander. Use surkoi. q.v., for officers in general. lieutenant general, surnarmykoi, <# army commander> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the brigadier general/major general/lieutenant general/general of F, rank identified by number. verkoi, <9th commander> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a lieutenant general/vice admiral/etc. commanding/attached to military unit F, within a military vorvice addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murserkoi — vice admiral. Use surkoi. q.v., for officers in general. lieutenant junior grade, torkoi, <2nd commander> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a first lieutenant/lieutenant junior grade/etc. commanding/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murtorkoi — naval lieutenant junior grade. Use surkoi. q.v., for officers in general. lieutenant senior grade, terkoi, <3rd commander> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a captain/army captain/lieutenant senior grade/etc. commanding/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murterkoi — naval lieutenant senior grade. Use surkoi. q.v., for officers in general. life, lo clivi, (n) life, mass term of organisms. lopo clivi, (n) life, mass term (states). po clivi, (n) a life, a spec. state of being alive. pu clivi, (n) some life, a property of being alive. livflo, <life full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is (more) animated/lively/vital/full of life than J. lifeboat, botbou, <boat boat> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a dinghy/lifeboat, a small boat carried on another. lifejacket, flofykosta, <float coat> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a lifejacket. lifeless, livcle, <life without> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more barren/lifeless than J is. livnorjuo, <life not support> [K‍-‍J] (2a) K is more desolate/lifeless than J. lifespan, livkeo, <life period> [C‍-‍B] (2n) C is a/the lifespan/lifetime of B. lifetime, livkeo, <life period> [C‍-‍B] (2n) C is a/the lifespan/lifetime of B. lift, gantanmao, <high turn make> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K lift (pivoting barrier or similar) B. luf, (af) a combining form of lufta, lift. lufta, [K‍-‍BDSN] (5v) K lift/elevate B to D from S in gravity field N. lufta, (n) an elevator/lifter/lift, a thing which -s something. po lufta, (n) a lift/elevation, an act/event of -ing. lufyfoi, <lift force> [V‍-‍C] (2n) V is lift/lifting force of magnitude C. nu lufyfoi, <lift force> (n) C is an amount of lift. lifter, lufta, (n) an elevator/lifter/lift, a thing which -s something. lifting force, lufyfoi, <lift force> [V‍-‍C] (2n) V is lift/lifting force of magnitude C. light, cmaflemai, <small fly machine> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a light aircraft. fagcko, <fire cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N ignite/light/set fire to D, nonintentional, 'the lightning ignited the grass'. fagmao, <fire make> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K ignite/light/set fire to D with S, intentional. labcli, <white like> (a) light/brilliant, in color, light, incomp. form. lat, (af) a combining form of latci, light. latci, (a) light/lightweight, less heavy than … in field …. lit, (af) a combining form of litla, light. litcko, <light cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N light (up)/illuminate/make lighted D, nonintentional. litcko, <light cause> (n) illuminator/illumination/light, a light source. po litcko, <light cause> (n) a light/illumination, an act of -ing. litla, [B‍-‍SD] (3n) B is a light from source S falling on surface D. fu litla, (a) lighted/light/illumined by …, incomp. conv. lo litla, (n) light, the mass of all light. nu litla, (n) a light, a spec. source of light. litmao, <light make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K light (up)/illuminate/make lighted D with/by V, intentional. litpro, <light produce> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K light space/object D by V. litpro, <light produce> (n) a light (source)/lamp, (of … by …). light year, litnie, <light year> [C‍-‍S] (2v) C measure(s) a distance in light year(s) from S ; default, the Sun. lightbulb, litbui, <light bulb> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a lightbulb. lighted, fu litla, (a) lighted/light/illumined by …, incomp. conv. lighten, latmao, <light make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K lighten D, make weigh less than …. litmoupro, <light produce> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K lighten/brighten D by/with V. lighter, klicea, <clear(er) become> [G‍-‍J] (2v) G become clearer/lighter than J. labcli, <white like> [G‍-‍JN] (3a) G are lighter/more brilliant than J in light N. latci, [G‍-‍JCN] (4a) G is lighter/less heavy than J by C in gravity field N. lighthouse, botkunhaa, <boat warn house> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a lighthouse of area N. lighting, po litmao, <light make> (n) a lighting/illumination, an act of -ing. lightness, lopu labcli, <white like> (n) lightness/brilliance, the mass of such props. pu labcli, <white like> (n) lightness/brilliance, a prop. of a spec. color. lopu latci, (n) lightness, mass term, properties. pu latci, (n) a lightness/levity, a prop. of being light weight. lightning, led, (af) a combining form of ledri, lightning. ledlitla, <lightning light> [V‍-‍] (1v) V is some lightning, the light of the electrical discharge. ledri, [V‍-‍SD] (3n) V is an instance of lightning/thunder/thunderbolt, an electrical discharge from S to D. lo ledri, (n) thunder/lightning, mass term of instances. lightweight, latci, (a) light/lightweight, less heavy than … in field …. like, fundi, [K‍-‍GJ] (3v) K like G more than J/prefer … to … /is/are fonder of … than of …. fundi, (v) have a taste for/be fond of/care for/like/prefer …. kalrea, <completely different> (av) not at all like, completely different. lia, (c) like/(just) as/in the way that. lia, (pp) like/similar to, before clauses/terms. cli, (af) a combining form of clika, like. clika, [B‍-‍BN] (3a) B is alike/similar to/like B in features N. like a turtle, testhude, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is like a turtle/ tortoise. like manner, lia ta, (av) likewise/in like manner, like that, a mod. phrase. like that, tcucli, <picture like> (ph) like that, in 'he's like that', as desc'd. like the foregoing, cia, (av) similarly/like the foregoing, a discourse operator (UI). like this animal, zue, (af) attached to <predy>, means like this animal/animallike species/taxon; e.g. mamlyzue — is mammalian/like a mammal. likelihood, dakli, (n) likelihood, a probable event. pu dakli, (n) likelihood, a property of being probable. likely, dak, (af) a combining form of dakli, likely. dakli, [V‍-‍NS] (3a) state/event V is likely to be/happen/has a probability greater than 0.5 of being/happening under conditions N given knowledge system S. dau, (pp) (that … is) probable/likely under conditions …, used before state/event terms. E.g. Da mamla dau ta — (That) X is a mammal is likely under those conditions. likely than, nurdakli, <conv. of likely> [G‍-‍JN] (3a) G is improbable/unlikely/less likely than J under conditions N. likely that, io, (i) apparently/probably/it is likely that …, exp. of moderate belief. likely to be, dau, (av) probably/likely to be, the objective sense. E.g. Da dau mamla — X is probably/likely to be a mammal. Cf. io for the subjective sense. likeness, clika, (n) a likeness, that which is similiar to …. likewise, lia ta, (av) likewise/in like manner, like that, a mod. phrase. liking, po fundi, (n) a liking/preference/fondness, a state of liking … V (K-GJ). lily, lilhi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a lily, a flower of the Liliaceae. limb, badjo, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a branch/bough/limb of F. korbadjo, <body branch> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a limb/appendage/member of body/organism F. limburger, limburgere, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some limburger, a German cheese. lime, calco oksidi, (ph) some lime, Calcium oxide (CaO). limha, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a lime, a citrus fruit from S. nurkoktokri, <cooked chalk> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a bit of (quick)lime (calcium oxide). limit, faocle, <end without> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is infinite/endless/unbounded/without limit/end. lij, (af) a combining form of limji, limit. lijmao, <limit make> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K limit/restrict D to N, intentional. fu lijmao, <limit make> (n) a limitation/restriction/limit, area of a restriction. lim, (af) a combining form of limji, limit. limcko, <limit cause> [N‍-‍DV] (3v) N limit/restrict D to V (non intentional cause). fu limcko, <limit cause> (n) limitation/restriction/limit, area of a restriction. (non intentional cause). limji, [N‍-‍B] (2v) N limit/bound B. limji, (n) a limit/border/boundary, limit/outer edge of …. limit point, limjurmei, <limit measurement> [V‍-‍N] (2n) V is limit point/threshold of process N, the point at which response begins. limitable, nu limji, (a) limitable, can be -ed. limitation, fu lijmao, <limit make> (n) a limitation/restriction/limit, area of a restriction. po lijmao, <limit make> (n) a limitation/restriction, an act of -ing. fu limcko, <limit cause> (n) limitation/restriction/limit, area of a restriction. (non intentional cause). po limcko, <limit cause> (n) limitation/restriction, an act of -ing. (non intentional cause). po limji, (n) a limitation, a state of being a limit. limiting, limji, (a) limiting, pert. to boundaries. limitless, limcle, <limit without> [V‍-‍] (1a) V is boundless/limitless/infinite in a property. no nu limji, (a) unlimited/limitless, neg. of -ed. limp, dzofiu, <walk impaired> [D‍-‍S] (2a) D is/are lame/limp from cause S. limpet, patheli, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a patella/kneecap (a patella is also a limpet). line, clina, [N‍-‍BB] (3n) N is a straight line passing through points B and B. korce, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a piece/length of line/cord/rope/twine/string. lin, (af) a combining form of clina, line. linkoa, <straight curve> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B is a line, straight or curved, through pts C. pazlia, <waiting line> [F‍-‍V] (2n) F is a queue/line of persons waiting for event/service V. Cf., linpaa, to queue up/wait in line for something. spalista, <space list> [V‍-‍B] (2n) V is a file/line of B, any spatially ordered arrangement. totkoe, <thick cord> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a piece of rope/line/cable. lia, (af) a combining form of clina, line. line up, bekyliacko, <line cause> [V‍-‍D] (2v) V line up D, unintentionally cause … to be placed linearly. bekylinmao, <line make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K line up/queue up D, intentionally cause … to be placed linearly. lincea, <line become> [K‍-‍] (1v) K line up/queue, form into a line, as those awaiting service. lineage of, lo linkui, <line kin> (n) lineage of, all lineal relatives of …. linear, clina, (a) direct/straight/linear, passing directly through … and …. liacli, <line like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is straighter/more linear than J. norliacli, <not linear like> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is not linear/winding. linearity, lopu clina, (n) linearity, mass term of properties. pu clina, (n) a linearity/straightness, a spec. property. linen, linbu, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a piece of linen from S. linbu, (a) linen, made of linen. lo linbu, (n) linen, mass term. liner, pergrobou, <people ship> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a passenger ship/liner. linger, prasto, <continue stay> [K‍-‍BP] (3v) K linger/tarry/flag/loiter at/around B for purpose P. tsefuicea, <error after become> (v) linger/tarry/delay/dawdle. lingerer, prasto, <continue stay> (n) lingerer/loiterer (at … for …), one who -s. tsefuicea, <error after become> (n) a lingerer, one who -s, becomes late. lingual, tongu, (a) lingual, pert. to tongues, body part. linguist, lenfro, <language strong> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a linguist, talented in language. lensesmao, <language scientist> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a linguist/language scientist. rorlentaa, <many language talk> (n) a linguist, one speaking many languages. linguistic, lengu, (a) linguistic, pert. to languages. linguistics, lensensi, <language science> [N‍-‍] (1n) N is a science of linguistics. lo lensensi, <language science> (n) linguistics, mass term. lining up, po linpazda, <line wait> (n) is an event of queuing/lining up. link, djikue, <join reciprocally> [K‍-‍] (1v) K link/intertwine/join each other. djipai, <join part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a connector/coupler/coupling/link/joiner between/among F. tcenymao, <chain make> [K‍-‍BB] (3v) K chain/link B to B, link things into a chain. tcenypai, <chain part> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a link in a chain. linked, kocdjicea, <cord join become> [B‍-‍] (1n) B (collection) become linked/joined/strung together. nu tcenymao, <chain make> (a) chained/linked, pertaining to -s. lion, simba, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a female lion/lioness, Felis leo, a carnivorous mammal. simbi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an infant lion. simbo, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a male lion. simbu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is any lion, non specific term. lion like, simbe, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is leonine/lion like, resembles or pertains to lions. simbycli, <lion like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more leonine/lion like than J. lioness, simba, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a female lion/lioness, Felis leo, a carnivorous mammal. lip, zlupi, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a lip of F. lipstick, zlupypinti, <lip paint> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a quantity of lipstick. liquefaction, po flicea, <liquid become> (n) a specific instance of melting/dissolution/condensation/liquefaction. po flicko, <liquid cause> (n) a melting/dissolution/liquefaction, an act of -ing. po flimao, <liquid make> (n) a liquefaction/dissolution, an act of -ing. liquefy, flicea, <liquid become> [D‍-‍PN] (3v) D melt/dissolve/condense/liquefy into P under conditions N. flicko, <liquid cause> [N‍-‍SDN] (4v) N liquefy/melt/make liquid S into D under conditions N, nonintentional; 'the sun melts the ice'. flimao, <liquid make> [K‍-‍SPN] (4v) K liquefy/melt/condense/dissolve, make liquid S into P under conditions N, intentional. liqueur, slilio, <sweet liquor> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a portion/quantity of liqueur, sweetened liquor. liquid, fli, (af) a combining form of flidu, liquid. flidu, [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is normally liquid, i.e. under conditions (of temperature and pressure) N. flidu, (n) a liquid, a quantity of liquid. lo flidu, (n) liquid, mass term. liquo, lo likro, (n) liquo/spirits, mass term. liquor, likro, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a portion/serving/quantity of liquor/spirits F. lio, (af) a combining form of likro, liquor. liquorice, sligiu, <sweet root> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is some licorice/liquorice from S. (The English word is derived from a Greek word meaning 'sweet root'). list, lis, (af) a combining form of lista, list. lisduo, <list do> [K‍-‍BS] (3v) K list elements B of list S. lismao, <list make> [K‍-‍BN] (3v) K list/(put in) order/make a list of B in order N. lista, [B‍-‍FV] (3n) B is a list/sequence/series/ordered set of the elements of set F in order V. fu lisynensea, <list into set> (n) a register/roll/list (of … by …). lou, (pm) The left hand marker of an ordered list. luo, (pm) the right hand marker of an ordered list. fu rirmao, <record make> (n) a register/roll/list (of … by …). fu rirmazmao, <record make make> (n) a register/roll/list (of …). listable, nu lismao, <list make> (a) listable, can be -ed. listed, nu lista, (a) ordered/listed, of the elements on a list. listen, hirtei, <hear attend> [K‍-‍S] (2v) K listen to S. hirtei, <hear attend> (i) listen!/hark!, listen, w/o 1st arg., an imperative. tedji, (i) look here!/listen/attention!, attend, w/o; 1st arg., an imp. listener, hirtei, <hear attend> (n) a listener, one who -s. teidjo, <attention member> [D‍-‍V] (2n) D is a listener/spectator/audience member of/at performance V. listeners, lo teidjo, <attention member> (n) listeners/spectators/audience, mass term. teigru, <attention group> [D‍-‍V] (2n) D are listeners/spectators/audience of performance V. litchi, litci, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a lichee/litchi, a Chinese fruit from S. liter, litro, [B‍-‍C] (2n) B measure(s) C in liter(s), default 1, international unit of liquid volume. literal, purfomsao, <word matching> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is a literal/verbatim account of V. purfomsao, <word matching> (a) literal/verbatim/word for word, of verbatim accounts. literally, purfomsao, <word matching> (av) literally, in a verbatim manner. literary, larnursri, <art writing> (a) literary, pert. to —. literate, fuisri, <after writing> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is civilized/literate, of societies. literature, larnursri, <art writing> [P‍-‍BK] (3n) P is a piece of literature, artful writing about B by K. lo larnursri, <art writing> (1n) literature. lo nursri, <written> (1n) literature, the mass of written material on/about topic …. lithium, litho, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some lithium, element 3 (Li). lithosphere, lithosferi, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a lithosphere of F, a rocky planetary crust. litter, brasei, <born set> [F‍-‍P] (2n) F is a litter/brood/multiplets of P, infants from the same birth. little, cmacai, <small quantity> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a trifle/bit/little/small quantity of F. cmalo, (av) a little/somewhat, in a small way/degree. piri, (a) a little/small part of some individual or whole, a quantifier. pisi, (a) some/very little/at most a tenth of …, an individual or whole. pisu, (a) some/a little/at least a tenth of …, an individual or whole. little by little, nursudna, <conv. of sudden> (av) gradually/little by little/by degrees, gradually, conv. of sudden. little over, mousni, <more near> (ph) slightly more than … /a little over. littler, cmalo, [J‍-‍GC] (2a) J is more small/smaller/littler/lesser than G, in bulk/mass by amount C. live, clivi, [K‍-‍] (1v) K live/be alive. harlii, <shelter live> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K dwell/reside/live/occupy in dwelling B. liv, (af) a combining form of clivi, live. livspe, <life spend> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K live/experience/spend life in doing/being N. siflii, <place live> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K live/reside at location B. spalii, <region live> [B‍-‍F] (2v) B reside/inhabit/live in area/region/habitat F. lii, (af) a combining form of clivi, live. live near, snilii, <near live> [B‍-‍B] (2v) B neighbour/neighbor/live near, is a neighbour of B. live on, hoitci, <drink eat> [K‍-‍S] (2v) K live on S. live throughout, kubspalii, <broadly region live> [B‍-‍F] (2v) B (collective), live throughout/spread out/are widely distributed inhabitants of/in region area/region/habitat F. live well, gudlii, <good living> [B‍-‍] (1v) B live well. live with, kinlii, <with live> [K‍-‍K] (2v) K live with K. liveliness, lopu livflo, <life full> (n) animation/liveliness/vitality, mass term. pu livflo, <life full> (n) a animation/liveliness/vitality, a spec. property. lively, kaoflo, <action full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more active/energetic/lively than J. livflo, <life full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is (more) animated/lively/vital/full of life than J. liver, vrano, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the liver of F. living, clivi, (a) alive/biological/living/organic/vital, pert. to living things. norlii, <non living> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is inorganic/non living, sense of never having been alive. load, nurbei, <conv. of carry> [B‍-‍K] (2n) B is the load/cargo/burden of K. nurberdou, <cargo give> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K load/burden D with B. load into memory, feksrosea, <memory(fact store) place> [K‍-‍BF] (3v) K load into memory, loads B into memory F, default system RAM. loaf, rebfoa, <bread form> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a loaf, of bread. loan, jetmao, <owe make> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K lend/loan B to D. nu jetmao, <owe make> (n) a loan, a thing -ed, conv. of loan. po jetmao, <owe make> (n) a loan, an act of lending. loathe, tasgycakcea, <disgust shocked become> [D‍-‍N] (2v) D is/are abominated by/abhor/loathe N. tsodi, [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K hate/abhor/loathe B for doing/being V. loathing, nu tasgycakcea, <disgust shocked become> (a) abomination/abhorrence/loathing. tasgycakcko, <disgust shocked cause> [N‍-‍DV] (3v) N is/are abominating/abhorrent/loathing to (person) D by V. tasgycakmao, <disgust shocked make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K is abominating/abhorrent/loathing to (person) D by V. po tsodi, (n) a hate/loathing, a spec. act/state of -ing. lobby, fregrokru, <front big room> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the lobby of F. local, lok, (af) a combining form of lokti, local. lokti, (a) local (to …), limited to locality …. loi, (af) a combining form of lokti, local. local to, lokti, [S‍-‍N] (2a) S is local to/originates in and is confined to N. localisation, po sifdou, <place give> (3n) a placing/localisation, an event of placing … at …. localise, sifdou, <place give> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K place/localise B at D. locality, nu lokti, (n) a locality, a place to which … is local. localization, fu setfa, (n) a placing/localization (of … by …), pert. to the -ing process. locally, lokti, (av) from here/locally, local, incomplete form. locate, sifdui, <position find> [K‍-‍BC] (3v) K find/locate B at point C. located, nursia, <placed> [B‍-‍F] (2a) situated/located at …. nu sitfa, (a) situated/located at, converse of site/location. location, sif, (af) a combining form of sitfa, location. fu sifdui, <position find> (n) a location, a found position. sit, (af) a combining form of sitfa, location. sitfa, [V‍-‍BN] (3n) V is the place/situation/spot/position/site/location of B in reference frame N. sia, (af) a combining form of sitfa, location. lock, botlufta, <boat lift> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a lock in (canal) F, a section of a canal closed off by gates in which a boat is raised or lowered in/along waterway …. su herfa, (ph) a lock of hair. slu, (af) a combining form of sluko, lock. sluduo, <lock do> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K lock (up) B. sluko, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the lock of/on/in F. lock-of-hair, hertilba, <hair tail> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a lock-of-hair/quiff/pony-tail of S. locker, tovbao, <over box> [D‍-‍B] (2n) D is an overhead locker containing B. locomotive, trecputca, <train pull car> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a locomotive, a tractor for pulling railway trains. locust, grila, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a cricket/grasshopper/locust, any member of the Gryllidae. lodging, livhao, <living shelter> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is a/the lodging/habitation/abode/home/dwelling/domicile/residence of D. log, rirda, [B‍-‍VN] (3n) B is a record/log of event/process V on medium N. tristaga, <tree stem> (2n) a log, a usually large trunk of a fallen or felled tree of …. logic, lod, (af) a combining form of lodji, logic. lodhea, <logic help> [K‍-‍] (1v) K encourage/promote the use of logic. lodji, [N‍-‍SP] (3n) N a logic for reasoning from sent. type S to type P. lo lodji, (n) logic, mass term for all logics. lodsensi, <logic science> [N‍-‍] (1n) N is the science of logic. lo lodsensi, <logic science> (n) logic, mass inst. logical, lodflo, <logic full> [V‍-‍BN] (3a) V is logical, full of logic in features B under conditions N. lodfro, <logic strong> [V‍-‍BN] (3a) V is strongly logical concerning B under conditions N. lodji, (a) logical, pert. to any logic/ al system. lodkai, <logic quality> [V‍-‍BN] (3a) V characteristically logical concerning B under conditions N. lodpli, <logic use> [V‍-‍P] (2a) V is logical, uses logic in doing P. lodpue, <logic perfect> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more logical/rigorous/logically perfect than J is. lodsensi, <logic science> (a) logical, pert. to scientific logic. logical set, lodsei, <logic set> [B‍-‍FSC] (4n) B, a token or label, is a logical set of denumerable objects/members/elements F with a defining property indicated by their membership in some superset S, and with cardinality C. pebsei, <special set> [B‍-‍FSC] (4n) B, a token or label, is a logical set of denumerable objects/members/elements F with a defining property indicated by their membership in some superset S, and with cardinality C. logician, lodpli, <logic use> (n) a logician, practical, one who uses logic. lodsesmao, <logic scientist> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a logician, scientific. loin, palmio, <side meat> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a/the loin, portion of animal between ribs & hips. loiter, prasto, <continue stay> [K‍-‍BP] (3v) K linger/tarry/flag/loiter at/around B for purpose P. loiterer, prasto, <continue stay> (n) lingerer/loiterer (at … for …), one who -s. loneliness, lopo livnorjuo, <life not support> (n) desolation/loneliness, mass state. lopu livnorjuo, <life not support> (n) desolation/loneliness, mass property. lopo nartyfio, <apart feel> (n) desolation/loneliness, mass state. lopu nartyfio, <apart feel> (n) desolation/loneliness, mass property. lonely, kinclefio, <companion without feel> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is lonely/solitary/lonesome/forlorn, regretting the absence of companion. nartyfio, <apart feel> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more desolate/lonely/withdrawn than J. lonesome, kinclefio, <companion without feel> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is lonely/solitary/lonesome/forlorn, regretting the absence of companion. long, lag, (af) a combining form of langa, long. laldaa, <old desire> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K yearn/long for V, that … should come about. langa, (a) long, incomplete form. stodaa, <lasting want> [B‍-‍V] (2v) B desire/crave/long for, have an insatiable desire for V. laa, (af) a combining form of langa, long. long after that, fazu ta, (av) later on/after a long time/long after that, a mod. phrase. long after this, fazu ta, (av) later on/long after this, a mod. phrase. long ago, pazu ti, (ph) long ago, long before this, a mod. phrase. long as, nia, (c) all the while/as long as/when/while/all along. long before, pazu, (c) long before, some event, before clauses. pazu, (pp) long before, some event, before terms. long time, ckelaa, <time long> [G‍-‍JC] (3n) G is a long time/longer time than J by interval C. long-before then, piazu, (c) long-before then and until, with clauses. piazu, (pp) long-before then and until, before terms. longer, langa, [G‍-‍JC] (2a) G is longer than J in their greatest dimension by C. pacenoina, (av) no longer/not … any mors, a connected tense operator. pacenoina, (va) is no longer/was but is not now/used to be, a connected tense operator. longer time, ckelaa, <time long> [G‍-‍JC] (3n) G is a long time/longer time than J by interval C. longing, po laldaa, <old desire> (n) a yearning/longing, an act/state of -ing. po stodaa, <lasting want> (n) a desire/longing/craving, an act/state of craving. loo, korfeskru, <body waste room> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B is a toilet/john/convenience/loo/lavatory/WC, the room. korfesveo, <body waste vessel> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B is a toilet/john/convenience/loo/lavatory/WC, the appliance. look, blefoa, <look form> [V‍-‍K] (2n) V is look/mien/manner of looking of K. bleka, [K‍-‍D] (2v) K regard/view/look at/toward D. bleka, (i) look!. po bleka, (n) a look, an act of -ing. duvrai, <find try> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K seek/look/hunt/search for B. nu simci, (n) a look/appearance, conv. of seem. simfoa, <seem form> [V‍-‍B] (2n) V is the appearance/look(s) of B. simviu, <seem view> [V‍-‍BD] (3n) V is the appearance/look(s) of B to D. look around, raeble, <round look> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K look around at D. look at, ble, (af) a combining form of bleka, look at. dioble, <direction look> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K look at B. look at each other, blekue, <look reciprocally> [K‍-‍] (1v) K look at each other. look back, prible, <rear look> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K look back/behind at B. look closely at, snible, <near look> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K examine/inspect/scrutinize/survey/observe closely/look closely at D for quality B. look deeply at each other, conblekue, <deep look reciprocally> [K‍-‍] (1v) K (pl.) look deeply at each other. look forward to, jmihai, <meet happy> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K look forward to N. look here, tedji, (i) look here!/listen/attention!, attend, w/o; 1st arg., an imp. uo, (i) come now!/look here/oh/well/what/(that's) enough, an expression of annoyance. look like, clisii, <similar appear> [B‍-‍BK] (3v) B resemble/look like B to K. simci, [S‍-‍BDN] (4v) S look like/appear/seem to be B to D under conditions N. look out, kunkatca, <warn watch> [K‍-‍B] (2n) a guard/watchman/sentinel/sentry/look out for …. selkurni, <self warning> (i) beware!/take care!/look out!, … /o a 1st arg., an imperative. look out for, selkurni, <self warning> (v) take precautions with/look out for …. look over, genble, <again look> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K look over/review B. look under, lufble, <lift look> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K look under B. looking closely, nie, (av) in detail/looking closely, a discourse oper., used before sentences (UI). looks again at, gensnible, <again close look-at> [K‍-‍BN] (3v) K checks/looks again at B for N. loop, klogu, (2n) a continuous loop in path/curve/string/wall. klokoa, <closed curve> [N‍-‍BP] (3n) N is a loop of/in B for P. loose, no djitu, (a) loose, neg. of tight on …. nurjiu, <conv. of tight> (a) loose, looser than … on …. rezmao, <free make> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K free/liberate/deliver/emancipate/set loose D from B, intentional. rezycea, <free become> [D‍-‍B] (2v) D is/are freed/liberated/delivered/set loose from B. rezycko, <free cause> [N‍-‍DB] (3v) N free/liberate/deliver/emancipate/set loose D from B, nonintentional. loosen, nurjiucko, <loose cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N loosen D, make … less tight, nonintentional. nurjiumao, <loose make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K loosen D, make … less tight, intentional. loosener, nurjiucko, <loose cause> (n) a loosener, that which -ens. nurjiumao, <loose make> (n) a loosener, one who -ens. looseness, pu no djitu, (n) a looseness, a spec. property. pu nurjiu, <conv. of tight> (n) a looseness, a spec. property. looser, nurjiu, <conv. of tight> [G‍-‍JD] (3a) G is looser, less tight than J on D. loot, foirnurtoa, <things which are criminally taken> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K loot B from D. looter, foirnurtoa, <things which are criminally taken> (n) looter, one who -s. looting, po foirnurtoa, <things which are criminally taken> (n) an instance of looting. lord, surpoi, <(1st 6th) power> (2n) B is a lord/peer of vassals/domain/realm N, i.e. a member of its peerage; for specific ranks, prefix ner , tor , … , sor to -poi. sursocysia, <# social position> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a count/earl/lord/duke/baron/nobleman/peer, of land/estate F, any peer, identify by number. loris, lorsi, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a loris from S, an East Indian lemur. lorry, beitca, <carry car> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a truck/lorry, any motorized transport. lose, dirlu, [K‍-‍B] (2v) K lose B, a person/thing. dru, (af) a combining form of dirlu, lose. nu kadgau, <fight win> (v) lose a fight/struggle. lipfaa, <keep fail> [K‍-‍DN] (3a) K drop/lose D under conditions N. norgau, <not win> [K‍-‍VD] (3v) K lose prize/contest V to D. lose color, cuidru, <water lose> [B‍-‍] (1v) B fade/wither/wilt/lose color from desiccation. koldru, <color lose> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K fade/wither/wilt/lose color (as a result of) N. loser, nu kadgau, <fight win> (n) the loser of a struggle. norgau, <not win> (n) loser, of a contest. loss, nu dirlu, (n) a loss, that which is lost, conv. of lose. po dirlu, (n) a loss, an event of -ing a person/thing. po norgau, <not win> (n) a loss, as in a contest, an act/event. nu togdou, <agree give> (n) a forfeiture/loss/forfeit, something forfeited. fu zaocko, <bad cause> (n) a harm/injury/loss, bad effects of another's action. lost, nu dirlu, (a) lost, of lost things, conv. of lose. lottery, rorcanple, <many chance play> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a lottery/sweepstakes. loud, cla, (af) a combining form of clado, loud. clacla, <loud loud> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is deafening/extremely loud. louder, clado, [G‍-‍JC] (3a) G is louder/noisier than J by C, of sounds. loudness, lopu clado, (n) loudness, mass term of properties. pu clado, (n) a loudness, a spec. property. loudspeaker, krapae, <call device> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a loudspeaker of device F. lounge, sacgoikru, <start go room> [S‍-‍DF] (3n) S is a departure lounge for flight/destination D in building F. louse, ladza, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a female louse. ladzi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a nit, a louse egg or young louse. ladzo, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a male louse, an insect of order Mallophaga or Anoplura. ladzu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is any louse, non specific term. louse like, ladze, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is louse like/lousy, pertaining to lice. lousy, ladze, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is louse like/lousy, pertaining to lice. love, clu, (af) a combining form of cluva, love. cluva, [K‍-‍D] (2v) K (is in) love (with) D. lopo cluva, (n) love, mass term of states. po cluva, (n) a/the love, an act/event/state of -ing. love each other, clukue, <love reciprocally> [K‍-‍] (1v) K love each other. love to, kitsa, [K‍-‍K] (2v) K copulate/mate/mount/make love to/have coitus/intercourse with K. loveable, nu cluva, (a) beloved/loveable, conv. of love. loveliness, lopu bilgudbi, <beautiful good> (n) loveliness, mass term. pu bilgudbi, <beautiful good> (n) loveliness, spec. instance. lovely, bilgudbi, <beautiful good> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more lovely than J. lover, cluva, (n) a lover, one who -s. nu cluva, (n) a/the beloved/lover/mistress, a -ed person. menclu, <male lover> [K‍-‍D] (2n) K is the lover/boyfriend of D. loving, cluva, (a) loving, of someone who -s. lovingness, pu cluva, (n) a lovingness, a property of lovers. low, damni, (a) low/mean/inferior, incomplete form fig., low in worth/standing. low Loglan, damlogla, <low Loglan> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an instance of slang/low Loglan. low powered, mocfiu, <motor weak> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is low powered, as a car. low sound, damsoa, <low sound> [B‍-‍] (n) B is a low sound/deep sound. lower, damcea, <low become> [K‍-‍C] (2v) K ebb/become lower to level C, cause unspecified. damcko, <low cause> [V‍-‍DN] (3v) V lower D to level N, nonintentional cause. damni, [J‍-‍GN] (3a) J is lower/inferior/has less altitude than G in gravity field N. damymao, <low make> [K‍-‍DNV] (4v) K lower D to level N by (method) V, intentional act. nilca, [B‍-‍VN] (3pp) B is beneath/below/vertically lower than V in gravity field N. lower case, cmalea, <small letter> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a small/lower case letter from set/font F. lowland, damlai, <low land> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is lowland of S. lowliness, lopu nu ganbra, <high born> (n) lowliness/meanness, mass term of prop. pu nu ganbra, <high born> (n) a lowliness/ignobility, low bornness, a prop. lowly, nu ganbra, <high born> (a) ignoble/lowly/mean, conv. of nobler than …. kofdamni, <comfortably low> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is (more) humble/meek/lowly (than J is). lowness, pu damni, (n) low altitude/lowness/meanness/inferiority, a prop. of lower things. loyal, trakao, <true act> [B‍-‍NV] (3a) B is trustworthy/loyal/trusted/faithful/true to N in matter V. trakii, <true with> [K‍-‍DV] (3a) K is loyal to person D in matter V. trakinci, <true with> [K‍-‍DV] (3a) K is loyal to person D in matter V. loyalty, lopu trakao, <true act> (n) loyalty/trustworthiness/faithfulness/allegiance, mass prop. lopu trakii, <true with> (n) loyalty, mass property. lopu trakinci, <true with> (n) loyalty, mass property. lubricant, greduo, <fat do> (n) a lubricant, that which lubricates. lubricate, greduo, <fat do> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K lubricate/oil/grease D. salgreduo, <grease do> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K grease/lubricate D. lubrication, lopo greduo, <fat do> (n) lubrication, mass term of acts. po greduo, <fat do> (n) a lubrication, an act/event of -ing. lucid, kliri, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is apparent/lucid/clearer/more transparent than J, fig. understandable. lucidity, pu kliri, (n) a lucidity/transparency/clarity, a spec. property. luck, gudcae, <good chance> (n) the/some luck/fortune, a spec. instance of good luck. lo gudcae, <good chance> (n) luck/fortune, mass term. lo zavcae, <bad chance> (n) bad luck, mass term. luckier, gudcae, <good chance> [G‍-‍JV] (3a) G, an event/circumstance, is luckier/more fortunate/lucky than J for V. gudcanspe, <fortune experience> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G, a person/organism, is luckier/more fortunate than J is. lucky, gudcae, <good chance> [G‍-‍JV] (3a) G, an event/circumstance, is luckier/more fortunate/lucky than J for V. gudcae, <good chance> (a) lucky/fortunate, as of events. gudcanspe, <fortune experience> (a) lucky/fortunate, of persons. luge, clidykarti, <slide cart> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a sleigh/sled/luge. luggage, racveo, <travel container> [B‍-‍K] (2n) B is a/some baggage/luggage/bag/suitcase of traveler K. lo racveo, <travel container> (n) baggage/luggage, all the baggage of …. luggage cart, racvelkarti, <travel vessel cart> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a baggage/luggage cart. lukewarm, midhatro, <middle hot> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is lukewarm/tepid. lumber, bairmubre, <build wood> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is some lumber/timber/building wood from tree/species S. bairmubre, <build wood> (a) lumber/timber, made from —. lo bairmubre, <build wood> (n) lumber (mass term). lumber yard, bairmubsia, <building wood place> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a lumber yard. luminesce, kemlitpro, <chemical light produce> [B‍-‍] (1v) B glow/luminesce, as of light producing animals/chemicals. luminescence, lopu kemlitpro, <chemical light produce> (n) luminescence, mass property. po kemlitpro, <chemical light produce> (n) luminescence, an instance of -ing. luminescent, kemlitpro, <chemical light produce> (a) luminescent/luminous, pert. to light producers. luminous, kemlitpro, <chemical light produce> (a) luminescent/luminous, pert. to light producers. litflo, <light full> (a) bright/luminous, brightly lighted. lump, pisku, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a piece/portion/lump/pane of F, a substance. totgru, <thick cluster> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a clump/clot/lump of S. lunar, lun, (af) a combining form of lunra, lunar. lunfoa, <moon form> (a) lunar, pert. to moons/satellites. lunra, [V‍-‍] (1a) V is lunar, pert. to the natural satellite of the earth. lunch, latmia, <small meal> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a lunch/luncheon/snack, a small meal taken at any time. latmiatci, <small meal eat> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K lunch upon B, eat a small meal at any time. midmia, <mid meal> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is a lunch/luncheon/dinner of D, the meal taken at midday, however named in English. midmiatci, <middle meal eat> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K lunch/dine upon B, eat the noon meal. luncheon, latmia, <small meal> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a lunch/luncheon/snack, a small meal taken at any time. midmia, <mid meal> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is a lunch/luncheon/dinner of D, the meal taken at midday, however named in English. lung, pulmo, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a pulmo/lung, the organ for air breathing. lupine, lupse, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is lupine/wolf like, pertaining to wolves. lure, daacpu, <desire pull> [K‍-‍DVB] (4v) K entice/attract/lure/tempt D to do/be V with bait/enticement B. lured, nu daacpu, <desire pull> (a) attracted/lured/enticed/tempted, pertaining to one -ed. luring, daacpu, <desire pull> (a) enticing/attracting/luring/tempting, pertaining to one that -s. lust, foldaa, <strong desire> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K lust/crave for B. po foldaa, <strong desire> (n) a lust/craving for …. luster, pu brili, (n) a/the brightness/luster/brilliance, a property of being bright. lustrous, brili, (a) bright/brilliant/lustrous/shiny/sparkling. lusty, hairbiu, <happy behave> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is hearty/lusty/joyful/gay/jolly/merry. lutetium, luthecio, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some lutetium, element 71 (Lu). luxurious, luksu, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is luxurious, Loglandian slang. muckou, <extreme comfort> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is luxurious. luxury, lopu muckou, <extreme comfort> (n) luxury, mass property. po muckou, <extreme comfort> (n) an instance of luxury, great comfort. lymnaeid, limneai, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a lymnaeid, a snail of the genus Limnaea. lymph, limfe, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some lymph, a watery body fluid. lymphocyte, limfociti, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a lymphocyte, a leucocyte from the lymph glands and spleen. lyric, gricli, <song like> (a) lyrical/lyric, more lyrical than …. gripua, <song word> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the lyric/libretto/words of song F. lyrical, gricli, <song like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more lyrical/song like than J. gricli, <song like> (a) lyrical/lyric, more lyrical than …. gripua, <song word> (a) lyrical, pert. to lyrics.

M M, Hoi femsurpoi je mi, rie, <female at-least-one powerful> (ph) M'Lady/My Lady/O Lady of me, Respected One, a form used by inferiors to address the female peerage; cf. Surpoi. Mai, (l) M, Latin upper case letter, one of a pool of symbols. Hoi surpoi je mi, rie, <(1st 6th) power> (ph) M'Lord/My Lord/O Lord of me, Respected One, a form used by inferiors to address the male peerage; cf. Femsurpoi. Madam, Fum, (voc) Madam/Mrs/Woman, a vocative, as in 'oh Madam!'. la Fum, (na) Madam/Mrs/Ms. (a name/name part/honorific: 'la Fum Smit' — 'Ms. Smit'.). Madeira, madheire, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some Madeira, a sherry type wine. Madoqua, madhokuai, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a Madoqua, an antelope from S. Major, Major, (na) Major. Make, mucrai, <very try> (i) Try hard!/Make an effort!, w/o 1st arg., an imper. Mamma, Cmamat, (na) Mamma/Mom. Man, Men, (voc) a vocative, as in 'hey Man!','oh Mister!','oh Sir!'. la Men, (na) Mr/Mister/Man/Sir, a name/name part, as 'la Men Smit' — 'Mr. Smith'. March, termea, <3 month> [V‍-‍F] (2n) V is a March of year F. la termea, <3 month> (na) March (the name of the 4th month of the year). Martian, marza, [F‍-‍] (1n) F is an/some element(s) of the Martian language. marze, [D‍-‍] (1n) D is a locality in which Martian(s) are found. marzi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a Martian, an inhabitant of Mars. marzo, [N‍-‍] (1n) N is an element of the Martian culture. Master, la Jumren, (na) Master/Young man, a name/name part: 'Master Smith'. May, fermea, <5 month> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a May of year F. la fermea, <5 month> (na) May (the 5th month of the year). Mediterranean sea, La midtelmursi, <mid earth sea> (na) The Mediterranean sea. Metopidius, methopidiui, [B‍-‍] (1) B is a bird of the genus Metopidius. Mexican, meksa, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is some Mexican language, the dialect spoken in Mexico. meksi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a Mexican, a Mexican person. mekso, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is Mexican, an aspect of Mexican culture. Mexican American, meksymerki, <Mexican American> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a Mexican American. Mexican locality, mekse, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is a Mexican locality, a place where Mexicans live. Miss, Junfum, (voc) a vocative as in 'hey Miss!'. la Junfum, (na) Miss/Young woman, a name/name part:'Miss Smith'. Mister, Men, (voc) a vocative, as in 'hey Man!','oh Mister!','oh Sir!'. la Men, (na) Mr/Mister/Man/Sir, a name/name part, as 'la Men Smit' — 'Mr. Smith'. Mollusca, lao Mollusca, (na) one of the phylum of Mollusca. Mom, Cmamat, (na) Mamma/Mom. Monday, nerdei, <1 day> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a Monday of week/month F. la nerdei, <1 day> (na) Monday (the 2nd day of the week). Moon, la Lun, (na) the Moon, natural satellite of Earth. Moor, berbi, [B‍-‍] (1) B is a Moor, one of a North African people. Moorish, berbo, [V‍-‍] (1) V is Moorish culture, of a North African people. Moslem, musllme, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an Islamic district/territory, an area where Moslem/Muslim(s) live. musllmi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a Moslem/Muslim, a believer in/practitioner of Islam. musllmi, (a) Islamic/Moslem, as of persons. Mr, la Men, (na) Mr/Mister/Man/Sir, a name/name part, as 'la Men Smit' — 'Mr. Smith'. nue, (h) Mr/Ms/Mrs, an attitudinal indicating both distance and neutrality; part of the series 'rie/kae/nue/fie/die', q.v.; always follows a designation/vocative. E.g. 'Smiq, Nue.' — 'Smith, Mr.' ('Mr. Smith'); 'Ne nu sange nue' 'A suggestion toward which. Mrs, Fum, (voc) Madam/Mrs/Woman, a vocative, as in 'oh Madam!'. la Fum, (na) Madam/Mrs/Ms. (a name/name part/honorific: 'la Fum Smit' — 'Ms. Smit'.). nue, (h) Mr/Ms/Mrs, an attitudinal indicating both distance and neutrality; part of the series 'rie/kae/nue/fie/die', q.v.; always follows a designation/vocative. E.g. 'Smiq, Nue.' — 'Smith, Mr.' ('Mr. Smith'); 'Ne nu sange nue' 'A suggestion toward which. Ms, la Fum, (na) Madam/Mrs/Ms. (a name/name part/honorific: 'la Fum Smit' — 'Ms. Smit'.). nue, (h) Mr/Ms/Mrs, an attitudinal indicating both distance and neutrality; part of the series 'rie/kae/nue/fie/die', q.v.; always follows a designation/vocative. E.g. 'Smiq, Nue.' — 'Smith, Mr.' ('Mr. Smith'); 'Ne nu sange nue' 'A suggestion toward which. Muenster, munsitere, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is some Muenster from S, a cheese. Muslim, musllme, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an Islamic district/territory, an area where Moslem/Muslim(s) live. musllmi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a Moslem/Muslim, a believer in/practitioner of Islam. Mustelidae, lao Mustelidae, (2n) a Mustelidae of genus …, a small carnivore. My Lady, Hoi femsurpoi je mi, rie, <female at-least-one powerful> (ph) M'Lady/My Lady/O Lady of me, Respected One, a form used by inferiors to address the female peerage; cf. Surpoi. m, mei, (l) m, Latin lower case letter, one of a pool of symbols. rie, (h) sir/madam/sire/m'am/honorable, an attitudinal used by an inferior addressing a superior; part of the series 'rie/kae/nue/fie/die', q.v.; always follows a designation/vocative. E.g. 'Gandias Smiq, Rie' — 'Professor Smith, Sir'. (DIE). macaroon, sanbruci, <sign brooch> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B is a button/pin/macaroon containing slogan/saying C. machine, mai, (af) a combining form of matci, machine. matci, [B‍-‍P] (2n) B is a machine for use/function P. mac, (af) a combining form of matci, machine. macduo, <machine do> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K machine D, make with a machine. machined, nu macduo, <machine do> (a) machined, conv. of machine. machinery, matci, (n) spec. machinery/mechanism, a piece/instance. lo matci, (n) machinery/mechanism, mass term of instances. machinist, mairnakso, <machine repairer> (n) a mechanic/machinist, one who repairs machines. macduo, <machine do> (n) a machinist, one who -es. mactua, <machine worker> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a machinist, one who builds and/or repairs machines. macho, mucmeu, <extreme man> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is/are more masculine/manly/macho, intensely a man than J (other men). macram, larnandyduo, <art knot do> [K‍-‍PS] (3v) K macramé P from S. po larnandyduo, <art knot do> (n) an instance of macramé. mad, frelo, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is crazy/insane/mad. frelycea, <mad become> [K‍-‍S] (2v) K (go) mad/insane/crazy from S. frelycko, <mad cause> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K (make) D mad/insane/crazy, nonintentional cause. frelykaoflo, <mad act full> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K is mad/frenzied at D. frelymao, <mad make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K (make) D mad/insane/crazy, intentional act. madam, rie, (h) sir/madam/sire/m'am/honorable, an attitudinal used by an inferior addressing a superior; part of the series 'rie/kae/nue/fie/die', q.v.; always follows a designation/vocative. E.g. 'Gandias Smiq, Rie' — 'Professor Smith, Sir'. (DIE). madness, lopu frelykaoflo, <mad act full> (n) madness/frenzy, mass property. magazine, ckelisybuu, <interval list (serial) book> [P‍-‍BS] (3n) P is a magazine/periodical on/about B published by S. nuzveo, <news vessel> [B‍-‍SDC] (4v) B is a newspaper/magazine/periodical issued by S to D each period C. magic, maj, (af) a combining form of madji, magic. madji, [K‍-‍VDP] (4v) Magician/Sorcerer K performs magic/magical act/sorcery V for client/audience D with goal/purpose P. lo nu madji, (n) magic, mass term for such tricks. lopo madji, (n) magic, mass term. nu madji, (n) a sp. trick/event of magic. po madji, (n) an act of magic. narzvo, <nature outside> (n) a/the magic/miracle/wonder, a supernatural event to people …. lo narzvo, <nature outside> (n) magic/(the) supernatural, mass term, supernatural. magical, banynurdja, <beyond the known> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is magical/supernatural/miraculous. madji, (a) magical, pert. to magicians. nu madji, (a) magical (a), apparently supernatural. narzvo, <nature outside> [V‍-‍D] (2a) V is supernatural/miraculous/magical/wondrous/wonderful/mystical to D. zvodanri, <outside ordinary> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is extraordinary/magical/supernatural/miraculous. magical act, madji, [K‍-‍VDP] (4v) Magician/Sorcerer K performs magic/magical act/sorcery V for client/audience D with goal/purpose P. magician, madji, (n) a magician, one who performs magic … for …. magistrate, lilduo, <law do(er)> [K‍-‍N] (2n) K is a magistrate/bailiff, one who has the power of putting the law in force in legal system N. magnesium, magnesio, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some magnesium, element 12 (Mg). magnet, mag, (af) a combining form of magne, magnet. magne, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a magnet. magnetic, magne, (a) magnetic, pert. to magnets. magnetic memory, magfeosro, <magnetic memory(fact store)> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is some magnetic memory of type B, e.g. disk, tape, card, etc. magneton, magnetoni, [P‍-‍C] (2n) P measures C in magneton(s), a unit of magnetic moment. magnification, po simgrocea, <seem big change> (n) an instance of (self) magnification. po simgrocko, <seem big cause> (n) a specific instance of magnification. po simgromao, <seem big make> (n) an instance of magnification, making … seem larger. magnificence, lopu bilgra, <beautiful great> (n) grandness/magnificence, mass term. pu bilgra, <beautiful great> (n) grandness/magnificence, spec. instance. lopu bilgro, <beautifully large> (n) magnificence/splendor, mass property. po bilgro, <beautifully large> (n) an instance of magnificence/splendor. magnificent, bilgra, <beautiful great> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more magnificent/grand/gorgeous/fine/beautifully great than J. bilgro, <beautifully large> [G‍-‍NJ] (3v) G is more magnificent/splendid in N than J. bragaigra, <born govern(royal) great> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more grand/majestic/magnificent than J. magnifier, simgrocko, <seem big cause> (n) magnifier, that which -s. magnify, simgrocea, <seem big change> [B‍-‍] (1v) B magnify/seem larger, become apparently larger, e.g. by piloerection. simgrocko, <seem big cause> [N‍-‍B] (2v) N magnify B, make it seem larger (nonintentional cause). simgromao, <seem big make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K magnify D, make it seem larger (intentional act). magnifying, simgrocko, <seem big cause> (a) magnifying, pert. to -ation. magnitude, canli, [B‍-‍FCN] (3n) B is a quantity/amount/magnitude of stuff/material/supply F measuring C on dimension N. E.g. Vedma dio mi ne canli je lovi klabu jue lio to metro lopu langa — Give me a quantity of this cloth measuring 2 meters in length. pu groda, (n) a largeness/magnitude/amplitude/size/bigness, a specific property. maid, fumsua, <woman server> [K‍-‍DV] (3n) K is the maid/womanservant of D to do V. suvfua, <serving woman> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a/the maidservant/servant/maid of N. maiden, junfua, <young woman> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a maiden/girl/miss/young woman. maidservant, suvfua, <serving woman> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a/the maidservant/servant/maid of N. mail, posta, [K‍-‍BDSV] (5v) K post/mail B to D from S by V. posysui, <postal send> [K‍-‍BDS] (4v) K mail/post B to D from S. lo nu posysui, <postal send> (n) post/mail, mass term of instances. nu posysui, <postal send> (n) some mail, material sent by post. main, cefli, (a) chief/main/principal/primary. mainly, cefli, (av) chiefly/mainly/principally/primarily. maintain, prakeu, <continuous care> [K‍-‍DV] (3n) K maintain/keep up, continuous caring for D by action V. pramao, <continue make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K maintain, make D continue in doing/being V. tracue, <true say> [K‍-‍BN] (3v) K declare/state/affirm/assert/maintain/allege/profess sentence B to N. maintainer, prakeu, <continuous care> (n) caretaker/maintainer, one who -s. pramao, <continue make> (n) a maintainer, that which/one who -s … in …. maintenance, lopu prakeu, <continuous care> (n) upkeep/maintenance, mass property. po prakeu, <continuous care> (n) the upkeep/maintenance (of … by …), a specific instance. po pramao, <continue make> (n) a maintenance, an act of -ing. po nu pramao, <continue make> (n) a maintenance, a state of being -ed. maize, misme, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a portion/quantity of corn/maize/sweetcorn from F. misme, (a) corn/maize, made of corn. lo misme, (n) corn/maize, the mass of all corn. majestic, bragaigra, <born govern(royal) great> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more grand/majestic/magnificent than J. majesty, lopu bragaigra, <born govern(royal) great> (n) majesty, mass term of properties. pu bragaigra, <born govern(royal) great> (n) a majesty, a spec. property. major, forkoi, <4th commander> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a major/lieutenant commander/etc. commanding/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murforkoi — naval lieutenant commander. Use surkoi. q.v., for officers in general. jipmou, <important more> [G‍-‍BJB] (1a) major, <of more importance than>. major general, surnarmykoi, <# army commander> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the brigadier general/major general/lieutenant general/general of F, rank identified by number. vorkoi, <8th commander> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a major general/rear admiral/etc. commanding/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murvorkoi — rear admiral. Use surkoi. q.v., for officers in general. major part, re, (a) most/more than half of … /major part of set …, a quantifying operator. majority, rera, (2v) be (in) the majority (of …). rorkonte, <most count> [C‍-‍B] (2n) C is the bulk/majority/greater number of B. rorpiu, <most piece> [C‍-‍B] (2n) C is the bulk/majority/greater portion of B. make, mao, (af) a combining form of madzo, make. maz, (af) a combining form of madzo, make. mad, (af) a combining form of madzo, make. madzo, [K‍-‍BSP] (4v) K make state/object B out of material(s)/existing condition(s) S for purpose P. vinbunmao, <wine fool make> [K‍-‍DP] (3v) K make D drunk for P (intentional). make a face at, faslyduo, <face do> [K‍-‍D] (2n) K countenance/make a face at D, make a facial expression. make bed, bednitmao, <bed neat make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K make bed D, arrange sheets and blankets neatly. make believe, plekao, <play act> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K play/pretend/simulate/feign/make believe that V. make comfortable, kofcko, <comfort cause> [K‍-‍BN] (3v) K happens to make comfortable B in/about/with N. make drunk, vinbuocko, <wine fool cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N make drunk, make D drunk (involuntary). make fun of, bunfilmao, <down feel make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K ridicule/make fun of D by V. make impossible, norblicko, <not possible cause> [N‍-‍KV] (3v) N make impossible for K to do V. Cf. blicko. make love to, sekci, [K‍-‍D] (2v) K court/make love to/flirt with/behave sexually toward D, gen'l wd. make ordinary, pebtoa, <special take> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K despecialize/make ordinary B just like any other thing of the same type by doing V. make out, fansmisri, <reverse secret write> [K‍-‍SP] (3v) K decipher/decode/make out S into P. klivia, <clearly see> [K‍-‍BF] (3v) K discern/make out/see clearly B against F. make over, cnuplimao, <new use make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K adapt/make over D for use V. make relevant, pertymao, <relevant make> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K make relevant to D. make secret, smimao, <secret make> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K secrete/hide/conceal/make secret B from D. make sure, sircea, <sure become> (i) make sure!, … /o 1st arg., an imperative. sircea, <sure become> (v) make sure/make sure that …. make the right choice, dretia, <correctly choose> [K‍-‍PN] (3v) K choose correctly/make the right choice P for circumstance N. make two of, tormao, <two make> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K double/duplicate/make two of B. make up, rarpai, <all parts> [B‍-‍F] (2v) B comprise/make up/constitute all the parts of whole F. make word, purmao, <word make> [K‍-‍PS] (3v) K make word P from elements S. purtia, <word choose> [K‍-‍PB] (3v) K coin/make word P with meaning B. maker, gotpro, <industry produce> (n) manufacturer/maker, one who -s. madzo, (n) a maker, general term. makes, kecmao, <sad make> (v) makes … sad. making, po madzo, (n) a making, a process/act. nurmao, <made> (n) an article/artifact/confection/making/product, a manufactured object. malachite, malhakiti, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is some malachite from S, a green mineral. malaria, malhari, [D‍-‍] (1n) D suffers from malaria, a mosquito borne fever. male, men, (af) a combining form of mendi, male. mendi, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a male of species F. mendi, (a) male/masculine, pert. to males. male of this animal, zuo, (af) attached to <predy>, means male of this animal/animallike species/taxon; e.g. mamlyzuo — is a male mammal. male turtle, testhudo, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a male turtle/ tortoise. maleness, lopu mendi, (n) maleness, mass term of properties. pu mendi, (n) a maleness, a spec. property. malice, zavdaa, <bad desire> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B have malice toward D. lopu zavdaa, <bad desire> (n) malice, mass property. po zavdaa, <bad desire> (n) an instance of malice, wishing evil to so. malicious, zavdaa, <bad desire> (a) malicious. zavdazflo, <bad desire full> [G‍-‍DJ] (3) G is (more) malicious to D (than J). maliciously pleased, zavcanplu, <bad chance by pleased> [K‍-‍] (1v) K is maliciously pleased at another's misfortune (Schadenfreude). mallet, mubmroza, <wooden hammer> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a mallet, wooden hammer. mallow, lao Sida, (na) a mallow of genus Sida. sidha, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a mallow from S, of genus Sida. malt, malti, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is malt from F. maltlike, maltycli, <malt like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more malty/maltlike than J. maltose, maltosi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some maltose, a sugar from malt. maltreat, zaopli, <bad use> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K abuse/maltreat D by V. maltreatment, lopo zaopli, <bad use> (n) abuse/maltreatment, mass term of acts/instances. lopu zaopli, <bad use> (n) abuse/maltreatment, mass property. malty, maltycli, <malt like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more malty/maltlike than J. mammal, mamla, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a mammal of genus F., of the class Mammalia. mammary, titfa, (a) mammary, pert. to breasts. mammoth, mamhutui, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a mammoth, an animal of the genus Mammuthus. man, lea humnu, (n) humanity/man/mankind, the class of all humans. lo humnu, (n) humanity/man/mankind, the mass of all humans. lalmeu, <old man> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an old man. meu, (af) a combining form of mrenu, man. mre, (af) a combining form of mrenu, man. mreduo, <man do> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K man B, provide men to/with/for, e.g. a boat. mrenu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a man, male human adult. man made, nurmao, <made> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is artificial/artifactual/man made, something made. manage, mande, [K‍-‍VF] (3v) K manage function V in organization F. manageability, pu nu mande, (n) a manageability, a spec. property. manageable, nu mande, (a) manageable, of operations, conv. form. management, cmelae, <money art> [N‍-‍K] (2n) N is a principle of money management/finance formulated/practiced by K. mande, (n) a manager/management, one/those who -e(s). lo mande, (n) management, mass term of groups. po mande, (n) a management, an act of -ing. manager, mande, (n) a manager/management, one/those who -e(s). turcefli, <work chief> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the boss/director/manager/superintendent of F, person in charge of a work group. managerial, mande, (a) managerial, pert. to -ing groups/persons. managership, pu mande, (n) a managership, a property of -ers. mandatory, folrui, <strong rule> (a) mandatory/obligatory, of strong rules. fu folrui, <strong rule> (a) required/mandatory/obligatory, of required actions. fu folrui, <strong rule> (v) mandatory for … by rule … mandatory. mane, sneherfa, <neck hair> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a mane of F, long neck hair of some animals. manganese, manganeso, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some manganese, element 25 (Mn). mango, manga, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a mango, a tropical fruit. manhood, lopo mrenu, (n) manhood, mass term of states. po mrenu, (n) a manhood, a spec. state/condition. pu mrenu, (n) a manhood, a property. maniacally strong, frelyfro, <insane strong> [B‍-‍SN] (3a) B is maniacally strong from psychological problem S in conditions N. manicure, dedhonkeu, <finger horn care> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K manicure D. po dedhonkeu, <finger horn care> (n) an instance of a manicure. manicurist, dedhonkeu, <finger horn care> (n) is a manicurist. manifest, fretai, <front stand> (2a) more salient/conspicuous/outstanding/prominent/obvious/evident/manifest than …. selviacko, <self see cause> [V‍-‍D] (2v) V manifest/show itself to D, non intentional. selvizmao, <self see make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K manifest/show themselves to D, intentional. nurbeilista, <carried list> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a manifest, a content list of cargo usually for customs purposes. manifestation, po selviacko, <self see cause> (n) a manifestation, a specific instance of -ing. po selvizmao, <self see make> (n) a manifestation, a specific instance of -ing. manifold, rora, (a) abundant/plentiful/manifold/copious/full. manipulability, pu nu handuo, <hand do> (n) a prop. of manipulability. manipulable, nu handuo, <hand do> (a) manipulable, can be -ed. manipulate, handuo, <hand do> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K manipulate(s) B. hanpli, <hand use> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K manipulate/handle/wield B with the hand(s). hantco, <hand touch> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K manipulate/handle D with the hand(s) for examination. manipulated, nu hanpli, <hand use> (a) manipulated/handled/wielded. manipulation, po handuo, <hand do> (n) an inst. of manipulation. lopu hanpli, <hand use> (n) manipulation, mass property. manipulator, handuo, <hand do> (n) a manipulator, one who/that which -s. mankind, lea humnu, (n) humanity/man/mankind, the class of all humans. lo humnu, (n) humanity/man/mankind, the mass of all humans. manliness, lopu mencli, <male like> (n) manliness, mass property, of non men. lopu meucli, <man like> (n) masculinity/manliness, mass term of properties. pu meucli, <man like> (n) a masculinity/manliness, a spec. property. lopu mucmeu, <extreme man> (n) masculinity/manliness, mass term of properties. pu mucmeu, <extreme man> (n) a masculinity/manliness, a spec. property of men. manly, mencli, <male like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is (more) manly/masculine (than J), of non men. meucli, <man like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more masculine/manly/mannish, like a man than J is. mucmeu, <extreme man> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is/are more masculine/manly/macho, intensely a man than J (other men). manner, bivfoa, <behavior pattern> [N‍-‍KV] (3n) N is a conduct/manner/fashion/style/mode, way of behaving of K under V. duo, (pp) in manner/mode/style, a relative operator before terms (PA). duo hu, (q) how?/in what manner?/in what way? durfoa, <do form> [N‍-‍P] (2n) N is a/the way/manner/method/mode/practice/rite/procedure of doing P. lia ba, (av) anyway/in some manner. lia hu, (q) how?/in what manner?/like what?, a question about similarity. manner of looking, blefoa, <look form> [V‍-‍K] (2n) V is look/mien/manner of looking of K. mannered, fomckabiu, <formally kind behavior> [K‍-‍D] (2a) K are mannerly/good mannered to D. mannerly, fomckabiu, <formally kind behavior> [K‍-‍D] (2a) K are mannerly/good mannered to D. manners, lo bivfoa, <behavior pattern> (n) manners (mass term). lopo fomckabiu, <formally kind behavior> (n) manners, standards of polite behaviour. mannish, meucli, <man like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more masculine/manly/mannish, like a man than J is. manservant, mresua, <man servant> [B‍-‍DF] (3n) B is a manservant/valet of D with duties F. suvmeu, <serving man> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a/the valet/manservant/servant of N. mansion, fulhaa, <rich house> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the mansion of place F. mantle, tentykosta, <tent coat> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a cape/mantle/cloak, a formless garment. mantra, minrie, <mind tool> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a mantra, a meditation tool. manual, hanco, (a) manual, pert. to hands. manual arts, lo hanlae, <hand art> (n) handicraft/(the) manual arts, mass term. manually, hanco, (av) manually, with the hands. manufacture, gotpro, <industry produce> [K‍-‍PS] (3n) K manufacture P from S. manufacturer, gotpro, <industry produce> (n) manufacturer/maker, one who -s. manufacturing, lopo gotpro, <industry produce> (n) manufacturing, mass instances. manuscript, hanynursri, <hand written> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a manuscript, hand written paper. nu pubpetri, <public distribution> (n) a manuscript, copy from which publication is made. many, cioru, (a) too much/many of …, a quantifying operator. ro, (a) many/a large number of set …, a quantifying operator. rocu, (a) a large-group/many, a large number of … acting together, an indefinite set describer. E.g. Rocu mrenu pa hijra — A large group men were here together. Cf., Ro mrenu pa hijra — Many men were here independently. many of, ror, (af) a combining form of ro, many of. many-coloured, rorkoo, <many colours> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is many-coloured/multicoloured/multicolored. many-pointed, rorpea, <many point> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is many-pointed. map, cartu, [B‍-‍FS] (3n) B is a map/chart of F as made by S. cat, (af) a combining form of cartu, map. catmao, <map make> [K‍-‍F] (2v) K map/chart/make a map of F. mapmaker, catmao, <map make> (n) a cartographer/mapmaker. mapped, nu catmao, <map make> (a) charted/mapped, conv. of chart. mar, parhui, <partially destroy> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K mar/deform/mutilate D by V. marble, marmo, [B‍-‍S] (1n) B is some marble, a form of calcium carbonate from source S. trokybalma, <rock ball> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a marble, small hard spheres used in the game marbles. marbles, trokybamduo, <rock ball do> [K‍-‍K] (2n) K play marbles with K, a game played with small hard spheres. march, ritydzo, <rhythm walk> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K march, walk rhythmically to D from S. ritydzo, <rhythm walk> (n) march, an event of -ing. marchioness, femforpoi, <4th power> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a/the marchioness of domain N. femsursocysia, <female (rank) social position> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a/the princess/duchess/marchioness/countess/baroness of S, any peeress, identify by number. femtersocysia, <female 3 social position> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a/the marchioness of S. mare, horma, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a mare/female horse, Equus caballus. margin, biespa, <edge space> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a margin, a space at the edge of something. marine, mursi, (a) marine, pert. to the sea of planet …. mursolda, <sea soldier> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a marine, a sea going soldier. mariner, murmeu, <sea man> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a sailor/mariner/seaman. murpeu, <sea person> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a sailor/mariner, one who works on ships. mark, makri, [B‍-‍C] (2n) B measures C in mark(s), German unit of currency. lo makri, (n) (the) mark, mass term. mar, (af) a combining form of marka, mark. marcko, <mark cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N mark/spot D, make a mark on …, nonintentional; 'Blood spots cloth'. marka, [B‍-‍DS] (3n) B is a spot/mark on D made by S. marmao, <mark make> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K mark/spot D, make a mark/spot on … by/with B, intentional. geu, (pm) (right mark of a GE group). leamra, <letter mark> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a mark placed on letter F. mra, (af) a combining form of marka, mark. rajmra, <scratch mark> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a scratch/mark on F. recmra, <difference mark> (n) distinguishing/differentiating mark, of … from …. stomarmao, <stay mark make> [K‍-‍DB] (2v) K stain/brand/mark D permanently with B, intentional. marked, nu marka, (n) spotted/marked, having a mark. marker, marcko, <mark cause> (n) a marker, that which -s. marmao, <mark make> (n) a marker, one who -s. market, marte, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a market (place)/trading place of town/district F, a place for trading. mae, (af) a combining form of marte, market. maersensi, <market science> [N‍-‍] (1n) N is a fact/law/principle about market(s). market science, lo maersensi, <market science> (n) market science. marmalade, marmalade, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a portion/quantity of marmalade. marmalade, (a) marmalade (n), made of marmalade. lo marmalade, (n) marmalade (n), mass term. marquess, forpoi, <4th power> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a/the marquis/marquess of domain N. marquis, forpoi, <4th power> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a/the marquis/marquess of domain N. mensursocysia, <male (rank) social position> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a prince/duke/marquis/count/earl/baron of F, any peer, identify by number. mentersocysia, <male 3 social position> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a marquis of F. marriage, lopo mercea, <married become> (n) marriage/wedding, mass term of events. po mercea, <married become> (n) a marriage/wedding, an event of becoming -ed. merdou, <married give> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K give in marriage B to D, e.g. as a father. merfomvei, <marriage ceremony> [V‍-‍K] (2n) V is a/the marriage/wedding of K. lopo merji, (n) marriage, mass term of states. po merji, (n) a marriage, a state of being married. mertiu, <married offer> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K propose/offer marriage to D. marriageable, mercea, <married become> (a) marriageable, capable of becoming -ed. married, merji, [B‍-‍B] (2a) B is married to B, be in a state of -age. nenmerji, <outside marriage> [B‍-‍B] (2v) B is married to fellow group member B. nermerji, <one marriage> [B‍-‍B] (2v) B is married/monogamous only to/with B. rorfemymerji, <many female marriage> [B‍-‍D] (2v) B is polygamous/married to women D. rormenmerji, <many male marriage> [B‍-‍F] (2v) B is be polyandrous/married to men F. rormerji, <many marriage> [F‍-‍N] (2v) F pl. are married to each other, forming family N; a group marriage. zvomerji, <outside marriage> [B‍-‍B] (2v) B is married to outsider B; exogamous marriage, specify social groups. married to, mercea, <married become> [K‍-‍K] (2v) K marry/wed/get married to K. married to each other, merkue, <married reciprocally> [K‍-‍] (1v) K are married to each other. marry, mer, (af) a combining form of merji, marry. mercea, <married become> [K‍-‍K] (2v) K marry/wed/get married to K. mermao, <married make> [K‍-‍DD] (3v) K marry, officiate at the marriage of D to D. marsala, marsale, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some marsala, a Sicilian sherry like wine. marsh, cetlai, <wet land> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a marsh/swamp of landmass F. marsh gas, methani, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some methane, CH4, marsh gas/natural gas. martial, dorcli, <war like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more war like/militant/martial/bellicose than J. dorcli, <war like> (a) more war like/militant/martial/bellicose than …. martial arts, dorja larte, (ph) martial arts. martyr, mortia, <death choose> (n) a martyr, one who chooses death for a cause. martyrdom, po mortia, <death choose> (n) an instance of martyrdom. marvel, reible, <dream look> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K wonder/marvel at/about V. nu reible, <dream look> (n) a wonder/marvel, a wonder, conv. of marvel. marvelous, nu reible, <dream look> (a) wonderful/marvelous, pert. to wonders/marvels. mascara, mekherpinti, <eye hair paint> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a quantity of mascara. masculine, mencli, <male like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is (more) manly/masculine (than J), of non men. mendi, (a) male/masculine, pert. to males. meucli, <man like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more masculine/manly/mannish, like a man than J is. mucmeu, <extreme man> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is/are more masculine/manly/macho, intensely a man than J (other men). masculinity, lopu meucli, <man like> (n) masculinity/manliness, mass term of properties. pu meucli, <man like> (n) a masculinity/manliness, a spec. property. lopu mucmeu, <extreme man> (n) masculinity/manliness, mass term of properties. pu mucmeu, <extreme man> (n) a masculinity/manliness, a spec. property of men. mask, curkua, <sure cover> [B‍-‍DN] (3v) B mask D from N for protection, e.g. masking tape, photographic mask. curkua, <sure cover> (n) a mask, that which -s. smikua, <secret cover> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K mask/hide/conceal B from D for secrecy. smikua, <secret cover> (n) a mask, that which -s. mason, rikduo, <brick do> (n) a bricklayer/mason. mass, ctiganmoa, <stuff high mountain> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a mass/heap/stack/hill/mountain/huge pile, fig., a mountain of F. ctikai, <stuff quality> [G‍-‍J] (2n) G has more mass than J. lopu ctikai, <stuff quality> (n) mass, mass term for mass. pu ctikai, <stuff quality> (n) a mass, property of a spec. object. gadtcijmi, <god eat meeting> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is a mass, a (generally Catholic or Orthodox) Christian communion service. rorgru, <many group> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a crowd/throng/mass/multitude including member(s) B. skactikai, <scale substance quality> [B‍-‍CN] (3v) B, a particle/body, has C units of mass on scale N. nu skactikai, <scale substance quality> (n) a mass. tepvei, <church event> [V‍-‍F] (2n) V is a rite/service/mass/ritual of church F. mass scale, fu skactikai, <scale substance quality> (n) a mass scale, physics, one for measuring mass. masses, lo danrypeu, <ordinary person> (n) (common) folk/(common) people/masses of place …. massive, ctikai, <stuff quality> (a) more massive than …. mast, polji, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a pole/post/mast of F. safpolji, <sail pole> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a mast of F. master, menpoi, <male power> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a/the master of domain/persons/organization N. porli, (n) a master/mistress, one who has power over … in …. poircea, <master become> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K master/gain power/control over D. master of ceremonies, fomveicefli, <formal event chief> [K‍-‍V] (2n) K is the master of ceremonies/emcee/celebrant at ceremony V. master sergeant, sertro, <7th controller> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a first/master sergeant controling/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. mursertro — senior chief petty officer. masterful, poircea, <master become> (a) masterful, of one who gains power. mastery, lopo porli, (n) control/mastery/power, mass term of states. po porli, (n) a control/mastery/power, a state of mastery. lopo poircea, <master become> (n) mastery, mass term of states. po poircea, <master become> (n) a mastery, a spec. state. masticate, datkraco, <tooth crush> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K chew/masticate D. mastodon, mamhuti, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a mastodon, an animal of the genus Mammut. mat, tciro, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a mat. match, fomsao, <form same> [B‍-‍N] (2v) B fit/suit/match/adapt N. fomsao, <form same> (n) a fit/match, that which fits. metca, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a match, an incendiary device. rorplesio, <many games> [V‍-‍B] (2n) V is a match/tournament of B. matching, fomsao, <form same> (a) fitting/matching/suitable/adaptable, matching in form. mate, kitsa, [K‍-‍K] (2v) K copulate/mate/mount/make love to/have coitus/intercourse with K. material, nu canli, (n) is a/the stuff/material/supply from which …, a measured quantity, is taken. ctifu, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is some matter/substance/stuff/material, any instance of a physical material. ctifu, (a) material/substantial, of substance. fu madzo, (n) a material, from which … is made by …. maternal, matma, (a) maternal, pert. to mothers. mathematical, numsensi, <number science> (a) mathematical, pert. to mathematics. mathematician, numsesmao, <number scientist> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a mathematician. mathematics, numsensi, <number science> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a science of mathematics. lo numsensi, <number science> (n) mathematics, mass term of sciences. mating, po kitsa, (n) an instance of (sexual) intercourse/mating/coitus. seckra, <sex cry> [K‍-‍] (1v) K give a mating call, used of any mate seeking cry. matter, ctifu, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is some matter/substance/stuff/material, any instance of a physical material. lo ctifu, (n) matter/substance, mass term of instances. ferci, [V‍-‍D] (2n) V is an affair/matter/concern/interest of person(s) D. matter to, ferci, (v) engage/involve/concern/interest/matter to …, involve …, as in an affair. matter whether, no ou, (i) it does matter whether …, an denial of ethical indifference. ou, (i) it doesn't matter whether …, an expression of ethical indifference. matters, djipo, [V‍-‍DN] (3a) V is important/significant/meaningful/matters to D in respect N. mattress, spadi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a mattress/pad/pallet, as for a bed. mature, kalridle, <completely read> (a) mature/adult, pert. to any species. kalroa, <completely grown> (a) mature/adult, pert. to any species. rapcea, <ripe become> [D‍-‍N] (2v) D ripen/mature/mellow in conditions N. rapcu, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is riper/more mature/more mellow than J. maximal, maksi, (a) maximal, pert. to a maximum. maximum, maksi, [B‍-‍C] (2n) B is a maximum of C. mas, (af) a combining form of maksi, maximum. may, eo, [B‍-‍] (i) please/will you let/may I …, request for permission, a petition, e.g. 'Eo mi godzi' — Please, may I go. nui, (aux) may/is permitted to …, objective sense used before predicates (PA). E.g. Tu nui godzi da — You may/are permitted to go to X. Cf. oi for subjective sense: Oi tu godzi da — You may go to X. oi, (i) yes/(I)(he)(they) may … <, exp. of ethical permissibility.>. nurlei, [K‍-‍V] (2v) K may do/is permitted to do V. maybe, biu, (av) possible/perhaps/maybe, the objective sense. E.g. Da biu mamla — X is possibly a mammal. Cf. ii for the subjective sense. biu, (pp) (that … is) maybe/possible under conditions …, used before state/event terms. E.g. Da mamla biu ta — (That) X is a mammal is possible under those conditions. ii, (i) maybe/perhaps/possibly/it might be that …, exp. of tentative belief. mayor, sicycefli, <city chief> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the mayor of F, the chief magistrate of a city or borough. me, mi, (p) I/me/myself, the singular 1st person variable, uninflected for position. mead, rasfii, <grass field> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a meadow/mead/lea, a grass field grown for hay in region/ecosystem F. rasfildi, <grass field> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a meadow/mead/lea, a grass field grown for hay in region/ecosystem F. meadow, rasfii, <grass field> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a meadow/mead/lea, a grass field grown for hay in region/ecosystem F. rasfildi, <grass field> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a meadow/mead/lea, a grass field grown for hay in region/ecosystem F. meadowlark, sturnelho, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a meadowlark from S. meal, cefmia, <main meal> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is a dinner/main meal of D. milfa, [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a meal composed of food/ s B. mia, (af) a combining form of milfa, meal. meal ticket, miarketpi, <meal ticket> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a meal ticket/board. mean, co, (c) be equivalent to/mean<, between modifiers.>. conoi, (c) mean not, a connective between modifiers. damni, (a) low/mean/inferior, incomplete form fig., low in worth/standing. nu ganbra, <high born> (a) ignoble/lowly/mean, conv. of nobler than …. ico, (c) if and only if/equivalent to/mean, logical equivalence between sents./clauses. ko, (c) if and only if/mean, forethought equivalence with ki as in 'ko … ki … '. norma, [C‍-‍F] (2n) C is the mean/average/norm of distribution F. norma, (a) mean/average/normal/usual, normal. namsaa, <name sign> [P‍-‍B] (2v) P designate/mean/refer uniquely to B. nurmoudou, <less give> (a) stingy/mean. sanpa, (vt) refer/mean/signify, signify … to … prompting … under …. sumnoa, <sum average> [C‍-‍F] (2n) C is a/the mean/arithmetic average of F. veu, (pp) Events/States/Effects/Deeds/Means/Routes, case tag (event/state/effect/deed/mean/route). mean not, iconoi, (c) or (else)/mean not, exclusive sense, disjunction between sents./clauses. mean to, roi, (aux) will/intend to/mean to …, objective sense used before predicates (PA). E.g. Mi roi godzi da — I will/intend to go to X. Cf. ai for subjective sense: Ai mi godzi da — I intend to go to X. meaning, jursaa, <meaning of sign> [N‍-‍VD] (3n) N a meaning/significance of/behavior prompted by sign V to D. lo jursaa, <meaning of sign> (n) meaning, the mass of such meanings. nu katpua, <quality word> (n) a meaning, of a predicate. nu namsaa, <name sign> (n) a meaning/reference/designation, that which is -ed. nursaa, <conv. of sign> [V‍-‍BD] (3n) V is a referent/designatum/meaning/sense/significance of/thing designated by sign B to D. lo nursaa, <conv. of sign> (n) sense/meaning, collective term. ju sanpa, (n) a meaning/significance/import, meaning, as prompted by a sign. nu sanpa, (n) a reference/meaning/referent/significance, referent/producer of a sign. pu sanpa, (n) a significance/meaning, a property of a sign. meaningful, djipo, [V‍-‍DN] (3a) V is important/significant/meaningful/matters to D in respect N. fu djipo, (n) important/significant/meaningful aspect, to …, of …. sanflo, <sign full> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is significant/meaningful. sanpa, (a) significant/meaningful, as of signs. meanness, pu damni, (n) low altitude/lowness/meanness/inferiority, a prop. of lower things. lopu nu ganbra, <high born> (n) lowliness/meanness, mass term of prop. means, o, (c) if and only if/means/is equivalent to/provided that, logical equivalence between terms. onoi, (c) means not, a connective between terms. means not, konoi, (c) or/means not/unless, in 'either … or', excl. sense, forethought, as in 'konoi … ki … '. meanwhile, nia, (av) meanwhile, concurrent with a given interval. measurable, nu merli, (a) measurable, conv. of measure. measure, busmei, <step measure> [K‍-‍DC] (3v) K pace off/measure D (by stepping) to be C. magmei, <magnetic measure> [K‍-‍BCN] (4v) K measure the magnetism of B to be C on scale/dimension N. mel, (af) a combining form of merli, measure. melnuu, <measure number> [C‍-‍BNF] (4n) C is a measurement/value/score/measure/parameter of (object) B in (dimension) N and (units) F. hatmei, <heat measure> [K‍-‍BC] (3v) K measure the temperature of B to be C. lalmei, <age measure (old measure)> [K‍-‍DC] (3v) K date/measure the age of D to be C. merli, [K‍-‍BCN] (4v) K, persons or instruments measure B to be C on scale/dimension N. terspamei, <3 space measure> [K‍-‍BC] (3v) K measure the volume of B to be C. tidmei, <weight measure> [K‍-‍BCV] (4v) K weigh/measure the heaviness of B to be C, a dim. num., on scale/balance/weighing machine V. mei, (af) a combining form of merli, measure. measure the duration of, ckemei, <time measure> [K‍-‍VC] (3v) K time/measure the duration of V to be C. measure the time of, ckesifmei, <time location measure> [K‍-‍VC] (3v) K time/measure the time of V to be C. measured life, meisto, <measure last> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B lasts/endures C in time, has a measured life/endurance of. measurement, melnuu, <measure number> [C‍-‍BNF] (4n) C is a measurement/value/score/measure/parameter of (object) B in (dimension) N and (units) F. fu merli, (n) a dimension/measurement, a measured value. lopo merli, (n) measurement, mass term of acts. po merli, (n) a measurement, an act or event of -ing. meat, mit, (af) a combining form of mitro, meat. mitro, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a piece/portion of meat from animal F. mitro, (a) meat, made of meat. lo mitro, (n) meat, mass term. pamymio, <pastry meat> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a meat pie. mio, (af) a combining form of mitro, meat. meat eater, miotci, <meat eater> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a carnivore/meat eater. meat-storage, miorsrohaa, <meat store house> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a meat-storage/game-larder of community F. meatier, mioflo, <meat full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is meatier than J is. meaty, mioflo, <meat full> (a) meaty, meatier than …. mebi-, meb, (af) a combining form of megbi, mebi-. mechanic, mairnakso, <machine repairer> (n) a mechanic/machinist, one who repairs machines. tcanakso, <car fix> [K‍-‍B] (2n) K is a mechanic on vehicle(s) B. mechanical, maicli, <machine like> [G‍-‍VJ] (3a) G is (more) mechanical in action V (than J), a machine like behaviour. matci, (a) mechanical, pert. to machines. mechanically, maicli, <machine like> (1av) mechanically, pert. to a machine like behaviour. mechanism, matci, (n) spec. machinery/mechanism, a piece/instance. lo matci, (n) machinery/mechanism, mass term of instances. medal, ripsaa, <respect sign> [B‍-‍VS] (3n) B is a medal for event/performance V awarded by S. meddle, notfecfau, <other affair trouble> [K‍-‍NV] (3v) K meddle in N by doing V. meddler, notfecfau, <other affair trouble> (n) a meddler. mediate, midtaa, <middle talker> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K mediate between/among D on issue V. mediation, lopo midtaa, <middle talker> (n) mediation, the mass of such acts. po midtaa, <middle talker> (n) a mediation, an act of mediating. mediator, midtaa, <middle talker> (n) a go between/mediator, mediator, q.v. medic, kicmu, (n) a physician/doctor/medic, a physician. medical, kicmu, (a) medical, pert. to medics/physicians. ju kicmu, (a) medical, pert. to treatments. medical science, kiursensi, <medical science> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an instance of medical science. lo kiursensi, <medical science> (1n) medical science/medicine, mass term. medicine, kiucti, <medical substance> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a medicine/drug. lo kiursensi, <medical science> (1n) medical science/medicine, mass term. medicine cabinet, jelctiveo, <healthy stuff container> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a medicine cabinet/chest. medieval, midhiskeo, <middle era> (a) medieval (middle historical time). meditate, conpeo, <deeply think> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K reflect(s) /consider/contemplate/ponder/meditate/brood/think deeply about V. kubpeo, <wide think> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K meditate about V - wide ranging thought about. nirsaspeo, <zero sense think> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K meditate about V, mental activity which shuts out sense input. meditation, po kubpeo, <wide think> (n) a specific act of meditation <wide ranging thought>. po nirsaspeo, <zero sense think> (n) a specific act of meditation <thought excluding sense input.>. mediterranean, midtelmursi, <mid earth sea> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is mediterranean. medium, roacti, <grow stuff> [S‍-‍P] (2n) S is a culture/medium/substrate for growing P. meek, kofdamni, <comfortably low> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is (more) humble/meek/lowly (than J is). meekness, lopu kofdamni, <comfortably low> (n) humility/meekness, mass property. po kofdamni, <comfortably low> (n) an instance of humility/meekness. meet, clujmi, <love meet> [K‍-‍K] (2v) K date/meet K romantically. haijmi, <happily meet> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K is glad/happy to meet D. jmi, (af) a combining form of jmite, meet. jmicue, <meet say> (4v) K date/arrange to meet D at N at time C. jmigoi, <meet go> [K‍-‍BDS] (4v) K go to meet/meet B at D from S. jmite, [K‍-‍B] (2v) K meet/encounter B. meet for the first time, nehyrihyjmi, <first meet [not really feasible]> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K meet for the first time D, [RH recommends neri jmite]. meeting, fu djine, (n) a junction/meeting, place of joining of … and …. jmigru, <meet group> [B‍-‍FP] (3n) B is a congress/assembly/conference/convention/meeting of F for P, any purposeful meeting. jmikeosei, <meet interval set> [B‍-‍FP] (3n) B is a conference/convention/meeting of F for P, referring to the event, not the components. po jmite, (n) an encounter/meeting, an act/event of -ing. po kinkra, <together call> (1n) a convocation/convention/meeting, … -ed for …, an act of calling together. meeting one another, nerjmistu, <first meet story> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the story of F (a set) meeting one another. meeting room, grokru, <large room> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a hall/meeting room. megahertz, megherzi, <million herzi> [B‍-‍C] (2v) B have C frequency in megahertz. megalomania, meghalomani, [D‍-‍] (1n) D suffer from megalomania, a delusion of greatness/power. meiosis, secycelpro, <sex cell produce> [S‍-‍P] (2v) S undergo meiosis to P, cell division with chromosome reduction. po secycelpro, <sex cell produce> (n) an inst. of meiosis. meiotic, secycelpro, <sex cell produce> (a) meiotic, pert. to -sis. melancholy, norceakei, <constantly sad> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is gloomier/more melancholy than J. norceakei, <constantly sad> (a) melancholy/gloomy, moodier than …. lopo norceakei, <constantly sad> (n) melancholy, mass term of states. po norceakei, <constantly sad> (n) a melancholy/gloom, a state of unchanging sadness. lopu stokei, <stay sad> (n) melancholy, mass property. po stokei, <stay sad> (n) a specific state of melancholy <continuing sadness>. melancholy about, stokei, <stay sad> [D‍-‍V] (2v) D is/are melancholy about/pine for V, a lengthy sad mood. mellow, rapcea, <ripe become> [D‍-‍N] (2v) D ripen/mature/mellow in conditions N. rapcu, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is riper/more mature/more mellow than J. melodic, grimui, <song music> (a) melodic, pert. to melodies. melodious, grimuiflo, <tune full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more melodious/tuneful than J is. melodiousness, pu grimuiflo, <tune full> (n) a tunefulness/melodiousness, a spec. property. melody, grimui, <song music> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the tune/melody of F. melon, melno, [B‍-‍F] (1n) B is a melon/quantity of melons from source F. lo melno, (n) melon(s), general term. melt, flicea, <liquid become> [D‍-‍PN] (3v) D melt/dissolve/condense/liquefy into P under conditions N. nu flicea, <liquid become> (n) a condensation/melt, the product of -ation. flicko, <liquid cause> [N‍-‍SDN] (4v) N liquefy/melt/make liquid S into D under conditions N, nonintentional; 'the sun melts the ice'. flimao, <liquid make> [K‍-‍SPN] (4v) K liquefy/melt/condense/dissolve, make liquid S into P under conditions N, intentional. melting, flicea, <liquid become> (n) a condensation/melting, that which condenses. po flicea, <liquid become> (n) a specific instance of melting/dissolution/condensation/liquefaction. po flicko, <liquid cause> (n) a melting/dissolution/liquefaction, an act of -ing. member, bie, (ms) is a member of class/set …, the sign of mathematical class membership. nu djigru, <join group> (n) a member of union/confederation …. nu djikaosei, <join act set> (n) an ally/member of an alliance. djo, (af) a combining form of djori, member. djocea, <member become> (n) an enlistee/joiner/member of …, one who -s himself. djori, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an element/member of set/group F. grudjo, <group member> (n) a member, of a social group. korbadjo, <body branch> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a limb/appendage/member of body/organism F. kulgrudjo, <culture group members> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a member of clan/tribe F. saokle, <same class> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an member of the class containing F. seidjo, <set member> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a member of set F. nu sockle, <social class> (2n) a member of social class …. member of, grudjo, <group member> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a member of group/cluster/aggregate F. lidkri, <religion believe> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a believer in/member of religion N. member of class, kledjo, <class member> [K‍-‍N] (2n) K is a member of class/sort/kind N. members, nu daigru, <planning group> (n) the members of council/planning group/committee …. nu grupa, (n) a/the members/components/constituents of some group …. nu lodsei, <logic set> (n) the membership of/members/elements of set …. nu pebsei, <special set> (n) the membership of/are the members/elements of set …. membership, pu djori, (n) a membership, a prop. of being a member. pu grudjo, <group member> (n) a membership, a spec. property. nu lodsei, <logic set> (n) the membership of/members/elements of set …. nu pebsei, <special set> (n) the membership of/are the members/elements of set …. membrane, biarskapi, <betwen skin> [K‍-‍BB] (3n) K is a membrane/tissue/intersurface between B and B. lo biarskapi, <betwen skin> (n) membrane/tissue, mass term. membrrani, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a membrane of F. memo, dricko, <remember cause> (n) a memo(randum)/reminder/souvenir, a reminder to … of …. memoir, dristu, <remember story> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is a memoir/reminiscence/recollection about V. pasdribuu, <past remember book> [P‍-‍KSD] (4n) P is a diary/journal/memoir of K for period from S to D. memorial, drisaa, <remember sign> [B‍-‍SDV] (4n) B is a memorial from S to D for situation V. fomdrisia, <formal remind place> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is a memorial/shrine of/to D. fomdrisia, <formal remind place> (a) memorial, pert. to memorials/shrines. memorization, po driklipu, <memory keep> (n) a memorization/retention, an act/process of -ing. memorize, dricia, <remember learn> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K memorize/learn by heart P. driklipu, <memory keep> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K memorize/retain, hold in memory P. memory, drifro, <remember strong> [K‍-‍V] (2a) K have a strong/good memory for V. po driki, (n) a memory/recall/recollection, an act/state of remembering. pu driki, (n) a/the memory, a property of one who remembers. pu driklipu, <memory keep> (n) the memory/retentiveness, a property of one who memorizes. driveo, <memory container> [B‍-‍] (1v) B is memory, as of a computer etc. memory capacity, feksrocai, <memory(fact store) quantity> [C‍-‍F] (2n) C is a memory capacity of system F. memory chip, silkyfeosro, <silicon memory(fact store)> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a memory chip of type B, e.g. dynamic RAM, ROM etc. mend, josynakso, <sew fix> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K darn/repair/mend/patch D with B. mendelevium, mendelevio, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some mendelevium, element 101, (Mv). mending, josynakso, <sew fix> (a) darning/mending/patching (… with …), pertaining to -ing. menstrual, rarmea, <all months> (a) monthly/menstrual, every month. mental, fizdi, [N‍-‍] (1a) N is physical/non mental. minpiu, <mind piece> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is mental, a mind characteristic in contrast to a physical one. minsia, <mind place> [F‍-‍SVK] (4n) F is an imaginary/conceivable/thinkable/mental (but not necessarily possible) world/place in which event/state S occurs/obtains and "causes" (would cause if its world existed) event/state V, this world and its causal laws having been at least in part invented by thinker K. minspa, <mind space> (a) mental, the generalized phenomenon of mind. smina, (a) psychological/mental, pert. to minds. mental deficiency, lopu minfiu, <mind impaired> (n) idiocy/imbecility/mental deficiency, mass property. mental deficient, minfiu, <mind impaired> (n) an idiot/imbecile/mental deficient, one whose mind is impaired. mentally deficient, minfiu, <mind impaired> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is idiotic/stupid/imbecile/mentally deficient. mention, corcue, <short say> [K‍-‍VD] (3v) K mention/speak briefly of V to D. po corcue, <short say> (n) a mention of … to …. menu, nu fomymia, <formal meal> (n) menu, the food served at a banquet (?). furtia, <2nd conv. of choose> [F‍-‍K] (2n) F is a menu/set of choices/alternatives/services offered by restaurant/establishment K. furtialista, <choice list> [F‍-‍BN] (3n) F is a menu of choices B in setting/establishment N. tcidykarda, <food card> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the menu/bill of fare of restaurant F. fu tisra, (n) choices/alternatives/menu, a set of choices. mepacrine, athabrini, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some atabrin/mepacrine, an antimalarial drug. mercenary, dorkamda, <war fighter> [K‍-‍S] (2n) K is a warrior/fighter/mercenary for S. merchandise, nurvea, <conv. of sell> [B‍-‍K] (2n) B are some/the goods/merchandise/wares/purchase(s) sold by K, that which is sold, conv. of sell. lo nurvea, <conv. of sell> (n) merchandise, goods, mass term. merchant, batmi, (n) a businessman/trader/merchant, one who -s. merciful, norkafdou, <no punishment give> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K grant mercy/be merciful to D in matter V. norkafdou, <no punishment give> (a) merciful, to … in …. poicka, <power kind> [G‍-‍DJ] (3a) G is more merciful to D than J, one kind to one in his power. merciless, no poicka, <power kind> (a) merciless/pitiless, showing no mercy to …. mercury, higmero, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some mercury, element 80 (Hg). mercy, norkafbeo, <no punishment ask> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K ask/beg mercy of D in respect to punishment V. norkafdou, <no punishment give> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K grant mercy/be merciful to D in matter V. lopu norkafdou, <no punishment give> (n) mercy, mass term of properties. po norkafdou, <no punishment give> (n) an act of mercy, being merciful. pu norkafdou, <no punishment give> (n) some mercy, a specific property. lopu poicka, <power kind> (n) mercy, mass property. po poicka, <power kind> (n) an instance of mercy, <kindness to one who may not merit it>. merely, nerdjo, <one member> (av) merely/solely/uniquely/just, only. nerduo, <1 do> (av) only/just/singly/solely/merely/exclusively/single mindedly, single mindedly. merit, nurbarda, <conv. of reward> [D‍-‍BKV] (4v) D deserve/merit reward B from K for V. lopu nurbarda, <conv. of reward> (n) merit, mass term of properties. pu nurbarda, <conv. of reward> (n) a/the merit, a spec. property of -ing. meritorious, nurbarda, <conv. of reward> (a) meritorious/deserving, of one who merits a reward. mermaid, ficynirli, <fish girl> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a mermaid of clan/species/mythical race F. merry, hairbiu, <happy behave> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is hearty/lusty/joyful/gay/jolly/merry. mesa, tobmoa, <table mountain> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a mesa/butte, a flat topped hill of landmass F. mess, lopu no nitci, (n) disorder/mess, mass property. po no nitci, (n) a state of disorder/mess. mess up, nornitsea, <not neat set> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K mess up/disarrange/upset B on D. message, nursri, <written> [B‍-‍VK] (3) B is a written note/message/work/text/theme/composition/document about V written by K. nu sansui, <sign send> (n) a message/communication, conv. of communicate with. messenger, getsui, <get send> (n) K is a messenger/courier of B to D from S. sanbei, <sign carrier> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is a messenger/herald of V. messy, galfiu, <organize weak> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is organizationally impaired/messy in conditions N. nornitci, <not neat> [G‍-‍JV] (3a) G is more messy/disorderly than J at V. no nitci, (a) disorderly/messy (more, than … at …). metabolic, methaboli, (a) metabolic, pert to. metabolism, po methaboli, (n) an instance of metabolism. metabolize, methaboli, [K‍-‍SDV] (4v) K metabolize S into D by path V. metal, met, (af) a combining form of metli, metal. metli, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a piece of metal. metli, (a) metal/metallic, made of metal. lo metli, (n) metal, mass term. metysaspae, <metal sense apparatus> [K‍-‍] (1n) K is a metal detector. metal fatigue, talmetli, <tired metal> [P‍-‍N] (2n) P is metal fatigue in structure N. metal foil, metpre, <metal paper> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is metal foil. metalinguistic, purkai, <word character> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a metalinguistic property of/relation among F. purkai, <word character> (a) metalinguistic, of relations/properties. metallic, metcli, <metal like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more metallic than J is. metli, (a) metal/metallic, made of metal. metaphor, purtcu, <word picture> (3v) X is a metaphor (in the sense of Loglan grammar) in which predicate Y modifies predicate Z. metaphysic, djabasni, <know below> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a metaphysic of F, first principles of …. metaphysical, djabasni, <know below> (a) metaphysical, assumed real by …. djabasysensi, <know base science> (a) metaphysical, pert. to scientific metaphysics. metaphysician, djabasysesmao, <know base science make> [K‍-‍] (1n) K is a metaphysician. metaphysics, lo djabasni, <know below> (n) metaphysics of (people, system) …. djabasysensi, <know base science> [N‍-‍] (1n) N is a science of metaphysics, a metaphysical law/principle. meteorological, tetri, (a) meteorological, pert. to weather. tetysensi, <weather science> (a) meteorological, pert. to meteorology. meteorologist, tetysesmao, <weather science make> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a meteorologist. meteorology, tetysensi, <weather science> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is the science of meteorology/a meteorological fact/law/principle. lo tetysensi, <weather science> (n) meteorology, mass term. meter, metro, [B‍-‍C] (2n) B measure(s) C in meter(s), default 1, international unit of length/distance. meo, (af) a combining form of metro, meter. methane, methani, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some methane, CH4, marsh gas/natural gas. method, durfoa, <do form> [N‍-‍P] (2n) N is a/the way/manner/method/mode/practice/rite/procedure of doing P. mazfoa, <make form> [B‍-‍P] (2n) B is the formula/recipe/method/procedure for doing/making P. methodical, sisduo, <system do> (a) methodical/thorough/systematic. siskao, <systematically act> (a) methodical/thorough/systematic, thorough. methodically, sisduo, <system do> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K does V systematically/methodically/thoroughly. sisduo, <system do> (av) methodically/thoroughly/systematically, in a systematic way. siskao, <systematically act> [K‍-‍PD] (3v) K act on/do P systematically/methodically/thoroughly for D. siskao, <systematically act> (av) methodically/thoroughly/systematically, in a systematic way. methyl, methili, [B‍-‍] (1) B is methyl, the CH3 radical. methylamine, methilamini, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some methylamine, CH3NH2. metric, metro, (a) metric, pert. to meters. metro, nendertre, <in dirt train> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a subway/metro/underground train of F. metropolis, grositci, <big city> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a city/metropolis. metropolitan, grositci, <big city> (a) urban/metropolitan, pert. to big cities. mews, kartysrosia, <vehicle store place> [D‍-‍B] (2n) D is a mews/garage for B, a storage place for non motorized vehicles. microcephalic, mikrrocefalui, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is microcephalic/microcephalous, small headed. microcephalous, mikrrocefalui, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is microcephalic/microcephalous, small headed. microphone, hirsonpae, <hear sound apparatus> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a microphone. microscope, cmavizrie, <small see instrument> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a microscope of type F. midday, mijdei, <middle day> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the midday/noon of F. middle, mid, (af) a combining form of midju, middle. midju, [N‍-‍B] (2v) N is/are in the center/midpoint/middle of figure/solid B. midju, (a) middle/central, pert. to centers. midspa, <middle space> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the middle region/part of F. midspanei, <middle in> [B‍-‍F] (2pp) B is in the middle/midst (region/part) of F. mij, (af) a combining form of midju, middle. middle age, midhiskeo, <middle era> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is a middle age, historical period. middle-aged, livmidspanei, <life middle space in> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is middle-aged. middleground, midnurvia, <middle seen> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a middleground. midnight, midnai, <middle night> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the midnight of F. midpoint, midju, [N‍-‍B] (2v) N is/are in the center/midpoint/middle of figure/solid B. midst, midspanei, <middle in> [B‍-‍F] (2pp) B is in the middle/midst (region/part) of F. mien, blefoa, <look form> [V‍-‍K] (2n) V is look/mien/manner of looking of K. might, biumia, (pp) could/might/would possibly, the subjective subjunctive operator; used before an argument, usually a lepo clause, to give the accompanying predicate a subjunctive sense (PA). E.g. Mi hapci biumia lepo mi bragai — I am possibly happy in the mental place where I am king (I might be happy if I were king). biumia ba, (ph) could/might/would possibly, as used in subjective subjunctive sentences in which the causal condition is missing. E.g. Mi hapci biumia ba — I might be happy (in some mental place/under some unspecified condition x). biuvie, (pp) could/might/would possibly, the objective subjunctive operator; used before an argument, usually a lepo clause, to give the accompanying predicate a subjunctive sense (PA). E.g. Mi hapci biuvie lepo mi bragai — I am possibly happy in the possible world where I am king (I might be happy if I were king). Cf. biumia for the subjective sense of this subjunctive. biuvie ba, (ph) could/might/would possibly, as used in objective subjunctive sentences in which the causal condition is missing. E.g. Mi hapci biuvie ba — I might be happy (in some possible world/under some unspecified condition x). Cf. biumia ba for the subjective version of this subjunctive. lopu forli, (n) strength/might, mass term of properties. might be, blicu, [V‍-‍NS] (3a) state/event V is possible/might be/happen/has a probability greater than zero of being/happening under conditions N given knowledge system S. might be that, ii, (i) maybe/perhaps/possibly/it might be that …, exp. of tentative belief. mild, mildo, [B‍-‍D] (2a) B is gentle/mild to/with D. milder, mildymou, <mild more> [G‍-‍DJD] (4a) G is more gentle/milder to D(1) than J is to D(2). mildness, lopu mildo, (n) mildness/gentleness, mass term of properties. pu mildo, (n) a mildness/gentleness, a spec. property. mile, marli, [B‍-‍C] (2n) B measures C in mile(s), approximately 1.6 kilometers. militancy, pu dorcli, <war like> (n) bellicosity/belligerence/militancy, a spec. property. militant, dorcli, <war like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more war like/militant/martial/bellicose than J. dorcli, <war like> (a) more war like/militant/martial/bellicose than …. militarism, bicykrisio, <military belief system> [N‍-‍] (1n) N is a militarism, a militaristic creed. lo bicykrisio, <military belief system> (n) militarism, mass term of creeds. militarist, bickri, <military believe> (n) a militarist, one who is -ic. militaristic, bickri, <military believe> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more militaristic than J. bicykrisio, <military belief system> (a) militaristic, pert. to creeds. military, bic, (af) a combining form of bilca, military. lo bilca, (n) the military (mass term). lo bilca je da, (ph) the military of …, the military forces of some specific power. military force, nergru, <1st group> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a squad/squadron/flight, the smallest military unit of some larger military force F, without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murnergru — naval squadron. Cf. surgru. sorgru, <6th group> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a brigade, the 6th smallest military unit of some larger military force F, without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. lansorgru — army brigade. Cf. surgru. surgru, <(1st 6th) group> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a military unit of some larger military force/ organization F, without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is added. For specific military units, viz. sergru, torgru, …, sorgru. torgru, <2nd group> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a platoon/squadron, the 2nd smallest military unit of some larger military force F, without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. kertorgru — air squadron. Cf. surgru. military organization, fergru, <5th group> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a battalion/air force, the 5th smallest military unit in some larger military organization/force F, without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. kerforgru — air force. Cf. surgru. forgru, <4th group> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a regiment/wing, the 4th smallest military unit in some larger military organization/force F, without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. kerforgru — air wing. Cf. surgru. tergru, <3rd group> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a company/group, the 3rd smallest military unit in some larger military organization/force F, without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. kertergru — air group. Cf. surgru. military unit, bicysurgru, <military hierarchical group> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a military unit, the generic term, numbered hierarchically from small to large and prefixed with the service involved. surgru, <(1st 6th) group> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a military unit of some larger military force/ organization F, without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is added. For specific military units, viz. sergru, torgru, …, sorgru. milk, malna, [P‍-‍S] (2n) P is some milk of/from (a specific) animal S. malna, (a) milk/lactic, pert. to milk. lo malna, (n) milk, mass term. man, (af) a combining form of malna, milk. milk sugar, laktosi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some lactose, a milk sugar. milkier, mancli, <milk like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is milkier than J is. milkiness, mancli, <milk like> (n) a milkiness, milkier than …. pu mancli, <milk like> (n) a milkiness, a spec. property. mill, molci, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a mill, for grinding grain of place/community F. millenium, kilnie, <1000 years> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B measure(s) C in millenium (millenia), default 1. kilninkeo, <1000 year interval> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a millenium of epoch F. milliard, gigdo, [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a billionfold (US)/thousand million fold/milliard of B, (10E9) international prefix. milligram, milgramo, <1000th grams> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B measures C in milligram(s), default 1. milliliter, milylitro, <thousandth liter> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B measures C milliliter(s) in volume, default 1. million, sumomo, (ms) —million, add 6 zeros to the number. millionfold, meg, (af) a combining form of megdo, millionfold. megdo, [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a millionfold of B, (10E6) international prefix. millionth, mik, (af) a combining form of mikti, millionth. mikti, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a millionth part of F, (10E 6) international prefix. mimic, kopkao, <copy act> [K‍-‍BVP] (4v) K copy/ape/imitate/mock/mimic B in action V for purpose P. kopkao, <copy act> (n) a mimic/imitator/aper/mocker, one who -s. mimicry, po kopkao, <copy act> (n) a mimicry/imitation/mocking, an act/event of -ing. pu kopkao, <copy act> (n) a mimicry, a property of imitating. mince, rorbloklu, <many blow cut> (2v) K mince D, to chop up finely. mincer, rorbloklu, <many blow cut> [K‍-‍D] (1n) mincer, that which -s. mind, min, (af) a combining form of smina, mind. minspa, <mind space> [N‍-‍] (1n) N is mind, as a concept not associated with an individual. smina, [B‍-‍K] (2n) B is the mind of K. minded, minfrezi, <mind free> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is liberal/open minded in aspect N. minds, nurfau, <conv. of trouble> [D‍-‍S] (2v) D minds/is troubled by/bothered by S. mine, lemi meda, (p) mine, use 'my x/y/w/h/q'. miursia, <mining place> [B‍-‍P] (2n) B is a mine of P, a place for extracting mineral(s). miurtoa, <mineral remove> [K‍-‍PS] (3v) K mine P from S, removes mineral … from … by mining. miner, miurtoa, <mineral remove> (n) a miner, one who -s minerals/ores. miurtua, <mineral worker> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a miner, one who mines. mineral, minku, [P‍-‍S] (2n) P is an ore/mineral from source S, any mined substance. miu, (af) a combining form of minku, mineral. mineral water, miurcui, <mineral water> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is mineral water from source S. miniature, nu cmacko, <small cause> (a) miniature, pert. to diminished things. nu cmacko, <small cause> (n) a miniature, conv. of diminish. nu cmamao, <small make> (a) miniature, pert. to diminished things. nu cmamao, <small make> (n) a miniature, conv. of diminish. minimal, minmi, (a) minimal, pert. to minima. minimum, mim, (af) a combining form of minmi, minimum. minmi, [C‍-‍B] (2n) C is a minimum value of function B. miniscule, cmacma, <small small> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is miniscule/extremely small. minister, garsange, <govern suggest> (n) a minister (of government dept … and polity …). lidydia, <religious teach> [K‍-‍D] (2n) a priest/imam/pastor/minister/teacher of religion …. polsange, <state advise> [K‍-‍FV] (3n) K is a minister to state/ruler F on matters V. ministerial, polsange, <state advise> (a) ministerial, pertaining to ministers. ministry, garsagygru, <govern suggest group> [B‍-‍NF] (3n) B is the ministry of N in govt. F. lo lidydia, <religious teach> (2n) the ministry of church/religion …. po polsange, <state advise> (n) a ministry, a spec. state of being a -er. minnow, ficli, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a fry/minnow, an infant fish. minor, no jipmou, <important more> (1a) minor, <of less importance than.>. minus, nio, (ms) minus/less ( ) negative sign, sign of subtraction. minus sign, nea, (ms) ("-") negative sign/minus sign, sign of a negative number. minute, minta, [B‍-‍C] (2n) B lasts/endures C minute(s), default 1, international unit of time. muecma, <extremely small> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is minute/tiny/wee in dimension(s) N, extremely small. torkuehoo, <.5 hour> [C‍-‍B] (2n) C is a half hour/thirty minute period of hour B. miracle, po banynurdja, <beyond the known> (n) a miracle, something extraordinary/inexplicable. narzvo, <nature outside> (n) a/the magic/miracle/wonder, a supernatural event to people …. po zvodanri, <outside ordinary> (n) a miracle, something extraordinary/inexplicable. miraculous, banynurdja, <beyond the known> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is magical/supernatural/miraculous. narzvo, <nature outside> [V‍-‍D] (2a) V is supernatural/miraculous/magical/wondrous/wonderful/mystical to D. zvodanri, <outside ordinary> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is extraordinary/magical/supernatural/miraculous. mirror, kretancko, <ray turn cause> (n) reflector/mirror <that which -s>. selblerie, <self look apparatus> [B‍-‍] (1) B is a reflector/mirror <that which -s>. mirth, lopu clafyflo, <laughter full> (n) mirth/glee, mass property. po clafyflo, <laughter full> (n) an instance of mirth/glee. mirthful, clafyflo, <laughter full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more gleeful/mirthful than J. misbehave, zavbiu, <bad behave> (vi) misbehave, be naughty in …. misbehavior, lopo zavbiu, <bad behave> (n) misbehavior, mass acts. mischief, lopu plezao, <play bad> (n) mischief, mass property. po plezao, <play bad> (n) an instance of mischief. mischievous, plezao, <play bad> (a) mischievous < char. of a naughty child.>. misdeed, po zavkao, <bad act> (n) an immorality/wrong doing/wrong/misdeed, a specific case of -ty. miser, getmue, <get much> (n) a miser. miserable, mutnorhai, <much not happy> [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is miserable/disconsolate about V. mutnorkou, <much not comfortable> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is miserable/wretched about (conditions) N. miserly, nu donflo, <give full> (a) (more) stingy/miserly (than … in matter …). misery, lopu mutnorhai, <much not happy> (n) misery, mass property<extreme sadness>. po mutnorhai, <much not happy> (n) an instance of misery <extreme sadness about … >. lopu mutnorkou, <much not comfortable> (n) misery/wretchedness, mass property. po mutnorkou, <much not comfortable> (n) an instance of wretchedness/misery. misfortune, grofau, <big trouble> [V‍-‍DN] (3n) V is a misfortune/trial/tribulation to D in way N. lo grofau, <big trouble> (n) (the) misfortune(s) of …, mass term. stofau, <lasting trouble> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is a hardship/misfortune, lasting trouble to D. lo stofau, <lasting trouble> (n) hardship/misfortune, mass inst. zavcae, <bad chance> [V‍-‍D] (2n) V is a bad accident/bad luck/misfortune for D. misinform, tsetaa, <others error talk> [K‍-‍DBP] (4v) K accidentally misinform D about B by saying P. misinformation, ju tsetaa, <others error talk> (n) misinformation. misinformed, nu tsetaa, <others error talk> (a) misinformed. misjudge, nordredju, <not correct judge> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K misjudge/judge D wrongly in matter V. misjudged, nu nordredju, <not correct judge> (a) misjudged (… in …). misjudgment, fu nordredju, <not correct judge> (n) an injustice/misjudgment (of … by …), the subject matter of the -ing. lopu nordredju, <not correct judge> (1n) injustice/misjudgment, mass property. mislead, falkricko, <false believe cause> [V‍-‍DN] (3v) V mislead/delude/be an illusion to D about N (unintentional) e.g. This picture deludes (is an illusion to) me. misled, nu falkricko, <false believe cause> (a) deluded/misled (by …). miss, blofaa, <hit fail> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K miss/fail to hit target D. po blofaa, <hit fail> (n) a miss, an event of -ing. clefio, <without feel> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K miss person/situation N. junfua, <young woman> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a maiden/girl/miss/young woman. missile, cmanunreo, <small thrown> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a bullet/shot/missile (small)/projectile (small). flebomba, <fly(ing) bomb> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a shell/bomb/missile, any explosive airborne device. nunreo, <conv. of throw> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a missile/projectile/shot, any thrown or fired thing. mission, fu kaksui, <act send> (n) a mission, purpose of the sending. nu kaksui, <act send> (n) a mission, those sent on a mission. po kaksui, <act send> (n) a mission, a specific act of sending a —. missive, lerci, [B‍-‍DSVC] (5n) B is a letter/missive/epistle to D from S about V dated/timed/timed and dated C. mist, lo fragu, (n) fog/mist/vapor, mass term. licfragu, <thin fog> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a specific instance/quantity of mist. ragflocea, <foggy become> [N‍-‍] (1v) N fog/mist, become full of fog/mist. mistake, tsebiu, <error behaviour> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K err/make an error/mistake in/in doing V. po tsebiu, <error behaviour> (n) an error/mistake, a spec. act of making an error. tsero, [B‍-‍SN] (3n) B is an error/defect/mistake/fault/imperfection of/in S by standard N. mistier, ragflo, <fog full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is foggier/mistier than J. mistiness, po ragflo, <fog full> (n) a fogginess/mistiness, a spec. condition. mistress, nu cluva, (n) a/the beloved/lover/mistress, a -ed person. femclu, <female lover> [K‍-‍K] (2n) K is the mistress of K. fempoi, <female power> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a/the mistress of domain/persons/organization N. porli, (n) a master/mistress, one who has power over … in …. mistrust, no duokri, <do believe> (v) mistrust/disbelieve that … will do …. mistrusted, no nu duokri, <do believe> (a) mistrusted/untrustworthy/untrustable, by … to do …, conv. form. misty, fragu, [N‍-‍] (1a) N is foggy/misty, covered in fog. litfiu, <light weak> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more dim/cloudy/obscure/dusky/misty than J is. ragflo, <fog full> (a) foggy/misty, mistier than …. mitochondrial, mithokondri, (a) mitochondrial, pert. to mitochondria. mitochondrion, mithokondri, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a mitochondrion of F, a cell organelle. mitosis, mithosi, [D‍-‍] (1v) D undergo mitosis, cell division. po mithosi, (n) an instance of mitosis, cell division. mitten, hanhozda, <hand sock> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a mitten, fingerless glove. mix, mismao, <mixture make> [K‍-‍BBF] (4v) K mix B with B into mixture F, intentional. misycko, <mixture cause> [V‍-‍BBF] (4v) V mix B with B into mixture F, non intentional. punfymao, <uniform make> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K stir/mix/homogenize D from S. mix up, misflocko, <mix full cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N confuse/mix up/perplex/muddle D, unintentional. mixable, nu mismao, <mixture make> (a) mixable, can be mixed. nu misycko, <mixture cause> (a) mixable, can be mixed. mixed, misycea, <mixture become> [B‍-‍BF] (3v) B is/are mixed with B into mixture F. mixer, mismai, <mixture machine> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a mixer/mixing machine. mismao, <mixture make> (n) a mixer, one who mixes substances. misycko, <mixture cause> (n) a mixer, one who mixes substances. mixing machine, mismai, <mixture machine> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a mixer/mixing machine. mixture, miksa, [F‍-‍B] (2v) F is a mixture of ingredients B. (pl.). mis, (af) a combining form of miksa, mixture. moan, keikra, <sad cry> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K wail/moan/groan/grieve (over)/cry (about)/mourn/lament/bewail N. nurpifsiukra, <not often shake(low frequency) cry> [K‍-‍S] (2v) K groan/moan/growl at/for S, any low frequency cry. po nurpifsiukra, <not often shake(low frequency) cry> (n) a groan/moan/growl, instance of low frequency crying. punkra, <pain cry> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K cry (out)/scream/moan/groan/shriek in response to pain N. po punkra, <pain cry> (n) a cry/moan/scream/shriek/groan, an event of crying about pain. mob, kaksudnygru, <act sudden crowd> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a mob including B. roigru, <angry group> [F‍-‍BV] (3n) F is a mob/angry crowd with members B stimulated by V. mobile, nu muocko, <move cause> (a) mobile/moveable, may be moved by something, conv. muvdo, (a) moving/movable/mobile, able to move to … from … over …. nu muvmao, <move make> (a) mobile/moveable, may be moved by something, conv. mobile home, rachaa, <travel house> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a caravan (UK)/(travel) trailer (US)/mobile home of person F. mobility, pu nu muocko, <move cause> (n) a mobility, a prop. of being movable. lopu muvdo, (n) mobility, mass term of properties. pu muvdo, (n) a mobility, a spec. property of -ing. pu nu muvmao, <move make> (n) a mobility, a prop. of being movable. mobilize, dorbremao, <war ready make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K fortify/mobilize D in preparation for war. mock, kopkao, <copy act> [K‍-‍BVP] (4v) K copy/ape/imitate/mock/mimic B in action V for purpose P. krulycmi, <cruel amused> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K ridicule/mock/make fun of (person) D for (behaviour) V. simbunmao, <seeming fool make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K mock/ridicule/scorn D contemptuously (intentional act). mocker, kopkao, <copy act> (n) a mimic/imitator/aper/mocker, one who -s. mockery, lopu krulycmi, <cruel amused> (n) ridicule/mockery, mass property. lopo simbunmao, <seeming fool make> (n) mockery/scorn/ridicule, mass states. po simbunmao, <seeming fool make> (1n) an instance of mockery/scorn/ridicule. mocking, po kopkao, <copy act> (n) a mimicry/imitation/mocking, an act/event of -ing. modal, pifnoa, <frequency norm> (a) modal, pert. to modes. mode, bivfoa, <behavior pattern> [N‍-‍KV] (3n) N is a conduct/manner/fashion/style/mode, way of behaving of K under V. dunfoa, <adornment pattern> [N‍-‍B] (2n) N is a fashion/style/mode of (clothing/adornment) B. duo, (pp) in manner/mode/style, a relative operator before terms (PA). durfoa, <do form> [N‍-‍P] (2n) N is a/the way/manner/method/mode/practice/rite/procedure of doing P. pifnoa, <frequency norm> [C‍-‍F] (2n) C is a/the mode, most frequent value of distribution F. model, fomymii, <form example> [S‍-‍P] (2n) S is a model/pattern for P. duocli, <do like> (n) S is a model/pattern followed by K in action V. fomceamao, <form change make> [K‍-‍DP] (3v) K form/shape/model D into P. fu fomceamao, <form change make> (n) a model/formation, a produced form. models oneself on, clibiu, <similar behave> [B‍-‍SN] (3v) B behaves like/quits oneself as/models oneself on model/standard S in sitution(s) N. E.g. Clibiu lo mrenu! — Behave/Quit ye like men! modem, fektelfo, <data telephone> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B is a modem with speed C. fektelfyduo, <data telephone do> [K‍-‍PDV] (4v) K communicate(s) P by modem to D via system/network V. moderate, nurmucmao, <moderate make> [K‍-‍BD] (3n) K moderate (the amount of) B caused/used by D. nurmue, <less much> [G‍-‍JB] (1a) sober/moderate/temperate, not extreme. nurmue, <less much> (3a) G is more moderate/less extreme than J in quality B. moderately, nurmue, <less much> (av) moderately/pretty/quite/rather, rather. moderateness, lopu nurmue, <less much> (n) moderation/moderateness, mass prop. moderation, po nurmucmao, <moderate make> (n) an instance of moderation. lopu nurmue, <less much> (n) moderation/moderateness, mass prop. po nurmue, <less much> (n) a moderation, a state/condition. modern, hisnao, <history present> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more modern/new/recent/up to date than J is. modernity, pu hisnao, <history present> (n) a modernness/recency/modernity, a property of being modern. modernness, lo hisnao, <history present> (n) modernness, mass term of properties. pu hisnao, <history present> (n) a modernness/recency/modernity, a property of being modern. modest, selsai, <self quiet> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more modest/unassuming/humble than J is. modesty, lopu selsai, <self quiet> (n) modesty/humility, mass prop. modifier key, tiarklaki, <selector key> [B‍-‍CF] (3n) B is a shift key/modifier key selecting value set C on keyboard/system F, default upper case; a key which modifies the action of other keys. modifies, nufu purtcu, <word picture> (3v) X modifies Y (in metaphor Z). module, pogpai, <program part> [V‍-‍FP] (3n) V is a function/subroutine/module of program F with function P. moist, cetlo, [D‍-‍B] (2a) D is wet/moist/damp with liquid B. cetmou, <damp more> (a) moist/wet/damp, damper than … with …. cmaceo, <bit wet> (a) damp/moist. moisten, cetmao, <wet make> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K dampen/wet/moisten D with liquid B, intentional. ceocko, <wet cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N dampen/wet/moisten D, nonintentional. moister, cetmou, <damp more> [G‍-‍BJB] (4a) G is wetter/moister/damper with B than J with liquid B. cmaceo, <bit wet> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is damper/moister than J. moisture, nu cetlo, (n) a/the moisture, a moistening liquid. lopo cmaceo, <bit wet> (n) dampness/moisture, mass state. lopu cmaceo, <bit wet> (n) dampness/moisture, mass property. molasses, nigslicui, <black sweet water (deprecated, replace with {heirslicui})> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some molasses/treacle. heirslicui, <black sweet water> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some molasses/treacle. molecule, molhekuli, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a molecule of F. mollusc, molhusi, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a mollusc of genus F. molybdenum, molhibdeno, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some molybdenum, element 42 (Mo). moment, corkeo, <short time> [C‍-‍F] (2n) C is a moment, short time interval of period F. le nu nadzo, (ph) the present time/moment, of some speech. momentarily, fazi ti, (av) just then/momentarily/right now/thereupon/whereupon/upon which, whereat, just after this, a mod. phrase. momentary, corkeo, <short time> (a) momentary, very brief. corsto, <short stay> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is fugitive/transient/fleeting/evanescent/ephemeral/momentary/passing/temporary. nu stomou, <stay more> (a) temporary/ephemoral/momentary. monad, nera, (2n) an individual/unit/monad/one member subset of set …, a cardinal predicate. monadic, nera, (a) individual/monadic/specific/sole, pert. to individuals. monarch, bragai, <born rule> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the king/queen/monarch/emperor/empress/sultan of F. nergai, <one ruler> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a monarch/dictator/autocrat/single ruler of F. monarchy, lopo nergai, <one ruler> (n) monarchy/dictatorship/autocracy, mass term of states. nu nergai, <one ruler> (n) a monarchy/dictatorship/autocracy, that which is ruled. po nergai, <one ruler> (n) a monarchy/dictatorship/autocracy, a state of ruling. monastery, lidgruhaa, <religious group house> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a convent/monastery/nunnery of order/religion N. monetary, cmeni, (a) financial/monetary/pecuniary, monetary, pert. to money. money, cme, (af) a combining form of cmeni, money. cmeni, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a piece/amount of money issued by S. lo cmeni, (n) money, mass term. mongoose, mangusa, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a mongoose from S, a small carnivore. monitor, kotvizlei, <computer display(see let)> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a computer display/monitor for system F. monk, lidgrudjo, <religious group member> [B‍-‍F] (2v) B is a monk/friar/religious brother/nun of F. monkey, muk, (af) a combining form of murki, monkey. murka, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a female monkey, a small primate. murki, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an infant monkey, a small primate. murko, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a male monkey, a small primate. murku, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a monkey, a small primate, non specific. monkey like, murke, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is monkey like/monkeyish/simian. monkeyish, murke, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is monkey like/monkeyish/simian. monogamous, nermerji, <one marriage> [B‍-‍B] (2v) B is married/monogamous only to/with B. monomer, monhomeri, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a monomer of F, basic unit of a polymer. nergenpai, <one again part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a monomer of F, the repeating unit of a polymer. monster, gurlii, <strange creature> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is a monster to D. niagro, <animal large> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a monster. monstrous, gurlii, <strange creature> (a) monstrous, pert. to monsters. gurlivcli, <strange creature like> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is monstrous in characteristic N, outlandish in some characteristic. niagro, <animal large> (a) monstrous. monterey, montereidjeke, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some monterey jack, a cheese. month, meacke, <month interval> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a month in year F. mensa, [B‍-‍C] (2n) B measures in month s the number C. mea, (af) a combining form of mensa, month. monthly, rarmea, <all months> (a) monthly/menstrual, every month. rarmea, <all months> (av) monthly, occurring every month. monthly pass, mearketpi, <month ticket> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a monthly ticket/monthly pass on system N. monthly rhythm, rarmea, <all months> [V‍-‍] (1v) V have a monthly rhythm/happen every month. monthly ticket, mearketpi, <month ticket> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a monthly ticket/monthly pass on system N. monument, drinurbai, <remember built> [B‍-‍SV] (3n) B is a monument to the memory of S for deed V. mood, po filcea, <feel change> (n) a mood, a state of being moody. lopo filmo, (n) emotion/humor/mood, mass term of states. po filmo, (n) an emotion/humor/mood, a spec. state of feeling. moodiness, lopu filcea, <feel change> (n) moodiness, mass term of properties. pu filcea, <feel change> (n) a moodiness, a spec. property. moody, filcea, <feel change> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more moody/emotionally changeable than J. filcea, <feel change> (a) changeable/moody, moodier than …. moon, lunfoa, <moon form> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a moon/satellite of planet S. moonlight, lunlitla, <lunar light> [V‍-‍D] (2n) V is some moonlight falling on D. moor, botkocduo, <boat cord do> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K moor(s) boat D to B. botliu, <boat restrain> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K moor boat B at D. mooring, botliupae, <boat restrain apparatus> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is/are the mooring(s) of boat D. mop, fordyvlacyrie, <floor wash tool> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a mop. moral, gudkao, <good acting> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is/are better/more moral/virtuous than J, as of acts/persons. gudkao, <good acting> (a) good/fine/moral/nice/virtuous, moral, as of persons/acts. morality, lopu gudkao, <good acting> (n) fineness/goodness/morality/virtue, mass term of props. pu gudkao, <good acting> (n) a fineness/goodness/morality/virtue, morality, a spec. property. lo gudkaorui, <good action rule> (n) morality/ethics, mass term of moral principles. morals, gudkaorui, <good action rule> [N‍-‍] (1n) N is an instance of morals/(moral) principle/rule of conduct. lo fu zavkao, <bad act> (n) morals, mass standard of right and wrong. more, kofmou, <comfortable more> [G‍-‍NJN] (4a) G is more comfortable about N than J (is about) N. norceajai, <not change product> (ph) the more … the less …, inverse proportionality. norcearao, <constant ratio> (ph) the more … the more …, in fixed ratio. mordu, (av) more/exceedingly, in an exceeding way. mro, (af) a combining form of mordu, more. mromou, <more more> [G‍-‍BJ] (3av) G is so much/all the more B than J. mou, (af) a combining form of mordu, more/ er than that makes comparative predas out of non comparative ones. E.g. ckamou — out of ckano (X is kind to Y): Da ckamou de di do — X is kinder to Y than Z is kind to W. Cf. ciu. more than, mordu, [G‍-‍JBC] (4v) G is/are more than/exceed J in property B by amount C. mou, (pp) more than … is/is more of a … than … is, an oper. used before args to give the accompanying non comparative preda a comparative sense (PA). E.g. Da farfu mou de — X is a father more than Y is X is more of a father than Y is. Cf. ciu. sinoi, (af) more than, quantifier prefix. more-than half, pire, (a) more-than half of …, of individuals/wholesp. moreover, sui, (av) also/too/moreover/besides/as well/in addition/furthermore, a discourse operator (UI). morning, monza, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the morning of day F. monza, (a) morning, pert. to mornings. lo monza, (n) morning, mass term of instances. moz, (af) a combining form of monza, morning. speni lo gudbi denli/pasnai/monza/natli, (ph) Have a good day/evening/morning/night. mors, pacenoina, (av) no longer/not … any mors, a connected tense operator. mortal, morcea, <dead become> (a) mortal/dying, capable of dying. morcko, <dead cause> (a) mortal/fatal/deadly. mortality, lopo morcea, <dead become> (n) death/mortality, mass term of events. po morcea, <dead become> (n) a death/mortality, an event of dying. mortician, morkorduo, <dead body do> (n) a mortician/undertaker/embalmer, undertaker. mosaic, kinmaotcu, <together make picture> [P‍-‍BSK] (4n) P is a mosaic depicting B and made from S by artist K. piutcu, <piece picture> [P‍-‍BSK] (4n) P is a mosaic depicting B made from S by artist K. moselle, mozhele, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is some moselle from S, a white wine. mosquito, moska, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a female mosquito. moski, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a mosquito larva, an insect larva of various Spp. particularly Culex, Aedes &Anopheles. mosko, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a male mosquito. mosku, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is any mosquito, non specific term. mosquito like, moske, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is mosquito like, pertains to mosquitos. moss, moshi, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a moss of type/genus F. most, mordu le da, (a) most, more than any member of set in …. mordu ra ba, (a) most, more than any in dimension …. pire, (a) most/half-or more of some individual or whole, a quantifier. re, (a) most/more than half of … /major part of set …, a quantifying operator. si, (af) at most/only/just … of, upper bound marker, prefixed to quantifiers. most of, rer, (af) a combining form of re, most of. most one, si, (a) one or none/at most one of …, abbrev. of sine, a quantifying operator. mote, cmapiu, <small piece> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a speck/bit/mote/crumb of F. mother, fu farfu, (n) mother of … by father …. mam, (af) a combining form of matma, mother. mambiu, <mother behave> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K mother D, behave as a mother toward …. mat, (af) a combining form of matma, mother. matma, [K‍-‍PS] (3n) K is the mother of P by father S. maa, (af) a combining form of matma, mother. mother-in law, nurmermaa, <spouse mother> [B‍-‍DP] (3n) B is a mother-in law of D by child P. motherhood, lopo matma, (n) motherhood, mass term of states. po matma, (n) a motherhood, a spec. state/condition. motherland, mamgui, <mother land> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the motherland/country/nation/land of F. penrygui, <parent land> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the motherland/fatherland/homeland/country/nation/land of F. motherliness, lopu mamcli, <mother like> (n) motherliness, mass term, properties. pu mamcli, <mother like> (n) a motherliness, a spec. property. motherly, mamcli, <mother like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more motherly, like a mother than J is. motion, lopo muvdo, (n) motion, mass term of events. po muvdo, (n) a move/movement/motion, a spec. event of moving, q.v. motion picture, sinma, [P‍-‍K] (2n) P is a movie/film/cinema/motion picture made by K, pl.set. motion picture camera, sinkamra, <cinema camera> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a motion picture camera/cinema camera. motion picture theatre, sintatro, <cinema theatre> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a movie theatre/cinema/movie house/motion picture theatre of place S. motion sick, muvmalbi, <move sick> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K is/are motion sick/seasick from N. motionless, normuo, <no move> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is motionless/fixed/immobile/static/unmoving/stationary/immovable/still/stable. motivate, modvi, (vt) motivate/give cause for, of motives. movdou, <motive give> [K‍-‍DVS] (4v) K inspire/motivate D to do V with motive S. motivated, furmoi, <3rd conv. motive> [K‍-‍VSN] (4v) K will/intend/be motivated to do V for motive S under conditions N. fu modvi, (a) motivated, of motivated actors. nu modvi, (a) motivated/deliberate/express, of intended actions, q.v. nu movdou, <motive give> (a) inspired/motivated, by some agent. nurmoi, <motivated (deliberate)> [B‍-‍] (1) B is motivated/deliberate/express. motivating, modvi, (a) motivating/motivational, of ends in view. movdou, <motive give> (a) motivating/inspiring, of -ing agents. motivation, lopo furmoi, <3rd conv. motive> (n) motivation, the mass of such states. po furmoi, <3rd conv. motive> (n) a motivation/will, a spec. intentional state. modvi, (n) a motive/motivation, a motive/end in view. lo modvi, (n) motivation, mass term of motives. lopo fu modvi, (n) motivation, mass term of states. po fu modvi, (n) a motivation, a state of being -ed. po movdou, <motive give> (n) a motivation, an act of -ing. po nu movdou, <motive give> (n) a motivation, being -ed by some agent. motivational, modvi, (a) motivating/motivational, of ends in view. motivator, movdou, <motive give> (n) a motivator, a -ing agent. motive, cirmoi, <learn motive> [V‍-‍KB] (3n) V is a motive for K to learn B. modvi, [B‍-‍VKN] (4n) B is a motive/end/purpose for action V to actor K under conditions N. modvi, (n) a motive/motivation, a motive/end in view. mov, (af) a combining form of modvi, motive. nermoi, <one motive> [B‍-‍N] (2v) B is only/for one motive N. E.g. Da nermoi nerbi lepo preda — It is only necessary for …. moi, (af) a combining form of modvi, motive. motor, moc, (af) a combining form of motci, motor. motci, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an engine/motor, any torque producing machine. tcagoi, <car go> [K‍-‍DSV] (4v) K motor/go by car to D from S via V. motorize, mocdou, <motor give> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K motorize D, furnish with a motor. motorized, nu mocdou, <motor give> (a) motorized, conv. of motorize. motto, famymra, <family mark> [B‍-‍F] (2v) B is the device/emblem/motto/coat-of arms of family F. mould, fomvelpli, <form vessel use> [K‍-‍PS] (3v) K mould/cast (object) P from (material) S. fomveo, <form vessel> [B‍-‍P] (2n) B is a mould/hollow form to shape plastic/molten substance P. fizfomdou, <physical form give> [K‍-‍PS] (3v) K mould P from S. larfomdou, <art form give> [K‍-‍PS] (3v) K mould P from S, for artistic reasons. moulding, nu fomvelpli, <form vessel use> (n) a moulding/casting (by … from …), an object produced by -ing. mound, ctimoa, <stuff mountain> [B‍-‍FP] (3n) B is a pile/mound/heap/hill/stack of F for P. mount, gangoi, <high go> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K scale/ascend/mount/climb up D from S. kitsa, [K‍-‍K] (2v) K copulate/mate/mount/make love to/have coitus/intercourse with K. tovneagoi, <over next go> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K mount/embark/get on top of/go aboard B. mountain, ctiganmoa, <stuff high mountain> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a mass/heap/stack/hill/mountain/huge pile, fig., a mountain of F. ganmoa, <high mountain> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a (high) mountain of land mass F. moa, (af) a combining form of monca, mountain. mon, (af) a combining form of monca, mountain. monca, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a mountain/hill of land mass F. mountainous, ganmoa, <high mountain> (a) mountainous, pert. to mountains. mounted, horski, <horse sit> (a) equestrian/mounted, pert. to horseriders. mourn, drukra, <lose cry> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K mourn (the loss of) B. kectaa, <sad talk> [K‍-‍VD] (3v) K bewail/mourn/lament/speak sadly of V to D. keikra, <sad cry> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K wail/moan/groan/grieve (over)/cry (about)/mourn/lament/bewail N. mournful, keikra, <sad cry> (a) mournful, of sad cries. mourning, po drukra, <lose cry> (n) an instance of mourning. po keikra, <sad cry> (n) a mourning, an act of -ing. mouse, musma, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a female mouse. musmi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an infant mouse. musmo, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a male mouse. musmu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a mouse, a rodent of the genus Mus. tolrolgu, <control roller> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a mouse of system F, a rolling display pointer. mouse like, musme, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is murine/mouse like, pertaining to mice. moustache, zlupyherfa, <lip hair> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a moustache of F. mouth, mak, (af) a combining form of manko, mouth. maknazbi, <mouth nose> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the muzzle/mouth of (animal) F. makvlaci, <mouth wash> [K‍-‍V] (2n) K wash(es) the mouth with mouthwash V. manko, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the mouth of F. frehou, <front hole> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the muzzle/mouth of weapon F. vrigao, <river anus> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the mouth of river F. mouthful, makcai, <mouth quantity> [C‍-‍B] (2n) C is a mouthful/bite of B. mouthwash, makvlaci, <mouth wash> [K‍-‍V] (2n) K wash(es) the mouth with mouthwash V. nu makvlaci, <mouth wash> (n) a mouthwash. movable, muvdo, (a) moving/movable/mobile, able to move to … from … over …. move, filmao, <feel make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K move/touch D, make one feel emotion …, intentional. fiocko, <feel cause> [S‍-‍DP] (3v) S move/touch/cause emotion in D causing emotions P, nonintentional. fredirgoi, <forward go> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K advance/progress/go move/forward to D from S. hasmuo, <house move> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K move(s) residence to D from S. po hasmuo, <house move> (n) a move, an event of moving ones residence. normuo, <no move> (i) stand still!/don't move!, don't move, an imperative. mud, (af) a combining form of muvdo, move. muocko, <move cause> [K‍-‍BDS] (4v) K move/remove B to D from S, nonintentional. po muocko, <move cause> (n) a move/removal, an act of moving something. muv, (af) a combining form of muvdo, move. muvdo, [K‍-‍DSV] (4v) K move to D from S over path V. po muvdo, (n) a move/movement/motion, a spec. event of moving, q.v. muvmao, <move make> [K‍-‍BDS] (4v) K move/remove/take away/withdraw B to D from S, intentional. po muvmao, <move make> (n) a move/removal, an act of moving something. muo, (af) a combining form of muvdo, move. move above, tovmuo, <over move> [B‍-‍D] (2v) B move over/move above D. move along, linmuo, <line move> [K‍-‍BSD] (4v) K move along B from S to D. move over, tovmuo, <over move> [B‍-‍D] (2v) B move over/move above D. moveable, nu muocko, <move cause> (a) mobile/moveable, may be moved by something, conv. nu muvmao, <move make> (a) mobile/moveable, may be moved by something, conv. movement, po muvdo, (n) a move/movement/motion, a spec. event of moving, q.v. mover, muocko, <move cause> (n) a mover, that which moves something. muvmao, <move make> (n) a mover, one who moves something. moves through, tcemuo, <through move> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K moves through/passes through/penetrates region/field/habitat/population N. movie, sinma, [P‍-‍K] (2n) P is a movie/film/cinema/motion picture made by K, pl.set. movie house, sintatro, <cinema theatre> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a movie theatre/cinema/movie house/motion picture theatre of place S. movie maker, sinmao, <cinema make> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a movie maker/cinematographer. movie making, sinmazlae, <cinema maker's art> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is cinematography/movie making art. movies, sinkarduo, <cinema camera do> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K make movies/moving pictures of V. lo sinma, (n) (the) cinema/movies, general term. moving, filmao, <feel make> (a) moving/touching, emotionally touching. fiocko, <feel cause> (a) moving/touching, emotionally touching, of an incident. muvdo, (a) moving/movable/mobile, able to move to … from … over …. moving pictures, sinkarduo, <cinema camera do> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K make movies/moving pictures of V. mow, maiklu, <machine cut> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K mow/cut D with B, cut down as grass. mower, maiklu, <machine cut> (n) mower, one who -s. fu maiklu, <machine cut> (n) mower, a tool for -ing. mowing, maiklu, <machine cut> (a) mowing, pertaining to the act of -ing. po maiklu, <machine cut> (n) a mowing/cutting, the event of -ing. mu, meo, (l) mu, Greek lower case letter, one of a pool of symbols. much, cioru, (a) too much/many of …, a quantifying operator. moutsu, <more enough> [B‍-‍P] (2a) B is abundant/plentiful/excessive/plenty/ more than enough/too much for purpose P. muc, (af) a combining form of mutce, much. mue, (af) a combining form of mutce, much. mut, (af) a combining form of mutce, much. piro, (a) much/a large part of some individual or whole, a quantifier. much as, ciktu, [B‍-‍BN] (3a) B is equal/same as/as much as B in dimension N. ciktu, (av) as much as/equally. mud, cetydeu, <wet dirt> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is mud, wet/sticky/soft earth. muddier, ceorderflo, <wet dirt full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is muddier than J, more covered with mud. muddle, misflocko, <mix full cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N confuse/mix up/perplex/muddle D, unintentional. muddy, ceorderflo, <wet dirt full> (n) muddy <covered with mud>. mug, kupta, [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is a cup/mug/glass/vessel of/for V, gen. for drinking vessel. multi family dwelling, rorfamhaa, <many family house> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a multi family dwelling/apartmenthouse/building. multiangular, rorjaofoa, <many angle form> (a) polygonal/multiangular, polygonal. multicolored, rorkoo, <many colours> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is many-coloured/multicoloured/multicolored. multicoloured, rorkoo, <many colours> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is many-coloured/multicoloured/multicolored. multidisciplinary, rornurdia, <many taught> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is multidisciplinary, contributed to by many disciplines. multilingual, rorlentaa, <many language talk> [K‍-‍B] (2a) K is multilingual in languages B, pl. set. multiple, konjai, <count product> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an integral multiple of F (Technically this would be fu konfurjaijai, the (perhaps non integral) product of x multiplied by an integer y, but konjai seems better for this common notion.). petrysei, <share set> [F‍-‍SV] (3n) F is a multiple, a subset of some superset S, over whose members some claim V is distributed. E.g. 'Le neni mrenu' in 'Le neni mrenu ga merji' designates a multiple. Contrasts with 'setci', q.v. Usage: Li, le neni mrenu, lu namsaa ne petrysei je lea. rorbekti, <many object> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is multiple, consisting of more than one part. multiplets, brasei, <born set> [F‍-‍P] (2n) F is a litter/brood/multiplets of P, infants from the same birth. multiplication, lopo jaldui, <product discover> (n) multiplication, mass term of acts. po jaldui, <product discover> (n) a multiplication, a spec. act of -ing. lopo jalti, (n) multiplication, mass of all -s. po jalti, (n) a multiplication, a spec. instance of —. lopu rorcea, <many become> (n) mass property of multiplication/reproduction. po rorcea, <many become> (n) an instance of multiplication/reproduction. multiplied by, tia, (ms) times/multiplied by, the multiplication operator, math. multiplier, nu jalti, (n) a factor/multiplier, 1st factor in a multiplication. multiply, jaldui, <product discover> [K‍-‍SP] (3v) K multiply S (pl.) getting product P. rorcea, <many become> [K‍-‍] (1v) K multiply/reproduce, e.g. Bacteria multiply rapidly. multitude, rorgru, <many group> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a crowd/throng/mass/multitude including member(s) B. multitudinous, numgro, <numerically large> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more multitudinous/numerous than J. mumble, norklicue, <not clear say> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K mumble/speak indistinctly B to D. mumbler, norklicue, <not clear say> (n) a mumbler, one who speaks indistinctly. munch, makykraco, <mouth crush(into pulp)> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K chew/munch B. mundane, danri, [G‍-‍JB] (3a) G is more trite/ordinary/vulgar/common(place)/usual/banal/mundane than J in features B. muon, muonhi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a muon, an elementary particle. murder, hunmormao, <human dead make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K murder D. lopo hunmormao, <human dead make> (n) homicide/murder, the mass of such acts. po hunmormao, <human dead make> (n) a homicide/murder, an act of murder. murderer, hunmormao, <human dead make> (n) a murderer, one who -s. murine, musme, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is murine/mouse like, pertaining to mice. murmur, murmu, [K‍-‍PB] (3v) K murmur/mutter P about B. nu murmu, (n) a murmur, that which is -ed. po murmu, (n) a murmur, a specific act of -ing. murre, urhia, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a murre, a bird of genus Uria, related to auks. muscle, mus, (af) a combining form of muslo, muscle. muslo, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a muscle of F. lo muslo, (n) muscle, muscular tissue, mass term. muscular, musflo, <muscle full> [K‍-‍J] (2a) K is more muscular than J. muslo, (a) muscular, pert. to muscles. muscularity, pu musflo, <muscle full> (n) a muscularity, a property of being -ar. muse, larfuagandi, <art goddesses> [K‍-‍B] (2n) K is a/the muse(s) of B. museum, larviasia, <art see place> [F‍-‍NB] (3n) F is an art+gallery/museum at N featuring/exhibiting art B. vizyleisro, <see permit store (display store)> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a museum for objects F. mushroom, fungi, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a mushroom of species F. music, nu danse, (n) music/rhythm/style of dance …. mui, (af) a combining form of muzgi, music. muz, (af) a combining form of muzgi, music. muzgi, [P‍-‍S] (2n) P is a piece of music by composer S. lo muzgi, (n) music, mass term of instances. musical, muiflo, <music full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more musical, full of music than J. muiflo, <music full> (a) musical, full of music. muzgi, (a) musical, pert. to music. musical instrument, muzpae, <music apparatus> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a musical instrument. musicality, pu muiflo, <music full> (n) a musicality/musicalness, a spec. property. pu muzgi, (n) a musicality, a spec. property. musicalness, pu muiflo, <music full> (n) a musicality/musicalness, a spec. property. musician, muzkao, <music act> (n) a musician/performer, one who plays … on …. muskatel, moskhatele, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some muskatel, a dessert wine. must, foi, (aux) must/is obliged to …, objective sense used before predicates (PA). E.g. Mi foi godzi da — I must go to X. Cf. oa for subjective sense: oa mi godzi da — I must go to X. folfunrui, <strong should> [K‍-‍PS] (3v) K must/be obliged to do P under S. nurfolrui, <forced rule> [K‍-‍PN] (3v) K must/be obliged/required to do P under N. oa, (i) I/he/they must/it is obligatory/necessary that …, exp. of ethical obligation. mustard, mustharde, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is some mustard from S. mustelid, musthelidi, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a mustelid of genus F, a carnivore of the family Mustelidae. mute, nortaa, <not talk> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is dumb/mute, unable to talk. nortakcea, <not speak become> [B‍-‍] (1a) B become dumb/mute, unable to speak. nurclamao, <less loud make> [K‍-‍SV] (3v) K soften/deaden/dampen/mute the sound of S by V. nurclamao, <less loud make> (n) a mute (for deadening sounds). mutilate, parhui, <partially destroy> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K mar/deform/mutilate D by V. mutilated, nu parhui, <partially destroy> (a) mutilated, the thing -ed. mutilation, po parhui, <partially destroy> (n) an instance of mutilation (of … by …). mutter, murmu, [K‍-‍PB] (3v) K murmur/mutter P about B. mutton, bercymio, <sheep meat> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some mutton, meat from sheep. mutual, nu cikpoa, <equal respond> (a) reciprocal/mutual, pert. to -cated actions. mutually, cikpoa, <equal respond> (av) each other/mutually/one another/reciprocally/in return. muzzle, maknazbi, <mouth nose> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the muzzle/mouth of (animal) F. frehou, <front hole> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the muzzle/mouth of weapon F. my, Nu garti mi!, (ph) Thanks! / Be the recipient of my gratitude! lemi, (a) my, the 1st person singular possessive descriptor. my and your, lemu, (a) our/my and your/your and my, the 1st & 2nd person plural possessive descriptor. myelin, mielhini, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is some myelin from S, a nerve sheath. myself, kincle, <without companions> (p) by himself/itself/myself/ourselves/themselves/yourself/yourselves/oneself/herself, by herself, without companions. mi, (p) I/me/myself, the singular 1st person variable, uninflected for position. mysterious, gursmi, <strange secret> (a) mysterious. gurvei, <strange happen(ing)> (a) mysterious/curious, an inexplicable event. gutra, [B‍-‍DN] (3a) B is alien/bizarre/mysterious/odd/queer/unusual/strange/weird/curious/peculiar/funny to D in features N. mysteriousness, lopu gutra, (n) strangeness/mysteriousness, mass term. pu gutra, (n) an oddity/strangeness/weirdness/mysteriousness, a spec. property. mystery, gursmi, <strange secret> [B‍-‍P] (2n) B is a mystery about P. gurvei, <strange happen(ing)> [V‍-‍D] (2n) V is a mystery to D, a strange/inexplicable happening/event/incident. gutra, (n) a mystery/oddity/queer (person), a spec. instance. lo gutra, (n) mystery, mass term. mystical, narzvo, <nature outside> [V‍-‍D] (2a) V is supernatural/miraculous/magical/wondrous/wonderful/mystical to D. mystified, nu gurvei, <strange happen(ing)> (a) mystified, of one who finds the event inexplicable. myth, lidpipstu, <religion people story> [B‍-‍VN] (3n) B is a myth about V from mythos/popular religious tradition N. piostu, <frequent story> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a legend/myth, an often told story among peoples/cultures S. reistu, <dream story> [P‍-‍BS] (3n) P is a fable/myth about B by S.

