The version which supports the GUI treats pauses differently than older versions. We summarize the differences here, and will attempt to make appropriate changes at each individual command.
When the prover pauses, you may issue ``secure commands'' (commands which do not modify the environment or themselves introduce pauses; mostly display commands) or issue the command quit(); (which can be abbreviated q; or even just ;) to continue with the suspended process, or issue the command exit(); (abbreviated e;) to cancel the suspended process.
The GUI version is more verbose, because it needs to provide headers and footers for displays that need to be captured by special windows. It also treats the INPUT tactic quite differently (at top level; it behaves the same in scripts) from the old version. The new headers and footers can be eliminated and the old behavior of INPUT restored by using the guimode(); command (a toggle) to turn GUI mode off. The default is that GUI mode is on, and use of this command is deprecated. The GUI will crash if GUI mode is off. Pauses in steps(); or in sat(); will be treated in the new way even if GUI mode is off.