- I am grateful to my friend Laura for allowing me to share her poem as long as her name accompanies it. Here I have captured the sense of the poem, I think, but the result is prose (though I think it captures some of the structure of the English). It would be a further level of art to give it the phonetic characteristics of a poem, perhaps meter and alliteration. The word-music of the English is probably not translatable into any other language, but Loglan music might be achievable ;-) The chase ------------- A fox and a rabbit were leaping and bounding and rushing through the forest green. The rabbit, in panic, was darting and twisting with paws like sounds on a tambourine. The fox, very sly, was judging, by eye, how the the rabbit would fly when going by... And POUNCED the rabbit precisely. Laid it on its back, efficiently and nicely. Said the rabbit, in fear - curling up in despair, in her soft eye a tear, her nostrils blew air... Are you going to hit me and beat me? To hurt me and kill me and eat me? But the fox put a paw to her trembling chest, Waved his tail in a flamboyant, elegant gest, And licked her a kiss at her nose. Leaped back, turned around, was gone in the shadows. From afar, the rabbit could hear the cry of her persecutor. Was it a call of goodbye, or one of a suitor? Of which, the rabbit never knew nought. When the fall came with frost, the fox had been shot... /Laura, Nov. 19 - 2017 ----------------------the translation without comment------------------------------- Su vulpe, e su lepsu pia valti ze valprano ze kukrygoi vivia lo trigru vegri. I la Lepsu, ja panki, pia rorbrogoi ze torni prano tie lo molfitpi lia lo sonda je su belramgu. I la Vulpe, ja smibiu pia djudi tie lo menki lezo la Lepsu, ga fleti nia lepoi bangoi guo, e JANJUA la Lepsu go cildrecni, e lelsea tie lo pripai Lai go gudckomou ce gudkao. Ga cutse go firpa ga la Lepsu, nia lepo rojkovcea go spodru guo, e lepo nu mekcui tie leLai molro menki guo, e lepo zvorue tie leLai nazbyhou guo, li ei tu fazi bloda ze rorblo mi, efazi, surna ze mormao ze titci mi? lu. Ibuo la Vulpe, ga setfa leVai fitpi leLai tceti ja mildysiu gui, e vapmuo leVai tilba dii su meVai ge selvizlei ze bilsapla rignurduo, e tongytco leLai nazbi dii lepo skesa Lai guo, e pridio valti ze trana ze sacgoi je lo cedzu. Lepo vuvi Lai gi ga kraku ga le fatru je Lai gi ga hirti ga la Lepsu. I ti po ga kraku ga su goztaa, ha su clutiu? I lezo la Lepsu, suna siodja tio guo me lio ni. I na lepo le cimfui pa kamla kii lo bisherfa gi la Vulpe, papa nu renblo. --------------------notes during preparation of translation------------------------------- "A fox and a rabbit were leaping and bounding and rushing through the forest green." fox rabbit leap this is really unqualified "jump". What are the special properties of "leap"? and "bound" is also : difference between E leap and bound? bound jump-run rush through from here to throughout this area forest green "The rabbit, in panic, was darting and twisting with paws like sounds on a tambourine." panic dart shattered movement, little darting movements twist twisted run paw (which is just "foot") soft foot for paw belramgu "The fox, very sly, was judging, by eye, how the the rabbit would fly when going by..." sly secret behavior -- but is this aspect of slyness relevant? perhaps startlingly clever -- surprising rather than secretive is , very, actually needed? judge does this word have the extent of E "judge"? eye note use of the mass description in "judge by eye" fly poetically OK go by I used -- see what you think in the dictionary. Certainly the rabbit is trying to go *way* past the fox Notice the use of the additional series of LEPO clause openers and closers to enable closing of the lezoza...guoza clause, needed because the sentence is not actually over. will work just