N N, Nai, (l) N, Latin upper case letter, one of a pool of symbols. NCO, surtro, <(1st 7th) controller> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an NCO/non com/non commissioned officer controling/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed. For non commissioned ranks, viz. nertro, tortro, …, sortro. For commissioned officer ranks, see nerkoi, torkoi, …, sorkoi. Negro, la Nigros, (na) Negro (member of any group called negroes). Nematoda, lao Nematoda, (na) a Nematoda, one of the round or thread worms. Neozoic, la Neozo-ik, (na) the Neozoic, the period, after the Paleozoic. New Year, La Cninu Nirne Natpao, (na) New Year's Eve. Norwegian, norsa, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an inst. of Norwegian language. norse, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a region of Norwegian people/culture. norsi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a Norwegian person. norso, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an element/inst. of Norwegian culture. norso, (a) Norwegian, pert. to things Norwegian. nos, (af) a combining form of norsa/e/i/o, "Norwegian". Norwegian areas, lo norse, (n) Norwegian areas, the mass of all such region. Norwegian culture, lo norso, (n) Norwegian culture, the mass of all such elements. Norwegian speaker, nostaa, <Norwegian talker> [K‍-‍] (1n) K is a Norwegian speaker, a speaker of the … language. Norwegians, lo norsi, (n) Norwegians, the mass of all …. November, nernermea, <11 month> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a November of year F. la nernermea, <11 month> (na) November (the 11th month of the year). n, nei, (l) n, Latin lower case letter, one of a pool of symbols. nab, janjua, <hunt grasp> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K catch/nab/capture B, a game animal or enemy/captive/hostage. jugtoa, <grasp take> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K nab/seize/grab B from D. nail, dedhorno, <finger horn> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a claw/nail/talon/hoof of animal/human S. nal, (af) a combining form of naldi, nail. naldi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a nail, general term for driven metal fasteners. nalduo, <nail do> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K nail B to D. naive, nilboicli, <child like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more childish/like a child/innocent/childlike/naive than J. no nu speni, (a) inexperienced/naive/innocent. naivety, lopu nilboicli, <child like> (n) innocence/naivety/childishness/simplicity (of nature), mass term, properties. naked, refcle, <clothes without> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is naked/nude/bare/disrobed/undressed, without clothes. nakedness, po refcle, <clothes without> (n) a nudity/nakedness, a state of nudity. name, larnamci, <art name> [B‍-‍P] (2n) B is a/the title/name of P, a work of art. nam, (af) a combining form of namci, name. namci, [B‍-‍SB] (3n) B is a/the title/name of S to/used by B. namdou, <name give> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K baptize/name D person/object with name B. socysifdou, <social position give> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K appoint/name D to B, office/position …. name word, nampua, <name word> (3v) X is a name word (in L, a consonant final single word) naming Y in language Z. nameless, namcle, <name without> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is nameless. namely, cea, (av) that-is/in-other words/namely, a discourse operator (UI). ji, (c) namely, who is, initiating an appositive. nanny goat, gotca, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a female goat/nanny goat, a ruminant mammal of genus Capra. naphthyl, nafthili, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is naphthyl, a chemical radical derived from naphthalene. napkin, curkla, <safe cloth> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a napkin for N, US clothing protect, UK baby diaper. narcissistic, selbii, <self beautiful> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is vain/narcissistic. narrate, stucue, <story say> [K‍-‍PD] (3v) K narrate/relate/tell story P to D. vetcue, <event say> (v) narrate/tell/report … about event … to …. narration, nu stucue, <story say> (n) a narrative/story/narration, a story, conv. of narrate. po stucue, <story say> (n) a narration, an act of -ing. vetcue, <event say> [K‍-‍PVD] (4v) K give account/report/narration P of event V to D. nu vetcue, <event say> (n) an account/narration/report, of an event. po vetcue, <event say> (n) a narration/report, giving such an account. narrative, nu stucue, <story say> (n) a narrative/story/narration, a story, conv. of narrate. narrator, stucue, <story say> (n) a story teller/narrator, story teller. narrow, janro, (a) narrow, narrower than …. jar, (af) a combining form of janro, narrow. jarcea, <narrow become> [B‍-‍] (1v) B narrow/become narrow. jarcko, <narrow cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N narrow D, make … narrow, nonintentional. jarmao, <narrow make> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K narrow B, make … narrow, intentional. narrower, janro, [G‍-‍JC] (3a) G is narrower than J by C. narrowness, lopu janro, (n) narrowness, mass term of properties. pu janro, (n) a narrowness, a spec. property. nasal, nazbi, (a) nasal, pert. to noses. nasty, nu zavjui, <bad consider> (a) nasty. nation, mamgui, <mother land> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the motherland/country/nation/land of F. fragui, <father land> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a/the fatherland/country/nation/land of B. gunti, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the country/land/nation/territory of people F. poldi, [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a state/nation/polity, self governing polity of citizens B. penrygui, <parent land> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the motherland/fatherland/homeland/country/nation/land of F. pol, (af) a combining form of poldi, nation. national, gunti, (a) national/domestic, pert. to the country of …. poldi, (a) civil/political/national, pertaining to states/polities. nu poldi, (a) national/civil, pert. to citizens. national debt, gunjetcai, <country debt quantity> [C‍-‍S] (2n) C is the national debt of country S. national emblem, guimra, <country mark> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the national emblem of country F. nationalism, gunkrisio, <country creed> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is an instance of nationalism/patriotism. lo gunkrisio, <country creed> (n) patriotism/nationalism, mass term of systems. nationalist, guikri, <country believer> (n) a nationalist/patriot, of persons. nationalistic, guikri, <country believer> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G are (more) nationalistic/patriotic than J. gunkrisio, <country creed> (a) patriotic/nationalistic, pert. to systems. nationality, pu nu poldi, (n) a nationality, a prop. of being a -al. nationhood, lopu poldi, (n) statehood/nationhood, the general self governing prop. native, braloi, <born local> [B‍-‍F] (2n) a native to/of …. braloi, <born local> (2v) B is/are native to/of F. braloi, <born local> (a) native, referring to the born creature. nu braloi, <born local> (a) native, the locality, as in "our home and native land". native town, penrysitci, <parent('s) city> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the hometown/native town of F. natural, nornurmao, <unmade> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is a natural/non artificial phenomenon. nornurmao, <unmade> (a) natural, non artificial. naa, (af) a combining form of natra, natural. nar, (af) a combining form of natra, natural. natra, (a) natural/crude/raw, not caused by man. sapnaa, <simple natural> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is a natural event/happen naturally. stokai, <asting quality> [G‍-‍BJ] (3a) G is more natural/characteristic/essential to B than J is. natural gas, methani, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some methane, CH4, marsh gas/natural gas. natural law, rartra, <all true> [N‍-‍V] (2n) N is a natural law/natural law/law of nature, a true generalization about V. natural phenomenon, natra, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a natural phenomenon, not caused by man. naturalism, narkrisio, <nature belief system> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an instance of naturalism. lo narkrisio, <nature belief system> (n) naturalism, mass term of systems. naturalist, narkatca, <nature observer> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a naturalist, an observer of nature. naturalistic, narkrisio, <nature belief system> (a) naturalistic, pert. to creeds. naturalness, po nornurmao, <unmade> (n) a naturalness, a spec. property. nature, lo nornurmao, <unmade> (n) nature, mass term of instances. natra, (n) a/the nature/phenomenon, an instance of nature. lo natra, (n) nature, mass term of instances. nurtisgeu, <selected genes> [B‍-‍PS] (3n) B is a genotype/inherited character/nature inherited by P from parents S. stokai, <asting quality> (ph) is of the essence/nature of …. stokaisei, <stay quality set> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the nature/character/essence of F. nature-priest, narlidydia, <nature religious teacher> [K‍-‍] (1n) K is a nature-priest/shaman. naught, nira, (1n) a/the naught/blank/nullad/nothing/the empty set/null set, the set with zero members, a cardinal predicate. naughtiness, pu zavbiu, <bad behave> (n) a naughtiness, a spec. property. naughty, zavbiu, <bad behave> [K‍-‍VN] (3a) K is/are naughty, behave badly in doing/being V in situation N. naughty child, plezao, <play bad> [B‍-‍] (1) B is a little rascal/imp/naughty child. nausea, po vamtydaa, <vomit desire> (n) V is an instance of nausea. nauseated by, vamtydaa, <vomit desire> [K‍-‍S] (2v) K nauseates/is nauseated by S. nauseates, vamtydaa, <vomit desire> [K‍-‍S] (2v) K nauseates/is nauseated by S. naval, murbilca, <sea military> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is naval, pertaining to the sea forces of a country. navy, lo dorbougru, <war boat group> (n) the navy of polity …. near, fu nu darli, (a) near, nearer than … to … by …, dbl. conv. nu fu darli, (a) near, nearer to … than to … by …, dbl. conv. numsni, <numerically near> (a) approximate/near, pert. to numbers. sni, (af) a combining form of snire, near. snire, (pp) around, is around/near …. nu snire, (a) close/near, nearer to … than to …, converse. va, (pp) near/around … (a place), before terms/predicates. vaza, (av) near this place, before predicates. vaza, (c) near the place where, of limited events. vaza, (pp) near …, a small space, before terms. vazi, (av) near this spot/the spot where, of point like events, before predicates. vazi, (pp) near …, a point like place. vazu, (av) near this region, of extensive events, before predicates. vazu, (c) near the place where, of extensive events. vazu, (pp) near …, a large space, be near the place where. near future, faza, (av) shortly /in the near future/soon, with predicates. near perfection, lopo puesni, <perfect near> (n) perfection/near perfection, the general state of being nearly perfect. po puesni, <perfect near> (n) perfection/near perfection, the state of something's being nearly perfect. near sameness, lopu snicli, <nearly alike> (n) near sameness, mass term. pu snicli, <nearly alike> (n) a near sameness, a spec. property. near to each other, snikue, <near reciprocally> [K‍-‍] (1v) K (pl) are near to each other. near where, va, (c) near where/where, before event clauses. nearby, snispa, <near space> (av) nearby, something reasonably close. va, (av) nearby/there, in the middle distance, loc. op. nearer, numsni, <numerically near> [G‍-‍BJC] (4a) G is numerically nearer to B than J is by C. snire, [G‍-‍BJC] (4a) G is nearer/closer/proximate/proximal to B than J by C. nearly, nurmousni, <less near> [B‍-‍C] (2av) B is nearly/almost, not quite as large as quantity C. sa, (a) almost/nearly all of …, abbrev. of sara, a quantifying operator. sasisasi, (af) almost/nearly … of …, negative approximation, prefixed to numbers & quantifiers. sasiru, (a) almost/nearly enough of …, negative approximation, a quantifying oper. nearly alike, snicli, <nearly alike> [B‍-‍BN] (3a) B is nearly alike/nearly the same as B in characteristic(s) N. nearly perfect, puesni, <perfect near> [B‍-‍S] (2a) B is nearly perfect by standard S/meets … by an acceptably small departure from perfection. puesni, <perfect near> (a) is nearly perfect. nearly the same as, snicli, <nearly alike> [B‍-‍BN] (3a) B is nearly alike/nearly the same as B in characteristic(s) N. nearness, lopo snire, (n) nearness, mass term of states. po snire, (n) a closeness/nearness, a spec. state. pu snire, (n) a closeness/nearness/proximity, a spec. property. neat, nit, (af) a combining form of nitci, neat. nitci, (a) neat/orderly, more, than … at …. neater, nitci, [G‍-‍JV] (3a) G is neater/more orderly than J in doing V. neatness, lopo nitci, (n) neatness/order, mass term of states. lopu nitci, (n) neatness/orderliness, mass term of properties. po nitci, (n) a neatness/order, a spec. state of being neat. pu nitci, (n) a neatness/orderliness, a spec. property. nebula, nebla, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a nebula in F. necessarily, lodnerbi, <logical necessity> (av) necessarily, because of logical necessity. necessary, nu cnida, (a) necessary/needed/required, needed, conv. of need, q.v. neb, (af) a combining form of nerbi, necessary. nebmou, <necessary more> [G‍-‍VJV] (4a) G is more necessary for V(1) than J is for V(2). nerbi, (a) necessary/required/demanded/essential/indispensible/vital for …, of factual conditions. necessary for, lodnerbi, <logical necessity> [N‍-‍V] (2a) N is logically necessary for V. necessary that, oa, (i) I/he/they must/it is obligatory/necessary that …, exp. of ethical obligation. necessary to, nu livcni, <live need> (a) necessary to/vital, of vital needs. necessitate, nebcko, <necessary cause> [N‍-‍VP] (3v) N necessitate V, make … necessary for P, nonintentional. nebmao, <necessary make> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K necessitate B, make … necessary for V, intentional. necessity, lopo cnida, (n) need/necessity, mass term of states. nu cnida, (n) a necessity/need/requirement, a needed thing. po cnida, (n) a need/necessity/requirement, a spec. state of -ing. pu nu cnida, (n) a necessity, neededness. lopo livcni, <live need> (n) necessity, mass term of states. lopu nu livcni, <live need> (n) necessity, mass term. nu livcni, <live need> (n) a necessity/need/requirement -that which is needed for life. po livcni, <live need> (n) a necessity, a state of one in vital need. pu nu livcni, <live need> (n) a necessity, a prop. of vital needs. lodnerbi, <logical necessity> (n) necessity/presupposition of, a logical precondition. lopu lodnerbi, <logical necessity> (n) necessity, logical, mass term. pu lodnerbi, <logical necessity> (n) a necessity, logical, a spec. property. nu nebcko, <necessary cause> (n) a necessity, that which is made necessary. nu nebmao, <necessary make> (n) a necessity, that which is made necessary. nerbi, (n) a necessity/precondition/prerequisite, a factual precondition. lopu nerbi, (n) necessity, factual, mass term. pu nerbi, (n) a necessity, factual, a spec. property. neck, sne, (af) a combining form of sneku, neck. sneku, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the neck of F. necklace, snedua, <neck ornament> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a necklace, a neck ornament. need, cni, (af) a combining form of cnida, need. cnida, [K‍-‍BP] (3v) K need/require/want B for purpose/action P. lopo cnida, (n) need/necessity, mass term of states. nu cnida, (n) a necessity/need/requirement, a needed thing. po cnida, (n) a need/necessity/requirement, a spec. state of -ing. pu cnida, (n) a need, a spec. property of -ing. lopo cniflo, <need full> (n) need, mass term. po cniflo, <need full> (n) a need, a state of being -ful. livcni, <live need> [B‍-‍N] (2v) B need/requires N to stay alive. nu livcni, <live need> (n) a necessity/need/requirement -that which is needed for life. need for, cnifio, <need feel> [D‍-‍N] (2v) D lack/have a need for N. needed, nu cnida, (a) necessary/needed/required, needed, conv. of need, q.v. needful, cniflo, <need full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more needy/needful than J. needle, nidla, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a needle, instrument for sewing. needless, no nu cnida, (a) unnecessary/unneeded/needless, not needed by … for …. no nerbi, (a) unnecessary/needless, referring to the condition. needy, cniflo, <need full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more needy/needful than J. stocni, <remaining need> (a) needy, continually without necessities. negate, norste, <no sentence> (vt) negate/contradict, sentence …. negation, norste, <no sentence> [B‍-‍B] (2n) B is the negation/contradiction of B. negative, faltaa, <false talker> (a) negative/contradictory, of those who deny. norcue, <no say> (a) negative, of those who refuse. neg, (af) a combining form of negvo, negative. negvo, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is negative. no, (af) in—/non—/un—, forms negative of any predicate. norste, <no sentence> (a) negative/contradictory, pert. to sentences. norstetaa, <not sentence(contradiction) speak> (a) contrary/contradictory/negative, pert. to one who -s. negative sign, nea, (ms) ("-") negative sign/minus sign, sign of a negative number. neglect, norkeu, <not care for> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K neglect/overlook N. po norkeu, <not care for> (n) a neglect/negligence, an act of neglecting. po nu norkeu, <not care for> (n) a neglect, a state of being -ed. negligence, lopo norkeu, <not care for> (n) negligence, mass term of acts. lopu norkeu, <not care for> (n) negligence, mass term of properties. po norkeu, <not care for> (n) a neglect/negligence, an act of neglecting. pu norkeu, <not care for> (n) a negligence, a spec. property. negligent, norkeu, <not care for> (a) negligent, of those who neglect. negotiate, togdiu, <agree discuss> [K‍-‍ND] (3v) K deal/negotiate N with D. negotiater, togdiu, <agree discuss> (n) dealer/negotiater (of … with …), one who -s. negotiating, togdiu, <agree discuss> (a) dealing/negotiating, pertaining to -ing. negotiation, nu togdiu, <agree discuss> (n) deal/negotiation, that which is -ed. po togdiu, <agree discuss> (n) a dealing/negotiation, a specific case of -ing. negro, neighbor, nedlii, <adjacent live> [B‍-‍B] (2n) B is adjacent/contiguous/next door neighbour/neighbor of B. nedlii, <adjacent live> (2v) neighbor/neighbour adjacently, live next door. snilii, <near live> [B‍-‍B] (2v) B neighbour/neighbor/live near, is a neighbour of B. snilii, <near live> (n) neighbor/neighbour/fellow being, a neighbor of …. neighborhood, snilivsia, <near live place> [B‍-‍B] (2n) B is in the vicinity/neighborhood of B, referring to human settlements. snispa, <near space> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the vicinity/neighborhood of F, general term for proximity. neighboring, nedlii, <adjacent live> (a) neighboring, of that which lives next door. snilii, <near live> (a) neighboring, of that which lives near. neighbour, snilii, <near live> [B‍-‍B] (2v) B neighbour/neighbor/live near, is a neighbour of B. snilii, <near live> (n) neighbor/neighbour/fellow being, a neighbor of …. neighbour adjacently, nedlii, <adjacent live> (2v) neighbor/neighbour adjacently, live next door. neither, inocenoi, (c) neither … nor, a single word used between sentences/clauses. nocenoi, (c) no eng. equiv. means 'neither … nor …' 1 wd. between modifiers. noenoi, (c) no eng. equiv. means 'neither … nor …' as one word between terms. sui, (av) neither/either/nor, in the senses 'He didn't either/Neither did he/Nor did he'. nematode, nemhatodi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a nematode of species/type …, one of the round or thread worms. neodymium, neodhimio, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some neodymium, element 60 (Nd). neolithic, neolhiti, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is neolithic, pert. to the new stone age. neon, neonho, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some neon, element 10 (Ne). neozoic, neozhoika, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is neozoic, pert. to the Neozoic period, after the Paleozoic. nephew, brusuo, <brother son> [N‍-‍BS] (3n) N is a fraternal nephew of B through brother S. sibsuo, <sibling son> [B‍-‍DS] (3n) B is a nephew of D through sibling S. somsuo, <sistere son> [B‍-‍NS] (3n) B is a/the (sororal) nephew of N through sister S. neptunium, neptunio, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some neptunium, element 93 (Np). nerve, fatria, <disturbing brave> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K are bold/act boldly/have nerve/chutzpah in situation N. lopu fatria, <disturbing brave> (n) boldness/nerve, mass property. po fatria, <disturbing brave> (n) boldness/nerve, an act/event of daring. nervi, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a nerve fiber of organism F. nev, (af) a combining form of nervi, nerve. nerve science, nevsensi, <nerve science> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some neurology/nerve science. nerves, lopo minynorkou, <mind uncomfortable> (1n) nerves/nervousness, the mass of such states. po minynorkou, <mind uncomfortable> (1n) nerves/nervousness/uneasiness, a spec. state of being -ous. nervous, minynorkou, <mind uncomfortable> [B‍-‍F] (2a) B is nervous/uneasy/anxious about F. nervousness, lopo minynorkou, <mind uncomfortable> (1n) nerves/nervousness, the mass of such states. po minynorkou, <mind uncomfortable> (1n) nerves/nervousness/uneasiness, a spec. state of being -ous. nest, nensu, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the nest of F, e.g. a bird. net, net, (af) a combining form of netre, net. netre, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a net. netre, (a) net, made of net. lo netre, (n) net, mass term. netyjua, <net grasp> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K net D, catches … with a net. network, netsio, <net system> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a network of/composed of/including B (pl.). pleksi, [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a plexus of B, a network. nu radjo, (n) radio network, a spec. system. sisto, [F‍-‍PB] (3n) F is a system/network of relations with function P and elements B. nu telfo, (n) a telephone network, a spec. system. nu telvi, (n) a television network, a spec. system. neural, nervi, (a) neural, pert. to nerves. neurasthenia, neurhasteni, [D‍-‍] (1n) D has neurasthenia, a nervous debility. po neurhasteni, (n) a case of neurasthenia. neurological, nevsensi, <nerve science> (a) neurological, pert. to neurology. neurologist, nevsesduo, <nerve science do> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a neurologist, a physician. nevsesmao, <nerve scientist> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a neurologist, a scientist. neurology, nevsensi, <nerve science> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some neurology/nerve science. lo nevsensi, <nerve science> (n) neurology, mass term. neuron, neurhoni, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a neuron. neutral, nutra, [B‍-‍VD] (3a) B is neutral in dispute/struggle V between parties D. nutra, (n) a neutral, one who is neutral. neutrality, lopo nutra, (n) neutrality, the mass of such states. po nutra, (n) a neutrality, a state of being -ral. neutrino, neutrrini, [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a neutrino of lepton type N. neutron, neutrroni, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a neutron, a fundamental hadron particle. never, na no ba, (av) never/at-no time — literally, at/during no sometime x. na no da, (av ph) never, not during a certain interval x:. no, (av) not/never, as in 'x is not …', before predicates/operators & after indicators. no na ba, (ph) never, in no interval x. no na da, (ph) never, in a certain interval x. never mind, ou, (i) never mind/no matter/so what … <, an expression of ethical indifference.>. nevertheless, inunokou, (c) nevertheless/even so/all the same, of unexpected events ('even so, it's wet'). inunomoi, (c) nevertheless/even so/all the same, of unmotivated acts ('even so, I went'). inunorau, (c) nevertheless/even so/all the same, of unjustified events ('even so, I won'). inunosoa, (c) still/yet/nevertheless/all the same/even (so), of unentailed concl'ns (even so, it's true). nunokou, (pp) nevertheless (unexpected effect). nunokouki, (c) still/yet/nevertheless/all the same/even (so), of unexpected events, as in 'nunokouki … ki; best translated … despite(cause) …'. nunomoi, (pp) nevertheless (unexpected action). nunomoiki, (c) still/yet/nevertheless/all the same/even (so), of unmotivated acts, as in 'nunomoiki … ki; best translated … despite(motive) …'. nunorau, (pp) nevertheless (unexpected decision). nunorauki, (c) still/yet/nevertheless/all the same/even (so), of unjustified events, in 'nunorauki … ki; best translated … despite(reason) …'. nunosoa, (pp) nevertheless (unexpected consequence). nunosoaki, (c) still/yet/nevertheless/all the same/even (so), of unentailed sents., as in 'nunosoaki … ki; best translated … despite(premise) …'. new, cninu, [B‍-‍DN] (3a) B is new/novel to D in features N. cnu, (af) a combining form of cninu, new. cnunurmao, <new made> (a) new. hisnao, <history present> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more modern/new/recent/up to date than J is. newer, cnunurmao, <new made> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is newer/more newly made than J. newly, paza, (va) lately/newly/recently … ed, not too long ago, a modified tense operator. newly made, cnunurmao, <new made> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is newer/more newly made than J. newness, lopu cninu, (n) newness/novelty, mass term of properties. pu cninu, (n) a newness/novelty, a spec. property. news, nuz, (af) a combining form of nuzvo, news. nuzvo, [V‍-‍BS] (3n) V is a piece of news/tidings about B from source S. lo nuzvo, (n) news, mass term of instances. newspaper, nuzveo, <news vessel> [B‍-‍SDC] (4v) B is a newspaper/magazine/periodical issued by S to D each period C. newsreader, nuzridle, <news reader> [K‍-‍B] (2n) K is an announcer/newsreader on radio/television station B. next, nao, (av) now/next, sign of new topic/paragraph, a discourse op. before sents. neapri, <next behind> (a) succeeding/successive/next/following, immediately -ing. ned, (af) a combining form of nedza, next. nea, (af) a combining form of nedza, next. next day, nerfucdei, <one after day> (n) tomorrow/the next day. next door neighbour, nedlii, <adjacent live> [B‍-‍B] (2n) B is adjacent/contiguous/next door neighbour/neighbor of B. next to, nedza, [B‍-‍B] (2pp) next to/in contact with …. next to one another, nedsei, <next set> [B‍-‍] (1a) B are contiguous/side-by side/next to one another by pairs. nibble, cluditka, <love bite> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a nibble/nip, an affectionate or playful bite. cmaditka, <small bite> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a nibble/nip, a small or playful bite. nice, gudbi, (a) acceptable/good/nice, better than … for purpose …. gudkao, <good acting> (a) good/fine/moral/nice/virtuous, moral, as of persons/acts. ui, (i) how nice!/I am happy/pleased that …, an exp./exclamation of pleasure. nickel, fercendalra, <five hundredth dollar> (n) nickel, Can currency. niklo, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some nickel, element 28 (Ni). niece, brudea, <brother daughter> [N‍-‍BS] (3n) N is a niece, fraternal of B through brother S. sibdea, <sibling daughter> [B‍-‍DS] (3n) B is a niece of D through sibling S. somdea, <sister daughter> [B‍-‍NS] (3n) B is a/the (sororal) niece of N through sister S. night, fucnai, <after night> [V‍-‍C] (2n) V is the night after day C. nai, (af) a combining form of natli, night. naisto, <night stay> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K overnight/spend the night at D. nat, (af) a combining form of natli, night. natli, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the night of day F. natli, (av) at night, nocturnally. natpaspai, <night before part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an/the evening/early night of day F. naznai, <present night> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is a/the night of event V. nerpasnai, <one before night> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the night before day F. pasnai, <before night> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an/the evening/early night of day F. speni lo gudbi denli/pasnai/monza/natli, (ph) Have a good day/evening/morning/night. night before last, torpasnai, <two before night> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the night before last of day F. nightclub, kabre, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a cabaret/nightclub of place/community F. nightly, rarnai, <all nights> (a) nightly, every night. rarnai, <all nights> (av) nocturnally/nightly, occurring every night. nightly rhythm, rarnai, <all nights> [V‍-‍] (1v) V have a nightly rhythm/happen every night. nightmare, zavrei, <bad dream> [D‍-‍BV] (3v) D have a nightmare/bad dream B about V. nu zavrei, <bad dream> (n) a nightmare, had by … about …. po zavrei, <bad dream> (n) a bad dream/nightmare, an event of -ing. nil, nira, (a) nil/none/null/empty/void/blank, of the empty set. nimble, korkukra, <body swift> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more agile/active/nimble/spry/sprightly than J. nine, ve, (a) nine (9), in math. expressions. ve, (l) nine (9) (of), a description quantifier. E.g. Ve le fumna pa merji — (Some) Nine of the women were married; Ve fumna pa hijra — (Some) Nine women were here independently. Cf., veocu. lio ve, (ph) nine (9), the number nine, non math. ver, (af) a combining form of ve, nine. nine member, vera, (2n) B is a nine member subset of set F, a cardinal predicate; e.g. Da besbo vera. — X is a baseball nine; Da vera lea besbo. — X is a nine member group of baseball players. nineteen, neve, (a) nineteen (of) …, a quantifying operator. neve, (n) nineteen, the number 19, in math. exp. lio neve, (n) nineteen, the number 19, non math. ninety, veni, (a) ninety of …, a quantifying operator, math. exps. veni, (n) ninety, the number 90, in math. exp. lio veni, (n) ninety, the number ninety, non math. ninth, veri, (2n) a/the ninth term/member of series …, an ordinal predicate. veri, (a) ninth, of 9th members, before predicates. ninthly, vefi, (av) ninthly, in the ninth place. niobium, niobmio, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some niobium, element 41 (Nb). nip, cluditka, <love bite> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a nibble/nip, an affectionate or playful bite. cmaditka, <small bite> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a nibble/nip, a small or playful bite. nit, ladzi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a nit, a louse egg or young louse. nitrate, nitrrati, [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is a nitrate of D, a salt of nitric acid. nitrogen, nitro, [B‍-‍] (2n) B is some nitrogen, element 7. no, ae no, (i) no/I hope/wish not to, an expression of mild refusal. ai no, (ph) no/I will not/by-no means, an expression of unwillingness/strong refusal. ia no, (ph) certainly not/I do not agree/of course not/no, an expression of conviction. nor, (af) a combining form of no. ni, (a) no/none/zero (of …), a quantifying operator. no, (op) no, generalized negative, before terms/sents or alone. no ao, (ph) no/I don't want to, an expression of moderate refusal. no matter, ou, (i) never mind/no matter/so what … <, an expression of ethical indifference.>. no one, no ba, (ph) no one/nobody/nothing, lit., it is false that someone x …. nobelium, nobhelio, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some nobelium, a transuranic artificial element (No). nobility, lopu ganbra, <high born> (n) nobility, mass term of properties. pu ganbra, <high born> (n) a nobility, a spec. property. lo porli, (n) the powerful/nobility, used for peers. lo sursocysia, <# social position> (n) the nobility/peerage. noble, ganbra, <high born> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more noble/of higher birth than J. ganbra, <high born> (n) an aristocrat/noble, nobler than …. noble class, ganbrakle, <high born class> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an/the aristocracy/noble class of society F. nobleman, sursocysia, <# social position> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a count/earl/lord/duke/baron/nobleman/peer, of land/estate F, any peer, identify by number. nobody, no ba, (ph) no one/nobody/nothing, lit., it is false that someone x …. nocturnal, natli, (a) nocturnal, pert. to nights. nocturnally, rarnai, <all nights> (av) nocturnally/nightly, occurring every night. nod, hedfea, <head fall> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K nod for reason N. nod off, latsoi, <light sleep> [K‍-‍] (1v) K doze/nod off. nohow, niba, (1av) nowhere/nohow/nothing/noone. noise, cansaa, <random signal> [N‍-‍S] (2n) N is noise in signal S. clado, (n) a noise, a spec. instance of noise. lo clado, (n) noise, mass term. nu hirti, (n) a noise, unspecified something heard. nurhirti, <heard> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a noise, anything heard. noiseless, kalsai, <completely quiet> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is still/noiseless/silent/completely quiet. noiselessness, po kalsai, <completely quiet> (n) a silence/noiselessness, a spec. state/condition. pu kalsai, <completely quiet> (n) a noiselessness, a property. noisier, clado, [G‍-‍JC] (3a) G is louder/noisier than J by C, of sounds. claflo, <noise full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is noisier, more full of noise than J, of places. noisiness, lopo claflo, <noise full> (n) noisiness, mass inst. po claflo, <noise full> (n) an inst. of noisiness. noisy, clado, (av) noisy, of sounds. nominal, lidfiu, <religion weak> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a nominal follower of religion N. namci, (a) nominal, pert. to names. pubnamci, <public name> (a) nominal, pert. to false names. nominally, pubnamci, <public name> (av) nominally, with a false name. nominate, persange, <person suggest> [K‍-‍DN] (3n) K nominate D for position N. nominated, nu persange, <person suggest> (a) nominated, conv. of —. nomination, nu persange, <person suggest> (n) nominee/nomination/candidate, one -ed. po persange, <person suggest> (1n) a nomination of … to position …, a spec. instance of -ing. nominative, kao, (pp) Actors/Agents/Doers, nominative case tag (actor/agent/doer). nominator, persange, <person suggest> (n) nominator, one who -s. nominee, nu persange, <person suggest> (n) nominee/nomination/candidate, one -ed. non, no, (af) in—/non—/un—, forms negative of any predicate. non English, norgle, <not English> [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is unEnglish/non English in feature V. non Loglandical, norlogla, <not Loglan> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is non Loglandical in language. non com, surtro, <(1st 7th) controller> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an NCO/non com/non commissioned officer controling/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed. For non commissioned ranks, viz. nertro, tortro, …, sortro. For commissioned officer ranks, see nerkoi, torkoi, …, sorkoi. non commissioned officer, surtro, <(1st 7th) controller> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an NCO/non com/non commissioned officer controling/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed. For non commissioned ranks, viz. nertro, tortro, …, sortro. For commissioned officer ranks, see nerkoi, torkoi, …, sorkoi. non cursive, nartylea, <separate letter> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a printed/non cursive letter from set/font F. non denumerable, no nu kondui, <count discover> (a) uncountable/non denumerable. non local, norloi, <non local> (a) non local, not from here. non representational, nurtcucle, <picture object without> (a) abstract/non representational, as of photos, paintings. non rigid, norstifa, <not stiff> [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is flexible/non rigid in movement V. non woven, no nu netfoamao, <net form make> (a) non woven, of felt like materials. nonchalont, nornurfau, <not troubled> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is nonchalont. none, ni, (a) no/none/zero (of …), a quantifying operator. nira, (a) nil/none/null/empty/void/blank, of the empty set. no ba, (p) none, in the sense of 'no one', q.v. nonscientific, norsensi, <non science> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is nonscientific. nonsense, norsaa, <not sign> [B‍-‍DN] (3n) B is nonsense to D in conditions N. nonsensical, norsaa, <not sign> (a) nonsensical, not making sense. nook, krujao, <room angle> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a corner/nook of room/wall/building F. noon, mijdei, <middle day> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the midday/noon of F. noone, niba, (1av) nowhere/nohow/nothing/noone. nor, ki, (c) then/or/and/nor etc., infix mark of forethought connections. nokenoi, (c) nor, in 'neither … nor …', used with ki in 'nokenoi … ki … '. sui, (av) neither/either/nor, in the senses 'He didn't either/Neither did he/Nor did he'. norm, kumrui, <common rule> [P‍-‍F] (2n) P is a standard/norm/common rule among F. norma, [C‍-‍F] (2n) C is the mean/average/norm of distribution F. normal, norma, (a) mean/average/normal/usual, normal. normal form, nomfoa, <normal form> [B‍-‍VN] (3n) B is the normal form of expression V under/within system N. north, nod, (af) a combining form of nordi, north. north of, nordi, (pp) north of …, toward the north of …. northeast, nodlesta, <north east> [B‍-‍N] (2pp) B is northeast/northeastward of N. northeasterly, nodlesta, <north east> (av) northeasterly/northeastward, in a northeasterly way. northeastward, nodlesta, <north east> [B‍-‍N] (2pp) B is northeast/northeastward of N. nodlesta, <north east> (av) northeasterly/northeastward, in a northeasterly way. northerly, nordi, [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is more northern/northerly than V. northern, nordi, [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is more northern/northerly than V. northward, nordi, (av) northward, in a northerly way. northwest, nodlusta, <north west> [B‍-‍N] (2pp) B is northwest/northwestward of N. northwesterly, nodlusta, <north west> (av) northwesterly/northwestward, in a northwesterly way. northwestward, nodlusta, <north west> [B‍-‍N] (2pp) B is northwest/northwestward of N. nodlusta, <north west> (av) northwesterly/northwestward, in a northwesterly way. nose, nazbi, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the nose of F. nostril, nazbyhou, <nose hole> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a nostril of F. not, inoca, (c) not … and or, one word between sents. inoce, (c) not … but, one word between sentences. inocenoi, (c) not … and not, one word between sents. inoco, (c) either … or/not … mean/unless, exclusive or between sents. inoconoi, (c) not … mean not …, between sentences, reduces to ico, q.v. inocu, (c) not … whether, a single word used between sentences/clauses. inocunoi, (c) not … whether not, between sentences, reduces to inocu, q.v. noko, (c) not … means …, forethought. nokonoi, (c) not … means not …, used with ki in 'nokonoi … ki … ', q.v. nokunoi, (c) not … whether not …, used with ki in 'nokunoi … ki … ', q.v. noonoi, (c) not … means not … ', reduces to o, q.v. no, (av) not/never, as in 'x is not …', before predicates/operators & after indicators. no, (ph) it is not the case that …, before sentences. noa, (c) if … then … /imply/not … and or … <, implication between terms.(A)>. noca, (c) not … and or …, one word between mods. noce, (c) no eng. equiv. means 'not … but …' 1 wd. between modified/ fiers. nocenoi, (c) not … and not …, one word between mods. noconoi, (c) not … means not …, a transformation prod., reduces to co, q.v. nocu, (c) not … whether …, 1 wd. between modifiers. nocunoi, (c) not … whether not …, bet. modified/ iers, reduces to nocu, q.v. noe, (c) not … but … /both not … and …, one word between terms (A). noenoi, (c) not … and not …, one word between terms. nounoi, (c) not … whether not …, transformation form, reduces to nou, q.v. not both, inocanoi, (c) not both … and, a single word between sents./clauses. noanoi, (c) no eng. equiv. means 'not both … and …' as 1 word between terms. nocanoi, (c) no eng. equiv. means 'not both … and …', 1 wd. between modifiers. not possess, norpou, <not possess> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K not possess/do without B. not uncertain, no fiudja, <weakly know> (a) not uncertain of …, a neg. form. notable, takvau, <talk worthy> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more notable/noteworthy/remarkable/worthy of talk/comment than J. notation, srisio, <write system> [B‍-‍P] (2n) B is a notation/system for writing P. notch, nurklunartyspa, <incised apart space> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a notch/slot/slit in F. note, corlerci, <short letter> [B‍-‍DS] (3n) B is a note, short letter to D from S. drisri, <remember write> [K‍-‍PVS] (4v) K jot down/make a note P about V in/on S. nu drisri, <remember write> (n) a jotting/note, a note to help remember. nursri, <written> [B‍-‍VK] (3) B is a written note/message/work/text/theme/composition/document about V written by K. punfysoa, <uniform sound> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B is a tone/note, a pure sound with frequency C. viadri, <see remember> [K‍-‍NB] (3v) K remark/notice/(take) note of/that N about B. note case, precmeveo, <money vessel> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a wallet/note case, for paper money. notebook, sribuu, <writing book> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a notebook. noteworthy, takvau, <talk worthy> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more notable/noteworthy/remarkable/worthy of talk/comment than J. nothing, niba, (1av) nowhere/nohow/nothing/noone. nira, (1n) a/the naught/blank/nullad/nothing/the empty set/null set, the set with zero members, a cardinal predicate. no ba, (ph) no one/nobody/nothing, lit., it is false that someone x …. nothing but, nerduo, <1 do> (ph) nothing but, as 'he did nothing but swim'. nothing else while doing, nerduo, <1 do> [K‍-‍VDB] (4v) K do nothing else while doing/be only doing V to D with B. notice, fu fomsri, <formally write> (n) a notice/notification, a notification, the thing notified of. fomsripre, <formally write paper> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is a notice about V, the physical container. hirdri, <hear remember> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K notice/remark (remark) V. viadri, <see remember> [K‍-‍NB] (3v) K remark/notice/(take) note of/that N about B. notice on, fomsri, <formally write> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K notify (in writing)/serves notice on D that N. noticeable, nu viadri, <see remember> (a) noticeable/remarkable, conv. of notice. notification, fu fomsri, <formally write> (n) a notice/notification, a notification, the thing notified of. po fomsri, <formally write> (n) a notification, an event of -ing. notifier, fomsri, <formally write> (n) a notifier, one who gives notice. notify, fomsri, <formally write> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K notify (in writing)/serves notice on D that N. nourish, tcidyjuo, <food support> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K nourish/provide D with (food) B. nourishment, lepo nu hoitci, <drink eat> (n) an instance of nourishment. nu hoitci, <drink eat> (n) victuals/nourishment. novel, cninu, [B‍-‍DN] (3a) B is new/novel to D in features N. lagfikco, <long fiction> [B‍-‍K] (2n) B is a novel, a long work of fiction by K. nurcnu, <conv. of new> [G‍-‍JD] (3a) G is older/more familiar/less novel than J to D. novelty, cninu, (n) a novelty, a new thing. lopu cninu, (n) newness/novelty, mass term of properties. pu cninu, (n) a newness/novelty, a spec. property. novice, sackao, <start act> (n) a beginner/novice/tyro/founder, one who starts something. now, na, (av) now, a pred. modifier, coincidence in time. nadzo, (av) now/currently/at present/at this time, now/in present time. nao, (av) now/next, sign of new topic/paragraph, a discourse op. before sents. naz, (af) a combining form of nadzo, now. nazi, (av) right now/at this instant. pacenoina, (va) is no longer/was but is not now/used to be, a connected tense operator. nao, (af) a combining form of nadzo, now. now and then, na ba, (av) now and then/once (upon a time) — at/during some time x. na riba, (av) at times/occasionally/now and then — literally, at/during several sometimes x. nunrii, <conv. of regular> (av) irregularly/sporadically/occasionally/now and then. nowhere, niba, (1av) nowhere/nohow/nothing/noone. nu, neo, (l) nu, Greek lower case letter, one of a pool of symbols. nucleic acid, nukle acdi, (ph) a nucleic acid, the basic genetic material. nucleus, athomiynue, <atomic nucleus> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an atomic nucleus/nucleus of atom F. krinu, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the kernel/nut/nucleus of F. nukle, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the nucleus of (cell/atom) F. nue, (af) a combining form of nukle, nucleus. nude, refcle, <clothes without> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is naked/nude/bare/disrobed/undressed, without clothes. refcle, <clothes without> (n) a nude, one who is naked. nudity, po refcle, <clothes without> (n) a nudity/nakedness, a state of nudity. null, nira, (a) nil/none/null/empty/void/blank, of the empty set. null set, nira, (1n) a/the naught/blank/nullad/nothing/the empty set/null set, the set with zero members, a cardinal predicate. nullad, nira, (1n) a/the naught/blank/nullad/nothing/the empty set/null set, the set with zero members, a cardinal predicate. nullity, po nira, (n) nullity/emptiness, a condition of an empty set. pu nira, (n) nullity/emptiness, a property of an empty set. numb, tocfiu, <touch weak> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is touch impaired/numb. tocfiucko, <touch feeble cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N dull/numb/anaesthetize D. number, konte, [C‍-‍F] (2n) C is the number/integral number/integer/numerical count/cardinal number of set/multiple F. lio, (a) the number …, used to designate numbers in non mathematical contexts. ju lodsei, <logic set> (n) the cardinal number of the members/elements … of some set; cf. konte. nerbuu, <one book> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an issue/number of magazine/periodical F. num, (af) a combining form of numcu, number. numcu, [C‍-‍] (1n) C is a number/figure, the numerical value of any math. expression. lo numcu, (n) number, mass term. ju pebsei, <special set> (n) the cardinal number of the members/elements … of some set; cf. konte. rorkonte, <most count> [C‍-‍B] (2n) C is the bulk/majority/greater number of B. torjai, <two product> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an even number/even number. nuu, (af) a combining form of numcu, number. number words, cu, (af) a suffix attaching to number words (NI) forming an indefinite-set descriptor. E.g. tocu in: Tocu kicmu pa kiuklu levi nordje — Some two doctors operated (together) on this patient. Cf. To kicmu pa kiukli levi nordje — Each of some two doctors operated independently on this patient. numbing, tocfiucko, <touch feeble cause> (a) dulling/numbing/anaesthetizing …. numerable, nu konte, (a) numerable/enumerable/denumerable/countable, of sets/multiples with -able elements. numeral, numlea, <number letter> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a numeral/digit/figure. numeric, numlea, <number letter> (a) numeric/digital, pert. to digits. numerical, numcu, (a) numerical, pert. to numbers. numerosity, lopu nu konte, (n) numerosity, of all sets or multiples. pu nu konte, (n) a/the numerosity, countability, of a set or multiple. numerous, numgro, <numerically large> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more multitudinous/numerous than J. nun, lidfua, <religious woman> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a nun/sister of N (order/location). lidgrudjo, <religious group member> [B‍-‍F] (2v) B is a monk/friar/religious brother/nun of F. nunnery, lidfuamunce, <religious women community> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a nunnery of N (order/location). lidfumhaa, <religious women house> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a convent/nunnery, the building containing the community. lidgruhaa, <religious group house> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a convent/monastery/nunnery of order/religion N. nursery, nilboikru, <children's room> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a nursery of/in F. nut, krinu, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the kernel/nut/nucleus of F. skoliu, <screw restrain> [B‍-‍K] (2n) B is a nut/burr (U.K.). nutshell, hebkonce, <plant shell> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a shell/nutshell, hard outer covering of nut F. nylon, nilhoni, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some nylon, a synthetic fiber. nymph, nimfa, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a nymph of F, an immature insect or Greek goddess. sekti, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a nymph/larva/immature insect.

O O, hoi, (ms) Hey/O, vocative mark. Oma, (l) O, latin upper case letter, one of a pool of symbols. zioma, (l) the letter O — letteral and pronoun — upper case. OK, ai, (i) yes/certainly/of-course/OK/decidedly/by-all means, an exp. of consent/strong intention. oi, (i) (it is)all right/OK/permissible that …, exp. of ethical permissibility. October, nernirmea, <10 month> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an October of year F. la nernirmea, <10 month> (na) October (the 10th month of the year). Ordovician, la Ordovician, (1a) the Ordovician, a geological period. Orient, La Lesta, (1n) the Orient/East (parts of Eastern Asia). o, hotsaa, <hour sign> (ph) it is … o'clock, … is the clock time now. ofi, (l) o, latin lower case letter, one of a pool of symbols. zio, (l) the letter o — letteral and pronoun — lower case. oak, sokcu, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an oak (tree) of place/forest F. oar, pucbarta, <push board> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an oar/paddle, a long thin pole with a blade on one end used to move a boat. oath, po gadyzaopli, <god bad use> (1n) an oath/blasphemy, irreverent or blasphemous use of a sacred word. riurtracue, <solemnly affirm> [K‍-‍VN] (3v) K swear/take an oath that V in legal situation N. obedience, po kojpoa, <order respond> (n) an obedience, a spec. instance. pu kojpoa, <order respond> (n) an obedience, a spec. property. obedient, kojpoa, <order respond> (a) obedient, of one who obeys, q.v. obese, fotpa, (a) fat/obese/plump/ample, plumper than …. obesity, pu fotpa, (n) fatness/plumpness/obesity, plumpness, a spec. property. obey, kojpoa, <order respond> [K‍-‍SV] (3v) K obey a/the command of S by doing V. object, bekti, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an object/thing, anything enduring in space time. prutu, [K‍-‍VDP] (4v) K protest/object against V to D by action P. prutycue, <protest say> [K‍-‍PD] (3v) K protest/object (in words) P to D. prutytaa, <protest talk> [K‍-‍VD] (3v) K protest/object (in words) about V to D. object to, razruu, <reason protest> [K‍-‍VS] (3v) K object to/protest V for reason S. objection, po prutu, (n) a protestation/protest/objection, an act of -ing. nu prutycue, <protest say> (n) an objection/protest, the words spoken. po prutycue, <protest say> (1n) an instance of objection/protest, the action. po prutytaa, <protest talk> (1n) an instance of objection/protest about …, the action. fu razruu, <reason protest> (n) an objection, a reason given for protest. po razruu, <reason protest> (n) an objection/protest, an act of -ing for reasons. objectionable, nu razruu, <reason protest> (a) objectionable, can be -ed to. objector, prutu, (n) a protester/objector, one who protests. obligate, folrui, <strong rule> [K‍-‍DVN] (4v) K obligate/require D to do V under N. obligated, cikpoafoi, <equal respond force> [D‍-‍VN] (3v) D is/are obliged/obligated to V, to do … because of (reciprocal action) N. funrulfio, <should feel> [K‍-‍SP] (3n) K feel(s) obliged/obligated by rule/custom S to do P. kakdjeta, <action owe> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K is obligated to D for V. nu lilfoi, <legal force> (a) legally obliged/obligated. obligation, fu cikpoafoi, <equal respond force> (n) a reciprocal obligation to … by … because of service …. po folrui, <strong rule> (n) obligation. fu funrulfio, <should feel> (n) a obligation by rule or custom. fu kakdjeta, <action owe> (n) duty/obligation to … by …. po kakdjeta, <action owe> (n) a duty/obligation to … for …. fu lilfoi, <legal force> (n) a legal obligation. nu nurfolrui, <forced rule> (n) an obligation/duty, obligatory act, conv. of oblige. obligatory, folrui, <strong rule> (a) mandatory/obligatory, of strong rules. fu folrui, <strong rule> (a) required/mandatory/obligatory, of required actions. nu nurfolrui, <forced rule> (a) obligatory/compulsory, conv. of must. oa, (i) I/he/they must/it is obligatory/necessary that …, exp. of ethical obligation. oblige, lilfoi, <legal force> [K‍-‍DP] (3n) K legally oblige/require D to do P. obliged, cikpoafoi, <equal respond force> [D‍-‍VN] (3v) D is/are obliged/obligated to V, to do … because of (reciprocal action) N. funrulfio, <should feel> [K‍-‍SP] (3n) K feel(s) obliged/obligated by rule/custom S to do P. nu lilfoi, <legal force> (a) legally obliged/obligated. nurfolrui, <forced rule> [K‍-‍PN] (3v) K must/be obliged/required to do P under N. rulkao, <rule act> [K‍-‍PVN] (4v) K is/are obliged/ought to do P under V by rule N. obliged to, foi, (aux) must/is obliged to …, objective sense used before predicates (PA). E.g. Mi foi godzi da — I must go to X. Cf. oa for subjective sense: oa mi godzi da — I must go to X. folfunrui, <strong should> [K‍-‍PS] (3v) K must/be obliged to do P under S. obliterate, kalhui, <completely destroy> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K ruin/demolish/obliterate/completely destroy D. obliterated, nu kalhui, <completely destroy> (a) obliterated/ruined/demolished, completely destroyed. obliteration, po kalhui, <completely destroy> (n) an obliteration/demolition, an act of -ing. obscure, litfiu, <light weak> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more dim/cloudy/obscure/dusky/misty than J is. vijliu, <view hinder> [N‍-‍BS] (3v) N eclipse/block/obscure the view of B as seen from S. obscured, nu vijliu, <view hinder> (a) eclipsed/obscured. observability, pu nu katca, (n) observability, a prop., being -able. observable, nu katca, (a) observable, conv. of observe. nurkatca, <observed> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is concrete/observable. observant, katca, (a) observant, of one who watches. snible, <near look> (a) observant, of one who observes closely. observation, po katca, (n) an observation/watch/gaze, an act of watching. katcyrirda, <watch record> [P‍-‍V] (2n) P is a (written) observation about V. po snible, <near look> (n) an inspection/survey/observation/examination/scrutiny, an act of inspecting. nu vikcue, <see say> (n) a remark/comment/observation, that which is said, conv. form. po vikcue, <see say> (n) a remark/comment/observation, an act/event of -ing. observe, katca, [K‍-‍SV] (3v) K watch/observe/gaze at S doing/being V. katca, (i) behold!/watch!/observe!, w/o a; 1st arg., an imperative. vikcue, <see say> [K‍-‍PD] (3v) K remark/comment/observe, make remark P to D. observe closely, snible, <near look> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K examine/inspect/scrutinize/survey/observe closely/look closely at D for quality B. observer, katca, (n) an observer/watcher, one who -s. obstacle, fidsticko, <physical stop cause> [B‍-‍FV] (3n) B is a physical obstacle in F to V. ruarsticko, <way stop cause> (n) a bar/barrier/obstacle/obstruction, obstacle to … in going to …. sticko, <stop cause> (n) a stopper/obstruction/obstacle, something that -s. obstinacy, lopu dazpozfa, <desirer oppose> (n) obstinacy/stubborness/wilfulness, mass property. obstinate, dazpozfa, <desirer oppose> [D‍-‍N] (2a) D is obstinate/wilful/stubborn in matter N. obstruct, krosti, <flow stop> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K block (up)/obstruct the way of B to D. ruarsticko, <way stop cause> [N‍-‍KD] (3v) N obstruct/block K's way to D, nonintentional; 'water blocked the road'. ruarstimao, <way stop make> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K obstruct/block B's way to D, intentional. sticko, <stop cause> [N‍-‍DV] (3v) N halt/obstruct/stop (up) D from V, nonintentional. stimao, <stop make> [K‍-‍DVB] (4v) K halt/stop/obstruct D from, make … stop doing V with B, intentional. obstructed, nu ruarsticko, <way stop cause> (a) obstructed, conv. of obstruct. nu ruarstimao, <way stop make> (a) obstructed, conv. of obstruct. sticea, <stop become> [D‍-‍B] (2v) D become obstructed/stopped up with B. obstructing, krosti, <flow stop> (a) blocking/obstructing, causing a -ing. obstruction, krosti, <flow stop> (n) block (age)/obstruction, that which -s. po krosti, <flow stop> (n) a specific instance of blockage/obstruction. ruarsticko, <way stop cause> (n) a bar/barrier/obstacle/obstruction, obstacle to … in going to …. po ruarsticko, <way stop cause> (n) an obstruction, an act of -ing. po ruarstimao, <way stop make> (n) an obstruction, an act of -ing. po sticea, <stop become> (n) an instance of obstruction by unknown or unspecified causes. sticko, <stop cause> (n) a stopper/obstruction/obstacle, something that -s. po sticko, <stop cause> (n) a spec. stop/obstruction. lopo stimao, <stop make> (n) an obstruction/blocking, mass act. obstructor, ruarstimao, <way stop make> (n) an obstructor, one who -s. obtain, getsi, [K‍-‍BSP] (4v) K acquire/fetch/procure/get/obtain B from S for purpose P. obviate, nornebmao, <unnecessary make> [N‍-‍NV] (3v) N obviate/make unnecessary N for/to do V. obvious, fretai, <front stand> (2a) more salient/conspicuous/outstanding/prominent/obvious/evident/manifest than …. obviously, rea, (av) clearly/obviously/of course, a discourse operator, used before sentences (UI). obviousness, lopu fretai, <front stand> (n) prominence/obviousness, mass term of properties. pu fretai, <front stand> (n) a conspicuousness/obviousness/prominence/salience, a spec. property. occasion, genza, (n) a time/occasion/other/another (time). ju hapgesvei, <happy guest event> (n) an occasion, of a party. fu hapkeo, <happy time> (n) an occasion, of a festival, q.v. ju hapsocvei, <happy social event> (n) an occasion, of a party. neri genza, (ph) first occasion/time. nunrilryvei, <irregular event> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is an occasion of irregularly occurring event V. occasional, nunrii, <conv. of regular> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more occasional/sporadic/less regular than J. nunrilryvei, <irregular event> (a) occasional, pert. to irregular events. occasionally, na riba, (av) at times/occasionally/now and then — literally, at/during several sometimes x. nunrii, <conv. of regular> (av) irregularly/sporadically/occasionally/now and then. suna, (1av) occasionally. occult, majfiafikco, <magic fear fiction> [P‍-‍S] (2n) P is some occult fiction by S. occupancy, po harlii, <shelter live> (n) an occupancy/residency, a state of residing. occupant, harlii, <shelter live> (n) an occupant/resident, one who resides in …. occupation, lagtua, <long work> [V‍-‍N] (2n) V is a career/profession/occupation at/in N. tuakle, <work class> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a job/vocation/occupation among people F. occupational, tuakle, <work class> (a) occupational/vocational, pert. to occupations. occupied with, tuaflo, <work full> [K‍-‍V] (2a) K is busy/occupied with/engaged in V. tuaflo, <work full> (v) be busy/occupied with/engaged in …. occupy, harlii, <shelter live> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K dwell/reside/live/occupy in dwelling B. nu spasi, (vt) occupy, occupy space …, conv. of space. occur, blikui, <possible related> [B‍-‍FN] (3v) B are/occur in a world/context/possibility related to F by possibility relation N. feorkui, <factually related> [B‍-‍FN] (3v) B are actually related to/occur in the same world as F according to point-of view/observer/metaphysics/reality N. vetci, [N‍-‍D] (2v) N take place/happen/occur/involve (to) objects/persons D. occurrence, vetci, (n) an event/happening/incident/occurrence/phenomenon, a happening/occurrence involving …. ocean, gromursi, <big sea> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an ocean. mursi, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a sea/ocean, expanse of sea of planet F. lo mursi, (n) (the) sea/ocean, mass term. oceanic, gromursi, <big sea> (a) oceanic, of oceans. octagon, vorjaofoa, <eight angle form> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an octagon with vertices F. octagonal, vorjaofoa, <eight angle form> (a) octagonal with vertices …. octahedron, vorheo, <eight hedron> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an octahedron. octant, surkuerae, <(insert a number) reciprocal circle> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B is a sector/quadrant/octant, a pie shaped fraction of a circle with radius C. octet, vora, (2n) B is an octet/eight member subset of set F, a cardinal predicate; Da vora lea tenhisu. — X is a group of eight tennis players. ocular, menki, (a) ocular, pert. to eyes. oculist, mekykiu, <eye physician> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an oculist/opthalmologist. odd, gutra, [B‍-‍DN] (3a) B is alien/bizarre/mysterious/odd/queer/unusual/strange/weird/curious/peculiar/funny to D in features N. nortorjai, <not two product> (a) odd/uneven, of odd numbers. odd number, nortorjai, <not two product> [C‍-‍] (1n) C is an odd number, one not divisible by two. oddity, gutra, (n) a mystery/oddity/queer (person), a spec. instance. pu gutra, (n) an oddity/strangeness/weirdness/mysteriousness, a spec. property. odious, tsodi, (a) hateful/abhorrent/odious, pert. to one who hates. odor, sutme, [V‍-‍BN] (3n) V is a/the odor/scent/smell emitted by B in medium N. odoriferous, sutpro, <smell produce> (a) smelly/odoriferous/stinking, produces smell … under …. of, go, (op) of/who/which/that is …, the predicate inversion operator. je, (pp) of/by/for/from/of/to<, before 2nd arguments in descriptions.>. jue, (pp) of/by/to, 2nd descriptive link. pe, (pp) of, the general possessive word, as in 'the boat of john'. of course, rea, (av) clearly/obviously/of course, a discourse operator, used before sentences (UI). of course not, ai no, (ph) certainly not/I refuse/of course not<, an exp. of unwillingness.>. ia no, (ph) certainly not/I do not agree/of course not/no, an expression of conviction. of-course, ai, (i) yes/certainly/of-course/OK/decidedly/by-all means, an exp. of consent/strong intention. off white, sniblabi, <near white> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is off white. offend, noirselsru, <other self damage> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K insult/hurt/offend/injure self esteem of D by V. minpuncko, <mind pain cause> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K offend/hurt/upset/disturb/distress D by V. offended, nu noirselsru, <other self damage> (a) offended/insulted, conv. of insult. offense, po noirselsru, <other self damage> (n) an offense, an insulting act. fu preni, (n) an offense, of a prisoner, q.v. offensive, noirselsru, <other self damage> (a) offensive/insulting, pert. to one who -s. minpuncko, <mind pain cause> (a) offensive. offer, tepstatiu, <temple stage offer> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K sacrifice/ritually offer B to D. tif, (af) a combining form of tifru, offer. tifru, [K‍-‍BDP] (4v) K offer/proffer B to D for use/purpose P. tifru, (n) an offer/offering, an act of -ing. nu tifru, (n) an offer/offering, a thing offered, conv. of offer. tiu, (af) a combining form of tifru, offer. offerer, tifru, (n) an offerer, one who -s. offering, nu tepstatiu, <temple stage offer> (n) a sacrifice/ritual offering, that which is -ed. po tepstatiu, <temple stage offer> (n) an act of sacrifice/ritual offering. tifru, (n) an offer/offering, an act of -ing. nu tifru, (n) an offer/offering, a thing offered, conv. of offer. office, disgalsia, <decide organization location> [B‍-‍KS] (3n) B is an office (room) occupied by K in (organization) S. fus, (af) a combining form of fusto, office. fusto, [B‍-‍DF] (3n) B is an/the office of D in building F. gartursia, <official position> [N‍-‍B] (2n) N is a/the post/office/duty/position of official B. fu poltia, <political choose> (n) an elected office, conv. of elect … to …. office worker, nu disgalsia, <decide organization location> (n) an office worker. officer, bicfregoi, <military front go> [K‍-‍F] (2n) K is an officer of military group F. gartua, <govern worker> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an official/officer of F. official, disri, (n) a decision maker/official, one who decides. gartua, <govern worker> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an official/officer of F. gartursia, <official position> (a) official, pert. to official duties. paspyble, <passport look> (n) passport inspector/official. officious, fomdreclu, <form correct love> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is punctilious/officious about N. offspring, tciha, [P‍-‍S] (3n) P is a child/offspring of parent(s) S. often, pif, (af) a combining form of pifno, often. pifno, (av) customarily/often/usually/commonly, frequently. rona, (av) frequently/often. pio, (af) a combining form of pifno, often. ogle, kubmekble, <wide eye look> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K stare at/ogle D. oh, ue, (i) indeed!/oh!/really!/well!/what … <, exp./exclamation of surprise.>. uo, (i) come now!/look here/oh/well/what/(that's) enough, an expression of annoyance. uu, (i) alas!/oh (dear)/sorry/what a shame/pity …, an exp. of sympathy/regret. oil, fligre, <liquid fat> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a quantity of oil. fligre, <liquid fat> (a) oil, made of oil. lo fligre, <liquid fat> (n) oil, mass term. fligreduo, <liquid grease do> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K oil D, lubricate with oil. greduo, <fat do> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K lubricate/oil/grease D. gresa, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a piece/drop of fat/grease/oil/lard, general term. oiled, nu fligreduo, <liquid grease do> (a) oiled, that which is oiled. oiler, fligreduo, <liquid grease do> (n) an oiler, one who oils. oilier, fligrecli, <oil like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is oilier/more oil like than J. fligreflo, <oil full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is oilier/more full of oil than J. fligrekua, <oil covered> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is oilier/more oil covered than J. oiliness, po fligrecli, <oil like> (n) an oiliness, a state of being oil like. po fligreflo, <oil full> (n) oiliness, a state of being oil full. po fligrekua, <oil covered> (n) an oiliness, a state of being oil covered. oily, fligrecli, <oil like> (a) oily, more oil like than …. pu nu fligreduo, <liquid grease do> (a) oily, property of something which has been oiled. fligreflo, <oil full> (a) oily, more full of oil than. fligrekua, <oil covered> (a) oily, more oil covered than. okra, gumbo, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some gumbo/okra, a vegetable. old, lal, (af) a combining form of laldo, old. laldo, (a) old/aged, older than …. nurcnu, <conv. of new> (a) old/familiar, less novel than … to …. lao, (af) a combining form of laldo, old. old-fashioned, lagkuo, <long custom> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is traditional/old-fashioned. older, laldo, [G‍-‍JC] (3a) G is older/senior, organically less young than J by C. nurcnu, <conv. of new> [G‍-‍JD] (3a) G is older/more familiar/less novel than J to D. oldster, lalpeu, <old person> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an oldster/old person. olfaction, lo sutysaskai, <smell sense quality> (n) olfaction, mass term. olfactory, sutysaskai, <smell sense quality> (a) olfactory, pert. to sense of smell. olive, olvi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an olive. olviytri, <olive tree> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an olive tree. omega, ozi, (l) omega, greek lower case letter, one of a pool of symbols. omit, norduo, <not do> [K‍-‍VD] (3v) K refrain/abstain/omit from doing V to D. no nensea, <in put> (3v) omit/leave out … in/at …. omnivore, rartci, <all eater> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an omnivore. omnivorous, rartci, <all eater> (a) omnivorous, pert. to omnivores. on, tovnea, <above next to> [B‍-‍N] (2pp) B is on/upon/on top of/above and in contact with N. vi, (pp) at/in/on/close by(a place). on board, bermacnei, <carry machine(vehicle) in> [K‍-‍V] (2a) K is aboard/on board vehicle V. botnei, <boat in> [D‍-‍B] (2a) D is aboard/on board boat/ship B. tcanei, <car in> [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is aboard/on board motor vehicle V. trenei, <train in> [D‍-‍B] (2a) D is aboard/on board train B. on schedule, goidre, <go correct> [K‍-‍C] (2v) K is on time/punctual/on schedule in departure at time C. gozdre, <go correct> [K‍-‍C] (2v) K is on time/punctual/on schedule in departure at time C. goidre, <go correct> (a) on time/punctual/on schedule in departure. gozdre, <go correct> (a) on time/punctual/on schedule in departure. kamdre, <come correct> [K‍-‍C] (2v) K is on time/punctual/on schedule in arrival at time C. kamdre, <come correct> (a) on time/punctual/on schedule in arrival. on time, goidre, <go correct> [K‍-‍C] (2v) K is on time/punctual/on schedule in departure at time C. gozdre, <go correct> [K‍-‍C] (2v) K is on time/punctual/on schedule in departure at time C. goidre, <go correct> (a) on time/punctual/on schedule in departure. gozdre, <go correct> (a) on time/punctual/on schedule in departure. po goidre, <go correct> (n) an event of departing on time/schedule. po gozdre, <go correct> (n) an event of departing on time/schedule. kamdre, <come correct> [K‍-‍C] (2v) K is on time/punctual/on schedule in arrival at time C. kamdre, <come correct> (a) on time/punctual/on schedule in arrival. po kamdre, <come correct> (n) an event of arriving on time/schedule. on time for, gudkeo, <good time> [V‍-‍P] (2a) V is in/on time for purpose P, as of acts/events. onamatopoetic, sue, (op) converts a onamatopoetic sound to a predicate 'Le katma pa sue miao.' — 'The cat meouwed.' (PREDA). once, fazi, (av) right away/at once/immediately/soon, immediate future, before preds. lepa, (a) the former/one/once time, the one which was …, a temporal desc. oper. na ba, (av) now and then/once (upon a time) — at/during some time x. one, lepa, (a) the former/one/once time, the one which was …, a temporal desc. oper. ne, (a) one (1), in math. expressions. ne, (a) a/an/any/some-one/one (1)/exactly one of …, a description quantifier. E.g. Ne le mrenu pa kicmu — Exactly one of the men was a doctor; Ne mrenu pa hijra — Some one man was here <> Ne ba ji mrenu pa hijra — Exactly one someone x who is a man was here. lio ne, (ph) one (1), the number one, in non math. expressions. nema, (a) one hundred (of) …, a quantifying operator. nema, (n) one hundred, the number 100, in math. exp. lio nema, (n) one hundred, the number 100, non math. nemo, (a) one thousand (of) …, a quantifying operator. nemo, (n) one thousand, the number 1000, in math. exp. lio nemo, (n) one thousand, the number 1000, non math. nemomo, (a) one million (of) …, a quantifying operator. nemomo, (n) one million, the number 1,000,000 in math. exp. lio nemomo, (n) one million, the number 1,000,000 non math. nemomomo, (a) one billion (of) …, a quantifying operator. nemomomo, (n) one billion, the number 1,000,000,000 in math. exp. lio nemomomo, (n) one billion, the number 1,000,000,000 non math. ner, (af) a combining form of ne, one. nercea, <one become> [K‍-‍] (1v) K unify/unite/integrate/coalesce/coagulate/clot/run together/become one. raba, (p) one, anyone, as in 'When one's in Rome —'. rabe, (p) one, anyone, as in 'When one's in Rome —'. rabo, (p) one, anyone, as in 'When one's in Rome —'. rabu, (p) one, anyone, as in 'When one's in Rome —'. one another, cikpoa, <equal respond> (av) each other/mutually/one another/reciprocally/in return. one at a time, ckelista, <time list> (av) sequentially/one at a time. one fifth, pito, (ms) one fifth, the number, in math. exps. one fourth, pitofe, (ms) one fourth, in math. expressions. one half, pife, (ms) one half, the number .5 in math. exp. one hundredth, nemari, (a) one hundredth, of 100th members. nemari, (n) one hundredth, the 100th term in series …. pinine, (ms) one one hundredth, in math. exps. one member subset, nera, (2n) an individual/unit/monad/one member subset of set …, a cardinal predicate. one or none, si, (a) one or none/at most one of …, abbrev. of sine, a quantifying operator. one such, raba tcucli, (a) any such/one such/such, any … as previously described. one tenth, pine, (ms) one tenth, the number, in math. exps. one to one, nerpie, <one parallel> (ph) be in one to one relation, incomp. one track, nervie, <one idea> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is one track, as in he has a one track mind. one-fifth, pito, (a) one-fifth/twenty-percent/point two of …, a quantifying op. one-hundred percent, pira, (a) all/one-hundred percent of some individual or whole, a quantifier. one-hundredth, pinine, (a) one one-hundredth/one-percent/point-zero one of, a quantifier. one-quarter, pitofe, (a) one-quarter/twenty-five-percent/point-two five of, a quantifier. oneself, kincle, <without companions> (av) alone/by oneself, while alone. kincle, <without companions> (p) by himself/itself/myself/ourselves/themselves/yourself/yourselves/oneself/herself, by herself, without companions. kincle, <without companions> (v) do alone/by oneself, be alone in doing …. onion, almi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an onion. only, nerdjo, <one member> (a) single/unique/only, unique in its class. nerduo, <1 do> (av) only/just/singly/solely/merely/exclusively/single mindedly, single mindedly. nermoi, <one motive> [B‍-‍N] (2v) B is only/for one motive N. E.g. Da nermoi nerbi lepo preda — It is only necessary for …. nernurcko, <one 1st conv. of cause> [P‍-‍SN] (3n) P is the only/is exactly one effect/result of cause S under conditions N. nernurcko, <one 1st conv. of cause> (av) only, of singular effects/results. E.g. Ti pa nernurcko crina — It only rained. nirnoikai, <no other quality> [K‍-‍B] (2a) K is only/just a B. noca, (c) only if, between modified/fying words, e.g. 'wise only if good, man'. si, (af) at most/only/just … of, upper bound marker, prefixed to quantifiers. sisu, (a) just/only/exactly, as in 'exactly (just, only) 2 of us went'. only doing, nerduo, <1 do> [K‍-‍VDB] (4v) K do nothing else while doing/be only doing V to D with B. only if, inoca, (c) implies/only if/if … then, logical implication between sents./clauses. noa, (c) only if, implication between terms.(A). ontological, dzasensi, <existence science> (a) ontological, pert. to ontology. ontology, dzasensi, <existence science> [N‍-‍] (1n) N is a science of ontology, the study of the nature of being or the kinds of existence. open, kalkapni, <completely open> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is (completely) open. kap, (af) a combining form of kapni, open. kapcea, <open become> [B‍-‍] (1v) B (become) open. kapcko, <open make> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N open D, nonintentionally. kapmao, <open make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K open D by/with V, intentionally. kapni, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is open/patent, not shut. kubnurbaa, <wide armed> [B‍-‍] (1n) B has open/outstretched arms. (e.g. to welcome). parkapni, <partly open> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is partly open/half open/ajar. prasacmao, <process start make> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K open/start function V, intentional act. prasacycko, <process start cause> [N‍-‍V] (2v) N open/start function V, nonintentional. no smike, (a) unsecret/open, less secret, conv. of secret. taknesta, <talk honest> [B‍-‍DV] (3a) B is frank/open/candid/straightforward with D about V. open space, kapsia, <open place> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a clearing, an open space in woods F. open window, cunhou, <window hole> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is the aperture created by an open window. opener, kapcko, <open make> (n) an opener, that which -s. opening, kapni, (n) opening, an open place/thing. pubveicea, <public event become> [V‍-‍F] (2n) V is the opening/first performance of person/group/production F. sacpai, <start part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the opening of F, i.e. a play, meeting, opera etc. openness, lopu taknesta, <talk honest> (n) straightforwardness/frankness/openness/candidness/candor, mass prop. po taknesta, <talk honest> (n) a frankness/openness/candor, an event of being candid. opera, muirstafikco, <musical stage fiction> [B‍-‍K] (2n) B is an opera/operetta/musical by K (plural set). operable, nu bapra, (a) operable/working, able to be -d. operate, bapra, [K‍-‍BP] (3v) K work/operate machine/vehicle B for use/end/function/goal P. kiuklu, <medically cut> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K operate/perform surgery on D for N. macbapra, <vehicle operate> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K operate(s)/is the operator of machine B. tcabapra, <vehicle operate> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K operate(s)/is the driver/operator of vehicle B. operating, furplicea, <function become> (a) functioning/operating, carrying out a —. operating system, baprysio, <operate system> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an operating system of F. operation, po bapra, (n) an operation, an act of -ing some machine/vehicle. po kiuklu, <medically cut> (n) an operation/surgery, an event of -ing medically. operator, bapra, (n) an operator, one who -s a machine …. macbapra, <vehicle operate> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K operate(s)/is the operator of machine B. macbapra, <vehicle operate> (n) a/the operator of some machine. tcabapra, <vehicle operate> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K operate(s)/is the driver/operator of vehicle B. tcabapra, <vehicle operate> (n) a/the driver/operator, of some vehicle; cf. tcatro. tcatro, <vehicle control> (n) a/the driver/operator of some vehicle/vessel during some journey; cf. tcabapra. operetta, muirstafikco, <musical stage fiction> [B‍-‍K] (2n) B is an opera/operetta/musical by K (plural set). opine, juircue, <opine say> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K say/express opinion/opine N. jupni, [K‍-‍NS] (3v) K think/opine/tentatively believe that N is true of S. jui, (af) a combining form of jupni, opine. opine nasty, zavjui, <bad consider> [K‍-‍VN] (3v) K opine nasty V in circumstances N. opinion, lo nu jupni, (n) opinion, mass term. nu jupni, (n) an opinion/tentative belief, an opinion. kumnurjui, <common opinion> [P‍-‍VK] (3n) P is a consensus/common opinion about V by K. paorjui, <before opine> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K have an impression/early opinion/premonition of/about B that V. opponent, pozfa, (n) an opponent/resister/opposition/adversary, one who opposes. nu pozfa, (n) opponent/opposition, one opposed, converse form. opportunity, rapcae, <ripe chance> [K‍-‍PN] (3n) K has an opportunity to do P because of circumstances N. oppose, poz, (af) a combining form of pozfa, oppose. pozfa, [K‍-‍KN] (3v) K oppose/resist/be against K on issue/matter N. poztaa, <oppose speak> [K‍-‍KN] (3v) K verbally oppose K on issue/matter N. opposite, buf, (af) a combining form of bufpo, opposite. bufpo, (n) (the) opposite of …, contrary to … in …. fanve, [N‍-‍N] (2n) N is the reverse/inverse/opposite of N, in reverse order from sequence …. fanve, (a) opposite, in reverse order from …. reckue, <different reciprocally> [B‍-‍BN] (3a) B is the opposite of B in conditions N. opposite from, bufpo, [V‍-‍VN] (3a) V is opposite from/contrary to V on continuum/quality N. opposition, pozfa, (n) an opponent/resister/opposition/adversary, one who opposes. lo pozfa, (n) opposition, mass term of opposers. lo nu pozfa, (n) opposition, mass term of the opposed. lopo pozfa, (n) opposition/resistance, mass term of acts. nu pozfa, (n) opponent/opposition, one opposed, converse form. po pozfa, (n) an opposition/resistance, a spec. act of -ing. po poztaa, <oppose speak> (n) an opposition, a spec. act of -ing. oppress, spikraco, <spirit crush> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K oppress D by V. oppressed, nu spikraco, <spirit crush> (a) oppressed. oppression, lopu spikraco, <spirit crush> (n) oppression, mass property. po spikraco, <spirit crush> (n) an instance of oppression. oppressor, spikraco, <spirit crush> (n) oppressor. opthalmologist, mekykiu, <eye physician> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an oculist/opthalmologist. optical, lenzo, (a) optical, pert. to lenses. leorsio, <lens system> (a) optical, pert. to optical systems. litysensi, <light science> (a) optical, pert. to optics. optiki, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is optical, pert. to optics. optical memory, litfeosro, <light memory(fact store)> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is some optical memory of type B, e.g. CD ROM, WORM etc. optical system, leorsio, <lens system> [F‍-‍BP] (3n) F is an optical system of lenses B for function P. optics, litysensi, <light science> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an instance of optics. lopo litysensi, <light science> (n) optics, mass term. lo optiki, (n) optics, mass term. optimism, lopo spoflo, <hope full> (n) optimism, mass state term. lopu spoflo, <hope full> (n) optimism, mass prop. optimist, spoflo, <hope full> (n) an optimist, one who is full of hope. optimistic, spoflo, <hope full> [G‍-‍JV] (3a) G is more hopeful/optimistic, full of hopes than J is about V. option key, noirtiaklaki, <other selector key> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an option key/alternate key on keyboard/system F. optoelectonics, lo optikiyelhektroniysensi, <optical electronic science> (n) optoelectonics, mass term. optoelectronic, optikiyelhektroniysensi, <optical electronic science> [B‍-‍] (1a) optoelectronic, pert. to optoelectronics. optoelectronics, optikiyelhektroniysensi, <optical electronic science> (1n) B is some optoelectronics. optometrist, mekmei, <eye measurer> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an optometrist. or, a, (c) or (else)/otherwise/and or/either or or both, inclusive sense between terms. ca, (c) or (else)/and or/comma, between modifiers as in 'tall, wise or good man'. conoi, (c) or … but not both, one word between mods. conoi, (c) or (else)/unless, excl. sense with modified/fying words, e.g. 'bad or good man'. ica, (c) or/and or/otherwise, inclusive sense, alternation between sentences/clauses. iconoi, (c) or (else)/mean not, exclusive sense, disjunction between sents./clauses. inoco, (c) or (but not both), a single word used between sentences/clauses. ka, (c) and/or, inclusive sense, forethought connection. ki, (c) then/or/and/nor etc., infix mark of forethought connections. konoi, (c) or/means not/unless, in 'either … or', excl. sense, forethought, as in 'konoi … ki … '. noko, (c) or, in 'either … or …, but not both', with ki in 'noko … ki … '. noco, (c) or (else), exclusive sense/not … means …, between modified/fying words. noco, (c) or … but not both, one word between mods. onoi, (c) or, exclusive sense, 'either … or … but not both', between terms. onoi, (c) or … but not both, one word between terms. or not, anoi, (c) if/or not, between terms, converse implication. canoi, (c) if/or not, bet. modified/fying words, e.g. 'wise if good, man'. icanoi, (c) if/or not, converse implication between sentences/clauses, as in 'Da clivi, icanoi da brute.' 'X is alive if X breathes.'. oral, manko, (a) oral, pert. to the —. takna, (a) oral/verbal, pert. to -ing. orange, norji, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more orange than J. norji, (n) an orange, any orange colored thing/object. lopu norji, (n) orange, the color, mass term. norjyfru, <orange fruit> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an orange (fruit). norjyfrutri, <orange fruit tree> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an orange (citrus) tree. orange blossom, norjyfruloa, <orange fruit flower> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a orange blossom on tree F. orangeness, pu norji, (n) an orangeness, a spec. property. orangutang, orhangutani, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is an orangutang of/from S. orate, fomtaa, <formal talk> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K discourse/speak/lecture/address/talk/orate/make a speech to D on topic N. oration, fu fomtaa, <formal talk> (n) an address/discourse/lecture/talk/oration, lecture, its substance. po fomtaa, <formal talk> (n) an address/discourse/speech/talk/lecture/oration, lecture, an act. orator, fomtaa, <formal talk> (n) a lecturer/speaker/orator, one who -s. orb, balma, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a ball/globe/sphere/orb, any spherical object. orchard, trigardi, <tree garden> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is an orchard/cultivated grove of fruit or nut trees at location S. orchestra, bendu, [F‍-‍K] (2n) F is a band/orchestra, any music performing group with players K. cmabeu, <small orchestra> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a band/small orchestra. grobeu, <big band> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a symphony orchestra. orchestral, bendu, (a) orchestral, pert. to -s. benmui, <band music> (a) orchestral. orchestrate, benmuzmao, <band music make> [K‍-‍BFV] (4v) K orchestrate B for orchestra F as music V. orchestration, benmui, <band music> [P‍-‍VN] (3n) P is an orchestration of V for (bands/orchestras of type) N. fu benmuzmao, <band music make> (n) an orchestration, an orchestration of something. po benmuzmao, <band music make> (n) an orchestration, an act of -ing. ordeal, po fauspe, <trouble experience> (n) an ordeal, sp. inst. order, furvemcue, <buy say> [K‍-‍BSC] (4v) K order B from S for price C. klemao, <class make> [K‍-‍F] (2v) K order/classify/make a classification system for F. po nu klemao, <class make> (n) order, a state of being classified. korji, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K order/command/tell D to do V. fu korji, (n) a command/order, a thing commanded to be done. po korji, (n) a command/order, an act/process of ing. lismao, <list make> [K‍-‍BN] (3v) K list/(put in) order/make a list of B in order N. fu lismao, <list make> (n) an order, a principle used to make a list. fu lista, (n) an order/ordering principle, the ordering principle of a list. lopu lista, (n) order, the mass of such properties. pu lista, (n) an order, a property of a list, q.v. lopo nitci, (n) neatness/order, mass term of states. po nitci, (n) a neatness/order, a spec. state of being neat. ordre, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is a Linnaean order, between family and class. suirbeo, <send ask> [K‍-‍BS] (3v) K order/send for B from S. po suirbeo, <send ask> (n) an order, an act of sending for something. tcidybeo, <food ask> [K‍-‍PS] (3v) K order food P from S. nu tcidybeo, <food ask> (n) an order of food. turkoi, <work order> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K assign/order/tell D to do V. ordered, nu klemao, <class make> (a) ordered, conv. of order. lista, (a) serial/sequential/ordered, pert. to series/lists. nu lista, (a) ordered/listed, of the elements on a list. ordered set, lista, [B‍-‍FV] (3n) B is a list/sequence/series/ordered set of the elements of set F in order V. ordering principle, fu lista, (n) an order/ordering principle, the ordering principle of a list. orderliness, lopu nitci, (n) neatness/orderliness, mass term of properties. pu nitci, (n) a neatness/orderliness, a spec. property. orderly, nitci, [G‍-‍JV] (3a) G is neater/more orderly than J in doing V. nitci, (a) neat/orderly, more, than … at …. ordinals, -fi, (af) the mark of ordinals, as in nefi, firstly. ordinary, danri, [G‍-‍JB] (3a) G is more trite/ordinary/vulgar/common(place)/usual/banal/mundane than J in features B. ordovician, ordoviciani, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is ordovician, pert. to the Ordovician period. ore, minku, [P‍-‍S] (2n) P is an ore/mineral from source S, any mined substance. organ, livpae, <living apparatus> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an organ of F. orga, [B‍-‍VS] (3n) B is an organ with function V from creature S. organelle, orgeli, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an organelle of F. organic, carnurbasni, <carbon based> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is organic, containing carbon. clivi, (a) alive/biological/living/organic/vital, pert. to living things. livpae, <living apparatus> (a) organic, pert. to organs. organi, (a) organic, pert. to organisms, or material derived therefrom. organism, clivi, (n) an organism, a living/once living thing. organi, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an organism of type F. organization, furganli, <organization> [F‍-‍BP] (3n) F is an organization of elements/parts/people B with purpose/function P. fu ganli, (n) an organization, the resulting system. lopo fu ganli, (n) organization, mass term, states. po ganli, (n) an organization/organizing, an act of -ing. po fu ganli, (n) an organization, a state of being -ed. pu nu ganli, (n) an organization, a prop. of being -ed. nurgalgru, <organized group> [F‍-‍P] (2n) F is a group/organization for P. surgru, <(1st 6th) group> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a military unit of some larger military force/ organization F, without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is added. For specific military units, viz. sergru, torgru, …, sorgru. organizational, furganli, <organization> (a) organizational, pert. to organizations. ganli, (a) organizational, of -izing efforts. fu ganli, (a) organizational, of resulting systems. organizationally impaired, galfiu, <organize weak> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is organizationally impaired/messy in conditions N. organize, gal, (af) a combining form of ganli, organize. ganli, [K‍-‍BFP] (4v) K organize elements/parts/actions B into system F for function/purpose P. organized, nu ganli, (a) organized, of the elements organized. organizer, ganli, (n) an organizer, one who -s. organizing, po ganli, (n) an organization/organizing, an act of -ing. organometallic, organiymetli, <organo metal> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an organometallic cpd. of F (pl.set). organiymetli, <organo metal> (a) organometallic, pert. to such cpds. orient, dirtia, <direction choose> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K aim/orient B at D. fredirdou, <front direction give> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K orient D toward person/object/situation B. orientation, tandio, <turn direction> [V‍-‍BN] (3n) V is the attitude/orientation of B toward person/object/situation N, physical or mental. origami, prefodlae, <paper fold art> [B‍-‍PK] (3n) B is an instance of origami representing P and made by K. origin, nu ginkaa, <root come> (n) an origin/source/derivation, a source from which … is -ed. satci, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the start/source/root/beginning/origin/initial phase of process/interval F. original, cnuvie, <new idea> [N‍-‍] (1n) N is an original idea. nu ginkaa, <root come> (a) original, pert. to sources/derivations. sacfoa, <start form> [S‍-‍P] (2n) S is a/the prototype/primitive/original form of P. sacfoa, <start form> (a) primitive/prototypical/original, of prototypical/primitive forms. satci, (a) initial/original, of beginnings/starts of …. originality, lopu sacdou, <start give> (n) originality, mass prop. of a founder. originate, ginkaa, <root come> [P‍-‍S] (2v) P come/proceed/derive/arise/originate from/in S. sacdou, <start give> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K found/originate B. origination, po ginkaa, <root come> (n) an origination/derivation, a process of -ing from …. originator, sacdou, <start give> (n) a founder/originator/author, originator of …. oriole, orhiolo, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is an oriole from S. ornament, durna, [K‍-‍D] (2v) K adorn/decorate/deck/ornament/trim D. durna, (n) an adornment/decoration/decking/ornament/trimming, a spec. ornament. ornamental, durna, (a) decorative/ornamental, pert. to ornaments. ornamented, nu durna, (a) adorned/decorated/ornamented/fancy/decked/trimmed, as with ornaments. orogenesis, orhogenesi, [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is an orogenesis of V, mountain building. orogenetic, orhogenesi, (a) orogenetic, pert. to orogenesis. orphan, livpeecle, <living parent without> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an orphan, one whose parents are deceased. orthogenesis, orthogenesi, [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is an orthogenesis of D, directed evolution. orthogenetic, orthogenesi, (a) orthogenetic, pert. to orogenesis. orthography, lopu dreleasri, <correct letters write> (n) spelling/orthography, mass term. oscillate, leksiu, <electric oscillator> (2v) B oscillate at frequency C. sil, (af) a combining form of siltu, oscillate. siltu, [B‍-‍CC] (3v) B shake/oscillate/reciprocate, exhibits reciprocal motion with rate C and amplitude C(1). siu, (af) a combining form of siltu, oscillate. oscillating, siltu, (a) reciprocal/oscillating/shaking, of that which -es. oscillation, po leksiu, <electric oscillator> (n) an instance of oscillation (electric). po siltu, (n) a shaking/oscillation/reciprocation, a spec. state of -ing motion. oscillator, leksiu, <electric oscillator> [B‍-‍C] (2n) an (electric) oscillator of frequency …. oskhiladori, [B‍-‍C] (2n) B is an oscillator of frequency C. oscillatory, oskhiladori, (a) oscillatory, pert. to oscillation. osmic, osmmio, (a) osmic, pert. to osmium. osmium, osmmio, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some osmium, element 76 (Os). osmosis, osmmosi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some osmosis, diffusion of liquids through a membrane. lo osmmosi, (n) osmosis, mass term. osmotic, osmmosi, (a) osmotic, pert. to osmosis. osteoblast, ostheoblasti, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an osteoblast, a bone forming cell. otary, otharidi, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is an otary/sea lion/eared seal from S. other, ckelisgoi, <time list(serially) go> [K‍-‍] (1v) K go sequentially/in single file/one after the other. genza, (a) another/different/other, pert. to recurrent instances. genza, (n) a time/occasion/other/another (time). not, (af) a combining form of notbi, other. notbi, [B‍-‍B] (2a) B is other/another/a different/not the same object/person as B. notbi, (n) another/other, not the same thing as. retca, (a) different/distinct/other/unlike, from … in qualities/features …. noi, (af) a combining form of notbi, other. other part, notpai, <other part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the other part/rest of F. other than, notpeu, <other person> [B‍-‍B] (2n) B is another/someone else/other than B. other words, cea, (av) that-is/in-other words/namely, a discourse operator (UI). others, lo notbi, (n) (the) others, the mass of such others. otherwise, a, (c) or (else)/otherwise/and or/either or or both, inclusive sense between terms. ca, (c) either or/otherwise inclusive<, between mods.>. ica, (c) or/and or/otherwise, inclusive sense, alternation between sentences/clauses. otter, catra, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a female otter of region/range S. catri, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is an infant otter of region/range S. catro, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a male otter of region/range S. catru, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is an otter, non specific of region/range S. otter like, catre, [N‍-‍] (1a) N is otter like. otter-dog, catrykau, <otter dog> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an otter-dog. ought, rulkao, <rule act> [K‍-‍PVN] (4v) K is/are obliged/ought to do P under V by rule N. rultoi, <rule agree> (v) should/ought, feel one ought to do …. ought to, fui, (aux) should/ought to …, objective sense used before predicates (PA). E.g. Mi fui godzi da — I should go to X. Cf. oe for subjective sense: Oe mi godzi da — I should go to X. funrui, <conv. of rule> [K‍-‍VN] (3v) K should/ought to do V under circumstances N. oe, (i) I/he/they should/ought to …, exp. of ethical preference. ounce, once, [B‍-‍C] (2) B measures C in ounce(s), 1/16 of an avoirdupois pound. our, lemu, (a) our/my and your/your and my, the 1st & 2nd person plural possessive descriptor. ours, lemu meda, (p) ours, use 'our x/y/w/h/q. ourselves, kincle, <without companions> (p) by himself/itself/myself/ourselves/themselves/yourself/yourselves/oneself/herself, by herself, without companions. mio, (p) we/us/ourselves, in the "I/me and others independently" sense, the 1st & 3rd person multiple variable. Equivalent to 'mi, e da'. Cf. mu/mo for the "you and I/me" sense of we/us, and muu/muo for the "you and I and others" sense of we/us. miu, (p) we/us/ourselves, in the "I/me and others jointly" sense, the 1st & 3rd person set variable. Equivalent to 'mi ze da'. Cf. mu/mo for the "you and I/me" sense of we/us, and muu/muo for the "you and I and others" sense of we/us. mo, (p) we/us/ourselves, in the "you and I/me independently" sense, the 1st & 2nd person multiple variable. Equivalent to 'mi, e tu'. Cf. mu for the "you and I/me jointly" sense of we/us, miu/mio for the "I and others" sense of we/us, and muu/muo for the "you and I and others" sense of we/us. mu, (p) we/us/ourselves, in the "you and I/me jointly" sense, the 1st & 2nd person set variable. Equivalent to 'mi ze tu'. Cf. mo for the "you and I/me independently" sense of we/us, miu/mio for the "I and others" sense of we/us, and muu/muo for the "you and I and others" sense of we/us. muo, (p) we/us/ourselves (you and I and others independently) cf. mu/mo, miu/mio. muu, (p) we/us/ourselves (you and I with others jointly) cf. mu/mo and miu/mio. out, no nenri, (a) out, not inside something. zvoto, [N‍-‍B] (2pp) N is out/outside of B. zvoto, (a) exterior/out/outer/outside/external, outside of …. out of, viva, (av) out of here (a short way), with preds. viva, (c) out of where, a short way, with clauses. viva, (pp) out of, for a short way, before terms. vivu, (av) out of here (a long way), with preds. vivu, (c) out of where, a long way, with clauses. vivu, (pp) out of, for a long way, before terms. out-of towner, sicynorloi, <city not local> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is an out-of towner from S, not from this city. outer, zvoto, (a) exterior/out/outer/outside/external, outside of …. outer part, zvopai, <out part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the outside/outer part/exterior of F. outer space, telzvospa, <earth outside space> [N‍-‍] (1n) N is outer space. outfit, pacgei, <apparatus get> [K‍-‍VP] (3v) K equip/outfit undertaking V for purpose P. srovea, <stores sell> [K‍-‍DBC] (4n) K outfit/equip D with B for price C. outfitter, srovea, <stores sell> (n) an outfitter of … with … for …. outfitting, po pacgei, <apparatus get> (n) an equipping/outfitting (of … for …). outlandish, gurnoigui, <oddly foreign> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more barbaric/barbarous/outlandish than J is. zavgutra, <bad odd> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more barbaric/barbarous/outlandish than J. outlet, lekdjisia, <electric join place> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an electrical outlet in F. zvokamsia, <out come place> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is an outlet/exit from N. outline, bierlia, <edge line> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an outline, the line described by the outer boundary of object F. danpeo, <design think> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K compose/outline B. kuktcumao, <quick picture make[quick draw]> [K‍-‍SP] (3v) K sketch/outline S as/in sketch P. fu kuktcumao, <quick picture make[quick draw]> (n) a sketch/outline, a drawing made by someone. zvofoa, <outer form> [B‍-‍FN] (3n) B is a shape/outline/silhouette, outer form of F from viewpoint N. outlining, po kuktcumao, <quick picture make[quick draw]> (n) a sketching/outlining, a spec. act of -ing. output, nurpro, <produced> [P‍-‍V] (2n) P is some/the output of process V. zvomuo, <out move> [S‍-‍P] (2v) S output(s) P. nu zvomuo, <out move> (n) an output (from …). po zvomuo, <out move> (n) an inst. of output (of …). output form, profoa, <product form> [B‍-‍PV] (3n) B is output form/product form, the form in which the product P of process V is manifested. outrage, nu banroicea, <beyond anger become> (n) outrage. nu roircakcea, <anger shocked become> (n) outrage. roircakcko, <anger shocked cause> [N‍-‍DV] (3v) N outrage (person) D by V. roircakmao, <anger shocked make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K outrage (person) D by V. outraged, banroicea, <beyond anger become> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K is/are outraged by N. roircakcea, <anger shocked become> [D‍-‍V] (2v) D is outraged by V. nu roircakcko, <anger shocked cause> (a) outraged. nu roircakmao, <anger shocked make> (a) outraged. outrageous, nu banroicea, <beyond anger become> (a) outrageous. nu roircakcea, <anger shocked become> (a) outrageous. outside, zvo, (af) a combining form of zvoto, outside. zvopai, <out part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the outside/outer part/exterior of F. zvosia, <out location> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is an outside location from S. vi le zvosia, <out location> (av ph) outside. zvoto, [N‍-‍B] (2pp) N is out/outside of B. zvoto, (a) exterior/out/outer/outside/external, outside of …. zvoto, (n) an exterior/outside, an outside thing/surface. outskirts, darbie, <far edge> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B are the outskirts of F. outstanding, fretai, <front stand> (2a) more salient/conspicuous/outstanding/prominent/obvious/evident/manifest than …. outstretched, kubnurbaa, <wide armed> [B‍-‍] (1n) B has open/outstretched arms. (e.g. to welcome). outward, zvodio, <outside direction> [B‍-‍S] (2v) B is outward in reference to S. oval, negdyfoa, <egg form> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more oval than J, of shapes/forms. negdyfoa, <egg form> (n) an oval, an oval thing. ovarian, femtesti, <female gonad> (a) ovarian, pert. to ovaries. ovary, femtesti, <female gonad> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is an ovary/female gonad of S. ovhari, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is an ovary from S, an egg producing organ. testi, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a testicle/ovary/gonad of F. oven, zavno, [B‍-‍F] (1n) B is an oven in F, general term. zan, (af) a combining form of zavno, oven. over, kua, (ms) … over/divided by … — the division operator (/ or ÷), math. povnurtse, <positive errored> [V‍-‍C] (2v) V is fast/over by C, have a positive error in …. E.g. Lemi jokla ga povnurtse lio fe minta — My watch is 5 minutes fast. prakapli, <process complete> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is past/done/over/accomplished/ended/finished. pasko, (a) before/former/over/preceding/previous/(in the) past. tovru, [B‍-‍SN] (3pp) B is over/vertically above S in gravity field N. over and over, rorgea, <many repeat> (av) repeatedly/again and again/over and over, repeatedly. overburden, monbeicko, <mountain carry cause> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K overload/overburden D with N. monbercko, <mountain carry cause> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K overload/overburden D with N. overcoat, zvokosta, <out coat> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an overcoat. overcome, filnurblo, <feelings struck> [D‍-‍V] (2a) D is overcome by (feelings) V. nausku, <difficult succeed> [K‍-‍NP] (3v) K surmount/overcome (adversities/opposition) N to do/achieve P. nilcypuo, <under push> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K overcome/overpower/overwhelm/subdue/quell D. nu poirtoa, <power take> (a) overthrown/overcome. overdue, paknurpei, <future payable> [B‍-‍DV] (3a) B is overdue for payment to (payee) D for (goods/services) V. overflow, kuspykro, <spread flow> [B‍-‍D] (2v) B flood/overflow (area) D. overhead, tovbao, <over box> [D‍-‍B] (2n) D is an overhead locker containing B. overline, tovlia, <over line> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is a vinculum/overline over text D. overload, monbeicko, <mountain carry cause> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K overload/overburden D with N. monbercko, <mountain carry cause> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K overload/overburden D with N. overlook, norkeu, <not care for> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K neglect/overlook N. norpoa, <not respond> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K ignore/overlook (conditions/situation) N. no vizka, (v) overlook, not see … against …, neg. overnight, naisto, <night stay> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K overnight/spend the night at D. overpower, mrotsufoi, <more (than) sufficient force> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K overwhelm/overpower D. nilcypuo, <under push> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K overcome/overpower/overwhelm/subdue/quell D. overstuffed chair, fopcei, <fat chair> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an easy chair/overstuffed chair. overtake, bangoi, <beyond go> [G‍-‍JD] (3v) G surpass/pass/go past/overtake J doing/going to D. prifregoi, <behind front go> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K overtake D (and pass by). prikingoi, <behind with go> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K overtake D (and continue with). overtaken, nu bangoi, <beyond go> (a) passed/surpassed/overtaken, conv. of overtake/surpass. overthrow, poirtoa, <power take> [K‍-‍DN] (2v) overthrow … /put down …. po poirtoa, <power take> (n) an overthrow/putting down/coup. overthrown, nu poirtoa, <power take> (a) overthrown/overcome. overturn, nurveldru, <contents lose> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K tip over/overturn/upset/spill contents B onto D. paltancea, <side turn become> [B‍-‍] (1v) B overturn/capsize. paltancko, <side turn cause> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K overturn B, unintentionally. paltanmao, <side turn make> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K overturn B, intentional act. overwhelm, mrotsufoi, <more (than) sufficient force> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K overwhelm/overpower D. nilcypuo, <under push> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K overcome/overpower/overwhelm/subdue/quell D. ovine, berce, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is ovine/sheepish, like a sheep. ovular, negda, (a) ovular, pert. to eggs. ovulate, negdypro, <egg produce> [K‍-‍] (1v) K ovulate, produce eggs. ovulation, lp po negdypro, <egg produce> (n) ovulation, mass term of acts. po negdypro, <egg produce> (n) an ovulation, a spec. act/event of -ing. ovum, negda, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an egg/ovum of F. ovha, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is an ovum from S. owe, djeta, [K‍-‍CDS] (4v) K owe C to D for loan/service S. owing, djeta, (a) indebted/owing, incomplete form. owl, stirigi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an owl, a bird of the Striges spp. own, lilpou, <legally own> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K own B legally. ponsu, [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K own/have/possess D under social/legal system N. suo, (p) self/own as in ra lufta lesuo kupta — (Each lifted his own cup). ownable, nu ponsu, (a) ownable, conv. of own. owned, nurpou, <conv. of possess> [B‍-‍D] (2v) B is owned by D. owner, lilpou, <legally own> (n) a proprietor/owner, legal owner. ponsu, (n) an owner/possessor/proprietor, one who owns. ownership, ponlilfurlei, <possess law permit (right)> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a title/deed/right of ownership to/in N. pu ponsu, (n) an ownership, a spec. property. oxen, kasnu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a/some cow/bull/cattle/oxen, non specific. lo kasnu, (n) cattle/oxen, mass term of bovine animals. oxidize, oksiydji, <oxygen join> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K oxidize/rust D. oxygen, oksi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some oxygen, the 8th element (O). oksi ci to, (n) some molecular oxygen, O2. ozhoni, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some ozone, a triatomic form of oxygen. ozone, oksi ci te, (n) some ozone, O3. ozhoni, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some ozone, a triatomic form of oxygen.

