after complete update of files, Dec. 6, 2000. Converted to HTML during reconstruction of web page in June 2020. There are some bad links
here to be fixed, but most of this should be here.
- algebra2.wat working theory of reals/rationals in omnibus
- babydocs.wat examples from documentation
- capsl_capstuff.wat Shankar's belief logic proofs
- capsl_defination_file.wat
- capsl_ns_axioms.wat
- capsl_nsprotocol.wat
- capsl_svo.wat
- cohen*.wat A development from Cohen's book.
- combinators.wat Theoretical work on combinatory logic, with an eye to
strong beta-reduction for Jonathan Seldin
- concepts.wat file intended to implement sequent proofs in the calculus
of concepts
- counting.wat set theory under development using deduction.wat; includes
proof of Schroder-Bernstein theorem.
- deduction.wat goal directed natural deduction prover using INPUT command
candidate for addition to omnibus
- deduction_examples.wat examples (so far just one) for deduction.wat
- definitions.wat "structural" file for Math 387 development.
- examples.wat propositional logic examples for the Math 387 development.
- fract.wat Theory of rationals and reals continued in omnibus
- gries9.wat advanced logic in omnibus (quantifiers)
- jonny.wat calculator for working with exponents -- for Jonny uses peano
- lab3.wat part of the math 387 development.
- lambda.wat structural stuff in addition to structural.wat (in omnibus);
includes the tactic for putting in explicit binders.
- life.wat a development of the theory of Conway's Game of Life.
- logic_tools.wat some logical stuff in omnibus; its leading comment follows:
(* this file includes a selection of logical tools: Parvin tactics for
conversion of "implication" theorems from one form to another,
Alves-Foss theorems about case expressions, and basic results about
quantifiers proved "by hand" *)
- logicdefs.wat basic logic definitions in omnibus
- logicdefs2.wat Parvin's logic file -- propositional logic in omnibus
- mwu_subtraction.wat Minglong's proofs on subtraction and division.
- natorder.wat Sol's file on order on natural numbers, in omnibus
- new.quantifiers.wat theorems about quantifiers in omnibus
- newlib1.wat New library structural tactics.
- newlib2.wat New library equational development of propositional
logic, independent of Watson logic of case expressions,
followed by a development of INPUT driven sequent logic
tactics for full first-order logic.
- newlib3.wat Chapter 1 of Landau (uses newlib1 and newlib2). This
is Landau's theory of natural numbers.
- omnibus.wat The omnibus theory of almost everything
- pair_assign.wat Very complex theory of pair assignment operator from
- peano.wat Peano arithmetic -- a laboratory for induction proofs.
Not included in omnibus -- notationally incompatible with
it, but complete induction and related results are exported
from it to algebra2.wat in omnibus.
theory of programming
- programs.wat implementing Cohen -- last file in omnibus theory.
- prop_equational.wat Is this part of the Math 387 development?
- prop_logic.wat Alternative version of logicdefs2 (Parvin's file)
in something like its original form with propositional
connectives as primitives; needed for belief logic.
- schneiderexample.wat Example of implementation of a type of syntactical
- sequent.wat Development of sequent calculus in omnibus.
- shankar.wat A file on Shankar's capsl stuff -- I don't know whether it
is older or newer than capsl* so I saved it.
- sharondemo.wat A demo.
- shortsheffer.wat Records a nice Boolean algebra result from the
OTTER people (no proof!)
- simplesets.wat Sol's basic set theory in omnibus.
- sol_exp.wat Stuff about exponents developed by Sol to be added to
omnibus eventually.
- structural.wat Basic structural tactics used by omnibus and most other files.
- struct2.wat file which updates things defined in structural.wat and lambda.wat
to take advantage of new capabilities of the prover.
- tableau.wat develops the tautology checker NEWTAUT and proves the
Gries axioms used in logicdefs2; in omnibus.
- tableau2.wat Simulation of a tableau style of reasoning in omnibus.
- typestuff.wat Basic stuff about types (retractions onto s.c. sets)
in omnibus and other files.