as well with use of , short-scope . Either device works, the second looks less strange to the 1989 Loglan eye. "And POUNCED the rabbit precisely. Laid it on its back, efficiently and nicely." This last clause I just wrote in one fell swoop, so Ill put comments after: JANJUA is a reasonable translation of "pounce" I think -- to catch while hunting. The latest version of the parser DOES support all-caps as earlier versions did not. with exact precision has I think the right humorous effect of the original is an experiment at "lay on its back"...its not entirely clear what preposition to use in Loglan! I say "set level by means of the back", as it were The word order is deliberate in the last clause... would catch the final clause and corrupt the grammar, does not. I made extensive use of the odd Loglan grammar feature which allows additional qualifiers of the main predicate to appear as final arguments in a termset; this allows precise implementation of the word order in the English. I wonder about the history of this device, as I am not sure I have seen it in any example Loglan text (I'm sure it occurs in the Visit many times, but the Visit is a novella, too large to survey). "nicely" is translated as , virtuously, which is absurd, but the intention of the original is to be a bit ironic ;-) There is a nice assonance between gudckomou "efficiently" and gudkao "nicely" :-) For convenience of parsing, the last two are presented as a single sentence: "Said the rabbit, in fear - curling up in despair, in her soft eye a tear, her nostrils blew air..." is a new word, to breathe out, by analogy with , to breathe in. The clauses "in her soft eye a tear" and "her nostrils blew air" are hard to attach: I describe them instead as actions, (she) wept with soft eyes, (she) breathed out from her nostrils. "Are you going to hit me and beat me? To hurt me and kill me and eat me?"
  • Note that this is in quotes , Loglan being precise about such things, and use of . Again, the two previous are a single sentence. "But the fox put a paw to her trembling chest, Waved his tail in a flamboyant, elegant gest, And licked her a kiss at her nose. Leaped back, turned around, was gone in the shadows." notes: instead of ...the rabbit herself would be the subject of . "gest" is an obscure word, which I think I have translated correctly as , exploit. Note use of my idiom for "in service of X happening..." "From afar, the rabbit could hear the cry of her persecutor. Was it a call of goodbye, or one of a suitor? Of which, the rabbit never knew nought. When the fall came with frost, the fox had been shot.. translates "From afar, the rabbit could hear the cry of her persecutor." This is an exercise in tortured word order...and the order of the English cannot be achieved in the Loglan as far as I can tell. "Was it a call of goodbye, or one of a suitor?" The effect here is uniquely Loglandical: literally, it is This is the cry of one who says farewell X one who courts, where the X is a question word calling into question what logical word is appropriate (the X expresses the question as to which if either of these statements is true). The current grammar does not require a pause before as before other logical connectives; style though suggests that this should be required. "Of which, the rabbit never knew nought." Literally, the amount the rabbit knew of this, was zero is a quite literal translation of "When the fall came with frost, the fox had been shot." ---------------------------parses------------------------ I did all these parses successfully on the web page! Su vulpe, e su lepsu pia valti ze valprano ze kukrygoi vivia lo trigru vegri. [uttF: uttD: [sentence: statement: [subject: argument: [arg7: indef1: Su [descpred: predunit: vulpe [freemod: comma: ,]]] e [arg7: indef1: su [descpred: predunit: lepsu]]] [predicate: markpred: pia [barepred: [sentpred: despredD: [despredB: predunit: valti] ze [despredB: predunit: valprano] ze [despredB: predunit: kukrygoi]] [termset: modifier: vivia [argument1: descriptn: lo [descpred: despredE: [despredD: predunit: trigru] [despredD: predunit: vegri]]]]]]] [period: .]] Parser cache size 44843 I la Lepsu, ja panki, pia rorbrogoi ze torni prano tie lo molfitpi lia lo sonda je su belramgu. I [uttF: uttD: [sentence: statement: [subject: argument: [arg1a: descriptn: la [descpred: predunit: Lepsu [freemod: comma: ,]]] [argmod: argmod1: ja [predicate: predunit: panki [freemod: comma: ,]]]] [predicate: markpred: pia [barepred: [sentpred: despredE: [despredD: [despredB: predunit: rorbrogoi] ze [despredB: predunit: torni]] [despredD: predunit: prano]] [termset: modifiersx: [modifier: mod1: tie [argument1: descriptn: lo [descpred: predunit: molfitpi]]] [modifier: mod1: lia [argument1: descriptn: lo [descpred: predunit: [predunit2: predunit1: sonda] [linkargs: jelink: je [term: argument: su [descpred: predunit: belramgu]]]]]]]]]] [period: .]] Parser cache size 56467 I la Vulpe ja smibiu pia djudi tie lo menki lezo la Lepsu ga fleti nia lepoi bangoi guo, e JANJUA la Lepsu go cildrecni, e lelsea tie lo pripai Lai go gudckomou ce gudkao. I [uttF: uttD: [sentence: statement: [subject: argument: [arg1a: descriptn: la [descpred: predunit: Vulpe]] [argmod: argmod1: ja [predicate: predunit: smibiu]]] [predicate: predicate2: [backpred: markpred: pia [barepred: [sentpred: predunit: djudi] [termset: terms: [modifiersx: modifier: tie [argument1: descriptn: lo [descpred: predunit: menki]]] [argumentA: argument: le zo [sentence: statement: [subject: argument: la [descpred: predunit: Lepsu]] [predicate: markpred: ga [barepred: [sentpred: predunit: fleti] [termset: modifier: nia [argument1: descriptn: le [descpred: predunit: poi [predunit3: predunit1: bangoi]]]]]]] [guo: guo [freemod: comma: ,]]]]]] e [backpred: barepred: [sentpred: predunit: JANJUA] [termset: argument: la [descpred: [despredE: predunit: Lepsu] go [descpred: predunit: cildrecni [freemod: comma: ,]]]]] e [backpred: barepred: [sentpred: predunit: lelsea] [termset: [terms: [modifiersx: modifier: tie [argument1: descriptn: lo [descpred: predunit: pripai]]] [argumentA: argument: Lai]] go [barepred: sentpred: [despredB: predunit: gudckomou] ce [despredB: predunit: gudkao]]]]]] [period: .]] Parser cache size 108006 Ga cutse go firpa ga la Lepsu, nia lepo rojkovcea go spodru guo, e lepo nu mekcui tie leLai molro menki guo, e lepo zvorue tie leLai nazbyhou guo, li ei tu fazi bloda ze rorblo mi, efazi, surna ze mormao ze titci mi? lu. [uttF: uttD: [sentence: statement: Ga [sentpred: [despredE: predunit: cutse] go [barepred: predunit: firpa]] ga [subject: [argument: descriptn: la [descpred: predunit: Lepsu [freemod: comma: ,]]] [modifiersx: modifier: nia [argument1: arg8: [arg7: abstractn: le po [sentence: sentpred: [despredE: predunit: rojkovcea] go [barepred: predunit: spodru]] [guo: guo [freemod: comma: ,]]] e [arg7: abstractn: le po [sentence: barepred: [sentpred: predunit: nu mekcui] [termset: modifier: tie [argument1: descriptn: le [arg1a: Lai] [descpred: despredE: [despredD: predunit: molro] [despredD: predunit: menki]]]]] [guo: guo [freemod: comma: ,]]] e [arg7: abstractn: le po [sentence: barepred: [sentpred: predunit: zvorue] [termset: modifier: tie [argument1: descriptn: le [arg1a: Lai] [descpred: predunit: nazbyhou]]]] [guo: guo [freemod: comma: ,]]]]]] [terms: argument: li [utterance0: [freemod: ei] [utterance0: uttF: [sentence: statement: [subject: argument: tu] [predicate: predicate2: [backpred: markpred: fazi [barepred: [sentpred: despredD: [despredB: predunit: bloda] ze [despredB: predunit: rorblo]] [termset: argument: mi [freemod: comma: ,]]]] efazi [freemod: comma: ,] [backpred: barepred: [sentpred: despredD: [despredB: predunit: surna] ze [despredB: predunit: mormao] ze [despredB: predunit: titci]] [termset: argument: mi]]]] [period: ?]]] lu]] [period: .]] Parser cache size 131754 Ibuo la Vulpe, ga setfa leVai fitpi leLai tceti ja mildysiu gui, e vapmuo leVai tilba dii su meVai ge selvizlei ze bilsapla rignurduo, e tongytco leLai nazbi dii lepo skesa Lai guo, e pridio valti ze trana ze sacgoi je lo cedzu. I [freemod: buo] [uttF: uttD: [sentence: statement: [subject: argument: la [descpred: predunit: Vulpe [freemod: comma: ,]]] [predicate: predicate2: [backpred: markpred: ga [barepred: [sentpred: predunit: setfa] [termset: terms: [argumentA: argument: le [arg1a: Vai] [descpred: predunit: fitpi]] [argumentB: argument: [arg1a: descriptn: le [arg1a: Lai] [descpred: predunit: tceti]] [argmod: [argmod1: ja [predicate: predunit: mildysiu]] [gui: gui [freemod: comma: ,]]]]]]] e [backpred: barepred: [sentpred: predunit: vapmuo] [termset: terms: [argumentA: argument: le [arg1a: Vai] [descpred: predunit: tilba]] [modifiersx: modifier: dii [argument1: indef1: su [descpred: despredE: [despredD: predunit: me [argument1: arg1a: Vai]] [despredD: predunit: ge [descpred: despredE: [despredD: [despredB: predunit: selvizlei] ze [despredB: predunit: bilsapla]] [despredD: predunit: rignurduo [freemod: comma: ,]]]]]]]]] e [backpred: barepred: [sentpred: predunit: tongytco] [termset: terms: [argumentA: argument: le [arg1a: Lai] [descpred: predunit: nazbi]] [modifiersx: modifier: dii [argument1: abstractn: le po [sentence: barepred: [sentpred: predunit: skesa] [termset: argument: Lai]] [guo: guo [freemod: comma: ,]]]]]] e [backpred: sentpred: [despredD: predunit: pridio] [despredD: [despredB: predunit: valti] ze [despredB: predunit: trana] ze [despredB: predunit: [predunit2: predunit1: sacgoi] [linkargs: jelink: je [term: argument: lo [descpred: predunit: cedzu]]]]]]]] [period: .]] Parser cache size 136417 Lepo vuvi Lai gi ga kraku ga le fatru je Lai gi ga hirti ga la Lepsu. [uttF: uttC: [uttAx: [headterms: [terms: argument: Le po [uttAx: [headterms: [terms: modifier: vuvi [argument1: arg1a: Lai]] gi] [sentence: statement: ga [sentpred: predunit: kraku] ga [subject: argument: le [descpred: predunit: [predunit2: predunit1: fatru] [linkargs: jelink: je [term: argument: Lai]]]]]]] gi] [sentence: statement: ga [sentpred: predunit: hirti] ga [subject: argument: la [descpred: predunit: Lepsu]]]] [period: .]] Parser cache size 44341 I ti po ga kraku ga su goztaa, ha su clutiu? I [uttF: uttD: [sentence: statement: [subject: argument: ti] [predicate: predunit: po [sentence: statement: ga [sentpred: predunit: kraku] ga [subject: argument: [arg7: indef1: su [descpred: predunit: goztaa [freemod: comma: ,]]] ha [arg7: indef1: su [descpred: predunit: clutiu]]]]]] [period: ?]] Parser cache size 31746 I lezo la Lepsu, suna siodja tio guo me lio ni. I [uttF: uttD: [sentence: statement: [subject: argument: le zo [sentence: statement: [subject: argument: la [descpred: predunit: Lepsu [freemod: comma: ,]]] [predicate: markpred: suna [barepred: [sentpred: predunit: siodja] [termset: argument: tio]]]] [guo: guo]] [predicate: predunit: me [argument1: arg1: lio ni]]] [period: .]] Parser cache size 32372 I na lepo le cimfui pa kamla kii lo bisherfa gi la Vulpe, papa nu renblo. I [uttF: uttC: [uttAx: [headterms: [terms: modifier: na [argument1: abstractn: le po [sentence: statement: [subject: argument: le [descpred: predunit: cimfui]] [predicate: markpred: pa [barepred: [sentpred: predunit: kamla] [termset: modifier: kii [argument1: descriptn: lo [descpred: predunit: bisherfa]]]]]]]] gi] [sentence: statement: [subject: argument: la [descpred: predunit: Vulpe [freemod: comma: ,]]] [predicate: markpred: papa [barepred: predunit: nu renblo]]]] [period: .]] Parser cache size 50411