P P, Pai, (l) P, Latin upper case letter, one of a pool of symbols. Pa, La Cmafar, (na) the Father/Papa/Pa, referring by name to a specific father. Paleolithic, la Paleolitik, (na) the Paleolithic, old stone age. Paleozoic, la Paleozoik, (na) the Paleozoic, a geological period. Palestinian, falhastini, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a Palestinian, an Arab inhabitant of the Holy Land. falhastino, [N‍-‍] (1n) N is/are Palestinian, of Palestinian culture. Papa, La Cmafar, (na) the Father/Papa/Pa, referring by name to a specific father. Papilionidae, lao Papilionidae, (na) the Papilionidae, a butterfly family. Parisian, mela Paris, (a) Parisian, as in mela Paris hotle, a Parisian hotel. Persian, farsa, [F‍-‍] (1n) F is Persian/Iranian language. farsi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is Persian/ an Iranian person. farso, [N‍-‍] (1n) N is/are Persian/Iranian culture. Pinnipedia, lao Pinnipedia, (na) the Pinnipedia, the order of seals, walruses etc. Pithecanthropus, lao Pithecanthopus, (na) a Pithecanthropus, an extinct man ape the order of seals, walruses etc. Platyhelminthes, lao Platyhelminthes, (na) the phylum of Platyhelminthes, a flatworm. Polish, polka, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an element/instance of the Polish language. polka, (a) Polish, pert. to the Polish language. lo polka, (n) Polish, the mass of such elements. polke, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is a Polish place/territory, a region inhabited by Poles. polki, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is Polish, a Polish person. polko, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is Polish, of Polish culture. pok, (af) a combining form of polka/e/i/o, "Polish". Polish speaker, poktaa, <Polish talker> [K‍-‍] (1n) K is a Polish speaker, a speaker of the … language. Pope, seofra, <holy father> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is the Pope. Porifera, lao Porifera, (na) the phylum of Porifera, sponges etc. Power, gragui, <great country> [N‍-‍] (1n) N is a great Power. Primates, lao Primates, (na) the order of Primates, highest order of mammals. Prosimii, lao Prosimii, (na) a/some Prosimii, lemurs etc. Protestant, prutylidji, <protester religion> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a Protestant, one of a non Catholic religion. Protozoa, lao Protozoa, (na) the Protozoa, single celled animals. Prussia, La Prucas, (na) Prussia. Prussian, proisa, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is Prussian language (dialect). proise, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is a Prussian place/territory, a region inhabited by Prussians. proisi, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is a Prussian person. proiso, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is an instance of Prussian culture. p, pei, (l) p, Latin lower case letter, one of a pool of symbols. pace, melbue, <measured step> [K‍-‍] (1v) K pace/walk with rhythmic/measured steps. po melbue, <measured step> (n) a pace, a spec. act/process of -ing. pace off, busmei, <step measure> [K‍-‍DC] (3v) K pace off/measure D (by stepping) to be C. pacer, melbue, <measured step> (n) a pacer, one who takes measured steps. pacific, pisflo, <peace full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more peaceful/pacific than J. pismi, [B‍-‍B] (2a) B is at peace with B/pacific …. pacifism, pisykrisio, <peace creed> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an instance of pacifism. lo pisykrisio, <peace creed> (n) pacifism, general term. pacifist, piskri, <peace believer> (n) a pacifist (peace believer). pacifistic, piskri, <peace believer> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more pacifistic than J. piskri, <peace believer> (a) pacifistic, of persons. pisykrisio, <peace creed> (a) pacifistic, of creeds. pack, badlo, [B‍-‍P] (2n) B is a package/parcel/bundle/pack of P. baorduo, <box do> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K box/crate/pack B in box D. jitflomao, <tightly full make> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K pack/stuff/fill D tightly with B. jitsea, <tight(ly)set> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K pack/stuff, put tightly D into B. kardysei, <card set> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a deck/pack composed of cards B. package, badlo, [B‍-‍P] (2n) B is a package/parcel/bundle/pack of P. badmao, <bundle make> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K wrap/package/bundle D in B. packaged, nu badmao, <bundle make> (a) packaged/bundled/wrapped. packer, jitflomao, <tightly full make> (n) a packer, one who packs. packrat, lipmue, <keep much> (n) a packrat. pact, gundurcue, <country do say(promise)> [V‍-‍F] (2n) V is a treaty/accord/agreement/entente/settlement/pact between/among countries F. rorguntoi, <many country agree> [N‍-‍B] (2n) N is a treaty/accord/agreement/entente/settlement/pact among countries B. torguntoi, <two country agree> [N‍-‍F] (2n) N is a treaty/accord/agreement/entente/settlement/pact between countries F. pad, padyduo, <pad do> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K cushion/pad/encase D with B. padzi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a cushion/pillow/pad, general term. spadi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a mattress/pad/pallet, as for a bed. padded, nu padyduo, <pad do> (a) padded, conv. of pad. padding, fu padyduo, <pad do> (n) padding, material for padding. paddle, pucbarta, <push board> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an oar/paddle, a long thin pole with a blade on one end used to move a boat. pucbartyduo, <push board do> [K‍-‍BDSV] (5v) K row/paddle B to D from S using (oar) V. page, pidri, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a page of document F. paid, nu petci, (a) payable/paid/due, pert. to amounts of pay, q.v. paid for, ju petci, (a) paid for, of things for which one pays. pail, bakcai, <bucket quantity> [C‍-‍B] (2n) C is a bucketful/pailful/bucket/pail of B. bakto, [D‍-‍B] (2n) D is a bucket/pail of/containing B. pailful, bakcai, <bucket quantity> [C‍-‍B] (2n) C is a bucketful/pailful/bucket/pail of B. pain, cabsrusia, <burn hurt place> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a burn in F, a burning pain as from fire or acid. kemsrusia, <chemical hurt place> [D‍-‍SBF] (4n) D smart in S, a quick intense pain as of "salt in the wound". (B-F). kiksrusia, <sharp hurt place> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B smart in F, a sharp intense pain. mucpuu, <very painful> [B‍-‍S] (2a) B feel agony/intense pain in/from body part S. nurpuu, <conv. of pain> (n) a pain, a specific source of pain. pun, (af) a combining form of puntu, pain. puncko, <pain cause> [V‍-‍D] (2v) V hurt/cause pain to D, nonintentional. punfiu, <pain weak> [B‍-‍VN] (3v) B have a low pain threshold for V under conditions N. punfro, <pain strong> [D‍-‍VN] (3v) D have a high pain threshold for V under conditions N. puntu, [D‍-‍S] (2v) D feel pain/hurt/be sore in body part/location S. po puntu, (n) a pain/hurt, a state of feeling hurt. puu, (af) a combining form of puntu, pain. ritysrusia, <rhythmic hurt place> [K‍-‍D] (2n) K throb in D, a throbbing pain. stosrusia, <stay hurt place> [D‍-‍B] (2n) D ache in B, a dull long lasting pain. painful, nu mucpuu, <very painful> (a) agonizing/intensely painful to …, feel extreme pain in …. nurpunmou, <pained(sore) more> [G‍-‍JD] (3a) G is more painful/sore than J to organism D. nurpuu, <conv. of pain> (a) sore/painful, of hurting body parts of …. puncko, <pain cause> (a) painful, of pain causers. painfulness, po nurpuu, <conv. of pain> (n) a painfulness/soreness/hurt, a state of a part's -ing. painstaking, kejkao, <care act> (a) careful/painstaking, painstaking with …. paint, pin, (af) a combining form of pinti, paint. pinduo, <paint do> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K paint D color B. pintcumao, <painting make> (vt) paint, paint …, a painting. pinti, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a quantity of paint. paintbrush, pinrou, <paint brush> [K‍-‍P] (2n) K is a paintbrush for P, tool for painting. painted, nu pinduo, <paint do> (a) painted, conv. of paint. painter, pinduo, <paint do> (n) a painter, one who paints, e.g. a house. pintcumao, <painting make> [K‍-‍P] (2n) K is the painter of painting P. painting, po pinduo, <paint do> (n) a painting, a spec. act. pintcu, <paint picture> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a painting/portrait of S. po pintcumao, <painting make> (n) a painting, a spec. act. pair, -ra, (af) -some/-ad/-et, as in 'tora: twosome/dyad/duo/pair/couple ', the cardinal suffix; makes 2 place predicates of the form ' … is a N member subset of set …'. to, (a) two/pair/couple of …, a description quantifier. E.g. To le fumna pa merji — (Some) Two of the women were married; To fumna pa hijra — (Some) Two women were here independently. Cf., tocu. tocu, (a) two/pair/couple of … acting together, an indefinite set describer. E.g. Tocu mrenu pa hijra — Some two men were here together. Cf., To mrenu pa hijra — Some two men were here independently. tora, (2n) is a pair/dyad/twosome/couple, a two member subset of set …, a cardinal predicate; e.g. Da tora lea blanirda — X is a pair of bluebirds. torclu, <two lovers> [F‍-‍] (1n) F is/are a couple/bonded/mated+pair of humans/animals. pair bond, po torclu, <two lovers> (n) a pair bond, a state of being a pair, qv. pair off, torseimao, <two set make> [K‍-‍K] (2v) K pair off with K, form pairs. palace, bragarhaa, <born govern house> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is a palace/royal residence of D. palate, maktrufa, <mouth roof> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the palate of F. palatial, bragarhaa, <born govern house> (a) palatial, of palaces. pale, malblabi, <sickly white> [D‍-‍] (1a) D is pale/ghastly/wan, a off white colour as in illness. malylabcea, <sickly white become> [D‍-‍N] (2v) D is pale from N. paleoanthropology, pashumsensi, <past human science> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a fact/law/principle of paleoanthropology. lo pashumsensi, <past human science> (n) paleoanthropology, the science of early man. paleolithic, palheoliti, [B‍-‍] (1) B is paleolithic, pert. to that period. paleontologist, paorlivsesmao, <past life science maker> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a paleontologist, a worker in paleontology. paleozoic, palheozoiki, [B‍-‍] (1) B is paleozoic, pert. to that period. palladium, palhadio, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some palladium, element 46 (Pd). pallet, spadi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a mattress/pad/pallet, as for a bed. pallid, kolfiu, <colour weak> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is pallid. palm, nenhanco, <in hand> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the palm of F, the inside of the hand. palm tree, palmaci, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a palm tree, a tree of the family Palmaceae. paltry, nunriu, <conv. of serious> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more silly/frivolous/paltry, less grave than J. pan, pan, (af) a combining form of panba, pan. panba, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a pan/basin, shallow container for cooking etc. pancai, <pan quantity> [C‍-‍B] (2n) C is a panful/pan of B. pancake, pangrato, <pan cake> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a pancake. pancreas, pankreasi, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a pancreas from S. pancreatitis, pankreatiti, [D‍-‍] (1v) D suffer from pancreatitis. po pankreatiti, (n) an inst. of pancreatitis. panda, panda, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a female panda. pando, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a male panda. pandu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a panda, the non specific term. panda cub, pandi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a panda cub, an infant panda. panda like, pande, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is panda like, pertaining to pandas. pane, cunpai, <window part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a pane of a window F. kurjaopiu, <rectangular piece> [B‍-‍FP] (3n) B is a pane/panel of F for P. pisku, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a piece/portion/lump/pane of F, a substance. panel, kurjaopiu, <rectangular piece> [B‍-‍FP] (3n) B is a pane/panel of F for P. panful, pancai, <pan quantity> [C‍-‍B] (2n) C is a panful/pan of B. panic, panki, [D‍-‍KV] (3v) D (show) panic by doing K during crisis V. lopo panki, (n) panic, mass term of such states. lopo nu panki, (n) panic, the mass of such acts. po panki, (n) panic, a spec. state of panic. po nu panki, (n) panic, an act showing panic. panicked, panki, (a) panicked/panicky, seized with panic. panicky, panki, (a) panicked/panicky, seized with panic. nu panki, (av) panicky, of panicky behavior. panorama, mutkubviu, <very wide view> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is a panorama of D. panoramic, mutkubviu, <very wide view> (a) panoramic, all around. pant, kukrue, <fast breathe> [K‍-‍S] (2v) K pant for reason S. pantograph, kopypae, <copy device> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a pantograph/mechanism used to trace/copy pictures. pants, nenpantu, <inner pants> [B‍-‍K] (2n) B is a pair of briefs/shorts/pants (U.K.). pantu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a pair of trousers/pants. papaya, paphaie, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a papaya, a tropical fruit from S. paper, papre, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a piece/sheet of paper. papre, (a) paper, made of paper. lo papre, (n) paper, mass term. pre, (af) a combining form of papre, paper. papilionid, paphilionidi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a papilionid, a swallow tailed butterfly. parable, dicfikco, <teach fiction> [B‍-‍VS] (3n) B is a parable of/about V by S. parachute, felsanla, <fall umbrella> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a parachute. parade, lagmuovei, <long move event> [V‍-‍SD] (3n) V is a parade/procession from S to D. paradise, muchaisia, <very happy place> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is paradise, a place of ideal happiness for/according to S. paragraph, stegru, <sentence group> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a paragraph of work F. taapra, <talk sequence> [B‍-‍PS] (3n) B is a passage/speech/paragraph of speech/work P by speaker/writer S. parallel, pie, (af) a combining form of pirle, parallel. pir, (af) a combining form of pirle, parallel. pirle, [B‍-‍B] (2v) B is parallel/is parallel to B. pirle, (a) parallel, of that which is parallel to …. parallelism, pu pirle, (n) a parallelism, a spec. property. paralyse, musytolclecko, <muscle control without cause> [V‍-‍D] (2v) V paralyse in D, without muscular control (nonintentional cause, as in an accident). musytolclemao, <muscle control without make> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K paralyse D in B, make without muscular control (intentional act, as in surgery or animal control.). paralysed, musytolcle, <muscle control without> [B‍-‍D] (2v) B is paralysed in D, without muscular control. musytolclecea, <muscle control without become> [D‍-‍B] (2v) D become paralysed in B, become without muscular control (vi). parameter, melnuu, <measure number> [C‍-‍BNF] (4n) C is a measurement/value/score/measure/parameter of (object) B in (dimension) N and (units) F. paranoia, parhanoiai, [D‍-‍] (1n) D suffer from paranoia, an insanity characterized by delusions. po parhanoiai, (n) an inst. of paranoia. paranoid, parhanoiai, (a) paranoid, suffering from paranoia. paratrooper, felsanlysolda, <fall umbrella soldier> [K‍-‍F] (2n) K is a paratrooper of military group F. paratyphoid, parsatifusi, [D‍-‍] (1v) D suffer from paratyphoid, a disease resembling typhus/typhoid fever. parsatifusi, (a) paratyphoid, pert. to the disease. po parsatifusi, (n) a case of paratyphoid fever. parcel, badlo, [B‍-‍P] (2n) B is a package/parcel/bundle/pack of P. ponlai, <own land> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is an estate/land/parcel/(real) property, parcel of land owned by N. pardon, tsenordri, <error not remember> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K pardon/forgive/excuse D for V. uu, (i) pardon (me)/excuse (me), said when another must be disturbed. pardoned, nu tsenordri, <error not remember> (a) pardoned/forgiven/excused. pare, skapyclemao, <skin without make> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K peel/pare/husk/scrape B. parent, furgiu, <substrate(of roots)> [F‍-‍B] (2v) F is the substrate/parent of B. nerlinkui, <1st lineal kin> [B‍-‍B] (2n) B is a parent/child/immediate relative of B, a 1 step lineal relation. pee, (af) a combining form of penre, parent. penre, [S‍-‍P] (2n) S (possibly collective) is/are parent s of child/children P. parent-in law, nurmerpee, <spouse parent> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is a parent-in law of D. parenthesis, hie, (ms) initial close parenthesis, in mathematical contexts; used with hiu. hiu, (ms) final close parenthesis, in mathematical contexts; used with hie. kie, (pm) (left parenthesis), used with kiu as in 'kie … kiu'. kiu, (pm) (right parenthesis), used with kie. parenthetically, kie, (av) parenthetically, parentheses as spoken. parish, lidgarpai, <religious district> [B‍-‍SN] (3n) B is a parish of region S under system N. park, kaptrigru, <open tree group[open forest]> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a park/parkland/open forest, natural. publai, <public land> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a public park/forest. parka, parka, [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is a parka of D. parked, tcasto, <car remain> [B‍-‍N] (2) B is parked at location N. parking lot, tcastosia, <car stay place> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a parking lot/carpark for/of community/building F. parkland, kaptrigru, <open tree group[open forest]> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a park/parkland/open forest, natural. parliament building, gardiuhaa, <government discussion house> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a parliament building of state F. parse, stetrudui, <sentence structure discover> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K parse sentence B obtaining parse D. fu stetrudui, <sentence structure discover> (n) a parse, the result of parsing. po stetrudui, <sentence structure discover> (n) a parse, an instance of parsing. parsing, po stetrudui, <sentence structure discover> (n) a parse, an instance of parsing. parsley, parsele, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a portion/quantity of parsley. lo parsele, (n) parsley, mass term. part, beu, (pp) Patients/Parts, accusative case tag (DIO) (patient/part). dii, (pp) on the part/account of<, before designations (PA).>. clekaa, <without come> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K part/go without/leave behind B. hernartylia, <hair separate line> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the part in the hair of F. nartycea, <apart become> [K‍-‍D] (2vi) K separate/part from D. nurstakao, <dramatic(staged) role> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a part/role/character in play/drama F. pai, (af) a combining form of parti, part. par, (af) a combining form of parti, part. parti, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a part/portion/fraction/segment/piece/share of F, a whole. parti, (av) partially/partly/in part, partly/partially. peu mi, (ph) as-for me/for my part. part from, goztaa, <go talk> (2v) part from/take leave of …. part of, bia, (2v) B is part of class/set F (BI). zia, (af) attached to <predy>, means part of <preda> language; e.g. lepsyzia — rabbit language. zie, (af) attached to <predy>, means part of <preda> territory; e.g. lepsyzie — rabbit territory. zio, (af) attached to <predy>, means part of <preda> culture; e.g. lepsyzia — rabbit culture. part owner, parpou, <part owner> [B‍-‍FC] (3v) B is a partner/part owner/stockholder of company F with share C. partial to, pebtia, <special choose> [K‍-‍GJV] (4v) K favor/be partial to G over J in matter V. partiality, lopo pebtia, <special choose> (n) partiality/favoritism, mass acts. partially, parti, (av) partially/partly/in part, partly/partially. participant, djokao, <among act> (n) a participant, one who -s. participate, djokao, <among act> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K participate/take part in V. participation, po djokao, <among act> (n) a participation, a spec. act of -ing. particle, ctikai, <stuff quality> (n) a body/particle, anything that has mass. kreni, [P‍-‍S] (2n) P Is a beam/ray/particle/wave from energy source S. mimpiu, <minimum piece> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a particle of F. mimpiu, <minimum piece> (a) particle, pert. to -s. particle physics, mimpiu fizsensi, <minimum piece> (ph) an inst. of particle physics. particular, citlu, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a detail/particular/minor feature of/about F. piu, (av) in particular, a discourse operator (UI). spebi, [V‍-‍BF] (3a) V is particular/special/specific to/peculiar to/a defining property of B in set F. parting, lopo clekaa, <without come> (n) parting, mass term. po clekaa, <without come> (n) a parting, an act of leaving. lopo goztaa, <go talk> (n) parting, mass term of acts. po goztaa, <go talk> (n) a good bye/parting/farewell, an act/event of leave taking. po nartycea, <apart become> (1n) separation/parting. partisan, paigru, <part group> (a) partisan/factional, pert. to factions/parties. nu paigru, <part group> (a) partisan, pert. to faction members. nu paigru, <part group> (n) a partisan/party member, member of party … of group …. partisanship, po nu paigru, <part group> (n) a partisanship, being a partisan. partition, paicko, <part cause> (n) a partition, that which divides. paicko, <part cause> [N‍-‍FB] (3v) N segment/partition F into parts B, plural set, nonintentional. fu paicko, <part cause> (n) a partition, a segment, conv. of divide. parmao, <part make> [K‍-‍FB] (3v) K segment/partition/resolve F into parts B, plural set, intentional. fu parmao, <part make> (n) a partition, a segment, conv. of divide/resolve. partly, parti, (av) partially/partly/in part, partly/partially. partly full, flopai, <full part> [B‍-‍C] (2a) container B is partly full to the extent C. partner, kinkao, <together act> [B‍-‍BV] (3n) B is a comrade/partner/accomplice/confederate of B in activity V, general term for a close associate. parpou, <part owner> [B‍-‍FC] (3v) B is a partner/part owner/stockholder of company F with share C. partnership, po kinkao, <together act> (n) a partnership/confederacy, as among individuals. party, cmidou, <fun give> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K entertain/give a party/provide entertainment for D. po cmidou, <fun give> (n) a party/entertainment/treat, an act of -ing. hapgesvei, <happy guest event> [V‍-‍KDN] (4n) V is a party/celebration given by K for guests D, on occasion N. hapsocli, <happy socialize> [K‍-‍NV] (3v) K party/ ies with N for/about V. hapsocvei, <happy social event> [V‍-‍KDN] (4n) V is a party/celebration given by host K for guests D, on occasion N. hapvei, <happy event> [B‍-‍P] (2n) B is a party in honour of P. paigru, <part group> [N‍-‍BF] (3n) N is a party/faction/subgroup including members B of group F. party member, nu paigru, <part group> (n) a partisan/party member, member of party … of group …. party to, nufu kinkao, <together act> (v) be party to, accomplice, in activity … with …. pass, bangoi, <beyond go> [G‍-‍JD] (3v) G surpass/pass/go past/overtake J doing/going to D. ckevei, <time happen> [V‍-‍] (1v) V pass/elapse, e.g. (time). handou, <hand give> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K hand/pass B to D. keospe, <time experience> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K pass (time) by V, e.g. He passed the time by drinking. leipre, <permission paper> [B‍-‍P] (2n) B is a license/permit/pass to /for P. pass through, tceru, [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K penetrate/pass through D in direction N. pass wind, gaorbrimao, <anal wind make> [K‍-‍] (1v) K fart/pass wind. passage, dzosia, <walk place> [V‍-‍BB] (3n) V is a corridor/passage/walk way/path between B and B. krokru, <flow room> [B‍-‍SD] (3n) B is a hall/corridor/passage, walk way between S and D. taapra, <talk sequence> [B‍-‍PS] (3n) B is a passage/speech/paragraph of speech/work P by speaker/writer S. tcerua, <through route> [B‍-‍SD] (3n) B is a passage/thoroughfare/way through S to D; e.g. the Northwest Passage. passed, nu bangoi, <beyond go> (a) passed/surpassed/overtaken, conv. of overtake/surpass. passenger, racyski, <travel sit> [K‍-‍BSD] (4n) K is a passenger on/in B from S to D. passes through, tcemuo, <through move> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K moves through/passes through/penetrates region/field/habitat/population N. passing, corsto, <short stay> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is fugitive/transient/fleeting/evanescent/ephemeral/momentary/passing/temporary. corvei, <short event> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more brief/transient/passing/transitory/ephemeral than J. norsto, <non lasting> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is an impermanent/passing/transient/ephemeral/transitory aspect of N. passion, lopo folfio, <strong feel> (n) emotion/passion, mass term of states. po nenfagflo, <inner fire full> (n) a passion/ardor, a spec. state. passionate, folfio, <strong feel> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K feel strongly/are passionate about V. folfio, <strong feel> (a) emotional/passionate, passionate about …. nenfagflo, <inner fire full> [G‍-‍VJ] (3a) G is more passionate/ardent about V than J is. passive, fu, (op) conversion of 1st & 3rd places of a predicate, passives/antonyms/etc. fun, (af) a combining form of fu, 3rd place passive, before 'r'. fur, (af) a combining form of fu, third place passive. ju, (op) conversion of 1st & 4th places of a pred. making passives/antonyms/etc. nu, (op) conversion of 1st & 2nd places of a predicate/passive voice. nun, (af) a combining form of nu, 2nd place passive, before 'r'. nur, (af) a combining form of nu, 2nd place passive. passport, paspo, [B‍-‍DSD] (4n) B is a passport issued to D by country S for travel to D. paspyble, <passport look> (n) passport inspector/official. po paspyble, <passport look> (n) passport inspection/control (event of). passport holder, nu paspo, (n) passport holder, converse of passport. past, lo darpao, <far past> (n) the distant past. prakapli, <process complete> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is past/done/over/accomplished/ended/finished. pa, (va) … -ed, sign of the past tense. pasko, (a) before/former/over/preceding/previous/(in the) past. vava, (pp) past, at a short distance, before terms. vuvu, (av) past here, at a distance, before preds. vuvu, (c) past where, at a distance, before clauses. vuvu, (pp) past, at a great distance, before terms. past here, vava, (av) past here (nearby), before predicates. past where, vava, (c) past where, nearby, before clauses. pasta, patmi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some dough/pasta or food made from same, i.e. noodles, spaghetti, pastry, pie crust, etc. paste, pasti, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a quantity of paste/glue. pasti, (a) paste, made of paste. lo pasti, (n) paste/glue, paste, mass term. pastyduo, <paste do> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K paste/glue B to D. pastime, nu keospe, <time experience> (n) a pastime, something to occupy oneself in spare time. pastiness, pu pastycli, <paste like> (n) a pastiness, a property of being pasty. pastor, bercykeu, <sheep care> [K‍-‍] (1n) K is a pastor/shepherd, one who tends sheep. lidydia, <religious teach> [K‍-‍D] (2n) a priest/imam/pastor/minister/teacher of religion …. spigli, <spiritual guide> [K‍-‍D] (2n) K is a pastor/spiritual advisor to D. pasture, tcifii, <eat field> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is a pasture, a grass field for grazing D. pasty, pastycli, <paste like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more pasty than J. pat, latblo, <light hit> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K tap/pat D on N. patch, josynakso, <sew fix> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K darn/repair/mend/patch D with B. po josynakso, <sew fix> (n) a darn/patch, an instance of -ing. patched, nu josynakso, <sew fix> (a) patched/darned, pertaining to something -ed. patching, josynakso, <sew fix> (a) darning/mending/patching (… with …), pertaining to -ing. pate, nurkraco, <crushed> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a pulp/pate of S. patella, patheli, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a patella/kneecap (a patella is also a limpet). patent, kapni, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is open/patent, not shut. veftro, <invention control> [D‍-‍DKPC] (5n) D have a patent on (invention) D issued by K for purpose P and period C. patented, nu veftro, <invention control> (a) patented, having a —. patently, pertyfeokli, <pertinent fact clear> (av) evidently/patently/clearly. paternal, farfu, (a) paternal, pert. to fathers, q.v. fracli, <father like> [G‍-‍DJD] (4a) G is more fatherly/paternal/like a father to D than J is to D. paternalism, lopu fracli, <father like> (n) paternalism, mass term of properties. pu fracli, <father like> (n) a fatherliness/paternalism, a spec. property. paternity, pu farfu, (n) a paternity, fatherhood, a spec. property. path, dzosia, <walk place> [V‍-‍BB] (3n) V is a corridor/passage/walk way/path between B and B. fitrua, <foot route> [B‍-‍SD] (3n) B is a trail/path from S to D. ju muvdo, (n) a path, of a movement, q.v. rutma, [B‍-‍DSK] (4n) B is a/the track/way/route/course/path to D from S used by K. pathetic, keicko, <sadness cause> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is pathetic, causing sad feelings. pathogen, pathogeniki, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a pathogen of type F, illness causing. pathogenic, pathogeniki, (a) pathogenic, pert. to pathogens. patience, lopu pazyspu, <pause expert> (n) patience, general property. patient, beu, (pp) Patients/Parts, accusative case tag (DIO) (patient/part). nu kicmu, (n) a patient, medical, conv. of doctor. nordje, <neg. of well> [B‍-‍K] (2n) B is a patient/an unwell person under the care of K. nurkiu, <treated> [B‍-‍KV] (3n) B is a patient of/being treated by K for V. pazfro, <pause strong> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is patient in situation N. pazyspu, <pause expert> [B‍-‍DV] (3a) B is patient with D in matter V. pazyspumou, <patient more> [G‍-‍JN] (3a) G is more patient than J with N. patiently, pazyspu, <pause expert> (av) patiently, with patience. patriot, guiclu, <country love> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a patriot, one who loves his country dearly. guikri, <country believer> (n) a nationalist/patriot, of persons. patriotic, guiclu, <country love> (a) patriotic, pert. to a —. guikri, <country believer> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G are (more) nationalistic/patriotic than J. gunkrisio, <country creed> (a) patriotic/nationalistic, pert. to systems. patriotism, lopu guiclu, <country love> (n) patriotism, mass property of -s. po guiclu, <country love> (n) an instance of patriotism. lopu guikri, <country believer> (n) patriotism, mass term. pu guikri, <country believer> (n) a patriotism, property of being patriotic. gunkrisio, <country creed> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is an instance of nationalism/patriotism. lo gunkrisio, <country creed> (n) patriotism/nationalism, mass term of systems. patron, fraclijuo, <father like supporter> (n) a patron/protector, one who -s. nursua, <those who are served> [B‍-‍K] (2n) B is the customer/client/patron of service K. patronage, po fraclijuo, <father like supporter> (n) an instance of patronage. pattern, fomymii, <form example> [S‍-‍P] (2n) S is a model/pattern for P. duocli, <do like> (n) S is a model/pattern followed by K in action V. forma, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the form/pattern/shape of F. patterned, nu forma, (a) patterned, having a pattern, conv. pause, corsti, <short stop> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K pause from activity V. po corsti, <short stop> (n) an instance of a pause/hold in an activity …. paz, (af) a combining form of pazda, pause. pazda, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K await/pause/wait for event/person D before doing V. po pazda, (n) a waiting/wait/pause, an event/state of -ing. pazkeo, <pause interval> [B‍-‍CP] (3v) B is a pause of C for P. rirpazmao, <record pause make> [K‍-‍BS] (3v) K pause record B in machine S. taksai, <talk be silent> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K pause between elements B (pl.) in utterance V. lepo taksai, <talk be silent> (n) a pause in speech. pave, smukuvmao, <smooth cover make> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K pave D with B. paved, nu smukuvmao, <smooth cover make> (a) paved, something given a smooth covering. pavement, drarua, <dry way> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a sidewalk/pavement, a raised footpath along street/road F. dzotrida, <walk street> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a sidewalk/pavement (UK). smukua, <smooth cover> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a pavement (Amer.). paw, fitpi, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a foot/paw of S. pawn, ckevea, <interval sell> [K‍-‍BDCN] (5v) K pawn B with pawnbroker D for price C with redemption period N. pawnbroker, fu ckevea, <interval sell> (n) a pawnbroker. pay, pec, (af) a combining form of petci, pay. petci, [K‍-‍CDB] (4v) K pay C to D for goods/services B. pei, (af) a combining form of petci, pay. pay attention, ted, (af) a combining form of tedji, attend, pay attention. tej, (af) a combining form of tedji, attend, pay attention. tei, (af) a combining form of tedji, attend, pay attention. pay off, jetsti, <owe cease> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K repay/pay off/settle up with D. payable, futnurpei, <future payable> [B‍-‍NDV] (4a) B is due/payable at (time) N to (payee) D for (goods/services) V. naznurpei, <now payable> [B‍-‍DV] (3a) B is now due/payable to (payee) D for (goods/services) V. nu petci, (a) payable/paid/due, pert. to amounts of pay, q.v. payee, fu petci, (n) a payee, one who is paid, conv. of payer. payer, petci, (n) a payer, one who pays. payment, nurpei, <amount paid> [C‍-‍DB] (3n) C is a/the payment, amount paid by D for B. pecpai, <pay part> [V‍-‍CB] (3n) V is an installment/payment of amount C on merchandise B. po petci, (n) a payment, an act of -ing. pea, pizdo, [B‍-‍S] (1n) B is a pea from source S. peace, pis, (af) a combining form of pismi, peace. po pismi, (n) a peace, a spec. state/condition. peace with, pismi, [B‍-‍B] (2a) B is at peace with B/pacific …. peaceful, pisflo, <peace full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more peaceful/pacific than J. peacefulness, lopu pisflo, <peace full> (n) peacefulness, mass prop. peach, persiki, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a peach from S. peacock, pavho, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a peacock, a male peafowl from S. peafowl, pavha, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a peahen, a female peafowl from S. pavho, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a peacock, a male peafowl from S. pavhu, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is any peafowl from S, generic term. peafowl chick, pavhi, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a peafowl chick, a baby peafowl from S. peafowl like, pavhe, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more peafowl like than J. peahen, pavha, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a peahen, a female peafowl from S. peak, ganpea, <high point> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the peak/summit/apex/height/high point of F. ganrorpai, <high part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the top/peak/summit of F. peak period, folkeo, <strong time> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a prime/peak period of F. peaked, nu ganpea, <high point> (a) peaked, having a peak, conv. form. peal, rolsoa, <rolling sound> [V‍-‍B] (2n) V is a roll/peal of B (e.g. thunder). peanut, rachi, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a peanut/groundnut from S. pear, persa, [B‍-‍S] (1n) B is a pear/a quantity of pears from source S. lo persa, (n) pear(s), mass term. pearl, perla, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a pearl from S. peasant, lanpeu, <land person> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a peasant of countryside N. pebble, cmatroku, <small stone> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a pebble, a small stone. pebi-, pib, (af) a combining form of pitbi, pebi-. pecan, pakhane, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a pecan from S. peck, nazbyblo, <nose hit> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K peck D. peculiar, gutra, [B‍-‍DN] (3a) B is alien/bizarre/mysterious/odd/queer/unusual/strange/weird/curious/peculiar/funny to D in features N. mucgutra, <very strange> [V‍-‍] (1a) V is extraordinary/remarkable/peculiar. spebi, [V‍-‍BF] (3a) V is particular/special/specific to/peculiar to/a defining property of B in set F. pecuniary, cmeni, (a) financial/monetary/pecuniary, monetary, pert. to money. pedal, fitlevga, <foot lever> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a pedal of S. fitlevpuo, <foot lever push> [K‍-‍BDS] (4v) K pedal B to D from S. fitpi, (a) pedal, pert. to feet. pedal car, fitlevpletca, <foot lever play car> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a pedal car, a child's toy. pedicab, fitlevtaksi, <foot lever taxi> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a pedicab. rirgyviudou, <bottom view giver> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a bottom view giver, a slang name for a Loglandian pedicab. pedicure, djotyhonkeu, <toe horn care(r)> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K pedicure D. po djotyhonkeu, <toe horn care(r)> (n) an instance of a pedicure. pedicurist, djotyhonkeu, <toe horn care(r)> (n) a pedicurist. peel, fruskapi, <fruit skin> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the peel/husk/rind of edible fruit, nut, or root F. skapyclemao, <skin without make> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K peel/pare/husk/scrape B. peep, smible, <secret look> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K peer/peep/spy at B. peer, bekciu, <object equal> [B‍-‍BC] (3n) B is the peer of (object) B in characteristic C, one equal in a specified quality. E.g. These tomatoes have no peer. jarble, <narrow look> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K peer at D, look narrowly at. lalciu, <old equal> [B‍-‍B] (2n) B is the peer of B, one equal in age to …. smible, <secret look> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K peer/peep/spy at B. socyciu, <socially equal> [B‍-‍B] (2n) B is the peer of B, one equal to … in social standing. surpoi, <(1st 6th) power> (2n) B is a lord/peer of vassals/domain/realm N, i.e. a member of its peerage; for specific ranks, prefix ner , tor , … , sor to -poi. sursocysia, <# social position> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a count/earl/lord/duke/baron/nobleman/peer, of land/estate F, any peer, identify by number. peerage, lo sursocysia, <# social position> (n) the nobility/peerage. peerless, muespu, <very skilled> [K‍-‍P] (2a) K is supreme/peerless/excellent/extremely skillful at doing P. pelt, pelpi, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a hide/pelt/skin/piece of leather from animal S. pelvic, pelvi, (a) pelvic, pert. to the pelvis. pelvis, pelvi, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a pelvis of F. pen, nimliu, <animal hold> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a pen/fold/cage, enclosure for animals. penbi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a pen, for writing. penbysri, <pen write> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K pen/write D with a pen. pen name, srinamci, <writer name> [N‍-‍KP] (3n) N is an pseudonym/pen name of K for work P. penance, lidselkasfa, <religious self punish> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K do penance for (sin) B by V. fu lidselkasfa, <religious self punish> (n) penance/penitence, the punishment done for sin. pencil, pinsi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a pencil, instrument for writing. pendant, pendi, (a) pendant/hanging, pert. to that which -s. penetratable, nu tceru, (a) penetratable, conv. of penetrate. penetrate, tce, (af) a combining form of tceru, penetrate. tceru, [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K penetrate/pass through D in direction N. penetrates, tcemuo, <through move> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K moves through/passes through/penetrates region/field/habitat/population N. penetrating, tceru, (a) penetrative/penetrating, pert. to that which -s. penetration, po tceru, (n) a penetration, a spec. act of -ing. penetrative, tceru, (a) penetrative/penetrating, pert. to that which -s. penicillin, penhicilini, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some penicillin, an antibiotic. peninsula, lanbaa, <land arm> [B‍-‍FN] (3n) B is a peninsula attached to landmass F flanked by waters N. Viz. murbaa gulf. penis, pingu, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the penis/prick/cock of F. penitence, fu lidselkasfa, <religious self punish> (n) penance/penitence, the punishment done for sin. po lidselkasfa, <religious self punish> (n) an instance of penitence, repentance for sins. pension, rilrynurpei, <regular payments> [B‍-‍CS] (3n) B is a pension of C from S, distinguished from salary nurjurna. pensive, conpeo, <deeply think> (a) pensive/preoccupied, meditating on …. penflo, <thought full> (a) pensive/reflective, preoccupied with …. pensai, <think silent> [K‍-‍] (1v) K is pensive/thoughtful and silent. pensiveness, po penflo, <thought full> (n) a pensiveness, a spec. state. pentad, fecu, (a) five/quintuple/quintet, a pentad of … acting together, an indefinite set describer. E.g. Fecu mrenu pa hijra — Some five men/A group of five were here together. Cf., Fe mrenu pa hijra — Some five men were here independently. fera, (2n) B is a quintet/pentad/five member subset of set F, a cardinal predicate; e.g. Da fera lea golfu — X is a fivesome at golf/of golfers. pentagon, ferjaofoa, <five angle form> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B is a pentagon with vertices C. pentagonal, ferjaofoa, <five angle form> (a) pentagonal, pert. to pentagons. penury, lopu sirura, (n) scarcity/penury/want, mass property. po sirura, (n) an instance of scarcity/penury/want. people, lo danrypeu, <ordinary person> (n) (common) folk/(common) people/masses of place …. nu kultu, (n) a/the people/public of culture …. lo nu poldi, (n) people, the citizenry of polity …. pernu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a/some person/people. lo pernu, (n) people, mass term. pip, (af) a combining form of piplo, people. piplo, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B are people/populace of place/land/country S. specypai, <species part> (n) a (breeding) population/people/race. peopled, pipcea, <peopled become> [F‍-‍B] (2v) F is peopled/populated with B. pepper, kapsi, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a/some pepper from S. peptide, peptidi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a peptide, a subunit of proteins. perceive, beksae, <object sense> [K‍-‍NV] (3v) K perceive(s) N to be V. vizka, [K‍-‍BN] (3v) K see/view/perceive/spot, visually B against background N. perceiver, beksae, <object sense> (n) perceiver. percent, pipi, (pm) decimal point/point/percent, as in 'point one/ten percent of …'. perceptibility, pu nu beksae, <object sense> (n) perceptibility (sp. property). perceptible, nu beksae, <object sense> (a) perceptible. perception, lopo beksae, <object sense> (n) perception (mass act). lopu beksae, <object sense> (n) perception (mass property). po beksae, <object sense> (n) perception (sp. act). pu beksae, <object sense> (n) perception (sp. property). lopo vizka, (n) seeing/sight/visual perception, mass term. po vizka, (n) a sight/seeing/visual perception, a spec. instance. perceptive, beksae, <object sense> (a) perceptive, of perceivers. kacfro, <aware strong> [B‍-‍VN] (3a) B is perceptive/insightful about V under N. klivia, <clearly see> (a) discerning/perceptive, of one who -s. sasfro, <sense strong> [B‍-‍SN] (3a) B is sensitive/perceptive concerning stimulus S under N. perceptiveness, pu klivia, <clearly see> (n) a perceptiveness, a spec. property. perch, ganski, <high sit> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K perch on B. nu ganski, <high sit> (n) a perch, a high place for sitting. ganskisia, <high sitting place> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a perch on N. perfect, kalmao, <complete make> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K complete/finish/perfect P (make something whole). kapli, [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is complete/entire/whole/finished/perfect/integral by standard N. lodpue, <logic perfect> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more logical/rigorous/logically perfect than J is. pue, (af) a combining form of purfe, perfect. puf, (af) a combining form of purfe, perfect. pufmao, <perfect make> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K perfect /makes perfect D by standard N, intentional. purfe, [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is perfect/faultless/unimprovable/standard/ideal by standard N. perfect itself, pufcea, <perfect become> [V‍-‍] (1v) V perfect itself/become perfect. perfectability, pu nu pufmao, <perfect make> (n) a perfectability, a spec. property. perfectable, nu pufmao, <perfect make> (a) perfectable, can be made perfect. perfection, pu kapli, (n) a perfection/integrity/completeness, a spec. property. lopo puesni, <perfect near> (n) perfection/near perfection, the general state of being nearly perfect. po puesni, <perfect near> (n) perfection/near perfection, the state of something's being nearly perfect. po pufmao, <perfect make> (n) a perfection, an act/process of -ing. po nu pufmao, <perfect make> (n) a perfection, a state of being -ed. lopu purfe, (n) perfection, mass term of qualities. po purfe, (n) a perfection, a state of being perfect. pu purfe, (n) a perfection, a quality of being perfect. perfectly, kapli, (av) perfectly/wholly/fully/completely/entirely, wholly. purfe, (av) faultlessly/perfectly, in a perfect way. perforate, tceholcko, <penetrate hole cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N pierce/puncture/perforate/make a hole in D, nonintentional. tceholmao, <penetrate hole make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K pierce/puncture/perforate/make a hole in D with V, intentional. perforated, nu tceholcko, <penetrate hole cause> (a) punctured/perforated. tceholflo, <penetrate hole full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more holey/perforated than J. nu tceholmao, <penetrate hole make> (a) punctured/perforated. perforation, po tceholcko, <penetrate hole cause> (n) a puncture/perforation. po tceholmao, <penetrate hole make> (n) a puncture/perforation. tcehou, <through hole> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a hole/perforation, perforated place in F. perform, gimna, [K‍-‍V] (2v) K perform gymnastic feat(s) V. kalkao, <completely act> [K‍-‍PV] (3v) K accomplish/finish/perform/carry P out/through V. muzkao, <music act> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K play/perform B, a piece of music, on instrument D. pubkao, <public do> [K‍-‍PD] (3v) K act/perform work P before audience/spectators D. performance, po kalkao, <completely act> (n) a performance/accomplishment, a spec. act of -ing. po muzkao, <music act> (n) a performance, musical, an act of -ing. nu pubkao, <public do> (n) performance, the thing -ed. po pubkao, <public do> (n) performance, a spec. instance of -ing. performer, muzkao, <music act> (n) a musician/performer, one who plays … on …. pubkao, <public do> (n) actor/performer (theatre). perfume, plusutme, <pleasant smell> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a perfume/scent/fragrance. plusutyduo, <pleasant smell do> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K perfume/scent D with B. perhaps, biu, (av) possible/perhaps/maybe, the objective sense. E.g. Da biu mamla — X is possibly a mammal. Cf. ii for the subjective sense. ii, (i) maybe/perhaps/possibly/it might be that …, exp. of tentative belief. perilous, denmou, <danger more> [G‍-‍DJD] (4a) G is more dangerous/perilous to D than J is to D. period, ckemo, [C‍-‍SD] (3n) C the time/interval/period from S to D. hiskeo, <history time> [V‍-‍C] (2n) V is an historical age/epoch/period lasting C. i, (c) period/semicolon, indicating stop between sentences/clauses. rardei, <all days> [B‍-‍] (1v) B have a daily rhythm/24 hour period. rarnie, <all years> [V‍-‍] (1v) V have an annual rhythm/365 day period. riicke, <regular interval> [C‍-‍V] (2n) C is the period/interval/periodicity between repetitions of cycle V. periodic, rilri, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more regular/cyclical/periodic/uniform than J. periodical, ckebuu, <interval book> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a periodical. ckelisybuu, <interval list (serial) book> [P‍-‍BS] (3n) P is a magazine/periodical on/about B published by S. nuzveo, <news vessel> [B‍-‍SDC] (4v) B is a newspaper/magazine/periodical issued by S to D each period C. periodicity, riicke, <regular interval> [C‍-‍V] (2n) C is the period/interval/periodicity between repetitions of cycle V. pu rilri, (n) a regularity/uniformity/periodicity, a spec. property. perish, dzasti, <exist cease> [D‍-‍] (1v) D perish, cease to exist; applies to groups etc. as well as to living creatures. fesycea, <waste become> [D‍-‍] (1v) D perish/spoil/turn, as perishable foods. perishable, pu furkeovei, <(end of time period) event> (a) perishable. perm, stoherkovduo, <stay hair curve do> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K perm, put a permanent wave in the hair of D. permanence, lopu stomou, <stay more> (n) persistence/permanence/permanency/endurance, mass prop. po stomou, <stay more> (n) an endurance/permanence, a state/process of -ing. permanency, lopu stomou, <stay more> (n) persistence/permanence/permanency/endurance, mass prop. permanent, stomou, <stay more> (a) enduring/persistent/lasting/permanent/durable, pert. to that which -s. stomoumao, <stay more make> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K establish/make permanent V. permanent press, pu no nu fodliacko, <fold line cause> (a) permanent press. permanent wave, stoherkoa, <stay hair curve> [B‍-‍FK] (3n) B is a permanent wave in the hair of F put in by K. permissible, fu takrui, <talk rule> (a) grammatical/permissible, permissible speech, q.v. permissible that, oi, (i) (it is)all right/OK/permissible that …, exp. of ethical permissibility. permissible to, furlei, <3rd conv. permit> (a) permitted/permissible to, of permitted acts, conv. form. permission, jurlei, <let condition> [N‍-‍DVK] (4n) N is a permission for act D by person V granted by K. po letci, (n) a permission, a spec. act of -ing. permissive, letfundi, <permit fond> [K‍-‍DVN] (4a) K is permissive toward D doing V under N. permissiveness, lopu letfundi, <permit fond> (n) permissiveness, mass of such props. pu letfundi, <permit fond> (n) a permissiveness, a spec. prop. permit, leipre, <permission paper> [B‍-‍P] (2n) B is a license/permit/pass to /for P. let, (af) a combining form of letci, permit. letci, [K‍-‍V] (2v) K allow/let/permit action/event V. tcelei, <penetrate let> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K permit B to go in D. lei, (af) a combining form of letci, permit. permit saying, takrui, <talk rule> (v) permit saying … as … in …. permit to, letpredou, <permission paper give> [K‍-‍DP] (3v) K license/give a permit to D to/for purpose P. permitted, furlei, <3rd conv. permit> (a) permitted/permissible to, of permitted acts, conv. form. nurlei, [K‍-‍V] (2v) K may do/is permitted to do V. permitted by law, lilylei, <law allow> [V‍-‍BN] (3a) V is legal/lawful/legitimate/permitted by law in B under N, not proscribed by any law of …. permitted to, nui, (aux) may/is permitted to …, objective sense used before predicates (PA). E.g. Tu nui godzi da — You may/are permitted to go to X. Cf. oi for subjective sense: Oi tu godzi da — You may go to X. permutation, po sifbatmi, <place exchange> (1n) a conversion/permutation, a specific interchange of two objects in an ordered sequence. permute, sifbatmi, <place exchange> [K‍-‍BF] (3v) K convert/permute B, reverse the position of two objects in a sequence F. peroxide, perhoksidi, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a peroxide of F. perpendicular, kurjaolia, <square angle line> (a) perpendicular, of perpindiculars. kurjaolia, <square angle line> (n) perpendicular, a line perpendicular to another. kurjaolia, <square angle line> (v) be perpendicular to …. perpendicular to, kurjaolia, <square angle line> [B‍-‍B] (2a) B is perpendicular to B. perpendicularity, pu kurjaolia, <square angle line> (n) perpendicularity, a spec. property. perpetual, rarkeo, <all time> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is eternal/everlasting/perpetual. perpetuity, lo rarkeo, <all time> (n) eternity/perpetuity, mass term of eternal things. lopo rarkeo, <all time> (n) eternity/perpetuity, mass condition. perplex, minfau, <mind trouble> [V‍-‍D] (2v) V perplex/puzzle D. misflocko, <mix full cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N confuse/mix up/perplex/muddle D, unintentional. persecute, notkrikasfa, <other believer punish> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K persecute D on pretext N, e.g. different religion. recykaikasfa, <different characteristic punish> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K persecute D on pretext S, e.g. skin colour. persecuted, nu notkrikasfa, <other believer punish> (a) persecuted, pert. to one who is -d. nu recykaikasfa, <different characteristic punish> (a) persecuted, pert. to one who is -d. persecution, lopo notkrikasfa, <other believer punish> (n) persecution, mass term. po notkrikasfa, <other believer punish> (n) an instance of persecution. lopo recykaikasfa, <different characteristic punish> (n) persecution, mass term. po recykaikasfa, <different characteristic punish> (n) an instance of persecution. persecutor, notkrikasfa, <other believer punish> (n) persecutor, one who -s. recykaikasfa, <different characteristic punish> (n) persecutor, one who -s. perseverance, lopo prarai, <continue try> (n) perseverance/persistence, mass state. po prarai, <continue try> (n) an instance of perseverance/persistence. persevere, selpramao, <self continue make> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K persevere/persist in doing V. prarai, <continue try> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K persevere/persist in V, continually try …. persevering, prarai, <continue try> (a) persevering/persisting. persist, laasto, <long stay> [K‍-‍VN] (3v) K persist/endure/resist V in conditions N. prakao, <continue act> [K‍-‍VP] (3v) K proceed/continue/persist in activity V with end P. selpramao, <self continue make> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K persevere/persist in doing V. prarai, <continue try> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K persevere/persist in V, continually try …. prase, (vi) continue/persist, through stages … of …, as a process. stomou, <stay more> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G endure/persist/last longer than J. persistence, po prakao, <continue act> (n) a persistence, a spec. act of -ing. lopo prarai, <continue try> (n) perseverance/persistence, mass state. po prarai, <continue try> (n) an instance of perseverance/persistence. lopu stomou, <stay more> (n) persistence/permanence/permanency/endurance, mass prop. persistent, laasto, <long stay> (a) persistent/enduring, long lasting. stomou, <stay more> (a) enduring/persistent/lasting/permanent/durable, pert. to that which -s. persisting, prarai, <continue try> (a) persevering/persisting. person, danrypeu, <ordinary person> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a commoner/common person of place S. lalpeu, <old person> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an oldster/old person. per, (af) a combining form of pernu, person. pernu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a/some person/people. zvopeu, <out person> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a person/stranger from outside group F. peu, (af) a combining form of pernu, person. personage, jiorpeu, <important (type of)person> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a personage, a person of distinction or importance in social structure N. personal, perperti, <person pertaining> [V‍-‍] (1a) V is personal, referring to a person; e.g. a personal remark. prizi, [N‍-‍B] (2a) N is private/personal, confined to person B. personal hygiene, jelcti, <healthy stuff> [B‍-‍P] (2n) B is a personal hygiene product for doing P. personality, perkaisei, <person quality set> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the personality of F. perspective, blesia, <look location> [V‍-‍KD] (3n) V is a viewpoint/point of view/perspective of K on D. persuade, sircko, <certain cause> [V‍-‍DN] (3v) V assure/convince/persuade D of N, nonintentional. sirmao, <certain make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K assure/convince/persuade D of V, intentional. takmuo, <talk move> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K persuade/induce/win over D to do/believe V. persuader, takmuo, <talk move> (n) a persuader/inducer, one who persuades by talking. persuasion, po takmuo, <talk move> (n) a persuasion/inducement, an event of -ing. persuasive, takmuo, <talk move> (a) persuasive, of persuaders. persuasiveness, lopu takmuo, <talk move> (n) persuasiveness, mass prop. pertain to, perti, [B‍-‍N] (2v) B treat of/relate to/pertain to/concern/be about/be relevant to N. pertinence, pu perti, (n) a relevance/pertinence, relevance, a spec. property. pertinent, perti, (a) pertinent/germane/relevant, pertinent to …. peseta, pesta, [B‍-‍C] (2n) B is worth C in peseta(s), Spanish unit of currency. lo pesta, (n) (the) peseta, the mass of all pesetas. peso, pesro, [B‍-‍C] (2n) B is worth C in peso(s), Latin American unit of currency. lo pesro, (n) (the) peso, the mass of all pesos. pester, prafau, <process trouble> [K‍-‍DBV] (4v) K harass/pester D about/for B by V. pestilence, kuspymorcko, <spreading death causer> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is a plague/pestilence. pet, clutco, <love touch> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K caress/stroke/pet D. hasnia, <house animal> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a pet/tamed animal of household/person F. petition, begco, [K‍-‍VD] (3v) K petition/ask for/request/plead action/object V of/from D. po begco, (n) request/petition/plea, a spec. act of -ing. durbeo, <do ask> [K‍-‍ND] (3v) K solicit/petition N from D. helbeo, <help ask> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K make appeal to/petition D for V. poirbeo, <power ask> [K‍-‍BN] (3v) K beg/petition/pray for B from powerful person N. petitioned, fu begco, (a) petitioned, recipient of a petition. petitioner, begco, (n) petitioner, one who -s. durbeo, <do ask> (n) petitioner, one who -s. helbeo, <help ask> (n) appellant/petitioner, one who seeks help. petitioning, po durbeo, <do ask> (n) an instance of solicitation/petitioning. petrification, po trokycea, <stone become> (n) a petrification, an act of -ing. petrified, trokycea, <stone become> (a) petrified, of that which becomes stone. petrify, trokycea, <stone become> [D‍-‍] (1v) D petrify, become stone. petty, no djipo, (a) unimportant/insignificant/petty/trivial, neg. of significant. pharmacy, kiurctivemsia, <medical substance selling place> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a pharmacy/chemist shop/drug store. phenomenon, fizdi, (n) a phenomenon, physical, i.e. non mental. nornurmao, <unmade> (n) a phenomenon, not man made. natra, (n) a/the nature/phenomenon, an instance of nature. vetci, (n) an event/happening/incident/occurrence/phenomenon, a happening/occurrence involving …. philosopher, sadclu, <knowledge lover> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a (homespun) philosopher, a wisdom lover without formal training. sadsesduo, <philosophy do> (n) a philosopher, practical. sadsesmao, <philosophy maker> [K‍-‍] (1n) K is a philosopher, theoretic. philosophical, sadsensi, <wisdom science> (a) philosophical, pert. to philosophies. philosophize, sadsesduo, <philosophy do> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K philosophize about V. philosophy, sadsensi, <wisdom science> [N‍-‍] (1n) N is a science of philosophy. phone, taksoa, <speech sound> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a sound/phone/speech sound of language F. telfo, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a phone/telephone (receiver) in telephone system/network F. phoneme, taksonkle, <talk sound class> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a phoneme/sound class of language F. phonograph, rajrirmai, <scratch record machine> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a phonograph/record player. phosphate, posfati, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a phosphate of F, a salt of phosphoric acid. phosphorus, posfo, [B‍-‍P] (2n) B is some phosphorus, element 15 (P). photocopier, kopmai, <copy machine> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a copier/copy machine/photocopier/Xerox machine. photograph, karduo, <camera do> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K photograph/make a photograph of B. kartcu, <camera picture> [P‍-‍BKV] (4n) P is a photograph of B made by K with camera V. kartcumao, <camera picture make> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K photograph D with B. photographer, karduo, <camera do> (n) a photographer, one who -s. photographic, kardurlae, <camera do art> (a) photographic, pert. to photography. kartcu, <camera picture> (a) photographic, pert. to photographs. photography, kardurlae, <camera do art> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is an art of photography. lo kardurlae, <camera do art> (n) photography, mass term of instances. phrase, stepai, <sentence part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a phrase of sentence/utterance F. physical, fid, (af) a combining form of fizdi, physical. fidsensi, <physical science> (a) physical, pert. to physics. fiz, (af) a combining form of fizdi, physical. fizdi, [N‍-‍] (1a) N is physical/non mental. zo fizdi, (n) physics, an example of physical science. (I'm a little tongue in cheek here, but it could be.). physically strong, korfro, <body strong> [K‍-‍VN] (3a) K is physically strong/hardy at task V and conditions N. physically weak, korfiu, <body weak> [K‍-‍VN] (3a) K is physically weak/frail at task V and conditions N. physician, kicmu, (n) a physician/doctor/medic, a physician. physicist, fidsesmao, <physics science maker> [K‍-‍] (1n) K is a physicist. physics, fidsensi, <physical science> [N‍-‍] (1n) N is a physics, an instance of physical science. lo fidsensi, <physical science> (n) physics, mass term of instances. zo fizdi, (n) physics, an example of physical science. (I'm a little tongue in cheek here, but it could be.). pi, peo, (l) pi, Greek lower case letter, one of a pool of symbols. piano, pianfa, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a piano. pick, dermroza, <dirt hammer> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a pick, a tool for loosening the soil. frutoa, <fruit take> [K‍-‍PS] (3v) K pick/pluck/reap/harvest edible/useful part P from S. lortoa, <flower take> [K‍-‍BS] (3v) K pick flowers B from S. nurtia, <selected> [B‍-‍FN] (3a) B is/are a choice/pick/select/elite of F according to N. nurtia, <selected> (n) choice/selection/pick, the person/object chosen. pick up, fanfealei, <reverse fall let> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K pick up D from S. picker, frutoa, <fruit take> (n) a reaper/picker/harvester, one who/that which reaps. pictogram, tcusaa, <picture sign> [V‍-‍BSPN] (5n) V is a pictogram/glyph indicating B to S prompting behaviour P in situation N. pictographic, tculae, <picture art> (a) graphic/pictographic, pert. to -ic art. pictography, tculae, <picture art> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a pictography/graphic art of people N. tculae, <picture art> (n) a pictography, of people …. pictorial, tcure, (a) pictorial, of pictures/illustrations. picture, tcu, (af) a combining form of tcure, picture. tcure, [B‍-‍SK] (3n) B is a picture/drawing of S made by K. pictured, tcucli, <picture like> [B‍-‍N] (2ph) B is as described/pictured in N. picturesque, tcutreci, <picture interesting> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is picturesque. pie, pamfru, <pastry fruit> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a pie/tart, fruit cooked in a pastry shell. pamymio, <pastry meat> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a meat pie. piece, nu broko, (n) a fragment/piece, a piece of something broken. klupai, <cut part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a cut/division/piece/section/segment of F, a part obtained by cutting. parti, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a part/portion/fraction/segment/piece/share of F, a whole. pisku, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a piece/portion/lump/pane of F, a substance. nu rorbro, <many break> (n) a piece/fragment, piece of something shattered. piu, (af) a combining form of pisku, piece. piece together, kinsea, <together put> [K‍-‍BF] (3v) K collect/assemble/put/piece together B as/into assembly F. pier, bourstosia, <boat stay place> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a pier/dock at F. pierce, najblo, <knife hit> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K knife/stab/pierce D with a knife. tceholcko, <penetrate hole cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N pierce/puncture/perforate/make a hole in D, nonintentional. tceholmao, <penetrate hole make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K pierce/puncture/perforate/make a hole in D with V, intentional. piety, lopu lidkao, <religious act> (n) piety/righteousness, mass term. pu lidkao, <religious act> (n) a devoutness/piety, a property of being pious. pig, porju, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a/some pig/hog/swine, an omnivorous mammal, genus Sus. poj, (af) a combining form of porju, pig. pig like, porje, [G‍-‍J] (1n) G is more porcine/pig like than J. pigeon, kolba, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a female dove/pigeon, (Columbidae) family. kolbi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a squab, an infant dove/pigeon. kolbo, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a male dove/pigeon. kolbu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a dove/pigeon, non specific. pigeon like, kolbe, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more dove/pigeon like than J. piglet, porji, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a shoat/piglet/baby pig. pile, ctiganmoa, <stuff high mountain> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a mass/heap/stack/hill/mountain/huge pile, fig., a mountain of F. ctimoa, <stuff mountain> [B‍-‍FP] (3n) B is a pile/mound/heap/hill/stack of F for P. pilgrim, lidtraci, <religious travel> [K‍-‍DSV] (1n) pilgrim. pilgrimage, lidtraci, <religious travel> (4v) K make a pilgrimage to D from S by route V. pillar, trokytri, <stone tree> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a column/pillar in structure F. pillow, hedpadzi, <head cushion> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a pillow, head cushion. padzi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a cushion/pillow/pad, general term. pillow case, padkua, <pad cover> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is a pillow case of pillow D. pilot, maifle, <machine fly> (n) a pilot/flier, pilot, one who flies machines. glida, [K‍-‍BDSV] (5v) K conduct/guide/pilot B to D from S via V. glida, (n) a pilot/guide, one who guides. pin, pid, (af) a combining form of pinda, pin. pidyduo, <pin do> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K pin B to D. pinda, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a pin, a pointed fastener used for fabrics. sanbruci, <sign brooch> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B is a button/pin/macaroon containing slogan/saying C. pincers, jugrie, <grip tool> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a vise/pliers/pincers/clamp, generic for any grasping tool. pinch, dedtorpuo, <finger two push(squeeze)> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K pinch/squeeze D with fingers. po dedtorpuo, <finger two push(squeeze)> (n) pinch, an act of -ing. pletsitoa, <play crime take> [K‍-‍BS] (3v) K pinch/steal playfully B from S. pine, pansu, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/some pine tree(s) of region/range F. pine for, stokei, <stay sad> [D‍-‍V] (2v) D is/are melancholy about/pine for V, a lengthy sad mood. pineapple, anhane, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a pineapple from S. pink, labyredro, <white red> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is pink/rosy, a whitened red. pinniped, pinhipedi, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a pinniped of type/genus F, the order of seals, walrus etc. pint, paintu, [B‍-‍C] (2n) B measure(s) C in pint(s), default 1. Specify gleco or merko. gleco paintu, (2n) measure(s) … in Imperial pint(s) (10 Imperial Fl. oz.), default 1. merko paintu, (2n) measure(s) … in US pint(s) (8 US Fl. oz.), default 1. pious, lidkao, <religious act> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more devout/pious/religious/righteous in action than J. pipe, smaruetubli, <smoke breathe tube> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is a pipe for smoking D. tubduo, <pipe do> [K‍-‍BDS] (4v) K pipe B to D from S. tubli, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a piece of tube/pipe. pistachio, pista, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a pistachio nut from S. pistol, corkukreo, <short quick thrower> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a pistol/revolver, general term. pit, frubongu, <fruit bone> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a stone/pit from fruit F (for large stones as in peaches, mangoes, cherries). holdu, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a pit/hole/depression in surface S. pitch, nazbyjao, <nose angle> [N‍-‍C] (2n) N is (a) pitch of angle C. (longitudinal up/down angle of aircraft's attitude). nu nazbyjao, <nose angle> (n) C is an angle of pitch. renro, [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K throw/cast/hurl/pitch B to/at D. po renro, (n) a cast/hurl/pitch/throw, an act of -ing. pitcher, flisuaveo, <liquid serve vessel> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a pitcher/ewer. pitfall, jughou, <grab hole> [B‍-‍P] (2n) B is a trap/pitfall for P. pithecoid, pitheci, [B‍-‍FS] (3n) B is a pithecoid, an ape like creature of type/genus F from S. pitheci, (a) pithecoid, pert. to -s. pitiable, nu notkei, <other sorrow> (a) pitiable, conv. of pity. pitiless, no poicka, <power kind> (a) merciless/pitiless, showing no mercy to …. pitted, holflo, <hole full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more holey/pitted/full of pits than J. pity, notkei, <other sorrow> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K pity/feel sorry for D, i.e. feels …'s sorrow. lopu notkei, <other sorrow> (n) pity, general property. po notkei, <other sorrow> (n) a pity, a state/condition/instance of -ing. 'That's a pity'. uu, (i) alas!/oh (dear)/sorry/what a shame/pity …, an exp. of sympathy/regret. pizza, pitsa, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a piece of pizza with toppings F. place, lelsea, <level set> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K lay/place D horizontally on B. setfa, [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K set/put/place B at/on D. sifdou, <place give> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K place/localise B at D. sitfa, [V‍-‍BN] (3n) V is the place/situation/spot/position/site/location of B in reference frame N. skisia, <sit place> [B‍-‍PF] (3n) B is a seat/place of P in room/vehicle F. place of, dii, (pp) in-the-name of/for the sake of/in place of<, before designations (PA).>. sea, (pp) instead/instead of/in place of, a relative oper. before design'ns (PA). place than, notsia, <other place> [B‍-‍B] (2a) B is somewhere else/elsewhere/at another place than/away from B. placenta, placenti, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a placenta of F. placental, placenti, (a) placental, pert. to -s. placing, fu setfa, (n) a placing/localization (of … by …), pert. to the -ing process. po sifdou, <place give> (3n) a placing/localisation, an event of placing … at …. plagiarism, dupkopca, <cheat copy> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is an imitation/copy/plagiarism of S. plague, fatru, (n) a/some care/trouble/plague, a troubling/disturbing thing. kuspymorcko, <spreading death causer> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is a plague/pestilence. plaguing, fatru, (a) trouble/troublesome/annoying/aggravating/vexing/bothersome/plaguing, of that which -s …. plain, no nu durna, (a) plain/unadorned, neg. conv. adorn. leplai, <level land> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a plain/level region of land mass F. pil, (af) a combining form of pilno, plain. plaintiff, liltakma, <legal attack> (n) a plaintiff, one suing … for /legal disputer. plan, nu cirpai, <learn part> (n) a course of study/learning program/program of study/study plan, conv. of lesson, q.v. daitcu, <plan picture> [B‍-‍PK] (3n) B is a plan/drawing for making or building P drafted by K. danci, [B‍-‍VS] (3n) B is a plan/design for doing V made by S. danmao, <design make> [K‍-‍PD] (3v) K plan/design P for client D. planarian, turbelariai, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a planarian/flatworm of the class Turbellaria. plane, pilklurie, <plane cut tool> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a plane, a smoothing tool. pilno, [B‍-‍C] (2n) B is a plane (surface) through points C. planet, telfoa, <earth form> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a planet/world of sun/star F. planetary, telfoa, <earth form> (a) planetary, pert. to planets. plank, barta, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a board/plank of material S. planned, nu danci, (a) planned/designed. planner, fu danci, (n) planner/designer of …. danmao, <design make> (n) a designer/planner, one who -s. planning group, daigru, <planning group> [F‍-‍BP] (3n) F is a council/planning group including member(s) B with remit/responsibility P. plans, dantcumao, <plan picture make> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K draft/draught/draw plans B for making/doing V. tcudai, <picture plan> [B‍-‍PS] (3n) B is a design/sketch/blueprint/plans for the construction/doing of P drawn/produced by S. plant, heb, (af) a combining form of herba, plant. hebduo, <plant do> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K plant D in B, put plants … in soil …. herba, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a plant/herb, an instance of vegetation of habitat S. sizduo, <seed do> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K sow/seed/plant the seeds of plant B in medium D. plant life, lo herba, (n) vegetation/plant life, mass term. plant louse, afhidi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an aphid/plant louse of the genus Aphis. plant science, hebsensi, <plant science> [N‍-‍] (1n) N is a science of botany/plant science. planting, nu hebduo, <plant do> (n) a planting, things planted. po hebduo, <plant do> (n) an inst. of planting, the action thereof. po sizduo, <seed do> (n) an instance of sowing/seeding/planting. plasma, plasimi, [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a plasma of B. plate, metkuspo, <metal spread> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K plate (metal) B on (substrate) D. pla, (af) a combining form of plata, plate. placai, <dish quantity> [C‍-‍B] (2n) C is a plateful/dishful/plate/dish of B. plata, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a dish/plate, a flat dish used for serving food. plateful, placai, <dish quantity> [C‍-‍B] (2n) C is a plateful/dishful/plate/dish of B. platform, stadi, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a stage/platform of/in structure F. platinum, platino, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some platinum, element 78 (Pt). platoon, sodgru, <soldier group> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a troop/platoon/company/battalion/regiment of F, any military group, identify by number. sortro, <6th controller> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a platoon/technical sergeant controling/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. mursortro — chief petty officer. surnarmypai, <army part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a corps/division/regiment/company/platoon of F, any army part, identify by number. torgru, <2nd group> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a platoon/squadron, the 2nd smallest military unit of some larger military force F, without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. kertorgru — air squadron. Cf. surgru. platter, gropla, <big plate> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a platter, a large plate. platyhelminth, platihelminthesi, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a platyhelminth of type/genus F, a flatworm. play, muzkao, <music act> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K play/perform B, a piece of music, on instrument D. ple, (af) a combining form of pleci, play. pleci, [K‍-‍D] (2v) K play with D. po pleci, (n) a playing/play, an act of -ing. plekao, <play act> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K play/pretend/simulate/feign/make believe that V. plekri, <play believe> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K pretend/play that N is true. po plesiople, <game play> (n) an event of play, game playing. rirpli, <record use> [K‍-‍BS] (3v) K play record/tape B on machine S. stafikco, <stage fiction> [P‍-‍K] (2n) P is a play/drama/stageplay, dramatic work by K. stakao, <stage act> [K‍-‍PB] (3v) K act/play role P in drama B. play dead, dupmoo, <deceive dead> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K play dead/play possum/feign death to observer D for reason S. play game, plesiople, <game play> [K‍-‍DK] (3v) K play game D with K. play possum, dupmoo, <deceive dead> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K play dead/play possum/feign death to observer D for reason S. play together, plekue, <play reciprocally> [K‍-‍] (1v) K play together. player, pleci, (n) a player, one who plays. plesiople, <game play> (n) a player, a participant in a game. stakao, <stage act> (n) a player/actor, one who acts in a drama. playhouse, tatro, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a theatre/playhouse of place/community F. playing, po pleci, (n) a playing/play, an act of -ing. plaything, plebekti, <play thing> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a toy/plaything. plaza, kursia, <square place> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the square/plaza of town F. plea, nu begco, (n) request/plea, a requested behavior/object. po begco, (n) request/petition/plea, a spec. act of -ing. nu folbeo, <strong request> (3n) a plea by … from …. po folbeo, <strong request> (3n) a plea by … from …, the event. plead, begco, [K‍-‍VD] (3v) K petition/ask for/request/plead action/object V of/from D. folbeo, <strong request> [K‍-‍VS] (3v) K plead for V from S. lilretpi, <legal reply> [K‍-‍PV] (3v) K plead P to V. pleasant, pluci, (a) pleasant/pleasing/pleasurable/genial/good, pleasing to … by doing/being …. pleasant change, plurea, <pleasing different> [V‍-‍ND] (3n) V is a pleasant change from N for D. please, eo, [B‍-‍] (i) please/will you let/may I …, request for permission, a petition, e.g. 'Eo mi godzi' — Please, may I go. lui, (pp) for/in order to please …, before person terms. plu, (af) a combining form of pluci, please. pluci, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K please D by doing/being V. no pluci, (ph) fail to please … by …, neg. of please. pleased, no ui, (i) I'm not happy/pleased that …, an expression of displeasure. nu pluci, (n) pleased, conv. of please. ui, (i) how nice!/I am happy/pleased that …, an exp./exclamation of pleasure. pleasing, dilko, [B‍-‍DN] (3a) B is delicate/subtle/pleasing to D in quality N. pluci, (a) pleasant/pleasing/pleasurable/genial/good, pleasing to … by doing/being …. plumou, <please more> [G‍-‍DJD] (4a) G is more pleasing/delightful to D(1) than J is to D(2). pleasurable, pluci, (a) pleasant/pleasing/pleasurable/genial/good, pleasing to … by doing/being …. pleasure, pluci, (n) a pleasure, that which pleases. lo pluci, (n) pleasure, general term for pleasing things. po pluci, (n) a pleasure, a state of being pleased. po nu pluci, (n) a pleasure, a state of being -ed. pu nu pluci, (n) a pleasure, a quality of being -ed. pledge, kakdurcue, <act do say> [K‍-‍VP] (3v) K pledge/guarantee of action V made for service/equipment P. tradjocue, <true member say (genuine say)> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K pledge/guarantee/warrant the authenticity of B. po tradjocue, <true member say (genuine say)> (n) a guarantee/pledge/warrant (of/to do …). pledged, nu tradjocue, <true member say (genuine say)> (a) guaranteed/warranted/pledged. plenitude, lopo moutsu, <more enough> (n) abundance/excess/plenty/plenitude, the mass of such states. po moutsu, <more enough> (n) an excess/plenty/plenitude/abundance, a spec. state of being -ant. plentiful, moutsu, <more enough> [B‍-‍P] (2a) B is abundant/plentiful/excessive/plenty/ more than enough/too much for purpose P. rora, (a) abundant/plentiful/manifold/copious/full. plenty, moutsu, <more enough> [B‍-‍P] (2a) B is abundant/plentiful/excessive/plenty/ more than enough/too much for purpose P. lopo moutsu, <more enough> (n) abundance/excess/plenty/plenitude, the mass of such states. po moutsu, <more enough> (n) an excess/plenty/plenitude/abundance, a spec. state of being -ant. po rora, (n) abundance/plenty/fullness/legion, a specific state. E.g. their name is legion. plexus, pleksi, [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a plexus of B, a network. pliers, jugrie, <grip tool> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a vise/pliers/pincers/clamp, generic for any grasping tool. plot, smidai, <secret plan> [B‍-‍VDP] (4n) B is a plot/conspiracy to do V with D for ends P. smidanmao, <secretly plan make> [K‍-‍VD] (3v) K plot/conspire V against D. nu smidanmao, <secretly plan make> (n) a plot/conspiracy, the plan. studai, <story design> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a plot/story line of F. stuvie, <story idea> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a plot of F, as in a capsule summary. plotting, po smidanmao, <secretly plan make> (n) an instance of plotting/conspirary. plough, lad, (af) a combining form of plado, plough. plado, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a plough/plow. plow, ladyduo, <plow do> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K plow D. plado, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a plough/plow. plowman, ladyduo, <plow do> (n) a plowman, one who -s. pluck, frutoa, <fruit take> [K‍-‍PS] (3v) K pick/pluck/reap/harvest edible/useful part P from S. lumclemao, <feathers without make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K pluck D, remove the feathers of …. po stofaukamda, <remain trouble fight> (n) an instance of pluck. pu stofaukamda, <remain trouble fight> (n) pluck, the property of determined resistance to adversity. plucky, stofaukamda, <remain trouble fight> (a) plucky, persistent resistance to a continuing trouble. plug, mairpingu, <mechanical penis> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a prong/plug in system F. krosticko, <flow stop cause> [N‍-‍SB] (3v) N interrupt/stop/plug/turn off the flow from S of B, nonintentional. krosticko, <flow stop cause> (n) interrupter/switch (electric)/stopper/plug, that which -s. krostimao, <flow stop make> [K‍-‍SD] (3v) K interrupt/stop/plug/turn off the flow from S of D, intentional. plum, prune, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a plum of species F. plumage, lo pluma, (n) plumage, the feathers of bird …. plumb, vreti, [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is vertical/plumb/upright/erect/straight up and down in gravity field N. plumbic, pubmo, (a) plumbic/lead, pert. to the element lead. plume, dunlua, <adorn feather> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a plume, a feather used for adornment. lumdua, <feather adorn> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a plume, a feathery adornment. pluma, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a feather/plume of F. plump, fotpa, (a) fat/obese/plump/ample, plumper than …. plumper, fotpa, [G‍-‍JC] (3a) G is fatter/plumper than J by amount C. plumpness, lopu fotpa, (n) plumpness/fatness, mass term of properties. pu fotpa, (n) fatness/plumpness/obesity, plumpness, a spec. property. plunge, flinenpuo, <liquid into push> [K‍-‍DBP] (4v) K plunge D into B for P. flitce, <liquid penetrate> [K‍-‍DP] (3v) K dive/plunge into D for purpose P. tcepuo, <penetrate push> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K thrust/stick/plunge B into/through D. po tcepuo, <penetrate push> (n) a thrust/plunge, an act of plunging something. plus, pio, (ms) plus/and (+), sign of addition. plutonium, plutonio, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some plutonium, element 94 (Pu). ply, kamgoi, <come go> [K‍-‍DD] (3v) K ply between D and D, regular travel betwen two points. poach, tsijanto, <crime hunt> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K poach B from owner D. pocket, packe, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a pocket of/in F, e.g. a garment. packycai, <pocket amount> [C‍-‍B] (2n) C is a pocketful/pocket of B. pocketful, packycai, <pocket amount> [C‍-‍B] (2n) C is a pocketful/pocket of B. pod, sizybadlo, <seed bundle> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a pod/seed case of plant F. poem, versa, [P‍-‍VK] (3n) P is a poem/verse/a piece of poetry about V by poet K. nu vesmao, <verse maker> (n) a poem, of a spec. poet. poet, vesmao, <verse maker> (n) an author/poet/writer, writer of verse …. poetical, versa, (a) poetical, of poems/verse. poetry, versa, [P‍-‍VK] (3n) P is a poem/verse/a piece of poetry about V by poet K. lo versa, (n) poetry/verse, mass term. point, ckepea, <time point> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is an instant/point/position in time of event V. nurlia, <conv. of line> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a point/dot, dimensionless position, geometry. penta, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the point of F. penta, (n) a spur/goad/point/prong/tine, any pointed thing, see pointed. pet, (af) a combining form of penta, point. petfao, <pointed end> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the point/pointed end of F. petmao, <pointed make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K sharpen/point D, makes … pointed. petmao, <pointed make> (n) a point, the pointed part of …. pipi, (pm) decimal point/point/percent, as in 'point one/ten percent of …'. pea, (af) a combining form of penta, point. point five, pife, (a) half/fifty-percent/point five of …, a quantifying operator. point in time, na hu, (q) when?/during what interval?/at what point in time? point of view, blesia, <look location> [V‍-‍KD] (3n) V is a viewpoint/point of view/perspective of K on D. point out, dedsanduo, <finger sign do> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K point out/indicate/signify B to D. point two, pito, (a) one-fifth/twenty-percent/point two of …, a quantifying op. point-two five, pitofe, (a) one-quarter/twenty-five-percent/point-two five of, a quantifier. pointed, nurpea, <pointed> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is pointed. nu penta, (a) pointed/sharp, having a —. nu petmao, <pointed make> (a) pointed, artificially, conv. of sharpen. pointing, po dedsanduo, <finger sign do> (n) an indication/pointing, an act/event of indicating. poise, balbiu, <balance behave> [K‍-‍N] (2n) K has poise/aplomb/savoir faire in situation N. biertai, <edge stand> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K poise(s) at the edge of B, in equilibrium. poised, biesni, <edge near> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K is/are poised at the edge of B, in equilibrium. poison, ven, (af) a combining form of vendu, poison. vendu, (n) a poison/toxin/venom, a spec. poisonous substance. venduo, <poison do> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K poison D with poison B. veu, (af) a combining form of vendu, poison. poisoner, venduo, <poison do> (n) a poisoner, one who poisons. poisoning, po venduo, <poison do> (n) an instance of poisoning. poisonous, vendu, [B‍-‍SN] (3a) B is poisonous/toxic to life form S under conditions N. venflo, <poison full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more poisonous/venomous, full of poison than J. venmou, <poison more> [G‍-‍DJD] (4a) G is more poisonous/toxic to D than J is to D(1). poisonousness, lopu vendu, (n) poisonousness, mass prop. poke, prupro, <test push> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K probe/poke D with B. pole, magfao, <magnet end> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is/are the pole(s) of magnet F. polji, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a pole/post/mast of F. tanlinfao, <rotate line (axis) end> [V‍-‍B] (2n) V is a/the pole(s) of rotating object B. polecat, meftu, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a skunk/polecat from S. police, polsyduo, <police do> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K police D. spaklinymao, <space clean make> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K police (area) B, clean up garbage etc. military usage. police department, polsygru, <police group> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a police department of F. policeman, polsi, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a policeman/woman of F. policy, gardai, <governing plan> [N‍-‍S] (2n) N is a policy of/about S. kakdai, <act(ion) plan> [P‍-‍SN] (3n) P is the strategy/policy of S with respect to N. surbypre, <insure paper> [B‍-‍DN] (3n) B is the insurance policy of D with respect to N. polish, palci, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a quantity of polish. lo palci, (n) polish, mass term. rilmao, <bright make> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K brighten/shine/polish B, intentional. smumao, <smooth make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K (make) smooth/even off/polish/grade D, intentionally make … smooth. polite, fomcka, <formally kind> [K‍-‍D] (2a) K is/are courteous/polite/civil to D. fomckamou, <formal kind more> [G‍-‍DJD] (4a) G is more courteous/polite to D than J to D. gancka, <high kind> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more courteous/polite than J. politeness, lopu fomcka, <formally kind> (n) courtesy/politeness/civility, mass prop. po fomcka, <formally kind> (n) a politeness/civility/courtesy, a spec. act. pu fomcka, <formally kind> (n) courtesy/politeness/civility, spec. property. political, poldi, (a) civil/political/national, pertaining to states/polities. polsensi, <politics science> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a political science. lo polsensi, <politics science> (n) political science, mass term. political party, polgru, <political group> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a political party/faction of polity F. political scientist, polsesmao, <political scientist> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a political scientist. politically strong, gaifro, <govern strong> [B‍-‍VN] (3a) B is politically strong in system V in conditions N. politician, nu poltia, <political choose> (n) a politician, one who is -ed. politics, garsensi, <govern science> [N‍-‍F] (2n) N are politics, the science of governing F. po poirkamda, <power fight> (n) politics, a power struggle. socdrekao, <social ethics> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is politics, a branch of philosophy. polity, poldi, [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a state/nation/polity, self governing polity of citizens B. pollen, polne, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is some pollen of F. pollinate, polnyduo, <pollen do> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K pollinate D by V. polonium, polhonio, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some polonium, element 84 (Po). polyandrous, rormenmerji, <many male marriage> [B‍-‍F] (2v) B is be polyandrous/married to men F. polygamous, rorfemymerji, <many female marriage> [B‍-‍D] (2v) B is polygamous/married to women D. rormermerji, <many spouse marriage> [B‍-‍F] (2v) B is polygamous with spouses F, general term. polygon, rorjaofoa, <many angle form> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B is a polygon, with vertices C. polygonal, rorjaofoa, <many angle form> (a) polygonal/multiangular, polygonal. polymer, polhimeri, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a polymer of S. rorgenpai, <many again parts> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a polymer of monomer B. polymerase, polhimerasi, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a polymerase of S, an enzyme. polymerization, po rorgenparduo, <many again parts do> (n) an instance of polymerization. polymerize, rorgenparduo, <many again parts do> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K polymerize monomer B. polyphonic, rorsoa, <many sounds> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is polyphonic. pomp, fomvei, <formal happening> [B‍-‍PK] (3n) B is a ceremony/event/rite/pomp with function/meaning P for people K. fomveibiu, <formal happening; behave> [K‍-‍PF] (3v) K performs/participates in a ceremony/event/rite/pomp with function/meaning P for people F. pomposity, pu fombiu, <formal behave> (n) pomposity, property of being stately. pond, cmavla, <small lake> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a tarn/pond/pool, a small natural body of water. normuvcui, <not moving water> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a pond in F, a quiet part in a stream/river. nurmaovla, <made lake> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a pond/reservoir, an artificial body of water. ponder, conpeo, <deeply think> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K reflect(s) /consider/contemplate/ponder/meditate/brood/think deeply about V. pongid, pongidei, [B‍-‍FS] (3n) B is a pongid/ape of genus/type F from S. pony, cmahoa, <small horse> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a pony, a small horse. pony-tail, hertilba, <hair tail> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a lock-of-hair/quiff/pony-tail of S. pool, cmavla, <small lake> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a tarn/pond/pool, a small natural body of water. concui, <deep water> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a pool in F, a deep part in a river/stream. poor, purcu, (a) poor, poorer/less wealthy than … in …. poorer, purcu, [G‍-‍JN] (3a) G is poorer, less wealthy than J in wealth type N. poorly, zavlo, (av) poorly, in an unacceptable manner. pop, carbonati nurhoi, (ph) a soda/pop/soft drink of …. pop out, zvovai, <out jump> [K‍-‍SDV] (4v) K jump out/leap out/pop out of/outside S to D via V. popcorn, zbumisme, <explode maize> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is popcorn. poppy, paphavera, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a poppy of species F. populace, piplo, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B are people/populace of place/land/country S. popular, rornurfundi, <many liked> [G‍-‍JF] (3a) G is more popular than J to/amongst F. populate, spalivdou, <space creature(inhabitant) give> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K stock/populate D with B. populated, pipcea, <peopled become> [F‍-‍B] (2v) F is peopled/populated with B. nu spalivcea, <space live change> (v) is populated/inhabited by …. population, kubspalii, <broadly region live> (n) a widely distributed population of organisms/persons living in a spec. habitat. spalivsei, <space live set> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F are a/the population/inhabitants of B. specypai, <species part> (n) a (breeding) population/people/race. porcelain, jungyklenyveo, <chinese clay container> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is china/porcelain/stoneware made from china clay or kaolin. porch, nengoista, <in go platform> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a porch/veranda/stoop, a platform at the entrance of a building. porcine, porje, [G‍-‍J] (1n) G is more porcine/pig like than J. poriferan, porhiferi, [B‍-‍FS] (3n) B is a poriferan/sponge of genus/type F from S, one of the phylum of Porifera. pork, pojmio, <hog meat> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a piece of pork. pojmio, <hog meat> (a) pork, made of pork. port, batmurhao, <trading sea harbor> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a port/seaport of city/country/coastline F. porto, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is some port from S, a fortified wine. portage, kasgoisia, <cross over place> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a crossing/ford/portage over N. portal, caldao, <wall door> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the gate/portal in wall F. porter, berti, (n) a porter/carrier/vehicle, as 'lanolin is a vehicle for certain drugs'. nurbackeu, <building care> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a porter/concierge/superintendent of F. racvelbei, <travel container carrier> [K‍-‍BP] (3n) K is a porter/bellboy/baggage cart carrying baggage B for client P. portion, ponpai, <own part> [B‍-‍DF] (3v) B is a/the share/portion/stock of D in property F. parti, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a part/portion/fraction/segment/piece/share of F, a whole. pisku, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a piece/portion/lump/pane of F, a substance. rorpiu, <most piece> [C‍-‍B] (2n) C is the bulk/majority/greater portion of B. portrait, pintcu, <paint picture> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a painting/portrait of S. position, ckepea, <time point> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is an instant/point/position in time of event V. furckosei, <condition set> [N‍-‍V] (2n) N is a/the position/situation/set of circumstances of V. galsia, <organization place> [K‍-‍F] (2n) K is a role/position in (organization) F. gartursia, <official position> [N‍-‍B] (2n) N is a/the post/office/duty/position of official B. sitfa, [V‍-‍BN] (3n) V is the place/situation/spot/position/site/location of B in reference frame N. turnurkao, <work action> [B‍-‍FN] (3n) B is a/the job/role/position of F in organization N. positive, foldja, <strongly know> [K‍-‍B] (2a) K is sure/certain/definite/convinced/positive of the truth of sentence B. pov, (af) a combining form of pozvo, positive. pozvo, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is positive, as a number/electricity etc. sirfio, <certain feel> [K‍-‍V] (2a) K is sure/certain/definite/convinced/positive of/about the existence of state/event/the truth of claim/sentence V. togsaa, <agree sign> [B‍-‍DN] (3n) B is an affirmative/positive, a sign of D's agreement/assent to N, gesture of assent. togsaa, <agree sign> (a) affirmative/positive, of assenting gestures. positive sign, pea, (ms) ("+") positive sign, sign of a positive number. positron, poshitroni, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a positron, one of the leptons, elemental particles. possess, pon, (af) a combining form of ponsu, possess. ponsu, [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K own/have/possess D under social/legal system N. pou, (af) a combining form of ponsu, possess. possess more, mropou, <more possess> [K‍-‍BJC] (4v) K possess more B than J by amount C. possessed of, lilkai, <legally have> [K‍-‍VS] (3n) K has/is granted/possessed of/ the legal right to be/do V as granted/determined by law/legal authority S. possession, nu lilpou, <legally own> (n) an estate/dominion/possession, total, conv. pu lilpou, <legally own> (n) a proprietorship/dominion/possession/title, a spec. property. po ponsu, (n) a proprietorship/possession, an act of -ing. pontoa, <own take> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K appropriate/seize/take possession of B from D. nurpou, <conv. of possess> (n) a property/possession, a thing -ed by …, see possess. possessive, ponclibiu, <possess like behave> (a) possessive, of one who behaves -ly. possessively, ponclibiu, <possess like behave> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K behave possessively toward D. ponclibiu, <possess like behave> (av) possessively, like one who possesses. possessiveness, pu ponclibiu, <possess like behave> (n) a possessiveness, a spec. property. possessor, ponsu, (n) an owner/possessor/proprietor, one who owns. possibility, blicu, (n) a possibility, a possible state or event. lo blicu, (n) possibility, the mass of -ible states/events. lopu blicu, (n) possibility, the mass of such properties. pu blicu, (n) a possibility, a prop. of a -ble thing. blifeo, <possible fact> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is a case/possibility/possible outcome of V. possible, biu, (av) possible/perhaps/maybe, the objective sense. E.g. Da biu mamla — X is possibly a mammal. Cf. ii for the subjective sense. biu, (pp) (that … is) maybe/possible under conditions …, used before state/event terms. E.g. Da mamla biu ta — (That) X is a mammal is possible under those conditions. bli, (af) a combining form of blicu, possible. blicu, [V‍-‍NS] (3a) state/event V is possible/might be/happen/has a probability greater than zero of being/happening under conditions N given knowledge system S. ii, (i) it is possible that … <, exp. of tentative belief.>. possible for, blicko, <possible cause> [N‍-‍KV] (3v) N enable/make possible for K to do V, nonintentional 'The inheritance enabled my trip'. blimao, <possible make> [K‍-‍DP] (3v) K enable/make possible for D to do P, intentional. possible outcome, blifeo, <possible fact> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is a case/possibility/possible outcome of V. possibly, biu, (in) possibly, is possibly true/may happen (under the circumstances implied by speech) (PA). E.g. Ta biu mamla — That's possibly a mammal. blicu, (av) possibly, in a possible way. ii, (i) maybe/perhaps/possibly/it might be that …, exp. of tentative belief. noii, (i) not possibly/it couldn't be that …, denial of possibility. post, gartursia, <official position> [N‍-‍B] (2n) N is a/the post/office/duty/position of official B. noirsifkoi, <other place command> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K post/transfer B to D. polji, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a pole/post/mast of F. pos, (af) a combining form of posta, post. posfusto, <post office> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a post office. posta, [K‍-‍BDSV] (5v) K post/mail B to D from S by V. nu posta, (n) some post, that which is -ed. posysui, <postal send> [K‍-‍BDS] (4v) K mail/post B to D from S. lo nu posysui, <postal send> (n) post/mail, mass term of instances. vrejuo, <vert. support> [B‍-‍CF] (3n) B is a column/post supporting load C in structure F. post notice, pubpetri, <public distribution> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K publish/post notice B in form/place D. postage, posyprati, <mail price> [C‍-‍BSD] (4n) C is the postal charge/postage on B from S to D. posyprati, <mail price> (a) postage, pert. to postal tax. lo posyprati, <mail price> (n) postage, mass term. postage stamp, pospre, <mail paper> [B‍-‍DS] (3n) B is a postage stamp on D from country S. posyratpre, <post price(postage) paper> [B‍-‍CD] (3n) B is a postage stamp, proof of payment C on D. postal charge, posyprati, <mail price> [C‍-‍BSD] (4n) C is the postal charge/postage on B from S to D. poster, calsaa, <wall sign> [B‍-‍VS] (3n) B is a bill/poster announcing V produced/posted by S. posterior, pripai, <behind part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the posterior/rear/back+(part) of F. pripai, <behind part> (a) dorsal/back/posterior, dorsal, pert. to backs. prire, (a) rear/posterior, of that which is behind …. posting, po noirsifkoi, <other place command> (n) a (specific) posting/transfer. po pubpetri, <public distribution> (n) an instance of publication/posting (event). postpone, fucdurdii, <later do decide> [K‍-‍VSN] (4v) K put off/postpone/delay V for reason(s) S until N. pot, pat, (af) a combining form of patpe, pot. patcai, <pot quantity> [C‍-‍B] (2n) C is a potful/pot of B. patpe, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a pot, a deep container. potable, nurhoi, <drinkable> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a potable/drink/beverage, general term for potable liquids. potassium, kotso, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some potassium, element 19 (K). potato, palto, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a potato from S. potent, porli, (a) powerful/potent, powerful, having power over …. potful, patcai, <pot quantity> [C‍-‍B] (2n) C is a potful/pot of B. potion, majymiksa, <magic mixture> [B‍-‍VK] (3n) B is a magic potion for doing V prepared by K. potter, klenyvelmao, <clay vessel make> [K‍-‍] (1n) K is a potter. pottery, klenyveo, <clay container> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is/are ceramics/pottery made from china clay or kaolin. pound, paondu, [B‍-‍C] (2n) B is worth C pound(s), English unit of currency. lo paondu, (n) (the) pound (£), the mass of all pounds. pundo, [B‍-‍CS] (3n) B weigh(s) C in pound(s), English/U.S. measure of weight (453.5 grams). rorblo, <many blows> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K beat/pound/thrash D, hit … repeatedly. pour, krocko, <flow cause> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K pour B into D, nonintentionally. kroli, [B‍-‍SD] (3v) B flow/pour from S to D. kromao, <flow make> [K‍-‍BDS] (3v) K pour B into D from S, intentionally. poverty, po purcu, (n) a poverty, a spec. state of being poor. powder, pud, (af) a combining form of pudru, powder. pudru, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a quantity of powder/flour of (material) S. pudru, (a) powder/flour (of …), composed of powder. pudyduo, <powder do> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K powder B, covers … with powder. powdery, nurzakrymou, <ground more> (a) fine/powdery. power, lopo porli, (n) control/mastery/power, mass term of states. lopu porli, (n) powerfulness/power/control, mass term of properties. po porli, (n) a control/mastery/power, a state of mastery. poi, (af) a combining form of porli, power. lopu poimro, <power more> (n) power, excessive, mass term. pu poimro, <power more> (n) a power, excessive, a spec. property. sua, (ms) to the … th power, the exponentiation operator, math. power over, porli, [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K have power over/control D in matters N. powerful, grapoi, <great power> [K‍-‍N] (2a) K is very powerful, has great power in matters N. mucpoi, <much power> [B‍-‍F] (2a) B is supremely powerful in group F. porli, (a) powerful/potent, powerful, having power over …. lo porli, (n) the powerful/nobility, used for peers. poiflo, <power full> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is powerful/imposing, e.g. a display of might. powerful than, poimro, <power more> [G‍-‍JF] (3a) G is superior to/more powerful than J in group F. powerfulness, lopu porli, (n) powerfulness/power/control, mass term of properties. powerless, pozpoicle, <oppose power less> [B‍-‍KVD] (4a) B is powerless/impotent to oppose/resist K doing V to D. nurkaocle, <action without> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is inert/inactive/powerless to move or interact. poicle, <power less> [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is powerless/impotent to do/master/control V. powerlessness, po pozpoicle, <oppose power less> (n) an instance of impotence/powerlessness, to resist/prevent …. lopo poicle, <power less> (n) impotence/powerlessness, the mass of such states. po poicle, <power less> (n) an impotence/powerlessness, powerlessness, a spec. state. practical, durkai, <do quality> [V‍-‍N] (2a) V is doable/practical/feasible under conditions N. durkaimou, <do quality more> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more practical/deed oriented than J. practical joke, kamkyvei, <comic event> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is a prank/practical joke on D. kamkyveimao, <comic event make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K play a prank/practical joke on D. practical joker, cmizao, <fun bad> [K‍-‍] (1n) K is a practical joker. kamkyveimao, <comic event make> (n) a practical joker. practicality, lopu durkaimou, <do quality more> (n) practicality, mass term, properties. pu durkaimou, <do quality more> (n) practicality, a spec. property. practice, cirduo, <learn do> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K practice/exercise new skill P. nu cirduo, <learn do> (n) an exercise/practice, something to be practiced. po cirduo, <learn do> (n) an instance of an exercise/practice (as in a lesson). durcia, <do learn> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K learn B by doing/practice. durfoa, <do form> [N‍-‍P] (2n) N is a/the way/manner/method/mode/practice/rite/procedure of doing P. kusmo, [V‍-‍SN] (3n) V is a habit/custom/practice/tradition of S under condition N. nursuvsei, <those who are served set> [B‍-‍K] (2n) B are the customers/clientele/practice/trade of service K. pifkao, <frequent act> [K‍-‍VP] (3v) K exercise/practice V/do … frequently for purpose P. po pifkao, <frequent act> (n) a practice/exercise, a spec. act of practicing. practicer, pifkao, <frequent act> (n) a practicer/exerciser, one who -s. prairie, raslai, <grass land> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a prairie/grassland of F. praise, lopo gangudtaa, <high good talk/> (n) an event of praise, an encomium/eulogy. lopo gankaotaa, <high praise> (n) praise, mass term of acts. po gankaotaa, <high praise> (n) a/the praise/glorification, an act of -ing. gudtaa, <good speak> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K praise/commend/pay tribute to D for/about performance V. lopo gudtaa, <good speak> (n) praise, mass term of acts. po gudtaa, <good speak> (n) an act of praise/tribute/commendation. praise highly, gankaotaa, <high praise> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K glorify/praise highly D for doing/being V. praiseworthy, graflo, <great full> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is glorious/praiseworthy. nu gudtaa, <good speak> (a) praiseworthy/commendable, worth praising. prank, kamkyvei, <comic event> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is a prank/practical joke on D. kamkyveimao, <comic event make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K play a prank/practical joke on D. praseodymium, praseodimio, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some praseodymium, element 59 (Pr). pray, gadbeo, <god ask> [K‍-‍NS] (3v) K pray for N from god S. pray for, poirbeo, <power ask> [K‍-‍BN] (3v) K beg/petition/pray for B from powerful person N. prayer, lopo gadbeo, <god ask> (n) prayer, the mass of such acts. po gadbeo, <god ask> (n) a prayer, an act of praying. preach, lidydia, <religious teach> (2v) K preach/catechize, teach religion to D. precaution, po selkurni, <self warning> (n) a state of caution/precaution/care, being careful/cautious. precautions with, selkurni, <self warning> (v) take precautions with/look out for …. precede, ckelisfre, <time list in front> [J‍-‍GC] (3v) J precede G in time series C. fregoi, <front go> [K‍-‍BDS] (4v) K forerun/conduct/lead/precede/go in front of B to D from S. lispao, <list before> [B‍-‍VF] (3v) B precede V in list F. lisyneapao, <list before> [B‍-‍VF] (3v) B immediately precede V in list F. neafre, <next ahead> [V‍-‍BF] (3v) V just precede B in series F. pasgoi, <before go> [K‍-‍BDS] (4v) K precede/go earlier than/go before B to D from S. pasko, [K‍-‍D] (2v) K precede/come before D. precedence, po pasgoi, <before go> (n) a precedence, an act of going before. pu pasgoi, <before go> (n) precedence, property of one who -s. preceding, ckelisfre, <time list in front> (a) preceding/before in time series. lispao, <list before> (a) preceding. lisyneapao, <list before> (a) preceding. neafre, <next ahead> (a) preceding/previous/former, just preceding. nedpao, <next before> (a) preceding. pasko, (a) before/former/over/preceding/previous/(in the) past. precept, dicrui, <teach rule> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is a precept. duonrui, <do rule> [N‍-‍VS] (3n) N is a precept for (situation) V given by S. precious, die, (h) dear/darling/precious, etc., an attitudinal indicating love/intimacy; part of the series 'rie/kae/nue/fie/die', q.v.; always used after a designation/vocative. E.g. 'Meris, Die' — ' Mary, Dear' used as the salutation of a letter. (DIE). dipmou, <dear more> [G‍-‍DJD] (4a) G is dearer/more dear/precious to D than J is to D. dipri, [D‍-‍K] (2a) D is dear/precious to K. dipri, (a) dear/darling/precious, dear/precious to …. preciousness, pu dipri, (n) preciousness, a quality of being dear. precipice, felsia, <fall place> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a precipice of F, distinguished from cliff vrelai. precipitate, felcti, <fall substance> [P‍-‍FV] (3n) P is a sediment/precipitate in F produced by process V. precipitin, precipitini, [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is a precipitin for antibody D. precipitous, sloslo, <steep steep> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is very steep/precipitous. precise, cildrecni, <detail correct need> [K‍-‍BN] (3a) K is precise/exacting for B in area N. numpue, <number perfect> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is exact/precise, numerically. purpue, <word perfect> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is verbally exact/precise. purpuemou, <word perfect more> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more precise than J. purpufmou, <word perfect more> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more precise than J. precision, lopu numpue, <number perfect> (n) precision/exactness, numerical, mass prop. pu purpue, <word perfect> (n) a verbal precision/exactness, a spec. property. precondition, nerbi, (n) a necessity/precondition/prerequisite, a factual precondition. predecessor, lisyneapao, <list before> (n) the predecessor. predestination, lopo fucveidii, <after event decide> (n) predestination, mass term. predestine, fucveidii, <after event decide> [K‍-‍VD] (3v) K predestine V for D. predestined, nu fucveidii, <after event decide> (a) predestined. nu normuvfui, <not move(fixed) future> (a) doomed/fated/predestined/destined, fated, having a fate. predicate, forkaipua, <four predicate quality word> [B‍-‍VF] (3v) B predicate 4 place relation V among F. katpua, <quality word> (4v) B is the predicate/word with meaning Fand number of places X in (Loglandical) language Y. katpua, <quality word> (n) a predicate, a predicate word/expression. nerkaipua, <one predicate> [N‍-‍BF] (3v) N predicate a 1 place attribute B of F. nerkaipua, <one predicate> (n) a predicate, 1 place. purfurkui, <word related> [B‍-‍NN] (3v) B is a Loglan predicate relating N and N. fu purkui, <word related> (n) a predicate relating … and …. terkaipua, <3 quality word> [B‍-‍VF] (3v) B is a predicate (3 place)/3 place relation V among F. terkaipua, <3 quality word> (n) a 3 place predicate. torkaipua, <2 quality word> [B‍-‍NF] (3v) B predicate (2 place)/2 place relation N among F. torkaipua, <2 quality word> (n) a predicate (2 place). giurpua, <root word> (4v) X is a primitive predicate (root word) with meaning Y, number of places Z, in language W. predict, pakcue, <before say> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K forecast/foretell/prophesy/predict V. paodja, <before know> (3v) K predict/foresee/foretell/prophesy V under condition N. pastaa, <before talk> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K prophesy/predict/foretell about V. predicted, nu pakcue, <before say> (a) foretold/predicted. prediction, nu pakcue, <before say> (n) a forecast/prophesy/prediction, foretold event. po pakcue, <before say> (n) a forecast/prophesy/prediction, an act of -ing. lopo paodja, <before know> (n) prediction (mass act). <V->. nu paodja, <before know> (n) a prediction, a predicted event.<P-KN>. po paodja, <before know> (n) a prediction, an act of -ing something. <V-KPN>. preface, buksatci, <book start> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the preface/introduction of book F. prefer, daktia, <likely choose> [K‍-‍GJ] (3v) K prefer, is/are likely to choose G over J. fundi, [K‍-‍GJ] (3v) K like G more than J/prefer … to … /is/are fonder of … than of …. fundi, (v) have a taste for/be fond of/care for/like/prefer …. gusfundi, <taste prefer> [K‍-‍GJ] (3v) K relish/enjoy/prefer G over J. prefer that, oe, (i) I would prefer that … <, exp. of ethical preference.>. preferable, nu daktia, <likely choose> (a) preferable, conv. of prefer. preferable that, oe, (i) it is better/preferable that … <, exp. of ethical preference.>. preference, nu daktia, <likely choose> (n) a preference, a -ed thing. po daktia, <likely choose> (n) a preference, a state of -ing. nu fundi, (n) preference, a … ed object/person. po fundi, (n) a liking/preference/fondness, a state of liking … V (K-GJ). pregnancy, lopo cinflo, <child full> (n) pregnancy, mass term. po cinflo, <child full> (n) a pregnancy, a spec. state of being -ant. pregnant, cinflo, <child full> [D‍-‍B] (2n) D is pregnant with B. prehistoric, pashisri, <before history> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is prehistoric. prejudge, paodju, <before judgment> [K‍-‍SD] (3v) K prejudge matter S to be D. prejudice, lopu paodju, <before judgment> (n) bias/prejudice, mass property. po paodju, <before judgment> (n) a specific instance of bias/prejudice. prejudiced, paodju, <before judgment> (a) biased/prejudiced, one who -s. preliminary, pasvei, <before happening> [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is preliminary to V. preliterate, paosri, <before write> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is primitive/preliterate/uncivilized, as of societies. premier, garfregoi, <government leader> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the president/premier/prime minister of F. nerpolsange, <1st minister> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the premier/prime minister/first minister of state/ruler F. premise, fu trastemao, <true sentences make> (n) a premise, from which … is deduced by …. premonition, paorjui, <before opine> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K have an impression/early opinion/premonition of/about B that V. prenatal, paobra, <before born> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is prenatal/antenatal. preoccupation, lopo conpeo, <deeply think> (n) consideration/preoccupation/reflection, mass term. nu conpeo, <deeply think> (n) a preoccupation, a subject of thought. po conpeo, <deeply think> (n) a consideration/preoccupation/reflection, an act of -ing. po zavfucfio, <future feel> (n) anxiety/preoccupation, a spec. state of -ing. preoccupied, conpeo, <deeply think> (a) pensive/preoccupied, meditating on …. preoccupied with, penflo, <thought full> [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is thoughtful about/preoccupied with V. preoccupy, nu conpeo, <deeply think> (v) preoccupy …, conv. of preoccupied. preowned, paknurpli, <before used> [B‍-‍DP] (3a) B is used/second hand/preowned by D for P. preparation, po brecea, <ready become> (n) a preparation, of (person) … for …. po bredi, (n) a preparation/preparedness/readiness, a specific state/condition. po bremao, <ready make> (n) a preparation, sp inst. prepare, bremao, <ready make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K prepare/ready (object, system) D for/event V, intentional. morkorduo, <dead body do> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K prepare D for burial. prepared, brecea, <ready become> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K get(s) prepared/ready for/to do V, intransitive. bredi, [K‍-‍V] (2a) K is/are ready/prepared for V. preparedness, pu brecea, <ready become> (n) preparedness, prop of being -d. po bredi, (n) a preparation/preparedness/readiness, a specific state/condition. pu bredi, (n) a preparedness/readiness, a specific property. prerequisite, nerbi, (n) a necessity/precondition/prerequisite, a factual precondition. prescribe, duonruldou, <do rule give> [K‍-‍ND] (3v) K prescribe N for D. rulni, (v) prescribe … to … under … according to …, of rules. prescribing, po duonruldou, <do rule give> (n) an instance of prescribing. prescription, kickoi, <doctor order> [B‍-‍SPN] (4n) B is a (doctor's) prescription given by S to P, prescribing treatment N. rulni, (n) a prescription/principle/regulation/rule/requirement, a rule requiring … of … under … according to …. nu rulni, (n) a requirement/prescription, a spec. -ed behavior. po rulni, (n) a ruling/prescription, an event of prescribing. presence, po hijra, (n) a presence/attendance, a state of being present. presence of mind, minbalpi, <mind balance> [K‍-‍V] (2a) K has/have presence of mind, thinks clearly in situation V. present, nu donsu, (n) a gift/present/donation, a gift, conv. of give. fomdou, <formal give> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K present/donate/give formally B to D. hijra, [K‍-‍V] (2v) K attend/present at V. hijra, (a) here/present, here, incomplete form. jmicko, <meeting cause> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K present/introduce D to B. lena, (a) the present/current …, the one which is now …, a temporal desc. oper. levina, (a) the present/here and now, the one now at hand. liltao, <legal argument> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K argue/present case B about V. nadzo, [V‍-‍V] (2a) V is present/current/simultaneous with V, some moment of speech. nadzo, (av) now/currently/at present/at this time, now/in present time. lo nadzo, (n) (the) present, all things current now. lo nu nadzo, (n) (the) present, the mass of all nows. present at, norhia, <not present> [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is absent from/not present at V. presentation, po fomdou, <formal give> (n) a donation/presentation, an act of giving formally. pubdonvei, <public give event> [V‍-‍BDK] (4n) V is a presentation of B to D by K. presentiment, suske, [B‍-‍KV] (3v) B suspect/have a presentiment that K did/intends act V. presently, faza ta, (av) in a while/later on/presently, after that, a mod. phrase. faza ti, (av) in a while/later on/presently, after this, a mod. phrase. preservation, po curcea, <safe become> (n) a preservation/security, a state of being -ed. po curcko, <secure cause> (n) a preservation/protection/security, an act of -ing. po nu curcko, <secure cause> (n) a preservation/security, a state of being -ed. po curmao, <safe make> (n) a preservation/protection/security, an act of -ing. po nu curmao, <safe make> (n) a preservation/security, a state of being -ed. po stogudcko, <remain good cause> (n) an instance of preservation. po nu stogudcko, <remain good cause> (n) preservation, a state of being -ed. po stogudmao, <remain good make> (n) an act of preservation. po nu stogudmao, <remain good make> (n) preservation, a state of being -ed. po stolivcko, <survive(remain living) cause> (n) an instance of preservation. po nu stolivcko, <survive(remain living) cause> (n) preservation, a state of being -ed. po stolivmao, <survive(remain living) make> (n) an act of preservation. po nu stolivmao, <survive(remain living) make> (n) preservation, a state of being -ed. preserve, curcko, <secure cause> [V‍-‍DN] (3v) V secure/protect/preserve/guard D from danger/threat N (nonintentional), i.e. paint protects iron from rust. curmao, <safe make> [K‍-‍DNV] (4v) K guard/protect/secure/preserve D from danger/threat N by V, intentional act. stogudcko, <remain good cause> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K preserve(s) D from N, non intentional. stogudmao, <remain good make> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K preserve(s) D from N, intentional. stolivcko, <survive(remain living) cause> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K preserve(s) D, cause … to survive from danger/threat N, non intentional. stolivmao, <survive(remain living) make> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K preserve(s) D, cause … to survive from danger/threat N, intentional. preserved, curcea, <safe become> [B‍-‍N] (2v) be/become B is guarded/protected/secure/preserved from (danger) N, intransitive. preside, takpoi, <talk master> [K‍-‍F] (2v) K preside over meeting/assembly F. presidency, po garfregoi, <government leader> (n) a presidency, a state of being a -dent. president, garfregoi, <government leader> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the president/premier/prime minister of F. takpoi, <talk master> (n) a president, one who presides over …. presidential, garfregoi, <government leader> (a) presidential, pert. to presidents. press, capmai, <print machine> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a press/printing press. flipuopro, <liquid push produce> [K‍-‍SP] (3v) K press/express/squeeze out the liquid from S producing juice/liquid output P. hantorpuo, <hand two push(squeeze)> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K squeeze/press D with hand(s). lo nuzveo, <news vessel> (n) (the) press, collective for periodicals. lo nu nuzveo, <news vessel> (n) (the) press, periodical publishers. skapypuo, <skin push> [K‍-‍DC] (3v) K press on membrane/surface D with force C. torpuo, <two push> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K press/squeeze B against D. pressing, kaocni, <act need> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more urgent/pressing/needful of action than J. pressure, lopu pucto, (n) pressure, a mass -ing property. zo skapypuo, <skin push> (n) pressure, a measured force per unit area. socfoi, <socially force> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K pressure, tries to force D to do V. pu torpuo, <two push> (n) a pressure, a property of that which -es. presume, lodkri, <logically believe> [K‍-‍VB] (3v) K presume V to be true of B. presupposition of, lodnerbi, <logical necessity> (n) necessity/presupposition of, a logical precondition. pretend, dupkao, <deceiving actor> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K pretend/simulate/feign N with intent to deceive. plekao, <play act> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K play/pretend/simulate/feign/make believe that V. plekri, <play believe> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K pretend/play that N is true. samcue, <same say> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K claim/pretend to be D, claims identity … to …. pretend to be, notkao, <other act> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K simulate B/pretend to be …, without malice. pretend to be friendly, falremkao, <false friend act> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K act falsely as a friend/pretend to be friendly to D. pretender, dupkao, <deceiving actor> (n) a pretender/impostor/simulator, one who acts as if … were true. notkao, <other act> (n) a simulator/pretender, one who -s to be …. plekao, <play act> (n) a simulator/pretender, one who acts as if … were true. samcue, <same say> (n) a pretender, one who claims an identity. pretense, po dupkao, <deceiving actor> (n) a pretense/simulation, an act of being an imposter. dupyraznu, <deceive reason> [N‍-‍KDV] (4n) N is a pretense/false reason given by K to D for doing V. po notkao, <other act> (n) a pretension/pretense/simulation, an act of pretending to be …. po plekao, <play act> (n) a simulation/pretense, an act of -ding something. pretension, lopu dupkao, <deceiving actor> (n) pretension, mass prop. po notkao, <other act> (n) a pretension/pretense/simulation, an act of pretending to be …. po samcue, <same say> (n) an identification/pretension/claim, of identity, an act of -ing. pretext, falraznu, <false reason> [B‍-‍VKN] (4n) B is a pretext for action V by K in circumstances N. prettier, cmabii, <small beautiful> [G‍-‍DJD] (4a) G is prettier/cuter to D than J is to D. (D and D may be the same or different, and if the same, is not re mentioned.). jelbii, <healthily beautiful> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is prettier/more comely/healthily beautiful than J is. nilbii, <girl beautiful> [G‍-‍DJD] (4a) G is prettier, more girlishly beautiful, to D than J is to D. (D and D may be the same or different, and if the same, is not rementioned.). slibii, <sweet beautiful> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is prettier/more darling than J. prettiness, lopu cmabii, <small beautiful> (n) cuteness/prettiness, mass term. pu cmabii, <small beautiful> (n) a cuteness/prettiness, a spec. property. lopu jelbii, <healthily beautiful> (n) comeliness/prettiness, mass term. pu jelbii, <healthily beautiful> (n) a comeliness/prettiness, a spec. property. lopu nilbii, <girl beautiful> (n) prettiness, mass term. pu nilbii, <girl beautiful> (n) prettiness, a spec. property. pretty, cmabii, <small beautiful> (a) cute/pretty, cuter to … than …. nilbii, <girl beautiful> (a) pretty, prettier to … than …. nurmue, <less much> (av) moderately/pretty/quite/rather, rather. prevail, kadgau, <fight win> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K defeat/prevail/beat D in fight/struggle V. prevent, kakliu, <act restrain> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K thwart/hinder/prevent/keep D from, (doing) action V. norveicko, <not happen cause> [N‍-‍V] (2v) N prevent event V from happening, nonintentional. norveimao, <not happen make> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K prevent event V from happening, intentional. pakstimao, <before stop make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K prevent D from doing V. preventable, nu norveicko, <not happen cause> (a) preventable, capable of being -ed. nu norveimao, <not happen make> (a) preventable, capable of being -ed. prevented, norveicea, <not happen become> [B‍-‍] (1v) B is prevented from happening. prevention, lopo kakliu, <act restrain> (n) prevention, collective term of -ing someone/thing. po norveicko, <not happen cause> (n) a prevention, an act of -ing. po norveimao, <not happen make> (n) a prevention, an act of -ing. po pakstimao, <before stop make> (n) a prevention, an act of -ing. preventive, norveicko, <not happen cause> (a) preventive, of that which -s. norveimao, <not happen make> (a) preventive, of that which -s. preview, pasviu, <before view> [P‍-‍NK] (3n) P is a draft/preview of project/work N prepared by K. fu pasviu, <before view> (3v) draft/preview work … in document … <K-NP>. previous, neafre, <next ahead> (a) preceding/previous/former, just preceding. pasko, (a) before/former/over/preceding/previous/(in the) past. previously, pasko, (av) early/previously, at an earlier time. prey, nurjanto, <hunted> [D‍-‍K] (2n) D is prey to K. price, prati, [C‍-‍BDS] (4n) C is a/the price/cost/expense of goods/service B to D from S. rat, (af) a combining form of prati, price. prick, petholmao, <pointed hole make> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K prick/stab D with B. pethou, <pointed hole> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a prick/stab with S, a pointed hole made by …. pingu, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the penis/prick/cock of F. pride, lopu selganble, <self high look> (n) pride/arrogance, mass property. priest, lidydia, <religious teach> [K‍-‍D] (2n) a priest/imam/pastor/minister/teacher of religion …. tepgai, <church govern> [B‍-‍FN] (3n) B is a bishop/priest/cardinal/canon over group F for religion N; any member of a church hierarchy. tepypeu, <church person> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a cleric/clergyperson/priest of religion N. primarily, cefli, (av) chiefly/mainly/principally/primarily. primary, cefli, (a) chief/main/principal/primary. primate, primati, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a primate of genus/species/type F, a mammal of order Primates. prime, folkeo, <strong time> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a prime/peak period of F. garfregoi, <government leader> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the president/premier/prime minister of F. prime minister, nerpolsange, <1st minister> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the premier/prime minister/first minister of state/ruler F. primitive, paosri, <before write> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is primitive/preliterate/uncivilized, as of societies. sacfoa, <start form> [S‍-‍P] (2n) S is a/the prototype/primitive/original form of P. sacfoa, <start form> (a) primitive/prototypical/original, of prototypical/primitive forms. giurpua, <root word> (4v) X is a primitive predicate (root word) with meaning Y, number of places Z, in language W. prince, bragarsuo, <born govern son> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a prince of kingdom F. mensursocysia, <male (rank) social position> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a prince/duke/marquis/count/earl/baron of F, any peer, identify by number. menynersocysia, <male 1 social position> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the prince of F. sorpoi, <6th power> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a/the prince of domain N. princess, bragardea, <born govern daughter> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a princess of kingdom F. femnersocysia, <female 1 social position> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a/the princess of S. femsorpoi, <6th power> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a/the princess of domain N. femsursocysia, <female (rank) social position> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a/the princess/duchess/marchioness/countess/baroness of S, any peeress, identify by number. principal, cefli, [K‍-‍FV] (3v) K is a/the chief/principal among/of F for activity V. cefli, (a) chief/main/principal/primary. principally, cefli, (av) chiefly/mainly/principally/primarily. principle, coi, [B‍-‍F] (pp) according to/in principle, a relative oper. before design'ns (PA). giukri, <root belief> [N‍-‍] (1n) N is a basic principle on which one's philosophy/religion etc. is based, e.g. "There is no god other than God, and Muhammed is his apostle". rau lo giukri, <root belief> (ph) on principle. giutra, <root truth> [N‍-‍] (1n) N is a basic principle on which knowledge is based, e.g. conservation of mass energy. coi lo giutra, <root truth> (ph) in principle. gudkaorui, <good action rule> [N‍-‍] (1n) N is an instance of morals/(moral) principle/rule of conduct. rulni, (n) a prescription/principle/regulation/rule/requirement, a rule requiring … of … under … according to …. principled, kaonruipli, <morals use> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more principled/ethical than J. principles, lo giukri, <root belief> (n) basic principles, mass term. lo giutra, <root truth> (n) basic principles, mass term. print, cap, (af) a combining form of capri, print. capmao, <print make> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K print(s) on D from S. lo nu capmao, <print make> (n) print, mass term. nu capmao, <print make> (n) a print, that made by -ing. capri, [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K print/impress B on D. po capri, (n) a print/impression, an instance of -ing. nartyleasri, <separate letters write> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K print B in/on D using printed/non cursive letters. puorkopca, <push copy> [K‍-‍PD] (3v) K impress/imprint/print P on D. print shop, capkompi, <print company> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a printing office/print shop. printable, fu capmao, <print make> (a) printable, of material to be -ed. printed, nu capmao, <print make> (a) printed, made by -ing. nartylea, <separate letter> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a printed/non cursive letter from set/font F. printer, capmao, <print make> (n) a printer, one who -s. printing office, capkompi, <print company> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a printing office/print shop. printing press, capmai, <print machine> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a press/printing press. capypae, <print device> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a printing press, of the old fashioned kind, with movable type. prison, prenyhaa, <prisoner house> [B‍-‍NS] (3n) B is a prison/jail of government N for inmates of type S. prisoner, preni, [B‍-‍KN] (3n) B is a prisoner of K being held for doing/being N. prisoner-of-war, dorpreni, <war prisoner> [B‍-‍K] (2n) B is a prisoner-of-war of enemy K. privacy, lopo prizi, (n) privacy, general state. private, nirtro, <0th controller> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a private attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murnirtro — seaman recruit. prizi, [N‍-‍B] (2a) N is private/personal, confined to person B. nu publi, (a) private, less public than, q.v. riz, (af) a combining form of prizi, private. private first class, nertro, <1st controller> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a private first class controling/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murnertro — seaman spprentice. privation, lopo stocni, <remaining need> (n) want/privation, mass state of need. privilege, furlei, <3rd conv. permit> [V‍-‍DKN] (4n) V is a privilege/behavior permitted of D given by K under conditions N. nu stofurlei, <continuing what is permitted> (n) a privilege, that which one is -d to do. privileged, stofurlei, <continuing what is permitted> [D‍-‍V] (2n) D is/are privileged to V, a continuous permission to …. prize, nu gancu, (n) a prize/winnings/gain, that which is won, conv. form. nurvau, <conv. of value> [K‍-‍BC] (3v) K value/prize B at equivalent value C. vatmou, <valuable more> [K‍-‍BKB] (4v) K prize/value B more than K(1) values B(1). probability, lopu dakli, (n) probability, the mass of such properties. pu dakli, (n) probability, a spec. property of likely events. daknuu, <likely number> [C‍-‍VN] (3v) C is the mathematical chance/probability of V given N. probability greater than, dakli, [V‍-‍NS] (3a) state/event V is likely to be/happen/has a probability greater than 0.5 of being/happening under conditions N given knowledge system S. probability greater than zero, blicu, [V‍-‍NS] (3a) state/event V is possible/might be/happen/has a probability greater than zero of being/happening under conditions N given knowledge system S. probable, dakli, (a) probable, of likely states/events. dau, (pp) (that … is) probable/likely under conditions …, used before state/event terms. E.g. Da mamla dau ta — (That) X is a mammal is likely under those conditions. probable that, io, (i) it is probable that/I think so/that …, exp. of moderate belief. noio, (i) it isn't probable that/I don't think so/that … <, exp. of moderate disbelief.>. probably, dau, (av) probably/likely to be, the objective sense. E.g. Da dau mamla — X is probably/likely to be a mammal. Cf. io for the subjective sense. dau, (in) probably, is probably true/will probably happen (under the circumstances implied by speech) (PA). E.g. Ta dau mamla — That's probably a mammal. io, (i) apparently/probably/it is likely that …, exp. of moderate belief. probe, prupro, <test push> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K probe/poke D with B. problem, fatkenti, <troubling question> [N‍-‍K] (2n) N is a problem to K. nab, (af) a combining form of nable, problem. nable, [N‍-‍DV] (3n) N is a problem encountered by D in task/inquiry V. problematic, nable, (a) problematical/problematic, pert. to problems. problematical, nable, (a) problematical/problematic, pert. to problems. procedure, durfoa, <do form> [N‍-‍P] (2n) N is a/the way/manner/method/mode/practice/rite/procedure of doing P. mazfoa, <make form> [B‍-‍P] (2n) B is the formula/recipe/method/procedure for doing/making P. proceed, ginkaa, <root come> [P‍-‍S] (2v) P come/proceed/derive/arise/originate from/in S. pragoi, <continue go> [K‍-‍DSV] (4v) K go on/continue/proceed to D from S via V. prakao, <continue act> [K‍-‍VP] (3v) K proceed/continue/persist in activity V with end P. process, gotpra, <industry process> [V‍-‍PS] (3n) V is an industrial process for making P out of S. pra, (af) a combining form of prase, process. prapli, <process use> [K‍-‍BV] (2v) K process B, subject … to process V. fu prapli, <process use> (n) a process, that used in -ing something. prase, [F‍-‍BN] (3n) F is a process passing through stages B of system N. nu prase, (ph) the stages of a process, conv. form. process window, pracuo, <process window> [V‍-‍K] (2n) V is a process window of process K. procession, lagmuovei, <long move event> [V‍-‍SD] (3n) V is a parade/procession from S to D. lisgoi, <list go> [V‍-‍BDS] (4n) V is a procession of B to D from S. processor, prapli, <process use> (n) a processor, one who -es something. proclaim, pubcue, <public say> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K announce/proclaim B to group/public D. proclamation, nu pubcue, <public say> (n) an announcement/proclamation, the thing -ed. po pubcue, <public say> (n) an announcement/proclamation, a spec. instance of -ing. procrastinate, tsefucbiu, <error after behave> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K procrastinate/tarry/dawdle in doing V. procrastination, po tsefucbiu, <error after behave> (n) an act of procrastination. procrastinator, tsefucbiu, <error after behave> (n) a procrastinator/tarrier/dawdler. procurable, nu getsi, (a) procurable, that which can be -ed. procure, getsi, [K‍-‍BSP] (4v) K acquire/fetch/procure/get/obtain B from S for purpose P. procurer, getsi, (n) a procurer, one who -s. produce, pro, (af) a combining form of proju, produce. proju, [K‍-‍PV] (3v) K produce/generate P, a finished thing, by process V. lo nu proju, (n) produce, mass term of products. roapro, <grow produce> [S‍-‍P] (2v) S yield/produce crop P. stapli, <stage use> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K stage/produce D, put … on the stage. producer, nursaa, <conv. of sign> (n) a producer of sign … to recipient … with result …. proju, (n) a producer, one who -s. sinmao, <cinema make> (n) a producer, of movie …. stapli, <stage use> (n) a producer, supervisor of a play. producible, nu proju, (a) producible, conv. of produce. product, jai, (af) a combining form of jalti, product. jal, (af) a combining form of jalti, product. jalti, [P‍-‍S] (2n) P is the product of S (pl.). ju kempoa, <chemical respond> (n) a reaction product. pou, (pp) Products/Purposes, case tag (product/purpose). nurmao, <made> (n) an article/artifact/confection/making/product, a manufactured object. nu proju, (n) a product, any produced thing. product form, profoa, <product form> [B‍-‍PV] (3n) B is output form/product form, the form in which the product P of process V is manifested. product name, stomra, <stay mark> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is a stain/brand/product name, a permanent mark on D. production, fu proju, (ph) a production process, conv. of produce. po proju, (n) a production/generation, an act/process of -ing. profess, tracue, <true say> [K‍-‍BN] (3v) K declare/state/affirm/assert/maintain/allege/profess sentence B to N. profession, nu fomdjatua, <formal knowledge worker> (n) a profession, an employment with spec. qualifications. lagtua, <long work> [V‍-‍N] (2n) V is a career/profession/occupation at/in N. professional, cmetua, <paid work> [K‍-‍V] (2n) K is a professional in sport/activity V. fomdjatua, <formal knowledge worker> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a professional in field N. professor, gandia, <high teacher> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a professor of N. proffer, tifru, [K‍-‍BDP] (4v) K offer/proffer B to D for use/purpose P. profit, prali, [C‍-‍DV] (3n) C is a/the profit/monetary gain to D from transaction V. lo prali, (n) profit, mass term. ral, (af) a combining form of prali, profit. ralmao, <profit make> [D‍-‍CV] (3v) D gain/profit, make a profit C from transaction V. profitable, fu ralmao, <profit make> (a) profitable, conv. of profit. profiteer, ralmao, <profit make> (n) a profiteer, one who makes profits. profound, condi, [G‍-‍JC] (3a) G is deeper/more profound than J by C. profundity, lopu condi, (n) profundity, mass term of properties. pu condi, (n) a depth/profundity, a spec. property of deepness. progeny, futlinkui, <future lineal kin> [P‍-‍SV] (3n) a/some descendant/progeny of … via …. program, nu cirpai, <learn part> (n) a course of study/learning program/program of study/study plan, conv. of lesson, q.v. durlista, <do list> [B‍-‍K] (2n) B is a program/recipe for K, a list of things for … to do. dursio, <do system> [S‍-‍P] (2n) S is a program/programme to accomplish P. pog, (af) a combining form of proga, program. pogmao, <program make> [K‍-‍FPV] (4n) K program(s) system F to do P using language V. proga, [B‍-‍PFK] (4n) B is a program for/to do P on system F written by K. vetlista, <event list> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is a program of V, a list of events, as at a concert. program design, pogdai, <program design> [V‍-‍PK] (3n) V is a program design for a program to do P made by K. program installation, po pogsea, <program set> (n) an inst. of program installation. program of study, nu cirpai, <learn part> (n) a course of study/learning program/program of study/study plan, conv. of lesson, q.v. programmable device, pogmai, <program(mable) machine> [B‍-‍P] (2n) B is a programmable device for doing P, e.g. microwave ovens, VCRs, looms, MIDI instruments. programme, dursio, <do system> [S‍-‍P] (2n) S is a program/programme to accomplish P. programming language, pogleu, <program language> [V‍-‍F] (2n) V is a programming language on system F. progress, fredirgoi, <forward go> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K advance/progress/go move/forward to D from S. lopo fredirgoi, <forward go> (n) progress/advancement, mass term of acts. po fredirgoi, <forward go> (n) a progress/advancement, a spec. act of -ing. gubdiocko, <good direction cause> [N‍-‍V] (2v) N progress toward better V, non intentional cause. po gubdiocko, <good direction cause> (n) an instance of progress, better conditions. gubdircea, <good direction become> [N‍-‍V] (2v) N progress toward better V, unspecified cause. po gubdircea, <good direction become> (n) an instance of progress, better conditions. gubdirmao, <good direction make> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K progress toward better V, intentional act. po gubdirmao, <good direction make> (n) an instance of progress, better conditions. progression, rulfurlista, <rule ordered list> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a mathematical progression by rule N, e.g. arithmetic, geometric, harmonic progressions. progressive, fuible, <forward looker> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is forward looking/progressive. gubdiocko, <good direction cause> (a) progressive, one who -es. gubdircea, <good direction become> (a) progressive, one who -es. gubdirmao, <good direction make> (a) progressive, one who -es. prohibit, norlei, <no let> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K forbid/prohibit D from doing V. prohibited, fu norlei, <no let> (a) prohibited/forbidden, of prohibited acts, conv. prohibition, liunrui, <restrain rule> [V‍-‍KPN] (4n) V is a prohibition, a rule prohibiting K from doing/being P under conditions N. lopo norlei, <no let> (n) prohibition, mass term of acts. po norlei, <no let> (n) a prohibition, an act of -ing something. prohibitor, norlei, <no let> (n) a prohibitor, one who -s. project, gantai, <high stand> [K‍-‍SD] (3v) K project/jut from S into D. turpai, <work part> [P‍-‍F] (2n) P is a job/task/project, piece of work in project F. nu tursacduo, <work start do> (n) a project/enterprise. projectile, nu dionreo, <direction throw> (a) a bullet/projectile shot by … at …. cmanunreo, <small thrown> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a bullet/shot/missile (small)/projectile (small). nunreo, <conv. of throw> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a missile/projectile/shot, any thrown or fired thing. nu tamreo, <weapon hurl> (n) a projectile, a thrown weapon, q.v. projecting, gantai, <high stand> (a) projecting/salient, -ing from … into …. projection, gantai, <high stand> (n) a projection, that which juts/projects (from … into …). lopu gantai, <high stand> (n) projection, the mass property. po gantai, <high stand> (n) a projection, a specific instance of -ing. prolong, ckelagmao, <interval longer make> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N prolong/lengthen D in time dimension. promethium, prometio, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some promethium, element 61 (Pr). prominence, lopu fretai, <front stand> (n) prominence/obviousness, mass term of properties. pu fretai, <front stand> (n) a conspicuousness/obviousness/prominence/salience, a spec. property. prominent, fretai, <front stand> (2a) more salient/conspicuous/outstanding/prominent/obvious/evident/manifest than …. promise, durcue, <do say> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K promise/vow to D that/to do V. fu durcue, <do say> (n) a promise/vow, a promised act/thing. po durcue, <do say> (n) a promise/vow, an act of -ing. nordurcue, <abstain say> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K promise … not to do/to abstain from P. po nordurcue, <abstain say> (n) a promise, an act of -ing. tordurcue, <2 do say> [K‍-‍PKP] (4v) K promise to do P in view of K(1)'s promise to do P(1). promote, fremrosea, <front more set> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K promote D to level/rank V, advance a persons position in the ganlista. frepuo, <front push> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K promote D by N, aggressively market. lodhea, <logic help> [K‍-‍] (1v) K encourage/promote the use of logic. veirjuo, <happen support> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K promote/further/foster/sponsor/support B by action V. promoter, veirjuo, <happen support> (n) a promoter, one who furthers something. promotion, po fremrosea, <front more set> (1n) a promotion, spec. inst. of personal advancement. po frepuo, <front push> (1n) a promotion, spec. inst. of agressive marketing. po veirjuo, <happen support> (n) furtherance/promotion/support, an act of fostering. prompt, keodre, <time correct> [K‍-‍P] (2a) K is/are prompt/punctual in doing P. purdou, <word give> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K prompt D about V, remind someone who has forgotten words/actions. prompter, purdou, <word give> (n) a prompter, one who -s. promptness, lopu keodre, <time correct> (n) promptness/punctuality, mass term. prong, mairpingu, <mechanical penis> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a prong/plug in system F. penta, (n) a spur/goad/point/prong/tine, any pointed thing, see pointed. pronounce, soncue, <sound say> [K‍-‍BP] (3v) K pronounce/enounce letters/phonemes B as sounds P. pronunciation, fu soncue, <sound say> (n) a/the pronunciation/enunciation, sound/ s made in -ing. po soncue, <sound say> (n) a/the pronunciation/enunciation, an act of -ing … as …. proof, fu tradui, <truth find> (n) a proof, a proving argument. lo fu tradui, <truth find> (n) proof, mass term of arguments. lopo tradui, <truth find> (n) proof, mass term of acts. po tradui, <truth find> (n) a proof, an act of proving …, q.v. po travizlei, <true see let(show)> (n) a proof/demonstration, an act of -ing. propagate, cnulivpro, <new life produce> [K‍-‍] (1v) K reproduce/propagate (it/themselves). genpro, <again produce> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K copy/generate/reproduce/propagate D. propagation, lopu genpro, <again produce> (n) generation/reproduction/propagation, mass property. po genpro, <again produce> (n) an instance of generation/reproduction/propagation (of …). propane, propani, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some propane, a combustible gas. propellant, kukcaocti, <quick burn stuff> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a propellant/propellent/incendiary of composition S. puocti, <push stuff> [B‍-‍SP] (3n) B is a fuel/propellant of composition S for propelling P. propellent, kukcaocti, <quick burn stuff> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a propellant/propellent/incendiary of composition S. propeller, blakrilu, <blade wheel> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a rotor/propeller/screw of F. cpublakrilu, <pull blade wheel> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a propeller on device F. propellor, kersko, <air screw> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an airscrew/propellor of aircraft F. proper, dremou, <correct more> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more correct/right/proper than J. dreti, [D‍-‍N] (2a) D is correct/right/proper according to rule(s) N. socdre, <social correct> [V‍-‍N] (2n) V is proper social behaviour in situation N. po socdre, <social correct> (n) a state or event of acting/being socially proper/correct. properly, dreti, (av) duly/properly/correctly. property, nu katli, (n) a characteristic/feature/property/quality/attribute of …, a property. fu lodsei, <logic set> (n) a superset specifying the defining property of the members … of some set. nerkai, <1 property> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a 1 place property/quality/categorical attribute of F. ponlai, <own land> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is an estate/land/parcel/(real) property, parcel of land owned by N. nurkai, <(passive) characterize> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a property/quality/characteristic of F. nurpou, <conv. of possess> (n) a property/possession, a thing -ed by …, see possess. lo nurpou, <conv. of possess> (n) property, collective term. fu pebsei, <special set> (n) a superset specifying the defining property of the members … of some set. pu, (op) -ness/-ship/-hood/-ity, the property/quality/dimension operator. spebi, (n) a defining property, specific to … in set …. terkai, <3 quality> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a 3 place property/relation among N, collective. torkai, <2 quality> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a 2 place property/relation among F., dual collective. property of, purkai, <word character> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a metalinguistic property of/relation among F. prophesy, pakcue, <before say> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K forecast/foretell/prophesy/predict V. nu pakcue, <before say> (n) a forecast/prophesy/prediction, foretold event. po pakcue, <before say> (n) a forecast/prophesy/prediction, an act of -ing. paodja, <before know> (3v) K predict/foresee/foretell/prophesy V under condition N. pastaa, <before talk> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K prophesy/predict/foretell about V. prophet, pakcue, <before say> (n) a forecaster/prophet/soothsayer. proportion, nu balpi, (a) balanced/in proportion. brato, (n) quotient/ratio/rate/proportion/fraction/dividend (stockholder share). norcearao, <constant ratio> (av) in proportion/relatively. parcai, <part number> [J‍-‍GN] (3n) J is the proportion/fractional part of G that does/contains N. proportional, norcearao, <constant ratio> [B‍-‍BC] (3a) B is (directly) proportional to B in constant ratio C. proposal, po fombeo, <formal ask> (n) a formal request/application/proposal. po merbeo, <marry ask> (n) a marriage proposal. po mertiu, <married offer> (n) proposal, an act of -ing marriage. nu sange, (n) a suggestion/proposal/proposition, a proposed act. po sange, (n) a suggestion/proposal/proposition, a spec. act of -ing. propose, merbeo, <marry ask> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K propose marriage to D. mertiu, <married offer> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K propose/offer marriage to D. sange, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K suggest/propose action D to V. propose action, fombeo, <formal ask> [K‍-‍PD] (3v) K request/apply to/propose action P to D. proposition, nu fomtao, <formal argue> (n) a proposition, of a debate. nu djacue, <know say> (n) a claim/proposition, a thing -ed to be known true. kumcuetra, <common say truth[common claim]> [P‍-‍S] (2n) P is the proposition, common claim of sentences S. nurcuetra, <said true> [B‍-‍SV] (3n) B is a/the claim/proposition of S about V. nu sange, (n) a suggestion/proposal/proposition, a proposed act. po sange, (n) a suggestion/proposal/proposition, a spec. act of -ing. proprietor, lilpou, <legally own> (n) a proprietor/owner, legal owner. nu ponlai, <own land> (n) a landowner/landlord/proprietor, one who owns land, conv. ponsu, (n) an owner/possessor/proprietor, one who owns. proprietorship, pu lilpou, <legally own> (n) a proprietorship/dominion/possession/title, a spec. property. po nu ponlai, <own land> (n) a proprietorship, a spec. state. po ponsu, (n) a proprietorship/possession, an act of -ing. propriety, pu socdre, <social correct> (n) propriety, a property. prosaic, proza, (a) prosaic, referring to —. proscribe, lilfa, (vt) proscribe … to … under … among …, as of laws. norduoruldou, <not do rule give> [K‍-‍BS] (3v) K proscribe B for (reason) S. noryrui, <no rule> (vt) proscribe … to … under …, of rules. proscribed, nu lilfa, (a) proscribed/illegal, proscribed by law, conv. form. proscription, lilfa, (n) a proscription, a law. nu lilfa, (n) a proscription, a proscribed thing. norduorui, <not do rule> [V‍-‍PK] (3n) V is a proscription of P by K. noryrui, <no rule> (n) proscription, a rule which proscribes. prose, proza, [P‍-‍S] (2n) P is a piece of prose by S. lo proza, (n) prose, mass inst. prosimian, prosimi, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a prosimian/lemur of type/species F. prospect, fuibli, <future possibility> [B‍-‍VN] (3n) B is a prospect for V under conditions N. vidju, [V‍-‍BS] (3n) V is a prospect/view/sight/scene of B from point S. prosper, folroa, <strongly grow> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K prosper/thrive/flourish under conditions N. fulcea, <rich become> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K prosper/be enriched with/in B. prosperity, po fulcea, <rich become> (n) an instance of prosperity/enrichment. prosperous, fulcea, <rich become> (a) enriched/prosperous, pert. to one who -s. fulri, (a) rich/wealthy/prosperous, wealthier than … in …. prostitute, nurpeckia, <reverse pay copulate> [K‍-‍F] (2n) K is a prostitute of community F. protactinium, protactinio, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some protactinium, element 91 (Pa). protect, curcko, <secure cause> [V‍-‍DN] (3v) V secure/protect/preserve/guard D from danger/threat N (nonintentional), i.e. paint protects iron from rust. curmao, <safe make> [K‍-‍DNV] (4v) K guard/protect/secure/preserve D from danger/threat N by V, intentional act. fraclijuo, <father like supporter> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K protect/support D in situation N. stocurmao, <remain secure make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K guard/protect D against V. protected, curcea, <safe become> [B‍-‍N] (2v) be/become B is guarded/protected/secure/preserved from (danger) N, intransitive. curcea, <safe become> (a) guarded/protected, of that which is -ed. nu curcko, <secure cause> (a) guarded/protected, of that which is so -ed. nu curmao, <safe make> (a) guarded/protected, of that which is -ed. protecting, stocurmao, <remain secure make> (a) guarding/protecting (… against …), pertaining to the action. protection, po curcko, <secure cause> (n) a preservation/protection/security, an act of -ing. pu curcko, <secure cause> (n) protection, a prop. of a protector. po curmao, <safe make> (n) a preservation/protection/security, an act of -ing. po stocurmao, <remain secure make> (n) a protection (… against …), the act thereof. protective, curcko, <secure cause> (a) protective, of that which -s. curmao, <safe make> (a) protective, of one who -s. protector, curcko, <secure cause> (n) a guardian/protector, that which -s. curmao, <safe make> (n) a guardian/protector, one who -s. fraclijuo, <father like supporter> (n) a patron/protector, one who -s. stocurmao, <remain secure make> (n) guardian/protector (of … against …). protein, proteini, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a protein of type F. protest, prutu, [K‍-‍VDP] (4v) K protest/object against V to D by action P. ju prutu, (n) a protest, an act signifying protest. lo ju prutu, (n) protest, the mass of such acts. po prutu, (n) a protestation/protest/objection, an act of -ing. prutycue, <protest say> [K‍-‍PD] (3v) K protest/object (in words) P to D. nu prutycue, <protest say> (n) an objection/protest, the words spoken. po prutycue, <protest say> (1n) an instance of objection/protest, the action. prutytaa, <protest talk> [K‍-‍VD] (3v) K protest/object (in words) about V to D. po prutytaa, <protest talk> (1n) an instance of objection/protest about …, the action. razruu, <reason protest> [K‍-‍VS] (3v) K object to/protest V for reason S. po razruu, <reason protest> (n) an objection/protest, an act of -ing for reasons. ruu, (af) a combining form of prutu, protest. protestation, po prutu, (n) a protestation/protest/objection, an act of -ing. protester, prutu, (n) a protester/objector, one who protests. proton, protoni, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a proton, an elementary particle. prototype, sacfoa, <start form> [S‍-‍P] (2n) S is a/the prototype/primitive/original form of P. prototypical, sacfoa, <start form> (a) primitive/prototypical/original, of prototypical/primitive forms. protozoan, protozoai, [B‍-‍FS] (3n) B is a protozoan of type/genus F from S. proud, selganble, <self high look> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more proud/arrogant than J. prove, tradui, <truth find> [K‍-‍SP] (3v) K prove/discover the truth of S with proof P. travizlei, <true see let(show)> [K‍-‍ND] (3v) K prove/demonstrate the truth of N to D. proveable, nu tradui, <truth find> (a) proveable, of discoverable truths. nu travizlei, <true see let(show)> (a) demonstratable/proveable, capable of being proved. proved, pa nu tradui, <truth find> (a) proved, found to be true. pa nu travizlei, <true see let(show)> (a) proved/demonstrated. proverb, lalnurcue, <old said> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a saying/saw/proverb. sadnurcue, <wise say(ing)> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a proverb/saw of people F. sadpua, <wise word> [B‍-‍FV] (3n) B is a proverb/saying/saw of people F concerning subject V. provide, srodou, <stores give> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K supply/furnish/provide D with B. tcidyjuo, <food support> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K nourish/provide D with (food) B. provided that, o, (c) if and only if/means/is equivalent to/provided that, logical equivalence between terms. providence, po sadfurdai, <wise designer> (n) an instance of providence for …. provident, sadfurdai, <wise designer> [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is provident in matter V. province, djuspa, <judge space> [N‍-‍K] (2n) N is a/the province/jurisdiction of official K. furdjasei, <known set> [N‍-‍D] (2n) N is a/the province/field of knowledge/competence of knower D. gunpai, <nation part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a district/region/province/section of country F. provincial, gunpai, <nation part> (a) provincial, pert. to districts/provinces. provision, fu srodou, <stores give> (n) a provision, that which is provided. po srodou, <stores give> (n) a provision, an act of -ing … with …. srogei, <stores get> [K‍-‍VP] (3v) K provision/equip undertaking V for purpose P. provisioning, po srogei, <stores get> (n) a provisioning/equipping (of … for …). provocation, lopo folkaocko, <strong action cause> (n) provocation, mass term of acts. po folkaocko, <strong action cause> (n) a provocation, an act of -ing. provoke, folkaocko, <strong action cause> [K‍-‍DVN] (4v) K provoke D to strong action V by being/doing N. prow, boufre, <boat front> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the prow/bow of boat F. proximal, snire, [G‍-‍BJC] (4a) G is nearer/closer/proximate/proximal to B than J by C. proximate, snire, [G‍-‍BJC] (4a) G is nearer/closer/proximate/proximal to B than J by C. proximity, pu snire, (n) a closeness/nearness/proximity, a spec. property. prudence, lopu festso, <waste hating> (n) prudence/thriftiness, mass property. lopu sadmande, <wise manage> (n) prudence, mass property. lopu selkurni, <self warning> (n) prudence/wariness/cautiousness, mass prop. lopu tsekovgoi, <error curve go(avoid)> (n) prudence/caution, mass prop. prudent, festso, <waste hating> [K‍-‍V] (2n) K is prudent/thrifty in V, wastes not, wants not. sadmande, <wise manage> [K‍-‍V] (2n) K is prudent in V, wisely manages …. selkurni, <self warning> [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is cautious about/careful of/wary/prudent, uses caution in doing V. tsekovgoi, <error curve go(avoid)> [G‍-‍JV] (3a) G is more prudent/cautious/error avoiding than J in V. psalm, lidnurgri, <religious song> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a psalm of F. pseudonym, larmaonamci, <art maker name> [N‍-‍KP] (3n) N is an pseudonym/stage name of K for work P. pubnamci, <public name> [P‍-‍S] (2n) P is an alias/pseudonym/false name of S. srinamci, <writer name> [N‍-‍KP] (3n) N is an pseudonym/pen name of K for work P. psi, veo, (l) psi, Greek lower case letter, one of a pool of symbols. psychological, bivdu, (a) psychological, pert. to behavior. bivsensi, <behaviour science> (a) psychological, pert to -y. smina, (a) psychological/mental, pert. to minds. psychologist, bivsesmao, <behaviour science make> [K‍-‍] (1n) K is a psychologist/behavior scientist. psychology, bivsensi, <behaviour science> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is an instance of psychology/behavioral science. lo bivsensi, <behaviour science> (n) psychology, mass term. psychopath, sikhopati, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a psychopath. psychopathic, sikhopati, (a) psychopathic, pert to …. psychosis, sikhosi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an instance of psychosis. lo sikhosi, (n) psychosis, mass term. psychotherapeutic, sikhoterapi, (a) psychotherapeutic, pert to …. psychotherapy, sikhoterapi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an instance of psychotherapy. psychotic, sikhosi, (a) psychotic, pert to …. ptyalin, tialhini, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is some ptyalin of/from S, a salivary amylase. pubis, pubsi, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a pubis of F. public, lo nu kultu, (n) the public, mass term. nu kultu, (n) a/the people/public of culture …. lo nu poldi, (n) citizenry/public, the citizens of state …. pub, (af) a combining form of publi, public. pubcea, <public become> [B‍-‍N] (2v) B is publicized/made public among public N, cause unknown or unspecified. pubcea, <public become> (n) public, known to the public. fu pubcko, <public cause> (n) public, those so made aware. publi, [G‍-‍JF] (3a) G is more public than J is among people F. fu pubmao, <public make> (n) public, accessible to a -st. ju vitsea, <ad set> (n) a/the public, of an advertiser, q.v. public behavior, publi, (ph) public behavior, a spec. instance. publi, (ph) public behavior, mass term. publication, po pubpetri, <public distribution> (n) an instance of publication/posting (event). pubsri, <public writings> [P‍-‍KB] (3n) P is a publication of K in form B. publicist, pubmao, <public make> (n) a publicist, one who -s. publicity, po pubcea, <public become> (n) an event of publicity. po pubcko, <public cause> (n) an event of publicity. po pubmao, <public make> (n) an event of publicity. publicize, pubcko, <public cause> [K‍-‍BN] (3v) K publicize B among public N, nonintentional. pubmao, <public make> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K publicize B among public D, intentional. publicized, pubcea, <public become> [B‍-‍N] (2v) B is publicized/made public among public N, cause unknown or unspecified. publish, nu nuzveo, <news vessel> (v) publish, a periodical, q.v. pubpetri, <public distribution> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K publish/post notice B in form/place D. publisher, nu nuzveo, <news vessel> (n) a publisher, of periodicals, q.v. pubpetri, <public distribution> (n) a publisher, one who -s. puff, corbri, <short wind> [N‍-‍B] (2n) N is a puff of B. flatyvirta, <inflate advertisement> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a puff/blurb, an inflated advertisement. pull, cpu, (af) a combining form of cpula, pull. cpula, [K‍-‍BDS] (4v) K pull/draw B to D from S. po cpula, (n) a pull, an act/process of -ing. pu cpula, (n) a pull, a spec. property. cpurai, <pull try> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K tug at/try to pull B. gancpu, <high pull> [K‍-‍BSD] (4v) K pull/draw B up from S to D. pulled, nu kincpu, <accompany pull> (a) towed/pulled (by …). pulley, glikrilu, <guide wheel> [B‍-‍P] (2n) B is a pulley/guide-wheel for purpose P. pulling, kincpu, <accompany pull> (a) pulling/towing (object …). pulmo, pulmo, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a pulmo/lung, the organ for air breathing. pulmonary, pulmo, (a) pulmonary, pert. to the lungs. pulmonary artery, pulmo arteri, (ph) a pulmonary artery. pulp, fu kraco, (n) a pulp, a result of smashing, q.v. nurkraco, <crushed> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a pulp/pate of S. pulsar, pulsari, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a pulsar in constellation F. pulsate, ritysonmao, <rhythm sound make> [K‍-‍] (1v) K beat/pulsate, beat steadily. pulsation, po ritysonmao, <rhythm sound make> (n) a beating/pulsation, an act of -ing. pulse, po pulso, (n) an impulse/pulse, an act/event of being impelled. sudnynerji, <sudden energy> [K‍-‍] (1v) K pulse/throb. sudnynerji, <sudden energy> (2n) a pulse of …. pulverize, pudmao, <powder make> [K‍-‍SP] (2v) pulverize/make powder of …. zakra, [K‍-‍DF] (3v) K crush/pulverize D into particles F. pumice, pomce, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is some pumice from S. pump, dampa, [B‍-‍PSD] (4n) B is a pump, a device for moving fluids P from S into D. dampyduo, <pump do> [K‍-‍BSD] (4v) K pump B from S to D. pumpkin, kurbi, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a pumpkin/squash/cucumber from S, any member of the Cucurbitae. punch, hanblo, <hand hit> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K punch/sock/hit D with the hand. po hanblo, <hand hit> (n) a punch/sock, an act of hitting. tceholcko, <penetrate hole cause> (n) a punch, any device for making holes. punctilious, fomdreclu, <form correct love> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is punctilious/officious about N. punctual, goidre, <go correct> [K‍-‍C] (2v) K is on time/punctual/on schedule in departure at time C. gozdre, <go correct> [K‍-‍C] (2v) K is on time/punctual/on schedule in departure at time C. goidre, <go correct> (a) on time/punctual/on schedule in departure. gozdre, <go correct> (a) on time/punctual/on schedule in departure. kamdre, <come correct> [K‍-‍C] (2v) K is on time/punctual/on schedule in arrival at time C. kamdre, <come correct> (a) on time/punctual/on schedule in arrival. keodre, <time correct> [K‍-‍P] (2a) K is/are prompt/punctual in doing P. punctuality, lopu keodre, <time correct> (n) promptness/punctuality, mass term. punctuate, parmarpli, <part mark use> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K punctuate D with B. punctuation, lopo parmarpli, <part mark use> (n) punctuation, mass term. po parmarpli, <part mark use> (n) an inst. of punctuation. punctuation mark, paimra, <part mark> [B‍-‍NP] (3n) B is a punctuation mark of form N for purpose P. puncture, tceholcko, <penetrate hole cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N pierce/puncture/perforate/make a hole in D, nonintentional. po tceholcko, <penetrate hole cause> (n) a puncture/perforation. tceholmao, <penetrate hole make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K pierce/puncture/perforate/make a hole in D with V, intentional. po tceholmao, <penetrate hole make> (n) a puncture/perforation. punctured, nu tceholcko, <penetrate hole cause> (a) punctured/perforated. nu tceholmao, <penetrate hole make> (a) punctured/perforated. punish, kaf, (af) a combining form of kasfa, punish. kasfa, [K‍-‍DVP] (4v) K punish D for V by P. rulnurtolmao, <rule controlled make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K discipline/punish D for violation V. punishable, fu kasfa, (a) punishable, of actions. nu kasfa, (a) punishable, of persons. punished, nu rulnurtolmao, <rule controlled make> (a) disciplined/punished (by … for …). punisher, kasfa, (n) a punisher, one who -s. punishment, ju kasfa, (n) a punishment, an imposed penalty. po kasfa, (n) a punishment, an act of -ing. po nu kasfa, (n) a punishment, an event of being -ed. po rulnurtolmao, <rule controlled make> (n) an instance of discipline/punishment (of … for …). punitive, kasfa, (a) punitive, of one who/that which punishes. pup, kangi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a puppy/pup, an infant dog. lupsi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an infant wolf/wolf cub/pup. pupa, krisalidi, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a chrysalis/pupa (case) of F. pupha, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a pupa of F, an insect metamorphic form. pupal, pupha, (a) pupal, pert. to pupae. pupil, mekcuo, <eye window> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a pupil of eye F. furdia, <conv. of teach> [K‍-‍BV] (3n) K is a student/pupil of teacher B in subject V. pupli, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a pupil of the eye of F. puppy, kangi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a puppy/pup, an infant dog. purchase, furvea, <3rd conv. sell> [K‍-‍BSC] (4v) K buy/purchase B from S for/at price C. nu furvea, <3rd conv. sell> (n) a purchase, the object bought. po furvea, <3rd conv. sell> (n) a purchase, an act of -ing. nurvea, <conv. of sell> [B‍-‍K] (2n) B are some/the goods/merchandise/wares/purchase(s) sold by K, that which is sold, conv. of sell. purchaser, furvea, <3rd conv. sell> (n) a purchaser/buyer, one who -s. pure, nercti, <one substance> [C‍-‍B] (2n) C is a pure quantity of B, only one component. nercti, <one substance> (a) pure, composed of one chemical substance. purely, punfo, (av) simply/purely/solely, solely, without admixture. purify, nerctimao, <one stuff(pure) make> [K‍-‍PS] (3v) K purify/refine P from S. purine, purhini, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a purine, a constituent of a nucleic acid. purity, pu kemdi, (n) a purity, chemical, a spec. property. pu nercti, <one substance> (1n) purity. purple, pup, (af) a combining form of purpu, purple. purpu, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more purple than J. purport to know, djacue, <know say> [K‍-‍NB] (3v) K say/claim/purport to know N is true of B. purpose, furkao, <3rd converse, act> [P‍-‍VK] (3n) P is a/the goal/purpose/end in view of action V by actor K. furpli, <purpose of use> [P‍-‍VK] (3n) P is a/the reason/purpose/end for means V being used by K. modvi, [B‍-‍VKN] (4n) B is a motive/end/purpose for action V to actor K under conditions N. pou, (pp) Products/Purposes, case tag (product/purpose). purposeful, furmoi, <3rd conv. motive> (a) purposeful, of motivated actors, see motive. nu furmoi, <3rd conv. motive> (a) intentional/intended/purposive/purposeful, of intended acts. nurkao, <conv. of act> (a) purposeful, of acts directed towards ends. purposefulness, lopu furmoi, <3rd conv. motive> (n) purposefulness/will, mass term. lopu nu furmoi, <3rd conv. motive> (n) purposefulness, mass term. pu furmoi, <3rd conv. motive> (n) a purposefulness/will, a prop. of actors. pu nu furmoi, <3rd conv. motive> (n) a purposefulness, a prop. of behavior. pu nurkao, <conv. of act> (n) a purposefulness, a prop. of spec. acts. purposeless, furplicle, <purpose of use less> [B‍-‍P] (2a) B is purposeless/useless for purpose P. purposive, nu furmoi, <3rd conv. motive> (a) intentional/intended/purposive/purposeful, of intended acts. purse, cmeveo, <money holder> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a wallet/billfold/(change) purse. hansakli, <hand sack> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a purse. pursue, jankaa, <hunt come> [K‍-‍BDSV] (5v) K follow/pursue/go after B from D to S over route V. pursued, nu jankaa, <hunt come> (a) pursued, one who/that which is -ed. pursuer, jankaa, <hunt come> (n) a pursuer, one who/that which -s. prigoi, <behind go> (n) a follower/tail(slang)/tracker/pursuer. pursuit, lopo jankaa, <hunt come> (n) pursuit, the mass of such acts. po jankaa, <hunt come> (n) a pursuit, an act of pursuing. push, puc, (af) a combining form of pucto, push. pucto, [K‍-‍BDSV] (5v) K push/shove B to D from S via V. po pucto, (n) a shove/push, a spec. act of -ing. puo, (af) a combining form of pucto, push. push away, darpuo, <far push> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K push away B. push down, dampuo, <down push> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K depress/push down D. pusher, pucto, (n) a pusher, that which/one who -es. put, kinsea, <together put> [K‍-‍BF] (3v) K collect/assemble/put/piece together B as/into assembly F. kledii, <class decide> [K‍-‍BF] (3v) K categorize/type/classify/dispose of/put B into class F. nensea, <in put> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K put/insert/deposit B in/at D. setfa, [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K set/put/place B at/on D. put back, fantoa, <reverse take> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K restore/put back/return B to D, its former place/owner. put down, foircmamao, <forcefully reduce> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K suppress/put down/diminish D by force V. poirtoa, <power take> [K‍-‍DN] (2v) overthrow … /put down …. put off, fucdurdii, <later do decide> [K‍-‍VSN] (4v) K put off/postpone/delay V for reason(s) S until N. put on, kapmyduo, <cap do> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K cap/put on/don hat B. resduo, <clothing do> (3v) K put on/dress D in/with B. put out, fagstimao, <fire stop make> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K put out/extinguish/turn off/quench fire V. put over, dupma, [K‍-‍DNV] (4v) K trick/deceive/dupe/put over D in/about N by V. tovsea, <over put> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K put over/lay on top, put B on top of D. put to bed, bedyduo, <bed do> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K put to bed B in/on D. putting down, po poirtoa, <power take> (n) an overthrow/putting down/coup. puzzle, minfau, <mind trouble> [V‍-‍D] (2v) V perplex/puzzle D. minfau, <mind trouble> (n) a puzzle, something that -s. minfauplepae, <puzzle(mind trouble) play apparatus> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a puzzle, generic term covering jig saw puzzles, crossword puzzles, wire puzzles etc. pygmy chimpanzee, panhi, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a chimpanzee/pygmy chimpanzee/bonobo from S. pyorrhea, piorheai, [D‍-‍] (1n) D suffer from pyorrhea, a gum disease. po piorheai, (n) an inst. of pyorrhea. pyramid, pirmidi, [B‍-‍CC] (3n) B is a pyramid of base/side C and height C. pyrite, pirhiti, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is some pyrite/fool's gold from S, an iron sulfide. pyritic, pirhiti, (a) pyritic, like pyrite. pyschopathy, lopo sikhopati, (n) pyschopathy, mass term.

