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- versiondate:
- This command takes a unit argument. It displays
the date of the current version of Watson.
- speakup:
- This command takes a unit argument. It resets the
verbosity of the prover to normal; use it if the prover is not
displaying terms normally. It is probably better to use the reset
command if one has broken out of a script using Control-C.
- setline:
- This command takes a single integer argument. It
resets the right margin for the pretty-printing functions of the
prover. The default is 50. A thorough analysis of term structure can
be obtained by setting the right margin to 0.
- setnopause:
- This command takes a unit argument and turns off
the condition of the prover (normal in scripts but not in user
interaction) which causes it to pause when it issues error messages
(it would usually be used when the user has broken out of a script
using Control-C; it is better to use the reset command in this
- diagnostic:
- This command takes a unit argument. It is a toggle:
it turns on or off the condition which causes the prover to echo command
lines in scripts (the default state is for there to be no echo).
- envname:
- This command takes a unit argument. It displays the name
of the current environment (theorem under construction); this is often
the null string.
- theoryname:
- This command takes a unit argument. It displays the
name of the current theory.
- theorysize:
- This command takes a unit argument. It displays the
number of theorems in the current theory.
- look:
- This command takes a unit argument. It displays the
right side of the equation under construction and the selected
subterm. The selected subterm is set off with braces in the display
of the entire term, unless it is the virtual right hand subterm of a
case expression.
- lookhere:
- This command takes a unit argument. It displays the
selected subterm.
- lookback:
- This command takes a unit argument. It displays the
left side of the equation under construction.
- termprompts:
- This command takes a unit argument. It
turns on or off the prompts attached to term displays.
- localdisplayoff, globaldisplayoff:
- These commands take a unit
argument. They turn off the local or global display output by the
look command (and turn on the other).
- bothdisplays:
- This command takes a unit argument. It restores
both term displays in the look command.
- showdec:
- This command takes a single string argument, the name
of a constant or operator. It displays declaration information about
its argument.
- thmdisplay:
- This command takes a single string argument, which
should be the name of a theorem. It displays the theorem named by its
argument (or issues an error message). td is an abbreviation
for thmdisplay.
- showenv:
- As thmdisplay but displays saved environments.
- tacticdisplay:
- As thmdisplay, but argument may be
a tactic with parameter list.
- showmatchtheorem:
- This command takes two string arguments, the
left and right sides of a proposed equation. A theorem justifying the
proposed equation is displayed, if there is one. smt is an
abbreviation for showmatchtheorem.
- seeprogram:
- This command takes one string argument, the name of
a function or operator. The ``functional program'' bound to that
operator is displayed.
- showdef:
- This command takes a single string argument, the name
of a constant or operator. It displays definition information about
its argument.
- showscin, showscout:
- These commands take a single string argument,
the name of a constant or operator. The theorem (or possibly two theorems
in the case of showscin) witnessing the scin or scout character
of the operator or constant will be displayed.
- lookhyps:
- This command displays the hypotheses of case
expressions which can be used for rewriting the selected subterm. It
also displays the index of the highest ``locally free'' bound
variable. In general terms, it displays all context-dependent
- seedeps:
- This command takes a unit argument. It displays the
axiomatic dependencies of the equation under construction.
- showalldeps:
- This command takes a single string argument, the
name of a theorem. It displays all dependencies (axiomatic,
definition, and theorem text) of the theorem named by its argument.
- whatuses:
- This command takes a single string argument, the name
of a theorem. It displays all theorems which have theorem text
dependencies on the theorem named by its argument: these are the
theorems which would be forgotten or exported if the theorem named by
the argument were forgotten or exported.
- showalltheorems:
- This command takes a unit argument. It
displays all theorems, one at a time. Enter ; to continue or
e; to stop (return to continue and q to stop in old versions).
Theorems are displayed in alphabetical order. sat is an
abbreviation for showalltheorems.
- showrelevantthms:
- This command takes a unit argument. It
displays all theorems whose left or right side matches the currently
selected subterm, excluding certain extremely generic forms for the
left or right side (such as a free variable). It displays them one at
a time; see showalltheorems for details. srt is an
abbreviation for showrelevantthms.
- showmodule:
- This command takes a single string argument, the
name of a theorem. It will show the theorems in the module associated
with that theorem. In format it is similar to showalltheorems.
- showaxioms:
- This command takes a unit argument. It displays
all axioms and definitions (one at a time: see showalltheorems
for details).
- showview:
- This command takes a single string argument, the name
of a view. It displays the view in a tabular format.
- showprograms:
- This command takes a unit argument. It shows the
``functional programming'' bindings of theorems to constants and
operators in a tabular format.
- statementdisplay:
- This command takes a unit argument.
It turns on and off a special form of display for ``statements''
(theorems with right side true) and ``converse statements''
(theorems with left side true).
- setprecedence:
- This command takes a string argument followed by
an integer argument. The operator named by the string is assigned the
precedence for purposes of parsing determined by the integer argument.
Operators with even precedence group to the right and operators with odd
precedence group to the left.
- setdefaultprec:
- This command takes an integer argument. This
command sets the default precedence for operators not explicitly
assigned precedences. This is 0 if setdefaultprec is not used.
- sameprec:
- This command takes two string arguments, interpreted
as operators. The precedence of the second is set to be the same as
the precedence of the first. This command and the commands under the
next two headings make it unnecessary ever to refer to a precedence
- defaultprecsame:
- This command takes one string argument,
interpreted as an operator. The default precedence is set to the
precedence of the argument.
- leftprecabove, leftprecbelow, rightprecabove, rightprecbelow
- :
Each of these commands takes two string arguments, interpreted as
operators. The precedence of the second is set to group to left or
right as appropriate (from the name of the command used) and to be
just stronger than (above) or just weaker than (below) the precedence
of the second operator. Global shifts in the numerical representation
of other precedences occur.
- clearprecs:
- This command takes a unit argument. The command resets
all precedences to 0 (the default state of the prover).
- compress, expand:
- Each of these commands takes a unit argument.
compress compresses the display format vertically (reducing the number
of carriage returns used); expand restores the default display format.
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Up: Command Reference
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Randall Holmes