Q Queen, Garf, (voc) Queen, a vocative. la Garf, (na) Queen, a name/name part as in 'la garf meris'. q sub, ducine, (ms) q sub 1 an ordered variable, math. quadrangle, forjaofoa, <four angle form> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B is a quadrangle with vertices C. quadrangular, forjaofoa, <four angle form> (a) quadrangular, pert. to quandrangles. quadrant, surkuerae, <(insert a number) reciprocal circle> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B is a sector/quadrant/octant, a pie shaped fraction of a circle with radius C. quadratic, kurfa, (a) square/quadratic, pert. to squares. quadruple, focu, (a) four/quadruple/quartet, a tetrad of … acting together, an indefinite set describer. E.g. Focu mrenu pa hijra — Some four men/A group of four men were here together. Cf., Fo mrenu pa hijra — Some four men were here independently. formao, <four make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K quadruple/make four of D. quail, firkaocea, <fear actor(coward) become> [D‍-‍V] (2v) D quail/lose courage before danger V. quaint, lalkeosii, <from an older time seems> [V‍-‍] (1a) V is quaint. plugutra, <pleasantly strange> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is quaint. quake, vansiu, <violent shake> [B‍-‍] (1v) B quake/shake violently. qualitative, nu katli, (a) qualitative, of properties generally. nerkai, <1 property> (a) qualitative, of categorical attributes. qualitatively, nu katli, (av) qualitatively, by means of qualities. quality, pu gudbi, (n) a goodness/acceptability/quality, goodness, a spec. prop. kai, (af) a combining form of katli, quality. kat, (af) a combining form of katli, quality. nu katli, (n) a characteristic/feature/property/quality/attribute of …, a property. nerkai, <1 property> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a 1 place property/quality/categorical attribute of F. nurkai, <(passive) characterize> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a property/quality/characteristic of F. pu, (op) -ness/-ship/-hood/-ity, the property/quality/dimension operator. pui, (op) short scope quality abstractor, variant of pu. quantifiable, nu cnasaa, <amount sign> (a) quantifiable/quantitative, pert. to -ified forms. quantification, lopo cnasaa, <amount sign> (n) quantification, mass term. po cnasaa, <amount sign> (n) a quantification, an instance of -ing. quantifier, cnasaa, <amount sign> (n) a quantifier, a sign which -ies. goi, (pm) (right mark of a sentence quantifier). quantify, cnasaa, <amount sign> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K quantify/specify the quantity of B. quantitative, canli, (a) quantitative, pert. to quantities. nu cnasaa, <amount sign> (a) quantifiable/quantitative, pert. to -ified forms. quantitatively, nu cnasaa, <amount sign> (av) quantitatively, by means of -ifiers. quantity, cai, (af) a combining form of canli, quantity. canli, [B‍-‍FCN] (3n) B is a quantity/amount/magnitude of stuff/material/supply F measuring C on dimension N. E.g. Vedma dio mi ne canli je lovi klabu jue lio to metro lopu langa — Give me a quantity of this cloth measuring 2 meters in length. cau, (pp) Quantities/Amounts/Values, case tag (DIO) (quantity/amount/value). cna, (af) a combining form of canli, quantity. fepti, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is 10E 15th quantity of F. (ISV femto). megbi, [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is 2E20 fold quantity of B (ISV mebi). gigbi, [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is 2E30 fold quantity of B (ISV gibi). hekso, [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a 10E18 fold quantity of B (international prefix exa). hepti, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is 10E 18th quantity of F. (ISV atto). jakti, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the 10E 24th quantity of F. jatgo, [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is 10E24 fold quantity of B. (ISV yotta). kilbi, [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is 2E10 fold quantity of B (ISV kibi). pitbi, [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is 2E50 fold quantity of B (ISV pebi). pitgo, [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a 10E15 fold quantity of B (international prefix tera). terbi, [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is 2E40 fold quantity of B (ISV tebi). zepti, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the 10E 21st quantity of F (ISV zepto). zetgo, [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is 10E21 fold quantity of B (ISV zetta). zo, (op) an amount/quantity of …, as in 'the amount of blue', an abstraction operator. zoi, (op) short scope quantity abstractor, variant of zo. quantum, kuanti, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a quantum of F, the smallest unit of energy. quark, kuarki, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a quark of type F, the current smallest hadron component. quarrel, hatnortoi, <hotly not agree> [K‍-‍KV] (3v) K quarrel/disagree angrily/loudly/emotionally with K about V. po hatnortoi, <hotly not agree> (n) a quarrel, an angry disagreement. nortoi, <not agree> [K‍-‍KV] (3v) K quarrel/disagree with K about V, e.g. I have no quarrel with that. roirtao, <angry argue> [K‍-‍KV] (3v) K quarrel/row with K over/about V. quarry, lo nu janto, (n) quarry/game, quarry, mass term. nu janto, (n) a quarry/game, quarry, conv. of hunt. quart, kuarti, [B‍-‍C] (2n) B measure(s) C in quart(s), (1 liter more or less) default 1. Specify gleco or merko. gleco kuarti, (2n) measures … in Imperial quart(s) (20 Imperial Fl. oz.), default 1. merko kuarti, (2n) measures … in US quart(s) (16 US Fl. oz.), default 1. quarter, forklu, <four cut> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K quarter D, cut into four equal parts. forklupai, <four cut part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a quarter of F. forkue, <X over four> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a quarter/fourth of F. forkuedalra, <4 reciprocal dollar> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a twenty five cent piece/quarter, 25/100ths of monetary unit F. sicpai, <city part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a section/district/quarter/borough of city F. quartered, nu forklu, <four cut> (a) quartered, cut into 4 parts. quartet, fora, (2n) is a quartet/tetrad/foursome/4 member subset of set …, a cardinal pred.; e.g. Da fora lea bridiji — X is a foursome at bridge/of bridge players. focu, (a) four/quadruple/quartet, a tetrad of … acting together, an indefinite set describer. E.g. Focu mrenu pa hijra — Some four men/A group of four men were here together. Cf., Fo mrenu pa hijra — Some four men were here independently. quartz, kuarzi, [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is some quartz of form N. queen, bragai, <born rule> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the king/queen/monarch/emperor/empress/sultan of F. garfua, <ruling woman> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the queen of F. katma, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a queen/tabby, a female domestic cat/feline. queenliness, lopu garfuacli, <queen like> (n) queenliness, mass term of properties. pu garfuacli, <queen like> (n) a queenliness, a spec. property. queenly, garfuacli, <queen like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more regal/queenly than J is. queer, gutra, [B‍-‍DN] (3a) B is alien/bizarre/mysterious/odd/queer/unusual/strange/weird/curious/peculiar/funny to D in features N. gutra, (n) a mystery/oddity/queer (person), a spec. instance. quell, nilcypuo, <under push> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K overcome/overpower/overwhelm/subdue/quell D. quench, fagstimao, <fire stop make> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K put out/extinguish/turn off/quench fire V. quench thirst, homcni sticko, <stop cause> (ph) quench thirst of …. homcni stimao, <stop make> (ph) quench thirst of …. query, po kentaa, <question speak> (n) a query/questioning, an act of asking … about …. quest, po duvrai, <find try> (n) a hunt/search/quest, an act of searching. question, dutci, [K‍-‍N] (2v) K doubt/question that N is true. ken, (af) a combining form of kenti, question. kencue, <question say> [K‍-‍PD] (3v) K ask/question question P of D. nu kencue, <question say> (n) a question, asked by … of …, conv. of ask. kendiu, <question discuss> [K‍-‍BS] (3v) K ask/inquire/question about B from S. kenduo, <question do> [K‍-‍S] (2v) K ask/inquire/question S. kentaa, <question speak> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K question/ask D about V. kenti, [P‍-‍BSD] (4n) P is a question about B put by S to D. questionable, nu dutci, (a) doubtable/dubious/questionable, can be doubted, conv. of doubt. questioner, kentaa, <question speak> (n) a questioner, one who questions persons. fu kenti, (n) a questioner, one who poses a question. questioning, dutci, (a) doubtful/skeptical/doubting/dubious/questioning. kencue, <question say> (a) questioning, of one who asks questions. po kencue, <question say> (n) a questioning, an act of asking questions. po kentaa, <question speak> (n) a query/questioning, an act of asking … about …. queue, lincea, <line become> [K‍-‍] (1v) K line up/queue, form into a line, as those awaiting service. pazlia, <waiting line> [F‍-‍V] (2n) F is a queue/line of persons waiting for event/service V. Cf., linpaa, to queue up/wait in line for something. queue up, bekylinmao, <line make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K line up/queue up D, intentionally cause … to be placed linearly. linpazda, <line wait> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K queue up/wait in line for V. queuing, po linpazda, <line wait> (n) is an event of queuing/lining up. quick, kuk, (af) a combining form of kukra, quick. kukra, (a) quick/rapid/fast/swift, swifter than … in motion …. quicken, kukcea, <fast become> [K‍-‍PC] (3v) K accelerate/quicken/hurry/speed up/become faster in motion/action P by increment C. kukcko, <fast cause> [V‍-‍BC] (3v) V accelerate/quicken/hurry/speed up B by C (unintentional act). kukmao, <fast make> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K accelerate/quicken/hurry/speed up B (intentional act). quicker, kukcia, <quick learning> [G‍-‍JB] (3a) G is more intelligent/bright/brilliant/clever/quicker than J at learning B. kukpeo, <quick think> [G‍-‍JB] (3a) G is more bright/brilliant/clever/intelligent/quicker than J at thinking about B. quickly, kukra, (av) rapidly/quickly/swiftly, in a rapid manner. quickness, pu kukcia, <quick learning> (n) a quickness/intelligence, a spec. property. pu kukra, (n) the rapidity/speed/swiftness/quickness of …, a spec. property. quiet, kalsai, <completely quiet> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is still/noiseless/silent/completely quiet. kalsaicko, <completely silent cause> [V‍-‍D] (2v) V silence/quiet/hush D, nonintentional. kalsaimao, <completely silent make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K silence/quiet/hush D by V, intentional. sai, (af) a combining form of santi, quiet. saircea, <quiet become> [D‍-‍] (1v) D are/become silent/quiet, intransitive. sairmao, <quiet make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K silence/quiet D, make … quiet, intentional. santi, (a) quiet, quieter/less noisy than …. santi, (i) be/keep+still!/quiet!, w/o a; 1st arg., an imperative. lopo santi, (n) quietude/quiet/quietness, general state term. quieter, santi, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is quieter than J. quietly, nurcla, <conv. of loud> (av) quietly/softly, as in 'speak quietly'. santi, (av) quietly, in a quiet way. quietness, lopo santi, (n) quietude/quiet/quietness, general state term. lopu santi, (n) quietness, mass prop. quietude, lopo santi, (n) quietude/quiet/quietness, general state term. quiff, hertilba, <hair tail> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a lock-of-hair/quiff/pony-tail of S. quinine, kuinhini, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some quinine, an antimalarial drug. quintet, fecu, (a) five/quintuple/quintet, a pentad of … acting together, an indefinite set describer. E.g. Fecu mrenu pa hijra — Some five men/A group of five were here together. Cf., Fe mrenu pa hijra — Some five men were here independently. fera, (2n) B is a quintet/pentad/five member subset of set F, a cardinal predicate; e.g. Da fera lea golfu — X is a fivesome at golf/of golfers. quintuple, fecu, (a) five/quintuple/quintet, a pentad of … acting together, an indefinite set describer. E.g. Fecu mrenu pa hijra — Some five men/A group of five were here together. Cf., Fe mrenu pa hijra — Some five men were here independently. quit, kaosti, <act stop> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K quit/abandon task P without finishing. sacgoi, <start go> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K leave/depart/quit to D from S. sackaa, <start come> [K‍-‍SD] (3v) K leave/depart/quit from S for D. stise, [K‍-‍V] (2v) K stop/cease/halt/quit doing V. turpaisti, <work part stop> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K resign from/quit job B. quit of, clesi, [D‍-‍B] (2pp) D is without/quit of/less/free of quality/feature/object B. quite, mutce, (av) extremely/quite/very, very/in an extreme way. nurmue, <less much> (av) moderately/pretty/quite/rather, rather. quits, ciktu, (v) be quits with … in …. quits oneself as, clibiu, <similar behave> [B‍-‍SN] (3v) B behaves like/quits oneself as/models oneself on model/standard S in sitution(s) N. E.g. Clibiu lo mrenu! — Behave/Quit ye like men! quitter, kaosti, <act stop> (n) a quitter, one who abandons a difficult task. quiver, korsiu, <body shake> [K‍-‍] (1v) K tremble/quiver/shiver/shudder. kuksiu, <quick shake> [K‍-‍SS] (3v) K quiver/shake/vibrate with frequency S and amplitude S. quotation, li, (pm) quote/(“), the utterance which looks/sounds like …, the left quotation mark, used with lu. lu, (pm) end quote/(”) (the right quotation mark, used with li). quotation mark, lie, (pm) (strong quotation mark). lieza, (pm) The opening 'strong' quotation mark of a non Loglandic spoken specimen. liezi, (pm) The opening 'strong' quotation mark of a written non Loglandic specimen. lii, (pm) the letter …, single letter quotation mark (see liu). liiza, (pm) The sound represented by the letter …, a single sound quotation mark. liizi, (pm) the written letter …, a single letter quotation mark. liuza, (pm) The spoken word …, a single word quotation mark. liuzi, (pm) The written word …, a single word quotation mark. liza, (pm) The opening quotation mark of a spoken specimen. lizi, (pm) The open quotation mark of a written specimen. nurcuesaa, <said sign> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a quote/quotation mark delimiting quoted text S. quote, li, (pm) quote/(“), the utterance which looks/sounds like …, the left quotation mark, used with lu. lu, (pm) end quote/(”) (the right quotation mark, used with li). niu, (pm) quotes the following utterance as a non L formation. notpurcue, <other's words say> [K‍-‍BDP] (4v) K quote/cite B to D for purposes P. nurcuesaa, <said sign> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a quote/quotation mark delimiting quoted text S. pakpuapli, <previous words use> [K‍-‍BP] (3v) K quote/cite B for purposes P. quotient, brato, (n) quotient/ratio/rate/proportion/fraction/dividend (stockholder share).

R R, Rai, (l) R, Latin upper case letter, one of a pool of symbols. Reptilia, lao Reptilia, (na) of the class Reptilia. Reverend, La Conynunrispe Name, (na) The Reverend Name, a title of respect. Rhine wine, rainvaine, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a/some Rhine wine. Roman, rom, (af) a combining form of romna/e/i/o, "Roman/Latin". romna, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an element/instance of Latin, the Roman language. romne, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is a Roman place/territory, a region inhabited by Romans. romni, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a person/citizen of Roman origin. romni, (a) Roman, pert. to rome/romans. romno, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is Roman, of the Roman culture. Romans, lo romni, (n) (the) Romans, the mass of all romans. Rome, la Romas, (na) Rome (the city). Roquefort, rokfore, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some Roquefort, a cheese. Russia, la Rosias, (na) Russia, the name of the country. Russian, ruk, (af) a combining form of ruska/e/i/o, "Russian". ruska, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an element/feature/expression of the Russian language. ruska, (a) Russian, pert. to the Russian language. lo ruska, (n) Russian, the mass of such elements. ruske, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is a Russian place/territory, a region inhabited by Russians. ruski, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a Russian person/Russian:man/woman. ruski, (a) Russian, of Russian origin. rusko, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an element/feature/expression of the Russian culture. rusko, (a) Russian, pert. to the Russian culture. lo rusko, (n) Russian, the mass of such elements. la Ruskos, (na) Russian, the — language. Russian person, ruski, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a Russian person/Russian:man/woman. Russian speaker, ruskytaa, <Russian talker> [K‍-‍] (1n) K is a Russian speaker, a speaker of the … language. Russians, lo ruski, (n) (the) Russians, the mass of such persons. r, rei, (l) r, Latin lower case letter, one of a pool of symbols. rabbit, lepsu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a hare/rabbit/lagomorph, one of the genus Lepus. rabble rousing, muvmaztaa, <move make talk> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more eloquent/rabble rousing than J. race, kukprano, <quickly run> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K dash/race to D from S. po kukprano, <quickly run> (n) a race/dash, an act/event of -ing. kukykanpi, <fast competitor> [K‍-‍KVB] (4v) K race with K in doing V for prize B. po kukykanpi, <fast competitor> (n) a race, a spec. act/event of -ing. specypai, <species part> [B‍-‍FSN] (2n) B is a race/variety (subspecies) of F in habitat S with traits N. specypai, <species part> (4n) a race/variety of species … in habitat … showing traits …. specypai, <species part> (n) a (breeding) population/people/race. racer, kukykanpi, <fast competitor> (n) a racer, one who competes in a speed contest. rachitic, rakhiti, (a) rachitic, pert. to rachitis. rachitis, rakhiti, [D‍-‍] (1v) D suffer from rachitis, a spinal inflammation. po rakhiti, (n) an inst. of rachitis. racial, specypai, <species part> (a) racial, pertaining to races. ju specypai, <species part> (a) a characteristic/racial/racial trait. nu specypai, <species part> (a) racial, of species having races. rack, tairframa, <stand frame> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is a rack to carry D. radar, radhari, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a/some radar. radial, midlia, <mid line> (a) radial, pert. to radii. radiance, pu krecli, <ray like> (n) a radiance, a spec. property. lopu krepetri, <ray distribute> (1n) radiance, mass property of things which —. radiant, krecli, <ray like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more beaming/radiant than J. radiate, nu kreni, (vi) radiate, give off rays, conv. form. krepetri, <ray distribute> [S‍-‍P] (2v) S radiate P. kresui, <ray send> [S‍-‍PN] (3v) S emit/radiate/transmit signal/energy P in direction N. radiation, nu krepetri, <ray distribute> (n) radiation, that given off by a radiator. po krepetri, <ray distribute> (1n) an instance of radiation, emission of rays. radiator, krepetri, <ray distribute> (n) a radiator, that which -s. radical, ginceadaa, <root change desire> (n) a radical (about …). ginrea, <root difference> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is radical/fundamental/basic, as in 'a — difference'. ginru, (a) radical, pert. to roots. giucli, <root like> [G‍-‍NJ] (3a) G is more radical/fundamental/basic to N than J is. numgiu, <number root> [C‍-‍] (1n) C is the radical/nth root of …, as in Lio to ga fori numgiu lio neso. purgiu, <word root> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the radical/root of word F, Latin trahere (pull) is the root of abstract and tractor. radio, radjo, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a radio (receiver) in system/network F. lo nu radjo, (n) radio, mass term. radioactive, radhioaktivi, [B‍-‍VC] (3n) B is a/some radioactive substance radiating V from isotope C. radhioaktivi, (a) radioactive, pert. to -ity. radioactivity, lopo radhioaktivi, (n) radioactivity, mass term. radiotherapeutic, radhioterapi, (a) radiotherapeutic, pert. to -y. radiotherapy, radhioterapi, [D‍-‍N] (2v) D receive radiotherapy for N. lo radhioterapi, (n) radiotherapy, mass term. radium, radmo, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some radium, element 88 (Ra). radius, midlia, <mid line> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the radius of circle/cylinder/sphere F. radon, radhonio, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some radon, element 86 (Rn). rafter, rufyjuo, <roof support> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a rafter/beam, roof support of F. rag, laokla, <old cloth> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a rag/tatter from S. rage, claroi, <loud anger> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K rave/fume/rage/storm at D for V. lopu claroi, <loud anger> (n) rage/fury, mass property. claroicue, <loud anger say> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K rage to (person) D. kuspyvaa, <spread violent> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K rage about/at/in V, e.g. The war/wind/pestilence raged across the land. vanfio, <violent feeling> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K rage about/at/in N. raid, cortakma, <short attack> [K‍-‍DP] (3v) K raid D with purpose P. po cortakma, <short attack> (n) a raid. rail, rel, (af) a combining form of trelu, rail. reu, (af) a combining form of trelu, rail. trelu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a rail/railing/bar, general term. railing, trelu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a rail/railing/bar, general term. railroad, trerodlu, <train road> [B‍-‍FV] (3n) B is a railroad/track running between points F over route V. railroad train, trena, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a railroad train of transport system F. rain, bisyskapi, <ice skin> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is some sleet/freezing rain. crina, [B‍-‍DS] (2v) B is a quantity of rain falls on victim D from cloud S. lopo crina, (n) rain, mass term of events. po crina, (n) some rain, a spec. event/act of -ing. tiocri, <heavy rain> [V‍-‍S] (2n) V is a downpour/cloud burst/heavy rain from cloud S. rain cloud, nu crina, (n) rain cloud, something that rains on …. rainbow, skatyfarka, <sky arc> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a rainbow. rained, corcri, <short rained on> [D‍-‍B] (2v) D experience a shower from/be showered/rained on briefly by B. rained on, cri, (af) a combining form of crina, rained on. crina, (1n) X is rained on. rainier, criflo, <rain full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is rainier/more rain full than J. raininess, pu criflo, <rain full> (n) a raininess, a spec. property. raining, ba crina, (ph) It is raining, 'some x is -ing'. be crina, (ph) It is raining, 'some x is -ing'. bo crina, (ph) It is raining, 'some x is -ing'. bu crina, (ph) It is raining, 'some x is -ing'. ba crina, (ph) it's raining. rainsquall, cribritetri, <rain wind weather> [N‍-‍B] (2n) N is a rainsquall in B, e.g. Mu pa nu cribritetri — We had a rainsquall. rainstorm, critetri, <rain weather> [N‍-‍B] (2n) N is a rainstorm in B, e.g. Mu pa nu critetri — We had a rainstorm. rally, fatkaa, <trouble come from> [D‍-‍N] (2v) D rally from disease/adversity N. genkingoi, <again together go> [K‍-‍DP] (3v) K rally at D for P, come together again. grujmi, <group meet> [K‍-‍FN] (3v) K assemble/gather/collect/rally as group F at place N. nu grujmi, <group meet> (n) gathering/assembly/collection/audience/congregation/rally, an -d group. jupkingoi, <support together go> [K‍-‍DP] (3v) K rally behind D for P, get together for support. ram, berco, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a ram, a male sheep. random, tcane, [V‍-‍N] (2a) V is fortuitous/unpredictable/random/accidental/adventitious under conditions N. randomness, lopu tcane, (n) randomness, mass term. pu tcane, (n) a randomness, spec. term. range, kokpae, <cook apparatus> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a stove/range, any heat producing device for cooking. ranjo, [F‍-‍B] (2v) F extend/range over B, plural set. ranjo, (n) an extension/range/scope/extent, scope/range, conv. of extend. rank, beklia, <object line> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a row/rank/file/formation including element/ s B. lisysia, <list position> [V‍-‍BF] (3n) V is the rank of B in list F. ransom, fu fosgeo, <force guest> (n) ransom (for … asked by …). rap, blosonmao, <hit sound make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K knock/rap on D with V. rape, secytakma, <sexually attack> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K rape/sexually assault D. rapid, kukcui, <swift water> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a rapid in F, a fast part in a river/stream. kukra, (a) quick/rapid/fast/swift, swifter than … in motion …. rapidity, pu kukra, (n) the rapidity/speed/swiftness/quickness of …, a spec. property. rapidly, kukra, (av) rapidly/quickly/swiftly, in a rapid manner. rapt, nu spibei, <spirit carry> (a) transported/carried away/rapt. raptor, raptori, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a raptor of species F, a bird of prey. rapture, lopu monhai, <mountainous happy> (n) bliss/ecstasy/rapture, mass term of property. lopu spibei, <spirit carry> (n) rapture/ecstasy. rapturous, monhai, <mountainous happy> [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is blissful/ecstatic/rapturous over V. rare, numcmacea, <number small become> [V‍-‍] (1v) V become rare/scarce/few in number. nurpio, <conv. of frequent> (a) infrequent/rare/uncommon/unusual, rarer than, conv. of frequent. rarely, nurpio, <conv. of frequent> (av) infrequently/rarely/seldom, seldom. rascal, dupypeu, <deceive person> [K‍-‍] (1n) K is a knave/rascal/rogue/villain. nornespeu, <dishonest person> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a knave/wretch/rascal/rogue/villain, intended sense to be selected. noryrispeu, <not respect person> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a knave/wretch/rascal/rogue/villain, intended sense to be selected. plezao, <play bad> [B‍-‍] (1) B is a little rascal/imp/naughty child. zavpeu, <bad person> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a knave/wretch/rascal/rogue/villain, intended sense to be selected. rash, fiacle, <fear without> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K is rash/reckless/fearless with/about N, acting without fear. pencle, <think without> [B‍-‍V] (2v) B is rash/reckless/thoughtless with/about V. raspberry, strige, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a raspberry from S. rat, ratca, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a female rat. ratci, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an infant rat. ratco, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a male rat. ratcu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a rat, a rodent of genus Rattus, non specific. rau, (af) a combining form of ratcu, rat. rat like, ratce, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is ratty/rat like, pertains to or resembles rats. rate, brato, (n) quotient/ratio/rate/proportion/fraction/dividend (stockholder share). ckerao, <time ratio> [C‍-‍V] (2n) C is a rate of V, amount per unit time that action/process/motion occurs. numsnimao, <approximation make> [K‍-‍BN] (3v) K estimate/approximate/rate B with approximation N. suvprati, <service price> [C‍-‍V] (2n) C is a fare/rate for service V. rather, nurmue, <less much> (av) moderately/pretty/quite/rather, rather. ratio, brato, [P‍-‍SC] (3n) P is a ratio of S divided by C. brato, (n) quotient/ratio/rate/proportion/fraction/dividend (stockholder share). rao, (af) a combining form of brato, ratio. rational, razpli, <reason using> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more reasonable/rational than J. rationality, lopu razpli, <reason using> (n) reason/rationality, mass prop. ratty, ratce, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is ratty/rat like, pertains to or resembles rats. ravage, hutri, [K‍-‍D] (2v) K destroy/ruin/wreck/lay waste/ravage D. rave, claroi, <loud anger> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K rave/fume/rage/storm at D for V. raven, krova, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a female crow/raven, any corvine bird. krovi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an infant crow/raven, any corvine bird. krovo, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a male crow/raven, any corvine bird. krovu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a crow/raven, any corvine bird, non specific. raven like, krove, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more corvine/crow like/raven like than J is. raw, no nu kokfa, (a) raw, uncooked, neg. of cooked. natra, (a) natural/crude/raw, not caused by man. ray, kre, (af) a combining form of kreni, ray. kreni, [P‍-‍S] (2n) P Is a beam/ray/particle/wave from energy source S. ray gun, kretau, <ray weapon> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a ray gun. raze, foirlelsea, <force level set> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K knock down/raze/demolish B by V. razor, sniklubla, <near cut blade> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a razor. re, peu, (av) re/concerning/as for. reach, barteu, <arm stretch> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K stretch the arms/reach toward/for D. po barteu, <arm stretch> (n) reach, a specific act of -ing. <V-KD>. pu barteu, <arm stretch> (n) reach, a specific property. <B->. fadgoi, <end go> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K reach/arrive at D from S. fadkaa, <end come> [K‍-‍S] (2v) K reach/arrive from S. kangei, <can get> [B‍-‍DS] (3a) B is in reach/accessable to D from S. norkangei, <no can get> [B‍-‍DS] (3a) B is out of reach/inaccessable to D from S. suksi, [K‍-‍PV] (3v) K achieve/reach/be successful in/succeed in doing/reaching P by effort V. tectco, <stretch touch> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K can just reach/touch-by stretching B. teutco, <stretch touch> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K can just reach/touch-by stretching B. po tectco, <stretch touch> (n) reach, a specific act of -ing. <V-KD>. po teutco, <stretch touch> (n) reach, a specific act of -ing. <V-KD>. pu tectco, <stretch touch> (n) reach, a specific property. <B->. pu teutco, <stretch touch> (n) reach, a specific property. <B->. reachable, nu barteu, <arm stretch> (a) reachable/attainable. <D-K>. nu tectco, <stretch touch> (a) reachable/touchable-by stretching/attainable. <D-K>. nu teutco, <stretch touch> (a) reachable/touchable-by stretching/attainable. <D-K>. react, fizpoa, <physical respond> [K‍-‍PS] (3v) K react physically with reaction P to force S. kempoa, <chemical respond> [K‍-‍VSP] (4v) K react chemically with reaction V with agent S producing P. korpoa, <body respond> [K‍-‍PS] (3v) K react physiologically with reaction P to stimulus S. minpoa, <mind respond> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K mentally react to V. ponda, [K‍-‍PSN] (4v) K react/respond with behavior P to stimulus S under N. reaction, nu fizpoa, <physical respond> (n) a reaction, a spec. physical response. po fizpoa, <physical respond> (n) a reaction, an event of -ing, physics. nu kempoa, <chemical respond> (n) a reaction, a spec. chemical response. po kempoa, <chemical respond> (n) a reaction, an event of -ing chemically. nu korpoa, <body respond> (n) a reaction, a spec. physiol. response …. po korpoa, <body respond> (n) a reaction, an event of -ing, physiologically. nu ponda, (n) a response/reaction, a behavior produced in -ing. po ponda, (n) a response/reaction, an event of responding. nurpoa, <conv. of respond> [P‍-‍SV] (3n) P is a/the response/reaction of organism S to stimulus V. reactive, kempoa, <chemical respond> (a) reactive, of chemical reagents. reactivity, pu kempoa, <chemical respond> (n) a reactivity, a property of a reagent. read, gudsoa, <good sound> (2v) sound/read well, be euphonious to …. rid, (af) a combining form of ridle, read. ridle, [K‍-‍BS] (3v) K read B from S. ridlei, <read permit> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K let read book B by D. Cf. vizlei. takyridle, <talk read> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K lecture/read (aloud) B to D. read aloud, ridcue, <read say> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K read aloud B to D. readable, nu ridle, (a) readable, conv. of read. reader, ridle, (n) a reader, one who -s. reader aloud, ridcue, <read say> (n) K is a reader aloud of B to D. readily, fasru, (av) readily/easily, in an easy manner. readiness, po bredi, (n) a preparation/preparedness/readiness, a specific state/condition. pu bredi, (n) a preparedness/readiness, a specific property. reading, po ridle, (n) a reading, an act/event of -ing. po takyridle, <talk read> (n) a lecture/reading, a reading of a lecture. reading impaired, ridfiu, <read weak> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is dyslexic/reading impaired. reads, kalridle, <completely read> [K‍-‍B] (2n) K reads/completely reads/reads the whole of document B. reads the whole of, kalridle, <completely read> [K‍-‍B] (2n) K reads/completely reads/reads the whole of document B. ready, bre, (af) a combining form of bredi, ready. brecea, <ready become> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K get(s) prepared/ready for/to do V, intransitive. bredi, [K‍-‍V] (2a) K is/are ready/prepared for V. bremao, <ready make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K prepare/ready (object, system) D for/event V, intentional. bremao, <ready make> (3v) make … ready for …. reagent, kempoa, <chemical respond> (n) a reagent/effector, that which reacts chemically. real, dzabi, (a) actual/real/existent/non fictitious for … under …. veicko, <happen cause> [N‍-‍BD] (3v) N make real/actualize/realize B for D, nonintentional cause. vetcea, <happen become> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N become real/realized to/by D. real estate, lo ponlai, <own land> (n) real estate, the mass of all owned land. real to, vetmao, <happen make> [K‍-‍ND] (3v) K make real to/actualize/realize N for D, intentional act. reality, po dzabi, (n) being/existence/reality, a specific state of existence. realizable, nu veicko, <happen cause> (a) realizable, capable of being made real. nu vetmao, <happen make> (a) realizable, capable of being made real. realization, po kacycea, <conscious become> (n) an awareness/realization, an act of becoming aware. po veicko, <happen cause> (n) an actualization/realization, an act of making … real. po vetcea, <happen become> (n) a realization, an event/process of becoming real. po vetmao, <happen make> (n) an actualization/realization, an act of making … real. realize, kacycea, <conscious become> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K realize/become conscious/aware of B. veicko, <happen cause> [N‍-‍BD] (3v) N make real/actualize/realize B for D, nonintentional cause. vetmao, <happen make> [K‍-‍ND] (3v) K make real to/actualize/realize N for D, intentional act. realized, nu veicko, <happen cause> (a) actualized/realized, made real, conv. of actualize. vetcea, <happen become> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N become real/realized to/by D. nu vetmao, <happen make> (a) realized, made real, conv. of actualize. really, ue, (i) indeed!/oh!/really!/well!/what … <, exp./exclamation of surprise.>. realm, nu bragai, <born rule> (n) a domain/realm/kingdom, that which is ruled. reap, frutoa, <fruit take> [K‍-‍PS] (3v) K pick/pluck/reap/harvest edible/useful part P from S. reaper, frutoa, <fruit take> (n) a reaper/picker/harvester, one who/that which reaps. reaping, po frutoa, <fruit take> (n) a reaping/harvest, a spec. event of -ing. rear, lo pridio, <behind direction> (n) (the) rear, mass term of direction. pripai, <behind part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the posterior/rear/back+(part) of F. prire, (a) rear/posterior, of that which is behind …. rirgu, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the buttock(s)/ass/arse/butt/rear/seat of F. rear admiral, vorkoi, <8th commander> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a major general/rear admiral/etc. commanding/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murvorkoi — rear admiral. Use surkoi. q.v., for officers in general. rear of, pridio, <behind direction> [B‍-‍N] (2pp) B is in the rear of/a backward direction from N. rear view mirror, privizpae, <back see apparatus> [B‍-‍F] (2v) B is a rear view mirror of F. rearward, pridio, <behind direction> (a) rearward, backward. pridio, <behind direction> (av) back/backward/rearward, in a backward direction. reason, fadpeo, <end think> [K‍-‍PN] (3v) K conclude/reason P about N, arrives at … by thinking about …. lopu fadpeo, <end think> (n) reason, reasoning ability. furpli, <purpose of use> [P‍-‍VK] (3n) P is a/the reason/purpose/end for means V being used by K. penso, [K‍-‍V] (2v) K think/consider/reflect/reason/contemplate about V. lopu penso, (n) reason, mass term of properties. pu penso, (n) a thoughtfulness/reason, a prop. of a thinker. raz, (af) a combining form of raznu, reason. fu razdou, <reason give> (n) a reason/justification, a reason given for …. raznu, [S‍-‍PKN] (4n) S a reason/justification for action P by actor K in circumstances N. lopu razpli, <reason using> (n) reason/rationality, mass prop. sau, (pp) Sources/Reasons/Causes, case tag (source/reason/cause). reasonable, razdou, <reason give> (a) reasonable, of those who give reasons. razdou, <reason give> (i) Be reasonable!/Come now!/Look here!, w/o 1st arg., imperative. nu razdou, <reason give> (a) reasonable/justified/justifiable, pert. to a -able act. razflo, <reason full> [G‍-‍JV] (3a) G is more reasonable than J about V. nu raznu, (a) warranted/justified/reasonable. razpli, <reason using> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more reasonable/rational than J. reasoner, fadpeo, <end think> (n) a reasoner, one who thinks to conclusions. penso, (n) a thinker/reasoner, one who -s. reasoning, lopu fadpeo, <end think> (n) reason, reasoning ability. reasons for, razdou, <reason give> [K‍-‍VS] (3v) K give reasons for/justify act V with reason S. reassure, kofmao, <comfortable make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K solace/comfort/console/reassure D, make … comfortable. rebate, batfantoa, <trade reverse take> [K‍-‍CDFV] (5v) K rebate amount C to customer D for excess payment F for good/service V. rebel, tcorypozfa, <authority oppose> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K rebel/revolt against authority V. poirpozfa, <power oppose> [K‍-‍NB] (3v) K rebel against powerful agency N in matters B. poirpozfa, <power oppose> (n) rebel, one who -s. rebellion, garkamda, <government fight> [K‍-‍S] (2v) K revolt/rebellion against government S. lopo poirpozfa, <power oppose> (n) rebellion, mass term of acts. po poirpozfa, <power oppose> (n) a rebellion, an act/state of -ing. rebirth, po genbra, <again born> (n) a rebirth. reborn, genbra, <again born> [K‍-‍DP] (3v) K is reborn/born again to parents D as P. rebuke, tsedastaa, <error responsible talk> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K censure/rebuke/reprove/reproach D for V. po tsedastaa, <error responsible talk> (n) an instance of censure/rebuke/reproof/reproach. rebuking, tsedastaa, <error responsible talk> (a) censuring/rebuking, pertaining to —. recall, driki, [K‍-‍VF] (3v) K remember/recall/recollect V about F. po driki, (n) a memory/recall/recollection, an act/state of remembering. kambeo, <come ask> [K‍-‍BDS] (4v) K recall/call back/summon B to D from S. A polite form of kamkoi q.v. kamkoi, <come order> [K‍-‍BDS] (4v) K recall/call back/summon B to D from S. recapitulate, corgencue, <short again say> [K‍-‍VND] (4v) K sum up/summarize/recapitulate/abstract V by saying N to D. recapitulation, fu corgencue, <short again say> (n) a recapitulation/resume/summary, a short account of …. recede, primuo, <back move> [B‍-‍] (1v) B recess/recede, go back, as the ocean receded. receded, primuo, <back move> [B‍-‍] (1v) B recess/recede, go back, as the ocean receded. receipt, po fu donsu, (n) receipt, of a gift from …. po fursui, <3rd conv. send> (n) the receipt/reception of … from …. fursuirirda, <receive record> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is a receipt for V, to acknowledge any object sent. peinrirda, <pay(ment) record> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B is a receipt for payment C. receipts, lo peinrirda, <pay(ment) record> (n) receipts for expenditures, mass term. receive, fu donsu, (n) receive/be given gift/present/donation … from …. fomgeojmi, <formally guest meet> [K‍-‍D] (2n) K receive/welcome (guest) D, a formal reception. furdou, <3rd converse, give> [D‍-‍BS] (3v) D receive/get gift B from S. fursui, <3rd conv. send> [D‍-‍BS] (3v) D get/receive B a sent thing, from S. geojmi, <guest meet> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K receive/welcome (guest) D. receiver, dio, (pp) Destinations/Receivers, case tag (destination/receiver). fursui, <3rd conv. send> (n) a receiver/recipient, of something sent. recency, pu hisnao, <history present> (n) a modernness/recency/modernity, a property of being modern. recent, hisnao, <history present> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more modern/new/recent/up to date than J is. hisypasnao, <history past recent> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more recent than J is. snipao, <near past> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more recent than J. recent past, lo snipao, <near past> (n) the recent past. recently, paza, (av) recently/shortly before, before predicates. paza, (va) lately/newly/recently … ed, not too long ago, a modified tense operator. reception, po fomgeojmi, <formally guest meet> (n) an instance of reception, the formal receiving of guests. po fursui, <3rd conv. send> (n) the receipt/reception of … from …. po geojmi, <guest meet> (n) an instance of reception, the receiving of guests. gesgoisia, <guest go place> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the reception of F, a place where clientele are received. receptive, pu furdou, <3rd converse, give> (a) receptive. receptor, nevpoa, <nerve respond> [D‍-‍FP] (3n) D is a receptor for F giving response P (biol.). recess, calhou, <wall hole> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a recess/alcove, a depression in a wall. cirpazda, <learn pause> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a recess, a break in school classes. primuo, <back move> [B‍-‍] (1v) B recess/recede, go back, as the ocean receded. prisea, <back place> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K recess B from D, as a house is recessed from a street. turpazda, <work pause> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is a recess, a time off from work. recession, po primuo, <back move> (1n) a recession, a backward motion. E.g. the economy. recipe, durlista, <do list> [B‍-‍K] (2n) B is a program/recipe for K, a list of things for … to do. mazfoa, <make form> [B‍-‍P] (2n) B is the formula/recipe/method/procedure for doing/making P. recipient, fu donjuo, <gift support> (n) a recipient, of a contribution. fu donsu, (n) a recipient, a receiver of a gift, 2nd conv. of give. furdou, <3rd converse, give> (n) a recipient, one who receives a gift. fursaa, <sign recipient> [D‍-‍BKV] (4n) D is the addressee/recipient of a sign with meaning B given by K with result V. fursui, <3rd conv. send> (n) a receiver/recipient, of something sent. Nu garti, (ph) Thanks! / Be the recipient of (my) gratitude! Nu garti mi!, (ph) Thanks! / Be the recipient of my gratitude! nurgarti, <1st converse of grateful> [D‍-‍KV] (3v) D is the recipient of K's gratitude for V. reciprocal, nu cikpoa, <equal respond> (a) reciprocal/mutual, pert. to -cated actions. kumce, [B‍-‍B] (2n) B is a/the reciprocal of B. siltu, (a) reciprocal/oscillating/shaking, of that which -es. kue, (af) a combining form of kumce, reciprocal. reciprocally, cikpoa, <equal respond> (av) each other/mutually/one another/reciprocally/in return. reciprocate, siltu, [B‍-‍CC] (3v) B shake/oscillate/reciprocate, exhibits reciprocal motion with rate C and amplitude C(1). reciprocate in doing, cikpoa, <equal respond> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K (collective) reciprocate in doing V, do … to each other. reciprocation, po siltu, (n) a shaking/oscillation/reciprocation, a spec. state of -ing motion. reciprocity, lopo cikpoa, <equal respond> (n) reciprocity, mass term. po cikpoa, <equal respond> (n) a reciprocity, a spec. state/condition. recite, minridcue, <mind read say> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K recite B for D, 'reads' from his mind; by memory. reckless, fiacle, <fear without> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K is rash/reckless/fearless with/about N, acting without fear. keucle, <care without> [B‍-‍N] (2v) B is careless/reckless with/about N, not caring about. pencle, <think without> [B‍-‍V] (2v) B is rash/reckless/thoughtless with/about V. recklessness, po keucle, <care without> (n) a carelessness/recklessness, a spec. instance of being —. pu keucle, <care without> (n) a carelessness/recklessness, a spec. prop. reckon, numtua, <number work> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K reckon/calculate B by V. recline, resto, [K‍-‍B] (2v) K lie (down)/rest/repose/recline on B. recliner, tecycei, <stretch chair> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a reclining chair/recliner. reclining chair, tecycei, <stretch chair> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a reclining chair/recliner. recognition, po kledja, <class know> (n) an/a classification/identification/recognition, an event of recognizing … as an …. po nu kledja, <class know> (n) an/a classification/identification/recognition, an event of being recognized by … as an …. po kleviadja, <class see know> (n) an instance of recognition of … as …. po nerdja, <individual know> (n) an identification/recognition, an event of recognizing … V (K-B). po nu nerdja, <individual know> (n) an identification/recognition, an event of being recognized by … V (B-K). po spedja, <experience know> (n) a recognition, an act of -izing a familiar thing. po viadja, <see know> (n) a recognition, an act of -izing. recognizability, pu nu spedja, <experience know> (n) a recognizability/familiarity, a spec. property of being known by experience. pu nu viadja, <see know> (n) a recognizability, a spec. property. recognizable, nu spedja, <experience know> (a) known/recognizable/familiar to … by experience. nu viadja, <see know> (a) recognizable, can be -ized by …. recognize, kaidja, <quality know> [K‍-‍NS] (3v) K recognize/see/know quality/property N in S. kleviadja, <class see know> [K‍-‍BF] (3v) K recognize person/object B as being an instance of class F. perdri, <person remember> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K remember/recognize person B. viadja, <see know> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K recognize D to be B. recognized, nu kledja, <class know> (a) classified/identified/recognized by … as an. nu nerdja, <individual know> (a) identified/recognized by K as a certain individual. recognizes, kledja, <class know> [K‍-‍BF] (3v) K classifies/identifies/recognizes B as belonging to class F. nerdja, <individual know> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K identifies/recognizes B as a certain individual. spedja, <experience know> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K knows/recognizes/is familiar-with/acquainted with B by/through direct experience. recollect, driki, [K‍-‍VF] (3v) K remember/recall/recollect V about F. recollection, nu driki, (n) a recollection/remembrance, that which is recalled. po driki, (n) a memory/recall/recollection, an act/state of remembering. dristu, <remember story> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is a memoir/reminiscence/recollection about V. recommend, gudsange, <good suggest> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K recommend/commend/counsel/advise D to do V. recommendation, fu gudsange, <good suggest> (n) a counsel/advice/recommendation, a morally recommended act. po gudsange, <good suggest> (n) a counsel/commendation/advice/recommendation, an act of counseling. reconcile, mazharmo, <make harmonious> [K‍-‍VV] (3v) K reconcile V with V. record, rajrirda, <scratch record> [B‍-‍VKC] (4n) B is a record/recording of V made by K playing at C RPM. rir, (af) a combining form of rirda, record. rirda, [B‍-‍VN] (3n) B is a record/log of event/process V on medium N. rirmao, <record make> [K‍-‍VB] (3v) K register/enrol/enter/record V in/for(record) B. sonrircko, <sound record cause> [B‍-‍SP] (3v) B record sound/video S as record P, nonintentional. fu sonrircko, <sound record cause> (n) a record/recording (sound/video). sonrirda, <sound record> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is a record/sound recording of V. sonrirmao, <sound record make> [K‍-‍SP] (3v) K record sound/video S as record P, intentional. fu sonrirmao, <sound record make> (n) a record/recording (sound/video). record player, rajrirmai, <scratch record machine> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a phonograph/record player. recordable, nu rirmao, <record make> (a) recordable, can be recorded. recorder, rirmao, <record make> (n) recorder/registrar (of … in …), one who -s. sonrircko, <sound record cause> (n) a recorder (that which r's). sonrirmao, <sound record make> (n) a recorder (one that r's). recording, rajrirda, <scratch record> [B‍-‍VKC] (4n) B is a record/recording of V made by K playing at C RPM. fu sonrircko, <sound record cause> (n) a record/recording (sound/video). po sonrircko, <sound record cause> (n) an act of recording. sonrirda, <sound record> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is a record/sound recording of V. fu sonrirmao, <sound record make> (n) a record/recording (sound/video). po sonrirmao, <sound record make> (n) a recording (act of). recording tape, rirdandi, <record tape> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a/some recording tape made by S. recover, gengei, <again get> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K recover/regain B. jelcea, <well become> [D‍-‍B] (2v) D recover/be cured/healed from illness B. recovery, po gengei, <again get> (n) a recovery, an act of -ing something. po jelcea, <well become> (n) an instance of recovery (from illness …). rectangle, kurjaofoa, <square angle form> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a rectangle with vertices B. rectangular, kurjao, <square angle> (a) rectangular, pert. to right angles. kurjaofoa, <square angle form> (a) rectangular, pert. to rectangles. rectangularity, pu kurjaofoa, <square angle form> (n) rectangularity, a spec. property. recur, nu genza, (v) recur, have recurrent instances …. pifno, (v) recur, happen more frequently than …. recurrence, genza, [V‍-‍N] (2n) V is a case/token/instance/recurrence/recurrent instance of N. lopo nu genza, (n) recurrence, mass of such events. po nu genza, (n) a recurrence, a case of a type -ing. pifno, (n) a recurrence, a spec. frequent event. po pifno, (n) a recurrence, a state of -ing. recurrent instance of, genza, [V‍-‍N] (2n) V is a case/token/instance/recurrence/recurrent instance of N. recurring, nu genza, (a) recurring, pert. to -ing types. pifno, [G‍-‍JN] (3a) G is more customary/recurring/usual/frequent than J under condition N. red, red, (af) a combining form of redro, red. redcea, <red change> [D‍-‍S] (2v) D blush/become red from S. redro, (a) red, redder than …. redro, (n) a red, a red colored thing/object. lopu redro, (n) red, the color, mass term. redden, redcko, <red cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N redden D, makes … red, nonintentional. redmao, <red make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K redden D, makes … red, intentional. redder, redro, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is redder than J. redeem, fanfurvea, <reverse buy> [K‍-‍BS] (3v) K redeem, return for refund B from S. redical, ginceadaa, <root change desire> [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is redical about V, as in 'has — opinions'. redness, pu redro, (n) a redness, a spec. property. redoubtable, firckomou, <fear cause more> [G‍-‍JD] (3a) G is more fearsome/formidable/redoubtable than J is to D. nurfia, <conv. of fear> [G‍-‍JD] (3a) G is more fearsome/formidable/redoubtable than J to D. redress, srunakso, <injure mend> [K‍-‍DBV] (4v) K compensate/redress/make amends to D for B by V. reduce, cmacko, <small cause> [N‍-‍B] (2v) N shrink/reduce/diminish/decrease, make smaller B in size, nonintentional; 'Hot water shrinks wool'. cmamao, <small make> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K shrink/reduce/diminish/decrease, make smaller B in size, intentional. fantenri, <reverse increase> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K reduce/lessen D in number. reducer, cmacko, <small cause> (n) a reducer, that which -es. cmamao, <small make> (n) a reducer, one who -s. reduces the price, ratycmamao, <price smaller make> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K has a sale/reduces the price of B. reduction, po cmacko, <small cause> (n) a reduction/diminution/decrease, an act of -ing something. po cmamao, <small make> (n) a reduction/diminution/decrease, an act of -ing something. po fantenri, <reverse increase> (n) a reduction in numbers, specific instance. reed, cutraa, <flat grass> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a reed, a grass that grows in water or bogs. siubla, <vibrate blade> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a reed for musical instrument F. reel, tanydzo, <rotate walk> [K‍-‍] (1v) K reel (walks unsteadily and not directly). reenter, fanzvogoi, <reverse out go> [K‍-‍S] (2v) K reenter/go back in (location) S. reentry, po fanzvogoi, <reverse out go> (n) an instance of reentry. refer, sanduo, <sign do> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K allude/refer to referent B using sign/expression V. sanpa, (vt) refer/mean/signify, signify … to … prompting … under …. refer uniquely, namsaa, <name sign> [P‍-‍B] (2v) P designate/mean/refer uniquely to B. reference, nu namsaa, <name sign> (n) a meaning/reference/designation, that which is -ed. perdju, <person judge> [K‍-‍BN] (3n) K is a reference/evaluator of person B in situation N. nu sanpa, (n) a reference/meaning/referent/significance, referent/producer of a sign. po sanpa, (n) a reference, event of -ing. referent, nursaa, <conv. of sign> [V‍-‍BD] (3n) V is a referent/designatum/meaning/sense/significance of/thing designated by sign B to D. nu sanpa, (n) a reference/meaning/referent/significance, referent/producer of a sign. referred to, tio, (p) that, the last referred to situation (DA). refine, nerctimao, <one stuff(pure) make> [K‍-‍PS] (3v) K purify/refine P from S. refined, nu dilko, (a) appreciative/cultivated/refined/sensitive, of delicacy, q.v. nerctimao, <one stuff(pure) make> (a) refined, made pure. refinement, pu nu dilko, (n) refinement, prop. of being -ed. reflect, conpeo, <deeply think> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K reflect(s) /consider/contemplate/ponder/meditate/brood/think deeply about V. krefansui, <ray reverse send[ray return]> [N‍-‍SP] (3v) N reflect rays/energy S into image P. kretancko, <ray turn cause> [S‍-‍P] (2v) S reflect P. tcufae, <image reverse> [V‍-‍] (1v) V invert/reflect, reverse an image as in a mirror. penso, [K‍-‍V] (2v) K think/consider/reflect/reason/contemplate about V. reflected, nu kretancko, <ray turn cause> (a) reflected < pert. to that -ed.> …. reflection, lopo conpeo, <deeply think> (n) consideration/preoccupation/reflection, mass term. po conpeo, <deeply think> (n) a consideration/preoccupation/reflection, an act of -ing. fu krefansui, <ray reverse send[ray return]> (n) a reflection, a -ed image. po krefansui, <ray reverse send[ray return]> (n) a reflection, an event of -ing. nu kretancko, <ray turn cause> (n) reflection, that which is -ed …. po kretancko, <ray turn cause> (n) an instance of reflection. po tcufae, <image reverse> (1n) inversion/reflection, an act of mirror imaging. po penso, (n) a thought/consideration/reflection/contemplation, an act of thinking. reflective, krefansui, <ray reverse send[ray return]> (a) reflective, of any surface that -s. penflo, <thought full> (a) pensive/reflective, preoccupied with …. reflectiveness, pu penflo, <thought full> (n) a thoughtfulness/reflectiveness, a spec. property. reflector, krefansui, <ray reverse send[ray return]> (n) reflector, that which -s something. kretancko, <ray turn cause> (n) reflector/mirror <that which -s>. selblerie, <self look apparatus> [B‍-‍] (1) B is a reflector/mirror <that which -s>. reflexive, fuo, (mod) 3rd reflexive, equivalent to inserting a third argument identical to the first argument. C.f. nuo. nuo, (mod) 2nd reflexive, equivalent to inserting a second argument identical to the 1st argument. E.g. Da nuo ditka — he bit himself. reform, bivceamao, <behavior change make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K reform(s) D by V. po bivceamao, <behavior change make> (n) reform/an act of -ing. siorceamao, <system change make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K reform D by V. fu siorceamao, <system change make> (n) a reform, the change itself. po siorceamao, <system change make> (1n) reform/an act of -ing. refract, krebetcko, <ray bend cause> [K‍-‍DC] (3v) K refract D, cause … to bend through angle C. refraction, po krebetcko, <ray bend cause> (n) a refraction, a spec. instance of -ing. refractor, krebetcko, <ray bend cause> (n) a refractor, that which -s …. refrain, genpai, <again part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a refrain of F, a repeated part, as of a song. norduo, <not do> [K‍-‍VD] (3v) K refrain/abstain/omit from doing V to D. refresh, kofkledycko, <comfort cold cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N cool/refresh D, non intentional, as a refreshing breeze. kofkledymao, <comfort cold make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K cool/refresh D, intentional. genfurpoa, <again stimulate> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N refresh (the spirit of) D. refuge, hargoi, <harbour go> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K take refuge/harbour/harbor in D for fear of/from danger V. harko, (n) a retreat/shelter/harbor/harbour/haven/refuge, that which shelters/harbors. nornurjuasto, <uncaught stay> (a) refuge, e.g. refuge culture. refund, fanfurvea, <reverse buy> [K‍-‍BS] (3v) K redeem, return for refund B from S. refusal, po begnordou, <requester non grant> (n) a refusal/denial, an act of -ing a request. po durnortoi, <do not agree> (n) a a refusal, an act of -ing to do …. po norcue, <no say> (n) a refusal/denial, an act of saying no to …. po norleicue, <not let say> (n) a refusal, an act of -ing to permit …. po norsanmao, <no signal> (n) a refusal/denial, an act of -ing by gesture. po tifnortaa, <offer not talk> (n) a refusal (of offer … from …). refuse, ai no, (ph) certainly not/I refuse/of course not<, an exp. of unwillingness.>. no begdou, <request give> (3v) deny/refuse request … to …. begnordou, <requester non grant> [K‍-‍VD] (3v) K deny/refuse request V from D. durnortoi, <do not agree> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K refuse to do/have done V. kamymao, <come(go) make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K refuse/turn away D from V, an intentional rejection. norcue, <no say> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K refuse/deny, says no to proposal B by D. norsanmao, <no signal> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K deny/refuse, gesture/signal denial to D. nurfesycti, <wasted stuff> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is waste/refuse/garbage/trash/junk/scrap from process V. lo nurfesycti, <wasted stuff> (n) refuse/scrap, the mass of all trash. tifnortaa, <offer not talk> [K‍-‍BS] (3v) K decline/refuse offer B from S. refuse to let, norleicue, <not let say> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K refuse to let/forbid D to do V. refused, kamcea, <come(go) become> [D‍-‍B] (2v) D is/are refused/turned away from B, (actor unspecified). refutation, fu faldjalei, <false show(know let)> (n) refutation, that which refutes. po faldjalei, <false show(know let)> (n) an instance of refutation. refute, faldjalei, <false show(know let)> [K‍-‍SP] (3v) K refute (untruth) S by P. fankuvduo faitaa, <reveal(reverse cover) do> (ph) give the lie to/refute (lie) … by …. refuted, nu faldjalei, <false show(know let)> (a) refuted, shown to be not true. regain, gengei, <again get> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K recover/regain B. regain consciousness, genkaecea, <again conscious become> [B‍-‍N] (2v) B revive/regain consciousness from (condition) N. (unspecified cause). regal, bragai, <born rule> (a) regal/royal, pert. to kings. bragaicli, <born govern like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more regal/kingly than J. garfuacli, <queen like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more regal/queenly than J is. regard, bleka, [K‍-‍D] (2v) K regard/view/look at/toward D. rispe, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K respect/esteem/regard D for doing/being V. po rispe, (n) a respect/regard/esteem, a spec. act of respecting. po nu rispe, (n) a regard/esteem, a state of being respected. regime, ju kickoi, <doctor order> (n) a treatment/(medical) regime. regiment, forgru, <4th group> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a regiment/wing, the 4th smallest military unit in some larger military organization/force F, without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. kerforgru — air wing. Cf. surgru. sodgru, <soldier group> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a troop/platoon/company/battalion/regiment of F, any military group, identify by number. surnarmypai, <army part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a corps/division/regiment/company/platoon of F, any army part, identify by number. region, forspa, <four space> [N‍-‍B] (2n) N is a (space time) region occupied by system/process B. gunpai, <nation part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a district/region/province/section of country F. spapai, <space part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a region/sector of (area) F. spasi, [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a/the room/region/space/volume occupied by B. telfomspa, <earth form space> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the region/sector/area of planet F. zvospa, <outside space> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a space/region outside of N default: la Ter. register, lisynensea, <list into set> [K‍-‍BF] (3v) K register/enrol/enter B in/for(list) F. fu lisynensea, <list into set> (n) a register/roll/list (of … by …). rirmao, <record make> [K‍-‍VB] (3v) K register/enrol/enter/record V in/for(record) B. fu rirmao, <record make> (n) a register/roll/list (of … by …). rirmazmao, <record make make> [K‍-‍BV] (2v) K register/enrol/enter B in V. fu rirmazmao, <record make make> (n) a register/roll/list (of …). registered, nu lisynensea, <list into set> (a) registered/enrolled/entered (by … in …). nu rirmao, <record make> (a) registered/enrolled/entered (by … in …). nu rirmazmao, <record make make> (a) registered/enrolled/entered (in …), pert. to the registrant. registering, lisynensea, <list into set> (a) registering/enrolling/entering (of … in …). rirmao, <record make> (a) registering/enrolling/entering (of … in …). rirmazmao, <record make make> (a) registering/enrolling/entering (in …), pert. to the registrant. registrant, rirmazmao, <record make make> (n) registrant (in …), one who -s. registrar, lisynensea, <list into set> (n) registrar (of … in …), one who -s. rirmao, <record make> (n) recorder/registrar (of … in …), one who -s. regret, keidri, <sad remember> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K regret/rue/be sorry/be too bad about V. po keidri, <sad remember> (n) a remorse/regret, an act/condition of -ing. keircue, <sad say> [K‍-‍VD] (3v) K regret V, express regrets for … to D. no uu, (i) I'm not sorry/I don't regret …, an denial of sympathy/regret. regretful, keidri, <sad remember> (a) regretful/remorseful/rueful/sorry, of one who -s. uu, (i) I am sad/sympathetic/regretful that …, an exp. of sympathy/regret. regretfulness, pu keidri, <sad remember> (n) a remorsefulness/regretfulness, a spec. property. regrettable, nu keidri, <sad remember> (a) regrettable, conv. of regret. regular, nunrii, <conv. of regular> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more occasional/sporadic/less regular than J. rii, (af) a combining form of rilri, regular. rilri, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more regular/cyclical/periodic/uniform than J. regularity, pu rilri, (n) a regularity/uniformity/periodicity, a spec. property. regularization, po rilrymao, <regular make> (n) a regularization, a spec. event. regularize, rilrymao, <regular make> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K regularize, make V periodic. regulate, rulmao, <rule make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K regulate/make rules for persons/processes D. stuli, [K‍-‍SP] (3v) K adjust/regulate S for function/purpose P. regulation, po rulmao, <rule make> (n) a regulation, act of rule making. rulni, (n) a prescription/principle/regulation/rule/requirement, a rule requiring … of … under … according to …. po stuli, (n) a regulation/adjustment, an act of -ing something. regulator, rulmao, <rule make> (n) a regulator, one who makes rules. stuli, (n) a regulator/adjustor, one who/that which -s. regulatory, rulmao, <rule make> (a) regulatory, pert. to rule making. rulni, (a) regulatory, pert. to rules. regurgitate, vamtu, [K‍-‍PB] (3v) K vomit/regurgitate/throw up P on B. reign, po bragai, <born rule> (n) a reign, sp. period of rule. po garfua, <ruling woman> (n) a reign, of a queen, a period/process. garni, [K‍-‍D] (2v) K govern/reign/rule (over) D. po garni, (n) a reign/government, an act of -ing. rein, horbreko, <horse brake> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a rein/bridle. reindeer, tuktu, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a reindeer/caribou from S. reiterate, gencue, <again say> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K reiterate/repeat/say again B to D. reiteration, po gencue, <again say> (n) a repetition/reiteration, an act of -ing. reject, fanjuo, <reverse support> (v) reject … in circumstance …. nortistia, <not choose choose> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K eliminate/discard/drop/reject B from selection process V. tifnorcue, <no say> [K‍-‍BS] (3v) K reject/spurn offer B for reason S. zavreo, <bad throw> [K‍-‍BS] (3v) K reject/throw out/away B for reason S, as a faulty product. rejected, nu tifnorcue, <no say> (a) rejected/spurned, pert. to an offer. nu zavreo, <bad throw> (a) rejected, pert. to an faulty product. rejection, po tifnorcue, <no say> (n) an instance of rejection, turning down an offer. po zavreo, <bad throw> (n) an instance of rejection, discarding a faulty object. rejoice, hapcue, <happy say> [K‍-‍PSN] (4v) K rejoice saying P to S about N. haptaa, <happy talk> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K rejoice about V. rejoicing, po hapcue, <happy say> (n) an event of rejoicing. relate, kucdui, <relation discover> [K‍-‍BB] (3v) K relate B to B, find a relation between … and. stucue, <story say> [K‍-‍PD] (3v) K narrate/relate/tell story P to D. relate to, perti, [B‍-‍N] (2v) B treat of/relate to/pertain to/concern/be about/be relevant to N. stutaa, <story talk> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K tell/relate to D a story about V. related, feorkui, <factually related> [B‍-‍FN] (3v) B are actually related to/occur in the same world as F according to point-of view/observer/metaphysics/reality N. kunci, [B‍-‍BN] (3a) B is related to B by relation N. kunci, (v) be related to … by …, general term. livkui, <life kin> [B‍-‍FC] (3v) B is genetically related to F in degree C. purkui, <word related> [B‍-‍BN] (3v) B is related to B by (predicate) N, a logical relation. related socially to, sockui, <social kin> [B‍-‍BN] (3v) B is related socially to B by relationship N. relatedness, pu kunci, (n) a relatedness, a spec. property. relation, po kambi, (n) a comparison/relation, an act of -ing. kuisni, <kin near> [G‍-‍JD] (3n) G is a closer relation/kin than J is to D. fu kunci, (n) a relation, that which relates … and …. fu sockui, <social kin> (n) a relation/relationship, a spec. social relation. terkai, <3 quality> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a 3 place property/relation among N, collective. terkaipua, <3 quality word> [B‍-‍VF] (3v) B is a predicate (3 place)/3 place relation V among F. torkai, <2 quality> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a 2 place property/relation among F., dual collective. torkaipua, <2 quality word> [B‍-‍NF] (3v) B predicate (2 place)/2 place relation N among F. relation among, purkai, <word character> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a metalinguistic property of/relation among F. relationship, po kunci, (n) a relationship, a state of being -ed. lopu livkui, <life kin> (n) kinship/relationship, the mass of such props. pu livkui, <life kin> (n) a kinship/relationship, a spec. prop. of any kin, q.v. fu sockui, <social kin> (n) a relation/relationship, a spec. social relation. po sockui, <social kin> (n) a relationship, a spec. state/condition. relative, kambi, (a) comparative/relative, pert. to comparisons. linkui, <line kin> [P‍-‍S] (2n) P is a lineal relative of S, child/parent/grandchild/etc. livkui, <life kin> (n) a/the kin/relative of, genetically related in some degree. lo livkui, <life kin> (n) kin/relative of …, the mass of …'s kin. nerkui, <first kin> [B‍-‍B] (2n) B is a 1st degree/close+relative of B, a son/brother/father/etc. nerlinkui, <1st lineal kin> [B‍-‍B] (2n) B is a parent/child/immediate relative of B, a 1 step lineal relation. tiskui, <choose kin> [B‍-‍B] (2n) B is a relative of B by adoption. relatively, norcearao, <constant ratio> (av) in proportion/relatively. relax, norjiumao, <not tight make> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K relax B, make … relaxed. relay, getsui, <get send> [K‍-‍BDS] (4v) K transmit/relay B to D from S. release, rezlei, <free let> [K‍-‍DB] (3n) K discharge/let go/release D from B (court, prison etc.). po rezlei, <free let> (n) a discharge/release (of … from …). relevance, pu perti, (n) a relevance/pertinence, relevance, a spec. property. lopu pertyfeo, <pertinent fact> (n) relevance, mass property. pu pertyfeo, <pertinent fact> (n) a/some relevance, a specific property. relevant, perti, [B‍-‍N] (2v) B treat of/relate to/pertain to/concern/be about/be relevant to N. perti, (a) pertinent/germane/relevant, pertinent to …. pertyfeo, <pertinent fact> (a) relevant/evidential, pert. to evidence. reliability, pu nu kaokri, <act believe> (n) a reliability/dependability, a spec. property. reliable, balkao, <balance act> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K is steady/reliable in situation N. nu kaokri, <act believe> (a) reliable/dependable, of one who is relied on. reliance, po kaokri, <act believe> (n) a reliance, a spec. state. relief, po fatlatcea, <trouble light become> (n) an instance of relief, being relieved of a burden/trouble. po fatlatcko, <trouble light cause> (n) an instance of relief, removal of a burden/trouble. po fatlatmao, <trouble light make> (n) an instance of relief, removal of a burden/trouble. nurlufta, <lifted> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is in relief, raised from surface S. retkeo, <rest time> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is an interval of relief/respite from activity V. lopo sochea, <social assistance> (n) relief/welfare/the dole, mass instances. relieve, dastoa, <responsibility take> [K‍-‍VD] (3v) K relieve/take over work/duty V from D. fatlatcko, <trouble light cause> [V‍-‍DN] (3v) V relieve D of burden/trouble N (non intentional cause). fatlatmao, <trouble light make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K relieve D of burden/trouble V (intentional act). sochea, <social assistance> [K‍-‍DV] (3n) K relieve/aid/assist D socially by V. relieved, fatlatcea, <trouble light become> [D‍-‍N] (2v) D is/are relieved of burden/trouble N (non specified cause). nu fatlatcko, <trouble light cause> (a) relieved (by … of …). nu fatlatmao, <trouble light make> (a) relieved (by … of …). religion, lid, (af) a combining form of lidji, religion. lidji, [N‍-‍D] (2n) N is a religion/religious belief/practice of people(s) D. lidkrisio, <religion creed> [N‍-‍] (1n) N is a religious creed/religion, body of religious beliefs. lo lidkrisio, <religion creed> (n) religion, general term. religiosity, pu lidflo, <religion full> (n) a religiosity, a spec. property. religious, lidflo, <religion full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more religious, full of religion than J. lidfro, <religion strong> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is religious/devout in faith N. lidji, [N‍-‍D] (2n) N is a religion/religious belief/practice of people(s) D. lidji, (a) religious, pert. to religions. lidkao, <religious act> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more devout/pious/religious/righteous in action than J. relish, gusfundi, <taste prefer> [K‍-‍GJ] (3v) K relish/enjoy/prefer G over J. rely, kaokri, <act believe> [D‍-‍KPN] (4v) D depend/rely/count on K for performance P in situation N. remain, sto, (af) a combining form of stolo, remain. stolo, [K‍-‍B] (2v) K abide/last/remain/stay/sojourn with/at B. remain aware, kaesto, <conscious remain> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K remain aware of N. remainder, stolo, (n) a remainder, that which remains. stonuu, <staying number> [B‍-‍V] (2v) B is a remainder/residue of mathematical operation V. nu sumji, (n) the difference/remainder when … is reduced by …. remains, stocti, <staying material> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a vestige/trace/residue/remains/rest of F. remark, hirdri, <hear remember> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K notice/remark (remark) V. toa, (p) this, the about to be mentioned remark/utterance/textual item. (DA). toi, (p) that, the last mentioned remark/utterance/textual item (DA). viadri, <see remember> [K‍-‍NB] (3v) K remark/notice/(take) note of/that N about B. vikcue, <see say> [K‍-‍PD] (3v) K remark/comment/observe, make remark P to D. nu vikcue, <see say> (n) a remark/comment/observation, that which is said, conv. form. po vikcue, <see say> (n) a remark/comment/observation, an act/event of -ing. remarkable, mucgutra, <very strange> [V‍-‍] (1a) V is extraordinary/remarkable/peculiar. takvau, <talk worthy> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more notable/noteworthy/remarkable/worthy of talk/comment than J. nu viadri, <see remember> (a) noticeable/remarkable, conv. of notice. remedy, jurkiu, <(medical) treatment> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a remedy of/for medical condition N. jurnakso, <means of fixing> [V‍-‍B] (2n) V is a remedy of/for fixing problem B. remember, dri, (af) a combining form of driki, remember. driki, [K‍-‍VF] (3v) K remember/recall/recollect V about F. duodri, <do remember> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K remember to do P. grarisdri, <great respect remember> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K celebrate/remember event V. perdri, <person remember> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K remember/recognize person B. remembrance, nu driki, (n) a recollection/remembrance, that which is recalled. remind, dricko, <remember cause> [N‍-‍DV] (3v) N remind D of V, nonintentional cause, 'that reminds me'. drimao, <remember make> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K remind D of N, intentional act. reminded, dricea, <remember become> [D‍-‍V] (2v) D are/become reminded of V. reminder, dricko, <remember cause> (n) a memo(randum)/reminder/souvenir, a reminder to … of …. reminiscence, dristu, <remember story> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is a memoir/reminiscence/recollection about V. remit, cmesui, <money send> [K‍-‍CDV] (4v) K remit/send/transfer money C to D by V. fu daigru, <planning group> (n) the remit of council/planning group/committee …. remittance, nu cmesui, <money send> (n) a remittance (from … to … by …). remorse, po keidri, <sad remember> (n) a remorse/regret, an act/condition of -ing. selzavfio, <self bad feel> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K feel remorse about V. lopu selzavfio, <self bad feel> (n) remorse, mass property. remorseful, keidri, <sad remember> (a) regretful/remorseful/rueful/sorry, of one who -s. selzavfio, <self bad feel> (a) remorseful, regretting some action. remorsefulness, pu keidri, <sad remember> (n) a remorsefulness/regretfulness, a spec. property. remote, darpao, <far past> [J‍-‍G] (2a) J is more remote/ancient, farther back in time than G. removal, po clemao, <without make> (n) an instance of removal/riddance/disposal. po darmuocko, <far move cause> (n) an instance of removal. po darmuvmao, <far move make> (n) an instance of removal. po muocko, <move cause> (n) a move/removal, an act of moving something. po muvmao, <move make> (n) a move/removal, an act of moving something. po tokna, (n) an appropriation/removal, an act of taking … from. nu zvosea, <out put> (n) a deletion/removal, that which is -ed. remove, clemao, <without make> [K‍-‍BF] (3v) K remove/get rid/dispose of B from F, intentional. darmuocko, <far move cause> [N‍-‍BDS] (4v) N remove B to D from S (nonintentional cause) e.g. the wind removed the leaves. darmuvmao, <far move make> [K‍-‍BDS] (4v) K remove B to D from S (intentional act). fanrespli, <reverse dress use> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K undress (by removing)/remove clothing B. muocko, <move cause> [K‍-‍BDS] (4v) K move/remove B to D from S, nonintentional. muvmao, <move make> [K‍-‍BDS] (4v) K move/remove/take away/withdraw B to D from S, intentional. tokna, [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K appropriate/remove/take (away) B from D. remove clothing, fanresduo, <reverse dress do> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K undress(es) D, remove clothing from …. remover, darmuocko, <far move cause> (n) remover, one who/which -s. darmuvmao, <far move make> (n) remover, one who/which -s. renew, simcnumao, <seem new make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K renew D by V. renounce, nordjotaa, <not member talk> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K renounce/abdicate position/rights N. norponcue, <not own say> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K renounce/disown/disclaim/gives up claim to B. renouncer, norponcue, <not own say> (n) a renouncer, on who -es. renovate, cnumao, <new make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K renovate/restore, restore D to original state. renovation, lopo cnumao, <new make> (n) restoration/renovation, mass term. po cnumao, <new make> (n) a restoration/renovation, general, a spec. property. po simcnumao, <seem new make> (n) an instance of renovation. renovator, cnumao, <new make> (n) a renovator, general, one who -s. rent, plinurpei, <use paid> [K‍-‍BDC] (4v) K rent/let (object) B to (person) D for (money) C. plipei, <use pay> [K‍-‍BDCP] (5v) K hire/rent B from D at price C for use P. ju plipei, <use pay> (n) rent/hire, amount paid (for … from … by … for …). rented, nu plipei, <use pay> (a) rented (by … from … at … for …). renter, plinurpei, <use paid> (n) renter, one who -s to someone. plipei, <use pay> (n) renter, (one who rents … from … at … for …). fu plipei, <use pay> (n) renter, (one who rents … to … at … for …). renunciation, po norponcue, <not own say> (n) a renunciation, an act of -ing. repair, mairnakso, <machine repairer> [K‍-‍BDV] (4v) K repair/fix machine B for D by V. josynakso, <sew fix> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K darn/repair/mend/patch D with B. nakso, [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K fix/repair B for use/user D. po nakso, (n) repair, a spec. act or event of -ing something. tcanakso, <car fix> (v) K fix/repair motor vehicle(s) B. repair pots, patnakso, <pot repair> [K‍-‍] (1v) K tinker/repair pots. repairable, nu nakso, (a) repaired/repairable/fixed, repaired, conv. of repair. repaired, nu nakso, (a) repaired/repairable/fixed, repaired, conv. of repair. repairman, nakso, (n) a fixer/repairman, one who repairs something for …. repairs, lopo nakso, (n) repairs, mass term of events. repay, jetsti, <owe cease> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K repay/pay off/settle up with D. repeat, gea, (av) again/I repeat, a discourse operator (UI). genduo, <again do> [K‍-‍PD] (3v) K repeat/do again P to D. repeatedly, gengea, <again again> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K repeatedly P. gengea, <again again> (av) repeatedly/again and again. rorgea, <many repeat> [V‍-‍] (1v) V happen repeatedly. rorgea, <many repeat> (av) repeatedly/again and again/over and over, repeatedly. repel, fantrili, <reverse attraction> [B‍-‍D] (2v) B repel D, as a magnet. pridiokrani, <backward drive> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K drive back/repel/repulse D from N. repellent, pridiokrani, <backward drive> (a) repellent, pert. to things which repel. pridiokrani, <backward drive> (n) a repellent, that which repells. repent, selzalvia, <self bad see> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K repent action V. repentance, lopu selzalvia, <self bad see> (n) repentance, mass property. po selzalvia, <self bad see> (n) an instance of repentance. repetition, nu gencue, <again say> (n) a repetition, a repeated statement. po gencue, <again say> (n) a repetition/reiteration, an act of -ing. nu genduo, <again do> (n) a repetition, a repeated action. po genduo, <again do> (n) a repetition, an act of -ing an action. repetitious, gencue, <again say> (a) repetitious, as of persons. repetitiousness, lopu gencue, <again say> (n) repetitiousness, mass term of prop. pu gencue, <again say> (n) a repetitiousness, a spec. property. replace, noipli, <other use> [K‍-‍BP] (3v) K substitute/replace/use replacement B for P. sifsea, <place put> [K‍-‍SP] (3v) K replace/substitute S with P, puts … in the place of …. fu sifsea, <place put> (vt) replace/substitute …, of replacements, conv. form. siftoa, <place take> [P‍-‍SF] (3v) P replace/supersede/take the place of S in F. replaced, nu sifsea, <place put> (a) replaced/substituted, of that which is -ed. replacement, nu noipli, <other use> (n) a substitute/replacement, a substitute, conv. form. po siftoa, <place take> (n) an instance of replacement. fu sifsea, <place put> (n) a replacement/substitute, that which -es, conv. form. po sifsea, <place put> (n) a replacement/substitution, an act of -ing. siftoa, <place take> (n) a replacement, something which -es. replicate, selkopmao, <self copy make> [S‍-‍P] (2v) S divide/transform/replicate itself to P copies, default 2. reply, dap, (af) a combining form of dapli, reply. dapli, [K‍-‍PBS] (4v) K answer/respond/reply P to question/statement B by S. nu dapli, (n) answer/reply/response, one made in -ing a question. po dapli, (n) a reply/answer/response, an act of -ing a question/statement. rep, (af) a combining form of retpi, reply. retpi, [P‍-‍SK] (3n) P is a/the answer/reply/solution to question/request/problem S put by K. report, nuzbei, <news carry> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K report news B to D. nu nuzbei, <news carry> (n) a report, a -ed thing/piece of news. po nuzbei, <news carry> (n) a report, an act of -ing. nuzfansui, <news reverse send> [K‍-‍BSD] (4v) K report/send back news B from S to sender D. po nuzfansui, <news reverse send> (n) a report, an act of sending news … from … back to …. vetcue, <event say> [K‍-‍PVD] (4v) K give account/report/narration P of event V to D. vetcue, <event say> (v) narrate/tell/report … about event … to …. nu vetcue, <event say> (n) an account/narration/report, of an event. po vetcue, <event say> (n) a narration/report, giving such an account. reporter, nuzbei, <news carry> (n) a reporter, one who -s news. nuzyvelsri, <news container writer> [K‍-‍P] (2n) K is a journalist/reporter for publication P. repose, resto, [K‍-‍B] (2v) K lie (down)/rest/repose/recline on B. reprehensible, zavkaobiu, <bad act behave> (a) guilty/reprehensible. represent, dil, (af) a combining form of dilri, represent. dilri, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K represent person(s) D in matter/situation V. madsandou, <symbol give> [K‍-‍SP] (3v) K symbolise/represent S with (symbol) P. poldilri, <politics represent> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K represent D politically. representation, po dilri, (n) a representation, general, a spec. act. lardilri, <art representative> [P‍-‍SB] (3n) P is an image/representation of S in (form/material) B. lardilri, <art representative> (n) a representation, artistic, that which -s. fu madsandou, <symbol give> (n) a representation, a symbol used to -ize. po madsandou, <symbol give> (n) a representation, an act of symboling. po nu madsandou, <symbol give> (n) a representation, state of being -ized. po poldilri, <politics represent> (n) a representation, political, a spec. act. representational, po madsandou, <symbol give> (a) symbolic/representational, of symbolizing acts. representative, dilri, (n) an agent/ representative of absent person(s) … in matter/situation …. lardilri, <art representative> (a) representative, of that which -s. poldilri, <politics represent> (n) a representative, political, one who -s. reprimand, kaftaa, <punish talk> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K admonish/lecture/scold/reproach/reprimand D for behavior V. po kaftaa, <punish talk> (n) a lecture/reprimand/reproach/scolding/admonishment, an act of -ing. pubkaftaa, <punish talk> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K reprimand D for V. po pubkaftaa, <punish talk> (n) a reprimand. reproach, kaftaa, <punish talk> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K admonish/lecture/scold/reproach/reprimand D for behavior V. po kaftaa, <punish talk> (n) a lecture/reprimand/reproach/scolding/admonishment, an act of -ing. tsedastaa, <error responsible talk> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K censure/rebuke/reprove/reproach D for V. po tsedastaa, <error responsible talk> (n) an instance of censure/rebuke/reproof/reproach. tsedasycue, <error responsible say> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K blame/reproach/censure/reprove D for error V. reproduce, cnulivpro, <new life produce> [K‍-‍] (1v) K reproduce/propagate (it/themselves). genpro, <again produce> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K copy/generate/reproduce/propagate D. rorcea, <many become> [K‍-‍] (1v) K multiply/reproduce, e.g. Bacteria multiply rapidly. reproduction, lopu genpro, <again produce> (n) generation/reproduction/propagation, mass property. po genpro, <again produce> (n) an instance of generation/reproduction/propagation (of …). lopu rorcea, <many become> (n) mass property of multiplication/reproduction. po rorcea, <many become> (n) an instance of multiplication/reproduction. reproof, po tsedastaa, <error responsible talk> (n) an instance of censure/rebuke/reproof/reproach. reprove, tsedastaa, <error responsible talk> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K censure/rebuke/reprove/reproach D for V. tsedasycue, <error responsible say> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K blame/reproach/censure/reprove D for error V. reptile, reptili, [B‍-‍FS] (3n) B is a reptile of type/genus/species F from S. reptilian, reptili, (a) reptilian, pert. to -s. republic, nu dilgai, <represent government> (n) a republic, a polity so governed. republican, dilgai, <represent government> (a) republican. dilgaifundi, <represent government prefer> [K‍-‍] (1) K is a republican, one who favors republican government. repulse, pridiokrani, <backward drive> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K drive back/repel/repulse D from N. repulsion, po fantrili, <reverse attraction> (n) a repulsion, an event of -ing. po pridiokrani, <backward drive> (n) a repulsion, an act of -ing. repulsive, fantrili, <reverse attraction> (a) repulsive, of forces which repel. reputation, pubmintcu, <public mind picture> [B‍-‍DV] (3n) B is a/the reputation of D in matter V. request, begco, [K‍-‍VD] (3v) K petition/ask for/request/plead action/object V of/from D. nu begco, (n) request/plea, a requested behavior/object. po begco, (n) request/petition/plea, a spec. act of -ing. fombeo, <formal ask> [K‍-‍PD] (3v) K request/apply to/propose action P to D. po fombeo, <formal ask> (n) a formal request/application/proposal. no eo, (i) I request not, denial of request for permission. "I'm not requesting, I'm demanding". require, cnida, [K‍-‍BP] (3v) K need/require/want B for purpose/action P. folrui, <strong rule> [K‍-‍DVN] (4v) K obligate/require D to do V under N. lilfoi, <legal force> [K‍-‍DP] (3n) K legally oblige/require D to do P. required, nu cnida, (a) necessary/needed/required, needed, conv. of need, q.v. fu folrui, <strong rule> (a) required/mandatory/obligatory, of required actions. no oa, (i) I/he/they are not required to …, denial of ethical obligation. nerbi, (a) necessary/required/demanded/essential/indispensible/vital for …, of factual conditions. nurfolrui, <forced rule> [K‍-‍PN] (3v) K must/be obliged/required to do P under N. nu rulni, (a) required, of acts prescribed by a rule. requirement, nu cnida, (n) a necessity/need/requirement, a needed thing. po cnida, (n) a need/necessity/requirement, a spec. state of -ing. nu livcni, <live need> (n) a necessity/need/requirement -that which is needed for life. rulni, (n) a prescription/principle/regulation/rule/requirement, a rule requiring … of … under … according to …. nu rulni, (n) a requirement/prescription, a spec. -ed behavior. requires, livcni, <live need> [B‍-‍N] (2v) B need/requires N to stay alive. rescue, denrezmao, <danger free make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K free/rescue/save D from danger V. po denrezmao, <danger free make> (n) an instance of freeing/salvation/rescue. rescued, nu denrezmao, <danger free make> (a) freed/saved/rescued, of one who is -d. rescuer, denrezmao, <danger free make> (n) a rescuer/saviour, one who saves … from …. research, cilble, <detail look> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K investigate/research B for/on behalf of D. researcher, cilble, <detail look> (n) an investigator/researcher. resemblance, pu clisii, <similar appear> (n) a resemblance, a spec. property. resemble, clisii, <similar appear> [B‍-‍BK] (3v) B resemble/look like B to K. reservation, po sromao, <store make> (n) a saving/reservation/conservation, an act of -ing. reserve, lopu norsimfio, <not seem feeler> (n) reserve, mass property. po norsimfio, <not seem feeler> (n) an instance of reserve, concealed feelings. sifklipu, <location keep> [K‍-‍BDF] (4v) K reserve seat/accommodation etc. B for person D at establishment F. sordi, [F‍-‍BD] (3n) F is a store/reserve/deposit/depot of B made/kept by D. sromao, <store make> [K‍-‍SP] (3v) K save/reserve/store/conserve/stock S for use/purpose P, intentional. sropai, <store part> [B‍-‍P] (2n) B is a spare/reserve (part) for P. reserved, norsimfio, <not seem feeler> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is reserved about V, not show feelings about …. reservoir, nurmaovla, <made lake> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a pond/reservoir, an artificial body of water. srohaa, <deposit house> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a warehouse/storehouse/reservoir/depository/godown of/for stores N. reside, harlii, <shelter live> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K dwell/reside/live/occupy in dwelling B. siflii, <place live> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K live/reside at location B. spalii, <region live> [B‍-‍F] (2v) B reside/inhabit/live in area/region/habitat F. residence, bragarhaa, <born govern house> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is a palace/royal residence of D. nu harlii, <shelter live> (n) a residence of …. livhao, <living shelter> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is a/the lodging/habitation/abode/home/dwelling/domicile/residence of D. residency, po harlii, <shelter live> (n) an occupancy/residency, a state of residing. resident, harlii, <shelter live> (n) an occupant/resident, one who resides in …. siflii, <place live> (n) an inhabitant/resident, a resident of …. spalii, <region live> (n) a resident/inhabitant, one living in a spec. habitat. residential, livhao, <living shelter> (a) domestic/residential, pert. to homes. residue, stocti, <staying material> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a vestige/trace/residue/remains/rest of F. stonuu, <staying number> [B‍-‍V] (2v) B is a remainder/residue of mathematical operation V. resign from, turpaisti, <work part stop> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K resign from/quit job B. resign themselves to, fablei, <fail let> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K resign themselves to/accept failure to do/be P. resignation, po fablei, <fail let> (n) a resignation, a state of being -ed. po turpaisti, <work part stop> (n) a resignation. resigned, fablei, <fail let> (a) resigned, of one who accepts failure. resist, durpozfa, <do oppose> [K‍-‍NV] (3v) K resist (force) N by V. fatbei, <trouble carry> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K endure/resist trouble N. laasto, <long stay> [K‍-‍VN] (3v) K persist/endure/resist V in conditions N. pozfa, [K‍-‍KN] (3v) K oppose/resist/be against K on issue/matter N. resistance, po durpozfa, <do oppose> (n) an act of resistance/stubbornness (of … in manner …). lopu fatbei, <trouble carry> (n) resistance/endurance (of trouble …), mass property. lopu laasto, <long stay> (n) resistance/endurance (of …), mass prop. lopo pozfa, (n) opposition/resistance, mass term of acts. lopu pozfa, (n) resistance, the mass of such props. po pozfa, (n) an opposition/resistance, a spec. act of -ing. pu pozfa, (n) a resistance, a spec. prop. of -ers. resistant, hardu, (a) hard/resistant, more resistant to scratching than …. resisted, nu durpozfa, <do oppose> (a) resistible/resisted (by … in manner …). resister, durpozfa, <do oppose> (n) resister(of … by …), one who -s. pozfa, (n) an opponent/resister/opposition/adversary, one who opposes. resistible, nu durpozfa, <do oppose> (a) resistible/resisted (by … in manner …). resisting, durpozfa, <do oppose> (a) resisting/stubborn, of that which/one who -s doing …. pozfa, (a) against/resisting, opposed to … on issue …. resolute, norceafurmoi, <no change intend (unswervable intention)> (a) resolute, determined to do …. resolution, fu grunurmoi, <group intend> (n) a resolution (by …). po grunurmoi, <group intend> (n) an instance of resolution. (group decision). nabyretpi, <problem answer> [P‍-‍S] (2n) P is a/the resolution/solution of (problem) S. nurmoiste, <intend sentence> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is a resolution to V. po parcea, <parts become> (2n) is a resolution/spontaneous separation of whole … into parts … ; cf. po parmao. po pardui, <parts discover> (n) a/the resolution of …, a specific instance of -ing. resolutions, lopo parcea, <parts become> (1n) the mass of such resolutions/spontaneous separations. resolve, grunurmoi, <group intend> [K‍-‍FV] (3v) K resolve in group F to do V. norceafurmoi, <no change intend (unswervable intention)> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K resolve/be resolved to do P. pardui, <parts discover> [K‍-‍FB] (3v) K resolve F into components B. parmao, <part make> [K‍-‍FB] (3v) K segment/partition/resolve F into parts B, plural set, intentional. resolved, norceafurmoi, <no change intend (unswervable intention)> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K resolve/be resolved to do P. resolves, parcea, <parts become> [F‍-‍B] (2v) F resolves/separates into parts/elements B, by itself; cf. parmao. resort, helgoi, <help go> [K‍-‍VD] (3v) K resort to V for D. resound, gensoa, <again sound> [B‍-‍] (1v) B echo/resound/ring. resource, helsro, <help store> [V‍-‍SP] (3n) V is a resource of S for P. respect, rip, (af) a combining form of rispe, respect. ris, (af) a combining form of rispe, respect. rispe, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K respect/esteem/regard D for doing/being V. po rispe, (n) a respect/regard/esteem, a spec. act of respecting. respectability, pu nu rispe, (n) a respectability, a spec. property. respectable, gudbiu, <good behave> [K‍-‍V] (2a) K is decent/respectable in doing/being V. nu rispe, (a) estimable/esteemed/respectable, respected, conv. of esteem. respecter, rispe, (n) a respecter, one who -s …. respectful, risflo, <respect full> [K‍-‍D] (2a) K is respectful of D. respective, nerpie, <one parallel> (a) respective, of corresponding things. toe, (a) respective, a discourse operator (UI). respectively, nerpie, <one parallel> (av) respectively, in a one to one way. toe, (av) respectively, a discourse operator (UI). respite, retkeo, <rest time> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is an interval of relief/respite from activity V. respond, dapli, [K‍-‍PBS] (4v) K answer/respond/reply P to question/statement B by S. ponda, [K‍-‍PSN] (4v) K react/respond with behavior P to stimulus S under N. poa, (af) a combining form of ponda, respond. respondent, dapli, (n) an answerer/respondent, of a question/statement. response, nu dapli, (n) answer/reply/response, one made in -ing a question. po dapli, (n) a reply/answer/response, an act of -ing a question/statement. nu ponda, (n) a response/reaction, a behavior produced in -ing. po ponda, (n) a response/reaction, an event of responding. nurpoa, <conv. of respond> [P‍-‍SV] (3n) P is a/the response/reaction of organism S to stimulus V. responsibility, fu dasmao, <responsible make> (n) a charge/responsibility, a spec. responsibility. po nu dasmao, <responsible make> (n) a responsibility, a spec. state. nu daspa, (n) a responsibility, a spec. charge that one is responsible for. po daspa, (n) a responsibility, a spec. state of being responsible. pu tsedaspa, <error responsible> (n) a/the blame/responsibility, a property of being -able. responsible, das, (af) a combining form of daspa, responsible. daspa, [D‍-‍BK] (3v) D is responsible for object/person/task B to K. responsible for, dasmao, <responsible make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K make D responsible for V/charge … with …. tsedaspa, <error responsible> [K‍-‍PN] (3a) K is responsible for/guilty of/to blame for error P by standard N. responsive, dapli, (a) responsive, of one who answers questions/statements. ponda, (a) responsive, reactive to stimulus/ i. responsiveness, pu ponda, (n) a responsiveness, a spec. property. rest, nu basni, (v) be based/rest/founded on …. notpai, <other part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the other part/rest of F. resto, [K‍-‍B] (2v) K lie (down)/rest/repose/recline on B. resto, (vi) be at rest, rest/repose on …. po resto, (n) a rest, a state/condition of repose. ret, (af) a combining form of resto, rest. stocti, <staying material> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a vestige/trace/residue/remains/rest of F. restaurant, resra, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a restaurant/cafe of place/community F. restaurant-boat, resrybou, <restaurant boat> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a restaurant-boat. restful, retcko, <rest causing> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more restful, rest causing than J. restfulness, pu retcko, <rest causing> (n) a restfulness, a spec. property. restless, muoflo, <move full> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is restless, full of movement, e.g. a restless child. retcle, <rest without> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is restless/unresting, e.g. a restless wandering, the unresting sea. restoration, lopo cnumao, <new make> (n) restoration/renovation, mass term. po cnumao, <new make> (n) a restoration/renovation, general, a spec. property. restore, cnumao, <new make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K renovate/restore, restore D to original state. fantoa, <reverse take> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K restore/put back/return B to D, its former place/owner. genjunmao, <again young make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K restore (to youth) D. restored, fancea, <reverse change> [D‍-‍] (1v) D is/becomes restored to its original state. restrain, litnu, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K hold/restrain/keep/check/stop/curb/detain D from doing V. liu, (af) a combining form of litnu, restrain. restrainer, litnu, (n) a restrainer, one who -s. restraining, litnu, (a) restraining, of that which/one who -s. restraint, litnu, (n) a restraint/check/curb, that which -s. restrict, lijmao, <limit make> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K limit/restrict D to N, intentional. limcko, <limit cause> [N‍-‍DV] (3v) N limit/restrict D to V (non intentional cause). restriction, fu lijmao, <limit make> (n) a limitation/restriction/limit, area of a restriction. po lijmao, <limit make> (n) a limitation/restriction, an act of -ing. fu limcko, <limit cause> (n) limitation/restriction/limit, area of a restriction. (non intentional cause). po limcko, <limit cause> (n) limitation/restriction, an act of -ing. (non intentional cause). result, nernurcko, <one 1st conv. of cause> [P‍-‍SN] (3n) P is the only/is exactly one effect/result of cause S under conditions N. nurcko, <conv. of cause> [P‍-‍SN] (3n) P is an effect/result/consequence/issue of cause S under conditions N. result from, nurcko, <conv. of cause> (v) ensue/issue/result from, as an effect of cause … under …. resume, fu corgencue, <short again say> (n) a recapitulation/resume/summary, a short account of …. gensacduo, <again start> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K resume V/begin … again/starts … over again. kumkai, <common quality> [P‍-‍S] (2n) P is an abstract/summary/resume of S. resumption, lopo gensacduo, <again start> (n) resumption, mass term of acts. po gensacduo, <again start> (n) a resumption, an act of -ing. resurrected, nu livceamao, <alive become make> (a) resurrected, of someone restored to life. resurrection, po livceamao, <alive become make> (n) resurrection, an event of …'s restoring … to life. resurrects, livceamao, <alive become make> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K resurrects/makes B come to life. retain, driklipu, <memory keep> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K memorize/retain, hold in memory P. klipu, [K‍-‍B] (2v) K keep/retain/hold B in their possession. smiliu, <secret keep> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K retain/withhold/keep secret B from D. retainable, nu klipu, (a) retainable, of that which is kept. retention, po driklipu, <memory keep> (n) a memorization/retention, an act/process of -ing. po klipu, (n) a retention, an act of keeping. retentiveness, pu driklipu, <memory keep> (n) the memory/retentiveness, a property of one who memorizes. retinue, bragaigru, <born govern group> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B are a/the (royal) court/retinue of F. fucgoigru, <after go group> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the following/followers/retinue/escort of F. retire, bedgoi, <bed go> [K‍-‍] (1v) K retire/go to bed. peirtuasti, <pay work stop> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K retire from career V. pridirgoi, <backward go> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K retreat/go back/fall back/retire to D from S. retired, peirtuasti, <pay work stop> (a) retired, of one who has retired. retiree, peirtuasti, <pay work stop> (n) a retiree, one who is retired. retirement, lopo peirtuasti, <pay work stop> (n) retirement, mass term. po peirtuasti, <pay work stop> (n) a/the retirement, an act/state of -ing. retreat, harko, (n) a retreat/shelter/harbor/harbour/haven/refuge, that which shelters/harbors. pridirgoi, <backward go> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K retreat/go back/fall back/retire to D from S. po pridirgoi, <backward go> (n) a retreat, an act of -ing. retrieve, fansea, <reverse set> [K‍-‍BN] (3v) K retrieve B from place N, a place where … had been set/put/hidden. retroviral, retrroviri, (a) retroviral, pert. to -s. retrovirus, retrroviri, [B‍-‍FS] (3n) B is a retrovirus of type/genus/species F from S. return, cikpoa, <equal respond> (av) each other/mutually/one another/reciprocally/in return. fanbei, <reverse carry> [K‍-‍BSD] (4v) K return/carry back B from S to D. fandou, <reverse give> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K return/give back B to D. po nu fandou, <reverse give> (n) a return, an event of being returned. fangoi, <reverse go> [K‍-‍DSV] (4v) K return/come back to D from S via V. po fangoi, <reverse go> (n) a return, an act of going back. fanklipu, <reverse keep> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K deliver/surrender/return B to D. fansui, <reverse send> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K return/send back B to sender D. po fansui, <reverse send> (n) a return, an act of sending … back to …. fantoa, <reverse take> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K restore/put back/return B to D, its former place/owner. return address, ju posta, (n) a return address, of posted material. returned, nu fandou, <reverse give> (a) returned, of something that is -ed. reveal, fankuvduo, <reveal(reverse cover) do> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K uncover/expose/reveal/disclose B to D. fankuvtaa, <reveal(reverse cover) talk> [K‍-‍PD] (3v) K reveal P to D. revelation, fankuaspe, <reveal(reverse cover) experience> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K experience a revelation about V. nu fankuaspe, <reveal(reverse cover) experience> (n) a revelation, that which is -ed. po fankuaspe, <reveal(reverse cover) experience> (n) an instance of revelation, the experience. lopo fankuvduo, <reveal(reverse cover) do> (n) disclosure/exposure/revelation, mass acts. nu fankuvduo, <reveal(reverse cover) do> (n) a revelation, that which is -ed. po fankuvduo, <reveal(reverse cover) do> (n) a disclosure/exposure/revelation, an act of -ing. nu fankuvtaa, <reveal(reverse cover) talk> (n) a revelation, that which is -ed. po fankuvtaa, <reveal(reverse cover) talk> (n) an instance of revelation, the act of -ing. revenge, po sruciupoa, <hurt equal respond(reciprocally)> (a) a vengeance/revenge, a spec. act of -ing. revenue, cmenenkaa, <money in come> [V‍-‍S] (2n) V is the income/revenue from S. revere, conrispe, <deep respect> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K revere(s) D, have deep respect for …. revered, nu conrispe, <deep respect> (a) revered, deeply respected (by …). sento, [B‍-‍K] (1a) B is holy/sacred/revered/spiritual, pert. to religiously respected by people K. reverence, lopu conrispe, <deep respect> (n) reverence, mass property. po conrispe, <deep respect> (n) an instance of reverence (for …). reverie, nu cidrei, <awake dream> (n) a day dream/fancy/fantasy/reverie/whim, a spec. fantasy. po cidrei, <awake dream> (n) a day dream/fantasy/reverie, an act of -ing. reversal, fandurmao, <reverse do make> (n) a reversal, an act of -ing something. po fankeolista, <reverse time sequence> (n) a reversal, an event of becoming -ed. po fanlista, <reverse sequence> (n) a reversal, an event of becoming -ed. po lisfae, <list reverse> (1n) inversion/reversal, an act of reversal of a sequence. reverse, fan, (af) a combining form of fanve, reverse. fandurmao, <reverse do make> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K reverse V, make … occur/behave in reverse sequence. fanspali, <reverse side> [V‍-‍B] (2n) V is a/the reverse/wrong side/backside/flipside of B. fanve, [N‍-‍N] (2n) N is the reverse/inverse/opposite of N, in reverse order from sequence …. lisfae, <list reverse> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K invert/reverse, reverse a sequence of objects B, e.g. letters in a word. noirspali, <other side> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the reverse, other side of surface/object F. noirspali, <other side> (a) reverse, of other sides. fae, (af) a combining form of fanve, reverse. reverse self, fankeolista, <reverse time sequence> [K‍-‍] (1v) K reverse self, occur/behave in reverse temporal sequence. fanlista, <reverse sequence> [K‍-‍] (1v) K reverse self, occur/behave in reverse sequence. review, genble, <again look> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K look over/review B. po genble, <again look> (n) a (specific) review of …. reviewed, nu genble, <again look> (a) reviewed, pert. to that -ed. reviewer, genble, <again look> (n) reviewer, one who -s. revival, lopu spilufta, <spirit lift> (n) revival, mass property. po spilufta, <spirit lift> (n) an instance of revival, spirit lifting. revive, genkacmao, <again conscious make> [K‍-‍DNV] (4v) K revive D from (condition) N by V, restore consciousness to … (intentional). genkaecea, <again conscious become> [B‍-‍N] (2v) B revive/regain consciousness from (condition) N. (unspecified cause). genkaecko, <again conscious cause> [B‍-‍DN] (3v) B revive D from (condition) N, nonintentional cause, e.g. the water-d her. spilufta, <spirit lift> [D‍-‍N] (2v) D revive (in spirit) from (state/condition) N. revolt, garkamda, <government fight> [K‍-‍S] (2v) K revolt/rebellion against government S. po garkamda, <government fight> (n) a revolt/revolution, spec. event. tcorypozfa, <authority oppose> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K rebel/revolt against authority V. revolution, po gargrucea, <govern group change> (n) a revolution/takeover/coup d'etat. lopo garkamda, <government fight> (n) revolution, mass term. po garkamda, <government fight> (n) a revolt/revolution, spec. event. po radgoi, <circle go> (n) a circling/revolution, an act of -ing. po trana, (n) a revolution/rotation/turn, an act/event of rotating. revolutionary, garkamda, <government fight> (a) revolutionary, pertaining to revolution. garkamda, <government fight> (n) a revolutionary/revolutionist, one who -s. jipcea, <important change> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is revolutionary in features N. poirceadaa, <power change want> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a revolutionary, one who wants a revolutionary change in government. revolutionist, garkamda, <government fight> (n) a revolutionary/revolutionist, one who -s. revolve, radgoi, <circle go> [K‍-‍S] (2v) K circle/revolve/go around/go around S as a center. trana, [K‍-‍N] (2v) K turn/rotate/revolve around axis N. revolver, corkukreo, <short quick thrower> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a pistol/revolver, general term. revolving, radgoi, <circle go> (a) revolving, pert. to that which circles. trana, (a) revolving, pert. to that which rotates. reward, barda, [K‍-‍DSB] (4v) K reward D for S with B. ju barda, (n) a reward, the thing given. rewardable, fu barda, (a) rewardable, of acts which are -ed. nu barda, (a) rewardable, of one who is -ed. rewind, fanrirpli, <reverse record use> [K‍-‍DCB] (4v) K rewind record/tape D to position C on machine B. rhenium, renmiio, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some rhenium, element 75 (Re). rhesus, reshu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a rhesus, an Indian monkey. rho, reo, (l) rho, Greek lower case letter, one of a pool of symbols. rhodium, rodhiio, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some rhodium, element 45 (Rh). rhododendron, rodhodendroni, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a rhododendron. rhodopsin, rodhopsini, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some rhodopsin, a visual pigment. rhyme, clifaosoa, <like end sound> [B‍-‍B] (2v) B rhyme with B. clifaosoa, <like end sound> (n) a rhyme, that which rhymes. clifaosonmao, <like end sound make> [K‍-‍BB] (3v) K rhyme(s) B with B, intentional act. rhymer, clifaosonmao, <like end sound make> (n) a rhymer. rhythm, nu danse, (n) music/rhythm/style of dance …. rinta, [N‍-‍V] (2n) N is a/the rhythm of V. pu rinta, (n) a rhythm, a property of being -ic. rit, (af) a combining form of rinta, rhythm. rhythmic, rinta, (a) rhythmic, pert. to rhythms. nu rinta, (a) rhythmic, of things that have rhythm. riata, jugkoe, <grab rope> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a lasso/lariat/riata. rib, brutybongu, <breathe bone> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a rib of F. ruerbongu, <breathe bone> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a rib of F. ribbon, dandi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a/some tape/ribbon. pilkoe, <planar cord> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a ribbon/tape/belt, a flat cordlike object. ribose, ribhosi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some ribose, a pentose sugar. ribosome, ribhosomi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a ribosome, a cell organelle. rice, rismi, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a grain/quantity of rice from S. rismi, (a) rice, made of rice. lo rismi, (n) rice, mass term. rich, ful, (af) a combining form of fulri, rich. fulri, (a) rich/wealthy/prosperous, wealthier than … in …. richer, fulri, [G‍-‍JB] (3a) G is richer/wealthier than J in wealth type B. richly, fulri, (av) richly/wealthily, in a rich manner. rid, clecea, <without become> [D‍-‍B] (2v) D is/are rid/free/bereft of B. clecko, <without cause> [N‍-‍BF] (3v) N get rid/dispose of B from F (nonintentional) the rain — the snow by melting it. clemao, <without make> [K‍-‍BF] (3v) K remove/get rid/dispose of B from F, intentional. riddance, po clemao, <without make> (n) an instance of removal/riddance/disposal. ridden, nu horski, <horse sit> (a) ridden, of horses, conv. of ride. nu niaski, <animal sit> (a) ridden, of any animal, conv. of ride. riddle, purnable, <word problem> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a riddle, a word problem. rorholmao, <many holes make> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K riddle B by V. rorholpae, <many holed apparatus> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a riddle/sieve/colander. ride, horski, <horse sit> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K ride D, a horse. niaski, <animal sit> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K ride D, an animal. tcabei, <vehicle carry> [K‍-‍BDSV] (5v) K transport/give a ride to person/material B to D from S via V. rider, horski, <horse sit> (n) a rider/equestrian/horseman, a rider of horses. niaski, <animal sit> (n) rider, of any animal, one who -s. ridge, lagmoa, <long mountain> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a ridge, a long hill of landmass F. ridicule, bunfilmao, <down feel make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K ridicule/make fun of D by V. lopu bunfilmao, <down feel make> (n) ridicule, mass property. krulycmi, <cruel amused> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K ridicule/mock/make fun of (person) D for (behaviour) V. lopu krulycmi, <cruel amused> (n) ridicule/mockery, mass property. po krulycmi, <cruel amused> (n) an instance of ridicule (of … for …). simbunmao, <seeming fool make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K mock/ridicule/scorn D contemptuously (intentional act). lopo simbunmao, <seeming fool make> (n) mockery/scorn/ridicule, mass states. po simbunmao, <seeming fool make> (1n) an instance of mockery/scorn/ridicule. ridiculing, po bunfilmao, <down feel make> (n) an instance of ridiculing (of … by doing …). ridiculous, nurclafo, <laughable> [V‍-‍DS] (3a) V is ridiculous to D for reason(s) S. riding, po niaski, <animal sit> (n) riding, an act of riding any animal. rifle, kukreo, <quick thrower> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a gun/rifle/firearm, any weapon using chemical propellant. lagkukreo, <long quick thrower> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a rifle. right, lopo drekao, <right act> (n) an occasion of right action, e.g. strive to do right. dremou, <correct more> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more correct/right/proper than J. dreti, [D‍-‍N] (2a) D is correct/right/proper according to rule(s) N. lilfurlei, <legal privilege> [B‍-‍DS] (3n) B is a right, a legal privilege of D, under law/authority S. pu lilkai, <legally have> (n) is a right of … to do/be … granted by …. ric, (af) a combining form of ritco, right. ritco, [B‍-‍S] (2pp) B is to the right of S. lopu ritco, (n) right, mass term for the direction. ta dreti, (ph) You're right, that's correct. ta nu razdou, (ph) You're right, that's reasonable. right and wrong, lo fu zavkao, <bad act> (n) morals, mass standard of right and wrong. right angle, kurjao, <square angle> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a right angle formed by points B. right away, fazi, (av) right away/at once/immediately/soon, immediate future, before preds. right here, vizi, (av) right here/at this spot, before preds. right now, fazi ti, (av) just then/momentarily/right now/thereupon/whereupon/upon which, whereat, just after this, a mod. phrase. right thing, drekao, <right act> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K act properly/do the right thing in action/circumstance V. righteous, gudkaostifa, <good act stiff> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is upright/(self) righteous. lidkao, <religious act> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more devout/pious/religious/righteous in action than J. righteousness, lopu lidkao, <religious act> (n) piety/righteousness, mass term. rightful, lilfurlei, <legal privilege> (a) rightful, of legal privileges. rights, brafurlei, <born permitted> [D‍-‍BN] (3v) D has rights B under law/custom N by the circumstances of da's birth. lopo lilkai, <legally have> (n) rights, legal rights in general. rightward, ricdio, <right direction> [B‍-‍S] (2av) B is rightward, in a rightward direction from S. rigid, stifa, (a) stiff/rigid, stiffer/less flexible than …. rigidity, po stifa, (n) a stiffness/rigidity, a spec. state/condition. pu stifa, (n) a stiffness/rigidity, a spec. property. rigor, lopu folpru, <strong test> (n) rigor/severity, mass property of strength tests. lopu lodpue, <logic perfect> (n) rigor, mass term of properties. pu lodpue, <logic perfect> (n) a rigor, a specific property. rigorous, folpru, <strong test> (a) rigorous/severe. lodpue, <logic perfect> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more logical/rigorous/logically perfect than J is. rill, cmavri, <small river> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a brook/rivulet/rill/creek/stream, a small river. rind, fruskapi, <fruit skin> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the peel/husk/rind of edible fruit, nut, or root F. skapi, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the hide/skin/rind, outer covering of F, general term, the external surface material on a living plant or animal that defines and protects it as an individual organism. ring, belcpu, <bell pull> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K ring D. belduo, <bell do> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K ring/toll B (a bell). dejdua, <finger ornament> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a ring, a finger ornament. gensoa, <again sound> [B‍-‍] (1v) B echo/resound/ring. loryrinje, <flower ring> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a lei/wreath/ring of flowers. rande, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a disk/ring/circle, a circular object. rin, (af) a combining form of rinje, ring. rinduo, <ring do> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K surround/gird/ring/band/encircle D with V. rinje, [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is a ring/band around D. rinje, (v) ring/encircle, by virtue of being a ring. sonpro, <sound produce> (vt) sound/ring, produce sound …. ringing, belsoa, <bell sound> [V‍-‍B] (2n) V is a/the ringing of (bell) B. sonpro, <sound produce> (a) ringing/sonorous, sonorous. riot, vangru, <violent group> [V‍-‍FN] (3n) V is a riot of F against N. rip, nartycpu, <apart pull> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K rip/tear D into parts/tears … up. ripe, rap, (af) a combining form of rapcu, ripe. ripen, rapcea, <ripe become> [D‍-‍N] (2v) D ripen/mature/mellow in conditions N. ripening, lopo rapcea, <ripe become> (n) ripening, mass event. riper, rapcu, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is riper/more mature/more mellow than J. ripple, cmavalpu, <small wave> [N‍-‍S] (2n) N is a ripple on/in S. rise, futnomtai, <after normal stand> [K‍-‍C] (2v) K rise/get up later than average C. paknomtai, <before average stand> [K‍-‍C] (2v) K rise/get up earlier than average C. rodja, [S‍-‍PN] (3v) S develop/rise/grow into, increase naturally in bulk and become P, under conditions N. po rodja, (n) a growth/rise/development, a process of growing. rising, rodja, (a) growing/rising/crescent, growing, of that which grows. risk, cankao, <chance act> [K‍-‍NV] (3v) K chance/risk/gamble/hazard/venture (consequence) N in (adventure) V. fu cankao, <chance act> (n) a hazard/risk/gamble/chance, a specific -y act. nu cankao, <chance act> (n) a risk/hazard, a consequence of -ing. canspo, <chance hope> [V‍-‍BV] (3v) V speculate/risk/gamble B that/on V. fu surba, (n) a risk, that which is insured against q.v. risky, fu cankao, <chance act> (a) hazardous/risky, of actions. rite, fomvei, <formal happening> [B‍-‍PK] (3n) B is a ceremony/event/rite/pomp with function/meaning P for people K. fomveibiu, <formal happening; behave> [K‍-‍PF] (3v) K performs/participates in a ceremony/event/rite/pomp with function/meaning P for people F. durfoa, <do form> [N‍-‍P] (2n) N is a/the way/manner/method/mode/practice/rite/procedure of doing P. tepvei, <church event> [V‍-‍F] (2n) V is a rite/service/mass/ritual of church F. ritual, fomvei, <formal happening> (a) ceremonial/ritual, pert. to -s. tepvei, <church event> [V‍-‍F] (2n) V is a rite/service/mass/ritual of church F. ritualistic, pu tepvei, <church event> (a) ritualistic, pert. to ritual. rival, kanpi, [K‍-‍KB] (3v) K contend/compete/rival with K over/about/for B. nu kanpi, (n) a rival/competitor, one who is -ed with …. nurkanpi, <competitor> [B‍-‍BV] (3n) B is a rival of B in V. nu torkanpi, <two compete> (n) a rival, one who -s with another … for …. rivalry, po kanpi, (n) a rivalry, an act of competition. river, vri, (af) a combining form of vrici, river. vrici, [B‍-‍NF] (3n) B is a river draining basin N of land mass F. river bank, vribie, <river edge> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a bank/river bank/shore of river N. river-taxi, vritaksi, <river taxi> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a river-taxi of waterway system F. rivulet, cmavri, <small river> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a brook/rivulet/rill/creek/stream, a small river. road, rod, (af) a combining form of rodlu, road. rodlu, [B‍-‍DV] (3n) B is a/the highway/road between places D via V. roadside, rodnea, <road next> [B‍-‍FSD] (4n) B is a/the roadside of F between S and D. roam, cangoi, <chance go> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K wander/roam D. roamer, cangoi, <chance go> (n) wanderer/roamer …. roaming, cangoi, <chance go> (a) errant/wandering/roaming …. roar, darkra, <far cry> [K‍-‍] (1v) K howl/roar/trumpet, any cry used for long distance communication. simbytaa, <lion talk> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K roar/bellow at D. po simbytaa, <lion talk> (n) an instance of a roar/bellow. roast, kokfa, [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K cook/bake/roast B for D, prepare food. zanynurkokfa, <oven baked> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K roast/bake D. nu zanynurkokfa, <oven baked> (1n) roast (ed), something oven cooked. zanynurkokmio, <oven baked meat> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a roast of S. rob, fostoa, <force take> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K rob D of B, take by force. tsitoa, <criminally take> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K rob/steal B from D. robbed, fu tsitoa, <criminally take> (a) robbed, of one who is stolen from. robber, fostoa, <force take> (n) a robber, one who takes by force. tsitoa, <criminally take> (n) a robber/thief, one who steals. robbery, lopo fostoa, <force take> (n) robbery, mass term of event. po fostoa, <force take> (n) an instance of robbery, stealing forcefully. po tsitoa, <criminally take> (n) a robbery/theft, a specific act of -ing. robe, tovcadre, <over dress> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a robe of S. robin, redturdu, <red thrush> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an American robin, a red breasted thrush. robot, macpeu, <machine person> [B‍-‍K] (2n) B is a robot/android made by K. tokmai, <automatic machine> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a robot/automaton, an automatic machine. rock, rolsilmao, <roll oscillate make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K rock D, as a baby (intentional act). rolsiu, <roll reciprocate> (vi) rock, back and forth. rolsiucko, <roll oscillate cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N rock D (nonintentional cause) as the wind rocks the trees. troku, (a) rock/stone, made of stone. troku, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a stone/rock from S. rocked, rolsilcea, <roll oscillate become> [D‍-‍] (1v) D is/are rocked (unspecified actor) The baby was rocked. rockiness, pu trokycli, <rock like> (n) a rockiness/stoniness, property of being like rock. pu trokyflo, <rock full> (n) a rockiness, a spec. property. rocking, rolsiu, <roll reciprocate> (a) rocking/rolling. rocking chair, rolsilcei, <roll shake chair> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a rocking chair. rocky, trokycli, <rock like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more rocky/stony, rock like than J. trokyflo, <rock full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more rocky/stony, full of rocks than J. rocky mount, trokymoa, <rock mount> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a rocky mount. rod, kanra, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a rod/cane, general term (see also polji). rogue, dupypeu, <deceive person> [K‍-‍] (1n) K is a knave/rascal/rogue/villain. nornespeu, <dishonest person> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a knave/wretch/rascal/rogue/villain, intended sense to be selected. noryrispeu, <not respect person> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a knave/wretch/rascal/rogue/villain, intended sense to be selected. zavpeu, <bad person> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a knave/wretch/rascal/rogue/villain, intended sense to be selected. role, galsia, <organization place> [K‍-‍F] (2n) K is a role/position in (organization) F. nurstakao, <dramatic(staged) role> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a part/role/character in play/drama F. nu stakao, <stage act> (n) a role, a character in a drama, conv. turnurkao, <work action> [B‍-‍FN] (3n) B is a/the job/role/position of F in organization N. role model, nu clibiu, <similar behave> (n) is a role model for … in situation(s) …. role playing, lopo clibiu, <similar behave> (n) role playing, the mass of. po clibiu, <similar behave> (n) role playing, a spec. event. roll, cmabreba, <small bread> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a biscuit/roll/bun. fu lisynensea, <list into set> (n) a register/roll/list (of … by …). fu rirmao, <record make> (n) a register/roll/list (of … by …). fu rirmazmao, <record make make> (n) a register/roll/list (of …). rol, (af) a combining form of rolgu, roll. rolbreba, <roll bread> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a roll, a piece of cylindrically shaped bread. rolcko, <roll cause> [N‍-‍BDS] (4v) N roll B, cause … to roll to D from S, non intentional. rolgu, (vi) roll, move by turning, see roller. po rolgu, (n) a roll, a state of -ing. rolmao, <roll make> [K‍-‍BDS] (4v) K roll B, make … roll to D from S, intentional. rolsiu, <roll reciprocate> [K‍-‍] (1v) K roll, from side to side. po rolsiu, <roll reciprocate> (n) a roll, rolling, e.g. as of a ship. rolsoa, <rolling sound> [V‍-‍B] (2n) V is a roll/peal of B (e.g. thunder). skojao, <screw angle> [N‍-‍C] (2n) N is a bank/roll of angle C. (Rotational angle of aircraft's attitude). nu skojao, <screw angle> (n) C is an amount of bank/roll. roll on, bamkuspypae, <ball spread apparatus> [V‍-‍B] (2n) V is a roll on dispenser of B. roll over, nuo torkuetrana, <two/under(half) turn> (v) K roll over (self). roller, heryrolgu, <hair roller> [B‍-‍K] (2n) B is a curler/roller (U.K.). rolgu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a cylinder/roller. rolling, norpilno, <not plain> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is rolling (as countryside)/hilly. rolsiu, <roll reciprocate> (a) rocking/rolling. romance, po clufikco, <love fiction> (n) a romance (US), an instance of love fiction. romtciha, <roman(language) child> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is romance, pert. to languages derived from Latin (romna). romantic, clufikco, <love fiction> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is romantic, US usage, related to love fiction. fikcli, <fiction like> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is romantic, of the nature of fiction. roof, ruf, (af) a combining form of trufa, roof. trufa, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the roof of F. roofless, rufcle, <roof without> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is roofless. room, kru, (af) a combining form of kruma, room. kruma, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a chamber/room of F, an enclosed portion of house. spasi, [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a/the room/region/space/volume occupied by B. spasi, (n) a room, a space of/for …. roommate, krukii, <room companion> [B‍-‍B] (2n) B is a comrade/roommate/tentmate of B. roomy, spamou, <space exceed> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more spacious/voluminous/roomy than J. rooster, henjo, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a cock/rooster, a male gallaceous fowl. root, gin, (af) a combining form of ginru, root. ginru, [B‍-‍FN] (3n) B is a/the root of F growing in N. giucli, <root like> (n) root, fig., fundamental to …. nazbypafko, <nose dig> [K‍-‍DP] (3v) K root in D for P, dig with the snout. numgiu, <number root> [C‍-‍] (1n) C is the radical/nth root of …, as in Lio to ga fori numgiu lio neso. purgiu, <word root> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the radical/root of word F, Latin trahere (pull) is the root of abstract and tractor. satci, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the start/source/root/beginning/origin/initial phase of process/interval F. giu, (af) a combining form of ginru, root. root of, suu, (ms) the … th root of …, the mathematical radical sign. rooted, nu furgiu, <substrate(of roots)> (2v) be rooted in, e.g. Physics is rooted in mathematics. rope, korce, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a piece/length of line/cord/rope/twine/string. korce, (n) a rope/string/twine/cordage, mass term. totkoe, <thick cord> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a piece of rope/line/cable. totkoe, <thick cord> (a) rope, made of rope. rosary, bidzykoe, <bead string> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a rosary/string of beads. rose, rozme, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a rose, a flower from S. rosebush, rozmybucto, <rose plant> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a rosebush. rosy, labyredro, <white red> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is pink/rosy, a whitened red. rot, rancea, <rotten become> [D‍-‍] (1v) D spoil/decay/rot/decompose, of organic material. rancko, <rotten cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N spoil/rot/corrupt/taint D, "Mold rots tomatoes". rancko, <rotten cause> (n) a rot, a spec. rotting agent. lo ranta, (n) rot, general term of rotten things. po ranta, (n) a rottenness/rot, a spec. state of being -en. rotate, tancea, <rotate become> [B‍-‍] (v) B rotate/are rotated by an unspecified force. trana, [K‍-‍N] (2v) K turn/rotate/revolve around axis N. rotate to, tanmuo, <turn move> [K‍-‍DSV] (4v) K turn to/rotate to D from S via V. rotated, tancea, <rotate become> [B‍-‍] (v) B rotate/are rotated by an unspecified force. rotation, po trana, (n) a revolution/rotation/turn, an act/event of rotating. rotor, blakrilu, <blade wheel> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a rotor/propeller/screw of F. rotten, ran, (af) a combining form of ranta, rotten. ranta, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more rotten than J. rottenness, lopu rancko, <rotten cause> (n) a rottenness, mass props. po ranta, (n) a rottenness/rot, a spec. state of being -en. pu ranta, (n) a rottenness, a property of being -en. rough, rof, (af) a combining form of rofsu, rough. rofsu, (a) rough, more abrasive than …. ros, (af) a combining form of rofsu, rough. rosvoi, <rough voic> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more gruff/harsh/rough than J. rough material, rofcti, <rough material> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a piece of abrasive/rough material. roughen, rofcea, <rough become> [D‍-‍] (1v) D roughen, become rougher. rofcko, <rough cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N roughen D, make … rough, nonintentional. rofmao, <rough make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K roughen D, make … rough, intentional. rougher, rofsu, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is rougher/more abrasive, less smooth than J. roughly, saa, (av) roughly/simplifying, a discourse operator (UI). roughness, pu rofsu, (n) a roughness/abrasiveness, a spec. property. pu rosvoi, <rough voic> (n) a harshness/roughness/gruffness, a spec. property of voices. round, balma, (a) round/spherical, pert. to -s. klurae, <cut round> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is round/circular/cylindrical/spherical, i.e. circular in at least one dimension. rad, (af) a combining form of rande, round. radmao, <circle make> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K round (off) B. rae, (af) a combining form of rande, round. rande, (a) round/circular, pert. to circles. round trip, radtraci, <round travel> [V‍-‍D] (2n) V is an excursion/round trip to D. rounds of, lisyblegoi, <list look go> [K‍-‍DC] (3v) K make the rounds of/inspect D at intervals C. rousing, fiozbu, <emotion explode> (a) stirring/rousing/exciting, exciting to …. rout, po darprano, <far run> (n) a flight/rout, an act of fleeing. route, ju godzi, (n) is a/the route taken during an act of going/coming, q.v. rua, (af) a combining form of rutma, route. rut, (af) a combining form of rutma, route. rutma, [B‍-‍DSK] (4n) B is a/the track/way/route/course/path to D from S used by K. rutmao, <route make> [K‍-‍BDSV] (5v) K route B to D from S via V. ju traci, (n) a route, of a journey, q.v. veu, (pp) Events/States/Effects/Deeds/Means/Routes, case tag (event/state/effect/deed/mean/route). router, rutmao, <route make> (n) a router, one who -s. rover, zvosoi, <out sleeper> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a hobo/rover/tramp, one who wanders the country without fixed address. row, beklia, <object line> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a row/rank/file/formation including element/ s B. biaspa, <between space> [B‍-‍FNN] (4n) B is a row/aisle of/in (structure) F between N and N. frelia, <front(facing) line> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a row, general term. pucbartyduo, <push board do> [K‍-‍BDSV] (5v) K row/paddle B to D from S using (oar) V. roirtao, <angry argue> [K‍-‍KV] (3v) K quarrel/row with K over/about V. rowboat, pucbartybou, <push board boat> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a rowboat. royal, bragai, <born rule> (a) regal/royal, pert. to kings. garfua, <ruling woman> (a) royal, pert. to queens. rub, sat, (af) a combining form of satro, rub. satro, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K rub/chafe D with V. po satro, (n) a rub, an act/process of -ing. rub out, fanmarmao, <reverse mark make> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K erase/efface/delete/rub out B. rubber, trilasti, <tree elastic> [B‍-‍] (1) B is rubber, an elastic substance from tree sap. trilasti, <tree elastic> (1a) (made of) rubber. trilastri, <tree elastic tree> [B‍-‍] (1) B is a rubber tree, the rubber producing tree. rubidium, rubhidio, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some rubidium, element 37 (Rb). ruble, rubli, [B‍-‍C] (2n) B is worth C ruble(s), Russian unit of currency. lo rubli, (n) (the) ruble, the mass of all rubles. ruby, rubhi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a ruby, a red gemstone variety of aluminum oxide. rucksack, pribadlo, <rear bundle> [B‍-‍P] (2n) B is a rucksack/backpack containing P. rudder, tolpilno, <control plane> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a rudder/control surface of vehicle F. ruddy, jelredro, <healthy red> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is ruddy. rude, no fomcka, <formally kind> (a) rude/crude/impolite/unpolished to …. no fomckabiu, <formally kind behavior> (2a) rude to …. socnaa, <socially unprocessed> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K is/are rude/impolite to D. rudeness, lopu socnaa, <socially unprocessed> (n) rudeness, mass property. po socnaa, <socially unprocessed> (n) an instance of rudeness (to …). rudimentary, basysapla, <basic simple> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is rudimentary. rue, keidri, <sad remember> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K regret/rue/be sorry/be too bad about V. rueful, keidri, <sad remember> (a) regretful/remorseful/rueful/sorry, of one who -s. ruffle, fansmucko, <reverse smooth cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N ruffle D, make it non smooth. (nonintentional cause) e.g. the wind ruffled the water. nu fansmucko, <reverse smooth cause> (n) a ruffle, something which is -d. fansmumao, <reverse smooth make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K ruffle D, make it non smooth. (intentional act). nu fansmumao, <reverse smooth make> (n) a ruffle, something which is -d. ruffled, fansmucea, <reverse smooth become> [N‍-‍] (1v) N is/are ruffled, become non smooth. (actor unspecified). nu fansmucko, <reverse smooth cause> (a) ruffled, made not smooth. nu fansmumao, <reverse smooth make> (a) ruffled, made not smooth. rug, fordykla, <floor fabric> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a/some carpet/rug, a floor covering. rugged, foldje, <strong healthy> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is (more) hardy/rugged/sturdy/vigourous (than …) J. ruin, lopo ckenurhui, <time destroyed> (n) decay/decadence/decline/ruin/ruination, mass term of states. po ckenurhui, <time destroyed> (n) a/some decay/decadence/decline/ruin/ruination, a spec. state of temporal ruin. hutri, [K‍-‍D] (2v) K destroy/ruin/wreck/lay waste/ravage D. kalhui, <completely destroy> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K ruin/demolish/obliterate/completely destroy D. nu kalhui, <completely destroy> (n) a ruin, that which is demolished. ruination, lopo ckenurhui, <time destroyed> (n) decay/decadence/decline/ruin/ruination, mass term of states. po ckenurhui, <time destroyed> (n) a/some decay/decadence/decline/ruin/ruination, a spec. state of temporal ruin. ruined, ckenurhui, <time destroyed> (a) ruined/decayed. nu kalhui, <completely destroy> (a) obliterated/ruined/demolished, completely destroyed. ruined by time, ckenurhui, <time destroyed> [D‍-‍] (1v) D decline/decay/become ruined by time. ruins, ckenurhui, <time destroyed> (n) the/some ruins, that which is ruined by time. rule, coi ba, (av ph) by rule, according to some rule x. folrui, <strong rule> (n) a rule, an obligatory rule. garni, [K‍-‍D] (2v) K govern/reign/rule (over) D. kumrui, <common rule> [P‍-‍F] (2n) P is a standard/norm/common rule among F. liasri, <line make> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K rule/draw lines on B. noryrui, <no rule> [B‍-‍VKN] (4n) B is a rule proscribing V to actors K under conditions N. rui, (af) a combining form of rulni, rule. rul, (af) a combining form of rulni, rule. rulni, [B‍-‍VKNS] (5n) B is a rule prescribing act/move/behavior V to actor/agent/player K under conditions N according to authority S. rulni, (n) a prescription/principle/regulation/rule/requirement, a rule requiring … of … under … according to …. selgargui, <self ruler country> [K‍-‍] (1v) K self rule. takrui, <talk rule> [B‍-‍SPVN] (5n) B (grammar) rule permits saying S as P in context V in language N. rule of conduct, gudkaorui, <good action rule> [N‍-‍] (1n) N is an instance of morals/(moral) principle/rule of conduct. rule of thumb, glidurfoa, <guide do form> [V‍-‍PBN] (4n) V is a heuristic/rule of thumb that usually produces results P from data B under conditions N. ruler, garni, (n) a governor/government/ruler, one or more who govern. linbie, <line edge> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a ruler/straightedge, for ruling lines. nergai, <one ruler> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a monarch/dictator/autocrat/single ruler of F. rules, rulmao, <rule make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K regulate/make rules for persons/processes D. takyrulsei, <talk rule set> [F‍-‍V] (2n) F is a grammar/set of rules for language V. ruling, po rulni, (n) a ruling/prescription, an event of prescribing. rumor, muostu, <moving story> [V‍-‍BF] (3n) V is a rumor of/about B among F, a moving (travelling) story. run, prano, [K‍-‍DSV] (4v) K run to D from S via V. po prano, (n) a running/run, an act/event of -ing. run after, pranyprikaa, <run after come(follow)> [K‍-‍BSD] (4v) K chase/run after B from S to D. run around, lokprano, <locally run> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K run around B. run away, darprano, <far run> [K‍-‍SD] (3v) K flee/run away from S to D. run into, muoblo, <moving strike> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K bump/collide/crash with/run into D. run out, zvoprano, <run out> [K‍-‍S] (2v) K run out of (location) S. run through, tcegoi, <through go> [B‍-‍NDS] (4v) B go through/run through N to D from S. E.g. La Tigris tcegoi la Irak lo mursi lo monca. — The Tigris runs through Iraq to the sea from the mountains. tcekaa, <through come> [B‍-‍NDS] (4v) B come through/go through/run through N to D from S. E.g. La Tigris tcegoi la Irak lo mursi lo monca — The Tigris runs through Iraq from the mountains to the sea. Cf. tcegoi. run together, nercea, <one become> [K‍-‍] (1v) K unify/unite/integrate/coalesce/coagulate/clot/run together/become one. rune, majysaa, <magic sign> [B‍-‍VK] (3n) B is a rune/hex sign for doing V made by K. runner, prano, (n) a runner, one who/that which -s. running, po prano, (n) a running/run, an act/event of -ing. runway, flerodlu, <fly road> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a runway of (airport) F. flestirodlu, <fly stop road> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a runway of airport F. rupee, rulpi, [B‍-‍C] (2n) B is worth C rupee(s), Indian unit of currency. lo rulpi, (n) (the) rupee, the mass of all rupees. rupture, broko, [D‍-‍B] (2v) D break/fracture/rupture into pieces B. po broko, (n) a fracture/break/rupture, an act of -ing. brolia, <break line> [N‍-‍B] (2n) N is a break/rupture/fracture/fault in B. rural, nu fanra, (a) rural/rustic, pert. to farm country. farlai, <farm land> (a) country/rural/rustic, pert. to farm areas. farlaicli, <farm land like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more rural/rustic than J, like farm land. norsiclai, <farm land> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is country/rural, not in an urban area. rural area, farlai, <farm land> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is country/farm land/a rural area of region F. rush, kukygoi, <quick go> [K‍-‍DSV] (4v) K rush/hurry/go quickly to D from S via V. po kukygoi, <quick go> (n) a rush/hurry, an instance of rushing. rush headlong, frefelprano, <front fall run> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K rush headlong into V. rust, ferno oksidi, (ph) rust/iron oxide on …. oksiydji, <oxygen join> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K oxidize/rust D. rustic, nu fanra, (a) rural/rustic, pert. to farm country. farlai, <farm land> (a) country/rural/rustic, pert. to farm areas. farlaicli, <farm land like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more rural/rustic than J, like farm land. rustle, drasoa, <dry sound> [V‍-‍B] (2v) V is a rustle of B. drasonpro, <dry sound produce> [K‍-‍] (1v) K rustle. liftaa, <leaf talk> [B‍-‍] (1v) B rustle/whisper, the sound of wind in the trees. nimtsitoa, <animal crime take> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K rustle B from D, to steal animals. rutabaga, rapha, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a turnip/swede/rutabaga from S. ruthenium, ruthenio, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some ruthenium, element 44 (Ru). rutherfordium, rutherfordio, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some rutherfordium, element 104 (Rf). rye, secle, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is/are rye/rye seeds from S, a cereal grass of sp. Secale. rye seeds, secle, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is/are rye/rye seeds from S, a cereal grass of sp. Secale.

S S, Sai, (l) S, Latin upper case letter, one of a pool of symbols. Salamandra, lao Salamandra, (na) of the genus Salamandra, newts and salamanders. Saturday, sordei, <6 day> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a Saturday of week/month F. la sordei, <6 day> (na) Saturday (the 7th day of the week). Scot, skaci, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a Scot/Scottish person/Scots:man/woman. Scots, skaci, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a Scot/Scottish person/Scots:man/woman. lo skaci, (n) (the) Scots, the mass of such persons. Scottish, skaca, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an element/feature/expression of the Scottish language. skaca, (a) Scottish, pert. to the Scottish language. lo skaca, (n) Scottish, the mass of such elements. skace, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is a Scottish place/territory, a region inhabited by Scots. skaci, (a) Scottish, of Scot origin. skaco, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an element/feature/expression of the Scottish culture. skaco, (a) Scottish, pert. to the Scottish culture. lo skaco, (n) Scottish, the mass of such elements. Scottish person, skaci, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a Scot/Scottish person/Scots:man/woman. September, vermea, <9 month> [V‍-‍F] (2n) V is a September of year F. la vermea, <9 month> (na) September (the name of the 9th month of the year). Silurian, lo silhuriani, (n) the Silurian, 3rd Paleozoic period. la Silurian, (na) the Silurian geologic period. Sir, Men, (voc) a vocative, as in 'hey Man!','oh Mister!','oh Sir!'. la Men, (na) Mr/Mister/Man/Sir, a name/name part, as 'la Men Smit' — 'Mr. Smith'. Spain, la Espanias, (na) Spain, the name of the country. Spaniard, spani, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a Spanish person/Spaniard. Spanish, la Espaniol', (na) Spanish, the language. spana, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an element/feature/expression of the Spanish language. spana, (a) Spanish, pert. to the Spanish language. lo spana, (n) Spanish, the mass of such elements. spane, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is a Spanish place/territory, a region inhabited by Spanish. spani, (a) Spanish, of Spanish origin. lo spani, (n) (the) Spanish, the mass of such persons. spano, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an element/feature/expression of the Spanish culture. spano, (a) Spanish, pert. to the Spanish culture. lo spano, (n) Spanish, the mass of such elements. Spanish person, spani, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a Spanish person/Spaniard. Spanish speaker, spanytaa, <Spanish talker> [K‍-‍] (1n) K is a Spanish speaker, a speaker of the … language. Stay well, djela prase!, (ph) Stay well!, a common valediction. Djela prase!, (ph) Stay well!, a common valediction. Stilton, stiltone, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a Stilton of/from S, a cheese. Streptococcus, streptokoki, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a Streptococcus, a disease causing bacterium. Sun, la Sol, (na) the Sun (the name of earth's star). Sunday, serdei, <7 day> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a Sunday of week/month F. la serdei, <7 day> (na) Sunday (the 1st day of the week). Superfamily, supherfamili, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a Linnaean Superfamily. Swede, sveni, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a Swede, a Swedish person. Swedes, lo sveni, (n) Swedes, the mass of all Swedes. Swedish, sve, (af) a combining form of svena/e/i/o, "Swedish". svena, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an element/feature/expression of the Swedish language. svena, (a) Swedish, pert. to the Swedish language. lo svena, (n) Swedish, the mass of such elements. svene, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a region/territory inhabited by or named for Swedish. svene, (a) Swedish, pert. to the Swedish. sveni, (a) Swedish, a person of Swedish origin. sveno, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an element/feature/expression of the Swedish culture. sveno, (a) Swedish, pert. to the Swedish culture. lo sveno, (n) Swedish, the mass of such elements. Swedish speaker, svetaa, <Swedish talker> [K‍-‍] (1n) K is a Swedish speaker, a speaker of the … language. Swiss, helva, [N‍-‍] (1n) N is an element/feature/expression of Swiss/one of the languages spoken in Switzerland. helva, (a) Swiss, pert. to the dialects of Swiss official languages. lo helva, (n) the Swiss dialects. helve, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is a Swiss place/territory, a region inhabited by Swiss. helvi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a Swiss, a Swiss person. helvi, (a) Swiss, of Swiss origin. lo helvi, (n) the Swiss people, mass term. helvo, [N‍-‍] (1n) N is an element/feature/expression of the Swiss culture. helvo, (a) Swiss, pert. to the Swiss culture. lo helvo, (n) Swiss culture, mass term. Switzerland, Cvaitz, lao, (na) Switzerland, foreign name for. s, sei, (l) s, Latin lower case letter, one of a pool of symbols. sack, sak, (af) a combining form of sakli, sack. sakcai, <sack quantity> [C‍-‍B] (2n) C is a bag/bagful/sackful/sack of B. sakduo, <sack do> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K bag/sack B in D. sakli, [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a sack/bag/flexible container of N. sacker, sakduo, <sack do> (n) a sacker, one who -s. sackful, sakcai, <sack quantity> [C‍-‍B] (2n) C is a bag/bagful/sackful/sack of B. sacred, sento, [B‍-‍K] (1a) B is holy/sacred/revered/spiritual, pert. to religiously respected by people K. uakna, [B‍-‍K] (2a) B is sacred to K. sacred writings, seornursri, <holy script> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is/are scripture/sacred writings, of any religious belief. sacredness, lopu sento, (n) holiness/sacredness, mass term for property. pu sento, (n) a holiness/sacredness, a spec. property. sacrifice, drudou, <lose give> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K sacrifice D in hope of V, as a piece at chess. po drudou, <lose give> (n) an instance of sacrifice. gadtiu, <god offer> [K‍-‍DBS] (4v) K sacrifice D to B for reasons/in return for S. lopo gadtiu, <god offer> (n) sacrifice, mass term of — events. po gadtiu, <god offer> (n) an instance of sacrifice. tepstatiu, <temple stage offer> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K sacrifice/ritually offer B to D. nu tepstatiu, <temple stage offer> (n) a sacrifice/ritual offering, that which is -ed. po tepstatiu, <temple stage offer> (n) an act of sacrifice/ritual offering. sacrificed, nu gadtiu, <god offer> (a) sacrificed/sacrificial, pert. to that -d. sacrificial, nu gadtiu, <god offer> (a) sacrificed/sacrificial, pert. to that -d. nu tepstatiu, <temple stage offer> (a) sacrificial. sad, kec, (af) a combining form of kecri, sad. kecmao, <sad make> (a) sad, of something that saddens. kecmao, <sad make> (v) makes … sad. uu, (i) I am sad/sympathetic/regretful that …, an exp. of sympathy/regret. kei, (af) a combining form of kecri, sad. sad about, kecri, [K‍-‍V] (2a) K is sad about/sorrowful/sorry over V. saddening, kecmao, <sad make> (a) saddening, of something that saddens …. saddens, kecmao, <sad make> [S‍-‍D] (2v) S saddens/is saddening for D. sadder, kecmou, <sad more> [G‍-‍NJN] (4a) G is sadder/more sorrowful about N than J is about N(1). saddle, nimcei, <animal chair> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a saddle of S. nimskicei, <animal sit chair> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is a saddle for D, a seat for the rider of …. sadness, lopo kecmao, <sad make> (n) sadness, all the saddening there is. po kecmao, <sad make> (n) sadness, a particulur case of saddening someone. lopu kecri, (n) sorrow/sadness/grief, mass term of property. safe, cur, (af) a combining form of curca, safe. curca, [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is safe/secure from danger V. folkru, <strong room> [D‍-‍B] (2n) D is a vault/safe/strongroom for B. safer, curmou, <safe more> [G‍-‍NJN] (4a) G is safer/more secure from N than J is from (danger) N. safety, pu curca, (n) a safety/assurance, a spec. property of being safe. safety belt, curpilkoe, <safe flat cord> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a seat belt/safety belt of vehicle F. safety pin, klopinda, <close pin> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a safety pin. safetysecurity, lopo curca, (n) safetysecurity/assurance, mass state. sag, dambetcea, <down bent become> [K‍-‍] (1v) K droop/sag. sagacious, sadji, [G‍-‍JB] (3a) G is wiser/more sagacious than J in matter B. sagacity, lopu sadji, (n) wisdom/sagacity, mass prop. sage, sadji, (a) wise/sage, of one who is wiser than … about …. sadji, (n) a sage/wise man, one who is wise. sagely, sadji, (av) sagely/wisely, in a wise manner. sail, saf, (af) a combining form of salfa, sail. safduo, <sail do> [K‍-‍BDS] (4v) K sail B to D from S. po safduo, <sail do> (n) a sail, an act/event of -ing. safgoi, <sail go> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K sail to D from S/goes by sail to … from …. salfa, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a sail of boat F. sail boat, safbou, <sail boat> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a sail boat. sailing, lopo safgoi, <sail go> (n) sailing, mass act of -ing. sailor, murmeu, <sea man> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a sailor/mariner/seaman. murpeu, <sea person> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a sailor/mariner, one who works on ships. safduo, <sail do> (n) a sailor, one who sails a sailboat. saint, sento, (n) a saint, a — person. sake, sakhi, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is some sake from S. sake of, dii, (pp) in-the-name of/for the sake of/in place of<, before designations (PA).>. helfurmoi, <help intend> (av) for the sake of …. salad, hebmismia, <plant mixture meal> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a quantity of salad made from S. salamander, salhamandri, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a salamander of species F. salary, nurjurna, <conv. of earn> [C‍-‍KP] (3n) C is/are a/the earnings/wage/salary/fee of K for work/service P. rilryjurna, <regular earn> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K earn a wage/salary at/for P. nu rilryjurna, <regular earn> (1n) salary/wage/earnings. sale, ratycmamao, <price smaller make> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K has a sale/reduces the price of B. nu ratycmamao, <price smaller make> (a) is on sale at …. po ratycmamao, <price smaller make> (n) a sale. po vedma, (n) a sale/selling, an act/event of selling. saleable, nu vedma, (a) saleable, conv. of sell. salesman, vedma, (n) a salesman/seller/vendor/tradesman, one who sells … to … for …. salesmanship, lopu vedma, (n) salesmanship, mass prop. salesperson, vempeu, <sell person> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a salesperson/shop assistant/clerk of F. salience, pu fretai, <front stand> (n) a conspicuousness/obviousness/prominence/salience, a spec. property. salient, fretai, <front stand> (2a) more salient/conspicuous/outstanding/prominent/obvious/evident/manifest than …. gantai, <high stand> (a) projecting/salient, -ing from … into …. saline, sotflo, <salt full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more salty/saline, full of salt than J. saliva, salhivi, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is some saliva from S. spetu, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a quantity of saliva/spittle/sputum/spit from S. lo spetu, (n) saliva/spittle, mass term. salivary, spetu, (a) salivary, pert. to saliva. salivate, spetypro, <spit produce> [K‍-‍] (1v) K salivate, produce saliva. salivation, po spetypro, <spit produce> (n) a salivation, a spec. act/event. sally, zvokaa, <out come> [K‍-‍SDV] (3v) K sally (forth)/exit/go out of/outside S to D via V. po zvokaa, <out come> (n) an exit/sally, an act of -ing. salt, nadclo, <sodium chlorine> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a quantity/molecule of salt/sodium chloride (NaCl). solte, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a grain/quantity of salt from S. sot, (af) a combining form of solte, salt. sotyduo, <salt do> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K (put) salt (on) D. saltiness, pu sotflo, <salt full> (n) a saltiness, a spec. property. salty, sotflo, <salt full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more salty/saline, full of salt than J. sotguo, <sharp taste> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a salty taste/flavour. salute, rishansanduo, <respect hand sign do> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K (military) salute B. salvation, po denrezmao, <danger free make> (n) an instance of freeing/salvation/rescue. lopo lidbardygei, <religious reward receive> (n) salvation, mass instances. po lidbardygei, <religious reward receive> (n) an instance of salvation. samarium, samhario, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some samarium, element 62 (Sm). same, au, (i) I don't care/it's all the same, exp. of indifference/unconcern/absence of intention. notbi, [B‍-‍B] (2a) B is other/another/a different/not the same object/person as B. plisao, <use same> [B‍-‍BN] (3a) B is the same/functionally identical to B by use standard N. sam, (af) a combining form of samto, same. samto, [B‍-‍B] (2v) B is the identical/same thing as B. samto, (a) same/identical, of that which is -ical to …. vatciu, <value equal> (ph) be equal value/equivalent/the same as … to …, be: equivalent to … by …. sao, (af) a combining form of samto, same. same as, ciktu, [B‍-‍BN] (3a) B is equal/same as/as much as B in dimension N. melsao, <measure same> [D‍-‍DBN] (4a) D is measurably identical to/same as D in props B by standard N. plisao, <use same> (v) be the same as,, for function …. puecli, <perfectly alike> [B‍-‍BN] (3a) B is alike/same as/exactly like/identical to B in characteristic(s) N. same thing as, bi, (v) be/be the same thing as, the general sign of identity. same time, samkeo, <same time> (av) simultaneoously/at once/at the same time, at the same time /same time/. sameness, lopu melsao, <measure same> (n) sameness/identity, the mass of such props. pu melsao, <measure same> (n) a sameness/identity, measured, a spec. property. pu plisao, <use same> (n) a sameness/identity, a spec. prop. of -ty in use. lopu puecli, <perfectly alike> (n) sameness, mass term. pu puecli, <perfectly alike> (n) a sameness, a spec. property. lopu samto, (n) sameness/identity, mass prop. of being -ical. sample, bea, (c) for/as example/illustration/instance/sample, a sentence modifier. (UI). canmii, <chance example> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a sample of F, a random sample, as for polling. prumii, <test example> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a sample of F, taken for testing purposes. sanctify, seormao, <holy make> [K‍-‍DV] (3n) K hallow/sanctify D by V. sanctuary, nornurjuastosia, <uncaught stay place> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is a sanctuary of/for D, a place where one is free from being caught/punished. seorsia, <sacred place> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a sanctuary of/for N, a sacred/holy place. sand, sanca, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a grain/an expanse of sand from S. sanca, (a) sand, made of sand. sna, (af) a combining form of sanca, sand. snapli, <sand use> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K sand D, smooths … with sand. sandal, kapcutci, <open shoe> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a sandal, an open shoe. sander, snapli, <sand use> (n) a sander, that which/one who -s. sandier, snakua, <sand covered> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is sandier, more sand covered than J. sandiness, pu snakua, <sand covered> (n) a sandiness, a spec. property. sandpaper, rofpre, <rough paper> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a piece of sandpaper/emerypaper, any abrasive paper. sandwich, sanduici, [P‍-‍S] (2n) P is a sandwich of S. sanitary, jelstocko, <well stay cause> [N‍-‍P] (2a) N are wholesome/healthful/sanitary conditions for P. sanitation, lopu jelstocko, <well stay cause> (n) sanitation, mass property. sap, hebyblu, <plant blood> [P‍-‍S] (2n) P is the sap of plant S. sarcoma, sarkomi, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a sarcoma of F, a connective tissue cancer. sash, rinresfu, <band clothing> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a belt/sash/girdle, a ring garment. satanic, zavspicli, <bad spirit like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more devilish/diabolical/fiendish/satanic than J. satellite, lunfoa, <moon form> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a moon/satellite of planet S. satin, satni, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is satin/made of satin, a man made artificial silk, from source/maker S. satisfaction, lopo nu cnicmamao, <need small make> (n) satisfaction, mass term, states. lopu cnicmamao, <need small make> (n) satisfaction, mass term, properties. po nu cnicmamao, <need small make> (n) a satisfaction, a state of being -ed. pu cnicmamao, <need small make> (n) a satisfaction, a spec. property. lopo cnisti, <need stop> (n) satisfaction, mass term of state. po cnisti, <need stop> (n) an instance of satisfaction, need -ing. satisfactory, cnicmamao, <need small make> (a) satisfactory, of need satisfying things. satisfied, nu cnicmamao, <need small make> (a) satisfied, conv. of satisfy. cnisti, <need stop> [D‍-‍BN] (3a) D is satisfied/content by/with/about B, some thing or outcome, with respect to N. no ua, (i) I'm not satisfied (yet), an exp. of incomplete satisf'n. satisfy, cnicmamao, <need small make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K satisfy the need of D for/to do V. saturation, koltio, <colour heavy> [C‍-‍N] (2n) C is a value on colour saturation scale N, vivid to grey. koltio, <colour heavy> (n) a/the saturation, one of the three props. of colour, value on vividness scale. lo koltio, <colour heavy> (n) saturation, the mass of these values. saturation scale, nu koltio, <colour heavy> (n) a saturation scale, of colours. sauce, guofli, <flavor liquid> [B‍-‍P] (2n) B is a sauce/gravy for P. saucy, pleria, <play brave> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more saucy than J. sausage, tubmio, <tube meat> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a/some sausage. sauterne, sotherne, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is some sauterne, a wine from S. savage, nimvaa, <animal violent> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more savage/fierce/wild/violent as an animal than J. vanynia, <violent animal> (a) savage, pert. to animals. vanyniacli, <violent animal like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more brutal/brutish/bestial/savage than J. save, denrezmao, <danger free make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K free/rescue/save D from danger V. cmesromao, <money store make> [K‍-‍CP] (3v) K save (money) C for purpose P. sromao, <store make> [K‍-‍SP] (3v) K save/reserve/store/conserve/stock S for use/purpose P, intentional. saved, nu denrezmao, <danger free make> (a) freed/saved/rescued, of one who is -d. lidbardygei, <religious reward receive> [D‍-‍N] (2v) D are saved in religion N. saver, sromao, <store make> (n) a saver/conserver, one who/that which -s. saving, cmekeu, <money care> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more saving/frugal/thrifty/economical than J. po cmesromao, <money store make> (n) an instance of saving (money). po sromao, <store make> (n) a saving/reservation/conservation, an act of -ing. savings, cmesro, <store/ reserves/ deposit of money> [C‍-‍KDB] (4n) C is a/the fund(s)/savings of K for D in/at B. nu cmesromao, <money store make> (n) savings, that which is -d. lopo sromao, <store make> (n) savings, mass of things -ed. saviour, denrezmao, <danger free make> (n) a rescuer/saviour, one who saves … from …. savoir faire, balbiu, <balance behave> [K‍-‍N] (2n) K has poise/aplomb/savoir faire in situation N. saw, datbla, <tooth blade> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a saw, a toothed cutting tool. lalnurcue, <old said> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a saying/saw/proverb. sadnurcue, <wise say(ing)> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a proverb/saw of people F. sadpua, <wise word> [B‍-‍FV] (3n) B is a proverb/saying/saw of people F concerning subject V. saxhorn, korne, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a horn/French horn/cornet/bugle/trumpet/trombone/saxhorn/tuba, a musical wind instrument, usually brass, employing the player's lips as the vibrating medium. say, cue, (af) a combining form of cutse, say. cus, (af) a combining form of cutse, say. cutse, [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K say/comment/utter B to D. djacue, <know say> [K‍-‍NB] (3v) K say/claim/purport to know N is true of B. juircue, <opine say> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K say/express opinion/opine N. say forcefully, folcue, <strongly say> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K insist on/assert/declare/say forcefully B to D. purclamao, <word loud make> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K emphasize/stress/say forcefully P /say … emphatically. say loudly, clacue, <loud say> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K say loudly/exclaim B to D. say one is, samcue, <same say> (v) identify oneself as/say one is … to …. say to each other, cuskue, <say reciprocally> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K say to each other P. (the same greeting etc). saying, lalnurcue, <old said> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a saying/saw/proverb. sadpua, <wise word> [B‍-‍FV] (3n) B is a proverb/saying/saw of people F concerning subject V. scale, melnumceamao, <measure number change make> [K‍-‍BC] (3n) K scale (parameters) B by (factor/ratio) C. gangoi, <high go> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K scale/ascend/mount/climb up D from S. ska, (af) a combining form of skalu, scale. fu skagaa, <scale high> (n) an altitude scale/altitude scale, one for measuring alt. skalu, [N‍-‍CF] (3n) N is a scale/system of units for measuring C among F. skapypla, <skin plate> [B‍-‍F] (2v) B is a scale of/from F. skapyplaclemao, <skin plate without make(remove)> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K scale B, remove the scales from …. tidmelmai, <heavy measure machine> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is a scale/balance/weighing machine. Cf. balpae. scallop, pektinu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a scallop. scalp, hervantoa, <hair violent take> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K scalp(s) D. scalped, nu hervantoa, <hair violent take> (a) scalped. scamper, pleprano, <play run> [K‍-‍DSV] (4v) K scamper to D from S via V. scan, vizfanrirpli, <see reverse record use> [K‍-‍BCN] (4v) K scan on rewind video record/tape B to position C on machine N. vizkukrirpli, <see fast record use> [K‍-‍BCN] (4v) K scan on fast forward record/tape B to position C on machine N. scandal, po zavbivcue, <bad behave say> (n) an instance of scandal. zavbivdiu, <bad behave discuss> [V‍-‍] (1a) V is a scandal, public discussion of others bad behaviour. zavbivtaa, <bad behave talk> [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is a scandal/shock about V. scandalous, zavbivtaa, <bad behave talk> (a) scandalous/shocking, pert. to —. scandium, skandio, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is scandium, made of scandium, element 21 (Sc). scant, siru, (av) scant/scanty, not more than just enough. scanty, siru, (av) scant/scanty, not more than just enough. scar, srumarcko, <hurt mark cause> [N‍-‍DS] (3v) N scar D with S (nonintentionally), i.e. The accident scarred him for life. srumarmao, <hurt mark make> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K scar D with S (intentionally), e.g. a tattoo or other intentional scar. srumra, <hurt mark> [B‍-‍DV] (3n) B is a scar on D made by V. scarce, numcmacea, <number small become> [V‍-‍] (1v) V become rare/scarce/few in number. sirura, (2n) a scarce amount of …, not more than just enough. scarcely, sasu, (a) barely/scarcely one of …, a quantifier, abbreviation of sasune, q.v. scarcity, lopu sirura, (n) scarcity/penury/want, mass property. po sirura, (n) an instance of scarcity/penury/want. scare, fiacko, <fearful cause> [K‍-‍BV] (2v) N frighten/scare B by V, nonintentionally, as of an incident. po nu fiacko, <fearful cause> (n) a fright/scare, a state of being -ened. firmao, <fearful make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K frighten/scare D, intentionally. po nu firmao, <fearful make> (n) a fright/scare, a state of being -ened. scared, nu fiacko, <fearful cause> (a) frightened/scared, conv. of scare. nu firmao, <fearful make> (a) frightened/scared, conv. of scare. firpa, (a) afraid/fearful/frightened/scared, fearful of …. scarf, snekla, <neck cloth> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a scarf/bandana on F. scary, fiacko, <fearful cause> (a) frightening/scary/fearsome, actively causing fear. scatter, kubpetri, <wide distrIbute> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K scatter/strew/disperse D over N. scatterable, nu kubpetri, <wide distrIbute> (a) scatterable/scattered/strewn/dispersed, conv. of disperse. scattered, nu kubpetri, <wide distrIbute> (a) scatterable/scattered/strewn/dispersed, conv. of disperse. scatterer, kubpetri, <wide distrIbute> (n) a scatterer/strewer/disperser, that which/one who -s. scene, prista, <back stage> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is behind the scene. stafikpai, <stage fiction part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a scene of play/movie F. staviu, <stage view> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is a scene/set/scenery for V, a set for play …. vidju, [V‍-‍BS] (3n) V is a prospect/view/sight/scene of B from point S. scenery, staviu, <stage view> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is a scene/set/scenery for V, a set for play …. scent, plusutme, <pleasant smell> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a perfume/scent/fragrance. plusutyduo, <pleasant smell do> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K perfume/scent D with B. sutme, [V‍-‍BN] (3n) V is a/the odor/scent/smell emitted by B in medium N. sutsae, <smell sense> [K‍-‍VB] (3v) K smell scent/scent V from/on odoriferous object B. nu sutsae, <smell sense> (n) a smell/scent, a detected odor, conv. form. schedule, vetkeolista, <event time list> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is a timetable/schedule for events V. schist, kisti, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a schist of type … from …, any fine grained metamorphic rock. scholar, ciaflo, <learn full> (n) a scholar, one who is learned. djafro, <know strong> (n) a scholar, one who is learned. stude, [B‍-‍VN] (3n) B is a student/scholar in course of study V at college/university N. scholarship, lopo ciaflo, <learn full> (n) learning/scholarship, mass term of states. lopu ciaflo, <learn full> (n) learnedness/scholarship, mass term of properties. po ciaflo, <learn full> (n) a state/condition of learnedness/learning/scholarship. pu ciaflo, <learn full> (n) a/the learnedness/scholarship, a spec. property. lopo djafro, <know strong> (n) learning/scholarship, mass term of states. V (G-BJ). lopu djafro, <know strong> (n) learnedness/scholarship, mass term of properties. po djafro, <know strong> (n) a state/condition of learnedness/learning/scholarship. pu djafro, <know strong> (n) a/the learnedness/scholarship, a spec. property. school, ckela, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a school of community F. ckela, (a) school, pert. to schools. kea, (af) a combining form of ckela, school. kel, (af) a combining form of ckela, school. muogru, <moving group> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a herd/flock/drove/swarm/school of B (any moving group of animals). torkea, <two school> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a secondary school/high school of community F. school room, kelkru, <school room> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a school room in/at F. school system, kelsio, <school system> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the school system of locality F. science, sensi, (n) a science, a scientific fact/law about …. lo sensi, (n) science, the mass of such facts/laws. ses, (af) a combining form of sensi, science. sesycko, <science cause> [K‍-‍F] (2v) K unintentionally contribute to science F. science fantasy, sesymajblifikco, <magic possible fiction> [P‍-‍K] (2n) P is a work of science fantasy by K. scientific, sensi, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a scientific fact/law about S. sensi, (a) scientific, pert. to scientific facts/laws. sesmao, <science maker> (a) scientific, pert. to scientists. scientific instrument, sesrie, <science tool> [B‍-‍P] (2n) B is a scientific instrument for P. scientist, sesmao, <science maker> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a scientist in field N, a contributor to science …. scissors, cirzo, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a (pair of) scissors/shears. cio, (af) a combining form of cirzo, scissors. sclerosis, lopo sklerosi, (n) sclerosis, mass term. sklerosi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B suffer(s) from sclerosis, tissue hardening. sclerotic, sklerosi, (a) sclerotic, pert. to …. scold, kaftaa, <punish talk> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K admonish/lecture/scold/reproach/reprimand D for behavior V. scolding, po kaftaa, <punish talk> (n) a lecture/reprimand/reproach/scolding/admonishment, an act of -ing. scoliosis, skoliosi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B suffer(s) from scoliosis, lateral spinal curvature. lopo skoliosi, (n) scoliosis, mass term. scoliotic, skoliosi, (a) scoliotic, having …. scoop, pafko, [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K dig/scoop up/out B from D. putkupduo, <spoon cup do> [K‍-‍BS] (3v) K scoop B from/out of/up from S. putkupta, <spoon cup> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a scoop, an instrument/tool for scooping. scope, ranjo, (n) an extension/range/scope/extent, scope/range, conv. of extend. score, melnuu, <measure number> [C‍-‍BNF] (4n) C is a measurement/value/score/measure/parameter of (object) B in (dimension) N and (units) F. scorn, lopu damble, <down look> (n) mass property of scorn/contempt/disdain (for …). po damble, <down look> (n) an instance of scorn/contempt/disdain (for …). simbunmao, <seeming fool make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K mock/ridicule/scorn D contemptuously (intentional act). lopo simbunmao, <seeming fool make> (n) mockery/scorn/ridicule, mass states. po simbunmao, <seeming fool make> (1n) an instance of mockery/scorn/ridicule. scorn for, damble, <down look> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K despise/disdain/have contempt for/scorn for D. scorned, nu damble, <down look> (a) despised/disdained/scorned (by …), a thing -ed. scornful of, damble, <down look> (a) despising/disdaining/scorning/scornful of …. scorning, damble, <down look> (a) despising/disdaining/scorning/scornful of …. scout, blegoi, <look go> [K‍-‍NP] (3v) K scout (out) N for purpose P. blegoi, <look go> (n) a scout, one who -s. scrap, nurfesycti, <wasted stuff> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is waste/refuse/garbage/trash/junk/scrap from process V. lo nurfesycti, <wasted stuff> (n) refuse/scrap, the mass of all trash. scrape, skapyclemao, <skin without make> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K peel/pare/husk/scrape B. scrapiron, fesferno, <waste iron> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a piece of scrapiron/waste iron/junk. lo fesferno, <waste iron> (n) scrapiron, mass term. scratch, kraju, [K‍-‍D] (2v) K scratch D, something/someone else. po kraju, (n) a scratch, an event of -ing. raj, (af) a combining form of kraju, scratch. rajmra, <scratch mark> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a scratch/mark on F. satsru, <rub injure> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K skin/scratch on/with V. selkraju, <self scratch> [K‍-‍] (1v) K scratch themselves. scream, fiakra, <fear cry> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K whimper/yelp/cry out/scream/yell about N - used of any fear or submission cry. po fiakra, <fear cry> (n) a fear-induced scream/cry/whimper/yelp. punkra, <pain cry> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K cry (out)/scream/moan/groan/shriek in response to pain N. po punkra, <pain cry> (n) a cry/moan/scream/shriek/groan, an event of crying about pain. screen, ticynetre, <wire net> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a screen for selection by size. zvotia, <out choose> [K‍-‍BFB] (1n) a screen. E.g. sunscreen, sieves, windscreen, viewscreen etc. zvotia, <out choose> (4v) K screen/sift/strain/turn away/out B from set F retaining B(1). screw, blakrilu, <blade wheel> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a rotor/propeller/screw of F. mubsko, <cylindrical screw> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a wood screw. peasko, <pointed bolt> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a screw/wood screw, any pointed bolt. sko, (af) a combining form of skori, screw. skoduo, <screw do> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K screw/fasten B with screws to D. skori, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a screw/bolt, any threaded fastener. scribe, srite, (n) a writer/scribe, writer, general term. scriptural, seornursri, <holy script> (a) biblical/scriptural. scripture, seornursri, <holy script> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is/are scripture/sacred writings, of any religious belief. scroll, rolbuu, <roll book> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a scroll of N. scrub, fordyrocduo, <floor brush do> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K brush/scrub the floor of D. scrutinize, snible, <near look> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K examine/inspect/scrutinize/survey/observe closely/look closely at D for quality B. scrutiny, po snible, <near look> (n) an inspection/survey/observation/examination/scrutiny, an act of inspecting. sculpt, larklu, <art cut> [K‍-‍PS] (3v) K sculpt/carve P from S. sculpting, po fizfomdou, <physical form give> (v) is sculpting, the act of sculpture. po larfomdou, <art form give> (v) is sculpting, the act of sculpture. larklu, <art cut> (a) sculpting, pertaining to -ing. sculptor, fizfomdou, <physical form give> (n) sculpts/is a sculptor. larfomdou, <art form give> (n) sculpts/is a sculptor, of art. larklu, <art cut> (n) sculptor, one who -s. sculpts, fizfomdou, <physical form give> (n) sculpts/is a sculptor. larfomdou, <art form give> (n) sculpts/is a sculptor, of art. sculpture, lopo larklu, <art cut> (n) sculpture, mass term. po larklu, <art cut> (n) a sculpture, specific work. scurry, smiprano, <secret run> [K‍-‍DSV] (4v) K scurry to D from S via V. sea, bakvla, <bucket lake> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a sea/lake, a natural body of water with no outlet. lalvalpu, <old wave> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a swell/sea/wave on sea F. mur, (af) a combining form of mursi, sea. mursi, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a sea/ocean, expanse of sea of planet F. lo mursi, (n) (the) sea/ocean, mass term. sea level, murgaa, <sea high> [B‍-‍C] (2a) B is/are above sea level by C. sea lion, otharidi, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is an otary/sea lion/eared seal from S. seal, jiuklo, <tight close> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K seal D with B, tightly close, as an envelope. tcorymarduo, <authority mark do> [K‍-‍PV] (3v) K seal, authenticate P with mark V. tcorymra, <authority mark> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a seal of S, a mark of authority. puormarmao, <push mark make> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K seal B with V, as with a corporate or other official seal. fu puormarmao, <push mark make> (n) an official seal, of the type impressed into paper. seaman, murmeu, <sea man> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a sailor/mariner/seaman. seamanship, lopu murmeu, <sea man> (n) seamanship, mass term of properties. pu murmeu, <sea man> (n) a/the seamanship, a spec. property. seamstress, josmao, <sew do> (n) a seamstress/tailor, a maker by sewing. seaplane, cutflemai, <water fly machine> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a seaplane/float plane. seaport, batmurhao, <trading sea harbor> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a port/seaport of city/country/coastline F. search, duvrai, <find try> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K seek/look/hunt/search for B. po duvrai, <find try> (n) a hunt/search/quest, an act of searching. handuvrai, <hand discorver try> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K frisk/search D for B. searcher, duvrai, <find try> (n) a seeker/hunter/searcher, searcher. seashore, lanbie, <land edge> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the shore/coast/coastline/seashore of F. seasick, muvmalbi, <move sick> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K is/are motion sick/seasick from N. season, ninpai, <year part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a season of the year F. ninpaireckai, <year part different quality> (av) in season. seasonable, ninpaireckai, <year part different quality> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more seasonable/a typical season than J. seasonableness, pu ninpaireckai, <year part different quality> (n) prop. of seasonableness. seasoned, nu gusdou, <flavor give> (a) seasoned/flavored, given flavor(s) …. seasoning, fu gusdou, <flavor give> (n) a seasoning/flavoring, as used to give flavor. seat, nurski, <conv. of sit> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a seat, anything one can sit on. rirgu, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the buttock(s)/ass/arse/butt/rear/seat of F. skilei, <sit let> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K seat D/give … seat … /let … sit at/on B. skimao, <sit make> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K seat D in/on B. skipae, <sitting device> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a seat, any device for sitting. skisia, <sit place> [B‍-‍PF] (3n) B is a seat/place of P in room/vehicle F. seat belt, curpilkoe, <safe flat cord> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a seat belt/safety belt of vehicle F. seated, nu skilei, <sit let> (a) seated, given a seat. secluded, kincle, <without companions> [K‍-‍V] (2a) K is alone/solitary/secluded/isolated/unaccompanied/companionless in doing V, without the presence of others. seclusion, po kincle, <without companions> (n) a solitude/seclusion, an instance of being alone. second, danrykle, <ordinary class> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is tourist/coach/second class accommodation in conveyance F. danrykle, <ordinary class> (a) tourist/coach/second class. -ri, (af) … -st/-nd/-rd/-th as in 'tori: second, the ordinal suffix, postfixed to integers. sekmi, [V‍-‍C] (2n) V last C second(s), default 1. tori, (2n) the second term/member of series …, an ordinal predicate. tori, (a) secondary/second, of 2nd members, before predicates. second cousin, samterfra, <same 3 father> [B‍-‍BS] (3n) B is a second cousin of B with grandfather S. samtermaa, <same 3 mother> [B‍-‍BS] (3n) B is a second cousin of B with great grandmother S. samterpee, <same 3 parents> [B‍-‍BS] (3n) B is a second cousin of B with greatgrandparents S. second hand, paknurpli, <before used> [B‍-‍DP] (3a) B is used/second hand/preowned by D for P. second lieutenant, nerkoi, <1st commander> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a second lieutenant/ensign/flying officer commanding/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murnerkoi — ensign. Use surkoi. q.v., for officers in general. surkoi, <(1st 11th) commander> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a second lieutenant/ensign/flying officer commanding/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murnerkoi — ensign. Use surkoi. q.v., for officers in general. secondary, tori, (a) secondary/second, of 2nd members, before predicates. secondly, tofi, (av) secondly, in the second place. secret, smi, (af) a combining form of smike, secret. smike, [B‍-‍DK] (3a) B is a secret/hidden from D by K. nu smiliu, <secret keep> (n) a secret, that which is kept secret. secretarial, sekre, (a) secretarial, pert. to secretaries. secretary, gansekre, <high secretary> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the chancellor/general secretary/secretary general of F. sekre, [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a/the secretary of/to N. secretary general, gansekre, <high secretary> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the chancellor/general secretary/secretary general of F. secretary of state, polsekre, <state secretary> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a secretary of state of political entity F. secrete, smimao, <secret make> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K secrete/hide/conceal/make secret B from D. smisea, <secret put> (3v) K hide/conceal/secrete S as P in code V, secretly puts … in …. secreted, fu smisea, <secret put> (a) hidden/secreted/concealed, conv. of conceal. secretive, smibiu, <secret behave> [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is sly/crafty/secretive/furtive in doing V, acting in secret. smiliu, <secret keep> (a) secretive, of one who keeps secrets. secretiveness, lopu smibiu, <secret behave> (n) craftiness/secretiveness, mass prop. sect, lidgru, <religion group> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a religious sect/denomination including member(s) B. sectarian, lidgru, <religion group> (a) sectarian/denominational, pert. to religious groups. section, furgalpai, <organization part> [B‍-‍FP] (3n) B is a department/section/administrative unit in company/university/organization F, with functions/duties P. galpai, <organization part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a department/faculty/division/branch/section of organization F. gunpai, <nation part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a district/region/province/section of country F. klupai, <cut part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a cut/division/piece/section/segment of F, a part obtained by cutting. sicpai, <city part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a section/district/quarter/borough of city F. sector, spapai, <space part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a region/sector of (area) F. surkuerae, <(insert a number) reciprocal circle> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B is a sector/quadrant/octant, a pie shaped fraction of a circle with radius C. telfomspa, <earth form space> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the region/sector/area of planet F. secular, nortepli, <not churchly> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is secular. secure, curca, [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is safe/secure from danger V. curcea, <safe become> [B‍-‍N] (2v) be/become B is guarded/protected/secure/preserved from (danger) N, intransitive. curcko, <secure cause> [V‍-‍DN] (3v) V secure/protect/preserve/guard D from danger/threat N (nonintentional), i.e. paint protects iron from rust. curmao, <safe make> [K‍-‍DNV] (4v) K guard/protect/secure/preserve D from danger/threat N by V, intentional act. curmou, <safe more> [G‍-‍NJN] (4a) G is safer/more secure from N than J is from (danger) N. security, po curcea, <safe become> (n) a preservation/security, a state of being -ed. po curcko, <secure cause> (n) a preservation/protection/security, an act of -ing. po nu curcko, <secure cause> (n) a preservation/security, a state of being -ed. po curmao, <safe make> (n) a preservation/protection/security, an act of -ing. po nu curmao, <safe make> (n) a preservation/security, a state of being -ed. tamble, <weapon look> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K check/inspect B for weapon/security. po tamble, <weapon look> (n) weapon/security check/inspection (an event). sediment, felcti, <fall substance> [P‍-‍FV] (3n) P is a sediment/precipitate in F produced by process V. seduce, ginkriceamao, <root belief(principle) change make(alter)> [K‍-‍DNV] (4v) K seduce/convert D into N by V, depending on point of view. seduced, ginkriceacea, <root belief(principle) change become> [D‍-‍NK] (3v) D be seduced/converted into N by K, depending on point of view. po ginkriceacea, <root belief(principle) change become> (n) an instance of being seduced/converted, depending on point of view. nu ginkriceamao, <root belief(principle) change make(alter)> (a) seduced/converted. seducer, fu ginkriceacea, <root belief(principle) change become> (n) seducer. ginkriceamao, <root belief(principle) change make(alter)> (n) seducer. seduction, po ginkriceamao, <root belief(principle) change make(alter)> (n) an instance of seduction/conversion, depending on point of view. see, banvia, <beyond see> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K see B through V, to see through a transparent medium. kaidja, <quality know> [K‍-‍NS] (3v) K recognize/see/know quality/property N in S. vik, (af) a combining form of vizka, see. viz, (af) a combining form of vizka, see. vizka, [K‍-‍BN] (3v) K see/view/perceive/spot, visually B against background N. via, (af) a combining form of vizka, see. see clearly, klivia, <clearly see> [K‍-‍BF] (3v) K discern/make out/see clearly B against F. see each other, vizkue, <see reciprocally> [K‍-‍] (1v) K see each other. seed, sidza, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a seed of F, germ cell of plant …. siz, (af) a combining form of sidza, seed. sizduo, <seed do> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K sow/seed/plant the seeds of plant B in medium D. seed case, sizybadlo, <seed bundle> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a pod/seed case of plant F. seeding, po sizduo, <seed do> (n) an instance of sowing/seeding/planting. seeing, lopo vizka, (n) seeing/sight/visual perception, mass term. po vizka, (n) a sight/seeing/visual perception, a spec. instance. seeing through, po banvia, <beyond see> (n) an instance of seeing through. seek, duvrai, <find try> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K seek/look/hunt/search for B. seeker, duvrai, <find try> (n) a seeker/hunter/searcher, searcher. seem, sim, (af) a combining form of simci, seem. simci, [S‍-‍BDN] (4v) S look like/appear/seem to be B to D under conditions N. sii, (af) a combining form of simci, seem. seeming, simci, (a) seeming, apparent. segment, klupai, <cut part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a cut/division/piece/section/segment of F, a part obtained by cutting. paicko, <part cause> [N‍-‍FB] (3v) N segment/partition F into parts B, plural set, nonintentional. parmao, <part make> [K‍-‍FB] (3v) K segment/partition/resolve F into parts B, plural set, intentional. parti, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a part/portion/fraction/segment/piece/share of F, a whole. seize, foirjua, <forcefully grab> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K seize/catch/capture/take captive D from S. jugra, [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K grip/grasp/seize D with B. jugtoa, <grasp take> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K nab/seize/grab B from D. pontoa, <own take> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K appropriate/seize/take possession of B from D. seizure, po foirjua, <forcefully grab> (n) a seizure, an act of capturing. po jugra, (n) a grip/seizure/grasp/hold, an act of seizing. po jugtoa, <grasp take> (n) a seizure/grab, an act of grabbing. nu pontoa, <own take> (n) a seizure/appropriation, a thing seized from …. po pontoa, <own take> (n) a seizure/appropriation, an act of seizing … from …. seldom, nurpio, <conv. of frequent> (av) infrequently/rarely/seldom, seldom. select, cantia, <chance select> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K choose/select B randomly/at random. gudtia, <good select> [K‍-‍BF] (3v) K choose/select/judge B as best among F. nu gudtia, <good select> (a) select, selected as best. nurtia, <selected> [B‍-‍FN] (3a) B is/are a choice/pick/select/elite of F according to N. lo nurtia, <selected> (n) the elite/select, mass term. tis, (af) a combining form of tisra, select. tisra, [K‍-‍BF] (3v) K select/choose B from/among F, a set of alternatives. tia, (af) a combining form of tisra, select. selection, nu cantia, <chance select> (n) a random selection, the thing(s) -ed. po cantia, <chance select> (n) an spec. instance of random selection. nu gudtia, <good select> (n) a selection, chosen as best. po gudtia, <good select> (n) a selection, an act of choosing the best. nurtia, <selected> (n) choice/selection/pick, the person/object chosen. nu tisra, (n) a choice/selection, a chosen thing. po tisra, (n) a choice/selection, an act of -ing. selective, gudtia, <good select> (a) selective, of one who chooses the best. tisra, (a) selective, of one who -s. selector, gudtia, <good select> (n) a selector, one who chooses the best. tisra, (n) a selector, one who/that which -s. selenium, selhenio, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some selenium, element 34 (Se). self, sel, (af) a combining form of selji, self. selji, [V‍-‍B] (2n) V is a/the self/ego/identity image of person B. suo, (p) self/own as in ra lufta lesuo kupta — (Each lifted his own cup). self confidence, lopu selsalkri, <self solid belief> (n) self confidence, property of being —, mass term. self confident, selsalkri, <self solid belief> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is self confident of/in N. self fold, selfodcea, <self fold become> [S‍-‍P] (2v) S self fold into P. self image, seltcu, <self picture> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a/the self image/self picture of S. self importance, po seljio, <self important> (n) a self importance, a state/condition. self important, seljio, <self important> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is vain/arrogant/egotistical/stuffy/self important. self picture, seltcu, <self picture> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a/the self image/self picture of S. self respect, lopu selrispe, <self respect> (n) dignity/self respect, mass property. self respectful, selrispe, <self respect> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more dignified/self respectful than J. self-propel, selmuo, <self move> [K‍-‍] (1v) K self-propel/is/are self-propelling. self-propelling, selmuo, <self move> [K‍-‍] (1v) K self-propel/is/are self-propelling. selfish, selsua, <sellf serve> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more selfish than J. selfishness, lopu selsua, <sellf serve> (n) selfishness, mass prop. po selsua, <sellf serve> (n) a selfishness, a spec. act. selfsame, bi, (v) be identical to/one and the same/the selfsame<, the identity operator.>. sell, vea, (af) a combining form of vedma, sell. ved, (af) a combining form of vedma, sell. vedma, [K‍-‍BDC] (4v) K sell/vend B to D for C, a price. vem, (af) a combining form of vedma, sell. sell books, bukvea, <book sell> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K sell books D, be a bookseller. sell carpets, fordyklavea, <floor clith sell(er)> [K‍-‍DC] (3v) K sell carpets to D for price C. seller, vedma, (n) a salesman/seller/vendor/tradesman, one who sells … to … for …. selling, po vedma, (n) a sale/selling, an act/event of selling. semanticist, sansesmao, <sign science maker> [K‍-‍F] (2n) K is a semanticist for language F. semantics, nursansio, <meaning system> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B are the semantics of F. sansensi, <sign science> [V‍-‍F] (2n) V is the study of semantics/semiotics in language F. semicolon, i, (c) period/semicolon, indicating stop between sentences/clauses. semiconductor, semhikonduktori, [B‍-‍FS] (3n) B is a semiconductor of type F from/of S. semiconductors, lo semhikonduktori, (n) semiconductors, mass term. semiotics, sansensi, <sign science> [V‍-‍F] (2n) V is the study of semantics/semiotics in language F. senate, ganlilmaogru, <high law making group> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the senate of government F. senator, ganlilmao, <high law maker> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a senator of polity F, a member of the Upper House. send, cmesui, <money send> [K‍-‍CDV] (4v) K remit/send/transfer money C to D by V. kaksui, <act send> [K‍-‍BVD] (4v) K send B to do V for D. sundi, [K‍-‍BDSV] (5v) K send B to recipient D from S via V. sui, (af) a combining form of sundi, send. send away, noirsifsui, <away send> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K displace/transfer/send away B to D. send back, fansui, <reverse send> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K return/send back B to sender D. nuzfansui, <news reverse send> [K‍-‍BSD] (4v) K report/send back news B from S to sender D. send down the drain, godrysui, <drain send> [K‍-‍VD] (3v) K send down the drain of V to D/flush down. send facsimile, kopdarsui, <copy far send> [K‍-‍PDSV] (5v) K send facsimile/fax P to D from S via V. send for, suirbeo, <send ask> [K‍-‍BS] (3v) K order/send for B from S. send forth, zvopetri, <out(ward) distribute> [K‍-‍BN] (3v) K emit/send forth B through/by medium N. send message, sansui, <sign send> [K‍-‍PDV] (4v) K signal/communicate with/send message/signal conveying intention/message/meaning P to D concerning topic/matter V. sender, sundi, (n) a sender, one who sends. sending, po sundi, (n) an instance of sending/expedition. senior, laldo, [G‍-‍JC] (3a) G is older/senior, organically less young than J by C. sensation, nu sanse, (n) a stimulus/sensation, a sensed stimulus. po sanse, (n) a sensation/feeling, a spec. sensation. sense, kance, [D‍-‍N] (2a) D is conscious/aware /sense of/that N. kance, (v) know/be conscious/aware /sense of/that …. nursaa, <conv. of sign> [V‍-‍BD] (3n) V is a referent/designatum/meaning/sense/significance of/thing designated by sign B to D. lo nursaa, <conv. of sign> (n) sense/meaning, collective term. sae, (af) a combining form of sanse, sense. sanse, [K‍-‍VN] (3v) K feel/sense/is sensitive to stimulus V under conditions N. sas, (af) a combining form of sanse, sense. sense of, saskai, <sense quality> [B‍-‍SD] (3n) B is a faculty/sense of S in D, capacity for sensing … of organism …. sensibility, pu sanse, (n) a sensitivity/sensitiveness/sensibility, a property of being -tive. sensible, nu sanse, (a) sensible, of that which is sensed. sensitive, nu dilko, (a) appreciative/cultivated/refined/sensitive, of delicacy, q.v. cmacejpoa, <small change respond> [K‍-‍NC] (3a) K is sensitive to/respond to changes in N as small as C. poaflo, <response full> [G‍-‍NJ] (3a) G is more sensitive to N than J. nu poaflo, <response full> (a) (less) sensitive to … (than …). sanse, (a) sensitive, of one who/that which senses. sasfro, <sense strong> [B‍-‍SN] (3a) B is sensitive/perceptive concerning stimulus S under N. sensitiveness, pu sanse, (n) a sensitivity/sensitiveness/sensibility, a property of being -tive. sensitivity, lopu poaflo, <response full> (n) sensitivity, mass property. pu sanse, (n) a sensitivity/sensitiveness/sensibility, a property of being -tive. sensory, saskai, <sense quality> (a) sensory, pert. to the sensory faculties. sensual, saeclu, <sense lover> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is sensual. sensuality, lopu saeclu, <sense lover> (n) sensuality, mass property. sent, nu sundi, (a) sent, of sent things. sentence, kafcue, <punish say> [K‍-‍DPV] (4v) K condemn/sentence/damn/convict (person) D to (sentence) P for (crime) V. fu kafcue, <punish say> (n) a sentence, a stated punishment. kafkeodou, <punish time say> [K‍-‍DCV] (4v) K condemn/sentence D to period C for crime V. kafkoi, <punish order> [K‍-‍DP] (3v) K condemn/sentence (person) D to (sentence) P. ste, (af) a combining form of steti, sentence. steti, [B‍-‍PNS] (4n) B is a sentence/statement claiming P about N in language S. tsikaocue, <crime act(criminal) say> [K‍-‍DVN] (4v) K sentence/convict/find guilty D of crime V by law N. po nu tsikaocue, <crime act(criminal) say> (n) a sentence/conviction, of a sp. person. sentenced, nu kafkoi, <punish order> (a) condemned/sentenced, one who is -ed. sentencing, po kafcue, <punish say> (n) a specific instance of condemnation/sentencing. po kafkeodou, <punish time say> (n) a specific instance of condemnation/sentencing. po kafkoi, <punish order> (n) a specific instance of condemnation/sentencing. sentential, steti, (a) sentential, pert. to sentences. sentinel, bicykunkatca, <military warn watch> [K‍-‍D] (2n) K is a sentry/sentinel/military guard of D. kunkatca, <warn watch> [K‍-‍B] (2n) a guard/watchman/sentinel/sentry/look out for …. sentry, bicykunkatca, <military warn watch> [K‍-‍D] (2n) K is a sentry/sentinel/military guard of D. kunkatca, <warn watch> [K‍-‍B] (2n) a guard/watchman/sentinel/sentry/look out for …. separable, nu nartycko, <apart cause> (a) apart/separate/separated/separable, capable of being or having been -ated. nu nartymao, <apart make> (a) apart/separate/separated/separable, capable of being or having been -ated. separate, narti, [B‍-‍F] (2a) B is alone/separate/apart/aloof from F. nartycea, <apart become> [K‍-‍D] (2vi) K separate/part from D. nartycko, <apart cause> [N‍-‍BF] (3v) N separate/keep/take apart B from F, nonintentional. nu nartycko, <apart cause> (a) apart/separate/separated/separable, capable of being or having been -ated. nartymao, <apart make> [K‍-‍BF] (3v) K separate/keep/take apart B from F, intentional. nu nartymao, <apart make> (a) apart/separate/separated/separable, capable of being or having been -ated. separated, nu nartycko, <apart cause> (a) apart/separate/separated/separable, capable of being or having been -ated. nu nartymao, <apart make> (a) apart/separate/separated/separable, capable of being or having been -ated. separates, parcea, <parts become> [F‍-‍B] (2v) F resolves/separates into parts/elements B, by itself; cf. parmao. separation, po narti, (n) an apartness/aloneness/separation, a state of being separate. po nartycea, <apart become> (1n) separation/parting. po nartycko, <apart cause> (n) a separation, an event of -ing … from …. po nartymao, <apart make> (n) a separation, an event of -ing … from …. separator, nartycko, <apart cause> (n) a separator, that which -s … from …. nartymao, <apart make> (n) a separator, one who -s … from …. septet, sera, (2n) B is a septet/seven member subset of set …, a cardinal predicate; e.g. Da sera lea atletu. — X is a septet of athletes. sequel, futci, (n) a/the successor/sequel, of some earlier event …. sequence, ckelista, <time list> [C‍-‍V] (2n) C is a (time) sequence of V. lista, [B‍-‍FV] (3n) B is a list/sequence/series/ordered set of the elements of set F in order V. taa, (av) in turn/sequence, a discourse operator (UI). sequential, ckelista, <time list> (a) sequential, in sequence. lista, (a) serial/sequential/ordered, pert. to series/lists. sequentially, ckelisgoi, <time list(serially) go> [K‍-‍] (1v) K go sequentially/in single file/one after the other. ckelista, <time list> (av) sequentially/one at a time. lista, (av) serially/sequentially, in an ordered way. serene, kalma, [K‍-‍N] (2a) K is calm/tranquil/serene under conditions N. kalmymou, <calm more> [G‍-‍VJV] (4a) G is calmer/more tranquil/serene/untroubled about V than J is about V'. serenity, lopu kalma, (n) calm/tranquility/serenity, mass property. lopo kalmymou, <calm more> (n) tranquility/serenity/calmness, the mass of such states. sergeant, cefsolda, <chief soldier> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the sergeant of F. fortro, <4th controller> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a sergeant controling/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murfortro — petty officer second class. sergeant major, vortro, <8th controller> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a sergeant major controling/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murvortro — master chief petty officer. sergeant major of the army, vertro, <9th controller> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a sergeant major of the army controling/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murvertro — master chief petty officer of the navy. serial, lista, (a) serial/sequential/ordered, pert. to series/lists. prastu, <process story> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a serial in B parts. serially, lista, (av) serially/sequentially, in an ordered way. series, lista, [B‍-‍FV] (3n) B is a list/sequence/series/ordered set of the elements of set F in order V. serious, riu, (af) a combining form of srisu, serious. riucko, <serious cause> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more grievous/grave/serious/severe than J. riupro, <serious produce> [V‍-‍D] (2a) V is serious/have grave consequences for D. riupro, <serious produce> (a) serious/grave, serious for …. srisu, [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is solemn/serious/grave/earnest/sober about V. seriousness, pu riupro, <serious produce> (n) a seriousness/gravity, of events, a spec. prop. pu srisu, (n) a seriousness/earnestness/gravity/solemnity, a spec. prop. of persons. sermon, teptaa, <church speech> [B‍-‍PK] (3n) B is a sermon on P by K. serpent, marpa, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a female snake/serpent. marpi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an infant snake/serpent. marpo, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a male snake/serpent. marpu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is any snake/serpent, non specific term. serpentine, marpe, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is snake like/serpentine, pertains to or resembles serpents. serum, serha, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is some serum of/from S. fu vaksi, (n) serum/vaccine, as used to immunize, q.v. servant, surva, (n) a servant, server, general term. suvfua, <serving woman> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a/the maidservant/servant/maid of N. suvmeu, <serving man> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a/the valet/manservant/servant of N. serve, surva, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K serve/service D by doing V. suv, (af) a combining form of surva, serve. tobsua, <table serve> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K serve (food)/wait on table to D with V. sua, (af) a combining form of surva, serve. service, surva, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K serve/service D by doing V. po surva, (n) a service/servitude, a spec. act of -ing. tepvei, <church event> [V‍-‍F] (2n) V is a rite/service/mass/ritual of church F. services, furtia, <2nd conv. of choose> [F‍-‍K] (2n) F is a menu/set of choices/alternatives/services offered by restaurant/establishment K. servile, suacli, <servant like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more servile, servant like than J. servility, lopu suacli, <servant like> (n) servility, mass prop. servitude, lopo humnurpou, <human possessed> (n) servitude/slavery, mass term of states. po humnurpou, <human possessed> (n) a servitude/slavery, a state of being a slave. lopo surva, (n) servitude, mass term of states. po surva, (n) a service/servitude, a spec. act of -ing. session, jmikeo, <meet interval> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a session of F, (a jmikeosei is the complete set). set, djisei, <joined set> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a combination/(joined) set of elements B. foa, (pp) Wholes/Sets/Collectives, case tag (whole/set/collective). furtia, <2nd conv. of choose> [F‍-‍K] (2n) F is a menu/set of choices/alternatives/services offered by restaurant/establishment K. hamsei, <harmony set> [F‍-‍PB] (3n) F is a matching collection/ensemble/suit/suite/set of use type P composed of items B. klogru, <closed group> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a circle/set/clique including member(s) B. lau, (art) The left hand identifier of an unordered set (a series of pause separated words or equivalent). lua, (op) the right hand closure of an unordered set. nurdjo, <conv. of element> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a set, include element(s), member(s) B, cf. setci. set, (af) a combining form of setci, set. setci, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a set/group/collection/collectivity with constituents F. setfa, [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K set/put/place B at/on D. staviu, <stage view> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is a scene/set/scenery for V, a set for play …. sei, (af) a combining form of setci, set. sea, (af) a combining form of setfa, set. set in order, nitsea, <neat set> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K arrange/fix up/set in order/straighten up B. set table, plasea, <dish put> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K set table D with tableware B. settle, flesti, <fly stop> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K alight/land/settle on B, to stop flying. tagstimao, <argument stop make> [K‍-‍DD] (3v) K settle/arbitrate dispute between D and D. taosti, <dispute cease> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K settle/stop/end dispute with D. togri, [K‍-‍NV] (3v) K agree with/accommodate/settle N about/that V. settle in, spalivcea, <space live change> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K settle in/inhabit B. settle up with, jetsti, <owe cease> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K repay/pay off/settle up with D. settlement, gundurcue, <country do say(promise)> [V‍-‍F] (2n) V is a treaty/accord/agreement/entente/settlement/pact between/among countries F. rorguntoi, <many country agree> [N‍-‍B] (2n) N is a treaty/accord/agreement/entente/settlement/pact among countries B. nu spalivcea, <space live change> (n) a settlement a place -ed in. po spalivcea, <space live change> (n) a settlement, an act of -ing in. po tagstimao, <argument stop make> (n) an arbitration/settlement, an act of -ing. po taosti, <dispute cease> (n) a settlement/agreement, of one's own dispute. fu togri, (n) an agreement/settlement, a thing agreed to. po togri, (n) an agreement/accommodation/settlement, an act of -ing. torguntoi, <two country agree> [N‍-‍F] (2n) N is a treaty/accord/agreement/entente/settlement/pact between countries F. settler, spalivcea, <space live change> (n) a settler. taosti, <dispute cease> (n) a settler, of own dispute. seven, se, (a) seven (7), in math. expressions. se, (l) seven (7) (of), a description quantifier. E.g. Se le fumna pa merji — (Some) Seven of the women were married; Se fumna pa hijra — (Some) Seven women were here independently. Cf., secu. lio se, (ph) seven (7), the number seven, non math. ser, (af) a combining form of se, seven. seven member, sera, (2n) B is a septet/seven member subset of set …, a cardinal predicate; e.g. Da sera lea atletu. — X is a septet of athletes. seventeen, nese, (a) seventeen (of) …, a quantifying operator. nese, (n) seventeen, the number 17, in math. exp. lio nese, (n) seventeen, the number 17, non math. seventh, seri, (2n) a/the seventh term/member of series …, an ordinal pred. seri, (a) seventh, of 7th members, before predicates. seventhly, sefi, (av) seventhly, in the seventh place. seventy, seni, (a) seventy/seventy of …, a quantifying oper., in math. exp. seni, (ms) seventy, the number 70, in math. exp. lio seni, (n) seventy, the number 70, non math. several, ri, (a) several/a few/some/a small number of set …, a quantifying operator. ricu, (a) a small group/several, a few … acting together, an indefinite set describer. E.g. Ricu mrenu pa hijra — A small group men were here together. Cf., Ri mrenu pa hijra — Several men were here independently. several times, rihyvei, <several events> [V‍-‍] (1av) V is/are several times. severe, folpru, <strong test> (a) rigorous/severe. hadfasli, <hard face> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more stern/severe/grim than J, in visage/demeanor. hadvoi, <hard voice> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more stern/severe than J, as of voices. riucko, <serious cause> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more grievous/grave/serious/severe than J. severeness, po hadvoi, <hard voice> (n) a severeness, as of voices, a condition. severity, lopu biunrofsu, <behaviour rough> (n) harshness/severity (in behaviour …). lopu folpru, <strong test> (n) rigor/severity, mass property of strength tests. pu hadfasli, <hard face> (n) a severity/sternness/grimness, of visage, a spec. property. pu hadvoi, <hard voice> (n) a sternness/severity, as of voices, a property. sew, djoso, [K‍-‍BP] (3v) K sew/stitch B to/onto P. jos, (af) a combining form of djoso, sew. josmao, <sew do> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K sew/tailor P, makes … by sewing. sewing, po djoso, (n) some sewing, a spec. act/event. sewing machine, josmai, <sew machine> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a sewing machine. sex, peckia, <pay copulate> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K pays for sex with B. lopo sekci, (n) sex/sexuality, mass term of behaviors. lopu sekci, (n) sex/sexuality, general term for being -ual. sex type, seckle, <sex type> [N‍-‍B] (2n) N is the gender/sex type of B. sexiness, lopu secflo, <sex full> (n) sexiness, mass prop. sextet, sora, (2n) B is a sextet/hexad/six member subset of set F, a cardinal predicate; e.g. Da sora lea muzmao — X is a sextet of musicians. sexual, sekci, (a) sexual, of one who behaves sexually. sexuality, lopo sekci, (n) sex/sexuality, mass term of behaviors. lopu sekci, (n) sex/sexuality, general term for being -ual. po sekci, (n) a flirting/sexuality, an act of -ing. sexually, sekci, [K‍-‍D] (2v) K court/make love to/flirt with/behave sexually toward D, gen'l wd. sexually assault, secytakma, <sexually attack> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K rape/sexually assault D. sexy, secflo, <sex full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more sexy, disposed to sexual behavior than J is. shade, ceucko, <shade cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N shade(s) D, nonintentionally 'the building shades the car'. ced, (af) a combining form of cedzu, shade. cedmao, <shade make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K shade(s) D with V, intentionally. cedzu, [P‍-‍BS] (2n) P is a/the shadow/shade of B cast by light source S. lo cedzu, (n) shade, mass term. kolkai, <color character (quality)> [V‍-‍SKN] (4n) V is a/the hue/tint/shade of S to K in lighting N. ceu, (af) a combining form of cedzu, shade. shaded, nu ceucko, <shade cause> (a) shaded, of that which is -ed. cedcea, <shade become> [D‍-‍] (1v) D is/becomes shaded, intransitive. cedcea, <shade become> (a) shaded, of that which is -ed. nu cedmao, <shade make> (a) shaded, of that which is -ed. shadiness, lopo ceuflo, <shadow ful> (n) shadiness, mass term. po ceuflo, <shadow ful> (n) a shadiness, a spec. state/condition. shadow, cedzu, [P‍-‍BS] (2n) P is a/the shadow/shade of B cast by light source S. shadowy, ceuflo, <shadow ful> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more shady/shadowy than J. shady, ceuflo, <shadow ful> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more shady/shadowy than J. shake, kuksiu, <quick shake> [K‍-‍SS] (3v) K quiver/shake/vibrate with frequency S and amplitude S. silmao, <shake make> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K shake/agitate B, intentional. po silmao, <shake make> (n) a shake/agitation, an act of -ing. siltu, [B‍-‍CC] (3v) B shake/oscillate/reciprocate, exhibits reciprocal motion with rate C and amplitude C(1). siucko, <shake cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N shake/agitate D, nonintentional. po siucko, <shake cause> (n) a shake/agitation, an act of -ing. shake hands, hansilkue, <hand shake reciprocally> [K‍-‍] (1v) K (pl.) shake hands (with each other). Viz. hansiu — K shakes hands with D. hansiu, <hand shake> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K shake hands with D. shake one, hedsiu, <head shake> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K headshake/shake one's head at D. shake violently, vansiu, <violent shake> [B‍-‍] (1v) B quake/shake violently. shaken, nu silmao, <shake make> (a) shaken, of one who/that which is -en. nu siucko, <shake cause> (a) shaken, of one who/that which is -en. shaker, kuksiucko, <vibrate cause> (n) a vibrator/shaker, that which -s …. silmao, <shake make> (n) a shaker, one who -es something. siucko, <shake cause> (n) a shaker, that which -es something. shaking, siltu, (a) reciprocal/oscillating/shaking, of that which -es. po siltu, (n) a shaking/oscillation/reciprocation, a spec. state of -ing motion. shall, fa, (va) will/shall …, sign of the future tense as in 'I shall be going', 'He will be a man'. fana, (va) shall/will be then … ing, sign of the future coincident tense. shall we, ea, (i) let's/I suggest that/shall we …, a suggestion/request for cooperation. shallow, nu condi, (a) shallow, less deep than, conv. form. shaman, narlidydia, <nature religious teacher> [K‍-‍] (1n) K is a nature-priest/shaman. shame, po comcea, <ashamed become> (n) a shame, a state of being/becoming shamed. comcko, <shame cause> [V‍-‍D] (2v) V shame/disgrace D, nonintentional; 'that act shamed him'. po nu comcko, <shame cause> (n) a shame, a state of being shamed. comtu, [K‍-‍V] (2v) K feel shame about/ashamed of being/doing V. lopo comtu, (n) shame, mass term of states. po comtu, (n) a/some shame, a spec. state of feeling ashamed. cotmao, <shame make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K shame/disgrace D by V, intentional. po nu cotmao, <shame make> (n) a shame, a state of being shamed. socycomcko, <social shame cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N embarrass/cause social shame to D, nonintentional. socycoumao, <social shame make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K embarrass/cause social shame to D by V, intentional. uu, (i) alas!/oh (dear)/sorry/what a shame/pity …, an exp. of sympathy/regret. shamed, comcea, <ashamed become> [D‍-‍V] (2v) D is/becomes shamed by V, intransitive. socycomcea, <social shame become> [D‍-‍] (1v) D is embarrassed/socially shamed, cause unspecified. shameful, nu comtu, (a) shameful, of that which causes shame. shamefulness, pu nu comtu, (n) a shamefulness, a prop. of being -ful. shameless, comcle, <shame without> [K‍-‍] (1a) K is/are shameless/brazen, feel no shame about anything. shamelessness, lopo comcle, <shame without> (n) shamelessness, mass term. po comcle, <shame without> (n) a shamelessness, a spec. state of -ness. shaming, po comcko, <shame cause> (n) a specific disgrace/shaming (of …). po cotmao, <shame make> (n) a specific disgrace/shaming, an act of making ashamed (of … by …). shampoo, herdzaso, <hair soap> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some shampoo. herzasduo, <hair soap do> [K‍-‍D] (2n) K shampoo (the hair of) D. shape, fomceamao, <form change make> [K‍-‍DP] (3v) K form/shape/model D into P. forma, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the form/pattern/shape of F. korfoa, <body form> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the figure/shape/body form of F. zvofoa, <outer form> [B‍-‍FN] (3n) B is a shape/outline/silhouette, outer form of F from viewpoint N. share, ponpai, <own part> [B‍-‍DF] (3v) B is a/the share/portion/stock of D in property F. parti, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a part/portion/fraction/segment/piece/share of F, a whole. share meal, kintci, <together eat> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K eat/break bread/share meal with D. share of stock, parponpre, <part own paper> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a stock/share of stock in company F. share out, petri, [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K share out/spread/distribute B to/among D. sharp, kik, (af) a combining form of kinku, sharp. kikyguo, <sharp taste> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a sharp taste/flavour. kinku, (a) sharp/keen, pert. to sharp objects. nu penta, (a) pointed/sharp, having a —. sharpen, kikcko, <sharp cause> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K sharpen D, nonintentional. kikmao, <sharp make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K sharpen D with V, intentionally. petmao, <pointed make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K sharpen/point D, makes … pointed. sharpener, kikcko, <sharp cause> (n) a sharpener, that which -ens. kikmao, <sharp make> (n) a sharpener, one who -ens. sharper, kinku, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is sharper/keener than J. sharpness, pu kinku, (n) a sharpness/keenness, a property of sharp objects. pu nu penta, (n) a sharpness, as of points, a property. shatter, rorbro, <many break> [D‍-‍B] (2v) D break/shatter into fragments B. rorbrocea, <many break become> [D‍-‍B] (2v) D shatter/smash into fragments B, be -ed, cause unknown or unspecified. rorbrocko, <many break cause> [N‍-‍DB] (3v) N shatter/smash D into fragments B, nonintentional. rorbromao, <many break make> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K shatter/smash D into fragments B, intentional 'Would we not shatter it to bits'. shatterable, rorbro, <many break> (a) shatterable/breakable, shatterable. shave, hersniklu, <hair near cut> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K shave D. licklu, <thin cut> [K‍-‍DP] (3v) K shave D producing P, cut off a very thin slice. shaver, sniklupae, <near cut apparatus> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a shaver. shaving, fu licklu, <thin cut> (n) a/some shaving(s), thin slices from …. shaving lotion, sniklucti, <near cut stuff> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some shaving-cream/shaving lotion, general term. shaving-cream, sniklucti, <near cut stuff> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some shaving-cream/shaving lotion, general term. shawl, lulkla, <wool cloth> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a shawl, a woolen wrap. shay, perkarti, <people cart> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a coach/buggy/shay, used for transporting people. she, di, (p) he/she/it (self)/they, 3rd free variable of the da series. dicine, (p) he/she/it/they/him/her/them sub one, an ordered var. da, (p) he/she/it(self)/they, 1st free variable of the da-series. dacine, (p) he/she/it/they/him/her/them sub one, an ordered var. de, (p) he/she/it (self)/they, 2nd free variable of the da series. decine, (p) he/she/it/they/him/her/them sub one, an ordered var. do, (p) he/she/it (self)/they, 4th free variable of the da series. docine, (p) he/she/it/they/him/her/them sub one, an ordered var. du, (p) he/she/it (self)/they, 5th free variable of the da series. ducine, (p) he/she/it/they/him/her/them sub one, an ordered var. shear, ciorduo, <scissors do> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K shear D, cut … with scissors. shearer, ciorduo, <scissors do> (n) a shearer, one who uses shears. shears, cirzo, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a (pair of) scissors/shears. sheath, jitkua, <tight cover> [B‍-‍P] (2n) B is a sheath of/for P. shed, cmahaa, <small house> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a cabin/hut/shed/cottage of F, a small dwelling place. fedlei, <fall let> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K shed/drop/let fall/let go B to/onto/into D. shed tears, ceokra, <wet cry> [K‍-‍S] (2v) K cry/weep/shed tears over S. sheep, bercu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a sheep, a general term for an ovine creature. sheepish, berce, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is ovine/sheepish, like a sheep. sheet, bedkla, <bed cloth> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a sheet/bedsheet. pilfoa, <plane form> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a sheet of F, a planar form of …. shelf, celna, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a shelf/counter of F. shell, flebomba, <fly(ing) bomb> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a shell/bomb/missile, any explosive airborne device. konce, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a shell of F. hebkonce, <plant shell> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a shell/nutshell, hard outer covering of nut F. kithini, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the shell/exoskeleton/chitin of an arthropod F. zbununreo, <exploding thrown(missile)> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a shot/shell/bomb/grenade, any explosive missile. shelter, hao, (af) a combining form of harko, shelter. har, (af) a combining form of harko, shelter. harko, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K harbor/harbour/shelter D from dangers V. harko, (n) a retreat/shelter/harbor/harbour/haven/refuge, that which shelters/harbors. lo harko, (n) shelter, mass term. pazhao, <pause shelter> [B‍-‍P] (2n) B is a shelter for P, any waiting or resting shelter. shelve, celnysea, <shelf set> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K shelve(s) D, put … on a shelf. shepherd, bercykeu, <sheep care> [K‍-‍] (1n) K is a pastor/shepherd, one who tends sheep. sherry, herhese, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a sherry, a Spanish fortified wine. shield, blosti, <blow stopper> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is a shield against (blows) V. kresti, <ray stopper> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is a shield against (radiation) V. shift, sifmuo, <position move> [K‍-‍BDSV] (5v) K translate/shift B to D from S via V, a transformation operation. shift key, gantiaklaki, <high selector key> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a shift key on keyboard/system F, the one used for the upper set of characters on the key, when this function must be differentiated from other modifier keys. tiarklaki, <selector key> [B‍-‍CF] (3n) B is a shift key/modifier key selecting value set C on keyboard/system F, default upper case; a key which modifies the action of other keys. shine, brili, (v) shine/gleam/glisten/sparkle. po brili, (n) a/the brightness/shine/brilliance, a state of being bright. rilmao, <bright make> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K brighten/shine/polish B, intentional. po rilmao, <bright make> (n) a shine (sp. inst.). shiny, brili, (a) bright/brilliant/lustrous/shiny/sparkling. ship, grobou, <big boat> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a ship/big boat. grobousui, <large boat send> [K‍-‍BDS] (4v) K ship B to D from S. pergrobou, <people ship> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a passenger ship/liner. shipment, nu grobousui, <large boat send> (n) a shipment, that which is shipped. po kuksui, <quick send> (n) an instance of shipment/dispatch of … from … to …. shipper, grobousui, <large boat send> (n) a shipper, one who ships something. kuksui, <quick send> (n) dispatcher/shipper of … from … to …, one who -s. shipping, lo grobou, <big boat> (n) shipping, mass term. lopo grobousui, <large boat send> (n) shipping, mass term of acts. po grobousui, <large boat send> (n) a/the shipping, a spec. act of shipping. lopo sundi, (n) shipping, mass term applying to all forms. shirt, curta, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a shirt, an article of clothing. shiver, korsiu, <body shake> [K‍-‍] (1v) K tremble/quiver/shiver/shudder. po korsiu, <body shake> (n) a shiver/shudder, an act/event of -ing. shoal, norconcui, <not deep(shallow) water> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a shoal in F, a shallow part in a body of water. shoat, porji, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a shoat/piglet/baby pig. shock, cak, (af) a combining form of tcaku, shock. cakcko, <shock cause> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K shock D by V. cakykao, <shock act> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K shock/startle D by being/doing V. tcaku, (3v) K shock D by V. nu tcaku, (n) a shock, to the recipient. po tcaku, (n) a shock, a spec. event of shocking …. po nu tcaku, (n) a shock, a spec. state of being -ed. zavbivtaa, <bad behave talk> [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is a scandal/shock about V. shockable, nu tcaku, (a) shockable, capable of being -ed. shocked, nu cakcko, <shock cause> (a) shocked, not intentionally by some event. tcaku, [K‍-‍DV] (2a) shocked/appalled by …, of that which shocks. shocking, cakykao, <shock act> (a) shocking/startling, of -ing people. fu cakykao, <shock act> (a) shocking, of shocking acts. zavbivtaa, <bad behave talk> (a) scandalous/shocking, pert. to —. shod, nu cucduo, <shoe do> (a) shod, having shoes. shoe, cuc, (af) a combining form of cutci, shoe. cucduo, <shoe do> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K shoe D, put shoes on …. cutci, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a (pair of) shoe(s). shoe lace, cuckoe, <shoe cord> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a shoe lace/shoestring. shoe pair, cucysei, <shoe set> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is a shoe pair/ a pair of shoes belonging to D. shoe polish, cucylakse, <shoe wax> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an amount of shoe polish. lo cucylakse, <shoe wax> (n) shoe polish, mass term. shoemaker, cucmao, <shoe make> [K‍-‍P] (2n) K is a shoemaker/cobbler, maker of shoe(s) P. shoes, lo cutci, (n) shoes, mass term. shoestring, cuckoe, <shoe cord> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a shoe lace/shoestring. shoot, dionrenmao, <direction throw make> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K fire/shoot weapon B at D. dionreo, <direction throw> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K fire/shoot bullet/projectile B at D (non intentional, of a weapon). junstaga, <young stem> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a sprout/shoot of F. renblo, <throw hit> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K shoot D with B. tamreo, <weapon hurl> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K fire/shoot/hurl projectile B at/toward D. shoot up, nidla minkempli, <mind chemical use> (v) shoot up, use drugs by injection. shooting, po dionrenmao, <direction throw make> (a) a shot/shooting/discharge (of a weapon). po dionreo, <direction throw> (a) a shot/shooting/discharge (of a projectile). renblo, <throw hit> (a) shooting (… with …). po renblo, <throw hit> (a) a shot/shooting (of … by …), specific act. shop, vaurjanto, <value hunt> [K‍-‍PD] (3v) K shop for P in D. vemsia, <selling place> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a store/shop selling N. shop assistant, vempeu, <sell person> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a salesperson/shop assistant/clerk of F. shopowner, kompou, <company possess> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a businessman/shopowner of business F. shopper, vaurjanto, <value hunt> (n) a shopper, one who -s. shopping, po vaurjanto, <value hunt> (n) an instance of shopping. shopping cart, puorkarti, <push cart> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a hand-cart/wheelbarrow/shopping cart, any vehicle pushed by hand. shore, lanbie, <land edge> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the shore/coast/coastline/seashore of F. vribie, <river edge> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a bank/river bank/shore of river N. short, ckecoa, <time short> (3a) J is brief/short, incomplete form. coa, (av) in short/sum/brief. cor, (af) a combining form of corta, short. negnurtse, <negative errored> [V‍-‍C] (2v) V is slow/short by C, have a negative error in …. E.g. Lemi jokla ga negnurtse lio fe minta — My watch is 5 minutes slow. vrecoa, <erect short> (a) short, less tall than …. coa, (af) a combining form of corta, short. shorten, cormao, <short make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K shorten/curtail/cut off D, intentional. shortened, nu cormao, <short make> (a) shortened/curtailed, the thing -ed. shorter, ckecoa, <time short> [J‍-‍GC] (3a) J is briefer/temporally shorter than G by interval C. corcea, <shorter become> [B‍-‍] (1v) B contract/become shorter. corta, [G‍-‍JC] (3a) G is shorter than J by C. vrecoa, <erect short> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is shorter/vertically shorter than J. shortly, faza, (av) shortly /in the near future/soon, with predicates. faza, (pp) shortly (after), some event, before predicates. shortly after, faza, (c) shortly after, with clauses. shortness, pu corta, (n) a shortness, in length, a spec. property. lopu vrecoa, <erect short> (n) shortness, mass prop. shorts, nenpantu, <inner pants> [B‍-‍K] (2n) B is a pair of briefs/shorts/pants (U.K.). shot, fu dionrenmao, <direction throw make> (a) shot (by weapon … fired by …), describing a thing or person shot at. nu dionrenmao, <direction throw make> (a) shot (by … at …), describing a weapon. po dionrenmao, <direction throw make> (a) a shot/shooting/discharge (of a weapon). po dionreo, <direction throw> (a) a shot/shooting/discharge (of a projectile). cmanunreo, <small thrown> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a bullet/shot/missile (small)/projectile (small). nunreo, <conv. of throw> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a missile/projectile/shot, any thrown or fired thing. nu renblo, <throw hit> (a) shot (by-with …), about the object struck. po renblo, <throw hit> (a) a shot/shooting (of … by …), specific act. zbununreo, <exploding thrown(missile)> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a shot/shell/bomb/grenade, any explosive missile. should, daumia, (pp) should/would probably, a probability specific subjective subjunctive operator; used before an argument, usually a lepo clause, to give the accompanying predicate a subjunctive sense (PA). E.g. Mi hapci daumia lepo mi bragai — I am probably happy in the mental place where I am king (I would probably be happy if I were king). dauvie, (pp) should/would probably, a probability specific objective subjunctive operator; used before an argument, usually a lepo clause, to give the accompanying predicate a subjunctive sense (PA). E.g. Mi hapci dauvie lepo mi bragai — I am probably happy in the possible world where I am king (I would probably be happy if I were king). Cf. daumia for the subjective sense of this subjunctive. dauvie ba, (ph) should/would probably, as used in objective subjunctive sentences in which the causal condition is missing. E.g. Mi hapci dauvie ba — I would probably be happy (in some possible world/under some unspecified condition x). Cf. daumia ba for the suobjective sense of this subjunctive. fui, (aux) should/ought to …, objective sense used before predicates (PA). E.g. Mi fui godzi da — I should go to X. Cf. oe for subjective sense: Oe mi godzi da — I should go to X. funrui, <conv. of rule> [K‍-‍VN] (3v) K should/ought to do V under circumstances N. mia, (pp) would/should/could, the general subjective subjunctive operator; used before an argument, usually a lepo clause, to give the accompanying predicate a subjunctive sense (PA). E.g. Mi hapci mia lepo mi bragai. — I am happy in the mental place where I am king (I would be happy if I were king). mia ba, (ph) would/should/could, as used in subjective subjunctive sentences in which the causal condition is missing. E.g. Mi hapci mia ba. — I would be happy (in some mental place/under some unspecified condition x). no oe, (i) It isn't the case that I/he/they should …, denial of ethical preference. oe, (i) I/he/they should/ought to …, exp. of ethical preference. rultoi, <rule agree> (v) should/ought, feel one ought to do …. vie, (pp) would/should/could, the objective subjunctive operator; used before an argument, usually a lepo clause, to give the accompanying predicate a subjunctive sense (PA). E.g. Mi hapci vie lepo mi bragai. — I am happy in the possible where I am king (I would be happy if I were king). Cf. biumia for the subjective sense of the subjunctive. vie ba, (ph) would/should/could, as used in objective subjunctive sentences in which the causal condition is missing. E.g. Mi hapci vie ba. — I would be happy (in some possible world/under some unspecified condition x). Cf. biumia ba for the subjective version of the "missing condition" subjunctive. shoulder, bardji, <arm joint> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the shoulder of F. shout, keukra, <care cry> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K cry/shout a warning to D of danger V. po keukra, <care cry> (n) an alarm/warning/shout, a sp. act of -ing. E.g. "Watch out". teikra, <attention cry> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K bark/shout about V, used of any attention or alarm cry. po teikra, <attention cry> (n) a shout/bark, attention calling, an act/event. shove, pucto, [K‍-‍BDSV] (5v) K push/shove B to D from S via V. po pucto, (n) a shove/push, a spec. act of -ing. shovel, cav, (af) a combining form of cavle, shovel. cavduo, <shovel do> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K shovel(s) B into D. cavle, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a spade/shovel, an implement for moving material. shoveler, cavduo, <shovel do> (n) a shoveler, one who -s. shovelful, cavcai, <shovel quantity> [C‍-‍B] (2n) C is a shovelful/spadeful of B. show, nu banvia, <beyond see> (v) show through to (observer) … across (medium) …. blemao, <look make> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K show (person) D (thing) B. selviacko, <self see cause> [V‍-‍D] (2v) V manifest/show itself to D, non intentional. selvizmao, <self see make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K manifest/show themselves to D, intentional. viacko, <see cause> [N‍-‍VD] (3v) N show/demonstrate V to D, nonintentional. vizlei, <see permit> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K exhibit/show B to D/permit … to be seen by …. po vizlei, <see permit> (n) a showing/show/exhibition, an act of -ing. vizmao, <see make> [K‍-‍ND] (3v) K show/demonstrate N to D, intentional. show off, selvizlei, <self exhibit> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K show off/exhibit themselves before D. shower, cribanci, <rain bath> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K (take a) shower (bath) in B. shower from, corcri, <short rained on> [D‍-‍B] (2v) D experience a shower from/be showered/rained on briefly by B. showered, corcri, <short rained on> [D‍-‍B] (2v) D experience a shower from/be showered/rained on briefly by B. showing, po vizlei, <see permit> (n) a showing/show/exhibition, an act of -ing. showing through, po nu banvia, <beyond see> (n) an instance of showing through. showoff, selvizlei, <self exhibit> (n) an exhibitionist/showoff, show off. shriek, punkra, <pain cry> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K cry (out)/scream/moan/groan/shriek in response to pain N. po punkra, <pain cry> (n) a cry/moan/scream/shriek/groan, an event of crying about pain. shrill, pifsilsoa, <often shake(high frequency) sound> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is shrill. shrine, fomdrisia, <formal remind place> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is a memorial/shrine of/to D. seordrisia, <holy remember site> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a shrine for people/religion/belief system N. shrink, cmacea, <small become> [B‍-‍] (1v) B shrink/contract/diminish/become smaller, cause unspecified. cmacko, <small cause> [N‍-‍B] (2v) N shrink/reduce/diminish/decrease, make smaller B in size, nonintentional; 'Hot water shrinks wool'. cmamao, <small make> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K shrink/reduce/diminish/decrease, make smaller B in size, intentional. jitcea, <tight become> [B‍-‍] (1v) B shrink, actor unspecified. jitmao, <tight make> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K tighten/shrink B with V, intentional. jiucko, <tight cause> [S‍-‍D] (2v) S tighten/shrink D (non intentional), i.e. Hot water shrinks wool. shrub, bucto, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a bush/shrub/brush of F, a small many stemmed woody plant. shrug, lufbardji, <lift shoulders> [K‍-‍] (1v) K shrug. po lufbardji, <lift shoulders> (n) a shrug (lifting of the shoulders gesture). shudder, korsiu, <body shake> [K‍-‍] (1v) K tremble/quiver/shiver/shudder. po korsiu, <body shake> (n) a shiver/shudder, an act/event of -ing. shun, darsto, <far stay> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K avoid/shun/stay away from D. shunned, nu darsto, <far stay> (a) avoided/shunned, conv. of stay away. shut, klocko, <closed cause> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K close/shut D, nonintentional. klomao, <closed make> [K‍-‍DK] (3v) K close/shut D by/with K, intentional. shut out, nengozliu, <enter prevent> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K bar/exclude/shut out/keep out B from D. nu nengozliu, <enter prevent> (a) excluded/shut out/barred, excluded/shut out, conv. form. shut up, neiklo, <inside close> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K enclose/inclose/shut up B in D. santi, (i) shut up!, be quiet, w/o; 1st arg., an imp. shutter, cunkua, <window cover> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is a blind/shutter blocking light V. shutting, po klocko, <closed cause> (n) a closing/shutting, an act of -ing. po klomao, <closed make> (n) a closing/shutting, an act of -ing. shy, socfia, <social fear> [G‍-‍JV] (3a) G is more shy/bashful than J in/about V. shyness, lopu socfia, <social fear> (n) shyness/bashfulness, mass property. po socfia, <social fear> (n) an instance of shyness/bashfulness. sibling, brusoe, <brother sister> [N‍-‍NS] (3n) N is a sibling of N with parents S. sib, (af) a combining form of sibli, sibling. sibli, [P‍-‍PS] (4n) P is a sibling of P with parents S. sibling-in law, nurmersibli, <spouse sibling> [B‍-‍B] (2n) B is a sibling-in law of B. sick, mal, (af) a combining form of malbi, sick. malbi, [D‍-‍PS] (3n) D is sick with P from S. nordje, <neg. of well> (a) unwell/sick, in the sense of being under the care of some care provider. nurdje, <conv. of well> (a) sick/unfit/unhealthy/ill, sicker/less well than …, conv. of welln. sick with fear, cakfia, <shock fear> [D‍-‍S] (2v) D is horrified/sick with fear by/from S. sicker, nurdje, <conv. of well> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is sicker/less well than J. sickly, jelfiu, <healthy weak> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is sickly/frail in conditions N. sickness, po nu djela, (n) an illness/sickness, a spec. state of being ill. nu malbi, (n) a sickness/disease/illness. po malbi, (n) an instance of sickness/disease/illness. side, bidje, [B‍-‍DSS] (4n) B is an edge/side of D between surfaces S and S, any linear discontinuity. fanspali, <reverse side> [V‍-‍B] (2n) V is a/the reverse/wrong side/backside/flipside of B. karsa, [K‍-‍DS] (3pp) K is across/athwart/on the other side/over there D from S. nu paigru, <part group> (ph) be on the side of …, of partisans, q.v. pal, (af) a combining form of spali, side. spali, [B‍-‍FN] (3n) B is a side/surface of object F bounded by edges N. spali, (a) lateral/side, pert. to sides. side of, pargrukii, <party comp'n> (ph) on the side of, be a co partisan of …, q.v. side to side, siltu, (av) back and forth/to and fro/side to side, in a reciprocating way. side-by side, nedsei, <next set> [B‍-‍] (1a) B are contiguous/side-by side/next to one another by pairs. sideboard, caltoe, <wall table> [B‍-‍KFP] (4n) B is a sideboard/dresser (U.K.) in F for P. celnybao, <shelf box> [B‍-‍KFP] (4n) B is a buffet/sideboard/dresser (U.K.) in F for P. sidewalk, drarua, <dry way> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a sidewalk/pavement, a raised footpath along street/road F. dzotrida, <walk street> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a sidewalk/pavement (UK). sideways, kasdio, <across direction> [B‍-‍B] (2v) B is transverse/sideways to B. paldio, <side direction> [B‍-‍] (1av) B is sideways. siege, po narmyrinje, <army ring> (n) a siege. rindorja, <ring war> [V‍-‍BK] (3n) V is a siege, the surrounding and blockading of B by K. sieve, rorholpae, <many holed apparatus> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a riddle/sieve/colander. zvotisveo, <out choose vessel> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a sieve. sieve spoon, godrysputa, <drain spoon> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a sieve spoon, a spoon for dipping solids from liquids. sift, zvotia, <out choose> (4v) K screen/sift/strain/turn away/out B from set F retaining B(1). sigh, kecrue, <sad breathe> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K sigh about V, exhale audibly in sorrow/weariness/relief. po kecrue, <sad breathe> (n) a sigh about …. sight, vidju, [V‍-‍BS] (3n) V is a prospect/view/sight/scene of B from point S. viksaskai, <see sense> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the sense of vision/sight/eyesight of organism F. lo viksaskai, <see sense> (n) sight/eyesight/vision, mass term. lopo vizka, (n) seeing/sight/visual perception, mass term. lopu vizka, (n) sight/vision, mass term of visual senses. po vizka, (n) a sight/seeing/visual perception, a spec. instance. pu vizka, (n) a sight/vision, visual sense of a spec. organism. sight of, beksae, <object sense> (v) catch sight of …. sigma, seo, (l) sigma, Greek lower case letter, one of a pool of symbols. sign, bivsaa, <behaviour sign> [V‍-‍P] (2n) V is a gesture/behavioral sign meaning P. hansanmao, <hand sign make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K gesture/sign/signal to D to do V. madsaa, <made sign> [B‍-‍PDVN] (5n) B is a symbol/sign/signal meaning P to D prompting behav'r V under N. namsri, <name write> [K‍-‍DC] (3v) K write/sign surface/document D using name C. san, (af) a combining form of sanpa, sign. sanpa, [V‍-‍BSPN] (5n) V is a sign of B to S prompting behavior P in situation N. sanpli, <sign use> [K‍-‍BP] (3v) K uses sign B to mean P. zvosaa, <out sign> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a sign advertising/indicating business/seller N. saa, (af) a combining form of sanpa, sign. sign language, hansanleu, <hand sign language> [F‍-‍KN] (3n) F is a sign language used by K in situation N. sign system, sansio, <sign system> [P‍-‍K] (2n) P is a sign system of K. signal, hansanmao, <hand sign make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K gesture/sign/signal to D to do V. madsaa, <made sign> [B‍-‍PDVN] (5n) B is a symbol/sign/signal meaning P to D prompting behav'r V under N. sansui, <sign send> [K‍-‍PDV] (4v) K signal/communicate with/send message/signal conveying intention/message/meaning P to D concerning topic/matter V. suirsaa, <send sign> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a signal. signature, fu namsri, <name write> (n) the signature of … on …. namsrisaa, <name write sign> [P‍-‍S] (2n) P is the/a signature of S. signboard, sanbarta, <sign board.> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a signboard/bulletin board. significance, pu djipo, (n) an importance/significance, a spec. property. jursaa, <meaning of sign> [N‍-‍VD] (3n) N a meaning/significance of/behavior prompted by sign V to D. nursaa, <conv. of sign> [V‍-‍BD] (3n) V is a referent/designatum/meaning/sense/significance of/thing designated by sign B to D. ju sanpa, (n) a meaning/significance/import, meaning, as prompted by a sign. nu sanpa, (n) a reference/meaning/referent/significance, referent/producer of a sign. pu sanpa, (n) a significance/meaning, a property of a sign. significant, djipo, [V‍-‍DN] (3a) V is important/significant/meaningful/matters to D in respect N. fu djipo, (n) important/significant/meaningful aspect, to …, of …. jipmou, <important more> (4a) G is more important/significant to B than J is to B. sanflo, <sign full> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is significant/meaningful. sanpa, (a) significant/meaningful, as of signs. signify, dedsanduo, <finger sign do> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K point out/indicate/signify B to D. sanbiu, <sign behave> [N‍-‍DS] (3v) N signify/gesture/exhibit behavior to D meaning S. sanpa, (vt) refer/mean/signify, signify … to … prompting … under …. silence, po kalsai, <completely quiet> (n) a silence/noiselessness, a spec. state/condition. kalsaicko, <completely silent cause> [V‍-‍D] (2v) V silence/quiet/hush D, nonintentional. kalsaimao, <completely silent make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K silence/quiet/hush D by V, intentional. sairmao, <quiet make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K silence/quiet D, make … quiet, intentional. silencer, kalsaicko, <completely silent cause> (n) a silencer, that which -s. silencing, po kalsaimao, <completely silent make> (n) a silencing of …, a spec. inst. silent, kalsai, <completely quiet> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is still/noiseless/silent/completely quiet. kalsai, <completely quiet> (i) be silent!, w/o 1st argument, an imper. pensai, <think silent> [K‍-‍] (1v) K is pensive/thoughtful and silent. saircea, <quiet become> [D‍-‍] (1v) D are/become silent/quiet, intransitive. silhouette, zvofoa, <outer form> [B‍-‍FN] (3n) B is a shape/outline/silhouette, outer form of F from viewpoint N. silica, silca, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is some silica/silicon dioxide from F. silicon, silko, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some silicon, element 14 (Si). silicon carbide, carborundi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some carborundum, a silicon carbide. silicon dioxide, silca, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is some silica/silicon dioxide from F. silicosis, silkosi, [B‍-‍] (1) B suffer(s) from silicosis. lopo silkosi, (n) silicosis, mass term for the disease. silk, col, (af) a combining form of colku, silk. colku, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a (piece of) silk from source F. colku, (a) silk/silken, made of silk. lo colku, (n) silk, mass term. silk like, colcli, <silk like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more silky/silken/silk like than J. silken, colcli, <silk like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more silky/silken/silk like than J. colku, (a) silk/silken, made of silk. silkiness, pu colcli, <silk like> (n) a silkiness, a spec. property. silky, colcli, <silk like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more silky/silken/silk like than J. silly, fumbuo, <woman foolish> [K‍-‍] (1a) K is silly. nunriu, <conv. of serious> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more silly/frivolous/paltry, less grave than J. silurian, silhuriani, [B‍-‍] (1) B is silurian, pert to the 3rd Paleozoic period. silver, argo, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some silver, element 47 (Ag). lopu argoykoo, <silver colour> (n) silver, the color, mass term. silveriness, pu argoycli, <silver like> (n) a silveriness, a spec. property. pu argoykoo, <silver colour> (n) a silveriness, a spec. property. silvery, argoycli, <silver like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more silvery, silver like than J. argoykoo, <silver colour> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more silvery/silver colored than J. simian, murke, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is monkey like/monkeyish/simian. similar to, lia, (pp) like/similar to, before clauses/terms. clika, [B‍-‍BN] (3a) B is alike/similar to/like B in features N. similarity, fu clika, (n) a similarity, that in which … is -lar. pu clika, (n) a similarity, a property of like things. similarly, cia, (av) similarly/like the foregoing, a discourse operator (UI). simple, fasru, [P‍-‍KN] (3a) P is easy/simple/facile for K (to do) under conditions N. sap, (af) a combining form of sapla, simple. sapla, (a) simple/uncomplicated, less complex than … in …. simpler, sapla, [G‍-‍JN] (3a) G is simpler, less complex than J on parameter N. simplicity, lopu nilboicli, <child like> (n) innocence/naivety/childishness/simplicity (of nature), mass term, properties. lopu sapla, (n) simplicity, mass prop. simplification, po fasmao, <easy make> (n) a facilitation/simplification, an act of -ing. nu sapcko, <simple cause> (n) a simplification, a -ed thing. po sapcko, <simple cause> (n) a simplification, an instance of -ing. nu sapmao, <simple make> (n) a simplification, a -ed thing. po sapmao, <simple make> (n) a simplification, an act/process of -ing. simplifier, sapcko, <simple cause> (n) a simplifier, that which -ies. sapmao, <simple make> (n) a simplifier, one who -ies. simplify, fasmao, <easy make> [K‍-‍VD] (3v) K facilitate/simplify/make less difficult/make easier V for D, intentional. fasycko, <easy cause> [N‍-‍VD] (3v) N facilitate/simplify/make less difficult/make easier V for D, nonintentional. sapcko, <simple cause> [N‍-‍S] (2v) N simplify S, cause … to be simple/less complex, nonintentional. sapmao, <simple make> [K‍-‍S] (2v) K simplify S, make … simple/less complex, intentional. simplifying, saa, (av) roughly/simplifying, a discourse operator (UI). simply, punfo, (av) simply/purely/solely, solely, without admixture. simulate, dupkao, <deceiving actor> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K pretend/simulate/feign N with intent to deceive. plekao, <play act> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K play/pretend/simulate/feign/make believe that V. simulate B, notkao, <other act> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K simulate B/pretend to be …, without malice. simulation, po dupkao, <deceiving actor> (n) a pretense/simulation, an act of being an imposter. po notkao, <other act> (n) a pretension/pretense/simulation, an act of pretending to be …. po plekao, <play act> (n) a simulation/pretense, an act of -ding something. simulator, dupkao, <deceiving actor> (n) a pretender/impostor/simulator, one who acts as if … were true. notkao, <other act> (n) a simulator/pretender, one who -s to be …. plekao, <play act> (n) a simulator/pretender, one who acts as if … were true. simultaneity, lopu samkeo, <same time> (n) simultaneity, mass prop. simultaneoously, samkeo, <same time> (av) simultaneoously/at once/at the same time, at the same time /same time/. simultaneous, nadzo, [V‍-‍V] (2a) V is present/current/simultaneous with V, some moment of speech. samkeo, <same time> [V‍-‍V] (2a) V is simultaneous with V, occuring -ly. sin, po lidzao, <religiously bad> (n) sin, a sinful act. lidyzavbiu, <sinful behave> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K sin/transgress in doing V, commits sin …. lopu lidyzavbiu, <sinful behave> (n) sin, the property of sinners. po lidyzavbiu, <sinful behave> (n) a trangression/sin, an act/state of -ing. lidzao, <religiously bad> [V‍-‍S] (2a) V is sinful/is a sin according to religion S, of religiously proscribed acts. lopo lidzao, <religiously bad> (n) sin, the mass of all -ful acts. pu lidzao, <religiously bad> (n) sin, a spec. property of sins. since, fia, (c) ever since, some event, with clauses. fia, (pp) (ever) since, continuously after, with terms. fia ta, (av ph) ever since, thereafter, that time<, a modifying phrase.>. fia ti, (av ph) ever since, thereafter, this time<, a modifying phrase.>. fiazu, (c) since, for a long time after, with clauses. fiazu, (pp) ever since, for a long time after, terms. ikou, (c) because/since/for/as, of physical causes, as in 'since it's cold'. imoi, (c) because/since/for/as, of motives, as in 'because I wanted it'. irau, (c) because/since/for/as, of reasons, as in 'because I earned it'. isoa, (c) because/since/for/as, of premises, as in 'because two equals two'. kouki, (c) because/since/for/as, of causes, with ki in 'kouki … ki …; because …, …'. moiki, (c) because/since/for/as, of motives, with ki in 'moiki … ki … ; because …, …'. rauki, (c) because/since/for/as, of reasons, with ki in 'rauki … ki … ; because …, …'. soaki, (c) because/since/for/as, of premises, with ki in 'soaki … ki … ; because …, …'. sincere, nesfiltaa, <honest feel talk> [K‍-‍DN] (3a) K is sincere/genuine with D in disclosing N. sincerely, nesfiltaa, <honest feel talk> (av) sincerely, in a sincere manner. sincerity, lopu nesfiltaa, <honest feel talk> (n) sincerity, mass term, properties. pu nesfiltaa, <honest feel talk> (n) a sincerity, a spec. property. sine, sinhe, [C‍-‍B] (2n) C is a sine of (angle) B, side opposite divided by hypotenuse. sinful, lidyzavbiu, <sinful behave> (a) sinful, of one who sins. lidzao, <religiously bad> [V‍-‍S] (2a) V is sinful/is a sin according to religion S, of religiously proscribed acts. sing, gri, (af) a combining form of gritu, sing. gritaa, <sing talk> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K sing to D about V. gritu, [K‍-‍PD] (3v) K sing/produce melodic sounds P to D, as a bird. singer, gritaa, <sing talk> (n) a singer, narrator in song. gritu, (n) a singer, maker of singing sound. single, no merji, (a) unmarried/single, unmarried, neg. of married. nerdjo, <one member> (a) single/unique/only, unique in its class. single file, ckelisgoi, <time list(serially) go> [K‍-‍] (1v) K go sequentially/in single file/one after the other. single minded, nerduo, <1 do> (a) single minded, does things singly. teifro, <attention strong> [K‍-‍V] (2a) K is attentive/focused/concentrated/single minded to/on/about V. single mindedly, nerduo, <1 do> (av) only/just/singly/solely/merely/exclusively/single mindedly, single mindedly. single mindedness, lopu nerduo, <1 do> (n) single mindedness, mass term. pu nerduo, <1 do> (n) a single mindedness, a spec. property. lopu nerpeo, <one think> (n) concentration/single mindedness/focus, mass term. single prime, zoa, (ms) single prime, mathematical sign. singly, nerduo, <1 do> (av) only/just/singly/solely/merely/exclusively/single mindedly, single mindedly. sinister, zavsii, <evil seem> [V‍-‍D] (2a) V is sinister to D. sink, norflofu, <not float(sink)> [B‍-‍D] (2v) B sink in/to D. pozysti, <oppose stop> [D‍-‍B] (2v) D succumb/sink under burden B. vlacyveo, <wash vessel> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a sink/washbasin in/of F. sinner, lidyzavbiu, <sinful behave> (n) a sinner/transgressor, one who sins. sinophone, jungytaa, <Chinese talker> [K‍-‍] (1n) K is a sinophone/a Chinese speaker, a speaker of the … language. jungytaa, <Chinese talker> (a) sinophone/speaks Chinese. sinusoidal, sinhyfoa, <sine form> [B‍-‍] (1) B is sinusoidal. sinusoidal oscillator, sinhyfoa leksiltu, <sine form> (ph) a sinusoidal oscillator. sir, rie, (h) sir/madam/sire/m'am/honorable, an attitudinal used by an inferior addressing a superior; part of the series 'rie/kae/nue/fie/die', q.v.; always follows a designation/vocative. E.g. 'Gandias Smiq, Rie' — 'Professor Smith, Sir'. (DIE). sire, junpro, <child produce> [K‍-‍PN] (3v) K beget/breed/sire P in habitat N. junpro, <child produce> (n) a sire. rie, (h) sir/madam/sire/m'am/honorable, an attitudinal used by an inferior addressing a superior; part of the series 'rie/kae/nue/fie/die', q.v.; always follows a designation/vocative. E.g. 'Gandias Smiq, Rie' — 'Professor Smith, Sir'. (DIE). siren, kunsonpae, <warn sound device> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is a siren to warn against V. sister, fie, (h) comrade/brother/sister, an attitudinal indicating comradeship/friendship or the intimacy of fellow members/co workers; part of the series 'rie/kae/nue/fie/die', q.v.; always used after a designation/vocative. E.g. 'Djan, Fie' — 'John, Friend' used as the salutation of a letter. (DIE). lidfua, <religious woman> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a nun/sister of N (order/location). soe, (af) a combining form of sorme, sister. som, (af) a combining form of sorme, sister. somkue, <sister reciprocal> [K‍-‍] (1v) K be sister s of each other. sorme, [B‍-‍BS] (3n) B is a sister of B through parents S. sister-in law, nurmersoe, <spouse sister> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is a sister-in law of D. sit, ski, (af) a combining form of skitu, sit. sit at, toeski, <table sit> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K sit at (table, desk, etc.) B. sit down, skicea, <sit become> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K sit down on D. sit on, skitu, [K‍-‍B] (2v) K sit on B. sit up, naiski, <night sit> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K sit up/stay awake with/for V. site, dorsia, <war place> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a site (e.g. battlefield, bomb site, etc.) of war S. sitfa, [V‍-‍BN] (3n) V is the place/situation/spot/position/site/location of B in reference frame N. sitter, skitu, (n) a sitter, one who sits. sitting, po skitu, (n) sitting, an act of -ing. situated, nursia, <placed> [B‍-‍F] (2a) situated/located at …. nu sitfa, (a) situated/located at, converse of site/location. situation, furckosei, <condition set> [N‍-‍V] (2n) N is a/the position/situation/set of circumstances of V. sitfa, [V‍-‍BN] (3n) V is the place/situation/spot/position/site/location of B in reference frame N. tao, (p) this, the about to be referred to situation (DA). tio, (p) that, the last referred to situation (DA). situational, furckosei, <condition set> (a) circumstantial/situational, pert. to circumstances. six, so, (a) six (6), in math. expressions. so, (l) six (6) (of), a description quantifier. E.g. So le fumna pa merji — (Some) Six of the women were married; So fumna pa hijra — (Some) Six women were here independently. Cf., socu. lio so, (ph) six (6), the number six, non math. sor, (af) a combining form of so, six. six member, sora, (2n) B is a sextet/hexad/six member subset of set F, a cardinal predicate; e.g. Da sora lea muzmao — X is a sextet of musicians. sixteen, neso, (a) sixteen (of) …, a quantifying operator. neso, (n) sixteen, the number 16, in math. exp. lio neso, (n) sixteen, the number 16, non math. sixth, sori, (2n) a/the sixth term/member of series …, an ordinal predicate. sori, (a) sixth, of 6th members, before predicates. sixthly, sofi, (av) sixthly, in the sixth place. sixty, soni, (a) sixty of …, a quantifying operator, in math. exp. soni, (ms) sixty, the number 60, in math. exp. lio soni, (n) sixty, the number sixty, non math. size, lopu cmalo, (n) size/smallness, mass term of properties. pu cmalo, (n) the size/smallness, smallness, a spec. property. lopu groda, (n) size/largeness, mass term of properties. pu groda, (n) a largeness/magnitude/amplitude/size/bigness, a specific property. sizzle, hatysonpro, <heat sound produce> [K‍-‍] (1v) K sizzle. skate, blacucgoi, <blade shoe go> [K‍-‍DSV] (4v) K skate(s) to D from S via V. blacucpli, <blade shoe use> [K‍-‍] (1v) K skate(s), without destination, as in a rink. skater, blacucgoi, <blade shoe go> (n) K is a skater. skeptic, dutci, (n) a doubter/skeptic. skeptical, dutci, (a) doubtful/skeptical/doubting/dubious/questioning. sketch, kuktcu, <quick picture> [P‍-‍SK] (3n) P is a sketch of S by K. kuktcumao, <quick picture make[quick draw]> [K‍-‍SP] (3v) K sketch/outline S as/in sketch P. fu kuktcumao, <quick picture make[quick draw]> (n) a sketch/outline, a drawing made by someone. tcudai, <picture plan> [B‍-‍PS] (3n) B is a design/sketch/blueprint/plans for the construction/doing of P drawn/produced by S. tcumao, <picture make> [K‍-‍PV] (3v) K draw/sketch P as/in drawing V. sketching, po kuktcumao, <quick picture make[quick draw]> (n) a sketching/outlining, a spec. act of -ing. ski, kiz, (af) a combining form of skizo, ski. kizgoi, <ski go> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K ski to D from S. kizpli, <ski use> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K ski on slope(s) B. skizo, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a (pair of) ski(s). skid, sticlidu, <stopping slip> [D‍-‍B] (2v) D skid/slip while stopping on B. po sticlidu, <stopping slip> (n) a slip/skid, a spec. event of skidding. tanclidu, <turning slip> [D‍-‍B] (2v) D skid/slip while turning on B. po tanclidu, <turning slip> (n) a slip/skid, a spec. event of skidding. skier, kizgoi, <ski go> (n) a skier, a cross country skier. kizpli, <ski use> (n) a skier, one who skis. skiing, po kizgoi, <ski go> (n) an instance of skiing, cross country. lopo kizpli, <ski use> (n) skiing, general term (acts). skilful, hanspu, <hand expert> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more clever/skilful/dextrous/adroit than J. spuro, [B‍-‍VN] (3a) B is capable/skilful/competent/skilled/expert/clever at/in doing V under N. skill, pu spumou, <skilled more> (n) a skill/excellence, a spec. property of -ing. pu spuro, (n) a competence/expertness/skill/cleverness, a spec. property. skilled, spuro, [B‍-‍VN] (3a) B is capable/skilful/competent/skilled/expert/clever at/in doing V under N. skim, muotco, <move touch> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K graze/skim D, just touch … in passing. skin, pelpi, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a hide/pelt/skin/piece of leather from animal S. pelpi, (a) leather/skin/hide, made of leather. satsru, <rub injure> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K skin/scratch on/with V. skapytoa, <skin take> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K skin/flay/strip, remove the skin/outer layer of B. skinner, skapytoa, <skin take> (n) skinner (of …), one who -s. skinny, linco, (a) thin/lean/skinny/slender, thinner than …. skip, cutpravalreo, <water process jump throw> [K‍-‍BDSV] (5v) K skip B (e.g. a stone) to D from S on/via water V. skip along, bufnertueprano, <opposite one leg run> [K‍-‍DSV] (4v) K skip along/hippety hop to D from S via V. skirt, kovgoi, <curve go> [K‍-‍BDS] (4v) K avoid/go around/skirt/detour B on route to D from S. skara, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a skirt, a spec. article of clothing. skis, lo skizo, (n) skis, general term for skis. skulk, smigoi, <secretly go> [K‍-‍DSV] (4v) K sneak/skulk to D from S via V. skull, hedbongu, <head bone> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the skull/cranium of F. tosku, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the skull of F. skunk, meftu, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a skunk/polecat from S. sky, skati, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is an expanse of heavens/sky at S. lo skati, (n) (the) sky/heavens, collective term. skyscraper, skatyteu, <sky stretch> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a skyscraper. slab, bartyfoa, <board form> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a slab of (material) S. slacken, slacko, <slow cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N slow down/slacken D, (nonintentional cause), i.e. The wind slows down the cyclist. slamao, <slow make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K slow down/slacken D, (intentional act). slackened, slacea, <slow become> [D‍-‍] (1v) D is/are slowed down/slackened (actor unspecified). slander, falsrutaa, <false hurt talk> [K‍-‍DP] (3v) K slander D by P. po falsrutaa, <false hurt talk> (n) an instance of slander. slanderer, falsrutaa, <false hurt talk> (n) slanderer, one who -s/. slang, damleu, <low language> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is slang/argot/informal language. damlogla, <low Loglan> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an instance of slang/low Loglan. slant, po slocko, <slope cause> (n) an instance of slant/tip/tilt, <non intentional>. po slomao, <slope make> (n) an instance of slant/tip/tilt. slanted, mueslo, <very slanted> [G‍-‍JN] (3a) G is more slanted than J in gravity field N. slap, pilblo, <plane strike> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is a slap/smack/blow made with an open hand or flat object. slave, humnurpou, <human possessed> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is a slave of master D. slavemaster, humpou, <human owner> [D‍-‍B] (2n) D is a/the slavemaster/slaveowner of slave B. slaveowner, humpou, <human owner> [D‍-‍B] (2n) D is a/the slavemaster/slaveowner of slave B. slavery, lopo humnurpou, <human possessed> (n) servitude/slavery, mass term of states. po humnurpou, <human possessed> (n) a servitude/slavery, a state of being a slave. sled, clidykarti, <slide cart> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a sleigh/sled/luge. sledge, gromroza, <big hammer> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a sledge (hammer). sleep, soicko, <sleep cause> [V‍-‍DN] (3v) V put to sleep D under conditions N. soircea, <asleep become> [K‍-‍] (1v) K go to sleep. sonli, [K‍-‍] (1v) K sleep/are asleep/sleeping. po sonli, (n) a spec. act of sleep/slumber. soi, (af) a combining form of sonli, sleep. sleep pretend, dupsoi, <deceive sleep> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K sleep pretend/feign sleep to observer D for reason S. sleepier, soisni, <sleep near> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is sleepier/more sleepy than J. sleepily, soicli, <sleep like> (av) sleepily. sleepiness, pu soisni, <sleep near> (n) a sleepiness, a spec. property. sleeping, sonli, [K‍-‍] (1v) K sleep/are asleep/sleeping. sonli, (a) sleeping/asleep, to be sleeping. sleepy, soicli, <sleep like> [K‍-‍] (1a) K is/are sleepy. soisni, <sleep near> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is sleepier/more sleepy than J. sleet, bisyskapi, <ice skin> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is some sleet/freezing rain. salceacri, <solid becoming rain> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some sleet/freezing rain, precipitation freezing on impact. sleeve, barkua, <arm cover> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a sleeve of F. sleigh, clidykarti, <slide cart> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a sleigh/sled/luge. slender, linco, (a) thin/lean/skinny/slender, thinner than …. slenderness, lopu linco, (n) thinness/leanness/slenderness, mass term of properties. slice, jarklu, <narrow cut> [K‍-‍SP] (3v) K slice S into P. pieklu, <parallel cut> [K‍-‍FD] (3v) K cut/slice F into (parallel) slices D. fu pieklu, <parallel cut> (n) a slice (of … by …). sliced, nu pieklu, <parallel cut> (a) sliced, <cut into parallel slices>. slick, nu clidu, (a) slick/slippery, of that on which things slide. slickness, pu nu clidu, (n) a slickness/slipperiness, a spec. property. slide, clidu, [K‍-‍B] (2v) K slip/slide on B. po clidu, (n) a slide/slip, an act/event of -ing. slightly more than, mousni, <more near> (ph) slightly more than … /a little over. sling shot, renmai, <throw machine> [K‍-‍] (1n) K is a catapult/sling shot (for throwing stones, or launching aircraft from carrier). slip, clidu, [K‍-‍B] (2v) K slip/slide on B. po clidu, (n) a slide/slip, an act/event of -ing. prepiu, <paper piece> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a slip of paper. sticlidu, <stopping slip> [D‍-‍B] (2v) D skid/slip while stopping on B. po sticlidu, <stopping slip> (n) a slip/skid, a spec. event of skidding. tanclidu, <turning slip> [D‍-‍B] (2v) D skid/slip while turning on B. po tanclidu, <turning slip> (n) a slip/skid, a spec. event of skidding. slipper, hafcutci, <house shoe> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a slipper. slipperiness, pu nu clidu, (n) a slickness/slipperiness, a spec. property. slippery, nu clidu, (a) slick/slippery, of that on which things slide. slips from and falls, clidyfea, <slide fall> [B‍-‍DSV] (4v) B slips from and falls to D from S via V. slit, nurklunartyspa, <incised apart space> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a notch/slot/slit in F. slope, slopu, (n) a slope/incline, any sloping surface. po slopu, (n) an instance of slope/inclination (toward the vertical). zo slopu, (n) the amount of slope/inclination. sloppy, nurnitci, <un neat> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is dishevelled/sloppy/disordered. slot, nurklunartyspa, <incised apart space> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a notch/slot/slit in F. slough, cmabakvla, <small bucket lake> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a slough, a natural body of water with no outlet. (often temporary). slow, ciasla, <learn slowly.> [B‍-‍P] (2a) B is dull/stupid/slow at task P. negnurtse, <negative errored> [V‍-‍C] (2v) V is slow/short by C, have a negative error in …. E.g. Lemi jokla ga negnurtse lio fe minta — My watch is 5 minutes slow. pensla, <think slowly.> [B‍-‍] (1) B is dull/stupid/slow. sla, (af) a combining form of slano, slow. slano, (a) slow, less fast than … in …. slasla, <slow slow> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is extremely slow. slow down, slacko, <slow cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N slow down/slacken D, (nonintentional cause), i.e. The wind slows down the cyclist. slamao, <slow make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K slow down/slacken D, (intentional act). slowed down, slacea, <slow become> [D‍-‍] (1v) D is/are slowed down/slackened (actor unspecified). slower, slano, [G‍-‍JC] (3a) G is slower, less fast than J by C. slowness, lopu slano, (n) slowness, collective prop. pu slano, (n) slowness, a spec. property. slum, purcytrida, <poor street> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a slum in F, a poor section of a city. slumber, po sonli, (n) a spec. act of sleep/slumber. sly, plekao, <play act> (a) sly (simulating). smibiu, <secret behave> [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is sly/crafty/secretive/furtive in doing V, acting in secret. zavsmidja, <bad secret know> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is sly. smack, pilblo, <plane strike> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is a slap/smack/blow made with an open hand or flat object. small, cma, (af) a combining form of cmalo, small. cmaciu, <small equal> [B‍-‍BN] (3a) B is as small as B in dimension N. cmacma, <small small> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is miniscule/extremely small. cmalea, <small letter> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a small/lower case letter from set/font F. cmalo, [J‍-‍GC] (2a) J is more small/smaller/littler/lesser than G, in bulk/mass by amount C. small city, cmasitci, <small city> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a town/small city serving region/hinterland F. small group, ricu, (a) a small group/several, a few … acting together, an indefinite set describer. E.g. Ricu mrenu pa hijra — A small group men were here together. Cf., Ri mrenu pa hijra — Several men were here independently. small intestine, linco intestini, (ph) an ileum/small intestine. small part, piri, (a) a little/small part of some individual or whole, a quantifier. small quantity, cmacai, <small quantity> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a trifle/bit/little/small quantity of F. small rod, cmareu, <small rod> [B‍-‍P] (2n) B is a small rod/bar for purpose P. smaller, cmacea, <small become> [B‍-‍] (1v) B shrink/contract/diminish/become smaller, cause unspecified. cmalo, [J‍-‍GC] (2a) J is more small/smaller/littler/lesser than G, in bulk/mass by amount C. smallness, lopu cmalo, (n) size/smallness, mass term of properties. pu cmalo, (n) the size/smallness, smallness, a spec. property. smalltalk, norjiotaa, <unimportant talk> [K‍-‍KV] (3v) K chat/chitchat/smalltalk with K about V. po norjiotaa, <unimportant talk> (n) a specific chat/chitchat/smalltalk. smart, kemsrusia, <chemical hurt place> [D‍-‍SBF] (4n) D smart in S, a quick intense pain as of "salt in the wound". (B-F). kiksrusia, <sharp hurt place> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B smart in F, a sharp intense pain. minspu, <mind expert> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more clever/smart/intelligent/brilliant than J is. tilnitci, <attractive neat> [G‍-‍J] (1a) smart/dashing. smarter, tilnitci, <attractive neat> (2a) G is smarter/more dashing than J. smash, kraco, [K‍-‍SP] (3v) K crush/smash/squash S into pulp P. rorbrocea, <many break become> [D‍-‍B] (2v) D shatter/smash into fragments B, be -ed, cause unknown or unspecified. rorbrocko, <many break cause> [N‍-‍DB] (3v) N shatter/smash D into fragments B, nonintentional. rorbromao, <many break make> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K shatter/smash D into fragments B, intentional 'Would we not shatter it to bits'. smashable, nu kraco, (a) smashable/squashable/crushable, can be -ed into pulp. smasher, kraco, (n) a smasher/crusher, one who/that which crushes. smectite, smektiti, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some smectite, a clay mineral. smell, sut, (af) a combining form of sutme, smell. sutme, [V‍-‍BN] (3n) V is a/the odor/scent/smell emitted by B in medium N. sutpro, <smell produce> [B‍-‍VN] (3v) B (produce) smell/stink V under conditions N. sutsae, <smell sense> [K‍-‍VB] (3v) K smell scent/scent V from/on odoriferous object B. nu sutsae, <smell sense> (n) a smell/scent, a detected odor, conv. form. sutysaskai, <smell sense quality> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the sense of smell of F. smell impaired, sutfiu, <smell weak> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is smell impaired/smellblind. smellblind, sutfiu, <smell weak> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is smell impaired/smellblind. smelly, sutpro, <smell produce> (a) smelly/odoriferous/stinking, produces smell … under …. smile, cra, (af) a combining form of crano, smile. crafoa, <smile form> [V‍-‍B] (2n) V is a/the smile/way of smiling of B. crano, [K‍-‍D] (2v) K smile at D. po crano, (n) a smile, a spec. act of -ing. smoke, sma, (af) a combining form of smano, smoke. smano, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a quantity/expanse of smoke from fire/source S. smano, (a) smoke, made of/pert. to smoke. lo smano, (n) smoke, collective term. smapli, <smoke use> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K smoke D, preserves … by smoking it. smapro, <smoke produce> [K‍-‍] (1v) K smoke, produce smoke. smarue, <smoke breathe> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K smoke B, breathes smoke from …, as tobacco. smaruetubpli, <smoke breathe tube use> [K‍-‍B] (2n) K smoke B in a pipe. smoke flap, smazvofodpai, <smoke out fold=part> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a smoke flap, used in a tepee to let smoke out. smoked, nu smapli, <smoke use> (a) smoked, e.g. of food preserved by -ing. smoker, smarue, <smoke breathe> (n) a smoker, one who breathes smoke. smokiness, po smaflo, <smoke full> (n) a smokiness, a spec. condition. smoky, smaflo, <smoke full> [K‍-‍J] (2a) K is more smoky, full of smoke than J. smooth, smu, (af) a combining form of smupi, smooth. smumao, <smooth make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K (make) smooth/even off/polish/grade D, intentionally make … smooth. smupi, (a) smooth/even/soft, smoother in texture than …. smoother, smupi, [G‍-‍JC] (3a) G is smoother in texture than J is by C. smoothness, pu smupi, (n) a softness/smoothness, a spec. property. snack, latmia, <small meal> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a lunch/luncheon/snack, a small meal taken at any time. snag, mortri, <dead tree> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a snag, remains of a dead tree. snake, marpa, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a female snake/serpent. marpi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an infant snake/serpent. marpo, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a male snake/serpent. marpu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is any snake/serpent, non specific term. snake like, marpe, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is snake like/serpentine, pertains to or resembles serpents. snap, cortaa, <short talk> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K snap at D about N. snap at, ditysonmao, <bite sound make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K snap at D about V. snarl, kaurkuntaa, <dog warning talk> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K growl/snarl at D for/under conditions N. po kaurkuntaa, <dog warning talk> (n) a growl/snarl, as of a dog. netliu, <net restrain> [K‍-‍DD] (3v) K entangle/snarl D in/with D. snarled, nu netliu, <net restrain> (a) entangled/snarled (by … in …). snarling, po netliu, <net restrain> (n) an entanglement/snarling (by … in …). snatch, kuktoa, <quick take> [K‍-‍BSK] (4v) K snatch/grab B from S, take quickly.(K-BS). sneak, smigoi, <secretly go> [K‍-‍DSV] (4v) K sneak/skulk to D from S via V. sneeze, tsa, (af) a combining form of tsani, sneeze. tsani, [K‍-‍] (1v) K sneeze. po tsani, (n) a sneeze, a spec. act/event of -ing. sniff, nazbycpu, <nose pull> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K sniff D. po nazbycpu, <nose pull> (n) a sniff. sutpru, <smell test> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K sniff B for signal V. sutyduvrai, <smell discover try> [K‍-‍B] (2) K sniff for B, hunt by scent. snooty, ganynazbi, <high nose> [K‍-‍D] (2a) K is snooty to D, thinks daself superior. snore, soirsoa, <sleep sound> [V‍-‍S] (2n) V is a snore produced/emitted by S. soirsonpro, <sleep sound produce> [K‍-‍] (1v) K snore. snort, nazbybricue, <nose breeze say> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K snort P. po nazbybricue, <nose breeze say> (n) a snort, a specific instance of -ing. snow, nic, (af) a combining form of snice, snow. snice, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a quantity/expanse of snow. snice, (a) snow, made of/pert. to snow. snow house, nichaa, <snow house> [P‍-‍K] (2n) P is an igloo/snow house of K. snowed, nicycri, <snow rained on> [D‍-‍N] (2v) D is snowed on by weather system N. snowiness, pu nicflo, <snow full> (n) a snowiness, a spec. property. pu nickua, <snow covered> (n) a snowiness, a spec. property. snowing, Ti nicycri, <snow rained on> (ph) It's snowing. snowstorm, nicytetri, <snow weather> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a snowstorm in F, e.g. Mu pa nu nictetri — We had a snowstorm. snowy, nicflo, <snow full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more snowy, full of snow than J is. nickua, <snow covered> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more snowy, snow covered than J is. snug, djitu, [B‍-‍F] (2a) B is tight/snug on F. snugness, po djitu, (n) a tightness/snugness, a spec. state. so, ei, [B‍-‍] (i) is that so/is it true that …, a question about the truth of …. inukou, (c) therefore/thus/so, of physical consequences, between sents. as in 'so it rained'. inumoi, (c) therefore/thus/so, of motivated consequences, between sents. as in 'so I went'. inurau, (c) hence/consequently/therefore/thus/so, of justified consequences, as in 'so I won'. inusoa, (c) hence/consequently/therefore/thus/so, of entailed consequences, as in 'so 2 is prime.'. nukouki, (c) hence/consequently/therefore/thus/so, causal, as used with ki in 'nukouki … ki … ; best translated … because(cause) …'. numoiki, (c) hence/consequently/therefore/thus/so, motivational, used with ki in 'numoiki … ki … ; best translated … because(motive) …'. nurauki, (c) hence/consequently/therefore/thus/so, of justification, with ki in 'nurauki … ki … ; best translated … because(reason) …'. nusoaki, (c) hence/consequently/therefore/thus/so, of entailment, with ki in 'nusoaki … ki … ; best translated … because(premise) …'. tsumue, <sufficient much> [B‍-‍PN] (3v) B is so/sufficient (in some property) that (result) P in circumstances N. so called, fu krido, (a) so called, believed true of …. nu tcutrapeo, <picture true thought> (a) supposed/so called. so long, loa, (i) good bye/farewell/so long, an expression/exclamation of leave taking. so then, kou ta, (ph) so then, because of that, an expression. so to speak, jo, (pm) as it were/so to speak/("), right figurative quote. so what, ou, (i) never mind/no matter/so what … <, an expression of ethical indifference.>. soak up, cetcea, <wet become> [D‍-‍B] (2v) D absorb/soak up/become wet with B. soap, dzaso, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a piece of soap. dzaso, (a) soap, made of soap. zas, (af) a combining form of dzaso, soap. soap like, zasycli, <soap like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more soapy/soap like than J. soapiness, pu zasflo, <soap full> (n) a soapiness, a prop. of being soap full. pu zasycli, <soap like> (n) a soapiness, a prop. of being soap like. soapy, zasflo, <soap full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more soapy/full of soap than J. zasycli, <soap like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more soapy/soap like than J. soar, ganfle, <high fly> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K soar (in location) N. sober, nurmue, <less much> [G‍-‍JB] (1a) sober/moderate/temperate, not extreme. srisu, [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is solemn/serious/grave/earnest/sober about V. soccer, futbo, [K‍-‍K] (2v) K play football/soccer with K. po futbo, (n) a game of soccer/football. social, socgru, <social group> (a) social, pert. to social groups. socli, (a) social, pert. to interacting organisms. social group, socgru, <social group> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a social group including member(s) B. social position, socysiosia, <social system place> [V‍-‍BN] (3n) V is a/the social position/station of B in social system N. social system, socysio, <social system> [F‍-‍] (1n) F is a society/social system. socialism, sockri, <social believing> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a believer in socialism. socykrisio, <social belief system> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an instance of socialism. lo socykrisio, <social belief system> (n) socialism (mass term). socialist, sockri, <social believing> (n) a socialist, one who believes in -ism. socialistic, sockri, <social believing> (a) socialistic, of persons. socykrisio, <social belief system> (a) socialistic. socially toward, socli, [K‍-‍DV] (2v) K associate with/interact with/behave socially toward D over matter V. societal, socysio, <social system> (a) societal, pert. to societies. society, rizgru, <private group> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a club/private association/society including member(s) F. socysio, <social system> [F‍-‍] (1n) F is a society/social system. sociological, djasocysensi, <know social science> [N‍-‍] (1n) N is a sociological fact/law/principle about human knowing. socysensi, <social science> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a sociological fact/law/principle. socysensi, <social science> (a) sociological, pert. to sociology. sociologist, socysesmao, <social science make> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a sociologist. sociology, lo djasocysensi, <know social science> (n) the sociology of knowledge. socysensi, <social science> (n) an instance of sociology. lo socysensi, <social science> (n) sociology, mass term of instances. sock, corhozda, <short stocking> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a pair of sock(s). hanblo, <hand hit> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K punch/sock/hit D with the hand. po hanblo, <hand hit> (n) a punch/sock, an act of hitting. hozda, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is/are a sock/stocking/hose, or pair of —. socket, velfoa, <vessel form> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a socket of F. sod, raskua, <grass cover> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is turf/sod. soda, carbonati nurhoi, (ph) a soda/pop/soft drink of …. nadro carbonati, (ph) (washing) soda/sodium carbonate. nadro hidrcarbonati, (ph) some soda/sodium bicarbonate, NaHCO3. soda cracker, norslilicgrato, <un sweet thin cake> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a soda cracker. sodium, nad, (af) a combining form of nadro, sodium. nadro, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some sodium, the 11th element (Na). sodium bicarbonate, nadro hidrcarbonati, (ph) some soda/sodium bicarbonate, NaHCO3. sodium carbonate, nadro carbonati, (ph) (washing) soda/sodium carbonate. sodium chloride, nadclo, <sodium chlorine> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a quantity/molecule of salt/sodium chloride (NaCl). sofa, sofha, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a couch/sofa/chesterfield, long upholstered seat. soft, mol, (af) a combining form of molro, soft. molro, (a) tender/soft, less resistant to pressure than …. nurcla, <conv. of loud> (a) soft, less loud than …, conv. of loud. smupi, (a) smooth/even/soft, smoother in texture than …. soft drink, carbonati nurhoi, (ph) a soda/pop/soft drink of …. soften, molcea, <soft become> [B‍-‍] (1v) B soften (actor unspecified) e.g. the chocolate softened. molcko, <soft cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N soften D (nonintentional cause) e.g. the sun softened the asphalt. molmao, <soft make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K soften D by/with V (intentional act). nurclamao, <less loud make> [K‍-‍SV] (3v) K soften/deaden/dampen/mute the sound of S by V. softer, molro, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is softer, less resistant to pressure than J. nurcla, <conv. of loud> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is softer/less loud/noisy than J. softly, nurcla, <conv. of loud> (av) quietly/softly, as in 'speak quietly'. softness, pu molro, (n) a tenderness/softness, a property. pu nurcla, <conv. of loud> (n) a softness, a property of a sound. pu smupi, (n) a softness/smoothness, a spec. property. soil, dertu, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a piece/expanse of soil/dirt/earth/ground from S. nurklinymao, <un clean make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K soil/dirty/foul D by/with V. sifdeu, <sited dirt> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the ground/soil/earth/dirt in place F. soiled, nurklinycea, <unclean become> [D‍-‍S] (2v) D becomes dirty/fouled/soiled/unclean from S. soiled place, nurklinymra, <dirty mark> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a spot/blot/stain/speck/soiled place on F. sojourn, stolo, [K‍-‍B] (2v) K abide/last/remain/stay/sojourn with/at B. po stolo, (n) a stay/sojourn, a spec. act of staying …. solace, kofmao, <comfortable make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K solace/comfort/console/reassure D, make … comfortable. po nu kofmao, <comfortable make> (n) a consolation/solace/comfort, a state of being made -able. solar, sol, (af) a combining form of solra, solar. solra, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is solar, pert. to earth's sun, la sol. solar plexus, solra pleksi, (ph) solar plexus, a muscle. soldier, sod, (af) a combining form of solda, soldier. solda, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a soldier/warrior of state/army F. soldierliness, pu sodcli, <soldier like> (n) a soldierliness, a spec. property. soldierly, sodcli, <soldier like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more soldierly/soldier like than J. sodcli, <soldier like> (a) soldierly, more -ly than …. sole, cucbasmao, <shoe bottom make> [K‍-‍DP] (3v) K sole shoes of D for P. cucbasni, <shoe bottom> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the sole of (footwear) F. dampai, <lowest part> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is the bottom/sole/foot, lowest part of S. fipdampai, <foot base> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a sole, bottom part of the foot of S. nera, (a) individual/monadic/specific/sole, pert. to individuals. nerdjo, <one member> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the sole/unique member of class F. solely, nerdjo, <one member> (av) merely/solely/uniquely/just, only. nerduo, <1 do> (av) only/just/singly/solely/merely/exclusively/single mindedly, single mindedly. punfo, (av) simply/purely/solely, solely, without admixture. solemn, srisu, [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is solemn/serious/grave/earnest/sober about V. solemnity, pu srisu, (n) a seriousness/earnestness/gravity/solemnity, a spec. prop. of persons. solicit, durbeo, <do ask> [K‍-‍ND] (3v) K solicit/petition N from D. pranurbeo, <continue begged> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K solicit/badger/importune D for N. zavnurbeo, <bad begged> [K‍-‍DC] (3v) K solicit D for copulation for price/reward C. solicitation, po durbeo, <do ask> (n) an instance of solicitation/petitioning. soliciting, furdonbeo, <gift ask> (a) begging/soliciting, pertaining to -ing. solicitor, lildilri, <legal represent> [K‍-‍DV] (3n) K is an attorney/solicitor/lawyer for D in matter V. solid, nornurkuvla, <unhollowed> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is solid, cavity free, contains no cavities. nornurkuvla, <unhollowed> (n) a solid object, i.e. containing no cavities. sal, (af) a combining form of saldi, solid. saldi, [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is normally solid, i.e. below conditions N pl.set (e.g. temperature and pressure). saldi, (a) solid/frozen/firm, solid in conditions …. solidification, po salcea, <solid become> (n) a spec. freeze/freezing/solidification/crystallization. po salcko, <solid cause> (n) a specific instance of freezing/solidification/crystallization <unintentional>. po salmao, <solid make> (n) a specific instance of freezing/solidification/crystallization <intentional act>. solidifier, salcko, <solid cause> (n) a solidifier, that which makes … solid. solidify, salcea, <solid become> [K‍-‍PS] (3v) K freeze/solidify/crystallize into P from S. salcko, <solid cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N freeze/solidify/crystallize D, nonintentional; 'The sun melts the snow'. salmao, <solid make> [K‍-‍SP] (3v) K freeze/solidify/crystallize S in/into P, intentional act. solidity, pu saldi, (n) a solidity, property of the solid state. solitary, kincle, <without companions> [K‍-‍V] (2a) K is alone/solitary/secluded/isolated/unaccompanied/companionless in doing V, without the presence of others. kinclefio, <companion without feel> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is lonely/solitary/lonesome/forlorn, regretting the absence of companion. soliton, solhitoni, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a soliton in S, a solitary wave. solitude, lopu kincle, <without companions> (n) solitude/isolation/aloneness, mass prop. po kincle, <without companions> (n) a solitude/seclusion, an instance of being alone. solute, rorparcea, <many parts become> (n) solute (in …), that which -s. solution, nabdapli, <problem answer> [P‍-‍S] (2n) P is a/the solution/answer to problem S. nabyretpi, <problem answer> [P‍-‍S] (2n) P is a/the resolution/solution of (problem) S. retpi, [P‍-‍SK] (3n) P is a/the answer/reply/solution to question/request/problem S put by K. solve, nabyrepdui, <problem answer(solution) discover> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K solve/discover solution to problem V. tsiduvrai, <criminal discover try> [K‍-‍VN] (3v) K try to solve crime V in situation N. solvent, nu nenpetri, <in distribute> (n) solvent of …. nu rorparcea, <many parts become> (n) solvent (of …). sombre, nigcli, <dark like (deprecated, replace with {heicli})> (a) dark/sombre, in color, sombre, incomplete form. heicli, <dark like> (a) dark/sombre, in color, sombre, incomplete form. sombreness, lopu nigcli, <dark like (deprecated, replace with {heicli})> (n) sombreness/darkness, the mass of such props. pu nigcli, <dark like (deprecated, replace with {heicli})> (n) a sombreness/darkness, a prop. of a spec. color. lopu heicli, <dark like> (n) sombreness/darkness, the mass of such props. pu heicli, <dark like> (n) a sombreness/darkness, a prop. of a spec. color. some, pisi, (a) some/very little/at most a tenth of …, an individual or whole. pisu, (a) some/a little/at least a tenth of …, an individual or whole. ri, (a) several/a few/some/a small number of set …, a quantifying operator. su, (a) some/any/at least one of …, abbrev. of sune, a quantifier. some-one, ne, (a) a/an/any/some-one/one (1)/exactly one of …, a description quantifier. E.g. Ne le mrenu pa kicmu — Exactly one of the men was a doctor; Ne mrenu pa hijra — Some one man was here <> Ne ba ji mrenu pa hijra — Exactly one someone x who is a man was here. somehow, tie ba, (ph) somehow/anyhow/however. someone, ba, (p) something/someone x, 1st non designating variable of the ba series. be, (p) something/someone x, 2nd non designating variable of the ba series. bo, (p) something/someone x, 3rd non designating variable of the ba series. bu, (p) something/someone x, 4th non designating variable of the ba series. someplace, vi ba, (av) somewhere/someplace/anywhere/anyplace, literally, at/in some(place) x. something, ba, (p) something/someone x, 1st non designating variable of the ba series. be, (p) something/someone x, 2nd non designating variable of the ba series. bo, (p) something/someone x, 3rd non designating variable of the ba series. bu, (p) something/someone x, 4th non designating variable of the ba series. sometime, na ba, (av) sometime/anytime/ever — literally, at/in/during some (time) x. somewhat, cmalo, (av) a little/somewhat, in a small way/degree. somewhere, vi ba, (av) somewhere/someplace/anywhere/anyplace, literally, at/in some(place) x. somewhere else, no vi, (av) somewhere else/elsewhere. notsia, <other place> [B‍-‍B] (2a) B is somewhere else/elsewhere/at another place than/away from B. son, sun, (af) a combining form of sunho, son. sunho, [P‍-‍S] (3n) P is a/the son of parents S. suo, (af) a combining form of sunho, son. song, grimui, <song music> (n) a song, a melodic composition by …. lo grimui, <song music> (n) song, mass term of composed songs. lo nu gritu, (n) song, the mass of such sounds. lopo gritu, (n) song, mass term of singing acts. nu gritu, (n) a song, notes sung by …, conv. of sing. po gritu, (n) a song, a spec. act of singing notes …. song like, gricli, <song like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more lyrical/song like than J. sonorous, sonpro, <sound produce> (a) ringing/sonorous, sonorous. soon, faza, (av) shortly /in the near future/soon, with predicates. fazi, (av) right away/at once/immediately/soon, immediate future, before preds. soon as, fazi, (c) just after/as soon as/no sooner than, before event clauses. sooner than, fazi, (c) just after/as soon as/no sooner than, before event clauses. soothe, kalmycko, <calm cause> [V‍-‍D] (2v) V soothe D (nonintentional cause), "Music hath charms to soothe the savage breast". kalmymao, <calm make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K soothe D with/by V (intentional act). soothed, kalmycea, <calm become> [D‍-‍V] (2v) D is soothed with/by V (actor unspecified). soothsayer, pakcue, <before say> (n) a forecaster/prophet/soothsayer. sorcerer, folmadji, <strong magician> [K‍-‍] (1n) K is a sorcerer. sorcery, madji, [K‍-‍VDP] (4v) Magician/Sorcerer K performs magic/magical act/sorcery V for client/audience D with goal/purpose P. sore, kapsrusia, <open hurt place> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is an open sore/wound in S, with broken skin. nurpunmou, <pained(sore) more> [G‍-‍JD] (3a) G is more painful/sore than J to organism D. nurpuu, <conv. of pain> [S‍-‍D] (2v) S be sore/ache/hurt the organism D. nurpuu, <conv. of pain> (a) sore/painful, of hurting body parts of …. puntu, [D‍-‍S] (2v) D feel pain/hurt/be sore in body part/location S. sore to the touch, tcosrusia, <touch hurt place> [D‍-‍B] (2n) D is sore to the touch in B, a part sore to the touch. soreness, po nurpuu, <conv. of pain> (n) a painfulness/soreness/hurt, a state of a part's -ing. sororal, sorme, (a) sororal, pert. to sisters, q.v. sorrow, kecri, (v) sorrow/grieve about …. lopo kecri, (n) sorrow/woe/grief, mass term of states. lopu kecri, (n) sorrow/sadness/grief, mass term of property. sorrowful, kecmou, <sad more> [G‍-‍NJN] (4a) G is sadder/more sorrowful about N than J is about N(1). kecri, [K‍-‍V] (2a) K is sad about/sorrowful/sorry over V. sorry, fatcou, <bother ashamed> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K is sorry to bother B by doing V. kecri, [K‍-‍V] (2a) K is sad about/sorrowful/sorry over V. keidri, <sad remember> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K regret/rue/be sorry/be too bad about V. keidri, <sad remember> (a) regretful/remorseful/rueful/sorry, of one who -s. no uu, (i) I'm not sorry/I don't regret …, an denial of sympathy/regret. uu, (i) alas!/oh (dear)/sorry/what a shame/pity …, an exp. of sympathy/regret. sie, (i) attitudinal expressing apology, I'm sorry. sorry for, notkei, <other sorrow> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K pity/feel sorry for D, i.e. feels …'s sorrow. sort, klepetri, <class distribute> [K‍-‍BF] (3v) K sort/classify/put into classes B among F. klesi, [B‍-‍FN] (3n) B is a classification/category/class/type/sort/kind of F with defining property N. sorting, po klepetri, <class distribute> (n) a sorting/classification, an act of sorting. soul, perspi, <person spirit> [V‍-‍F] (2n) V is the soul/spirit of F. sound, gudsoa, <good sound> (2v) sound/read well, be euphonious to …. jelfro, <healthily strong> [B‍-‍P] (2a) B is healthy/hale/fit/sound/healthily strong enough for task P. son, (af) a combining form of sonda, sound. sonda, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a sound produced/emitted by S. sonmao, <sound make> [K‍-‍NV] (3v) K make(s)/produce(s) sound N by V, intentional. sonpro, <sound produce> [N‍-‍V] (2v) N make/produce sound V, nonintentional. sonpro, <sound produce> (vt) sound/ring, produce sound …. sonsii, <sound seem> [V‍-‍BD] (3v) V sound like B to D, appears by its sound to be … to …. no nu surna, (a) sound, undamaged, neg. conv. form. taksoa, <speech sound> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a sound/phone/speech sound of language F. volsi, [P‍-‍S] (2n) P is a (speech) sound made by person/animal S. volsoa, <voice sound> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a voiced speech sound, phonetics. soa, (af) a combining form of sonda, sound. sound class, taksonkle, <talk sound class> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a phoneme/sound class of language F. sounds well, gudsoa, <good sound> [N‍-‍D] (2a) N is euphonious/sounds well to listener(s) D. soup, sup, (af) a combining form of supta, soup. supta, [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a portion/quantity of soup with ingredients B. soupier, supcli, <soup like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is soupier than J. soupiness, pu supcli, <soup like> (n) a soupiness, a spec. property. soupy, supcli, <soup like> (a) soupy, more like soup than …. sour, sar, (af) a combining form of sarni, sour. sarcea, <sour become> [B‍-‍D] (2v) B sour, become more sour to D. sarcko, <sour cause> [N‍-‍B] (2v) N sour B, cause … to sour, nonintentional. sarmao, <sour make> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K sour B, make … sour, intentional. sarni, [G‍-‍JD] (3a) G is more sour/tart than J is to D. source, fu cirna, (n) source, of learning, conv. form, q.v. cuirsatci, <water start> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a spring/water source, a source of water. nu ginkaa, <root come> (n) an origin/source/derivation, a source from which … is -ed. satci, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the start/source/root/beginning/origin/initial phase of process/interval F. sau, (pp) Sources/Reasons/Causes, case tag (source/reason/cause). source document, nu notlenfoa, <other language form> (n) the source document of translation …. sourness, pu sarni, (n) a sourness/tartness, a spec. property. south, melsurdi, <measure south> [D‍-‍CS] (3n) D measures C south of S. sud, (af) a combining form of surdi, south. surdi, (pp) south (ward) of …, toward the south. south of, surdi, (av) to the south of/southward (from) …. southeast, sudlesta, <south east> [D‍-‍S] (2pp) D is southeast/southeastward of S. southeasterly, sudlesta, <south east> (av) southeasterly/southeastward, in a southeasterly way. southeastward, sudlesta, <south east> [D‍-‍S] (2pp) D is southeast/southeastward of S. sudlesta, <south east> (av) southeasterly/southeastward, in a southeasterly way. southerly, surdi, [D‍-‍S] (2a) D is more southern/southerly than S. southern, surdi, [D‍-‍S] (2a) D is more southern/southerly than S. southward, surdi, (av) to the south of/southward (from) …. southwest, sudlusta, <south west> [D‍-‍S] (2pp) D is southwest/southwestward of S. southwesterly, sudlusta, <south west> (av) southwesterly/southwestward, in a southwesterly way. southwestward, sudlusta, <south west> [D‍-‍S] (2pp) D is southwest/southwestward of S. sudlusta, <south west> (av) southwesterly/southwestward, in a southwesterly way. souvenir, dricko, <remember cause> (n) a memo(randum)/reminder/souvenir, a reminder to … of …. sovereign, garni, (a) a sovereign, as of a sovereign state. selgargui, <self ruler country> (a) sovereign/autonomous. sow, porja, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a sow/female hog. sizduo, <seed do> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K sow/seed/plant the seeds of plant B in medium D. sower, sizduo, <seed do> (n) a sower, one who/that which plants seeds. sowing, po sizduo, <seed do> (n) an instance of sowing/seeding/planting. space, spa, (af) a combining form of spasi, space. spasi, [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a/the room/region/space/volume occupied by B. lo spasi, (n) space, mass term. telzvo, <earth outside> [N‍-‍] (1av) N is in space. zvospa, <outside space> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a space/region outside of N default: la Ter. space time, forspa, <four space> (n) a space time region occupied by system/process …. lo forspa, <four space> (n) space time, mass term. spacious, spamou, <space exceed> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more spacious/voluminous/roomy than J. spaciousness, pu spamou, <space exceed> (n) a voluminousness/spaciousness, a spec. property. spade, cavle, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a spade/shovel, an implement for moving material. hancavle, <hand spade> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a trowel/(hand) spade. pafcavle, <dig shovel> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a spade, a shovel, a tool for digging. spadeful, cavcai, <shovel quantity> [C‍-‍B] (2n) C is a shovelful/spadeful of B. pafcavcai, <spade quantity> [C‍-‍B] (2n) C is a spadeful of B. span, cibra, [B‍-‍D] (2v) B bridge/span D. cibra, (n) bridge/span over/across, physical structure. spanner, jitmao, <tight make> (n) tightener/wrench/spanner (U.K.). spare, norfesti, <not waste> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K spare B, which would otherwise be wasted. norkasfa, <not punish> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K spare D from V, an unpleasantness under Ks control. normormao, <not dead make(kill)> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K spare D from V, a capital punishment. plidou, <use give> [K‍-‍BDP] (4v) K spare/lend/give B to D for use P, "Brother can you spare a dime?". sropai, <store part> [B‍-‍P] (2n) B is a spare/reserve (part) for P. spark, fagpea, <fire point> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a spark. sparkle, brili, (v) shine/gleam/glisten/sparkle. mudlitpro, <move light produce> [B‍-‍] (1v) B glitter/sparkle/twinkle, of a mobile or inconstant light source. po mudlitpro, <move light produce> (n) an instance of glitter/sparkle, from a light source. muvbrili, <move shine> [B‍-‍] (1v) B glitter/sparkle/twinkle, by reflected light. po muvbrili, <move shine> (n) an instance of glitter/sparkle, by reflection. sparkling, brili, (a) bright/brilliant/lustrous/shiny/sparkling. speak, fomtaa, <formal talk> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K discourse/speak/lecture/address/talk/orate/make a speech to D on topic N. takna, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K talk/speak to D about V. speak briefly of, corcue, <short say> [K‍-‍VD] (3v) K mention/speak briefly of V to D. speak indistinctly, norklicue, <not clear say> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K mumble/speak indistinctly B to D. speak language, lenpli, <language use> [K‍-‍VN] (3v) K uses/speak language V in situation N. speak sadly of, kectaa, <sad talk> [K‍-‍VD] (3v) K bewail/mourn/lament/speak sadly of V to D. speak to, jmitaa, <meet talk> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K greet/speak to/say hello to D in greeting. nertaa, <one speak> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K address/speak to D alone about V. speak truth, drecue, <correct speak> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K speak truth about N. speaker, fomtaa, <formal talk> (n) a lecturer/speaker/orator, one who -s. dislu, (n) a discussant/speaker, one participating in a discussion. takdiu, <talk discuss> (n) discussant/speaker, current speaker in a discussion. takna, (n) a speaker, one who/that which speaks. speaking, po skucue, <succeed say> (n) a specific instance of congratulatory speaking. speaks, skucue, <succeed say> [K‍-‍PDV] (4v) K speaks P congratulatingly to D on/for V. spear, lansa, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a spear/lance. lansyduo, <spear do> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K harpoon/lance/spear D with V. special, pebyjio, <specifically important> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more special/specifically important than J. pebyjio, <specifically important> (a) special/important, special. spebi, [V‍-‍BF] (3a) V is particular/special/specific to/peculiar to/a defining property of B in set F. special strike force, pebspubilca, <special expert military> [F‍-‍N] (2n) F is a commando group/special strike force of country N. species, speci, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a species of genus F. specific, nera, (a) individual/monadic/specific/sole, pert. to individuals. peb, (af) a combining form of spebi, specific. pebtaa, <specific talk> (a) a specific, of one who -fies. spebi, [V‍-‍BF] (3a) V is particular/special/specific to/peculiar to/a defining property of B in set F. specific to, spebi, (v) be specific to, a defining property of …. specifically important, pebyjio, <specifically important> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more special/specifically important than J. specification, kalspebi, <complete specification> [P‍-‍S] (2n) P is a definition/complete specification of S. nu pebtaa, <specific talk> (n) a specification, a prop. used in -fying. po pebtaa, <specific talk> (n) a specification, an act of -fying. specificity, pu nera, (n) an individuality/specificity, a spec. property. pu spebi, (n) a specificity, a property of being -ic. specifier, pebtaa, <specific talk> (n) a specifier, one who gives -cations. specify, kalpebmao, <completely specific make[completely specify]> [K‍-‍SP] (3v) K define/completely specify S as P. pebtaa, <specific talk> [K‍-‍BVP] (4v) K specify details B of task/project/goal V for P. specify the quantity of, cnasaa, <amount sign> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K quantify/specify the quantity of B. specimen, mipli, [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is an example/illustration/specimen of V. speck, cmapiu, <small piece> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a speck/bit/mote/crumb of F. nurklinymra, <dirty mark> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a spot/blot/stain/speck/soiled place on F. spectacle, graviu, <great scene> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is a spectacle. graviuvei, <great view event> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is a spectacle. spectacles, mekleo, <eye lens> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a (pair of) eyeglasses/glasses/spectacles. spectator, tedgrudjo, <attention group member> [B‍-‍F] (2) B is a spectator/auditor in audience/spectacle F. teidjo, <attention member> [D‍-‍V] (2n) D is a listener/spectator/audience member of/at performance V. spectators, lo teidjo, <attention member> (n) listeners/spectators/audience, mass term. teigru, <attention group> [D‍-‍V] (2n) D are listeners/spectators/audience of performance V. spectral, morspicli, <ghost like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more ghostly/ghost like/spectral than J. spektri, (a) spectral, pert. to …. spectre, morspi, <dead spirit> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is an/the apparation/ghost/spectre of D. spectrum, spektri, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a spectrum of S. speculate, canspo, <chance hope> [V‍-‍BV] (3v) V speculate/risk/gamble B that/on V. ralspopou, <profit hope owner> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K speculate(s) in B, buy for the hope of profit. speculate about, blipeo, <possible think> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K speculate about/consider/contemplate/wonder whether V. speculation, lopo blipeo, <possible think> (n) consideration/speculation, mass term. po blipeo, <possible think> (n) a consideration/speculation, spec. event. lopo canspo, <chance hope> (n) speculation, mass term. po canspo, <chance hope> (n) a speculation, a spec. act of -ing. po ralspopou, <profit hope owner> (n) an instance of speculation, buying for profit. speculative, blipeo, <possible think> (a) speculative, pert to one who -s. speculator, canspo, <chance hope> (n) a speculator, one who -es for gain. ralspopou, <profit hope owner> (n) a speculator, one who -s. speech, po fomtaa, <formal talk> (n) an address/discourse/speech/talk/lecture/oration, lecture, an act. taapra, <talk sequence> [B‍-‍PS] (3n) B is a passage/speech/paragraph of speech/work P by speaker/writer S. po takna, (n) a speech/talk, an act/event of talking, q.v. speech form, takfoa, <talk form> (3n) B is an expression/utterance/speech form of grammar class X in language F. speech impaired, takfiu, <talk feeble> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is speech impaired in respect N. speech sound, taksoa, <speech sound> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a sound/phone/speech sound of language F. speech to, fomtaa, <formal talk> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K discourse/speak/lecture/address/talk/orate/make a speech to D on topic N. speed, melkukra, <measure quick> [B‍-‍C] (2v) B has a measured speed of C. lopu kukra, (n) swiftness/speed, mass term of properties. pu kukra, (n) the rapidity/speed/swiftness/quickness of …, a spec. property. speed up, kukcea, <fast become> [K‍-‍PC] (3v) K accelerate/quicken/hurry/speed up/become faster in motion/action P by increment C. kukcea, <fast become> (i) hurry up!/speed up!, w/o a 1st arg., an imperative. po kukcea, <fast become> (n) a speed up, an act/event of speeding up. kukcko, <fast cause> [V‍-‍BC] (3v) V accelerate/quicken/hurry/speed up B by C (unintentional act). po kukcko, <fast cause> (n) a speed up/acceleration (of …), an act/event of speeding up …. kukmao, <fast make> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K accelerate/quicken/hurry/speed up B (intentional act). po kukmao, <fast make> (n) a speed up/acceleration (of …), an act/event of speeding up …. spell, dreleasri, <correct letters write> [K‍-‍D] (2n) K spell D (in writing). majpua, <magic words> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is a spell. majpurcue, <magic words say> [K‍-‍VD] (3n) K place a spell V on D. learcue, <letters speak> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K spell (word) B. spelling, lopu dreleasri, <correct letters write> (n) spelling/orthography, mass term. po learcue, <letters speak> (n) an instance of spelling. spend, cmepli, <money use> [K‍-‍CD] (3v) K spend quantity of money C for D. keopli, <time use> [K‍-‍VP] (3v) K spend/use time V for/doing P. livspe, <life spend> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K live/experience/spend life in doing/being N. speni, [D‍-‍V] (2v) D experience/undergo/spend (interval) V. spend in prison, prenyspe, <prisoner experience> [K‍-‍CV] (3v) K spend in prison C time for crime V. spendable, nu cmepli, <money use> (a) spendable, as of money, conv. of spend. spender, cmepli, <money use> (n) a spender, of money. spendthrift, festi, (n) a wastrel/spendthrift, one who squanders …. spent, kaltae, <completely tired> [D‍-‍V] (2a) D is exhausted/spent/tired out by V. spermatophyte, spermatofiti, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a spermatophyte of/from S, a plant producing seeds. spermatophytic, spermatofiti, (a) spermatophytic, pert. to …. sphere, balma, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a ball/globe/sphere/orb, any spherical object. bam, (af) a combining form of balma, sphere. bamfoa, <ball form> [B‍-‍CC] (3n) B is a sphere, a geometrical figure with center C and radius C. spherical, balma, (a) round/spherical, pert. to -s. bamfoa, <ball form> (1a) spherical, pertaining to geometrical spheres. klurae, <cut round> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is round/circular/cylindrical/spherical, i.e. circular in at least one dimension. sphericity, pu balma, (n) a sphericity, a specific property. lopu bamfoa, <ball form> (1n) sphericity (mass term). pu bamfoa, <ball form> (1n) sphericity, sp. property. spheroid, bamcli, <ball like> (n) a spheroid, a sphere like, ball shaped thing. spheroidal, bamcli, <ball like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more spheroidal/sphere like than J. spice, gushebpai, <flavour plant part> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a spice/herb, a plant for flavouring foods. spicy, cabguo, <fiery taste> [N‍-‍] (1n) N is a fiery/hot/spicy taste/flavour. spider, rakna, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a female spider. rakni, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an infant spider/arachnid. rakno, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a male spider/arachnid. raknu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a spider/arachnid, generic term. spider like, rakne, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is spidery/spider like. spidery, rakne, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is spidery/spider like. spike, gronaldi, <big nail> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a spike, a large nail. spill, nurveldru, <contents lose> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K tip over/overturn/upset/spill contents B onto D. spin, citmao, <thread make> [K‍-‍SP] (3v) K spin material S into thread P. kuktancea, <rapid rotate become> [K‍-‍] (1v) K spin/whirl, (cause unspecified), "The paper whirled through the air". kuktancko, <rapid rotation cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N spin/whirl D, (nonintentional cause) "The wind spins the prayer wheels". kuktanmao, <rapid rotate make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K spin/whirl D, (intentional act). kuktrana, <rapid rotation> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is a spin/whirl. po toltrana, <not passive control rotate> (n) a spin (uncontrolled rotating descent of aircraft). spine, spina, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is the spine, principal support structure, particularly of vertebrates. spins, toltrana, <not passive control rotate> [K‍-‍] (1v) (aircraft) K spins. spiral, rojkoa, <grow curve> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a spiral, a growing curve. spire, peartrufa, <point roof> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a spire/steeple of building F. spirit, perspi, <person spirit> [V‍-‍F] (2n) V is the soul/spirit of F. spi, (af) a combining form of spicu, spirit. spicu, [V‍-‍BD] (3n) V is a spirit/ghost of B as experienced by D, insubstantial being to person/people …. spiritous, likro, (a) spiritous, pert. to distilled liquors. spirits, likro, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a portion/serving/quantity of liquor/spirits F. lo likro, (n) liquo/spirits, mass term. spiritual, sento, [B‍-‍K] (1a) B is holy/sacred/revered/spiritual, pert. to religiously respected by people K. spicu, (a) spiritual, pert. to spirits. spiritual advisor, spigli, <spiritual guide> [K‍-‍D] (2n) K is a pastor/spiritual advisor to D. spirituality, lopu spicu, (n) spirituality, mass prop. po spicu, (n) a spirituality, a state of being -al. spit, kokykanra, <cooking rod> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a spit for N, a rod for cooking. spetu, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a quantity of saliva/spittle/sputum/spit from S. spetykao, <spit act> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K spit/expectorate on D. zvospetyduo, <out spit do> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K spit up/out B. spite, lopu srudaa, <injure desire> (n) spite, mass property. po srudaa, <injure desire> (n) an instance of spite. spiteful, srudaa, <injure desire> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K is/are spiteful toward D. spittle, spetu, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a quantity of saliva/spittle/sputum/spit from S. lo spetu, (n) saliva/spittle, mass term. splendid, bilgro, <beautifully large> [G‍-‍NJ] (3v) G is more magnificent/splendid in N than J. rilbii, <bright beautiful> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more splendid than J, brilliantly great. splendor, lopu bilgro, <beautifully large> (n) magnificence/splendor, mass property. po bilgro, <beautifully large> (n) an instance of magnificence/splendor. lopu rilbii, <bright beautiful> (n) splendor, mass property. po rilbii, <bright beautiful> (n) an instance of splendor, brilliant greatness. split, karkycko, <crack cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N crack/split D, non intentional. karkymao, <crack make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K crack/split/cleave D with V, intentional as of eggs. nurkarkycea, <cracked happen> [D‍-‍] (1v) D crack/split/cleave, intransitive verb. spoil, fesycea, <waste become> [D‍-‍] (1v) D perish/spoil/turn, as perishable foods. nu foirnurtoa, <things which are criminally taken> (3n) spoil(s)/booty stolen by … from …. rancea, <rotten become> [D‍-‍] (1v) D spoil/decay/rot/decompose, of organic material. rancko, <rotten cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N spoil/rot/corrupt/taint D, "Mold rots tomatoes". zavlei, <bad allow> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K spoil D by V, (as a child). spoiled, nu zavlei, <bad allow> (a) spoiled, <as a child>. sponge, porhiferi, [B‍-‍FS] (3n) B is a poriferan/sponge of genus/type F from S, one of the phylum of Porifera. pej, (af) a combining form of penja, sponge. pejduo, <sponge do> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K sponge (up) B from D. penja, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a sponge. penja, (a) sponge, made of sponge. spongier, pejycli, <sponge like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is spongier, more like a sponge than J. sponginess, pu pejycli, <sponge like> (n) a sponginess, a spec. property. spongy, pejycli, <sponge like> (a) spongy, more sponge like than …. sponsor, ju kaksui, <act send> (n) sponsor (of a mission). veirjuo, <happen support> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K promote/further/foster/sponsor/support B by action V. sponsorship, pu veirjuo, <happen support> (n) a sponsorship, a spec. property. spontaneous separation, po parcea, <parts become> (2n) is a resolution/spontaneous separation of whole … into parts … ; cf. po parmao. spontaneous separations, lopo parcea, <parts become> (1n) the mass of such resolutions/spontaneous separations. spoon, put, (af) a combining form of sputa, spoon. putcai, <spoon quantity> [C‍-‍B] (2n) C is a spoonful/spoon of B. sputa, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a spoon/teaspoon, an eating/cooking utensil, general term. spoonful, putcai, <spoon quantity> [C‍-‍B] (2n) C is a spoonful/spoon of B. spoor, futsaa, <after sign> [P‍-‍S] (2n) P is the track/spoor/trace/trail of S. sporadic, nunrii, <conv. of regular> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more occasional/sporadic/less regular than J. nunrii, <conv. of regular> (a) sporadic/irregular, more sporadic than …. sporadically, nunrii, <conv. of regular> (av) irregularly/sporadically/occasionally/now and then. spore, nercelsidza, <one cell seed> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a spore of S. sport, plekanpi, <play compete> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K participate competively in sport B. plekanpi, <play compete> (a) sport, pert. to participation in sport. lopo plekanpi, <play compete> (n) sport(s), mass term of events. nu plekanpi, <play compete> (n) a sport. sports coat, corkosta, <short coat> [B‍-‍] (1v) B is a (suit) coat/jacket/sports coat. sportsman, plekanpi, <play compete> (n) a sportsman. spot, marcko, <mark cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N mark/spot D, make a mark on …, nonintentional; 'Blood spots cloth'. marka, [B‍-‍DS] (3n) B is a spot/mark on D made by S. marmao, <mark make> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K mark/spot D, make a mark/spot on … by/with B, intentional. marsea, <mark set> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K spot B on D, place an object on a spot (as in pool). nurklinymra, <dirty mark> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a spot/blot/stain/speck/soiled place on F. raemra, <round mark> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a spot/dot, round mark on surface F. sitfa, [V‍-‍BN] (3n) V is the place/situation/spot/position/site/location of B in reference frame N. vizi, (av) right here/at this spot, before preds. vizka, [K‍-‍BN] (3v) K see/view/perceive/spot, visually B against background N. spotted, nu marka, (n) spotted/marked, having a mark. spouse, merji, (n) a spouse of, one who is married to …. spout, kukyzvokro, <quick out pour> [K‍-‍VDS] (4v) K gush/spout/jet V into D from S. nu kukyzvokro, <quick out pour> (n) gush/jet/spout, that which is -ed. sprat, lao Sprattus sprattus, (na) a sprat, a herring like fish. spratusi, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a sprat of/from S, a herring like fish. spray, ragcko, <fog cause> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K spray B on D, non intentional. ragmao, <fog make> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K spray B on D, (intentional act). sprayer, ragcko, <fog cause> (n) a sprayer/atomizer, a tool for spraying. spread, po kuspo, (n) an expansion/spread, a process of -ding. kuspycko, <spread cause> [N‍-‍BD] (3v) N spread B over D, nonintentional. kuspymao, <spread make> [K‍-‍BDV] (4v) K spread B over D with V, intentional. petri, [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K share out/spread/distribute B to/among D. spread over, kuspo, [B‍-‍D] (2v) B spread over/expand into form/area D. spreadable, nu kuspymao, <spread make> (a) spreadable, which can be —. spreader, kuspycko, <spread cause> (n) spreader, that which causes -ing …. kuspymao, <spread make> (n) spreader, one who -s. sprightly, korkukra, <body swift> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more agile/active/nimble/spry/sprightly than J. spring, cuirsatci, <water start> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a spring/water source, a source of water. dotfui, <winter after> [V‍-‍C] (2n) V is the springtime of year C, any spring. spori, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a spring, an elastic device. sporyvai, <spring jump> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K spring (out) at D from S. valti, [K‍-‍B] (2v) K jump/leap (up)/vault/spring across B. spring like, lasti, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more elastic/springy/spring like than J. springiness, pu lasti, (n) an elasticity/springiness, a spec. property. pu sporycli, <spring like> (n) a springiness, a spec. property. springtime, dotfui, <winter after> [V‍-‍C] (2n) V is the springtime of year C, any spring. springy, lasti, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more elastic/springy/spring like than J. sporycli, <spring like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more springy/spring like than J. sprinkle, dridypetri, <drop distribute> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K sprinkle B on D. sprite, cmaspi, <small spirit> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a fairy/sprite. sprout, junstaga, <young stem> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a sprout/shoot of F. spry, korkukra, <body swift> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more agile/active/nimble/spry/sprightly than J. spur, gozmazpea, <go make point> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a spur. penta, (n) a spur/goad/point/prong/tine, any pointed thing, see pointed. puldou, <impulse give> [K‍-‍DV] (1n) spur, that which -s. puldou, <impulse give> (3v) K urge on/spur/impel D to do V. spurn, tifnorcue, <no say> [K‍-‍BS] (3v) K reject/spurn offer B for reason S. spurned, nu tifnorcue, <no say> (a) rejected/spurned, pert. to an offer. sputum, spetu, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a quantity of saliva/spittle/sputum/spit from S. spy, smible, <secret look> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K peer/peep/spy at B. smikatca, <secret watch> [K‍-‍DP] (3v) K spy on D for P. smikatca, <secret watch> (n) a spy. squab, kolbi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a squab, an infant dove/pigeon. squad, nergru, <1st group> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a squad/squadron/flight, the smallest military unit of some larger military force F, without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murnergru — naval squadron. Cf. surgru. squadron, bicgru, <military group> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a squadron of F. nergru, <1st group> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a squad/squadron/flight, the smallest military unit of some larger military force F, without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murnergru — naval squadron. Cf. surgru. torgru, <2nd group> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a platoon/squadron, the 2nd smallest military unit of some larger military force F, without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. kertorgru — air squadron. Cf. surgru. squander, festi, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K waste/squander D on/in doing V. square, kur, (af) a combining form of kurfa, square. kurfa, [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a square with vertices B, alternatively, of side …. kurfa, (a) square/quadratic, pert. to squares. kurmao, <square make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K square/make D square. kursia, <square place> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the square/plaza of town F. squareness, pu kurfa, (n) a squareness, a prop. of being square. <F-B>. squarish, kurcli, <square like> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is squarish, approximately square. squarishness, pu kurcli, <square like> (n) a squarishness, a prop. of being —. squash, kraco, [K‍-‍SP] (3v) K crush/smash/squash S into pulp P. kracybue, <crush step> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K crush/squash D underfoot, to kill or injure. kurbi, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a pumpkin/squash/cucumber from S, any member of the Cucurbitae. skuace, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a squash from S. squashable, nu kraco, (a) smashable/squashable/crushable, can be -ed into pulp. squeak, rajysonpro, <scratch sound produce> [K‍-‍] (1v) K squeak/squeal/grate, a scratching sound. po rajysonpro, <scratch sound produce> (n) a squeak/squeal, an instance of -ing. squeaker, rajysonpro, <scratch sound produce> (n) squeaker/squealer, one who -s. squeal, rajysonpro, <scratch sound produce> [K‍-‍] (1v) K squeak/squeal/grate, a scratching sound. po rajysonpro, <scratch sound produce> (n) a squeak/squeal, an instance of -ing. squealer, rajysonpro, <scratch sound produce> (n) squeaker/squealer, one who -s. squeeze, clutorpuo, <love two push(squeeze)> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K hug/embrace/lovingly squeeze D. dedtorpuo, <finger two push(squeeze)> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K pinch/squeeze D with fingers. hantorpuo, <hand two push(squeeze)> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K squeeze/press D with hand(s). torpuo, <two push> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K press/squeeze B against D. po torpuo, <two push> (n) a squeeze, an act/event of -ing. squeeze out, flipuopro, <liquid push produce> [K‍-‍SP] (3v) K press/express/squeeze out the liquid from S producing juice/liquid output P. stab, najblo, <knife hit> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K knife/stab/pierce D with a knife. petholmao, <pointed hole make> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K prick/stab D with B. pethou, <pointed hole> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a prick/stab with S, a pointed hole made by …. stabbing, po najblo, <knife hit> (n) a stabbing/knifing, an act of stabbing. stable, farnimhaa, <farm animal house> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a stable. normuo, <no move> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is motionless/fixed/immobile/static/unmoving/stationary/immovable/still/stable. norselcea, <not self change> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is stable (in the chemical sense). stack, ctiganmoa, <stuff high mountain> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a mass/heap/stack/hill/mountain/huge pile, fig., a mountain of F. ctimoa, <stuff mountain> [B‍-‍FP] (3n) B is a pile/mound/heap/hill/stack of F for P. ctimonmao, <stuff mountain make> [K‍-‍BP] (3v) K heap/stack up a pile of B for P. lismoa, <list mountain> [F‍-‍BP] (3v) F is a stack of B for P. staff, kojhelgru, <command help group> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B are the military staff/assistants of F. lo gandia, <high teacher> (n) a/the faculty/staff (university). helgru, <help group> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B arethe staff of F, general term for staff of all sorts. lagkanra, <long cane> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a staff. tishelgru, <choose help group> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is the editorial staff of B. staff member, helba, (n) a helper/assistant/staff member, one who helps. staff sergeant, fertro, <5th controller> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a staff sergeant controling/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murfertro — petty officer first class. stag, cervo, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a hart/stag/male deer of region/range S. stage, nurpra, <conv of process> [B‍-‍FV] (3n) B is a stage/state/condition of system F undergoing process V. sta, (af) a combining form of stadi, stage. stadi, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a stage/platform of/in structure F. stapli, <stage use> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K stage/produce D, put … on the stage. stage name, larmaonamci, <art maker name> [N‍-‍KP] (3n) N is an pseudonym/stage name of K for work P. stageplay, stafikco, <stage fiction> [P‍-‍K] (2n) P is a play/drama/stageplay, dramatic work by K. stages, nu prase, (n) the states/stages, of a system in process, q.v. stagger, feldzo, <fall walk> [K‍-‍] (1v) K stagger/stumble (with difficult to remain upright). stagnant, krocle, <flow without> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is turned off/switched off/stagnant. stain, nurklinymra, <dirty mark> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a spot/blot/stain/speck/soiled place on F. stomarcko, <stay mark cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N stain D, (nonintentional) "Blood stains cloth". po stomarcko, <stay mark cause> (n) a stain, an instance of -ing. stomarmao, <stay mark make> [K‍-‍DB] (2v) K stain/brand/mark D permanently with B, intentional. fu stomarmao, <stay mark make> (n) a stain, material used for -ing. stomra, <stay mark> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is a stain/brand/product name, a permanent mark on D. stained, nu stomarcko, <stay mark cause> (a) stained, pert. to the material -ed. nu stomarmao, <stay mark make> (a) stained/branded, of something lastingly marked. stained glass, rorkolgliso, <many color glass> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is stained glass. stained with, stomarcea, <stay mark become> [D‍-‍B] (2v) D is/are stained with B, (used when second place is optional). stair, stire, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the step/stair of F. stair landing, kubtie, <wide step/stair> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the stair landing/landing of F. stair railing, tirseireu, <stair rail> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a banister/stair railing of F. staircase, tirsei, <stair set> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a staircase/stairway/stairs/steps. stairs, tir, (af) a combining form of stire, stairs. tirsei, <stair set> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a staircase/stairway/stairs/steps. tie, (af) a combining form of stire, stairs. stairway, tirsei, <stair set> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a staircase/stairway/stairs/steps. stale, nu maocnu, <made new> (a) stale, less newly made than, conv. form. nu frese, (a) stale, less organically fresh than …. nurfrese, <converse of fresh> [G‍-‍J] (1a) stale. staleness, lopu nu maocnu, <made new> (n) staleness, mass term, properties. pu nu maocnu, <made new> (n) a staleness, a spec. property. lopu nu frese, (n) staleness, mass term of props. pu nu frese, (n) a staleness, a spec. property. staler, nurfrese, <converse of fresh> (2a) G is staler than J. stalk, janto, [K‍-‍B] (2v) K hunt/stalk game/quarry B. staga, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the stem/stalk of F. stall, po lufdru, <lift lose> (n) a stall. vemhao, <sell shelter> [B‍-‍FP] (3n) B is a stall/booth/kiosk in F for P. stalling speed, nu lufdru, <lift lose> (n) C is a stalling speed for aircraft K. stallion, hormo, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a stallion/stud/gelding, any male horse. stalls, lufdru, <lift lose> [K‍-‍C] (2v) (aircraft) K stalls at airspeed C. stamp, blobue, <blow step> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K stamp/step on D, to kill or injure. blodzo, <blow walk> [K‍-‍] (1v) K stamp(s), a forceful gait for emotional or footwear cleaning reason. caprie, <print tool> [B‍-‍PD] (3n) B is a die or stamp for making imprint P on material D. hancapri, <hand print> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K stamp D with B. fu hancapri, <hand print> (a) a stamp, used for stamping documents. movbue, <motive step> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K stamp/step deliberately on D. po movbue, <motive step> (n) a stamp, an act/event of -ing. stance, pu stali, (n) a stance, a property of one who stands. stand, stali, [K‍-‍B] (2v) K stand (up) on/in B. po stali, (n) a stand, an act/event of -ing. stofaubei, <stay disturb carry> [D‍-‍V] (2v) D endure/stand/bear/undergo hardship V. tai, (af) a combining form of stali, stand. tairmao, <stand make> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K stand/stand up D on/in B, makes … stand up on …, intentional. stand out, fretai, <front stand> [K‍-‍] (1) K stand out, be conspicuous. stand still, normuo, <no move> (i) stand still!/don't move!, don't move, an imperative. normuo, <no move> (v) stand still. stand up, taircea, <stand become> [K‍-‍] (1v) K stand up. tairmao, <stand make> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K stand/stand up D on/in B, makes … stand up on …, intentional. stand up to, poztai, <against stand> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K face/confront/stand up to (person/condition) N. standard, flaci, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a/the flag/banner/standard of S. kumrui, <common rule> [P‍-‍F] (2n) P is a standard/norm/common rule among F. nurpue, <comparison standard> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a standard for N, an ideal or base for comparison of other instances. puesni, <perfect near> [B‍-‍S] (2a) B is nearly perfect by standard S/meets … by an acceptably small departure from perfection. purfe, [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is perfect/faultless/unimprovable/standard/ideal by standard N. nu purfe, (n) a standard for comparison purposes. standing, po taircea, <stand become> (ger) standing, as in a standing ovation. star, tar, (af) a combining form of tarci, star. tarci, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a star of galaxy F. tarcli, <star like> (n) a star, fig., a star like thing. stare, prable, <continuous look> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K stare at D, look continuously at. stare at, kubmekble, <wide eye look> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K stare at/ogle D. starriness, pu tarflo, <star full> (n) a starriness, a spec. property. starry, tarcli, <star like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more starry, like a star than J. tarflo, <star full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more starry, full of stars than J. start, nu damkaa, <lower come> (n) start, (of going down). fu dzoru, (n) start, of a walk, conv. of walk, q.v. ju glida, (n) a/the start, of a guided trip, q.v. fu godzi, (n) a/the start, of going/coming to … from …, q.v. nu kamla, (n) a start, of coming/going from … to …, q.v. …. fu prano, (n) a start, of a run, q.v. prasacmao, <process start make> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K open/start function V, intentional act. prasacycea, <process start become> [V‍-‍] (1v) V start up/begin, intransitive. prasacycko, <process start cause> [N‍-‍V] (2v) N open/start function V, nonintentional. fu rutma, (n) a/the start, of a route, conv. of route, q.v. sac, (af) a combining form of satci, start. po sacduo, <start do> (n) a start of a specific task. sackai, <start quality> [V‍-‍C] (2v) V start at time C. sackao, <start act> [K‍-‍VP] (3v) K begin/start/found/commence/embark on/take up/establish doing V for end/purpose P. po sackao, <start act> (n) a/the start/embarkation/foundation/commencement/beginning/establishment, an act of starting something. sacmao, <start make> [K‍-‍DPV] (4v) K initiate/start …, make D start doing P by V, intentional. po sacmao, <start make> (n) a start/initiation, an act of -ing. sacvei, <start event> [V‍-‍] (1v) V begin/start/commence. sacycea, <start happen> [V‍-‍] (1v) V begin/start/commence, involuntary. sacycko, <start cause> [N‍-‍DV] (3v) N initiate/start …, cause D to start doing V, non intentional. po sacycko, <start cause> (n) a start/initiation, an act of -ing. satci, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the start/source/root/beginning/origin/initial phase of process/interval F. fu traci, (n) a/the start, of a trip/journey, q.v. start at, staryvai, <surprise jump> [D‍-‍V] (2v) D start at/are startled by V. start doing, sacduo, <start do> [K‍-‍PN] (3v) K begin/commence/start doing P by/with N. start towards, godcea, <go become> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K start towards D from S. started, napa sacvei, <start event> (v) V has started to happen. starter, sacmao, <start make> (n) a starter/initiator, one who -s. sacycko, <start cause> (n) a starter/initiator, that which -s. startle, nu blidensae, <possible danger sense> (v) alarm/startle … by …. blidensaecko, <possible danger sense cause> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K alarm/startle D by V. cakykao, <shock act> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K shock/startle D by being/doing V. staryvalmao, <surprise jump make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K startle/surprise D by action V. startled, blidensae, <possible danger sense> [D‍-‍V] (2v) D is/are alarmed/startled by V. nu staryvalmao, <surprise jump make> (a) startled, of one who is -d. startled by, staryvai, <surprise jump> [D‍-‍V] (2v) D start at/are startled by V. startling, cakykao, <shock act> (a) shocking/startling, of -ing people. po cakykao, <shock act> (a) startling, of shocking acts. starvation, lopu nortcimorcea, <not eat dead become> (n) famine/starvation, mass property. po nortcimorcea, <not eat dead become> (n) a/some starvation. lopu tciclecea, <eat without become> (n) famine/starvation, mass property. po tciclecea, <eat without become> (n) a/some starvation. lopu tciclecko, <eat without cause> (n) famine/starvation, mass property. po tciclecko, <eat without cause> (n) a/some starvation. po tciclemao, <eat without make> (n) an instance of intentional starvation. starve, nortcimorcea, <not eat dead become> [D‍-‍] (1v) D starve to death. tciclecko, <eat without cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N starve D, (nonintentional cause). tciclemao, <eat without make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K starve D, (intentional act). starved, tciclecea, <eat without become> [D‍-‍N] (2v) D is/are starved by/because of N. state, poldi, [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a state/nation/polity, self governing polity of citizens B. polpai, <polity part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a state/county/district/ward/zone, partly self governing part of polity F. nurpra, <conv of process> [B‍-‍FV] (3n) B is a stage/state/condition of system F undergoing process V. tracue, <true say> [K‍-‍BN] (3v) K declare/state/affirm/assert/maintain/allege/profess sentence B to N. veu, (pp) Events/States/Effects/Deeds/Means/Routes, case tag (event/state/effect/deed/mean/route). statehood, lopu poldi, (n) statehood/nationhood, the general self governing prop. stately, fombiu, <formal behave> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more stately/dignified than J. statement, steti, [B‍-‍PNS] (4n) B is a sentence/statement claiming P about N in language S. nu tracue, <true say> (n) a statement/assertion, an affirmed sentence. po tracue, <true say> (n) a statement/assertion/affirmation/declaration/allegation, an act of -ing a sentence. states, nu prase, (n) the states/stages, of a system in process, q.v. statesman, gunfregoi, <country leader> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a statesman of N. gunsadji, <country wiseman> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a statesman of S, one whose political opinions are respected. statesmanship, lopu gunfregoi, <country leader> (n) statesmanship, mass term, properties. pu gunfregoi, <country leader> (n) a statesmanship, a spec. property. static, normuo, <no move> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is motionless/fixed/immobile/static/unmoving/stationary/immovable/still/stable. station, socysiosia, <social system place> [V‍-‍BN] (3n) V is a/the social position/station of B in social system N. stana, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a station/stop/depot in transport system F. trestana, <train station> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a railroad station/depot of train system(s) F. stationary, normuo, <no move> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is motionless/fixed/immobile/static/unmoving/stationary/immovable/still/stable. statistical analysis, po katmei, <quality measure> (n) a statistical analysis of … with result …. statistically analyse, katmei, <quality measure> [K‍-‍NP] (3v) K statistically analyse N with result P. statue, terspatcu, <3 dimensional picture> [P‍-‍BK] (3n) P is a statue of B by K. stature, pu langa, (n) a/the length/stature, a property of being long. pu vrelaa, <vertical long> (2n) the stature of …, its height property. statute, polylilfa, <political law> [B‍-‍FP] (3n) B is a statute of F legislating P, a law enacted by state/country/city … with object …. stay, po hasgeo, <house gesko> (n) a visit/stay, a spec. act of -ing. stolo, [K‍-‍B] (2v) K abide/last/remain/stay/sojourn with/at B. po stolo, (n) a stay/sojourn, a spec. act of staying …. stay away, darsto, <far stay> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K avoid/shun/stay away from D. norhiakao, <not here act> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K absent oneself/stay away from D under conditions/for time N. stay with, geosto, <guest stay> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K visit/stay with as a guest of B. hasgeo, <house gesko> (v) visit/stay with, visit …. steadfast, saltai, <solid stand> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is firm/steady/constant/steadfast under challenge N. steadfastness, pu saltai, <solid stand> (n) a firmness/steadfastness/steadiness/constancy, of purpose/character. steadiness, pu saltai, <solid stand> (n) a firmness/steadfastness/steadiness/constancy, of purpose/character. steady, balkao, <balance act> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K is steady/reliable in situation N. saltai, <solid stand> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is firm/steady/constant/steadfast under challenge N. saltai, <solid stand> (i) steady!, be steady, an imperative. steak, bifte, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a beefsteak/steak from carcass/animal F. lo bifte, (n) beefsteak/steak, the mass of all beefsteak. steal, pletsitoa, <play crime take> [K‍-‍BS] (3v) K pinch/steal playfully B from S. smitoa, <secret take> (v) steal … from …. tsitoa, <criminally take> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K rob/steal B from D. steam, cutvao, <water vapour> [B‍-‍] (1) B is a quantity of steam, water in a gaseous state. lo cutvao, <water vapour> (n) steam, mass term. cutvaopro, <water vapor produce> [K‍-‍S] (2v) K produce steam from S. steaming, cutvaopro, <water vapor produce> (a) steaming. steamship, cutvaobou, <water gas boat> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a steamship of F. steel, gasti, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a piece of steel. gasti, (a) steel, made of steel. lo gasti, (n) steel, mass term. steeliness, pu gastycli, <steel like> (n) a steeliness, steel likeness, a property. steely, gastycli, <steel like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more steely/like steel than J. steep, slo, (af) a combining form of slopu, steep. slopu, (a) steep, more inclined than … by …. sloslo, <steep steep> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is very steep/precipitous. steeper, slopu, [G‍-‍JC] (3a) G is steeper than J by C. steeple, mueslo, <very slanted> (n) a steeple, a narrow, pointed architectural feature. peartrufa, <point roof> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a spire/steeple of building F. steer, diotro, <direction control> [K‍-‍DVB] (4v) K steer D in direction/course V with mechanism B. steering mechanism, dirtolmai, <direction control machine> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a steering mechanism of vessel/vehicle S. steering system, dirtolsio, <direction control system> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the steering system of device/vehicle F. steering wheel, dirtolpae, <direction control apparatus> [K‍-‍S] (2n) K is a helm/tiller/steering wheel of S. steersman, diotro, <direction control> (n) helmsman/steersman. stellar, tarci, (a) stellar, pert. to stars. stem, staga, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the stem/stalk of F. tristaga, <tree stem> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the stem/trunk of tree F. stentorian, voifro, <voice strong> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is stentorian under N. step, blobue, <blow step> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K stamp/step on D, to kill or injure. bue, (af) a combining form of buste, step. buste, [K‍-‍D] (2v) K step/tread on/in D. po buste, (n) a step/tread, an act of -ing. movbue, <motive step> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K stamp/step deliberately on D. stire, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the step/stair of F. bus, (af) a combining form of buste, step. step aside, palgoi, <side go> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K step aside to avoid B. step out, zvobue, <out step> [K‍-‍S] (2v) K alight/step out from S. stepchild, nurmertciha, <spouse child> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is a stepchild of D. stepdaughter, nurmerdea, <spouse daughter> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is a stepdaughter of D. stepfather, merfra, <marriage father> [B‍-‍DS] (3n) B is a stepfather of D with mother S. stepmother, mermaa, <marriage mother> [B‍-‍DS] (3n) B is a stepmother of D with father S. steps, dzosoa, <walk sounds> [B‍-‍] (1n) B are steps, the sound of a person walking. tirsei, <stair set> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a staircase/stairway/stairs/steps. stepson, nurmersuo, <spouse son> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is a stepson of D. sterile, norfrupro, <not produce fruit> [B‍-‍P] (2a) B is sterile/barren of P. sterility, pu norfrupro, <not produce fruit> (n) barrenness/sterility, a spec. property of being —. stern, hadfasli, <hard face> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more stern/severe/grim than J, in visage/demeanor. hadvoi, <hard voice> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more stern/severe than J, as of voices. sternness, pu hadfasli, <hard face> (n) a severity/sternness/grimness, of visage, a spec. property. pu hadvoi, <hard voice> (n) a sternness/severity, as of voices, a property. stew, misysupta, <mix soup> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a quantity of stew made from S. steward, flesua, <fly serve> [K‍-‍F] (2n) K is a flight attendant/steward(ess)/air hostess of aircraft/airline F. stick, dzokanra, <walk cane> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a cane/stick/walking stick. gomduo, <adhere make> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K stick/glue B to D. gomni, [B‍-‍D] (2v) B stick/adhere to D. stuka, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a stick of S, a long, narrow piece. tcepuo, <penetrate push> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K thrust/stick/plunge B into/through D. stick out tongue, tongysanduo, <tongue sign do> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K stick out tongue at D. stickiness, pu gomni, (n) an adhesiveness/stickiness/adherence, a quality of adhesives. sticky, gomni, (a) adhesive/gummy/sticky, capable of adhering to …. stiff, cti, (af) a combining form of ctifu, stiff. stifa, (a) stiff/rigid, stiffer/less flexible than …. stiffen, stifycko, <stiff cause> [N‍-‍DV] (3v) N stiffen D by V, (nonintentional cause) "cold stiffens rubber". stifymao, <stiff make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K stiffen D by V, (intentional act). stiffened, stifycea, <stiff become> [D‍-‍N] (2v) D is/are stiffened by N (used when cause unknown or unspecified). stiffener, stifycko, <stiff cause> (n) a stiffener, that which -s. stiffer, stifa, [G‍-‍JN] (3a) G is stiffer than J in dimension N. stiffness, po stifa, (n) a stiffness/rigidity, a spec. state/condition. pu stifa, (n) a stiffness/rigidity, a spec. property. stifle, ruerliu, <breath restrain> [K‍-‍D] (2vt) K suffocate/stifle D. ruesti, <breath stop> [D‍-‍S] (2vi) D choke/stifle from S. still, inunokou, (c) still/yet, of unexpected events ('even so, it's wet'). inunomoi, (c) still/yet, of unmotivated acts ('even so, I went'). inunorau, (c) still/yet, of unjustified events ('even so, I won'). inunosoa, (c) still/yet/nevertheless/all the same/even (so), of unentailed concl'ns (even so, it's true). kalsai, <completely quiet> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is still/noiseless/silent/completely quiet. normuo, <no move> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is motionless/fixed/immobile/static/unmoving/stationary/immovable/still/stable. nunokouki, (c) still/yet/nevertheless/all the same/even (so), of unexpected events, as in 'nunokouki … ki; best translated … despite(cause) …'. nunomoiki, (c) still/yet/nevertheless/all the same/even (so), of unmotivated acts, as in 'nunomoiki … ki; best translated … despite(motive) …'. nunorauki, (c) still/yet/nevertheless/all the same/even (so), of unjustified events, in 'nunorauki … ki; best translated … despite(reason) …'. nunosoaki, (c) still/yet/nevertheless/all the same/even (so), of unentailed sents., as in 'nunosoaki … ki; best translated … despite(premise) …'. santi, (i) be/keep+still!/quiet!, w/o a; 1st arg., an imperative. stimulant, furpoacti, <stimulus stuff> (n) a stimulant, a substance which stimulates. stimulate, furpoacti, <stimulus stuff> [K‍-‍PB] (3v) K stimulate reaction P in B. stimulated, fu furpoacti, <stimulus stuff> (a) stimulated, a stimulated organism. stimulating, furpoacti, <stimulus stuff> (a) stimulating, of stimulants. stimulus, furpoa, <3rd conv. respond> (n) a stimulus, of response … in …, conv. form. nursae, <sensed> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a stimulus, one which is received. nu sanse, (n) a stimulus/sensation, a sensed stimulus. sting, vensea, <poison set> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K sting D in/on N, a poisonous jab or bite. po vensea, <poison set> (n) a sting, an event of -ing. stingy, nu donflo, <give full> (a) (more) stingy/miserly (than … in matter …). nurmoudou, <less give> (a) stingy/mean. stink, sutpro, <smell produce> [B‍-‍VN] (3v) B (produce) smell/stink V under conditions N. stinking, sutpro, <smell produce> (a) smelly/odoriferous/stinking, produces smell … under …. stir, fiozbu, <emotion explode> [V‍-‍DN] (3v) V excite/arouse/stir in D the emotions N. punfymao, <uniform make> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K stir/mix/homogenize D from S. stirring, fiozbu, <emotion explode> (a) stirring/rousing/exciting, exciting to …. stirrup, fitveo, <foot container> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a stirrup of …. stitch, djoso, [K‍-‍BP] (3v) K sew/stitch B to/onto P. stock, nornurvemsei, <not sold set> [C‍-‍F] (2n) C is an/the inventory/stock/supplies of F. ponpai, <own part> [B‍-‍DF] (3v) B is a/the share/portion/stock of D in property F. parponpre, <part own paper> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a stock/share of stock in company F. spalivdou, <space creature(inhabitant) give> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K stock/populate D with B. sromao, <store make> [K‍-‍SP] (3v) K save/reserve/store/conserve/stock S for use/purpose P, intentional. stock exchange, ponparbatsia, <own part trade place> [B‍-‍VN] (3n) B is a stock exchange, a place for exchanging stock in capital V of economy N. stockholder, parpou, <part owner> [B‍-‍FC] (3v) B is a partner/part owner/stockholder of company F with share C. stocking, hozda, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is/are a sock/stocking/hose, or pair of —. stoic, punsai, <pain silent> [D‍-‍VN] (3a) D is stoic/stolid to pain V in situation N. stolen, nu tsitoa, <criminally take> (a) stolen, conv. of steal … from …. stolid, punsai, <pain silent> [D‍-‍VN] (3a) D is stoic/stolid to pain V in situation N. stomach, beldu, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the belly/abdomen/stomach of F. stomp, bueblo, <step blow> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K stomp on D. stone, frubongu, <fruit bone> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a stone/pit from fruit F (for large stones as in peaches, mangoes, cherries). grotroku, <big stone> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a boulder/large stone. troku, (a) rock/stone, made of stone. troku, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a stone/rock from S. stone circle, trokyrae, <stone circle> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a stone circle for purpose N. stoneware, jungyklenyveo, <chinese clay container> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is china/porcelain/stoneware made from china clay or kaolin. stoniness, pu trokycli, <rock like> (n) a rockiness/stoniness, property of being like rock. po trokyflo, <rock full> (n) a stoniness, state of being full of rock. stony, trokycli, <rock like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more rocky/stony, rock like than J. trokyflo, <rock full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more rocky/stony, full of rocks than J. stool, ctuda, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is some excrement/stool/feces of F. priclecei, <backless chair> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a stool, a backless chair. stoop, nengoista, <in go platform> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a porch/veranda/stoop, a platform at the entrance of a building. stooped, betcu, [N‍-‍] (1a) N is bent/crooked/arched/stooped. stop, fadkai, <end quality> [B‍-‍] (1v) B end/stop/is finite. krosticko, <flow stop cause> [N‍-‍SB] (3v) N interrupt/stop/plug/turn off the flow from S of B, nonintentional. krostimao, <flow stop make> [K‍-‍SD] (3v) K interrupt/stop/plug/turn off the flow from S of D, intentional. litnu, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K hold/restrain/keep/check/stop/curb/detain D from doing V. stana, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a station/stop/depot in transport system F. sti, (af) a combining form of stise, stop. sticko, <stop cause> [N‍-‍DV] (3v) N halt/obstruct/stop (up) D from V, nonintentional. po sticko, <stop cause> (n) a spec. stop/obstruction. stimao, <stop make> [K‍-‍DVB] (4v) K halt/stop/obstruct D from, make … stop doing V with B, intentional. stise, [K‍-‍V] (2v) K stop/cease/halt/quit doing V. stise, (i) halt!/stop! w/o; 1st argument, an imperative. po stise, (n) a stop/cessation, an act/event of -ing. stisia, <stop place> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a stop, as for a bus, tram or taxi. taosti, <dispute cease> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K settle/stop/end dispute with D. stop at, siasti, <place stop> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K stop at B. stoppage, tuasti, <work stoppage> [V‍-‍BS] (3n) V is stopping/stoppage of work at B for S. stopped up, sticea, <stop become> [D‍-‍B] (2v) D become obstructed/stopped up with B. stopper, krosticko, <flow stop cause> (n) interrupter/switch (electric)/stopper/plug, that which -s. sticko, <stop cause> (n) a stopper/obstruction/obstacle, something that -s. stopping, tuasti, <work stoppage> [V‍-‍BS] (3n) V is stopping/stoppage of work at B for S. store, sordi, [F‍-‍BD] (3n) F is a store/reserve/deposit/depot of B made/kept by D. sro, (af) a combining form of sordi, store. sromao, <store make> [K‍-‍SP] (3v) K save/reserve/store/conserve/stock S for use/purpose P, intentional. srosea, <store set> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K store B in D. vemsia, <selling place> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a store/shop selling N. store secretly, smisromao, <secret store make> [K‍-‍BP] (3v) K hoard/store secretly B, for use/purpose P. storehouse, srohaa, <deposit house> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a warehouse/storehouse/reservoir/depository/godown of/for stores N. storeroom, srokru, <store room.> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a storeroom/closet storing/containing F. storey, fordybiaspa, <floor between space> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a floor/story/storey of building F, a space between any two of its floors or between its highest floor and its roof. storeys, fordybia, <floor between> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B, a building, is C stories/storeys high, default 1. E.g. Ta fordybia lio toni — That's 20 storeys high, i.e. a 20 storey building. stories, fordybia, <floor between> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B, a building, is C stories/storeys high, default 1. E.g. Ta fordybia lio toni — That's 20 storeys high, i.e. a 20 storey building. stork, cikhonida, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a stork from S. storm, britetcli, <wind weather like> (v) storm, behave stormily. claroi, <loud anger> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K rave/fume/rage/storm at D for V. vantetri, <violent weather> [B‍-‍P] (2n) B is a storm of P. storminess, pu britetcli, <wind weather like> (n) a boisterousness/storminess, a spec. property. stormy, britetcli, <wind weather like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more stormy/boisterous than J. britetri, <wind weather> (a) stormy (of the type specified). cribritetri, <rain wind weather> (a) stormy (of the type specified). critetri, <rain weather> (a) stormy (of the type specified). nicbritetri, <snow wind weather> (a) stormy (of the type specified). nicytetri, <snow weather> (a) stormy (of the type specified). tontetri, <twist weather> (a) stormy (of the type specified). vanbritetri, <violent wind weather> (a) stormy (of the type specified). story, fordybiaspa, <floor between space> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a floor/story/storey of building F, a space between any two of its floors or between its highest floor and its roof. kamkystu, <comic story> [B‍-‍NK] (3n) B a joke/jest/funny story about/concerning N by K. nerjmistu, <first meet story> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the story of F (a set) meeting one another. stu, (af) a combining form of stuci, story. stuci, [P‍-‍VK] (3n) P is a tale/story about V as told/written by K. nu stucue, <story say> (n) a narrative/story/narration, a story, conv. of narrate. story line, studai, <story design> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a plot/story line of F. story teller, stucue, <story say> (n) a story teller/narrator, story teller. stove, kokpae, <cook apparatus> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a stove/range, any heat producing device for cooking. klofagveo, <closed fire container> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a stove/furnace in F. straight, clina, (a) direct/straight/linear, passing directly through … and …. liacli, <line like> (a) straight, straighter than …. straight up and down, vreti, [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is vertical/plumb/upright/erect/straight up and down in gravity field N. straightedge, linbie, <line edge> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a ruler/straightedge, for ruling lines. straighten, linfoamao, <linear form make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K straighten up D with V. linfomcea, <linear form become> [K‍-‍] (1v) K straighten up, intransitive form. straighten up, nitsea, <neat set> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K arrange/fix up/set in order/straighten up B. straighter, liacli, <line like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is straighter/more linear than J. straightforward, taknesta, <talk honest> [B‍-‍DV] (3a) B is frank/open/candid/straightforward with D about V. straightforwardness, lopu taknesta, <talk honest> (n) straightforwardness/frankness/openness/candidness/candor, mass prop. straightness, pu clina, (n) a linearity/straightness, a spec. property. pu liacli, <line like> (n) a straightness, a spec. property. strain, fospoa, <force response> [V‍-‍CN] (3n) V is a strain, the response of a body to a force of magnitude C acting in direction N. minfospoa, <mind force response> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is a mental strain, the response to mental stress V. trupoa, <structure response> [P‍-‍CV] (3n) P is a structural strain, the response of a structure to a force of magnitude C acting in direction V. zvotia, <out choose> (4v) K screen/sift/strain/turn away/out B from set F retaining B(1). strait, mursne, <sea neck> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the strait of F. strange, gur, (af) a combining form of gutra, strange. gutra, [B‍-‍DN] (3a) B is alien/bizarre/mysterious/odd/queer/unusual/strange/weird/curious/peculiar/funny to D in features N. strangeness, lopu gutra, (n) strangeness/mysteriousness, mass term. pu gutra, (n) an oddity/strangeness/weirdness/mysteriousness, a spec. property. stranger, norloi, <non local> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a stranger to N. notgunpeu, <foreign person> [B‍-‍B] (2n) B is a foreigner/alien/stranger to B. zvopeu, <out person> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a person/stranger from outside group F. strangle, snetorpuo, <neck squeeze> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K choke/strangle D. strangled, nu snetorpuo, <neck squeeze> (a) strangled/choked, pertaining to one -ed. strangler, snetorpuo, <neck squeeze> (n) strangler, one who -s. strangling, snetorpuo, <neck squeeze> (a) strangling/choking, that which -s. po snetorpuo, <neck squeeze> (n) an instance of strangling/choking. strategy, kakdai, <act(ion) plan> [P‍-‍SN] (3n) P is the strategy/policy of S with respect to N. stratified, nu totpilno, <thick plane> (a) stratified, consisting of layers. stratum, totpilno, <thick plane> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a stratum/layer/level of relatively homogeneous matter in a stratified whole F, a substance, artifact, or fluid. straw, drastaga, <dry stalk> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a straw of plant S. straw mat, tatmi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a straw mat. strawberry, fragare, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a strawberry from S. stray, ruadru, <way lose> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K stray from V. trecydru, <interest lose> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K stray from V, e.g. His mind strayed. streak, kremra, <ray mark> [P‍-‍BD] (3n) P Is a streak of B on D. stream, cmavri, <small river> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a brook/rivulet/rill/creek/stream, a small river. kroli, (n) a stream/flow/fluid/current, a stream/flow of fluid …. street, trida, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a street/avenue of F. street corner, tridyjao, <street angle> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a street corner/intersection of streets F (collection). streetcar, sictre, <city train> [B‍-‍VF] (3n) B is a tram/streetcar/trolley with route V through city F. strength, pu folguo, <strong taste> (n) strength, a property of flavors. folpru, <strong test> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K test the strength of D. lopu forli, (n) strength/might, mass term of properties. pu forli, (n) a/some strength, a property of being strong. strengthen, folcko, <strong cause> [N‍-‍DV] (4v) N strengthen/fortify D by doing V, non intentional, e.g. a structural component. folmao, <strong make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K strengthen/fortify D by doing V, intentional. stress, clamao, <loud make> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K emphasize/stress B (in intensity). lopu clataksoa, <load talk sound> (n) accent/stress -mass term of props. pu clataksoa, <load talk sound> (n) an accent/stress, a prop. of a spec. speech sound. fizpuo, <physical push> [N‍-‍BCD] (4n) N is the force/stress on B of magnitude C in direction D. jipmao, <important make> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K emphasize/stress (the importance of) V. minfoi, <mental force> [N‍-‍DV] (3n) N is the mental force/stress on D of nature V. pu puacla, <word loud> (n) a stress/emphasis, a spec. property. purclamao, <word loud make> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K emphasize/stress/say forcefully P /say … emphatically. po purclamao, <word loud make> (n) a stress/emphasis, a spec. act of -izing …. trufizfoi, <structure physical force> [C‍-‍BNN] (4n) C is the force/stress on structure B of magnitude N in direction N(1). stressed, clataksoa, <load talk sound> [D‍-‍NVB] (4n) D is stressed in context N at level V in language B. clataksoa, <load talk sound> (a) stressed/accented, when … at … in …. puacla, <word loud> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is stressed/emphasized/emphatic relative to N. stretch, tec, (af) a combining form of tetcu, stretch. tecmao, <stretch make> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K extend/stretch D on/over/between B, collective. po nu tecmao, <stretch make> (n) a stretch/extension, state of having been -ed. tetcu, [B‍-‍DS] (3v) B stretch/extend to length D from length S. teu, (af) a combining form of tetcu, stretch. stretch the arms, barteu, <arm stretch> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K stretch the arms/reach toward/for D. stretch the wings, tcelyteu, <wing stretch> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K stretch the wings for D. stretchable, nu tecmao, <stretch make> (a) stretchable/extendable, capable of being stretched. tetcu, (a) extendable/stretchable/stretchy, stretchable. stretchy, tetcu, (a) extendable/stretchable/stretchy, stretchable. strew, kubpetri, <wide distrIbute> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K scatter/strew/disperse D over N. strewer, kubpetri, <wide distrIbute> (n) a scatterer/strewer/disperser, that which/one who -s. strewn, nu kubpetri, <wide distrIbute> (a) scatterable/scattered/strewn/dispersed, conv. of disperse. stride, lagbue, <long step> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K stride over/across B. po lagbue, <long step> (n) a striding/stride, an act/process of -ing. strider, lagbue, <long step> (n) a strider, one who walks with long steps. striding, po lagbue, <long step> (n) a striding/stride, an act/process of -ing. strike, bloda, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K hit/strike D with V. fadreo, <end throw> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K hit/strike (with missile) target B at point V. grutuasti, <group work stop> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K strike against employer/company D for reasons/grievances S. strike out, zvosea, <out put> [K‍-‍BS] (3v) K strike out/edit/eliminate B from S, as of words from a manuscript. striker, bloda, (n) a hitter/striker, one who -s. grutuasti, <group work stop> (n) a striker, one participating in a —. striking, saeblo, <sense hitting> [B‍-‍] (1) B is striking, astonishing/surprising the senses. string, korce, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a piece/length of line/cord/rope/twine/string. korce, (a) string/twine/cord, made of —. korce, (n) a rope/string/twine/cordage, mass term. stringiness, pu koecli, <cord like> (n) a stringiness, a specific property. stringy, koecli, <cord like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is (more) stringy (than J is). strip, biltoa, <beauty take> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K strip/deprive D of beauty by V. fanrespli, <reverse dress use> (v) strip/doff/disrobe/undress, take off clothing. jarkla, <narrow cloth> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a band/strip (of cloth). lagpiu, <long piece> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a strip of F. lifclemao, <leaves without make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K strip the leaves from D. refclemao, <naked make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K undress/strip D, remove the clothes of …, intentional. skapytoa, <skin take> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K skin/flay/strip, remove the skin/outer layer of B. stripe, pinkremra, <paint ray mark> [B‍-‍SD] (3n) B is a stripe of S on D. strive, mucrai, <very try> [K‍-‍VP] (3v) K try hard/strive to do V by effort P. naunrai, <continue try> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K strive to do/be P. striver, naunrai, <continue try> (n) a striver, one who -s. striving, po naunrai, <continue try> (a) a striving, a spec. act of -ing. stroke, po bloda, (n) a blow/hit/stroke, an act of striking. clutco, <love touch> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K caress/stroke/pet D. po clutco, <love touch> (n) a caress/stroke, an act of -ing. samkeo, <same time> (ph) at one stroke/blow, simultaneously. stroll, sladzo, <slowly walk> [K‍-‍DSV] (4v) K stroll to D from S via V. strong, cpufro, <pull strong> [K‍-‍DN] (3a) K is strong at pulling D against resistance N. fiafro, <fear strong> [K‍-‍V] (2a) K is strong from fear stimulus V. fol, (af) a combining form of forli, strong. forli, (a) strong, stronger than … by …. fro, (af) a combining form of forli, strong. jelfro, <healthily strong> [B‍-‍P] (2a) B is healthy/hale/fit/sound/healthily strong enough for task P. strong willed, disfro, <decide strong> [K‍-‍VN] (3a) K is strong willed about V in circumstances N. stronger, folguo, <strong taste> [G‍-‍JK] (3a) G has a stronger taste/flavour than J to K. forli, [G‍-‍JC] (3a) G is stronger than J by C. stronghold, folhaa, <strong house> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a fort/castle/citadel/stronghold of F. strongly, forli, (av) strongly, in a strong manner. strongroom, folkru, <strong room> [D‍-‍B] (2n) D is a vault/safe/strongroom for B. strontium, strontio, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some strontium, element 38 (Sr). structural, truke, (a) structural, pert. to load bearing parts. structure, nurbai, <conv. of build> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a building/edifice/structure, any built thing. tru, (af) a combining form of truke, structure. trudou, <structure give> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K structure, give a structure to D by doing V. truke, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the structure, load bearing portion of F. (e.g. the chassis of a vehicle). lo truke, (n) structure, mass term. structure word, cmapua, <small word> (4n) B is a structure word of grammar class F with meaning/function X in Loglan family language S. structure word class, nurcmapua, (3v) X is the structure word class of structure word Y in language Z. structured, nu truke, (a) structured, having a structure. struggle, poirkamda, <power fight> [K‍-‍KD] (3v) K struggle with K for power over D. stofaukamda, <remain trouble fight> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K struggle/battle against N (a persistent/stronger enemy/trouble). stokamda, <lasting fight> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K struggle, fight a long time with D over issue N. lopo stokamda, <lasting fight> (n) struggle, mass term of events. po stokamda, <lasting fight> (n) a struggle, a spec. event/process of -ing. strung, kocdjicea, <cord join become> [B‍-‍] (1n) B (collection) become linked/joined/strung together. stubborn, dazpozfa, <desirer oppose> [D‍-‍N] (2a) D is obstinate/wilful/stubborn in matter N. durpozfa, <do oppose> (a) resisting/stubborn, of that which/one who -s doing …. stubborness, lopu dazpozfa, <desirer oppose> (n) obstinacy/stubborness/wilfulness, mass property. stubbornness, po durpozfa, <do oppose> (n) an act of resistance/stubbornness (of … in manner …). stuck, na gomni, (ph) stuck, now sticking/adhering to …. stud, hormo, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a stallion/stud/gelding, any male horse. mrebii, <man attractive> (n) a stud (slang)/handsome person. student, fomcia, <formal learn> (n) a student, one who learns formally. furdia, <conv. of teach> [K‍-‍BV] (3n) K is a student/pupil of teacher B in subject V. stude, [B‍-‍VN] (3n) B is a student/scholar in course of study V at college/university N. studious, cirdaa, <learn desire> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is studious. study, fomcia, <formal learn> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K study (about) D in/from sources S. lopo fomcia, <formal learn> (n) study, mass term of acts. lopo fomcia, <formal learn> (n) study, mass term of acts. po fomcia, <formal learn> (n) a study, an act of -ing. stuff, nu canli, (n) is a/the stuff/material/supply from which …, a measured quantity, is taken. ctifu, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is some matter/substance/stuff/material, any instance of a physical material. jitflomao, <tightly full make> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K pack/stuff/fill D tightly with B. jitsea, <tight(ly)set> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K pack/stuff, put tightly D into B. stuffed, flocko, <filled cause> (n) filling/stuffing, something that causes something else to be stuffed/filled up/completely full. nu flocko, <filled cause> (a) stuffed/completely filled with …. stuffiness, pu seljio, <self important> (n) a stuffiness, a spec. property. stuffing, flocko, <filled cause> (n) filling/stuffing, something that causes something else to be stuffed/filled up/completely full. stuffy, seljio, <self important> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is vain/arrogant/egotistical/stuffy/self important. stumble, feldzo, <fall walk> [K‍-‍] (1v) K stagger/stumble (with difficult to remain upright). stump, stotrigiu, <remain tree root> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a stump. stunned, nu normuocko, <not move(fixed) cause> (a) fixed, immobilized/stunned, conv. of fix. stunt, norkalylivcko, <not complete organism cause> [N‍-‍DV] (3v) N cripple/handicap/stunt/disable/lame D by V, by external condition. norkalylivmao, <not complete organism make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K cripple/handicap/stunt/disable/lame D by V, a deliberate act. stunted, norkalylivcea, <not complete organism become> [B‍-‍V] (2v) B become crippled/handicapped/stunted/disabled/lamed by V, by internal cause. stunting, norkalylivcko, <not complete organism cause> (a) crippling/handicapping/disabling/stunting/laming, pertaining to something that -s. norkalylivmao, <not complete organism make> (a) crippling/handicapping/disabling/stunting/laming, pertaining to someone that -s. stupid, ciasla, <learn slowly.> [B‍-‍P] (2a) B is dull/stupid/slow at task P. minfiu, <mind impaired> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is idiotic/stupid/imbecile/mentally deficient. mrebuo, <man foolish> [K‍-‍] (1a) K is stupid. pensla, <think slowly.> [B‍-‍] (1) B is dull/stupid/slow. stupidity, lopu ciasla, <learn slowly.> (n) dullness/stupidity, mass quality. sturdiness, lopu foldje, <strong healthy> (n) hardiness/sturdiness/vigour, mass property. sturdy, foldje, <strong healthy> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is (more) hardy/rugged/sturdy/vigourous (than …) J. style, bilfoa, <beautiful form> [N‍-‍K] (2n) N is a style of (person/object) K. lopu bilfoa, <beautiful form> (n) style, mass property. bivfoa, <behavior pattern> [N‍-‍KV] (3n) N is a conduct/manner/fashion/style/mode, way of behaving of K under V. dunfoa, <adornment pattern> [N‍-‍B] (2n) N is a fashion/style/mode of (clothing/adornment) B. duo, (pp) in manner/mode/style, a relative operator before terms (PA). herkeu, <hair care> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K dress/style/cut the hair of D in style V. styling, herdua, <hair ornament> [V‍-‍D] (2n) V is the dressing/styling/cut of D's hair. sub, -ci ci, (af) sub as in 'x sub 1', generates subscripted variables. subcutaneous, hiphodermi, [V‍-‍] (1) V is hypodermic/subcutaneous, under the skin. subdue, nilcypuo, <under push> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K overcome/overpower/overwhelm/subdue/quell D. subgroup, paigru, <part group> [N‍-‍BF] (3n) N is a party/faction/subgroup including members B of group F. subject, blispe, <possible experience> [D‍-‍VN] (3a) D is subject/liable to V under conditions N. dakbiu, <likely behaviour> [K‍-‍VN] (3v) K tend/be disposed/subject/liable to behavior V in situation N. nu dislu, (n) a topic/subject/theme, of a discussion, conv. form. nu ditca, (n) a subject, of instruction, conv. of teach. djasio, <knowledge system> [N‍-‍] (1n) N is a discipline/subject, knowledge system. nu fosgai, <force rule> (n) a subject, of subjugation, conv. form. nu garni, (n) a subject, of a ruler, conv. of rule. nu kenti, (n) a/the subject, of a question, conv. form. nurpeo, <1st conv. of think, thinkable> [B‍-‍K] (2n) B is a topic/subject for thought to K. nu penso, (n) a subject, of a thought, conv. form. spemao, <experience make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K cause/subject D to experience V, intentional. nu spemao, <experience make> (n) a subject, one subjected to an experience. subjection, po nu fosgai, <force rule> (n) a subjection, state of being -jugated. subjugate, fosgai, <force rule> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K subjugate/impose rule on D. suvfoi, <serve force> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K enslave/subjugate D by V. subjugation, po fosgai, <force rule> (n) an imposition/subjugation, of rule, a spec. act. fu suvfoi, <serve force> (n) an act of subjugation, an act by which one humiliates another. po suvfoi, <serve force> (n) a state or event of enslavement/subjugation (of … by doing …). subjunctive, minsia, <mind place> (a) subjunctive, in the subjective or "mental place" sense. subjunctive cause, nu minsia, <mind place> (n) a subjunctive cause, a cause in a — world. subjunctive effect, fu minsia, <mind place> (n) a subjunctive effect, an effect in a — world. subjunctive thinker, ju minsia, <mind place> (n) a subjunctive thinker, a creator of a — world. submachinegun, cmamackukreo, <small machine gun(fast thrower)> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a submachinegun. submission, po kalseldou, <completely self give> (n) abandon/submission/surrender to (cause) …. lopo norgaucue, <lose say> (n) submission, mass term of acts. po norgaucue, <lose say> (n) a surrender/submission, an act of yielding. lopo nurgarti, <1st converse of grateful> (n) submission, mass term of acts. lopo nurgartoi, <governed agree> (n) submission, mass term of acts. po nurgartoi, <governed agree> (n) a submission, an act of -ing to rule. submit, kalseldou, <completely self give> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K abandon oneself/submit, give oneself completely to P. norgaucue, <lose say> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K yield/surrender/submit to D, accept defeat from …. nurgartoi, <governed agree> [D‍-‍K] (2v) D submit to the rule/government of K. submit self, selspevei, <self experience letci> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K submit self/experience/surrender self (to) D. subroutine, pogpai, <program part> [V‍-‍FP] (3n) V is a function/subroutine/module of program F with function P. subscriber, pasfurvea, <before-buyer> (n) a subscriber of/to …. subscribers, lo pasfurvea, <before-buyer> (n) subscribers of/to periodicals, mass term. lo pasfurvea je da, <before-buyer> (n) the subscribers of/to X, partial mass term. subscribes, pasfurvea, <before-buyer> [K‍-‍BVC] (4v) K subscribes to periodical B for interval V by paying price C. subscript, damlea, <down letter> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a subscript, a subscripted letter. damleasri, <low letter write> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K subscript(s) text B in/on D. subscripted, damlea, <down letter> (a) subscripted. subscription, lopo pasfurvea, <before-buyer> (n) subscription, the mass of such events. V (K BVC). po pasfurvea, <before-buyer> (n) a subscription by … to …. E.g. Lepo mi … da ga meisto ne nirne. — My subscription to X lasts one year. V (K-BVC). subsequent, fucgoi, <later go> (a) following/subsequent, of that which follows later. lisfui, <list after> (a) following/subsequent. subsequently, fucgoi, <later go> (av) subsequently, in a following way. subset of, setpai, <set part> [F‍-‍] (1n) J is included in/a subset of (set) F. E.g. mice are included among the rodents. subside, pracmacea, <process small become> [V‍-‍] (1v) V abate/wane/subside/diminish in intensity/frequency. subsiding, po pracmacea, <process small become> (n) a subsiding, a state of -ing intensity. subsidize, cmehea, <money help> [K‍-‍BVC] (4v) K underwrite/subsidize B in undertaking V with amount C. subsidy, ju cmehea, <money help> (n) C is a subsidy/contribution/investment. substance, ctifu, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is some matter/substance/stuff/material, any instance of a physical material. lo ctifu, (n) matter/substance, mass term of instances. substantial, ctifu, (a) material/substantial, of substance. substantiality, po ctifu, (n) substantiality, a state of being -ial. substantiate, ctidou, <stuff give> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K substantiate/give substance to D. substantiation, po ctidou, <stuff give> (n) a substantiation. substitute, noipli, <other use> [K‍-‍BP] (3v) K substitute/replace/use replacement B for P. nu noipli, <other use> (n) a substitute/replacement, a substitute, conv. form. sifsea, <place put> [K‍-‍SP] (3v) K replace/substitute S with P, puts … in the place of …. fu sifsea, <place put> (n) a replacement/substitute, that which -es, conv. form. fu sifsea, <place put> (vt) replace/substitute …, of replacements, conv. form. substituted, nu sifsea, <place put> (a) replaced/substituted, of that which is -ed. substitution, po noipli, <other use> (n) a substitution, an act/event of -ing. po sifsea, <place put> (n) a replacement/substitution, an act of -ing. substrate, furgiu, <substrate(of roots)> [F‍-‍B] (2v) F is the substrate/parent of B. fu ginru, (n) a/the substrate, locale of the roots. roacti, <grow stuff> [S‍-‍P] (2n) S is a culture/medium/substrate for growing P. subterranean, nendeu, <in dirt> [N‍-‍] (1n) N is underground/subterranean. subtle, dilko, [B‍-‍DN] (3a) B is delicate/subtle/pleasing to D in quality N. subtlety, po dilko, (n) an instance of delicacy/subtlety, a — behaviour. subtract, negsumdui, <negative sum discover> [K‍-‍BFC] (4v) K subtract B from F getting difference C. subtracted, fu negsumji, <negative sum> (v) subtracted from … is …, a diff., q.v. subtraction, lopo negsumdui, <negative sum discover> (n) subtraction, mass term of acts. po negsumdui, <negative sum discover> (n) a subtraction, a spec. act of -ing. po negsumji, <negative sum> (n) a subtraction, a spec. instance of …. subtrahend, fu negsumji, <negative sum> (n) a subtrahend, in a subtraction, q.v. subway, nendertre, <in dirt train> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a subway/metro/underground train of F. succeed, fucduo, <future do> (3v) K follow/succeed D in task/job/office V. fucgoi, <later go> [K‍-‍BDS] (4v) K follow/succeed/go later than B to D from S. futci, (v) follow/succeed/come after, follow … in time. neapri, <next behind> [V‍-‍BF] (3v) V succeed/just follow B in series F. sku, (af) a combining form of suksi, succeed. succeed in, suksi, [K‍-‍PV] (3v) K achieve/reach/be successful in/succeed in doing/reaching P by effort V. succeeding, neapri, <next behind> (a) succeeding/successive/next/following, immediately -ing. success, po suksi, (n) a success/achievement, a spec. act/event of -ing,. successful, skuflo, <success full> [B‍-‍] (1) B is successful, as "a successful man" as distinct from a specific success. suksi, (a) successful, of one who/that which -s,. successful in, suksi, [K‍-‍PV] (3v) K achieve/reach/be successful in/succeed in doing/reaching P by effort V. successfulness, pu suksi, (n) a successfulness, a spec. property,. succession, po ckelispri, <time list behind> (n) a (specific) succession of events …. po futci, (n) a succession, an act of succeeding. po neapri, <next behind> (n) a succession, an act of just following. successive, neapri, <next behind> (a) succeeding/successive/next/following, immediately -ing. successor, fucduo, <future do> [K‍-‍DV] (3n) the successor of … in (job) …. fucgoi, <later go> (n) a follower/successor, one who/that which follows. futci, (n) a/the successor/sequel, of some earlier event …. lisyneafui, <list after> (n) the successor. succumb, pozysti, <oppose stop> [D‍-‍B] (2v) D succumb/sink under burden B. such, raba tcucli, (a) any such/one such/such, any … as previously described. suck, makcpu, <mouth pull> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K suck D, pull with the mouth at/on …. po makcpu, <mouth pull> (n) a suck, an act of -ing. sucrose, sukrrosi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some sucrose, cane or beet sugar. sudden, nursudna, <conv. of sudden> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more gradual/less sudden than J. sudna, [V‍-‍D] (2a) V is sudden/abrupt to D. suddenly, sudna, (av) suddenly, in a sudden/abrupt way. suddenness, pu sudna, (n) a suddenness/abruptness, a spec. property. sue, liltakma, <legal attack> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K sue/bring suit against D for V. suffer, nu zaocko, <bad cause> (v) sustain/suffer harm, from …, conv. of—. suffer from, punspe, <pain experience> [D‍-‍NS] (3v) D suffer from/feel pain in N for S. sufferer, punspe, <pain experience> (n) a sufferer, one who suffers from …. suffering, lopo punspe, <pain experience> (n) suffering, mass state. suffice, tsufi, [S‍-‍P] (2v) S suffice/are enough for purpose P. sufficient, ru, (a) enough/a sufficient/ample/adequate number of set …, a quantifying operator. tsu, (af) a combining form of tsufi, sufficient. tsufi, (a) sufficient/ample, of that which suffices for …. tsumue, <sufficient much> [B‍-‍PN] (3v) B is so/sufficient (in some property) that (result) P in circumstances N. sufficient fraction, piru, (a) enough/a sufficient fraction of some indiv'l or whole, quantif'r. suffocate, ruerliu, <breath restrain> [K‍-‍D] (2vt) K suffocate/stifle D. suffocated, nu ruerliu, <breath restrain> (a) suffocated/choked, pertaining to one -ed. suffocating, ruerliu, <breath restrain> (a) suffocating/choking, that which -s. po ruerliu, <breath restrain> (n) an instance of suffocating/choking. suffrage, lopu poltia, <political choose> (n) a/the suffrage. sugar, sakta, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a piece/portion of sugar. sakta, (a) sugar, made of sugar. sukrrosi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some sucrose, cane or beet sugar. sugary, sliti, (a) sweet/sugary, i.e. sweeter than …. suggest, no ea, (i) I don't suggest, I'm not suggesting, a denial of implied intent. sag, (af) a combining form of sange, suggest. sange, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K suggest/propose action D to V. suggest that, ea, (i) let's/I suggest that/shall we …, a suggestion/request for cooperation. suggestibility, pu fu sange, (n) a suggestibility, a spec. property. suggestion, nu sange, (n) a suggestion/proposal/proposition, a proposed act. po sange, (n) a suggestion/proposal/proposition, a spec. act of -ing. suggestive, sange, (a) suggestive, of that which/one who -s. suit, fomsao, <form same> [B‍-‍N] (2v) B fit/suit/match/adapt N. hamsei, <harmony set> [F‍-‍PB] (3n) F is a matching collection/ensemble/suit/suite/set of use type P composed of items B. po liltakma, <legal attack> (n) a suit/lawsuit, act of suing. reshamsei, <clothes harmonious set> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a suit of clothing composed of parts B. suitable, fomsao, <form same> (a) fitting/matching/suitable/adaptable, matching in form. suitcase, racbao, <traveler box> [B‍-‍K] (2n) B is a suitcase of traveler K. racveo, <travel container> [B‍-‍K] (2n) B is a/some baggage/luggage/bag/suitcase of traveler K. suite, hamsei, <harmony set> [F‍-‍PB] (3n) F is a matching collection/ensemble/suit/suite/set of use type P composed of items B. krusei, <room set> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a suite (of rooms) in building F. sujunctive world, minsia, <mind place> (n) is a sujunctive world, one created by a — thinker. sulfanilamide, sulfanilamidi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some sulfanilamide, a therapeutic drug. sulfur, sulfo, [B‍-‍] (2n) B is some sulfur/sulphur, element 16. sullen, raknurfasli, <dark faced> [V‍-‍] (1) V is sullen/gloomy/dour. sulphur, sulfo, [B‍-‍] (2n) B is some sulfur/sulphur, element 16. sultan, bragai, <born rule> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the king/queen/monarch/emperor/empress/sultan of F. sum, coa, (av) in short/sum/brief. sum, (af) a combining form of sumji, sum. sumdui, <sum discover> [K‍-‍PS] (3v) K obtains sum/sums P from (pl. set) S. nu sumdui, <sum discover> (n) a sum, answer to a spec. problem. sumji, [F‍-‍CC] (3v) F is the sum/total/gross of C increased by C. sum up, corgencue, <short again say> [K‍-‍VND] (4v) K sum up/summarize/recapitulate/abstract V by saying N to D. summarily, coa, (av) briefly/concisely/summarily/summing up/by way of summary, a discourse operator (UI). summarization, lopo corgencue, <short again say> (n) summarization, mass term. po corgencue, <short again say> (n) a summarization, an act of -ing. summarize, corgencue, <short again say> [K‍-‍VND] (4v) K sum up/summarize/recapitulate/abstract V by saying N to D. summary, fu corgencue, <short again say> (n) a recapitulation/resume/summary, a short account of …. kumkai, <common quality> [P‍-‍S] (2n) P is an abstract/summary/resume of S. summer, cim, (af) a combining form of cimra, summer. cimra, [B‍-‍C] (2n) B is the summer season of year C. lo cimra, (n) summer (time), mass term. cimsto, <summer stay> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K summer(s), spend the summer at B. summeriness, pu cimcli, <summer like> (n) a summeriness, a spec. property. summerlike, cimcli, <summer like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more summery/summerlike than J. summery, cimcli, <summer like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more summery/summerlike than J. summing up, coa, (av) briefly/concisely/summarily/summing up/by way of summary, a discourse operator (UI). summit, ganpea, <high point> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the peak/summit/apex/height/high point of F. ganrorpai, <high part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the top/peak/summit of F. summon, frekra, <front call> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K summon/call forth/up D. kambeo, <come ask> [K‍-‍BDS] (4v) K recall/call back/summon B to D from S. A polite form of kamkoi q.v. kamkoi, <come order> [K‍-‍BDS] (4v) K recall/call back/summon B to D from S. kamkra, <come cry> [K‍-‍BDS] (4v) K summon B to D from S. neikra, <in call> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K call in/invoke/call upon/summon B to do V. summoner, frekra, <front call> (n) a summoner, one who -s. summons, po frekra, <front call> (n) a summons/call, summons, an act of -ing up. po kamkra, <come cry> (n) a summons, an call to come. neikra, <in call> (n) call/summons/invocation, an act of -ing. sumptuous, mutkusti, <very costly> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is sumptuous/lavish. sun, nu telfoa, <earth form> (n) a sun, a star with planets, q.v., conv. sunbathe, solbanci, <sun bathe> [K‍-‍] (1v) K sunbathe. sunbeam, solkre, <sun ray> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a sunbeam, a ray from (Earth's) sun. sunburn, solcaocea, <sun burn become> [K‍-‍] (1v) K sunburn. sunlight, solylitla, <sun light> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some sunlight. sunny, solflo, <sun full> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is sunny. sunrise, delsatci, <day start> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is a dawn/sunrise. sunset, delfao, <day end> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is a/the sunset. suntan, solrakcea, <sun dark become> [K‍-‍] (1v) K suntan, tan in the sun. suntanned, soldraka, <sun dark> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is suntanned. sup on, natmiatci, <supper eat> [K‍-‍F] (2v) K dine/sup on, eats an evening meal of food(s) F. supercomputer, masykomta, <maximum computer> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a supercomputer. superconductor, nornurliulekykro, <unrestrained electric flow> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a superconductor. superficial, zvotorspa, <outer two space> (a) superficial, pert. to surfaces. superficiality, pu zvotorspa, <outer two space> (n) a superficiality. superfluous, banynerbi, <beyond necessity> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is superfluous/excessive, beyond requirements. superintend, tuatro, <work control> (2v) K superintend work V. superintendent, nurbackeu, <building care> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a porter/concierge/superintendent of F. tuatro, <work control> [K‍-‍V] (2n) the superintendent of …. turcefli, <work chief> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the boss/director/manager/superintendent of F, person in charge of a work group. superior, kojgaa, <command higher than> [G‍-‍JF] (3a) G is superior to J in organizational structure F. kojgaa, <command higher than> (n) a superior, one who is —. mucgudbi, <very good> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is excellent/admirable/supreme/superior, extremely good in quality N. numgaa, <numerically higher than> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is superior numerically to J. socgaa, <socially higher than> [G‍-‍JN] (3a) G is superior to J in social system/hierarchy N. superior to, ganta, [G‍-‍JCN] (4a) G is higher than/superior to J by C in gravity field N. gudbi, [G‍-‍JP] (3a) G is better than/superior to J for purpose P. poimro, <power more> [G‍-‍JF] (3a) G is superior to/more powerful than J in group F. superiority, lopu mucgudbi, <very good> (n) excellence/superiority, mass prop. po mucgudbi, <very good> (n) a superiority, a state of excellence,. supernatural, banynurdja, <beyond the known> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is magical/supernatural/miraculous. lopo banynurdja, <beyond the known> (n) the supernatural, mass of supernatural events. narzvo, <nature outside> [V‍-‍D] (2a) V is supernatural/miraculous/magical/wondrous/wonderful/mystical to D. lo narzvo, <nature outside> (n) magic/(the) supernatural, mass term, supernatural. no natra, (a) supernatural, neg. of natural, q.v. zvodanri, <outside ordinary> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is extraordinary/magical/supernatural/miraculous. supernova, suphernovi, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a supernova of galaxy F. superscript, ganlea, <high letter> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a superscript, a superscripted letter. ganleasri, <high letter write> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K superscript(s) text B in/on D. superscripted, ganlea, <high letter> (a) superscripted. supersede, siftoa, <place take> [P‍-‍SF] (3v) P replace/supersede/take the place of S in F. superset, fu lodsei, <logic set> (n) a superset specifying the defining property of the members … of some set. fu pebsei, <special set> (n) a superset specifying the defining property of the members … of some set. nu petrysei, <share set> (n) a superset of a set corresponding to a multiple. nu snisei, <proximal set> (n) a/the superset of some cluster …. superstitious, bufsensi, <opposite science> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is opposite in quality from science/is superstitious. supervise, turkatca, <work watch> [K‍-‍PD] (3v) K supervise/be in charge of work P for D. supervising, turkatca, <work watch> (a) supervising, pertaining to -ion. supervision, lopo turkatca, <work watch> (n) supervision, mass term. supervisor, turkatca, <work watch> (n) supervisor, one in charge of work. supper, natmia, <night meal> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a supper/dinner/evening meal of food(s) F, any evening meal. supplier, kusvea, <customarily sell> (n) a supplier of … to … for …. srodou, <stores give> (n) a supplier, one who provides … with …. supplies, nornurvemsei, <not sold set> [C‍-‍F] (2n) C is an/the inventory/stock/supplies of F. supply, nu canli, (n) is a/the stuff/material/supply from which …, a measured quantity, is taken. kusvea, <customarily sell> [K‍-‍BDC] (4v) K supply B to D for price C. nurtifsei, <offered set> [B‍-‍FN] (3n) B is a/the supply of F corresponding to demand N. srodou, <stores give> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K supply/furnish/provide D with B. support, djupo, [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K support D with/by providing N. djupo, (n) a support/supporter, a supporting thing/person. fu djupo, (n) means of support. po djupo, (n) a support, an event/process of -ing. fanjuo, <reverse support> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K cannot support/bear/endure/tolerate D in circumstance N. fraclijuo, <father like supporter> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K protect/support D in situation N. jup, (af) a combining form of djupo, support. veirjuo, <happen support> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K promote/further/foster/sponsor/support B by action V. po veirjuo, <happen support> (n) furtherance/promotion/support, an act of fostering. juo, (af) a combining form of djupo, support. supporter, djupo, (n) a support/supporter, a supporting thing/person. polprusa, <political approver> (n) a supporter, political. suppose, canjui, <chance opined> [K‍-‍VN] (3v) K guess/suppose V about N. eu, (i) (let us) suppose/(as) if/imagine …, sign of supposition/subjunctive mood. no eu, (i) I don't suppose/I don't imagine, denial of supposition. tcutrapeo, <picture true thought> [K‍-‍VN] (3v) K assume/suppose/imagine V to be true of N. supposed, nu tcutrapeo, <picture true thought> (a) supposed/so called. supposition, eu, (i) on the supposition that … <, sign of supposition/subjunctive mood>. nu tcutrapeo, <picture true thought> (n) an assumption/supposition, an imagined truth. po tcutrapeo, <picture true thought> (n) an act of assumption/supposition. suppress, foircmamao, <forcefully reduce> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K suppress/put down/diminish D by force V. suppressed, nornurvalda, <undeveloped> [B‍-‍N] (2v) B is suppressed/undeveloped in N. suppression, lopo foircmamao, <forcefully reduce> (n) suppression, mass term of acts. po foircmamao, <forcefully reduce> (n) a suppression, a spec. act of -ing. supremacy, lopu mucpoi, <much power> (n) supremacy, mass prop. pu muespu, <very skilled> (n) an excellence/supremacy, a spec. property. supreme, mucgudbi, <very good> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is excellent/admirable/supreme/superior, extremely good in quality N. mucpoi, <much power> (a) supreme, -ly powerful in …. muespu, <very skilled> [K‍-‍P] (2a) K is supreme/peerless/excellent/extremely skillful at doing P. supreme court, rari djugru, <judging group> (ph) a/the supreme court of …. rari djugru, (ph) the supreme court of state/nation …. sure, foldja, <strongly know> [K‍-‍B] (2a) K is sure/certain/definite/convinced/positive of the truth of sentence B. noia, (i) I'm not sure/certain, an denial of conviction. sircea, <sure become> (v) make sure/make sure that …. sirfio, <certain feel> [K‍-‍V] (2a) K is sure/certain/definite/convinced/positive of/about the existence of state/event/the truth of claim/sentence V. sirto, [V‍-‍NS] (3a) state/event V is sure/certain to be/happen/has a probability of 1.0 of being/happening under conditions N given knowledge system S. sure of, selsirmao, <self certain make> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K ascertain/find out/make sure of/assure oneself of N. surely, ia, (i) yes/certainly/indeed/of course/surely/ …, expression of conviction. sureness, pu foldja, <strongly know> (n) a conviction/sureness, certainty, a property. pu sirfio, <certain feel> (n) a conviction/sureness, certainty, a property. surface, gantorspa, <high surface> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the top/upper surface of F. limtorspa, <limit(ed) two space> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a tract/two dimensional surface of definite boundaries. spali, [B‍-‍FN] (3n) B is a side/surface of object F bounded by edges N. torspa, <two space> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the area/surface of F. zvotorspa, <outer two space> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the surface, the outer area of F. surgeon, kiuklu, <medically cut> (n) a surgeon, one who operates. surgery, kiuklu, <medically cut> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K operate/perform surgery on D for N. lopo kiuklu, <medically cut> (n) surgery, mass term of acts. po kiuklu, <medically cut> (n) an operation/surgery, an event of -ing medically. surgical, kiuklu, <medically cut> (a) surgical, pert. to surgery. surmise, cankri, <chance believe> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K guess/surmise/have hunch B about V. nu cankri, <chance believe> (n) a guess/surmise/hunch, the — itself. po cankri, <chance believe> (1n) a guess/surmise, an act of -ing. surmount, nausku, <difficult succeed> [K‍-‍NP] (3v) K surmount/overcome (adversities/opposition) N to do/achieve P. surmountable, nu nausku, <difficult succeed> (a) surmountable, of things that can be -ed. surpass, bangoi, <beyond go> [G‍-‍JD] (3v) G surpass/pass/go past/overtake J doing/going to D. spumou, <skilled more> (v) excel/surpass … at …. surpassed, nu bangoi, <beyond go> (a) passed/surpassed/overtaken, conv. of overtake/surpass. surprise, stari, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K surprise D by being/doing V. po stari, (n) a surprise, an event of -ing. po nu stari, (n) a surprise, an event of being -ed. staryvalmao, <surprise jump make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K startle/surprise D by action V. surprised, no ue, (i) I'm not surprised that …, expression of an expected result. nu stari, (a) surprised, conv. of surprise. surprising, stari, (a) surprising, of that which -s. ue, (i) how interesting/surprising that …, exp./exclamation of surprise. surprisingly, tau, (h) even, surprisingly, unexpectedly (UI), a discursive. surrender, fanklipu, <reverse keep> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K deliver/surrender/return B to D. po fanklipu, <reverse keep> (n) an instance of delivery/surrender(of … to …). po kalseldou, <completely self give> (n) abandon/submission/surrender to (cause) …. norgaucue, <lose say> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K yield/surrender/submit to D, accept defeat from …. po norgaucue, <lose say> (n) a surrender/submission, an act of yielding. surrender self, selspevei, <self experience letci> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K submit self/experience/surrender self (to) D. surround, frama, [B‍-‍FN] (3n) B is a/the frame/protective surround of F in environment N. (figuratively, a context). radsea, <around set> [B‍-‍D] (2) B surround/encircle D. rinduo, <ring do> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K surround/gird/ring/band/encircle D with V. rinsni, <ring near> [B‍-‍D] (2v) B surround/are all around D. surrounded, nu rinduo, <ring do> (a) surrounded, that which is encircled. surrounding, fu rinduo, <ring do> (a) surrounding, of that which -s. survey, kubyble, <wide look> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K survey B - as in "I am monarch of all I survey" po kubyble, <wide look> (n) a survey, a wide ranging look at …. lanmei, <land measure> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K survey (area/tract) D. po lanmei, <land measure> (n) a survey of …. snible, <near look> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K examine/inspect/scrutinize/survey/observe closely/look closely at D for quality B. po snible, <near look> (n) an inspection/survey/observation/examination/scrutiny, an act of inspecting. surveyor, lanmei, <land measure> (n) surveyor (of …), one who -s. survive, stolii, <stay live> [K‍-‍NV] (3v) K survive N by V. suspect, sus, (af) a combining form of suske, suspect. suske, [B‍-‍KV] (3v) B suspect/have a presentiment that K did/intends act V. fu suske, (a) suspect, of an act/intention. nu suske, (n) a suspect, one who is -ed. veikri, <happen believe> [K‍-‍DVN] (4v) K suspect D of V in situation N. suspend, parfaomao, <part end> [K‍-‍VC] (3v) K adjourn/suspend proceeding V until C. pedmao, <hang make> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K hang/suspend B from D. suspended, nu parfaomao, <part end> (a) suspended/adjourned, of partly ended proceedings. pedcea, <hang become> [D‍-‍N] (2v) D is/are suspended from N. suspender, hozdyjuo, <socks support> [B‍-‍K] (2n) B is a garter/suspender (U.K.). suspenders, pantyjuo, <pants support> [B‍-‍K] (2n) B is a pair of suspenders/braces (U.K.). suspension, po nu parfaomao, <part end> (n) a suspension/adjournment, a state of being -ed. po pedcea, <hang become> (n) an instance of suspension, being suspended from …. po pedmao, <hang make> (n) a suspension, an act of -ing. nu pendi, (a) suspension, as in a suspension bridge. suspicious, susflo, <suspicion full> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is suspicious, of one who suspects much. suske, (a) is suspicious (of … re …). sustain, nu zaocko, <bad cause> (v) sustain/suffer harm, from …, conv. of—. swallow, hirndi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a swallow, a bird of spp. Hirundo. snalo, [K‍-‍B] (2v) K swallow B. swallow tanager, lao Tersina viridis, (na) a swallow tanager. swamp, cetlai, <wet land> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a marsh/swamp of landmass F. swan, cignu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a swan, a bird of spp. Cygnus. swarm, muogru, <moving group> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a herd/flock/drove/swarm/school of B (any moving group of animals). sway, dutmao, <doubt make> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K sway the opinion of D about N (intentionally). juicko, <opinion cause> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K impress/influence/sway D in matter B. pedsiu, <hang oscillate> [K‍-‍BN] (3v) K swing/sway from B under the influence of N. slasiu, <slow oscillate> [K‍-‍] (1v) K sway, oscillate slowly. swayed, nu juicko, <opinion cause> (a) influenced/impressionable/swayed, influenceable, conv. swear, gadyzaopli, <god bad use> [K‍-‍] (1v) K swear/curse/blaspheme, irreverently use sacred words. riurtracue, <solemnly affirm> [K‍-‍VN] (3v) K swear/take an oath that V in legal situation N. sweat, hansu, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the sweat of F. hau, (af) a combining form of hansu, sweat. haupro, <sweat produce> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K sweat from N, produce sweat. sweaty, haurkua, <sweat covered> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is sweaty from N. swede, rapha, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a turnip/swede/rutabaga from S. sweep, lagyrocduo, <long brush do> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K sweep D, to remove dirt by -ing. rocduo, <brush do> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K sweep/brush B from (surface/object) D. sweepstakes, rorcanple, <many chance play> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a lottery/sweepstakes. sweet, norsli, <not sweet> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is dry/non sweet, as a wine. sli, (af) a combining form of sliti, sweet. sliti, (a) sweet/sugary, i.e. sweeter than …. sliti, (n) a candy/goody/sweet, that which is sweet. sweet potato, iamha, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a yam/sweet potato from S. sweetcorn, misme, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a portion/quantity of corn/maize/sweetcorn from F. sweeten, slicko, <sweet cause> [N‍-‍B] (2v) N sweeten B, cause … to be sweet, nonintentional. slimao, <sweet make> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K sweeten D, makes … sweet by/with B, intentional. sweetened, nu slicko, <sweet cause> (a) sweetened, conv. of sweeten. nu slimao, <sweet make> (a) sweetened, conv. of sweeten. sweetener, slicko, <sweet cause> (n) a sweetener, that which sweetens. sweeter, sliti, [G‍-‍JD] (3a) G is sweeter than J to D. sweetness, lopu sliti, (n) sweetness, collective prop. swell, lalvalpu, <old wave> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a swell/sea/wave on sea F. sulcea, <swollen become> [D‍-‍] (1v) D swell/enlarge/expand, become swollen. sulcko, <swell cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N swell D, (nonintentional) "Moisture swells dried peas". sulmao, <swell make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K (make) swell/enlarge D by V, (intentional) "The surgeon enlarged her breasts". swelling, sul, (af) a combining form of sulba, swelling. sulba, [N‍-‍B] (2n) N is a swelling of/on/in B. swift, kukra, (a) quick/rapid/fast/swift, swifter than … in motion …. swifter, kukra, [G‍-‍JCN] (4a) G is swifter/faster than J by C in motion N. swiftly, kukra, (av) rapidly/quickly/swiftly, in a rapid manner. swiftness, lopu kukra, (n) swiftness/speed, mass term of properties. pu kukra, (n) the rapidity/speed/swiftness/quickness of …, a spec. property. swim, nensucmi, <in swim> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K swim (around) in B. po nensucmi, <in swim> (n) a swim, a spec. act/event of -ing in …. suc, (af) a combining form of sucmi, swim. sucmi, [K‍-‍DSV] (4v) K swim to D from S via V. po sucmi, (n) a swim, a spec. act/event of -ing. swim bladder, sucmi sakli, (ph) a swim bladder. swim fin, sucycutci, <swim shoe> [B‍-‍K] (2n) B is a swim fin/flipper of K. swim-suit, sucyresfu, <swim clothing> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a swim-suit/bathing suit. swimmer, nensucmi, <in swim> (n) a swimmer, one who/that which swims in …. sucmi, (n) a swimmer, one who/that which -s. swimming competition, sucvei, <swim event> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a swimming competition. swimming pool, sucveo, <swimmer container> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a swimming pool of/in F. swimming race, vriporkanpi, <river (swimming event)> [B‍-‍SD] (3) B is a swimming race from S to D. (Use of por is considered poor Loglan). swine, porju, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a/some pig/hog/swine, an omnivorous mammal, genus Sus. lo porju, (n) swine, mass term. swing, pedsilpae, <hang oscillate apparatus> [B‍-‍] (1) B is a swing, a play device for children. pedsiu, <hang oscillate> [K‍-‍BN] (3v) K swing/sway from B under the influence of N. po pedsiu, <hang oscillate> (n) a swing, an instance of -ing. switch, krosticko, <flow stop cause> (n) interrupter/switch (electric)/stopper/plug, that which -s. switch on, krosacmao, <flow start make> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K turn on/switch on B, start a current in …. switched off, krocle, <flow without> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is turned off/switched off/stagnant. swollen, nu sulba, (a) swollen, is a swollen part. swoon, kacdru, <conscious lose> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K faint/swoon/lose consciousness from (cause) N. po kacdru, <conscious lose> (n) a faint/swoon/loss of consciousness (from …). swoop down, kukdamfle, <fast down fly> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K swoop down on D from S. swooping, po kukdamfle, <fast down fly> (ger) swooping. sword, blatau, <blade weapon> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a sword, a bladed weapon. sworn, nu riurtracue, <solemnly affirm> (a) sworn, of testimony given under oath. syllable, purpai, <word part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a syllable of F. symbol, letra, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a letter/character/symbol in alphabet F. madsaa, <made sign> [B‍-‍PDVN] (5n) B is a symbol/sign/signal meaning P to D prompting behav'r V under N. srisaa, <write sign> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a symbol, written sign with meaning S. symbolic, letra, (a) alphabetic/symbolic, as of letters of alphabet …. madsaa, <made sign> (a) symbolic, pert. to artificial signs. po madsandou, <symbol give> (a) symbolic/representational, of symbolizing acts. symbolise, madsandou, <symbol give> [K‍-‍SP] (3v) K symbolise/represent S with (symbol) P. symbolize, madsaa, <made sign> (vt) symbolize, stand for …. sympathetic, notfaufio, <other trouble feel> (a) sympathetic, of one who -izes. uu, (i) I am sad/sympathetic/regretful that …, an exp. of sympathy/regret. sympathize, notfaufio, <other trouble feel> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K sympathize/feel sympathy for D about V, i.e. feels …'s trouble. sympathy, po notfaufio, <other trouble feel> (n) a sympathy, a spec. state of feeling -ic. sympathy for, notfaufio, <other trouble feel> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K sympathize/feel sympathy for D about V, i.e. feels …'s trouble. symphonic, grobeu, <big band> (a) symphonic, pert. to symphonies. symphony, grobeu, <big band> (n) a symphony, a large orchestra. symphysis, simfisi, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the symphysis of F, pelvic joint. synchrotron, sinkrotoni, [B‍-‍P] (2n) B is a synchrotron of/for P. synergetic, sinherigi, (a) synergetic, pert. to …. synergy, sinherigi, [V‍-‍KK] (3n) V is an instance of synergy of K with K, working together. lo sinherigi, (n) synergy, mass term. syngamic, singami, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is syngamic, reproduces sexually. syngamy, lo singami, (n) syngamy, mass term. synopsis, sinhopi, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a synopsis of F. synoptic, sinhopi, (a) synoptic, pert. to …, occurring in parallel. synoptic chart, sinhopi cartu, (ph) a synoptic chart (Meteorology). synoptic meteorology, lo sinhopi metsensi, (ph) synoptic meteorology, mass term. synthesis, po sintesi, (n) an instance of synthesis. synthesize, sintesi, [K‍-‍PS] (3v) K synthesize P from S. synthetic, sintesi, (a) synthetic, pert to …. syringe, cmadampa, <small pump> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a syringe, a small hand pump. syrinx, sirhinksi, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a syrinx of F, the voice organ of birds. syrup, slicui, <sweet water> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is syrup from S. system, sis, (af) a combining form of sisto, system. sisto, [F‍-‍PB] (3n) F is a system/network of relations with function P and elements B. srisio, <write system> [B‍-‍P] (2n) B is a notation/system for writing P. sio, (af) a combining form of sisto, system. system crash, siorbodcea, <system broken become> [V‍-‍] (1v) V is a system crash, an inadvertent system failure (sisrod -cko and -mao are also possible). po siorbodcea, <system broken become> (n) an inst. of a system crash. system of units, skalu, [N‍-‍CF] (3n) N is a scale/system of units for measuring C among F. systematic, sisduo, <system do> (a) methodical/thorough/systematic. siskao, <systematically act> (a) methodical/thorough/systematic, thorough. sismao, <system make> (a) systematic, of system makers. sisto, (a) systematic, pert. to systems. systematically, sisduo, <system do> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K does V systematically/methodically/thoroughly. sisduo, <system do> (av) methodically/thoroughly/systematically, in a systematic way. siskao, <systematically act> [K‍-‍PD] (3v) K act on/do P systematically/methodically/thoroughly for D. siskao, <systematically act> (av) methodically/thoroughly/systematically, in a systematic way. systematization, po sismao, <system make> (n) a systematization, an act of -ing. systematize, sismao, <system make> [K‍-‍BN] (3v) K systemize/systematize /makes a system of B according to system/principle N. systematizer, sismao, <system make> (n) a systematizer, a system maker. systemize, sismao, <system make> [K‍-‍BN] (3v) K systemize/systematize /makes a system of B according to system/principle N. syzygy, sizhigi, [V‍-‍B] (2n) V is an instance of syzygy of B.

T T, Tai, (l) T, Latin upper case letter, one of a pool of symbols. Take, tokna ti, (i) Here!/Take this!, w/o; 1st arg., an imperative. Thanks, Nu garti, (ph) Thanks! / Be the recipient of (my) gratitude! Nu garti mi!, (ph) Thanks! / Be the recipient of my gratitude! nurgarti mi!, <1st converse of grateful> (ph) Thanks! / Be the recipient of my gratitude! The, laa, (art) The (unique object which actually is) … if such exists, otherwise the empty set. (see le and lee). Thing, lilmaogru, <law make group> [F‍-‍N] (2n) F is a/the House of Representatives/House of Commons/Diet/Dail/Knesset/Thing/Parliament/legislature of polity N, a national law making group. Thursday, fordei, <4 day> [V‍-‍F] (2n) V is a Thursday of week/month F. la fordei, <4 day> (na) Thursday (the fifth day of the week). Tibetan, tibta, [N‍-‍] (1a) N is the Tibetan language. tibte, [N‍-‍] (1a) N is an Tibetan place/territory, a region inhabited by Tibetans. tibti, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a Tibetan person. tibto, [N‍-‍] (1n) N is an element/feature/expression of Tibetan culture. Triatoma, triatomi, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a Triatoma from S, cause of trypanosomiasis. Triatoma infestans, lao Triatoma infestans, (na) a Triatoma infestans, the agent of trypanosomiasis. Trinity, tecenera, (2n) F is a Trinity/trilogy of B. Try hard, mucrai, <very try> (i) Try hard!/Make an effort!, w/o 1st arg., an imper. Tuesday, tordei, <2 day> [V‍-‍F] (2n) V is a Tuesday of week/month F. la tordei, <2 day> (na) Tuesday (the 3rd day of the week). Turbellaria, lao Turbellaria, (na) the class Turbellaria of planaria, a type of flatworm. Turk, tuerki, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a Turk/Turkish person. Turkish, tuerka, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is the Turkish language. tuerke, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is a Turkish place/territory, a region inhabited by Turks. tuerko, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an instance of Turkish culture. Turkish person, tuerki, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a Turk/Turkish person. t, tei, (l) t, Latin lower case letter, one of a pool of symbols. tabby, katma, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a queen/tabby, a female domestic cat/feline. table, tob, (af) a combining form of tobme, table. tobme, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a table, a flat surface for eating/working. toe, (af) a combining form of tobme, table. table clearer, fansua, <reverse serve> (n) a busboy/busperson/table clearer. table of contents, parcartu, <part map> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a table of contents of (book/periodical) F. tablecloth, tobkua, <table cover> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a tablecloth. tableware, lo fu plasea, <dish put> (n) tableware, mass term. tachyon, takhioni, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a tachyon, a hypothetical particle. tack, cmanaldi, <small nail> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a tack/brad, a small metal fastener. cmanalduo, <small nail do> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K tack(s) B to D. tactile, tcosaskai, <touch sense quality> (a) tactile. tadpole, ranhi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a tadpole/baby frog, an amphibian of Spp. Rana. tag, nampre, <name paper> [B‍-‍FP] (3n) B is a label/tag on F with (sign) P. nampredou, <name paper give> [K‍-‍DP] (3n) K label/tag D with (sign) P. tagged, nu nampredou, <name paper give> (a) labelled/tagged (by … with …). tail, prigoi, <behind go> (n) a follower/tail(slang)/tracker/pursuer. tilba, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the tail of F. tail between legs, tilbybiatue, <tail between legs> [K‍-‍N] (2a) K has/have tail between legs under conditions N. taillight, prilitla, <rear light> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a taillight of vehicle F. tailor, josmao, <sew do> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K sew/tailor P, makes … by sewing. josmao, <sew do> (n) a seamstress/tailor, a maker by sewing. resmao, <dress maker> [K‍-‍P] (2n) K is a/the tailor/dressmaker, maker of clothing P. tailoring, po resmao, <dress maker> (n) a tailoring, an act of making clothing. taint, rancko, <rotten cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N spoil/rot/corrupt/taint D, "Mold rots tomatoes". take, fangli, <reverse guide> [K‍-‍DDSV] (5v) K guide/take D back to D from S via V. tokna, [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K appropriate/remove/take (away) B from D. zvotoa, <out take> [K‍-‍BS] (3v) K take B out of S. toa, (af) a combining form of tokna, take. take along, gozbei, <go carry> [K‍-‍BDS] (4v) K take along B/carry … away in going to D from S. take apart, fankinsea, <reverse together set> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K disassemble/take apart D into parts B. fanmao, <reverse make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K take apart/disassemble/unmake D. take away, muvmao, <move make> [K‍-‍BDS] (4v) K move/remove/take away/withdraw B to D from S, intentional. take care, ee, (i) caution/careful/take care, attitudinal (UI). selkurni, <self warning> (i) beware!/take care!/look out!, … /o a 1st arg., an imperative. take down, damtoa, <down take> [K‍-‍BS] (3v) K take down B from S. take off, cucfanduo, <shoe reverse do> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K take off shoes B from D. flesatci, <fly start> [K‍-‍SNV] (4v) K, aircraft/birds/other flying things, take off from airport/runway/surface S for destination N via V. po flesatci, <fly start> (n) take off, an act/event of taking off. V (K-SNV). vresacfle, <vertical start fly> [K‍-‍F] (2v) K take off vertically in gravity field F. vresacfle, <vertical start fly> (n) vertical take off aircraft, VTOL. take out, fanynensea, <reverse in put> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K take out B from D. take over, dastoa, <responsibility take> [K‍-‍VD] (3v) K relieve/take over work/duty V from D. plicea, <use change> [K‍-‍DP] (3v) K adopt/take over D for use P. plitoa, <use take> [K‍-‍VD] (3v) K assume/take over duty V from D. tolnurdou, <control given> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K assume/take over/are transferred control of B from D. toltoa, <control take> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K assume/take over/usurp control of B from D. take pains, rairfau, <try bother> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K try hard/take pains with V. take part, djokao, <among act> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K participate/take part in V. take place, vetci, [N‍-‍D] (2v) N take place/happen/occur/involve (to) objects/persons D. take the place of, siftoa, <place take> [P‍-‍SF] (3v) P replace/supersede/take the place of S in F. take the trouble, selfau, <self trouble> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K bother/take the trouble to do V. take up, sackao, <start act> [K‍-‍VP] (3v) K begin/start/found/commence/embark on/take up/establish doing V for end/purpose P. takeover, po gargrucea, <govern group change> (n) a revolution/takeover/coup d'etat. po plitoa, <use take> (n) a takeover, a spec. instance of assuming control. po tolnurdou, <control given> (n) a takeover, a spec. instance of transfer of control. po toltoa, <control take> (n) a takeover, a spec. instance of assuming control. takes-care of, nu nordje, <neg. of well> (n) is a care provider/someone who takes-care of patients/unwell persons. talc, talko, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is some talc from S, a soft mineral. tale, stuci, [P‍-‍VK] (3n) P is a tale/story about V as told/written by K. talent, pu kanmo, (n) an ability/capability/talent/faculty, a spec. property. lopu livkanmo, <live able> (n) talent. pu livkanmo, <live able> (n) a capability/capacity/gift/talent, a specific biological potential. talented, kanmo, (a) able/capable/talented, capable of doing … under condition …. livkanmo, <live able> [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is capable/talented/gifted in, biologically able to do/be V. talk, fomtaa, <formal talk> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K discourse/speak/lecture/address/talk/orate/make a speech to D on topic N. fu fomtaa, <formal talk> (n) an address/discourse/lecture/talk/oration, lecture, its substance. po fomtaa, <formal talk> (n) an address/discourse/speech/talk/lecture/oration, lecture, an act. tak, (af) a combining form of takna, talk. takna, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K talk/speak to D about V. po takna, (n) a speech/talk, an act/event of talking, q.v. taa, (af) a combining form of takna, talk. talk about, dislu, [K‍-‍VK] (3v) K discuss/talk about topic V with K. takdiu, <talk discuss> [K‍-‍VD] (3v) K discuss/talk about topic V to D. talkative, taaflo, <talk full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more talkative/garrulous than J. talkativeness, lopu taaflo, <talk full> (n) talkativeness/garrulousness, mass prop. tall, vrelaa, <vertical long> [G‍-‍J] (1a) tall. taller, vrelaa, <vertical long> (2a) G is taller than J, in the vertical dimension. C.f. vrecoa. talon, dedhorno, <finger horn> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a claw/nail/talon/hoof of animal/human S. tame, mildymao, <gentle make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K tame, make D gentle. nu mildymao, <gentle make> (a) tame, that which is -ed, conv. of tame. nu rojmao, <grow make> (a) domestic/tame, that which is domesticated/cultivated. tamer, mildymao, <gentle make> (n) a tamer, one who makes … gentle. tampon, tamponu, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a tampon of S. tan, solrakcea, <sun dark become> [K‍-‍] (1v) K suntan, tan in the sun. tanager, tersini, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a tanager, a bird of genus Tersina. tangent, tange, [C‍-‍B] (2n) C is a tangent of angle B, side opposite divided by side adjacent. tangle, po cantorni, <chance twist> (n) a tangle, a specific instance. po nu cantorni, <chance twist> (n) a tangle of …, when material specified. tangled, cantorni, <chance twist> [B‍-‍N] (2v) B is tangled by N. nandycea, <knot become> [B‍-‍] (1v) B is/are knotted/tangled. tantalum, tantalio, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some tantalum, element 73 (Ta). tap, krotro, <flow controller> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a faucet/tap/valve/volume control/dimmer of/in F, a device for controlling flow. Material may be specified as cuirkrotroli. latblo, <light hit> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K tap/pat D on N. tape, dandi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a/some tape/ribbon. pilkoe, <planar cord> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a ribbon/tape/belt, a flat cordlike object. tape drive, dandyridmai, <tape read machine> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a tape drive in system F. tape player, dandyrirmai, <tape record machine> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a tape player (may record, or just play). tape recording, dandyrirda, <tape record> [P‍-‍BS] (3n) P is a tape recording of B made by S. taper, lakylitstuka, <wax light stick> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a candle/taper. tapestry, tcukla, <picture cloth> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a tapestry, a cloth woven with designs. tardier, goztsefui, <go erroneously after> [G‍-‍J] (2v) G is later/tardier/more delayed in departure than J. kamtsefui, <go erroneously after> [G‍-‍J] (2v) G is later/tardier/more delayed in arrival than J. tsefui, <erroneously after> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is later/tardier than J. tardiness, po tsefui, <erroneously after> (n) a tardiness, an event of being tardy. tardy, goztsefui, <go erroneously after> (a) late/tardy/delayed in departure. kamtsefui, <go erroneously after> (a) late/tardy/delayed in arrival. tsefucmao, <error after make> [K‍-‍DV] (3vt) K delay/make late/tardy D for V, intentional. tsefui, <erroneously after> (a) late/tardy, tardier than …. tsefuicko, <error after cause> [N‍-‍DV] (3vt) N delay D/cause … to be late/tardy for V, nonintentional. target, fu dionreo, <direction throw> (a) a target. fu dirtia, <direction choose> (n) target/goal, the thing -ed at. fu tamreo, <weapon hurl> (n) a target, of projectile …. tarn, cmavla, <small lake> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a tarn/pond/pool, a small natural body of water. tarnish, nunrilcko, <less bright cause> [N‍-‍BV] (3v) N dull/tarnish B by V. pu nunrilcko, <less bright cause> (n) a tarnish (of … by …). tarpon, tarpone, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a tarpon, a game fish. tarrier, tsefucbiu, <error after behave> (n) a procrastinator/tarrier/dawdler. tarry, prasto, <continue stay> [K‍-‍BP] (3v) K linger/tarry/flag/loiter at/around B for purpose P. tsefucbiu, <error after behave> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K procrastinate/tarry/dawdle in doing V. tsefuicea, <error after become> (v) linger/tarry/delay/dawdle. tarsier, tarsieri, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a tarsier from S, a primate. tart, pamfru, <pastry fruit> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a pie/tart, fruit cooked in a pastry shell. sarni, [G‍-‍JD] (3a) G is more sour/tart than J is to D. tartness, pu sarni, (n) a sourness/tartness, a spec. property. task, nu turka, (n) a work/task, a thing worked at, conv. of work. turpai, <work part> [P‍-‍F] (2n) P is a job/task/project, piece of work in project F. taste, guopru, <taste test> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K taste/try B. guorsaskai, <taste sense property> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the sense of taste of organism F. gus, (af) a combining form of gusto, taste. gusto, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a taste/flavor emitted by substance/food F. gut, (af) a combining form of gusto, taste. gutsae, <flavor sense> [K‍-‍PB] (3v) K taste/sense flavor P in substance B. guo, (af) a combining form of gusto, taste. taste for, fundi, (v) have a taste for/be fond of/care for/like/prefer …. taste impaired, gusfiu, <taste weak> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is taste impaired/tasteblind. taste like, guopro, <flavor produce> [F‍-‍B] (2v) F taste like/produce flavor B. taste of, guopro, <flavor produce> (n) the taste of, a flavor produced by …. tasteblind, gusfiu, <taste weak> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is taste impaired/tasteblind. tasteless, guocle, <taste without> [B‍-‍K] (2a) B is tasteless/flat tasting to K. taster, gutsae, <flavor sense> (n) a taster, one who tastes … in …. tatter, laokla, <old cloth> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a rag/tatter from S. tau, teo, (l) tau, Greek lower case letter, one of a pool of symbols. tavern, barcu, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a bar/tavern of place/community F. tax, cte, (af) a combining form of cteki, tax. ctecle, <tax free> [B‍-‍C] (2v) B is free of tax/duty C. ctecle, <tax free> (a) tax/duty free. ctecle, <tax free> (n) tax/duty free goods. ctecle vedsia, <tax free> (n) tax/duty free shop. cteduo, <tax do> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K tax D on B. cteki, [B‍-‍DKF] (4n) B is the tax/custom/duty/toll/tribute imposed on D paid by K to F. tax stamp, ctepre, <tax paper> [B‍-‍VK] (3n) B is a tax stamp, proof of payment of tax V by K. taxable, nu cteki, (a) taxable, can be -ed, conv. of tax. taxation, lopo cteki, (n) taxation, mass term of acts. po cteki, (n) a taxation, a spec. act of -ing. taxi, dergoi, <earth go> [K‍-‍DSV] (4v) (aircraft) K taxi to D from S via V. taksi, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a cab/taxi/hack of S. taxonomy, klemaosio, <class make system> [N‍-‍F] (2n) N is a taxonomy of F, e.g. the Linnaean classification in biology. tea, tcati, [B‍-‍S] (1n) B is a portion/serving of tea from source S. lo tcati, (n) tea, collective term. teach, dia, (af) a combining form of ditca, teach. dic, (af) a combining form of ditca, teach. dictaa, <teach talk> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K lecture/teach D about subject V, as a professor -s. ditca, [K‍-‍ND] (3v) K teach/instruct subject N to D. teach Loglan, logdia, <Loglan teach> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K teach Loglan to B. teachable, fu ditca, (a) docile/teachable, teachable, conv. of teach, q.v. teacher, dichea, <teach help> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K is a teacher's aide/teaching assistant for teacher D in subject/class N. ditca, (n) an instructor/teacher, one who teaches. lidydia, <religious teach> [K‍-‍D] (2n) a priest/imam/pastor/minister/teacher of religion …. teacher training, diclae, <teach art> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is teacher training/education, as in College of Education. teaching, po ditca, (n) an instruction, a spec. act of teaching. teaching assistant, dichea, <teach help> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K is a teacher's aide/teaching assistant for teacher D in subject/class N. teaching method, dicfoa, <teach form> [B‍-‍KN] (3n) B is a teaching method of K in class N. team, cmatuagru, <small work group> [F‍-‍P] (2n) F is a team for doing P. plegru, <play group> [K‍-‍KB] (3n) K is a team playing against K at game B. tuagru, <work group> [F‍-‍PN] (3n) F is a crew/team with task/purpose P working for N. tear, fanbai, <reverse build> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K disassemble/tear down (vehicle/structure) B. mekcui, <eye water> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is/are tear(s)/teardrop(s) produced by S. nartycpu, <apart pull> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K rip/tear D into parts/tears … up. teardrop, mekcui, <eye water> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is/are tear(s)/teardrop(s) produced by S. tears, lo mekcui, <eye water> (n) tears, mass term of instances. tease, pleroi, <play anger> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K tease B. teaspoon, sputa, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a spoon/teaspoon, an eating/cooking utensil, general term. teat, titfa, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a breast/teat of F. tebi-, teb, (af) a combining form of terbi, tebi-. technetium, teknecio, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some technetium, element 43 (Tc). technical, pebdja, <special knowing> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is technical. technical sergeant, sortro, <6th controller> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a platoon/technical sergeant controling/attached to military unit F, within a military service addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. mursortro — chief petty officer. technical vocabulary, pebleu, <special language> [V‍-‍K] (2n) V is an argot/jargon/technical vocabulary used by K. technique, larte, [N‍-‍PK] (3n) N is an art/technique for producing P used by people K. technology, rimplilae, <tool use art> [N‍-‍PK] (3n) N is a technology for producing P used by people K. tedious, cketeu, <time stretch> (a) boring/tedious/tiresome, pertaining to one who -s. tedium, lopo nu cketeu, <time stretch> (a) boredom/tedium, mass state of being -ed. teeth, dante, (n) the teeth, a spec. set of teeth of …. telegram, kukylerci, <quick letter> [B‍-‍DSV] (4n) B is a wire/telegram to D from S about/with message V. telegraph, darsrimai, <far write machine> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a telegraph. telegraphic, darsrimai, <far write machine> (a) telegraphic, pert. to a telegraph. teleost, telheostei, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a teleost, a bony fish. telepathically aware, darsae, <far sense> [K‍-‍VN] (3v) K is telepathically aware of event V at N. telepathy, lepo darsae, <far sense> (n) an instance of telepathy. telephone, telfo, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a phone/telephone (receiver) in telephone system/network F. lo nu telfo, (n) (the) telephone, general term. telfyduo, <telephone do> [K‍-‍DBV] (4v) K telephone(s) D about B via V. telephone answering machine, telfypoamai, <telephone respond machine> [B‍-‍] (1v) B is a telephone answering machine. telephone receiver, telfykonce, <telephone shell> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a telephone receiver. telescope, darblemai, <far look machine> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a telescope. darvizrie, <far see instrument> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a telescope of type F. television, telvi, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a television set/receiver in system/network F. lo nu telvi, (n) television, the mass term of such systems. tell, djadou, <knowledge give> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K inform/tell/acquaint D of/that V. korji, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K order/command/tell D to do V. stucue, <story say> [K‍-‍PD] (3v) K narrate/relate/tell story P to D. stutaa, <story talk> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K tell/relate to D a story about V. turkoi, <work order> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K assign/order/tell D to do V. vetcue, <event say> (v) narrate/tell/report … about event … to …. tell secret, smicue, <secret say> [K‍-‍VD] (3v) K confide/tell secret V to confidant D. tell the age, lalcue, <old say> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K tell the age/give the age of B to D. teller, bankysua, <bank servant> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a teller in bank/financial institution F. tellurium, telhurio, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some tellurium, element 52 (Te). temper, dakbivsei, <likely behaviour set> [N‍-‍DV] (3n) N is the temper/disposition of D in situation V. hadmao, <hard make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K temper D, render hard, as of steel. hapdakbiu, <happy likely behaviour> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a happy temper/disposition. leldakbiu, <level likely behaviour> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is a even temper/disposition. raordakbiu, <ratio likely behaviour> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is a balanced temper/disposition. roirdakbiu, <angry likely behaviour> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an angry temper/disposition. temperate, nurmue, <less much> [G‍-‍JB] (1a) sober/moderate/temperate, not extreme. temperature, Da celsi lio 50, (ph) It has a temperature of 50°C. Da farnheiti lio 50, (ph) It has a temperature of 50°F. po malhatro, <sick hot> (n) a fever/temperature. melhatro, <measured heat> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B has a measured temperature of C. hatmei, <heat measure> [K‍-‍BC] (3v) K measure the temperature of B to be C. lopu hatro, (n) warmth/heat/temperature, mass term of properties. pu hatro, (n) a heat/hotness/temperature/warmth, a spec. property. hatska, <heat scale> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is a heat/temperature scale, a system of units and zero point for measuring heat. Da kelvi lio 50, (ph) It has a temperature of 50°K. skahatro, <scale heat> [B‍-‍CF] (3n) B has a temperature of C, a dim. num. E.g. La Djan skahatro lio 38 C — John has a temperature of 38 degrees Celsius. nu skahatro, <scale heat> (n) a temperature/heat, in the units of some scale. temple, hedtcali, <head wall> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the temple, side of the head of F. tepli, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a church/temple of god(s) S. temple window, tepcuo, <temple window> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a church/temple window in church/temple F. temporary, corsto, <short stay> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is fugitive/transient/fleeting/evanescent/ephemeral/momentary/passing/temporary. nu stomou, <stay more> (a) temporary/ephemoral/momentary. tempt, daacko, <desire cause> [V‍-‍KP] (3v) V tempt K to do P (nonintentionally) e.g. The heat tempts me to go swimming. daacpu, <desire pull> [K‍-‍DVB] (4v) K entice/attract/lure/tempt D to do/be V with bait/enticement B. dazmao, <desire make> [K‍-‍DVN] (4v) K tempt D to do V by inducement N (intentionally). temptation, fu daacko, <desire cause> (n) a temptation, that to which one is -ed. po daacko, <desire cause> (n) an instance of temptation. po daacpu, <desire pull> (n) an attraction/enticement/temptation, a spec. instance of -ing. fu dazmao, <desire make> (n) a temptation, that to which one is -ed. po dazmao, <desire make> (n) an instance of temptation. tempted, nu daacko, <desire cause> (3a) tempted by … to …. nu daacpu, <desire pull> (a) attracted/lured/enticed/tempted, pertaining to one -ed. nu dazmao, <desire make> (a) tempted (by … to … &means …). dazycea, <desire become> [D‍-‍V] (2v) D is/are tempted to V (actor unspecified). tempter, daacko, <desire cause> (n) tempter, that which -s. dazmao, <desire make> (n) tempter, one who -s. tempting, daacpu, <desire pull> (a) enticing/attracting/luring/tempting, pertaining to one that -s. ten, neni, (a) ten (of) …, a description quantifier. E.g. Teni le fumna pa merji — (Some) Ten of the women were married; Teni fumna pa hijra — (Some) Ten women were here independently. Cf., tenicu. neni, (n) ten, the number 10, in math. exp. lio neni, (n) ten, the number 10, non math. nenimo, (a) ten thousand (of) …, a quantifying operator. nenimo, (n) ten thousand, the number 10000, in math. exp. lio nenimo, (n) ten thousand, the number 10000, non math. ten thousand, mirdo, [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is ten thousand of B, (10E4). ten-percent, pine, (a) a tenth/ten-percent/point one of …, a quantifying oper. tend, dakbiu, <likely behaviour> [K‍-‍VN] (3v) K tend/be disposed/subject/liable to behavior V in situation N. kejklipu, <care keep> [K‍-‍D] (v) K tend D. vreslo, <vertical lean> [K‍-‍BNN] (4v) K lean/incline/tend toward B, in direction N in gravity field N(1). tend garden, gardykeu, <garden care> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K tend garden D. tend toward, limsni, <limit near> [N‍-‍V] (2v) N approach/approximate/tend toward limit V. tendency, pu dakbiu, <likely behaviour> (n) a disposition/tendency, a behavioral property. po limsni, <limit near> (n) a tendency, an event/process. pu limsni, <limit near> (n) a tendency, a mathematical property. po vreslo, <vertical lean> (n) an inclination/tendency, fig., a disposition to …. tender, clumildo, <love mild> [K‍-‍DV] (3a) K is tender toward/with D in matter V. lilcme, <legal money> (3n) B is a tender (legal) of S for P. molro, (a) tender/soft, less resistant to pressure than …. tenderness, lopu clumildo, <love mild> (n) tenderness, mass term of properties. po clumildo, <love mild> (n) a tenderness, a spec. act. pu clumildo, <love mild> (n) a tenderness, a spec. property. lopu molro, (n) tenderness, the mass of such props. pu molro, (n) a tenderness/softness, a property. tendon, muskoe, <muscle cord> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a tendon of F. tenet, nurdia, <that which is taught> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a tenet/doctrine of system F. tenfold, dek, (af) a combining form of dekto, tenfold. dekto, [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is tenfold of B, international prefix. hek, (af) a combining form of hekto, tenfold. tent, tenta, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a tent, a transportable fabric shelter. tentative, fiudja, <weakly know> [K‍-‍B] (2a) K is unsure/uncertain/unconvinced of/tentative about the truth of claim/sentence B. tenth, dec, (af) a combining form of decti, tenth. decti, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a tenth part of F, international prefix. neniri, (2n) a/the tenth term/member of series …, ordinal predicate. neniri, (a) one tenth, of 10th members. neniri, (n) one tenth, the 10th term in series …. pine, (a) a tenth/ten-percent/point one of …, a quantifying oper. tenthousandfold, mir, (af) a combining form of mirdo, tenthousandfold. tentmate, krukii, <room companion> [B‍-‍B] (2n) B is a comrade/roommate/tentmate of B. tepee, tiphi, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a tepee from S, an Amerind portable dwelling. tepid, midhatro, <middle hot> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is lukewarm/tepid. tera-, pit, (af) a combining form of pitgo, tera-. terbium, terbiio, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some terbium, element 65 (Tb). term, nurlista, <conv. of list> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an item/term/element/entry of list/series/ordered set F. nu skakeo, <scale time> (n) a term/time/interval, in the units of some scale. terminable, nu fadmao, <end make> (a) terminable, conv. of terminate. terminal, fando, (a) terminal/final/last, terminal. flestana, <fly station> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a terminal building of airport/facility F. terminate, ckefao, <time end> (vt) terminate, be the end of …. fadmao, <end make> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K terminate/end/abort, make a (possibly incomplete) end to P, intentional. terminated, nu ckefao, <time end> (a) terminated, of ended entervals. terminates, fadcea, <end(ed) become> [B‍-‍] (1v) B ends/terminates, comes naturally to an end. termination, ckefao, <time end> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the end point/termination of interval/period F. po fadcea, <end(ed) become> (n) an ending/termination, the natural/unassisted -ing of something. po fadmao, <end make> (n) an end/termination/abortion, an act of -ing something. fando, [V‍-‍B] (2n) V is an/the end/termination of B. tern, sterini, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a tern of/from S, a sea bird. lao Sterna melanogaster, (na) a tern, a sea bird. terraced, tirfoa, <stair form> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is terraced. terrain, landi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a parcel of land/terrain. lo landi, (n) terrain/land, mass term. terrapin, terhapeni, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a terrapin, a variety of turtle. terrestrial, tel, (af) a combining form of terla, terrestrial. terla, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is terrestrial/earthbound/earth/world, pert. to the planet earth. terrible, gurfia, <weird fear> (a) awful/dreadful/terrible, dreadful/strangely fearful. terrified by, gurfia, <weird fear> [B‍-‍V] (2v) B dread/are terrified by V. territorial, gunlai, <national land> (a) territorial, pert. to territory. territory, gunlai, <national land> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the land/territory/domain of nation F. gunti, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the country/land/nation/territory of people F. zie, (af) attached to <predy>, means part of <preda> territory; e.g. lepsyzie — rabbit territory. tertiary, teri, (a) tertiary/third, of 3rd members, before predicates. tesseract, fordiokurfa, <4 direction square> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a hypercube/tesseract with characteristics N. test, folpru, <strong test> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K test the strength of D. pru, (af) a combining form of pruci, test. pruci, [V‍-‍BF] (3n) V is a test/examination for property B in any member of class F. pruci, (vt) test, test for … a property … in a member of …. prukao, <test act> [K‍-‍BPV] (4v) K test/examine B for P with test V. po prukao, <test act> (n) a test/examination, an act of testing. test of strength, po folpru, <strong test> (n) a test of strength. testable, fu pruci, (a) testable, of classes with -able members. nu pruci, (a) testable, of testable properties. nu prukao, <test act> (a) testable, of one who/that which is -ed. testament, mordondai, <death gift plan> [B‍-‍KSD] (4n) B is a will/testament of K bequeathing S to D. testator, mordou, <death give> (n) testator, one who -s. testee, nu prukao, <test act> (n) a testee, one who is -ed. tester, prukao, <test act> (n) a tester, one who uses tests. testicle, mentesti, <male gonad> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a testicle/male gonad of F. testi, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a testicle/ovary/gonad of F. testicular, mentesti, <male gonad> (a) testicular, pert. to testicles. testifier, pubtracue, <publically true say> (n) testifier/attester. testify, pubtracue, <publically true say> [K‍-‍PV] (3v) K testify/attest P about V. testimonial, po pubtracue, <publically true say> (n) a testimony/testimonial, a spec. act. testimony, nu pubtracue, <publically true say> (n) testimony, the thing -ed. po pubtracue, <publically true say> (n) a testimony/testimonial, a spec. act. tetrad, fora, (2n) is a quartet/tetrad/foursome/4 member subset of set …, a cardinal pred.; e.g. Da fora lea bridiji — X is a foursome at bridge/of bridge players. focu, (a) four/quadruple/quartet, a tetrad of … acting together, an indefinite set describer. E.g. Focu mrenu pa hijra — Some four men/A group of four men were here together. Cf., Fo mrenu pa hijra — Some four men were here independently. tetrahedron, forheo, <four hedron> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a tetrahedron. text, nursri, <written> [B‍-‍VK] (3) B is a written note/message/work/text/theme/composition/document about V written by K. textbook, dicbuu, <teach book> [B‍-‍NK] (3n) B is a textbook about subject N by K. textual item, toa, (p) this, the about to be mentioned remark/utterance/textual item. (DA). toi, (p) that, the last mentioned remark/utterance/textual item (DA). thallium, talmo, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some thallium, element 81 (Tl). thank, gatytaa, <grateful talk> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K thank/give thanks to D for V. thank you, sia, (i) thanks/thank you/I am gratefulfor/that, expression of gratitude. thankful, garti, [K‍-‍SV] (3a) K are grateful/thankful to S for V. thanks, gatytaa, <grateful talk> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K thank/give thanks to D for V. sia, (i) thanks/thank you/I am gratefulfor/that, expression of gratitude. that, imoi, (c) that, in order that, motiv'l with clauses. ja, (p) who/which/that (is), non identifying before phrases. jae, (p) who/which/that/incidentally is one of, non restrictive set membership. jao, (p) such that, non restrictive clauses. jie, (p) who/which/that is one of, restrictive set membership. jio, (p) such that, restrictive clauses. po, (c) that, event op., as in 'x said that y came'. ta, (p) that/those/there, demonstrative variable for distant things/events, as in 'go to that place/during that time'. tio, (p) that, the last referred to situation (DA). toi, (p) that, the last mentioned remark/utterance/textual item (DA). ua, (i) there!/that's it!/finally!/at last/done …, an exp. of satisf'n. that is, go, (op) of/who/which/that is …, the predicate inversion operator. that-is, cea, (av) that-is/in-other words/namely, a discourse operator (UI). the, la, (a) the (one named …), the name operator, precedes names used descriptively. le, (art) the (one or more things I mean which seem to be) …, the general descriptive operator. (see lee and laa). lee, (art) the (one or more things I mean which actually are) …, if there is such, otherwise the empty set (see le and laa). lo, (a) the/a/an, individual composed of all things which are …, mass term operator. the letter, lii, (pm) the letter …, single letter quotation mark (see liu). the particular set, leu, (art) the particular set of … (LE). the set of, lea, (art) the set of all … (LE). the typical, loe, (art) the typical … (LE). the word, liu, (pm) the word …, single word quotation. theatre, sintatro, <cinema theatre> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a movie theatre/cinema/movie house/motion picture theatre of place S. lo stafikco, <stage fiction> (n) (the) theatre, mass term. tat, (af) a combining form of tatro, theatre. tatro, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a theatre/playhouse of place/community F. tatro, (a) theatre, pert. to the theatre/stage. lo tatro, (n) (the) theatre, general term. thee, tu, (p) you/yourself/thee/thou, the singular 2nd person variable, of a person spoken/written to. Cf. tou & tuo for plural 2nd person variables. theft, po tsitoa, <criminally take> (n) a robbery/theft, a specific act of -ing. their, leda, (a) his/her/their/its/x's, a 3rd person sing./plural possessive descriptor. lede, (a) his/her/their/its/x's, a 3rd person sing./plural possessive descriptor. ledi, (a) his/her/their/its/x's, a 3rd person sing./plural possessive descriptor. ledo, (a) his/her/their/its/x's, a 3rd person sing./plural possessive descriptor. ledu, (a) his/her/their/its/x's, a 3rd person sing./plural possessive descriptor. theirs, leda mede, (p) his/theirs/hers, use x's y/w/h/q. lede meda, (p) his/theirs/hers, use x's y/w/h/q. ledi meda, (p) his/theirs/hers, use x's y/w/h/q. ledo meda, (p) his/theirs/hers, use x's y/w/h/q. ledu meda, (p) his/theirs/hers, use x's y/w/h/q. them, di, (p) him (self)/her (self)/them (selves)<, 3rd free variable of the da series>. da, (p) him(self)/her(self)/them(selves)<, 1st free variable of the da-series>. de, (p) him (self)/her (self)/them (selves)<, 2nd free variable of the da series>. do, (p) him (self)/her (self)/them (selves)<, 4th free variable of the da series>. du, (p) him (self)/her (self)/them (selves)<, 5th free variable of the da series>. them sub one, dicine, (p) he/she/it/they/him/her/them sub one, an ordered var. dacine, (p) he/she/it/they/him/her/them sub one, an ordered var. decine, (p) he/she/it/they/him/her/them sub one, an ordered var. docine, (p) he/she/it/they/him/her/them sub one, an ordered var. ducine, (p) he/she/it/they/him/her/them sub one, an ordered var. theme, nu dislu, (n) a topic/subject/theme, of a discussion, conv. form. nursri, <written> [B‍-‍VK] (3) B is a written note/message/work/text/theme/composition/document about V written by K. themselves, kincle, <without companions> (p) by himself/itself/myself/ourselves/themselves/yourself/yourselves/oneself/herself, by herself, without companions. then, fa ta, (av ph) after/afterwards/later/then/whereat/whereupon/by-and by, a sentence modifying phrase. ki, (c) then/or/and/nor etc., infix mark of forethought connections. noka, (c) then, in 'if … then …', used with ki as in 'noka … ki … '. papa ta, (av) already/by then, by this (time), a modifying phrase. papa ti, (av) already/by then, by that (time), a modifying phrase. theoretical, klimaosio, <clear make system[explanation system]> (a) theoretical, pert. to theories. theoretician, klimaosismao, <clear make system make[theory make]> (n) a theoretician, one who makes theories. theorize, klimaosismao, <clear make system make[theory make]> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K theorize about B. theory, klimaosio, <clear make system[explanation system]> [P‍-‍BN] (3n) P is a theory explaining B under assumptions N. lo klimaosio, <clear make system[explanation system]> (n) theory, mass term. there, to ba mrenu, (ph) there is/are, in 'there are two men'. to be mrenu, (ph) there is/are, in 'there are two men'. to bo mrenu, (ph) there is/are, in 'there are two men'. to bu mrenu, (ph) there is/are, in 'there are two men'. karsa, [K‍-‍DS] (3pp) K is across/athwart/on the other side/over there D from S. ta, (p) that/those/there, demonstrative variable for distant things/events, as in 'go to that place/during that time'. ua, (i) there!/that's it!/finally!/at last/done …, an exp. of satisf'n. va, (av) nearby/there, in the middle distance, loc. op. vu, (av) there, in the far distance (a location op.). thereafter, fia, (av) henceforth/thereafter, from now on, before predicates. fia ta, (av ph) ever since, thereafter, that time<, a modifying phrase.>. fia ti, (av ph) ever since, thereafter, this time<, a modifying phrase.>. thereby, hea ta, (av) thereby, with that help<, a modal phrase>. tie ta, (av) thereby/therewith, by that means, a mod. phrase. therefore, inukou, (c) therefore/thus/so, of physical consequences, between sents. as in 'so it rained'. inumoi, (c) therefore/thus/so, of motivated consequences, between sents. as in 'so I went'. inurau, (c) hence/consequently/therefore/thus/so, of justified consequences, as in 'so I won'. inusoa, (c) hence/consequently/therefore/thus/so, of entailed consequences, as in 'so 2 is prime.'. nukou, (pp) therefore (effect) …. nukouki, (c) hence/consequently/therefore/thus/so, causal, as used with ki in 'nukouki … ki … ; best translated … because(cause) …'. numoi, (pp) therefore (action) …. numoiki, (c) hence/consequently/therefore/thus/so, motivational, used with ki in 'numoiki … ki … ; best translated … because(motive) …'. nurau, (pp) therefore (decision) …. nurauki, (c) hence/consequently/therefore/thus/so, of justification, with ki in 'nurauki … ki … ; best translated … because(reason) …'. nusoa, (pp) therefore (consequence) …. nusoaki, (c) hence/consequently/therefore/thus/so, of entailment, with ki in 'nusoaki … ki … ; best translated … because(premise) …'. thereupon, fazi ti, (av) just then/momentarily/right now/thereupon/whereupon/upon which, whereat, just after this, a mod. phrase. fazi ti, (av) just then/thereupon, just after that, a mod. phrase. therewith, tie ta, (av) thereby/therewith, by that means, a mod. phrase. thermometer, hatmelrie, <heat measure tool> [V‍-‍BC] (3n) V is a thermometer for measuring the temperatures of B, a class of objects/materials, on the C scale(s). these, levi, (a) this/these/the above (mentioned) …, the one right here which is …, a spatial descriptive oper. ti, (p) this/these/here, a demonstrative variable for near things/events, as 'he ran here/give me this'. they, di, (p) he/she/it (self)/they, 3rd free variable of the da series. dicine, (p) he/she/it/they/him/her/them sub one, an ordered var. da, (p) he/she/it(self)/they, 1st free variable of the da-series. dacine, (p) he/she/it/they/him/her/them sub one, an ordered var. de, (p) he/she/it (self)/they, 2nd free variable of the da series. decine, (p) he/she/it/they/him/her/them sub one, an ordered var. do, (p) he/she/it (self)/they, 4th free variable of the da series. docine, (p) he/she/it/they/him/her/them sub one, an ordered var. du, (p) he/she/it (self)/they, 5th free variable of the da series. ducine, (p) he/she/it/they/him/her/them sub one, an ordered var. thick, nu cuicli, <water like> (a) thick, less watery than …. tot, (af) a combining form of totnu, thick. totnu, (a) thick, thicker than, a dimension of solids. thicken, totcko, <thick cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N thicken D, nonintentional. totmao, <thick make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K thicken D by V, intentional. thickener, totcko, <thick cause> (n) a thickener, that which -s. thickening, po totmao, <thick make> (n) a thickening, spec. inst. thicker, totnu, [G‍-‍JC] (3a) G is thicker than J by C. thicket, snihebgru, <close plant group> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a thicket in habitat F. tricmagru, <tree small group> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a thicket/copse of habitat F. thickness, lopu totnu, (n) thickness, mass prop. po totnu, (n) a thickness, a state/condition. thief, smitoa, <secret take> [K‍-‍BD] (3n) K is a thief, one who takes secretly B from D. tsitoa, <criminally take> (n) a robber/thief, one who steals. thigh, gantue, <upper leg> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a thigh/upper leg of F. thimble, dedkua, <finger cover> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a thimble. thin, cuicli, <water like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more watery/thin than J is. cuirclimao, <water like make> (3v) thin/dilute/water down … by adding …. linco, (a) thin/lean/skinny/slender, thinner than …. thin out, licmao, <thin make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K thin out/make thin D, intentional. licycko, <thin cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N thin out/make thin D, nonintentional. thine, letu meda, (ph) yours/thine, yours, use 'your x/y/w/h/q'. thing, bek, (af) a combining form of bekti, thing. bekti, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an object/thing, anything enduring in space time. think, jupni, [K‍-‍NS] (3v) K think/opine/tentatively believe that N is true of S. noio, (i) it isn't probable that/I don't think so/that … <, exp. of moderate disbelief.>. pen, (af) a combining form of penso, think. penfiu, <thought weak> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K think shallowly about V. penfro, <thought strong> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K think strongly/profoundly about V. penso, [K‍-‍V] (2v) K think/consider/reflect/reason/contemplate about V. peo, (af) a combining form of penso, think. think deeply, conpeo, <deeply think> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K reflect(s) /consider/contemplate/ponder/meditate/brood/think deeply about V. think logically, lodpeo, <logic think> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K think logically about B. think so, io, (i) it is probable that/I think so/that …, exp. of moderate belief. thinkable, minsia, <mind place> [F‍-‍SVK] (4n) F is an imaginary/conceivable/thinkable/mental (but not necessarily possible) world/place in which event/state S occurs/obtains and "causes" (would cause if its world existed) event/state V, this world and its causal laws having been at least in part invented by thinker K. nurpeo, <1st conv. of think, thinkable> (3a) P is thinkable/conceivable/imaginable by K about subject/topic B. nurpeo, <1st conv. of think, thinkable> (a) conceivable/thinkable/imaginable, of thoughts that can be thought. thinker, penso, (n) a thinker/reasoner, one who -s. thinned, nu cuirclimao, <water like make> (a) thinned/diluted, as a result of watering down. thinner, licmao, <thin make> (n) a thinner, one who thins. licycko, <thin cause> (n) a thinner, that which thins. linco, [G‍-‍JC] (3a) G is thinner than J by C. thinness, lopu linco, (n) thinness/leanness/slenderness, mass term of properties. po linco, (n) a thinness/leanness, a state/condition. pu linco, (n) a thinness/leanness, a spec. property. third, teri, (2n) a/the third term/member of series …, an ordinal predicate. teri, (a) tertiary/third, of 3rd members, before predicates. thirdly, tefi, (av) thirdly, in the third place. thirst, hoicni, <drink need> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K thirst/be thirsty for B, lack drink. lopu hoicni, <drink need> (n) thirst, mass property of lacking drink. po hoicni, <drink need> (n) a thirst, from want of drink. thirsty, hoicni, <drink need> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K thirst/be thirsty for B, lack drink. hoicni, <drink need> (a) thirsty, lacking drink. thirteen, nete, (a) thirteen (of) …, a quantifying operator. nete, (n) thirteen, the number 13, in math. exp. lio nete, (n) thirteen, the number 13, non math. thirty, teni, (a) thirty of …, quantifying operator, in math. exp. teni, (n) thirty, the number 30, in math. exp. lio teni, (n) thirty, the number thirty, non math. this, lele, (af) the descriptive prefix, as in levi — the here … this …, etc. levi, (a) this/these/the above (mentioned) …, the one right here which is …, a spatial descriptive oper. tao, (p) this, the about to be referred to situation (DA). ti, (p) this/these/here, a demonstrative variable for near things/events, as 'he ran here/give me this'. toa, (p) this, the about to be mentioned remark/utterance/textual item. (DA). thoracic, tceti, (a) thoracic, pert. to chests. thorax, tceti, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the chest/breast/thorax of F. thorium, torhiio, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some thorium, element 90 (Th). thorn, hebnidla, <plant needle> [P‍-‍S] (2n) P is a briar/thorn of plant S. thorough, sisduo, <system do> (a) methodical/thorough/systematic. siskao, <systematically act> (a) methodical/thorough/systematic, thorough. thoroughfare, tcerua, <through route> [B‍-‍SD] (3n) B is a passage/thoroughfare/way through S to D; e.g. the Northwest Passage. thoroughly, sisduo, <system do> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K does V systematically/methodically/thoroughly. sisduo, <system do> (av) methodically/thoroughly/systematically, in a systematic way. siskao, <systematically act> [K‍-‍PD] (3v) K act on/do P systematically/methodically/thoroughly for D. siskao, <systematically act> (av) methodically/thoroughly/systematically, in a systematic way. thoroughness, lopu sisduo, <system do> (n) thoroughness, the mass of such properties. pu da sisduo, <system do> (n) X's thoroughness, a spec. instance of this prop. lopu siskao, <systematically act> (n) a thoroughness, mass prop. those, leva, (a) that/those …, the one over there which is …, a spatial descriptive oper. ta, (p) that/those/there, demonstrative variable for distant things/events, as in 'go to that place/during that time'. thou, tu, (p) you/yourself/thee/thou, the singular 2nd person variable, of a person spoken/written to. Cf. tou & tuo for plural 2nd person variables. thought, nurpeo, <1st conv. of think, thinkable> [B‍-‍K] (2n) B is a topic/subject for thought to K. nurpeo, <1st conv. of think, thinkable> (n) P is a thought that K thinks/can think about B. lopo penso, (n) thought, mass term of acts. po penso, (n) a thought/consideration/reflection/contemplation, an act of thinking. thought form, penfoa, <think form> [B‍-‍KN] (3n) B is a thought form/way of thinking used by K under conditions N. thoughtful, penckaflo, <thought kind full> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is thoughtful/considerate. penckamou, <thought kind more> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more thoughtful than J. pensai, <think silent> [K‍-‍] (1v) K is pensive/thoughtful and silent. penso, (a) thoughtful, reflective about …. thoughtful about, penflo, <thought full> [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is thoughtful about/preoccupied with V. thoughtfulness, lopu pencka, <thoughtfully kind> (n) thoughtfulness/considerateness, mass term. pu penflo, <thought full> (n) a thoughtfulness/reflectiveness, a spec. property. pu penso, (n) a thoughtfulness/reason, a prop. of a thinker. thoughtless, ckacle, <kind without> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K is inconsiderate/thoughtless about V, not kind about. no pencka, <thoughtfully kind> (a) thoughtless, neg. of considerate. nu penckamou, <thought kind more> (2a) more thoughtless than …. pencle, <think without> [B‍-‍V] (2v) B is rash/reckless/thoughtless with/about V. nu penflo, <thought full> (a) thoughtless, conv. of pensive. no penso, (a) thoughtless, neg. of reflective. thoughtlessness, pu no pencka, <thoughtfully kind> (n) a thoughtlessness, a property. pu nu penflo, <thought full> (n) a thoughtlessness, a property. pu no penso, (n) a thoughtlessness, a property. thousand, moa, (af) thousand, quantifier suffix, formerly mo. thousand million, gigdo, [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a billionfold (US)/thousand million fold/milliard of B, (10E9) international prefix. thousand millionth, nanti, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a billionth(US)/thousand millionth(UK) part of F, (10E 9) international prefix. thousandfold, kil, (af) a combining form of kilto, thousandfold. kilto, [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a thousandfold of B, (10E3) international prefix. thousandth, milti, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a thousandth part of F, (10E 3) international prefix. thousanth, mil, (af) a combining form of milti, thousanth. thrash, rorblo, <many blows> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K beat/pound/thrash D, hit … repeatedly. thrashing, po rorblo, <many blows> (n) a thrashing/beating, an act of -ing something. thread, cit, (af) a combining form of citre, thread. citre, [B‍-‍S] (1n) B is a (piece of) thread of substance S. lo citre, (n) thread, mass term. cie, (af) a combining form of citre, thread. threat, po kafdurcue, <punish do say(promise)> (n) a warning/threat, a warning of punishment. nu srudurcue, <harm do say> (n) a threat, that which is -ed, conv. form. po srudurcue, <harm do say> (n) a threat, an act of -ing. threaten, kafdurcue, <punish do say(promise)> [K‍-‍DPD] (4v) K warn/threaten D of punishment P for infraction D. srudurcue, <harm do say> [K‍-‍VD] (3v) K threaten to do V to D. threatener, srudurcue, <harm do say> (n) a threatener, one who -s to do … to …. three, te, (a) three (3), in math. expressions. te, (l) three (3) (of), a description quantifier. E.g. Te le fumna pa merji — (Some) Three of the women were married; Te fumna pa hijra — (Some) Three women were here independently. Cf., tecu. lio te, (ph) three (3), the number three, non math. tecu, (a) three/triple/triplet, a triad of … acting together, an indefinite set describer. E.g. Tecu mrenu pa hijra — Some three men/A group of three men were here together. Cf., Te mrenu pa hijra — Some three men were here independently. ter, (af) a combining form of te, three. three dimensional, terdirkai, <3 dimension quality> [B‍-‍F] (2a) B is three dimensional, with dimensions F, not necessarily spatial. three times, tena, (av) thrice/three times. threefold, termao, <three make> (a) threefold. threesome, tera, (2n) is a triple/trio/triad/threesome/3 member subset of set …, a cardinal predicate; e.g. Da tera lea murki — X is a trio of monkeys. threshold, daornilca, <door below> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is the threshold of aperture/structure S. limjurmei, <limit measurement> [V‍-‍N] (2n) V is limit point/threshold of process N, the point at which response begins. nurpoalimji, <response limit> [C‍-‍V] (2n) C is a/the threshold of process V, the point below which there is no response. thrice, tena, (av) thrice/three times. thrift, lopu cmekeu, <money care> (n) frugality/thrift/thriftiness, mass term. pu cmekeu, <money care> (n) a frugality/thrift/thriftiness, a spec. property. thriftiness, lopu cmekeu, <money care> (n) frugality/thrift/thriftiness, mass term. pu cmekeu, <money care> (n) a frugality/thrift/thriftiness, a spec. property. lopu festso, <waste hating> (n) prudence/thriftiness, mass property. thrifty, cmekeu, <money care> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more saving/frugal/thrifty/economical than J. festso, <waste hating> [K‍-‍V] (2n) K is prudent/thrifty in V, wastes not, wants not. thrill, nu firpluspe, <fear pleasure experience> (v) thrill …. po firpluspe, <fear pleasure experience> (n) a thrill, an instance of being thrilled. nu herlufta, <hair lift> (2v) thrill …. po herlufta, <hair lift> (n) a thrill, an instance of being thrilled. thrilled, firpluspe, <fear pleasure experience> [D‍-‍V] (2v) D is/are thrilled by V. herlufta, <hair lift> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K is/are thrilled by V. thriller, denfikco, <danger fiction> [P‍-‍S] (2n) P is some adventure/thriller fiction by S. thrive, folroa, <strongly grow> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K prosper/thrive/flourish under conditions N. throat, goltu, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a gullet/throat of F. throb, ritysrusia, <rhythmic hurt place> [K‍-‍D] (2n) K throb in D, a throbbing pain. sudnynerji, <sudden energy> [K‍-‍] (1v) K pulse/throb. thrombosis, trombosi, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a thrombosis of/in S. throne, garcei, <ruler chair> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a throne. throng, rorgru, <many group> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a crowd/throng/mass/multitude including member(s) B. through, hea, (pp) through/with the help of/by, a relative oper. before design'ns (PA). kukykalpli, <quickly completely use> [K‍-‍S] (2v) K run through S, use up quickly, as a sum of money. lisyble, <list look> [K‍-‍F] (2v) K run through (a list) F, perhaps to execute in sequence. tceblo, <through run> [B‍-‍D] (2v) B run through (body) D, as a sword might. tie, (pp) with/through/by (means of), any means/instrument. throughout, nia, (pp) during/throughout. niaza, (av) throughout this brief interval. niaza, (c) while/throughout the short time, clauses. niazu, (av) throughout this long interval. niazu, (c) while/throughout the long time, clauses. niazu, (pp) throughout/during, throughout a long interval, terms. via, (av) throughout, a medium place (PA). via, (c) throughout, a medium place, before clauses. vii, (av) throughout, a small place (PA). vii, (c) throughout, a small place, before clauses. viu, (av) throughout, a large place (PA). viu, (c) throughout, a large place, before clauses. throughout what interval, nia hu, (q) when?/throughout what interval in time? througout, niaza, (pp) througout/during, throughout a short interval, terms. throw, selreo, <self throw> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K throw themselves/oneself at/into D. ren, (af) a combining form of renro, throw. renro, [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K throw/cast/hurl/pitch B to/at D. po renro, (n) a cast/hurl/pitch/throw, an act of -ing. reo, (af) a combining form of renro, throw. throw out, zavreo, <bad throw> [K‍-‍BS] (3v) K reject/throw out/away B for reason S, as a faulty product. throw up, vamtu, [K‍-‍PB] (3v) K vomit/regurgitate/throw up P on B. thrush, turda, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a female thrush, bird of Spp. Turdus. turdi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a baby thrush, bird of Spp. Turdus. turdo, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a male thrush, bird of Spp. Turdus. turdu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is any thrush, bird of Spp. Turdus. thrush like, turde, [G‍-‍J] (1n) G is more thrush like than J. thrust, mocypucfoi, <motor push force> [V‍-‍C] (2n) V is (a) thrust of magnitude C. (aviation term). nu mocypucfoi, <motor push force> (n) C is an amount of thrust. tcepuo, <penetrate push> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K thrust/stick/plunge B into/through D. po tcepuo, <penetrate push> (n) a thrust/plunge, an act of plunging something. thulium, tulmo, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some thulium, element 69 (Tm). thumb, pudja, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a thumb of F. pudjytraci, <thumb travel> [K‍-‍DSV] (4v) K hitchhike/thumb to D from S via V. thumb through, kukble, <quick look> (v) thumb through …. thunder, ledri, [V‍-‍SD] (3n) V is an instance of lightning/thunder/thunderbolt, an electrical discharge from S to D. lo ledri, (n) thunder/lightning, mass term of instances. ledsoa, <lightning sound> [V‍-‍] (1v) V is some thunder, the sound of the electrical discharge. thunderbolt, ledri, [V‍-‍SD] (3n) V is an instance of lightning/thunder/thunderbolt, an electrical discharge from S to D. thunderous, ledflo, <thunder full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more thunderous than J. thus, inukou, (c) therefore/thus/so, of physical consequences, between sents. as in 'so it rained'. inumoi, (c) therefore/thus/so, of motivated consequences, between sents. as in 'so I went'. inurau, (c) hence/consequently/therefore/thus/so, of justified consequences, as in 'so I won'. inusoa, (c) hence/consequently/therefore/thus/so, of entailed consequences, as in 'so 2 is prime.'. nukouki, (c) hence/consequently/therefore/thus/so, causal, as used with ki in 'nukouki … ki … ; best translated … because(cause) …'. numoiki, (c) hence/consequently/therefore/thus/so, motivational, used with ki in 'numoiki … ki … ; best translated … because(motive) …'. nurauki, (c) hence/consequently/therefore/thus/so, of justification, with ki in 'nurauki … ki … ; best translated … because(reason) …'. nusoaki, (c) hence/consequently/therefore/thus/so, of entailment, with ki in 'nusoaki … ki … ; best translated … because(premise) …'. thwart, kakliu, <act restrain> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K thwart/hinder/prevent/keep D from, (doing) action V. thwarted, nu kakliu, <act restrain> (a) hindered/thwarted, of one who is -ed. thy, letu, (a) thy/your, the 2nd person singular and plural possessive descriptor. thymine, timhini, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some thymine, a purine component of nucleic acid. thymus, timho, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a thymus of F, a gland. thyroid, tirhoidi, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a thyroid of/from S, a gland. tirhoidi, (a) thyroid, pert. to the … gland. ticket, kep, (af) a combining form of ketpi, ticket. ketpi, [B‍-‍PC] (3n) B is a ticket/voucher for event P for price/consideration C. nengoiketpi, <in go ticket> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is an entrance ticket to event D. ticket book, kepybuu, <ticket book> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a ticket book/carnet for use on transport system N. ticket window, kepcuo, <ticket window> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the ticket window of F. tidal, fu krosiu, <flow oscillate> (n) tidal rate, time and place specified adverbially. nu krosiu, <flow oscillate> (n) tidal range, the difference between high and low tide; time and place specified adverbially. tidal wave, tsunami, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a tsunami/tidal wave. tide, krosiu, <flow oscillate> [K‍-‍CC] (3v) K is a tide with amplitude C and flow rate C. Nahu lenu krosiu ga minmi vi la Miamis na lena denli?, <flow oscillate> (ph) When is low tide at Miami today? tidings, nuzvo, [V‍-‍BS] (3n) V is a piece of news/tidings about B from source S. tie, jurkocduo, <4th conv. of cord do> [B‍-‍SD] (3n) B is a bond/tie (line)/connection between S and D. kocduo, <line do> [K‍-‍BBV] (4v) K tie/bind object B to B by means of line/bond V. ju kocduo, <line do> (n) a tie/bond, tie, a line used in tying. nandymao, <knot join> [K‍-‍SD] (3v) K tie/join S to D by a knot. tie up, refklomao, <clothing close make> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K fasten/tie up/do up B. tied, nu refklomao, <clothing close make> (a) fastened/tied. tiger, tigra, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a female tiger/tigress, a carnivorous mammal, Felis tigris. tigri, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an infant tiger. tigro, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a male tiger. tigru, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is any tiger, non specific term. tiger like, tigre, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is tiger like, resembling or pertaining to tigers. tight, djitu, [B‍-‍F] (2a) B is tight/snug on F. jit, (af) a combining form of djitu, tight. jiu, (af) a combining form of djitu, tight. tighten, jitmao, <tight make> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K tighten/shrink B with V, intentional. jiucko, <tight cause> [S‍-‍D] (2v) S tighten/shrink D (non intentional), i.e. Hot water shrinks wool. tightener, jitmao, <tight make> (n) tightener/wrench/spanner (U.K.). tightness, po djitu, (n) a tightness/snugness, a spec. state. pu djitu, (n) a tightness, a spec. property. tights, jitpantu, <tight pants> [B‍-‍] (1n) B are some tights. tigress, tigra, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a female tiger/tigress, a carnivorous mammal, Felis tigris. tile, kadta, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a tile of F. till, derbremao, <soil ready make> [K‍-‍BP] (3v) K till/cultivate field/parcel B for planting/growing crop P. tiller, bourtolpae, <boat control apparatus> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the tiller/helm of ship F. derbremao, <soil ready make> (n) tiller/cultivator of field/parcel … for planting/growing crop … — one who -s. dirtolpae, <direction control apparatus> [K‍-‍S] (2n) K is a helm/tiller/steering wheel of S. tilling, derbremao, <soil ready make> (a) tilling/cultivating of field/parcel … for planting/growing crop … — pertaining to -ing. po derbremao, <soil ready make> (n) tilling/cultivation of field/parcel … for planting/growing crop … — the -ing event. tilt, slocko, <slope cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N tilt/tip D, nonintentionally make something slope. po slocko, <slope cause> (n) an instance of slant/tip/tilt, <non intentional>. slomao, <slope make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K tilt/tip D, intentionally make something slope. po slomao, <slope make> (n) an instance of slant/tip/tilt. tilted, slocea, <slope become> [D‍-‍] (1v) D become tilted/tipped, (actor unspecified). timber, bairmubre, <build wood> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is some lumber/timber/building wood from tree/species S. bairmubre, <build wood> (a) lumber/timber, made from —. mubtri, <wood tree> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a/some timber (tree). mubtri, <wood tree> (a) timber, pert. to trees used for lumber. lo mubtri, <wood tree> (n) timber, mass term. time, ckemei, <time measure> [K‍-‍VC] (3v) K time/measure the duration of V to be C. fu ckemei, <time measure> (n) a/the time, as measured by …. ckemo, [C‍-‍SD] (3n) C the time/interval/period from S to D. lo ckemo, (n) time, mass term. ckepea, <time point> (n) a/the time, a/the instant of —. ckesifmei, <time location measure> [K‍-‍VC] (3v) K time/measure the time of V to be C. meisto, <measure last> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B lasts/endures C in time, has a measured life/endurance of. genza, (n) a time/occasion/other/another (time). hotsaa, <hour sign> [C‍-‍V] (2n) C is the time/hour/clock time of event V. keoska, <time scale> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is a time scale, a system of units and zero point for measuring the passage of time. na leva ckepea, (av ph) at that instant/at the same time, of instants. nadzo, (av) now/currently/at present/at this time, now/in present time. le nu nadzo, (ph) the present time/moment, of some speech. neri genza, (ph) first occasion/time. nu skakeo, <scale time> (n) a term/time/interval, in the units of some scale. time keeper, ckemei, <time measure> (n) a timer/time keeper, one who measures —. time of, na le ckemo, (av ph) at the time of/in that interval, of intervals. time signature, muzrinta, <music rhythm> [C‍-‍] (1n) C is a time signature, musical rhythm. timeliness, pu gudkeo, <good time> (n) a timeliness, a spec. property. timely, gudkeo, <good time> (a) timely, of acts done on time. timepiece, jokla, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a clock/timepiece, an instrument to measure time. timer, ckemei, <time measure> (n) a timer/time keeper, one who measures —. ckesifmei, <time location measure> (n) a timer, that which measures time. times, cnajai, <quantity product> [G‍-‍CNJ] (4v) G has/have C times as much N as J, e.g. X is 1.1 times Y's height. tia, (ms) times/multiplied by, the multiplication operator, math. timetable, vetkeolista, <event time list> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is a timetable/schedule for events V. timid, firbiu, <fear behave> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more timid/fearful than J. timidity, lopu firbiu, <fear behave> (n) timidity/fearfulness, mass property. po firbiu, <fear behave> (n) an instance of timidity. timliness, lopu gudkeo, <good time> (n) timliness, mass term of props. tin, metveo, <metal container> [B‍-‍P] (2n) B is a can/tin of/containing P. stino, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some tin, element 50 (Sn). tinder, dracti, <dry substance> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is tinder, readily inflammable material for fire starting. tine, penta, (n) a spur/goad/point/prong/tine, any pointed thing, see pointed. tininess, pu muecma, <extremely small> (n) a tininess, a property of being tiny. tinker, patnakso, <pot repair> [K‍-‍] (1v) K tinker/repair pots. patnakso, <pot repair> (n) a tinker, an itinerant repairer of household equipment. pletua, <play work> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K tinker/fiddle with D. tinkerer, pletua, <play work> (n) a tinkerer. tinkle, cmabelsonpro, <small bell sound produce> [B‍-‍] (1v) B tinkle. po cmabelsonpro, <small bell sound produce> (n) an instance of a tinkle. tikli, [B‍-‍] (1v) B tinkle. tinniness, stinycli, <tin like> (n) tinniness, a spec. property. tinny, stinycli, <tin like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more tinny, like tin than J. tint, kolkai, <color character (quality)> [V‍-‍SKN] (4n) V is a/the hue/tint/shade of S to K in lighting N. tiny, muecma, <extremely small> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is minute/tiny/wee in dimension(s) N, extremely small. tip, bekfao, <object end> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the tip/end/extremity of object F. slocko, <slope cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N tilt/tip D, nonintentionally make something slope. po slocko, <slope cause> (n) an instance of slant/tip/tilt, <non intentional>. slomao, <slope make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K tilt/tip D, intentionally make something slope. po slomao, <slope make> (n) an instance of slant/tip/tilt. suvdou, <server give> [K‍-‍DCV] (4v) K tip (person) D (amount) C for (service) V. fu suvdou, <server give> (n) a tip, the actual amount. po suvdou, <server give> (n) a tip, the event of -ing. tip over, nurveldru, <contents lose> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K tip over/overturn/upset/spill contents B onto D. tipped, slocea, <slope become> [D‍-‍] (1v) D become tilted/tipped, (actor unspecified). tire, cketeu, <time stretch> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K bore/tire D by V. krilykua, <wheel cover> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a tire/tyre of vehicle F. talcko, <tired cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N fatigue/tire, makes D tired. tired, nu cketeu, <time stretch> (a) tired/bored, one who is -d. tae, (af) a combining form of tarle, tired. tal, (af) a combining form of tarle, tired. tarle, [D‍-‍V] (2a) D is tired/fatigued/weary by effort V. tired of, nu talcko, <tired cause> (a) tired of/fatigued, made tired, conv. of fatigue. tired out, kaltae, <completely tired> [D‍-‍V] (2a) D is exhausted/spent/tired out by V. tiredly, tarle, (av) tiredly/wearily, in a tired manner. tiredness, po tarle, (n) a fatigue/weariness/tiredness, a state/condition of tiredness. tiresome, cketeu, <time stretch> (a) boring/tedious/tiresome, pertaining to one who -s. talcko, <tired cause> (a) tiring/tiresome, of that which fatigues …. tiresomeness, pu talcko, <tired cause> (n) a tiresomeness, a property of tiring …. tiring, talcko, <tired cause> (a) tiring/tiresome, of that which fatigues …. tissue, biarskapi, <betwen skin> [K‍-‍BB] (3n) K is a membrane/tissue/intersurface between B and B. lo biarskapi, <betwen skin> (n) membrane/tissue, mass term. titanium, tithanio, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some titanium, element 22 (Ti). title, larnamci, <art name> [B‍-‍P] (2n) B is a/the title/name of P, a work of art. pu lilpou, <legally own> (n) a proprietorship/dominion/possession/title, a spec. property. namci, [B‍-‍SB] (3n) B is a/the title/name of S to/used by B. ponlilfurlei, <possess law permit (right)> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a title/deed/right of ownership to/in N. ponpre, <own paper> [B‍-‍NDS] (4n) B is a title/deed transferring property N to D from S. to, je, (pp) of/by/for/from/of/to<, before 2nd arguments in descriptions.>. jue, (pp) of/by/to, 2nd descriptive link. po, (va) to …, infinitive, as in 'to swim is good'. to and fro, siltu, (av) back and forth/to and fro/side to side, in a reciprocating way. to the same degree as, ciu, (pp) as much as/to the same degree as, an oper. used before args to give the accompanying non comparative preda a comparative sense (PA). E.g. Da farfu ciu de — X is a father as much as Y is X is as much a father as Y is. Cf. mou. toast, ronmao, <brown make> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K toast/brown B. nu ronmao, <brown make> (1a) toast (ed) … (substance to be specified). tobacco, tabko, [B‍-‍S] (1n) B is a portion/quantity of tobacco from source S. lo tabko, (n) tobacco, the mass of all tobacco. toboggan, tobhoganu, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a toboggan of/from S. today, na le nazdei, (av ph) today. na le nazdelnai, (av ph) today, a 24 hr period. nazdei, <now day> (av) today, the current day, incompl. toe, djoto, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a toe of S. toenail, djotyhorno, <toe horn> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a toenail of S. together, kinmao, <together make> [K‍-‍BF] (3v) K bring B close to/together/assemble with F. zea, (c) together with, a connective for compound predicates. together with, kinci, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K accompany/be together with D in doing V. toilet, korfeskru, <body waste room> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B is a toilet/john/convenience/loo/lavatory/WC, the room. korfesveo, <body waste vessel> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B is a toilet/john/convenience/loo/lavatory/WC, the appliance. token, genza, [V‍-‍N] (2n) V is a case/token/instance/recurrence/recurrent instance of N. tolerate, fanjuo, <reverse support> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K cannot support/bear/endure/tolerate D in circumstance N. fatnorpoa, <trouble ignore(not respond)> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K tolerate (annoyance) N. recynorpoa, <different not respond(ignore)> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K tolerate (differences) B. rusfaslyduo, <approve face do> [K‍-‍V] (2n) K countenance/tolerate/approve V, accept …'s action/behaviour. zavnorpoa, <bad not respond(ignore)> [D‍-‍N] (2v) D tolerate (bad conditions) N. toleration, lopu fatnorpoa, <trouble ignore(not respond)> (n) toleration (of annoyance …), mass property. lopu recynorpoa, <different not respond(ignore)> (n) toleration (of differences …), mass property. lopu zavnorpoa, <bad not respond(ignore)> (n) toleration (of bad conditions …), mass property. toll, belduo, <bell do> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K ring/toll B (a bell). cteki, [B‍-‍DKF] (4n) B is the tax/custom/duty/toll/tribute imposed on D paid by K to F. tomato, tomto, [B‍-‍S] (1n) B is a/some tomato(es) from source S. tomatoes, lo tomto, (n) tomatoes, general term. tomb, morhaa, <death house> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is a/the tomb of D, a burial chamber. tomcat, katmo, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a tomcat, a male domestic cat/feline. tomorrow, na le nerfucdei, (av ph) tomorrow, during tomorrow. na le nerfucnai, (av ph) tomorrow night, during tomorrow night. nerfucdei, <one after day> (n) tomorrow/the next day. torfucdei, <two after day> (1n) the day after tomorrow. tomorrow night, fucnai, <after night> (n) tomorrow night, after day …. ton, tonme, [B‍-‍C] (2v) B weigh C in ton(s). Specify gleco or merko, or better yet megygramo. gleco tonme, (2v) weigh in British ton(s) (20cwt, 160 stones 2240lbs) …. merko tonme, (2v) weigh in US ton(s) (2000 lbs) …. tonal, punfysoa, <uniform sound> (a) tonal, pert. to tones. tone, punfysoa, <uniform sound> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B is a tone/note, a pure sound with frequency C. tongue, lengu, [N‍-‍B] (2n) N is a/the language/tongue of B. tongu, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the tongue of F. tongue-wrestle, tongyliukamda, <tongue restrain battle> [K‍-‍K] (2v) K tongue-wrestle with K. tonight, naznai, <present night> (n) tonight, the current night. tonne, megygramo, <million grams> [B‍-‍C] (2v) B weigh C in tonne(s). (1000kg). too, mrotsumue, <more+sufficient+much> [B‍-‍PN] (3v) B is too/so excessive (in some property) that (result) P in circumstances N. sui, (av) also/too/moreover/besides/as well/in addition/furthermore, a discourse operator (UI). zavmoutsu, <bad more(than) sufficient> [C‍-‍F] (2a) C is too much/an excessive amount of F. too much, mromue, <too much> [B‍-‍C] (2a) B has too much of C. tsubae, <sufficient beyond> [V‍-‍] (1a) V is too much. tool, rim, (af) a combining form of trime, tool. trime, [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is an instrument/tool/implement for doing V. rie, (af) a combining form of trime, tool. tool for thought, penrie, <think tool> [B‍-‍K] (2n) B is a tool for thought used by K. tooth, dante, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a tooth of S. dat, (af) a combining form of dante, tooth. tooth powder, datklinycti, <tooth clean stuff> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is toothpaste/tooth powder, something to clean teeth. toothbrush, datrou, <tooth brush> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a toothbrush. toothiness, po datflo, <tooth full> (n) a toothiness, a spec. condition. toothpaste, datklinycti, <tooth clean stuff> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is toothpaste/tooth powder, something to clean teeth. toothy, datflo, <tooth full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more toothy/full of teeth than J. top, ganpai, <high part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the top part of F. Cf. ganpea. ganrorpai, <high part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the top/peak/summit of F. ganspali, <upper side> [N‍-‍B] (2n) N is the top of B, upper surface of object …. kuvga, (n) a lid/top/cover, a lid/top. tovkua, <over cover> [K‍-‍BP] (3v) K top, cover the top of B with P. tovneagoi, <over next go> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K mount/embark/get on top of/go aboard B. top of, tovnea, <above next to> [B‍-‍N] (2pp) B is on/upon/on top of/above and in contact with N. topic, nu dislu, (n) a topic/subject/theme, of a discussion, conv. form. nurpeo, <1st conv. of think, thinkable> [B‍-‍K] (2n) B is a topic/subject for thought to K. topping, tovkua, <over cover> (n) topping. torch, litystuka, <light stick> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a torch/flashlight. torment, mutpuncko, <much pain cause> [N‍-‍DV] (3v) N torment/harrow/torture D by doing/being V (nonintentional). fu mutpuncko, <much pain cause> (n) torment/torture, resulting from -ing (of … by actor …). mutpunmao, <much pain make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K torment/harrow/torture D by doing/being V (intentional). fu mutpunmao, <much pain make> (n) torment/torture, resulting from -ing (of … by actor …). tormented, nu mutpuncko, <much pain cause> (a) tormented/harrowed/tortured (by … by …), pert. to one -ed. nu mutpunmao, <much pain make> (a) tormented/harrowed/tortured (by … by …), pert. to one -ed. tormenting, mutpuncko, <much pain cause> (a) tormenting/harrowing/torturing (… by …). mutpunmao, <much pain make> (a) tormenting/harrowing/torturing (… by …). tornado, tontetri, <twist weather> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a tornado in F, e.g. Mu pa nu tontetri — We had a tornado. torque, fu tonmao, <twist make> (n) a torque, an applied load twisting. nu torni, (n) a torque, a load which twists …, q.v. torrent, sudnyvri, <sudden river> [V‍-‍F] (2n) V is a torrent of F. totcri, <thick rain> [V‍-‍B] (2n) V is a downpour/cloudburst/torrent of B. tort, fu dasysru, <responsible hurt> (n) an injury/wrong/tort/injustice (done to … by …). po dasysru, <responsible hurt> (n) an injury/wrong/tort (done to … in manner …). tortoise, testhudu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a generic turtle/tortoise, a member of the order Testudines. torture, mutpuncko, <much pain cause> [N‍-‍DV] (3v) N torment/harrow/torture D by doing/being V (nonintentional). fu mutpuncko, <much pain cause> (n) torment/torture, resulting from -ing (of … by actor …). po nu mutpuncko, <much pain cause> (n) an instance of being tortured/torture. mutpunmao, <much pain make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K torment/harrow/torture D by doing/being V (intentional). fu mutpunmao, <much pain make> (n) torment/torture, resulting from -ing (of … by actor …). po nu mutpunmao, <much pain make> (n) an instance of being tortured/torture. tortured, nu mutpuncko, <much pain cause> (a) tormented/harrowed/tortured (by … by …), pert. to one -ed. po nu mutpuncko, <much pain cause> (n) an instance of being tortured/torture. nu mutpunmao, <much pain make> (a) tormented/harrowed/tortured (by … by …), pert. to one -ed. po nu mutpunmao, <much pain make> (n) an instance of being tortured/torture. torturing, mutpuncko, <much pain cause> (a) tormenting/harrowing/torturing (… by …). mutpunmao, <much pain make> (a) tormenting/harrowing/torturing (… by …). total, kapli, (n) total, a whole/complete by standard …. sumji, [F‍-‍CC] (3v) F is the sum/total/gross of C increased by C. totem, tothemi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a totem. totter, siudzo, <shake walk> [K‍-‍] (1v) K totter (walk unsteadily, as of age or infirmity). touch, dedtco, <finger touch> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K feel/touch D with fingers. dedtotco, <finger touch> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K feel/touch D with fingers. filmao, <feel make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K move/touch D, make one feel emotion …, intentional. fiocko, <feel cause> [S‍-‍DP] (3v) S move/touch/cause emotion in D causing emotions P, nonintentional. nedsei, <next set> (ph) in contact/touch, next to each other or Fig. tco, (af) a combining form of totco, touch. tcosae, <touch sense> [D‍-‍VB] (3v) D sense/feel touch V from object B. nu tcosae, <touch sense> (n) a touch, that felt when -ed, conv. form. tcosaskai, <touch sense quality> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is sense of touch of (organism) F. lo tcosaskai, <touch sense quality> (n) touch, mass term. toc, (af) a combining form of totco, touch. tocfoa, <touch form> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a/the touch, way of touching of S. totco, [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K touch D with body part B. po totco, (n) a touch, an act/event of -ing. pu totco, (n) a touch, a spec. property of -ing. touch and goes, kalflesti, <no complete fly stop> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K practises circuits and bumps/touch and goes at airport N. touch impaired, tocfiu, <touch weak> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is touch impaired/numb. touch-by stretching, tectco, <stretch touch> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K can just reach/touch-by stretching B. teutco, <stretch touch> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K can just reach/touch-by stretching B. touchable-by stretching, nu tectco, <stretch touch> (a) reachable/touchable-by stretching/attainable. <D-K>. nu teutco, <stretch touch> (a) reachable/touchable-by stretching/attainable. <D-K>. touched, nu filmao, <feel make> (v) touched/made to feel emotion by …. nu fiocko, <feel cause> (v) touched/made to feel emotion by incident …. touching, filmao, <feel make> (a) moving/touching, emotionally touching. fiocko, <feel cause> (a) moving/touching, emotionally touching, of an incident. nedsei, <next set> (a) touching, of contiguous sets. nedza, (a) contiguous/adjacent/touching, of contiguous objects. tough, brofro, <break strong> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is durable/tough under stress N. nu fibru, (a) tough, tougher than, conv. of weak, qv. nersto, <one remain> [B‍-‍] (1) B is tough/cohesive, not easily pulled apart. tougher, nu fibru, (a) tough, tougher than, conv. of weak, qv. tourist, danrykle, <ordinary class> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is tourist/coach/second class accommodation in conveyance F. danrykle, <ordinary class> (a) tourist/coach/second class. rezkeotraci, <free time traveller> [K‍-‍DSV] (4n) K is a tourist visiting D from S via V. tournament, rorplesio, <many games> [V‍-‍B] (2n) V is a match/tournament of B. tow, kincpu, <accompany pull> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K draw along/tow B. koecpu, <rope pull> [K‍-‍BDS] (4v) K tow/haul B to D from S. toward, dirco, (pp) in direction … from … /toward … from …, of places/objects. le nordi ga dirco da, (ph) da is to/toward the north. vuva, (av) toward here/this place, before preds. vuva, (c) toward the place where, before clauses. vuva, (pp) toward, before terms. towed, nu kincpu, <accompany pull> (a) towed/pulled (by …). towel, dramaokla, <dry make cloth> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a towel. tower, ganynurbai, <high building> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a tower, any high structure/building. towing, kincpu, <accompany pull> (a) pulling/towing (object …). town, cmasitci, <small city> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a town/small city serving region/hinterland F. sicgarhaa, <city govern house> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the city/town hall, the government building of community F. sitci, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a town/city serving region/hinterland F. toxic, vendu, [B‍-‍SN] (3a) B is poisonous/toxic to life form S under conditions N. venmou, <poison more> [G‍-‍DJD] (4a) G is more poisonous/toxic to D than J is to D(1). toxin, toksini, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a toxin of/from S. vendu, (n) a poison/toxin/venom, a spec. poisonous substance. toy, plebekti, <play thing> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a toy/plaything. trace, futsaa, <after sign> [P‍-‍S] (2n) P is the track/spoor/trace/trail of S. kopypae, <copy device> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a pantograph/mechanism used to trace/copy pictures. linkopmao, <line copy> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K trace drawing/outline B on D. sanprikaa, <sign behind come(follow)> [K‍-‍BSD] (4v) K trail/trace/track/follow signs of B from S to D. stocti, <staying material> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a vestige/trace/residue/remains/rest of F. traceable, nu sanprikaa, <sign behind come(follow)> (a) traceable, capable of being -ed. tracer, linkopmao, <line copy> (n) a tracer, one who traces drawings/outlines. sanprikaa, <sign behind come(follow)> (n) a tracker/tracer, one who/that which follows cues. tracing, fu linkopmao, <line copy> (n) a tracing, a product of tracing. track, futsaa, <after sign> [P‍-‍S] (2n) P is the track/spoor/trace/trail of S. katcytraci, <watch travel> [K‍-‍BN] (3v) K track B for purpose/reason N. rutma, [B‍-‍DSK] (4n) B is a/the track/way/route/course/path to D from S used by K. sanprikaa, <sign behind come(follow)> [K‍-‍BSD] (4v) K trail/trace/track/follow signs of B from S to D. trerodlu, <train road> [B‍-‍FV] (3n) B is a railroad/track running between points F over route V. trackball, tolbalma, <control ball> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a trackball of system F, a display pointer. tracker, prigoi, <behind go> (n) a follower/tail(slang)/tracker/pursuer. sanprikaa, <sign behind come(follow)> (n) a tracker/tracer, one who/that which follows cues. tract, melterspa, <measure three space> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a tract/three dimensional volume of definite boundaries. meltorspa, <measure two space> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a tract/two dimensional area of definite boundaries. lanpiu, <land piece> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a tract/compass/area. limterspa, <limit(ed) three space> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a tract/three dimensional volume of definite boundaries. limtorspa, <limit(ed) two space> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a tract/two dimensional surface of definite boundaries. traction, muvjua, <move grasp> [B‍-‍DN] (3v) B has/have traction on surface D under conditions N. zo muvjua, <move grasp> (n) an amount of traction. tractor, cputca, <pull car> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a tractor, any vehicle which tows another. kincpu, <accompany pull> (n) tractor (of …). trade, bat, (af) a combining form of batmi, trade. batmi, [K‍-‍BBD] (4v) K trade/exchange B for B with D. batmi, (a) trade/commercial, pert. to trading. cmebatmi, <money trade> [K‍-‍CCS] (4v) K exchange/trade amount of money C (in one currency) for amount of money C (in another currency) with source S. nursuvsei, <those who are served set> [B‍-‍K] (2n) B are the customers/clientele/practice/trade of service K. trade places, kakbatmi, <actor trade> [K‍-‍KP] (3v) K alternate/take turns/trade places with K in doing P. trademark, batmra, <trade mark> [B‍-‍DP] (3n) B is a trademark owned by D for product P. trader, batmi, (n) a businessman/trader/merchant, one who -s. cmebatmi, <money trade> (n) trader/broker, one involved in money trade. tradesman, vedma, (n) a salesman/seller/vendor/tradesman, one who sells … to … for …. trading market, batsia, <trade place> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a trading market at F. trading place, marte, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a market (place)/trading place of town/district F, a place for trading. tradition, kusmo, [V‍-‍SN] (3n) V is a habit/custom/practice/tradition of S under condition N. lalkuo, <old custom> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a tradition to culture F. traditional, lagkuo, <long custom> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is traditional/old-fashioned. pu lalkuo, <old custom> (a) traditional. traffic, bekykrosio, <object flow system> [V‍-‍F] (2n) V is the/some traffic in/of F. po cmebatmi, <money trade> (n) traffic, as in "drug traffic". tcakro, <vehicle flow> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is traffic, in the vehicle sense. tragedy, kecfaostu, <sad end story> [P‍-‍NS] (3n) P is a tragedy about N by S. keirstastu, <sad stage story> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a tragedy. kutvei, <bitter event> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is a tragedy, a real life event. tragic, keirstastu, <sad stage story> (a) tragic, pert. to a tragedy. kutvei, <bitter event> (a) tragic, pert. to a real life tragedy. trail, fitrua, <foot route> [B‍-‍SD] (3n) B is a trail/path from S to D. futsaa, <after sign> [P‍-‍S] (2n) P is the track/spoor/trace/trail of S. sanprikaa, <sign behind come(follow)> [K‍-‍BSD] (4v) K trail/trace/track/follow signs of B from S to D. trailer, rachaa, <travel house> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a caravan (UK)/(travel) trailer (US)/mobile home of person F. train, beigru, <carry group> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a train/caravan/convoy of F. bivdia, <behaviour teach> [K‍-‍DNV] (4v) K train/condition/educate D to do/produce behavior N under V. tre, (af) a combining form of trena, train. trained, nu bivdia, <behaviour teach> (a) trained, of that which/one who is -d. trainer, bivdia, <behaviour teach> (n) a trainer, one who -s. training, lopo bivdia, <behaviour teach> (n) training/conditioning, mass term. po bivdia, <behaviour teach> (n) some training/conditioning, spec. instance. trait, ju specypai, <species part> (a) a characteristic/racial/racial trait. traitor, falkao, <falsely act/> (n) a traitor. gunfalkao, <country false act> (n) a traitor. tram, sictre, <city train> [B‍-‍VF] (3n) B is a tram/streetcar/trolley with route V through city F. tramp, zvosoi, <out sleeper> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a hobo/rover/tramp, one who wanders the country without fixed address. trangression, po lidyzavbiu, <sinful behave> (n) a trangression/sin, an act/state of -ing. tranquil, kalma, [K‍-‍N] (2a) K is calm/tranquil/serene under conditions N. kalmymou, <calm more> [G‍-‍VJV] (4a) G is calmer/more tranquil/serene/untroubled about V than J is about V'. tranquility, lopu kalma, (n) calm/tranquility/serenity, mass property. lopo kalmymou, <calm more> (n) tranquility/serenity/calmness, the mass of such states. transcribe, cuesri, <say write> [K‍-‍PDV] (4v) K transcribe speech P by speaker D on/in V. transcriptase, transkriptasi, [B‍-‍PS] (3n) B is a transcriptase with action P of/from S. transcription, po cuesri, <say write> (n) an instance of transcription. transfer, cmesui, <money send> [K‍-‍CDV] (4v) K remit/send/transfer money C to D by V. noirsifkoi, <other place command> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K post/transfer B to D. po noirsifkoi, <other place command> (n) a (specific) posting/transfer. noirsifsui, <away send> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K displace/transfer/send away B to D. po noirsifsui, <away send> (n) a transfer/displacement, an act of transferring. ponceamao, <owner change make> [K‍-‍BDS] (4v) K transfer (ownership) of B to D from S. po ponceamao, <owner change make> (n) a (specific) transfer. transferable, nu noirsifsui, <away send> (a) transferable, can be -ed. transferral, po nu noirsifsui, <away send> (n) a transferral, an event of being -ed. transferred, tolnurdou, <control given> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K assume/take over/are transferred control of B from D. transferree, nu noirsifsui, <away send> (n) a transferree, one who is -ed. transferrin, transferini, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some transferrin, a plasma globulin. transform, ceacko, <change cause> [N‍-‍BPS] (4v) N convert/change/alter/transform/vary B into P from S - (nonintentional cause). kalcea, <complete change> [K‍-‍DPS] (4v) K convert/change/alter/transform/vary D into P from S - (intentional act). selkopmao, <self copy make> [S‍-‍P] (2v) S divide/transform/replicate itself to P copies, default 2. transformable, nu ceacko, <change cause> (a) alterable/convertible/changeable/transformable, can be altered. nu kalcea, <complete change> (a) alterable/convertible/changeable/transformable, can be altered. transformation, po ceacko, <change cause> (n) an alteration/conversion/transformation/change, an act of -ing. po kalcea, <complete change> (n) an alteration/conversion/transformation/change, an act of -ing. notlenfoa, <other language form> [P‍-‍BDK] (4n) P is a translation/interpretation/transformation of text/document/speech B into other language D by translator/interpreter K. transformer, ceacko, <change cause> (n) a converter/transformer, that which -s. kalcea, <complete change> (n) a converter/transformer, one who -s. transgress, lidyzavbiu, <sinful behave> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K sin/transgress in doing V, commits sin …. zavkaobiu, <bad act behave> [B‍-‍V] (2v) B is/are guilty of/transgress/commit wrong/evil act V. transgression, lopo zavkaobiu, <bad act behave> (n) guilt/transgression/wrongdoing, mass term for acts. transgressor, lidyzavbiu, <sinful behave> (n) a sinner/transgressor, one who sins. transience, pu norsto, <non lasting> (n) impermanence/transience, a prop. of passing things. transient, corsto, <short stay> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is fugitive/transient/fleeting/evanescent/ephemeral/momentary/passing/temporary. corvei, <short event> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more brief/transient/passing/transitory/ephemeral than J. norsto, <non lasting> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is an impermanent/passing/transient/ephemeral/transitory aspect of N. transition, cejkeo, <period of change> [V‍-‍SP] (3n) V is a transition (period) from S into P. cejvei, <change event> [V‍-‍SP] (3n) V is a transition from S into P, as between two energy states. po cenja, (n) a change/transition, a spec. event/process. transitory, corvei, <short event> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more brief/transient/passing/transitory/ephemeral than J. norsto, <non lasting> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is an impermanent/passing/transient/ephemeral/transitory aspect of N. translate, notlensea, <other language set> [K‍-‍BDS] (4v) K translate(s) document B into target language D from source language S. sifmuo, <position move> [K‍-‍BDSV] (5v) K translate/shift B to D from S via V, a transformation operation. translation, notlenfoa, <other language form> [P‍-‍BDK] (4n) P is a translation/interpretation/transformation of text/document/speech B into other language D by translator/interpreter K. po sifmuo, <position move> (1n) a translation, a position shift. translator, notlensea, <other language set> (n) a translator. transmit, getsui, <get send> [K‍-‍BDS] (4v) K transmit/relay B to D from S. kresui, <ray send> [S‍-‍PN] (3v) S emit/radiate/transmit signal/energy P in direction N. transparency, pu kliri, (n) a lucidity/transparency/clarity, a spec. property. transparent, kliri, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is apparent/lucid/clearer/more transparent than J, fig. understandable. norkoo, <no colour> [P‍-‍] (1i) P is clear/uncoloured/transparent. transport, berti, [K‍-‍BDSV] (4v) K carry/transport B to D from S via V. spibei, <spirit carry> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K transport/carry away/enrapture D by V. tcabei, <vehicle carry> [K‍-‍BDSV] (5v) K transport/give a ride to person/material B to D from S via V. transportable, nu berti, (a) transportable, capable of being -d. transportation, lopo berti, (n) transportation, mass term. po berti, (n) an inst. of transportation. transported, nu spibei, <spirit carry> (a) transported/carried away/rapt. transverse, kasdio, <across direction> [B‍-‍B] (2v) B is transverse/sideways to B. kasgoi, <across go> (a) transverse, of traversing things. kasgoi, <across go> (n) a transverse, that which traverses, q.v. trap, jughou, <grab hole> [B‍-‍P] (2n) B is a trap/pitfall for P. jugpae, <grab device> [B‍-‍P] (2n) B is a trap/gin for P. trash, nurfesycti, <wasted stuff> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is waste/refuse/garbage/trash/junk/scrap from process V. travel, rac, (af) a combining form of traci, travel. ractce, <travel through> [K‍-‍F] (2v) K travel all over region F. racyspe, <travel experience> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K experience (place, culture, etc.) B by travel. traci, [K‍-‍DSV] (4v) K travel/journey to D from S by route V. lopo traci, (n) travel, mass acts. po traci, (n) a journey/travel/trip, a spec. act/event of -ing. travel guide, racbuu, <travel book> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is a travel guide about D. travel method, racrie, <travel tool> [B‍-‍DSV] (4n) B is a travel method to D from S via V. travel to, racfurmoi, <travel intention> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K are bound for/intend to travel to D. travel toward, dirtraci, <direction travel> [K‍-‍DSV] (4v) K travel toward D from S via V. travel-time, rackeo, <travel interval> [C‍-‍DSV] (4n) C is the travel-time to D from S via V. traveler, traci, (n) a traveler, one who travels. travels by automobile, tcatraci, <car travel> [K‍-‍DSV] (4n) K travels by automobile/car to D from S via V. traverse, kasgoi, <across go> [K‍-‍VD] (3v) K cross/traverse/go across V to/on the way to D. po kasgoi, <across go> (n) a traverse/crossing, an act of going across. tray, trali, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a tray of F, a shallow portable container of …. tray table, fodtoe, <fold table> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a folding table/tray table. trayful, tralycai, <tray quantity> [C‍-‍F] (2n) C is a trayful of F. treachery, lopo gunfalkao, <country false act> (n) treason/treachery, mass instances. po gunfalkao, <country false act> (n) an act of treason/treachery. treacle, nigslicui, <black sweet water (deprecated, replace with {heirslicui})> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some molasses/treacle. heirslicui, <black sweet water> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some molasses/treacle. tread, buste, [K‍-‍D] (2v) K step/tread on/in D. po buste, (n) a step/tread, an act of -ing. treason, lopo gunfalkao, <country false act> (n) treason/treachery, mass instances. po gunfalkao, <country false act> (n) an act of treason/treachery. treasure, nu dipkeu, <dear care> (n) a treasure, that which is -ed. vausro, <value store> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a treasure, store of valuables. treasurer, dipkeu, <dear care> (n) a treasurer, one who keeps a treasure. treasury, vaursrosia, <value store place> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a treasury. treat, po cmidou, <fun give> (n) a party/entertainment/treat, an act of -ing. lopo cmimao, <amused make> (n) fun/amusement/entertainment/treat, amusement, mass term. po cmimao, <amused make> (n) some amusement/fun/entertainment/treat, an act/process of -ing. fomduo, <form do> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K treat/handle D in manner/method/way/mode/with treatment V. kicmu, [K‍-‍DBV] (4v) K doctor/treat D medically for B with V. pludou, <pleasure give> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K (give a) treat of B to D. nu pludou, <pleasure give> (n) a treat, what is given by the treater. treat of, perti, [B‍-‍N] (2v) B treat of/relate to/pertain to/concern/be about/be relevant to N. treated, nu fomduo, <form do> (a) treated, of one who/that which is -ed. treatment, fu fomduo, <form do> (n) a treatment, a method/manner of -ing …. po fomduo, <form do> (n) a treatment/handling, a spec. case of treating …. ju kickoi, <doctor order> (n) a treatment/(medical) regime. po kicmu, (n) a treatment, medical, a spec. event. treaty, gundurcue, <country do say(promise)> [V‍-‍F] (2n) V is a treaty/accord/agreement/entente/settlement/pact between/among countries F. rorguntoi, <many country agree> [N‍-‍B] (2n) N is a treaty/accord/agreement/entente/settlement/pact among countries B. torguntoi, <two country agree> [N‍-‍F] (2n) N is a treaty/accord/agreement/entente/settlement/pact between countries F. tree, tri, (af) a combining form of tricu, tree. tricu, [B‍-‍S] (1n) B is a tree of region S. trellis, mubnetre, <wood net> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a lattice/trellis. trematode, trematodi, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a fluke/flatworm/trematode from S. tremble, korsiu, <body shake> [K‍-‍] (1v) K tremble/quiver/shiver/shudder. mildysiu, <gentle shake> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K tremble from V. trembling, po mildysiu, <gentle shake> (n) an instance of trembling. trench, laghou, <long hole> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a ditch/trench in/on F. trend, cejnoa, <change average> [V‍-‍FK] (3n) V is a trend, a movement or change vector in certain variables/parameters, perceivable/observable in domain/time series/historical period F by observer(s) K. triad, tecu, (a) three/triple/triplet, a triad of … acting together, an indefinite set describer. E.g. Tecu mrenu pa hijra — Some three men/A group of three men were here together. Cf., Te mrenu pa hijra — Some three men were here independently. tera, (2n) is a triple/trio/triad/threesome/3 member subset of set …, a cardinal predicate; e.g. Da tera lea murki — X is a trio of monkeys. trial, grofau, <big trouble> [V‍-‍DN] (3n) V is a misfortune/trial/tribulation to D in way N. po trati, (n) an attempt/effort/trial/try, an act of trying. nu tsikaopru, <crime act prove> (ph) on trial/accused. po tsikaopru, <crime act prove> (n) a trial, a sp. event. po nu tsikaopru, <crime act prove> (n) a trial, of a specific person. triangle, terjaofoa, <3 angle form> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a triangle with vertices F. triangular, terjaofoa, <3 angle form> (a) triangular, pert. to triangles. tribe, kulgru, <culture group> [F‍-‍] (1n) F is a tribe/clan, a human social group. kulgrudjo, <culture group members> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a member of clan/tribe F. tribulation, grofau, <big trouble> [V‍-‍DN] (3n) V is a misfortune/trial/tribulation to D in way N. tributary, vribadjo, <river branch> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a tributary/branch of river/river system F. tribute, cteki, [B‍-‍DKF] (4n) B is the tax/custom/duty/toll/tribute imposed on D paid by K to F. po gudtaa, <good speak> (n) an act of praise/tribute/commendation. norgaucte, <loser tax> [F‍-‍BSD] (4n) F is a tribute consisting of B to S from D. ju norgaucte, <loser tax> (3v) pay tribute … to … for …. tribute to, gudtaa, <good speak> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K praise/commend/pay tribute to D for/about performance V. trick, dupgei, <deceive get> [K‍-‍DNV] (4v) K con/trick D into N by V, includes services. dupma, [K‍-‍DNV] (4v) K trick/deceive/dupe/put over D in/about N by V. po dupma, (n) a trick/deception/deceit, a spec. act of deceiving. duptoa, <deceive take> [K‍-‍DBV] (4v) K con/trick D out of B by V, material things. trickster, dupgei, <deceive get> (n) a con artist/trickster. dupma, (n) a trickster/deceiver, one who deceives. duptoa, <deceive take> (n) a con artist/trickster. dupyraznu, <deceive reason> (n) a con artist/trickster. tricky, dupma, (a) tricky/deceptive/deceitful, pert. to deceivers. trifle, cmabekti, <small object> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a trifle. cmacai, <small quantity> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a trifle/bit/little/small quantity of F. cmavau, <small value> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a trifle. trillionfold, terho, [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a trillionfold(US)/billionfold(UK) of B, (10E12) international prefix. trillionth, pik, (af) a combining form of pikti, trillionth. pikti, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a trillionth(US)/billionth(UK) part of F, (10E 12) international prefix. trilobite, lao Trilobita, (na) a trilobite, an extinct marine arthropod. trilobiti, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a trilobite from S, an extinct marine arthropod. trilogy, tecenera, (2n) F is a Trinity/trilogy of B. trim, corklu, <short cut> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K bob/crop/trim/cut short D. dunmao, <adorn make> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K adorn/decorate/trim D with B. durna, [K‍-‍D] (2v) K adorn/decorate/deck/ornament/trim D. trimmed, nu dunmao, <adorn make> (a) adorned/decoratable/decorated/trimmed, as by persons. nu durna, (a) adorned/decorated/ornamented/fancy/decked/trimmed, as with ornaments. trimmer, corklu, <short cut> (n) cropper/trimmer (of …), one who -s. trimming, corklu, <short cut> (a) cropping/trimming (of …), pertaining to -ing. durna, (n) an adornment/decoration/decking/ornament/trimming, a spec. ornament. trimmings, fu dunmao, <adorn make> (n) decoration/trimmings, a thing used to decorate. trio, tera, (2n) is a triple/trio/triad/threesome/3 member subset of set …, a cardinal predicate; e.g. Da tera lea murki — X is a trio of monkeys. trip, po glida, (n) a guidance/guided trip, an act of -ing. po traci, (n) a journey/travel/trip, a spec. act/event of -ing. triplane, gentcelyflemai, <repeated wing fly machine> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a biplane/triplane (any aircraft with more than one set of wings). triple, tecu, (a) three/triple/triplet, a triad of … acting together, an indefinite set describer. E.g. Tecu mrenu pa hijra — Some three men/A group of three men were here together. Cf., Te mrenu pa hijra — Some three men were here independently. tera, (2n) is a triple/trio/triad/threesome/3 member subset of set …, a cardinal predicate; e.g. Da tera lea murki — X is a trio of monkeys. termao, <three make> [K‍-‍] (1v) K triplicate/triple, multiply threefold. triplet, braseidjo, <born set member> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a twin/triplet etc. of F, an infant from a multiple birth. tecu, (a) three/triple/triplet, a triad of … acting together, an indefinite set describer. E.g. Tecu mrenu pa hijra — Some three men/A group of three men were here together. Cf., Te mrenu pa hijra — Some three men were here independently. triplicate, termao, <three make> [K‍-‍] (1v) K triplicate/triple, multiply threefold. tripod, terfityjuo, <3 feet support> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a tripod. trisect, terklu, <three cut> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K trisect D, cut … into three equal parts along lines N. trite, danri, [G‍-‍JB] (3a) G is more trite/ordinary/vulgar/common(place)/usual/banal/mundane than J in features B. triumph, kalgau, <completely win> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K triumph over D in situation V. lopo kalgau, <completely win> (n) an instance of triumph, e.g. Arch of Triumph. rilgau, <complete victory> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K triumph over D in battle/competition V. po rilgau, <complete victory> (n) a (specific) triumph. triumphant, kalgau, <completely win> (a) triumphant/victorious over …. rilgau, <complete victory> (a) triumphant. trivial, cmabekti, <small object> (a) trivial, pert. to a trifle. cmacai, <small quantity> (a) trivial, pert. to a trifle. cmavau, <small value> (a) trivial, pert. to a trifle. no djipo, (a) unimportant/insignificant/petty/trivial, neg. of significant. troll, ficyjanto, <fish hunt> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K fish/troll for D. trolley, sictre, <city train> [B‍-‍VF] (3n) B is a tram/streetcar/trolley with route V through city F. trombone, korne, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a horn/French horn/cornet/bugle/trumpet/trombone/saxhorn/tuba, a musical wind instrument, usually brass, employing the player's lips as the vibrating medium. trombona, [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a trombone in key N. troop, goigru, <go group> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a troop/moving band of individuals B. grugoi, <group go> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K troop, move as a group to D from S. sodgru, <soldier group> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a troop/platoon/company/battalion/regiment of F, any military group, identify by number. trot, troti, [K‍-‍DSV] (4v) K trot to D from S via V. po troti, (n) a trot, a specific instance. trouble, fat, (af) a combining form of fatru, trouble. fatmao, <trouble make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K cause trouble for D by V, intentional. po fatmao, <trouble make> (n) trouble, an event of, as in 'Mi no stodaa lepo fatmoa' — 'I don't want trouble'. fatru, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K disturb/trouble/aggravate/annoy/vex/bother/gall D by doing/being V. fatru, (a) trouble/troublesome/annoying/aggravating/vexing/bothersome/plaguing, of that which -s …. fatru, (n) a/some care/trouble/plague, a troubling/disturbing thing. hu fatru, (ph) what's the trouble?, what troubles? lo fatru, (n) trouble/adversity, mass term. fau, (af) a combining form of fatru, trouble. faucko, <trouble cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N cause trouble for D, nonintentional. faucle, <trouble less> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is/are convenient/no trouble, e.g. could you do this for me, if it's —. troublecauser, faucko, <trouble cause> (n) a troublecauser, that which causes trouble. troubled, fatfio, <trouble feel> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K worry/feel troubled/worried/disturbed/concerned about N. fatfio, <trouble feel> (a) disturbed/concerned/worried/troubled, troubled by …. fatpeo, <trouble think> (a) concerned/worried/troubled/disturbed about …. nu fatru, (a) troubled/disturbed, conv. form. troubled by, nurfau, <conv. of trouble> [D‍-‍S] (2v) D minds/is troubled by/bothered by S. troublemaker, fatmao, <trouble make> (n) a troublemaker, one who causes trouble. troublesome, fatmao, <trouble make> (a) troublesome, of troublemakers. fatru, (a) trouble/troublesome/annoying/aggravating/vexing/bothersome/plaguing, of that which -s …. pu faucko, <trouble cause> (a) inconvenient/troublesome; 'don't do it, if it's —'. fauflo, <trouble full> [K‍-‍V] (2a) K is troublesome in V, as a troublesome person. troubling, nu nurfau, <conv. of trouble> (a) bothersome/troubling. trousers, pantu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a pair of trousers/pants. trowel, hancavle, <hand spade> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a trowel/(hand) spade. truck, beitca, <carry car> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a truck/lorry, any motorized transport. bertcaduo, <carry car do> [K‍-‍BDSV] (5v) K truck B to D from S by route V. tcaro, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a auto/car/automobile/truck/vehicle, any motorized land vehicle. trucker, bertcaduo, <carry car do> (n) a trucker (n), one who moves goods by truck. true, tra, (af) a combining form of tradu, true. tradu, [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is true, as of sentences, under epistemology N. trakao, <true act> [B‍-‍NV] (3a) B is trustworthy/loyal/trusted/faithful/true to N in matter V. true that, ei, [B‍-‍] (i) is that so/is it true that …, a question about the truth of …. trumpet, darkra, <far cry> [K‍-‍] (1v) K howl/roar/trumpet, any cry used for long distance communication. korne, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a horn/French horn/cornet/bugle/trumpet/trombone/saxhorn/tuba, a musical wind instrument, usually brass, employing the player's lips as the vibrating medium. methorno, <metal horn> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a horn/trumpet/bugle/brass instrument, any of the brass musical instruments. tromba, [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a trumpet in key N, a wind musical instrument. trunk, groracbao, <big travel box> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is a/the trunk of traveler D. racvelbao, <travel container (baggage) box> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the trunk/boot of vehicle F. tristaga, <tree stem> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the stem/trunk of tree F. trust, curkri, <safe believe> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K trust/entrust B with (the care of) D. po curkri, <safe believe> (n) a trust, an act of -ing … with …. po nu curkri, <safe believe> (n) a trust, a state of being -ed with …. duokri, <do believe> [D‍-‍KP] (3v) D trust/believe/have confidence/faith that K will do P. po duokri, <do believe> (n) a faith/trust, an act of trusting … to do …. trustable, nu curkri, <safe believe> (a) trustable/trustworthy, able to be -ed with. nu duokri, <do believe> (a) trusted/trustworthy/trustable, by … to do …, conv. form. trusted, nu duokri, <do believe> (a) trusted/trustworthy/trustable, by … to do …, conv. form. trakao, <true act> [B‍-‍NV] (3a) B is trustworthy/loyal/trusted/faithful/true to N in matter V. trusting, curkri, <safe believe> (a) trusting, one who -s someone with …. duokri, <do believe> (a) trusting, of one who -s someone to do something. trustworthiness, pu nu curkri, <safe believe> (n) a trustworthiness, a prop. of being -able. pu nu duokri, <do believe> (n) trustworthiness, a spec. property. lopu trakao, <true act> (n) loyalty/trustworthiness/faithfulness/allegiance, mass prop. trustworthy, nu curkri, <safe believe> (a) trustable/trustworthy, able to be -ed with. nu duokri, <do believe> (a) trusted/trustworthy/trustable, by … to do …, conv. form. trakao, <true act> [B‍-‍NV] (3a) B is trustworthy/loyal/trusted/faithful/true to N in matter V. truth, feotra, <fact true> (n) a truth, an empirical truth under rules …. lopu feotra, <fact true> (n) truth, empirical, mass term. pu feotra, <fact true> (n) a truth, empirical, a property. tradu, (n) a truth, a spec. truth under epistemology …. lo tradu, (n) truth, mass term of truth. lopu tradu, (n) truth, mass props. try, guopru, <taste test> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K taste/try B. po mucrai, <very try> (n) a try, an act/event of trying hard. rai, (af) a combining form of trati, try. rairfau, <try bother> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K try hard/take pains with V. trati, [K‍-‍PB] (3v) K try/attempt/make an effort to do/attain P by action/effort B. po trati, (n) an attempt/effort/trial/try, an act of trying. tsikaopru, <crime act prove> [K‍-‍DVNS] (5v) K try D for crime V under law N in court S. try hard, mucrai, <very try> [K‍-‍VP] (3v) K try hard/strive to do V by effort P. trypanosomiasis, lao Triatoma infestans, (na) a Triatoma infestans, the agent of trypanosomiasis. triatomi, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a Triatoma from S, cause of trypanosomiasis. trypsin, tripsini, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is some trypsin from S, a digestive enzyme. tsunami, tsunami, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a tsunami/tidal wave. tuba, korne, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a horn/French horn/cornet/bugle/trumpet/trombone/saxhorn/tuba, a musical wind instrument, usually brass, employing the player's lips as the vibrating medium. tube, tub, (af) a combining form of tubli, tube. tubli, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a piece of tube/pipe. tubercular, tubherkulosi, (a) tubercular. tuberculin, tubherkulini, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some tuberculin, a protein from the bacterium. tuberculosis, tubherkulosi, [D‍-‍] (1n) D suffers from tuberculosis. lopo tubherkulosi, (n) tuberculosis, the mass of such cases. po tubherkulosi, (n) an instance of tuberculosis. tuberous, buicli, <bulb like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more tuberous than J. tubular, tubcli, <tube like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more tubular, tube like than J. tubli, (a) tubular, pert. to tubes/pipes. tuck, fodfoa, <fold form> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a fold/tuck/crease in/of F (Da —. X is a fold like shape.). tuck up, bierfodydjoso, <edge fold sew> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K hem/turn up/tuck up (garment) D -sew a hem on …. tucked, nu fodfoa, <fold form> (a) folded/tucked, having folds. tug, sudnycpu, <sudden pull> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K tug/jerk D away from B. tug at, cpurai, <pull try> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K tug at/try to pull B. tugboat, pucbou, <push boat> [K‍-‍BDSV] (5n) K is a tugboat impelling B to D from S via V. tulip, tulpa, [B‍-‍S] (1n) B is a/some tulip(s) from source S. tulips, lo tulpa, (n) tulips (n), general term for tulips. tumble, rolfea, <roll fall> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K (take a) tumble onto/into D from S. po rolfea, <roll fall> (n) tumble, an act of tumbling. tumesce, tumhesi, [D‍-‍] (1v) D tumesce(s), become(s) engorged with fluid. tumescence, po tumhesi, (n) an instance of tumescence. tumescent, tumhesi, (a) tumescent. tumor, tumro, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a tumor of F. tune, grimui, <song music> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the tune/melody of F. hamtoi, <harmony agree> [V‍-‍VB] (3a) in tune/harmony with …. hamtui, <harmony adjust> [K‍-‍PVB] (4v) K tune(s) P/put(s) … in harmony with V in variable/aspect B. tuneful, grimuiflo, <tune full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more melodious/tuneful than J is. tunefulness, pu grimuiflo, <tune full> (n) a tunefulness/melodiousness, a spec. property. tunnel, ruthou, <route hole> [B‍-‍FSV] (4n) B is a tunnel through/under obstacle F between points (collection) S on route V. turbine, nurcpublakrilu, <pushed blade wheel> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a turbine on device F. turbulence, lepo kersiu, <air shake> (n) turbulence/air pocket, a sp. event. lopu kersiu, <air shake> (n) turbulence, a prop. turbulent, kersiu, <air shake> [B‍-‍] (1v) B (an airmass) is turbulent/bumpy. kersiu, <air shake> (a) turbulent/bumpy. turf, raskua, <grass cover> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is turf/sod. turkey, terki, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a turkey, a large American fowl. turn, durcea, <do change> [K‍-‍VP] (3v) K turn/change from doing V to P. fesycea, <waste become> [D‍-‍] (1v) D perish/spoil/turn, as perishable foods. kakbatmi, <actor trade> (av) alternately/in turn, by turns. leztorni, <left turn> [N‍-‍B] (2v) N turn B left/laevorotate/levorotate (polarized light in the last instances). taa, (av) in turn/sequence, a discourse operator (UI). tan, (af) a combining form of trana, turn. tancko, <rapid rotation cause> [N‍-‍D] (2) N turn D, (nonintentional cause); 'The water turns the mill'. tankrani, <turn drive> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K turn D in direction N. tanmao, <turn make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K turn/wind D, makes … rotate around axis V, intentional. torkuetrana, <two/under(half) turn> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K invert D/turn … upsidedown, rotates 180° with respect to some axis N (the horizontal axis being the default). trana, [K‍-‍N] (2v) K turn/rotate/revolve around axis N. po trana, (n) a revolution/rotation/turn, an act/event of rotating. zvotia, <out choose> (4v) K screen/sift/strain/turn away/out B from set F retaining B(1). turn about, nuo torkuetrana le vreti, <two/under(half) turn> (v) K about turn/turn about (self). turn away, buftrili, <opposite from attract> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K draw back/turn away/withdraw from stimulus/situation V. kamcko, <come(go) cause> [V‍-‍DB] (3v) V turn away/detour/dissuade D from B, an nonintentional cause, e.g. "The high price dissuaded me from entering". kamymao, <come(go) make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K refuse/turn away D from V, an intentional rejection. turn away from, privizlei, <back see let(show)> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K turn away from/the back to D. turn inside out, nenzvobatmi, <in out exchange> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K invert/evert/turn inside out B. turn off, fagstimao, <fire stop make> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K put out/extinguish/turn off/quench fire V. krosticko, <flow stop cause> [N‍-‍SB] (3v) N interrupt/stop/plug/turn off the flow from S of B, nonintentional. krostimao, <flow stop make> [K‍-‍SD] (3v) K interrupt/stop/plug/turn off the flow from S of D, intentional. turn on, krosacmao, <flow start make> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K turn on/switch on B, start a current in …. turn signal, tanlitla, <turn light> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a turn signal of vehicle F. turn to, tanmuo, <turn move> [K‍-‍DSV] (4v) K turn to/rotate to D from S via V. turn to look, tanmekble, <turn eye look> [K‍-‍D] (v) K turn to look at D. turn toward, fredirsea, <front direction set> [K‍-‍B] (2n) K face/turn toward (person/object) B. turn up, bierfodydjoso, <edge fold sew> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K hem/turn up/tuck up (garment) D -sew a hem on …. turned away, kamcea, <come(go) become> [D‍-‍B] (2v) D is/are refused/turned away from B, (actor unspecified). turned off, krocle, <flow without> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is turned off/switched off/stagnant. turning away, po buftrili, <opposite from attract> (n) a withdrawal/aversion/drawing back/turning away, a state of drawing back from. turnip, rapha, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a turnip/swede/rutabaga from S. turns, kakbatmi, <actor trade> [K‍-‍KP] (3v) K alternate/take turns/trade places with K in doing P. turtle, terhapeni, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a terrapin, a variety of turtle. lao Terrapene ornata, (na) a variety of turtle. testhudu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a generic turtle/tortoise, a member of the order Testudines. tutor, cirhea, <learn help> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K tutor D in B. cirhea, <learn help> (n) a tutor, one who -s. twelve, neto, (a) twelve (of) …, a quantifying operator. neto, (n) twelve, the number 12, in math. exp. lio neto, (n) twelve, the number 12, non math. twenty, toni, (a) twenty of …, a quantifying operator, in math. exp. toni, (n) twenty, the number, math. exp. lio toni, (n) twenty, the number, non math. twenty five cent piece, forkuedalra, <4 reciprocal dollar> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a twenty five cent piece/quarter, 25/100ths of monetary unit F. twenty-percent, pito, (a) one-fifth/twenty-percent/point two of …, a quantifying op. twice, torvei, <two event> (av) twice, two times. twilight, bitlitla, <between light> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is dusk/twilight, the period between day and night twilight. twin, braseidjo, <born set member> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a twin/triplet etc. of F, an infant from a multiple birth. twine, korce, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a piece/length of line/cord/rope/twine/string. korce, (a) string/twine/cord, made of —. korce, (n) a rope/string/twine/cordage, mass term. twinkle, mudlitpro, <move light produce> [B‍-‍] (1v) B glitter/sparkle/twinkle, of a mobile or inconstant light source. muvbrili, <move shine> [B‍-‍] (1v) B glitter/sparkle/twinkle, by reflected light. twist, rojkovcea, <grow curve become> [D‍-‍V] (2v) D curl/twist because of/as a result of V (to a spiral). skofomcea, <screw form become> [D‍-‍N] (2v) D curl/twist because of/as a result of N (to a helix). ton, (af) a combining form of torni, twist. toncea, <twist become> [D‍-‍] (1v) D warp/twist, (actor unspecified). toncko, <twist cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N warp/twist D, nonintentional. tonmao, <twist make> [K‍-‍DC] (3v) K warp/twist D under load C, intentional. torni, [D‍-‍C] (2v) D twist, become twisted under load C. pu torni, (n) a twist, a property of being -ed. twisted, nu tonmao, <twist make> (a) twisted, of that which is made -ed. torni, (a) twisted, of naturally -ed things. two, to, (a) two/pair/couple of …, a description quantifier. E.g. To le fumna pa merji — (Some) Two of the women were married; To fumna pa hijra — (Some) Two women were here independently. Cf., tocu. to, (a) two (2), in math. expressions. lio to, (ph) two (2), the number two, in non math. expressions. tocu, (a) two (2), in math. expressions. tocu, (a) two/pair/couple of … acting together, an indefinite set describer. E.g. Tocu mrenu pa hijra — Some two men were here together. Cf., To mrenu pa hijra — Some two men were here independently. lio tocu, (ph) two (2), the number two, non math. toma, (n) two hundred, the number, math. exp. lio toma, (n) two hundred, the number, non math. tor, (af) a combining form of to, two. tomoa, (n) two thousand, the number, math. exp. lio tomoa, (n) two thousand, the number, non math. tomoamoa, (n) two million, the number, math. exp. lio tomoamoa, (n) two million, the number, non math. tomoamoamoa, (n) two billion, the number, math. exp. lio tomoamoamoa, (n) two billion, the number, non math. two billion, tomoamoamoa, (a) two billion of …, a quantifying operator, in math. exp., formerly tomomomo. two hundred, toma, (a) two hundred of …, a quantifying operator, in math. exp. two million, tomoamoa, (a) two million of …, a quantifying operator, in math. exp., formerly tomomo. two thousand, tomoa, (a) two thousand of …, a quantifying operator, in math. exp., formerly tomo. twosome, -ra, (af) -some/-ad/-et, as in 'tora: twosome/dyad/duo/pair/couple ', the cardinal suffix; makes 2 place predicates of the form ' … is a N member subset of set …'. tora, (2n) is a pair/dyad/twosome/couple, a two member subset of set …, a cardinal predicate; e.g. Da tora lea blanirda — X is a pair of bluebirds. type, maisri, <machine write> [K‍-‍PB] (3v) K type/write P on typewriter B. nu genza, (n) a type, one with recurring instances …. kledii, <class decide> [K‍-‍BF] (3v) K categorize/type/classify/dispose of/put B into class F. klesi, [B‍-‍FN] (3n) B is a classification/category/class/type/sort/kind of F with defining property N. type of, ge, (op) for a/type of, as in 'large for a girls school', the grouping oper. typewriter, srimai, <writing machine> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a typewriter. typhus, tifhusi, [D‍-‍] (1n) D is suffering from typhus. lopo tifhusi, (n) typhus, mass term. typical, reckai, <distinctive quality> [G‍-‍BGB] (4a) G is more characteristic/distinctive/typical of B than G is of B. typist, maisri, <machine write> (n) a typist, one who types. tyranny, pu fosgai, <force rule> (n) tyranny. po krulygai, <cruel ruler> (n) an instance of tyranny. po poirtoa, <power take> (n) an instance of tyranny/deposing/usurping. tyrant, krulygai, <cruel ruler> [K‍-‍D] (2n) K is a tyrant over D. poirtoa, <power take> (n) tyrant/usurper, one who takes power. tyre, krilykua, <wheel cover> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a tire/tyre of vehicle F. tyro, sackao, <start act> (n) a beginner/novice/tyro/founder, one who starts something.

U U, Uma, (l) U, Latin upper case letter, one of a pool of symbols. ziuma, (l) the letter U — letteral and pronoun — upper case. United, la Iunaitedsteits, (na) the United States (the name of the country). University, Aksfrrd Iunivrr'sitis, (na) Oxford University, as used in names. u, ufi, (l) u, latin lower case letter, one of a pool of symbols. ziu, (l) the letter u — letteral and pronoun — lower case. uglier, nurbii, <conv. of beautiful> [G‍-‍JD] (3a) G is uglier/less beautiful than J to D. ugliness, pu nurbii, <conv. of beautiful> (n) an ugliness, a spec. property. ugly, nurbii, <conv. of beautiful> (a) ugly, uglier than … to …, conv. of beautiful. ultimate, rari, (a) final/last/ultimate, last in some series. umbrella, sanla, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an umbrella. un, fu, (af) un—<, antonym of some preds.: 2nd conv. op.>. ju, (af) un—<, antonym of some preds.: 3rd conv. op.>. no, (af) in—/non—/un—, forms negative of any predicate. nu, (af) un—<, antonym of some preds.: 1st conv. op.>. unEnglish, norgle, <not English> [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is unEnglish/non English in feature V. unable, no kanmo, (a) unable/incapable/unequal to, not able to do … under …. unacceptability, pu zavlo, (n) a badness/unacceptability, a spec. property of being bad. unacceptable, zavlo, (a) bad/unacceptable, worse/less acceptable than … for …. unaccompanied, kincle, <without companions> [K‍-‍V] (2a) K is alone/solitary/secluded/isolated/unaccompanied/companionless in doing V, without the presence of others. unachievable wish, norblidaa, <impossible desire> (n) an unachievable wish. unadorned, no nu durna, (a) plain/unadorned, neg. conv. adorn. unalterable, no nu ceacko, <change cause> (a) unalterable, neg. of alterable, q.v. no nu kalcea, <complete change> (a) unalterable, neg. of alterable, q.v. unambiguous, nernursaa, <one passive sign> [B‍-‍F] (2a) B is unambiguous in context F. unanimous, nervoi, <(with) one voice> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is unanimous, of one voice/opinion. unashamed, no comtu, (a) unashamed, feels no shame about …. unassuming, selsai, <self quiet> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more modest/unassuming/humble than J is. unattractive, nu tilmou, <attractive more> (a) more unattractive than … to …, conv. unavoidable, no nu kovgoi, <curve go> (a) unavoidable/inevitable, cannot be got around. unaware, no kance, (a) unconscious/unaware, not aware of …, neg. of aware. unbearable, nu fanjuo, <reverse support> (a) unendurable/unbearable/insufferable/intolerable/insupportable to … in circumstance …. no nu stofaubei, <stay disturb carry> (a) unendurable/unbearable, cannot be -ed. unbelievable, klinorbli, <clearly not possible> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more absurd/unbelievable than J. no nu perkri, <person believe> (a) unbelievable/incredible, not believable, persons. unbiased, no paodju, <before judgment> (a) unbiased/indifferent/unprejudiced, one who has not prejudged …. unbounded, faocle, <end without> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is infinite/endless/unbounded/without limit/end. unbreakable, no nu bromao, <break make> (a) unbreakable, cannot be fractured. uncertain, fiudja, <weakly know> [K‍-‍B] (2a) K is unsure/uncertain/unconvinced of/tentative about the truth of claim/sentence B. nu fiudja, <weakly know> (a) uncertain, thought to be uncertain by …. no foldja, <strongly know> (a) uncertain/unsure, not sure of …, neg. form. norsirto, <not certain> [B‍-‍N] (2v) B is uncertain, not convinced of the truth of N. no sirfio, <certain feel> (a) uncertain/unsure, not sure of …, neg. form. no sirto, (a) uncertain, of something that is not inevitable/bound to happen. uncertainty, lopo no fiudja, <weakly know> (n) uncertainty/unsureness, the gen. state of -ty. nu fiudja, <weakly know> (n) an uncertainty, a thing thought to be uncertain. po fiudja, <weakly know> (n) an uncertainty/lack of conviction about …, a spec. state of -ty. pu fiudja, <weakly know> (n) an uncertainty/unsuress, a spec. property of one who is unconvinced. pu nu fiudja, <weakly know> (n) an uncertainty/incertitude/inassurance, a spec. property of not being convincing. lopo no foldja, <strongly know> (n) uncertainty/unsureness, mass state term. lopo no sirfio, <certain feel> (n) uncertainty/unsureness, mass state term. lopu no sirto, (n) uncertainty, the mass of such properties. pu no sirto, (n) uncertainty, a property of something that is not inevitable. unchanging, norcea, <non changing> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is constant/unchanging/consistent/changeless. normuotra, <not move(fixed) true> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an eternal/absolute/unchanging truth. uncharted, no nu catmao, <map make> (a) uncharted, not mapped, neg. form. uncivilized, paosri, <before write> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is primitive/preliterate/uncivilized, as of societies. uncle, mambru, <mother brother> [B‍-‍DS] (3n) B is a/the (maternal) uncle of D through mother S. frabru, <father brother> [B‍-‍PS] (3n) B is a/the (paternal) uncle of P through father S. peebru, <parent brother> [B‍-‍DS] (3n) B is a/the uncle of D through parent S. unclean, bufklini, <opposite to clean> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is foul/filthy/unclean/dirty with (dirt). nu klini, (2a) more dirty/foul/unclean than. nurklini, <conv. of clean> (a) unclean/dirty, dirtier than …, conv. of clean. nurklinycea, <unclean become> [D‍-‍S] (2v) D becomes dirty/fouled/soiled/unclean from S. uncleanable, no nu klinymao, <clean make> (n) uncleanable, unable to be cleaned. uncleanliness, pu nu klini, (n) an uncleanliness/dirtiness. unclear, norkli, <not clear> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is vague/unclear in (aspect) N, specify thinking/idea/speech etc. unclouded, kladydru, <cloud lose> [N‍-‍] (1v) N clear up/become unclouded. uncoloured, norkoo, <no colour> [P‍-‍] (1i) P is clear/uncoloured/transparent. uncomfortable, no komfu, (a) uncomfortable in/about situation …. norkou, <not comfortable> [B‍-‍D] (2a) B is uncomfortable for D. uncommon, nu danri, (a) uncommon, conv. of ordinary, q.v. nurpio, <conv. of frequent> (a) infrequent/rare/uncommon/unusual, rarer than, conv. of frequent. uncompetitive, kanpyfiu, <compete weak> [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is uncompetitive/disadvantaged in V. uncomplicated, sapla, (a) simple/uncomplicated, less complex than … in …. unconcern, lopo nornurfei, <not concerned> (n) detachment/unconcern (about …), mass state. unconcerned, nornurfei, <not concerned> [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is detached/unconcerned about V. unconscious, lopu no kance, (n) (the) unconscious, mass term. no kance, (a) unconscious/unaware, not aware of …, neg. of aware. unconscious of, norkae, <not conscious> [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is insensible to/unconscious of V. unconsciousness, po no kance, (n) an unconsciousness, a spec. state. uncontrollable, no nu troli, (a) uncontrollable, neg. of controllable. unconvinced, fiudja, <weakly know> [K‍-‍B] (2a) K is unsure/uncertain/unconvinced of/tentative about the truth of claim/sentence B. uncork, fankorkyduo, <reverse cork do> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K uncork B. uncountable, koncle, <count without> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is/are uncountable/countless/innumerable in number. no nu kondui, <count discover> (a) uncountable/non denumerable. uncover, fankuvduo, <reveal(reverse cover) do> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K uncover/expose/reveal/disclose B to D. uncultivated, no derbremao, <soil ready make> (a) untilled/uncultivated field/parcel …. under, foi, (pp) in/during/under …, used before event/state terms to specify the conditions of an obligation. fui, (pp) in/during/under …, used before event/state terms to specify the conditions of an injunction. kau, (pp) in/during/under …, used before event/state terms to specify the conditions of an ability/ capability. kue, (ms) … under/dividing … — the inverse division operator (\), math. nilca, (av) under/underneath/below/beneath, in a vertically lower way. nilcynea, <below next> [B‍-‍F] (2pp) B is under/underneath/beneath, below and in contact with F. nilcynea, <below next> (av) under/underneath/beneath, in a below and touching way. nui, (pp) in/during/under …, used before event/state terms to specify the conditions of a permission. roi, (pp) in/during/under …, used before event/state terms to specify the conditions of an intention. undergo, fauspe, <trouble experience> [D‍-‍N] (2v) D undergo an ordeal N. speni, [D‍-‍V] (2v) D experience/undergo/spend (interval) V. stofaubei, <stay disturb carry> [D‍-‍V] (2v) D endure/stand/bear/undergo hardship V. underground, nendeu, <in dirt> [N‍-‍] (1n) N is underground/subterranean. underground train, nendertre, <in dirt train> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a subway/metro/underground train of F. underline, nilcylia, <below line> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is an underline under text F. nilcylinmao, <under line make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K underline text D. underneath, nilca, (av) under/underneath/below/beneath, in a vertically lower way. nilcynea, <below next> [B‍-‍F] (2pp) B is under/underneath/beneath, below and in contact with F. nilcynea, <below next> (av) under/underneath/beneath, in a below and touching way. underside, damspali, <down side> [N‍-‍B] (2n) N is an underside of B. rirgyviu, <bottom view> [P‍-‍BN] (3n) P is a/the view of the bottom/ underside of B from point N. understand, saadja, <sign know> [D‍-‍B] (2v) D understand/know the meaning of sign B. siodja, <system know> [D‍-‍N] (2v) D know/comprehend/understand N. understanding, lopu saadja, <sign know> (n) understanding, mass prop. po saadja, <sign know> (n) an understanding, a spec. state. lopu siodja, <system know> (n) understanding, mass prop. po siodja, <system know> (n) an understanding/comprehension, a state of -ing. understood, nu saadja, <sign know> (a) understood, having a known meaning. nu siodja, <system know> (a) understood, of known systems. undertake, kakto, [K‍-‍VP] (3v) K act/undertake action V with end/purpose P. turtoiduo, <work agree do> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K undertake/agree to do (project) P. undertaker, morkorduo, <dead body do> (n) a mortician/undertaker/embalmer, undertaker. undertaking, po turtoiduo, <work agree do> (n) an undertaking, a specific agreement to do …. underview, rirgyviu, <bottom view> (n) underview, of some object viewed from below/behind. underwrite, cmehea, <money help> [K‍-‍BVC] (4v) K underwrite/subsidize B in undertaking V with amount C. undeveloped, nornurvalda, <undeveloped> [B‍-‍N] (2v) B is suppressed/undeveloped in N. undo, fanduo, <reverse do> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K undo V, reverse what has been done. undomesticated, rezlii, <free life> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is wild/untamed/free/undomesticated. undone, no nu refklomao, <clothing close make> (a) unfastened/undone/untied. undress, fanresduo, <reverse dress do> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K undress(es) D, remove clothing from …. fanrespli, <reverse dress use> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K undress (by removing)/remove clothing B. fanrespli, <reverse dress use> (v) strip/doff/disrobe/undress, take off clothing. refclecea, <naked become> [K‍-‍] (1v) K undress, become nude. refclecko, <naked cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N undress D, make … nude, non intentional, as in an explosion, tornado etc. refclemao, <naked make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K undress/strip D, remove the clothes of …, intentional. undressed, refcle, <clothes without> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is naked/nude/bare/disrobed/undressed, without clothes. undulant, vapcli, <wave like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more wavy/undulant, wave like than J. undulation, valpu, [V‍-‍NB] (3n) V is a wave/undulation, moving wave form in medium N with properties B. undying, normorcea, <not death become> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is immortal/undying under conditions N. uneasiness, po minynorkou, <mind uncomfortable> (1n) nerves/nervousness/uneasiness, a spec. state of being -ous. uneasy, minynorkou, <mind uncomfortable> [B‍-‍F] (2a) B is nervous/uneasy/anxious about F. unemotional, nu fioflo, <feeling full> (a) more unemotional/rational than …. unemployed, norjurna, <not earning> [B‍-‍] (1) B is unemployed/idle, not currently gainfully employed. unendurable, nu fanjuo, <reverse support> (a) unendurable/unbearable/insufferable/intolerable/insupportable to … in circumstance …. no nu stofaubei, <stay disturb carry> (a) unendurable/unbearable, cannot be -ed. unequal, no ciktu, (a) unequal, not equal to … in dimension …. norciu, <not equal> [B‍-‍BN] (3a) B is unequal to B in quality N. unequal to, no kanmo, (a) unable/incapable/unequal to, not able to do … under …. uneven, norsmu, <not smooth> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is uneven. nortorjai, <not two product> (a) odd/uneven, of odd numbers. nu smupi, (a) uneven, less even than, conv. of smooth. unexpected, no nu fuikri, <after believe> (2a) unexpected/unforeseen by …. unexpectedly, tau, (h) even, surprisingly, unexpectedly (UI), a discursive. unfair, no dredju, <correctly judge> (a) unjust/unfair, neg. of just to … in …. nu dredjumou, <right judge more> (a) unjust/unfair, conv. of fairer than … in …. pebtiadju, <specific select judge> [K‍-‍DPV] (4a) K is unjust/unfair to D in decision P in case/matter V. unfairness, po no dredju, <correctly judge> (n) an injustice/unfairness, an act of being unfair. pu no dredju, <correctly judge> (n) an injustice/unfairness, to persons, a property. pu nu dredjumou, <right judge more> (n) an injustice/unfairness, being less just than …. unfamiliar, no nu spedja, <experience know> (v) unknown/unfamiliar to … by direct experience. unfastened, no nu refklomao, <clothing close make> (a) unfastened/undone/untied. unfavorable, fangausia, <reverse win place> (a) disadvantageous/detrimental/unfavourable/unfavorable (to … in …). unfavourable, fangausia, <reverse win place> (a) disadvantageous/detrimental/unfavourable/unfavorable (to … in …). unfinished, no nu kalkao, <completely act> (a) unfinished, neg. of accomplished. unfit, nurdje, <conv. of well> (a) sick/unfit/unhealthy/ill, sicker/less well than …, conv. of welln. unfold, fanfodcea, <reverse fold make> [K‍-‍] (1v) K unfold(s) (by itself). fanfodcko, <reverse fold cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N unfold (object) D (nonintentional). fanfodmao, <reverse fold make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K unfold (object) D (intentional). unforeseen, no nu fuikri, <after believe> (2a) unexpected/unforeseen by …. unforgettable, no nu nordri, <not remember> (a) unforgettable, neg. of forgettable. unfortunate, zavcae, <bad chance> (a) unfortunate/unlucky for, bad by chance. zavcanpeu, <bad chance person> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more unfortunate/unlucky than persons J. zavcanpeu, <bad chance person> (n) an unfortunate (person). unfortunately, zavcae, <bad chance> (av) unfortunately, in an unfortunate way. unfree, no frezi, (a) unfree, not free to …, neg. of free. ungrateful, norgarti, <not grateful> [B‍-‍DV] (3v) B is ungrateful to D for V. unhappily, no hapci, (av) unhappily/grudgingly, pert. to unhappy actions. unhappiness, lopo no hapci, (n) unhappiness, mass term. po no hapci, (n) an unhappiness, a spec. state. unhappy, no hapci, (a) unhappy, not happy about, neg. of happy. nu hapmou, <happy more> (a) unhappy, less happy than, conv. happy. unhealthy, nurdje, <conv. of well> (a) sick/unfit/unhealthy/ill, sicker/less well than …, conv. of welln. unheard, nornurkri, <not believed> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is unheard of, in the sense That's unheard of, i.e. not to be believed. unification, po nercko, <one make> (n) a unification/integration, a spec. act of -ing. po nermao, <one make> (n) a unification/integration, a spec. act of -ing. uniform, punfo, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more uniform/homogeneous than J. punfo, (a) homogeneous/uniform, more homogeneous/uniform than …. rilri, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more regular/cyclical/periodic/uniform than J. rulresfu, <required dress> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a uniform of group F. uniformity, pu punfo, (n) a uniformity/homogeneity, a spec. property. pu rilri, (n) a regularity/uniformity/periodicity, a spec. property. unify, nercea, <one become> [K‍-‍] (1v) K unify/unite/integrate/coalesce/coagulate/clot/run together/become one. nercko, <one make> [N‍-‍B] (2v) N unite/unify/integrate B, make into one, non intentional. nermao, <one make> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K unite/unify/integrate B (pl.), make into one, intentional. unimaginable, no nu tcupeo, <picture think> (a) unimaginable, neg. of imaginable by …. unimportance, pu no djipo, (n) an unimportance/insignificance, a spec. property. pu nu jipmou, <important more> (n) unimportance/insignificance, a spec. property. lopu norjio, <not important> (n) insignificance/unimportance, mass property. unimportant, no djipo, (a) unimportant/insignificant/petty/trivial, neg. of significant. nu jipmou, <important more> (a) unimportant/insignificant, less important than, q.v. norjio, <not important> [G‍-‍JDN] (4a) G is (more) insignificant/unimportant than J to D in respects N. unimpressive, no jipsii, <important seem> (a) unimpressive, neg. of impressive to …. nu jipsiimro, <important seem more> (a) unimpressive, less impressive than …. unimprovable, purfe, [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is perfect/faultless/unimprovable/standard/ideal by standard N. uninstall, fanpogsea, <reverse program set> [K‍-‍VF] (3n) K deinstall/uninstall(s) program V from system F. unintended, no nu modvi, (a) accidental/unintended/unintentional, unintended. unintentional, no nu modvi, (a) accidental/unintended/unintentional, unintended. uninteresting, nu trecymou, <interest more> (a) more uninteresting to … than …, conv. union, djigru, <join group> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a union/confederacy/confederation of members/groups B. po djigru, <join group> (n) a union/confederation, state of being a …. po djine, (n) a connectedness/union, a state/condition. rocenera, (2n) a union of …. unique, nerdjo, <one member> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the sole/unique member of class F. nerdjo, <one member> (a) single/unique/only, unique in its class. uniquely, nerdjo, <one member> (av) merely/solely/uniquely/just, only. uniqueness, lopu nerdjo, <one member> (n) uniqueness, mass term of properties. pu nerdjo, <one member> (n) a uniqueness, a spec. property. unit, dugri, [C‍-‍S] (2n) C is a degree/grade/unit of scale/dimension S. nera, (2n) an individual/unit/monad/one member subset of set …, a cardinal predicate. unite, djimao, <join make> [K‍-‍BDV] (4v) K connect/join/unite/fasten/attach B to D with V. nercea, <one become> [K‍-‍] (1v) K unify/unite/integrate/coalesce/coagulate/clot/run together/become one. nercko, <one make> [N‍-‍B] (2v) N unite/unify/integrate B, make into one, non intentional. nermao, <one make> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K unite/unify/integrate B (pl.), make into one, intentional. unite with, djine, (v) connect/unite with/join part … at …. united, nercea, <one become> (a) united/coagulated/clotted, having become one. nu nercko, <one make> (a) united. nu nermao, <one make> (a) united, made one. units, zo fomcia, <formal learn> (n) units, at a college or university. An amount of study. unity, lopo nercea, <one become> (n) unity, mass term of states. po nercea, <one become> (n) a coalescence/coagulation/unity, a specific state of being one. universal, kumtu, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a general/common/universal property of set F. kumtu, (a) common to/general/universal, general/universal among …. kumtu, (n) a universal, that which is general among …. rardjo, <all member> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is universal, pert. to all set members. rarkuu, <all common> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is universal, a universal property. rarpli, <everywhere use (usable)> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is universal, in use everywhere. universal sentence, rarste, <all sentence> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is a generalization/universal sentence about V. universality, pu kumtu, (n) a universality, a spec. property. lopu rarkuu, <all common> (n) universality, mass term. universally, kumtu, (av) universally, in a universal way. universe, kosmo, [F‍-‍] (1) F is an ordered world/universe. rara, (1n) a/the universe/infinity. rardza, <all existing> [F‍-‍] (1n) F is a/the universe. university, rorpebkea, <many special schools> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a university in/at N. rorpebkea, <many special schools> (a) university/academic. unjust, no dredju, <correctly judge> (a) unjust/unfair, neg. of just to … in …. nu dredjumou, <right judge more> (a) unjust/unfair, conv. of fairer than … in …. pebtiadju, <specific select judge> [K‍-‍DPV] (4a) K is unjust/unfair to D in decision P in case/matter V. fu pebtiadju, <specific select judge> (a) unjust, of decisions. unkind, norcka, <not kind> [K‍-‍D] (2a) K is unkind to D, treats … unkindly. unkindness, po norcka, <not kind> (n) an unkindness, a spec. unkind act. unknown, no fu djano, (a) unknown, of which nothing is known. no nu spedja, <experience know> (v) unknown/unfamiliar to … by direct experience. unknown to, no nu djano, (a) unknown to, incomplete conv. form. unless, conoi, (c) or (else)/unless, excl. sense with modified/fying words, e.g. 'bad or good man'. inoco, (c) either … or/not … mean/unless, exclusive or between sents. konoi, (c) or/means not/unless, in 'either … or', excl. sense, forethought, as in 'konoi … ki … '. noko, (c) unless, not … means …, forethought. noco, (c) unless, not … means …, between modifiers. onoi, (c) unless, … means not …, between terms. unlevel, no lelpi, (a) unlevel, not level, neg. of horizontal. unlike, retca, (a) different/distinct/other/unlike, from … in qualities/features …. unlikelihood, pu nurdakli, <conv. of likely> (n) an unlikelihood, a spec. property. unlikely, nurdakli, <conv. of likely> [G‍-‍JN] (3a) G is improbable/unlikely/less likely than J under conditions N. unlikelyhood, nurdakli, <conv. of likely> (n) improbability/unlikelyhood, an improbable thing. unlimited, no nu limji, (a) unlimited/limitless, neg. of -ed. unlucky, zavcae, <bad chance> (a) unfortunate/unlucky for, bad by chance. zavcanpeu, <bad chance person> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more unfortunate/unlucky than persons J. unmake, fanmao, <reverse make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K take apart/disassemble/unmake D. unmarried, no merji, (a) unmarried/single, unmarried, neg. of married. unmoving, normuo, <no move> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is motionless/fixed/immobile/static/unmoving/stationary/immovable/still/stable. unnecessarily, nornerbi, <not necessary> (av) unnecessarily, in an unnecessary way. unnecessary, no nu cnida, (a) unnecessary/unneeded/needless, not needed by … for …. no nerbi, (a) unnecessary/needless, referring to the condition. unnecessary for, nornerbi, <not necessary> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is unnecessary for, is not a factual condition of N. unneeded, no nu cnida, (a) unnecessary/unneeded/needless, not needed by … for …. unobservable, nornurkatca, <unobserved> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is abstract/unobservable. unobservant, kacfiu, <aware weak> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is ill informed/unobservant/clueless about N. unopposed, no nu pozfa, (a) unopposed, neg. of opposed. unopposing, no pozfa, (a) unopposing, neg. of opposing, q.v. unorganized, no nu ganli, (a) unorganized, of … elements, neg. of organized, q.v. unpack, fanbaoduo, <reverse box do> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K unpack B into D. unpleasant, norplu, <not pleasant> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more unpleasant/disagreeable than J. no pluci, (a) unpleasant, neg. of pleasing to … by …. nu plumou, <please more> (a) unpleasant, less pleasing than, conv. unpleasantness, po no pluci, (n) an unpleasantness, a spec. event. unpolished, no fomcka, <formally kind> (a) rude/crude/impolite/unpolished to …. nurbrili, <dull (conv. of more brilliant than)> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more dull/unpolished than J. unpredictable, tcane, [V‍-‍N] (2a) V is fortuitous/unpredictable/random/accidental/adventitious under conditions N. unprejudiced, no paodju, <before judgment> (a) unbiased/indifferent/unprejudiced, one who has not prejudged …. unready, no bredi, (a) unready, not ready for …. unreasonable, nu razpli, <reason using> (a) unreasonable/irrational, conv. of rational. unreasonableness, po nu razpli, <reason using> (n) an unreasonableness/irrationality, a condition/state. pu nu razpli, <reason using> (n) an unreasonableness/irrationality, a property. unresting, retcle, <rest without> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is restless/unresting, e.g. a restless wandering, the unresting sea. unsecret, no smike, (a) unsecret/open, less secret, conv. of secret. unseen, nornurvia, <not seen> [B‍-‍D] (2a) B is unseen by D. unserious, noryriu, <not serious> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more jocular/facetious/unserious than J. unsettled, cenja, (a) changing/changeable/unsettled/fickle, naturally, without intervention. unskilled, nu spumou, <skilled more> (a) unskilled/inexpert, conv. of more expert than …. no spuro, (a) inexpert/incompetent/unskilled, neg. of expert at …. unstable, balfiu, <balance weak> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is unstable/unsteady, has a poor sense of balance under conditions N. unsteady, balfiu, <balance weak> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is unstable/unsteady, has a poor sense of balance under conditions N. norsaltai, <not solid stand> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is unsteady. unstoppable, no nu sticko, <stop cause> (a) unstoppable/inevitable. unsubstantiated, sesycle, <science lacking> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is lacking scientific basis/unsubstantiated. unsure, fiudja, <weakly know> [K‍-‍B] (2a) K is unsure/uncertain/unconvinced of/tentative about the truth of claim/sentence B. no foldja, <strongly know> (a) uncertain/unsure, not sure of …, neg. form. no sirfio, <certain feel> (a) uncertain/unsure, not sure of …, neg. form. unsureness, lopo no fiudja, <weakly know> (n) uncertainty/unsureness, the gen. state of -ty. lopo no foldja, <strongly know> (n) uncertainty/unsureness, mass state term. lopo no sirfio, <certain feel> (n) uncertainty/unsureness, mass state term. unsuress, pu fiudja, <weakly know> (n) an uncertainty/unsuress, a spec. property of one who is unconvinced. unsweetened, no nu slicko, <sweet cause> (a) unsweetened, neg. of sweetened, q.v. no nu slimao, <sweet make> (a) unsweetened, neg. of sweetened, q.v. untamed, rezlii, <free life> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is wild/untamed/free/undomesticated. untied, no nu refklomao, <clothing close make> (a) unfastened/undone/untied. until, pia, (c) until, continuously before, with clauses. pia, (pp) until, continuously before, with terms. piazu, (av) for all that time until now, adverb and before preds. piazu, (c) long-before then and until, with clauses. piazu, (pp) long-before then and until, before terms. until now, pia ti, (av) hitherto/until now, until this (time), a mod. phrase. untilled, no derbremao, <soil ready make> (a) untilled/uncultivated field/parcel …. untroubled, kalmymou, <calm more> [G‍-‍VJV] (4a) G is calmer/more tranquil/serene/untroubled about V than J is about V'. untrue, falji, [P‍-‍N] (2a) P is false/untrue, as of sentences, under epistemology N. falmao, <false make> [K‍-‍SP] (3v) K falsify/counterfeit/forge/make untrue S as P, makes … appear to be …. untrustable, no nu duokri, <do believe> (a) mistrusted/untrustworthy/untrustable, by … to do …, conv. form. untrustworthy, no nu duokri, <do believe> (a) mistrusted/untrustworthy/untrustable, by … to do …, conv. form. untruth, falji, (n) a falsehood/untruth, a false sentence/statement. lo falji, (n) falsehood/untruth, the mass of such sentences. unused, nornurpli, <not used> [B‍-‍KP] (3a) B is unused by K for purpose P. no nu plizo, (a) unused/virgin, not (yet) used. unusual, gutra, [B‍-‍DN] (3a) B is alien/bizarre/mysterious/odd/queer/unusual/strange/weird/curious/peculiar/funny to D in features N. nurpio, <conv. of frequent> (a) infrequent/rare/uncommon/unusual, rarer than, conv. of frequent. unvoiced, norvolsoa, <non voiced sound> (a) unvoiced, of speech sounds. no nu volduo, <voice do> (a) inexpressible/unvoiced, cannot be expressed. unvoiced sound, norvolsoa, <non voiced sound> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is an unvoiced sound, phonetics. unwell, nu djela, (a) unwell, less well than, conv. healthy. nordje, <neg. of well> (a) unwell/sick, in the sense of being under the care of some care provider. unwell person, nordje, <neg. of well> [B‍-‍K] (2n) B is a patient/an unwell person under the care of K. unwilling, kaknordaa, <act not want> [G‍-‍VJV] (4a) G is more unwilling to V than J is to V. unwillingness, pu kaknordaa, <act not want> (n) an unwillingness, as in "an unwillingness to act". unwise, nu sadji, (a) unwise, less wise than, conv. of wise. unworthy, nornurbarda, <not rewardable> [P‍-‍S] (2a) P is unworthy of S. up, gandio, <high direction> [N‍-‍S] (2av) N is up/in an upward direction from S. up bringing, po nu jundia, <young teach> (n) an up bringing/education, up bringing. up to, ganble, <high look> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K admire/look up to D for action/quality V. up to date, hisnao, <history present> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more modern/new/recent/up to date than J is. up-till now, pia ti, (ph) up-till now, until this moment, a mod. ph. upkeep, lopu prakeu, <continuous care> (n) upkeep/maintenance, mass property. po prakeu, <continuous care> (n) the upkeep/maintenance (of … by …), a specific instance. upon, tovnea, <above next to> [B‍-‍N] (2pp) B is on/upon/on top of/above and in contact with N. upon which, fazi ti, (av) just then/momentarily/right now/thereupon/whereupon/upon which, whereat, just after this, a mod. phrase. upper, ganta, (a) upper/high, of high things. upper case, grolea, <big letter> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a capital/upper case letter from set/font F. upper class, gansockle, <high social class> [F‍-‍BN] (3n) F is a/the upper class with members B of social system N. nu gansockle, <high social class> (1a) upper class. upright, gudkaostifa, <good act stiff> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is upright/(self) righteous. vreti, [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is vertical/plumb/upright/erect/straight up and down in gravity field N. uproar, rorlensia, <many language place> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a bedlam/uproar, a confusion of many languages. upset, nornitsea, <not neat set> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K mess up/disarrange/upset B on D. minpuncko, <mind pain cause> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K offend/hurt/upset/disturb/distress D by V. minpuu, <mind pain> [D‍-‍V] (2a) D is distressed/disturbed/upset by/at/about V. nurveldru, <contents lose> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K tip over/overturn/upset/spill contents B onto D. upside down, fanspali, <reverse side> (a) inside out/upside down, the reverse of …. upsidedown, torkuetrana, <two/under(half) turn> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K invert D/turn … upsidedown, rotates 180° with respect to some axis N (the horizontal axis being the default). upsilon, uzi, (l) upsilon, Greek lower case letter, one of a pool of symbols. upstairs, ganfordynursia, <high floor situated> [N‍-‍] (1v) N is upstairs, on a higher floor. tovnursia, <over situated> [B‍-‍] (1v) B is upstairs, on a higher floor. upward direction, gandio, <high direction> [N‍-‍S] (2av) N is up/in an upward direction from S. uracil, urhacili, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some uracil, a purine component of nucleic acid. uranium, urhanio, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some uranium, element 92 (U). urban, grositci, <big city> (a) urban/metropolitan, pert. to big cities. sicycli, <city like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more urban/city like than J. sitci, (a) urban, pert. to cities/towns. urbanity, pu sicycli, <city like> (n) an urbanity, city likeness, a property. urea, urhea, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some urea. ureter, urteri, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a ureter of F. urethra, urtra, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a urethra of F. urethritis, urtrati, [D‍-‍] (1v) D suffers from urethritis. po urtrati, (n) an instance of urethritis. urge, po danza, (n) a want/desire/urge, a spec. state of -ing. (V K-DP). movdontaa, <motive give talk> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K urge D to do V. urge on, puldou, <impulse give> (3v) K urge on/spur/impel D to do V. urgency, pu kaocni, <act need> (n) an urgency, a property of needing action. urgent, kaocni, <act need> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more urgent/pressing/needful of action than J. urinal, picgodru, <urine drain> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a urinal, of the kind found in lavatories. picyketli, <urine kettle> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a urinal (such as used by hospitals). urinate, picpro, <urine produce> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K urinate on/in B. urination, po picpro, <urine produce> (n) a urination, an act of -ing. urine, pic, (af) a combining form of pinca, urine. pinca, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a quantity of urine produced by S. lo pinca, (n) urine, mass term. urn, conveo, <deep container> [B‍-‍P] (2n) B is a jar/urn/vase for/of P. ursid, ursidi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an ursid, a bear like animal. urticaria, urtikari, [D‍-‍] (1v) D suffers from urticaria/hives. po urtikari, (n) an instance of urticaria/hives. us, mio, (p) we/us/ourselves, in the "I/me and others independently" sense, the 1st & 3rd person multiple variable. Equivalent to 'mi, e da'. Cf. mu/mo for the "you and I/me" sense of we/us, and muu/muo for the "you and I and others" sense of we/us. miu, (p) we/us/ourselves, in the "I/me and others jointly" sense, the 1st & 3rd person set variable. Equivalent to 'mi ze da'. Cf. mu/mo for the "you and I/me" sense of we/us, and muu/muo for the "you and I and others" sense of we/us. mo, (p) we/us/ourselves, in the "you and I/me independently" sense, the 1st & 2nd person multiple variable. Equivalent to 'mi, e tu'. Cf. mu for the "you and I/me jointly" sense of we/us, miu/mio for the "I and others" sense of we/us, and muu/muo for the "you and I and others" sense of we/us. mu, (p) we/us/ourselves, in the "you and I/me jointly" sense, the 1st & 2nd person set variable. Equivalent to 'mi ze tu'. Cf. mo for the "you and I/me independently" sense of we/us, miu/mio for the "I and others" sense of we/us, and muu/muo for the "you and I and others" sense of we/us. muo, (p) we/us/ourselves (you and I and others independently) cf. mu/mo, miu/mio. muu, (p) we/us/ourselves (you and I with others jointly) cf. mu/mo and miu/mio. usable, plizo, (a) usable/useful, that can be used. usage, plipua, <use word> [N‍-‍KV] (3n) N Is a usage of, a word used by speaker K in contexts V. po plipua, <use word> (n) a usage, a state of being used by … in …. po nu plipua, <use word> (n) a usage, an act of using words … in …. use, keopli, <time use> [K‍-‍VP] (3v) K spend/use time V for/doing P. pli, (af) a combining form of plizo, use. nu plipua, <use word> (vt) use word … in contexts …, conv. form. plizo, [K‍-‍VP] (3v) K use/employ/utilize means V for end/purpose/reason P. fu plizo, (n) a use, purpose to which a thing is put. po plizo, (n) a use, an act of -ing. use Loglan, logduo, <Loglan do> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K use Loglan on person B. logpli, <Loglan use> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K use Loglan in/by doing V. use a telephone, telfypli, <telephone use> [K‍-‍] (1v) K use a telephone. use drug, minkempli, <mind chemical use> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K use drug B. use long forms, lagfompli, <long form use> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K use long forms in speaking to D. use up, kalpli, <completely use> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K exhaust/use up/consume D. used, kuodja, <custom know> (2v) be used/acquainted/familiar to/with, be familiar with. paknurpli, <before used> [B‍-‍DP] (3a) B is used/second hand/preowned by D for P. nu plizo, (a) used, of that which is -ed as a means. used to be, pacenoina, (va) is no longer/was but is not now/used to be, a connected tense operator. used to procedure, duodja, <do know> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K know how to do V/familiar with procedure … /used to procedure …. useful, nurpli, <conv. of use> [B‍-‍DP] (3a) B is useful to D for purpose P. pliflo, <use full> [G‍-‍JP] (3a) G is more utilitarian/useful/full of uses than J for purpose P. plizo, (a) usable/useful, that can be used. usefulness, pu nurpli, <conv. of use> (n) a utility/usefulness, a spec. property. pu pliflo, <use full> (n) a utility/usefulness, gen'l usefulness, a prop. pu plizo, (n) a usefulness/utility, a prop. of a -ful thing. useless, furplicle, <purpose of use less> [B‍-‍P] (2a) B is purposeless/useless for purpose P. nu pliflo, <use full> (2a) more useless than …. uselessness, lopu furplicle, <purpose of use less> (n) uselessness, mass term. nu pu pliflo, <use full> (n) a uselessness, a spec. property. user, plizo, (n) a user, one who uses … for …. usual, danri, [G‍-‍JB] (3a) G is more trite/ordinary/vulgar/common(place)/usual/banal/mundane than J in features B. kusmo, (a) habitual/usual/customary, habitual to … under cond'ns …. norma, (a) mean/average/normal/usual, normal. pifno, [G‍-‍JN] (3a) G is more customary/recurring/usual/frequent than J under condition N. usually, kuo, (av) usually/customarily, a discourse operator, used before sentences (UI). pifno, (av) customarily/often/usually/commonly, frequently. usurp, poirtoa, <power take> (3v) K depose/usurp D from position of power N. toltoa, <control take> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K assume/take over/usurp control of B from D. usurper, poirtoa, <power take> (n) tyrant/usurper, one who takes power. poirtoa, <power take> (n) deposer/usurper (… from …), one who takes power. usurping, po poirtoa, <power take> (n) an instance of tyranny/deposing/usurping. uterus, utheri, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the womb/uterus of F. utilitarian, pliflo, <use full> [G‍-‍JP] (3a) G is more utilitarian/useful/full of uses than J for purpose P. utility, pu nurpli, <conv. of use> (n) a utility/usefulness, a spec. property. pu pliflo, <use full> (n) a utility/usefulness, gen'l usefulness, a prop. pu plizo, (n) a usefulness/utility, a prop. of a -ful thing. utilize, plizo, [K‍-‍VP] (3v) K use/employ/utilize means V for end/purpose/reason P. utmost, mutce, [G‍-‍JN] (3a) G is more extreme/immoderate/intense/utmost than J is in quality N. utter, cutse, [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K say/comment/utter B to D. volduo, <voice do> [K‍-‍PV] (3v) K voice/utter/express idea P in/as expression V. utterable, nu cutse, (n) utterable, conv. of say. nu volduo, <voice do> (a) expressible/utterable/voiced, can be -ed, conv. form. utterance, nu cutse, (n) an utterance, something said to someone. takfoa, <talk form> (3n) B is an expression/utterance/speech form of grammar class X in language F. toa, (p) this, the about to be mentioned remark/utterance/textual item. (DA). toi, (p) that, the last mentioned remark/utterance/textual item (DA). fu volduo, <voice do> (n) an expression/utterance, words used to express …. po volduo, <voice do> (n) an utterance, an act of -ing something.

V V, Vai, (l) V, Latin upper case letter, one of a pool of symbols. VCR, vidhyrirmai, <video record machine> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a videorecording machine/VCR from S. VTOL, vresacfle, <vertical start fly> (n) vertical take off aircraft, VTOL. v, vei, (l) v, Latin lower case letter, one of a pool of symbols. vacancy, po nirveo, <zero contain> (n) a vacuum/void/vacancy/emptiness, a state of being empty. vacant, nirsia, <nothing location> [B‍-‍] (1) B is vacant, as a vacant lot. nirveo, <zero contain> (a) vacant/empty, contains nothing. vacation, rezkeo, <free interval> [B‍-‍SDV] (4n) B is a holiday/vacation from S to D for V. vaccinated, vaksi, [D‍-‍NB] (3v) D is vaccinated/immunized against disease N with vaccine/serum B. vaccine, vakcini, [B‍-‍PS] (3n) B is a vaccine for P of/from S. fu vaksi, (n) serum/vaccine, as used to immunize, q.v. vacuum, dustycpuduo, <dust puller do> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K vacuum D to remove B. dusycpuduo, <dust puller do> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K vacuum D to remove B. nirspa, <nothing space> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a void/vacuum. po nirveo, <zero contain> (n) a vacuum/void/vacancy/emptiness, a state of being empty. vacuum cleaner, dustycpu, <dust puller> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a vacuum cleaner. dusycpu, <dust puller> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a vacuum cleaner. vagina, konbi, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the vulva/vagina of F. vaginal, konbi, (a) vaginal, pert. to vaginas. vague, norkli, <not clear> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is vague/unclear in (aspect) N, specify thinking/idea/speech etc. vain, norcko, <non causal> (av) in vain, without effect on …. selbii, <self beautiful> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is vain/narcissistic. seljio, <self important> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is vain/arrogant/egotistical/stuffy/self important. valet, mresua, <man servant> [B‍-‍DF] (3n) B is a manservant/valet of D with duties F. suvmeu, <serving man> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a/the valet/manservant/servant of N. valid, fomtra, <formally true> [N‍-‍] (1a) N are valid, formally/analytically true. validation, po fomtra, <formally true> (n) a validation, an event. validity, pu fomtra, <formally true> (n) a validity, a property. valley, fansulba, <reverse swelling> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a depression/valley/dip/hollow/dent/gully in F. monbia, <hills between> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a local valley of river/stream S, cf. nurvri, basin. nurvri, <conv. of river> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the valley/drainage basin of river/river system F. valuable, vatlu, (a) valuable, having value. value, cau, (pp) Quantities/Amounts/Values, case tag (DIO) (quantity/amount/value). melnuu, <measure number> [C‍-‍BNF] (4n) C is a measurement/value/score/measure/parameter of (object) B in (dimension) N and (units) F. nu numpro, <number produce> (n) a value (of a mathematical function). nurvau, <conv. of value> [K‍-‍BC] (3v) K value/prize B at equivalent value C. vat, (af) a combining form of vatlu, value. vatlu, [B‍-‍CDP] (4v) B have value of C to D for use P. vatlu, (n) a value, a specific -ed thing. pu vatlu, (n) a value, a property of a -ed thing. vatmou, <valuable more> [K‍-‍BKB] (4v) K prize/value B more than K(1) values B(1). vau, (af) a combining form of vatlu, value. valve, krotro, <flow controller> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a faucet/tap/valve/volume control/dimmer of/in F, a device for controlling flow. Material may be specified as cuirkrotroli. vampire, blutoaspi, <blood take spirit> [K‍-‍S] (2n) K is a vampire according to tradition/mythos S. van, fregoigru, <front go group> [B‍-‍] (1n) B are a/the van, forward part. vanadium, vanhadio, [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is some vanadium, element 23 (V). vanish, vijbangoi, <view beyond go> [V‍-‍DSV] (4v) V disappear/vanish to D from S via V. vijkaa, <view come> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K disappear/vanish from the sight of D. vanity, lopu selbii, <self beautiful> (1n) vanity. vanquish, dorgau, <war win> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K vanquish/conquer/defeat D in war V. vanquished, nu dorgau, <war win> (a) conquered/vanquished, pertaining to those -ed. vanquisher, dorgau, <war win> (n) a conquerer/vanquisher/victor, one who -s. vanquishment, po dorgau, <war win> (n) a vanquishment/conquest/defeat/victory, an act of -ing. vapor, flivao, <liquid gas> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a vapor, a normal liquid in a gaseous state, e.g. steam. lo fragu, (n) fog/mist/vapor, mass term. vaorcea, <gas become> [D‍-‍N] (2v) D evaporate/become gas/vapor … under conditions N. nu vaorcea, <gas become> (n) gas/gaseous/vapor, having evaporated/become a vapor. vaporous, flivao, <liquid gas> (a) vaporous, of vaporized liquids. vapour, vao, (af) a combining form of vapro, vapour. variegated, rornurkle, <many classed> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is variegated, of many classes. variety, lopo rornurkle, <many classed> (n) variety, mass instances. po rornurkle, <many classed> (n) a variety, a specific instance …. specypai, <species part> [B‍-‍FSN] (2n) B is a race/variety (subspecies) of F in habitat S with traits N. specypai, <species part> (4n) a race/variety of species … in habitat … showing traits …. various, rorkle, <many class> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is various, of many sorts. vary, ceacko, <change cause> [N‍-‍BPS] (4v) N convert/change/alter/transform/vary B into P from S - (nonintentional cause). kalcea, <complete change> [K‍-‍DPS] (4v) K convert/change/alter/transform/vary D into P from S - (intentional act). cenja, [B‍-‍PS] (3v) B become/change naturally/vary into P from S, as auxiliary for intransitive, passive or cause unspecified causations. vary directly, norcearao, <constant ratio> (v) vary directly, in constant ratio …. raorcea, <divided become> [B‍-‍BC] (3v) B vary directly/change proportionally with B with constant of proportionality C. vary inversely, kumce raorcea, <divided become> (v) B vary inversely with B with constant øf proportionality C. vase, conveo, <deep container> [B‍-‍P] (2n) B is a jar/urn/vase for/of P. vast, groranjo, <great range> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is vast/extensive. vault, farkytrufa, <arch roof> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a vault, as in architecture. folkru, <strong room> [D‍-‍B] (2n) D is a vault/safe/strongroom for B. tovyvai, <over jump> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K vault/hurdle/jump over B. po tovyvai, <over jump> (n) a vault, a jump, an act of -ing. valti, [K‍-‍B] (2v) K jump/leap (up)/vault/spring across B. vegetable, hebtcipai, <plant eat part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a vegetable, edible part of plant F. hebtcipai, <plant eat part> (a) vegetable. herba, (a) vegetative/vegetal/vegetable, pert. to plants in general. vegetal, herba, (a) vegetative/vegetal/vegetable, pert. to plants in general. vegetarian, hebtci, <plant eater> (a) herbivorous/vegetarian, pert. to -s. hebtci, <plant eater> (n) a vegetarian, a plant eater. vegetation, herba, (n) some vegetation, a piece/instance of plant life. lo herba, (n) vegetation/plant life, mass term. po herba, (n) a/the vegetation, a state of being a plant. vegetative, herba, (a) vegetative/vegetal/vegetable, pert. to plants in general. vehemence, pu nerji, (n) the energy/vehemence, work capacity of a body/system. vehement, nerji, (a) energetic/vehement, having energy/capacity for work. vehicle, bermai, <carry machine> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a wheelbarrow/wagon/vehicle, general term for all vehicles. berti, (n) a porter/carrier/vehicle, as 'lanolin is a vehicle for certain drugs'. tcaro, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a auto/car/automobile/truck/vehicle, any motorized land vehicle. veil, faslykla, <face cloth> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a veil, cloth covering the face. vein, venha, [B‍-‍FS] (3n) B is a vein of F in S. velocity, zo kukra, (n) a velocity, rate of speed. velvet, herkla, <hair cloth> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a piece of velvet. vend, vedma, [K‍-‍BDC] (4v) K sell/vend B to D for C, a price. vending-machine, tokvempae, <automatic sell apparatus> [B‍-‍P] (2n) B is a vending-machine for P. vendor, vedma, (n) a salesman/seller/vendor/tradesman, one who sells … to … for …. venerable, nu lalrispe, <old respect> (a) venerable. venerate, lalrispe, <old respect> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K venerate D. vengeance, sruciufio, <hurt equal feel(reciprocally)> [B‍-‍DV] (3v) B feel vengeance against D for V. po sruciupoa, <hurt equal respond(reciprocally)> (a) a vengeance/revenge, a spec. act of -ing. po tsipoa, <crime respond> (a) a vengeance, a spec. act of -ing. vengeful, sruciupoa, <hurt equal respond(reciprocally)> (a) vengeful, pertaining to -ing. tsipoa, <crime respond> (a) vengeful, pertaining to -ing. venom, nimveu, <animal poison> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a quantity of venom, any animal produced poison. vendu, (n) a poison/toxin/venom, a spec. poisonous substance. venomous, nimveu, <animal poison> (a) venomous, pert. to venom. venflo, <poison full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more poisonous/venomous, full of poison than J. venture, cankao, <chance act> [K‍-‍NV] (3v) K chance/risk/gamble/hazard/venture (consequence) N in (adventure) V. lopo cankao, <chance act> (n) adventure/gamble/venture, mass acts. po cankao, <chance act> (n) an adventure/gamble/venture, an act of -ing. veranda, nengoista, <in go platform> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a porch/veranda/stoop, a platform at the entrance of a building. verbal, purda, (a) verbal/lexical, pert. to words. takna, (a) oral/verbal, pert. to -ing. verbatim, purfomsao, <word matching> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is a literal/verbatim account of V. purfomsao, <word matching> (a) literal/verbatim/word for word, of verbatim accounts. verbose, puaflo, <word full> (a) verbose/wordy, wordier than …. verbosity, pu puaflo, <word full> (n) a wordiness/verbosity, a spec. property. verdure, veglii, <green life> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is greenery/verdure of F. verge of doing, durbiesni, <do edge near> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K intend/be about to do/on the verge of doing P. verifiability, lopu nu trapru, <truth test> (n) verifiability, mass prop. verifiable, nu trapru, <truth test> (a) verifiable, can be -ed. verification, po krisalmao, <belief solid make> (n) a specific instance of confirmation/verification. fu trapru, <truth test> (n) a verifier/verification, a verifying test. po trapru, <truth test> (n) a verification, an act of -ing. verified, nu krisalmao, <belief solid make> (a) confirmed/verified, something found correct. verifier, fu trapru, <truth test> (n) a verifier/verification, a verifying test. verify, krisalmao, <belief solid make> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K confirm/verify B by V. trapru, <truth test> [K‍-‍NV] (3v) K check/verify, test the truth of N with test V. verifying, fu trapru, <truth test> (a) verifying, of that which tests truth. veritable, normuotra, <not move(fixed) true> (a) veritable, of verities/absolute truths. verity, normuotra, <not move(fixed) true> (n) a verity, an absolute truth. vermouth, vermute, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is some vermouth from S. vernal, dotfui, <winter after> (a) vernal, pert. to spring seasons. verse, versa, [P‍-‍VK] (3n) P is a poem/verse/a piece of poetry about V by poet K. lo versa, (n) poetry/verse, mass term. ves, (af) a combining form of versa, verse. versify, vesmao, <verse maker> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K write/compose/versify P, a piece of poetry. version, pubsrifoa, <public writing form> [P‍-‍CV] (3n) P is an edition/version C of work V. vertical, vre, (af) a combining form of vreti, vertical. vresacfle, <vertical start fly> (n) vertical take off aircraft, VTOL. vreti, [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is vertical/plumb/upright/erect/straight up and down in gravity field N. vertically, vresacfle, <vertical start fly> [K‍-‍F] (2v) K take off vertically in gravity field F. very, mutce, (av) extremely/quite/very, very/in an extreme way. vessel, botsu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a boat/canoe/craft/cutter/vessel, a generic term for all types of water craft. kupta, [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is a cup/mug/glass/vessel of/for V, gen. for drinking vessel. veslo, (n) a container/vessel, vessel of …. vest, tcetyresfu, <chest garment> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a waistcoat/vest. vestige, stocti, <staying material> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a vestige/trace/residue/remains/rest of F. vestigial, stocti, <staying material> (a) vestigial, pert. to vestiges. vex, fatru, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K disturb/trouble/aggravate/annoy/vex/bother/gall D by doing/being V. vexation, lopu nurfau, <conv. of trouble> (n) vexation, mass property. po nurfau, <conv. of trouble> (n) an instance of vexation. vexing, fatru, (a) trouble/troublesome/annoying/aggravating/vexing/bothersome/plaguing, of that which -s …. vibrate, kuksilmao, <vibrate make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K vibrate D, makes … vibrate with, intentional. kuksiu, <quick shake> [K‍-‍SS] (3v) K quiver/shake/vibrate with frequency S and amplitude S. kuksiucko, <vibrate cause> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K vibrate D, makes … vibrate, nonintentional. vibrating, kuksiu, <quick shake> (a) vibrating, pert. to that which -s. vibration, po kuksiu, <quick shake> (n) a vibration, a state/act of -ing. vibrator, kuksilmao, <vibrate make> (n) vibrator, one who -es …. kuksiucko, <vibrate cause> (n) a vibrator/shaker, that which -s …. vicariously, ridspe, <read experience> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K experience B vicariously by reading about it. vice, dilri, (2n) attached to <predy>, means vice of …, e.g. a vice president. po zavnurplu, <bad pleased> (1n) an instance of vice, vicious pleasure. lopu zavkao, <bad act> (n) immorality/vice, mass prop. vice admiral, verkoi, <9th commander> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a lieutenant general/vice admiral/etc. commanding/attached to military unit F, within a military vorvice addressed without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. murserkoi — vice admiral. Use surkoi. q.v., for officers in general. vice versa, fae, (av) and vice versa, a discourse operator (UI). vicinity, snilivsia, <near live place> [B‍-‍B] (2n) B is in the vicinity/neighborhood of B, referring to human settlements. snispa, <near space> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the vicinity/neighborhood of F, general term for proximity. viciously pleased, zavnurplu, <bad pleased> [D‍-‍N] (2v) D is viciously pleased by N, e.g. smoking. victim, nu hunmormao, <human dead make> (n) a victim, of a murderer (q.v.) conv. form. nu kruli, (n) a victim, of cruelty, conv. of cruel, qv. nu zaocko, <bad cause> (n) a victim, of harm (q.v.) by another. victim of, nurhui, <conv. of destroy> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is a/the victim of/is destroyed by V. nursru, <conv. of injure> [D‍-‍V] (2n) D is a/the victim of/is injured by V. victor, dorgau, <war win> (n) a conquerer/vanquisher/victor, one who -s. gancu, (n) a victor/winner, of prize … in contest … over …. kadgau, <fight win> (n) a/the victor, one who wins a fight. plegau, <play win> (n) a winner/victor. victorious, dorgau, <war win> (a) victorious/conquering, of vanquishers/conquerors. gancu, (a) victorious, of winners in general. kadgau, <fight win> (a) victorious, of winning fighters. kalgau, <completely win> (a) triumphant/victorious over …. victory, po dorgau, <war win> (n) a vanquishment/conquest/defeat/victory, an act of -ing. lopo gancu, (n) victory, mass term of acts. po gancu, (n) a victory, an act/event of winning. po kadgau, <fight win> (n) a victory, a spec. act of winning. po plegau, <play win> (n) a victory. victuals, nu hoitci, <drink eat> (n) victuals/nourishment. video, vidhe, [P‍-‍BS] (3n) P is video, graphic output to screen B from camera S. video cassette, vidhydandyveo, <sound tape container> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a cassette/video cassette made by S. video recording tape, vidhydandi, <video tape> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a/some video recording tape made by S. videorecording machine, vidhyrirmai, <video record machine> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a videorecording machine/VCR from S. videotape, vidhyrirda, <video record> [P‍-‍VK] (3n) P is a videotape of V made by K. view, bleka, [K‍-‍D] (2v) K regard/view/look at/toward D. nu bleka, (n) a view, something looked at. vidju, [V‍-‍BS] (3n) V is a prospect/view/sight/scene of B from point S. vij, (af) a combining form of vidju, view. vijgoi, <view go> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K appear to/come into the view of D. vizka, [K‍-‍BN] (3v) K see/view/perceive/spot, visually B against background N. viu, (af) a combining form of vidju, view. view of the bottom, rirgyviu, <bottom view> [P‍-‍BN] (3n) P is a/the view of the bottom/ underside of B from point N. viewing device, vizrie, <see instrument> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a viewing device of type N. viewpoint, blesia, <look location> [V‍-‍KD] (3n) V is a viewpoint/point of view/perspective of K on D. vigour, lopu foldje, <strong healthy> (n) hardiness/sturdiness/vigour, mass property. vigourous, foldje, <strong healthy> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is (more) hardy/rugged/sturdy/vigourous (than …) J. villain, dupypeu, <deceive person> [K‍-‍] (1n) K is a knave/rascal/rogue/villain. nornespeu, <dishonest person> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a knave/wretch/rascal/rogue/villain, intended sense to be selected. noryrispeu, <not respect person> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a knave/wretch/rascal/rogue/villain, intended sense to be selected. zavpeu, <bad person> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a knave/wretch/rascal/rogue/villain, intended sense to be selected. vinculum, tovlia, <over line> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is a vinculum/overline over text D. vine, kocherba, <cord plant> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a vine of habitat F. vinegar, sarvinjo, <sour wine> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a quantity of vinegar. vinyacdi, <wine acid> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some vinegar. vineyard, kochebfii, <cord plant field> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a vineyard. vintage, po vinmao, <wine maker> (n) a vintage, an event of wine making. vintner, vinmao, <wine maker> [K‍-‍] (1n) K is a wine maker/vintner. viola, violha, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a viola. violence, lopo valna, (n) violence, mass acts. pu valna, (n) a/the violence, a property of being violent. violent, vaa, (af) a combining form of valna, violent. valna, [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is violent in response to N. van, (af) a combining form of valna, violent. violent as an animal, nimvaa, <animal violent> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more savage/fierce/wild/violent as an animal than J. violently, valna, (av) violently, in a violent way. violet, labpurpu, <white purple> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some violet, a pale purple colour. violhi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a violet, a flower of spp. Viola. violin, violhina, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a violin. violincello, violhoncela, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a violincello/cello. virgin, nornurtua, <not worked on> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is virgin. norpaskia, <not before copulate> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a virgin, one who has not yet copulated. no nu plizo, (a) unused/virgin, not (yet) used. virtual, duodza, <do exist> (a) virtual/apparent. virtuality, lopu duodza, <do exist> (n) virtuality, mass term. virtue, lopu gudkao, <good acting> (n) fineness/goodness/morality/virtue, mass term of props. pu gudkao, <good acting> (n) a fineness/goodness/morality/virtue, morality, a spec. property. virtuous, gudkao, <good acting> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is/are better/more moral/virtuous than J, as of acts/persons. gudkao, <good acting> (a) good/fine/moral/nice/virtuous, moral, as of persons/acts. virus, malsatci, <sickness start> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is a germ/bacillus/virus of/for V. selkopyproga, <self copy program> [V‍-‍PF] (3n) V is a virus program with effect P on system F. virsu, [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a virus of N. viscera, visra, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B are the guts/viscera/entrails/innards of F. lo visra, (n) viscera, mass term. viscount, torpoi, <2nd power> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a/the viscount of domain N. viscountess, femtorpoi, <2nd power> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a/the viscountess of domain N. vise, juarliumai, <seize restrain machine> [B‍-‍] (1v) B is a vise, a device for holding workpieces. jugrie, <grip tool> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a vise/pliers/pincers/clamp, generic for any grasping tool. visibility, lopu nu vizka, (n) visibility, mass of such cases. pu nu vizka, (n) a/the visibility, spec. case of being -ble. visible, nurvia, <seen> [B‍-‍DF] (3a) B is visible to D against background F. nu vizka, (a) visible, by … against background …. visibly, nu vizka, (av) visibly, in a visible way. vision, viksaskai, <see sense> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the sense of vision/sight/eyesight of organism F. lo viksaskai, <see sense> (n) sight/eyesight/vision, mass term. lopu vizka, (n) sight/vision, mass term of visual senses. pu vizka, (n) a sight/vision, visual sense of a spec. organism. visit, geosto, <guest stay> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K visit/stay with as a guest of B. hasgeo, <house gesko> (v) visit/stay with, visit …. po hasgeo, <house gesko> (n) a visit/stay, a spec. act of -ing. socgoi, <socially go> [K‍-‍BDSV] (5v) K visit (person(s)) B at D from S via V. po socgoi, <socially go> (n) a visit event. vizgoi, <visit go> [K‍-‍DSV] (4v) K go to visit D from S via V. Cf. vizkaa. vizkaa, <see comer> [K‍-‍DSV] (4v) K visit/come to see from D to S about V. po vizkaa, <see comer> (n) a visit, a specific act of -ing. visitation, po nu hasgeo, <house gesko> (n) visitation, an event of being -ed. po nu vizkaa, <see comer> (n) a visitation, an event of being -ed. visitor, hasgeo, <house gesko> (n) a visitor, house guest. socgoi, <socially go> (n) a visitor. vizkaa, <see comer> (n) a visitor/guest/company, visitors from … to … for …, e.g. a visitor from Paris. visual, viksaskai, <see sense> (a) visual, pert. to vision/sight. vizka, (a) visual, pert. to seeing … against …. visually, vizka, (av) visually, in a seeing way. visually impaired, vizfiu, <see weak> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is visually impaired/blind. vital, clivi, (a) alive/biological/living/organic/vital, pert. to living things. nu livcni, <live need> (a) necessary to/vital, of vital needs. livflo, <life full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is (more) animated/lively/vital/full of life than J. nerbi, (a) necessary/required/demanded/essential/indispensible/vital for …, of factual conditions. vitality, lopu livflo, <life full> (n) animation/liveliness/vitality, mass term. pu livflo, <life full> (n) a animation/liveliness/vitality, a spec. property. vitamin, vithamini, [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a vitamin of type N. vivid, kolfro, <colour strong> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is vivid/intense, of colours. simlivmao, <seem life make> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K is vivid in describing V. simlivmao, <seem life make> (1av) vivid (-ly). vividly remember, foldri, <strong remember> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K vividly remember B about V. vocabulary, plipua, <use word> (ph) in the vocabulary of …,. lo plipua, <use word> (n) vocabulary, all the words used by …. plipursei, <use word set> [F‍-‍KV] (3n) F is a/the vocabulary of K in language V. vocation, livtua, <life work> [V‍-‍K] (2n) V is a/the career/vocation of K. tuakle, <work class> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a job/vocation/occupation among people F. vocational, livtua, <life work> (a) vocational, pert. to careers. tuakle, <work class> (a) occupational/vocational, pert. to occupations. voice, vol, (af) a combining form of volsi, voice. volduo, <voice do> [K‍-‍PV] (3v) K voice/utter/express idea P in/as expression V. lo volsi, (n) voice, the sounds uttered by ind'l …. voi, (af) a combining form of volsi, voice. voiced, nu volduo, <voice do> (a) expressible/utterable/voiced, can be -ed, conv. form. volsoa, <voice sound> (a) voiced, of speech sounds. void, nira, (a) nil/none/null/empty/void/blank, of the empty set. nirspa, <nothing space> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a void/vacuum. po nirveo, <zero contain> (n) a vacuum/void/vacancy/emptiness, a state of being empty. volcanic ash, volkaniypudru, <volcano powder> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is some volcanic ash from S. volcano, volkani, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a volcano. volt, volta, [V‍-‍C] (2n) V measures C in volt s electromotive force, default 1. volume, bukylisdjo, <book list member> [B‍-‍FC] (3n) B is a volume of series F with ordinal C. melterspa, <measure three space> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a tract/three dimensional volume of definite boundaries. limterspa, <limit(ed) three space> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a tract/three dimensional volume of definite boundaries. spasi, [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is a/the room/region/space/volume occupied by B. terspa, <three space> [C‍-‍B] (2n) C is the volume of B, a container. lo terspa, <three space> (n) volume, mass term. terspamei, <3 space measure> [K‍-‍BC] (3v) K measure the volume of B to be C. fu terspamei, <3 space measure> (n) a/the volume measured. volume control, krotro, <flow controller> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a faucet/tap/valve/volume control/dimmer of/in F, a device for controlling flow. Material may be specified as cuirkrotroli. voluminous, spamou, <space exceed> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more spacious/voluminous/roomy than J. voluminousness, pu spamou, <space exceed> (n) a voluminousness/spaciousness, a spec. property. voluntarily, frezi, (av) freely/willingly/voluntarily/of one's own accord, in a free manner. voluntary, frezi, (a) free/voluntary, unrestrained to do/be …. volunteer, tiftua, <offer work> [K‍-‍PD] (3v) K volunteer to do P for D. tiftua, <offer work> (n) a volunteer. vomit, vamtu, [K‍-‍PB] (3v) K vomit/regurgitate/throw up P on B. vortex, tonkro, <twist current> [V‍-‍B] (2n) V is a whirl/whirlpool/vortex in liquid B. vote, polcue, <political say> [K‍-‍VN] (3v) K vote V on issue N. lo nu polcue, <political say> (n) (the) vote, mass term of votes. nu polcue, <political say> (n) a vote, an expression registered by -ing. polprusa, <political approver> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K vote for D in contest V. voter, polcue, <political say> (n) a voter, one who votes. voucher, ketpi, [B‍-‍PC] (3n) B is a ticket/voucher for event P for price/consideration C. vow, fu durcue, <do say> (n) a promise/vow, a promised act/thing. po durcue, <do say> (n) a promise/vow, an act of -ing. vow to, durcue, <do say> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K promise/vow to D that/to do V. vulgar, comcmi, <shame amused> [K‍-‍N] (2a) K is vulgar in/about N. danri, [G‍-‍JB] (3a) G is more trite/ordinary/vulgar/common(place)/usual/banal/mundane than J in features B. vulture, vulturi, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a vulture of species F. vulva, konbi, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the vulva/vagina of F.

W WC, korfeskru, <body waste room> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B is a toilet/john/convenience/loo/lavatory/WC, the room. korfesveo, <body waste vessel> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B is a toilet/john/convenience/loo/lavatory/WC, the appliance. Wednesday, terdei, <3 day> [V‍-‍F] (2n) V is a Wednesday of week/month F. la terdei, <3 day> (na) Wednesday (the 4th day of the week). Welcome, gesko, (i) Welcome!. gesko mi!, (i) Welcome!/Be my guest!. nu hapvia, <happily see> (ph) Welcome!/Be happily seen! What, Hu namci tou?, (ph) What's-your(-group)-name?/What's-your-group called? tu namci ie da, (ph) What's-your name? Hu namci tuu?, (ph) What's-your(-group)-name?/What's-your-group called? What did you say, ie, (q) What did you say?, a request for repetition when used alone. E.g. Ie? — What did you say? What is your name, hu namci tu?, (ph) What names you? What is your name? What-are-you, tou he?, (ph) What-are-you(-as-a-group)?/What-does-your-group do? tuu he?, (ph) What-are-you(-as-a-group)?/What-does-your-group do? What-are-you-individually, too he?, (ph) How-are-you-all?/What-are-you-individually?/What-does-each-of-you do? tuo he?, (ph) How-are-you-all?/What-are-you-individually?/What-does-each-of-you do? What-are-your, Hu namci too?, (ph) What-are-your(-individual) names? Hu namci tuo?, (ph) What-are-your(-individual) names? What-does-each-of-you do, too he?, (ph) How-are-you-all?/What-are-you-individually?/What-does-each-of-you do? tuo he?, (ph) How-are-you-all?/What-are-you-individually?/What-does-each-of-you do? What-does-your-group do, tou he?, (ph) What-are-you(-as-a-group)?/What-does-your-group do? tuu he?, (ph) What-are-you(-as-a-group)?/What-does-your-group do? Woman, Fum, (voc) Madam/Mrs/Woman, a vocative, as in 'oh Madam!'. w sub, dicine, (ms) w sub 1 an ordered variable, math. waddle, anhasiydzo, <duck walk> [K‍-‍DSV] (4v) K waddle to D from S via V. wade, nurconcuidzo, <shallow water walked> [K‍-‍DSV] (4v) K wade to D from S via V. wag the tail, tilbysiu, <tail shake> [K‍-‍DP] (3v) K wag the tail at D for purpose P. wage, nurjurna, <conv. of earn> [C‍-‍KP] (3n) C is/are a/the earnings/wage/salary/fee of K for work/service P. rilryjurna, <regular earn> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K earn a wage/salary at/for P. nu rilryjurna, <regular earn> (1n) salary/wage/earnings. wager, canple, <chance play> [K‍-‍BKV] (4v) K wager/gamble/bet B with K that/on V. nu canple, <chance play> (n) a bet/gamble/wager, the thing -ed. po canple, <chance play> (n) a bet/gamble/wager, a sp. act of -ing. wagerer, canple, <chance play> (n) a gambler/better/wagerer, one who -s. waggon, cpukarti, <pull cart> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a cart/waggon/wagon. ctikarti, <materials cart> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a dray/wagon/waggon, one used for material transport. wagon, bermai, <carry machine> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a wheelbarrow/wagon/vehicle, general term for all vehicles. cpukarti, <pull cart> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a cart/waggon/wagon. ctikarti, <materials cart> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a dray/wagon/waggon, one used for material transport. horkarti, <horse cart> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a carriage/coach/wagon, vehicle pulled by horses. karti, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a cart/carriage/wagon/buggy/coach/chariot/dray, any non motorized vehicle. wail, keikra, <sad cry> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K wail/moan/groan/grieve (over)/cry (about)/mourn/lament/bewail N. waist, kormidju, <body middle> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the waist of F. waistcoat, tcetyresfu, <chest garment> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a waistcoat/vest. wait, po pazda, (n) a waiting/wait/pause, an event/state of -ing. wait for, pazda, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K await/pause/wait for event/person D before doing V. wait in line, linpazda, <line wait> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K queue up/wait in line for V. wait on table, tobsua, <table serve> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K serve (food)/wait on table to D with V. waiter, pazda, (n) a waiter, one who awaits events/persons. tobsua, <table serve> (n) a waiter/waitress, one who waits on tables. tobsuvmeu, <table serve man> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a waiter of F. waiting, po pazda, (n) a waiting/wait/pause, an event/state of -ing. waiting room, pazkru, <wait room> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a waiting room of establishment F. waitress, tobsua, <table serve> (n) a waiter/waitress, one who waits on tables. tobsuvfua, <table serve woman> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a waitress of F. wake up, cidcea, <awake become> [D‍-‍] (1v) D waken/awaken/wake up. cidcko, <awake cause> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K awaken/wake up D, non intentional. cidmao, <awake make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K awaken/waken/wake up D. wakeful, cidja, [N‍-‍] (1a) N is awake/wakeful. wakefulness, po cidja, (n) a wakefulness, a state of being awake. waken, cidcea, <awake become> [D‍-‍] (1v) D waken/awaken/wake up. cidmao, <awake make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K awaken/waken/wake up D. wakening, po cidcea, <awake become> (n) an awakening/wakening, a spec. event. walk, dzo, (af) a combining form of dzoru, walk. dzofoa, <walk form> [V‍-‍B] (2n) V is a walk/gait, walking form of B. dzoru, [K‍-‍DSV] (4v) K walk to D from S via V. po dzoru, (n) a walk/walking, an act/process/event of -ing. melbue, <measured step> [K‍-‍] (1v) K pace/walk with rhythmic/measured steps. walk back, faedzo, <reverse walk> [K‍-‍DSV] (4v) K walk back to D from S via V. walk stealthily, lupydzo, <wolf walk> [K‍-‍SDV] (4v) K walk stealthily from S to D via V. walk through, tcedzo, <through walk> [K‍-‍NDS] (4v) K walk through N on the way to D from S. walk together, kiidzo, <together walk> [K‍-‍] (1) K walk together. walk way, dzosia, <walk place> [V‍-‍BB] (3n) V is a corridor/passage/walk way/path between B and B. walker, dzoru, (n) a walker, one who walks. walking, po dzoru, (n) a walk/walking, an act/process/event of -ing. walking stick, dzokanra, <walk cane> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a cane/stick/walking stick. wall, cal, (af) a combining form of tcali, wall. haftcali, <house wall> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a wall of room/house/building F. tcali, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a wall of/around F. wall up, calsea, <wall set> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K enclose/wall up D, put a wall around …. wallet, cmeveo, <money holder> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a wallet/billfold/(change) purse. precmeveo, <money vessel> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a wallet/note case, for paper money. walnut, jugla, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a walnut from S. walrus, marsa, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a female walrus, a marine carnivore. marsi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an infant walrus. marso, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a male walrus. marsu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is any walrus, non specific term. walrus like, marse, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is walrus like, pertains to or resembles a walrus. waltz, valse, [K‍-‍D] (2v) K waltz with D. po valse, (n) a waltz. wan, malblabi, <sickly white> [D‍-‍] (1a) D is pale/ghastly/wan, a off white colour as in illness. wand, majystuka, <magic stick> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a magician's wand. wander, cangoi, <chance go> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K wander/roam D. wanderer, cangoi, <chance go> (n) wanderer/roamer …. wandering, cangoi, <chance go> (a) errant/wandering/roaming …. wane, pracmacea, <process small become> [V‍-‍] (1v) V abate/wane/subside/diminish in intensity/frequency. want, cnida, [K‍-‍BP] (3v) K need/require/want B for purpose/action P. daa, (af) a combining form of danza, want. danza, [K‍-‍VP] (3v) K desire/want state/object/event V for purpose P. po danza, (n) a want/desire/urge, a spec. state of -ing. (V K-DP). daz, (af) a combining form of danza, want. lopu sirura, (n) scarcity/penury/want, mass property. po sirura, (n) an instance of scarcity/penury/want. stocni, <remaining need> [D‍-‍B] (2v) D want for B. lopo stocni, <remaining need> (n) want/privation, mass state of need. want of, clesi, (av) for want of/without/lacking. nebcle, <necessary without> [V‍-‍B] (2av) V without/lacking/for want of B, e.g. Le nebcle ji ne naldi pa dirlycko le dorja — "For want of a nail, the war was lost". want to, ao, (i) yes/I want to/will try to …, exp. of desire/moderate intention. no ao, (ph) no/I don't want to, an expression of moderate refusal. war, dor, (af) a combining form of dorja, war. dorduo, <war do> [K‍-‍K] (2v) K battle/war+(with) K. dorja, [K‍-‍KV] (3v) K war with K over issue V. po dorja, (n) a war, a spec. war with … over …. dormao, <war maker> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K make/wage war on/against D. war like, dorcli, <war like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more war like/militant/martial/bellicose than J. dorcli, <war like> (a) more war like/militant/martial/bellicose than …. war maker, dormao, <war maker> (n) a belligerent/war maker, one who makes war. ward, hospai, <hospital part> [B‍-‍PF] (3n) B is a/the ward for P of (hospital) F. nu lilkeu, <legal care> (n) a ward of …. polpai, <polity part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a state/county/district/ward/zone, partly self governing part of polity F. sicypolpai, <city polity part> [B‍-‍NF] (3n) B is a/the ward N of city F. warehouse, srohaa, <deposit house> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is a warehouse/storehouse/reservoir/depository/godown of/for stores N. wares, nurvea, <conv. of sell> [B‍-‍K] (2n) B are some/the goods/merchandise/wares/purchase(s) sold by K, that which is sold, conv. of sell. wariness, lopu selkurni, <self warning> (n) prudence/wariness/cautiousness, mass prop. warm, hatcea, <warmer become> [B‍-‍C] (2v) B warm/heat (up)/becomes warmer by increment C, unspecified cause. hatmao, <heat make> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K warm/heat … /make D hot with heat source S, an intentional act. hatro, (a) hot/warm, warmer than …. kofhatro, <comfortably hot> [N‍-‍D] (2a) N is warm enough/comfortably/agreeably warm to/for D. kofhatro, <comfortably hot> (a) warm, pleasantly warm. warmer, hatcea, <warmer become> [B‍-‍C] (2v) B warm/heat (up)/becomes warmer by increment C, unspecified cause. hatro, [G‍-‍JC] (3a) G is warmer/hotter than J by C. warming, hatcea, <warmer become> (a) heating/warming, becoming warmer. warmth, lopu hatro, (n) warmth/heat/temperature, mass term of properties. pu hatro, (n) a heat/hotness/temperature/warmth, a spec. property. pu kofhatro, <comfortably hot> (a) a warmth, a spec. prop. warn, kafdurcue, <punish do say(promise)> [K‍-‍DPD] (4v) K warn/threaten D of punishment P for infraction D. keukra, <care cry> (v) give an alarm to/warn … of …. kun, (af) a combining form of kurni, warn. kurni, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K warn/caution D of danger V. warner, kurni, (n) warner, one who cautions. warning, po kafdurcue, <punish do say(promise)> (n) a warning/threat, a warning of punishment. po keukra, <care cry> (n) an alarm/warning/shout, a sp. act of -ing. E.g. "Watch out". po kurni, (n) caution/warning, an act of -ing. warp, betcea, <bent become> [P‍-‍] (1v) P warp/bend, (actor unspecified). betcko, <bent cause> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K warp/bend D (nonintentional cause). betmao, <bent make> [K‍-‍DP] (3v) K warp/bend D into form P, intentional. korce cpula, (ph) warp, as a boat, i.e. pull in with cords. toncea, <twist become> [D‍-‍] (1v) D warp/twist, (actor unspecified). toncko, <twist cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N warp/twist D, nonintentional. tonmao, <twist make> [K‍-‍DC] (3v) K warp/twist D under load C, intentional. warrant, tradjocue, <true member say (genuine say)> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K pledge/guarantee/warrant the authenticity of B. po tradjocue, <true member say (genuine say)> (n) a guarantee/pledge/warrant (of/to do …). warranted, nu raznu, (a) warranted/justified/reasonable. nu tradjocue, <true member say (genuine say)> (a) guaranteed/warranted/pledged. warranter, kakdurcue, <act do say> (n) guarantor/warranter of … for …. warrior, dorkamda, <war fighter> [K‍-‍S] (2n) K is a warrior/fighter/mercenary for S. solda, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a soldier/warrior of state/army F. wary, selkurni, <self warning> [B‍-‍V] (2a) B is cautious about/careful of/wary/prudent, uses caution in doing V. was, pafa, (va) was/were going to …, sign of past progressive tense, english inexact. pana, (va) was/were then … ing, sign of the past coincident tense. was ing, pia, (op) continuous past tense: was ing/being …. wash, makvlaci, <mouth wash> [K‍-‍V] (2n) K wash(es) the mouth with mouthwash V. lac, (af) a combining form of vlaci, wash. vlaci, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K wash D in/with V. nu vlaci, (n) a/the wash/laundry, things to be washed. po vlaci, (n) a/the wash, an instance of -ing, 'It will come out in the wash'. wash away, huirvlaci, <destroy wash> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K wash away D with V. washbasin, vlacyveo, <wash vessel> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a sink/washbasin in/of F. washroom, vlacykru, <wash room> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a washroom. waste, fes, (af) a combining form of festi, waste. festi, [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K waste/squander D on/in doing V. nu festi, (n) a waste, that which is -ed. po festi, (n) waste, spec. inst. norprolai, <barren land> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a desert/waste/wasteland/wilderness/barren of landmass F. nurfesycti, <wasted stuff> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is waste/refuse/garbage/trash/junk/scrap from process V. wasteful, festi, (a) wasteful, of one who/that which wastes. wastefulness, lopu festi, (n) wastefulness, mass term, properties. wasteland, norprolai, <barren land> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a desert/waste/wasteland/wilderness/barren of landmass F. wastrel, festi, (n) a wastrel/spendthrift, one who squanders …. watch, hanjokla, <hand clock> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a watch, portable time piece. katca, [K‍-‍SV] (3v) K watch/observe/gaze at S doing/being V. katca, (i) behold!/watch!/observe!, w/o a; 1st arg., an imperative. po katca, (n) an observation/watch/gaze, an act of watching. watcher, katca, (n) an observer/watcher, one who -s. watchman, kunkatca, <warn watch> [K‍-‍B] (2n) a guard/watchman/sentinel/sentry/look out for …. water, cuirduo, <water do> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K water D, pour/sprinkle water on …. cut, (af) a combining form of cutri, water. cui, (af) a combining form of cutri, water. cutri, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a body/expanse/portion/drop of water. lo cutri, (n) water, mass term. water covered, cutkua, <water covered> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more water covered/watery/wetter than J is. water down, cuirclimao, <water like make> (3v) thin/dilute/water down … by adding …. watercolour paint, cutpinti, <water paint> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some watercolour paint. watercress, rorhipe, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is some watercress from S. waterfall, felcui, <fall water> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a waterfall of river system F. waterhole, cuthou, <water hole> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is a well/waterhole at D. wateriness, pu cuicli, <water like> (n) a wateriness, sp. prop. pu cuiflo, <water full> (n) a wateriness, a spec. prop. waterproof, cuirtcenorbli, <water penetrate not possible> [V‍-‍N] (2a) V is waterproof under conditions N. watery, cuicli, <water like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more watery/thin than J is. cuiflo, <water full> [G‍-‍JV] (3a) G is (more) aqueous/watery than J is V, e.g. x is more watery than x is oily, or x is more watery than y (is watery). cutkua, <water covered> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more water covered/watery/wetter than J is. watt, vatsi, [V‍-‍C] (2) V measures C in watt(s), default 1. watt hour, vatsyhoo, <watt hours> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B measures C in watt hour(s), default 1. wave, brovalpu, <break wave> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is a breaker/breaking wave. herkoa, <hair curve> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a wave in the hair of F. kreni, [P‍-‍S] (2n) P Is a beam/ray/particle/wave from energy source S. lalvalpu, <old wave> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a swell/sea/wave on sea F. valpu, [V‍-‍NB] (3n) V is a wave/undulation, moving wave form in medium N with properties B. vap, (af) a combining form of valpu, wave. vapmuo, <wave move> [K‍-‍] (1v) K wave, move with a wave like motion. vapmuocko, <wave move cause> [S‍-‍BV] (3v) S cause B to wave by means V, non intentional. vapmuvmao, <wave move make> [K‍-‍B] (2vt) K wave B, make … move like a wave, intentional. vahyhansiu, <nearby hand shake> [K‍-‍DP] (3v) K wave at D for purpose P. waver, pazgoi, <pause go> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K waver/hesitate/falter about V. sildii, <oscillate decide> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K waver/be indecisive about V. wavering, lopu pazgoi, <pause go> (n) hesitation/wavering, mass property. waviness, pu vapcli, <wave like> (n) a waviness, a spec. property. waving, vapmuo, <wave move> (a) waving, of that which -es. wavy, vapcli, <wave like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more wavy/undulant, wave like than J. wax, grocea, <large become> [D‍-‍] (1v) D enlarge/wax/increase/become larger in bulk. lak, (af) a combining form of lakse, wax. lakduo, <wax do> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K wax D, apply wax to …. lakse, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a piece/quantity of wax from S. lakse, (a) wax, made of wax. lo lakse, (n) wax, mass term. wax like, lakcli, <wax like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more waxy/wax like than J is. waxed, lakykua, <wax covered> (a) waxed. waxer, lakduo, <wax do> (n) a waxer, that which/one who waxes …. waxier, lakykua, <wax covered> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is waxier/more covered with wax than J is. waxy, lakcli, <wax like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more waxy/wax like than J is. way, duo hu, (q) how?/in what manner?/in what way? durfoa, <do form> [N‍-‍P] (2n) N is a/the way/manner/method/mode/practice/rite/procedure of doing P. nenrua, <in road> [B‍-‍DS] (3v) B is on the way/enroute to D from S. nenrua, <in road> (av) on the way, enroute to … from …. ruarsticko, <way stop cause> (av) in the way, blocking …'s way to …. ruarstimao, <way stop make> (av) in the way, blocking …'s way to …. rutma, [B‍-‍DSK] (4n) B is a/the track/way/route/course/path to D from S used by K. tcerua, <through route> [B‍-‍SD] (3n) B is a passage/thoroughfare/way through S to D; e.g. the Northwest Passage. tie no ba, (ph) not at all/by no means/in no way, lit., by no means x. trirua, <tree way> [V‍-‍DSB] (4n) V is an avenue/way to D from S lined with trees B. way of thinking, penfoa, <think form> [B‍-‍KN] (3n) B is a thought form/way of thinking used by K under conditions N. way out, zvorua, <out route> [B‍-‍N] (2n) B is an exit/way out from N. way that, lia, (c) like/(just) as/in the way that. we, mio, (p) we/us/ourselves, in the "I/me and others independently" sense, the 1st & 3rd person multiple variable. Equivalent to 'mi, e da'. Cf. mu/mo for the "you and I/me" sense of we/us, and muu/muo for the "you and I and others" sense of we/us. miu, (p) we/us/ourselves, in the "I/me and others jointly" sense, the 1st & 3rd person set variable. Equivalent to 'mi ze da'. Cf. mu/mo for the "you and I/me" sense of we/us, and muu/muo for the "you and I and others" sense of we/us. mo, (p) we/us/ourselves, in the "you and I/me independently" sense, the 1st & 2nd person multiple variable. Equivalent to 'mi, e tu'. Cf. mu for the "you and I/me jointly" sense of we/us, miu/mio for the "I and others" sense of we/us, and muu/muo for the "you and I and others" sense of we/us. mu, (p) we/us/ourselves, in the "you and I/me jointly" sense, the 1st & 2nd person set variable. Equivalent to 'mi ze tu'. Cf. mo for the "you and I/me independently" sense of we/us, miu/mio for the "I and others" sense of we/us, and muu/muo for the "you and I and others" sense of we/us. muo, (p) we/us/ourselves (you and I and others independently) cf. mu/mo, miu/mio. muu, (p) we/us/ourselves (you and I with others jointly) cf. mu/mo and miu/mio. weak, brofiu, <break weak> [N‍-‍] (1a) N is fragile/frail/weak/infirm. fib, (af) a combining form of fibru, weak. fibru, (a) feeble/frail/weak, weaker than … by …. firfiu, <fear weak> [B‍-‍VN] (3a) B is weak from fear stimulus V in conditions N. fiu, (af) a combining form of fibru, weak. nu poimro, <power more> (a) weak, less powerful than, conv. form. weak voiced, volfiu, <voice weak> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is weak voiced under N. weak willed, disfiu, <decide weak> [K‍-‍VN] (3a) K is weak willed about V in circumstances N. weaken, fibcea, <weak become> [D‍-‍] (1v) D weaken, become weaker in strength. fibmao, <weak make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K weaken/makes weaker D in strength. weakening, po fibcea, <weak become> (n) weakening, a state of becoming -er. fibmao, <weak make> (a) weakening, of that which -ens something. weaker, fibru, [G‍-‍JC] (3a) G is weaker/more feeble than J by C. weakly, fibru, (av) weakly, in a weak manner. weakness, lopu brofiu, <break weak> (n) fragility/frailty/weakness/infirmity. lopo fibru, (n) weakness/feebleness, mass term of states. lopu fibru, (n) weakness, mass term of properties. pu nu poimro, <power more> (n) a weakness, a property of low power. wealth, lopu fulri, (n) wealth, mass term of properties. pu fulri, (n) some wealth, a spec. property. wealthier, fulri, [G‍-‍JB] (3a) G is richer/wealthier than J in wealth type B. wealthily, fulri, (av) richly/wealthily, in a rich manner. wealthy, fulri, (a) rich/wealthy/prosperous, wealthier than … in …. weapon, dortau, <war arm> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a weapon/instrument of war. jantau, <hunt arm> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a hunting weapon/implement. tam, (af) a combining form of tarmu, weapon. tamble, <weapon look> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K check/inspect B for weapon/security. po tamble, <weapon look> (n) weapon/security check/inspection (an event). tarmu, [B‍-‍P] (2n) B is a weapon/arm for use P, any implement of hunting or warfare. tau, (af) a combining form of tarmu, weapon. wear, po nu plisru, <use damage> (n) the/some wear, a state of being worn. respli, <clothes use> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K wear/dress in clothing/costume/garment/attire B. wear away, plisru, <use damage> [K‍-‍DCV] (4v) K wear away D at point C by use/motion V. wear out, plihui, <use destroy> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K wear out B. wearily, tarle, (av) tiredly/wearily, in a tired manner. weariness, lopu tarle, (n) fatigue/weariness, mass prop. po tarle, (n) a fatigue/weariness/tiredness, a state/condition of tiredness. weary, tarle, [D‍-‍V] (2a) D is tired/fatigued/weary by effort V. weather, tet, (af) a combining form of tetri, weather. lo tetri, (n) weather, mass term of phenomena. weather forecast, tetpaocue, <weather before say> [N‍-‍D] (2n) N is a weather forecast for region D. weather phenomenon, tetri, [V‍-‍F] (2n) V is a weather phenomenon of region/planet F. weave, netfoamao, <net form make> [K‍-‍PS] (3v) K weave (material) P from S. weaver, netfoamao, <net form make> (n) weaver (of … from …). weaving, netfoamao, <net form make> (a) weaving (of … from …). web, gomnetre, <sticky net> [B‍-‍PK] (3n) B is a web for P made by K. wed, mercea, <married become> [K‍-‍K] (2v) K marry/wed/get married to K. wedding, lopo mercea, <married become> (n) marriage/wedding, mass term of events. po mercea, <married become> (n) a marriage/wedding, an event of becoming -ed. merfomvei, <marriage ceremony> [V‍-‍K] (2n) V is a/the marriage/wedding of K. wee, muecma, <extremely small> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is minute/tiny/wee in dimension(s) N, extremely small. weed, rezherba, <free plant> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a weed, something not planted. week, lik, (af) a combining form of likta, week. likcke, <week interval> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a week of month/year F. likta, [B‍-‍C] (2n) B measure(s) C in week(s), default 1. weekend, likfao, <week end> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the weekend of F. weekly, rarlikta, <all week> (a) weekly, having a weekly rhythm. rarlikta, <all week> (av) weekly, happening every week. weekly rhythm, rarlikta, <all week> [V‍-‍] (1v) V have a weekly rhythm/happen every week. weep, ceokra, <wet cry> [K‍-‍S] (2v) K cry/weep/shed tears over S. weeping, po ceokra, <wet cry> (n) a weeping/crying, with tears, an act of. weigh, megygramo, <million grams> [B‍-‍C] (2v) B weigh C in tonne(s). (1000kg). skaduo, <scale do (weigh)> [K‍-‍BV] (3v) K weigh B on scale/balance V. skatio, <scale heavy> [B‍-‍CN] (3v) B weigh(s) C, a dim. num., in gravity field N. E.g. La Djan, skatio lio 70 kg — John weighs 70 kilograms. tidmei, <weight measure> [K‍-‍BCV] (4v) K weigh/measure the heaviness of B to be C, a dim. num., on scale/balance/weighing machine V. tonme, [B‍-‍C] (2v) B weigh C in ton(s). Specify gleco or merko, or better yet megygramo. weighing machine, tidmelmai, <heavy measure machine> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is a scale/balance/weighing machine. Cf. balpae. weight, meltio, <measure heavy> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B measures C in weight, has a measured weight of …. nu skatio, <scale heavy> (n) a weight, in the units of some scale. lopu tidjo, (n) heaviness/weight, mass prop. fu tidmei, <weight measure> (n) a measured weight. tioska, <heavy scale> [V‍-‍N] (2n) V is a weight scale, a system of units and zero point for measuring weight in gravity field N. weighty, tidjo, (a) heavy/weighty, weightier than … in gravity field …. weird, gutra, [B‍-‍DN] (3a) B is alien/bizarre/mysterious/odd/queer/unusual/strange/weird/curious/peculiar/funny to D in features N. weirdness, pu gutra, (n) an oddity/strangeness/weirdness/mysteriousness, a spec. property. welcome, fomgeojmi, <formally guest meet> [K‍-‍D] (2n) K receive/welcome (guest) D, a formal reception. geojmi, <guest meet> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K receive/welcome (guest) D. haispe, <happily experience> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K enjoy/welcome V, get enjoyment from (doing) … ; 'I welcome the end of the war'. nu haispe, <happily experience> (a) enjoyable/welcome, conv. of enjoy; 'The end of the war is welcome'. hapvia, <happily see> [K‍-‍DF] (3v) K welcome D to/in F. E.g. Mi vizhai tu — I welcome you (as a guest). hapviacue, <happily see say> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K welcome D with words V. hapviztaa, <happily see talk> [K‍-‍DNV] (4v) K welcome D to/in N by V. siu, (i) you're welcome, reply to an expression of gratitude. welfare, lopo gudlii, <good living> (n) welfare, mass instances. lopo sochea, <social assistance> (n) relief/welfare/the dole, mass instances. well, cuthou, <water hole> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is a well/waterhole at D. dje, (af) a combining form of djela, well. djela, (a) fit/healthy/well, healthier than …. Ei tu djela ?, (ph) How do you feel?/Are you well?/How are you? (literal sense). gudckomou, <effective more> (av) well, more effectively. jel, (af) a combining form of djela, well. nurdje, <conv. of well> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is sicker/less well than J. skucko, <success cause> (av) effectively/well/with good effect, effectively. ue, (i) indeed!/oh!/really!/well!/what … <, exp./exclamation of surprise.>. uo, (i) come now!/look here/oh/well/what/(that's) enough, an expression of annoyance. well balanced, balfro, <balance strong> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is well balanced, has a strong sense of balance under conditions N. well informed, kacflo, <aware full> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is well informed/aware about N. well rooted, giufro, <root strong> [N‍-‍F] (2a) N is well rooted/established/grounded in F. well wisher, gubdaa, <good wish> (n) a well wisher, one who wishes … well (for …). were, pafa, (va) was/were going to …, sign of past progressive tense, english inexact. pana, (va) was/were then … ing, sign of the past coincident tense. west, lus, (af) a combining form of lusta, west. west of, lusta, (pp) west of …, toward the west from …. westerly, lusta, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more western/westerly than J is. western, lusta, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more western/westerly than J is. western story, vestrrnu, [P‍-‍VK] (3n) P is a western story about V by K. westward, lusta, (av) westward, in a westerly way. lusta, (av) westward, from the west. wet, cet, (af) a combining form of cetlo, wet. cetcea, <wet become> [D‍-‍B] (2v) D absorb/soak up/become wet with B. cetlo, [D‍-‍B] (2a) D is wet/moist/damp with liquid B. cetmao, <wet make> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K dampen/wet/moisten D with liquid B, intentional. cetmou, <damp more> (a) moist/wet/damp, damper than … with …. ceocko, <wet cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N dampen/wet/moisten D, nonintentional. cutkua, <water covered> (a) wet, covered with water. ceo, (af) a combining form of cetlo, wet. wetness, pu cetlo, (n) a wetness/dampness, a spec. property. wetted, nu cetmao, <wet make> (a) wetted, a moistened thing, conv. form. nu ceocko, <wet cause> (a) wetted, a moistened thing, conv. form. wetter, cetmou, <damp more> [G‍-‍BJB] (4a) G is wetter/moister/damper with B than J with liquid B. cutkua, <water covered> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more water covered/watery/wetter than J is. whale, balna, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a female whale from S. balno, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a male whale from S. balnu, [B‍-‍S] (1n) B is any whale from S, generic form. whale calf, balni, [B‍-‍S] (1n) B is a whale calf from S, an infant whale. whale like, balne, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more whale like than J. what, eu mu, (ph) what if we …, a supposition. hu, (q) who/whom/what, the argument interrogative. E.g. Hu fa godzi? — Who will go?; Da merji hu? — X is married to whom?; Hu fa durzo hu? — Who will do what? ie, (q) which?/who?/what?, a request for further identification when preceding some argument. E.g. Ie le mrenu? — Which man?/Which of the men? lia hu, (q) how?/in what manner?/like what?, a question about similarity. ta ie, (q) what's that?, a request for information about 'that', cf. ie ta. ti ie, (q) what's this?, a request for information about 'this', cf. ie ti. ue, (i) indeed!/oh!/really!/well!/what … <, exp./exclamation of surprise.>. uo, (i) come now!/look here/oh/well/what/(that's) enough, an expression of annoyance. what for, moi hu, (ph) why/what for/in order to what?, for what motive/intention/purpose? what means, tie hu, (q) how?/by what means?/with what tools? — a question about means. what tools, tie hu, (q) how?/by what means?/with what tools? — a question about means. whatever, raba, (p) whatever/whichever/whoever, every …, 'Whatever runs, eats'. rabe, (p) whatever/whichever/whoever, every …, 'Whatever runs, eats'. rabo, (p) whatever/whichever/whoever, every …, 'Whatever runs, eats'. rabu, (p) whatever/whichever/whoever, every …, 'Whatever runs, eats'. whatplace, vi hu, (q) where?/at whatplace/point in space?, a question about location. wheat, ritma, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a portion/quantity of wheat from S. lo ritma, (n) wheat, mass term. wheel, krilu, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a wheel of vehicle/mechanism F. wheelbarrow, bermai, <carry machine> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a wheelbarrow/wagon/vehicle, general term for all vehicles. puorkarti, <push cart> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a hand-cart/wheelbarrow/shopping cart, any vehicle pushed by hand. when, na, (c) when, time coincidence, between clauses. na hu, (q) when?/during what interval?/at what point in time? nazi, (c) at the time when, momentary event clauses. nia, (c) all the while/as long as/when/while/all along. nia hu, (q) when?/throughout what interval in time? whenever, na raba, (av) forever/whenever — at/during every sometime x. where, va, (c) near where/where, before event clauses. vi, (c) where<, before event clauses, general.>. vi hu, (q) where?/at whatplace/point in space?, a question about location. viza, (c) where, before spatially limited events. vizi, (c) at the spot where, with point like events. vizu, (c) where, before spatially extensive events. whereat, fa ta, (av ph) after/afterwards/later/then/whereat/whereupon/by-and by, a sentence modifying phrase. fazi ti, (av) just then/momentarily/right now/thereupon/whereupon/upon which, whereat, just after this, a mod. phrase. whereupon, fa ta, (av ph) after/afterwards/later/then/whereat/whereupon/by-and by, a sentence modifying phrase. fazi ti, (av) just then/momentarily/right now/thereupon/whereupon/upon which, whereat, just after this, a mod. phrase. wherever, vi raba, (c) wherever — at/in every someplace x. whether, cu, (c) whether (or not), between modified/fying words. cunoi, (c) whether not, bet. modifiers/ ied, e.g. 'wise whether not good, man'. icu, (c) whether (or not), logical independence between sents./clauses. inucu, (c) whether …, …, a single word used between sentences/clauses. inucunoi, (c) whether …, not …, a single word used between sents./clauses. ku, (c) whether (or not), forethought logical independence with ki in 'ku … ki … '. noku, (c) whether, in 'not … whether …', used with ki in 'noku … ki … '. nonucu, (c) whether not …, …, bet. modified/iers, reduces to nucu, q.v. nonucunoi, (c) whether not …, not …, bet. mods., reduces to nucunoi, q.v. nonukunoi, (c) whether not …, not …, with ki, reduces to nukunoi, q.v. nonuu, (c) whether not …, …, a transformation product, reduces to nuu, q.v. nonuunoi, (c) whether not …, not …, a transform, reduces to nuunoi, q.v. nou, (c) not … whether … (A), one word between terms. nucu, (c) whether …, … as one wd. between modifiers. nucunoi, (c) whether … not …, between modified/fying words. nuku, (c) whether …, …, used with ki in 'nuku … ki … '. nukunoi, (c) whether …, not …, with ki in 'nukunoi … ki … '. nuu, (c) whether …, … (A), one word between terms. nuunoi, (c) whether …, not … ' as 1 word between terms. u, (c) whether (or not), logical independence between terms. whether not, icunoi, (c) whether not, logical independence between sents., mean icu, q.v. inonucu, (c) whether not …, …, between sentences, reduces to inucu, q.v. inonucunoi, (c) whether not … not, bet. sents., reduces to inucunoi, q.v. nonuku, (c) whether not …, …, with ki, reduces to nuku, q.v. unoi, (c) whether not, a transformation prod. bet. terms, reduces to u, q.v. which, go, (op) of/who/which/that is …, the predicate inversion operator. ie, (q) which?/who?/what?, a request for further identification when preceding some argument. E.g. Ie le mrenu? — Which man?/Which of the men? ja, (p) who/which/that (is), non identifying before phrases. jae, (p) who/which/that/incidentally is one of, non restrictive set membership. ji, (c) which/who is, between arguments: 'x which is y'. jie, (p) who/which/that is one of, restrictive set membership. whichever, raba, (p) whatever/whichever/whoever, every …, 'Whatever runs, eats'. rabe, (p) whatever/whichever/whoever, every …, 'Whatever runs, eats'. rabo, (p) whatever/whichever/whoever, every …, 'Whatever runs, eats'. rabu, (p) whatever/whichever/whoever, every …, 'Whatever runs, eats'. while, faza ta, (av) in a while/later on/presently, after that, a mod. phrase. faza ti, (av) in a while/later on/presently, after this, a mod. phrase. na, (c) while, time inclusion, before event clauses. naza, (c) while, during some short event. nazu, (c) while, during some long event. nia, (c) all the while/as long as/when/while/all along. niaza, (c) while/throughout the short time, clauses. niazu, (c) while/throughout the long time, clauses. whim, nu cidrei, <awake dream> (n) a day dream/fancy/fantasy/reverie/whim, a spec. fantasy. nu cidyrevdaa, <awake dream desire> (n) fancy/whim/fantasy. whimper, fiakra, <fear cry> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K whimper/yelp/cry out/scream/yell about N - used of any fear or submission cry. po fiakra, <fear cry> (n) a fear-induced scream/cry/whimper/yelp. whinny, hortaa, <horse talk> [K‍-‍] (1v) K whinny. whip, bitce, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a whip/lash. bitcyduo, <whip do> [V‍-‍D] (2v) V whip/lash D. whirl, kuktancea, <rapid rotate become> [K‍-‍] (1v) K spin/whirl, (cause unspecified), "The paper whirled through the air". kuktancko, <rapid rotation cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N spin/whirl D, (nonintentional cause) "The wind spins the prayer wheels". kuktanmao, <rapid rotate make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K spin/whirl D, (intentional act). kuktrana, <rapid rotation> [V‍-‍] (1n) V is a spin/whirl. tonkro, <twist current> [V‍-‍B] (2n) V is a whirl/whirlpool/vortex in liquid B. whirlpool, tonkro, <twist current> [V‍-‍B] (2n) V is a whirl/whirlpool/vortex in liquid B. whiskey, viski, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is some whiskey/whisky from S. whisky, viski, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is some whiskey/whisky from S. whisper, clevolcue, <without voice say> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K whisper B to D. po clevolcue, <without voice say> (n) a whisper, a specific instance. clevoltaa, <without voice talk> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K whisper to D about V. po clevoltaa, <without voice talk> (n) a whisper, a specific instance. liftaa, <leaf talk> [B‍-‍] (1v) B rustle/whisper, the sound of wind in the trees. whistle, cas, (af) a combining form of caslo, whistle. caslo, [K‍-‍B] (2v) K whistle (tune) B. casrie, <whistle instrument> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a whistle. rimcaslo, <instrument whistle> [K‍-‍VS] (3v) K whistle (tune) V with whistle S. whistler, rimcaslo, <instrument whistle> (n) a whistler, one who -s. white, blabi, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more white/whiter than J. blabi, (n) a white, a white thing/object. lopu blabi, (n) white, the colour, mass term. lab, (af) a combining form of blabi, white. labcko, <white cause> (v) make … white. labmao, <white make> (v) make … white by …. whiten, labcko, <white cause> [N‍-‍DV] (3v) N bleach/blanch/whiten D by V, nonintentional 'the sun bleaches my hair'. labmao, <white make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K bleach/blanch/whiten D by V, intentional. whitened, labcea, <white become> [D‍-‍K] (2v) D is/are bleached/blanched/whitened by K, intransitive. whiteness, pu blabi, (n) a whiteness, a spec. property. whiter, blabi, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more white/whiter than J. who, go, (op) of/who/which/that is …, the predicate inversion operator. hu, (q) who/whom/what, the argument interrogative. E.g. Hu fa godzi? — Who will go?; Da merji hu? — X is married to whom?; Hu fa durzo hu? — Who will do what? ie, (q) which?/who?/what?, a request for further identification when preceding some argument. E.g. Ie le mrenu? — Which man?/Which of the men? ja, (p) who/which/that (is), non identifying before phrases. jae, (p) who/which/that/incidentally is one of, non restrictive set membership. ji, (c) which/who is, between arguments: 'x which is y'. jie, (p) who/which/that is one of, restrictive set membership. whoever, raba, (p) whatever/whichever/whoever, every …, 'Whatever runs, eats'. rabe, (p) whatever/whichever/whoever, every …, 'Whatever runs, eats'. rabo, (p) whatever/whichever/whoever, every …, 'Whatever runs, eats'. rabu, (p) whatever/whichever/whoever, every …, 'Whatever runs, eats'. whole, foa, (pp) Wholes/Sets/Collectives, case tag (whole/set/collective). kapli, [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is complete/entire/whole/finished/perfect/integral by standard N. nu parti, (n) a whole, made of parts, conv. of segment. wholesome, jelstocko, <well stay cause> [N‍-‍P] (2a) N are wholesome/healthful/sanitary conditions for P. wholly, kapli, (av) perfectly/wholly/fully/completely/entirely, wholly. whom, dii hu, (q) why?/for whom?/on behalf of whom? — a question of who's represented. hu, (q) who/whom/what, the argument interrogative. E.g. Hu fa godzi? — Who will go?; Da merji hu? — X is married to whom?; Hu fa durzo hu? — Who will do what? lui hu, (q) why?/for whom?/to please whom?, a question about whose pleasure. why, dii hu, (q) why?/for whom?/on behalf of whom? — a question of who's represented. kou hu, (ph) why/how (did that happen)?, by what cause? lui hu, (q) why?/for whom?/to please whom?, a question about whose pleasure. moi hu, (ph) why/what for/in order to what?, for what motive/intention/purpose? rau hu, (ph) why? for what reason? soa hu, (ph) why?, by what premise? wicked, muerzavkao, <much bad act> (1av) wicked (-ly). wickedly, muerzavkao, <much bad act> [K‍-‍VN] (3v) K act wickedly in doing V by moral standard N. wickedness, lopu muerzavkao, <much bad act> (n) evil/wickedness, mass prop. po muerzavkao, <much bad act> (n) an act of evil/wickedness. wide, kubkubra, <broad broad> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is very wide. kubra, (a) wide/broad, wider than …. wide eyed look, po kubmekble, <wide eye look> (n) a wide eyed look. wide ranging, kubyranjo, <wide range> [B‍-‍F] (2a) B is extensive/wide ranging in area/subject F. widen, kubcko, <wide cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N dilate/widen/broaden/enlarge/expand D (unintentional). kubmao, <wide make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K dilate/widen/broaden/enlarge/expand D (intentional). widened, kubcea, <wide become> [D‍-‍C] (2v) D is/are dilated/widened/broadened/enlarged/expanded by C. nu kubcko, <wide cause> (a) dilated/widened/broadened/enlarged/expanded (by …). nu kubmao, <wide make> (a) dilated/widened/broadened/enlarged/expanded (by …). wideness, pu kubra, (n) a broadness/breadth/wideness/width, the wideness of …, a property. wider, kubra, [G‍-‍JC] (3a) G is wider/broader than J by amount C. widow, stomerji, <remaining spouse> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is a widow (er)of D, the living spouse of a deceased. width, meirlaa, <measure long> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B has a measured width of C. melkubra, <measured width> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B has a measured width of C. pu kubra, (n) a broadness/breadth/wideness/width, the wideness of …, a property. wield, hanpli, <hand use> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K manipulate/handle/wield B with the hand(s). wielded, nu hanpli, <hand use> (a) manipulated/handled/wielded. wife, merfua, <married woman> [D‍-‍B] (2n) D is a/the wife of B. wig, dupherfa, <deceive hair> [B‍-‍K] (2n) B is a wig/false beard of K, any false hairpiece. wild, nimvaa, <animal violent> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more savage/fierce/wild/violent as an animal than J. rezlii, <free life> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is wild/untamed/free/undomesticated. wildcat, linrufu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a wildcat/bobcat, Lynx rufus, a feral feline. wilderness, norprolai, <barren land> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a desert/waste/wasteland/wilderness/barren of landmass F. lo norprolai, <barren land> (n) (the) wilderness/desert, mass term. wildlife, rezlii, <free life> (n) some wildlife, any instance of untamed life. lo rezlii, <free life> (n) wildlife, mass term of wild things. wildness, lopu nimvaa, <animal violent> (n) wildness/fierceness, mass term of properties. pu nimvaa, <animal violent> (n) a wildness/fierceness, a spec. property. lopo rezlii, <free life> (n) wildness, mass term of conditions. po rezlii, <free life> (n) a wildness, a condition of wildlife. wilful, dazpozfa, <desirer oppose> [D‍-‍N] (2a) D is obstinate/wilful/stubborn in matter N. wilfulness, lopu dazpozfa, <desirer oppose> (n) obstinacy/stubborness/wilfulness, mass property. wilier, dupsadji, <deceive wise> [G‍-‍NJ] (3a) G is wilier/more cunning/wily about N than J. will, ai, (i) I will/consent to/intend to … <, an exp. of consent/strong intention.>. fa, (va) will/shall …, sign of the future tense as in 'I shall be going', 'He will be a man'. fana, (va) shall/will be then … ing, sign of the future coincident tense. fapa, (va) will have … (been) -ed, sign of the future perfect tense. fia, (op) continuous future tense: will be -ing/being …. furmoi, <3rd conv. motive> [K‍-‍VSN] (4v) K will/intend/be motivated to do V for motive S under conditions N. lopu furmoi, <3rd conv. motive> (n) purposefulness/will, mass term. po furmoi, <3rd conv. motive> (n) a motivation/will, a spec. intentional state. pu furmoi, <3rd conv. motive> (n) a purposefulness/will, a prop. of actors. mordondai, <death gift plan> [B‍-‍KSD] (4n) B is a will/testament of K bequeathing S to D. mordou, <death give> [K‍-‍BDN] (4v) K will/bequeath B to D under will/law N. roi, (aux) will/intend to/mean to …, objective sense used before predicates (PA). E.g. Mi roi godzi da — I will/intend to go to X. Cf. ai for subjective sense: Ai mi godzi da — I intend to go to X. will immediately, fazi, (va) will immediately (be a) …, modified tense operator. will not, ai no, (ph) no/I will not/by-no means, an expression of unwillingness/strong refusal. will try to, ao, (i) yes/I want to/will try to …, exp. of desire/moderate intention. will you let, eo, [B‍-‍] (i) please/will you let/may I …, request for permission, a petition, e.g. 'Eo mi godzi' — Please, may I go. will-be going, fafa, (va) will-be going to …, describes an action which takes place after the (future) time being recounted. willing, duobre, <do ready> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K is willing/fain to do/be P. willingly, frezi, (av) freely/willingly/voluntarily/of one's own accord, in a free manner. willow, salki, [B‍-‍S] (1n) B is a willow (tree), of the genus Salix of region S. wilt, cuidru, <water lose> [B‍-‍] (1v) B fade/wither/wilt/lose color from desiccation. koldru, <color lose> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K fade/wither/wilt/lose color (as a result of) N. wilted, cuidru, <water lose> (a) faded/withered/wilted (from desiccation). koldru, <color lose> (a) faded/withered/wilted (from …). wily, dupsadji, <deceive wise> [G‍-‍NJ] (3a) G is wilier/more cunning/wily about N than J. wimp, pu fiakra, <fear cry> (n) is a wimp. wimpy, kojfiu, <order weak> [K‍-‍VN] (3a) K is/are ineffectual/wimpy about V in situation N. win, gac, (af) a combining form of gancu, win. gactoa, <win take> [K‍-‍BSV] (4v) K acquire/win B from competitor S in competition V. gancu, [K‍-‍BFVN] (5v) K win/gain prize/honor/resource B from rival(s)/competitors F in struggle V in domain/circumstances/conditions N. plegau, <play win> [K‍-‍VF] (3v) K win game/contest V from adversary(ies) F. gau, (af) a combining form of gancu, win. win over, takmuo, <talk move> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K persuade/induce/win over D to do/believe V. wind, bri, (af) a combining form of brize, wind. brize, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a wind/breeze, any movement of air from source S. lo brize, (n) breeze/wind, mass term. folbri, <strong wind> [P‍-‍S] (2n) P is a gale/strong wind from S. rorkoa, <many curves> [B‍-‍F] (2v) B wind through F, as a road. roryraemao, <coil make> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K wind/coil D, make … coil around B, intentional. tanmao, <turn make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K turn/wind D, makes … rotate around axis V, intentional. windier, briflo, <wind full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is windier/breezier than J. windiness, po briflo, <wind full> (n) a windiness, sp. event. winding, norliacli, <not linear like> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is not linear/winding. rorkoa, <many curves> (a) winding. windmill, brimolci, <windmill> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a windmill. window, cun, (af) a combining form of cundo, window. cundo, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a window of F. cuo, (af) a combining form of cundo, window. tcacuo, <car window> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a vehicle window, any window of vehicle F. windscreen, tcafrecuo, <vehicle front window> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a windshield/windscreen of vessel/vehicle F. windshield, tcafrecuo, <vehicle front window> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a windshield/windscreen of vessel/vehicle F. windstorm, britetri, <wind weather> [V‍-‍F] (2n) V is a windstorm in F, e.g. Mu pa nu britetri — We had a windstorm. windy, briflo, <wind full> (a) windy/breezy. wine, vin, (af) a combining form of vinjo, wine. vinjo, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a portion of wine from S. vinjo, (a) wine, made of wine. lo vinjo, (n) wine, mass term. wine cellar, vinsro, <wine store> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a wine store/wine cellar. wine maker, vinmao, <wine maker> [K‍-‍] (1n) K is a wine maker/vintner. wine store, vinsro, <wine store> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a wine store/wine cellar. winey, vincli, <wine like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more winey, like wine than J. wing, forgru, <4th group> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a regiment/wing, the 4th smallest military unit in some larger military organization/force F, without service designation, otherwise lan — (land), mur — (sea), ker — (air), or spa — (space) is prefixed; e.g. kerforgru — air wing. Cf. surgru. stabae, <stage beyond> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a wing in/of F, as in a theatre. tcela, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the wing of F. tcelygoi, <wing go> [K‍-‍DS] (3v) K (go by) wing to D from S. wink, meksanmao, <eye sign make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K wink at D. po meksanmao, <eye sign make> (n) a wink, a specific instance. winner, gancu, (n) a victor/winner, of prize … in contest … over …. plegau, <play win> (n) a winner/victor. winnings, nu gancu, (n) a prize/winnings/gain, that which is won, conv. form. winter, dot, (af) a combining form of dotra, winter. dotra, [V‍-‍C] (2n) V is the winter (time) of year C, any winter season. dotsto, <winter stay> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K winter, spend the winter at D. wintriness, pu dotcli, <winter like> (n) wintriness, a spec. property. wintry, dotcli, <winter like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more wintry, like winter than J. wipe, drasatro, <dry rub> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K wipe(s) D, to remove/absorb liquid. klinysatro, <clean rub> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K wipe B, to clean it. wire, kukylerci, <quick letter> [B‍-‍DSV] (4n) B is a wire/telegram to D from S about/with message V. tic, (af) a combining form of tirca, wire. ticysea, <wire place> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K wire B to D. tirca, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a filament/wire. tirca, (a) wire, made of wire. wiring, po nu ticysea, <wire place> (n) a wiring, a state of being wired. wiry, ticycli, <wire like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more wiry, wire like than J. wiryness, pu ticycli, <wire like> (n) a wiryness, a spec. property. wisdom, lopu sadji, (n) wisdom/sagacity, mass prop. wise, sad, (af) a combining form of sadji, wise. sadji, (a) wise/sage, of one who is wiser than … about …. saj, (af) a combining form of sadji, wise. wise man, sadji, (n) a sage/wise man, one who is wise. wisely, sadji, (av) sagely/wisely, in a wise manner. wiser, sadji, [G‍-‍JB] (3a) G is wiser/more sagacious than J in matter B. wish, fibdaa, <weak desire> [K‍-‍VP] (3v) K wish for state/object/event V for purpose P. nu fibdaa, <weak desire> (n) a wish, a -ed for state or thing. po fibdaa, <weak desire> (n) a wish, a spec. state of -ing. norblidaa, <impossible desire> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K wish for the unobtainable P. no ae, (i) I don't wish, an expression of wish denial. wish not to, ae no, (i) no/I hope/wish not to, an expression of mild refusal. wish to, ae, [B‍-‍] (i) yes/I wish to …, an expression of hope/weak intention/desire. wish well, gubdaa, <good wish> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K wish well of/for D. wishful, fibdaa, <weak desire> (a) wishful. wit, lopu kamki, (n) humor/wit, mass term of properties. po kamki, (n) the humor/wit, a comic event. lopu kikykamki, <sharp humorous> (n) wit, mass property. po kikykamki, <sharp humorous> (n) an instance of wit. witch, majfua, <magic woman> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a witch. with, kii, (pp) with/accompanied by, a relative oper. before design'ns (PA). kinci, (pp) with, accompanying … in doing …. tie, (pp) with/through/by (means of), any means/instrument. withdraw, bankytoa, <bank take> [K‍-‍CDB] (4v) K withdraw C at bank/financial institution D from account B. buftrili, <opposite from attract> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K draw back/turn away/withdraw from stimulus/situation V. muvmao, <move make> [K‍-‍BDS] (4v) K move/remove/take away/withdraw B to D from S, intentional. withdrawal, nu bankytoa, <bank take> (n) a withdrawal. po buftrili, <opposite from attract> (n) a withdrawal/aversion/drawing back/turning away, a state of drawing back from. withdrawn, po buftrili, <opposite from attract> (a) withdrawn, having drawn back. nartyfio, <apart feel> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more desolate/lonely/withdrawn than J. wither, bildru, <beauty lose> [K‍-‍] (1v) K fade/wither/lose beauty. cuidru, <water lose> [B‍-‍] (1v) B fade/wither/wilt/lose color from desiccation. koldru, <color lose> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K fade/wither/wilt/lose color (as a result of) N. withered, cuidru, <water lose> (a) faded/withered/wilted (from desiccation). koldru, <color lose> (a) faded/withered/wilted (from …). withhold, smiliu, <secret keep> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K retain/withhold/keep secret B from D. without, cle, (af) a combining form of clesi, without. cleduo, <without do> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K dispense with/do without B. clekaa, <without come> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K part/go without/leave behind B. clesi, [D‍-‍B] (2pp) D is without/quit of/less/free of quality/feature/object B. clesi, (af) less/without quality/feature …. clesi, (av) for want of/without/lacking. fangei, <reverse get> [K‍-‍B] (2v) K dispense with/do without B. no nu kinci, (ph) be without … in doing …, neg. conv. nebcle, <necessary without> [V‍-‍B] (2av) V without/lacking/for want of B, e.g. Le nebcle ji ne naldi pa dirlycko le dorja — "For want of a nail, the war was lost". witness, lilveivia, <legal witness> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is a (legal) witness to event V. vetvia, <event see> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K witness V/sees event …. vetvia, <event see> (n) a witness, one who -es …. witty, kamki, [B‍-‍DV] (3a) B is funny/comical/humorous/witty to D by being/doing V. kikykamki, <sharp humorous> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is witty. wizard, gramadji, <great magician> [K‍-‍P] (2n) K is a wizard at (activity) P. woe, lopo conkei, <deep sorrow> (n) an event of grief/woe/heartbreak. lopo kecri, (n) sorrow/woe/grief, mass term of states. woeful, conkei, <deep sorrow> [K‍-‍V] (2a) K is griefstricken/woeful/heartbroken about V. wolf, lup, (af) a combining form of lupsu, wolf. lupsa, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a female wolf, a wolf bitch. lupsi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an infant wolf/wolf cub/pup. lupso, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a male wolf. lupsu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is any wolf (Canis lupus), non specific. wolf cub, lupsi, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an infant wolf/wolf cub/pup. wolf like, lupse, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is lupine/wolf like, pertaining to wolves. wolfram, ulframo, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some wolfram, element 74 (W). woman, fum, (af) a combining form of fumna, woman. fumna, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a woman, female human adult. fumna, (n) a female/woman, female of the human species. lalfua, <old woman> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is an old woman. fua, (af) a combining form of fumna, woman. womanhood, lopo fumna, (n) womanhood, mass term of states. po fumna, (n) a womanhood, a spec. state/condition. pu fumna, (n) a womanhood, a property of being a woman,. womanish, fuacli, <woman like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more feminine/womanly/womanish than J, of non women. womanliness, lopu fuacli, <woman like> (n) femininity/womanliness, mass term, props. pu fuacli, <woman like> (n) a femininity/womanliness, a spec. property of non women. lopu mucfua, <extreme woman> (n) femininity/womanliness, mass term of properties. womanly, fuacli, <woman like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more feminine/womanly/womanish than J, of non women. mucfua, <extreme woman> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is/are more feminine/womanly than J, of women. womanservant, fumsua, <woman server> [K‍-‍DV] (3n) K is the maid/womanservant of D to do V. womb, utheri, [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the womb/uterus of F. wonder, blipeo, <possible think> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K speculate about/consider/contemplate/wonder whether V. narzvo, <nature outside> (n) a/the magic/miracle/wonder, a supernatural event to people …. reible, <dream look> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K wonder/marvel at/about V. nu reible, <dream look> (n) a wonder/marvel, a wonder, conv. of marvel. po reible, <dream look> (n) a wonder, a spec. state of -ing. wonderful, narzvo, <nature outside> [V‍-‍D] (2a) V is supernatural/miraculous/magical/wondrous/wonderful/mystical to D. nu reible, <dream look> (a) wonderful/marvelous, pert. to wonders/marvels. wondrous, narzvo, <nature outside> [V‍-‍D] (2a) V is supernatural/miraculous/magical/wondrous/wonderful/mystical to D. woo, clutiu, <love offer> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K woo/court D. wood, bairmubre, <build wood> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is some lumber/timber/building wood from tree/species S. mub, (af) a combining form of mubre, wood. mubre, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a piece of wood from S. mubre, (a) wooden/wood, made of wood. lo mubre, (n) wood, mass term. wood screw, peasko, <pointed bolt> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a screw/wood screw, any pointed bolt. woodcutter, mubklu, <wood cut> (n) a woodsman/woodcutter. wooden, mubcli, <wood like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more wooden/wood like than J. mubre, (a) wooden/wood, made of wood. woods, trigru, <tree group> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a woods/forest, group of trees of habitat F. woodsman, mubklu, <wood cut> (n) a woodsman/woodcutter. woodworker, mubtua, <wood worker> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a carpenter/woodworker, one who works with wood. wool, lul, (af) a combining form of lunli, wool. lunli, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a piece of wool from S. lunli, (a) woolen/wool, made of wool. lo lunli, (n) wool, mass term. woolen, lunli, (a) woolen/wool, made of wool. wooliness, pu lulcli, <wool like> (n) a wooliness, a property of being wooly. wooly, lulcli, <wool like> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more wooly/wool like than J is. word, katpua, <quality word> (4v) B is the predicate/word with meaning Fand number of places X in (Loglandical) language Y. plipua, <use word> (n) a word, a word used by … in …. pur, (af) a combining form of purda, word. purda, [B‍-‍PF] (3n) B is a/the word for P in language F. pua, (af) a combining form of purda, word. word class, purkle, <word class> (3v) X is the word class of word Y in language Z. word for word, purfomsao, <word matching> (a) literal/verbatim/word for word, of verbatim accounts. wordier, puaflo, <word full> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is wordier than J is. wordiness, pu puaflo, <word full> (n) a wordiness/verbosity, a spec. property. wordmaker, purmao, <word make> (n) a wordmaker. words, gripua, <song word> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a/the lyric/libretto/words of song F. wordy, puaflo, <word full> (a) verbose/wordy, wordier than …. work, bapra, [K‍-‍BP] (3v) K work/operate machine/vehicle B for use/end/function/goal P. kintua, <together work> [K‍-‍KP] (3v) K collaborate/assist/work/coöperate with K on P. namnursri, <name(d) written> [F‍-‍BK] (3n) F is a written work bearing title B by author K. nursri, <written> [B‍-‍VK] (3) B is a written note/message/work/text/theme/composition/document about V written by K. fu perpli, <person use> (n) a work/job, that for which … is employed. po nu perpli, <person use> (n) a/the work/employment/job, a state of being -ed. tua, (af) a combining form of turka, work. tur, (af) a combining form of turka, work. turka, [K‍-‍SP] (3v) K work at/on S with end/purpose P. lopo turka, (n) work, mass acts. nu turka, (n) a work/task, a thing worked at, conv. of work. work out, vadtua, <develop work> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K work out/elaborate/develop D. workaholic, turnurdje, <work sick> [K‍-‍] (1n) K is a workaholic. turnurpoi, <work mastered> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a workaholic, obsessed by work. workbench, turtoe, <work table> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a worktable/workbench. worker, nu perpli, <person use> (n) a worker/employee, one who is hired. turka, (n) a worker/workman, one who -s at/on …. working, nu bapra, (a) operable/working, able to be -d. workman, turka, (n) a worker/workman, one who -s at/on …. workmanship, turkai, <work quality> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is workmanship of D, the quality of work …. lo turkai, <work quality> (n) workmanship, mass term. workshift, turkeo, <work interval, i.e. day shift; night shift etc.> [B‍-‍SD] (3n) B is a workshift from time S to time D, referring to the interval. turkeogru, <work interval group i.e. day shift; night shift etc.> [F‍-‍SD] (3n) F is a workshift from time S to time D (referring to its members). workshop, tursia, <work place> [B‍-‍PK] (3n) B is a workshop for P of K. worktable, turtoe, <work table> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a worktable/workbench. world, kosmo, [F‍-‍] (1) F is an ordered world/universe. nurkae, <conv. of aware> [F‍-‍B] (2n) F is the world of B, the totality of which … is aware. telfoa, <earth form> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a planet/world of sun/star F. terla, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is terrestrial/earthbound/earth/world, pert. to the planet earth. worldliness, lopu norspi, <not spiritual> (n) worldliness, pert. to bodily rather than spiritual interests. worldly, norspi, <not spiritual> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is worldly, as distinct from spiritual. worm, kurma, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a female (if appropriate) worm, original word. kurmu, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a worm, non specific. worm like, kurme, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more worm like than J is. worn, nu plisru, <use damage> (a) worn, damaged by use, conv. of wear. nu respli, <clothes use> (a) worn, as of clothing, conv. of wear. worried, fatfio, <trouble feel> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K worry/feel troubled/worried/disturbed/concerned about N. fatfio, <trouble feel> (a) disturbed/concerned/worried/troubled, troubled by …. fatpeo, <trouble think> (a) concerned/worried/troubled/disturbed about …. nordjafia, <not know fear> (a) concerned/worried/anxious, worried about …. nu nordjafiacko, <not know fear cause> (a) alarmed/worried, of one made alarmed. nordjafircea, <not know fear become> [D‍-‍] (1v) D become alarmed/worried/anxious, intransitive. nordjafircea, <not know fear become> (a) alarmed/worried, of one who is alarmed. nu nordjafirmao, <not know fear make> (a) alarmed/worried, of one made alarmed. worrisome, nu nordjafia, <not know fear> (a) worrisome, that which worries. worry, fatfio, <trouble feel> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K worry/feel troubled/worried/disturbed/concerned about N. lopo fatfio, <trouble feel> (n) worry, mass term of states. po fatfio, <trouble feel> (n) a worry/concern, a state of being troubled. fatpeo, <trouble think> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K worry/fret about N. lopo fatpeo, <trouble think> (n) worry/concern/anxiety, mass term. po fatpeo, <trouble think> (n) a worry/concern, a spec. instance. nordjafia, <not know fear> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K worry/are anxious/concerned about V. lopo nordjafia, <not know fear> (n) worry/anxiety, mass term of states. nu nordjafia, <not know fear> (n) a worry, a spec. source of anxiety. po nordjafia, <not know fear> (n) a concern/worry/anxiety, a state of being anxious. nordjafiacko, <not know fear cause> [V‍-‍D] (2v) V alarm/worry/make anxious D, nonintentional act; 'that swelling alarms me'. po nu nordjafiacko, <not know fear cause> (n) a sp. alarm/worry, a spec. state of being -ed. po nordjafircea, <not know fear become> (n) a sp. state of alarm/worry, being -ed. nordjafirmao, <not know fear make> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K alarm/worry/make anxious D by doing/being V, intentional act. po nu nordjafirmao, <not know fear make> (n) a sp. alarm/worry, a spec. state of being -ed. worrying, nordjafiacko, <not know fear cause> (a) alarming/worrying, of -ing acts. fu nordjafirmao, <not know fear make> (a) alarming/worrying, of -ing acts/people. worse, zavlo, [G‍-‍JP] (3a) G is worse/less acceptable than J for purpose P. zavmao, <bad make> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K worsen N/make … worse. zavteu, <bad stretch> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K make worse/aggravate/worsen by V. worsen, zavmao, <bad make> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K worsen N/make … worse. zavteu, <bad stretch> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K make worse/aggravate/worsen by V. zavckomou, <evil cause more> [K‍-‍BKB] (2v) K happens to worsen B more than K (2) worsens B (2). worship, lidclu, <religious love> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K worship D. worst, zavlo le da, (a) worst, worse than any member of set …. zavlo ra ba, (a) worst, worse than anything …. worthless, norvau, <no value> [B‍-‍D] (2a) B is worthless to D. worthy, takvau, <talk worthy> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more notable/noteworthy/remarkable/worthy of talk/comment than J. would, mia, (pp) would/should/could, the general subjective subjunctive operator; used before an argument, usually a lepo clause, to give the accompanying predicate a subjunctive sense (PA). E.g. Mi hapci mia lepo mi bragai. — I am happy in the mental place where I am king (I would be happy if I were king). mia ba, (ph) would/should/could, as used in subjective subjunctive sentences in which the causal condition is missing. E.g. Mi hapci mia ba. — I would be happy (in some mental place/under some unspecified condition x). siomia, (pp) would/would certainly, a probability specific subjective subjunctive operator; used before an argument, usually a lepo clause, to give the accompanying predicate a subjunctive sense (PA). E.g. Mi hapci siomia lepo mi bragai — I am certainly happy in the mental place where I am king (I would certainly be happy if I were king). siomia ba, (ph) would/would certainly, as used in subjective subjunctive sentences in which the causal condition is missing. E.g. Mi hapci siomia ba — I would certainly be happy (in some mental place/under some unspecified condition x). siovie, (pp) would/would certainly, a probability specific objective subjunctive operator; used before an argument, usually a lepo clause, to give the accompanying predicate a subjunctive sense (PA). E.g. Mi hapci siovie lepo mi bragai — I am certainly happy in the possible world where I am king (I would certainly be happy if I were king). Cf. siomia for the subjective sense of this subjunctive. siovie ba, (ph) would/would certainly, as used in objective subjunctive sentences in which the causal condition is missing. E.g. Mi hapci siovie ba — I would certainly be happy (in some possible world/under some unspecified condition x). Cf. siomia ba for the subjective sense of this subjective. vie, (pp) would/should/could, the objective subjunctive operator; used before an argument, usually a lepo clause, to give the accompanying predicate a subjunctive sense (PA). E.g. Mi hapci vie lepo mi bragai. — I am happy in the possible where I am king (I would be happy if I were king). Cf. biumia for the subjective sense of the subjunctive. vie ba, (ph) would/should/could, as used in objective subjunctive sentences in which the causal condition is missing. E.g. Mi hapci vie ba. — I would be happy (in some possible world/under some unspecified condition x). Cf. biumia ba for the subjective version of the "missing condition" subjunctive. would certainly, siomia, (pp) would/would certainly, a probability specific subjective subjunctive operator; used before an argument, usually a lepo clause, to give the accompanying predicate a subjunctive sense (PA). E.g. Mi hapci siomia lepo mi bragai — I am certainly happy in the mental place where I am king (I would certainly be happy if I were king). siomia ba, (ph) would/would certainly, as used in subjective subjunctive sentences in which the causal condition is missing. E.g. Mi hapci siomia ba — I would certainly be happy (in some mental place/under some unspecified condition x). siovie, (pp) would/would certainly, a probability specific objective subjunctive operator; used before an argument, usually a lepo clause, to give the accompanying predicate a subjunctive sense (PA). E.g. Mi hapci siovie lepo mi bragai — I am certainly happy in the possible world where I am king (I would certainly be happy if I were king). Cf. siomia for the subjective sense of this subjunctive. siovie ba, (ph) would/would certainly, as used in objective subjunctive sentences in which the causal condition is missing. E.g. Mi hapci siovie ba — I would certainly be happy (in some possible world/under some unspecified condition x). Cf. siomia ba for the subjective sense of this subjective. would possibly, biumia, (pp) could/might/would possibly, the subjective subjunctive operator; used before an argument, usually a lepo clause, to give the accompanying predicate a subjunctive sense (PA). E.g. Mi hapci biumia lepo mi bragai — I am possibly happy in the mental place where I am king (I might be happy if I were king). biumia ba, (ph) could/might/would possibly, as used in subjective subjunctive sentences in which the causal condition is missing. E.g. Mi hapci biumia ba — I might be happy (in some mental place/under some unspecified condition x). biuvie, (pp) could/might/would possibly, the objective subjunctive operator; used before an argument, usually a lepo clause, to give the accompanying predicate a subjunctive sense (PA). E.g. Mi hapci biuvie lepo mi bragai — I am possibly happy in the possible world where I am king (I might be happy if I were king). Cf. biumia for the subjective sense of this subjunctive. biuvie ba, (ph) could/might/would possibly, as used in objective subjunctive sentences in which the causal condition is missing. E.g. Mi hapci biuvie ba — I might be happy (in some possible world/under some unspecified condition x). Cf. biumia ba for the subjective version of this subjunctive. would probably, daumia, (pp) should/would probably, a probability specific subjective subjunctive operator; used before an argument, usually a lepo clause, to give the accompanying predicate a subjunctive sense (PA). E.g. Mi hapci daumia lepo mi bragai — I am probably happy in the mental place where I am king (I would probably be happy if I were king). dauvie, (pp) should/would probably, a probability specific objective subjunctive operator; used before an argument, usually a lepo clause, to give the accompanying predicate a subjunctive sense (PA). E.g. Mi hapci dauvie lepo mi bragai — I am probably happy in the possible world where I am king (I would probably be happy if I were king). Cf. daumia for the subjective sense of this subjunctive. dauvie ba, (ph) should/would probably, as used in objective subjunctive sentences in which the causal condition is missing. E.g. Mi hapci dauvie ba — I would probably be happy (in some possible world/under some unspecified condition x). Cf. daumia ba for the suobjective sense of this subjunctive. wound, kapsrusia, <open hurt place> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is an open sore/wound in S, with broken skin. korsru, <body damage> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K wound D. nu korsru, <body damage> (vi) wound, as in 'he wounds easily', conv …. wounded, nu korsru, <body damage> (a) wounded. woven, nu netfoamao, <net form make> (a) woven (by … from …). wrap, badmao, <bundle make> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K wrap/package/bundle D in B. jitvelfomduo, <tight vessel form do> [K‍-‍DB] (3v) K envelop/wrap/enclose D in B. nenfoldi, <in fold> [K‍-‍DN] (3v) K wrap/enfold/inclose D in N. wrapped, nu badmao, <bundle make> (a) packaged/bundled/wrapped. nu jitvelfomduo, <tight vessel form do> (a) enveloped/wrapped/enclosed (by … in …). nu nenfoldi, <in fold> (a) inclosed/enfolded/inclosure/wrapped, conv. of enfold. wrapper, fu nenfoldi, <in fold> (n) a wrapper/wrappings/inclosure, that which incloses. wrapping, jitvelfoa, <tight vessel form> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is an envelope/wrapping of D (packages/data points etc.). wrappings, fu nenfoldi, <in fold> (n) a wrapper/wrappings/inclosure, that which incloses. wreath, lifyrinje, <leaf ring> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a leaf wreath. loryrinje, <flower ring> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a lei/wreath/ring of flowers. wreck, hutri, [K‍-‍D] (2v) K destroy/ruin/wreck/lay waste/ravage D. nu hutri, (n) wreck, that which is destroyed. wren, troglodito, (n) B is a wren from S, a bird of species Troglodytes troglodytes. wrench, jitmao, <tight make> (n) tightener/wrench/spanner (U.K.). wrestle, liurkamda, <restrain fight> [K‍-‍K] (2v) K wrestle (with) K. wretch, nornespeu, <dishonest person> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a knave/wretch/rascal/rogue/villain, intended sense to be selected. noryrispeu, <not respect person> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a knave/wretch/rascal/rogue/villain, intended sense to be selected. zavpeu, <bad person> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a knave/wretch/rascal/rogue/villain, intended sense to be selected. wretched, kofcle, <comfort without> [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more wretched/disconsolate than J is. mutnorkou, <much not comfortable> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is miserable/wretched about (conditions) N. wretchedness, pu kofcle, <comfort without> (n) a wretchedness/disconsolateness, a spec. prop. lopu mutnorkou, <much not comfortable> (n) misery/wretchedness, mass property. po mutnorkou, <much not comfortable> (n) an instance of wretchedness/misery. wretchness, po kofcle, <comfort without> (n) an instance of wretchness/disconsolation. wring, jiurtorni, <tightly twist> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K wring D. wringer, jiurtorni, <tightly twist> (n) a wringer, that which wrings …. wrinkle, cmafoldi, <small fold> [N‍-‍] (1n) N is a wrinkle, if the fold is still present. fodlia, <fold line> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a wrinkle, the mark left by a fold. fodliacko, <fold line cause> [N‍-‍D] (2v) N wrinkle D, nonintentional cause "Time wrinkles the face". fodlincea, <fold line become> [B‍-‍] (1v) B wrinkle, become wrinkled (actor unspecified). fodlinmao, <fold line make> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K wrinkle D, intentional act. wrinkled, fodliaflo, <fold line full> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is wrinkled, full of wrinkles. wrist, hanydji, <hand joint> [B‍-‍K] (2n) B is the wrist of K. write, bilsri, <beautiful write> [K‍-‍PDV] (4v) K write beautifully P on D in style V. maisri, <machine write> [K‍-‍PB] (3v) K type/write P on typewriter B. krosri, <flow write> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K write B in/on D in a cursive fashion. lensri, <language write> [K‍-‍PD] (3v) K write(s) P/is able to write in language D. namsri, <name write> [K‍-‍DC] (3v) K write/sign surface/document D using name C. penbysri, <pen write> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K pen/write D with a pen. prozymao, <prose make> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K compose/write P, a work of prose. raesri, <disk write> [K‍-‍PF] (3v) K write(s) P to disk F. sesysri, <science write> [K‍-‍PB] (3v) K write a scientific publication P on subject B. sri, (af) a combining form of srite, write. srimao, <write make> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K compose/create/write P, any document or text. srite, [K‍-‍PD] (3v) K write(s) P on surface/in document D, used also for computer output. vesmao, <verse maker> [K‍-‍P] (2v) K write/compose/versify P, a piece of poetry. write a letter, lersri, <letter write> [K‍-‍BSD] (4v) K correspond with/write a letter to B from place S to place D. write endnote, faosri, <end write> [K‍-‍F] (2v) K write endnote for document F. write footnote, basysri, <base write> [K‍-‍DC] (3v) K write footnote for D on page C. writer, prozymao, <prose make> (n) an author/(prose) writer, writer of prose …. srimao, <write make> (n) an author/writer, creator of text/document …. srite, (n) a writer/scribe, writer, general term. vesmao, <verse maker> (n) an author/poet/writer, writer of verse …. writing, po raesri, <disk write> (n) an inst. of writing to disk. lo nu srite, (n) writing, mass term of things written down. po srite, (n) a writing, an act of -ing. written, nu lensri, <language write> (v) P is written by K in language D. wrong, dasysru, <responsible hurt> [K‍-‍DV] (3v) K wrong/injure D by V. fu dasysru, <responsible hurt> (n) an injury/wrong/tort/injustice (done to … by …). po dasysru, <responsible hurt> (n) an injury/wrong/tort (done to … in manner …). no dreti, (a) improper/incorrect/wrong, not correct according to …. nu zavkaobiu, <bad act behave> (n) a wrong, a committed wrong act. zavkao, <bad act> [B‍-‍VN] (3a) B is wrong/immoral in action V as judged by standard N. zavkao, <bad act> (a) wrong, to do … as judged by …. po zavkao, <bad act> (n) an immorality/wrong doing/wrong/misdeed, a specific case of -ty. wrong doer, zavkao, <bad act> (n) a wrong doer, one who acts immorally. wrong doing, po zavkao, <bad act> (n) an immorality/wrong doing/wrong/misdeed, a specific case of -ty. wrongdoing, lopo zavkaobiu, <bad act behave> (n) guilt/transgression/wrongdoing, mass term for acts. wronged, nu dasysru, <responsible hurt> (a) wronged/injured (by (person) … (in manner) …). wrung, nu jiurtorni, <tightly twist> (a) wrung, of a tightly twisted thing.

X X, Haiu, (l) X, Latin upper case letter, one of a pool of symbols. The former Xai is no longer suitable as X is no longer a Loglan letter. X radiation, haiukre, <X ray (a hack! - orig. xai-y-kre)> [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is some X radiation from source S. X ray, nu haiukre, <X ray (a hack! - orig. xai-y-kre)> (n) an X ray source. Xerox, kopmai, <copy machine> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a copier/copy machine/photocopier/Xerox machine. x, leda, (a) his/her/their/its/x's, a 3rd person sing./plural possessive descriptor. lede, (a) his/her/their/its/x's, a 3rd person sing./plural possessive descriptor. ledi, (a) his/her/their/its/x's, a 3rd person sing./plural possessive descriptor. ledo, (a) his/her/their/its/x's, a 3rd person sing./plural possessive descriptor. ledu, (a) his/her/their/its/x's, a 3rd person sing./plural possessive descriptor. heiu, (l) x, Latin lower case letter, one of a pool of symbols. Original xei no longer suitable as x is not a Loglan letter any more. x sub, dacine, (ms) x sub 1 an ordered variable, math. xenon, zenhono, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some xenon, element 54 (Xe). xi, jeo, (l) xi, Greek lower case letter, one of a pool of symbols.

Y Y, ziyma, (l) The letter Y — letteral and pronoun — upper case. Young man, Jumren, (voc) Young man, a vocative as 'hey young man!'. la Jumren, (na) Master/Young man, a name/name part: 'Master Smith'. Young woman, la Junfum, (na) Miss/Young woman, a name/name part:'Miss Smith'. y, too, (p) you/y'all/you all/yourselves, in the "each of you individually" sense, the plural 2nd person multiple variable, of several persons spoken/written to independently. Cf. tu for the singular sense of you, tou for the "you all collectively" sense of you, and tuu/tuo for the "you and others" sense of you. tou, (p) you/y'all/you all/yourselves, in the "group of you jointly" sense, the plural 2nd person set variable, of several persons spoken/written to jointly. Cf. tu for the singular sense of you, too for the "you all independently" sense of you, and tuu/tuo for the "you and others" sense of you. tuo, (p) you/y'all/you all/yourselves, in the "you and others independently" sense, the plural 2nd & 3rd person multiple variable, equivalent to 'tu, e da', of a person and others not present spoken/written to independently. Cf. tu for the singular sense of you, tuu for the "you and others jointly" sense of you, and tou/too for the plural audience sense of you. tuu, (p) you/y'all/you all/yourselves, in the "you and others jointly" sense, the plural 2nd & 3rd person set variable, equivalent to 'tu ze da', of a person and others not present spoken/written to jointly. Cf. tu for the singular sense of you, tuo for the "you and others independently" sense of you, and tou/too for the plural audience sense of you. ziy, (l) the letter y — letteral and pronoun — lower case. y sub, decine, (ms) y sub 1 an ordered variable, math. yam, iamha, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is a yam/sweet potato from S. yard, calsia, <walled place> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a court/yard/enclosure, an enclosed area of house/building F. hasgardi, <house garden> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is the garden/yard/cultivated grounds of house/estate F. yarn, totcie, <thick thread> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a length of yarn. yaw, paljao, <side angle> [V‍-‍C] (2n) V is a yaw of angle C. (Left/right longitudinal angle of aircraft's attitude). nu paljao, <side angle> (n) C is an amount of yaw. yawn, makteu, <mouth stretch> [K‍-‍] (1v) K yawn. po makteu, <mouth stretch> (n) a yawn, a specific instance. year, nin, (af) a combining form of nirne, year. ninkeo, <year interval> [B‍-‍C] (2n) B is a year of epoch C. ninveo, <year container> [B‍-‍V] (2n) B is a year in which V occurred. nirne, [B‍-‍C] (2n) B measure(s) C in year(s), default 1, international unit of time. nirne, (n) is a year, something that measures a year. E.g. Fa fo nirne da pa cirpregei — After four years X graduated. nie, (af) a combining form of nirne, year. year before, pasnie, <before year> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is the year before D/yesteryear. yearly, rarnie, <all years> (a) yearly/annual, recurring every year. rarnie, <all years> (av) yearly/annually, in an annual way. yearn, laldaa, <old desire> [K‍-‍V] (2v) K yearn/long for V, that … should come about. yearning, nu laldaa, <old desire> (n) a yearning, that which is -ed for. po laldaa, <old desire> (n) a yearning/longing, an act/state of -ing. yell, fiakra, <fear cry> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K whimper/yelp/cry out/scream/yell about N - used of any fear or submission cry. krakra, <cry cry> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K yell B at D. yellow, pelto, [G‍-‍J] (2a) G is more yellow than J. pelto, (n) a yellow, a yellow thing/object. lopu pelto, (n) yellow, the color, mass term. yellowness, pu pelto, (n) a yellowness, a spec. property. yelp, fiakra, <fear cry> [K‍-‍N] (2v) K whimper/yelp/cry out/scream/yell about N - used of any fear or submission cry. po fiakra, <fear cry> (n) a fear-induced scream/cry/whimper/yelp. yes, ae, [B‍-‍] (i) yes/I wish to …, an expression of hope/weak intention/desire. ai, (i) yes/certainly/of-course/OK/decidedly/by-all means, an exp. of consent/strong intention. ao, (i) yes/I want to/will try to …, exp. of desire/moderate intention. ia, (i) yes/certainly/indeed/of course/surely/ …, expression of conviction. oi, (i) yes/(I)(he)(they) may … <, exp. of ethical permissibility.>. yes man, daztoi, <desirer agree> (n) a yes man, one who tends to agree to anothers wishes. yesterday, na le nerpasdei, (av ph) yesterday, during yesterday. nerpasdei, <one before day> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is (a/the) yesterday/day before/eve of day F. nerpasnai, <one before night> (n) a/the last/yesterday night, yesterday's night, incomplete. torpasdei, <two before day> (1n) the day before yesterday. yesteryear, pasnie, <before year> [B‍-‍D] (2n) B is the year before D/yesteryear. yet, inunokou, (c) still/yet, of unexpected events ('even so, it's wet'). inunomoi, (c) still/yet, of unmotivated acts ('even so, I went'). inunorau, (c) still/yet, of unjustified events ('even so, I won'). inunosoa, (c) still/yet/nevertheless/all the same/even (so), of unentailed concl'ns (even so, it's true). nunokouki, (c) still/yet/nevertheless/all the same/even (so), of unexpected events, as in 'nunokouki … ki; best translated … despite(cause) …'. nunomoiki, (c) still/yet/nevertheless/all the same/even (so), of unmotivated acts, as in 'nunomoiki … ki; best translated … despite(motive) …'. nunorauki, (c) still/yet/nevertheless/all the same/even (so), of unjustified events, in 'nunorauki … ki; best translated … despite(reason) …'. nunosoaki, (c) still/yet/nevertheless/all the same/even (so), of unentailed sents., as in 'nunosoaki … ki; best translated … despite(premise) …'. yield, norgaucue, <lose say> [K‍-‍D] (2v) K yield/surrender/submit to D, accept defeat from …. roapro, <grow produce> [S‍-‍P] (2v) S yield/produce crop P. yocto-, jak, (af) a combining form of jakti, yocto-. yoke, beinreu, <carry rail> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a yoke, a frame to aid in carrying water etc. cpuresduo, <pull clothing do> [K‍-‍DP] (3v) K harness/yoke D for P. cpureu, <pull rail> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a yoke, for linking animals for traction. yotta-, jat, (af) a combining form of jatgo, yotta-. you, raba, (p) you, anyone ('When you're in Rome, you —'). too, (p) you/y'all/you all/yourselves, in the "each of you individually" sense, the plural 2nd person multiple variable, of several persons spoken/written to independently. Cf. tu for the singular sense of you, tou for the "you all collectively" sense of you, and tuu/tuo for the "you and others" sense of you. tou, (p) you/y'all/you all/yourselves, in the "group of you jointly" sense, the plural 2nd person set variable, of several persons spoken/written to jointly. Cf. tu for the singular sense of you, too for the "you all independently" sense of you, and tuu/tuo for the "you and others" sense of you. tu, (p) you/yourself/thee/thou, the singular 2nd person variable, of a person spoken/written to. Cf. tou & tuo for plural 2nd person variables. tuo, (p) you/y'all/you all/yourselves, in the "you and others independently" sense, the plural 2nd & 3rd person multiple variable, equivalent to 'tu, e da', of a person and others not present spoken/written to independently. Cf. tu for the singular sense of you, tuu for the "you and others jointly" sense of you, and tou/too for the plural audience sense of you. tuu, (p) you/y'all/you all/yourselves, in the "you and others jointly" sense, the plural 2nd & 3rd person set variable, equivalent to 'tu ze da', of a person and others not present spoken/written to jointly. Cf. tu for the singular sense of you, tuo for the "you and others independently" sense of you, and tou/too for the plural audience sense of you. you all, too, (p) you/y'all/you all/yourselves, in the "each of you individually" sense, the plural 2nd person multiple variable, of several persons spoken/written to independently. Cf. tu for the singular sense of you, tou for the "you all collectively" sense of you, and tuu/tuo for the "you and others" sense of you. tou, (p) you/y'all/you all/yourselves, in the "group of you jointly" sense, the plural 2nd person set variable, of several persons spoken/written to jointly. Cf. tu for the singular sense of you, too for the "you all independently" sense of you, and tuu/tuo for the "you and others" sense of you. tuo, (p) you/y'all/you all/yourselves, in the "you and others independently" sense, the plural 2nd & 3rd person multiple variable, equivalent to 'tu, e da', of a person and others not present spoken/written to independently. Cf. tu for the singular sense of you, tuu for the "you and others jointly" sense of you, and tou/too for the plural audience sense of you. tuu, (p) you/y'all/you all/yourselves, in the "you and others jointly" sense, the plural 2nd & 3rd person set variable, equivalent to 'tu ze da', of a person and others not present spoken/written to jointly. Cf. tu for the singular sense of you, tuo for the "you and others independently" sense of you, and tou/too for the plural audience sense of you. young, jun, (af) a combining form of junti, young. junti, (a) young/youthful, organically less old than …. young looking, junsii, <young seem> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is/are youthful/young looking. young man, junmeu, <young man> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a youth/boy/young man. young woman, junfua, <young woman> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a maiden/girl/miss/young woman. younger, junti, [G‍-‍JC] (3a) G is younger/organically less old than J by C. younger than, nu laldo, (a) junior/younger than …. your, letu, (a) thy/your, the 2nd person singular and plural possessive descriptor. your and my, lemu, (a) our/my and your/your and my, the 1st & 2nd person plural possessive descriptor. yours, letu meda, (ph) yours/thine, yours, use 'your x/y/w/h/q'. yourself, kincle, <without companions> (p) by himself/itself/myself/ourselves/themselves/yourself/yourselves/oneself/herself, by herself, without companions. tu, (p) you/yourself/thee/thou, the singular 2nd person variable, of a person spoken/written to. Cf. tou & tuo for plural 2nd person variables. yourselves, kincle, <without companions> (p) by himself/itself/myself/ourselves/themselves/yourself/yourselves/oneself/herself, by herself, without companions. too, (p) you/y'all/you all/yourselves, in the "each of you individually" sense, the plural 2nd person multiple variable, of several persons spoken/written to independently. Cf. tu for the singular sense of you, tou for the "you all collectively" sense of you, and tuu/tuo for the "you and others" sense of you. tou, (p) you/y'all/you all/yourselves, in the "group of you jointly" sense, the plural 2nd person set variable, of several persons spoken/written to jointly. Cf. tu for the singular sense of you, too for the "you all independently" sense of you, and tuu/tuo for the "you and others" sense of you. tuo, (p) you/y'all/you all/yourselves, in the "you and others independently" sense, the plural 2nd & 3rd person multiple variable, equivalent to 'tu, e da', of a person and others not present spoken/written to independently. Cf. tu for the singular sense of you, tuu for the "you and others jointly" sense of you, and tou/too for the plural audience sense of you. tuu, (p) you/y'all/you all/yourselves, in the "you and others jointly" sense, the plural 2nd & 3rd person set variable, equivalent to 'tu ze da', of a person and others not present spoken/written to jointly. Cf. tu for the singular sense of you, tuo for the "you and others independently" sense of you, and tou/too for the plural audience sense of you. youth, junmeu, <young man> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a youth/boy/young man. junti, (n) a youth, a young person, male or female. lo junti, (n) youth, the mass of such persons. lopo junti, (n) youth, mass term of states. po junti, (n) youth, a spec. state of being young. pu junti, (n) the youth/youthfulness, a spec. property of being young. youthful, junsii, <young seem> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is/are youthful/young looking. junti, (a) young/youthful, organically less old than …. youthfully, junfro, <young strong> [B‍-‍] (1a) B is youthfully strong. youthfulness, pu junti, (n) the youth/youthfulness, a spec. property of being young. ytterbium, itrrbio, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some ytterbium, element 70 (Yb). yttrium, itrrio, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some yttrium, element 39 (Y).

Z Z, Zai, (l) Z, Latin upper case letter, one of a pool of symbols. z, zei, (l) z, Latin lower case letter, one of a pool of symbols. zap, dandykukrirpli, <fast record use> [K‍-‍BD] (3v) K fast forward past/zap record/tape B on machine D. zeal, lopu folkrikao, <strong belief act> (n) zeal, mass term of properties. pu folkrikao, <strong belief act> (n) a zeal, a spec. property. zealot, folkrikao, <strong belief act> (n) a zealot, one who is zealous. zealous, folkrikao, <strong belief act> [B‍-‍N] (2a) B is zealous about/in pursuing N. zebra, zebra, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a female zebra. zebri, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a zebra foal, an infant zebra. zebro, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a male zebra. zebru, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a zebra, non specific term. zebran, zebre, [B‍-‍] (1a) B is zebran, resembling or pertaining to a zebra. zepto-, zep, (af) a combining form of zepti, zepto-. zero, ni, (a) zero (0), in math. expressions. ni, (a) no/none/zero (of …), a quantifying operator. lio ni, (ph) zero (0), the number zero, non math. nir, (af) a combining form of ni, zero. zeta, zeo, (l) zeta, Greek lower case letter, one of a pool of symbols. zetta-, zet, (af) a combining form of zetgo, zetta-. zigzag, jagjaolia, <angle angle line> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a zigzag. zinc, zinko, [B‍-‍] (1n) B is some zinc, element 30 (Zn). zone, polpai, <polity part> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a state/county/district/ward/zone, partly self governing part of polity F. zoo, nimgardi, <animal garden> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a zoo/zoological garden of city/community F. zoological, nimsensi, <animal science> (n) zoological, pert. to zoology. zoological garden, nimgardi, <animal garden> [B‍-‍F] (2n) B is a zoo/zoological garden of city/community F. zoologist, nimsesmao, <animal scientist> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a zoologist. zoology, nimsensi, <animal science> [B‍-‍] (1n) B is a science of zoology. lo nimsensi, <animal science> (n) zoology, mass term of instances. zucchini, zukhine, [B‍-‍S] (2n) B is some zucchini from S.